#lost in space 56
isolaradiale · 11 months
Lost in Space #56
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of October!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for May, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of May).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
The Doctor (HOUSE 119)
Karlach (HOUSE 113)
Shiroko Sunaookami (CONDO 403)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing) (APARTMENT 301)
Dwight Fairfield (HOUSE 121)
V (HOUSE 111)
Caster (Merlin) (APARTMENT 302)
G'raha Tia (Château de Akiudo (Cotes Ward))
Aether (HOUSE 114)
Belial (TOWNHOUSE 222)
Jin Ling (HOUSE 114)
Stelle (HOUSE 103)
Roxas (HOUSE 104)
Shadow Link (Link’s Treehouse (4BR) | THE MISTWOOD)
Lan Wangji (HOUSE 110)
Wei Wuxian (APARTMENT 305)
Anda Teika (Lord El Melloi II’s house)
Asher Otero (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Aurelius Vane-Tempest (Klaus' House)
Nezha Li (CONDO 401)
Pilgrim (APARTMENT 314)
Elliot Nightray (CONDO 402)
Kanji Tatsumi (APARTMENT 318)
Mirai (OC) (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Akito Shinonome (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Cain Knightley (HOUSE 105)
Ada Wong (HOUSE 113)
Claire Redfield (HOUSE 102)
Leon S. Kennedy (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Rallen (HOUSE 120)
0 notes
prokopetz · 11 months
Your long and arduous journey has led you to this, the final confrontation. You thought you knew what to expect, but just as you struck the final blow, your ultimate foe's eyes gleamed with unnatural light as they proclaimed…
A game for 4–6 players
This Isn't Even My Final Form is a GMless tactical minigame for 4–6 players. You'll take on the roles of a party of heroic adventurers nearing the end of a world-spanning quest to defeat a great evil, the Final Boss. Unfortunately for them, each time they think they've won, the Final Boss assumes a new, even more horrifying form, and the struggle begins anew. Is there any end to this conflict? There's only one way to find out!
What You'll Need
This Isn't Even My Final Form requires a dozen six-sided dice, as well as a way of keeping track of a few important numbers – a shared text document or some scrap paper will suffice.
Update 2023-10-30: Print-and-play card decks are available here:
Character Creation
Choose two of the following actions to be your Party Member's Class Actions: Strike, Heal, Buff, Debuff. If you'd rather determine this randomly, roll on the following table.
1. Strike, Heal 2. Strike, Buff 3. Strike, Debuff 4. Heal, Buff 5. Heal, Debuff 6. Buff, Debuff
Give your Party Member's Class a name which suits your Class Actions. Also give your Party Member a name; it is traditional but not obligatory for your Party Member's name to have exactly five letters.
Playing the Game
Play is divided into a series of Phases. During each Phase, one player takes on the role of the Final Boss. That player's Party Member does not participate in this Phase; they're trapped, lost, incapacitated, or otherwise separated from the party or unable to act for the duration of the Phase. All other players take on the roles of their Party Members.
The Final Boss player's first order of business is to describe what the current Phase looks like. The Final Boss player can roll 1–3 times on the following table (re-rolling duplicates) to decide on a theme, or use it as inspiration for their own theme. To use this table, roll a six-sided die twice, treating the first roll as the "tens" place and the second roll as the "ones" place, yielding a number in the range from 11 to 66.
11. Beasts 12. Bells 13. Blood 14. Bones 15. Chains 16. Chaos 21. Cubes 22. Eyes 23. Fire 24. Flowers 25. Food 26. Games 31. Gears 32. Glass 33. Gold 34. Hands 35. Holes 36. Ice 41. Iron 42. Light 43. Mazes 44. Meat 45. Mirrors 46. Music 51. Orbs 52. Order 53. Plague 54. Shadow 55. Slime 56. Space 61. Spikes 62. Teeth 63. Time 64. Trees 65. Weapons 66. Wings
Once the Phase has been defined, set the party's Momentum to zero. Momentum is a value which will increase or decrease over the course of the Phase; it has a minimum value of zero, and no particular upper limit.
Play proceeds in a series of rounds, as follows.
The Final Boss Attacks
The Final Boss always goes first in each round. Roll one die:
1–3: The Final Boss chooses one of the following actions. 4–5: The Final Boss chooses two of the following actions. You may not target the same Party Member twice; however, you may use the same action on two different Party Members if you wish. 6: The Final Boss does nothing this round. On its turn next round, it does not roll and instead uses its Ultimate Attack.
Wound: Inflict the Critical Condition on a single Party Member. If the chosen Party Member already has the Critical Condition, it's replaced with the Down Condition and the party loses one Momentum.
Imprecate: Inflict the Cursed Condition on a single Party Member.
Envenom: Inflict the Poisoned Condition on a single Party Member.
Bewilder: Inflict the Confused Condition on a single Party Member.
Counter: If you're targeted by the Strike or Debuff actions this round, after resolving that action, perform the Wound action on the Party Member who targeted you. You may counter any number of actions in this way.
Dispel: Remove the Buffed and Protected Conditions from any number of Party Members.
Enrage: The Final Boss rolls two dice and takes the better result on its next action. The party may cancel this benefit with a successful Debuff action; doing so removes the extra die instead of forcing the Final Boss to roll twice and take the lower result.
Ultimate Attack: This action can only be chosen by rolling a 6 during the previous round. When the Final Boss uses this action, choose Cursed, Poisoned, or Confused: you may perform the Wound action AND inflict the chosen Condition upon any number of Party Members, in that order. (i.e., Wound each targeted Party Member, THEN Curse/Confuse/Poison any who remain standing.)
The Final Boss player describes the outcome of the chosen action(s) in as much or as little detail as they like; control then passes to the other players.
The Party Acts
After the Final Boss has attacked, each Party Member who doesn't have the Down condition chooses one of the following actions, in any order the players wish. After choosing any action other than Defend, the player rolls their dice pool, which is a handful of six-sided dice constructed as follows:
Start with a number of dice equal to the party's current Momentum (initially zero, though it will grow over the course of the Phase)
Add one die if you're performing one of your Party Member's Class Actions
Add one die if your Party Member currently has the Buffed Condition
Add one die if your Party Member currently has the Critical Condition
Roll all of the dice together, and find the highest result. Ties for the highest result have no special significance; for example, if you rolled four dice and got 1, 3, 5 and 5, your result is 5. If you'd ever end up with zero or fewer dice for any reason – either because your dice pool was empty to begin with, or because some effect obliged you to discard every die you rolled – you receive an automatic result of 1.
If an action requires you to target a specific Party Member or make other choices, you can wait and see the result of your roll before making those decisions.
Strike: You attack the Final Boss. Roll your dice pool:
1–3: Nothing happens – either the attack misses, or the Final Boss turns out to be immune to whatever you just did. 4–5: The attack strikes true. The party gains one Momentum. 6: Critical hit! The party gains two Momentum.
Special: If you roll triples or better (i.e., at least three of the same number) on a Strike action, the Final Boss' current Phase is defeated, and you move on to the next Phase. It doesn't matter what number comes up triples.
Heal: You attempt to restore the party's strength. Roll your dice pool:
1–3: You may remove the Critical Condition from a single Party Member. If no Party Member has the Critical Condition, nothing happens. 4–5: You may remove the Critical Condition from any number of party members OR you may remove the Down Condition from a single Party Member. 6: You may remove the Critical and Down Conditions from any number of party members.
Buff: You attempt to bolster a party member. Roll your dice pool:
1–3: You may grant the Buffed Condition to a single Party Member OR remove a Condition of your choice other than Critical or Down from a single Party Member. 4–5: You may grant the Buffed Condition to a single Party Member AND remove a Condition of your choice other than Critical or Down from that Party Member, if they have one. 6: You may grant the Buffed Condition OR remove a Condition of your choice other than Critical or Down to any number of Party Members. You may choose a different option for each targeted Party Member.
Debuff: You attempt to weaken the Final Boss. Roll your dice pool:
1-3: Nothing happens – it turns out the Final Boss was immune to that effect. 4–5: The Final Boss rolls two dice and takes the lower result on its next action. 6: The Final Boss rolls two dice and takes the lower result on its next action AND the party gains one Momentum.
Defend: You may grant the Protected condition to a Party Member of your choice. Do not roll.
Based on the outcome of your roll (if applicable), describe the outcome of your action in as much or as little detail as you wish.
Once each Party Member has acted, return to "The Final Boss Attacks" to begin the next round.
Ending the Phase
As noted above, rolling triples or better on a Strike action results in the immediate defeat of the current Phase. Alternatively, if all Party Members simultaneously have the Down Condition, the Final Boss player's Party Member suddenly breaks free or arrives on the scene and rescues everyone in a stunning deus ex machina; this also ends the Phase, but does not count as defeating it.
In either case, reset the party's momentum to zero, remove all Conditions, and move on to the next Phase. The role of the Final Boss passes to a different player, with preference given to those who haven't yet had a chance to be the Final Boss; the previous Final Boss player resumes playing their Party Member.
Continue until the party has defeated a number of Phases at least equal to the number of players, or until mutual agreement has been reached that all this has gone on quite long enough.
Some actions can impose Conditions upon the individual Party Members. Conditions can be positive or negative, and last until specific conditions for their removal are met.
Buffed: Your strength has been boosted. When rolling your dice pool, you roll one extra die.
Confused: You've lost your wits. When the party acts, your action is determined by rolling a d6 – 1: Strike; 2: Heal; 3: Buff; 4: Debuff; 5: Defend; 6: do nothing this round AND remove this Condition. This Condition is also removed if you gain the Critical Condition while under its effects. You may choose targets normally if the rolled action requires them. Confused Party Members always act before their un-Confused peers; if there are multiple Confused Party Members, the Final Boss decides the order in which they act.
Critical: You are badly wounded. Desperation lends strength, and so this Condition adds one extra die to your dice pools; however, if you suffer the Critical Condition a second time, it becomes the Down Condition instead.
Cursed: You've been afflicted with misfortune. Discard your highest result after rolling your dice pool, but before applying your chosen action's effects. If there's a tie for the highest result, discard all of them; for example, if you roll four dice while Cursed and get 1, 3, 5 and 5, your result is 3. If the Condition causes you to discard your only set of triples of better on a Strike action, the Phase does not end.
Down: You are incapacitated by injury or foul enchantment. When the party acts, you may not choose an action; your action remains lost even if this Condition is removed before the end of the round. When you gain this Condition, remove all other Conditions, and the party loses one Momentum. (This is not in addition to the Momentum loss noted by effects which inflict this Condition – those are just reminders.) You may not gain other Conditions while this one persists.
Poisoned: You're afflicted by a poison, plague, or death-curse. If you have the Poisoned Condition after resolving your action for the round, you gain the Critical Condition. If you already have the Critical Condition, you instead gain the Down Condition, and the party loses one Momentum.
Protected: The next time you would gain any Condition other than Buffed, remove this Condition instead. You also remove this Condition if you take any action other than Defend on your turn.
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freelancearsonist · 6 months
Won't You Suffer for the Angels to Fly?
➔ Joel Miller x fem!Reader - 2k
➔ Joel finds religion in the last place he expected to--a preacher's daughter.
➔ Rated MA for pure blasphemy. a lot of religious imagery and defiling of holy places--please read at your own risk. unprotected p in v sex, creampie, squirting, fingering (f receiving), corruption kink, HEFTY age gap (r is early 20s [unspecified], joel is 56), reader uses feminine pronouns and has female anatomy [please let me know if i missed anything at all :)]
➔ this is for my mid to plus!sized readers :) you're beautiful and valid and i love you. this was written in basically one sitting after i binged mike flanagan's midnight mass in one night. thank you to my lovelies @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin and @shakespeareanwannabe for talking me through this <3 title is from "heaven only knows" by bob moses
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The Bible teaches–at least according to what Joel was able to gleam from the Easter service–that everything happens for a reason. That every pelting raindrop in its descent from the sky, even before it lands heavy and dark in his hair or soaks the lush green landscape of Jackson, has a purpose.
He’s struggled a lot with purpose ever since hearing that existential crisis-inspiring sermon that Tommy had dragged him to. 
In the preacher’s defense, it went over well with everyone else. So many people are lost nowadays, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to have space for them. They need that hope, that reassurance that they’re here for a reason. That they’ve survived hell on earth not out of luck, but out of purpose. He pulled out the big gun that everyone needed to hear on one of the two days a year that everyone in Jackson has their ears open to him. It was tactful, and Joel has to acknowledge that. Your father is clever, if not cunning.
It’s a trait that you’ve learned directly from him, whether purposeful or not. But you sat right in the front row and nodded along to every word, accepting without thought or conflict that purpose is in every action, every reaction, every change of tide and every gust of wind.
And if everything has a purpose, your purpose must be to torture him.
You never have anything but a smile on your face for Joel. Joel, a man older than your own father, a man whose hands have broken every commandment that you hold so dear. A man that should know better than to let you get under his skin and infect his dreams.
He wonders what it would be like to hold someone so perfectly untainted in hands that have killed and destroyed and sinned. Hands that are strong, hands that are experienced, hands that are greedy. He’s certain he could teach you all about greed. He could make you beg, plead, sob for more and more and more until the only thought remaining in your pretty little head is how much you want to take from him. Until you become a glutton at the altar of his generosity.
And oh, how generous he could be once he had you begging. Minding your manners and asking nicely for what you need, of course, but he would never deny you anything you asked of him.
“Can I help you with that, Mr. Miller?” He hadn’t even noticed he was struggling–and he wouldn’t be, really, if he wasn’t so distracted. Putting new legs on a pew isn’t the issue after all; it’s the fact that you’re sitting there on the stairs that lead up to the altar and absentmindedly swinging your legs as if you’re taunting him. As if you understand that his resolve is slipping with every passing second he’s alone in this room with you. 
“Hmm?” You shift your posture to lean closer, and that skirt that’s already way too short to be worn by the pastor’s daughter, in a house of God of all places, rides just a little further up your deliciously full thighs. 
How is he expected to work, to keep his mind on the job, when all he wants is to know what those thighs might feel like wrapped around his head?
He clears his throat and adjusts “You can call me Joel, sweetheart.”
He sees it, then. It’s so subtle, but it’s not imagined. You squirm at the pet name, at the raspy drawl of his voice, and it changes everything for him.
He sees in his mind the sweet girl, barely out of her teens, who sits in the front pew with a Bible in her lap. He sees the girl who sings so sweetly to the tune of every hymn. He sees the girl who’s so shy that she blushes every time she catches his gaze.
And then he sees everything underneath the act. He sees the girl who’s bold enough to wear a bright red dress to the Easter service. He sees the girl who makes eye contact with him across the dining hall every night to watch the way he reacts to her lips wrapped so tantalizingly smoothly around her spoon. He sees the girl who knew he would be alone in the chapel today–the girl who wore an easily accessible skirt just for the occasion.
You bookmark the page you’re on and set down the book you were reading, eyes fixated on him all the while. “Is there something I can help with, Joel?”
There certainly is, and it’s not the pew he’s supposed to be repairing.
He remembers, vaguely, hearing something about how God spares guilt from sinners when sin is necessary. It must be necessary to teach you a lesson, then–as you stride over and kneel beside him, your eyes heavy with anticipation and lashes fluttering, he doesn’t feel an ounce of guilt.
“Hasn’t your daddy taught you not to dress like this?” He takes the hem of your skirt idly in his hand, rubs the silky fabric between his thumb and forefinger. He’s not touching you, not really, but his hand is so achingly close. An inch or two, and he’d feel your warmth–those plush thighs that God created to rule over Joel Miller’s mind, body, and soul; ‘til death does he finally know peace, amen.
You shake your head and even manage to seem smug as you say, “No. He just teaches everyone else to resist temptation.”
“I’ve never been much good at that,” he murmurs.
He thinks that you know that. He thinks that you’re his crucible, his most important moral trial–that maybe, if he can turn you away now, he’s a good man.
Joel Miller is not a good man. His kiss is crushing. It’s hellfire, it’s brimstone, it’s everything you’ve been taught to fear your entire life. You melt into it so prettily, accepting your damnation with parted lips and eager eyes. A wanton moan gets caught in your throat when his hand slips further up your skirt. 
No panties–in a place of worship, no less. He should bend you over his knee for this transgression, make sure you understand how filthy you are. But there’s hardly time for that now, not when he’s even more desperate than you are. And you are desperate–dripping down his fingers into the palm of his hand as your teeth leave perfect little indents in the plush skin of your bottom lip.
His free hand grips your chin firmly, guiding your eyes to his. He wants to see your depravity, the flickering embers of lust in your eyes as you come on his fingers and cry out for salvation from the all-consuming pleasure.
“Oh my God–”
His hand tightens around your jaw just the slightest bit in warning. “No, baby. You moan my name when I’m touchin’ you.”
And you do–thighs trembling, eyes watering, you cry out his name like a prayer as your cunt pulses and squeezes around his willing fingers.
There’s an unpracticed tremble to your hand as you reach to work open his belt, and it makes his cock throb under the confining material of his jeans.
You want every inch of his skin pressed against yours, so desperate for it that you’re nearly in tears when he pulls your fingers away from the buttons on his shirt. He’s not foolish–no one steps foot into this place during the week, but he knows better than to tempt God’s sense of humor. This has to be quick and contained, and you know it too; you picked your little skirt for exactly that reason.
He catches a glimpse of your glistening need as you settle over his thighs, and once again he battles to resist temptation. He whispers in your ear as you settle your chest against his and grind that fluttering, sensitive cunt along his length–promises himself more than you, really, that he’ll bury his face in your folds and drink from you next time. Next time–the promise makes you clench impossibly hard around nothing.
His eyes have never been quite as heavy as they are when you start to sink that dripping heat down his cock. Head tipped back, throat exposed, completely at your mercy. He has to force himself to look up at you–to worship the goddess enshrined on his altar, all his for the taking.
You bite into your lip nearly hard enough to draw blood as your hips settle against his, completely overwhelmed by the burning stretch of his size. He’s a challenge, certainly, but one that you are determined to overcome. 
“Easy, baby girl,” he grumbles as you start to rock against him before you’re truly accommodated. His hands rest heavy on your hips–not anchoring, but encouraging. As wrong–as depraved–as this may be, he wants you to enjoy it without pain. “That’s right, nice and slow.”
It doesn’t stay that way, though; the desperation mounts to a boiling point until you’re bouncing fervently in his lap. It’s delicious, the way the thick head of him drags against something deep and sensitive within you. He guides you when your thighs start to burn, grip tightening enough to leave forbidden bruises in the soft flesh of your hips. His mouth presses to yours, breathing the oxygen straight from your lungs as he presses his hips up. There’s nothing you can do but take it, pliant in his hold, head rolling back to accommodate the wet drag of his mouth and the tickling scratch of his beard against your throat.
He feels it before you do–a subtle flutter as your cunt tries sucking him in even deeper. And maybe, if he was a good man, he’d lean away from it and have mercy on you. But he’s not a good man–he’s a greedy, wanton, desperate man. He angles his hips and thrusts as hard as he can, shoving you into your release with force.
You overflow with it; gushing over him like a flood, staining his hastily pushed down jeans and the floorboards beneath.
He pushes you onto your back like you’re weightless, adrenaline coursing as he starts to slam into you. It’s not polite or sweet or loving–he fucks into you and empties himself like an animal. He growls deep in his throat as his cock pulses within you, instructing you to “take it, baby girl” as if you’d consider anything less. 
You don’t know where your release ends and his begins. All you know is his weight on top of you, his mouth on your jaw, the collective breathless pants that fill the room as you both come down together.
You’re not sure how long it is before he pulls out of your warmth with an actual whine, breath heavy against your neck where his face is so comfortably nestled.
And you start to laugh, because you wish you’d worn panties after all–you don’t know how you’re going to get home with the mess of cum that’s dripping down the curve of your ass.
He even chuckles with you, until he tears his eyes away from your blissed face and sees the cross hanging heavy on the far wall.
“Th-that…” he gulps. “That can’t happen again.”
“It can,” you assure him, and he supposes you’re right.
You keep your head down and your eyes to yourself on Sunday, even as you spot the barely-noticeable stain on the hardwood floor next to the newly-repaired pew on the right side of the aisle. It’s so faint that no one would notice it unless they were looking for it, but it’s glaringly obvious to you. You should be ashamed; you should be begging for forgiveness. But then you meet Joel’s watchful eyes, and the shame washes away. How can you feel guilty over an act of worship?
➔ Want to see more from me in the future? Follow @freelancearsonist-updates and turn on post notifications to be notified when I post new fics!
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kamiversee · 6 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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✧.* CHAPTER 56 || The Official End
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { CHAPTER CONTENT } ] ➤ language, fluff, & semi-angst.
[ { A/N } ] ➤ This is the last chapter.
[ { WORD COUNT } ] ➤ 6.4k
[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
[ [ chapters mlist } ]
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——AS FOR THE MAN WHO lost in the game of winning your heart, Gojo Satoru patiently waited day by day for that fateful phone call of yours. He wasn’t sure when it would be but he knew you’d call sooner or later.
The journal had to be burned. He needed to make sure it was, promising to himself that burning it would be burning the horrid things he put you through. It’d be the death of something so very toxic and would leave the two of you truly free from the list. That, and Gojo saw burning the list with you as his way of finally letting you go.
So, patiently, he waited. Every day he’d check his phone to see if your contact name would appear across his screen, his heart aching for the inevitable. Gojo was lost in a space of wanting that day to come as soon as possible and also wanting you to take your time to get to that point.
At the end of the day, burning the journal was your way of letting him go too. You needed to burn it with him just as much as he needed to burn it with you. Whatever it was that still floated in the air between the two of you needed to die along with the cursed words written upon those pages in your journal.
If not, other things, such as your relationship with your boyfriend Choso would soon crumble if truths he never wanted to know were revealed to him.
So yes, the end was near— closer than anticipated, and only you and Gojo knew that.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Which is exactly why you took your sweet time in calling him.
Not days and not weeks did you wait but two months. From the day you started dating Choso, you tried to put all thoughts of Gojo in the back of your head, only ever thinking about him whenever you remembered you had a book to burn.
Sometimes you’d look at your phone and debate on calling him to plan the whole burning process out but ultimately, the sound of your boyfriend saying something would pull you away from those thoughts.
A perfect example would be currently as you stood in Choso’s apartment on a Sunday morning in his kitchen, attempting to prepare some kind of breakfast as he slept in his bedroom. The two-month mark of your relationship with him was nearing and things couldn’t be better.
If you weren’t able to see him throughout the week because of school, either of you always found a way to be with each other by the weekend. Most times it was at his place since you had a roommate and by now, you’d practically moved in with the man.
Not that he minded of course. What better to wake up to than you in his arms? Or what could top noticing your feminine products begin to take permanent place in his bathroom? Then there was the occasional time he’d find your clothes with his as he went to do laundry.
He loved every moment he realized you were starting to take over his apartment day by day.
So today, when he gets a strong waft of pancakes swirling into his nose, he wakes up smiling because he knows it’s you in his kitchen. Choso’s eyes cracked open and he let out a heavy yawn, his arms and legs stretching out as he woke himself up some more. Despite knowing you were in the kitchen, he did prefer waking up to your body heat against his and you pressed into him.
He doesn’t know if you’re aware but you’re more clingy than he is when you’re asleep. Throughout the night, Choso would sometimes wake up to drink a bottle of water but the very second he shifts away from you, you’re tugging him back and grumbling something in your sleep with this cute little pout on your face.
God, Choso was so in love with you. Everything you did made his heart race. Every laugh shared, every lingering touch, every joyful glint in your eyes— you were the embodiment of perfection in his eyes. Never would he view a woman in the same light he views you. And to think you’re his girlfriend? What did he do to deserve you?
These are the kinda’ thoughts he has nearly every morning, today more so than others. Because just why are you out in the kitchen humming to You Rock My World by Micheal Jackson and cooking up a storm of breakfast with not a care in the world?
Choso’s getting out of bed without a second thought, rushing into the bathroom to brush his teeth and cleanse his face before heading out to you. As he walked down his hallway, the sound of music grew louder and louder until he was near his kitchen.
Then there was you. Oh the sigh of joy he lets out at the sight of you is so lovestruck. Your back was to him and you had a spatula in your hand, clearly making eggs as your hips swayed from side to side along with the music playing and sweet little hums left your lips along with the tune.
Choso couldn’t help but smile, wondering if you knew that you really did rock his world just as the song was saying. His head is nodding along to the music before he realizes and he begins to smoothly make his way over to you.
You’re so wrapped up in your cooking and vibing to the music that you don’t even realize Choso is approaching until his hands slide onto your waist. You inhale sharply in reaction, jumping only a little in shock before you turn your head back to look at him.
“Mornin’ baby,” Choso hums with a happy little smile on his face. His morning voice gives you butterflies and you flash him a smile before he leans in and presses his lips to yours.
“Mh, Good morning, Cho,” You reply, “You weren’t supposed to wake up yet y’know…” You say suddenly as you turn back to the eggs you had cooking on the stove, “I wanted to surprise you.”
Choso chuckles and he’s behind you dancing slightly to the sound of Micheal Jackson’s voice, “Should’ve closed the room door then,” He responds, “I’m a simple man y’know— I smell pancakes, I come running.”
You giggle at his words and feel his hands slide down to your hips as the two of you sway slightly against one another. He starts humming to the song and seems to be enjoying himself as he dances against you and watches you finish your breakfast preparation.
An intrusive thought comes to him and he’s speaking before he thinks it through, “Y’know, you’d make a good housewife baby,” Choso says suddenly.
You begin to plate all the food you’ve cooked and raise a brow at his words, “Would I really?”
“Yeah-, sorry, is that weird to say?” He asks curiously, tilting his head a bit before sneaking up a piece of bacon into his mouth.
You send him a look because of him eating despite you not being finished and then roll your eyes at him teasingly, “No, it’s not a weird thing to say. But y’know, in order for me to be a housewife I’d want two things,” You claim before stepping back a little to reach into one of the drawers for utensils. 
Choso hums, “Yeah? And what’s that?”
“One,” You turn to him with a telling look, “A ring on my finger,” You explain.
He nods with a smile on his face, “Obviously. And two?”
“A man who’ll do everything I don’t,” You say vaguely, “Y’know, like pay for whatever I may need since I wouldn’t have a job, and basically-“
“Take care of you?” He interrupts unintentionally, “So for you to be a housewife, you needa’ man to take care of ya’?”
You shake your head, “Not need, Choso, want.” You correct, “I could easily provide for myself and just get a job but,” You find the utensils you were looking for and place them with the plates of food before turning back to look at your boyfriend, “If a certain someone wants to make me a housewife, he better come with those two things.”
The man laughs at your words and then throws his hands up defensively, “Hey, I didn’t say I wanted to make you a housewife. I want you to do whatever makes you happy.” He explains, shrugging a little, “And I was jus’ pointing it out that you’d be a good housewife,” Choso leans a little closer to you, “If that’s what you choose to be.”
“Uhuh,” You hum casually before slipping away from Choso’s grasp with two plates in your hands, “Well, isn’t it too early to talk about that kinda’ thing anyway?” You ask as you place both plates down on the coffee table in the closeby living room.
Choso’s over in his fridge now, swiping up something to drink for the both of you, “Mmmmh, too early to talk about marriage?”
“Yeah,” You chuckle, “It’s only been a month, so-“
“Two months baby, this Friday it’ll be two months,” Choso corrects as he exits the fridge with your favorite drink in hand, “And it’s never too early to talk about marriage— that’s what people date for, no?”
“I mean, yes but…” You shrug, “I dunno…”
Choso quirks a curious brow and starts to walk over to you while you’re moving used dishes into the sink. He stops you from moving by wrapping his arms around your waist and popping his head over your shoulder.
“Baby, are you dating me for some other reason?” He asks.
You blink, “Hm? What do you mean?”
“I mean like… Y’know I’m dating you to hopefully marry you one day, right?” Choso questions.
“Oh, well… I just don’t really think about marriage, Cho.” You explain with a sheepish shrug, “I’m dating you because I fell in love with you,” Turning your head to look up at him, “Is that okay Mr. Kamo?”
Choso smiles, “Yeah that’s jus’ fine, Mrs. Kamo,” He murmurs playfully.
Your entire face flushes in heat and your eyes widen, “Ohh, do nottt call me that.”
Your boyfriend smiles, “Why? Should I be calling some other woman ‘Mrs. Kamo’?”
“Well, no,” You answer, brows tensing and lips poking out to a pout.
“Alright then, if you’re gonna call me mister anything then I’m gonna call you the accompanying missus,” Choso tells you cheerfully.
You stare for a moment and his smile deepens before you roll your eyes and look away, “Whatever, Choso.”
“Ohhh, now it’s back to Choso?” He taunts, moving to your ear, “I kinda’ liked Mr. Kamo, y’know.”
“Did you?” You ask in return, smiling a little.
“Mhm,” Choso hums, “But you can only call me that if you let me call you Mrs. Kamo,” He tells you.
You giggle, “I dunno if I’ll let you call me that but it does have a nice ring to it…”
Oh his heart swells at those words, his smile getting impossibly wider as he gushes, “Yeah? Y’like the sound of that title?”
You nod a little, “Mhm, it’s cute, I guess…”
“Ohhh baby don’t tease me like thatttt,” Choso whines, dropping his head to the crook of your neck and starting to kiss you, “Either you like the sound of my last name being yours or you don’t…”
You chuckle at both his words and the way he starts kissing your neck so sweetly, lips locking with the area that always makes you squirm in his grasp, “I do like the sound of it, Cho-, love it, but,” You suddenly turn around to him and he pulls his head away from his neck, “It’s too soon to be talkin’ about this kinda thing.”
“It’s not,” He shrugs, “I didn’t say hey let’s get married tomorrow or in a few weeks,” Choso explains through a chuckle, “I just said that I’m dating you to eventually do so. That could be years from now but I do want you to know I’m thinkin’ about it from time to time.”
You stare up into those pretty brown eyes of his, your hands rising to his face and moving to squish his cheeks, “Right, so is this your form of reassurance?”
“Mhm, I love you so much, princess and I hope to get down on one knee and propose to you one day in the future when we’re both ready,” Choso proclaims.
The smile that spreads across your face only deepens that loving emotion Choso has for you. “Aww, how romantic.”
He pouts, “S’that all I get in response?” Choso mumbles tauntingly.
You scoff, “Oh yeah you’re pretty great too.”
“Baby,” He frowns.
With a roll of your eyes and a giggle, your arms wrap around his neck and you lean closer to him, “I love you even more, Choso.” You say before kissing the tip of his nose, “You’re my happiness, my reason to smile, my peace,” Your lips move to his cheek and then they ghost his lips, “My everything. I hope we stay happy and get married one day too.”
His face is red as if he didn’t just request that you say all that to him. Swallowing hard, “Much better,” Choso teases.
“Shut up,” You snicker before kissing him.
It’s a passionate one with Choso leaning into you and his arms holding you tightly as your lips slide over one another, your tongue soon pushing into his mouth and earning a hum from him. Choso’s lips twitch into a half-smile mid-kiss and he steps forward with you, causing your lower back to hit the counter.
His tongue slips over yours and he maneuvers his way into your mouth, one of his hands sliding down to smack and then grab your ass, the contact making you jump.
“Choso-,” You gasp in between his lips, “Food’s gonna get cold,” You mumble against him.
Choso’s hand squeezes your ass and he tilts his head, slightly ignoring what you just said and kissing you more aggressively. You unintentionally moan when both his hands grab your ass and he smacks it yet again, clearly having a thing for playing with your ass.
“Cho,” You whine against him.
He pulls away from your mouth with a bit of saliva sticking to his lips, “Hm? Yes baby?”
“Our food is gonna get cold,” You whisper.
Choso nods, “I know but, we can warm it back up,” He says before suddenly dipping down and then lifting you up onto the counter.
You shake your head, “Nope, we’re not doing this again.”
“Not doing whattttt?” Choso drags out innocently as he parts your legs so that he can stand in between them.
“You can’t keep eating me out and calling it breakfast Choso,” You say sternly, referring to the past few occurrences this has happened with him, “I made you real food for a reason.”
Your boyfriend laughs and tips his head to the side, “Is your pussy not real food?”
“No, dummy, it’s not,” You tell him, tone playful.
Choso rolls his eyes, “Fills me up perfectly fine tho’,” His hands slide down to your outer thighs and he drops to kiss your neck again, “I won’t take long, I promise.”
“But I made you breakfast and if you don’t eat it I’ll be sad,” You murmur to the man, your words making him freeze all movement.
Slowly, Choso lifts his head from your neck and his eyes meet yours, “Seriously?” He asks curiously, a hint of worry in his voice.
You nod, “I told you I wanted to surprise you…”
Choso nods his head understandingly, “Alright, alright, my bad baby, I’ll eat you out some other time then. Let’s go have breakfast together like you wanted to, yeah?”
A cute smile grows on your face and the worry he had instantly fades. He carefully pulls you off the counter and gives your forehead one last kiss before you take his hand and drag him over to his living room.
There was some show the two of you had recently been watching together so you wanted to do that as you ate. Quickly seating yourselves and putting it on to enjoy a cute little breakfast together.
It was wonderful. Such a nice couple's moment shared with one another that would forever live inside your head. With a bunch of laughter and silly little comments shared between each other, you and Choso spent a great day together.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Sometime later throughout the week, there was this feeling you got in your heart— a feeling as though there were doors still open that needed to be shut.
The doors in question were ones that led to halls of feelings and memories with Gojo Satoru. 
This all spurred on Tuesday when you were cleaning your bedroom and came across that locked drawer of yours, the journal lying idly inside. Choso was lying on your bed, taking goofy pictures of himself on your phone and not paying attention to what you were doing at all.
If you were going to see Gojo again, you should tell your boyfriend, right?
Turning to him, you see him messing with the point five option on your camera and you laugh at him, earning his flustered gaze of being caught as he tossed your phone down.
“You didn’t see that, right?” Choso mumbles to you.
You’re snickering, “I did. You’re so unserious and I love it.”
He flops his head down into your pillows and groans, “Well my girlfriend’s not showing me any attention so I had to distract myself with something.”
“Oh? Is my boyfriend feeling needy for me now?” You say suggestively.
“Yes,” Choso hums, voice muffled by the pillows.
You sigh and stand up, walking over to him before plopping down on your bed beside him, “Well, that’s perfect timing because there’s something I wanna talk to you about.”
His head pops up like an excited little puppy and Choso’s eyes are wide on yours, eager to hear anything you have to say to him, “Yeah? What’s up?”
“Well, it’s somewhat of a serious conversation…” You hum nervously.
He tilts his head for a moment and then moves to sit normally, “What is it, baby?”
Taking a deep breath, you try to remember that Choso’s rather open to anything you have to say so there’s no reason to be nervous, “Okay uh, remember that other guy I told you about…”
“My competition? The one who got you that necklace on Christmas?” Choso asks for clarification.
You nod, “Mhm. Well, it’s about him.”
“Okay…” Choso says, awaiting your explanation.
“I have to see him,” You explain bluntly.
He blinks, “For…?”
“There’s… There’s this-, this thing we had together…”
“You’re not secretly the mother of his child are you?” Choso blurts out teasingly.
You snort, “No!”
Choso chuckles, “Okay, okay, so what’s the thing?”
“Uhm, it’s a journal…” You murmur timidly.
Your boyfriend tilts his head and raises a brow, “Of?”
“Memories.” You answer.
He nods, “Uhuh…”
“Memories that he and I promised to burn together.”
“Ohhh,” Choso’s brows raise and then he nods again, “That’s uh, that actually sounds rather peaceful.”
“Does it?”
“Mhm, sounds like a good way to let someone go,” Choso comments, “Why’d you feel the need to tell me?”
Your brows pinch together. Why wouldn’t you tell him? “Because you’re my boyfriend?” You say in an obvious tone.
Choso blinks, “So?”
“I-I dunno I just thought you should know!”
“I appreciate that but, I trust you.” He laughs a bit, not seeing why you got so serious over this topic, “You don’t have to tell me every little thing you’re gonna do with some guy.”
“Even though he could be considered an ex-lover?” You question.
“You’re going to completely end things with him, I think I’d be fine if you told me after the fact or not at all,” Choso claims with a shrug, “But since you did tell me, when are you gonna go do this?”
“I’m thinking tomorrow…” You explain your thought process on the matter and he nods along with you.
Then, another brow rose, “Why tomorrow? Is it some important day?”
“Well…” Your gaze drops to your lap for a moment as you think back, “Tomorrow’s Wednesday.”
“It… His complicated relationship with me started on a Wednesday.” You explain.
Choso coos, “And you wanna end it on a Wednesday?”
“Mhm…” You hum.
“Alright,” He shrugs yet again, feeling so very casual about this, “Do I need to do anything or…?”
“No, I just wanted to let you know.”
He nods, “Okay, thanks for telling me.” He says with a pleased grin on his face.
And that conversation pretty much ends there— just like that. You had to blink a few times to make sure this was real because you’re still trying to get used to problems or confusion getting solved and cleared up so quickly.
That was so much easier than you thought it was going to be.
Which is exactly why after that, Choso asks if you were gonna call the other guy and you told him you would sooner or later— to which your boyfriend insisted that you call him ASAP.
Then, before you could argue him down, Choso got up and said he’d give you space to make that phone call. He studies your body language and facial expressions all the time so he could tell that this was the kinda thing he needed to push you to do or else it would never get done.
And with that, Choso left you in your room.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
It was hard to make that phone call.
Like, really hard. Even once the call was made, hearing Gojo’s voice after so long made your heart ache. You don’t know if he realized it but he sounded so much more at peace over the phone.
The last time you spoke to him, he seemed anxious and ready for something bad to happen but this time, Gojo sounded so relaxed and at ease. It seemed as though his heart had gotten the proper time it needed to heal.
But then again, that’s just how he seemed over the phone.
“Tomorrow?” Gojo asked softly, “You wanna do this tomorrow?”
“Yeah, is that okay?” You question in return.
“Course’ it is,” He hummed, “I was wondering how long it was gonna take you to call me.”
You chuckle, “Sorry it took me a while…”
“It’s alright,” Gojo says, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Mhm…” You hum almost longingly.
“Cya, sweets,” He dismisses.
You sigh heavily and your voice is barely even there as you utter the word bye— to which he ends the call.
You’re unsure of why but you didn’t want things to end yet. This was really the last page of such a headache of a story, the rolling credits of a heart-wrenching movie…
Just as quickly as that call went by, so did the rest of your day. Choso pointed out how gloomy you seemed and he knew it was because of what you had to do the next day. Even so, he just comforted you and told you everything’s gonna be okay-, that this is for the best.
You agreed with him, knowing that this wasn’t a weight you could carry on your shoulders forever. Despite not ever learning the truth, things would just have to end here.
If anything, Gojo did promise that he’d give you the truth in some years if you still cared. So, there would always be that to look forward to…
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
The next day was cloudy. Large fluffy gray clouds decorated the sky, small peeks of sunlight escaping through the cracks every now and then. Honesty, the weather matches your mood.
Gojo sent you this location of where he wanted everything to take place and you drove out to him by yourself. Choso told you to call him if you needed him for anything and again assured you that everything would be okay.
Somewhere deep down inside he was worried that this final meeting with an ex-lover of yours would or could change something between you and him but ultimately— Choso’s trust in you overpowered that worry. You’d shown him how much you loved him too much for him to doubt you now.
As for you… You don’t think you were ready to even lay eyes on Gojo yet, having sat in your car parked not too far from the spot he’s in for roughly thirty minutes. It took some real strength for you to get out of the car and head over to him.
He was in this park-like area but it seemed rather abandoned. It wasn’t ominous or anything, just dull and void of recent activity. There was this small river that you spotted Gojo nearby and in front of him was a large metal trash can— an item that seemed to be used numerous times to burn things.
Part of you wondered if Gojo had done this kinda thing before. Yet, all thoughts went out the window when you heard him humming to something.
Raising a brow at the lanky white-haired man, you notice he’s got headphones in his ear, casually humming along with whatever he was listening to. You were smiling at his cluelessness about you being there before you even realized it.
The closer you get, you notice his music is rather loud and he’s not paying attention to anything at all. Gojo had Sober by Childish Gambino blaring in his ears and you watch as he just stops nodding his head and then his shoulders raise and fall whilst he sighs heavily.
Gojo’s head tips back and his eyes shut— lost to his thoughts and oblivious to you approaching him. He was such an angelic-looking man and you hated to admit it but even now as you approach his side, you couldn’t help but admire him.
He seemed slimmer than the last time you saw him and as you studied his face, there were eyebags beneath his sockets, the sight making your brows furrow. His hair was a mess, seeming as though he didn’t even bother to brush it into a presentable state, and yet he still managed to look as beautiful as ever.
You do nothing more than nudge his arm and Gojo’s eyes flutter open, his head slow to turn and look down at you. The eye contact lasts for a long moment and it’s like you watched his eyes light up for a moment only to dim again. Not that they dimmed negatively but, they certainly weren’t as bright on you as normal.
Gojo heaves out yet another sigh and then moves to pull his phone out and pause what he had been playing. Then, he takes out his headphones and pockets them, “Hey,” He greets simply.
You swallow, “Hi Satoru.”
Gojo pauses, smiling for a moment before chuckling, “We’re really doing this, huh?”
You tilt your head, “Yeah, why? Are you not ready?”
The man shrugs, “I dunno.”
You simply stare up at him with pretty wide eyes, the sight making his heart skip a beat as he looks off to the side.
Something comes over you and you step closer to him, lifting a hand to his face and forcing him to turn his head to you again. His eyes are slow to drag down to your expression and he’s breathing oh so softly.
You frown at him, “Have you been getting any sleep?”
Gojo chuckles nervously, “Of course-“
“Don’t lie to me,” You cut off sternly.
He eats his words and then shakes his head, “Sorry. I’ve had a few restless nights here and there but I’m fi-“
“Please Satoru, don’t tell me you’re fine when it’s so painfully obvious you’re not,” You plead, shoulders sinking, “How am I expected to ever be happy if I know you’re hurting?”
His heart jumps at your words. Why is it that you care so much? Gojo smiles a little, “I’m not hurting, I promise. I just… I can’t sleep sometimes but I’ve had that problem long before you.”
“I’ve never seen the bags under your eyes this heavy before,” You point out before removing your hands from him and sliding the bag you brought with you off your shoulder.
“Why do you pay so much attention to me?” He asks.
As you drop the bag, you bend down to pull out the highlighted item of this meet-up. “Because I care about you, dumbass,” You voice out passive-aggressively.
Gojo gives you a dopey grin, “Yeah?”
You roll your eyes at the man and then move to smack his arm while you stand to your feet, “Yes. As much as I don’t mean to, I do. I care about you a lot.”
He frowns and rubs a hand over where you hit him, dramatically acting like you actually hurt him, “Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“I do. But I’m allowed to care about you.” Your words left you as you approached the metal trash can and placed the book on top of the pile of previously burned items.
Gojo nods and reaches into his pocket for a lighter, “Fair enough.” He hums, stepping toward you and the item and staring at it for a moment, “How discreet; writing on the cover ‘list of people to seduce’.” He teases.
“Oh shut up,” You whine playfully, “I was stressed when I wrote that, okay? Hop off.”
Gojo snickers, “My bad, sweets.”
Then, he flicks the flame to his lighter and reaches in his other pocket to pull out some small bottle— the liquid inside presumably lighter fluid as he then pours it over the book and proceeds to light the item on fire.
Both of your eyes have a glint in there as the flames ignite— the warmth caressing the surfaces of your faces.
Silence overcomes the two of you and you guys just watch the journal burn. It feels like there is so much and so little to say at the same time.
Eventually, Gojo just blurts something out at random, “Both.” He hums.
You chuckle and turn your head to him, “W-What? Both what?”
“You once asked me if I love you because I blackmailed you or if I blackmailed you because I love you and my answer is both,” Gojo confesses as he turns to meet your gaze, “Through my blackmailing, I fell for you but I also did it because I loved you from the start.”
You simply blink, “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It does, you just won’t understand it.” Gojo hums, smiling a little.
With a sigh, your eyes grow pleasing, “Then help me understand, please.”
“There isn’t much more for you to understand.” He states, “I’ve given you every answer I have, love.”
“But you haven’t.” You emphasize. If it’s all over, why can’t he tell you now? “You’ve given me everything but the answer.” You say.
“Answer to what?” Gojo taunts.
“Why. Why you did everything you did?” You ask.
He snickers and is casual with his answer like always, “Because I love you.”
“You asked for an answer and I’ve given it to you nearly every time.” Gojo cuts off, “It’s always been that and it’ll never change. I did what I did because I love you, why is that so hard to accept?”
“Because that doesn’t make sense.” You argue with a scoff, “You fell for me amid your blackmail and yet you blackmailed me to begin with because you're in love with me?
“The answers are in your question.” He tells you.
Another sigh escapes, “What?”
“I’ve sacrificed everything for you, y’know.”
“How? What’s everything that you’ve sacrificed, hm?”
“You. I sacrificed the woman I love to make her happy.” Gojo admits, and of all he’s said thus far, that feels like the truest statement.
“I could’ve been happy with you.” You remind him.
He laughs, “Yeah well, I’m an idiot.”
You scoff, “That’s all you have to say?”
“Satoru, I-“
“There’s things I should’ve done differently but I can’t take it back. My mistake was loving you and my happiness is also loving you but, only in letting you go will either of us find peace.” Gojo explains finally, “You know this.”
“I do.” Shaking your head, you shrug, “But, there’s so much unanswered.”
“There isn’t.” The man chuckles so sweetly, almost in a way that says he knows it all— which he does seeing as he simply keeps you in the dark.
Groaning a bit, “Satoru-“
He just cuts you off again, “I’ve given you my truth. There’s nothing else to it.”
“Okay, fine.” You result in saying.
The soft crackle of flames engulfing the journal fills the air accompanied by the two of you breathing softly. The reflection of the flames could be seen in either of your eyes and both of you simply relaxed yourselves.
He wasn’t going to give you any non-confusing answers and, y’know what, you were okay with that. Gojo promised one day he would and you believed in said promise.
So, now it’s quiet-, peaceful even. The journal was burning and burning, all known evidence of the list and memories that came with it being ridden from the world only to lay within the minds of you and Gojo Satoru.
How it started, how it ended— only the two of you would remember-
“Y’know…” Gojo suddenly speaks, breaking the silence and lightening the mood all of a sudden, “Before we part, we should name it.”
You scoff and glance at him, “Name what?”
“The list.” He clarifies.
Blinking, you raise a brow, “Why? It has a name already; the list.”
Gojo rolls his eyes and he moves to nudge your arm, “Oh come onnnnn, that's so plain. It needs a title.”
“Why? It’s burning.” You point out bluntly.
He’s smiling, “Okay, and the title of it can burn into our heads.”
“I don’t understand the importance of a-“
“The Hit List,” He suddenly spews out.
You freeze for a moment before letting out a cackle, “The Hit List? I was seducing people, not assassinating them.”
Gojo chuckles, “Alright thennn, The Lust List.”
“Mmmh, no.” You hum.
“No? Why not?” He asks, shrugging his shoulders as he does so.
Tilting your head, your eyes ogle the burning book a bit more, “It just doesn’t feel right.”
“Uhuh…” He nods, “Okay how about The Lewd List?” He suggests as he wiggles his eyebrows in a silly manner.
You laugh at him, “Hell no!”
“Alright then picky lady, you come up with somethin’,” Gojo says with a pout.
You fold your arms and hum in thought, “The Kiss List.”
“Did a lot more than kissing though, didn’t you?” He comments under his breath.
You smack his arm and he laughs. “The Sex List, then. Since I did more than kissing.” You mock him, purposefully making your voice deeper.
Gojo’s got this big smile on his face and the sun has emerged from the clouds to shine over the two of you. “That one’s not too bad but, no.”
“No?! Well then this naming bullshit is stupid.” You result in saying as you frown playfully.
His cheeks are all flushed from both laughing with you and the heat from the flames before him, “You’re stupid.” He responds with the same energy.
“Nuh-uh.” You hum.
Gojo snorts, “Yuh-huh.”
Giggling at the banter you still have with this man, you sigh, “Okay, whatever Satoru. Come up with a name or else-“
“Oh! I got it!” He suddenly claims with a snap of his fingers.
You look at him and tilt your head, “Yeah? What?”
Gojo laughs, “Oh this is perfect.”
“What is it, dumbass?” You urge.
He freezes dramatically and gives you a slow head turn as if he were offended, “Well if you’re gonna be mean to me I’m not gonna tell you…”
“Satoru.” You blink.
He blinks twice to mock you, “Sweetheart.”
“Just tell me the damn name already.” You sigh.
Gojo, being the dramatic king he is, steps closer to you and tosses an arm over your shoulder. He leans down so his voice is near your ear and he smiles, “You’re gonna like it.”
“What is it?” You huff out impatiently.
With one last snicker, Gojo tips his head over to rest it against yours as you both watch the book burn into its final ashes— both of you smile at its destruction and then he sighs.
“When you first asked me what you’d be doing with the list of those names, what did I say?” He asks as you both keep your eyes on the idle ashes.
You relax under his touch, “You said I’d be fucking them.”
“Right so, naturally,” Gojo pauses just to build up your anticipation, “The name should be rather simple.”
Nodding, you await him to say it, “Exactly…”
His smile grows into something softer, more at peace, “So we’ll remember it as…”
This gentle exhale leaves your lips as you wait for him to just say it already.
Gojo’s careful as finally tells you, “…The F*ck List.”
“That’s…” You blink, “That’s perfect but why’d you say it like that?”
His brows furrow, “Like what?”
“Like you censored the u in fuck, it sounded like you said The Fck List instead of The Fuck List-“
“Shhh,” Gojo shushes playfully, “It’s more aesthetically pleasing the way I said it, okay?”
You giggle again, “That doesn’t-“
“Sweetheart, please.” He interrupts.
“Fine fine…” Rolling your eyes, you shrug, “I guess that’s the name then.”
“Yup, and also the end.”
“List is complete, you’re happy, I’m happy, so…” Gojo’s voice softens, “That’s the end.”
Feeling happy for some reason, you’re smiling as you speak, “Is it really?”
“Mhm…” Gojo hums and the two of you watch the dying flames as he truly speaks his final words on the matter, “…The end of The F*ck List."
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afeelgoodblog · 5 months
The Best News of Last Week - 29 April 2024
1. Net neutrality rules restored by US agency
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The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 on Thursday to reinstate landmark net neutrality rules and reassume regulatory oversight of broadband internet rescinded under former President Donald Trump.
2. Airlines required to refund passengers for canceled, delayed flights
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DOT will also require airlines to give cash refunds if your bags are lost and not delivered within 12 hours.
The refunds must be issued within seven days, according to the new DOT rules, and must be in cash unless the passenger chooses another form of compensation. Airlines can no longer issue refunds in forms of vouchers or credits when consumers are entitled to receive cash.
3. How new mosquito nets averted 13 million malaria cases
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Compared to standard nets, the introduction of 56 million state-of-the-art mosquito nets in 17 countries across sub-Saharan Africa averted an estimated 13 million malaria cases and 24,600 deaths. The New Nets Project, an initiative funded by Unitaid and the Global Fund and led by the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), piloted the use of dual-insecticide nets in malaria-endemic countries between 2019 and 2022 to address the growing threat of insecticide resistance.
4. Germany has installed over 400,000 ‘solar balconies’
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This new wave of solar producers aren’t just getting cheap electricity, they’re also participating in the energy transition.
More than 400,000 plug-in solar systems have been installed in Germany, most of them taking up a seamless spot on people’s balconies.
5. Voyager-1 sends readable data again from deep space
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The US space agency says its Voyager-1 probe is once again sending usable information back to Earth after months of spouting gibberish.
The 46-year-old Nasa spacecraft is humanity's most distant object.
6. Missing cat found after 5 years makes 2,000-km journey home
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Five years after it ran out the door, a lost cat was returned to a couple in Nevada after it was found thousands of kilometres away. The couple are praising the cat’s microchip for helping reunite them.
7. Restoring sight is possible now with optogenetics
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Max Hodak's startup, Science, is developing gene therapy solutions to restore vision for individuals with macular degeneration and similar conditions. The Science Eye utilizes optogenetics, injecting opsins into the eye to enhance light sensitivity in retinal cells.
Clinical trials and advancements in optogenetics are showing promising results, with the potential to significantly improve vision for those affected by retinal diseases.
That's it for this week :)
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billyshakesp · 1 month
One for his Lyctors
Something that will never cease to amaze me is how well TazMuir writes the Lyctors. So I'm making it your problem ;). CW: Spoilers for Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth.
Let's start off by stating the obvious: the Lyctors are old. Whenever I mention "the Lyctors" in this post, I'm referring to Jod's original crew of eight Lyctors, and, more specifically, Augustine the First, Mercymorn the First, Gideon the First, and Cytherea the First. Those four are the ones we have met at the time of writing this. And they are old. They are each ten thousand years old. However, ten thousand is a number which may not mean much to you since you (presumably) have not even reached the age of two hundred. To quickly contextualise how colossal a number ten thousand years is, just remember that written history only extends as far back as five thousand years. In not so many words, my bbygirls are not actually very baby, and are, in fact, fucking ancient.
We, as humans, do not have any living reference for a ten-thousand-year-old being, aside from an occasional tree or a sponge, or perhaps a condiment bottle so deep in the back of your fridge that it would warrant a paleontological dig, but I digress. So how does Muir write her Lyctors so effectively?
Vicious dehumanisation
One of the most striking things about the Lyctors is the dehumanisation they have suffered over the past myriad. The first thing I noticed while diving into this subject (and by diving into, I mean I took a long shower one day and pissed off my family) is that the Lyctors do not have last names, and their first names function more as titles. Furthermore, the Lyctors are referred to as the hands, fingers, and gestures of the Emperor. In short, the readers and the characters of the Locked Tomb, including the Lyctors themselves, don't see the Lyctors as individuals anymore. Rather, their sole purpose in life has been reduced to just a soldier of the Emperor. Muir really shows the effects of the Lyctors' age; they are ancient, to the point where they have lost their own humanity and the only reason for their existence that they still hold onto is to serve the Emperor.
2. Their morals
Are extremely fucked up. Like, I cannot emphasise enough how fucked up the Lyctors are as people. Their morals are twisted in a way which can only come about from ten thousand years, rotting in deep space. For example, G1deon probably makes like 56 attempts on Harrow's life, and he doesn't give a second thought about it. When the other Lyctors find him, they don't really condemn his actions the way a human would expect another human to condemn attempted murder. To the Lyctors, life and death are both abstract concepts: life has lost all its meaning to the Lyctors, and thus, they do not see value in others' lives, especially the life of another Lyctor. Especially the life of a "Half-Lyctor." Additionally, Cytherea's plot to destroy the Nine Houses, while technically noble in its intent, is just insanely messed up. Yet, it makes sense in the context of her being a Lyctor, and, furthermore, someone who has suffered abuse for the last ten thousand years. She wants to bring justice to Jod, and for her, a small genocide is completely insubstantial. These people do not value nor understand life the way a human would, because they are unbelievably old.
3. The ways they break
Every one of the original Lyctors we see has a point in which they break, and when they break, we see a glimpse of the humanity peeking through. I could do character analysis on all of the Lyctors, but that would take a really long time. In short, we, the reader, get to see shreds of the people the Lyctors once were, and yet this only demonstrates just how shattered they are under the inexorable weight of time (yes, I use inexorable excessively now that I've read these books). Muir feeds us these pieces of the Lyctors' former selves to show just how buried that former self is.
In short, Muir does such a good job writing her Lyctors. They really are some of the most beautifully tragic characters I've ever read. I'm really just compiling some of the elements which I think Muir used to achieve the effect of "this character is bloody ancient." Feel free to add anything you feel that I missed (and I'm sure I missed a lot of stuff), and thanks for reading!
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sapphosclosefriend · 9 months
- Money, Power, Glory pt 4 -
Pairing: CEO! Silverfox! Natasha Romanoff x Escort! Fem! Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, brief smut
Summary: you're finally ready to start getting to know more about each other while in Cuba. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Word count: 4k
Warnings: top! Natasha x bottom! R, Natasha has a penis, big age gap (N=56, R=24), talks of miscarriages (not R), big mommy issues, very brief smut.
A/N: this story contains smut and mature themes so anyone who isn’t 18+ DNI. I can't believe we're on schedule…if it keeps going well, the Christmas special will come out next week!!! As usual, thanks so so much to @supercorpdanbeau and @rt--link !!! As usual, likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated! Enjoy ♡
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You could barely breathe and the sounds that kept fighting to come out of your mouth over and over made it even harder for you to draw in some much needed air.
You could only lay limp on your stomach while Natasha had her weight on her hands on either side of your waist, getting enough leverage to thrust deep and hard into you and make your eyes roll back as she graced your ears with her breathless swears. She was incredibly close and, after a few more harsher thrusts that you were sure had to have made you slide up the bed at least a bit, she reached her peak with loud groans as she intently filled your pussy with all of her cum. Finally getting the chance, you tried your best to get your breathing back to normal while she stayed still inside of you and tried to do the same. You looked even more beautiful to Natasha as you lay under her. You were always ready to take anything from her, and your heavenly afterglow along with the way your pussy clenched around her while still coming down from your own peak, could've easily gotten her going once again. Sensing your tiredness, though, she immediately stopped her impure, spiraling thoughts to carefully pull out of you as gently as she could while lightly caressing the small of your back at the small hiss you tried to hide, before leaning down to land a quick peck on your bare back.
“You did so good for me”
You could only tiredly hum at the murmured praise as the older woman moved off of you to clean herself up, retrieve something to do the same to you and get a glass of fresh water. You were fighting to keep your eyes open, knowing that you could've easily fallen asleep as soon as you blocked the light coming from the large window, but you lost your battle once she came back to take care of you. You were starting to drift off as soon as her soft hand touched your shoulder to tell you she was back, but still made out her quiet chuckle once she finished her task and settled back in her spot on the bed. Feeling her gaze on you, you opened your eyes to be greeted by her lying form next to you, amusingly looking at you as you still hadn't moved an inch.
“Shut up”
Your grumbled words as you tried to look at her through only one eye seemed to be a way too entertaining show for Natasha as she fought to hide a smirk threatening to come out.
“I didn't say anything”
She was full on smiling now as you rubbed your eyes to get a better view of her.
“You don't need to”
Your sluggish movements as you did your best to find a comfortable position while turning to your side to face her would've made you almost embarrassed with any other customer, but you both knew deep down that Natasha simply wasn't any other customer. You both felt so at ease with each other and when your professionalism slipped away to leave space for genuineness, you gave her the courage for the same to happen to her and the constant control she always had even over her own self would leave some space for a more relaxed version of her you couldn't help but appreciate more and more. You admittedly felt very lucky to be able to witness the real person behind the big title and even though she was still clearly not ready to disclose too personal information about herself yet, you appreciated the effort she had put into sharing small, apparently meaningless, bits of her with you. You cherished every single word, every action, every joke, every glance and, unbeknownst to you, Natasha only felt her heart clenching more the less you asked her about herself. She would've poured her heart out to you, if only to make you happy and to satisfy your curiosity, but she knew that such a thing just wasn't possible. And seeing your clear desire to know anything you could about her, yet your restraint to do so, warmed her heart at the prospect of someone finally understanding her for once and letting her go at her own pace.
The happiness that always came from such beautiful thoughts that, by then, plagued her mind, though, was always destined to get shattered. Because she knew, deep down, that you were just doing your job after all. Yes, you were getting to know her and you wanted to do so, but you weren't actively looking to start a relationship or anything so crazy. You were just a girl being way too nice with a woman like her. Your interest couldn't possibly be as deep as hers was becoming. She just had to keep shaking the strange fluttering in her stomach away every time you looked at her like you were doing now, but your pretty eyes and your even prettier face made it impossible for her hand to stay in its place and before she knew it she was caressing your warm cheek before leaning in to leave a small peck on your lips and bashing in the incredible feeling of your touch on her.
She couldn't believe she was once again feeling disappointment, yet this time around it pierced her heart just so much harder. This time it wasn't someone else hopefully trying to get through the thick wall she had created against the outside and giving up before succeeding. This time she was the one who couldn't get to the person she seeked because such person simply didn't want her in the same way. She hated how vulnerable she felt, yet, for once, such a feeling, instead of the anger she was used to experiencing, got even more curiosity out of her. If nothing serious could happen it didn't mean that she couldn't indulge herself into knowing the most about you she could.
Noticing the goosebumps on your arms you tried not to bring any attention to, she silently got up from the bed, not bothering to cover up her godly body, to get some clothes for the both of you. As you lay alone on your side and admired the cloudy sky, free of all sun rays, the sight of the sea moving back and forth outside slightly started lulling you further into relaxation, also thanks to the oxytocin still running high through you. You didn't even hear her steps as she approached the bed once again and the warm light she turned on slightly startled you, pulling you out of your brief trance and getting your attention back to her. She was standing at the foot of the bed with her gray hair up in a messy bun and wearing only a pair of black boxers and a wrinkly band t-shirt, a kind of look you'd never seen on her. She looked pretty, like one of the truest versions of herself there was and one that made you want to hug her as hard as you could.
She was holding a pair of underwear you recognised as yours, that she probably found in your luggage, and a beige, slightly damaged, cashmere sweater you knew for sure was hers. You had seen it so many times in her house, always somewhere in case she needed it, if she wasn't wearing it already. You didn't know why, but the thought of something so simple such as Natasha having a favorite sweater made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, especially knowing that she was offering it to you now.
As you thanked her for the clothes and put them on, not even bothering to get out of bed to do so, she gathered the duvet from the floor to lay it over the bed once you sat back, letting it cover you and immediately warming you up a bit. You only wanted to admire her long legs and the snippet of her stomach as her t-shirt rode up while she got into bed, but the smell coming from the fabric on your body almost got you back into the post sex trance you just exited. The sweater sat soft like a cloud on your skin and the sleeves, a little too long for you, offered you the opportunity to ball their remaining fabric around your fists, warming up your hands and almost forcing you to move them closer to your face to fully breathe in the scent that intoxicated you. It didn't just smell like her perfume, it smelled like her, like her skin, like her hair, like Natasha.
You could've fallen asleep right then and there, with the soft sound of her even breathing and her smell clouding your mind, but you opened your eyes once her fingers gently moved a strand of hair away from your face and tenderly caressed your cheekbone once again. The second your gaze met hers, the vast ocean outside of the yacht completely disappeared, leaving you alone to drown in the greenish, addicting sea that were her eyes, instead. Gosh, how gladly you would’ve died lost in their depth.
“Can I ask you…can I ask you something about yourself?”
Her murmured question, spoken so quietly and even unsurely, pulled your mind off the beautiful endlessness of her eyes.
“Sure…I'm not that interesting, though, compared to someone like you.”
“You’re very interesting to me.”
Her small voice as she muttered the words warmed your heart like never before and almost made you tear up at the genuine interest she seemed to have over you. It was a bit hard for you to open up, certainly not as much as it was for her, but you did your best not to hold back when you could, hoping to make her trust you enough to let her guard down if she wanted to. And so, with a small nod from you, she moved to lie on her side, holding her head up on her hand, while you wiggled closer to her until you found a comfortable position to look up at her from your spot as you lay down next to her.
“What do you wanna know?”
“Everything you wanna tell me.”
You never disclosed personal information to your customers, after all it's not like they really wanted to know anything about you. Whenever they asked you something it was always out of courtesy, never of true interest, so you would just find a polite way to discreetly deviate the conversation to something they actually had interest in. But seeing the little smile on her face as she sweetly waited for your response with so much interest in her eyes, warmed your heart like never before and made you feel as though you could've never stopped yourself from telling her whatever the hell she wanted.
“Sorry, I’m usually not very good at opening up”
You tried to justify your initial silence as you thought about something to start the conversation with, your mind overcrowded by a turmoil of emotions.
“It’s fine, it doesn’t seem like it, but I like listening to people I care about. Of course you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to, though.”
The sudden warmth in your cheeks at the mention of possibly being as lucky as being someone Natasha cared about immediately lost its importance, as you tentatively looked up at her. The disappointment you were afraid to meet wasn't anywhere on her face, though, as it was only filled with what you could only describe as love and care. She was at ease, she was talking and maybe she was even more than at ease. She trusted you. You couldn't ruin such an achievement and she needed to know that you noticed and you appreciated it.
“No no, I want to, really! I want to, Natasha”
You held her soft hand in yours as you intently looked at her in the eye as a way to reassure her of your willingness and, once you tried to let go, feeling slightly ashamed of your initial eagerness with your action, you were glad to feel her hold tighten on your hand, signaling she was more than fine with the contact.
“When we got here this morning you said the smell of the ocean reminded you of your childhood, why?”
You still seemed uncertain for a moment, but her comforting, warm hand in yours and her patient silence gave you the courage you needed to start talking to her. It surprised you how at ease you felt as soon as the first word left your mouth and after that, it was as if the floodgates had been opened.
"You know, there are studies that show how the faintest of smells or scents, in a mere millisecond can trigger whole memories that you never even knew you had or that you haven't thought about in years. That always happens to me with what I call the salty sea, this warm, dry, saline smell that always makes me feel so many things. It's bittersweet.
You know, when I was a kid I'd always spend the summer with my grandparents at the seaside. My parents couldn't take time off work so I'd spend those months away from home, only the three of us. I used to love that, I was always looking forward to it: we always stayed at a very beautiful campsite, in our trailer and it was so fun, to stay in our cozy little house during those three months and have more adventures every single day. I'd go to the pool, ride my bike, play at the park, paint at the kid's club, swim in the ocean, make sand castles. And every year I'd make new friends from all over the world. Sometimes I'd never see them ever again, which was sad, but I knew that I'd meet new ones and make the pain in my heart go away.
The thing that I liked the most about those summers, though, was how sweet my mom used to be to me. We wouldn't see each other all day every day, so there wasn't the risk of me pissing her off, doing the wrong thing, saying the wrong thing, forgetting to do something, making her forget to do something. We wouldn't see each other all day every day, so her daily evening calls were only filled with love and affection from her. Every day she'd call and she'd ask me what I had done and how the new kids I met were. She'd tell me she missed me so freaking much and that she couldn't wait for me to be back home in her arms. I'd cry almost every night, because every night I'd realize just how much I missed her and that I would've left and even walked all the way back home if she missed me too much. I hated how I could hear the strain in her voice from the whole day spent at work and the pain from being away from me. She was used to not spending a lot of time together, she had to go back to work very soon after I was born and always worked very long hours, but of course it was different in those summer months.
When I got older I realized that being away from one another was actually much better than we thought: after being apart for a while, the need to be together and the way she missed me would make the side of her that wasn't always happy with life go away, at least for a little bit. She didn't get the chance of getting angry with me or me triggering a mental breakdown and her telling me that she just needed to leave dad and I and get a new life or end it all. It's funny, I never realized how fucked up it is to say something like that to a 6 years old until very little ago.
Anyway, during those summers the only thing my mom did was love me, actually, not love me, she liked me, I wasn't flawed and always doing something wrong, I was her daughter and she liked me and she loved me. And then I understood, I need to stay away from her for a little while, so that she can love me for a little bit.
So yeah, it's bittersweet, the salty sea."
You couldn’t process what just happened, but what took over your mind as soon as you finished talking wasn’t the shock from being able to disclose such information to someone who wasn’t family or your therapist, but the fear of having ruined for good whatever small traces of a connection you had with Natasha thanks to your uncontrolled rambling. She said “everything”, but what if it was too deep? She said “everything”, but what if she wasn't ready to tell you something like that about herself and you made her feel forced to do so? She said “everything”, but what if you had built her wall back up with your own hands?
Sensing the panic you were almost perfectly hiding, she gently pulled you against her chest to hold you in her arms and kiss the top of your head before the “sorry” you had ready for her could leave your lips. Pulling back, she finally admired your beautiful face once again, feeling a bit more reassured at the slightly lessened, yet still present, traces of tension on your features. You looked small, young, younger than you were, with almost imperceptible traces of childhood you still seemed to unknowingly hold onto behind your eyes. You looked young because you were young and for the first time with her you didn't try to hide yourself behind a closely crafted composed facade that sometimes didn't fully fit you.
“And how is it now? If I can ask.”
"We don't really see each other anymore, except for the holidays sometimes, but we're not on bad terms at all. We always text and talk through the phone. It's just that her calls now feel like those old summer ones, always so sweet"
She didn’t respond to you, but she didn’t need to say anything, you understood how hard it could be for someone like her to express herself with her words. Her eyes and the warmth of her arm, still holding you in a loose hug, easily made you understand anything she would’ve wanted to express to you.
You tried your best to be as open as you could, but you knew you needed to take your mind off of certain things before your mood would’ve been ruined for the whole weekend and you still wanted to try to get to know at least something more about Natasha. You had to try, at least.
“Can I ask you why you like this sweater so much?”
You didn’t know where that question came out of, maybe the thought had been bugging you for way too long and your mind pulled a trick on you. Great, now she must’ve really thought you were crazy for good.
“I’m sorry, it must sound dumb”
You tried to brush it off with a small, pathetic laugh as you lowered your head to hide from her out of embarrassment, internally facepalming at your impulsiveness, but her hand on your arm, softly rubbing her thumb over it gave you the courage to look back up at her.
“No, not at all!”
The slight worry in her eyes, at first caused by the sight of your discomfort from your own question, soon turned into the usual worry she felt at the prospect of sharing certain aspects of her life with someone else. But the more she looked at you, the more the deep, gnawing feeling slowly got replaced by the mere melancholy of what the answer to your question consisted of. She knew it would’ve been hard but for once she wanted to do it, for once she wanted to try to open herself for someone she knew would’ve been willing to accept what came with her. And so she took the leap of faith.
“I know I have a poor reputation in terms of marriages, everyone apparently knows about it. I also know it was my fault for not making it work out every time, but if I have to be honest I never felt too…bad about myself for it. I mean, I know I’m not perfect and I have too many things to think about to try to be someone I’m not for the sake of a wife. I think the only oth-…time I did was with my first wife.
I got to know Maria when I was in college and as soon as I graduated we got married, got a house and I started working a shitty office job. We struggled for a bit, I wasn’t making a lot of money and she was working as a waitress, but I did anything I could to make our lives better and finally I got a pretty good promotion. That sweater was one of the first things I bought for myself and, I know it sounds stupid, but every time I looked at it, it reminded me that I had power over my life and we could finally have a decent life, I could give her a decent life. I was so happy, not only because I knew I could’ve done more for her, but I was also proud of myself, I mean, I liked my job.
I only realized just how much time I was spending away from home, away from her, when she told me she wanted to have a baby. We had more than enough money for it but I knew that my focus wasn’t at home back then. At first I tried to make any excuses I could, but eventually I just gave in. I think she noticed that I was doing it more for her than for me, but, if she did, she didn't mention it. We tried for a bit and at first it didn't work, but eventually she got pregnant. And she was so happy after all those months, she was over the moon. Of course I was happy we were expecting, but I could still feel my focus being somewhere else…and then she lost the baby and I was so stupid I barely even said I was sorry. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to help her…
We tried to go on for a bit and I knew I couldn't help her out emotionally, so I did what I know how to do best. I worked more and I bought her more stuff and I brought her on more trips but it was all for nothing and that sweater now reminded me that I couldn't be what she needed, that I wasn't perfect.
I cared, after she left me, then I didn't and now I know I just can't be perfect.”
You could still see some small hints of fake confidence she was so used to displaying, but the insecurity and sadness still drenched her words as she avoided your gaze at all costs. You could see her trying to get some last words out and her slightly shaky breathing almost got you worried for her.
“You know, I don't give a shit about what people think of me…but…you make me wanna be perfect”
Her brows were knitted as she tentatively whispered her words, almost as if she couldn’t understand such a concept. She didn't do what she was so used to be doing, what she had done with all of her wives. She didn't do her best just as a way to avoid you getting mad, she did it because she felt you deserved to always be with her best self, nothing less.
Everything was different with you, everything felt different…
Part 5
Tags: @fxckmiup @natashasilverfox @dmenby3100 @marvels--slut @dvrkhcld @elenimoris @mrsrushman @mrsromanoff @thalia-is-not-ok @alianovnasposts @clintsupremacy @taliiiaasteria @meowymari @lissaaaa145 @natashaswife4125 @olsenmyolsen @angrywhisperslove @aemilia19 @setsuna1415 @letsboandy @mrsromanovaa @wizardofstories @karsonromanoff
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animusrox · 2 years
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1.   The Batman 2.   Everything Everywhere All at Once 3.   Prey 4.   Triangle of Sadness 5.   Barbarian 6.  The Northman 7.   Bodies Bodies Bodies 8.   The Banshees of Inisherin 9.   Bones and All 10.   Avatar: The Way of Water
Grade A
11.   Turning Red 12.   The Menu 13.   Babylon 14.   Hit the Road 15.   Cow 16.   Watcher 17.   Funny Pages 18.   Mad God 19.   On the Count of Three 20.   Armageddon Time 21.   Terrifier 2 22.   Marcel the Shell with Shoes On 23.   Smile 24.   Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 25.   Holy Spider 26.   Aftersun 27.   The Fabelmans 28.   Breaking 29.   Decision to Leave 30.   The Whale 31.   All Quiet on the Western Front 32.   Brian and Charles 33.   Piggy 34.   Saint Omer 35.   Thirteen Lives 36.   Men 37.   The Fallout 38.   Resurrection 39.   Causeway 40.  The Black Phone 41.   Official Competition 42.   Nope 43.  Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 44.   Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood 45.   Till 46.   TÁR 47.   Happening 48.   A Love Song 49.   The Outfit 50.   The Innocents 51.   Jackass Forever 52.   BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths 53.   Montana Story 54.   Three Thousand Years of Longing 55.   You Won’t Be Alone 56.   The Sadness 57.   Halloween Ends 58.   Pearl 59.   X 60.   Vesper
Click "Keep Reading” For My Full List
Grade B
61.   This Place Rules 62.   Fresh 63.   Windfall 64.   Kimi 65.   No Exit 66.   Top Gun: Maverick 67.   “Sr.” 68.   Farha 69.   The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 70.   Weird: The Al Yankovic Story 71.   Nitram 72.   Speak No Evil 73.   Run Sweetheart Run 74.   She Said 75.   White Noise 76.   Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 77.   V/H/S/99 78.   The Wonder 79.   Women Talking 80.   Hatching 81.   Soft & Quiet 82.   Scream 83.   To Leslie 84.   Hustle 85.   Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers 86.   Dual 87.   God’s Country 88.   Emancipation 89.   Vengeance 90.   Fire of Love 91.   Bullet Train 92.   Incantation 93.   The Valet 94.   Hellraiser 95.   Christmas Bloody Christmas 96.   Significant Other 97.   Cha Cha Real Smooth 98.   Lucy and Desi 99.   Not Okay 100.   A Christmas Story Christmas 101.   Blonde 102.   Deadstream 103.   Sissy
Grade C
104.   The Bad Guys 105.   The Cursed 106.   Empire of Light 107.   A Man Called Otto 108.   Broker 109.   Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 110.   The Princess 111.   Beast 112.   After Yang 113.   RRR 114.   Fall 115.   Jackass 4.5 116.   Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe 117.   Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 118.   Jennifer Lopez: Halftime 119.   Lightyear 120.   The Pale Blue Eye 121.   The Woman King 122.   Violent Night 123.   God’s Creatures 124.   Ambulance 125.   Elvis 126.   You Are Not My Mother 127.   Emily the Criminal 128.   Crimes of the Future 129.   The Apology 130.   The Lost City 131.   Wendell & Wild 132.   Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99 133.   The Found Footage Phenomenon 134.   See How They Run 135.   Spiderhead 136.   Studio 666 137.   Bros 138.   Spin Me Round 139.   We’re All Going to the World’s Fair 140.   Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank 141.   Honor Society
Grade D
142.   Thor: Love and Thunder 143.   Summering 144.   Strange World 145.   Glorious 146.   The Gray Man 147.   Devotion 148.   Clerks III 149.   The Forgiven 150.   Enola Holmes 2 151.   Father Stu 152.   Jurassic World Dominion 153.   DC League of Super-Pets 154.   She Will 155.   The Bob’s Burgers Movie 156.   Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody 157.   Hellbender 158.   Samaritan 159.   Day Shift 160.   Sonic the Hedgehog 2 161.   Prey for the Devil 162.   Troll 163.   Uncharted 164.  Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile 165.   Dashcam 166.   Firestarter 167.   Do Revenge 168.   Catwoman: Hunted 169.   The Munsters 170.   Amsterdam 171.   Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Grade F
172.   Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris 173.   The Bubble 174.   Dead for a Dollar 175.   Jerry & Marge Go Large 176.   Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. 177.   Infinite Storm 178.   Marry Me 179.   Don’t Worry Darling 180.   Spirited 181.   Disney's Pinocchio 182.   Alice 183.   Black Adam 184.   Orphan: First Kill 185.   The Adam Project 186.   The Invitation 187.   Texas Chainsaw Massacre 188.   Ticket to Paradise 189.   The 355 190.   Umma
Bottom 10
191.   Green Lantern: Beware My Power 192.   Deep Water 193.   Where the Crawdads Sing 194.   Blacklight 195.   Mack & Rita 196.   Memory 197.   Me Time 198.   Death on the Nile 199.   Morbius 200.   Moonfall
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sugugasm · 2 years
𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 - toji fushiguro
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· ₊ ⊹ SYNOPSIS — toji knows just how to get back at your ex.
「❀」 pairing : toji fushiguro x black fem! reader
「❀」 content warning : minors do not interact ! dad’s bestfriend toji, age gap ꒰ toji is forty and reader is in her late twenties ꒱ missionary, fingering, use of the word bitch - during sex - just once, use of pet names such as ꒰ sweetheart, pretty, slut ꒱
「❀」 word count : 3.6K whoop whoop !!
「❀」 author’s note : hiii !!! here’s me re-uploading this edited version of tastiest revenge - apart of my friendship is magic series - bc tumblr took it down the first time :/ i wanted to put out the gojo fic first but due to school starting, i realized how busy i’ve become :0 please enjoy & interactions n reblogs are always loved <33
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you were taken aback when toji answered your call. not only was the time 10:56 PM, but it was also the middle of the week. you ought to been fast asleep in your apartment by now, getting a good night's rest for whatever the world had in store for you tomorrow. but, alas, you were slouching on toji fushiguro's porch, your clothes drenched from the light rain and your makeup smeared from all the tears you'd let fall down your pretty face.
toji stands up from his recliner and looks around before hurriedly opening the door. his heart nearly bursts from your change in vigor. the hesitant, kindhearted disposition you always possessed seems to have been lost just about now; you have a slight pout on your face and stare up at him with imploring eyes.
he swiftly draws you into the warmth of his chest and shut the door behind him without you having to speak another word. his contact causes your body to tremble, and the rumble from his chest doesn't do you credit. all you could hear was him repeatedly mumbling phrases like ‘speak to me’ and ‘i’m right here.’
he allows you a brief minute to collect your thoughts as your nose started to run due to all the sniffling you'd been doing. as he goes into the kitchen, you take a seat on one of the three cushions, letting your head rest against the seat. toji could be seen pouring tea into a lovely glass mug out of the corner of your tearful eyes.
“you wanna’ tell me what brings you here?” he asks, settling into the couch and leaving you both with just enough space. you were completely silent. that bubbly, talkative spirit you usually had was much more comforting compared to the silence he was experiencing right now. you looked completely drained— almost as if someone had completely stripped you from your joy.
“im sorry, toji. i didn’t mean to impose l-like this,” you utter and he chuckles. he gathers the remote in his hand and turns the tv down, figuring you were ready to vent.
“it’s not a bother at all, yn. y’know that.”
you weakly smile, taking a sip of the warm liquid given to you. a deep sigh leaves your lips, “he cheated. like.. a lot.”
before you finished speaking, you could see toji clench his jaw. your former boyfriend, or ‘a fucking bastard,’ as toji used to describe him, was a dumbass. toji wasn't surprised when you discussed this matter, given that the kid was well known for his horrible reputation with the ladies at your uni. since the minute he shook his hand at your birthday all those months ago, he was able to tell that the youngster was a jackass.
the son of a bitch was disrespectful when toji first met him. he spoke of you as if you were merely an item on his arm or a tool at his disposal. he was a real asshole and a heartbreaker; he wasn't your typical old bum of a man, and toji could read him from a mile away.
the kid wore a smug look on his face, only a look of someone without pure intentions would have. he was playing you the entire time and it was easy to see from the eyes of someone who was once a player his damn self.
you see, toji was irritated by the notion that someone could be so foolish as to lose a woman like you. someone who was so understanding, determined to get what she wanted, clever, and humorous in response to everything said to her.
blind. he had to be blind is all.
“a video was posted of him today. he was kissing another girl at some party,” yet another stray tear fell from the brim of your eye and there toji was to wipe it away, “i’m such an idiot.”
no you aren’t.
“nah, he’s a dumbass, and i’ll be damned if i have to sit here and watch you cry over something that isn’t your fault.”
you take a tiny pause in an effort to contain the tears that were on the verge of escaping. of course, none of this was your fault, but for some reason, you felt that you had to bear some responsibility. you made a foolish decision by disobeying all the guidance you had been given, and as a result, you are again stuck with the consequences. given that your father and toji had warned you about the man from the start, you were surprised that he had the strength to even talk to you about it.
“i just- i just should’ve listened to you, that’s all.”
toji sighs, grabbing ahold of your hands and squeezing them gently, “it’s a bad time to say i told you so, so i’m just gonna’ say i’m glad that you’ve come to your senses. he was a dickhead.”
toji noticed you smiling for the first time tonight, so his clumsy joke must have succeeded. genuinely. after your brief burst of laughter, you kept your gaze fixed on toji’s flatscreen without saying a word. the house's four walls reverberated with the faint sound of a local broadcaster's voice as the two of you sat in quiet comfort.
he hopes he won't have to be the one to break the news by asking, “does your father know?” he despised doing things behind his back, but if you wanted him to, he could keep a secret. you admired that you could talk to toji about nearly anything, which was one of his best qualities. he wasn't patronizing or disciplining like your dad.
yes, you adored your old man dearly, but there are instances when hearing someone else's point of view than that of a parent can be quite beneficial. toji. would undoubtedly advise you of right and wrong, but he would never make you feel bad about yourself.
we’re human beings and we all make our fair share of mistakes.
by this time, you were no longer sobbing and you were getting a little bit closer to the man. his side profile is followed by your suckling eyes as you savor his sensitive features. even though you've known toji since you were in your early twenties, you've always thought he was gorgeous, but time has been kind to him. as excellent wine ages, so was he. hell, he probably tasted as delicious as he appeared—
toji starts, somewhat unexpectedly, “y'know, for what it's worth, i think you're an amazing woman." he fumbles with the silver chain dangling from his chest before saying, “you’re pretty, you're smart, and you make a mean pho.”
pretty. he called you pretty.
toji’s solemn face prompts you to hastily cover your smile as he adds, “you didn't deserve to be treated that way- and i hope you know that.” you could feel a hand gently caressing your arm. his calluses brushed against your skin as he held it in a warm, rough manner. the gesture almost made you want to pant like a bitch in the heat, even if you had no idea why or how.
he murmurs, “i don't ever wanna' see you cry like that again,” as his dark irises finally contact yours and you two exchange a soft look. unknown to you at the time, something was causing you to approach a little bit more closely than you had intended. you long for a kiss as your gaze moves from his lips to his eyes and back again.
as you prepare to make what would likely be one of your biggest mistakes yet, you close your eyes. you decrease the distance between you two to just a few inches by placing your lips on his. toji ought to have pushed you away at the first moment, but he was driven to submit. the way your mouth felt against his was just so effortlessly natural.
perhaps the novelty of being alone or the warmth of his body against yours is responsible for you feeling this way right now, but all you want is to continue feeling him like this forever.
toji grabs the nape of your neck while you moan into the kiss, luring you in. you take the initiative to straddle his lap as you start to feel a pool between your thighs, your covered pussy pressing on his crotch as you exchanged saliva.
to your surprise, toji pulls away when you ask for more by licking his bottom lip. even before returning to reality, you managed to feel the remorse beginning to rise in your stomach.
“m’ sorry. i don’t- i don’t know what i was thinking,” you mumble, quickly climbing off of his lap and back into your previous position. “i’m sorry. fuck- i’m sorry. i shouldn’t- we shouldn’t-“ you go on, but all that came out of your apology was a weak, anxious whine. toji simply sits there, likely attempting to process what just happened.
you were scared, but you were also humiliated. toji was not only your father's closest friend, but also his business partner. this could endanger his friendships, family, and profession.
you can't bring yourself to say anything else. you start to gather your things and get ready to go to the door, but just as you stand up, a hand delicately grabs hold of your wrist.
“you want me?”
“toji- i didn’t mean to-“
“yes or no?”
as you swallow, your chest rises and falls from the kiss's delirium. toji manspreads while keeping his hands on his lap and waiting for your response, tapping his foot on floor. he did have an issue with staring. his eyes gave off the impression that they would cut straight through you.
you say, "y-yes," but it sounds more like a moan. when toji hears this, he gets up from his chair and approaches you slowly. his hands were in the pockets of his gray sweats, and he had a smirk on his face. he continues moving until he is directly in front of you, his shirt showing his hardened nipples.
“say it with your chest, yn. did you not just kiss me? or was i imagining things?”
his taunting tone of voice not only annoyed you, but it turned you on too. he tilts his head to the side and looks you up and down, eyes following your curves, “toji, i want you.”
that was all he needed until it was his turn to attack your mouth with pecks. pecks turned into drawn out kisses and those eventually escalated to biting and sucking on one another’s lips. your noses chafed together as toji groans into your mouth. while your tongues danced to the rhythm of desire, toji’s hand came between your pants and the waistband of your pink panties. he shoves his palm inside the lousy fabric to cup your cunt in his hand.
he flicks his middle finger at your folds as you whimper, "want more, please." he can feel your lust on the tip of his knuckle. “i need you,” your nails skim the happy trail under his shirt, causing toji to grunt. the poor guy had no idea how much power you had over him.
“are you gonna’ regret it?” you ask, and yes, it was blunt of you, but you wondered if he was truly aware of the consequences of this action. you had to think of it from his perspective too.
toji was currently obtaining a happy life. he lived a peaceful existence with just him and his son and had a profession that was more than well compensated, but you? you were a grown woman—twenty eight, to be precise—and although you may have acted impulsively, it may have been just what you wanted. but want eventually turns to greed, and you’d hate to do damage to his conscious over your behavior.
“why would i regret you?”
you wanted to spend the evening lusting over his wonderful words— hearing him tell you the sweetest things, but no matter how sincere and charming his question was, your thoughts were elsewhere.
toji and you each had the ability to choose your own paths. everything you've done up to this point has been deemed inappropriate, and even if he were to stuff you full of his cock, it wouldn't matter. this was already out of line as is.
you make the decision to take matters into your own hands and carry on the passionate makeout session by encircling his neck with your arms. you can feel toji's hands pinching your ass cheeks as he begins to cup them to enfold you in his arms. he sits down on the sofa with you still in his grasp, allowing you to straddle his lap as before.
the hard cock sitting pretty in his sweats did nothing but rub up against you. as much as you wanted to take it slow, you couldn’t suppress the urge to let him have his way with you.
“‘ima fuck you so good, princess. so much better than he ever has,” he utters. you lift your hips up to give him room to finally take his aching cock out of his sweats. while doing so, he doesn’t dare take his eyes off of you.
"look at what you do to me, love," to put it mildly, you were in wonder as he grabbed hold of your chin and lowered your head between you both. first the middle, then the base was displayed. the thin pubic hairs that were still attached to his skin were somewhat cut, lying flat against his shaft as the tip of him flashed a brilliant pink.
as his cock stood up, toji flexed his lower abdomen to move it a little. each time he did this, his cock tapped against your belly, creating a pat.
“big huh? it’ll fit, don’t worry,” he ends his sentence with a wink and grasps on to your ass cheeks again, this time, parting them slowly. as you lift up, his cock aligns with your hole, leaking and eager for some attention.
“please be careful. it’s been a while,” you mumble. you turn to look away but he only comforts you, “i will. i promise.”
as toji entered you, your pussy revealed how horny you truly were. your sopping cunt slobbered around him inch by inch, little by little. your juices had covered his cock and made it easier for your walls to expand, adjusting to his size.
the burn causes your mouth to hiss. feeling him wriggle his way in like this made you feel like a virgin all over again. he had the kind of dick you had to mentally prepare yourself for; the kind that, after only two or more minutes, would have you crying and trembling in his hands.
“focus, yn. just focus on us, for right now.” he didn’t have to tell you twice. how could you not focus on just this? toji had your head spinning and your insides bubbling like never before. it’d be hard to think of anything or anyone else other than him, “you’re so deep- shit!” mushing your ass in his hands, he lifts you up and down his cock, making you feel each and every bit of him. toji bites back a moan when you start to become more comfortable— hips moving with his and your ass melting in his palms.
arms incoherently wrap around toji’s neck as he digs deep, moaning into your ear, “you don’t understand how good you feel. can i go faster? wanna’ make you cum all over my lap like the good girl i know you are.” you practically scream yes and immediately after, you hear a clapping sound.
your ass slamming against toji’s thighs was the cause of the ruckus, you realize as you turn to face the source of the noise. as you watch toji’s cock slip in and out of your pussy, he raises his head to stare at the side of your face, getting excited at how hard you clenched down in him as you watched him fuck you vigorously.
“look at how good you’re doing. takin’ that dick like it’s yours. you look so pretty like this.”
his encouraging words appeared to have given you self-assurance. using both of your forces to fill yourself, you start to slam down on him. you felt as though you were handling a lot at once, but you hardly cared enough to flee. god, did it feel wonderful to be taking dick like a pro.
“ooo- it's stretching me, toji! feels so fuckin’ good. i love it so much.” one thing toji picked up from this was how much of a screamer you were. every thrust ended with another high-pitched moan grumbling from your chest.
“you’re a loud lil’ thing, aren’t you? hope the neighbors don’t mind too much, but they’ll understand, right? i’m fuckin’ you so well they’ll have no choice but to understand.”
it was so easy for him to utter such derogatory phrases knowing the conditions his life would be in after— but he felt like he was compelled to. he loved the sensation of listening to your pussy becoming wetter with each passing stroke. incredibly responsive— his favorite.
his thoughts began to flow as a result of your hands grabbing at his shoulders. you were so desperate that you were delighted to accept whatever he was putting down, “i can’t believe mr. ln’s daughter is such a dirty little bitch. how do you think he’d feel knowin’ i’m ruining you like this, hm?”
that was when you came. something about the secrecy just made you all the more ablazed. although this might’ve been just a temporary feeling, you clamored for more— hollering his name and the curses that trailed behind it.
“m’ cumming! m’ cumming- fuck me, toji!”
he laughs, “how good is it, slut? tell me, how’s it feel?”
you could barely produce a single sound. you could only hold your mouth ajar and let out broken whines. your body was drowning in a sheen coat of sweat and your pussy was a bit sore, but you wanted to cum again.
“it feels a-amazingh,” you babble, unable to even utter the pronunciation of your words as he continues to poke at your g-spot. he was fucking you through it, talking you through it, and pulling you right into his grasp to swallow your whines with his mouth.
after he wrung out the last of your juices, he quickly lifts you up and places you on your back. he could now see just how pretty your pussy truly was. two plumped folds sitting on either side of a puffy clit that was in need of some sucking and a cute hole that ached for good dick.
a dream. a dream indeed.
toji wasted no time slipping it in, feeling your walls comfort his cock like a warm hug. every stroke was tender, but he was so slutty. the chain dangling from his neck beamed in your face and out of instinct, you tug on it a little to pull him down. taking a second to indulge in his features. he was so fucking sexy, especially like this— jet black hair sticking to his forehead, muscle tee drenched in sweat, and his small, hidden whines slipping in every now and then. you couldn’t believe you hadn’t done this sooner.
“i-i love this. love your dick so much- makes m-me feel so happy, toji.” now it was your turn to make your words dig deep, bringing him to the checkpoint with just a few praises.
“don’t say shit like that- fuck.”
you bring your hands to his face to cup his cheeks. you gently press your forehead against his and continue whispering sweet nothings against his lips.
“i can’t believe you’re fucking me like this— like you’ve wanted me for so long. you must love this pussy, huh? love when i take you like this?”
you take note of his sudden shudder, his strokes slowly becoming harder as his breath hitches near your ear, “yn, you better fuckin’ stop.”
“i can’t help it, toji. you just fuck me so much better,” you gasp and reached your arms around his neck, burying your head in his neck. you clench around him, and toji nearly loses it. the knot was finally beginning to unravel, his stomach was fluttering, and he was a bit tired, but he was so close— and you were too, again.
“where do you want me, sweet girl? i’m gonna’ to cum,” he asks, and you answer with a stream of yeses and ‘inside inside’. on command, you feel the wave of toji’s cum filling you full. your pussy wet him up with yet another orgasm and you practically collapse.
toji continues to fuck you through your climax, as well as his own. he was being nothing but dirty, yet a hint of weet. whispering things like ‘good girl’ and ‘i’m so proud of you’ over and over. your head was empty and so was your energy scale. you wanted nothing more than a nice soak in a warm bath to attend to your sore figure.
toji pulls out of you, leaving a airy noise being him when he does. his dick was coated in white, and he was still hard as you were wet, but you were both far too exhausted to give it another go.
he sees some of his cum dripping from your pussy and scoops it onto his index finger. lifting that same hand to your mouth, your lips immediately part to taste the mess the two of you made, “revenge tastes sweet doesn’t it?” he asks as you suck on his fingers until completely clean, letting out a moan while doing so.
as he stands to his full height, he stares down at your limp limbs and shakes his head in disbelief, “i didn’t kill ya’ did i?” he breathlessly laughs. you weakly smile and flip him off as he heads down the hall.
eventually toji returns, watching quietly as your lashes kiss your cheeks with exhaustion. still under a trance, he takes a towel he’d gotten from the bathroom to smooth your back and thighs, making sure to get between them as well. as he finishes, you could feel a delicate kiss being planted behind your ear.
his act as a caretaker drove you into a deep sleep, and he was left to reflect on what took place night. he might be jobless, and friendless in morning, but for right now, he’d rather fall asleep to the sound of your breaths as you lay your head on his chest— dreaming of the life you deserve.
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©️ SATORUBI 2023 please do not copy, repost as your own, or translate any of my work without my knowledge <33
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byunpum · 2 years
Experiment 56 [part 7]*FINAL*
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Neteyam x Human reader ( like a mix of human and Navi )
Others pairs: Quaritch x reader (platonic) , sully fam x reader
Tw: neteyam baby , reader being mutant, neytiri being a sweetheart-mother, kinda Sad, Quaritch is an anti-villain?, soft stuff , all the characters are aged up 20's.
POV: Y/N is surprised that it is an indispensable piece for the human race. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe…
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Experiment 56 sequel
Note: Well… here is the final part of this series. "Experiment 56". To be honest, I didn't think that so many people would like my idea <3 If you want an alternative ending. Or you want me to expand on a part. You can send me a message. And don't forget that the requests are open, and I work with all the characters. Well that would be all, I hope you like it a lot!!!
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"What do you mean she's pregnant?" asks Lyle as he looks at Quaritch. "You and her…" Quaritch hits him over the head. "don't be an asshole, how am I going to get her pregnant, I've barely known her for 2 weeks…idiot" say Quaritch, as he sits down on one of the aisle seats. "We need to get her out of here, Lyle" Miles speaks, as he plays with his fingers on his hand. "Colonel with all due respect… but are you out of your mind? What's going to happen to us? "Lyle says as he sits down in the seat next to him. "What's going to happen? Lyle, what are we doing here?" Quaritch confronts Lyle. "They order us various missions, we go and do it, we're like watchdogs for these shitty people. For what? For nothing… we are no longer human, even the memories we have don't belong to us" There was a silence between the two men, lyle knew it was true what the man was saying. "I don't know what I'm doing here lyle, I feel lost" Quaritch says. "And what do you plan to do with y/n?" Lyle gives up, he wasn't going to leave his boss alone.
They need to be quiet, they are conscious that there are cameras everywhere. Quaritch moves closer to lyle's seat. "We need to plan something… but she needs to get out of here. I have a feeling what they're going to do to her is not at all pleasant." Lyle pulls his sunglasses off his head, as he runs his hands back and forth across the back of his neck. The colonel had lost his mind. " It's okay, I'm in… you're lucky I actually like that girl" lyle says, as Quaritch smiles a little. The moment is interrupted when a nurse walks out the door. "You guys are accompanying experiment 56?" the woman asks. My god, how awful that sounded. "Yes" says Miles, as he stands up. "Can only one person go through" says the woman. Lyle signals Quaritch for him to come in. "I'll wait here, go!!!" says lyle. "oh, wait…give her this candy, she gonna love it".
Miles follows the nurse, down the cold hallway of the nursing area. "It's over there, in space 4" the woman points to the blue curtains. Miles heads in that direction, until she slides the curtain. You were awake, half sitting up on the bed. He noticed how your face lit up at the sight of him. "Miles!!! You're here!!!" you say with a big smile on your face. "Hi little girl…" miles comes over, he is surprised when you come over and give him a hug. You were little so you were hugging his trunk. A smile breaks out on miles' face. In just two weeks, you had moved his whole world. This confirmed to him that he had to help you get out of here.
"Thank you for helping me, I was really feeling bad" you say, as you settle onto the bed. You watch as Quaritch sits up and looks at you with concern. "Do you know the results yet?" the man asks. "What results? Am I sick?" you ask. "Well… if you put it that way, yes. And it will last you about 9 months." Quaritch says, as he continues to look at your face, studying your expressions. There is silence in the cubicle, until you understand what the soldier just told you. "I'm pregnant?" you look at Quaritch. "Affirmative ma'am" Quaritch waits for you to respond. "but…it was the first time I…" you look at Quaritch shyly, you didn't want to talk about your intimacy with the man, but it's not like you had a choice. "Well…that can happen. You were in your fertile days and boom…a baby" Miles says, trying to sound funny. But he sees how your face is turning red and tears are pooling in your eyes. "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Quaritch tries to comfort you. " I'm having a baby and I'm not with neteyam" you start to cry. "no, no, no, don't cry, relax. I have good news" you look at Miles curiously. "what news?" you say whimpering. "I'm going to help you get out of here, I don't know when it will happen… but I'll help you" Quaritch says, as he adjusts a strand of your hair. You two make eye contact for a moment, and for the first time you could see how their expressions had relaxed. And you could notice the sincerity in their eyes.
Mo'at had always said that you had the ability to communicate with eywa, before moving to the aquatic clans. You and Kiri were apprenticed to Mo'at. You were learning how to prepare medicines, and how to connect with and interpret eywa decisions. Mo'at always said that you two were talented, that eywa had chosen you. This must be some kind of sign from eywa. "thank you" you say as you continue to look at him, miles blushes a little. "Are you blushing?" you laugh a little. "no, it's just that…" Quaritch tries to apologize, you push him a little and get comfortable on the bed. "Don't worry soldier… I awaken low passions in people." You laugh a little. "oh yeah, yeah …. such a player" he jokes with you, and pulls a small piece of candy out of his pants pocket. "Here's a Cinnamon candy, Lyle sent it to you" Miles hands it to you. "Mmm what is this?" you've never seen anything like this before. "It helps with nausea…and it tastes good" you take the wrapper off, pop it in your mouth. "hey …. I like it…ohhh" you feel the spicy taste in your mouth. "it stings a little, watch out" Quaritch laughs, as he watches you continue to eat. "I wish neteyam, was here and knew the news…he would be so happy" you say as Quaritch looks at you. "neteyam is a great man" You say as your gaze is lost somewhere.
Quaritch could see how in love you were, and could even notice the hint of sadness in your tone of voice. "you can stay longer with me, I don't want to be alone" Quaritch laughed, and settled closer on the bed. At that a lyle peeks through the blue curtain. "May I come in?" he asks, as he enters and sits in the chair next to the gurney. "Well… did you get the candy?" lyle asked. " yes, thank you… do you have any more of those?" you ask lyle, he bursts out laughing and starts digging through his pockets for more candy. Maybe they weren't the best people in the world, but at this moment they were to you.
Hours later you arrive at your room, still feeling sick. You are sure that the tests and everything that was happening was affecting you. And now…now you had a creature growing inside of you. You knew that these people were going to study more about the pregnancy, that they were going to do painful tests. But you had to take quaritch's word for it, he said he would help you get out of this place. You had no choice. You were a little bored and started looking in the drawers of the different closets to see what you could find, and you saw a little black box. It had a note written on it. "Here are more cinnamon candies, I brought you a whole bag… and there is a communicator, if you want… try to contact your family. You only have a few minutes, but I hope that helps. With love… Lyle" You opened the box as fast as you could, and it was true… there was the communicator. You laughed and ran to the bathroom, you didn't want anything to be seen by the cameras. You turned on the communicator and set the signal codes of the neteyam communicator. You had these devices, as Jake had taken them in one of the altercations he had with the people in the sky. Everyone in the family had one. Your hands were shaking, you could finally hear his voice after almost three weeks. The signal was very bad, so you climbed up on the toilet, near a small window. Trying to look for a signal. " Damn…connect!!!!" you curse, while still balancing.
Meanwhile at the refuge, spirits were low. The days were not the same. Neytiri tried to be strong, but couldn't help crying when she was alone. Loak, kiri, spider and tuk were trying to go about their daily lives, but it was almost impossible. Jake was losing his mind, every day….. He spent hours trying to figure out what to do to rescue you, with norm's help. But neteyam… was a lost cause, or so said neytiri. He would barely eat, he would wander around the common areas, he would go to the spirit tree to pray for your return. And he would return to the hut to sleep. Neytiri watched her son… he was lying on his side. As she comes closer. "neteyam dear, you have to eat something…" says neytiri stroking his hair. "mother, i don't want anything, i just want to be alone" he settles back in and turns his back to her. Neytiri knew this was a difficult thing for him, the separation of a couple… it was almost the same feeling of mourning. She couldn't stop what he was feeling, she just bent down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I love you… you know that. Y/N is fine, eywa is taking care of her" says neytiri, as she walks away. Neteyam is heartbroken, he was upset, he had anger, he was lost. He was about to sleep until he hears the sound of his communicator, this device is lying somewhere in the hut. At first he didn't think anything of it, but it wasn't until he heard a familiar voice that he gave it his full attention. Neytiri also heard the voice, they both ran to grab the device.
"Can anyone hear me?" you say on the other side of the device. Neteyam couldn't believe it, it was you. His heart raced, as he tried to speak. "ma y/n is that you!!!!? Where are you?" he was so excited, he didn't know what to say. "I'm at the base…I'm fine" you speak, and just by saying you were fine Neytiri felt a burden leave her shoulders, you were alive. Neytiri gestured to her son and went out to find Jake and the other family members. "I miss you, love" you speak trying to hold back your tears. "I do too, I swear I will come and get you… but you have to tell me where you are…" just as you were about to answer neteyam, jake enters the hut and takes the device in his hands". My precious!!! y/n how are you? where are you?" shouts jake, you could hear everyone talking at the same time. You knew everyone was scared, nervous. But they had to stay calm. "Please calm down! Listen to me" you speak, as you listen as everyone calms down and pays attention. "I don't have much time, but I'm fine, and I'm safe. They are going to help me get out of here, I don't know when it will be but I promise I will be back. Don't do anything, mom, dad… neteyam. Calm down, just… wait for me I promise" you say between sobs, you wanted to get out of here, you wanted to be with your family. Before jake could answer the call, he falls down. "y/n, Y/N, Y/N!!!" jake shouts into the communicator. DAMN!!! Now he was really frustrated. "I need to get this to norm, have him look for the location source" says jake, before leaving the shack. Neteyam accompanied his father to norm's lab.
"Norm, NORM" jake calls out to the boy, the boy was running some tests. " I'm here jake" shouts norm, from the other side of the lab. "Y/N talk to her …. We got in communication with her" says jake as he waves the communicator in his hand. " What do you mean you talked?" asks norm, he can't believe his ears. " Yeah, she talked to us over here… she told us she was okay. And that they would help her get off the base." Says jake, handing the device to norm. He runs to his computer and plugs it in. "we need to locate where the original audio location is" norm says, as jake looks at the screen. Neteyam is standing next to his father. On the computer screen comes up the location. "I knew it, base 12… it's a 2 hour plane ride from here, we have to" Neteyam interrupts Norm, "y/n told us not to do anything. Neteyam looks at his father, and then at Norm. "Well… it's the best we can do. That base is the biggest one in pandora, I don't want to imagine how secure it is. I imagine there will be someone in there who is on our side." Norm says, while placing an arm on Jake's shoulder. "we just have to wait for her to communicate again…" Norm speaks, as neteyam walks over to his father, and neteyam hugs him. "She's going to be okay, she's a strong girl… look at all the time she's been through and she's fine." Jake knows you're okay, but he's wondering who it is that's helping you.
AREA 12, northeast of pandora:
You lost the communicator signal. "Neteyam!!! NETEYAM!!!" you give a scream of frustration, as you get off the toilet. You drop to the bathroom floor, hug your knees and start crying. You didn't know if what Quaritch said was true, he may be lying to you to get closer to you and then pull you in. But something in you told you to trust and have confidence. Eywa would not tell you something false. But it was hard… you had heard neteyam's voice. The voices of your parents, and sisters. . Shit, you missed them. You couldn't even tell them you were pregnant. "you just have to be patient" you thought to yourself. Meanwhile…on the other side of the base.
"What did General Ardmore call us for?" asks Lyle to Miles, as they both walked to the briefing room. "I suspect it's about y/n's pregnancy, I can already imagine what they're going to do" Quaritch says, before entering the room he stops Lyle with his arm. "listen, whatever it is… let's just act normal. No one has to know what we're planning" Lyle nods his head and they both enter. As they entered they could see several doctors, scientists and General Ardmore sitting around already talking. "Welcome gentlemen…have a seat" says Ardmore. "Would you like something to drink?" she offers the soldiers, they refuse with their heads and sit down. Their tails wag back and forth, Lyle literally hides his tail under his thigh. "Well, Today's meeting is very important… as you may know the navi-human 'experiment 56' is pregnant." Speaks the general as she walks back and forth in the room. "Doctor Smith, how is it possible for that girl to be pregnant? Humans can't have navi offspring?" the woman asks. "well…technically experiment 56 shares similarities with the female navi body, although not the same it is similar. Yes, if nothing is complicated, this pregnancy would be of great importance. Never seen anything like this before. The girl is about a week pregnant, so we can't say much about the creature," says the doctor, while he continues talking nonsense, or so Quaritch thought.
He was sick of this meeting, the scientists and doctors kept talking about how great it would be if this baby was a hybrid and blah blah blah. "What do you think Colonel Miles?" asked General Ardmore. Quaritch didn't know what to say. "I think it's no big deal, it's just a baby." The less interest he gave that creature, the better. General Ardmore analyzed Quaritch's behavior and spoke." I would love for you to keep watching the girl" the woman says as she turns to look at the whole team. "We'll see how the pregnancy develops and we'll make a decision along the way, but this child is as important as the girl. That said the meeting is over, everyone back to work" General Ardmore watched as Quaritch got up and quickly left the room. She could have dared to swear she was seeing another man in the room. But she decided to ignore that fact and returned to her work.
Three months later…
It had been three months since you were at the base. Daily life was strange. But neteyam still hoped you would come back. They hadn't communicated with you since that one time. But they decided to take your advice and keep a low profile. Jake, on the other hand, was losing his patience, but he wanted to control himself. He didn't want to do something stupid and then regret it. It was night in Pandora, and everyone was already in the hut, since you were kidnapped Spider had become closer to the family, so he was helping Kiri to arrange everything for dinner. Today was your birthday… the navi didn't celebrate this holiday like the humans, but Jake did, so neytiri got into the habit of doing it with her children. They all gathered together in a circle. Neytiri prepared your favorite food, and decorated the place with the things you liked. Kiri put on your favorite top. Loak put your favorite beads in his hair. Meanwhile neteyam was holding the bracelet you shared in her hand. "She would have loved all this… "loak says, you could see her trying to hold back tears. Neteyam gave his arm a squeeze. "she'll be back, you'll see!!!" says neteyam, neytiri couldn't understand how he was so sure. It had already been three months and they hadn't heard from you. You could have died or you just couldn't communicate. But everything was uncertain. Still she gave her eldest son a smile. " ok, let's go eat…I'm sure wherever she is she is thinking of us too. We love you y/n" said jake. And they all followed him. Spider saw how kiri had tears coming down her cheeks, he put his hand on the girl's cheek. Spider took Kiri's hand and said, "Don't worry, she'll come back". "I know… it's hard to be without her. We've always been together." Kiri said, squeezing spider's hand. It was hard… but they still had hope.
And yes, you were celebrating your birthday, but alone in the cold room. Your small stomach was showing, you're sure this baby was going to be big. You were fine though, and so was your baby. You were still sad, you had your dinner in front of you. You were sitting on the floor… the room was dark. Shit… this was not what you expected. It wasn't until you saw the door to the room open. "May I come in?" asks Quaritch, holding something in his hands. You had to admit, he had become your only friend here at the base, him and Lyle. But you were much closer to Quaritch. He used to spend afternoons with you, take you for walks around the base and the surrounding area. You knew he had changed, something about him wasn't the same. Never in a million years, you thought you were going to be drinking coffee, or so Quaritch called it while talking about the things that had happened throughout their lives. They also talked about how the "human" Quaritch was a bad father, how he never cared for spider. You knew that the "now" Quaritch was not exactly spider's father, but you were excited to see him pay attention to you, as you talked about how great spider was. His tail was going back and forth. "do you think i'll ever meet him" asks miles. "well… if you want someday I'll introduce you to him. He's a great guy" Quaritch gives you a warm smile, and offers you more coffee.
"what's that?" you ask, as he comes over to your spot and sits with you on the floor. "it's a cake, it's something symbolic, I remembered you had told me today was your birthday… so here's your cake. " You watch as his tail swishes back and forth, as he places the cake on the floor right in front of you. "Lyle couldn't make it, but he told me he wishes you all the best and he was going to send you more candy later" You laugh a little, but Quaritch notices your sadness. "I know I promised you to get out of here, but security is stronger…but don't think I've forgotten what I promised you. Give me a little more time" he said as he took your hand and squeezed it a little. "go on…blow out the candle" you bend down a little and blow. "I know you will keep it…eywa told me" you look at him and he smiles back. It was already late at night and you had already eaten the cake. You were talking about everything. Your conversations were always about the things you did with neteyam and your family. You talked about how much you loved neteyam and how you hoped he knew about his son. How the connection with eywa worked and how everything was connected to each other. Quaritch didn't know if it was, the fact that he now shared a body equal to the inhabitants of this planet, or was it the simple fact that you were talking. That kept him so interested in everything you were telling him.
Dammit… he had a crush on you. But you don't belong to him, and you never will. He had promised to help you get out of here and get you back to being happy with your family. Miles was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice when you approached him and placed a hand on his chest. Noticing the contact, he looked at you. "I know you can hear her… and you can feel her. But you must accept it. After all you are not that man" you say. The moment was very intimate, for a moment he felt that someone else was talking to him. You saw how some tears ran down his cheeks. "Yes I do" miles puts his hand next to yours. "Accept her and she will guide you" you say as you settle back. There was a rather long silence. "And if I accept her what will happen?" miles asks as he looks at you curiously. "you will be able to understand everything and you will feel complete" you say while eating some cake. "and I could change my name?" you look at him curiously. "you don't like your name?" you ask him. "well… it's not bad. But I don't identify myself when I'm called by it" Quaritch says, you could notice his anguish face. "And if we think of other names…something like rukoy or " miles interrupts you and says " I like noah't" he says firmly while looking at you, with a smile on his face. "I like it, it's very nice". He laughs a little and starts talking. "but I'll take Miles Quaritch". There is a small comfortable silence. "but I'll give it to you" you look at him curiously as he continues to speak. "It will be a proof that you were able to change the heart of a cruel monster" Quaritch says, you get up and hug him. He hugs you back. "I accept that… but you're not a monster, and I didn't change anything" you say as you get comfortable. Quaritch looks at his watch, and slowly gets up. "yes you did little one" he gives you a smile, as he leaves the room. "See you tomorrow" Miles says goodbye. The door closes, and you decide to pick everything up and put it on the table. You stand there reflecting for a bit, wow everything was so weird. You go to the bathroom to get ready, you were getting used to it, you settle into bed and fall into sleep quickly.
Miles was walking down the halls, he felt a sense of happiness inside him, he couldn't understand the feeling, but he liked it. But that feeling was interrupted, when he heard the voice of General Ardmore talking to a scientist. He was passing by the testing area by accident, and he could hear how the two people were trying to keep their voices low. Quaritch didn't want to be a gossip, but… he sensed that you were the topic of conversation. And he wasn't wrong.
He was hiding at the edge of the door, grateful for the hearing ability he had from the navi. At first he could only hear something about how the development of the pregnancy was continuing. But the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. "When the girl is about four or five months old, we can get the baby out. The sooner we get it out, the better," Miles felt his blood boil, "but the girl could die, this is a high-risk pregnancy, I think it is better for the baby to be born naturally," said the scientist. General Ardmore raises her voice. "listen to me, they have offered me an amount of money, which you have no idea… it is enough to create another base just like this one in pandora and finish this civilization, and all I have to do is to take that creature out of the mother and send it to earth" said the woman coldly. "but she can die!!!" the scientist tried to rationalize with her. "you have one week, to get that creature out of the mother's womb, prepare it and send it to earth." General Ardmore said, walking out of the room. Quaritch ran back, and hide in a wall. Miles couldn't believe what he was hearing…he had to get you out of this place now. And I had to do it fast.
Pandora's light came quickly, lately the nights were getting longer and the days shorter. Or so Neytiri thought. Today she decided to get ready to hunt, she hadn't done it for a long time. With everything that was going on, she was barely in the right mood. But today she felt it was a perfect day… so she took her bow and left the hut. The whole family was still asleep. He climbed into his ikran and set off. For the past few months, neytiri had spent near the base, waiting for a miracle to happen. Today she decided to hunt close to the area, not close enough to be in danger. On the other hand, you were already ready in your room, you already had a routine. By your calculations, Miles would be here with breakfast in about 20 minutes. You fixed your hair, put on your clothes and waited.
"Listen carefully Lyle, you will go to the hunt testing area, you will take blood from a thanator and put them in this container" Quaritch hands a glass container to Lyle. "and we will meet in the back area, in the storage rooms" Lyle nods his head. "As you order colonel." Quaritch had a plan in place, you were leaving this base today. He was going to make quite a scene. Since he used to walk with you lately, and take walks around… he was going to say that a thanator attacked them and took you. In his plan you would die, so they wouldn't have to follow you when you escaped. While they were making that scene, you would fly away with their ikran. It had to be quick, every day at 7:00 in the morning a herd of ikran used to fly near the base, towards the mountains, so you would be confused with the others. he had everything so organized, he knew this was going to work perfectly. Quaritch walked towards your room, his steps were quick but normal. He didn't want to arouse any suspicion.
Miles enters your room, you notice that he has nothing in his hands. "hey…and my breakfast…" you complain, but he grabs your arm. "we have to go, you're going home today" you looked at Quaritch surprised, you couldn't believe it. "are you serious?" miles looks at you and gives you a smile. "come, walk with me…we have to disguise" on the way to the storage area, Quaritch told you the whole plan, and you thought it was perfect. "but why are you doing this suddenly?" you ask, it seemed strange, he's been telling you to give him time to figure out a plan and magically now he's got one. Quaritch stops dead in his tracks and looks at you. "Y/n I didn't want you to leave…I liked you. I was trying to extend your stay here. But I heard about the plans General Ardmore has." He pauses and takes a breath, you can see beads of sweat pouring from his face. Quaritch liked you?. "She wants to extract your baby and sell it. No matter if you die, they only care about your genetics, and I'm not going to let that happen" Quaritch finished speaking. "I… I don't know what to say" you say as you touch your swollen belly. Quaritch stretches out his hand for you to take and you accept it. You both continue walking to the storage area.
When you arrive there was Lyle and Quaritch's ikran. "All ready sir, the clothes are full of blood and I put them in an area near here. The crime scene is ready" Lyle says, as you approach Quaritch's ikran, wow it was a beautiful specimen, but how were you going to ride it. "What's with those cameras?" you point to some cameras that were on the edges of the building. "shit" grumbles Miles. Lyle laughs a little and speaks "don't worry, I went in for a moment and deactivated them, we have about 30 minutes, before they activate you again". Quaritch walks over to you and looks at you a little worried. "This is my ikran, it's called 'cupcake'."
~~~~~~~~~~ silence~~~~~~~~~~
Lyle lets out a laugh. "cupcake? Are you serious?" you can't help but laugh, such a majestic beast, and what a name he has. "hey, don't tease….. The name isn't everything" Quaritch says, as he prepares his ikran. "I can't do it?" you say, as you step away from the ikran. "Why?" asks Lyle, the time running out. The ikran herd will pass in about 6 minutes. "I could never fly one of these things!!!" you yell a little. "but you can bond with them" speaks lyle. "yeah, but he's giant…" Quaritch kneels down and holds you by the shoulders. "well there's no time for that…it's now or never, little girl. Take good care of yourself, have your baby and take care of cupcake" You look into his eyes, and you could see the tears building up. "eywa has big plans with you, when you're ready…we'll be waiting for you." You say to Miles, then you look at Lyle. "And you too" You give Quaritch a big hug. "thank you" you see how he looks at you and hugs you back. "thank you to you" Quaritch says. You swear to see Lyle wipe his eyes. Quaritch removed a necklace with some badges on it from his neck, as well as Lyle. "Take this, it's for you to remember us" Miles says as he places the necklaces around your neck. "I love you guys so much" You smile, trying not to cry. "Go, go!!!!" Quaritch helped you up, You took your braid and connected it to the ikran. You had something special, the animals never got agitated with you." take care of cupcake!!!" shouts Quaritch, The two men walk away from the beast, while you start the flight. At that very moment the ikran herd are passing and you join him.
"You did well…. Very good" Lyle taps his boss on the shoulder. "We did good" Quaritch looks off into the distance, as you walk away. He still thinks you are the most beautiful creature he could have ever met. You look back, you couldn't believe it, you were free. You stroked the ikran and when you were far enough away from the base, you drifted to your destination. Your home.
After flying for a while you felt a little tired, this pregnancy was killing you with fatigue. And you felt that the ikran was getting uncomfortable because of your tiredness. So you decided to land on a tree, the landing was a success. "you saw that cupcake, I'm quite the expert" cupcake taps you on the head. You didn't have much time to celebrate, as you heard that distinguished noise. It was a shout, low but very firm. It was your mother's call, she used to do it to communicate with you, or when she went hunting. You couldn't believe it, she was close enough. You got down from the tree carefully and entered the forest. You were walking little by little following the noise. Until you saw in the distance, the figure of Neytiri, you wanted to cry, to scream… she was right there. Neytiri hadn't realized that you were right behind her. She was about to make her shot, when she felt something hugging her feet. When she looked down and saw you, her breath caught. "Mom, I got lost," you say, knowing she would remember that reference. Neytiri knelt down and hugged you. You could feel and hear her crying. "oh, thank you eywa… thank you!!!! My daughter has come home" neytiri kept hugging you, you shared her feelings. She pulled back, to look at your face, she was caressing your face. Until she looked at the bulge forming on your belly over the strange clothes you were wearing. "What is this?" neytiri put her hand on your belly. You lift up your shirt and show her your belly. "I am pregnant… neteyam" she looks into your eyes and you can see how neytiri's hand runs to her mouth, she is surprised. And she hugs you again. They were like that for about 10 minutes, it was a lot of information to process. "Let's go home!!!" says neytiri. "let me call cupcake "neytiri looks at you curiously." Cup…cupcake?" you look up at her, before whistling and the creature approaches the tree. "Mom, it's a long story."
Meanwhile back at the base…
Lyle and Quaritch called the rescue squad, they had reported a thanator attack. When the squad arrived, they looked at how the clothes were torn and full of blood, there was no trace of anything. "uhhh gross, it ate her completely" said one of the soldiers, while they were doing the routine tests. Quaritch was called to General Ardmore's briefing room. "What the fuck happened? You had a mission" said the general, not letting Quaritch fully enter the room. "Sorry general, but it wasn't that fast. We were taking a walk…you yourself authorized me to do off-base activities. And that creature came out of nowhere, I tried to stop it. But I didn't succeed, you know these creatures are very dangerous. I called the emergency team as fast as I could," Quaritch defended himself, good heavens… he was very good at lying. "What the hell are we going to do now? What am I going to do now?" says the general, while still cursing. "They couldn't find anything, the body is missing, he swallowed her whole. Poor girl, she had a great future" says Quaritch, while holding his waist. He was waiting for some response from the general. "'Miles… just go back to your station. Thank you" she says as she walks away towards her office. Quaritch leaves the room, as he pulls out of his pocket a seashell you had given him and a cinnamon candy. "I hope you are fine… little one" he says as he walks over to where his team is.
The trip to the shelter was short, you could feel your stomach turning, you were sure it wasn't the baby. It was just the nerves of seeing your family…and seeing neteyam. You two arrive, neytiri gets down from her ikran quickly and helps you down from yours. The first to notice who had arrived was tuk, the girl ran as fast as she could, "Y/N!!!!" she cried as she hugged you and cried. You were sure you would cry a lot today. Tuk dragged you towards the hut. As the girl dragged you, you noticed how everyone looked at you and waved. You saw someone run to the labs, you were sure they were going to tell Norm. As you entered the hut, you saw that Kiri, Loak and Spider were there. The boys looked at you and couldn't control themselves not to cry and ran to you. "You're here…I can't believe it" cries Kiri while hugging you. Loak didn't say anything and kept hugging you. "I knew you were coming back" says spider as you give him a tight hug. "You're still alive spider!!!" you say, all this time you thought he died. "well yes…here I am" he hugs you back. But then he notices something peculiar, just like your brothers. "are you…here's a baby?" asks loak, as he lifts the shirt off your belly. "yes…it's neteyam's" you look at your brothers, this made kiri start to cry more. The girl hugged your belly, while saying adorable things. "move aside… I want to hug her too" loak pushes kiri. These two were about to start arguing, until neytiri scolds them. " your sister has just arrived and you are already fighting!" Neytiri shouts. Spider laughs, and loak sticks his tongue out at kiri. You were so happy, you had missed them so much.
Out of nowhere, an agitated Jake walks in, he stands in the doorway of the hut in shock, he can't believe you were there. "Dad, I'm here" you say as you walk towards him. Jake walks over and carries you off the ground. "watch out!!!" complains neytiri. "my pretty girl, my sweet girl…. are you here!!!" jake looks into your eyes, as he examines you. And pauses, and then looks at you. "yes, she is pregnant" neytiri says. Jake hugs you again. "The important thing is that you are here!!!" jake keeps hugging you, and placing kisses on the top of your head. "we have to celebrate" says neytiri, as she joins in the hug. You were tiny in height, so your parents covered you completely. "I can't breathe!!!" you say, as Jake and Neytiri walk away laughing. You could see neytiri's smile, that smile… you loved her. You knew she was very happy. "mom, where is neteyam?" you asked her. " he is in the tree of spirits….. go, you are going to give him a big surprise" neytiri adjusts your hair a little bit. "hey, whose ikran is that?" asks jake, as he looks at the beast from the entrance of the hut. "it's mine… dad, it's a long story. It was given to me by a great friend" you say, as you run out of the hut. You want to see neteyam, then you would talk to your parents.
"Did they give it to her? The ikran can't only have one rider" jake asks neytiri. "yes, but… I don't know what to tell you" neytiri gives her partner a smile. She's too happy to worry about it. You go running to the soul tree, you had taken off your annoying shoes and could feel the grass under your feet. How you had missed all this… In the distance you saw the tree. And you kept getting closer.
Neteyam was sitting, he used to spend most of his time here. You came closer and could see him. His back was to you, he looked thinner and you swore he was taller. Neteyam had not noticed your presence, until you spoke. "Neteyam…" he looked up and saw you there. He stayed still for a while, he thought it was a game of his mind. He didn't move until he saw you waving your arms. "hello… ma nete" he interrupts you with a quick movement, he had knelt down in front of you and wrapped his arms around you. " ma y/n, you came back to me" you felt his tears fall on your shirt, you wrapped your arms around his head. " neteyam look at me" you took his face in your hands. you could see his dark circles under his eyes, how tired he was. Your poor neteyam, your dear neteyam. "You know I always come back to you" you pull him closer and give him a little kiss. Neteyam pulls you closer to him. It was not a perverse kiss, it was a kiss of "you have given me back my life" you separated from him to analyze his face. "So how come you're here? How did it happen?" asks Neteyam, checking every part of your body. You keep quiet for him to figure it out himself. The first thing he notices is the strange clothes you are wearing. And as he runs his hands down your side, he senses something in particular. You take his hand and bring it to your belly. "It's our baby, I'm about 3 months pregnant" neteyam was silent and then spoke. "That was at …." He asked, you reached over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. " yes, sir…. That day" neteyam hugged you again. you could see how his tail was wagging with excitement, his ears were perked up. Just then, loak arrives. "I don't want to interrupt you guys…but they're looking for you," says loak, as he approaches you. You knew he was happy too. You could see it on his face. Neteyam stood up and took your hand. When you approached loak, you also took his hand.
You went to the shelter, and you saw how everyone was preparing a party to welcome you. Kiri approached you and took you to the mo'at hut. When the woman saw you, she hugged you… and kissed you on the forehead. And said a few words to eywa. Kiri was already taking out of a drawer, an outfit that she had prepared for you. It was very beautiful, it had beautiful stones and corals. The women helped you take off your human clothes, while they dressed you in your new outfit. Mo'at caressed your belly, while drawing some white dots around it. It was a symbol of love and welcome to the new member of the clan. Kiri brushed your hair, you couldn't help crying a little. You missed these moments and here you were. Neytiri entered the hut and approached you. "Look… these are the items I wore during my pregnancies. They were mama mo'at's, then they were mine and now they are yours. When it is kiri's turn…she will inherit them from you" she says as she places them around your neck. "Mom don't say that… I'll never have a baby" complains Kiri, as she continues to fix your hair. "thank you mom" you caress her face, she leans into your touch.
When you came out of the hut, you could see that everyone was dancing and partying. Loak and neteyam were with their father. Spider was playing with tuk. And next to you were kiri and neytiri. They walked over to where everyone was. You looked beautiful, the men of the family looked at you with so much love. Jake took your hand and sat you right next to him. Neteyam sat on the other side of you and wrapped his tail around your belly. "Well family… now we are together" says Jake. You want to memorize this moment, everyone was together. Even spider was there…everyone. And they were happy. You feel neteyam give you a kiss just above your head. "i love you."
It was already very late and the party was over. You went back to the hut. Jake started asking you what happened in that place, and how you escaped. You told him the whole story, how Quaritch and Lyle had taken care of you and helped you get off the base. Jake couldn't believe what you were telling him. "y/n those men are dangerous," says Jake. "dad…they are not those men from before. Eywa has changed them. You have to believe me," you say as you look at him intently. Everyone in the family is listening. Neytiri looks at Jake. "It's okay… the important thing is that you are here and you are safe" jake gives your arm a squeeze. No one in the family was going to question what happened, they knew you had the ability to communicate and understand Eywa's decisions.
Everyone lay down to sleep, you and neteyam were lying together. His hand was on your belly. For the first time in three months, he was going to sleep in peace. The quietness of the hut was more than evident. "hey ma neteyam?" you say softly. "mmm?" neteyam's eyes are already closed. "how is my ilu Hì'i ? you have taken care of her, haven't you?" you ask, he can't believe you are asking that. "she is on the beach… she is fine and has eaten every day" says neteyam settling down to continue sleeping. "you saw that I have an ikran, miles gave it to me" you keep talking, neteyam couldn't be happier, for the first time in his life he didn't care that you were still talking. He wanted to keep hearing your voice all his life.
6 months later…
Your baby was born, he was a healthy baby, and he was completely navi, the only thing he had was the 5 fingers, someone that you, kiri, Jake and loak. They were all in the mo'at hut. Since you had returned things had slowly normalized. You were able to return to your old home in the forest, and the altercations with the humans were less. You knew Quaritch had something to do with this whole issue, and you were grateful for it…he was keeping his promise. "Let me see," said Neytiri as she took the child from your arms. You were tired…the delivery was difficult and painful, but you were fine. Neytiri held the baby carefully while jake took his little hand. "look at that…. Just like mom and grandpa. Welcome to the fraternity!!!" he said a little excited. Neteyam was next to you, he was stroking your hand. "thank you, love…" he said as he came up to your face, to give you a kiss on your cheek. Loak came in with spider and tuk. "make way… uncle loak wants to see his baby" neytiri hands him the baby. "watch out, loak if it happens to him…" says neteyam, as he gets up and goes to where his brother. Kiri had approached you, she was taking care of you. "hey, take it easy." Says spider, as he looks at the baby. "he is very beautiful!!!" spider looks at you, and you give him a smile. "now, hand over my son" neteyam says, taking the newborn out of his little brother's arms and carrying him to you. You take him, and neteyam settles down next to you. In fact, the whole family is sitting around you. "What are you going to name him?" neytiri asks you. You look at your son, keep silent for a moment, laugh a little and then speak. "his name will be… noah't".
p.s. What did you think of this ending? Did you like it? Well, in the end it didn't take too long to read. I had so many ideas, but this was my favorite. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone. I will be writing other stories, I have a lot of them. But if you want something specific, you can send me a message. <3
Neytiri babies: @st4rrry @valeriinee @inutheangel @gielrmn @sloppierjewel @purple7theparty @itscheybaby @ssc7514 @namorslit @ducks118 @tpwkstiles @elli-aesthetics @nao-cchi @uselessbutinteresting @msjae @austynparksandpizza @gamorxa @andyyy4444 @itssomeonereading @meivap @barbii04 @mm-nope @dorck26 @nessrin @purple7theparty @ssc7514 @sloppierjewel @yeosxxx @legendleopard100 @pandoragalora @jayzes-blog @ducks118 @kyriekurokami @heesoftiefreak @teamanime @d4rno @dumb-fawkin-bitch-bitch @burdeningbitch @allsouls-emma @aceofheartzzz @famousbagelhandspurse @fanficblogs @lilyofthetigers @mjnij @laylasbunbunny
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@neytirisgf @meivap @gamorxa @nuttyrebelflower @lovelyygirl8
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Where, oh, where could Aemond be? Hmmm.... Thank you all for the love you show me! I will be trying to write an Aemond POV for the wedding night when i have the time <3 as always, enjoy!
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Chapter 56: Routine
That evening, you had waited for Aemond’s return, and yet he did not come. And so you went to bed, and slept, holding the letter from your family tightly in your hand under the pillow as you thought of your fathers offering.
Sleep came to you far quicker than it had the days before, and you found yourself waking in the early morning to the sound of the maids entering your chambers with food for you to break your fast.
That morning you had not slept through their sounds, and instead rose with them.
And so a routine began.
You ate at the table, the book nowhere to be seen, an odd sting of disappointment coursing through you at the absence of its faded red cover.
You finished your breakfast quietly as the maids had made your bed, and tidied the space. You allowed them to dress you in a deep red gown, and brush your hair, but as they moved to braid it in the same, simple, two style braid, you stopped them with a raised hand. 
“I wish for you to braid my hair properly.” You had spoken to them, before looking straight ahead. 
Their hands had faltered in their movement, before beginning to braid more hair than usual, and you felt satisfaction sink in at the tiniest piece of power you had been given since arriving back in Kings Landing. 
You sat in the quiet as the two girls braided your hair in a style that was far more familiar to you than the bland braids that your husband wore.
You felt more like yourself. 
They had twisted the thick strands over each other, winding them up at the back of your head, to then let them fall down your back with the remaining hair that had not been braided. There was comfort in the way the braids felt tight on your head. Comfort in their familiarity and the way it gave you strength. 
Comfort in knowing this was the one thing they couldn't take away from you.
When the braids were finished, the girls had left the chambers with a soft bow. You let a hand come to touch at the back of your head. It reminded you of your mother.
You stood, pushing out your chair before making your way across the room. Your eyes looked to the side table, where the wine and decanter usually sat. Books were piled atop the table near the wine, and on the very top of the pile was your book. 
You moved across the room swiftly, picking up the faded red book, letting your fingers rub against the soft, worn cover before tucking it against your chest, feeling its cold, hard cover dig into the flesh of your breasts, then removing yourself from the chambers. 
You pulled open the chamber doors with one hand, the other clutching the book, and made your way down to the Godswood to find peace and read in the quiet courtyard. Sitting in your usual spot, legs tucked beneath you, you let yourself read the story, starting from the beginning, letting your fingertips caress the pages with love.
In no time at all, you were lost in the story, the world around you melting away as you concentrated on the writing and pages. It felt good to read, to lose yourself to the world in the story and have a moment of reprieve from the one crumbling around you. 
A chill swept across the courtyard, and the light from the sun began to dim. Lifting your head from the book you looked up to the sky. A large dark cloud had begun to move across the realm, taking away the warmth that the sun had brought. It looked like it was going to rain, and so picking yourself up from your spot, you moved to go back to your chambers.
On the table still sat the quill, ink and paper for you to respond to your fathers letter, and so you did. It had been a long time since you had written anything. You would wager that the last time you had picked up a quill was before the war began.
It shook in your hand as you dipped it into the ink pot, watching the dark liquid rise up the nose of the pen, scraping off any excess against the rim of the ink well. It smelt like the library back on Dragonstone, or the table where Daemon wrote and studied.
Your writing was a little messy. Difficulties arose holding a quill with your cut hand, the tensed tendons causing your palm to ache, but you continued on, writing back in vigour, telling them of how the Keep was fine, and all was well. 
How you missed them all dearly, asking them to hold each other for you. How you wished to fly in the sky with Caraxes, and how their letter meant the world to you. 
You wrote of how Aemond had been a good husband thus far, tending to your every needs and ensuring of your comfort at Kings Landing. 
It was a brazen lie, but one you knew you needed to make. 
You mentioned how you were gladdened for the treaty, and soon hoped to see them all soon, with intentions to perhaps visit them on Dragonstone, or Driftmark. 
You signed off with your name, and implored that they write back soon. Then below your sign off you copied your father, a small scribbled star and more writing, though the ink ran heavy and so the star looked more like a blob of ink that had fallen from the nib of the pen onto the page. You watched it bleed through the parchment, spreading widely before you continued on. 
‘Thankfully for this moment, there is no need for a barrel of Star Fruit. My Lord Husband has ensured that there is plenty for me to eat. But if I am in need of more, I will be sure to write to you, and you can send them promptly to the Keep.’
You hoped that this would be enough for them to know that you were okay. Okay as you could be. And hoped that they would understand that you knew of their meaning, and would ask for help if it came to it.
But for now, you must go alone.
You left the parchment on the table, looking down at the ink before you stood to leave the chambers, the day slowly moving by with no return of Aemond, and no sign of Aegon. It was a relief that could not have come sooner.
The sky had gotten darker once you left, and a biting wind had begun to sweep through the grounds of the Red Keep. It traveled up the base of your neck and down your spine as you walked with purpose. 
No knight or guard followed you as you travelled through the Keep, gazing at the grey stones and bland decor. The Lords and Ladies who came and went inside the Keep were dressed in their finest robes, though you had noticed their attire had become more modest since the last visit. 
You wondered if it was due to the redecorating, and severe presence of the Seven Faith.
Or were they following Alicent’s strict traditions?
You headed towards the Dragon Pit with great determination. Strength in each step as you got closer to one of the entrances. 
You wondered if Vermithor would be down waiting outside the cavern of the pit for you. Or perhaps he had flown back to Dragonstone. Or maybe he was away hunting. Treating himself to food to fill his gullet. 
This end of the Keep was colder and darker than the rest, and with the looming storm cloud above, it felt unnerving to be where you were. But you kept on, and wished to see if you could even venture down there. 
Would there be guards stationed at the entrances preventing you from entering?
Would there be gates in place, locked to keep you out?
You could see the entrance up ahead. Large open walk way, and to your surprise, no-one guarding it. Excitement ran through you as you continued forward, your pace quickening.
“My Lady, stop.” Came a booming voice from behind you.
Your feet faltered in their step but you kept on, ignoring the presence of Ser Criston Cole behind you.
“By order of the King, you are not permitted to be down here.” He spoke, voice behind you as he caught up to your steps loudly.
You were so close to the entrance, that perhaps if you made a run for it, you could sneak through.
A hand grasped your shoulder, and you spun around, shoving it off of you angrily. His touch made your skin crawl and you fought hard to keep back a sneer as you faced him. You did not want to be touched, especially from the likes of him.
Ser Cole stood, taller than you, dark hair and tanned skin, brilliant eyes, all looking down at you, as his face held steady. He was a handsome man, but a viciously prudish one. He would have had a lot of potential if he was not the lap dog of the Dowager Queen.
“Ser Cole, if I am not mistaken, I live in this Keep. I am permitted to go where I please.” You argued, craning your head to look up at him.
“The King has forbade your entrance to the Dragon Pit.” He said blankly.
“The King then serves to defile the sanctity of this treaty.” You sneered at him, anger and rage coursing through you.
“You may go wherever you please, Princess, except here.”
“And what would my mother, the Queen, think of this? Nowhere in our treaty agreements did it say that I would be forbidden to ride my dragon.”
Ser Cole said nothing and looked down at you. 
It made you all the more angry. 
You turned to continue to walk forward.
Fuck the King.
The sound of armour clinked around you, as Cole moved to stand in front of you, blocking your path. His silver armour shone brightly, even in the dim light of the corridor. It was as though he spent his evenings, every evening, polishing it with his tongue. 
“Move.” You snipped, trying to side step the man in front of you, but he followed your step, blocking your path again, a hand coming out to prevent you from moving forward. 
You attempted to side step him again, only to be blocked by his hulking figure. You huffed out a breath looking at him. Criston kept his face impassive as he looked down at you, though you could not help but notice the small frown in the corners of his lips. As if looking at you disgusted him.
As if you were beneath him.
“The Prince is looking for you.”
His words made you stiffen.
Aemond was back.
And he was looking for you.
“Fuck you, and fuck the Prince.”
Ser Coles jaw tensed, and you watched in delight as he took a calming breath through his nose. You continued to glare up at the man, waiting for him to give you a reason, any reason, to hit him across the face, but he said nothing more.
You would have liked to blacken his eye.
You both held your ground, and then the slow looming realisation set in.
There was no way you were going to be able to get into the Pit today. 
You turned away from the man angrily, walking briskly back out the way you came as you tried to steady your breaths. If you could not go to the Dragon Pit, then you supposed you would have to find another way in. 
One of your questions however, was now answered.
You were being watched.
The sky above you grumbled as you moved towards the Godswood, looking up through its branches, begging it to give you strength. A breeze pulled sharply through the courtyard, swaying your skirts as you stood beneath the crimson leaves.
A single wet drop landed on your arm, breaking you from your unheard begging. It slid down your skin leaving a wet trail behind, as you lifted your head to the heavens. Fat drops of rain began to fall from the sky. One drop landed on your cheek, sliding down your face. Then another, and another. Until soon, the sky opened and rain fell freely and heavily, down to the earth below.
The smell of rain was something that you always loved. Sometimes you could smell it, even before it happened. It was something that could not be recreated, and its heavenly scent was earthy and wet. But it was the way that the soil and grass smelt after a storm that was your favourite.
A most addictive smell. 
Drop after drop of rain fell through the cracks of the branches from the Godswood, falling onto you below it, soaking through your gown. You did not move from your spot. The rain pelted down deafeningly, the sound of the water beating on the Keeps stones and roof, surrounding you loudly. 
It created a calming white noise. 
But then it brought back memories.
Arrax flew into a cavern and you and Syndor pulled to the side violently, barely missing the rocks of the cliff. Syndor pulled out across the water beside it, both of you disoriented by the thunder and rain.
“Lucerys!!” You called out, hoping to hear him call back. 
You blinked sharply at the memory, your hair and gown drenched by the torrential downpour that beat around you. And yet despite this, you could not move. As though your feet had grown roots and dug deep down into the earth, entwining themselves with the Godswood.
“Sōvegon, Lucerys!” You screamed into the air, heart racing in your chest as the rain beat against your skin. Your brother disappeared into the clouds above, the small dragon flying into a clear patch of light.
Your breath was caught in your throat as the images flooded your head, you couldn’t make them stop. 
The clouds separated below Lucerys, and jaws rose from beneath them. Vhagar's large form burst through the clouds, jaws snapping over Lucerys and Arrax. 
Arrax screamed.
A hand grabbed your shoulder and you gasped, heart rising in your throat as the hand spun you around.
You were met with the concerned face of your husband, who stood just as wet as you were, beneath the Godswood. His hair was heavy with the rain, it’s tendrils sticking to the leather of his robes, and his dark leather eyepatch was snug on his face once more.
Why was he wearing his patch again?
“Have you gone mad?” He asked, voice loud so as to not be drowned out by the rain. 
You blinked at him, feeling the weight of his palm on your shoulder as new memories flooded forth.
Skin met skin as Aemond held your hips in his lap, fingers digging into the soft flesh as he thrusted painfully up into your heat, grunting from the force he was using. 
His hand tightened on your shoulder. You ripped yourself out of his grip, digging your nails into the skin of his hand as he looked at you.
“Do not touch me.” You sneered, chest rising and falling.
Your dress was stuck to your skin from the rain, the gown growing more, and more heavy with every passing moment. It chilled your flesh, causing goosebumps to erupt over you.
“Come out of the rain.” He commanded.
You were shivering.
You knew that you should. But you pettily argued anyway.
“Don't be a child. You will catch cold.” He growled, hand grabbing your arm again tightly, fingers digging into the flesh.
“Let go of me.” You growled, trying to pry his hand off of you as the rain continued to pour. 
Aemond did not listen to you as he began to drag you away from the Godswood and towards the shelter of the Keep. You dug your heels into the ground and pulled back, desperate to free yourself from his grip. 
You were terrified. 
“Let go!” You cried, voice drowned by the rain.
He pulled you over the roots of the tree, your feet fumbling, and down to the grass. You fought the whole way, your own fingers trying to bend his back to be rid of his bruising grip. Not until you were pulled onto the cobblestones, out of the rain and beneath the roof of the Keeps open corridors did Aemond finally release you. 
You leapt back, away from him, chest rising and falling as you brought your hand to where his grip had been. The skin tingled and stung and you knew that there would be bruises from it. Aemond stared at you expectantly, watching as your chest rose and fell. 
Water dripped from your hair and face, your eyelashes clumped together from the rain, or tears, or a combination of both. The red gown you wore was almost a deep black from the rain, and it's many layers weighed you down. 
You shivered uncontrollably under his stare. 
Aemond stood tall, and drenched, looking how he did the day he sat upon his dragon when he plucked Lucerys from the sky. His hair was dripping down onto the floor, puddles forming beneath the both of you. 
“Come.” He commanded, eye never leaving your face.
You only stared back at him, defiant until the end.
Much to your detriment.
“I will not tell you again.” 
Aemond turned on his heel and began his way towards your shared chambers, wet footsteps marking the stone floors as he went. You did not move, watching him get all but ten paces in front of you, before he turned around to see you in the spot he had left you. 
A shadow crossed your uncles face before he made large, swift steps towards you. His hand gripped your arm where it had before, and he jerked you towards him, dragging you through the Keep as you stumbled on your feet behind him.
What more could happen?
The worse has already been done.
The One-Eyed Prince dragged you to your shared chambers, the knight opening and closing the door behind you. Once inside, Aemond all but threw you away from him in anger as you both stood soaked in the room. 
He stormed back to the door, flinging it open loudly before barking at the knight to have the maids fetch hot water for a bath and fresh clothes for the both of you. You breathed heavily, rooted in the same spot that he had flung you to, watching him. 
When the door was shut again, he turned and looked at you angrily. 
“Are you done?”
You looked at him incredulously, “Done with what?”
“Making a fool of yourself and me.”
“I have done nothing of the sort.” You snipped.
Your husband turned to walk himself to the fire, water dripping onto the floor, leaving a wet trail behind him, until he stopped, eye flitting to the table where your letter was still sitting. 
“Are you writing to tell them what I have done.”
You swallowed thickly as you looked at him, his eye not having left the paper. Water dripped from the sleeves of your gown and you felt a chill roll through your body. You could not help but hug yourself, as you watched him. The cool from the rain and the rising fear of your husbands anger caused ice to settle in your heart. 
“No." You paused, "You wouldn’t send it, even if I did.”
Aemond took determined steps towards the table as you stayed nearby. 
“Your father seems quite concerned with whether or not we have star fruit at the Keep.”
Your heart began to race in your chest. 
His eye rose to your own and held you in a stare. Aemond reached up to pull his eyepatch away, which had become tangled in his hair from the torrential rain. As he pulled it free, he tossed it onto the table beside the letter, small water droplets landing on the page.
“Do you think that I can’t provide for you?” He sneered, and you let a silent breath of relief out from your lips. “Do not worry, wife. I will ensure your precious star fruit is readily available for you.”
The tension in the air was thick as he continued to stare at you.
“Where were you?”
Curiosity got the better of you.
“That’s none of your concern.” He responded.
You furrowed your brow at him. You opened your mouth to respond, but he beat you to it, asking you a question of his own.
“What were you doing down by the Dragon Pit.”
“I wanted to ride Vermithor.”
Aemond laughed at you, taking another step forward.
“Ser Cole said you were quite upset.”
Another step.
“I was not aware that I wasn’t allowed to fly.” You said calmly, watching as he stalked over towards you.
“Mmm. So that you can burn the Keep the way you did Riverrun? Do you think we are stupid?”
You did not answer. 
“What was it that you said? Remind me.”
You continued to stay silent, watching as he came to stand in front of you, looking down his sharp nose at your face as his pupil was blown wide. 
Aemond stood an arms length away from you, dripping wet and bristling with something.
“'Fuck the Prince’ I think it was. At least, that’s what Ser Criston told me.” 
You tilted your head to look up at him, keeping strong and not answering to his attempts of stirring. 
Aemond stepped forward, chest against yours as he snatched your face in one hand, fingers cruelly digging into the skin of your cheeks as he looked down at you. He roughly pressed his lips against yours in a chaste kiss and you stiffened in his grip.
He pulled back to look at you again.
“Whether you like it or not, you are my sweet, Lady Wife. You will live here until your last breath, and I will put my seed in you. You will birth my heirs," He smirked, "And you will be thankful for it. That is your duty.” His fingers shook your face as you kept still, looking up at him, breathing shallowly. 
“Your family sold you to me. You were a bartering piece that they moved about the board. A way to end the war. Your mother is Queen now that she gave you up.”
You ground your teeth and clenched your jaw as he continued to look down at you, his fingers bruising your face.
“I am your husband. You swore yourself to me." His eye flickered down to your lips, "I could give you everything if you let me.” He whispered.
Aemond crashed his lips against yours again, kissing you fiercely as you stood in shock. Tingles spread across your body as he brought a hand to the back of your head, trying to deepen the kiss. 
You parted your mouth, feeling Aemond’s tongue swipe at your lips gently, as he cradled the back of your head, his other hand still gripping your jaw. He pulled you closer as you let yourself melt slightly into the kiss, feeling him become gentler.
Aemond's bottom lip brushed against yours and you pulled it into your mouth softly, feeling him hum. He pressed himself up against you, his grip on your chin coming to frame the side of your face, fingers tangling in your hair.
This would be nice if it wasn't him.
You bit down on his lip.
The Prince jerked back, a small grunt falling from his mouth. The taste of copper spread on your tongue, and you watched as blood began to trickle from his lip where you had bitten him. You swallowed and braced yourself for his reckoning, but it never came.
Instead Aemond brought a hand to his lips, fingers brushing over the blood to look at them, before a large smile broke out on his face, teeth showing. 
“There she is. My zaldristos.” 
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
@izzicle @ej-shitchats @may-machin @alegria1580 @witchy-jadda @videovampire @inkdelicious @queteimporta39 @virtualsweetsqueen @fo-cus @auratiqs @feyres-fireheart @queenofshinigamis @asoiafwh8re @teasandcrumpets @shesjustanothergeek @grungegrrrl@queenofsarcazm @marihoneywk @curlszx88 @virgogaia @loser-keiji @asoiafwh8re @whore-of-many-hot-men @vipervixxen @theonewiththeimaginaryboyfriends @watercolorskyy @lavendervisions @mazmack666 @chokefrog @orangejump-suit @nik2blog @serrhaewinin @ohemgeewhat @winxschester @cryptidsrcool @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @celestedonut @bloodyvelvet777 @iamapersonthatsalive @av-sos @yentroucnagol @sanzu-s @opheliaas-stuff @bellameshipper @maviee @persephonerinyes @neytiri-09 @ensnaredinwonderland @xbluegracex @sotragedynut @nattieot7 @shesawaywiththefairies-blog @coffedraven @prettycutebunny @celestedonut @the-jess-life @ssulfurr @out-of-life @madislayyy @crazylokonugget @cicaspair418 @katwmk @relminnie @milovart @teagrex @visenyaverse @bellameshipper @toodlesxcuddles @tempt-ress @dontmindmereading7 @qyburnsghost
Bold is who I cannot tag!
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"The 200+ Symptoms of Fibromyalgia"
(Note: Some symptoms may overlap)
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema (Oedema)
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain - widespread
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Lightheadedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding - "Bruxism"
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder - "Angry Bladder Syndrome"
191. Irritable bowel syndrome - IBS-C, IBS-D
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain - unexplained
197. Weight loss - unexplained
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain - "Interstitial Cystitis"
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMDD)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack - "Costochondritis"
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
​249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
252. Need for early hysterectomy
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ladylucksrogue · 8 months
56, whoever you’re feeling!
Sorry for the delay! This one is angsty, hope it was worth the wait...
Riyo Chuchi found refuge in the shadows of the refresher, an attempt to escape the relentless turmoil outside. Memories of a similar occurrence, seemingly eons ago, flooded her thoughts, recalling the time she'd been fresh off Pantora, brimming with idealism.  But the cold reality of loneliness, of the Senate and the weight of the war had quickly set in, and back then, Padmé's comforting presence had been an anchor in the storm.  She‘d found Riyo a sobbing mess after a particularly brutal debate, doubting everything and had comforted her, the start of their friendship.  Now, Padmé was dead, and the Republic gone, leaving behind a darkness, she couldn‘t quite understand.
Everything that seemed certain just a week ago now lay shattered in riots, fire, and the rise of a new Empire.  The shock of the Jedi being traitors, of their demise still shook her to the core. Sleep eluded her,  her offices were ransacked, and fear gripped her constituents as she worked tirelessly around the clock to assure them all was well.  Even if she didn‘t believe it herself.  Amidst the chaos, she hadn't expected to see him, Commander Fox , in the Senate. His familiar walk, the unique rhythm of his movements in the sea of armor, caught her attention. Yet, he seemed different, almost automated, blending with others as they checked clearances, if not for his familiar helmet. The silence that followed, the absence of any communication, left a void that echoed louder than the surrounding chaos.
Days passed without a word – no comm, no check-ins. It was as if he had vanished, leaving her to grapple with confusion and uncertainty. Gone were the mid-patrol passes by her office, no accidental encounters – nothing. Her trembling hands betrayed the turmoil within; her heart felt like it was caught in a vice. "I keep waiting for you, but you never come," she whispered, the words heavy with unspoken pain.
Closing her eyes, memories surged of their time together, of their rendezvous whenever they could steal the time, hours, nights here and again – the touch of his hands, the whispered sweet nothings, his confession of love despite the danger of their illicit relationship ever coming to light.
Earlier at the door, another senator had  spoken to him, too low for her to catch the words.  The response through Fox's vocoder, devoid of emotion or inflection,  "Good soldiers follow orders," sent a chill through her.   His helmet remained unmoved, denying even a subtle acknowledgment of her as he‘d checked her paperwork.  Had ignored her attempt to greet him.  There was no sign he‘d heard her, no nod, no typical cheeky tilt of his visor in her direction.
Confused and lost, Riyo Chuchi grappled with the disintegration of her world. In the cold, empty space of the refresher, she sat heartbroken and adrift in a sea of unanswered questions.  And yet, she was Riyo Chuchi, if anyone could find answers, she would.  
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Inspired by @weapon-up-wallflower 's amazing Drift post, I've decided to compile a list of Red Alert facts. All of the facts are taken from More Than Meets the Eye, and the post contains a list of all of Red Alert's MTMTE appearances and mentions. Enjoy!
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Head/Director (terms used interchangeably) of Security on the Lost Light (MTMTE 1)
Not a fan of Swerve, Brainstorm, or Prowl (MTMTE 1, 56)
Despite this, he shared room 43 with Swerve when aboard the Lost Light (MTMTE 43)
Talks quickly and somewhat unintelligibly when anxious (MTMTE 2)
Has enhanced hearing and often uses this ability to listen in on people (MTMTE 2, 5)
Trusts no one on the Lost Light except Rung (MTMTE 5, 7)
Wants eyes installed in the back of his head (MTMTE 5)
"prone to wandering off" (MTMTE 9)
Aware of his own paranoia and takes measures to reality-check himself (ie recording the sounds he heard in the Lost Light’s basement for Rung to hear, telling Fortress Maximus to avoid further triggering his paranoia in MTMTE 57) (MTMTE 5, 56, 57)
Thinks communicators “interfere with your brain patterns” (MTMTE 6)
Has read every edition of Wreckers: Declassified (all 332 and specials!) and corrected their typos in search of hidden messages (MTMTE 46)
Discusses his delusions somewhat readily with people other than Rung (MTMTE 6, Drift knows about Red’s hang-ups with communicators)
Worked before the war as a Warden in Translucentia Heights, where he also was an “enthusiastic” Senate informant regarding things such as the Militant Monoformer Movement and the early Decepticon movement (MTMTE 9, 57)
It was this enthusiastic participation that put him on Sentinel Prime’s radar as a candidate for an early form of Shadow Play, allowing Sentinel to later take over his mind and use him as a sleeper agent. Though Red Alert did not consciously know what had been done to him, he was frequently anxious about being used or somehow controlled against his will in the years between the Shadow Play and the activation of the mind control, suggesting that early Shadow Play was clumsy and left marks on the victim’s mind. (MTMTE 57)
Suspicious of mnemosurgery and related fields (MTMTE 56)
Frequently distracted by seemingly insignificant things, such as the space bridge in MTMTE 56
“Patchy records” exist of his life before the war. Even Rewind has a difficult time tracking down information about him (MTMTE 57)
Suffers from frequent nightmares, sleep-talking, and “sleep-driving” (MTMTE 56)
Diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder, a cluster A personality disorder characterized by, in Red Alert’s case, persecutory delusions and paranoia about being “used” or manipulated (MTMTE 56)
Red Alert has an extensive history as Rung’s patient, receiving (seemingly sporadically throughout the war) 600 years of Rungian psychotherapy beginning with a meeting under Sherma Bridge 6 months before Declaration Day, which progressed as follows: (MTMTE 5)
- Session 7: Red Alert gives Rung a fake name
- Session 97: he shows Rung his face
- Session 113: he tells Rung he’s stopped recording their sessions
- Session 288: he tells Rung his real name
- Session 332: he stops recording their sessions
Despite being thought of as severely mentally ill, many of Red Alert’s “delusions” are firmly based in reality. For example, the “Institute” he spoke of to Rung was very real, and it’s implied Red Alert worked for them in some capacity (MTMTE 5)
List of appearances : MTMTE 1-7, annual (mention), 9, 10, 11, 16 (video), 22 (mention), 29 (mention), 43 (mention), 46, 50, 56, 57
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Floods in Brazil: The hunt to save memories from mud
As floodwaters recede in southern Brazil, volunteers and victims search for treasured keepsakes that tell stories or harbor special meaning for their owners.
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"No one is looking at the sofa or the television. Everyone is searching for photos or keepsakes. Absolutely everyone," says Gustavo Oliveira, the founder of a volunteer group helping clean up flood-ravaged homes in the southern Brazilian city of Novo Hamburgo.
People here have lost not only material possessions, but spaces and memorabilia that define their identity and the meaning of their lives. "One of the most impressive scenes I saw was a man who found his wedding ring in the mud. He immediately put it back on his finger," added Oliveira, whose group has already helped clean up more than 60 houses.
Like other cities in the Porto Alegre metropolitan region, Novo Hamburgo was hit hard. Entire neighborhoods were completely flooded and many people lost everything. The level of Lake Guaíba, by which the city is located, stood at 3.73 meters (12.24 feet) on May 28, significantly higher than the normal flood mark of 3 meters.
Across the whole federal state of Rio Grande do Sul, at Brazil's southernmost point, almost 90% of towns are affected by flooding. Some 169 people have died due to high water levels and heavy rainfall since the end of April, and another 56 people are missing.
According to civilian protection authorities, more than 580,000 have had to leave their homes, with 55,000 still sheltering in emergency accommodation.
Even in these dire straits, saving treasured possessions is one of the biggest concerns for many people and communities. And not everyone is as lucky as the man who found his wedding ring.
Continue reading.
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vickozone · 1 year
The Magnus Archives
-S2 Notes-
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I had a lot more to say on this season apart from the first. (I find some of them funny, like Ep 78)
An animatic may or may not be coming soon.
<- previous notes next notes ->
Handwriting translated below:
{ Note: Magnus was the last name of the man that discovered Arsenic, a lethal poison } [I am not sure what this proves, but I found it interesting]
#41 Jon explores the caves, makes own statement
#42 Crazed band causing ppl to off themselves + Martin is suspicious
#43 Police order and fire guy identified (ep. 12?) Jon rizzed cop into getting tapes
#44 circus again, Gertrude’s tape
#45 Malaria doctors (rather similar to Jane scenario), also, Jon has photos of Tim… antique guy
#46 Book guy, Michael Crew, rain smell (ep. 18)
#47 MICHAEL STABBED JON!? OMG WHY DID I FIND IT HOT?? (Ep. 53, 5 stitches??)
#48 person lost in non-human crowd. I trust Elias.
#49 More meat. … Still trust Elias
#50 Smirk, again, and Tim thinks Jon is banging a cop. People keep moving to New Zealand.
#51 Simon Fairchild in the ocean + not!Sasha is going to a… wax museum??
#52 weird, strong inmate. Not!Sasha boyfriend? (omg. Tim.)
#53 Another archive. Martin is such a sweetheart.
#54 Taxidermy and Jon is slowly going marbles (broke into Gertrude’s home!!)
#55 “disease, insects, and the smell when they burn.” [side: I do not remember what the episode was about, but upon further reflection, it was the pest control guy]
{ Note: When a character emphasizes “The (insert noun)”, note it }
#57 space program, 3 people involved, stock boyfriend
#58 old file about cannibalism. Jon is legit going insane. (Oregon Trail)
#59 ex-thug taken in. Something with Agnes. Everyone is scared of Jon.
#60 Eyes. Team confronts Jon.
#61 Coffin again + another cop. Daisy.
#62 “The End”, + Gertrude tape. Floorboard. [Mary Keay’s experience with Leitner book]
#63 The dark are my friend + YouTube girl again
#64 Mummy tomb + Jon broke into police station?? [he keeps breaking laws] #65 17 HOUR ASMR EATING COMPUTER!! Tim CURSES Jon out.
#66 Man buried alive (sorta). Gertrude is a pyromaniac [/j]
#67 “The Cult of The Lightless Flame”, Agnes is back
#68 Another book? Not!Sasha scared Jon. Lol
#69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Spiders seem to be a theme. “The Spiders”? Is Annabelle a monster? Like Prentiss?
#70 Death book. Istg, if there are anymore books-
#71 Spooky train.
#72 More meat. “I don’t want my final thoughts to be racist.”
#73 Maxwell kidnapped child, brought to industrial complex. 5 seconds, chaos happened. “People’s Church of The Devine Host.” (Barista quit.)
#74 Insomniac girl meets Michael (pookie bear) ALSO, Jon is sus[picious] of Sasha? That’s new.
#75 Michael crew, again. Theme of falling endlessly…
#76 Melanie tours WW train. Jon is slowly learning that Sasha is different.
#78 OH. NO. OUR TABLE. “And now I see you.” Chills. (stop, cause I literally yelled)
#79 “Come out, come out wherever you are…” Jon crying, pleading in sorry for his coworkers broke me. Martin + Tim are stuck in Michael’s dimension [lucky]
(side notes within the {} brackets, and more detailed notes of what I was referring to within [] brackets)
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