#gabe materna
bonesgirl11 · 2 months
I think there definitely needs to be some Gabe Materna stories since I don't have Amazon Prime and can't watch the movie. It would be something really good to tide me over ❤️❤️
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escuellascupid · 8 months
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me and gabe (materna) fr. (I love this man sm im going insane)
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angelsanarchy · 9 months
One Shot Series Master Post
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Stranger Things: Alone Together - Eddie Munson x OC (X){COMPLETED}
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Electrick Children: One Long Weekend - Clyde x Y/N (X) {COMPLETED}
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Jack Goes Home: Glass Houses - Jack Thurlow x Y/N (X) {COMPLETED}
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Lords of Chaos: Alkaline - R!Euronymous x Y/N (X) {COMPLETED}
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5LBS of Pressure: Fever Dreams - Mike x Y/N (X) {WIP}
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Welcome to Willits: Tangerine Skies- Possum x Y/N (X) {COMPLETED}
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Black Mirror: Righteousness of Man- Kappa x Y/N (X){COMPLETED}
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Under the Banner of Heaven: What It Cost- Sam Lafferty x Y/N (X) {COMPLETED}
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Materna: Like A Pretty Boy- Gabe x Y/N (X) {WIP}
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City on a Hill: Bad Habits- Clay Roach x Y/N (X) {WIP}
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queerinfilm · 1 year
Rory Culkin’s Queer Roles:
🎥 Jack Goes Home (2016)
Jack goes home to see his mother after his father dies in a car crash. There he meets a strange man named Duncan
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🎥 Materna (2020)
Gabe comforts his sister’s conservative son after a violent school altercation. It is implied that Gabe is queer.
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🎥 Halston (2021)
In Halston Rory Culkin portrays the renowned queer film director, Joel Schumacher
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roryzlittles1ut · 8 months
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nicojjung · 1 year
hola, bbs !! sunny aka la más tardada del condado por aquí. vengo a dejarles datos sobre mis hijes: nicolette jung y gabriel kwon. si les interesa alguna conex o creen que podemos armar algo pueden darle al corazoncito por aquí o por discord y yo me acercaré a ustedes <33.
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nicolette jung. veinticuatro años. matriculada cursando el cuarto año de instrumentista orquestal y música en st clare of assisi. es la vocera de la facultad y miembro del club de italiano, tenis y baile de salón.
pueden decirle nico, tengo el hc de que siempre se presenta así y sólo su familia la llama nicolette.
viene de una familia de violinistas y al ser la primogénita no le quedó de otra más que seguir con el legado. ha tocado el violín desde los cinco y básicamente es todo lo que conoce. sus papás no la dejaban salir a jugar para que estuviera practicando y a veces ni la dejaban sentarse a comer si desafinaba en algo. sooo, tiene traumas porque siente que debe ser perfecta en todo siempre.
also, como sus papás se conocieron en st. mary, ingresó a los clubes en los que su mamá estaba para darle gusto. literal está hecha a como sus padres la moldearon, todavía no tiene su character development donde descubre qué es lo que ella realmente quiere.
fuera de eso, es bien suavecita. es muy amable, siempre le sonríe a los demás, y está dispuesta a ayudar a quien lo necesite. tiene problemas para decir que no, soo... si quieren aprovecharse de eso o no, no vamos a juzgarles.
es medio religiosa, nunca falta a misa y se echa una rezadita cada noche. tbh lo hace más por costumbre que por creencia, pero se siente mal de tener esos pensamientos agnósticos porque siente que defrauda a sus papás y a diosito (si es que existe).
por lo mismo de que 1) creció con creencias bastante católicas, 2) siempre estaba metida en un salón con su violín y 3) le dedica el todo el tiempo a sus actividades académicas, nunca ha estado en una relación.
fr que le falta mucho por vivir, ocupamos que se aloque un poquito.
soooo, algunas sugerencias de conexiones: amiges bcs en serio es super friendly y es la típica mom friend. gente a la que le ayuda con sus clases, maybe ?? tiene calificaciones perfectas, so podría servir. amiges que sean mala influencia ah. las personas que sólo la buscan para favores porque saben que no les va a decir que no, personas a las que les caiga mal por ser medio estiradilla. chicos con los que pudo llegar a tener algo pero no pasó nada físico (o maybe sí *wink*), chicAS con las que había química pero le dio miedo la vida gay y nunca hizo nada al respecto, etc. esas son sólo unas opciones !!
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gabriel kwon. veinticinco años. matriculado cursando el segundo año de abogacía en st margueritte d'youville. es actor en el club de teatro musical, está en el equipo de natación masculino, y es miembro del club de mandarín y cine.
pueden decirle gabe, pero seguro los mirará feo por eso.
su familia es medio complicada. su mamá era rica y católica, su papá era pobre y ateo y amor prohibido murmuraban por las calles. a los señores no les importó y se casaron de todas formas, tuvieron a gabriel, y al año se divorciaron lmao. toda su familia materna lo odia porque es una copia de su padre, en apariencia y personalidad. en fin, desde niño vive para molestar a sus abuelos, es lo que más alegría le da en el mundo.
le gustó la actuación desde chiquito, so a los diecisiete comenzó a actuar formalmente, debutando en una película indie, muy underground como diría la chaviza. pero la peli ganó premios en festivales y le fue re bien.
nomás hasta ahí le llegó la suerte la vdd. todo lo que grababa después era un flop, o le cancelaban las series luego del piloto. muy loser de su parte si me preguntan.
tiene el carácter de típico artista de hollywood. le entra a todo, desde sustancias hasta personas, seguramente lo han funado por algo random, y debe tener un montón de fotos con gafas de sol para tapar la borrachera saliendo de antros a las 6 am.
y ustedes dirán, por qué está estudiando abogacía wtf? well, porque sus abuelos se hartaron de que sea un flop y lo mandaron a hacer algo productivo o le quitaban el apoyo económico. y a veces uno tiene que hacer sacrificios para vivir bien, ok? so, así acabó estudiando lo mismo que su mamá, sus abuelos, sus bisabuelos, etc, porque el objetivo es luego trabajar en la firma de abogados que tienen. si no se da de baja antes, porque odia st. mary tbh.
si lo ven en el campus probs siempre ande con cara de culo, pero no es mal pedo. cae bien luego de que te acostumbras a que anda juzgando a todo mundo y que piensa solamente en sí mismo.
sooo, las conexiones que se me ocurren son: amiges, amiges de fiesta o sus similares, siempre paga rondas así que les conviene ah. enemiges, porque también cae pesadito. personas que lo conozcan de su flop era, estuvo metido en el medio artístico como siete años, so hay muchas posibilidades ahí. también compañeros de la facultad a los que les pague por hacer sus tareas ?? pls que él no sabe nada de leyes. also, exes, ligues, one night stands, este morrito se presta para todo eso con cualquier género. y again, esas son sólo unas opciones !!
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ultravioletqueen · 3 years
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Nombre completo:mordred morgan lefay
Alias:red, vidente carmesí, morgana junior, demonio de ojos rojos, morgana
Fecha de nacimiento:5 de noviembre(escorpio)
Tipo de sangre:0
Ocupación:mago negro
"actual" ocupación:líder del culto de "los hijos de morgana" e investigador paranormal
Juegos/shows favoritos:fantasia(lock and key,the leyend of zelda:mayora mask)
Comida favorita:pastel de calabaza
Animal favorito:cuervos
Familia:michael lefay(padre/fallecido) elizabeth lefay(madre/fallecida) padres adoptivos(estado desconocido)
Arma:libro de hechizos,lanza/cetro de morgana,talismán
Habilidades:magia negra, magia roja, amplio conocimiento de las criaturas paranormales, psicometria, clarisentencia, telepatia, creación de ilusiones y grito de banshee.
Personalidad:mordred es una persona bastante asocial y que prefiere la soledad a que estar con mucha gente, sin embargo si puede llegar a tener lazos de amistad,mordred es socialmente inepto y no es de muchos amigos.mordred demuestra tener una dedicación a los temas que le interesan impresionante,siendo que puede llegar a estar horas haciendo algo que le interese.
Debido a morgana y su manipulación mordred poco a poco se ha vuelto una persona sociopatica,que tiene varios comportamientos que pueden llegar a lastimar a alguien o incluso a él mismo, mostrando poco o nada de interés en su integridad o la de los demás,sin embargo tiene sus excepciones cuando se trata de gente que considera cercana a él, como por ejemplo juliete y gabe,siendo que pese que no tendría problema en lastimar a lewis,Vivi y arthur, el no sería capaz de lastimar a juliete y gabe, ya que ellos fueron de sus pocos amigos y les tiene mucho cariño,mostrando gran grado de egoísmo y desinterés por los demás,por su comportamiento egoísta piensa que juliete tiene que amarlo, pues según el "el siempre estuvo para ella cuando lo necesito",piensa que siempre merece algo a cambio y no acepta un no por repuesta.
Mordred tiene una gran admiración por morgana y hará lo que sea para cumplir sus órdenes,ya que se siente en deuda con ella ya que fue la única figura materna en su vida durante su infancia,mordred muestra ser muy dependiente de morgana y nunca duda de ella y de sus palabras,siendo que si morgana se lo pidiera el sería capaz de matar a alguien,mostrando sociopatia.
Apariencia:mordred es un chico relativamente bajo y muy delgado de pelo negro hasta la altura del cuello y ojos rojos, lleva siempre un pantalón blanco militar junto con una chaqueta roja con botas marrones oscuro y guantes sin dedos negros,su atuendo se completa con un collar con el amuleto de morgana.
Cuando morgana posee a mordred su apariencia cambia ligeramente, siendo que su pelo se hace más largo y despeinado, su esclerotica se vuelve negra y su piel se hace muy pálida al punto de parecer blanca,en este estado suele vestir una gabardina negra con pantalones y camisa del mismo color al igual que sus zapatos.
Historia:mordred creció en un orfanato tras la muerte de sus padres después de un accidente de coche que lo haría perder gran parte de su memoria,los años que estuvo en el orfanato los demás niños lo usaban como "sacó de boxeo de todos" debido a que era muy reservado,en general la infancia de mordred fue solitaria y triste,hasta que después de su primer año en el orfanato se le apareció morgana haciéndose pasar como su "ángel de la misericordia", básicamente morgana tomó el papel de la figura materna que mordred quería.
Mordred conoció a juliete y gabe en la primaria y rápidamente juliete se hizo su amiga,poco después gabriela también se haría su amiga,en la secundaria mordred se dejó manipular más por morgana provocando varios episodios de sonambulismo en el y varios trastornos del sueño haciéndolo las amargado y reservado.
Después de que mordred se graduara no se volvió a saber de él,mordred el tiempo que estuvo desaparecido estuvo reclutando gente para el culto de morgana,gente que tenía habilidades especiales supernaturales y que querían ser de utilidad o sentirse comprendidos,así fue como mordred fundó "los hijos de morgana",en cual varios de los rituales acaban con mordred poseído por morgana y causando caos.
Mordred en la leyenda arturiana era un hijo incestuoso entre morgana y arturo,además de que terminaba siendo un traidor,esto podría hacer referencia a su traición a los mystery skulls cuando una vez se hizo un integrante sólo porque morgana le pidió la espada excalibur.
Mordred es de ascendencia irlandesa por parte de ambos padres.
Su pasatiempo además de ser parte del culto de morgana sería la lectura y la interpretación actoral.
Su voz headcanon sería Luis Leonardo Suárez en español y rider strong en inglés.
Su canción tema seria control de halsey y my demons de starset.
La flor de mordred es el azafrán, que significa sabiduría y grandesa,dos cualidades que quiere tener.
En el au de king arthur mordred sería asesinado accidentalmente por arturo, siendo que cuando intento matarlo en un intento de enorgullecer a morgana arturo fallo un ataque y lo atravesaria con excalibur en el corazón, haciendo que mordred muera en brazos de morgana quien lloraría amargamente por su muerte.
Sus poderes están basados en raven de teen titans 2003.
Podría decirse que morgana es la "banshee" de su familia, ya que ella le contó que estuvo presente en su familia durante generaciones, morgana sería una banshee maligna, que en vida tenía motivos para odiar a su familia y que volvió como una banshee malvada que aterra a su familia con gritos que predicen la muerte de alguien.
Los colores que representan a mordred son el rojo y el morado.
Sus colores hacen contraste con los colores de Arturo y gwen, el morado siendo el contrario del amarillo(arturo)y el rojo siendo contrario del verde(gwen).
Mordred llegó a ser adoptado pero no se sabe lo que pasó después con sus padres adoptivos después de su desaparición.
Full Name: Mordred Morgan Lefay
Aliases: red, crimson seer, morgana junior, red-eyed demon, morgana
Age: 23
Birthday: November 5 (Scorpio)
Blood type: 0
Occupation: black magician
"current" occupation: leader of the cult of "the children of morgana" and paranormal investigator
Favorite games / shows: fantasia (lock and key, the leyend of zelda: mayora mask)
Favorite Food: Pumpkin Pie
Instrument: flute
Favorite animal: crows
Height: 1.65 (5.4)
Family: michael lefay (father / deceased) elizabeth lefay (mother / deceased) adoptive parents (status unknown)
Weapon: Spellbook, Morgana Spear / Scepter, Talisman
Skills: black magic, red magic, extensive knowledge of paranormal creatures, psychometry, clairvoyance, telepathy, creating illusions, and banshee scream.
Personality: mordred is a fairly asocial person who prefers solitude to being with many people, however if he can become friends, mordred is socially inept and does not belong to many friends. Mordred shows a dedication to issues that interest you, impressive, being that you can spend hours doing something that interests you.
Due to Morgana and her manipulation, Mordred has gradually become a sociopathic person, who has various behaviors that can harm someone or even himself, showing little or no interest in his integrity or that of others, without However, he has his exceptions when it comes to people he considers close to him, such as juliete and gabe, being that although he would have no problem hurting lewis, Vivi and arthur, he would not be able to hurt juliete and gabe, already that they were one of his few friends and he is very fond of them, showing a great degree of selfishness and disinterest for others, because of his selfish behavior he thinks that Juliete has to love him, because according to "he was always there for her when I need him", he thinks who always deserves something in return and does not take no for an answer.
Mordred has a great admiration for morgana and will do anything to carry out her orders, as he feels indebted to her as she was the only mother figure in his life during his childhood, mordred shows to be very dependent on morgana and never doubts her her and her words, being that if Morgana asked him he would be able to kill someone, showing sociopathy.
Appearance: mordred is a relatively short and very thin boy with black hair up to the neck and red eyes, he always wears white military pants along with a red jacket with dark brown boots and black fingerless gloves, his outfit is completed with a necklace with morgana's amulet.
History: mordred grew up in an orphanage after the death of his parents after a car accident that would cause him to lose a large part of his memory, the years he was in the orphanage the other children used him as "everyone's boxing bag" due to Because he was very reserved, in general Mordred's childhood was lonely and sad, until after his first year in the orphanage Morgana appeared to him posing as his "angel of mercy", basically Morgana took the role of the figure maternal that mordred wanted.
Mordred met Juliete and Gabe in elementary school and Juliete quickly became her friend, shortly after Gabriela would also become her friend, in high school Mordred allowed herself to be manipulated more by Morgana causing several episodes of sleepwalking in him and various sleep disorders doing it. bitter and reserved.
After mordred graduated he was not heard from again, mordred the time he was missing was recruiting people for the cult of morgana, people who had special supernatural abilities and who wanted to be of use or feel understood, that is how mordred founded "the children of morgana", in which several of the rituals end with mordred possessed by morgana and causing chaos.
Mordred in the Arthurian legend was an incestuous son between Morgana and Arthur, in addition to ending up being a traitor, this could refer to his betrayal of the mystery skulls when he once became a member just because Morgana asked him for the Excalibur sword.
Mordred is of Irish descent from both parents.
Her hobby, in addition to being part of the Morgana cult, would be reading and acting.
His headcanon voice would be Luis Leonardo Suárez in Spanish and rider strong in English.
His theme song would be Halsey Control and Starset's My Demons.
The flower of mordred is saffron, which means wisdom and greatness, two qualities that you want to have.
In the au de king arthur mordred he would be accidentally murdered by arturo, being that when he tried to kill him in an attempt to make Morgana proud, arturo failed an attack and would pierce him with excalibur in his heart, causing mordred to die in the arms of morgana who would cry bitterly for his death.
Her powers are based on raven from Teen Titans 2003.
It could be said that Morgana is the "banshee" of his family, since she told him that she was present in her family for generations, Morgana would be an evil banshee, that in life she had reasons to hate her family and that she returned as an evil banshee who terrifies his family with screams that predict someone's death.
The colors that represent mordred are red and purple.
Their colors contrast with the colors of Arturo and Gwen, purple being the opposite of yellow (arturo) and red being the opposite of green (gwen). Mordred was adopted but it is not known what happened afterwards with his adoptive parents after his disappearance.
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prfctcaballero · 4 years
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Bebé, tú me conoce'  sabes que nunca he sido de una sola mujer! No busques que el corazón te lo destroce. De la forma en que me quieres no me puedes querer : Bebé, le estás pidiendo el cielo a un diablo — MALUMA
Voz: A voz de barítono, não é nem grave nem tenor, mas o mais marcante na voz do avalor é o fato de que sempre parece estar rindo a fala é alegre, e sempre usa a língua materna em suas falas, e mesmo quando não usa palavras em espanhol, o sotaque é muito forte no ralieno. É suposto que depois de tantos anos em Aether ele tivesse aprendido a disfarçar melhor o sotaque mas sabe o apelo que o seu sotaque tem nas nenas e porque mexer em time que está ganhando?
Idade: 25 anos.
Gênero: Cisgênero Masculino.
Peso: 72 kg
Altura: 1,83 cm.
Sexualidade: Heterossexual e heteromantico.
Defeitos físicos: Hadrían sempre foi ativo, desde muito pequeno, vivia jogando futebol nas ruas de Avalor, correndo descalço nas ruas de pedra, pulando muros e essas atividades lhe rendeu muitas cicatrizes nos joelhos, no queixo, na sobrancelha e até na cabeça, quando caiu de uma arvore e precisou de pontos até que fosse encontrado um curandeiro, mesmo assim as marcas ficaram.
Qualidades físicas: Os músculos são firmes e extensos graças a atividade física e os treinos sempre intensos. O sorriso é muito branco em contraste com a pele naturalmente bronzeada, o príncipe também tem cheiro de areia e mar o que é discutível se é porque ele mata muita aula para ir as praias ou se é porque ele é realmente um filho de Avalor.
É saudável? Quando chegou no instituto o clima bem mais frio do que a cidade natal fazia com que o menino ficasse constantemente resfriado, no entanto, com o tempo foi se tornando mais resistente as gripes, fora isso, os exercícios e a alimentação saudável provem ao príncipe uma saúde razoável, ainda que mudanças de clima sejam capazes de lhe arrancar espirros e sensação de desconforto, típicos de uma rinite alérgica.
Maneira de andar: Hadrían tem todo um gingado, enquanto anda a postura é muito aberta, típica da personalidade extrovertida, mas também é possível notar um quê de nobre na postura sempre muito ereta e na visível falta de preocupações que ele carrega.
Práticas / Hábitos: Hadrían é um estudante relapso, e não leva as suas tarefas escolares muito a sério, talvez porque sempre encarou a coroa como algo garantido, podendo assim se focar em coisas mais interessantes como os esportes e aos clubes que participava, mais principalmente ao seu irritante hábito de flertar com qualquer criatura de sexo feminino que fosse considerada atraente pelo avalor. Mesmo assim, Elena vez por outra mandava relatórios para que ele pudesse analisar, Gabe, seu pai, também gostava de incentivar o filho a ser mais diligente no que diz respeito as tarefas militares, Hadrían nunca deixou a desejar mas também não era excepcional no trabalho, o que decepcionava Elena e irritava Gabe em doses iguais.
Inteligência: Burro não é bem palavra, mas Hadrían não é inteligente tão pouco. Falta determinação e paciência para os livros, algo que ele nunca teve. A mente precisa de estímulos, assim como os músculos, mas é muito claro qual dos dois Raúl costuma trabalhar, e se por um lado ele passa incontáveis horas no centro de treinamento e nos esportes, o intelecto nem sempre é sua prioridade. 
Temperamento: Feliz, as vezes é fácil chegar a conclusão que nada é capaz de deprimi-lo ou abalá-lo. Ele sempre tem algo bom a dizer, o tipo de pessoa que vê o copo ‘meio cheio’, de sorrisos fáceis e temperamento brando e carinhoso, o avalor arrancar risos e suspiros de professoras, funcionários da cozinha, camareiros e colegas de turma, é charmoso por natureza, sabe disso e no fundo, gosta muito dessa parte de sua personalidade.
O que te faz feliz? É uma criatura muito simples. Não encontra felicidade em luxos ou em qualquer coisa que as pessoas da nobreza veem contentamento, como manipular alguém ou poder. Suas coisas favoritas de fazer incluem ficar com seus amigos, dormir uma boa noite de sono, festejar e dançar até as pernas doerem e praticar seus esportes, principalmente lutas com espadas. Também adora animais e usar seus poderes, sente-se útil e conectado com algo muito profundo de sua alma. Adora o sol, o calor, praias e ficar entre os demais, se sentir parte de algo.
O que te faz triste? Dias nublados, ocasiões tristes, ser obrigado a perder um dia bom dentro de uma sala com livros e preocupações, odeia problemas e os evita como pode. Não gosta de ser manipulado, ou de ações escusas, falsidade ou coisas e pessoas que tentam ser o que não são.
Esperanças: Sempre positivo, Avalor chega a ser ingenuo em suas esperanças e sonhos, como que tudo terminasse em um verdadeiro conto de fadas. “... E viveram felizes para sempre.” Para ele, o felizes para sempre inclui ele governando Avalor, o seu povo feliz, alegre e contente, uma família que ele adore com muitas crianças e muitos animais, com festas que durem dias e comida farta para todos.
Medos: Hadrían não tem medo de animais, considera todos como parte importante da natureza, até os mais esquisitos, não tem medo do escuro, mas tem um receio de lugares fechados, preferindo sempre lugares amplos. Também tem um medo muito profundo de não ser bom o suficiente algo que ele evita pensar porque no fundo sabe que não se esforça para ser diferente.
Sonhos: Hadrían tem anseios dos mais variados, desde muito simples como tacos no almoço, outros relativamente absurdos, como sexo a três até sonhos grandes como uma felicidade eterna e inacabável. Por mais que uma vozinha irritante de sua cabeça diga que as vezes a vida não é uma fabrica de realizar desejos ele ainda é positivo o suficiente para acreditar num “nunca se sabe...” 
Família: Família é tudo para o moreno. Hadrían pode ter seus desentendimentos com seu pai e não conseguir se conectar com o irmão mais novo mas não há nada que Hadrían não faria por eles. Elena é a única mulher para quem Hadrían já disse eu te amo e realmente quis dizer isso e ele tem sonhos bastante provincianos como encontrar uma boa mulher e ter muitos filhos uma família feliz e muito grande, para ele nada é tão importante quanto isso.
Amigos: Amigos e colegas, apesar de haver diferença entre eles, Hadrían coloca todos no mesmo saco. Talvez porque seja deveras ingênuo mas se doa rápido demais, dando devoção até aqueles que não merecem sua amizade. Se doar é algo fácil para ele, enquanto outros acham difícil se abrir, ele é escancarado, um livro aberto. A única coisa que o impede de se machucar é que ele realmente não tem expectativas com os outros, não espera que seus amigos façam coisas por ele, de modo que esses laços quase nunca são testados.
Estado Civil: Solteiro - E toda vez que tenta mudar isso nunca dura mais do que algumas semanas ou poucos meses. É muito livre  e  alegar ter problemas para se comprometer embora não tenha problema algum em aceitar aventuras de vida ou morte, se joga de cabeça em coisas potencialmente perigosas, tenha muitas tatuagens pelo corpo.
Terra Natal: Avalor.
Infância: Hadrían quase nunca era visto dentro do palácio, porque vivia escapando para correr com os meninos das vilas para ir ao lago ou para correr nas matas e florestas ao redor do castelo. Sua mãe, suas babás e os guardas tinham que literalmente obrigá-lo a ficar em casa, como um refém, para as aulas o que o deixava realmente mal humorado. Era na rua, no meio do povo que ele se via realmente feliz e em casa, o que motivou a decisão de Elena de se separar do primogênito para que ele fosse educado em Aether, longe das ruas, e esperava que o contato com outros príncipes e princesas fosse dar a ele algum tipo de referência. 
Crenças: Repete dizeres populares mais por costume do que por fé, apesar de professar ter uma fé, ele não se sente ligado a nada em particular além dos animais, da natureza, do sol em sua pele e coisas concretas. O caminho de Hadrían raramente seria o da metafísica e o do intocável, é imediatista e precisa de coisas concretas em sua vida, algo que ele não pode ver ou sentir é deveras muito complicado e ele não perde muito tempo pensando nisso.
Hobbies: Adora futebol, pratica com espadas, festas, dançar --- sendo um dançarino exemplar, passar tempo com os animais na floresta e flertar.
Comida favorita: Iguarias da culinária mexicana são seus favoritos. Adora tacos, guacamole, nachos, chili e não é assim tão chegado em sobremesas mas ele não recusa comida, tampouco.
Bebida favorita: Cerveja, e diferente do que se pensa, Hadrían não é exigente, não prefere as cervejas fortes e até as mais “fracas” caem bem no paladar do moreno que gosta mesmo é de uma “gelada” em um dia quente de sol.
O que costuma vestir? Hadrían não liga para moda, e nem tem um gosto lá muito confiável para o assunto. Apesar de gostar de cores, como vermelho, verde e azul, usando camisetas de cores vibrantes no dia a dia, quando se trata de ocasiões formais usa cinza, preto, e azul marinho como ternos, apenas porque aprendeu que com esses não é possível errar. Normalmente suas roupas são escolhidas por outras pessoas, com mais bom gosto do que ele, algo que ele não liga porque se é algo que outra pessoa pode fazer por ele, é menos um problema na sua lista de coisas para se estressar.
O que mais o diverte? Muitas coisas, Hadrían ri de quase tudo, comédias pastelão, ver seus amigos bêbados fazendo besteira, vídeos de animais fofinhos na nimbo, partidas de futebol, festas, boa música, sexo, comida, viagens, passar tempo com os animais...
Por último, liste PERSONAGENS FICTÍCIOS que serviriam de inspiração para o seu atual personagem.
Adrian Ivashkov - Vampire Academy Saga; Kenji Kishimoto - Shatter Me Saga; Benjamin Barry - Como perder um homem em 10 dias; Noah Czerny - The Raven Cycle; Emmett Cullen - Twillight Saga;  James Potter - Harry Potter Saga; Rhaegar Targaryen - The chronicles of ice and fire; Zeus - Mitologia Grega.
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angelsanarchy · 2 months
Like A Pretty Boy- Gabe x Y/N
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16
{Work In Progress}
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angelsanarchy · 2 months
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Like A Pretty Boy: Gabe x Y/N Midi Series- PRT 1
Tagging: @icarus-star @kappasbbgirl @starry-eyed-wild-child @luzclarita57 @bonesgirl11 @444rockstargf blondiezluvbrowniez pretty-girl-blogg fallin444niya liquidsmoothdomme @rootin-tootin-pootin ethical-cain-vinnel l3viathan-sin666 crowfullofwoe @8klil avathewitc @spoilingthemilk @romanroyapoligist anakinskywalkerssgf zoloftsh4wty womenloverlmao berrymeringueposts elvira-aarseth agornotsworld
Y/n watches Gabe stretch as he comes out of the closet, clothes now changed, exhaustion clear on his face as he heads into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He had been working really hard on his documentary but Police Brutality isn't a very cheery topic. The reality of the injustices against people of color was growing worse every day and just looking over the statics would blow your mind.
He struggled with the heinous imagery that came with these cases and stories of innocent people being targeted in their own communities just to be suffocated, beaten or shot to death for merely existing.
"You look like you slept 10 minutes." Y/n walked into the bathroom and put his hands on Gabe's shoulders, feeling the tension from leaning over a laptop all night.
"Yeah...kind of hard to sleep peacefully when you're staring at murdered kids until 4AM." Gabe said with a mouthful of toothpaste. He spit into the sink and wiped at his mouth before letting out a groan from the feeling of the knot in his shoulder.
"I foresee many sleepless nights in your future babe." Y/n continued to massage his shoulders and he leaned his head back. The vibration of his cellphone on the counter made him sigh.
"Are we still avoiding your sister? You know she's bound to hunt you down eventually, right?" Y/n chuckled but Gabe let out a heavy sigh.
"She's going to ask me something stupid and I'm going to have to take the train all the way there just to sit with her and her half-wit husband listening to the lack of white people in her book club or some shit. I just...I can't deal with all that right now." Gabe pulled Y/n's hands from his shoulders and brought them around his body. Y/n hugged him from behind and kissed his shoulder.
"I know, I just hate that you're dreading your phone ringing." Y/n explained.
"Must be nice being an only child." Gabe joked turning around to hold Y/n against his chest.
"Oh yeah my parents were thrilled that the only child they birthed turned out to be a trans guy. Super pumped." Gabe frowned not thinking about what he was saying.
"I'm sorry. I think both our families kinda blow." Gabe tried to cover but Y/n smiled at him.
"Hey I don't mind our found family. I think we're not doing so bad there." Y/n countered leaning forward to kiss him. Gabe kissed him back and sighed.
"You know I'm not like avoiding her calls because of us right?" Gabe looked down at Y/n. The topic of Gabe's closeted status was a touchy subject for the both of them but Y/n knew he was under alot of stress with this new documentary and he didn't want to make things worse.
"I know that babe. I think your sister just wants to bitch about her life for a bit. That's what siblings are for, or so I've heard." Y/n joked. Gabe rested his forehead against Y/n's.
"I don't deserve you, you know that right?" Gabe said holding Y/n a little tighter.
"Shut up, answer the phone if it's going to put you in a mood where I have stroke your ego. You know I only enjoy that when you're naked." Y/n playfully slapped his chest and Gabe chuckled.
"Where you going?" He asked as Y/n grabbed his coat from behind the bedroom door.
"I'm getting breakfast because you're going to need coffee if you plan on staying conscious today." Y/n ran back over and gave Gabe a kiss on the cheek as he leaned against the sink once more.
"Be careful." He said earning a nod as Y/n walked out of the apartment. Gabe sat down and looked at his phone at all the texts his sister had sent but before he could open them, Y/n's name popped up on the screen.
"Hey what did you forget?" Gabe asked.
"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you how cute you look this morning." Gabe could hear Y/n's smile over the phone.
"You called just to tell me that? I'll see you in like 20 minutes." Gabe chuckled.
"Yeah but somethings just can't wait. Love you." Y/n said and Gabe felt that familiar panic in his chest.
"You too." Gabe hadn't told Y/n that he loved him directly yet. He expressed his love and he always said you too but he was still working on saying it. He had never been in a relationship this long and he was terrified he was going to wreck it one day, whether on his own or because of his family. He didn't want to lose Y/n.
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angelsanarchy · 28 days
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Like A Pretty Boy: Gabe x Y/N Midi Series- PRT 2
Tagging: @icarus-star@kappasbbgirl@starry-eyed-wild-child@luzclarita57@bonesgirl11 @444rockstargf blondiezluvbrowniezpretty-girl-bloggfallin444niyaliquidsmoothdomme @rootin-tootin-pootin ethical-cain-vinnell3viathan-sin666crowfullofwoe @8klil @spoilingthemilk @romanroyapoligist anakinskywalkerssgf zoloftsh4wty womenloverlmao berrymeringueposts elvira-aarseth @agornotsworld
When Gabe heard keys in the door, he glanced at the clock. Y/n wasn't supposed to be home until after 4PM and it was only 11AM. He stumbled in carrying a brown box full of files that had other files on top of them, threating to tople over.
"Hey? What are you doing home so early?" Gabe got up and helped him into the door, taking the files off the box top.
"The office was vandalized...again. I swear, I'm so tired of those cis frat boys getting away with all this property damage with a slap on the wrist." Y/n shook his head and Gabe looked him over.
"You should tell Marina to move the office. You guys spend more time cleaning up the mess than actually getting events planned." Gabe joked but earned an unimpressed face from Y/n.
"I'm sorry, I just hate knowing that you're in danger when you go to work." Gabe took the box from him and sat it on the table and Y/n nodded.
"Well that's just the perks of being queer I guess. Always in the line of fire." Y/n tried to say it like a joke but Gabe hated when he did that.
"Don't give me that face. I'm fine, I'm in one piece and you're going to have to put up with me around here for a bit more than usual." Y/n put his arms around Gabe's neck and he matched his stance, letting his hands fall to his hips.
"You know I enjoy any extra time I get to spend in your presence, however distracting it may be." Gabe teased making Y/n lean forward and kissed the tip of his nose.
"I promise to be as quiet as can be." Y/n smirked.
"This mouth? I doubt that's possible." Gabe gripped his chin and Y/n kissed his thumb as it played at the corner of his mouth.
"Don't you go getting sassy on me. I'd hate for you to start something you couldn't finish." Y/n teased Gabe resting his hands on his chest. Gabe's eyebrows went up curiously.
"I'm pretty sure I always finish what I start with you. Are you submitting complaints right now?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Of course not. If I was going to complain, it would be about the dishes you left in the sink last night." Y/n grips his chin and shakes his head.
"So I'm a terrible roommate huh? How do you put up with me?" Gabe mocked pulling him flush against his body.
"You're cute and an amazing fuck." Y/n bit his lip and Gabe felt his cock twitch.
"See now you're being a tease." Gabe said running his hands down his back and gripping the meat of his ass in his hands.
"Oh is that your complaint? I'm a tease and you suck at dishes?" Y/n laughed. Gabe knew that if someone asked him what his favorite sound in the world was, it would be Y/n's laugh. He felt like a puddle whenever Y/n laughed. It was one of the things he fell in love with first.
"Where's your head baby?" Y/n asked seeing his gaze get lost in him.
"I just...do you have any idea how much I....I care about you?" Gabe wanted to say it. He knew he loved Y/n but something in him was too chicken shit to let him have those three words. Y/n touched his cheek.
"I'm sorry I-" Gabe cleared his throat.
"Hey...you don't have to say it." Y/n reaffirmed kissing his cheeks.
"But it upsets you...that I haven't." Gabe knew it. Y/n was just too understanding to verbalize how stupid his kryptonite was.
"You don't have to say it because I can feel it." Y/n gripped Gabe's face and kissed him for a few moments. Gabe touched his elbows, feeling how firmly Y/n's hands were secured in holding his face while they kissed.
He never expected to feel safe in a relationship until he met Y/n. He was scared of the world hurting Y/n more than he was scared of anything else.
"You okay? I need to set up out here." Y/n asked pulling away and pushing Gabe's hair away from his face. Gabe gave him a nod and let him get back to setting up his work computer and files on the coffee table.
He watched him start working and quietly went into the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher knowing the little things like that made Y/n happy. All he wanted was for Y/n to be happy.
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angelsanarchy · 14 days
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Like A Pretty Boy: Gabe x Y/N Midi Series- PRT 5
Tagging: @icarus-star@kappasbbgirl@starry-eyed-wild-child@luzclarita57@bonesgirl11 @444rockstargf blondiezluvbrowniezpretty-girl-bloggfallin444niyaliquidsmoothdomme@rootin-tootin-pootinethical-cain-vinnell3viathan-sin666crowfullofwoe@8klil@spoilingthemilk @romanroyapoligist anakinskywalkerssgfzoloftsh4wtywomenloverlmaoberrymeringuepostselvira-aarseth @agornotsworld
Gabe gives Y/n the space he knows he needs. He stands in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror. In his head, he's tearing himself apart for being such a coward in a relationship he is so secure in. There are a million things going on in the world and the one thing in his life that he is 100% sure on is that he wants his life with Y/n.
There is no option for him to be without him and yet everything he does makes Y/n feel the opposite.
There's a soft knock before the door opens and Y/n enters.
"I don't mean to interrupt your thinking session but I need to shower before bed...do you care?" Y/n asked already putting a towel into the shower stall and turning the water on. Gabe shakes his head and Y/n starts taking his clothes off. He pulls hit shirt over his head and tosses it in the hamper when he notices bloody tissue in the bin. He turns and looks him over and sees the band aid on his thumb.
"You've been picking..." Y/n touched the top of his hand and Gabe shakes his head.
"It's fine." Gabe mumbles.
"Hey...look at me." Y/n put his hand on Gabe's chest.
"I'm not ashamed of you...I'm ashamed of myself." Gabe blurted.
"I feel like such a fucking fraud. I am so passionate about marginalized communities and giving back and yet I hide behind this wall of fear, and for what? I barely speak to my parents. My sister already hates me for being the slightest bit progressive." Gabe continued to rant and Y/n listened.
"You deserve better than me and I know you know that." Gabe let Y/n pull his shirt over his head.
"Why are you torturing yourself right now? We have this same argument every few months. It passes and we continue with our lives." Y/n reminded undoing the button of Gabe's jeans and sliding them off with his boxer briefs.
"Because I'm tired of putting you through it. I'm tired of being an asshole that you put up with." Gabe kept his hair pulled back as Y/n pulled him towards the shower.
"Hey...stop all of this okay? Sometimes I get grumpy and you put up with it. I wouldn't have stayed this long if I truly had a huge issue with it." Y/n put his arms around Gabe's neck, feeling his hands rest on his hips.
"Someday I want that freedom for you. I want you to feel safe in it though. I want you to feel loved despite it. I would never rush you into it." Y/n watched his shoulders relax into the hot water of the shower. Gabe pulled his body to rest flush against his own.
"I'm already free...when I'm with you." Gabe kissed the spot just below his ear and Y/n let his eyes slip closed. No one knew his body like Gabe. He had been with him before his transition really gave him the results he wanted and he knows that helped his body dysphoria immensely. Years after his transition, there was no one he trusted with himself like Gabe.
He felt his hands grip the meat of his ass in his hands tightly, rubbing his cock against his own.
"I know baby. I know." Y/n kept his arms around his neck, grinding his cock into Gabe's until they were both painfully hard.
"There's no one I want more than you." Gabe groaned into his mouth as they kissed. Y/n moaned feeling his index finger enter him. Gabe let his tongue dip into his mouth to taste him
"I know, I love you baby. I love you so much." Y/n let his head fall back against the shower stall and Gabe starts trailing his mouth down his chest, licking around his nipple, letting his free hand rest in the patch of hair on his sternum.
Gabe eventually gets to his knees and takes his cock into his mouth, sucking and humming against the throbbing flesh. Y/n's hands grip the back of his head, shoving his crotch into his face, wanting to feel so much more of him.
"Oh fuck...Gabe..." Y/n whines feeling over-stimulation on the horizon from Gabe's mouth around him, his long fingers inside of him and keeping a slow but deep thrust. Y/n cums gripping the back of his head tightly in his hands, yanking him back to his feet so quickly, he nearly falls over.
"I love you so fucking much." Y/n said breathlessly as he started jerking Gabe's hard cock. You wouldn't have guessed it by how he carried himself but Gabe was very vocal when it came to their sex life. Y/n felt himself getting turned on just listening to him moan and plead to cum. He made sure to get him off, feeling the shift in height as Gabe's knee's buckled and he pinned him to the shower wall.
They both held onto one another, breathing heavy and leaving soft, sweet kisses on each others wet skin.
Once they cleaned up, they got into bed and cuddled together. Just before Y/n drifted off to sleep, he could have sworn her heard Gabe tell him he loved him but right now, it could also have been the beginning of a very sweet dream.
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angelsanarchy · 20 days
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Like A Pretty Boy: Gabe x Y/N Midi Series- PRT 4
Tagging: @icarus-star@kappasbbgirl@starry-eyed-wild-child@luzclarita57@bonesgirl11 @444rockstargf blondiezluvbrowniezpretty-girl-bloggfallin444niyaliquidsmoothdomme@rootin-tootin-pootinethical-cain-vinnell3viathan-sin666crowfullofwoe@8klil@spoilingthemilk @romanroyapoligist anakinskywalkerssgfzoloftsh4wtywomenloverlmaoberrymeringuepostselvira-aarseth @agornotsworld
Gabe had been giving Y/n space since their spat. He knows that Y/n isn't the type of guy who wants to be love bombed or pestered when he's upset so he sat in the other room to work while Y/n took over the living room.
He had just come out to make something for lunch when he saw Y/n on a Zoom call.
"The office is getting a much needed face lift anyway. We should be back in there next month." A voice on the computer said.
"Great because I'm actually starting to miss you bitches." They all laughed.
"We need to get together and do another Tipsy Tuesday! Come on! Y/n we know you're in!" Y/n chuckled shaking his head.
"We'll see. For some reason, working from home zaps my energy." Y/n rested his chin on his palm.
"Must be the shadow man sucking all the energy out of you." Gabe looked over at Y/n who cleared his throat.
"Don't start that shit again." Y/n said shaking his head.
"We know he's real, he's just...transparent." The group laughed.
"I'm suddenly not missing yall at all." Y/n said making them laugh harder. They all started praising him and telling him how much they loved him.
"Seriously Y/n, think about drinks. Maybe he'll want to come out and actually meet your friends." Someone with a soft tone said.
"Fat chance." Another snorted.
"I'll talk to you guys later." Y/n finally ended the call and Gabe brought a mug of coffee over to the table and sat down.
"Do I want to know what that was all about?" Gabe asks passing the cup towards Y/n.
"They're just being stupid, like always. It's nothing." Y/n took the cup and brought it to his lips. Gabe knew how to make his coffee perfectly.
"If you want to go out for drinks, you totally should. I'm sure spending all your time around here is draining, especially with me in your hair." Gabe pressed and Y/n sighed.
"You aren't in my hair Gabe. I'm just tired from working." Y/n explained.
"I'm not trying to start any sort of argument Y/n. I just know you're upset with me and I'm sure spending time with your friends would cheer you up." Gabe tried but Y/n turned his body towards him, grabbing his cellphone and showing him the screen.
His screensaver is a blurry photo of them kissing that you can't really see Gabe's face in.
"That's why they call you the shadow man." Y/n said firmly.
"Why haven't you shown them a picture of me? I mean this isn't the best but-"
"Because Gabe, I'm not trying to be the reason you end up tagged on Facebook by one of my friends and outing you to your family." Y/n explained with annoyance.
"I don't even have a Facebook, Y/n. Why are you getting so upset about this?" Gabe asked as Y/n started gathering up his stuff.
"The fact you even have to ask is kind of sad. I'm just..." Y/n started but took a deep breath.
"Look, I love you. I picked you, I want you to be my partner in this life but I can't help but feel like I'm not a solid choice for you. I know you can't say you love me and I know you aren't ready to be out to your family but we've been together so long it feels like I'm always going to be living in that shadow with you." Y/n said putting his hands on top of Gabe's.
"I'm sorry I make things so complicated. I promise you that I'm not trying to-" Y/n cut Gabe off.
"But you aren't trying to make it easier either. You don't do anything to try and fix what's going on in your head. I didn't just wake up confident in who I am. I lost people I loved along the way and people I thought were conditioned to love me no matter what but here I am. I have my own family that I created and I have you." Y/n touched his face.
"I just wish you knew you had support too." Y/n frowned before gathering his stuff and heading into the bedroom. Gabe sat on the couch annoyed with himself. He knew it had been far too long to have Y/n put up with his fears of being outed. He deserved far better than Gabe and his friends clearly knew it.
If he kept this up, he would lose him and he knew that he would deserve it.
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angelsanarchy · 21 days
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Like A Pretty Boy: Gabe x Y/N Midi Series- PRT 3
Tagging: @icarus-star@kappasbbgirl@starry-eyed-wild-child@luzclarita57@bonesgirl11 @444rockstargf blondiezluvbrowniezpretty-girl-bloggfallin444niyaliquidsmoothdomme@rootin-tootin-pootinethical-cain-vinnell3viathan-sin666crowfullofwoe@8klil@spoilingthemilk @romanroyapoligist anakinskywalkerssgfzoloftsh4wtywomenloverlmaoberrymeringuepostselvira-aarseth @agornotsworld
Gabe stares at his sisters name on the phone screen again. She's called four times in the last two days. He really doesn't want to answer but he knows if he puts it off any longer, she might actually try and come to his apartment.
"This is Gabe." He answered with a sigh.
"Oh please don't try to sound so put out by answering a phone call from your sister." Ruth carried a tone as if Gabe thinking his time was important was a joke.
"Well you've called a million times, is something wrong?" Gabe asked not wanting this to be a long conversation.
"I want you to come and talk to Jared. I can't get him to talk to me about what happened in school and I figured maybe he would talk to you. David doesn't handle...those sort of things well." His sister explained.
"What? David doesn't remember being a teenage boy?" Gabe teased.
"No I just don't talk about my feelings like some fruit loop." Gabe heard David's voice over the line.
"You know it's polite to tell someone when they're on speaker phone." Gabe grumbled.
"Oh please don't talk to me about etiquette." Another swipe at him to try and put herself above him in some form or fashion. Ruth always did that. She never used to be like this but ever since Gabe decided to go to a more progressive college, she treated him like he was some sort of pretentious liberal asshole. She thought because she was married, lived on the other side of town and brought a kid into the world that somehow meant her life is more fulfilled.
He hadn't realized he had been ignoring her ranting while he got lost in this thoughts.
"Ruth...you're rambling. What's going on with Jared?" Gabe pinched the bridge of his nose.
"He was suspended from school. He won't tell me what happened and keeps blowing it off like it's no big deal but the way his ignorant liberal principal talked to me, it seems like she was calling him a white suprimist or something. Did you know one of his classmates came out as a lesbian. Can you believe that?" She said it with such disgust.
"So? What's that got to do with Jared?" Gabe asked confused.
"Well she might as well shoved it in his face like she's a freaking pre-teen, what the hell does she know about who she's sexually attracted to." Ruth had never talked to Gabe about his sexual preference. She just constantly told him he needed to get a woman in his life so he could settle down and become a real adult.
Apparently paying bills and having his own place wasn't adult enough. He needed to have a white picket fence in upper Manhattan with a wife and a job in finance apparently. All the things that Gabe loathed.
"Baby! I've got dinner!" Y/n called out from the front door and Gabe's stomach dropped.
"Baby? Was that your roommate?" Ruth asked confused.
"Yeah they were talking to the cat...Baby like the girl from Dirty Dancing." Gabe panicked as Y/n stood confused in the doorway as he tried to cover.
"Sounds like your roommate might be a bit fruity too." David said with a laugh.
"Look I will check the train schedule and see if I can come by sometime this week. It's an hour there and an hour back so don't get your hopes up okay?" Gabe said quickly.
"GABE! It's important! Your nephew needs you." Ruth practically shouted.
"Fine...I'll be there Wednesday." Gabe relented.
"Thank you little brother. I'll see you then." Ruth sounded accomplished as she hung up the phone after getting what she wanted. Gabe chucked his phone onto the bed and looked over at Y/n who stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
"So when did we get a cat? I mean I've asked for one for the last few months but-" Y/n started but Gabe shook his head.
"They could hear you call me baby on the phone. I didn't want them to suspect...anything." Gabe watched Y/n's face shift into disappointment.
"Great...well now I won't be getting a cat because I refuse to support that ridiculous cover story." Y/n took his jacket off and hung it on the back of the door.
"It's not a cover-"
"Gabe...we've been friends for seven years, together for four and moved in together for two and I've never met your family, not even as your roommate, as you say, which yes I've heard you call me that by the way." Y/n called Gabe out and he frowned.
"You're more than that and you know it." Gabe reached out to him.
"I'd hope so. I never fucked any of my old roommates so I'd say I'm more too." Y/n's words hurt Gabe.
"Please...stop for a second." Gabe was holding his hands in his own.
"I know how my family would act and I don't ever want that ignorance or hatred to bleed onto what we have here. You are it for me. You are my partner and I want to protect you from anything and anyone that could possibly hurt you." Gabe kissed the back of Y/n's hand and Y/n gave a soft smile.
"That worked the first year on me...not this far in sweetheart." He gave Gabe's hands a squeeze before pulling away.
"Dinner is on the table. I've suddenly lost my appetite." Y/n walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind himself as Gabe pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew his closeted status was a huge weight on their relationship but his fear terrified him. The idea of losing his entire family, despite the moral and ethical differences between them, made him feel like it would be the end of the world if they knew.
He wishes things were easier but all the years they had been together, this was the only thing that kept them apart.
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angelsanarchy · 16 hours
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Like A Pretty Boy: Gabe x Y/N Midi Series- PRT 6
Tagging: @icarus-star@kappasbbgirl@starry-eyed-wild-child@luzclarita57@bonesgirl11 @444rockstargf blondiezluvbrowniezpretty-girl-bloggfallin444niyaliquidsmoothdomme@rootin-tootin-pootinethical-cain-vinnell3viathan-sin666crowfullofwoe@8klil@spoilingthemilk @romanroyapoligist anakinskywalkerssgfzoloftsh4wtywomenloverlmaoberrymeringuepostselvira-aarseth @agornotsworld
Y/n didn't expect Gabe's visit to his sisters to be a fun or productive. They never usually are and Gabe comes home in a funk every time but the man who fell to his knees sobbing the moment he came through the door, trying to catch his breath, mid panic attack wasn't it.
Gabe tried to explain what transpired with his sister, how the conversation was tense the moment he walked through the door. How she felt her son was being treated based on being a white male growing up in a "woke" society. It made Gabe nauseated just listening to her talk. He told him about how he sat with his nephew and tried to get him to talk about what happened at school, how it makes him feel, but all he got out of him was how weird his teacher was for being gay.
Y/n knew that right there was going to make the visit a bad one. The moment he explained that he blacked out and hauled off and open hand slapped his 14 year old nephew, Y/n shook his head. Telling Gabe that it was fine, it would be okay was a lie. Hitting a kid, no matter how ignorant his remarks were or how insulting his parents spoke of you doesn't give you the right to lay hands on them.
Gabe knew he fucked up. He knew that his family was going to explode on him. He knew that he would soon be getting a barrage of angry calls and texts about how he was a piece of shit for doing what he did but right now, Y/n was only focused on getting him to calm down.
When he finally managed to cry himself out, Y/n sat down on the bed next to him. He was listening to the voicemails his sister left.
"How fucking could you Gabe!? I should press charges against you! You left a red mark across my son's face! I will never forgive you for this! You're a fucking monster!" She screamed. He pressed on the next message and it was a lot of the same from her husband but making sure to make accusations of his sexuality and how he can't be that upset if he's not gay! It was such an absurd comment.
"Gabriel Mathew! Your sister just called and told us what you did. You should be ashamed of yourself! Striking a child is horrendous! What were you thinking?! You could go to jail! Your father and I are very disappointed-" Y/n took the phone from his hand and tossed it on the bed.
"You don't have to torture yourself. You know you fucked up Gabe." Y/n's hand was on his lower back. Gabe hadn't said much once he caught his breath.
"What can I do to help? What do you need?" Y/n asked squeezing his hands.
"I...I don't know. I just want to disappear." Gabe shook his head and Y/n kissed his knuckles.
"It was a mistake. People make them. You didn't beat him to a pulp." Y/n wasn't trying to make excuses for Gabe but he knew that he would never dream of hurting his nephew. The slap was a knee-jerk reaction to something already on a hair-trigger.
"What do I do? I don't...normally I fuck up and I know exactly what I have to do in order to make things right again but this...I've never even been in a fight." Gabe explained.
"Legally, if your sister does press charges we can probably get it lowered since you don't have a record-" Gabe cuts him off.
"No no not legally. If she calls the cops, that's her prerogative. I'll deal with those repercussions. I mean what should I do about my family. Should I call her back? Should I text my nephew and apologize? The last thing I want to do is call my parents back." Gabe explained.
"I think tonight, we just let everything simmer okay? I think calling your sister right now would only make her more upset. Texting your nephew might cause her to do something irrational like get a restraining order against you so I'd just leave it for now." Y/n could see how disgusted Gabe was with himself. It hurt him to see how shaken up he was by his own actions.
"They're never going to accept me for who I am, Y/n. I could feel it in the way they talk. Anyone who is different is lesser to them. Minorities, queers...I will never be good enough for them." Gabe looked over at Y/n and he frowned.
"No matter what happens, you're not alone. You have me and you are everything, beyond good enough. If they can't figure that out, they never deserved you anyway." Y/n reassured and Gabe shook his head resting it on Y/n's shoulder.
They sat in silence, Y/n holding onto him tightly. He wasn't sure how things were going to pan out but all he could hope was that Gabe was able to forgive himself for what he's done.
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
Rules of the vote are the same as always. Just because something is selected, doesn't mean I won't ever get around to writing the ones that don't get picked. Those will just come later.
*I realize you can only vote once HOWEVER I'm taking the TOP TWO most voted. In the event of a tie, a second round will be done.
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