#g'raha tia drabble
quinn-borel · 5 days
g'raha, for the character pov thing?
Soft fingertips traced along the edge of his tome as his tail swayed leisurely back and forth.  The chronometer on the wall read about midnight, but so long as there was lamplight, the student of Baldesion would stick to his studies until tired eyes forced him into slumber.  Another page down, another page to go.  And so on, and so forth.  ‘Twas a fascinating read, though not particularly interesting to any outsiders who did not have a fascination with history and natural science.  That was the choice for the evening, at least.  It was a tome he had picked up awhile back, before the impending final days, upon his initial return to Old Sharlayan.  Not that he had any time to read for leisure during that time, but he had promised himself that he’d get to it.  Though, for some reason, the tome was shelved instead of on his desk like his normal ‘to-read’ books would be.  He couldn’t remember why…
That is, until he turned to the middle page, which had a bump as if something were placed underneath it.  Curious, he flipped to the next page to find the exact reason why he shelved that tome in the first place.
He sighed, frustratingly so, as he pulled the envelope that was nestled in the binding.  He figured the contents of the book seemed familiar because he read a tome just like it.  But, no, he had read the tome before, up until that point at least, where he bookmarked it with a piece of mail.  
It was several moons prior when he first opened the tome.  Just in the middle of his reading, Krile had delivered to him a message, he recalled.  She was incredibly enthusiastic about it, too, and encouraged him to open it at the time…
…But the royal blue and gold wax seal, with the emblem of Ishgard on the back of it, gave him cause for hesitation.  But out of guilt, he couldn’t throw the envelope away, especially in front of her.  So he placed it in the tome for a later date.
Several moons later…
Two scarlet eyes gazed upon the unopened envelope, his teeth biting into his bottom lip as he read the familiar penmanship on the front that read, ‘To: G’raha Tia’.  It was Quinn’s.  But the seal?  That was from the Lord Speaker’s desk for certain.  The envelope itself was of a nice, starchy white parchment and for sure the contents were of a similar quality.  G’raha tapped it on his desk a few times—it was too late to open it, but he couldn’t just throw it away.  It was the last letter she had ever sent him…the only letter, really, as they hadn’t need for written prose when the Scions had their own linkpearl network.  Still, she thought about him, and that’s what caused a slight pang in his chest.  
He should have expected this.  He should have known it would come to this.  He should have better prepared himself for the inevitable.  When he saw her lamenting in Pendants over a lover that was a world away, he should have known her heart would never shift towards him. 
So, why did it hurt so?  Why did he hesitate?  Why couldn’t he let go?
The woman was spoken for, with a man of a much higher station.  A man he could not look in the eye.  He was too ashamed to do so—too ashamed to speak to the man whom captured his interests’ heart years before he got a chance to finally speak to her once again.  
He lost his chance when he locked himself away.  Those bygone days where they had archery matches against each other and stayed up late looking at the stars brought him fond memories, yet another pang in his chest.  He wondered if she remembered…
It didn’t matter.  In the end, she lived her life and found love amidst her duties.  There was no room in her heart for him.  That was a fact that she made clear on the First—Aymeric was who she fought for.  Aymeric was who she loved.  Aymeric was who she lived for...
G’raha’s lips made a thin line as his stomach churned at the thought.  The memory of The Warrior of Light pinning him against the wall, gripping his cloak, tears in her eyes as she finally snapped at him for his plot to have her consume the light.  She danced at death’s door, and she said with gritted teeth,
“Had I died here and not in my home with him, I would drag you through the seven hells with me.”
The memory of her pure anger and hatred towards him burned in the back of his mind.  And while she did come to forgive him, his actions were reason enough to not ever fully trust him.  Yet still, she granted him her friendship.  He should have been grateful that he was even invited to the wedding…
Both hands gripped the envelope, and with one quick movement the parchment ripped in half.  Were there a hearth, surely he would have thrown it to the flames.  But alas, all that he could do was toss the paper into the bin underneath his desk.  
“Live and let live.” he muttered under his breath as he picked the tome back up, continuing his studies as per usual.  
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warriorofyapping · 2 months
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"Please be careful, 'Raha. Don't over exert yourself." The au'ra's voice is quiet, quieter than it has ever been in the time they have spent together. "You know I can't say I won't, just as I know you won't say you won't, either." The Exarch responds, a smile that could almost be sad quirking his lips upwards. Takara sighs, voice strained, "I can hope." The Exarch shakes his head slightly and slides his hand from his friend's stomach to his waist, gently wrapping his arms around him. The crystal overtaking his body aches, but it's almost worth it when he feels his arms go around him in turn, clinging to him tightly. "Put that hope to our success instead, my friend," he whispers, voice soft by his horn. They don't allow the embrace to last long, they have things to do, but Takara can't help his frown as he steps back from the other man. "Mn...Okay. Then let's go." Resting a hand on his back, he looks up at the tower. He doesn't voice the pit of dread that forms in his gut. The last thing he needs on his mind is his fears that he may not make it out of this alive.
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sunijhida · 1 year
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers! for the end of Endwalker (heh). Below the cut is a lil drabble. Angst, G'raha/WoL, Canon Compliant.
I was having feelings and ideas, and finally I just had to write them down.
Omicron Base, Ultima Thule.
"Raha, wait!" you cry just as he's stepping towards the omicron. He pauses and is still turning back to you when you grab his face in your hands and kiss him. The sound that G'raha makes can only be described as a squeak as he freezes beneath your hands. A moment later he's sighing and melting into the kiss.
The twins may be saying something, possibly yelling, but if they are you can't hear them. You're too focused on him, his lips against yours, his cheeks beneath your hands, his hands finding purchase on your body as you kiss him. You kiss him and kiss him and kiss him with all the love and fear and desperation you have bursting in your chest. You kiss him for as long as you can before you eventually have to slowly pull back. You open your eyes to see him dazed and blushing furiously. Its adorable, and kind of gratifying.
You keep holding his face even as you ease away, eyes locked on his. Gorgeous red that had taken him from you, only to then bring him back. You watch him as you breathe in the small space between you for just a few more moments. You try to savour them as they slip through your fingers.
"Uh you-- and then I-- But you-- I didn't think--" He fumbles for words, obviously wanting to ask what brought that on. You lean forward to press your forehead to his, closing your eyes against the pain in your heart.
"I promise. I promise okay? I'm promising, and I keep my promises. No matter what it takes, I'll keep this one. So just--" A sob kills the words in your throat. You're crying. You shouldn't be crying. You'd wanted to send him off with a smile. A smile better suits a hero. "Just wait for me, okay?"
Hands coming up to yours, he eases you back gently. You open your eyes as your hands fall to hang interlocked between you. He's looking at you. He looks so gentle, so beautiful, so fond. Your heart squeezes in your chest as he smiles at you. "I'll wait," he says. "So don't take too long, alright?" A wet laugh escapes as you pull away, forcing yourself to let him go. His hands tighten on yours for a second before reluctantly loosening and slipping away. Sniffling, you scrub your arm over your face. You look at him, drinking in the sight of him, whole and healthy and alive, and you smile.
"I'll see you soon," you promise.
"I know you will."
This is so much like what happened at the crystal tower when he sealed it and its killing you. You remember begging him not to go, that you'll find another way, just please don't do this. But he felt he had a destiny to fulfill, and was convinced that you'd be alright without him. He'd sealed himself in that damned tower, and when you saw him again-- Well. There's so much more you want to say to him, but you can't drag this out any longer. You'll tell him once he's back. You will.
You watch as he steels himself and turns. He walks up to the omicron and what he says pierces your already bleeding heart. You want to scream as the dark fog of dynamis swirls around him, hiding him from view, but choke it back. Then it fades away and he's gone. Moments later, luminous crystal bursts forth, shimmering and beautiful and horrible. Of course he would become crystal. How could it have been anything else?
You take a moment. You breathe, bracing yourself against the heartache and the fear and every other emotion you can't afford to feel right now, locking it all away inside you. Finally you look at the twins. Alisaie looks just as upset as you are, and you can tell its as much on your behalf as her own. The sympathy in Alphinaud's eyes has you turning away before he can say anything, looking for the start of the crystal road G'raha had sacrificed himself for.
"Let's go. I don't want to keep him waiting."
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oathofpromises · 1 year
[ FIVE CONFESSIONS ]  send for five times the receiver almost says ‘i love you’ and the one time they do. — Stella and G'raha, or Mako and T'sori
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1. It was a difficult choice, but G'raha knew in his heart that it was the right one. He would put the tower into a deep slumber, with himself inside. The survivors of the fourth Umbral Calamity wished for it to become a beacon of hope. Asking anyone to give up their freedom and remain inside the tower was a monumental request, but it was necessary. Meeting her changed everything for G'raha, and now he had regrets that he didn't anticipate before. Stella Caelum the warrior of light. His inspiration and so much more.
The connection that they had to both the tower and each other went beyond this era. Although he had promised to see her again, choosing to do this would ultimately separate them. How long would it be until G'raha saw her again, if ever? Is there even a possibility that the tower will awaken in the near future? The Miqo'te suddenly felt a tightness in his chest as he felt how much she had changed in his life in such a short period of time.
Her smile illuminated any room, the way they shared countless nights gathered around the campfire. Just talking. It didn’t matter what the topic was about, he simply enjoyed listening to Stella. The way her voice sounded incredibly angelic. It made the scholar recall how he almost mistook the Au Ra for a goddess.
G'raha admits he lacked an understanding of love, mostly in terms of experiencing a deep emotional bond with another individual. Yes, he may have had a slight crush on his childhood friend years ago, but at the time, he didn't think much of it. He was only a child back then. With Stella, she turned his entire world upside down. He experienced emotions that no one had ever been able to evoke in him before. The way his heart would skip a beat at the sight of her. It truly was maddening how much one woman consumed his thoughts.
He met her that night at the oasis, which Stella had discovered near the camp their first day here. It would be the last time he would probably see her, so G’raha sung a ballad. One that he had written specifically for her. There was so much more the Miqo’te wanted to say to her. To speak those three words that appeared delicate but carried so much significance.
‘I love you…’
However, he couldn't bear to do that to her - listening to her cries as the doors closed. It was enough to shatter his heart and soul. Slowly G’raha raised his hand to shield his eyes, tears streaming down his face. This situation was not fair at all. He longed to be able to join her. To journey to new worlds together. An adventure unlike any they had ever seen. But most of all, he wanted to speak his feelings.. lay everything bare. She was his world. That was the truth.
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2. Lying to Stella and pretending that G'raha didn't exist in this realm was truly unbearable, especially considering that he was the very man she had asked about so many times. He was aware that it was wrong to appear indifferent, but he wondered how the plan to save her could succeed if she knew the truth. No. He was well aware how things would go if the Au Ra knew who he truly was beneath the hood.
It was painful to witness as the light gradually consumed her from within. He spent countless nights staying awake, watching over her from his tower. Watching as she tossed and turned, unable to even pull her close. To finally whispered the words that he had kept hidden in his heart for centuries.
His fingers tightened around his staff as he recalled the day he had woken from his slumber. He longed to find his beloved warrior of light more than anything else. However, upon learning of her death at the hands of Black Rose. His world was completely shattered. G'raha had lost Stella before she even became aware of his feelings. He felt a deep ache as he stood near her grave. The memorial was a beautiful tribute to the woman who had made significant contributions to the world, but it failed to fully capture her essence.
He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face, his fingers delicately tracing the engraved name. He was heartbroken because his beloved Star had disappeared, and his mind was consumed with thoughts of her beautiful smile. After that day, he made the decision to find any way possible to prevent this future from happening. G'raha was willing to pay the price, even if it took centuries. Stella will not meet the same fate as Mako. He would not allow the woman he loves to fade from this world.
“You love her don’t you?” Lyna spoke as she entered the room. The exarch smiled slightly as he reached up to trace Stella's image reflected in the mirror with his fingers. He had spent countless nights lying awake, haunted by the memory of her.
“If I were to say yes now, it would cause me to hesitate. She is someone that the world cannot afford to lose.”
If only they knew she was his world—that the Exarch couldn’t afford to lose her again. The mere thought of her possibly fading from this world again shattered him. It shocked the Exarch to his very soul, and without a doubt, the advisor knew that it would undoubtedly be his downfall this time.
Crystal's finger delicately traced the curves of Stella's reflection, as tears began to cascade down the sides of the exarch's face. He deeply regretted his decision to sleep with the tower. When he had chosen not to reveal everything in his heart to Stella.The Exarch wanted to be with the person he loved so much. The centuries had not dimmed that wish, either. His body began to sway slowly, and he had a feeling that he might slump into the wall. However, Lyna was already by his side, providing support.
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3. For centuries, the Exarch had dedicated himself to prioritizing the needs of the people in the Crystarium. While also attempting to find a way to prevent the timeline in which Stella died. This involved hiding the truth from the Au Ra, which was not something he enjoyed, but it was required. Knowing his identity would only cloud her judgment if she were to realize exactly who he was to her. The pink haired woman would also not hesitate to fiercely oppose his plan, and that was something he couldn't handle.
The day was filled with sunshine, and everyone was occupied with their respective tasks. In order to clear his head, the Exarch made the decision to take one of his daily walks around the city. He used to do it frequently in the past, but as time went on, it became increasingly challenging for him to even leave the tower. Seeing him out and about did brighten the faces of the citizens, though. They considered the Exarch their leader, although he never claimed the title. Lyna had even given him a lecture once, advising him that the best course of action would be to go outside and get some fresh air.
Typically, the Exarch would stroll through the entire city, but today was an exception. As he turned, he heard the sound of Stella's laughter echoing through the air. He observed the cherished warrior of light, bending down, while a child delicately placed a flower crown on her head. The sight alone caused his heart to flutter slightly. Furthermore, the fact that the flowers were lilies didn't help the situation either, as the Exarch had come to associate their fragrance with Stella. It made surpassing his emotions that much harder.
"Exarch, I had an inkling that you would soon take on your routine daily walk. "Stella spoke," her voice resonated within his heart like a captivating melody. He was slightly surprised that she had noticed such a minor detail, but then again, she was his star. The woman didn't let even a tiny thing escape her notice. It was one of the reasons, it made concealing his plan that much more difficult. The Au Ra picked up on so much. Even the first moment she had arrived, the question she asked first was about him or well, G'raha Tia. The man he once was..a long time ago.
"My friend, tis good to see you awake. I had meant to stop by and check on how you were feeling."
Last night, Stella retired to her chambers shortly after the scions had returned to the Crystarium. The weariness on the face of the Warrior of Light was unmistakable, not to mention the pain she felt from absorbing the light of the defeated light warden yet one more thing the Exarch felt responsible for, the woman he loved was suffering because of him.
The Exarch had little time to gather his thoughts, as a group of children kindly guided him to where they were sitting. The child leaned forward and delicately placed a beautiful flower crown on top of his hood. As the Exarch sat down next to Stella, a warm feeling enveloped his heart. Just being this close to her caused his chest to skip a beat.
"They mentioned receiving assistance from the pixies making these. A gift for the kind Exarch." Stella smiled as she reached up to straighten the crown resting on top of his hood. The Exarch froze upon realizing how close Stella was. The fragrance of lilies filled the air, while the woman smiled.
It would be an effortless endeavor to gently lean in and delicately press his lips against hers, yet such an act appeared to be driven by a sense of self-indulgence. In the end, her heart shall forever be enchanted by G'raha Tia. The man he had once been a long time ago, yet that time had passed.
With a gentle touch, his hand, as pure as crystal, caressed Stella's cheek, delicately tucking away a few stray strands of her luscious hair behind her ear. In a fleeting instant, he could have sworn that a rosy hue graced the face of the valiant Warrior, yet perhaps it was merely the yearning desires of his heart playing tricks on his sight. How could her heart possibly be filled with love for him at this very moment? The tower's enchantment forever altered his body and left him transformed. However, the mere sight of her now ignited a whirlwind of emotions within him. The gentle caress of sunlight upon her cherry blossom colored hair, the alluring curves of her lips as they formed into a captivating smile, winning the hearts of those around her. It was enough to make his touch linger delicately against the softness of her cheek.
"I beg your pardon if this appears out of line… but you, Stella, possess an exquisite beauty," murmured the Exarch, allowing his facade to momentarily crumble. Hopefully that wouldn't reveal anything, as he hadn't uttered her name since she graced this place with her presence.
"You should marry" whispered a child, causing the Exarch's heart to skip a beat. A blush adorned his cheeks as he pondered the idea of intertwining his life with Stella's. Not due to any aversion, but rather because it had occurred so frequently in his dreams. Referring to her as his beloved wife…that would surpass any fantasy he had ever dared to envision.
In that very moment, his heart yearned to declare his deepest emotions, yet the Exarch was unable to do so. His plan was on the verge of reaching fruition. If he were to indulge in that single, fleeting moment with her, it would shatter Stella's heart when he inevitably went away. He simply couldn't bear to inflict such pain upon her heart, not again. Not even if his longing to be reunited with her burned within him for countless lifespans.
Just say it G'raha...tell Stella you love her.
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4. G'raha glanced at the clock, realizing that it had been days since Stella had embarked on her most recent adventure. Although a significant part of the mage desired to accompany her, he had too many obligations to attend to in his current location. He pouted when he saw the large amount of paperwork that had accumulated while he was away. If he could just wave his hand and make all of this finished, then maybe he could've gone with her.
His ears gently drooped, as the scholar gracefully reclined in his seat. Pausing for a moment, his gaze gracefully drifted towards a captivating photograph of Stella and himself, tenderly nestled upon the desk. It was but a mere moment after their triumphant return. In that enchanting moment, she stood before him, her delicate arms tenderly embracing his strong frame from the side, as the Au Ra leaned in, her lips gently caressing the side of his face.
"I have yet to utter those three words…" G'raha murmured, gently shutting the tome that had enraptured his attention. Indeed, it was abundantly clear that the two harbored profound sentiments for one another. Even the other Scions had playfully taunted them about it. There were no obstacles left to hinder their path, so why had he not yet whispered those three enchanting words? The ones he had longed to utter for countless ages to his beloved Stella. Perchance, in the depths of his soul, he sensed that she was deserving of a love more exquisite than what he could offer. In the depths of his heart, he remained burdened by the weight of his past actions, for he had forsaken her once before. Not by his own choosing, but regardless it had still brought the warrior of light pain. To add to the anguish, he felt guilty for the pain she had suffered on the first behalf.
She possessed a beauty that surpassed all comparisons. The mere sound of her laughter had the power to brighten an entire room. She was adored by many, but the mere thought of someone else capturing the love of his life was unbearable. It stirred a painful ache in the depths of his stomach.
With a gentle touch, the fiery-haired mage delved into his pocket, his eyes fixated upon a mysterious ebony case. One fateful day, he would summon the courage to pose that monumental question, baring his heart and soul. But not until he mustered the bravery to extend his hand towards her, and utter those tender words. He had no fear of being turned away, for she had demonstrated her boundless affection for him.
She was the only thing, he yearned not to relinquish…never again. For countless eternities, the sight of her resting place tore his heart asunder. The manner in which his dearest was whisked away from this realm. In truth, G'raha's heart trembled at the mere thought of losing Stella once more. To be forsaken and endeavor to forge ahead, but was it possible for him? No…deep down inside, a fragment of his being was aware that if such a moment were to transpire again…that his heart would cease to beat. She completed the very essence of his being. Stella was his entire world, that had never changed.
G'raha's ears perked up, attuned to the subtle sounds of the world around him. The creaking of the front door caught his attention, and his anticipation grew. He had been eagerly awaiting Stella's return, hoping to catch a glimpse of her radiant presence. However, his heart skipped a beat as his eyes fell upon a different sight altogether. There, standing before him, were the esteemed Scions, their presence commanding and their expressions grave. In the arms of the valiant Thancred, Stella appeared, her once vibrant countenance now marred by a trail of crimson. The sight sent a chill down G'raha's spine, freezing his very core.
Adorning her delicate frame were an array of vivid bruises, each a testament to the trials she had endured. A bandage, carefully encircling her forehead, served as a visible reminder of the battle scars she carried. The weighty tome slipped from his grasp, tumbling to the ground with a resounding thud, as G'raha hurriedly made his way to Stella's side. The remaining scion healers gently guided her to the plush sofa, their hands steady and their expressions filled with determination. They began infusing her body with magic, trying anything to heal the wounds she had suffered.
"Stella!" G'raha exclaimed, his voice filled with anguish, tears streaming down his cheeks like a gentle rain. With a desperate longing, his outstretched mage hand yearned to touch hers, as if seeking solace in their connection.
Do not forsake me, my star, for I cannot bear the pain of living without you.
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5.With a gentle exhale, G'raha cast his gaze upon his reflection in the mirror. Today, he had summoned the courage to invite Stella on a romantic rendezvous to the enchanting city of Kugane. The sight of the land had eluded his gaze until now, and a deep longing stirred within him as he pondered the profound affection the Au Ra held for the enchanting festivities Kugane would have each year.
G'raha wasted no time in making himself, thus he swiftly arrived at the beautiful bridge where Stella had suggested they rendezvous. Fortunately, it proved to be an easy task to find, lest G'raha feared he would have become entangled in the labyrinth of confusion.
As he cast his gaze upon his watch, the mage could feel his heart flutter with anticipation, for he knew that in but a few fleeting moments, Stella would grace him with her presence. In a tender gesture, he paused, his heart captivated by the allure of cherry blossoms. With a gentle touch, he acquired a stunning pair of cherry blossom hairpieces, one for each of them. It was a splendid occasion, a festival dedicated to the enchanting bloom of the flower, and also a joyous celebration. Stella's birthday.
Stella's heart danced with delight, as she took a little more time than expected to prepare herself. But the mere notion that G'raha had carefully orchestrated this special day for them filled her with anticipation. Her heart was filled with affection, particularly given how occupied G'raha had been with own duties once returning to the source.
Their night began with a graceful dance, where the two found themselves surrounded by couples, their presence only intensifying the emotions the two shared. G'raha pulled Stella into his embrace, their foreheads gently touching, as their eyes locked in a loving gaze, observing each other's moves. Their hearts beat in perfect harmony, their souls intertwined in a dance of love.
G'raha's heart skipped a beat, his senses heightened as his ears delicately twitched and danced. With a gentle touch, his hand gracefully caressed Stella's hip, drawing her nearer until their bodies were intimately pressed together.
"My dearest, you are truly a vision of exquisite beauty."
G'raha's chest rose and fell, as he mustered the courage to reveal the depths of his heart. With a gentle inclination, he pressed his lips against Stella's delicate hand, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. Then, he gracefully guided her away from the enchanting dance floor, leading her to a hidden nook where they could be alone together. Surrounded by a delicate embrace of cherry blossom trees, it offered a breathtaking vista of the sun gracefully descending beyond the horizon.
"Stella…our journey has been filled with countless trials, yet you have graciously pardoned me for my transgressions…for an eternity, I battled to overcome the torment I inflicted upon you. The moonlit evenings you spent shedding tears, my love…while I concealed the truth from your tender heart. You never harbored any disdain towards me for that, my love. It is abundantly clear, but ever since that fateful day our paths intertwined, my heart has been captivated by your essence. I have adored you with the entirety of my being, pouring out my love from the depths of my soul. The time we spent apart, my love, inflicted a pain upon my heart that surpassed all other sorrows." whispered G'raha, as he leaned in and press his lips to hers again.
"I love you...I love you so much." he muttered over and over again, as he kissed every freckle across her face. Their hands intertwined, as the sun set behind them, with cherry blossom petals floating around the two. It truly was worth it. All of it.
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
12. Cupping your partner's face in your hand before kissing them (Dealer's choice!)
Spoiler warning for Endwalker. Turn back now if you haven't completed up through Endwalker proper.
Akira sat peacefully among the books within the Studium, thumbing her way through a tome but barely absorbing it. After the newness of Sharlayan had worn off, she discovered there was little to do for one that more often employed their sword. Especially one such Warrior of Light that was supposed to be on bedrest.
She loved G'raha, she absolutely did, but he had become an absolute mother hen on their return from Ultima Thule. She supposed she couldn't entirely blame him. Had the roles been reversed, she'd have locked him in the annex and assigned a guard to keep him from doing such foolhardy things ever again.
She almost did anyway, but considering this time she was the one that returned half-dead she would have been wholeheartedly overruled by the rest of the Scions. The rest of the Scions that were encouraging this behavior. Sometimes she even imagined she could sense her ancient friends scolding her through the Azem crystal from the Lifestream.
"Have you seen- oh!" The door to the Studium had burst open, revealing a harried G'raha, hair frizzing out of its braid, scarf forgotten, vest hanging off his shoulders. His startled red gaze met her amethyst, and she chuckled as he seemed to deflate before rushing over to her.
"You," he started carefully, sitting next to her but keeping a careful distance, likely to keep his wits about him. "Are supposed to be resting."
"I'm an adventurer, Raha!" Akira whined, slamming the book shut. "I'm going crazy cooped up in that room!" G'raha took her face in his hands, his sigh somewhere between exasperation and adoration.
"Just a little longer?" he pleaded, ears sheepishly flattening to the sides. "For me?" She rested her hand on his. She knew he was just worried. How many times had she insisted he stay behind her, stay outside, stay out of the way, because she so feared waking without him one day?
"Alright," she relented. "But Tataru wants to take me to some island in three days and I'm going, dammit!" He gave a small huff of laughter before pressing his lips to hers. It was soft and tender and she swore she would do anything he asked if he just promised to do this every day. It was cheating.
"It's a deal," he pressed his forehead to hers, and she swore she could hear him purring.
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pumkinbones · 2 years
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"I hope I haven't kept you waiting." Varian said as he reached the top of the treehouse on his private sanctuary. He strode over and carefully leaned against the wooden railing, giving the miqo'te a small smile. "Training went a bit over."
G'raha's ears perked up, "Oh! No, it hasn't been long." He shifted onto his knees and scooted closer to his partner. "Although it looks like our walk will have to be postponed... The rain is coming in." As he finished speaking, a curtain of rain cascaded over the building, sweeping from the sea and over the verdant isle. The pattering raindrops adding a calming rhythm to the soft white noise of the waterfall.
An audible sigh was heard followed by a soft chuckle, "Well, it seems you now must suffer my undivided attention."
"How will I ever survive?" G'raha teased.
"How about a story?" The viera rested his hand over the pale digits, slowly lacing their fingers together. "One you haven't heard yet."
G'raha leaned against him with a hum, cuddling close, tail swishing happily. "I think I can manage then."
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crystarium-cafe · 9 months
“I could always smuggle you in,” Tei offered with a mischievous grin.
G’raha hid his laugh behind a cough, and even Sapphire snorted in amusement. With a long suffering sigh for her daughter’s antics, Rella turned to soothe the startled boy.
“We shan’t be doing any such thing.” She gave the children a warm smile. “I should think that a letter to your friends would be most welcome.”
Tei leaned over and stage whispered to her husband, “my idea was more fun.”
Next to them Sapphire chuckled as he watched the Saint of Nymeia stride towards them. “No doubt.” He grinned at them, “I, for one, would have found it quite fun.”
G’raha looped his arm around Tei’s waist and rested his head on her shoulder as they listened to the Saint and Rella help young Tenny find a way to celebrate Starlight with the friends he had to leave behind. Silently he took in the festive scene before him, happiness suffusing him. To have their small family together again gave him a joy he could not describe.
Sensing her husband’s mood, Tei turned and planted a kiss to his head, squeezing him tight, before being dragged into the machinations of the Saint of Nymeia, and her mother.
Around them twinkled the lights of Gridania, and soft, fat flakes of snow gently drifted down. On the air came the scents of fresh baking and various spices. G’raha inhaled deeply, trying to capture every sight, sound, and sensory moment in his memory.
Happy Starlight, indeed.
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a-writing-otter · 2 years
Archival Retrieval
“I used to stare at this place often when I was stationed at the Rising Stones.”
“Huh. Does it live up to the imagination?”
Zu’zu puts a hand on his hip, turning this way and that as he looks at the malms upon malms of winding, twisting blue crystal filling the place.
“It’s certainly as large as I imagined.” Zu’zu plucks at the string of his bow absently with the other hand as G’raha buries himself in the tomes of the ancient Allagan library. “What I can’t imagine is spending a hundred years in here.”
“Honestly, I don’t really remember it.” G’raha turns, handing Zu’zu a book and then a scroll. “The last thing I remembered was seeing Nora as I was sealed in and then waking up to chaos.”
Zu’zu still doesn’t know the full of G’raha’s story, even for as much as the man has divulged, and doesn’t think he could possibly press the man to tell him more. There’s a hollowness to his gaze that always follows when he speaks on the time before, an expression that all but melts, however, when his story turns to the Warrior of Light (or Darkness, depending on your take). Zu’zu has known Nora for a couple of years now and she’s well worth the admiration that G’raha places on her. Every impossible endeavor that she’s been set against has been shattered, however improbable. Zu’zu thinks that there are few people in the world that he champions the way that he does for her.
“At least the first time?”
G’raha pauses what he’s doing to smile, raising a hand to rest against his mouth. His eyes turn a little distant before he laughs.
“I nearly fell on top of her when she woke me up, again, and only a little intentionally. It was like all of the weight came back into my body and I slumped onto the floor. Thankfully, she was there to catch me, like she always is, and kept me from promptly breaking my nose on the floor.”
“Wouldn’t that have been a sight? Limping back into the Rising Stones with a split lip and a broken nose..”
“Would I have still turned your head?”
Zu’zu rolls his eyes as he takes yet another book handed to him, shifting to hold them up with one arm as he uses his free hand to pull on G’raha’s small ponytail until he’s forced to look away from his query and up at Zu’zu.
“You turned my head when you were more crystal than man, I think a little blood wouldn’t hurt anything. To be fair, my track record might suggest it to be in your favor?”
“Oh?” G’raha grins. “Should I go about splitting my lip, then?”
Zu’zu leans in just enough to press his lips to G’raha’s nose and then his lips.
“Only if I get to kiss it better.”
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necromeowncy · 2 years
Hello, I'm Necromeowncy! I write WoLxG'raha romance fanfiction.
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✦ Promises Kept: A WoL x G’raha Tia Fic Series ✦
The Warrior of Light is an elezen mage and healer named Aedric Vaillencourt, and he and G'raha Tia are in love. 'Promises Kept' is a collection of WoLxG'raha fics that explore their story and romantic relationship. Links are the titles below:
Promises Kept Series
1. Here at Memory’s End: G'raha Tia could count on one hand the number of times he'd kissed the Warrior of Light. For each kiss, he realizes he'd fallen more and more in love. Slowburn. Mutual pining. Nerds. Spans from ARR to EW. Completed.
2. By the Book: Now that the Final Days have been thwarted, the WoL decides to give G'raha Tia everything he wants. A direct epilogue to "Here At Memory's End." Smut, fluff, &  feelings™. Established relationship. First times. Post-EW. Completed.
3. Hands, Outstretched: Post-ShB slowburn. Companion fic to my other wolgraha fic "Here At Memory's End." This multi-chaptered fic from the WoL's POV will explore their blossoming romance on the First. Spans from 5.0 to 5.3. Nerds. First dates. Emotions™. Ongoing; subscribe for updates.
4. Aural Fixation: G'raha Tia and the Warrior of Light remember their first impressions of each other when they met. They both take advantage of how sensitive miqo'te & elezen ears can be. Fluff, romance, & smut. Awkward ARR dorks vs. post-EW relationship. Completed.
5. Verdancy: G'raha and Aedric explore some consensual kinks together. Bondage, dom/sub, blindfold, praise kink. Enthusiastic consent. Smut. Wholesome & domestic. Aedric makes snacks. G'raha Tia is a good boy. Completed.
6. Reflections: Reflections from Aedric, G'raha, and other XIV characters. Mostly shorter stories & poetic prose. Ongoing; subscribe for updates.
7. Indulgence: G'raha Tia finds the Warrior of Light reading in his study. He decides to indulge. Explicit visual novel. Completed.
8. Warmth: G'raha Tia and the Warrior of Light share each others' warmth. Couch cuddles turn into something more. Explicit visual novel. Completed. 
9. Heat: Obligatory heat fic. Oneshot. G'raha goes into heat; Aedric helps him out and gets his clear of G'raha Tia (SAVAGE). A generous helping of smut. Completed.
10. Fantasies: G'raha Tia and the Warrior of Light discuss their most indulgent fantasies of each other. Explicit visual novel with dialog. Completed.
11. A Reflection in Crystal: G'raha Tia reflects on his relationship with the Warrior of Light as he waits for him on the First Shard. Multiple chapters. Slowburn romance/first meeting. Visual novel with dialog. Ongoing; subscribe for updates.
12. Unrequited: A Lightwarden AU: Lightwarden Pragma: unrequited, enduring love. An AU for Shadowbringers if my WoL, Aedric, couldn't contain the Light. He would be devastating and beautiful. Completed.
13. Modern AU: Caffeine Addiction: Disaster Nerds: Modern Edition! Coffee shop, Dungeons & Dragons, and awkward flirting. Aedric and G’raha are dorks who fall in love. Multiple chapters. Ongoing; subscribe for updates.
14. Bibliophilia: The Warrior of Light's grand quest for the day was making sure G'raha Tia took a well-needed break from his research. It was perhaps, he thought, the most difficult quest of his entire heroic career. Defiling Noumenon. Library sex oneshot. Explicit. Completed.
15. Intimacy: Glimpses of intimacy for G'raha and my Warrior of Light. A collection of some of my favorite NSFW screenshots I've created. Explicit.
16. Delights: A collection of erotic oneshots, drabbles, & delights. Bite-sized wolgraha fics of the spicy variety. Will gradually add more chapters to this - some little treats here and there!
17. Hunger: A Vampire AU: My elezen WoL is a reluctant recluse of a vampire. G'raha Tia is an historian who wishes to know more about the past, as well as the man who lived it. They strike a bargain, bound in blood, and uncover secrets better left hidden. Slowburn vampire AU romance.
18. His Inflorescence: After thwarting the Final Days, the Scions attend a celebratory ball in Ishgard to thank them. G'raha vows to share the burden as his partner confronts a painful past in Ishgard. Post-Endwalker. Explicit. 2 chapters total.
19. An Infinity of Stars: Visual Novel. G'raha Tia and his Warrior of Light reminisce about their first kiss - a century ago for the Exarch. Post-Shadowbringers budding relationship. This is about their first kiss on the First Shard.
(This post will be updated with all future fics.)
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thescions · 3 months
It will come in the form of a drabble, but just wanted to write it down here because it's fresh in our minds right now -- regarding our interpretation of G'raha Tia:
The Exarch died at the end of 5.3. The WOL took a copy of his soul/memories, they didn't save him. It's like the end of the video game Soma -- that version of G'raha Tia died that day, but the copy of his memories and experiences was merged with the G'raha Tia in the source.
This aligns with the monologue as we go to get G'raha at the end of 5.3. Exarch's monologue isn't aimed at WOL, it's at G'raha -- Here at memory's end. That was what he thought/felt as his last moments.
And merging G'raha Tia in the Source with the Crystal Exarch's soul/memories messed him up. It's like suddenly recalling a past life, except it's an alternate universe future life. He handles it and processes it and by the time Endwalker rollls around, he's generally handling it well, but that sort of thing doesn't just happen and not have consquences. There are times when G'raha can't figure out if he's remembering someting accurately, or whose memory or emotions are the ones he's experiencing.
For example: In a potential ship situation, G'raha Tia might have been fond of your WOL, but the short time they shared during the CT raids was fleeting. At most, it may have resulted in a crush. But the Exarch's adoration for the WOL would have compounded over years of hero worship and admiration. Or maybe your WOL had more romantic moments with Exarch on the First only?
So when G'raha wakes up, whose feelings are these? Is he allowed to have these feelings for WOL? Are they genuine?
Lots of fun drama to explore!
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cloudofdarkness · 1 year
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning
:Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Relationship: G'raha Tia | Crystal Exarch/Warrior of Light
Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV)
G'raha Tia | Crystal Exarch
Solus zos Galvus | Emet-Selch
Additional Tags:
Romance Implied
Language: English
Give a like and Fave here as well if you please!!
The only real thing keeping you from reaching your full potential is self doubt :)
just a shorter thing, but something nonetheless
There was someone in his room.
But as he turned on his heel, the warrior of darkness found it the exact opposite of welcome company, his guard immediately shooting up in defense at the sight of the ascian.
“Quite popular, are we? And here I thought it was only the Exarch and I who frequented your quarters.” His golden eyes shone with intrigue, watching the hero collect himself, though he could sense the unease in him from malms away, and so he further pushed him, taking up the little note on the table which had been neatly tucked under a basket. “Though honestly, at least I can admit to it. Look at this pathetic drivel. He may as well have writ a heart next to it with how mush it is.”
“What do you want, Emet-Selch?” A’tali did his best to bite back any tense words, though his tail was no dishonest display, slowly and cautiously swaying back and forth as he watched the ascian’s every move. If he’d visited before, why show himself now?
“Oh don’t be so guarded, I merely came to talk. Spending time alone becomes dreadfully boring after awhile.” Politely as one of his nature could, the ascian set the now opened letter back down, standing himself from his chair and crossing the room, much to the warrior’s discomfort. He didn’t exactly hate the other, but with the stress of everything else on his shoulders, he certainly didn’t welcome his company right now. And yet, despite his unwelcome presence, A’tali couldn’t help but bend an ear in case some sort of story were to spill from him as it had in past cases. He didn’t know what it was, but he almost wanted to believe them.
“Well, talk then. Mayhap you could actually finish one of your tales this time around without being quite so cryptic about it.” He huffed, tail flickering slightly as he crossed the room the other way, casually picking one of the sandwich corners from the well-laid basket and situating himself against the mini kitchen’s counter. The ascian watched him do this, observative eyes flickering between the note, the basket, and then him. Curious.
“On the contrary, I believe I would ask you a thing or two.”
The warrior’s ear flickered in question, pausing mid-bite on his food and instead turning to the other with a brow cocked in question. “What’s there to know? Can’t you ask your other ascian friends about me? I’m sure they’ll have much to tell you.” Was it wrong to give the other a little cheek? It did happen to slip whenever he was tired, doubly so around unwelcome guests.
As he expected, he earned a scoff from the other, watching the jewel on his earring daintily swing back and forth with the shake of his head. “Tis not about you that I would prod, but about what you know. What goes on in that odd mind of yours.” A pause, eyes flicking now to the small outline of a tattoo poking out from the warrior’s sleeveless shirt. “For instance, what you know of the Exarch.”
“About the Exarch? No more than you, I’d wager.” He simply shrugged, though something bothered him in the way that he spoke it. Was he supposed to know something about the Exarch? He had kept to himself quite a bit but there was that bit of him that always seemed to want to tell him more. “He commands the Crystal Tower as well as the Crystarium, with a kind rule. He appears to be unaging. He has a multitude of knowledge, despite appearing so young...and he seems to harbor a small sense for mischief. Spectacular at using magicks, though he says he owes it mostly to the tower. Truly that’s all I could tell you.” He took a bite then, uninterested in answering any further questions.
“And this Crystal Tower, it hails from the Source, does it not? I hear you were the one to traverse it and take down its unsightly ruler.” The ascian spoke it like he knew of his tales, so why was there any question to it? Clearly, he was prodding for something. Something the warrior knew not what.
“If you’ve a point in all of this, gladly make it.” The warrior sighed, quite frankly growing tired of his annoying habit of dancing around the point. He watched Emet-Selch simply shrug, the look in his eyes as unaffected as if he’d just plainly stated hello to the other.
“I just believe it to be odd that the Exarch was able to pull it from a point in time where it lacked a proper ruler. You would know if it were missing in your time, and the only other moment would be of the future. Yet, it would seem at that time there was only a singular candidate worthy of controlling the tower. Strange then, that the Exarch would know of Xande, but not of him.”
It was as if he’d finally gotten to what he’d been waiting to say this entire time, driving that wooden stake of annoyance into A’tali’s chest. He set his food down politely however, wanting to be the bigger person as he simply waved the small accusation off. “It could have always been in the far future, there was always the possibility of another ruler.”
“But you don’t truly believe that, do you?” It was spoken flatly, and further pressed that stake into the warrior’s chest. For the ascian to be so calm about this, to watch the warrior shrink under his gaze, his aura to burn bright with doubt, it unnerved him. “Why is that, I wonder? Unless- Oh!” His gasp was dramatic, overplayed. Fake. “Unless you knew the final holder. Cared about him. Watched as he sealed himself away~”
The warrior’s ears lowered in shame, his huffy comebacks fading as Emet-Selch’s teasing accusations slid down his spine like a cold chill, ringing and reminding him of his doubts he’d tried so hard to bury under everything else. There was no way. It wasn’t possible. “My feelings are irrelevant on the matter. If the Crystal Exarch were to know me, he’d tell me. He has no reason to lie to me about such a thing.”
“That’s truly what you think then? You’ll sit and wallow in doubt and naivety despite the fact that you can’t displace his scent? His voice? All because you believe you don’t deserve things to go your way for once?” A sigh, as he looked the warrior up and down, noting his avoidant gaze, his clenched fist shaking as if he were near hitting something. He knew what the ascian was saying was true, but he’d never admit it.
“...even if what I believe is true...there’s no way fate could ever gift me with something like that. If I see him again, I’m just going to lose him, because that is exactly how things play out for me.” There was a catch in his voice at his last words, and he could feel the stinging sensation in his eyes of prickling tears. Not now dammit. Not when he was in the presence of the other. “So I would rather never know. Then...mayhap that would keep him safe.”
He wouldn’t dare meet the ascian’s gaze now, for his eyes would be near glistening with kept in tears. Though all he could hear was that disappointed sigh, the small jingle of that earring as he shook his head. “Then I suppose there’s no arguing with you. You’re truly hopeless in terms of seeing the truth. What am I ever to do with you if you can’t even see what’s right in front of you~?” He spoke it like a childish hum, as he approached the doors of his room, his gloved hands gently flattening themselves against the polished wood. “Then again, I suppose there’s always time to break you out of that shell of yours. Let’s hope you don’t waste too much of mine.” He knew A’tali wouldn’t meet his gaze, but still he turned to look back at him. “I implore you to think on this. It might prove important sometime in the future.”
And with that, he was gone.
And then, he was truly alone.
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rihlltalk · 11 months
✨ The Obligatory Pinned Post ✨
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[ twitter | AO3 ] Pose by vermillion ❈ on The Glamour Dresser.
Hello hello! I'm Liyah, and welcome to my FFXIV sideblog!
I write fics and create gposes featuring my Warrior of Light, Zha'senah Rihll, and her brother, X'chai Rihll; you can read about them here. I'm also a big wolgraha shipper, so you'll also see works involving Zha'senah and her relationship with G'raha Tia (and also sometimes Thancred, I also enjoy wolcred from time to time).
While this blog is primarily a personal archive of my work, I also reblog fics and art and gposes and memes from other FFXIV creators as well. (I interact from @a-twinkleinthesky - if you see that blog in your notifs, hi!)
MASTERLIST (updated periodically):
Cross: A young Miqo'te runs away from home and explores Eorzea. Fortunately for him, his solitary wanderings are short-lived. (Pre-ARR. Character backstory. Found family.)
#say chat for personal text posts
#my writing for fics and drabbles I've written
#my gposes for gposes I've made
This blog is not spoiler-free, but spoilers have been tagged appropriately. Dawntrail content is tagged as #dawntrail spoilers. Spoilers for previous expansions have been tagged as well, with Shadowbringers and Endwalker content tagged as #shadowbringers spoilers and #endwalker spoilers, respectively.
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itsladyj · 2 years
new fanfic: yours was always meant for a brighter day
» Giveaway fic for the lovely @mischiefmilly
» F!WoL Au Ra x G'raha Tia • 2.4k words » Warm & Fluffy & Very Mild Angst » Starlight Celebration 🎄❄️💫
✰ summary ✰
—for all that he was sorry to ruin her surprise, the mere fact it’d been so purposefully written in Xaellic, a language he was not supposed to know, on a note he very clearly was not meant at all to read— And well… for her sake, he would not tell her that he could. 
G'raha is a little more bilingual than Dagasi expects him to be.
»Read Here
🌺Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed that! If you're looking to support me, I offer snippets and unpublished drabbles over on my Patreon for just $2 a month 💜These help me work on my more personal fics between comms! Thank you so much for your support!
Reblogs are appreciated!
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Stuff you might expect from me, if you're the expecting type
Things you may see HCs/Drabble/Short Fits/etc. on in the future:
Call of Duty -- specifically, König, maybe Ghost.
Attack on Titan -- Levi, mostly
Somewhat less likely things you may or may not expect from me:
Devil May Cry -- one of my oldest darlings, but haven't had the urge to write for this in a looooong time
Zombie AUs
general Apocalypse AUs
Demon Slayer -- Tengen, Rengoku
Jujutsu Kaisen -- Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna,
Mass Effect -- Garrus, mostly
Dragon Age -- Fenris, mostly
The Witcher -- based on books, not the TV show
The Expanse -- Amos
Georgian/Victorian Society AUs
Fantasy AUs
Dr. Who????
DnD -- Drizzt Do'Urden
Resident Evil 4 era Leon Kennedy
FFXIV -- Thancred, G'raha Tia, Ser Aymeric, Estinien
Things you are least likely to see from me:
Pregnancy trope -- I f'ing hate kids
Kidnapping/stalking/assault -- closest I'll get is CNC or DubCon
A/B/O universe -- dabbled in it, felt meh about it. Might do some alterations to the idea and see what happens.
Game of Thrones??? Maybe?????????????
ACOTAR -- nothing wrong with it, I just don't feel super inspired by the characters
Feel free to make requests based on this information. Or don't. Whatever keeps your boat afloat.
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isolaradiale · 11 months
Lost in Space #56
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of October!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for May, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of May).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
The Doctor (HOUSE 119)
Karlach (HOUSE 113)
Shiroko Sunaookami (CONDO 403)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing) (APARTMENT 301)
Dwight Fairfield (HOUSE 121)
V (HOUSE 111)
Caster (Merlin) (APARTMENT 302)
G'raha Tia (Château de Akiudo (Cotes Ward))
Aether (HOUSE 114)
Belial (TOWNHOUSE 222)
Jin Ling (HOUSE 114)
Stelle (HOUSE 103)
Roxas (HOUSE 104)
Shadow Link (Link’s Treehouse (4BR) | THE MISTWOOD)
Lan Wangji (HOUSE 110)
Wei Wuxian (APARTMENT 305)
Anda Teika (Lord El Melloi II’s house)
Asher Otero (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Aurelius Vane-Tempest (Klaus' House)
Nezha Li (CONDO 401)
Pilgrim (APARTMENT 314)
Elliot Nightray (CONDO 402)
Kanji Tatsumi (APARTMENT 318)
Mirai (OC) (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Akito Shinonome (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Cain Knightley (HOUSE 105)
Ada Wong (HOUSE 113)
Claire Redfield (HOUSE 102)
Leon S. Kennedy (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Rallen (HOUSE 120)
0 notes
Ooh I see loved the heat scenario you did for X'rhun. Would you do one for G'raha Tia too after the events of ShB as a yearning reunion? Thank you so much! I never played ff14 buut seeing so much hype for the recent expansion is making me consider a buying a subscription and all the expansions! - Moon anon♡
Edit: I’ve written an extended version of this due to popular demand!
There is a yearning that finds itself within the man’s chest as he looks upon you.
It is more than the sweet, boundless joy he expected when he fantasized about  being able to speak to you as himself, even knowing that his plan of action to save you and the First would lead to his demise–one that he was saved from in the end. 
In any regard of how fate had chosen to unravel around the two of you, G’raha is left with a yearning far deeper than anything he prepared himself for. It sits deep within him, mind and body both, and blossoms like a crimson rose. 
Burning. Searing. Agonizing.
The sensations hit the Seeker so hard that it’s hard for him to even think. So many years he had prepared himself for your arrival, so many years thinking and pondering and planning–how could he fall apart so easily? 
It takes many days for the answer to come to the man, from memories long-past of issues he never thought he’d deal with again; the boiling in his belly, the fire between his legs, the ache in his chest that he felt with every glance in your direction and breath that he took into his lungs with the succor of your scent upon it.
A heat.
The realization blindsided the man almost as much as the physical sensations themselves–after he had merged his being with the Crystal Tower, G’raha simply assumed much of his bodily functions would alter or outright cease, and some rightfully did just that. 
But he never once considered that he would feel such a burning need once more in his belly as he does for you. The raging fire of hormones that leave him wondering if he is literally dying despite all the effort you put in to save him–but he’s not, thank the goddess, and he’s left to try and deal with himself with no shortage of confusion and long-numbed memories of what it was like to be a young Seeker taking care of his own heats.
He is grateful for the privacy of the Ocular.
As G’raha takes himself in-hand, he is so grateful that the walls are thick to deaden the noises that come within. He is grateful for that of your scent lingering in the air from your many visits in the past several days. He is so very grateful that he can but feel your touch upon his skin when he closes his eyes and thinks about it–your arms around him tight, hugging the Seeker close against you when you were finally able to have a reunion without the fear of losing one another.
Oh yes, G’raha was so grateful for it all. The man could but clutch to the thoughts as tightly as his fingers wrapped around his cock, fist stroking himself over at a feverish pace to pull one orgasm after another out of him, his lips constantly shaping around the sound of your name in a moan no less than reverent.
“My warrior,” the Exarch, the man once known only as G’raha Tia, moans shamelessly into the air of the Ocular. “My dearest warrior, I yearn for you so. Need you. Want you.”
His words sound as soft as a prayer. As the man draws yet another messy, hot orgasm from his body, he can’t help but feel a distinct shiver run down his spine, wondering what sort of mess he would make if it was you to help guide him through the blistering heat than his own hand and thoughts.
Maybe someday soon he will indulge in that selfish desire.
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