#gabriel the trickster
melancholy-rat · 2 years
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Gabriel fanart I think he uses L’Oréal
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conjoinedravioli · 2 years
This little fucker wiggled his way into my brain
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Little wings, halo, and sparkles version under the cut
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hhh here he is, this man ate my son /aff (also a blurry Sam and Dean in the background that I put minimal effort into-)
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Don't mind me, just Gabe posting :]
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kapellputs · 3 months
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Janitor Gabriel doodle…. I can’t stop drawing Gabriel,,,
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Sam: “I just want to hear those three little words.”
Gabriel: “I love you.”
Sam: “You are so cute, but try again.”
Gabriel: “I will behave.”
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woundlingus · 5 months
Where does Gabriel get these clothes?? He turns up without them, just the case with the swords and his coat. Those are the ONLY things in his hands, and yet, here he is, brand new outfit…
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Did Sam and Dean go BUY THAT for him??? Did they go stick Narfi in a trash compactor and then swing by target?? Did Sam have to beg Dean to pull over so he could buy him a lil leather jacket??? I mean he looks delightful good pick but WHY
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 2 months
Cas doesn’t trust any animals that Gabriel was allowed to make or add to.
His reasoning? He doesn’t need one, there is no doubt in his mind that Gabriel’s brotherly torment will follow him around earth.
Thing is no one believes him, I mean why would they? So when they take him to the zoo they don’t really consider his concerns as, well, concerns.
“I don’t think an anteater can glare at you, I’m sure it’s just hungry.”
“Cas the porcupine wasn’t aiming for you.”
“I’m sure the platypus normally purrs and follows people as they walk past the enclosure.”
“I don’t think a parrot shouting feather brain at you repeatedly means anything, people probably call it that all the time.”
This kept happening until a giraffe straight up licks Cas’ head and not even Dean can give a reasonable explanation because it is odd that all the animals that Gabriel is constantly bragging about are terrorising Cas specifically.
Safe to say that Cas refuses to go to the zoo again and Gabriel finds it absolutely hilarious because he really didn’t have anything to do with it, and it’s probably just the fact Cas is an Angel, but obviously as a trickster he’s gonna take full credit for it.
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coy-lee · 1 year
I... Have been intimidated by the prospect of creating such a piece for YEARS... But the time has come.
So, I made what I always wanted most come true X3.
This has been years coming so I'm honestly a bit anxious.
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nimblefoxes · 9 months
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He’s a tricky one to get right — *ba dum tsss* 🤪
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Sam trying to explain the time loop in Mystery Spot be like:
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angelicbros · 27 days
Gabriel: can't you take a fucking joke?wha.. now you're not talking to me? so damn sensitive
his jokes:
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melancholy-rat · 2 years
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Best friends lol this could be matching pfps tbh
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Something that kinda pisses me off is how the writers reframed the trauma of Mystery Spot to be Dean's, when he doesn't even have any memory of it.
From Changing Channels:
Dean: Good. I've wanted to gank that mother since Mystery Spot. Sam: You sure? Dean: Yeah I'm sure. Sam: No, I mean are you sure you wanna kill him? Dean: Son of a bitch didn't think twice about icing me a thousand times.
And like. People just went with it.
Mystery Spot changed Sam on a fairly fundamental level. Like. He was always unhinged about Dean and Dean's deal, but watching Dean die? Over and over, so many times he lost count, and knowing that no matter what he did he was failing to save Dean. And the last death, when he lost Dean for six months.
I really think that is what pushed Sam from "I don't care if someone else dies so Dean can live" to "I will personally rip the heart out of anyone if it gives me the slightest chance of saving Dean."
And then Changing Channels comes along, and Sam's the one thinking "hey, maybe the Trickster (because remember, they didn't know Trickster=Gabriel) could help prevent the Apocalypse" and Dean is the one with a vendetta? Over something he doesn't even remember?
My GOD this show loves to erase Sam's trauma.
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Gabe posting again because I'm grieving
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kapellputs · 3 months
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Gabriel in his biblical attire !!
Tried a new shading method with this one, I think it’s gonna stick… he also had three pairs of wings originally but I got lazier as I drew so he progressively got wound down to the usual pair.
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kaivenom · 2 months
My favourite book came to life?
Summary: you went with your brother's to solve a case but when you get there you start to realize similarities with the murders and witnesses with your favourite book.
Pairing: Gabriel x Winchester!reader
Warnings: none, murder scenes? but not explicit written
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Finally the ride ended, you loved your brothers but being on a car with them for eight hours was suffocating sometimes. You closed your favourite book, the ride let you read it once again.
You checked in on the motel and create your covers, this time you were a FBI rookie again, you are always the rookie because you are the younger.
You three spent all the morning asking witnesses and seeing the murder scenarios. Something about the settings was strange, more strange than a creature killing people , this procedure sounds familiar to you somehow.
Two days passed since you got on the town and two new murders occured. Officially the assasin it's someonw who read your favourite book.
"I tell you guys, maybe it's a normal serial killer who it's a nerd for this book."
"I think we should be here one more day to check the theory."
That afternoon you visited the new witness, she opened the door dressed like a character from the book and refused to be called by her real name.
"Officially it's a monster, she is completely brain-washed."
"How can we talk to her? Use your book knowledge."
After one hour you convinced her to speak to you about it, you told her you were the inspector from the book and she started to open up.
You said goodbye to the woman and left the house, before getting into the impala, your Dean picked some candy wrapping from the floor.
"Son of a bitch."
"It's the trickster."
"Who?" you repplied confused.
"It's someone we dealed with twice, he is a total pain in the ass," by his faced you could see that he is, "he can alter the reality and change his appareance, all of this it's his game."
"Maybe the only way to get out it's follow it, back there i was the inspectorfrom the book, and this morning the witnesses weren't brain washed, his game its escalating, we need to adapt."
"And for what porpuse?"
"Reveal the mistery and capture the assain." you said quoting the protagonist of the novel."
Your strategy worked, you advanced a lot on the case, you almost got him. It was raining outside but you needed to clear your mind, just like the inspector you think, so you got outside and leaning against the motel wall under a shelter from the rain.
You noticed someone with a coat and a black umbrella, just like the final witness of the book, the one who gives the final hint to get the killer.
He got to your side and hand you a letter, you couldn't recognize his face from the town but that doesn't matter. You run to your brothers to give them the information. The chart talked about the police officer and his name, just like the book.
You three went fast to the police man's house to get him in hopes that the game ends and find the trickster. The man was in fact in his house and you arrested him because he was human but no trace of the supernatural one.
"So, we were wrong?" Dean was starting to get frustated.
"No, the trickster it's on town, how else can the victims have that personalities..." while they continue to argue you realized somethin.
"Shut up, i think the letter it's an anagram."
Half and hour and you were going to the location on the chart, a storage outside the village. When you entered you found the man who gave you letter.
"It was you, you killed those people," you are not able to hide the rage of having been fooled by that man, creature.
"I didn't kill them, the officer killed them and i didn't care but then i read this book," he showed to you like it was a comercial, "and thought about taking the opportunity to try some new ideas."
"I made it obvious for your brothers to come but i didn't thought about you gorgeous," he started to get close to you, "how are you related to them?"
"Hey, relax with our sister, mate."
"But at first they where just settings, later they started to be characters, why?" you asked, trying to ignore your brothers's attack of protectivity.
"Because i saw you and i was intrigued. You read the book and you found the similiarities but you needed a little hint, i supposed you would love a litte roleplay."
"I like it, not the killing humans part but the yes."
"Are you guys really flirting at this moment?"
"Perhaps we can meet again some other time."
"If there are no murders yet."
"I will have that on mind." he smiled playfully and blew you a kiss from the air before snapping his fingers and dissapearing.
"Son of a bitch, he escaped again, if you weren't flirting with him..."Dean almost screamed at your ear.
"Sorry okay? i didn't know he can do that, you should thell me more about him the next time."
"Oh no, we are not going to talk about him, we don't want you to date him, seeing how you two were right there."
Sam only laughed a little behind you and you three made your way to the impala. When you sat on the backseat and oppened your book, there was a paper with some numbers, a phone number. Smart and pretty Trickster.
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