#gaby barreto
dear-indies · 10 months
Hello! Would you be willing to share any Venezuelan FCs anywhere from their early 20s to late 40s that are actors/actresses? Or possibly know of anyone in the RPC who can point me towards some please? It's okay if they don't have gifs yet because I would love to make some! Thank you kindly!
Scarlet Ortiz (1974) Venezuelan.
Marieh Delfino (1977) Venezuelan [Spanish, Basque, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, and Dutch], Colombian / Cuban, English, Irish, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish.
Alicia Machado (1977) Cuban / Spanish.
Gaby Espino (1977) Spanish, Native Venezuelan and Lebanese.
Dayana Garroz (1978) Venezuelan.
Marianela González (1978) Venezuelan.
Maritza Bustamante (1980) Venezuelan.
Marjorie de Sousa (1980) Venezuelan [including Portuguese].
Doris Morgado (1981) Venezuelan.
Majandra Delfino (1981) Venezuelan.
Daniela Bascopé (1982) Venezuelan.
Daniela Navarro (1983) Venezuelan.
Sabrina Seara (1985) Venezuelan.
Gaby Espino (1986) Venezuelan.
Juliette Pardau (1986) Venezuelan.
Adriyan Rae (1987) African-American, German, Native American, and Venezuelan.
Genesis Rodriguez (1987) Venezuelan and Cuban [Spanish, possibly other].
Abril Schreiber (1987) Venezuelan.
Yelena Maciel (1988) Venezuelan.
Yuvanna Montalvo (1988) Venezuelan.
Scarlet Gruber (1989) Venezuelan [including German].
Carla Baratta (1990) Venezuelan.
Natasha Domínguez (1990) Venezuelan.
Cinthya Carmona (1990) Venezuelan.
Rosmeri Marval (1991) Venezuelan.
Laura Chimaras (1991) Venezuelan.
Irene Esser (1991) Venezuelan.
María Gabriela de Faría (1992) Venezuelan [including Portuguese].
Sheryl Rubio (1992) Venezuelan.
Kimberly Dos Ramos (1992) Venezuelan [Portuguese].
Marielena Davila (1992) Venezuelan.
Humberly González (1992) Venezuelan.
Estefany Oliveira (1993) Venezuelan.
Raquel Rojas (1994) Venezuelan.
McKaley Miller (1996) Venezuelan (paternal grandmother), English, Scottish.
Luiseth Materán (1996) Venezuelan.
Oriana Sabatini (1996) Argentinian / Venezuelan - is bisexual.
Vanessa Silva Sperka. (1997) Venezuelan / Slovak.
Emily Tosta (1998) Venezuelan / Dominican.
Simoné Marval (1998) Venezuelan.
Lilimar Hernandez (2000) Venezuelan.
Brigitte Bozzo (2001) Venezuelan.
Albi De Abreu (1975) Venezuelan [including Portuguese].
Juan Alfonso Baptista (1976) Venezuelan.
Édgar Ramírez (1977) Venezuelan.
Luciano D'Alessandro (1977) Venezuelan.
Pastor Oviedo (1977) Venezuelan.
Daniel Elbittar (1979) Venezuelan.
Guillermo García (1981) Venezuelan.
Alejandro Nones (1982) Venezuelan.
Rodolfo Salas (1983) Venezuelan.
Victor Drija (1985) Venezuelan.
Rafael de la Fuente (1986) Venezuelan [including German], Lebanese / Spanish and Cuban - is gay.
Willy Martin (1987) Venezuelan.
Reinaldo Zavarce (1988) Venezuelan.
Arán de las Casas (1989) Venezuelan.
Jonathan Jose Quintana (1990) Venezuelan.
Esteban Velásquez (1990) Venezuelan.
Emmanuel Palomares (1990) Venezuelan.
José Ramón Barreto (1991) Venezuelan.
Sean Teale (1992) Venezuelan, Spanish, Welsh.
Tommy Martinez (1992) Venezuelan.
Aaron Dominguez (1994) Venezuelan.
Omar Rudberg (1998) Venezuelan - has said that he "he falls in love with the person regardless of the person's sex.
Antonio Andrés Rosello (2001) Venezuelan and Italian.
Here you go!
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congressodigitalnano · 4 months
V CDNB - Momentos Culturais: Gabi Barreto
[PT] 🎶✨ Momentos Culturais: Gabi Barreto no V CDNB! ✨🎶 Estamos super animados em anunciar que a talentosa Gabi Barreto estará conosco nos Momentos Culturais do V CDNB! 🌟 Ela vai apresentar um cover e uma música autoral incríveis. Conheça mais do trabalho dela no YouTube, onde ela diz "for covers and songs I wrote myself :)" e explore seus tutoriais de piano, covers, e muito mais. 🎹🎤 Siga também seu Instagram para ficar por dentro de todas as novidades e se envolver com a arte dela enquanto aguarda sua apresentação especial no V CDNB. 📸 🔗 Instagram: @coversbygabii E lembre-se, o V CDNB está com inscrições abertas e gratuitas! 🎟️ 🔗 https://www.even3.com.br/vcdnb/
[EN] 🎶✨ Cultural Moments: Gabi Barreto at the 5th CDNB! ✨🎶 We are super excited to announce that the talented Gabi Barreto will join us for the Cultural Moments at the 5th CDNB! 🌟 She will perform an amazing cover and an original song. Discover more of her work on YouTube, where she says "for covers and songs I wrote myself :)" and explore her piano tutorials, covers, and more. 🎹🎤 Also, follow her on Instagram to stay updated and get involved with her art while waiting for her special performance at the 5th CDNB. 📸 🔗 Instagram: @coversbygabii And remember, the 5th CDNB is open for free registrations! 🎟️ 🔗 https://www.even3.com.br/vcdnb/
[ES] 🎶✨ Momentos Culturales: Gabi Barreto en el V CDNB! ✨🎶 ¡Estamos súper emocionados de anunciar que la talentosa Gabi Barreto estará con nosotros en los Momentos Culturales del V CDNB! 🌟 Ella presentará un cover y una canción original increíbles. Descubre más de su trabajo en YouTube, donde ella dice "for covers and songs I wrote myself :)" y explora sus tutoriales de piano, covers, y más. 🎹🎤 También, sigue su Instagram para mantenerte al día y conocer su arte mientras esperas su presentación especial en el V CDNB. 📸 🔗 Instagram: @coversbygabii Y recuerda, el V CDNB tiene inscripciones abiertas y gratuitas! 🎟️ 🔗 https://www.even3.com.br/vcdnb/
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profleonardobastos · 5 months
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ATENÇÃO‼️É AMANHÃ, sexta‼️ Única apresentação‼️ Após apresentações no Teatro Sesi Duque de Caxias e no Teatro Oi Futuros no Flamengo, chega à Petrópolis "Lima Barreto: o Dostoiévski dos Trópicos", da Companhia Teatral Língua de Trapo.
Dia: 19 de abril.
Horário: 20 horas.
Local: Teatro Reynaldo Chaves (Escola de Música Santa Cecília).
Endereço: Rua General Osório, n⁰ 192, 4⁰ andar, Centro, Petrópolis, RJ.
Classificação indicativa: 14 anos.
Ingressos populares: R$30,00 inteira e R$15,00 meia entrada para classe artística, estudantes, professores, idosos, pessoas com deficiência e beneficiários de programas sociais.
Ingressos disponíveis na secretaria da escola.
Informações pelo WhatsApp (24) 2242-2191.
Lotação máxima: 140 lugares.
Ficha Técnica: Direção, Roteiro, Concepção e Operação de Som - Iara Roccha (@iararocchateatro); Produção - Companhia Teatral Língua de Trapo (@ciateatrallinguadetrapo); Elenco - Ariel Barbosa (@arielbarbosareal), Fernando Vianna (@fernandoatorvianna), Gabi Marcelino (@gabi.marcelino_), Igor Oggy (@igor.oggy), karine Borges (@karineborgeskb), Leonardo Bastos (@profleonardobastos) e Monica Campos (@mokampos); Iluminação e Operador de Luz - Tiago de Jesus (@tiaguinho_luz); Fotografias - Isabela Bentes (@bela.bentes.fotografia).
Matéria: Petrópolis em Cena (https://www.petropolisemcena.com.br/2024/03/lima-barreto-o-dostoievski-dos-tropicos.html?m=1).
📣 Imperdível‼️ Não percam‼️ Corram lá e adquiram já seus ingressos‼️ Sejam todos(as)(es) muito bem-vindos(as)(es)‼️ Contamos com a sua presença‼️ Esperamos todos(as)(es) vocês por lá‼️ Até lá‼️ 🎭🩰🎼🎵🎶✨🌟🎬👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻✌🏻👍🏻👊🏻😉🤩
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selektakoletiva · 10 months
Pupillo e o Forró do Mundo: Uma Jornada Musical e Cultural nas Ruas do Brasil
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No coração da cena musical brasileira, Romário Menezes de Oliveira Jr., vulgo Pupillo, trilhou uma jornada com exímia destreza desde seus primeiros frames com Chico & Nação, até sua notável carreira como produtor musical. Sua história é marcada por momentos de mudança, refletindo não apenas a evolução de sua própria vida, mas também a transformação do cenário musical do Brasil.
Pupillo, cujo apelido surgiu ainda na adolescência, mergulhou nas complexidades da música desde cedo. Antes mesmo de se concentrar em tecer uma carreira com as baquetas, ele absorvia as nuances das canções, explorando diversos gêneros, desde frevos e xotes, até jazz e ritmos afro norte-americanos. Sua entrada na Nação Zumbi em 95, após um convite de Chico Science, tornou-se um ponto de virada crucial em sua carreira. Assim como o nascimento de sua primeira cria, que aconteceram com meses de proximidade. E assim, ao longo de oito álbuns de estúdio com a Nação, Pupillo contribuiu significativamente para a sonoridade única da banda, consolidando seu lugar como um dos músicos mais versáteis e visionários da cena.
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Em 2018 - após nascimento de seu segundo filho - Pupillo anunciou sua saída da Nação Zumbi, buscando outros horizontes em novas sonoridades e texturas, aguçadas mais ao lado produtor. Essa mudança não foi apenas uma transição na carreira, mas uma evolução natural para um artista do calibre de Romário, com o tanto de possibilidades que se criam e se recriam no decorrer do tempo. O exemplo é a própria carreira de Pupillo, recheados de projetos paralelos de diversas naturezas e propostas; Seu Jorge & Almaz, 3namassa, Los Sebosos Postizos, Sonantes - e seu último projeto, lançado ano passado - Sonorado. Além da caminhada brilhante como baterista, sua incursão na produção musical trouxe à luz trabalhos notáveis. Isso desde o tempos de Candeeiro Records, selo que Pupillo abriu com Marcelo Soares e Caca Barreto lá nos idos de 1999.
A Candeeiro lançou discos icônicos para cena de Pernambuco, trazendo trabalhos autorais e independentes ao ouvido da massa manguefônica. Alguns dos grandes trabalhos que podemos citar são: "O Outro Mundo de Manuela do Rosário" - um dos discos mais experimentais, ácidos e ousados da Mundo Livre S/A - "Jornal da Palmeira" e "Simulacro", primeiros registros em carreira solo de Erasto Vasconcelos e China, respectivamente, "Música Magneta", dos Mestres da Guitarradas, entre outros como Otto, DJ Dolores e algumas coletâneas. Fora da Candeeiro Records, assinou também discos de mestres da música nacional como Gal Costa e Erasmo, além de contribuir também para feitura de trilhas sonoras, como fez em Árido Movie, Baixio das Bestas e participação em Besouro e Amarelo Manga. Hoje Romário Menezes Jr. está caminhando em ampliar ainda mais seu leque, e divide seu tempo em colaborações precisas com artistasda velha vanguarda como Nando Reis - em que cumpre a função de produtor e baterias da banda - ou artistas emergentes como o rapper Edgar, em que produziu "Ultrassom".
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E é nesse espírito de evolução e busca constante, em contato com artistas emergentes da cena, que Pupillo apresenta o álbum "Forró do Mundo". Projeto primoroso, onde confunde o tradicional e funde ao contemporâneo. Pupillo Fortrex, não apenas assina a produção musical, mas também escala um elenco estelar de oito vozes femininas que incluem Assucena, Céu, Gabi da Pele Preta, Gaby Amarantos, Juliana Linhares, Luedji Luna, Mariana Aydar e Rachel Reis.
A proposta do álbum é clara: revitalizar o forró, um gênero muitas vezes rotulado de forma genérica, e reestruturá-lo de forma que chegue aos ouvidos de gregos e baianos. Sem apelo pop, mas sim popular, no aspro da palavra, como dizem os poetas. Romário Jr. e esse elenco luxuoso buscam preservar a essência do forró, reinterpretando sucessos do cancioneiro popular com uma roupagem contemporânea. Como era no princípio, pé na lama, antena na cabeça.
Desdobrando o Forró e seus mais variados subgêneros em beats de Trip-Hop ao Afrobeats, passando pelo Reggae e o Hip-Hop, o repertório abrange com uma textura original as obras de mestres como Anastácia, Nando Cordel, Mestre Dominguinhos, Antônio Barros, Chico Buarque, Djavan, Zé Ramalho, Sivuca e Glorinha Gadelha, proporcionando uma jornada sonora que transcende fronteiras regionais.
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Em entrevistas, as cantoras destacam a sensibilidade de Pupillo em modernizar o forró, preservando um legado cultural único. O projeto não é apenas uma experiência auditiva, mas uma celebração da diversidade musical do Brasil, unindo vozes de diferentes regiões em um só xaxado.
Concluindo o previsível, com oito faixas produzidas inteiramente pelo próprio Pupillo, "Forró do Mundo" veio ao mundo na metade de Junho deste ano, com campanha de arrecadamento coletivo para a produção dos LPs. Foi lançado pela sua produtora artística Muzak Music, nova empreitada fonográfica do recifense. Traz o melhor do Brasil e do brasileiro, numa manifestação artística do que se ecoa pelo imaginário do país todo. Uma expressão da cultura de rua que se reinventa, mantendo-se autêntica e relevante. Atemporal. Eis a palavra!
E Que define o projeto, as interpretações, e mais ainda, o hoje Mestre Pupillo.
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wendelassis · 2 years
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Coladinho - Jammil Ficha Técnica Intérprete: Jammil e Uma Noites Composição: Manno Góes Gravadora: ADA/Warner Produção Executiva: TPM Produções Roteiro, Direção e Edição: Marcos Povoas Co-direção: Giovana Povoas (@giovanapovoas) Roteiro e assistente de Direção: Sofia Federico (@benditas.art) Produção Executiva: Mar Digital Produções / Kinho Federico (@mardigitalproducoes) Direção de fotografia: Wendel Assis (@wendelassi) Assistente de câmera: Tamires Almeida (@bruxa.pr3t4.audiovisual) Direção de arte: Amanda Lima (@aguadecachoeiraa) Assistente de arte: Felipe Adail (@felipeadail) Contrarregra: Luanderson Santos Ferreira (@qualfoipreto) Maquiagem: Jade Alves (@soujadealves) Assistente de maquiagem: Anderson Vidal (@andersonvidal) Figurino: Dáfine Prates (@dafine.prates) Assistente de figurino: Gabi Arnaoutte (@gabrielaaarnaoutte) Estagiária de figurino: Ana Lua Andrade Produção de set / locação: Daniella Silva (@eidasilva) Assistente de produção: Laura Rosa (@_serpenterosa) Assistente de set: Vitor Povoas (@abelezaencarnada) Maquinário elétrico: Candido Soares do Nascimento Filho (@jrtalento78) Artista: Rafa Barreto Elenco: Ticiane Bicelli (@ticibicelli), Pedro de Rosa Morais (@pedroderosamorais), Luana França (@luafrancap), Matheus Ambrozzi (@matheusambrozii), Gilberto Baia (@gilbertosousabaia), Rodrigo Piano (@costapiano), Ágatha Simas (@agathasimas), Evelly Vitória (@evellycardosoo), Bella Kaever (@bellakaever), Yasmim Vieira (@Yasmim.vieeira), André Ortins (@andre_ortins), Diogo Watanabe (@diogotgwatanabe), Madu Lopo (@madulopo), Yasmim Duarte (@yasmimduarte.oficial). Agradecimentos: Abará da Vovó (@abaradavovo) Locação: ABOCA Centro de Artes (@abocacentrodeartes) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpdhws_Jc2y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑹𝒉𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒎, 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒅 & 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒌𝒉𝒊𝒏 🎤🎫🎸
✍🏽: 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐙𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐚
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maddiesflame · 3 years
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Rhythm, Chord & Malykhin headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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modelsof-color · 6 years
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Anne Barreto , Gabi Rodrigues , Nicole Atieno & Manuela Sanchez by Giampaolo Sgura for Vogue Germany - Dec 2018
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neymotta · 2 years
A PAUTA É DOROTEIA NUA - "F.E.T.O.", novo espetáculo de Gerald Thomas, livremente inspirado na farsa de Nelson Rodrigues com cruzamento de obras de Marcel Duchamp e Iberê Camargo, estreia em São Paulo.
Com uma habilidade genial para ironizar e satirizar os desvios comportamentais da sociedade, Nelson Rodrigues criou um teatro único e universal que vem atravessando décadas com a mesma vitalidade. A trama da sua peça “Doroteia” nos mostra a personagem título quando, depois da morte do filho, resolve abandonar a prostituição e procurar por suas primas em busca de uma vida virtuosa. No entanto,…
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Mayans Season 3
Soooooooooooooooo I have a lot of thoughts. Like, a lot. No one asked for this but some of you did express enthusiasm when I told you I was gonna go AWF, so here we go.
DISCLAIMER: I should perhaps also mention that this is simply a critique of the finished product — I understand, of course, there were other issues that affected the production of the season that perhaps didn’t affect seasons one and two, such as Covid and some of the confusion after the departure of Sutter. Some might say, however, that this season without Sutter was easier because there was less tension on set (I’m just re-counting what some of the cast have intimated). Ultimately, though, I really just want this to be a critique of the finished product, in the way that I assume all creators and artists want their work to be judged… Standing alone versus as a potential outcome of problems or challenges.
It’s probably clear by now that I wasn’t a huge fan of this season, so first I’ll start off with what I did like:
• The cinematography was really nice. We got a lot of great wide shots that made us feel how expansive these worlds are, how lonely the desert, how wide the ocean, etc. They showed us the freedom that comes with this life but also how small it can make you feel when you get swallowed up in it. Scenes were also a lot less dark-lit, which was great cuz I didn’t have to mess with my screen’s contrast as much, so that was appreciated.
• There was also some beautiful color work this year. A lot of oranges and purples that I appreciated. EZ was almost always beautifully framed. We got some nice close ups of Angel as well. The scene with the tear running down his cheek was beautiful, which leads me to:
• THE ACTING: Danny Pino was far and away the best for me. His microexpressions, his ability to change emotions on a dime, his capacity for showing us the exact thoughts going through Miguel’s head, as well as his continued excellence at portraying Miguel’s duality and his divided loyalties (his family of origin vs. his current family, his American vs. Mexican heritage, his classy Cornell acapella-singing [!] self vs. his ruthless cartel persona) never ceases to impress me. Carla is amazing as well, she gave me chills in pretty much every scene. Sometimes I remember that she’s my age (30) and I’m just like holy shit, where did all this poise and presence and focus come from?? Couldnt be me! Honorable mentions include Clayton Cardenas (aforementioned crying scene, “WHERE THE FUCK IS RAMOS?!”), Michael Irby/Alexandra Barreto (diner scene), Felipe (telling Gaby to go scene...most scenes with Gaby), Emily Tosta, and Holland Roden. Richard Cabral did great too, although his storyline bored me so much that I couldn’t really pay attention to his excellent performance. Hope also was a distraction for me, but (much) more on this later. JD was pretty strong throughout, although some of his scenes (especially the ones with Gaby) were so poorly written that I imagine it was hard to make them anything but wooden (more on this later too, unfortunately). Sulem was hit or miss for me, but I felt like she hit her stride later in the season, and by the end, I fully bought it. MOMO RODRIGUEZ made me feel everything. There was a nuance and a depth to his performance that I was not expecting. It was a beautiful surprise to have a comic character (and a comedian) bring such an important role to the show. I loved that they made him symbolic of the heavy toll this life can take (I regret his death, but I think it was a wake up call) and how you can’t always escape your pain. And the fact that EZ was the one to try and tell him otherwise, emphasizing his own internal struggle, was especially poignant and heartbreaking, which now leads me to:
• THEMES: I liked a lot that we got to explore some of these character’s inner worlds more this season, and that we finally got to see the emotional consequences for what these characters have done and who they are. I never watched SOA, but from what y’all have said on here, it seems like more of those characters acted with impunity and were largely unphased by their own demons. It’s really nice to see the Mayans own up to what they’ve done and the lives they’ve chosen, from EZ, who wonders about the darkness inside of him and if he always was this way (see: theme of fate, later in this paragraph) to Alvarez, regretting what he’s done and who he has been (killing his own son) and wanting to live a new life, but not sure he deserves it. Angel’s monologue about “no happy endings in this town” was especially revelatory as well. It was also nice to see POCs, notably POC men, allowed to explore their emotions, cry, and lift back the curtain on what this kind of life does to your fucking soul. It humanizes the characters and liberates them from the Latinos = gangsters trope that we’re all so used to seeing, the very racist trope that ludicrously & infuriatingly suggests that POC men, especially Latinos, are almost meant to be gangsters and have no qualms about it whatsoever, that they are good at it because they are unburdened by the strict moral code that governs white people (LOL @1/6/2021). The theme of FATE was also drawn upon heavily, and I really liked that. It harkened back to S1 [Church of] Coco and the conversation he had with EZ on Celia’s floor, talking about how “everything that happens is what was meant to happen.” He insists that even though EZ thought he was supposed to be the “Golden Boy,” he ended up in the MC for a reason, maybe that other life was never an option for him at all. We now know that part of the reason his parents encouraged his Golden Boy persona so much was as a way to KEEP him from indulging his darker side. I liked the development of this theme a lot, but it did, unfortunately, also cause some problems, which leads me to:
Characterization: I think this season suffered from what TV can often suffer from when a new person takes the helm, which is a lack of continuity from previous seasons… I understand, of course, that the characters were going through a lot this season, but I don’t think that warrants a total change in their personalities. The biggest offenders here, for me, were Angel and Coco. While we certainly had an idea that Angel, before he was with Adelita, was something of a hoe, I didn’t get the vibe that he was quite as insouciant or uncaring with his partners as he definitely seemed to be in Season 3. I understand why the show wanted to portray him that way—he was hurting—but it just seemed out of character to me that he would jump from partner to partner, so easily make intense commitments, and somehow be obsessed with creating a family life when that never really seemed to be his focus before… His focus on the baby in Season 2 seemed to be confined to Adelita. Coco, on the other hand, seemed to be very interested in his romantic relationship with Hope this season which really baffled me. Coco in previous seasons was almost the spiritual or kind of mystic element of the show – – his “Church of Coco” musings were, as I previously said, sort of a vehicle to highlight the element of fate as a theme in the show. For me, this made perfect sense as a place for him to be, partially because Richy himself is sort of woo woo (I mean this as the highest of compliments). To see him thrust into a somewhat arbitrary (for me) romantic relationship felt so forced, not only because their sex scene was incredibly dry and uncomfortable to watch (LOL), but also because it just didn’t make sense that Coco would risk everything for this woman he knew nothing about… And even at the expense of his relationship with Letty. As @drabbles-mc mentioned, why spend all this time developing Coco’s relationship with Letty when you’re just gonna destroy it? It feels disrespectful to the writing that has gone before… Speaking of, I want to address the EZ equals psychopath road that we now seem to be going down. As I mentioned earlier, I’m glad that they addressed that his scholarliness and the encouragement of that by his parents was a tactic to distract him from the “darkness” inside of him, however, it feels strange that all of a sudden they are intimating that he has a very very deep darkness inside of him that we didn’t really see in previous seasons. I suppose you could make the argument that it was there before, however I would’ve liked it to be revealed a little bit slower and perhaps have more references to it in previous seasons if you’re going to make this case now. It just feels a little incongruous to what we know about EZ that he is a psycho on the inside… Because that’s what they seem to be suggesting — that he’s dark and can’t be anything but dark. I guess I just would’ve liked to see a more gradual reveal of that versus him saying that he’s always been dark and he knows because of a Goya painting? Seems weird. Like, how is he Dexter all of a sudden? Finally, the Nestor/Álvarez situation at the end: are you telling me that Alvarez really would give a fuck about the Mayans after Bishop betrayed him, especially at the expense of his own life if Miguel figured out that he didn’t do what was asked of him? And how is Nestor, who has always been undyingly faithful to Miguel, all of a sudden going to flake out on his duties, especially when he knows how important this is to Miguel???
Writing/storylines: So, to the extent that this is a separate issue than just simple characterization, I would say that this was the biggest problem for me this season. Lazy writing was a real issue for me and that it took me out of the plot and the moment many times. As I mentioned before, there were some scenes with Gaby and EZ that just felt so stilted that I really couldn’t take them seriously – – the scene in the church comes to mind. In addition to this, there were some plotlines that just felt tired or unnecessary, or didn’t link up. The Angel/Hank/Nails storyline, for example, just seems so boring… We just did a unexpected pregnancy storyline last season with Angel – – why did we need one again? Have they just run out of ideas for him? And to put Nails into the position of baby mama just feels kind of disrespectful to her character. Does every woman in this show need to have her uterus or sex life be a plot line? Bishop is another character that I feel like was done a little bit dirty the season. While I previously mentioned that I adored the scene with him in the diner, I was confused by the purpose of his dead son storyline. As emotional as it was and as great as the performances that it produced were, it didn’t really tie into anything else in the season. I understand that they were trying to give some background to Bishop’s character, but it just seemed like kind of a one-off considering it lasted for a few episodes and then was never brought up again. Perhaps they were trying to show us that everyone lost family or had to compromise something to be part of the MC, but if that was the case, then I would’ve liked to see it be tied to his decisions or his story later on. Maybe they could’ve done something like show that his dedication to the club was because they are the only family he has now that he lost his son? Or that he is wildin’ out now and tryna be the one king because he has nothing left to lose? Idk, maybe that was implied but I certainly didnt catch it — it would’ve been nice to have a more explicit connection there, because to me it just kinda felt like they showed us his pain and then forgot about it and just made him this crazed bloodthirsty madman. I also want to talk a little bit about undelivered upon promises – – Elgin said in a review before the season came out that we would get to see a little bit more into the backstory of each character and why they joined the MC – as I mentioned before, we got a little more about different characters lives but we didn’t necessarily see the why, which is something I really would’ve liked to know. I also was hoping for more social commentary than in fact happened this season – – the new intro seemed to suggest that we would get more of an emphasis on Latinx history or culture or social clashes, but in fact, such references were few and far between, as far as I could tell (although totally possible I missed some stuff). One scene, or rather, one line, that I really really enjoyed was when Gaby said “I risked my life to come here and I try to survive every day and you choose to flirt with death. That’s the privilege of being an American.” I found this line SO powerful, but it was almost a throw-away, and I really wish it had been touched upon more. I was looking forward to learning more about this and having it portrayed in such a Latinx-centered way would’ve been cool to see.
Ok, this is likely to be the most unpopular section of this post (for those of you who are even still around LOL), but I’m including a list of all the plotholes, inconsistencies, or unexplained events from this season, of which there were many. If anyone has an answer to these, please let me know:
Taza and Riz: I’m supposed to believe that he killed Riz just because he wanted to start a war with Palo? Because palo killed his lover over 20 years ago?? Like, could he not have started a war with Palo without involving Riz? And when he said “I didn’t know how many people would get hurt?” What??? How could you possibly have thought that a. Murdering your brother and b. Starting a war with the VM over a personal issue wouldn’t result in carnage?
Dead SOA ppl: why did Chibs never come calling to find out who killed Thomas (?) last season? Or Montez? I know that Montez wasn’t actually killed by the Mayans but he was placed in the Mayans parking lot or whatever so wouldn’t that raise some suspicions??? All that they said about Thomas was that he disappeared and the Sons didn’t know what happened? @starrynite7114
What was the point of the whole Lobos Sonora thing? Why did Palo need to talk to them to get involved with the Tucson mayans? Could he not have just gone to Canche himself? Was this something that they were doing to set up next season? If so, it seems like a long walk to get there…
Speaking of Canche, how the fuck did that cockroach survive a bomb?
Who tipped off border patrol on the night that they tried to move the drugs from the tunnel? Was it the girl in jail? And how come we never heard from her again? Just one of many plotlines that was started and then never revisited.
The Miguel/Felipe thing: We got so close but never actually got there. Are we gonna have to wait a whole other season for this?
Speaking of paternity, who is actually the father of Adelitas baby? I’m kind of OK with not knowing if the baby is alive or dead but I’m ready to know who the father was… Again, I don’t wanna wait another season to wrap this up.
Additionally, did Adelita actually hurt Potter’s family? Did she kill them? It was very unclear.
They essentially said that Potter shut down the border out of spite after the Adelita thing happened… What the fuck does that mean? Are you trying to tell me that a government official can just randomly shut down the border whenever he wants? And what was it about the Adelita thing that pissed him off? That he captured her? That EZ and Angel got one over on him? I really don’t understand… Angel said in the first episode that “the shutdown affected me more than anyone,” ostensibly because he lost his partner and child, but I just don’t see how Adelita and the shut down were related??
CHUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!! GTFOH with that weak-ass excuse.
Coco storyline:
Was he never gonna find out that Hope was the one who took the picture of him and set him up?
What about the fact that Letty essentially conned him into killing his mom?
Also, did Isaac really die? And what about the reaper tattoo on his side? Was he part of SOA? Was that ever going to be addressed? The story just wasn’t wrapped up at all and I cannot HANDLE any more Meth Mountain next season.
I guess my point in all of this is that I don’t have a problem with the cliffhangers per say – – but there’s a difference between “oh this is an exciting unknown that we can speculate about until next season” and “this is just messy writing where many story threads were begun this year and then never finished” or “we were supposed to wrap up storylines from two seasons ago and we just didn’t.” The latter two just feel sloppy to me, and I feel like that’s a lot of what went on this season. The whole show this year felt both slow and overstuffed, both uneventful and packed at the end. Perhaps it was a pacing issue, a problem of Elgin wanting to distinguish himself and pack so much in and make it so different from previous seasons that he bit off more than he could chew and it all became unfocused. As I read somewhere else, the problem when you have this many unfinished storylines is that they weigh you down for the next season – the writers now have to either spend the majority of next season addressing these questions or just forget about them and pretend they never happened, which feels disrespectful to the audience. I guess my hope is just that Elgin will find his footing and be able to deliver us a more cohesive, well-paced season next year. I fully believe he is capable of this, and if he continues to deliver on the things that did work about this season, we should be in good shape.
Tagging some ppl who have expressed interest in my thoughts: @yourwonkywriter @angelreyesgirl @megapeacelovemusic-blog @starrynite7114 @joannasteez @brattyfics @mareethequeen
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transtranscendence · 3 years
2017 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For L.C. Marinho, murdered on January 4, 2017, in Nova Cruz, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
For Puriwit Chanasit (Keng), murdered on January 6, 2017, in Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand.
For Michelle de la Cruz González, murdered on January 6, 2017, in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on January 7, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For J.C.N., murdered on January 11, 2017, in Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For Mierala da Silva, murdered on January 13, 2017, in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on January 14, 2017, in Magdalena Contreras, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
For A. Villegas, murdered on January 14, 2017, in Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For Moranguinho, murdered on January 15, 2017, in Paranaguá, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on January 17, 2017, in San Salvador, El Salvador.
For Vikichy, murdered on January 20, 2017, in Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
For Imli, murdered on January 21, 2017, in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
For the unknown person murdered on January 23, 2017, in Sinaloa, Mexico.
For Muskan, murdered on January 27, 2017, in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
For Silvana Fabian Pineda, murdered on January 28, 2017, in La Dorada, Caldas, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on February 3, 2017, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on February 5, 2017, in Ranchería la Huasteca, Municipio Centro, Tabasco, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on February 8, 2017, in Guaruja, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Alexandra Peña Vizcaya, murdered on February 12, 2017, in Chiquinquira, Boyacá, Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on February 16, 2017, in Chaparral, Tolima, Colombia.
For Charlotte Oquuias Lapasaran Logronio, murdered on February 22, 2017, in Davao City, Philippines.
For Byanka Yañez, murdered on February 24, 2017, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on February 25, 2017, in Calimaya, Estado de México, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on February 28, 2017, in Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela.
For Meeno, murdered on February 28, 2017, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
For Amna, murdered on February 28, 2017, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
For Madonna Marrocos, murdered on February 28, 2017, in Guarabira, Paraíba, Brazil.
For J., murdered on March 1, 2017, in Municipio de Chalco, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on March 6, 2017, in Goiania, Goiás, Brazil.
For Sandra Marafigo Cordeiro, murdered on March 8, 2017, in Laranjeiras do Sul, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on March 11, 2017, in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico.
For Rapee, murdered on March 14, 2017, in Kantharalak, Sisaket, Thailand.
For H. Ramirez Calderon, murdered on March 19, 2017, in Guanajuato, Mexico.
For Paola Bracho, murdered on March 22, 2017, in Dourados, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on March 24, 2017, in Porto Da Areia, Paraíba, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on March 28, 2017, in Juiz de For a, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on April 3, 2017, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For Sitara, murdered on April 9, 2017, in Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
For Vitoria Castro, murdered on April 10, 2017, in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil.
For Jheayn, murdered on April 10, 2017, in Metro Manilla, Cavite, Philippines.
For Gabi Araújo da Silva, murdered on April 12, 2017, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on April 12, 2017, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For E.A. Moreira, murdered on April 16, 2017, in Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil.
For Monse Morga Javier, murdered on April 17, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For Marooni, murdered on April 22, 2017, in Belém, Pará, Brazil.
For Tato Ayestes, murdered on April 23, 2017, in El Paraíso, Copán, Honduras.
For A. Ribeiro Marcossone, murdered on April 23, 2017, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Vanessa Valenzuela, murdered on April 28, 2017, in Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile.
For Mona de Oliveira, murdered on April 29, 2017, in Vitoria de Santo Antao, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Shama, murdered on April 30, 2017, in Tej Mohan Nagar, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
For the unknown person murdered on April 30, 2017, in Belém, Pará, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on May 5, 2017, in Flat Sri Plateau, Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
For Mendez Cuevas, murdered on May 5, 2017, in Durango, Mexico.
For R.C. Silva Pereira, murdered on May 7, 2017, in Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Ivanna Landuchy, murdered on May 12, 2017, in Tamaulipas, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on May 13, 2017, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on May 15, 2017, in Morro Agudo, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on May 20, 2017, in Ilopango, San Salvador, El Salvador.
For Pâmela, murdered on May 21, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Grace Kelly, murdered on May 25, 2017, in Lauro de Freitas, Bahia, Brazil.
For Alejandra Diaz, murdered on May 25, 2017, in Baurta, Miranda, Venezuela.
For Caricia, murdered on May 26, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on May 28, 2017, in Ciudad Kennedy, Bogotá, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on May 28, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For Andrea Chaguendo Suárez, murdered on May 31, 2017, in Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
For A. Alves Nascimento, murdered on June 5, 2017, in Crici��ma, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
For Bruna, murdered on June 10, 2017, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For L. da Silva Santos, murdered on June 16, 2017, in Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Kenya, murdered on June 18, 2017, in Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For Bárbara, murdered on June 18, 2017, in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on June 19, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on June 20, 2017, in Puebla, Mexico.
For Adriana Cruz Serrano, murdered on June 20, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For C. Barroso de Oliveira, murdered on June 24, 2017, in Ananindeua, Pará, Brazil.
For Cindy Crawford Revlon, murdered on July 1, 2017, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For M. Ángel Vega Martínez, murdered on July 4, 2017, in Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on July 6, 2017, in Sinaloa, Mexico.
For Yadira Rodríguez Sánchez, murdered on July 6, 2017, in Puebla, Mexico.
For Claudia Muñoz García, murdered on July 15, 2017, in Altamirano, Chiapas, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on July 17, 2017, in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
For E.A. da Silva, murdered on July 21, 2017, in Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 22, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Kajal, murdered on July 29, 2017, in Patna, Bihar, India.
For the unknown person murdered on July 29, 2017, in Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on July 30, 2017, in Tlaltizapán, Morelos, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on August 1, 2017, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For Shile, murdered on August 6, 2017, in Eastern Cape, South Africa.
For Paulinha da Silva, murdered on August 8, 2017, in Palmares, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For J. Negrete, murdered on August 13, 2017, in Puebla, Mexico.
For Sufaid, murdered on August 14, 2017, in Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
For Kenicha, murdered on August 15, 2017, in Pococí, Limón, Costa Rica.
For R.S. Durán, murdered on August 20, 2017, in Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico.
For J. López Anzola, murdered on August 20, 2017, in Chiquinquirá, Boyacá, Venezuela.
For J.D. Nava Adame, murdered on August 21, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on August 22, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Peluchina, murdered on August 23, 2017, in Tecomán, Colima, Mexico.
For R. Ventura Márquez, murdered on August 27, 2017, in Durango, Mexico.
For P., murdered on August 27, 2017, in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico.
For Chanda Sharmeeli, murdered on August 30, 2017, in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
For the unknown person murdered on August 31, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Nicole Teixeira (“Baina”), murdered on September 5, 2017, in Sorriso, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For Lorane, murdered on September 8, 2017, in Camocim de São Felix, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Brenda Murillo Alba, murdered on September 12, 2017, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.
For Larissa Paiva, murdered on September 14, 2017, in Serra, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 16, 2017, in Estado de Mexico
For the unknown person murdered on September 16, 2017, in Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 19, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Kaelane, murdered on September 20, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Spencer Netto, murdered on September 23, 2017, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
For D.R. Pontes, murdered on September 24, 2017, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the two unknown people murdered on October 5, 2017, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Selena, murdered on October 8, 2017, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Michele, murdered on October 11, 2017, in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 11, 2017, in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
For P.H.P. de Souza, murdered on October 12, 2017, in Nanuque, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For D.E. Contreras Rodríguez, murdered on October 12, 2017, in Bogotá, Distrito Capital, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on October 16, 2017, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 21, 2017, in Tehuacán, Puebla, Mexico.
For Hajira, murdered on October 21, 2017, in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
For M. Diaz Delgado, murdered on October 22, 2017, in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
For L. Guillen Rojas, murdered on October 23, 2017, in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on October 25, 2017, in Región Este, Puerto Rico, USA.
For Sucy, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For M.B. da Silva Dias, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
For Mitzi, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For Luna, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For Giseli Tavares, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Itapissuma, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Braniyela, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For Barbara, murdered on October 30, 2017, in Chillán, Ñuble, Chile.
For Nicolly Carvalho, murdered on November 3, 2017, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on November 6, 2017, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.
For Macumba, murdered on November 11, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Angelina Miranda, murdered on November 15, 2017, in Caucasia, Antioquia, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on November 18, 2017, in Cancún, Quintana Rio, Mexico.
For Vitória de Souza (“Iris”), murdered on November 19, 2017, in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For S.A. Sánchez López, murdered on November 19, 2017, in Granada, Nicaragua.
For Veronica Carvajal, murdered on November 27, 2017, in La Paz, Bolivia.
For the unknown person murdered on November 28, 2017, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Sandra, murdered on November 30, 2017, in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on November 30, 2017, in La Paz, El Salvador.
For the 4 unknown people murdered on November 30, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Milena, murdered on December 1, 2017, in Arapiraca, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 7, 2017, in Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
For Sabrina, murdered on December 7, 2017, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Geraldine Contreras, murdered on December 9, 2017, in Colima, Mexico.
For Marquet FC de Lima, murdered on December 13, 2017, in Altinho, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Kebeca G. de Souza, murdered on December 16, 2017, in Gurupi, Tocantins, Brazil.
For Rose, murdered on December 17, 2017, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For Mahi, murdered on December 17, 2017, in New Delhi, India.
For C.N., murdered on December 17, 2017, in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico.
For Bebel, murdered on December 20, 2017, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Devudamma Surya Narayana, murdered on December 24, 2017, in Anakapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India.
For V.O. Silva, murdered on December 30, 2017, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 31, 2017, in Veracruz, Mexico.
For Sonia After, murdered on December 31, 2017, in Morrelganj, Khulna, Bangladesh.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
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profleonardobastos · 5 months
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ATENÇÃO‼️ Esta semana, na próxima sexta‼️ Única apresentação‼️ Após apresentações no Teatro Sesi Duque de Caxias e no Teatro Oi Futuros no Flamengo, chega à Petrópolis "Lima Barreto: o Dostoiévski dos Trópicos", da Companhia Teatral Língua de Trapo.
Dia: 19 de abril.
Horário: 20 horas.
Local: Teatro Reynaldo Chaves (Escola de Música Santa Cecília).
Endereço: Rua General Osório, n⁰ 192, 4⁰ andar, Centro, Petrópolis, RJ.
Classificação indicativa: 14 anos.
Ingressos populares: R$30,00 inteira e R$15,00 meia entrada para classe artística, estudantes, professores, idosos, pessoas com deficiência e beneficiários de programas sociais.
Ingressos disponíveis na secretaria da escola.
Informações pelo WhatsApp (24) 2242-2191.
Lotação máxima: 140 lugares.
Ficha Técnica: Direção, Roteiro, Concepção e Operação de Som - Iara Roccha (@iararocchateatro); Produção - Companhia Teatral Língua de Trapo (@ciateatrallinguadetrapo); Elenco - Ariel Barbosa (@arielbarbosareal), Fernando Vianna (@fernandoatorvianna), Gabi Marcelino (@gabi.marcelino_), Igor Oggy (@igor.oggy), karine Borges (@karineborgeskb), Leonardo Bastos (@profleonardobastos) e Monica Campos (@mokampos); Iluminação e Operador de Luz - Tiago de Jesus (@tiaguinho_luz); Fotografias - Isabela Bentes (@bela.bentes.fotografia).
Matéria: Petrópolis em Cena (https://www.petropolisemcena.com.br/2024/03/lima-barreto-o-dostoievski-dos-tropicos.html?m=1).
📣 Imperdível‼️ Não percam‼️ Corram lá e adquiram já seus ingressos‼️ Sejam todos(as)(es) muito bem-vindos(as)(es)‼️ Contamos com a sua presença‼️ Esperamos todos(as)(es) vocês por lá‼️ Até lá‼️ 🎭🩰🎼🎵🎶✨🌟🎬👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻✌🏻👍🏻👊🏻😉🤩
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margarettebltzr13 · 5 years
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Narinig niyo na ba ang balita tungkol sa Diplomat Hotel sa Baguio?
Malamang sa malamang napanood niyo na ito sa telebisyon o narinig niyo na sa inyong kaibigan.
Kilala ang Diplomat Hotel na isa sa Hunted Places dito sa Pilipinas. Matatagpuan ang Diplomat Hotel sa may Dominican Hill sa Baguio. Ayon sa aking pananaliksik, sa kasalukuyan inaayos ito ng City Government upang gawing tourist spot na din.
Noong pumunta kami sa Baguio hindi pumasok sa isipan namin pumunta dito sa Diplomat Hotel, sa katunayan hindi ko pa ito lubusan alam kumbaga napapanood ko lamang ito sa isang programa sa telebisyon.
May taxi driver na nag tour samen kumbaga siya na ang naging tourist guide namin noong time na iyon.
Papasok pa lamang kami sa Diplomat Hotel ay ramdam mo na yung pakiramdam na mabigat. Parang ang lungkot nang lugar sa hindi maipaliwanag na sitwasyon.
Mapapansin mo yung pagkakaiba nang lamig sa labas at lamig sa loob. Kumbaga mas malamig sa loob kaysa sa labas.  Sa totoo lamang hindi ako mahilig sa mga nakakatakot na bagay pero iba talaga kapag pumunta ka doon.
Pinaliwanag samin ni kuya (yung Taxi driver na nag tour samin) yung nangyari noon sa Diplomat Hotel.
Sabi ni kuya noon daw tirahan daw yun nang mga Pari at Madre kasama na din daw doon yung mga inaampon na bata. Doon din madalas na tumutuloy yung ibang pari galing Maynila kapag may mga seminar.
Noon kasi sinakop tayo ng Hapones natunton nila ang Diplomat Hotel. Alam naman natin na iba ang pinaniniwalaan ng mga Hapon kung kaya’t pinag papatay nila ang mga nandoon.
Sa parte kung saan matatagpuan ang Fountain doon pinag gagahasa at pinag papatay ang mga madre at ibang mga bata. Sa parteng corridor naman, doon pinag pupugot ang ulo ng mga pari.
Pagkatapos nang insidenteng iyon may mga bumili ng lupang iyon at pinipilit inaayos ngunit kapag daw inaayos daw iyon patuloy pa din iyon nasisira kung kaya’t binalik na lamang ito sa gobyerno at nanatiling abandonado at ginawang Historical Place.
Ginawan pa nga ito ng movie at maraming nag sho shooting dito kabilang na dito ang The Diplomat Hotel ni Ms. Gretchen Barreto.
Maraming mga nag sasabing malalapit sa lugar nito na madalas daw sila nakakarinig ng mga umiiyak na bata at humihingi ng tulong.
Isa naman sa malaking pakikipagsapalaran ng mga guwardiya dito na duty tuwing gabi. Kailangan daw nila itong libutin tuwing gabi.
Sa kabilang parte naman nang nakakatakot na nakaraan nito, napakaganda naman nang tanawin dito. Kapag pumunta ka sa pinaka tuktok nito kung saan makikita ang malaking krus. Makikita mo ang buong lalawigan ng Baguio. Makikita mo kung saan pwedeng magtanim ng strawberries.  Alam natin ang kababalaghan nangyari sa nakaraan ng Diplomat Hotel nawa’y patuloy pa din naten ipagdasal ang mga namayapa at matahimik ang kanilang kaluluwa. 
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myromancebooksworld · 6 years
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“Rhythm, Chord & Malykhin” by Mariana Zapata
Twenty-six-year-old Gaby Barreto might be a lot of things (loyal, sarcastic, one of the guys and a pain in the butt depending on which family member you ask), but dumb isn’t one of them. When her twin brother invites her to go on tour as his band’s merch girl, she isn’t exactly screaming at the top of her lungs with joy. With no job opportunities pounding on her door, an ex-boyfriend she would still like to castrate, and no end in sight to moving out of her parents’ house in Dallas… it would be dumb to say no to the chance of a lifetime. Two bands, three continents, one tour. Spending the next ninety-plus days with three beloved idiots and eight complete strangers shouldn’t be a big deal, right? If only the singer of the headlining band didn’t have tattoos... a great personality… a fantastic body… and if he wasn’t so funny…. Let’s be real: Gaby never had a chance against Sacha Malykhin.
(thanks to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26148083-rhythm-chord-malykhin?ac=1&from_search=true)
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maluornela · 2 years
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Exposição INTER.locuções Studio OM.Art – R. Jardim Botânico, 997 @alfabeta_visual e @_om.art_ As crises visíveis e invisíveis/ Os Ciclos naturais: Nascer e morrer/ Batalhas do cotidiano/ Metamorfose a Transcendência/ Identidade. Narrativas visuais em forma de fotografias impressas e multimídias: 📍@alfabeta_visual e @_om.art_ Ficha Técnica:    Curadoria Roberta Tavares Direção Técnica e Logística  Fábio Figueiredo Produção Geral Paula Dau Produção Poliana Pereira Vinícius Miquelim Daniel Reznik Bianca Gonçalves Produção / Palestras e Mesas Ana Campbell Assistência Audiovisual Marcelo Lince Direção de Arte  Ana Montez Thiago Gimenes Direção e Design Audiovisual/ Multimídias Camila Belleza Edição Peça Multimídia ‘Metamorphosis’ Lou Bueno Criação e Expografia Thais Gomes Impressão e Montagem Barracão de Imagens Gerência Marketing e Comunicação Camila de Melo Assistência de Comunicação Marina Gallegani Assessoria de Imprensa  Fleishman Hillard Renato Wrobel Assistência Relações Públicas Bruno Ryfer Monitoria Renata Meireles Agradecimentos Oskar Metsavaht Instituto-e Renata Tavares Ronaldo Lopes Fotógrafos / Artistas Visuais: Ale Bruny  
Ana Campbell 
Ana Montez 
António Cruz  Alyson Carvalho  Alexandra F. Calliari Bruno Ryfer Camila Barrionovo  Camila Belleza e Tiago Areia Camila de Melo  Camila Mendonça Carol Pires Clara Sampaio Cris Coelho Cris Motta Dani Cunha Diogo Sallaberry Erica Roque   Fabi Medina   Fernanda Toigo  Gabi Coelho   Gizele Lima  Jana Cunha  Juliana Couto Holck   João Paulo Meirelles   Lini Batista  Lou Bueno Helena Barreto   Kelly Schmidt Malu Ornelas   Marcelo Domiciano   Marina Gallegani    Monique Olive  Monique Passos Nti Uirá Paula Basso  Paula Giordano Patrícia Faustino  Paula Dau e Fábio Figueiredo   Poliana Pereira Rafael Pimenta e Marcela Muzetti Raquel O’Czerny    Renato Wrobel Riccardo Riccio  Sandra Carneiro   Simone Ribeiro Vanessa Ribeiro   Val Cordeiro Vinicius Miquelim Taty Beija Flor Thiago Gimenes   Tiago Pinheiro #alfabetismovisual #photography #omart #art #coletivo #maluornelas (em Studio OM.art) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChlZ5MuLpBC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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modelsof-color · 6 years
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Manuela Sanchez , Anne Barreto & Gabi Rodrigues by Giampaolo Sgura for Vogue Germany - Dec 2018
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