#gah i should have entered my big piece from last year
bionic-penis · 1 year
Praying that the juror for this exhibition is contemporary bc i wanna get in so bad i wanna get my weird art out there pls be a freak too please please
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Final Space: And Into The Fire Review or Now with 110% More Homoerotic Telepathy
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Welcome  new and old to my first Final Space review! If you’ve never seen the blog before, and given this is the first “new” series i’ve covered as it come out in some time that’s probably quite a few of you, welcome. I’m Jake, I do recaps and reviews of various animated shows and comics, mostly just stuff I want to do, often on comission (5 dollars an episode if theres any episode of the first two seasons of this show or any episode of any other show you’d like tos ee me cover), or for my patreon patreon.com/popculturebuffet. And it is my utmost honor to add this show to my rotating roster of shows I cover as they come out. 
I friggin love Final Space. I was intrigued by it back when TBS released the animatics alongside Close Enough (Wth the two shows ironically finally together on HBO max as of earlier this month), for their doomed block. I heard a lot of good things about season 1.. and let it get away from me, not watching it till Season 2. But both seasons had more than enough to pull me in with intriguging characters, even greater jokes and a truly unique idea for a premise involving giant monsters, an edltrich god and lots of cookies. 
So while it took an extra year given Covid, I’m super friggin pumped to get into season 3 at long last after the hell of a cliffhanger, especially since ironically last night I saw Steven Yeun’s oscar nominated performance in “Minari”. Now i get to watch him play a cat teenager again too.. and in a few days Mark friggin Grayson. It’s a good week to be a fan of his is what i’m saying and a good week in general. 
Previously on Final Space Yo!: Since it’s been a year and while the series provides  a recap , I’m going to be doing these anyway so:
Our heroes finally got all 5 dimensional keys and freed Bolo, and in the process also freed Avacato from Invictus, the horrifying entity controlling final space. Meanwhile Tribore got Sheryl to stop being a selfish prick and she joined the team trying to be a better mother from now on. But freeing Bolo came at a high cost as Nightfall sacrified herself as the sixth key (KVN was natrually both Gary and Bolo’s first choice, but was inllegible. ) So we ended the season with our heroes entering Final Space and Gary reuniting with Quinn.... while Invictus loomed. So over a year later we finally get some answers so join me under the cut for spoilers, recaps, and homoerotic text ahoy. 
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Something i’m doing since both the roster keeps changing.. and as I correctly guessed from the trailer, and the general tone of the promos for this season, that everyone won’t be all together all season.. or even in one piece.. i’ll be doing a silver age style roll call to let us know who all we have on the Team Squad for the episode Roll Call: Gary, Quinn, Avacato, Little Cato, Ash, Fox, KVN, HUE, AVA, Sheryl, Bolo, and Tribore
So we pick up right where we left off, Gary tearfully reuniting with Quinn, with Quinn wishing he hadn’t come for her, and Gary being Gary naturally having ignored that, and actually been more determined since that made it forbidden which made it extra tempting and him want to extra do it. God I missed this glorious idiot let me tell you. 
So things are quickly interrupted by invictus, who turns out to be a giant flaming head.. thing... and chases them and the crimson light, which has to start speeding with our heroes tethered to the outside, Quinn holding onto Gary. 
So we get one hell of a thrilling chase as the Crimson Light outspeeds the demon head and runs into two titans, but Bolo shows up to take out one, with Mooncake trying his dimension shattering blast thingy on Invictus.. and naturlaly g ven this is the big bad we need to show off how horrying they are, and it does NOTHING. But Gary catches his little buddy so we’re alright. 
Sheryl also shows off her badass bonafieds by LIGHTFOLDING THROUGH A TITAN... granted she still has some parenting skills to learn as “lightfolding while your son is hanging out the back through an edltrich god” really isn’t a motherly thing to do.. but neither is trying to murder your child several times or blaming him for how shitty your life turned out so ANYTHING is a step up for her. 
But.. it’s not enough. While she does manage to kill ONE the Crimson Light is too badly damaged to go on and we get two tragic deaths in one go... The Team Squad is forced to abandon the Crimson Light.. and AVA is too damaged to Upload into HUE. “I’m Sad” “For who?” “For you.. and for us. “ God damn Tom Kenny is amazing. You don’t need me telling you that, but sometimes you need a reminder. 
So our heroes end up on a desolate mystery world, stranded in final space with no ship, no suplies and no hope. The only thing to do now is survivie and hope they can continue the mission at some point. 
Things have not gotten any better, as naturally , our heroes have only found weird cartoon eyed worms that regrow their heads when you bite them off. So while this means unlimited food, it’s also disgusting and Garry hates it. “This may be a head but it tastes like a butt”. Quinn and Tribore are with him and Quinn hasn’t been ready to talk about her experiences trapped in this hellscape and still isn’t but being a good dude, Gary dosen’t push her on it. Though the weird red veiny thing on her arm tells me maybe one of you should speed that up before she explodes or gets cronnenburgy. Just saying. I’ll also say i’m not huge on the one month time skip, as while I feel they probably have a reason for being that specific i’ts a bit TOO long and I question why have that long a period of a jump, not the longest but still long enough for things to happen with nothing changingin that time? Still it’s a minor nitpick in an otherwise fantastic episode so I can let it go, I just don’t get it. 
What we do get is some Gary Corpses dropping and Invictius puppeting them... i’m with gary that is bowel openingly scary. I also do like how despite the FAR more dire circumstances, they still get in the requisite shenanigans this series requires. I’ts not to the network mandated subplot levels where it distracts, but it’s enough to help ease the terror of the situation and isn’t around for situations like the opening where it really SHOULDN’T be. As the series always has when something big happens, the bollocks goes away. Once we’re in between we can get back to literal pissing contests, KVN leading a crowd to their deaths and HUE in a pimp hat like god intended. 
So yeah our heroes have to outrun the horrible horde of Gary’s, though Little Cato catches on something’s wrong as Tribore makes gary cary him as foreshadowing for later and Sends mooncake down to asssit. Our heroes escape.. but a cave in happens.
After the break, Gary wakes up confused with the party now split in two: Gary, Quinn, KVN, Tribore and HUE on one side and Avacato, Ash, Fox, Little Cato and Sheryl on the other. So Gary does the logical thing... and take his shirt off telling Avacato to feel him. 
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I mean I didn’t even ship them before this scene but... Gary claims because of their bond he can telepahtically connect with Avacato. That’s normal Gary shenanigans.. except not only does he shrug off his girlfriend asking why they can’t do that.. but it WORKS. We have a scene of the two telepahtically talking in a wheatfield that is so homerotic I guarantee there only wasn’t the Careless Whisper sax because they couldn’t afford it.. or their saving it for later this season. Look sometimes you don’t ship a ship because you just.. dont’ care that strongly one way or another and sometimes you just need an incredibly gay scene to see the light. Same thing happened with Weblena same thing here. 
Fox also says “that was glorious to watch” same man. That was freaking art. So our heroes split up into three plots. As usual for me
Team Gary: So yeah... Triobore’s pregnant. No way to really softball into that. He’s been pregnant this whole time. So we get a stupid and mildly horrifying gross out sequence with Gary having to look Triobore in teh eyes and Quinn having to “uncork him”. Which is code for ... you know what i’m not going to say it. If you’ve seen the episode you know and if not your better off not visualizing it trust me. Point is this whole sequence is dumb and the worst part of the episode by far. And the series CAN do good gross out. While Olan Rodgers regrets it, the pissing contest was one of the funniest scenes of season 2, and managed to make a gross idea on paper actually pretty damn funny. This.. this is just “Haha males giving birth and tribore’s an asshole”. There’s no joke here just a .. plug. .. gah.. the vomit is rising let me tell you. 
We do get something good out of this nightmare, Tribore’s son who hatches as the army of gary’s dig their way in, Quanstranstro, who rapidly ages into a stylsih spanish speaking adult badass. He is fucking awesome and a great addition to the team and the sheer.. oddity of his birth is wonderful even if the actual birthing was not. Then the climax happens so before that. 
Team Avacato:
Avacato and Co come across a sleeping giant robot cyborg .. thingy. Naturally Fox wakes him up. Little Cato remains not suprised. It occelates between panicking over it’s legs being gone and amenisa and is pretty damn funny. It’s voiced by John Dimagio. But it gets serious as we find out nothing has ever made it out of final space, and things.. change the longer there there. And Quinn’s been there several months if not a year. Whuh oh. This part is much better both due to better jokes and plot advancment.. though again Quanstrano is still fucking amazing. 
Team Bolo: Bolo meanwhile returns and fights a titan, and has mooncake help him rather htan join the others, but looses, hitting the planet with his body.. I mean he might not get back up.. but the impact shatters the caverns and causes an explosion. Everyone but Gary, Quinn, KVN and HUE are MIA, as our remaining party find earth floating overhead. 
Final Thoughts: A decent start to the season. Like I said the whole birthing sequence can die in a fire and reminds me of the terrible comedy subplots adult swim wanted grafted onto two episodes.. but otherwise it’s a tense stark opener that sets up the bleak tone while still keeping the series rediciulous shenanigans in tact. It’s the perfect welcome back after so long. I mean the gay telepathy alone would make it a winner. 
Next Time on This Blog: We dive into a little history with HIsteria. See you at the next rainbow. 
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¤°~Driving With The Stars~°¤
It was a simple Saturday in Twisted Wonderland. No school, no friends over. Just a relaxing day with nothing to do. (Y/N) lays on a couch in the lounge room. Mindlessly scrolling through Magicam, looking at posts her friends or classmates post.
A knock was heard on the Ramschakle door. (Y/N) had a gut feeling it was Crowley at the door. "I'm not gonna get up..." She drawls out lazily as her head snuggles into the pillows. "Really?"
"Well, I am glad I let myself in then." Mr. Crowley says as he stood in the middle of lounge room. "Gah!" The female screamed as she falls off the couch. "Ow..." She mumbles out in pain.
(Y/N) fixes her spot on the floor so she could be sitting crossed legged.
"Hi, Headmaster Crowley..." (Y/N) said with a lackluster tone. "What brings you here?" The female asked, waiting for him to give her and Yuu a task that he didn't want to do himself. "Well, you see (Y/N), there seems to be a problem out on the Ramshackle lawn," Crowley said with a aggressive tone.
"Wha-! Hold on, I need to check this out." Hurriedly getting up from her spot, she speed walks to the door. Opening the door, she takes a few cautious steps outside. Looking around to see if anything looked suspicious.
"Headmaster... There's nothing here- *gasp*!"
Right in front of Ramshackle was a car. A. Car. Didn't those only exist in her and Yuu's world?! (Y/N) runs up to the machine and starts to look at it up close.
"No way!! How is this even! When! How, what?!" The dorm leader screams loudly, her eyes practically turning into stars.
Mr. Crowley appears next to the star-struck girl. "You see, (Y/N). I've had this old car for a long time. I never really used it often, but I got a new car a few days back. So I decided to let you and Yuu to have my old one."
"How gracious am I!" The old crow states loudly. (Y/N) slowly turns her body to face Crowley. They run to the Headmaster, before Crowley could react. (Y/N) engulfed him into a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." (Y/N) says softly, not wanting to yell in his ear drums. Headmaster Crowley gently pats her back. The female student realased Mr. Crowley from her bear hug. Turning her attention to car once more. "So, do me or Yuu need a licence to use this thing or- and he's gone..."
(Y/N) gives a tired sigh and look at the cars. "Does this thing use keys?"
Stuffing her hands in her pocket, she felt something odd. Taking the small item out with confusion. Her previous questioning face turns into a fond look. A simple grey key was attached to keychain, along with a little tag attached to it. Spelling out Ramshackle in pretty hand writing.
Taking yet another look at the vehicle, (Y/N) sees that it looked rather similar to some of the cars in her world. It wasn't fancy or high tech, it was just a plain white, medium sized car. It was ordinary, simple, clean looking too. Maybe a little used, but (Y/N) could care less.
"Hmm, welp. I guess Headmaster Crowley wouldn't mind if I test this bad boy out!"
"Okay, let's see inside... Oh, it's just like the cars back home! Thank God!" Breathing out a sigh of relief, she puts the key in the ignition. The car roared as it started to turn on.
"Okay, hands on the wheel. Foot on the pedals and breaks. Alright, I should take a few test drives!"
(Y/N) steps out of the car, shaking a bit. She couldn't tell if it was out of fear or excitement. Either way, she had to hold on to the roof of the car for support. The phone buzzed from her pocket. Taking it out with a wobbly hand, she clicks the notification.
Cater had posted something about a race that would be held tonight outside of school and how he was gonna record everything. (Y/N) reads over the post and takes a screen-cap on where the race was gonna be held. "Maybe I can test out my skills," she jokes dryly to herself. Thanking who-ever-above for not crashing into stuff and getting into a accident.
(Y/N) stiffly walks back to Ramshackle after parking the car inside the Ramschakle gates. Once inside her dorm, the ghosts start to question where she was. "Take a look outside, there's your answer." The three ghosts poke their heads outside and see the piece of machinery.
"It's me and Yuu's first car, so if you guys posses it or let Grim near it. Things are not gonna be pretty." (Y/N) said as her voice turned from joyful to serious. The three ghosts fearfully agree and congratulate her on the new car. Even if it was probably older than their dead souls.
She heads upstairs to her/Yuu and Grims room. The little furball slept on the covers while Yuu was reading a book, "I am the king of magic..zzz." Grim says in his sleep as he snores a bit. (Y/N) snickers at her animal friend and goes through her closet.
Only a few items of clothing would be good to wear outside. The clothes she had on were for lazy time, not outing wear. 'I gotta get a little more clothes, most of these outfits are for school.' (Y/N) held back a wince when she saw the outfit she wore for her "wedding day" yet smiled at her old fairy gala clothes. Beans day, dang, so much paint to wash out, it was pretty fun though!
'Where.. Wait, I think this would look nice..? Maybe.' (Y/N) was not a fashionista when it came to clothes. But, she could try today. "Hmm, ah-ha! This should be good enough." She picks up her items to wear, then remembers Yuu and Grim. Hoping that fire cat was still asleep, (Y/N) whispers to Yuu about what happened earlier this morning. Yuu gets up from his spot on the bed and goes over to the window to see the car, while (Y/N) quickly dashes to bathroom.
A young man steps out of his car. It looked nice and sleek, only with a few bits of dirt on the wheels. The car was definitely new looking. This driver of the car could be said the same. He wore nice clothes that looked like they couldn't be affordable.
His eyes were narrow and he had a cunning smirk.
He laughs once his opponent cries out in frustration. Cussing out few words as they bang their head against the drivers wheel. The male teen leans against his car and asks if anyone wanted to challenge him. Know one stepped up. The guys tsks and decided to take a break from driving, he'd rather wait until someone had enough guts to face him.
A simple white car drives up to the area. Parking against some of the other vehicles, teens look up from their phones and conversations to see the newcomer. A young male steps out, he bore red hair and had a dumb smirk on his face. While another boy stepped out the car after him, he had dark blue hair and started to argue quietly with the light red head. Soon other males get out of the car.
It almost looked like a clown car at how many people could fit in it. The "ring leaders", were the last one's to get out of the car.
(Y/N) stares at everything with subtle excitement as she and her friends group together. "(Y/N), I'm still surprised you've drove us here. I didn't think vehicles existed in your world." Deuce tells the female with a curious look. Unaware of her uneasy smile she had after he said that.
"Yeah, there are cars and motorbikes in my world. But.. They are a little different I guess, and I learned to drive in my old world once I got older." (Y/N) explained as she and her friends find a good spot to stand in. "Deuce, I think you should be more surprised that the Headmaster gave her a car."
"I never thought the cheapskate would just give you his car," Ace says with a sigh. "His old, used car." Epel clarified. "Right. What Epel said, or anything related to vehicles in general."
"Headmaster Crowley gave it to us. So until we find our way home. We can use it to travel besides mirrors." Yuu said softly, remembering that when Crowley finds a way for them to return home. There not gonna have these moments anymore.
The group of first years went quiet after his words. Jack decideds to lighten up the mood by pointing out that one of the party guests were getting ready to race. They all look up at the big hill as the race started. The nice looking car was in the lead, while the other was behind. The race ended and the nice car won.
Murmers from other party members were heard. Saying, "dang, Bryan is such a jerk." Or, "he always gloats about his driving skill." Sebek overhears this and looks at the winning driver.
They were a young human teen, male. He reeked of arrogance and pride. Someone not even worthy of his time, he was nothing like Lord Mallues and his elegance! (Y/N) sees Sebek turn his nose slightly at the winner. She couldn't blame him though, the winner was a real jerk about winning.
Deuce and Epel walk over to the winners car with amazement written all over their faces.
Not caring about the loud owner of the vehicle. "So cool.." Epel whispers as the car seemed to shine a bit. "It looks really new, how did this guy afford it?" Epel was so caught up in sleekness of the car that he was about to lean on it.
"HEY! Get your grubby hands away from my car!"
"Eh!" The two first years say in sync, startled from the outburst. Epel and Deuce straighten up as the winner of the race approached them. "What makes you think you guys can just go up and touch my ride?!!" "We didn't me too!"
Deuce said, trying to defend himself and Epel. (Y/N) takes notice of the situation and steps in front of her friends. "Woah, wait a second. They just apologized, there's no need for you to yell at them." The female says, trying to control the situation.
The once angry male was now looking up and down (Y/N), his frown turns into a suave smile. "Look hon, I'm just saying that those weirdos shouldn't have touched what they probably would never own." Bryan chuckles out, placing a hand on his hip. "Besides, it's not like they can even enter the race without a car. So why are they even here, their practically useless."
(Y/N) could feel her two friends seething from behind her. The female felt Yuu hold her wrist to calm her, she was just as ticked off as Deuce and Epel were. "I'll race you!" The female said without thinking at all. Not that she could give a damn at this moment.
A few gasps and "oh's" were heard after she challenged. Bryan smirks wickedly, "alright. The first one who makes it down the mountain wins. Though, I doubt your going to." (Y/N) scoffed at Bryan, he then gets in his car and drives up the hill.
Dirt and dust fills the air once he left. Coughing up dirt, (Y/N) burps and glares at the spot where the car was. "That guy is going down." The dorm leader said, not seeing Yuu their head.
Both cars had their engines on, parked side by side on the road on top of the hill. The sound of crickets was drowned out by the cars purring as a few fireflies flew about. The moon gleaming brightly in the dark sky. (Y/N) grips her driving wheel in agitation.
A scowl on her lips as she clenched her teeth. Bryan looks over at her from his car window. He grins, "maybe once this race is over. Why don't you and I go for a little cruising down the street. How's that~"
(Y/N) stomach turns as this dude was trying to mess with her. "You wish..!" (Y/N) barks at him, her anger rising like a volcano. A timer rings out in the air, and Bryan immediately revs his car engine and takes off. "Shoot!"
(Y/N) clamps down her foot on the pedal because of her late start. Rushes of white and blue could be seen going down the mountain. (Y/N)'s fellow first years watch from below. "Do you think she's gonna be okay?" Ace said, Jack hesitantly nods.
"She should be fine as long as she doesn't crash.." The six first years could only worry for (Y/N)'s safety. Said girl on the other hand could care less. Turning her wheel to the side, she pulls her shift gear and sloppily turns left and right. The two drivers were neck and neck yet (Y/N) passed him.
She smirks and keeps her eyes on the road. But a little squirrel scurried on to the road. (Y/N) gasps in shock and tries to avoid hitting the furry creature. Though at the cost of swiveling out of control.
(Y/N) hits the brakes as a loud shriek of the tires stop on the road. The car stops on the left side of the road as Bryans car drives past her. (Y/N) catches her breath, sweat and a few tears trickle down her skin. "Shit, I need to catch up!" (Y/N) was about to step on the pedals but sees herself in the review mirror.
The female lets her hands drop from the steering wheel, along with moving her foot from the pedals. (Y/N) opens the car door and steps out. Leaning her back against the car, trying the calm her beating heart. (Y/N) closes her eyes and turns her head up at the sky. "It's okay.."
(Y/N) says to herself, "I'm okay."
Sucking in a deep breath, she breaths out. "The stars look nice tonight." (Y/N) utters quietly, a determined look crossing her face. (Y/N) stops leaning on the door and opens it. "I can still cross the finish the line."
When she makes it down the hills road. Bryan stands by his car, a smug look on his features. (Y/N) parks her car and steps out. Bryan mocks her, yet she gives him a strained smiles. "Good race," and then walks over to her friend group. They glomp her in a hug, yelling at her and asking if she was alright.
(Y/N) just grins proudly, asking them if they wanted to drive up the hill with her. Not to race, but to see the stars.
The End.
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(Good god this took forever, I had no ideas on how write about driving. Mostly music about driving and T.V shows kept my motivation flowing. Sorry if this isn't great, but I did my best. Thanks for reading!)
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taeken-my-heart · 5 years
Moirai chapter 11
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Summary: On your 18th birthday a name appears on your wrist. The name of your soulmate. It’s a momentous day that everyone looks forward to, but you’ve always brushed aside; refusing to believe in a fickle mistress called destiny. But what happens when on the morning of your 18th birthday you wake to find the name of your mortal enemy? Jeon Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Genre: Soulmates au/ Enemies to lovers au. Angst, fluff, bickering, romance, eventual smut.
Word Count: 8130
Chapter notes: There’s a big time jump in here so be prepared. This is the chapter that really gets things going!
It was like déjà vu, but the night was colder this time as Jungkook stepped from his porch, bundled warm with a purpose in his bones. You hadn’t been at school today and that made him upset. He’d practiced all night last night what he’d say to you, how he’d try to help you to see that he was thinking of what was best for you. He wasn’t ready yet, he needed more time; being someone’s soulmate was more responsibility than he’d ever expected and, honestly, he was terrified.
Watching you cry yesterday had been one of the most horrible moments of his life, though. Sure, growing up he’d been kind of mean; he’d liked making you mad, it was exciting. He never wanted to actually make you cry though. He was afraid that you were feeling like you weren’t good enough for him, like he thought he was better than you and maybe even thought you were ugly.
That wasn’t the case at all. In fact, you were probably better than him in a lot of ways and he didn’t feel like he deserved you. You were pretty and funny and nice but you always knew when to put someone in their place and he liked that a lot more than he was willing to admit. 
He still wasn’t ready, though. He wanted you to understand that. That it wasn’t you, it really was him. He needed time to process and figure himself out, he didn’t even know who he was as a person yet and suddenly he was just expected to be the missing piece that completes you? You’d said on multiple occasions that you weren’t broken anyway and how insulting it was to be treated like you needed someone to make you “complete.”
He never wanted you to feel like that; like you weren’t enough. Your bedroom faced the road and he moved quietly towards the house. All the lights were off now, it was late and he wasn’t even sure that you’d be awake, but he needed to talk to you; needed to explain that he was doing this for you. He couldn’t ask you to be patient while he figured himself out, though he wanted to. He did want you to understand, though. 
He stooped low, grabbing a small pebble and standing straight, staring up at your bedroom window. It was dark and the white curtains were stiff in their stillness. He took a deep breath before winding his arm back and releasing the small stone into the air, watching it soar towards your bedroom window and make contact with a soft “thwack” against the pane.
He stood, body trembling, part nerves and part cold as he waited for you. He waited for 5 minutes before picking up another pebble and sending it through the air to your window. “Please.” He mumbled softly, staring up at your window. “Please, Y/N, please.”
Two more pebbles followed in quick succession and his heart beat wildly. He felt like he couldn’t breathe; suffocated by the weight of your rejection. He just needed to explain; please.
Eventually, he realized he was being selfish. You obviously didn’t want to talk to him; didn’t want his explanation and he shouldn’t be standing outside your house trying to force his thoughts on you. He’d hurt you, even though he’d meant to give you what you wanted in the first place. You didn’t want a soulmate, you said it yourself. He could never make you love him, never be what you wanted so why should he try? 
The universe had really set him up to fail; disappointed the both of you and broken your hearts. He’d broken your heart. He was a failure before he could even try.
He sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking up at your window one more time. It was just time to accept what he couldn’t change; he’d never be good enough. “Goodbye, Y/N.” He whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
4 months later
“Ah, my zipper is stuck!” You complained. You could hear Lillian chuckling behind you, coming up to help jiggle the zipper in your dress until it slid all the way up.
“All better.” She grinned
“Thanks.” You sighed, turning to smile at her. Noelle was sat on the locker room bench, already dressed in her red graduation gown, cap on and ready to go. “I can’t believe we’re graduating today!”
“It’s so crazy.” Noelle nodded, solemn. “Is it normal to feel this sad?”
“Of course.” Lillian frowned, sitting beside her friend and you went to sit with the two of them, linking fingers together and squeezing. “We’re moving onto the next phase of our lives now, but we’re all doing it without each other. I can’t believe this is it.”
“Don’t talk like that!” You pouted, squeezing her hand once more, “don’t talk like we won’t still be friends. We’ll still see each other whenever we come back home and we can plan a graduation trip somewhere fun, right?”
“That’s an awesome idea!” Noelle agreed, nodding her head and bouncing in her seat, “we’ll have plenty of time to save up, too.”
“Totally!” You agreed.  The locker room around you was bustling with life, all the other graduates getting ready for the ceremony. “I’m sure gonna miss you guys.”
“Oh please,” Lillian chuckled, “you’re gonna be living it up at John’s Hopkins, living your doctor dream! You won’t even have time to think about missing anyone.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “I’m not going to John’s Hopkins yet; I need to get a bachelor’s degree first.”
“Yeah, well, don’t act like you’re not getting in.” Lillian scolded, “You’ll definitely get in and be living the dream in just a few years.”
Just then the vice principle entered the room, clapping her hands and ordering everyone to stand and get in their assigned spots. Your heart beat accelerated, jumping with nervous excitement. This was it, the first day of the rest of your life. 
You could get away from this city, away from your problems, and away from Jungkook. You hadn’t spoken since that day, but still you would see him in the hallways, you’d see his mom at your house whenever she’d come to hang out. 
Your families weren’t meeting together anymore, for obvious reasons, but at least your mom’s and aunty Jieun’s friendship was the same. You had genuinely worried that you and Jungkook had maybe ruined that. You were happy to know that it hadn’t. Even if it was a constant reminder of what could have been.
The stadium you were graduating in was large and open to the elements. Thankfully the day was sunny and warm and, like the season, left you feeling the excitement of new beginnings. You took your place, turning around to search the crowd for your family. You spotted Ella first, smiling and waving brightly and you waved back, the apples of your cheeks stinging with your grin. You waved at your parents next; your mom already had tissues clutched in her hand and up by her nose. They were sitting with Jungkook’s parents, both equally happy and teary eyed as your mom. 
You waved once more before turning back around to face the stage, tassel swinging by your cheek. This was it, time to start a new adventure, time to learn who you were and challenge yourself to positive change. You were so ready for the rest of your life.
12 years later
The air was stifling hot. You could feel the sweat collecting at your brow as you shifted underneath your blankets, deadweight laced around your waist and pulling you deep into the broad chest of its owner. The blinds, though pulled tight, were still letting in a sliver of light straight down the middle and you sighed, pushing the arm and blankets from your form before flopping on your back and gasping for air. August was miserable and August with a broken air conditioner was even worse. 
A soft sigh from beside you stole your attention and you turned your head to look at the dark-haired man beside you. Even with a mop of bedhead and sleep mused features he was still so handsome, after all these years. 
“Morning.” He mumbled, rubbing down the center of his face and you smiled.
  “Morning handsome.” Leaning forward you kissed him quickly before pulling back and watching as he stretched lethargically. “You said you have a late start today, right?”
He looked over at you pouting, “Yeah, but you don’t!” He pulled you into his arms and you swatted at him as his body heat enveloped you. 
“Gah, don’t you know it’s the temperature of the sun in here?” You complained and he laughed. Standing from the bed you groaned, stretching your limbs and walking to grab your shorts from the bench at the end of your bed. “Well, since you don’t have to be up yet, how about I make you some breakfast in bed?”
He sat up against the pillows, hand thrown behind his head as he surveyed you. “That would be great, babe.”
Walking into the front room you made your way to the living room windows and pushed them open, allowing the early morning air to help you escape the sweltering heat of your apartment. After a few deep breaths you stepped back from the window and made your way to the kitchen to rifle through the fridge. Eggs, bacon, and some toast would have to do. Normally you loved going all out on lazy mornings in, but since you didn’t happen to have a lazy morning, you’d make do with something a little simpler. Whistling, you set to work, plopping a few pieces of bacon into the frying pan and grabbing some bread to put into the toaster. 
After a few minutes of cooking you felt a pair of arms slide around your waist and you sighed as a chin perched on your shoulder. “Jimin!” You whined, “Getting up defeats the purpose of breakfast in bed.”
He chuckled, the low rumble dancing across your back as he placed a few kisses along your shoulder and neck. Turning you around, he squeezed your hips gently and smiled. “Sorry, love, I just wanted to see you.”
Running your hands up his forearms and onto his biceps you pouted, “Well how can I stay mad at you when you’re just so sweet?”
“Plus…I had to pee.” He laughed loudly at your furrowed brows and danced quickly away from your swatting hands. 
“Get back in bed, you menace! I’ll eat all this by myself, if you don’t!” You threatened. 
“I love it when you’re bossy.” He teased, running back into the bedroom and you smirked, turning back to the stove to pull the bacon off before it burned. 
As soon as you’d finished cooking, you carried a tray with the two plates and two glasses of orange juice into the bedroom, noting with pleasure that the curtains had been pushed back and the window was open to let in the fresh air. Jimin had made his way back to the bed and watched you eagerly as you walked towards him.
“Here, hold this a second.” You said, placing the tray on his lap and coming to sit cross legged beside him. 
“This looks so good, babe, thank you!” He leaned over to kiss you quickly before you took your plate from the tray and began to eat. 
“What time do you have to go in?” You asked, munching on your toast. 
“Not until 11. That case I was working on fell through. Get this, apparently the couple decided to “give it another shot.”” Jimin scoffed, sipping his drink before putting it back on the tray. 
“Isn’t that a good, thing, though?” You asked, chewing on a piece of bacon, “you said they had three kids, right? If they can make it work then this should be a positive thing.”
“Babe, they’ve come into our firm four times already. If you’re filing for divorce four times you should just go through with it, you know? Their kids are probably through the wringer at this point.”
You sighed, nodding and finishing off your toast before chugging your drink and setting it back on the tray. “You’re probably right, it’s just a shame is all.”
“The business I’m in is filled with shame.” Jimin frowned. 
“I gotta get dressed and run.” You said, standing up from the bed and sliding your plate back onto the tray.
“You’ve still got three pieces of bacon!” Jimin called after you as you ran to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
“You can have them!” You replied and he hooted in excitement.
30 minutes later you were pulling into the underground parking of the hospital and locking the car door behind you before stepping into the elevator, waving at the security guard on your way. You still had 20 minutes before your shift started and that gave you just enough time to grab a coffee, chat with some coworkers, change into your scrubs, and head to your assigned surgery to prep the machinery. 
“Morning!” Lizzy called from her spot at the nurse’s station and you smiled as she held out a cup of coffee for you. 
“Have I told you recently that you’re an angel?” You cooed, taking the cup from her and holding it to your nose, inhaling deeply. 
Lizzy chuckled and shrugged, “you’ve told me a time or two. I figured I’d save you a few minutes so you could spend them with me!” 
You grinned, taking a sip of your coffee and humming happily. “OK, so what’s the gossip?”
Lizzy leaned forward eagerly, arms resting on the desk in front of her as you leaned across the counter. “Well, apparently Dr. Chen and Lola have been getting pretty serious, but apparently she’s also with Dr. Williams so I don’t give much credence to that one. Also, last night Mrs. Lucas, in room 411, apparently, she went bat shit on Dr. Boardman; thought he was Dracula or something, funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Oh! I nearly forgot the most important thing. There’s a new surgical resident and apparently he is criminally hot. You’re gonna be working with him after your morning meeting; you lucky bitch. Let me know if he’s really a panty twister, ok?”
You laughed loudly, standing upright as you took another sip of your drink. “You’ll be the first to get my report.” You teased. 
“By the way,” Lizzy said, leaning back in her own chair and shuffling some paperwork around, waving at one of the other nurses as they walked by, “How’s Jimin? You guys are coming up on your 8-year anniversary, right? Is he ever going to pop the question?”
You smiled, shrugging. “I don’t know, maybe. It has been 8 years; I really need to light a fire under that guy.”
“Seriously!” Lizzy commiserated, “How long does it take to get that kind of shit together? You are far more patient than I would ever be. I would have been dropping so many hints by now!”
“I do!” You insisted, “I leave magazines open to weddings and engagement rings, hint at my ring size. Honestly, sometimes I think he’s dense.”
“Might be time for you to get out your sledgehammer.” Lizzy replied offhandedly and you grinned, looking down at your watch. 
“I gotta go get changed. See you after surgery. Thank you for the coffee, love of my life!” You called, walking backwards towards the changing room.
The first surgery of the day was fairly routine. You were working as one of the hospitals anesthesiologists in a 2 year fellowship program so aside from making sure the machines were working and the drugs were being administered properly, you didn’t have to do a whole lot during the actual procedure, just monitor the patients levels to make sure things were going according to plan while being monitored yourself by your supervisor.
 It was a fairly stressful job, but there were moments in time when things were calm enough that your mind began to wander. You began to think about Mrs. Lucas in room 411. You really hoped she wasn’t that crazy because you were supposed to pre-op her later in the day and you had neither the patience nor the energy to deal with that. 
Walking towards your 9am meeting you flipped through the notifications on your phone. The very first thing you noticed was a text from Jimin about how leaving the dishes with him defeated the idea of a relaxing morning breakfast in bed. You chuckled, rolling your eyes and continued to scroll. Most of the notifications you’d missed were garbage. There was one text from your mom about your sister’s wedding, but that was still three months away so you weren’t really sure why she was so worried right now. 
“Morning doctor.” 
You turned to find your attending sidling up to your side and you smiled. “Morning Dr. Rodgers. How are you?”
The middle-aged man sighed, pushing the mousy brown hair from his eyes and shrugging, “well, my kids got this damn science project that we’ve been working on for the last two weeks. Honestly, I don’t remember this kind of stuff being this time consuming as a kid…maybe it’s because my dad was doing half the work.” You laughed and he continued, “Anyway, his project is due tomorrow so that’ll be done with. So maybe ask me tomorrow how I’m doing.” He chuckled. 
The two of you walked into the boardroom and you took your place towards the back of the table beside one of the other anesthesiologist’s, Dr. Ryan. The two of you talked casually about the surgeries you had coming up that day and waited for the rest of the room to fill. Once everyone was seated the meeting started and you began to take notes, filling in blanks in notes you’d taken the day before that you hadn’t remembered the answers for at the time. 
About halfway through the meeting your mind began to wander again and you remembered what Lizzy had said earlier that morning. Apparently, there was a new surgical resident and you became curious, scanning the room slowly for any faces you didn’t recognize. At the end of the table, next to the surgical attending, there was a man with raven colored hair and you assumed he must be the new surgeon, but you couldn’t really see him. His back was to you and he was listening intently…something you should have been doing. You were curious, though. And disappointed when you couldn’t get a better look. 
Sighing, you were about to return your focus when the new resident turned to the attending and whispered something to him. You felt your blood run cold. While it had been just over 12 years since you’d seen him last, you would know his face anywhere. You couldn’t look away, vision tunneling as he turned suddenly, catching your eye and going stiff. 
You felt sick. He stared at you with the same intensity you were sure you were giving him. He wasn’t as boyish looking as he had been in high school, but the years had only done him good. While he was good looking as a teenager, he was devastatingly handsome in adulthood. His jaw was chiseled, cheeks prominent, eyes still large and doe eyed. His body had filled out and he looked like he was about to burst out of his scrubs. 
The room was suddenly very hot and you tore your gaze away from him, staring longingly at the door. When would this fresh hell end? There were still 20 minutes left in the meeting and you thought you were going to suffocate. You could still feel his eyes boring into the side of your face but you refused to look at him. 
Looking up at the clock you were sure the hands were mocking you. Were they going backwards? How was this meeting still not over?! You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, squirming in your scrubs and your neighbor looked at you with raised eyebrows. You gave him the most natural smile you could muster before staring back down at your notes and beginning to doodle. 
As soon as the meeting came to an end you grabbed your notes and rushed for the door. You still had 30 minutes before you needed to prepare the machines for the next surgery and you intended to spend all of those minutes in the bathroom composing yourself. Unfortunately, the universe always has other plans. 
“Dr. Y/L/N!” The surgical attending called from the front of the room and you paused, grimacing. “Come here, there’s someone I want you to meet.”
Ok, so you really only had about a second to compose yourself. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, you turned, making your way towards the two men you dreaded most in the world with your head held high and your shoulders rounded back. 
“Good morning Dr. Smith.” You greeted the surgical attending, keeping your eyes trained on him and not the devastatingly beautiful man beside him.
“Morning! Y/N, I don’t know if you’ve been informed, but your next surgery is going to be with Dr. Blake and our new surgical resident, Dr. Jeon.” He motioned towards the man next to him and you steeled yourself, turning your gaze to him and nodding in acknowledgment.
  “Good morning Dr. Jeon.”
“Good morning.” He said softly. You’d forgotten how deep his voice was, and now it was husky with lost sleep in the early hour. His gaze was piercing, eyes dark, eyelashes fluttering across his cheeks as he studied you intently. What you wouldn’t give to sink into the floor. 
“Dr. Jeon here is an extremely promising surgeon. He finished a year ahead of his other classmates and had the highest grades we’ve seen in a long time.”
You bit your tongue in an effort to stay your snarky remark. Of course he hadn’t lost his genius in all the years you’d not seen one another. Why did the universe have to pair you with a man that made you feel so small?
What in the world were you supposed to say to that? Congratulations on being the best? Guess you’re really happy you didn’t end up with me? How in the hell had the two of you ended up in not only the same field but the same damn hospital? 
“That’s great.” You replied evenly. 
“If you don’t mind,” Dr. Smith continued, “I’d like to accompany the two of you to the theater, check on Dr. Blake and make sure everything is settling in.”
“That works for me.” Jungkook said and the three of you began to walk to surgery. If Dr. Smith noticed that you kept your mouth shut during the walk, he said nothing. Every nerve ending was screaming at you to run and it was taking all of your damned effort to not do just that. 
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and while Jungkook and Dr. Smith chatted you pulled it towards you to slide open the screen and read the latest text. You smiled softly as you pulled up Jimin’s message. 
Jimin: [IMG] I should get an award for this. Boyfriend of the year or something. What’s my reward? ;) [9:40am]
Attached to the text was a picture of Jimin doing the dishes in nothing but your apron. You smirked, clicking the reply button and chewing on your bottom lip in thought. 
“What’s got you in such a good mood, doctor?” You looked up suddenly to find both Dr. Smith and Jungkook looking at you and realized they’d come to a stop outside of the theater. Clicking your phone off quickly, you shoved it in your pocket. 
“Oh, it’s nothing, just a message from someone.”
“Jimin, I’m assuming.” Dr. Smith grinned and before you could stop what was sure to be a massive train wreck, he turned to Jungkook and continued. “Jimin is her boyfriend. Those two love birds have been dating for 8 years. 8 damn years and he still hasn’t popped the question, crazy right? He better step up his game before someone else snatches her up, she’s an excellent catch.”
Jungkook looked at you, eyes darkening with thought and you wanted to die. Why can’t the floor just open up already? “I’m sure she is.” He murmured softly.  
“Anyway, in we go.” He said, ushering the two of you in. You set about your work as a welcome distraction, turning on the auxiliary monitors to check the alarm settings and ensure it was properly functioning. As Jungkook and the senior surgeon began to discuss the task ahead of them you peered at them over the top of the equipment you were standing behind.
You should have known that the universe wasn’t done throwing the two of you together, that’s just what happened with soul mates. It would continue to circle your lives around one another until you either got married or died. Even if you married Jimin and Jungkook married someone else, your paths would always be intertwined. You would never be forced to be with one another, but your lives would always run parallel to one another. 12 years sure had been a good run, though. 
You rubbed idly at the tattoo of Jungkook’s name etched into your skin under the sleeve of your scrubs. You’d worked hard over the years to cover it and the only other person who’d seen it, aside from your family, was Jimin. He of course had his own tattoo, but he was constantly talking about how he didn’t believe in the constructs of “fate” or “soulmates.”
“One person the universe has governed will make you happy? That’s bullshit.” He’d said. Of course, you’d agreed. Jungkook had only ever made you miserable when you’d known him so how much could the universe really know about what would make you truly happy?
You sighed, returning to your task at hand. You needed to use the bathroom before the surgery and wouldn’t have a lot of time if you didn’t hurry up. After making sure the machines were ready you began to walk down the hallway towards the ladies’ room, feet dragging slightly as you took a moment to finally answer Jimin’s text. Just as you’d slid your phone back into your pocket you could hear someone calling your name and you turned to find Jungkook rushing to your side. 
He came to stand in front of you and you both stared at one another, surveying the other in curiosity as you waited for someone to speak. You didn’t remember him being quite as tall as he was now so you surmised that he must have grown an inch or two since you’d seen him last. Just when you were thinking he’d never say anything-
“It’s been a long time.” He said softly, looking down at you. 
“12 years.” You nodded. Of course, you knew that he knew this, but you felt awkward, like a teenage girl all over again. 
“How have you been?” He asked. 
“I’ve been fine,” you shrugged, “what about you?”
Jungkook nodded, “good as well…although I’m in an incredible amount of debt.” He chuckled and you smiled gingerly. You’d been paying your debt for a little while now and every time you made a payment you felt like it hardly even made a dent. “What are the odds that we’d both end up in the medical field?”
“It’s pretty crazy.” You admitted.  “Then again, you know how the universe works.”
Jungkook blushed, rubbing awkwardly at the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m kind of surprised we didn’t see each other before this.” You shrugged but before you could say anything he continued. “So, 8 years, huh?”
You nodded, trying to avoid his gaze. “Nearly. It’ll be our 8-year anniversary this upcoming weekend. What about you, are you dating anyone?”
Jungkook shook his head no. “Do you think you’ll marry him?” He probed further and it annoyed you a little. 
“Why do you care, Jungkook? This is honestly none of your business.”
He frowned, brows furrowing deeply as he looked down at you. “Just curious about what my soul mate is doing with her life.”
“No, Jungkook, you don’t get to be like this!” You snapped, “I meant what I said before. You said you didn’t want a soul mate and shut me out so congratulations, you don’t have one anymore.”
“That’s not how it works.” He rolled his eyes, muscle in his jaw ticking. 
“You can’t just waltz back into my life and think you have some sort of sway with me! You don’t even know me anymore; it’s been 12 years!”
“Well whose fault is that?” Jungkook growled and you felt your blood boil. 
“Yours, Jungkook! You don’t get to act like this.” You hissed, “You shut me down, not the other way around. Stop acting like you’re the one who got your heart broken.” Before he could say anymore you spun on your heel, retreating quickly to the bathroom to cool down. 
After using the restroom and washing your hands you stood, staring at your reflection in the mirror and gripping the edges of the porcelain sink. The woman you saw was tired, exhausted even. She was tired from seeing no real progress with Jimin, tired from work, tired from a lack of social progress, and now seeing Jungkook again- she was exhausted.
This was not you. The universe had handed you a curveball and you needed to learn how to roll with the punches. You were looking to get an increase in salary when you were done with your fellowship program and fighting with Jungkook wouldn’t help anything. You’d just have to do your best to avoid him at all costs.  
After taking a deep breath and rolling your shoulders a few times to loosen them, you made your way back towards the theater. Taking one final breath, you stepped back into the room and began to prepare for the upcoming surgery. Jungkook didn’t say anything but you could feel his gaze and you chose to ignore him. You didn’t have the energy to deal with him at the moment, and honestly you had too much to do before the patient arrived and you weren’t going to spend that time feeling uncomfortable. 
When the surgery began you spent most of your time carefully managing the patient’s levels and watching to make sure everything was still in the safe zone. You couldn’t help as your gaze swept over Jungkook’s frame as he stood behind the surgeon, handing him the tools he needed and watching everything he did with an intensity that surprised you. 
He’d always been such an overachiever, you imagined when he finally got his opportunity to perform surgery that he’d be amazing at it. The thought felt bitter and you swallowed uncomfortably, gaze returning back to your work. 
After you’d cleaned up your station, you made your way to the staff room, prepared to lay down on the nearest flat surface and collapse for an hour. Your first surgery of the day had been a laparoscopic procedure so it hadn’t taken long but this last procedure had taken 3 hours and your stomach growled angrily. You would need to eat something before you could rest and you pouted in frustration. 
You stood in front of one of the vending machines in the break room, chewing on your bottom lip as you contemplated what crappy junk food you could eat to get you through a nap before making your way to room 411 to pre-op Mrs. Lucas. After buying a granola bar and grabbing it from the chute you walked back towards one of the couches and flopped down on your back, kicking your feet up and opening your snack. 
You closed your eyes as you took a bite of the granola bar, chewing slowly. The second you swallowed your last bite you were going to fall into such a deep sleep that would hopefully leave you feeling refreshed enough to make it through the rest of this day. You still had at least 5 hours left in your shift, maybe more if something crazy happened, before you could go home and crash and with the addition of one new surgical resident the shift was likely going to go much slower than normal. 
A throat being cleared brought your attention back to the room and you blinked, glancing around you to find the perpetrator. Frowning at Jungkook’s figure standing beside your spot on the couch you took another bite of your granola bar, leveling him with a glare.
“Can I help you?” You asked.  
Jungkook rubbed his hands together in discomfort before taking a seat in the chair next to you and leaning forward on his elbows. “Look, we’ve started off on the wrong foot again. We’ve got to work together and I really think it would be in our best interest to just try to get along and be professionals. We both know our history but for now we should just try and put it aside and do our jobs.”
Your frown deepened and you sat up to inspect him more thoroughly. He looked exhausted already and he’d only just begun his residency. His dark hair was falling haphazardly into his somber brown eyes and his jaw was tight with anxiety. Despite your reserve, you knew he was right, neither of you were the same people you were when you’d known each other all those years ago. It had been years’ worth of change and growth and maybe it was time to let it go.
“OK.” You said gently, “We can let it go. But, Jungkook, you can’t bring up the soulmate thing anymore. That time came and went and now I’m in a serious relationship with a man I want to marry. ‘Not all soulmates end up together’, remember?”
Jungkook’s face darkened and for a moment you felt nervous. What if he couldn’t let it go? What if Jimin found out he was somehow back in your life and decided to leave you? You couldn’t bear the thought and watched in apprehension as he warred internally within himself. 
“OK.” He said eventually. “You’re right, not all soulmates get together. Sometimes people change, but I suppose that doesn’t really matter much.” He concluded. Before you could say anything, he stood up, burying his hands in the pockets of his scrubs. “I’ll see you around doctor.”
You watched as he left the room before staring back at your food, the memory of the taste souring in your mouth and you sighed, tossing the half-eaten granola bar on the coffee table beside you and rolling your face into the couch cushions and setting your alarm for 1 hour. The least you could do at this point was sleep and try to pretend that Jungkook hadn’t turned your life upside down. Again.
Once you’d woken from your nap and made yourself look presentable you made your way towards room 411, steps heavy with dread. It wasn’t exactly necessary for you to do pre-op, with your profession as anesthesiologist you normally saw the patient in theater but in this case Dr. Chen wanted you there to help explain the actual process. 
Apparently, Mrs. Lucas was a “nervous” patient and a little bit flighty. She had insisted the more details, the better she would feel and since you didn’t currently have anything else in your schedule you were now on your way to hold the over grown baby’s hand. 
Truthfully, you understood, surgery was pretty scary for most, but Mrs. Lucas was a special brand of patient. Her reputation had proceeded her in the last two days as the staff had been running tests to figure out what was wrong with her. Eventually they discovered a blockage in her bowls and opted for a partial colectomy to remove a portion of her large intestine. 
Apparently, she’d thrown a fit stating she didn’t come to the hospital to have parts of her body taken out, she only wanted to take some medicine and be done with it. 
You rounded the corner to 411 and paused outside of the door, taking a deep breath before pushing the door open and closing it behind you, greeting the people in the room as you made your way to Dr. Chen’s side.
“Mrs. Lucas, this is the anesthesiologist that will be taking care of you during your surgery. She’s here to answer any of your questions and help put you at ease.”
“Tell me honestly, doctor; am I going to die?” Mrs. Lucas was a short, squat woman, hair greying and curled in wisps on top of her head. Her face was overly round and slightly red with heat and her nose was scrunched and just a little too small for her face.
You smiled, “As with all surgeries there are always risks but they are small and nothing more serious than a possible infection. Your surgeon is highly capable and we will take the utmost care of you and your health.”
“I read online that I could get pneumonia or you could pop my blood vessels.” She insisted and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Yes, those are some possible risks, but again, the likelihood of any of that occurring is very slim. Dr. Michaels has years of experience under her belt and she’s one of the best surgeons we have. You’re in highly capable hands.”
“I also read that general anesthesia is like a medical coma. Is that true? I don’t want to be put in a coma, what if you can’t take me out of it?”
“Mrs. Lucas, general anesthesia is just a sleep like state. It’ll be like going to bed and waking up after a long nap. There’s nothing to worry about.”
You spent the next 20 minutes briefing Mrs. Lucas and answering all of her rapid-fire questions before making your way to the cafeteria to grab a late lunch. You only had about 30 minutes to eat before you had to make your way back to the theater to start Mrs. Lucas’ surgery. 
You spotted Lizzy sitting in the center of the cafeteria after grabbing a quick sandwich and made your way over as she waved at you frantically, opening your food and taking a bite so large you could probably choke if you weren’t careful.
“So?” She practically gasped, “You worked with panty twister, right? Was he as gorgeous as rumor says?”
You sighed. Honestly, you had completely forgotten you had told her you would update her. How in the world were you supposed to navigate these waters when the last thing you wanted to think about was Jungkook’s handsome ass face?
“Yeah, he’s handsome.” You said carefully, hoping that she would leave the subject, but you should have known. 
“What does he look like? Don’t hold back! Honestly, you’re so lucky it’s unfair.”
You took another large bite of your sandwich in order to avoid the topic as long as possible but Lizzy was voracious and extremely patient. She sat watching you chew, smiling at you coyly and you sighed again, swallowing your bite as you decided to just tell her what she wanted to know. 
“Fine, fine. He’s extremely good looking. Dark hair, dark eyes, lean but strong, his jaw could cut glass, deep voice. He’d make you weak in the knees if you saw him, Lizzy.”
She swooned at the idea, clutching at her chest and peering up at the ceiling. “I hope I do see him,” she remarked, “I’m looking for a man to occupy my time until I meet this one.” She said, tapping at the tattoo on her wrist. “His name doesn’t happen to be Spencer Craft, does it?”
You smiled, shaking your head. “No, this guy’s not your soulmate.”
“Damn shame.” She sighed. “So, what is the good doctor’s name?”
“Dr. Jeon.” You replied softly, glancing around the room to make sure he wasn’t anywhere nearby.
“So, what do you know about him? Single? Married? Did he end up with his soulmate? What?”
You shrugged, taking another bite of your sandwich. “We didn’t really talk that much.” You said. It was getting harder not to lie so you quickly finished off your sandwich before standing up and wiping your hands off on your pants. “I’ve got surgery soon so I need to go prepare the equipment and go to the bathroom before it starts. I’ll see you later.”
Lizzy frowned but nodded, motioning you away as you discarded your trash and left the cafeteria. Honestly, you were at your wits end with this day and it had all spawned with Jungkook’s entrance back into your life. Time could not pass fast enough until home time, especially since it felt like every corner you turned Jungkook just happened to be lurking there. 
Well, perhaps lurking wasn’t fair. He was really following around the surgical attending and taking notes. It just felt like lurking when it involved him. At least you only had one more surgery and then sitting down to review cases and finish paperwork before escaping for the day. 
Normally you actually really liked work, but now you had the feeling that was going to change. Jungkook had said you should both try to be professional and just work together as colleagues, but old habits truly die hard and this was not going to be an easy hurdle for you. 
As soon as you put the last period on your paperwork you made your way quickly to the locker room to grab your stuff. Normally you would say goodnight to Lizzy before you left but as it was, she was busy talking to another doctor about something and you really wanted to avoid any more gossip sessions.
When you finally made it home the house was silent and still way too hot. The repair man couldn't come until tomorrow evening and you were dreading another night suffocating in your bed with Jimin's body heat to accompany you. He liked to cuddle when he slept, which was usually fine, but without AC you thought you might actually die.
The thought of just ordering dinner crossed your mind, especially after the day you'd had today, but you'd promised Jimin you'd make his favorite dish so you sighed, toeing off your shoes and dropping your bag on the kitchen island. But first, pajamas.
In the end, preparing dinner was actually therapeutic. Chopping the vegetables gave you a chance to release the pent-up tension in your shoulders since the arrival of Jungkook back in your life. You suddenly wished you were baking instead so that you could punch the dough and envision his face in its place. Maybe later.
Just as you were pouring the food onto your individual plates, the sound of Jimin's key opening the door caught your attention. He looked more tired than usual, but in his line of work you weren't surprised. While a doctor fixed people's broken bodies, Jimin watched as a person’s emotional well-being was ripped to shreds in front of him. You couldn't imagine the stress that put him under.
“Hey baby.” You smiled, placing the food down on the kitchen table and waiting for him to join you.
He looked up at you, lips straining to give you a smile.  A kiss on the cheek was your only real greeting as he sat down at the table, head in his hands and you frowned, sitting beside him and wrapping your arm around his shoulders.
“What’s wrong?”
He sighed, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Just a long day at work. Got a new case today with this couple who’ve only been married two years. They’re at each other’s throats and it’s kind of exhausting. They're young and it's actually kind of sad. He keeps screaming about how she should have never pushed him to get married when they weren't soulmates. Destined to fail, according to him. Can you believe that bullshit?" Jimin scoffed.
You frowned. While it did seem like most divorces were due to not marrying soulmates, it wasn't always the case. Jimin had definitely had a couple cases of soulmates with irreconcilable differences who just refused to make it work.
As it was, you were not a big believer in a happily ever after or that a soulmate was an end all to your problems. Considering your own soulmate, it clearly didn't always work out and often time’s soulmates weren't even really that compatible. You weren't exactly sure how the universe paired people together, but sometimes it just seemed like a royal screw up.
"What seems to be the main problem in their relationship?" You asked, taking a sip of your water.
Jimin frowned, "I'm not a shrink, sweetheart."
"I know," you replied, "but sometimes you can tell that kind of stuff by the things they argue about or even if they just flat out tell you."
He shrugged, chewing idly on his mouth full. "I suppose just big differences of opinion. The guy’s main issue is that he insists they should have never gotten married since they're not soulmates. She keeps insisting they could have made it work if he would have just put some effort into it. Frankly, most relationships fail due to lack of communication."
"Or one person meets their soulmate."
Jimin snorted. "Even then, that relationship only failed because of difference of opinion. One person believed in soulmates and the other didn't."
"So, you're telling me that if you ever met Molly you wouldn't be the least bit curious?" You frowned. You wanted to believe that would be true, but you knew for yourself it wasn't. Even though Jungkook and you didn't work out, there had always been a part of you that wondered if you could have if the two of you had tried.
Jimin seemed uncomfortable at the mention of his soulmates name, his frown deepening. "Not in the slightest. I have no interest in that woman, I don’t know her so why would I leave what I have for some person that means nothing to me?"
"Romantic." You teased and Jimin smiled.
"You know I love you; do I really have to say it every day?"
"No," you conceded, "but it is nice to hear."
Jimin reached across the table, linking his fingers with yours and squeezing. "I love you."
You smiled, squeezing his hand back. "I love you too."
After dinner you splayed yourself across the couch with a book in hand and chewing absentmindedly on a piece of chocolate you'd snuck from your secret stash in a box of plain cheerios (Jimin was a health nut with a serious sweet tooth and a deep hatred of Cheerios in general, it was the perfect hiding spot.)
You could hear him on the phone with one of his colleagues arguing about their newest case. Apparently, the Johnson's, as you'd overheard, wanted an emergency mediation the next day to speed up their divorce.
Their relationship definitely wasn't healthy, divorce honestly sounded like the best option for them, but you did feel sad for them. Growing up you didn't really know anyone who had married someone other than their soulmate, divorces weren't really a thing. Of course, you'd read about people getting divorced or about soulmates choosing to not be together, but you'd never seen it before. Until you're own situation, of course.
As you'd grown up you'd seen it around a little more, the occasional case of people getting married because their soulmates had actually died and they didn't want to live alone, there was one other couple you'd met that had chosen to live like you and Jimin, but as a whole you mainly only heard about those sorts of things through your boyfriend or in a gossip magazine.
"Baby." Jimin called from the doorway of the bedroom and you looked over at him as he tugged at the waist band of his flannel pajama bottoms. "I'm really tense today. Care to help me loosen up?" He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you chuckled, closing your book.
"I don't know, I'm reading a pretty good book. Make it worth my while?"
Jimin grinned, biting his bottom lip and shrugging. "Don't I always?"
"You've got a pretty good track record." You teased, moving to stand in front of him.
Jimin hummed, leaning down to take your lips with his own and you smiled into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck and closing the bedroom door behind you.
Wow, so that was a MAJOR time jump, am I right? I have been so, so excited and nervous to share this chapter with you and I hope you liked it! 
The next chapter likely won’t be out until later in February. I’m job hunting and need to be more serious about it. I’m always working on my stories, though, and will try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can <3 <3
Let me know what you think, loves!
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Copyright © 2018  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved.
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atamascolily · 4 years
The commander offers Luke command of a squadron and he refuses. This is billed as some big test of character, but I don’t get it. This shouldn’t even be an issue anymore.
  They defeat the Yevetha by illusions that make the Imperials helping them turn and run, thus evening the odds. Nil Spaar is launched into hyperspace to die by someone he tortured for years.
Luke realizes Akanah’s played him. Her answer is really unsatisfying:
“Because I have been afraid of you,” she said simply.
“I don’t understand.”
“Luke, I have seen the underside of war, where there are no heroes, only victims. I’ve seen what power is about, how it’s used, what it means not to have it in a world where that’s all that matters.” The weight of her words was echoed in her sad eyes. “I was ten years old when the Emperor’s stormtroopers swept across half the galaxy—I had a childhood in paradise and an adolescence in hell. I have good reason to fear power.”
“You thought—think—I’m the same kind of threat the Emperor was, the same as the stormtroopers?”
“It is not just you,” Akanah said. “You are training others to follow your path. Where there was one, there are now many, and there will be many more. I had to know you. I had to see what inside you balances the power you have—I had to see what I could give you of what the Circle had given me. I did not lie to you about my purpose. Something has been missing, something of the Light, something of peace, of acceptance. I tried to help you find it.”
“By lying to me,” Luke said, his restless emotions bringing him to his feet.
Akanah smiled ruefully. “As you have seen, the Fallanassi are not above using deception.”
Luke does not take this well at ALL, of course. I’m not sure what Akanah expected??
“There’s something I have to say before I can go,” she said fervently. “Please—don’t judge us by my example. I beg you not to reject the truth because of the lie that preceded it. There is something gentle, and beautiful, and healing in the Fallanassi way—and if I failed to put it before you, the weakness was in me, not in the way of the Light, or the path of the White Current. There is depth there beyond what I’ve mastered, and worth there beyond what you’ve seen.”
“I’ve seen deception, manipulation—”
Stepping forward bravely, she touched his breastbone lightly with the flat of one hand. “It is not a way of power, but a way of peace—and I dearly wish for you to have that peace within you. I wish for you to add that strength to the great strength you already possess. I always wanted that for you—I never wanted anything from you.” A tremble entered her voice as she added in a near whisper, “I never wanted to add to your pain.”
Luke covered her hand with his own and lowered his eyes. “It seems I must choose what to believe,” he said at last. “I will try to believe that first, and perhaps it will guide me through the rest.”
She looked up at him gratefully. “Then I can go now,” she said, and kissed his cheek softly before backing away.
GAH. What a muddled mess. But then of course the Fallanassi leader drops this bomb:
“Tell your sister,” Wialu said, “that when she is ready to follow her own path, she would be welcome among us.” Then she turned away, needing no reply and inviting no questions.
I don’t actually think we see any men, so maybe the Fallanassi are all female? They definitely don’t want anything to do with Luke, lol.
By the end of that journey, Luke could feel himself changing. The ship was like a tiny chrysalis, and it was his metamorphosis that was underway.
He had wanted time where he and Akanah had spent so much time. He had wanted to hear the echoes of their conversations, feel the residue of the emotions. Luke spent the journey in silence, alternately reflecting and playing with reflections. He inventoried his memories of the last months, discarding some, rewriting others. And he collected a set of drill objects, and spent hours honing the one Fallanassi skill he grasped in its wholeness.
Yeah, I knew we were going there from the moment the hibernation motif popped up in Book One, only now he has more tools - literally in this case.
Luke uses his newfound knowledge of the White Current to help Lando and Lobot on their side quest thingy by waking up the lost Qella and solving the mystery. Luke makes the decision to put them on the maps as a dead world not worth disturbing to give their civilization time to grow - that’s a way of showing his newfound maturity!
Back on Coruscant, Luke destroys the damn castle he built, and Luke and Leia talk.
“Did you find what you were hoping to?”
The laugh faded from his eyes. “No,” he said. “But as happens sometimes, I found something else. I don’t know if I can explain what.”
“I can feel a difference in you,” Leia said. “You feel—calmer.”
“A lot happened,” he said. “I learned from some of it. Leia, I still want to know who our mother was, and what she gave to us. That still matters to me. Not knowing is an empty hole inside me, and some of what Akanah told me would fill it so well that I still want to believe it.”
“But you came back.”
“It’s the one little piece that maybe I did find that brought me back,” Luke said. “A lesson about love and family from a woman I never met, and probably never will. Leia, it’s crazy for me to be chasing a hope from Core to Rim when you and these kids are right here, real as can be. And if you’d still let me be part of loving them, and teaching them, and sharing your delight at watching them grow—well, I’m the Jedi uncle you’re looking for.”
Her eyes misting, Leia went to him and gathered him into a long, fiercely glad embrace. “Welcome to my family, Luke,” she whispered, both offering and accepting the familiar and comforting warmth of connection. “Welcome home.”
So I guess Luke isn’t depressed anymore and that’s good?? So he’s gone from being aloof and OOC to integrated with his family and connected to the present again?? It’s sort of like how Courtship of Princess Leia has to break up Han and Leia first so they can get back together - we end up where we should have started from all along. Sigh.
Also, I’m sad that we don’t get to see Luke, Leia, and Han together at the end, even for a little bit. And does Luke ever talk to Leia about the offer to join the Fallanassi??
well, that was a trip. no wonder I’d completely forgotten these books.
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Cinderella AU - Dean x fem!reader
There once was a man, a good man. He loved his family very much, his wife and young daughter, (Y/N). Father and daughter were inseperable, they were the best of friends. After a mysterious illness, his wife died and the man remarried. The woman, Druscilla Tremaine, and her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella, moved into their home. And just as before, the man followed his wife to the grave. This left (Y/N) at the hands of three witches who forced her to clean house and run errands for spell ingredients. What the witches didn't know what that the girl had been learning all these years and had found some magic abilities of her own. There was a meeting of the coven soon, a fabulous party for powerful witches.
In the darkness of my tiny room I practiced. I practiced and practiced. I practiced by candle light to hide what I was doing. Druzilla, my actual evil stepmother, would literally kill me if she found me doing magic. At any opportunity, I would write down spells of little bits of paper and hide them in a notebook I kept under my bed.
It was early, I could be caught at any moment now. But it wasn't fair. The spell that my step mother was going to use required a life, she was going to be using a field mouse from the backyard. The little thing didn't deserve to suffer. From it's tiny cage, I lifted him out with one hand and fed him a tiny piece of cheese. He held it in his little paws and ate away, not a care in the world.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, gently petting the top of its head. From the table next to me, I grabbed a pinch of chamomile and blew it into the mouse's face.
I took a deep breath and sounded out the spell I heard, "bah rah gah doh." The mouse halted and fell limp. My eyes widened and I panicked. Did I kill it? Do I do something wrong? Pronounce something wrong? I held the little mouse close to my ear, hearing its tiny heart beat. My shoulders relaxed and I put the little mouse back in it's little plastic prison.
"There you go... Sleep now." I whispered. Suddenly loud footsteps thundered down the hall. I quickly took my notebook and shoved it under my bed and blew out the candle. My door opened, blinding me with the light from the hallway.
"Ah, you're awake. Decided to sleep in, did you?" Druscilla looked down at me with her pointed eyes.
"I was up late cleaning up... From your ritual." The ritual where she literally drained a person of their blood to keep her young. The victim was a college girl passing through town. The locals would blame an animal, just like they were spelled to do.
"Well that's no excuse, is it?" She said, putting her hands on her hips.
"No." I said, not looking her in the eyes.
"No, what?"
"No, ma'am."
She humpfed, "That's what I thought. Now get ready. I need that mouse. There are hunters in town and I'll be damned if they find me. Especially before the party." She left the room, slamming the door behind her. I winced at the sound, looking back at the little mouse, still sound asleep.
"What I wouldn't do, little mouse, what I wouldn't do." I sighed and got ready for the day. Hair in a messy bun, t-shirt, jeans, socks, shoes, nothing special. My step monster spent my dad's money on clothes and riches for her and her daughters. Anastasia and Drizella. Anastasia wasn't so bad, she mostly followed the crowd. It was Drizella I had to watch out for. Drizella liked to play with fire, I had the scars on my legs to prove that her spells worked. Nothing like having your pants set on fire in the middle of dinner. I made my way down to the main floor of the house, the little cage in hand. I set the cage down on the alter table and took a deep breath.
"Hey!" A shrill voice made me jump, there in the doorway to the living room was Drizella.
"I thought I told you to iron my dress." She held up the dress that I ironed the previous night, "It's all wrinkled!"
"I did iron it." I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
"Not good enough. Need I remind you of what I can do?" She glared. Soon after Anastasia appeared, plate in hand.
"(Y/N), I'm hungry. Why isn't breakfast ready?" She asked.
"Because she's going to reiron my dress." Drizella snapped at her sister.
"No, she's making breakfast first!" Anastasia whined back. They both started yelling at each other back and forth until their mouths snapped shut with a snap of Druscilla's fingers.
"Now, now, girls, what is all this ruckus?" She eyed me, "(Y/N), what have you done now?"
I shook my head, "I didn't do anything-"
"I see. That explains it then. Well do something. Make breakfast, iron her dress, and then run to the apothecary. I need more ashwood." She grabbed my arm, pushing up my sleeve to show the scar on my arm where she placed a hex bag, "If the shop keep gives you any trouble you know what will happen. And you wouldn't want to hurt him, would you?" I shook my head.
"Good." She dropped my arm and with a flick of her wrist, I was sent towards the kitchen.
The streets were crowded, it was pretty unusual for this tiny town but with the meeting of the coven the town was buzzing. They were also buzzing because of the idea of hunters. Druscilla said hunters were bad, but I didn't think anyone could be as bad as her. I entered the apothecary, just like I did every week. The little bell chimed and I felt safe for the time being. The shopkeep was understanding of my situation and knew what Druscilla could do. The shopkeep was a friendly man. His smile was warm and welcoming. He was tall and usually wore a grey sweater, probably to hide all of his warding tattoos. His business was a dangerous one. I made my way up to the register and smiled.
"I can't find the ashwood, did you move it?" I asked.
He shook his head, "No, I'm afraid that someone put my stock on reserve, they got a big harvest day ritual coming up."
My heart sunk, "But, She need ashwood. I can't go back without it."
He shrugged, "I'm sorry. The client already paid for all of it."
My arm started to burn and so did my eyes, "Please." I gasped in pain, "There has to be something left."
His eyes widened, "Hey now, I told you I don't have any to give Druscilla and you can go tell her that."
My blood started to boil with rage and my breathing became ragged, "Please." I said through gritted teeth.
"I told you no." He said. My rage took over and I snarled, lunging at him over the counter. I took him to the ground, wrapped my hands around his throat. He grabbed my wrists, looking up at me with bulging eyes.
"Stop!" He managed to say.
"I can't!" I growled, pressing harder. His eyes rolled back and his fighting stopped. I found the will to let go and scrambled away from the man, taking off out of the shop.
I made my way to the hardware store, stopping outside to watch as old black Chevy park in front of the Apothecary.
"Tempered ashwood?!" Druscilla screamed and threw the wood planks at me after I presented her with a bag of it from the hardware store. I shielded my head with my arms as they fell down on me.
"You come back here with tempered ashwood?! What am I supposed to do with this?!" She screamed.
"It's all I could find! The apothecary was out!" I shouted back over the sound of her destroying plates that I would have to clean up later.
"Excuses! Always with the excuses, (Y/N)! I have raised you and fed you, kept you off the streets and you give me tempered ashwood?! How ungrateful." She spat. She walked away and went back to her stone alter where Drizella and Anastasia had been watching. She took the little mouse from his cage and shook him a bit with a confused look on his face.
"Why is it sleeping?" She looked down her nose at me.
"I-I don't know." I stuttered.
Druscilla rolled her eyes, "It doesn't matter." She took a sharp knife from the alter and I looked away while she ended the little life in her hand. I looked back after the last of it's blood was drained into a silver bowl. She then, pricked her finger with the knife. Anastasia and Drizella followed, they each let a drop of blood fall into a bowl.
"Cloaking flame, I ignite you. The fire born from blood leaves behind no witch. Now vanish me from the danger's sight. O fire of power and concealment." Druscilla threw some herbs into the bowl and it ignited into a red flame.
"Cloaking flame. That will keep us safe from any hunter that we should come into contact with. As long as this flame burns, they can't see us." Where was that spell when I was hiding from that damn cat, Lucifer.
On cue, the devil cat that I'm sure was spawned from Druscilla appeared. It was a large black cat with unsettling yellow eyes. It strutted past me and towards the alter. Drizella tossed the corpse of the mouse to the cat who caught it in its mouth.
"There's mommy's little helper." Druscilla sighed fondly at him. Lucifer, who didn't meow, but growled back at her.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Druscilla looked at me with a finger pressed to her lips.
"You know what to do." She said. I closed my eyes and stood up. When I opened them I walked towards the door and opened it. On the porch were two tall men, one taller than the other. They were dressed in dress pants and white button downs.
"Is this the Tremaine residence?" The taller one asked.
"Yes." I avoided eye contact, pulling my sleeves down to hide the scar.
"Well, this is Brother Samuel and I'm Brother Dean. We're here from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. May we come in?" The other man with bright green eyes gave me a million dollar smile.
"No." I said.
"Are you sure?" Brother Samuel asked. He had saggy brown hair and hazel eyes that were kind and welcoming, "From what we heard in town the family used to be avid church goers."
"That was before my mother died. My father lost faith. So did I." I quickly looked over my shoulder at the witches then back at the Mormons, "This really isn't a good time." I tried to close the door but the green eyed man stepped forward and held the door open with his foot.
"Ma'am, is everything alright. Are you in some sort of danger?" Brother Dean asked, his eyes scanning over my face like a lazer. I winced when I felt the spell beginning to take it's hold on me.
"Please go." I whimpered, the burning began to take effect in my eyes. Which he seemed to notice because he backed off and smiled.
"Perhaps another time." Brother Samuel said, "Have a nice day." I quickly closed the door, leaning against it and breathing heavily.
"Those must be the hunters." Anastasia said, "They didn't notice us at all."
Drizella smirked, "Mother, may I keep one. The green eyed one got my blood pumping."
"No, no, Drizella. I have a plan for them. Involving..." She looked at me with a smirk, "Our guard dog."
Tis the beginning of a story based Loosely off of Cinderella, I'm trying my best.
Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated!
Read part two here!
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madmadmilk · 6 years
Kiss Currency Part 1 | Tom Holland x Reader
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Part 0 | Part 1 | Part 2  | Part 3 (complete!!) >> pics not mine!
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Harrison always throws a weird-ass birthday party with a dumb-ass theme or stupid fuck challenge. Last, last time it was a “wet t-shirt” party, then a “no shirt OR no shorts” party. this year it just happens to be a “Hickey Party.” Gotta have a mark to enter, gotta cash in a kiss for a drink. JFC… Of course, you have to go, but who’s gonna give you the hickey?
Warnings: swearing, kissing, and classic cliches
Word Counting: 5K smooches 
Oh my fucking god…
“It’s only awkward if you make it awkward,” you let out a sigh, blinking rapidly as you look down. Not really very helpful cos you’re standing close enough to himthat all you can see is his goddamn chest.
Just breathe.
“You know you said that outloud, right?” the boy in front of you lets out a breathy laugh and you can see his shirt pinch as he pulls his shoulders up. He crosses his arms and you watch him flex subtly as he stifles himself.
“What?!”your head finally snaps up, looking at his crinkled smile and rosy cheeks.
Best friend Tom is standing in front of you in the bedroom of your apartment, mere hours from this stupid-ass birthday party.
This is not going to be easy.
He tilts his head, wrinkles still around his eyes and a big, dumb, boyish grin on his face,
“Sssoo, where do you want it?”
This wouldn’t be easy because Harrison always throws some wild-ass party for his birthday-- and, yeah, it always ends up fun or funny but… This one is a little different, a little more active than the last few.
The first one you went to was a “wet t-shirt party,” show up in a white shirt and have water dumped on you at any occasion for any reason. Easy, right? And his birthday is like in the dead of summer so it makes sense. Get wet. You get it.
The next one was a “No Shirt or No Shorts” Party, kinda self explanatory. You were one of the only people who showed up with no shorts, thinking that, hey, might as well show off my better assets, right? But-- there was someone else who came with no shorts either. Tom. You knew he was best buddies with Harrison, but you never quite met him for longer than brief “hello’s,” and totally pegged him as a guy who would love to have his shirt off all hours of the day-- but, oh, he surprised everyone. Black shirt, black Calvin Klein boxers. Nothing special but he looked like a goddamn model. The connection made was that you were rocking a white crop top and pair of high-waisted gray Calvins. “Nice undies, I’m Tom,” he said. “Wanna switch?” you joked. And maybe you did, but that’s anotherstory.
Here you are today, standing alone with this guy who totally became your best friend over a pairs of swapped underwear, getting ready for a “HickeyParty.” Harrison really amped it up this year, huh?
The rules are that you need a hickey for entry, and new ones for drinks. Harrison would be at the door to give you a smooch if you haven’t got one already, with a red sharpie in hand so you couldn’t reuse it again. Kinda convoluted, kinda brilliant. Go wild, kids.
… but you didn’t really have anyone at the moment to adorn you with kisses, and weren’t exactly in the market to fish around. You want something noncommittal, easy, no feelings involved--
“Wheredo you want it?” Tom repeats, pulling you out and away from your circling thoughts.
A best friend to give you hickies sounds perfect, right?
“Gotta be somewhere they can see, hm?” you rationalize, looking at his neck, while you shift your weight. Music was playing from the living room, slightly muffled from a partially closed door. Perfect ambiance.
Tom nods, eyebrows hardening a bit. He sucks in a breath as he brushes some hair away from your shoulder, and pulls your top to sit properly on your shoulders. The pads of his fingers touch you lighter than air. Hm. He pokes to the right side of your neck,
“Right here then?”
You stop yourself from gulping and watch him, “Ahhh, yeah. That’s fine.”
He doesn’t raise his head up to look at you again, but you can see his eyes dart around underneath his lashes,
“Piece of cake.”
A smile cracks across your pursed lips, as you tease lightly, “You knowyou said that outloud, right?”
Thatgot him to look up, dark eyes beady and squinted, “Shut up.”
You laugh as he mopes, the red reaching his ears. You have always just assumed he was a kid who blushes easily, baring his emotions on his sleeve. At least the red looks good on him.
He leans forward, and you tilt your head up to stretch your neck. You try to stretch out the laugh too, so you don’t have to think about his warm hand holding your neck, his thumb at the base of your throat.
Tom kisses your neck gently once, and you think you hear him whisper “sorry,” but you’re trying to lose yourself in the cracks of the ceiling. There’s a lot of them. You don’t say anything.
His shaky breath tickles your neck, and it makes you hold yours in. After a few blinks, and tightening lips, you feel hislips press on your neck again. You tilt your head away from him further, scrunching your face.
He sucks on your skin, it’s sharp and short-- and it feels good?
But it’s not allowed to.
You close your eyes tight to block out the noise, but that only lets your feel his nose trace on your neck, his chin bump your collar, the sweet smelling hair on your cheek, and the stray hand holding your back-- gah!
You stifle a moan by coughing, “Ow!”
He freezes, hunching his shoulders up again. He sputters something as he leans back, wiping his lips and nose. His hand covers his expression, but his crazy brow is arched up high,
“Oh, uhm, sorry.”
You wave your hand, forcing a laugh, “Uh, no. It’s okay, uh.”
He nods, hand still by his mouth. You idly scratch the side of your neck, wondering what the new piece looks like. Good enough hopefully. Tom hasn’t said anything yet, and you well up your courage to tryand tease,
“Your turn?”
“Oh, someone’s getting a lil eager now,” andhe’s back.
“Shut it!” you squint, slapping his shoulder and taking a step closer to him.
His hands come up and hovers over your hip for a second, but falls back to his sides. You pull at bottom of his t-shirt sleeve,
“So, where do you--?”
“Where ever you want, babe.”
You look at him and those chocolatey browns are fixed on your neck, looking down at his work on your neck. He bites his lips together, and his eyes snap back to yours.
He’s so impossible.
You glance towards his neck, and god, this is soclose,
“Well… I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea-- so, it should be somewhere else,” you gingerly hold his chin, moving him side to side, “The opposite sides would make it look like we did it to each other, but the same side would look too matchy-- and anywhere else--”
“Here is fine,” Tom pulls the neck of his shirt lower, pointing to his left collar. He taps on his bone, “Here.”
You shake your head, making faces to calm your nerves, “Cool.” You step forward, and he doesn’t, making you come closer to him, “Mind if i-- I have to hold--”
“It’s okay.”
In the corners of your vision you see him nod, biting a smile. You hold his shoulder with your right hand, and your left smooths up his shirt to the back of his neck. You mouth “ah, sorry,” but are sure he doesn’t see.
Cool, cool.
You shut your overanalyzing eyes and lean forward. You don’t give a warning kiss like he did, if that’s what it really was at all, and immediately suckle on his skin. He flinches and lets out a cough too.
You pull on his skin, and your tongue may or may not have made an appearance. His hand smoothing up your back reminds you that, hey, hello? Stop!
“Uhm!” you step back, wiping away at your lip quickly. Your eyes are fixed on the blotch youleft on his collar.
His arm twitches up to touch it, but he stops himself. He smiles stuffing his hands in his dark jeans, “Hm? How’s it look?”
You tilt your head from either side, warm blood rushing to your face making you frazzled,
Tom rolls his eyes back, walking towards you. He easily throws an arm around your shoulders and you try not to stiffen. You quietly hug around his waist back and he guides you to your bathroom, “Let’s have a look.”
You both step in and bump hips and wiggle until he switches the lights on. Your eyes take a second to adjust to the yellowed light and zero in on the kisses.
The one on your neck is a dainty purply mark.
His is a fearsome splotch.
“Not bad,”
Tom finds your eyes in the mirror and smiles stupidly,
“I like it.”
Heat rises to your cheeks as you shake your head rubbing your mark unconsciously.
A wholenight of this?
How will you survive??
He pulls at a strand of your hair, making you laugh and scrunch your nose. At least he’s making light out of it,
“You’re soannoying, Tom.”
You miss the way he looks at you as you move past him.
It’s kinda funny how you totally can’t feel a hickey after it’s been set. You don’t even remember you have it until you take glances in the mirror-- and bam! it’s still there, baby.
You get ready quickly, Tom watches something on your laptop in the other room. He gets your idea of space really well.
“Okay, so-- I’ll go in first and then you--”
“Yeah, I’ll come in a few minutes after,” he confirms as you slide into the Lyft together. His hand bumps into yours for a second before you slide all the way to the other seat, “Don’t worry, no one will suspect a thing.”
Tom shoots you a confident smile, and you wink back at him before looking ahead.
There’s a little bit of guilt itching in the back of your throat, it’s not that you don’t don’t want people to know that Tom brandished you with this lovely kiss, but-- you can’t remember if he’s looking for anything right now? Like? Are you… in the cards? The game? or? And i mean, you’re never not looking for love, but uh-- he’s justa friend.
A goodone.
The Lyft drops you off at a corner, and Tom pulls out his phone while he leans on a wall, you turn to wave at him,
He grabs your hand, unexpectedly and gives you a gentle squeeze,
“I’ll catch you in a few.”
You laugh, squeezing back. His face is a little tense, but you reply with ease,
“Yeah, sure, of course.”
He doesn’t turn away until you turn and walk briskly to the scene of the party. You can feel a stray stare trace up you.
What’s up with that?
“Heeeyyy, baby,” Harrison greets you at the top of the stairs with a big hug. You can see three hickies on him straight away. He spills his drink by your side as you shake each other. He pulls away and you see bright and excited baby blues,
“Now, lemme see.”
You laugh, pushing him away, “You serious?”
He shrugs, throwing his hands up as more drink falls to the floor, “My birthday, my rules.”
You nod, rolling your eyes. You flick your hair away, and tilt your neck to show it to him. His eyes widen, “Daaaaaaaaaaamn. Okay. I see you.”
You shake your head, “Shut up, Harrison. I can get it.”
He raises his brows and cocks his pretty head. He makes a clicking sound and your mouth falls open in offense. He raises his arms up, “Sorry, i’m just saying, I haven’t seen you mingle with anyone in like 3 years, so-- I’m wondering what-- who? Gave this to ya--”
He licks a finger,
“And if it’s realat all--”
He roughly wipes it on your neck.
“Hey!” you pout as he looks down at his finger. Nothing he was looking for apparently.
“Well, fuck me-- You’ve done it,” he laughs, coming in to hug you again, “Whodid it?”
You knock your head on his lightly, “As if i’d tell you now.” you elbow his chest  and laugh together. You smile at him, he’s well over by now.
You both look behind you, a line of people waiting to get in pass the “check.” you both chuckle together, and you’re kinda shocked everyone followed through-- No Tom yet though.
Harrison hangs his head and gestures, “Well, if you needanything else, I got you.” He makes a kissy face towards you. He grabs the bottom of your chin and moves your head to see the spot again. You feel the cold marker slash across it.
You close your eyes for a second and then slap his cheek. You pinch it and lean in to plant a soft peck on his other cheek,
“Happy birthday, Haz.”
He laughs, rocking back on his heels as he crossing his arms in front of him,
“I’ll find out who did you.”
You smile patting the side of your hip as you move past him,
“Have fun.”
You spend your time waiting, since you can’t even get a drink without another hickey-- you realize didn’t actually plan this that well. Were you and Tom like… exclusive for the night? Or… is this a free for all now? And… why the fuckdidn’t you guys pregame???
You bump into a few friends and they’re all poking and prodding and wondering who gave you the damning mark. Have you really been out of the game for that long? They don’t even offer one to get you a drink. How do they know you so well?
There’s a ruckus by the front entrance, lots of hollering and everyone crowded around. You hear a familiar laugh and make you way through--
You see him, and even though you were with him a few minutes ago-- he looks completely different. He’s laughing so wide, so comfortably. He looks cool and confident and charming in the low light, and you watch as he throws a heavy arm around Harrison.
They do a handshake that you never seem to remember, and Harrison asks him for the hickey ticket. Tom pulls is collar down to show him your mark and Haz laughs,
“Monstrous, man, who the fuck gave you that, eh?”
“Can’t say,” Tom cheers as Haz marks it off.
“And will there be more?”
“Many, manymore,” he cheekily replies, taking Harrison’s beer and guzzling it. Your hand comes up to scratch your neck.  You feellike everyone’s looking at you, but no one really is.
“Shut up, I’ll take a shot for each one you get,” the taller boy jeers, “Easy.”
Tom shrugs, “Get fucked then. Happy Birthday, Haz.”
They hug again, and Harrison gives him a hard slap on his back as he passes. Everyone cheers at Tom, and you hear a few, “Let’s give Tom a kiss” and “Oohh, where’s your babe, Tom” amongst the clamor. He raises his hands in defense,
“I don’t kiss and tell.”
Tom makes his way over to you, bumping fists and giving half-hugs along the path. His eyes don’t waver away from yours, but your stomach settles oddly.
Your first fear isn’t about how many kisses you’regonna give him, but how many others will too?
Am I allowed to think he’s mine?
I mean, just for tonight?
Just for tonight.
Tom finds you quickly, sitting on the armrest of a couch with some friends scattered about. He greets you, “hello” with a wink and small hug.
Gotta play it like you’re seeing each other for the first time tonight. Right.
Your eyes quickly scan his neck, looking for more kisses, but only find yours peeking from his shirt. He does the same, and you don’t notice until he brushes your hair past. He teases,
“Who gave you that?”
You give him a weird look, wanting to call him a dipshit, but you realize it’s just for show. Your friends lean in waiting for an answer. You were in a bit of a compromised spot, almost between his legs as he interrogates you, pressing, “Won’t you tell us?”
You purse your lips then smile wryly, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“That’s why I’m asking, love.”
“From a secret admirer,” you laugh, pulling your shoulder up to press it against your cheek. You fan your lashes at him, “So I can’t, in good conscience, say who.”
Tom takes your hands and presses them to his hips, surprising you. He whispers real low,
“I could admire you in secret if you want.”
A friend or two shriek behind you, which is good cos it covers up your gasp with your mouth agape. You slap his arm and he laughs while hugging you. You playfully hit his back as you swim in his cologne.
For fucks sake, Tom.
You can hear your friends behind you, “Cash in the kiss for Tommo! Do it!” Lol they don’t even assume that he’s the one who gave you the first one-- good, right?
“Well, I’m going to go look for someone who willkiss me,” Tom taps your knee as he walks away, “You got my number.” He points at your phone, mouthing, “check,” to you.
Before you can react or spit out a witty reply, a friend pulls you from behind, and into the couch prodding you with even more questions as you watch Tom disappear into the crowd. Your stomach settles oddly as you friends fawn over the interaction.
Your phone vibrates and you sit up, checking it while blocking off the onlookers.
Tom: meet me upstairs, second room on the left
You let out a short sigh of relief.
You message that you’d meet him in a few, cautious at every step. When everybody got into busier conversations with one another, you ducked away in search of the stairs, only to find that there were two sets on opposite sides so it would be impossible to know which room he meant--
“Hey! In here!” his head peaked out from on of the rooms. You laugh and run over, checking over your shoulder. Coast was clear.
You jump into the room and he locks the door. You hop over to the bed and fall back onto the cool sheets. Your legs dangle over the edge.
Tom walks up and laughs, “Comfortable?”
“Mhm!” you cheer, sitting up on your elbows as you look at him. He’s rubbing the back of his neck. You tilt your head again, “‘Heard the bet you made with Haz.”
He shrugs spinning before falling back on the bed with you, “Go big or go home.”
You turn to face him, your legs curling up on the bed and he turns his head to you too. You’re so close that you couldjust look up and kiss him on the lips. Instead, you just smile and whisper,
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
He doesn’t reply, maybe taken aback, but you can’t tell. His eyebrows knit a little and he frowns a bit. You bump his knee with yours,
“I’m kidding. I’m in.  Let’s sink the fucker.”
Tom face lights up, and he smiles slowly. Maybe you don't’ realize the gravity of the situation, or you really do want him only to yourself, but yea you really don’t mind sneaking away and marking the brunette as yours.Anonymously. Kind of.
“Well first, let’s get a few of our own shots,” he hums, he taps your shoulder, “I’ll do you.”
You snort, “Mhm. As opposed too--?”
Tom sits up and he’s straddling the sides of your hips, looming over you with a fucking grin. He peels his shirt of and lays it next to you, flashing those shiny abs at you, and you choke,
“Uhm, excuseme?”
“It’s easier this way.”
“For who???!!”
“C’mon you can’t say you don’t enjoy the view,” he laughs, crouching lower till his face hovers over yours. You’re suddenly super aware of every part of your body, cos it wants to be all up and over him so badly--
You fake a pout, but just lift your top just a bit, only until the bottom of your bust. You quietly arch your back but turn your cheek away from him, “That’s allyou get.”
Tom’s hands are on either side of your head and he looks down, brown waves hanging in front of your face. God, why does he always smell so good? He lets out a breathy laugh again,
“It’s more than enough, babe,” he scoots himself down, “So it’s alright if I--?”
You let out a hum, holding your breath again and shutting your eyes.
Cold hands move up from your hips to your ribs and he kisses your stomach, before pressing his lips into your side, sucking sharply. You hear a wet smacking sound and a muffled laugh. You throw your hands over your face, trying not to think about his palm prints burning into your skin. He kisses you maybe 3 times? Your upper left rib, your right side, and somewhere on your right hip-- then he moves up.
You can feel the shadow he casts over you and you peek between your arms. He’s smiling softly, but a bright burning red. His lips look a little swollen and pink. He laughs, “One more?”
“Where?” you voice comes out as a croak, how long have you laid there? Your arms fall over your head, and you leave them there.
Tom pokes beside the mark he left in the earlier afternoon, and mumbles, “Here. please.”
You nod.
He licks his lips before ducking down, and this time, he kisses the base of your neck softly. Then he kisses the spot he poked, then he kisses it again and your arms come down to wrap around his neck, brushing through his hair. You’re only doing this to steady yourself, okay?
Tom lets out a low moan and then breath and he kisses your skin deeply, pulling tight. You let out a sharp gasp, “Tom!”
He doesn’t stop like he did before,  and when he finishes he rests his head against your cheek for a second. He’s kinda sweaty, but so are you. You feel his body rise and fall under your arms and realize you’re both almost panting.
You unlace your arms from his neck and he sits up, hair in disarray. He hops off from your hips and sits at the edge of the bed, slouched a little. You watch his broad back heave and he looks back with blurry eyes,
“Made it look like it was from a different person, ‘s that alright?”
You catch your breath, weakly sitting up, “Yeah, uhm, perfect.”
Looking forward, you see there’s a mirror, and through your dry contacts you see his body angled towards you. The hand covering over his thigh. You see yourself, two foreign marks on your neck all from the same person. You refocus on the real Tom, seeing him with his brows raised. Your heart skips when he speaks, “My turn?”
You laugh sitting up on your knees and crawling towards him. You’re squarely behind him, two hands on his shoulders, you squeeze them gently. In a psuedo-professional voice you ask, “How many would you like, sir?”
You look at him in the mirror  again and he looks back at you with a tired half pulled grin. He turns to your hands and bites a finger on his shoulder, “As many as you’ll give me!”
You yelp, pulling your hand away and laughing, he puts you at ease so quickly. He faces forward again, and you crouch down, your thumbs digging into his bare back. You close your eyes and let your lips choose where to go.
You give him a soft hickey on the lower side of his neck. He leans back to give you better access. You curl around him and kiss the side of his shoulder a little harder. He lets out a gritted sigh. Maybe you accidentally clawed his back but-- it was an accident.
Tom pulls up one leg onto the bed, so that you could see his whole torso. One hand propped him up and the other laid on his thigh, but not for long.
You leaned over to him, one hand still on his shoulder, you other on his thigh to steady yourself. You kiss sharply at his collar bones, and chest, and his wary hand reaches up to tangle into your hair, holding you gently against him.
You let out a hum as he pulls your hair. In a way that’s totally friendly, you laid a smacking kiss on his nipple, making him jump. You kiss under it, leaving a bruising hickey. He rubs your head and you lean your forehead against his hard pecs--
“Oh my god…” you mumble, peeking up at him.
His whole chest and and neck and face and ears are flushed. His lips are parted and glossy. He rubs the back of your head one more time before dropping it with a smack to his thighs.
You sit back, wiping your lips with the back of your hand, speaking quietly, “Uh, that should be enough…”
He wipes his mouth too, clearing his throat. He turns to face the mirror again, goes to try to stand up but then sits back down. He slouches and turns his neck around in the mirror. He jokes,
“What’s the damage?”
You hop off the bed, your legs a little wobbly. You move towards him, and gingerly touch his shoulder, he’s radiating heat like a sunburn. You poke softly,
“1… 2, 3, 4… 5, 6… 7… and 8.”
You feel the heat in your cheeks and your heart in your throat as you laugh nervously.
Tom beams looking up at you. He grabs your hand by your side and holds it gently,
“Haz is gonna die tonight if you keep this up.”
“And?” you tease, bumping his leg with yours as you sway, “And how are you holding up?”
His hands swings with yours, “And this might be the death of me, honestly.”
You laugh and pull you hand out to stretch over your head. You spin and move towards the door,
“Pretty words, Tom. I’ll meet you down in a few.”
You send him a dazzling smile, leaving him to fall back on the bed.
You miss the moment he curls up in the spot you left, rubbing his cheek in your waning scent. 
And you miss the words he let hang in the air,
“But I’m not joking.”
A/N: Just a good old self-contained story :)) but idk how to write a full plot below 10K so luckily or unluckily, there will be one more part!!! and maybe a prequel with the “no shirt or no shorts” party if u ask >:) soooo let me know what you think! i’m nervous so show your appreciation or something! Like! Reblog! comment! share! send asks, and let me know if you like, love it or hate it!!! 
see you guys soon 🙌🏼
much love,
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lazywriter7 · 5 years
to toasts, and schooling
“So I’m stuck there asking the obvious, which is, ‘why do you think you should marry her?’” And Tony’s trying to hold on to the lighthearted tone, he was, but it’s hard to not let sincerity sneak in when you’ve got Peter Parker watching you deliver a toast in his honour, luminescent in his happiness. When you’ve got a crowd of people you love and respect hanging on your every word – and Steve Rogers at the back of said crowd, glass untouched in his hand; gaze undimmed by time, as steady and unwavering as it was twenty years ago. “And Peter answers back, the most assured I’ve ever seen him, ‘Because I want to’.” 
“I’m looking for the groom. Have you seen him?”
The server opened his mouth, and shut it again. Hitched his tray of Captain America themed canapes a little higher, like readying himself to fling it into Tony’s face at the slightest hint of danger. “Uh. This is an anniversary party?”
“Being the organiser slaving after this shindig for ages – I am aware.” Tony parsed out a smile, perilously polite. “The groom?”
The server blinked wide eyes. “I think I saw him near the fajitas?”
“Brilliant, of course you did.” Tony spun around on his heels, ignoring the flinch and subsequent wobble the server and his tray executed. The fajita table was on the far end of the hall, and it took fifteen whole minutes of ducking and weaving (okay fine, the crowds parted before him a la Moses-and-the-Red-Sea, but it still took fifteen darn minutes) to find the man of the hour and creep up behind him. Tony crossed his arms, realised it rendered him incapable of actually drawing said man’s attention, uncrossed them again and tapped the guy on his shoulder, if a bit imperiously.
“You were supposed to be here an hour ago.”
It was still a jolt to the brain, a brief shot of cognitive dissonance on watching him turn – that square jaw, more well-shaved than baby-smooth, a head of hair that had truly outgrown its teenaged-mop phase, the black lines of a suit that didn’t look loosely propped on a wire hanger, but rather like it…fit. Those eyes would always remain the same though – idealistic spark and impossible kindness twinned in dark irises.
Nevertheless, Peter Parker remained a sneaky bastard who wouldn’t answer a straight accusation. Instead, his thin brows went winging to his hairline, eyes flitting up and down Tony’s frame dubiously. “You look…shiny.”
(Agh, the voice shitted him the most. Tony missed that reedy, high-pitched wonder of a larynx, dammit.)
“Needless to say, if tomorrow’s headlines are going to be Unmarried silver fox presides over protégé’s ten-year anniversary , you bet your wedded ass I’m gonna lean into it.” Tony smoothed down the lapels of his own three-piece – dove gray, just a few shades lighter than his hair, with silver pinstripes. Shiny was one word for it. Awesome was another.
“You need to stop saying that.” Peter turned back to his little paper plate boasting a fajita tower of over six inches, easy. Hell, to have a metabolism like that. The last time Tony had indulged in Mexican, he’d been toilet-ridden with gastro for over a week. “Last time MJ misheard you and now she keeps threatening to weld my ass shut.”
Ah, those innocent days when Peter would rather spontaneously combust than use the a-word in front of ‘Mr Stark’. Tony pinched a scrap of cheese from Peter’s plate, the latter barely blinking an eye. “Well, who told you to enter holy matrimony at twenty-one, then?”
Peter stared at him flatly. “You did.”
“Damn right I did.” Tony affirmed with pride, scarfing down the cheese in a single gulp. Mm, cotija. “And still no grandkids for Uncle Tony.”
“Genealogically, that’s an impossibility.” Ooh, big word – though there was a tiny bean-scented burp between syllables three and four. Peter cleared his throat, faintly pink.
There was another tempting little cheesy strip hanging out the bottom fajita, Tony’s fingers were positively itching. To cheese or not to cheese? Gah, who cared, you only lived an average of four times, being a caped crusader. And so through a mouthful of snatched dairy and more than a little beef: “The main thing, and don’t you think I haven’t noticed you avoiding it with your ten-dollar words – you were supposed to be here an hour ago.”
“There was a call to Assemble.” Peter replied, perfectly straight faced.
Tony’s eyes narrowed, even as he proceeded to lick up the grease lingering around his fingernails. “I didn’t hear of it.”
“Not sure if they still keep you in the know, but I tend to do the calling these days.” The swagger was nowhere near Stark levels, but unmistakeably present. It was brilliant.
“Was that an ‘old, useless relic’ dig?” Tony approximated a glare to the best of his ability. “And after all I did for you when you were a midget.”
“Nothing like being called ‘Underoos’ to legitimise your identity as a superhero.” Peter was demolishing the tower faster than it had piled up, till only draggly, soggy bits of vegetable remained.
“Fine. I suppose I’ll just have to ask Kamala about this mysterious call to arms–”
“Fine, I misplaced my cufflinks, jeez .” Well-tailored as they were, Peter’s sleeves still flapped with his gesturing, aforementioned cufflinks glinting under the light – blood-red hour glass shapes embossed on plain obsidian circles. “Just because she hangs on your every word with all the fangirling and ‘Mr Stark’s–”
“Golly gee, I wonder who that reminds me of–”
“ Tony .” Mock frustrated as the tone was, Peter was still grinning. Tony could feel his heart swell a million sizes.
Peter commenced tugging his sleeves back over his wrists, straightening them conscientiously, fingers lingering absently on the smoothed curve of the cufflinks. “Speaking of – did Nat say she was coming?”
“With an Itsy Bitsy Spider mug, no less.” Tony cast a last, disconsolate look at the fajita table and turned away. “Also still can’t believe she lets you call her that.”
“Just spider solidarity.” Peter positively beamed, and Tony could have recited the next words in his sleep because it had to be the fifty thousand and seven hundredth time he’d heard them, “She first taught me how to–”
“Fight, I know. What with all the positive word-of-mouth, the Black Widow’s lessons on ‘Strangling: Why use fingers when you’ve got a perfectly serviceable pair of thighs’ have been overbooked for the past decade.”
“Not that I don’t mentally note it down every time you say stuff like that–” Peter straightened up noticeably, smile broadening till it went from charming to no-one-panic-but-we’ve-got-a-DEFCON-5, “but I’m going to have to ask you to save it for the toast. Which you’re making right now.”
“Why do I have to–”
“Because I’d rather not explain to my wife that I was over an hour late to my ten-year anniversary party looking for my lucky Black Widow cufflinks.” Peter was emitting at the rate of approximately five words per second – impressive really. Moments like these, Tony kinda got why they called Peter his spiritual heir. Also – holy shit that was MJ stalking through the crowd towards them, resplendent in red and calmly murderous.
Peter grabbed at the first glass that floated by on a server’s tray and shoved it into Tony’s hands. His fingers curled around the glass stem on autopilot – ooh, Dr Pepper – even as he stumbled a few steps ahead, being not-so-gently-nudged at the back by a certain someone who needed to keep a lid on the super strength, darn it.
“Okay, so we’re apparently having a toast now.” He hadn’t even spoken that much louder than his usual volume, but it was like a ripple effect: the clusters of people around him immediately quietened down, and forty seconds in, Tony was counting, the entire hall was hushed and staring at him. It was scary, almost. Humbling.
“Right, so. I’d have kept you guys waiting, but a certain spider-themed superhero isn’t feeling very heroic right now – so here I am, delaying impending doom with a toast.” Tony lifted his glass a bit recklessly to a now-still MJ, halted in her warpath about twenty metres away. She was smiling though, so maybe homicide wasn’t on the horizon. “To be honest, I’m getting a Terminator-esqe ‘I’m gonna be slaying twenty minutes in the future anyhow’ vibe from his lovely spouse, so this may all have been in vain.”
“Timing ain’t too bad, the press are outside anyway so you’ve skipped the hassle of calling a conference to break news of the divorce.” Tony acceded, and scattered laughs broke out in a sea of shining, amused faces. God, this felt surreal. “See, no, you’re doing it wrong, that pause was meant for the awkward silence. Maaaybe a scandalised gasp. Instead you’re all just smiling at me like I’m some deranged uncle at a wedding, which fair, I am.”
“But you know me. You know me and you know this toast isn’t getting any better from here on out, yet you’re standing there anyway all happy ears instead of booing me off. And that’s…that’s pretty special.” From the corner of his eye, Tony could see Peter quietly creep up to where MJ stood, cufflinks catching the light again as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Could see MJ’s arched eyebrow, the little quirk to her lips as her fingers slipped into the crook of her husband’s elbow. Tony smiled. “And I guess that’s what we’re all here to celebrate. Something special.”
And then, like it had been perfectly choreographed though Tony couldn’t have dreamt up this kind of symmetry – there was movement by the door. Tony’s eyes flitted over for a single instant, enough to catch the tall figure that had just ducked in; candelabra light gleaming off his favourite blue shirt and grey-blonde hair.
Tony’s free hand reached up to tug at his own lapels, fingers smoothing over the outline of a chain through the silk of his shirt. “Ten years ago, this young little upstart, newest addition to the Avengers, vanishes in the middle of a post-mission clean up. I attempt to track him down, for reasons that have everything to do with a touching, almost parental concern; and not influenced at all by how brain-devouringly boring clean up duty is.”
Chuckles everywhere, though Tony’s gaze went winging back to the rear of the crowd, where a familiar figure had appropriated himself a glass and was leaning against one of the pillars. Prime posing location, right next to one of the biggest candelabras – Tony highly approved. “As expected, I find him hanging out, upside down, from the newly refurbished A on top of Avengers Tower. Goes there every time he has a decision to make, probably thinks all the increased bloodflow to the head is going to make it work better – I don’t have the heart to tell him otherwise, poor lad.”
“It’s there, both of us sitting on the middle bar of the A like a park bench, that he tells me, ‘I think I wanna marry MJ’.” The good-natured laughter so far quietened down; everyone’s gaze redirected to the couple in question – but Peter and MJ were looking at him, soft-eyed and perfect.
“Of course, being the elder, mature adult that I am, my mind immediately flicks to the practicalities.” His tones veered towards something almost serious – for all of three seconds, because he was fooling nobody. “Namely, the location of MJ’s burial place and whether necrophilia is still illegal in the state of New York, though a part of my mind does think that Peter could do better than a moonwalking has-been. I don’t get too far beyond, ‘I didn’t think you even liked Thriller’ before I am summarily reminded of the other MJ, Peter’s cool, alternative-culture girlfriend.” And there she was now, rocking a red jumpsuit and a self-engineered wedding band, with a ‘damn straight’ smirk curling up her lips. Sure, Tony was a spectacular specimen of his time, but hell if this new generation wasn’t something else. “Y’know, in that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass what people think, and believes in a fair, just society and the betterment of human kind.”
“So I’m stuck there asking the obvious, which is, ‘why do you think you should marry her?’” And he’s trying to hold on to the lighthearted tone, he was, but it’s hard to not let sincerity sneak in when you’ve got Peter Parker watching you deliver a toast in his honour, luminescent in his happiness. When you’ve got a crowd of people you love and respect hanging on your every word – and Steve Rogers at the back of said crowd, glass untouched in his hand; gaze undimmed by time, as steady and unwavering as it was twenty years ago. “And Peter answers back, the most assured I’ve ever seen him, ‘Because I want to’.”  
The words were coming slowly, shaped by Tony’s inadequate voice with as much significance, as much unadulterated earnestness as they deserved. “He says, ‘We share things in common, but… it’s more that it already feels like we’re a team, me and her. We don’t always get each other, but we listen. We always listen. We have our fights, but we try to communicate through that and we don’t make excuses.” It all sounded so…inexcusably simple, narrated by a man who knew through time-tested experience how much it wasn’t. And there was at least one other person here today who knew it too. Tony cleared his throat, soft and uncharacteristically unobtrusive. “We’ve lived with the best and worst in each other. And I love her.’”
“And that’s when it strikes me, an honest-to-Thor epiphany right in the middle of this twenty-one year old rugrat prattling to me about love.” A wry, amused sound escaped his lips – memory hazy and rose-toned, but still so vivid. “ ‘Cause you see, I’d been expecting a laundry list of perfections – ‘oh MJ so smart’ and ‘oh MJ so pretty’ and ‘she makes me crack up like a loon’. But Peter didn’t say any of that.”
“Peter wasn’t telling me how great MJ was. He was telling me how great they were together.” Tony’s chest was squeezing on itself, the sheer pride that surged within a little difficult to contain. “And that’s a detail that we long-in-the-tooth, stodgy adults – with all of our realism and all of our practicality – forget so easily. To put it in sporting terms: it isn’t about the player of the match.” And it was the most involuntary thing in the world, to raise his eyes again and meet Steve’s steadfast eyes, that littlest curve of his lips from across the hall. “The love of your life, the most incredible person you’ve ever known. It’s about the team.”
“So I turned to him and said, ‘well, I don’t know about love. But all that other stuff you mentioned sounds pretty fantastic’.” Peter was leaning into MJ’s side now, with all the light of the world in his eyes, while she gave his elbow an affectionate squeeze – Tony blinked rapidly, eyes burning with a curiously sweet sting. “And he goggles at me and goes, ‘you’re the only person I’ve asked who thinks I’m not crazy.’ Of course, cut to ten years and now, we’re gathered here commemorating the occasion solid proof was finally obtained that I’m smarter than the rest of you sane, mature, non-epiphanised people.” And glassy-eyed or no, Tony still toasted the air with more than a slight touch of glee, voice hoarse and delighted all at one go. “I told you so.”
“So while we’re all standing around, let’s also raise a glass to Peter and MJ – who somehow, despite belonging to the same species as the rest of us who screw up on a daily basis – have managed to do everything, absolutely right by each other.” His jaw might have cracked a little, from the ache of grinning at the man who was dearer to him than any child he could’ve ever had – all the while the best guy he’d ever known, who loved him, watched on smilingly from the distance. Maybe it was just the Dr Pepper talking, but this felt like one of the moments all those other moments had been leading up to. “I think you might be what marriage is supposed to look like. And here’s to ten more years of schooling us in being awesome.”
(Extract from a longer fic here )
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Prologue- The Beginning of it All.
[Bakugo Katsuki.]
{“I remember the day it all started.”}
I opened my eyes, sitting up from my bed, glaring at nothing at all. I got out of the bed, stretching as I stood up. I was excited, for some reason I couldn't remember, until I looked at my calendar, which was in no way, shape, or form, on the right day. As a matter of fact, it’s not even in the right year. I should throw it away, but my mom really likes that calendar. It has dogs on it.
Anyway, when I looked at the really out of date calendar, I realized what day it actually was, I looked at the clock on the wall, and nearly cursed. It was currently 08:00, meaning I had 30 minutes to get to school and make it in time for the Royale. I rushed to the bathroom after grabbing my clothes. I took a quick (ten minute) shower before I put on my clothes and brushed my teeth.
After I dried off and put on my clothes, I took a minute to put on my eyeliner. I ran out of black a few days ago, and never got around to getting more, so I had to settle with using the red and orange pencils my mom had.
I had about eighteen or so minutes to make it to school, so I decided I would skip breakfast. "OI, YOU LITTLE BASTARD! YOU BETTER EAT, GODDAMNIT," My mom yelled at me, waving her spatula at me in a threatening manner, "I DIDN'T SPEND TIME MAKING YOUR BREAKFAST FOR MY HEALTH!"
"SCREW OFF, YOU OLD HAG, I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I yelled back, before hurrying out the door, slamming it closed. I started power walking, so I wouldn't be late. It took me about thirteen minutes to get to school, and it probably would have taken longer had I not started sprinting.
I made it to class at 08:25, and almost everyone had been there already. “Hey, Bakugou made it!” Kirishima yelled, pointing over at me. I smirked as I went over to my seat and sat down.
“Of course I made it,” I said, confidently, and placing my feet on top of my desk, "you thought I would miss kicking all of your asses?" I could hear a few sighs coming from some of the others in the class. Tenya walks over to me, having noticed my feet on the desk.
“Bakugou! Remove your feet from the desk this instant!” He yells, doing those weird hand movements he does. I just scoff at him and roll my eyes.
“Bakugou, did you not hear me? I said-” I cut Tenya off, glaring at him.
“Shut up, will ya'? It's just a stupid desk!” I say, rolling my eyes again. Tenya looks at me as if I killed his ferret. Before he can go berserk about how I'm “disrespecting those who used this desk before me,” Uraraka comes up to me with a big stupid smile.
Ugh. What is with these extras gettin' all in my face today?
“Bakugou, I love how you did your eyeliner! It's so nice!” She said. I rolled my eyes at her. Did this pink-faced chick really think her compliments will make me go easy on her later? Hah! That's funny! I'll crush her and the rest of these weirdos!
“Wow! Your right! It does look pretty cool,” Kirishima adds, after turning towards me, “plus, there's nothing more manly than a man who doesn't have toxic masculinity!”
“I actually always wanted to try make-up! I just thought it was kinda weird, but I'm glad to see that it's normal for dudes to wear it,” I hear Kaminari say, and when I look at him, he's smiling, “plus Bakugou makes it look good, so I definitely wanna try it out.”
I felt my face heating up. I cursed under my breath, as I glare at them. Shitty extras, thinkin' they can fluster me. “Shut up, you fuckers!” I yelled. Uraraka, Kaminari, and Kirishima laugh at me as if I wasn't capable of breaking their bones.
“Ah, well, Bakugou, you must admit, it makes you look rather adorable,” Tenya said, doing his hand things, having forgotten about my feet on the desk. Deku nodded in agreement.
“GAH! I'LL KILL YOU ALL! I'M NOT FUCKIN' CUTE!” I yell at them all. These fucking extras! I'll kill them all.
“Ahaha, Kacchan, you really do have a bit of a pretty boy face-”
Before anyone could make another stupid comment on my appearance, All Might comes breaking through the door, yelling about how he was entering the room like a normal person -despite the fact he fucking wasn’t-, and some of the others stared in confusion, wondering why he was here. “Huh? All Might? Why are you here? Is Aizawa not taking us to the Royale?” Uraraka asked, tilting her head.
“Correct! Aizawa, unfortunately, had to call in sick for the day, so I will be taking his place!” All Might yells, with a giant smile on his face. A few of the others say something under their breath, most of the things they say could just be summed up to, “sweet!” or something of the like.
After a bit of chattering, and after All Might tells us to make sure we have our hero costumes, All Might leads us to a bus. Iida tries to get us in two separate lines, but no one listened to him, causing him to slouch down in disappointment. It only takes a short while to get everyone on the bus and seated.
When everyone settles down, they start talking about random stuff. I lean back, looking out of the window, listening to bits and pieces of their conversations.
“-Gonna be super fun bro!-”
“-Bet he's gonna make a scene again-.”
“It's gonna be a challenge, but-”
Most of them were talking about the Royale, mainly about how it was going to be fun and how they hoped they would be the one the win. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. These extras really thought they would be able to beat me. The bust went dead quiet for a minute, and within a second, all eyes were on me. My laughter died out as I glared at them.
“What, is there something on my face? Stop lookin' at me.” I said, and suddenly I was hit with a mountain of stupid compliments.
“You have such a cute laugh!”
“Manly AND cute!”
“That was one of his genuine laughs!”
“Oh, how beautiful! Perhaps we could hear it again, yes?”
It went on for a minute before I yelled at them to shut the hell up.
{“If only… if only I knew that would be the last time they all would be laughing and joking… I would have told to do it more.”}
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Who you gonna call?
Alice, Penny, Rowan, and Ben were all seated at the Ravenclaw table eating their dinner when they heard Dumbledore clearing his throat, making them, along with the rest of the school, look in his direction.
"It is now the month of October, which can only mean one thing," Dumbledore started.
"A bit more than two months before Christmas?" asked Ben.
"Yes, but no. It means that it will soon be Halloween!" Dumbledore replied, beaming.
"Oh... right..." Ben mumbled, looking down at his plate.
"This year, I decided to do something a little special. As some of you may know, Muggles wear costumes on that very special day. Thus, I decided to organize a little costume contest this year, to let all of you express your creativity, as well as not think too much about the vaults" explained Dumbledore, looking at Alice.
"I didn't think he could be any crazier, but he's outdone himself," Alice heard Merula mumble.
"May the best costume win," the Headmaster finally said, before sitting down to continue his meal.
All four friends looked at each other.
"So... Do you guys have any ideas?" Rowan asked.
"Well, it's not like we can go for traditional costumes. Dressing up as a witch won't really cut it..." Penny pondered.
"Well, instead of dressing up as magical creatures like Muggles do, we could dress as Muggle characters?" suggested Alice.
"Or you could dress as ghosts," suggested a very familiar ghost as he passed through the table.
"AH!" Ben exclaimed, looking at the ghost in terror.
"Hi Nick, and I don't think it's a good idea," Alice replied to the Gryffindor ghost.
"Yeah, we don't want Ben to frighten himself every time he looks at a mirror," continued Penny with a smirk.
"Really, Mister Copper, it is your second year here, and you are still afraid of me? I'll eventually take it personally," said Nearly-headless Nick to Ben, who still looked shocked.
"I'm, I'm sorry, still, still... getting used to it," Ben stuttered before the ghost flew off.
"Ben, it's not like the ghosts here are scary... well, except maybe for the Bloody Baron, but he's Slytherin's ghost, so..." said Rowan.
"Rowan, it's kind of normal for him to be nervous. He was stuck in cursed ice and doesn't even remember how he got there. That's a lot to process," Penny explained.
"Yeah. It's not like he could hire a service to get rid of all the stuff that scares him at Hogwarts," Alice said before her eyes widened as if realizing something. She slowly looked at Penny, who had the same wide-eyed expression. With that, both girls quickly got up, leaving Rowan and Ben behind with bewildered expressions.
The next morning, Penny and Alice could be observed going through various magazines that owls had delivered earlier while eating their breakfast. Rowan looked on, puzzled, while Ben jumped anytime Alice or Penny flicked a page loudly. While reading, they took notes and drew little doodles of what looked like a costume, though Rowan wasn't sure what kind of outfit it was. This went on for the rest of the day, Alice and Penny whispering to one another while looking through the magazines and even some books from the library.
That evening, at dinner, Alice and Penny arrived with a few rolls of parchment in their arms.
"Did you finally decide to do your homework while eating?" Rowan asked.
"What? No, of course not. Penny and I have figured out what our costumes will be! These are our plans," Alice said, pointing at the rolls of parchment.
"Great, you two have costumes, but..." started Rowan.
"No, not just for us two, silly. We have costumes for all of us!" Penny exclaimed.
"Really? Then why haven't you told us anything until now?" asked Rowan.
"Because we would have had to explain to you what Ghostbusters are for like a century and Ben would probably just have panicked," explained Alice.
"Ghostbusters? What are those?" Rowan asked, looking puzzled.
"People who chase ghosts," replied Ben nervously.
"Don't worry Ben. You won't have to chase any ghosts. You'll be the Mayor of New York, like in the movie, and we'll chase whatever spooks you. As for what Ghostbusters are, Rowan, Ben summed it up pretty well. It was actually a movie last year, which I saw during the Christmas break," Alice said.
"Same here. When Ben got scared of Nearly-Headless Nick, and Alice said that it was too bad he couldn't call someone to get rid of all the things that spooked him, that's when we both got the idea. We left in a hurry to write to our families so they could send us old Muggle movie magazines and some magazines on how to sew using magic," Penny explained.
"So that's what you've been working on all day. If only you could show that level of enthusiasm when it comes to studying," Rowan, said, sighing.
"Do you ever stop thinking about studying?" Alice asked.
"Of course not!" Rowan exclaimed.
With that, the three girls discussed the costumes excitedly, how they would build somewhat functioning gadgets from the movie, as well as how Penny would make ectoplasm or at least something that looked and felt like what they imagined ectoplasm was like.
And so, the next week was spent drawing plans to build the various Ghostbusters equipment and collecting ingredients from Potions and Herbology so that Penny could try to recreate ectoplasm. There was one major problem though.
"Where are we going to get all the things we need to make our costumes?" asked Alice to Rowan as they sat in the Ravenclaw common room.
"We can look around Hogwarts? I'm sure Filch's office is full of stuff that might be useful," suggested Rowan.
"Well, of course, but it's not like we'll find the material to sew our costumes here? And I think Filch would notice if something went missing from his office," Alice said.
"Who is thinking of taking something from Filch's office?" asked a voice behind them.
"Gah!" Alice exclaimed as she turned around. "Chester! What are you doing here?"
"Doing my prefect duties, as usual," replied the Ravenclaw Prefect.
"Couldn't sleep, could you?" asked Rowan, her eyebrow raised.
"Hard to sleep when I know two troublemakers are still up and planning something suspicious," replied Chester, eyeing both of the 12-years-olds suspiciously.
"We are not planning anything bad. We are just trying to figure out how to gather the material we need for our costumes," Alice explained.
"Why don't you do like Andre and get stuff from Gladrags," asked Chester.
"Because we can't go to Hogsmeade. We're second years, remember?" Alice said.
"So is Andre, but he gave me a list of what he needed. A purple coat and some studs if I recall... Said he was going as a prince I think," Chester explained.
"Oh! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" Rowan said, slapping her forehead.
"Because you're too busy studying for class? Anyway, thanks Chester, we'll write you a list and give it to you before the next Hogsmeade weekend. When is it by the way?" asked Alice.
"Tomorrow," replied Chester.
"What?! Merlin, Rowan! We have to figure out how much we need of everything now!" Alice exclaimed.
"I already have," replied Rowan, as she handed a long list to the Ravenclaw prefect who looked shocked at the length of it.
"Really? You're a life saver!" Alice replied, beaming.
"Well, did it while you and Penny were testing that ectoplasm thing," said Rowan.
"Why do you need all that? And what is ecto... whatever you were testing with Haywood?" Chester asked, looking at Alice with raised eyebrows.
"First, our costume is complicated, that's why we need all that. Second, ectoplasm is to make things more... realistic," Alice replied smiling innocently.
"You'll be the death of me, Beaumont," said Chester as he walked back to his dorm, list in hand.
"I'll be at your funeral, crying the most," replied Alice, before returning to her planning with Rowan.
Later the next day, Chester dropped two big bags in front of Alice as she sat at a table with her three friends. He handed her the bills, to which she briefly looked at before giving him a sack of coins.
"Thanks and that should cover it. Keep the change," said Alice, waving him off.
"Just don't tell anyone I helped you if that gets you expelled," Chester mumbled as he walked away.
"Ok, so now, we have everything we need for the perfect costumes!" Alice said to her friends.
"Now all we need to do is make them," Penny said, as everyone looked at the pile of material.
"Well, we have a lot of work to do, so let's get at it, shall we?" said Rowan, rolling up her sleeves.
And so they started working on their costumes. The next days up until Halloween, their free time was spent on making the costumes and the various gadgets and pieces of equipment that were necessary to complete the Ghostbuster illusion. Penny, who was friends with some of the ghosts of Hogwarts, convinced some of them to act like the fake ghost trap was sucking them in or like they were afraid of the Ghostbusters.
Finally, it was the day of Halloween. Alice and Rowan quickly put on their costumes before heading toward the great hall, crossing path with Andre, who wore a white ruffled shirt and a purple coat with studs. As they approached the entrance of the Great Hall, they saw Penny waiting for them outside.
"Thought it would be better if we entered together," said Penny.
"Good call... Where's Ben?" Alice asked.
"Already inside. Merula has already started to pester him about his costume."
"Good thing our 'Proton Packs' don't actually contain protons..." Alice said with a smirk.
"Well, they're just made to emit light beams," said Rowan, looking at the hand-held Proton Gun attached to her pack.
"Sure they are," replied Penny and Alice, smirking to each other.
When they entered the Great Hall, Merula started to laugh, which surprised no one.
"What are you supposed to be dressed as?" Merula asked, snickering.
"Ghostbusters," replied Alice with a bored expression.
"Some stupid Muggle thing I suppose," Merula continued, smirking.
"And what is your costume?" Alice asked.
"I'm not wearing any. I think this whole thing is stupid," replied Merula proudly.
"Really? I was sure you were disguised as a troll," Penny said.
"Penny, look closer. That's just how she usually wears her make up," Alice said, smirking as she high-fived Penny.
"How dare you! You'll pay for this Beaumont," Merula replied before storming off.
The three girls sat down with Ben at the Gryffindor table, as he quietly ate his breakfast, looking nervous as usual, but dressed in a suit with a button pinned on his jacket that read "Vote for me." Alice and Penny tried to reassure him that everything would be fine, and if anyone bugged him, he knew who to call. As for Rowan, she kept looking at him suspiciously.
After breakfast, everyone headed to class, which was a perfect occasion to observe everyone's costume. Charlie Weasley was of course dressed as a dragon, telling people that Jae Kim, another Gryffindor Alice was not very familiar with, was dressed as the Invisible Man, hence why no one could see him in class. Nymphadora Tonks had turned herself into Snape, but instead of his usually greasy hair and black robes, her version of the Potion Master had red permed hair and wore robes with the Gryffindor crest embroidered in the back, which resulted in Snape giving her a month of detention. Tulip Karasu was dressed as a big dungbomb, and no one was sure if her costume was an actual dungbomb, so most people stayed away from her. Bill Weasley was dressed as a curse-breaking Prefect, which Rowan found brilliant. As for Barnaby Lee and Ismelda Murk, even though their friend Merula kept grumbling how stupid this whole thing was, they were dressed as Newt Scamander and the Bloody Baron respectively.
The day went by without any incident, some of the ghosts acting scared when they saw the three Ghostbusters together. It was later in the afternoon, once classes were over, that the girls saw students gathering in the clocktower courtyard.
"What's going on?" asked Penny to one of the students standing in the outer circle.
"Merula is taunting Ben," the student replied.
Before Rowan could stop her, Alice was already on all fours, crawling to get closer to where Merula and Ben were standing, while Penny was pushing people aside to make her way there.
"'Vote for me'? Who would vote for a wimp like you, Copper? You're just a stupid Mudblood!" said Merula, as she walked around Ben.
"It's... it's... just a costume..." Ben stuttered.
"Your costume should have been one of a kid who pees in his pants. But that wouldn't be much of a costume would it be, Copper, since you're already a kid who pees himself all the time," Merula said, snickering, as other Slytherin students started to laugh.
"Alice... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Penny whispered in Alice's ear as they observed the scene.
"Yes... Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!" Alice exclaimed, catching Merula's attention.
"Well, looks like your little friends are here to save you. What are you going to do? Blind me to death with the light that comes out of those things?" she said, pointing at the Proton Guns, not noticing Penny and Alice had slid a small panel that revealed another button on their "guns."
"Ready Penny?" asked Alice.
"What are...?" Merula started saying before the girls sprayed her with their homemade ectoplasm.
"What is that?!" screeched Merula, covered in the gooey substance.
"Ectoplasm, a sort of slime that comes from ghosts according to the movie," explained Penny, smirking.
"Merula, you've been slimed!" Alice exclaimed.
"I hate you Beaumont!" Merula said, fuming.
"Likewise, Snyde," Alice replied as Merula stormed off, passing Rowan who had just made her way to the front of the circle.
"What happened?" asked Rowan as she saw Merula's gooey state.
"We came, we saw, we kicked her ass!" Penny and Alice exclaimed, highfiving each other.
"Well, you... you know she can just... just wash off whatever that was, right?" Ben said.
"Never underestimate Penny, Ben. She created a special goo which will make Merula feel sticky and gooey for a week, even after she wipes it all off," Alice explained.
"We figured Merula scared you way more than ghosts, so we made something that would work against her," continued Penny.
"Why didn't you tell me about it?" asked Rowan.
"Would you have gone along with it?" asked Alice.
"Of course not! Could ruin my chance of becoming a prefect!" Rowan replied.
"That's why," pointed out Penny.
"Thanks," Ben said sheepishly.
"No problem Ben. That's what friends are for," replied Alice smiling brightly.
And so they walked back inside the castle, the students in the courtyard cheering them on. Later that evening, Dumbledore announced the winner of the costume contest.
"First, an honourable mention for a group of students who created costumes to protect their friend: the Ghost Hunters!"
"Busters, Ghostbusters," mumbled Penny and Alice, as Merula laughed.
"And the winner is... Merula Snyde! For her costume of a scary creature from the bottom of the lake! Very convincing makeup Miss Snyde, and the goo added to the realism," Dumbledore said, which made Merula stop laughing and start fuming instead.
The four friends couldn't help but chuckle, before returning to their meal, thinking that this had been the best Halloween they had ever had.
A/N: This is my entry for prompt #8 of @hphm-fictober ‘s Fictober. I haven’t written in a little while, mostly because I was working on this fic and at some point didn’t have any inspiration. I know this is very far from a masterpiece, but I don’t care. The “Ghost Hunting” prompt automatically made me think of Ghostbusters, which came out in 1984. Now, while it came out in June in the US, it actually came out in December in the UK, hence why the fic is set in Year 2. Also, for those who may not have figured it out, Andre’s costume was Prince.
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Duty above all
Was it her duty to bring some sense back into him? Could she? Sasuke has slipped through his friends' and family's fingers. He had pushed them away one by one -even her… so she wondered what she was doing there alone with him in that shadowy small room.
She would have laughed if she had the heart to.
Today was Ino's birthday. The girl was the typical bubbly blond girl who radiated with joy and happiness. No missions as ninja or hardships seemed to chip away her sunny smile or her mischievous character. Rather it has reinforced that side of hers, especially after she's seen a close friend almost die before her. That's why she was so popular among the ninja population, and even amongst civilian.
She knew how to be the pleasant meek girl, and fun hard partygoer when needed.
So, the moment Ino told Hinata's stern father that they would drink tea and discuss just among girls, Hinata almost scoffed. Ino didn't even flinch. No one would've believed Hinata had she called Ino out.
Yet there they were: the beer was moving around, the music was blaring and sweaty bodies were sliding against one another. Yeah, she was definitely not drinking tea. The thought made her smile…
Until her eyes fell on him.
He wasn't looking back.
In fact, she was totally invisible to him.
She didn't like how her heart reacted. It felt too implicated.
"Hey, you look at Sasuke-kun?"
The heavy weight that suddenly landed on her shoulder scared her. She tore her eyes from the dark haired young man to look at her left: pink soft hair met her gaze.
"Ah, Sakura-Chan… Not really" she muttered, even though the music was blaring.
Sakura had asked a simple question. She just had to give a simple little answer. Yet a lie escaped her lips as if breathing. It was so natural… it was so vicious and shameful for someone with her education. She had lied about watching him.
Hinata had been watching him the moment he entered the party and he had been ignoring her. That's the truth.
"Really? Well" Sakura said then sighed "I've tried you know? I've tried to help him but he just keeps… how can I put that…?" Sakura screamed over the music.
"Destroying his life?" Hinata said a bit louder.
Sakura laughed "that's too much. Maaan, Hyuga certainly don't know what having fun mean!"
Hinata turned to her side once again and met unfocused green eyes. On closer inspection, she realized that her companion of the night had red puffy eyes. She bit her lips, feeling guilty for being so engrossed in her own head.
"Are you alright Sakura-Chan?"
"What is the problem if Sasuke decided to have fun? I heard that ménage-à-trois was a lot of fun"
"You should put that cup aside"
"Look at you! Look at me! We're here like moping clouds of desolation, bad-mouthing his life's style while he's having fun" Sakura slurred a bit "maybe he's the one who's right."
"He used to be a moping grey cloud too; but since he learned to have some fun with his fangirls, he's cooler, right Hina-Chan?" Sakura chuckled "maybe we could get over ourselves if we tried"
"Sakura-Chan… you're babbling now"
"Whaaat? Oops. Sorry, I forgot that since you're seven, you lost that right. You'd better stay a virgin or the Hyuga won't be happyyyy"
She didn't want to hear any more of that. Sakura's words seemed to be true. Sasuke was just partying like anyone else. He was making out with two girls at the same time, but still, what had she to do with anything? She had enough 'rights' to worry about him and try to reason with him, but not enough to have any says in his choices.
The only persons that had a say was either his actual family or his girlfriend. She could be by some extend family, but it wasn't the case yet… even then, it still didn't mean anything. She was nothing to him, yet that feeling was unmistakable… It had gnawed at her guts for too many a year to create confusion, and she certainly didn't want Sakura to poke around and expose her ugly feelings.
Honor before all.
Hinata heaved Sakura and put her right arm around her neck. She dragged her outside. The drunken girl looked out of it until Hinata brought her some medicine made by the same girl.
It was as disgusting as it was efficient.
"Gah! I can't believe I made this"
"You sure did" Hinata said as she proceeded to sit beside the pinkette "is it better now?"
"Yeah, thanks… sorry for the comment. It was uncalled for"
"I-it's okay." Hinata flushed a deep red "you weren't you… if there's anything I can-"
"I love him so much… It's driving me crazy" Sakura confessed with teary eyes "I've never drunk this much"
"I know that feeling" Hinata said with a grimace "sometimes it isn't the purest of feeling"
Sakura chuckled "he told me that love doesn't justify anything… It isn't enough that I love him or that he potentially loves me… tsk"
A sob escaped the pinkette.
"Sakura-Chan…" Hinata whispered as she reached for her friend.
"No." A sob escaped her tight throat again. "It's okay. Don't pity me over a pathetic heartbreak."
"I know Sasuke-kun isn't easy to fall in love for-"
Sakura instantly laughed so loud, over and over; as if Hinata had told her the world's best joke. Hinata was confused as the laugh kept going on and on, getting some attention from people not far from them.
The sweet and contagious laugh looked genuine until Hinata realized it never reached those crystal-green eyes. It was one of hysteria. Soon enough the dark haired young woman followed suit.
"I don't know why you're laughing… but it was contagious"
"It's just… no, never mind." Sakura smiled, then said "Sasuke is a closed chapter now. No indeed, it's a bad idea to fall for him, but now I know there're even worse love stories"
Hinata listened in silence. There was no beginning or end to the story Sakura was telling, just the middle and little to no information about facts. Maybe it was another hot boy that had an unorthodox lifestyle; maybe it was a story even more shameful than hers. There weren't enough pieces to the puzzle, but there's enough for Hinata not to question the girl further.
She didn't want to talk about her lover. Hinata would respect that.
"I'm torn you know? On one side he's completely and utterly out of limits… I shouldn't even glance his way… on the other side…"
"Your feelings… are too strong?"
"It's more than that… as ninjas we're just tools that are risking our lives every second. I accepted to sacrifice everything like my parents before me, but…" Sakura sighed "Love is the last piece of us and we've got to sacrifice even that?"
It stroked a sensitive cord inside Hinata. Why should they all get sacrificed? Weren't they sacrificing enough by going on those perilous missions? Wasn't it enough that since they are sixteen they danced with death in the name of the village?
For someone like her, this wasn't even a question. Sure, the village wasn't her first priority - her clan was. She had to and did surrender her all to their cause, their plans and their future. Her duty was to preserve her clan's honor and prosperity. Her existence was skewed around and inside that. Nothing else.
No, she wasn't like Sakura.
Hinata chuckled.
"Okay, I've humiliated myself enough. I'd better go home"
"Are you sure you're fine? I can accompany you"
"I'm fine, I'm fine."
"What about Kakashi-sensei? He might be mad at you? Ino had to come up with a lot of… excuses to get this party"
"Kakashi…" Sakura chuckled "he'd be more than happy if I got there drunk with a man at my side. So don't worry"
Hinata was too shocked by her words and the familiarity in her tone. Sakura had always been the polite girl who used suffixes with everyone expect Naruto… then Hinata remembered that she wasn't quite herself.
"I still insist on-"
"I'll go with her"
Both girls turned around to meet dark cold eyes. Hinata stiffened on instinct. She looked back at Sakura, then back again at the newcomer. Despite being aware of the growing friendship between them, Sakura was still a slightly drunken girl and he was a boy. It wasn't like it was Naruto or…
Thinking about his name, she flinched.
"Hey, I mean no harm Hinata-kun. I just wanna help"
"Yeah, but-"
"It's okay Hinata-chan. I'll go with Sai-kun-" she paused at Hinata's facial expression "it's okay Hinata-chan. He won't bite me. Besides, he think I look like a dog, so he won't kiss me either"
Sakura laughed and shrugged. Sai gave them his usual pleasant but fake smile. Hinata was confused. That the pink-haired girl was so keen on having Sai give her company surprised her –after all, the girl's best friend had been interested in him for some time. Besides, they started on rocky grounds. Yet Sakura seemed at ease.
Hinata hesitated. She was ready to call Naruto when Sakura snagged a big chunk of a nearby tree and crumbled it as if it was bread.
"If he ever tries anything, he'll end like this. So stop worrying Hina-Chan"
Sakura smiled and kissed the girl's cheek.
"We'd better start moving Sai-kun"
"Yeah, I'm coming" he said with an agreeable voice.
As he walked toward Hinata, he stopped beside her, landed her hand on her shoulder and leaned over to reach her left ear "if you don't hurry up, Sasuke might go down those girls in… fifteen minutes"
Hinata shivered "S-so what? He's a-a big boy. He… can do whatever he-"
"So that's what you tell yourself at night?"
Hinata pushed his hand away. She glared at him so hard her eyes felt on fire along her whole body. His suspicion, her anger, her fear, her reality… everything melted into one and turned her body into a shaky container waiting to explode.
This was the second time she acted so differently than a Hyuga.
Her father raised her to stay cold-blooded even in face of death.
Here she was, getting flustered over something trivial… or was it?
"What are you implying?"
"He is the brother of your fiancé. His behavior affects his clan's image and it indirectly affects your clan's." Sai said as if he had a perfect knowledge of both clans' business. Funny enough, it managed to soothe Hinata "It's your duty to watch over him in a sense too, isn't it?"
"Yes- I mean, no. No, I-"
"Go to the second floor. Once there, take the first door at your left. You can thank me later".
"Hey, I'm tired. If you wanna stay, I can go alone. Just know that she's got a fiancé who can kick your butt in no time" Sakura screamed, as she moved backward.
"What would I thank you for?"
"Don't mind Sakura…"
"Sai-Kun, what would I thank you for?" Hinata hissed, as she grabbed his forearm.
Sai sighed. "I'm helping you defend your clan's honor. Isn't that a duty of yours? Isn't that why you marry him?"
"I like Itachi-san!" Hinata quickly said with a grimace and a frown. She didn't like where their conversation's going. "I like him. I'm going to join Sasuke-kun but it's just to stop him. That's all there is."
"We all know that it's just a political marriage. Itachi was never around unlike Sasuke. It's okay if you've got feelings for the younger bro-"
"Stop it" Hinata hissed "I'm going to fetch Sasuke-kun and bring him back to the Uchiha compound. You go find Sakura-Chan"
"Of course. Our duty calls us"
"Yes, my duty calls me"
Was it to prove something to Sai?
Was it to prove it to herself?
She kept mulling over their discussion over and over. He had said such things she'd felt insulted. In which ways, she couldn't tell, but there was no way he could've insulted her any more. She cared for both brothers, and she was going to marry the big brother.
That's her duty.
Now, her duty was to preserve their clans from shame…
Her duty was to bring Sasuke back to his senses.
With iron will, she opened the doors from where escaped moans. She prepared herself for the worse, but it wasn't that bad. Both girls were already naked, their bodies betraying the excitement in which they were already basking – goosebumps and perky breasts. Along their inner thighs slid the juices of their pleasure.
The moment her eyes landed on him, his eyes shot open. His eyes were obviously clouded with pleasure, but he didn't feel ashamed of her presence. The girls kept moaning and kissing his skin while his eyes pierced through hers.
The shame of walking in on such a scene burned her skin, but the need to stop him from going any further with those girls was too strong to ignore.
"Sasuke… kun" she said loud enough to get the girls' attention.
"Oh, if it isn't the famous Hyuga" the red-head said with a sloppy smirk. "Wanna join?" she added after some seconds went by.
"What are you saying Akane! You're probably talking to our future sister-in-law"
Both girls laughed, as Sasuke didn't even flinch. Hinata thought she'd die. It took her an incredible amount of self-control and courage to utter her next words:
"We've to talk"
"Hey, can't you see that we're busy knuckle-head?"
Akane emphasized her words by waving Sasuke's dick. Hinata blushed and quickly looked away without any second thoughts. After going so far, her stubbornness was the sole anchor she had left.
She didn't bulge.
"Gosh, hey honey can't you-"
"We're done for tonight"
Sasuke's calm words heaved a huge weight from Hinata's shoulders but outraged the two horny girls. After tons and tons of complain, they still got dressed and asked promises from Sasuke. He made none, much to their disappointment.
After that intimate sight she got of Sasuke she hadn't found the courage to face him just yet. She waited, heard every lustful word and every sound of clothes sliding against one another. It seemed endless, until she got bumped into the shoulder twice and hard enough for her to move away from her previous spot.
Hinata looked at the girl with shock written all over her face. One stopped.
"You think you're better than us because you're a Hyuga? Or because you're gonna marry in the Uchiha clan? With Itachi of all people" Akane sneered "it's amusing to see such a high eminence in such a party. I'll make sure to remember it"
"Is that a threat?" Hinata asked as calmly as possible.
"Threat? Are you afraid I'll spill the beans to Neji? Or your father... or maybe your fiancé?" the red-head pretended to think over it "do I have a reason to?"
"I-I just wanted to talk to Sasuke-Kun-"
"Or have him for yourself. Have fun with him. We certainly prepared him for you" Akane said as she moved away with her green-haired friend.
If Hinata ever replied, it'd have gotten unwanted attention. Maybe it was too late. Sai, now that Akane girl and her friend… she doubted about her presence. She was scared, scared enough to come back to her senses for the time being.
Was it her duty though? To bring some sense back into him? Could she? Sasuke has slipped through his friends' and family's fingers. He had pushed them away one by one -even her… so she wondered what she was doing there alone with him in that shadowy small room.
Yet when their eyes met, she entered the room and closed the door silently behind her.
"Did you hear that?"
Sasuke didn't answer. He just shrugged.
"They threatened us"
"No, just you"
"They'll badmouth you, and me and –and our families"
"It's not like I care. At worse, I'll get nasty eyes from both sides. Nothing new"
"Well, you should care. If not about your reputation or anything, at least for-"
"Not again"
"Did you go through all this pain and catfight to tell me about this old broken record?"
"Sasuke, this" she made a vague large gesture "this isn't normal."
"What's normal, eh?" Sasuke sat forward with both hands crossed between his thighs "having a fiancé at seven?"
Hinata breathed hard. She had to expect it though. He's always been blunt. Apparently it was getting worse over time.
"Why are you looking at me like I insulted you?"
"Why did you bring something personal into this discussion?"
"If I'm wrong that means you're right isn't it? That means everyone from the Uchiha clan is right isn't it?"
"This marriage is for the greater good"
"You're marrying a man you don't even love." Sasuke hissed, his eyes glinting under the moon. "you can't really judge me"
The guilt and shame stabbed right through her again.
"I li-love Itachi-san"
"Answer came too late. Try again"
"I-it still has nothing to do with anything. Look, at your life! You live in excess. That shows how much you aren't doing well. You're hiding your sadness behind alcohol and women."
He glared.
She moved forward until she was a foot away.
"You need help"
That was the last drop for him. Sasuke swiftly got up, scaring her in the process. She backed away but soon realized that for every step she took back, he moved at the same pace toward her.
His glare turned her back into a small kid that had no power against an adult –it burned its way through her skin. Soon enough, her whole body felt restless.
Unable to meet his gaze, her eyes slide to his lips. When fear clawed her back even more harshly, she lowered her gaze to his torso that dimly glowed under the moonlight.
A small voice begged her to get out of the room at that moment.
She resisted the voice.
When her back hit a wall, she closed her eyes…
"I need help?"
… And felt his breath fan her face as his frustration rolled away from his body to penetrate hers.
"Let's say I need help. So what? What has my so-called coping mechanisms to do with you? I've never questioned yours after all"
"Wh-what are y-you talking about?" she asked, but never met his eyes.
"You've stalked Naruto for three years. Daydreamed and obsessed over him. I knew you fantasized about that loser who was just like you but never gave up"
Hinata's head snapped up. She finally looked into his eyes. There's nothing inside them but anger. They were endless pool of darkness and scorn. That's what she as seeing; that's what his words made her feel.
"That's what you thought of me… That I was a loser…"
She remembered Sakura's words. The girl has been right –she knew it. She even wanted to laugh at her own expense but the noise was stuck in her throat. If anything tried to escape her, it'd turn into tears.
Sasuke was the last person on this earth she could cry in front of, not after this revelation.
"That's how you saw yourself"
"What about you? You didn't answer the question"
"You never asked"
"Was I a loser to you?" Hinata hissed. She couldn't scream. Not yet. Not tonight. Maybe never.
Maybe this was the end.
Sasuke removed his hand that trapped her against the wall and moved back.
"You weren't particularly strong… you could've trained. Instead, you kept following a boy who had the hots for someone else"
"All this time you were faking to be a friend. You could at least have the decency to come clean"
"Why? It's your life. It's your choice. Now it's my turn to have my fun, yet you wanna cockblock me. In the name of what?"
"You don't even care about your father? Your mother?"
"I do care. I'm a ninja. I've decided to sacrifice my life like our great ancestors. Should I sacrifice my personal life too?" Sasuke deadpanned "I ain't the virginal goat who gets to be sacrificed"
"Come clean for on-"
Sasuke put this time both hands at either side of her head. She was fully trapped, yet she wasn't looking away. There's an edge in her gaze her whole body was aware of. She knew she shouldn't look so straight into his eyes in such a small place, in such a dark room, in such a tensed state… it felt like a challenge. Hinata knew he liked challenges.
Or maybe it was something else? A lot of maybes and what-ifs swirled into her head, as much as did her anticipation and confusion. What had she expected when she walked upon his naked self? His closest friends couldn't help. His parents couldn't, neither did Itachi that he had adored so much until he reached twelve.
Maybe he was a lost cause?
Or maybe he wasn't?
Sasuke and Sakura seemed to be right.
"I'm not you. I wouldn't have sacrificed my freedom for shit. We're in a village. It's useless and silly to marry to create an alliance that already exists."
His friends weren't against it –Sakura thought he was just a playboy who couldn't settle down; Naruto thought Sasuke was just having fun. Kakashi-sensei thought that was the way to take advantage of good looks and youth. His father had let go long ago, and his mother simply wanted him to settle. His big brother didn't care as long as Sasuke was healthy.
Those were the most important people in his life. So, Hinata felt stupid and guilty. Apparently he didn't think high of her either. Apparently, he never had.
She lowered her head again.
What a sad conclusion, she thought.
"Did the cat get your tongue or what?"
"No… I… Are you happy? Is this what you've always wanted? To have that kind of freedom?"
"We're no kids anymore. Dreams barely have the right to exist in this new reality…"
"I'm sorry to have wasted your time. I'm sure you've got better things to do" Hinata whispered.
Her eyes were already wet. Time's running out; her tears were scraping the back of her eyes, begging for their freedom. Yet, his arms weren't moving away. Yet, she didn't push them away.
If she moved one inch too much, she'd break down.
"You've always been like this… so weak. You'd never say what you think… or when you felt hurt by someone's acts or words…" Sasuke whispered, his breath caressing her right ear "look at me"
Hinata bit her lips. She was going to break down. The feeling was overwhelming… so she fought. She pushed back; hit his chest with pathetic punches. Her fits landed over, and over, and over…
Until she broke down.
Until anger rose in her chest.
"What do you want? Eh, Sasuke-kun? I know I'm weak. I'm a pathetic loser! I can only be sacrificed to be useful! I've always been like this! Now let me go!"
She fought, hit and kicked. It went on and on. He had expected her to calm down but she didn't until he got tired. So, he flushed his body to hers, grabbed her hair, intertwined his fingers into her long midnight strands and turned her face toward his.
Hinata tried again, but her hits were rendered futile as that of a child. There wasn't much she could do.
"I'm sorry"
"You say what you thought about me"
"Yeah, but that's a closed chapter of your life. There's a difference between that eleven year old naïve idiot and this seventeenth joinin getting ready to get into anbu. So, don't play the victim" Sasuke said as he stared at her mouth.
"Maybe you should take some of your advice" Hinata whispered.
Sasuke's eyes moved back to her eyes, letting go of his vice-like grip in her hair "oh yeah?"
"I know why you do this, and… your friends love you. Your family does too… I love you too. So, why do you feel this… need to go around?"
"What if I know this? What if it's just for fun and you're wrong?"
Hinata chuckled "I've been in your shoes. Excess is a coping mechanism for you"
"Would you be happy if I get a girlfriend then?"
"I'll be happy when you try and reconnect with everyone around you…"
"I get it" Sasuke muttered.
He lowered his face until his lips landed on her jaw. Her whole body trembled from that contact alone. At that moment she knew she had waited for it for far too long.
Sasuke left another open kiss under her jaw, on her neck, on the valley of her breast… and he bit her shoulder lightly. He lifted her up until she sat on the table next them. It was high enough for them to kiss properly, with their bodies so close not even a hair could come in between.
When their lower parts met, both gasped. She felt it; she felt him hard and uncompromisingly ready. He wanted her just as she wanted him. The thought was enough for her to rub against his erection until he lost his cool and control.
"Maybe I should try to reconnect with you first"
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bligh-lynch · 5 years
The Cold of Snow In the Time of Harvest
22nd December 1994, Edgecrestwood, Tempest, West Virginia She play'd & she melted in all her prime,
And the winter call'd it a dreadful crime. _________ William Blake, "Soft Snow"
            Archibald Lightfoot would come to remember that Christmas party - 1995 - as the last time they were all happy. His sons, his legacy, were still so young and pure and did not know the awful destiny that would befall them - little Stephen, his miracle boy, had not yet turned one and Andrew only a few months older than three. Junior Lynch, his only true friend, was still alive - his four-year old son Bligh, and Archibald's own sons, had been left in the care of Junior's father Gus, "Pappy," for the evening.
           Back then, too - Maggie still loved him, still found him the same charming rake who had swept her off her feet at the Black and White Ball in Pittsburgh all those years ago. He still had that, but the harder he gripped, the more uncertain it became, until at last he would not have her at all.
           It was many years yet, decades more to reflect and to realize. For this is the lie, but also the comfort, of nostalgia: like a favorite book one reads again and again, the action, the ending, they are never in doubt - and the taste of the bittersweet never fades, when life, once, was so full of promise.
           But, for now, there he was, standing by the window in his study, Tom Collins in hand, staring into the darkness that was only dimly lit by the lights of his house - the struggling electric lights illumed the snow underneath it, a pale sickly yellow that gave way to a purer white the further and further the shadows stretched.
           Somewhere behind him, outside the double-doors that were opened by two hand-chased brass knobs that together combined to form the Lightfoot family crest - sounds of merriment, the buzz of delight, simply having a wonderful Christmastime, this was something his father would do every December and Archibald had only recently taken it upon himself to do the same, a holiday party of open invitation, tiny as their town, Tempest, was, and tinier still Archibald and Maggie's actual circle of friends.            But Archibald had been beset by something he could not readily shake off, some nagging feel of connectedness to the past. Alcohol sometimes did this to him - he would be on a street outside a bar and suddenly absorb the city he was in, a realization of himself in the world that made him - so proud and patriarchal and blithely ruthless - feel small.            Christmastime - when he most missed his father, who he knew, no fool, everyone thought a far greater man and captain of the Lightfoot name than he - did this to him the worst.            He had retreated here - fleeting memories of Christmases past, people past, time long gone, replaying in fragments he kept trying to shake away with the shiver of the outside cold.            The frost on the pane, framed as it was by enormously thick carved oak that made the window look like an imperious, all-seeing eye out onto the world, was a phantom cob's web on the outside of the glass that he traced with his finger, a melancholy wistfulness slipping into his inebriation - he was trying to piece something together, some dim recollection that stretched from a life he had forgotten into something like his half-drunken present.            But he was interrupted as the door behind him swung open, and the haughty, halting laughter of his equally drunk wife suddenly filled the room.            "Oh ho-ho-ho!"            She whirled about in an extravagant circle, flopping herself into one of the two throne-like chairs on the opposite side of the ancient Lightfoot family desk - everything about the room was big, powerful, wooden, and antique, but here she was, new and vivacious in red and gold, the rich girl who wanted to be a poet from Monroe County who, by some weird miracle, was his wife.            Archibald regarded her impassively, too self-indulgently introspect to want to smile.            "Damn that cheese dip Susan Anne made was good!" she slurred, all the grace of her presence erased with an immodest burp and a shrill, embarrassed guffaw. "But this wine - even better!"            "Sounds like someone needs a little more cheese dip and a little less wine, dear--"            "Oh blow it out your ass, Archie, I'm having fun."            "That's exactly what'll happen if you don't stop with the wine and the cheese dip..." Archibald said drily, now allowing himself a small smile at his own joke.            With viciously rolled eyes Maggie straightened herself in the chair, striking a pose with an upraised eyebrow. "What's got you in here? You should be out there - I had to talk to all those people for you, Hell, I don't even know most of them!"            "Well you invited half my damn client-sheet, Maggie--"            "Because you should be the one talking to them, not me!"            A long pause followed her remark - Archibald shrugged demurely, turning away from the window, but still close enough to the glass to feel the cold on him.            "Maybe...I didn't want to talk to them. Not - yet."            Maggie's eyebrow went up as far as it could. "Archie - what's wrong with you?"            Her question needled him as it was designed to, it got right to the point and through his façade because she knew it well, the mask, the disguise, Archibald could hide nothing from her and he counted himself both thankful and wretched for it.            "I - wasn't feeling well, that's all."            "I don't believe you."            They locked eyes for a moment - Maggie's expression softened and became, actually, kind, and she smiled softly, that clever, intimate way she only did with him.            "Smile's catching..." she murmured, her favorite game, trying to get him to do it back, to not be so inside his own head as too often was.            Archibald glanced away, feeling the smile back appear as it was summoned.            "There it is," she said, pleased. "Now - Archie - are you going to tell me what's gotten into you?"            He did not his answer his wife - not at first - and he lost his cue when one of the double-doors opened and in popped his best friend, his only real friend in the world, Junior Lynch.            "Gah - dammit ta Hell if I never hear that Barnes woman talk again--"
           He shut the doors quickly behind him - Maggie threw him a bemused look as he plopped down into the chair next to her.            "Figured I'd found y'all here," he said, his thick mountain accent coming from a crooked grin that was a little too loosened up from alcohol.            He looked only somewhat like his father, Gus, Pappy, that venerable paterfamilias that had outlived Archibald's own father to become the only citizen of their tiny pocket of the Greenbrier Valley that was universally respected - his face had shades of it, little reminiscences of his ancestry that curled around his mouth and framed his nose.            But the color of his eyes - bright, icy, piercing blue, the very shade of the Polar that only the Lynch men seemed to have, which even his little son Bligh had - distinguished him as one of his house, the Irish struggle across the sea to the Appalachians made flesh.            "And you were right!" Maggie exclaimed, a hand over her heart and her mouth agape in mock amazement. "How - did you know?!"            Junior, picking up on the joke, leaned in: "Well - I tell ya. I seen it in a dream. I was all alone--" He put his glass, eggnog in crystal, on the desk before him. "When all o'sudden--"            "Coaster, boy--" Archibald murmured, gesturing to a circular piece of crystal near them.            The joke ruined, Junior did as he was told, cocking his head at him with the same unruly grin. The crystal and the glass clinked together. "Sure gotta lotta rules, there, sir!"            Archibald sniffed - he moved away from the window so that the desk more evenly separated them.            "Been over here enough, you oughta know them - now where's your wife?"            "Yeah where is she?" Maggie added. "You gotta tell her - you gotta tell her how good that cheese dip was--"            Junior let out a cry of disgust. "Cheese dip, Hell! She been with that awful Sandy Barnes the whole damn night! Why the Hell ya think I'm in here?"            "Oh Lord," Maggie said. "I thought she went home!"            "Yeah, she did, she went ta go check on - what's that girl's name o'hers?"            "Betsy," Archibald offered.            "Betsy!" Junior repeated back. "Then - then she came back - God Amighty the mouth on that woman!" He threw up his arms as Maggie began to laugh. "If she dun talk ta hear her own head rattle I ain't sure who do!"            Maggie was taken with Junior's exaggerations, made funnier by his accent, and leaned back over the arm of the chair in peals of laughter.            Archibald took a long sip of his drink as he watched the two of them, managing another sniff, and a smile - but soon his wife's laughter faded and Junior, sizing him up, frowned at him.
           "S'wrong with ye?"            "Oh just Mr. Moody in one of his moods," Maggie teased, tossing herself in the chair so that her thin legs dangled over the other oaken arm. "Caught him in here all by his lonesome--"            "I am not being moody!" Archibald fidgeted where he stood.            "Suuure sound like it!" Junior tittered.            Archibald rolled cleared his throat. "No - I - just got a little on my mind..."            Maggie turned to Junior and pronounced it: "See? Moody."            Junior chuckled gamely. "Now there, Ms. Lightfoot, I'm sure ol Archie gotta reason now--"            "I'm - just thinking about--" He sighed, long and deep. "Old times, and - and old friends...days gone by, all - all that."            "Well that's not so bad," Junior said. "This time o'year - I can see - can see why, if I put my mind t'it..."            The drunken jollity that Maggie and Junior had brought into Archibald's study - his sanctuary which, after all, they had entered without invitation - evaporated into nothing, and now they too, felt the same poignant stings as he did.            "Mmm," Maggie intoned, downing enough of her glass that only a little remained. And then again: "Mmm..."            "It's a thing," Junior agreed with another of his odd little laughs. "Oh it's a thing, yessir..."            "Yes it is," Maggie said, before sighing. "But - wait - who? Where?"            "Who where what?"            "Oh c'mon Archie, who - what old friends, and what - old times?"            Archibald, once again, did not answer her directly - he paced back to the window and, with his back turned to both of them, gazing at nothing out the window, took another sip of his mixed drink.            "Well - Jones, for one--"            "Fischer," added Junior with a heavy nod. "Fischer too, if we's talkin bout folks from the Lake--"            "If I never heard those names again I'll be a blessed woman," Maggie said with a mirthless laugh. "What a godawful Summer that was." She paused. "But is - is it - is it weird I still wonder about that whole thing sometimes? I know I shouldn't, I really shouldn't, but - I do."            "Don't we all," Archibald said. "I'm - I always - I been inclined to believe what those old folks say down by the Lake there..."            "Wazzat now?" Junior asked.            "You - you remember. Bout how Mike Fischer's a big ol catfish himself down there at the lakebottom, after he went crazy like he did..."            Junior's eyes flicked away as though to try and weight the absurdity of the idea. "I - I gotta tell ya, Archie, I dun rightly think--"            "Just old folks talking, darling..." Maggie finished for him.            Archibald was nonplussed. "A lotta what they say turns out to be true sometimes--"            "What ye gettin at, though?" Junior asked, training his eyes on his best friend. "Ain't just that, is it?"            "It's--" Archibald hesitated, stirring the ice in his glass, his eyes trailing to the carpet.. "You're right."            "I knew I would be."            "But--" Archibald took up the conversation. "But - I - I've been - thinking, maybe...maybe there was something else to it."
           Maggie looked at him askance. "What are you trying to say?"            "I'm saying he - he might be still around - those old folks they - they're right about a mess of things, ain't they? And we known an awful lotta folk that went missing - or - something happened to them..." He swallowed back some peculiar emotion that he didn't like. "They might be still around - somewhere."            He felt his eyes grow liquid, he was losing his composure and he hated it, but the alcohol was liberating him, he could be vulnerable and he could speak in front of his closest, tightest circle and it wouldn't matter.            "They - they might be still around..." he repeated.            "Well of course they might be, who the heck knows?" Maggie looked to Junior. "At least - at least I..."            She didn't finish, seeming to see Junior's own enigmatic expression.            Archibald took a shot from his glass, making a face as he tasted the watery mess the melted ice had made it, before he eased himself into his chair, his wife and his best friend opposite, looking at him with equal anticipation.            "There's...weird things - that go on - well, here but - everywhere...this state, these parts."            "That's not really news," Maggie answered flatly, before allowing herself to laugh at her own remark.
           But Junior now seemed disturbed, and he moved to the edge of the chair he had chosen to sit in, suddenly serious: "Archie - Archie, c'mon now--"            "Can it be helped?" Archibald gulped back a forming lump in his throat as he said it. "That we - that we think of those who've - who've--" He stopped, unable to continue.            Maggie shifted in her chair to face forward. "Archie, baby - c'mon. It's Christmastime - we should be happy..." Ducking her head a little, she conceded the point her husband was making. "And it's just a fact of life around - here - that people..." She cleared her throat. "Sometimes bad things happen to good people, Archie - nobody's fault."            "Then what do we do?" Archibald's voice was uncomfortably moist with emotion. "I - think about everyone gone - dead, or - missing and I - I - what do I--?"            A silence passed.
           "We live," said Junior at last, with a grin that almost made him look like his father. "N'we keep on livin - fer them - n'fer us."            Archibald stared at his best friend before he started to nod - slowly at first, and the quicker, until he stopped to bow his head.
           A twinge in his face - a bolt of something he wasn't used to but could not, for the moment, suppress - made him catch his breath, and choke back his words.
           He lowered his glass, then raised it again, what little liquid left shaking at the bottom of the glass.
           "To old friends," he whispered.
           Maggie and Junior raised their own glasses, got off their chairs to near him, and clinked them together, a note of finality.
           "To old friends," they repeated - and drank.
           They stood in silence, the three of them, the last time they would be together like this, though they did not know it - for a respectful moment that should have been longer.
           The sounds of the festivities grew suddenly loud again, a reminder that somewhere outside the doors and the walls and the window there was a world beside the strangeness and the tragedy that they had all lived through, as though everything was just a bad dream, and now they could awake.
           Junior stirred in his seat to rise with the callous awkwardness that comes from being drunk, swaying where he stood.
           "Y'all--" he began, quietly, the crooked smile like his father's growing one side of his face. "Reckon we oughta go back."
           Maggie threw her head with her own pursed smile to Archie, who rose himself with a half-hearted nod. "Well?"
           "If Junior says we should then--" The nod became stronger. "Perhaps we can."
           Now Maggie slid out of her chair, grabbing her drink, winking at her husband.
           "That's the spirit..." she murmured.
           "I think I've had too much spirit," Archibald said as he came round to join them.
           "Well I ain't think I had enough!" hooted Junior, to the laughter of the other two - even Archibald, unforced, laughed when his best friend did.
           The double doors came open and back they mingled into the party - Archibald, last one out, turned off the lights, and the study with its centuries of history and secrets was draped in overabundant shadow for another night.
           The darkness on that side of Archibald's house, Edgecrestwood, mingled in with the titanic, impenetrable West Virginia darkness outside, the Winter stars diamondiferous in a sable sky - gone was the feeble electric light, and with it, the vain effort to keep December, the cold and the finality, and the passage of time itself, all out...
           Nostalgia means knowing the end of the tale, the favorite story read again and again, and so for the Lightfoots, for the Lynches - for them, at least, does it pain one, to turn the page.
0 notes
andreafestefano · 7 years
Our beautiful back door transformation!
Goodness! I've been so excited to share this transformation with you! It's been in the works for a few months and then the lovely folks at Kwikset asked if I'd like to share a door transformation with you and it all worked out so perfectly! It is SO GOOD!
Years ago we replaced windows in our family room with these double doors: 
They were a total game changer for our house. They let in so much light and make everything feel so much more open. One of our best decisions ever. 
You'll notice they look like French doors, but only one side opens -- we were told that double exterior doors (that both open) can cause problems over time. This was such a great compromise. The look without the issues!
You might remember that I painted them a pretty blue last summer: 
I think I told you then that I had big plans for this spot outside...I've had this in mind for a long time! 
The doors have held up great, except for this middle section -- no idea why the paint started flaking but it was making a mess: 
AND that hardware had seen better days for sure. 
I used a scraper to take all the excess paint off before doing anything: 
Then I did a very light sanding to make sure all the chippy paint was gone. 
I repainted that part of the door and then tackled the hardware. I was so thrilled when Kwikset offered us new hardware for our exterior doors. One, because they were looking worn after all these years. TWO (this is the best part) -- they provided stylish and durable products with Kwikset's SmartKey security feature as well. Because I've changed out our hardware years back we were using THREE different keys for our exterior doors. It was way too much. This awesome product not only helps to protect against common and destructive break-in methods, but it also allowed me to easily change the key so that ONE works for all the doors. 
Mind blown. 
But first, more about the pretty hardware. 😍 There are a few DIY projects that I know people avoid because they seem too difficult. This is one of them -- but I think it would surprise you how easy it is to change out both interior and exterior door hardware. 
For the knob you just unscrew the hardware and pull it apart. Then replace it with the new version and match up the screws to the holes inside. It's pretty easy!:
Looking better already, right? If you paint your doors you really should take the hardware off -- it's really not that bad! I've learned from experience that you'll kick yourself for not doing it if you ever change your knobs later. 
Because I was changing this out from a knob to this nicer handleset, I only needed to add one hole at the bottom to screw in the lower part of the handle. I just used a drill bit to drill through the door and then screw it in. 
For the deadbolt it's not much different -- their instructions cover every single issue you may run into.   Again, you need to just unscrew the two pieces and take them off of the door: 
Then you'll need to replace the deadbolt part. Just remove the two screws and pull it out: 
This is the Smart Key awesomeness I was telling you about earlier:
More on that in a bit! 
The Kwikset SmartKey product offers better security because of their unique design that protects against lock picking and lock bumping -- I had to look up that last one. There's been an increase in those occurring in home burglaries. 
I also love that they provide the really long screws that you should use to secure your deadbolt plate to the door frame:  
The longer the better for these!
The lock part goes together like the bottom -- you match up the insides and then insert the screws to pull everything together. (More on that in a bit!) 
But this is the best part...they provide this little tool that allows you to re-key each lock to work on the same key. You follow their very short instructions with your old key and the new one, and insert this into the little slot:
And presto! Your key works on ALL OF THE LOCKS. Hello! I cannot tell you how nice and convenient it's been to operate with one key! 
I was able to change out our front door hardware as well -- and followed the same process. There are a couple little tricks the Kwikset hardware offers that I wanted to mention because you may need to know these if you tackle this project. 
When you fit your two pieces together on the door (front and back), there's a half circle metal piece that inserts inside the door. If you've ever installed hardware you know what I'm talking about. You can see it here:
If your hardware has this section facing the other way the fix is EASY -- you just tug on that half circle metal and then twist. It flips over to the other side. Takes two seconds. Brilliant. 
This next one is awesome. When you install your new deadbolt or door latch, you'll want that hole in the center to be in the middle of the circle:
If yours isn't centered this fix is easy too. 
You just press down the little buttons and slide it to the length you need: 
It was at 2 3/8 and I needed it to be 2 3/4. Again, so easy! 
I was able to switch out all of our doors in about 90 minutes. It worked so well and I'm still geeking out at how pretty it looks. (And...ONE key.):
I used the Chelsea handleset for this door and this Avalon set for the front door -- both in the Venetian bronze finish. 
Remember -- when you install hardware the screws always go on the inside! :) This goes for in the house too. You want to make sure you can use a screwdriver from the inside if you're ever locked in a room for some reason. 
OK! Now for the transformation I couldn't wait to share with you! I've always wanted to do this, but when we finished the pergola last it was decided it would happen. We just weren't sure when. 
The back of our house is all vinyl so I've always wanted to break it up a bit (see the before pics above). The double doors helped a ton, but I knew this would make an even bigger impact. I'm obsessed. :) 
Check out those doors now!: 
Holy cats, isn't it beautiful?? I've been dying to show you! 
It all came together so beautifully. We had the trellis built over the back door to match the pergola -- it's a similar design but simpler. 
Our door opens out (something else I'm so glad we did) to save space inside. It's not been a big deal at all, but we knew from the start we'd want to add a little something over the door eventually. Not a roof, but just enough that it would provide some cover from rain and block some snow from falling right there. 
This has helped already! And it looks SO good. On our RV trip a few weeks ago I ran into an IKEA and found these pretty trellises in their outdoor section. They match our stain perfectly!:
I've had the pots for years -- I spray painted them a couple years ago to give them new life and it's held up great. And aren't those pillows perfect with the door color? 
I picked up the chairs from Meijer on clearance for another spot and then put them on each side. My mind needs symmetry...it is my friend:
It really helps to break up the expanse of vinyl on the house. We just adore it. 
Our son said it looks like a place in the Bahamas and I just love that! ;) You can see that I strung some vine through the trellises -- I'm hoping they'll take to it and keep going! How pretty will that be?:
It ties in so well with out pergola design: 
Here's another before pic from last summer: 
And here's how it looks now: 
Gah. I just love it. The expanse of vinyl has been broken up just enough. 
It took a few months to pull it all together but I'm so happy with it. It's just beautiful. And the new hardware is like pretty jewelry on the door -- it makes it feel like so much grander of an entrance. 
Here's a look at night -- we love sitting out here in the evenings, and during the day this provides plenty of shade so we can sit out here and enjoy the space then too:
Thank you to Kwikset for the hardware -- I can't recommend that Smart Key feature enough. If you ever lose your keys or they are stolen, this makes it easy to re-key the lock in just seconds. I couldn't believe how easy it was. The kind folks at Kwikset are offering their Juno knob and deadbolt combo pack (with the SmartKey) in Venetian Bronze to one of my readers! If you'd like to be entered just leave a comment here! We'll have it sent out to the winner. (Deadline to enter is noon EST on Wednesday, July 5.) I've been dying to share this one with you! I hope you enjoy it. If you have questions about anything feel free to ask! This post is sponsored by Kwikset and they provided the hardware I used. All opinions are my own and I only share brands that I know and love with my readers. 
This content is property of Thrifty Decor Chick LLC. If you are reading this on any other site other than http://ift.tt/1kRxOJ2 or one of her social media platforms, please contact her immediately (thriftydecorchick at gmail dot com). Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.
This industry information is provided by ThompsonsComfortConnection.com.
Copyright © Thrifty Decor Chick. All Rights Reserved.
By: Thompsons Comfort Connection Blog Feed http://ift.tt/2usk9T0
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
if I could describe this chapter in two words; those words would be ‘chaos’ and ‘madness’
Arthur: "Yeah, that's your story..." maki: i was! Takehisa: (finally puts down his newspaper) "Perhaps if you two actually awoke at a decent hour, Maki would not need to wake you up and interrupt your bed-sharing session." (returns to his paper) maki: o-o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; iris: ???????????????????? shinra: O__________________________________O Arthur: "..." (takes a piece of toast, flings it at Takehisa) Takehisa: (catches it, chews...) "Needs butter..." shinra: wwwwhere's the commander? Akitaru: "Sorry I'm late..." (enters, lifting weights as he walks in) "Overslept a bit." *Akitaru opens his mouth, Takehisa shoves toast in his mouth as Akitaru keeps lifting weights* -elsewhere- Kid: "Mmm..." stocking: morning kiddo~ Kid: (smiles) "Morning, Beautiful." (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (pulls her closer, as he kisses her lips) stocking: mmmmm~ Kid: (slides his hands along her hips, as he kisses along her cheek to her neck) "So soft..." stocking: oooh~ Kid: (slides his hands along her backside) "Have a good sleep?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (smiles) "I'm glad...I guess we have to get out of bed, huh?" -at school- Kid: "I'm really looking forward to Drawing class today." -at lunch- Patty: (holds up her drawing of a gazelle) "See? Zoology class paid off!" liz: and you didnt murder something this time. Patty: "Hee hee hee...Yeah..." Kid: o_o; "Anyway...I'm happy with my progress as well..." stocking: thats a really good drawing. **He drew a sunset from a photograph--as the assignment was drawing from photographs** Kid: (smiles) "Thank you. I like yours as well..." -stocking drew a cemetery scene....its kind of stylized- Kid: "Very well done..." ("...Mother...") stocking:..... *she holds his hand* Kid: (sad smile) "Thank you..." liz: so whats today's agenda? Kid: "Two more classes...not sure what we're doing after class. Perhaps find more items for Little Sister, check on Halloween candy sales..." stocking: and working on costumes~ liz: yeah....i cant believe it's october already... Patty: "Yeah. Just think: it's been years since Kiddo and Stocking had their date at the Halloween Dance! Feels like it was only months ago!" stocking: yeah... so much has happened then.... Kid: "..." (holds her hand, small squeeze) stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I'm grateful for what we have gained..." (smiles at Patty and Liz) "...including family." liz: *she smiles* Patty: "Yeah...Good thing you got a big mansion, Kid. At this point, I'm surprised we haven't had more people move in." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "We are lucky..." (sigh) "...privileged...Ladies, I know it is early, but I feel like we need to do more when Thanksgiving arrives...There are many of us in Death City that are not as fortunate." liz: how about hosting a big dinner? Kid: (nods) "I think that would be helpful...We should also do something sustainable that can last beyond November. Maybe improvements to shelters and food banks?" stocking: that sounds wonderful. Kid: "I'll inform Mother and Father--they'll be able to tell us what works needs to be done...Father did mention plans to expand parts of the city, so I hope he would include these as part of his plan." liz: maybe we could ask him? Kid: "After classes?" liz: sounds like a plan. --After Class-- Kid: "Father?" lord death: howdy, kiddo! Kid: "...Howdy." (smiles) "How are you?" lord death: doing good, how are you? Kid: "Fine. I was just thinking about your earlier remarks about new planning for Death City...and I had a suggestion." lord death: oh? and that would be? Kid: "...Thanksgiving is coming. Then the winter holidays. Father, many people come to Death City because they have nowhere else to go, and that includes a large homeless population." lord death: i see. Kid: "In your designs for Death City, can you incorporate additional resources for homeless shelters and food banks?" lord death: i think we can do that. *he smiles* Kid: (smiles back) "Thank you. Maybe we can get to work on additional fundraising during the Halloween Dance?" lord death: sounds like a plan! Kid: "Excellent! And I'll have others do all that they can to advertise this plan. Thank you." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Heather?" heather: hmm? oh, hello miss azusa. riley: dont you mean ‘mrs’? Yumi: (small laugh) "Yumi is fine. How has your day been?" heather: doing well. riley: it's cool... Yumi: "That's good...I was wondering whether you all had any plans this weekend." heather: well, our parents are having a date night, and i was planning on studying. riley: i might go to the arcade. Yumi: (nods) "Okay...If you need anything while your parents are on their date, feel free to ask." heather: sure thing. --Elsewhere-- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: zzzz....... **He is holding her in their sleep** mana: *she opens the door* ....... [<> wake them up? <> let them sleep?] <x> Let them sleep (and freak out silently) mana:....... (thinking: awwww!) Shotaro: (down the hall) "Mana!" mana: O-O !!! Shotaro: "Where's Chie? I don't see her in her roo--" mana: *sweats* Shotaro: o____o (covers his mouth) mana: >/////>;;;;;;;; Shotaro: (backs away slowly, taking Mana by the hand with him...) mana: um..........well that's happening... ./////. Shotaro: "...So, we have a new mommy?" mana: what?! Shotaro: "Yohei's the daddy, Chie's the mommy..." mana: ............................. tuuuuuhl help! Tuhl: *yawn* "Stop arguing with your brother..." mana: then was does that make you?! Tool: "The cool uncle." mana:................... Yohei: *yawn* (slowly opens his eyes) "..." ("..." internal screaming) chie: zzzz....... Yohei: "..." ("How do I get out of this? I could build an alarm clock robot...No, I would need my hands for that. I could use my feet to assemble the robot...No, my circuit boards are over there...I could let go, but she would wake up...") chie:............*yaaawn* ahh.... Yohei: "...Hi." chie: oh....how long were we napping? *yawn* Yohei: (looks over her head) "About...three hours?" chie: we should probably get up now... Yohei: "...Yes." chie: ok. *she sits up* Yohei: (staring at her) "Chie?" chie: hmm? Yohei: "...If you ever need someone to nap with you...I don't mind..." chie:....thanks. i'll keep that in mind then. Yohei: "..." (gets up as well and off the bed) -later- Nals: (scanning from the rooftops) "Still no sign of that creature..." milia: *she's looking, but not for the monster.* *booty face* Nals: -__-; "Stop that." milia: butt.....its so cute! Nals: (turns around, covering his already clothed bottom with his hands) "I said stop that! We have a task, and I don't need Grimoire throwing another fit because we didn't get what he wanted!" milia:.... *she looks at the notre dame* Nals: "Just want to find that beast and--" **Bells ring at Notre Dame** milia: should we check it out? Nals: (holds his sword in its scabbard) "Yes..." milia: the door or the roof? Nals: "I'll take the door, you take the roof..." milia: caaaan do~<3 *she summons her butterfly wings and flies up* Nals: (approaches the door, listening for signs...) < > Wait at the door < > Kick down the door and enter (<slice down the door and sneak on in>) Nals: (slices, sneaks in...Looks over seats and discovers...) -the building seems mostly empty- Nals: ("Hmmm...Is he not in here? Who was ringing the bells?" Looks for the bell room...) milia: *she's looking around, noticing a few feathers* ??? Nals: (approaches the door to the bell stairway...) **Ding Dong** Nals: "???" milia: ?? **The Bells aren't chiming...** Nals: "Where is that noise coming from...?" milia: hellooooo~? ???: "Ding dong..." Nals: "?!" milia: ?? **A loud bell is sound--that vibrates the floor, tossing up Nals and into the wall** Nals: "Gah!" (smash!) milia: eek! hold on nalsie-poo im comin! ???: *ROWR* (swings bell at Milia) "Stupid moths!" milia: *dodge* eek! naaaaalsieeeeee help meeeee!!! Q-Q Nals: "Hang on!" (leaps off the wall, his sword drawn, swinging at the beast...) ???: (backhands Nals into the wall, then grabs Milia by the legs and swings her) milia: weeeeeeeeeeeeh!!! @-@ Nals: (head spinning) "Ugh...Too big..." (gets up again...) "Milia! Magic! Now!" (runs forward again, ready to slice at Killbell's wrist...) Killbell: "Dumb bugs!" milia: ok~ ~butterfly flutterby papillio-chou!~ *several colorful butterfly shaped lights flutter around* Killbell: *ROWR!* "...Oh...Pretty buggies--" Nals: (slices at Killbell's wrist, releasing Milia, whom he catches) milia: *swoons with heart eyes* Nals: (eyeroll) "Listen, you dumb brute--" Killbell: "Not dumb! Kill! Bell!" Nals: "..." (whispers to Milia) "What is he saying?" milia: *ahem* nice peoples! not scary! help you! Killbell: "Huh? Why you talk funny? Who is Bug Girl and Creepy Mask Man?" Nals: -____- "My mask is not creepy..." milia: *demonstrating with pictures* milia: i'm milia, and this is nals~ Killbell: "So, Bug Queen Witch wants me to help? Why me?" Nals: (eyeroll) -elsewhere- Ponera: "Grimmy, any updates?" grimoire: they have the being contained and are bringing him back. Ponera: (claps) "Goody! Um...and that...thing that looks like you?" grimoire: behaving... for the most part. Ponera: "I have two questions for you. First, what can we do with him that is actually useful? Second...why does he look like you?" grimoire: not sure, but as for the second question, i suppose index used its 'humanoid avatar' in my likeness. i remember that it was quite fond of me, apparently more so than its creator. Ponera: "...So you must be, like, super old." grimoire: arent we both? Ponera: (flings her hair along her shoulder) "Yeah, but I'm still young compared to other witches. What's your excuse? I never saw that many sorcerers still look all hunky and young at...how old are you, like, 700 years old?" grimoire: about that age, yes. Ponera: (nods) "You look good...Probably better than that guy in the prison cell looks right now..." grimoire: *blush* thanks.... Ponera: (stretches) "Well, time for sleep..." (picks up an ant) "Nighty-nighty routine for us, Alice!" alice: *sleepy ant noises* Ponera: (gets up off her throne) "Good night, Grimmy." -next morning- Kid: (whistling) "Almost done with the waffles. Anything else you all want?" stocking: strawberry syrup and slices? Patty: "Nutella!" -later- sayaka: happy birthday, madoka! madoka: aw, thanks you guys. Black Star: "Woo! Happy birthday!" (tries to sneak food off Patty's plate...) Patty: (hand smack) misono: ..... Rin: "Misono? What's up?" misono: nothing. this is a nice party...for commoner parties anyway. 7-7 Rin: "...Heh. Can't argue with that. Ain't no party like a commoners' party!" misono: 7-7;;; madoka: thanks for coming over, i really appreciate it. *she smiles* misono: *blush* i-i'm only here cause your blue-haired friend made me. Rin: "Heh...N-No problem, Madoka..." Crona: "..." mami: how are you, chrona? Crona: "F-Fine!" (blushing) "H-Happy birthday..." madoka: thanks chrona. Crona: (small smile) Rin: "Hee hee hee...So, Crona, what'd you get Madoka?" Crona: o\\\\o "Um..." madoka: oh. *she smiles at the new thermos* thanks chrona. Crona: "Y-You're welcome...Mami helped..." Rin: (smiles at Crona) -later- Patty and Black Star: (asleep after meal...) Kid: "How was the cake, Stocking?" stocking: really good. kyouko: looks like its getting late. hey guys, we should be heading home now. Kid: (smiles) "Yes, I thought so, too. Thank you for having us, Madoka." madoka: thanks for coming over. i appreciate it. Kid: (picks up Patty) "Until next time..." -walking home- Kid: (Patty over his back as he carries her, he's humming...) stocking: so, how was the party? kyouko: pretty good. the cake was delicious. total props to mr kaname. Kid: (smiles) "It's nice to be among friends..." kyouko: it sure is.... well, here's our turn. see you guys later. here's to the weekend. Kid: "Yes. Good night." kyouko: see you guys on monday... *she and the okumura's walk down the other road* Rin: "Any plans this weekend, Kyouko?" kyouko: maybe find some extra work. you? Rin: "Was thinking of reading, maybe take in a movie." kyouko: sounds good. yukio, you got plans? besides studying? Yukio: "Ha...I wanted to tend to the garden this weekend." kyouko: sounds good. how are the pumpkins coming along? Yukio: "Just about ready to harvest and carve into Jack O'Lanterns." kyouko: neat! Rin: "What do you want to carve into your pumpkins, K?" kyouko: not sure yet. Rin: "I was thinking of carving a cat into mine..." kyouko: costumes? Rin: "..." (shrugs) "Charisma Justice?" Yukio: "Einstein." kyouko: i picked from the random draw....and get this... i got snow white..... -_-; Rin: (chuckles) "Think you'll find your Prince at the dance?" kyouko: oh shush you. Yukio: "Can always go as Princess Warrior Snow White." kyouko: or huntress snow white. that'd be pretty kick ass. Rin: "Yep." -elsewhere- Kid: "Stocking? Have you seen my vampire teeth?" stocking: here they are. got the baggie labled and everything. Kid: "Phew! Thank you. I was afraid Kirika or Patty got their hands on them..." stocking: i think kirika had vampire teeth of her own. Kid: "All the more reason she would take them..." stocking: hehe.... Kid: "...How is your costume coming along?" stocking: i got the dress the other day. *she holds up a sleek black and red dress* Kid: o\\\\o "Damn." -elsewhere- Wes: (laughing on the phone) "Your sister sounds like a trip, Liz." liz: yeah, haha. Wes: "Any plans this weekend?" liz: not sure yet. Wes: "...Would you be interested in checking out a band this weekend?" liz: yah, i heard blVck wid0w is playing here. Wes: "Yeah, that's the band! A friend got me tickets. Want to check it out Saturday night?" liz: sure! Wes: "Great! Soul and I are going. Would Patty be up for it?" liz: i'll ask, hey patti! want to come with wes, soul and i to a concert tomorrow? Patty: "Sure! Does the band suck, or are they good?" liz: not sure, i heard they're pretty good. it's blVck wid0w. Patty: "Ooooooooh! Definitely, yes! Tell Wes we're going!" liz: alright, she's in! Wes: "Cool! Soul and I will stop by the Mansion to pick you up." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Oh, Shinra..." shinra: yeah? Arthur: (fans himself with a calendar) "Guess what I found?" shinra: what? Arthur: "Last year's calendar...with Maki...and Iris..." ("No, Iris isn't in it...but what Shinra doesn't know...) shinra: *he falls over* huh?! Arthur: (nods) "Maki is Miss March, and Iris was Miss July..." ("She wasn't Miss July...but I got a surprise there for Shinra...Heh heh...") shinra: *gulps and looks* **Miss July: Hibana...with Akitaru's head pasted over it** shinra:.....................................................................what is this. Arthur: (loud laughing) "Got you! I so got you! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!" Akitaru: "Hey! It's late! Why are you guys making so much--" o____o shinra: .................boyle did it. Arthur: "What?!" Akitaru: "..." (cracks his knuckles, then his neck) shinra: *hides* Arthur: o____o; "It-It was just a joke, sir!" --Later-- Arthur: -_-; "...Overkill..." *Calendar now full of Arthur's face over all models, including Maki's* shinra: *he made a make shift grave that said -arthur boyle's dignity. again-* Takehisa: "..." (small smirk) Arthur: "This is awful." (holds up Miss March Maki) "Why would you do this to me, sir?!" maki: payback? Akitaru: "Hey, there is nothing wrong with a man in a bikini! That's why I shared the privilege with you!" Arthur: "..." (looks at Maki's pic) "At least I'm stacked in this one..." maki:.............................. -PUNCH- Arthur: T___T ("Worth it.") -the next day- Patty: (sneaks into Liz's bedroom...) liz: zzzz.... Patty: "Sis..." (voice muffled) liz: mmmph.... Patty: (in werewolf mask and with hairy gloves) "BOO-GA-BOO-GA-BOO-GA!!!" liz: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* Patty: "Ha ha ha!" (jumps into bed, pretending to paw at Liz) "I'm gonna eat you up!" liz: patti! Patty: (hugs her) "Halloween cheer, Sis!" liz: is that your costume? Patty: "Maybe~ I was thinking of adding something..." liz: maybe a red hood? Patty: "Oh, neat! Thanks!" (nuzzles wolf's face against Liz's face) -meanwhile, in the cells- Alone: (rubbing his wrist...still stuck with the Cone of Shame) ???: breakfast time. Alone: "...Where's Froggy?" mizune: at her house. i've been put in charge of feeding times now, after you tried to bite the hand that fed you. literally. Alone: "Hmph. I'm not eating--not 'til Froggy comes back to feed me!" mizune: -_-; Solence: "Just eat or you'll starve: that witch is not coming back." (takes his food) kinuta: *covers her ears* Alone: (grumbles, takes his food anyway) "What's gotten into you, Kinuta?" kinuta: oh... nevermind. Solence: "You sure? You look a little pale." kinuta: i'm fine as ever. Alone: "Then..." (points at her bowl) "You going to eat that?" kinuta: yes. Alone: "Hmph. Then what's eating you?" -elsewhere- Patty: (putting on her t-shirt and jeans) "This look good for a concert?" liz: looks good. Patty: (adds a chain belt and a chain to her wallet) "What're you wearing for your date?" -a nice jacket and dress with boots and tights- Patty: "..." (thumbs up) -at the concert- Wes: "..." soul: looks like they're here. Wes: "Yeah..." (stares at Liz: "...Wow...") Patty: "Woo! Concert!" soul: hey, glad you could make it. Patty: "Same! How're you doin', Soul?" soul: doing well. Wes: "Hi, Liz." (smiles, waves) liz: hey wes. you guys look great. Wes: "Thanks. You look great, too." Patty: (staring at Soul's shirt) "Nice design." soul: .... *he's wearing his usual outfit* Patty: "Neat dragon! Where'd you get it?" soul: got it while in london. Patty: (thumbs up) -elsewhere- Kid: (lying down on couch) Yumi: "Kid? Stocking? Want anything?" stocking: some cake if there's any. Kid: "Tea, please." Yumi: "We have some raspberry angel food cake--I'll get some for both of you, along with some English tea." stocking: sounds good. Yumi: (smiles) "On it..." **Yumi returns with cake and tea for all of them** Yumi: "Stocking, how are classes?" stocking: doing well. math is still tough, but i'm getting better, i think. Yumi: (nods) "Who's teaching math now?" stocking: mr triple A. Yumi: "Hmmm...I see...Maybe tutoring will help." stocking: i have been getting some tutoring from kid. Kid: (small smile and blush) Yumi: "That's good." (sips on her tea) stocking: how's lil shiori coming along? Yumi: (pats her stomach) "Kicking...giving me morning sickness." stocking: hehe. Yumi: (smiles) "I look forward to holding her in my arms..." (frowns) "...and being able to drink again." stocking: maybe we can look after her some nights. Yumi: "I would like that...*Sigh* I keep busy with DWMA missions' research, with reading, with the baby's room, but I have felt rather trapped lately." stocking:....say, why dont we go out and so something fun tommorrow? Yumi: "..." (nods) "I would like that. Any ideas?" stocking: there is a garden expo at the civic center. Yumi: "Oh! That would be fun! Yes, let's do that. When should we leave the house?" stocking: its a sunday tomorrow, so how about after breakfast? Yumi: (nods) "Great." Kid: (sips his tea..."Then I can finish my gift for Stocking...") -elsewhere- Killbell: "Tiny masked guy told me I would help the Bug Queen. Why am I still here?!" milia: we're almost there now. Killbell: "Where is 'there'?" (points) "Is that 'there'?" milia: *she nods* Killbell: "Ooooooooh...What we goin' to do?" Nals: -_____- ("Could they be quiet...?") -inside- medusa:................. Ponera: "Snake? Penny for your thoughts?" medusa:....oh. just thinking........ *she rubs her stomach* Ponera: "...You think of a name?" medusa: i have one in mind. Neian. Ponera: "...What does that mean?" medusa: it's lunarian for 'precious'. Ponera: :,) "Awwwwwww..." medusa: 7////7;;; (thinking: this child will be my heir. chrona..........that thing was an experiment...) Ponera: "Wait 'til that little bundle is born! I can't wait to make something for them! How about an ant doll?" medusa:......suuure... Ponera: "Yay!" (removes fabric and stuffing) "I'll get to work!" Ponera: "So, will the Scorpion be the godparent?" shaula: HAHA OWNED! *she's playing a game on the gaming console* medusa: as if! Ponera: "...Huh. I see your point...Well, your other sister is dead...I guess you'll need someone else..." (blushing) medusa:....alright you can do it then. Ponera: T__T "Thank you!" *GLOMP* -in shaula's room- shaula: hehe~ *playing some prop hunt* -she's hiding as a baby doll- RightRoundBaby: *bitch where u at?* shaula: >:3 xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: NoT iN uR bEd M8 XP RightRoundBaby: *u'd know--'cause u wuldnt b able 2 walk strait* NoFix: "Fucking bitch..." (checks in one corner of the room) "Mimeca! Another Dew!" xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: LeIk Im 2 BzE f-N uR mOm XP RightRoundBaby: u n evry1 else. (picks up a broom) no but this is as flat as u r xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: F u *the baby sneaks past as he has his back turned* RightRoundBaby: name the time n place bitch *picks up an empty box, not yet noticing...* shaula: hehe~ RightRoundBaby: (turns--and spots) hey! shaula: ACK! RUN! MOVE THOSE BABY LEGS YA LITTLE SHIT! RightRoundBaby: *grabs* shaula: FUCK! RightRoundBaby: this is ovr (*aims*) shaula: MOVE! MOVE DAMN YOU! RightRoundBaby: bang bang bang have a nice day (*BOOM*) xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: eEt A 1000 dIx PlZ RightRoundBaby: done. next? xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: RoUnD 2 bIaTcH RightRoundBaby: k. how bout make it interesting? xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: LeIk WaT? RightRoundBaby: if u lose, i get pic of ur titties xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: HoW bOuT mY sIs'S? RightRoundBaby: oh thats better. and if i lose? xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: u EaT 1000 mOr DiX RightRoundBaby: how is that punishment? deal. xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: Kk. BrInG iT! **NoFix disguises himself as a desk chair** -later- RightRoundBaby: any chance get u in pic 2? -elsewhere- saki:............... NoFix: "Heh heh heh...King of this game. Right, RoboCop?" saki:................... NoFix: "Hey, say something. You expect Mimeca to?" grunt #69: pretty good sir NoFix: "Thanks, Grunt #69. Heh heh...Grunt..." grunt #69: *sweatdrop* yeah....haha.... NoFix: "Man, though, that Skorpion Bitch is something else...Can't wait to see what she's got for me!" (pause) "Mimeca! Mountain Dew, now!" mimeca: *she has 2 bottles* NoFix: "...Are both of those for me?" mimeca: *double thumbs up* NoFix: "Sweet!" (opens one, starts drinking it) "...Hey, does Saki-Bot over there got any features that would help keep drinks cold?" -elsewhere- Noah: (shivering) "No...No...Ah...Ah..." Noelle: [honestly, get over it already... -_-; ] Noah: "With what? I don't have anything." (holds up a spork) "LOOK HOW THEY FEED ME!" Noelle: [sounds like it isnt my problem.] Noah: "If I die, so do you! The Book is in a barrier! No respawning of you all without me! What do you say to that, Noelle?!" Noelle: [.........] Noah: "...Thought so." (tosses spork at the bars) Wrath!Noah: "THEN JUST RIP THE BARS OFF AND LET US OUT!" Noelle: [shush you.] Sloth!Noah: "*Yawn* I'm tired." Gluttony!Noah: "Let's ask Medusa for more food." Lust!Noah: "Let's ask Medusa to--" Noah: "Shut up..." Noelle: [oh, seems those two started to respawn...] Gluttony!Noah: "Yeah! And I'm a growing boy! I NEED MUNCHIES!" Sloth!Noah: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Patty: (trying to look up) "Man...I can't see anything!" soul: pretty good tunes. Wes: "Yeah. It's enjoyable..." -later- Wes: (stretches) "So...My friend told me we could meet the band backstage..." soul: dude, for real? Wes: "Yeah. You all ready?" malaria: *signing pictures* Wes: "Malaria! Hey!" malaria: oh, hey there. riku: hey. Wes: "Hey. We talked earlier--I'm Wes Evans." Patty: (staring at Malaria and Riku..."I am so close...I can touch them...") malaria: oh right. a pleasure to meet you. *she shakes his hand* Wes: "Same. This is my brother Soul, and our friends Liz and Patty." soul: hey. liz: hey there. Patty: o_o "...Can I touch you?" Wes: o__O malaria: o_o; riku:....... liz: i apologize. malaria: erm... Wes: "Y-Yeah." Wes: (clear throat) "So, that was a great performance! I like the new songs you have this time." riku: thanks man. Patty: "M-Malaria? You have a great voice..." malaria: thanks. *she smiles* Wes: "I was wondering whether you could give Liz your autographs?" malaria: sure thing. -later- Patty: (hugging her autographed poster) "So cool...Thanks for letting us come along, Soul!" soul: no problem. Wes: (puts a hand on Liz's shoulder) "How was it?" liz: it was great, thanks for inviting us. Wes: (smiles) "Happy to. It was fun getting to be with all of you." (looks at Soul) soul: *faint smile* Wes: "...Escort you two home?" -the next day- Kid: *yawn* "Looking forward to today's outing with Mother, Stocking?" stocking: yep. *she's wearing a green flower print dress over a cream colored button up shirt. her hair is in two low ponytails and she's wearing a straw hat* Kid: (smiles) "You look great." (puts a hand along her right ponytail) "Love the hat." Azusa: (finishing her cup of tea) stocking: thanks, my dad got it for me. Yumi: (finishes her tea) "The dress looks nice as well, Stocking." (gets up, approaches Kid, kisses his forehead) "We'll be back before dinner." stocking: dont get into too much trouble now, kiddo~ Kid: (smiles) "Who, me?" (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Yumi: "Let us depart, Stocking." -and so- Yumi: (points to one plant) "The shape is so intricate. And this species' leaves make a delicious tea." stocking: wow. *she snaps a pic on her phone* Yumi: (smells one flower) "Hmm...Good breeding on this one." (points to bonsai exhibit) "Let's visit that section next..." stocking: nice. -elsewhere- Kid: "Almost done..." (wipes his brow) "Just need to leave it on Stocking's desk." liz: whatcha workin on kiddo? Kid: O\\\\\O "...A gift for Stocking...I'll tell you about it after I give it to her..." *He's holding a book that he keeps close to his chest* liz: oook. Kid: "...Can we talk for a moment?" (walking towards Stocking's room) liz: uhh, sure. Kid: "How was your date last night?" liz: i-it was nice. Kid: (nods) "That's good. Feel okay with it?" liz: yeah. Kid: (opens door to Stocking's room, approaches her desk) "Any plans for your next date?" liz: not sure yet. Kid: "Maybe something just between the two of you? A film and dinner?" (lays the book atop Stocking's desk and exit...) liz: maybe. *blush* Kid: (closes the door) "..." (smirks) "You know what this reminds me of?" liz: what? Kid: "You look like how I must have when I was first dating Stocking." liz: w-wha? Kid: "The blushing, the nervousness...It's great when you start getting to know someone when dating." liz: w-well, maybe a little bit. liz: *smirks* at least i dont pass out when i talk to him. Kid: (frowns) "Well, you have a different personality than I do." (pats her shoulder) "But I'm happy you are going out, even if it was just as friends." liz: thanks kid. Kid: (smiles) "What are you up to this afternoon?" liz: not much. Kid: "Care to have tea with me?" liz: sure. --And so-- Kid: (sets the tea down for them in the kitchen) "...Liz?" liz: yeah? Kid: "...I want to marry Stocking. Not now, but in the future..." liz: i know. Kid: "But I don't know who to have as a best man...I almost want to have two best _persons_...You and Patty..." liz: we'd be glad to. Kid: (smiles) "Then let's go with that...Thank you. I am grateful." Patty: (peaks up behind the kitchen table) "Did someone say I get to be a best man?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Chie?" chie: yeah? Yohei: "...Could we talk? In private?" chie: um....sure? Yohei: "Your room or mine?" chie: uhhh... w-wherever....? Yohei: "...Okay..." (leads her to his room) "Um...Have a seat." chie: um... ./////. Yohei: (sits on the bed, while she's on his workshop bench) "...You bleed yet today?" chie: yeah. i did while making breakfast this morning. Yohei: "...How much blood?" chie: a little bit. *she looks at her finger* Yohei: (sees it from his bed...) "...Why are you comfortable sleeping next to me?" chie: o/////////////o um.... well....er...... w-what brought this up? Yohei: "...You are a Dokeshi." chie: yeah... Yohei: "I harmed Dokeshi. For the Dokeshi Hunt, for Fear Factory...You shouldn't trust someone like me." chie: i know but.... for some reason, i felt safe around you, like i subconsciously knew you wouldnt hurt me....its weird. Yohei: "...Yeah. 'Weird' would be the word for it." (gets up from the bed, sits next to her) chie: i guess....i just felt lonely... when i was young and i was scared, saki would hug me and tell me everything would be ok. Yohei: "...I spent my childhood distant from other people. After college, everyone around me died or tried to kill me. I don't really sleep well...but I've started to sleep better, when I'm lying next to you." chie: .////////. um... t-thanks. Yohei: (blushing a bit) "You're welcome." (rubs the back of his neck) "...That's all. I just wanted to know why...and to thank you for...helping me sleep." chie: no problem..... Yohei: "...Cool. If you ever need someone by your side...I'd like to be that person." chie:....i would appreciate that, yohei. Yohei: (awkwardly sits next to her on the bench, clears throat) "So..." chie: yeah? mana: *listening* Shotaro: (at the door, using Bone of the Bat to get big ears) Tuhl: (at the door, trying to coax the Door's spirit to tell him what is going on...) Yohei: "Anything on your agenda today? Anything you want to work on or do?" chie: i might do some shopping later. Yohei: "Can you pick me up some cigarettes?" chie: i'll see about that. Yohei: "Thanks." (stands up, walks to the door, opens it--) mana: oof! Shotaro: "Gak!" Tuhl: "Crap!" Yohei: "..." chie: !!! WHERE YOU LISTENING IN ON US?! Tuhl: "No!" Shotaro: "Yes!" chie:................... ~triple arm dark chop!~ --Later-- Yohei: "Stand still, Mana..." Tuhl: (black eye) mana: owie! Shotaro: (wrapped like a mummy) "Hee hee hee...I got my Halloween outfit now!" -elsewhere- Yumi: (holding a potted flower) stocking: *snaps a pic* and i sent it to your email! Yumi: (smiles) "Thank you. I have been looking for this one for some time." (sets the flower down and picks up her seeds) "It is a challenge to grow this one..." -elsewhere- Kid: (sketching in his artbook) julie: *also doodling* Kid: (smiles) "How is your drawing coming, Julie?" julie: *very focused* *its a picture of her and her family, including liz and patti* Kid: (silently smiles, returns to his illustration--a stylized set of drawings of a couple dancing, showing their movements in sequence) -elsewhere- Arthur: (finishing writing on blackboard: "I will not PhotoShop my commander's face onto other people" 100 times) shinra: ....... Arthur: "...What? Haven't I been punished enough?" shinra: *shrugs* Arthur: "...Answer me one thing: do you like Iris?" shinra: ...... *he looks away, blushing* Arthur: "...Well? The lack of eye contact and blushing says yes, so just ask her out already." -elsewhere- Yumi: "We're home." stocking: we brought stuff~ Patty: "Oooooh, I like stuff! What is it?" Kid: (looks as well) stocking: we got a floral arrangement. Kid: "That looks wonderful." (inhales) "Smells good, too." Yumi: "Stocking has a good eye for them. And a good nose." liz: nice. Patty: "Where you want to put it? Dining room? Living room?" -it gets put in the dining room- Kid: "I like it here. It adds some cheerfulness." -later- Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: yeah? Kid: "I left a gift for you on your desk." stocking: oh. thanks kid. *she goes to investigate* **On the desk is a book, labeled simply "Stocking"** stocking: ?? *she opens it* **It is similar to a scrapbook: it includes handwritten poems, illustrations of her and shared experiences (the Halloween dance, trips overseas), photographs with their friends (ones still with them, ones lost), and a dedication at the beginning: "To my angel..."** stocking: aww.... *she smiles and blushes* **Note in the book: "Thank you for improving my life, and the lives of so many people. I love you, and I always will."** stocking: *she puts it in her top drawer and hugs kid* Kid: (returns the hug) "You like it?" stocking: i love it kid! Kid: (smiles) "Thank you." stocking: *she kisses him full on the lips* Kid: o_o (slowly returns the kiss...) -20 minutes of heavy making out later- Kid: "Ah...ah...Wow...That was great..." stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: "..." (holds her close) stocking: mmmm... Kid: (pulls back, holding her hand as he guides her to the bed...) stocking: oh~ Kid: (smiles, lies down and pulls her onto the bed) stocking: ah! *bluuush* Kid: (get on top of her) "Stocking..." stocking: *blushing* Kid: (blushing as well) "I love you..." stocking: i love you too kid. Kid: (smiles, stroking her face) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (leans down, kissing her neck lightly) stocking: ooh~ Kid: "What do you want to do?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Mmm..." (hugs Lord Death) lord death: *he rubs her head* Yumi: "I enjoyed going out today. Stocking is a wonderful child...er, woman." lord death: indeed. i'm truly happy kid has found someone in his life to make him feel complete. as i have for you. Yumi: (blushes) "Likewise." (kisses his lips) -elsewhere- Black Star: "So, how was the concert, Soul?" soul: pretty good. i even got you a shirt. Black Star: "Really? Rad!" -elsewhere- Wes: [texting: hey liz. get home ok?] [text from liz cell: yeah.] Wes: [that's good. thanx for coming out. happy to have you and patty with soul] [text from liz cell: soul seemed happier] Wes: [i think so. i have to try harder--i've been screwing up] -the next day- Kid: "Zzz..." -at school- Patty: "What's the first class?" liz: geography. Kid: "Oh!" (looks at his maps) "Excellent!" liz: did you find something? Kid: "If I'm correct about today's lesson, this may help us find the next Sage." liz: that's great! Kid: "Just have to wait and listen..." -at lunch- Kid: (still studying the map during lunch) "I don't know..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "Does this narrow down the location of the next Sage?" stocking: maybe... Kid: "Sigh...Still seems so far away..." (holds Stocking's hand) stocking: we'll find a way. Kid: (nods) -elsewhere- Spirit: "Hey, Marie." marie: hey spirit. *she smiles* Spirit: "How's work going?" marie: doing well. the students seem to be improving. Spirit: "Yeah, I heard some were having problems. Think it was just early-semester jitters?" marie: perhaps. Spirit: "How's Christa?" marie: she's doing well. Spirit: (small smile) "I'm glad to hear that..." (small laugh) "Just a few more months before Lord Death and Azusa give Christa a playmate." marie: i know! Spirit: *squee!* christa: *hungry crying* Spirit: (covers his mouth, whispers) "Sorry." marie: *she gets out the baby food* here comes the choo choo~ Spirit: (small laugh as he watches Christa) christa: *nom* hehe~ Spirit: "So cuuuuuuute~" christa: speewee! Spirit: (waves) "Hi, Christa!" christa: hehe~ Spirit: "Was that yummy, Christa? Yum yum?" christa: y-yummu! Spirit: "Hee hee. Good food, right?" -elsewhere- NoFix: (unfolds the map) "And there's our entrance..." (points to a spot circled SECRET TUNNEL) mimeca: owo grunt #64: very good sir! NoFix: "Heck yeah! And I know the best date for knock knock knocking on Death's door..." (points to the calendar: October 31 1914) grunt #113: if ts 1914 why do we have iphones? grunt #64: jerry shut the fuck up. NoFix: "I LIKE 1914! It's a pretty number!" (flips up the calendar) "Look at Miss October 1914!" (it's a woman in a complete-body swimsuit) "Look at those hot ankles!" saki:.................... mimeca: *she changes into the lady* NoFix: "Yowza! So freakin' hot! Right, guys?!" grunt #113: dayum! grunt #23: JERRY SHUT UP! NoFix: "No, you shut up, Grunt #23!" (looks at Saki, up and down) "Hey...You think you'd look good in that number, toots?" saki:.......*she aims a gun at his head* NoFix: "...So, that's a yes?" -later- NoFix: "And be sure to get the blood off the wall! I like my room spick and span!" grunt #69: yes sir... NoFix: (holding his left arm in his right arm, glaring at Saki) "I got a feeling you aren't happy with me, Robot..." saki:............................. NoFix: "What, ain't got one word you can say to me? What the hell do you want from me, brat? I need something out of you or else this Halloween mission is going to go to shit." saki:..............checking memory files................sister.......... NoFix: "...Oh, Shadow Beast? What about her?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *in the shower* chie: *getting dinner ready* Shotaro: "Hee hee hee...Mission accomplished, Mana!" mana: good job today on the good deed. Shotaro: "...Oh, yeah, I did that, too. But I also did this for a prank!" (holds up bathroom towels and a bathroom rug) mana: oh no. Yohei: "Shotaro!" **Dripping wet, holding a small washcloth over himself** Yohei: "What the hell?!" chie:......... o////////////////////o Yohei: "..." (blushes in front of Chie, holds up his hands) "Hey, sorry!" ("...I just let go of the washcloth, didn't I?") chie+mana:..............*NOSEBLEED* Shotaro: (looks down) "...Wow." Tuhl: "Tch. Humans look weird enough already--now they look even weirder naked." Yohei: (grabs a towel from Shotaro, scampers back to the bathroom) chie: *covers face to hide the blush* Shotaro: "...So, did I do a bad deed, or a good deed?" mana: i dont know. Tuhl: "You know he is probably going to kill you with a laser bot, or a punching bot, or a ball-kicking bot. Right, Chie?" chie: oh shush Tuhl: "..." (smirks, leans back in his chair and keeps reading) -elsewhere- Kid: (hugs Stocking) stocking: oh? you ok kiddo? Kid: (smiles) "I'm great. You?" stocking: doing good. Kid: "I'm glad. Just focusing on what to do next..." -later, on the night of the dance- Patty: (werewolf princess) "Ready!" Kid: o_o "Um...Ready." (vampire) stocking: same here. (vampire's bride) liz: lets do this! (she's a gogo dancer samus) Yumi: "Ready." death: readyo~! Kid: o_o "That is an interesting costume, Father." lord death: it's very snazzy i think, hoho! Yumi: (smirks) "Very nice..." (runs a finger along his chest) lord death: ohoho~ liz: can we just go now? Patty: "Okay! Here we go--" (approaches the door--and runs into it) "Ouch! Stupid mask..." kirika: nice. (she's the joker) Gopher: "Ready!" (jester cap rings its bells) kirika:.......ok lets get this done. (thinking: STUPID SEXY IDIOT) -at the dance- Wes: (dressed as Luigi) "You see them yet, Bro?" soul: yeah i think i do. *he's mario* Wes: "Cool. Where?" ("...I'm happy he went along with this theme...") liz: hey guys! Wes: o\\\\o "H-Hey!" liz: nice costume. -inside- Black Star: (dressed as Star Lord) "Man, not enough food this year..." tsubaki: the decorations look great. *she's sakuya from okami* Meme: "Thanks! We put in a lot of work on them." (Frankenstein's monster) mio: *dr stein* yeah... Anya: -_- (clutching Toad plushie) tsugumi: *she's sailor moon* you look adorable. Anya: o\\\\o "N-No, I don't..." ao: *she's the ring ghost* it's quite fitting for you. Rin: "Hey, sweet Princess Peach outfit, Anya!" (dressed as Charisma Justice, then spots Ao) "Aaaaah!" (leaps into Yukio's arms--who is Einstein) Yukio: "...Hello, Ao." ao: hello yukio-kun. madoka: *she's coplaying madokami* *she's getting punch* Crona: (dressed as a teddy bear) "H-Hi, Madoka..." madoka: hi chrona. mami: how are you enjoying the party? *she's a cowgirl* Crona: "W-Well, thanks...Did you all make your outfits?" madoka: my mom helped me out. Crona: "Th-That's good...I bought this." -elsewhere- kinuta: so bored.... Alone: "Same. Stupid party people with their dumb old Halloween." Solence: (trying to read a book) -rumble rumble- kinuta: ??? Solence: "???" Alone: (covering his ears) "Gah! What is that--" **A hole breaks through Kinuta's cell** kinuta: WHAT THE FUCK?! mimeca: *waves* Solence: o____O Alone: "What?" mimeca: *griiiins* NoFix: (pushes Mimeca out of the way) "Gah! I knew I should've taken that left turn at Albe--" (spots Kinuta) "...Holy fuck." kinuta: oh! well hello there~ *wink* NoFix: (smooth) "Well, hello there, you sexy--" Solence: "AAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAhhhhAAAAAAhhhh!!!" kinuta: SHUT THE HELL UP GASBAG! NoFix: -__- "Hey, I'm trying to get my groove on here--" (turns) "Oh. Gasbag. I thought you died." Alone: o_______o (shriek, hides under bed) kinuta: what babies. NoFix: *sigh* "Mimeca, retrieve Gasbag and that big Scooby over there." (leans towards Kinuta) "What's your name, hot mama?" kinuta: call me kinuta, hun~<3 NoFix: "Called me enchanted..." (takes her hand, kisses it sweetly) Alone: "Stay away from me, quiet mute girl!" Solence: (hyperventilating) mimeca: *slices the bars open* kinuta: arent you a charmer~ NoFix: "Heh hehe, so I've been told. Tell me, why is such a beautiful lady like you doing locked up in here?" Alone and Solence: (clutching each other) kinuta: those mean dwma jerks locked me up in here. *fake weeping* NoFix: (frowns) "Yes...them. They were a thorn in my side, too." (puts his hands on the wall behind her, cornering her) "How 'bout I get you out of here?" kinuta: really? *shiny eyes* NoFix: (tooth twinkle as he smiles) "Of course." (vibrates his hand) "Let me just clear an exit..." kinuta: *grin* NoFix: (puts an arm around Kinuta's waist) "Mimeca! Grab Gasbag and Scooby! We're heading underground!" (puts his hand to the floor--opening a large hole) mimeca: *she has collar+leashed them* ^w^ Solence: "No! Please, God, don't do this to me!" Alone: "I'm not your fucking pet!" NoFix: (death glare at Alone--as he squeezes Kinuta's butt) Alone: o__o; "I'll be a good doggie..." kinuta: ooh~<3 NoFix: "Mimeca! Escort them into the hole! We'll follow." mimeca: *drags them along* Alone: T__T Solence: "No! No no no no no no!" mimeca: *turns on a little radio* NoFix: (bridal carry Kinuta) "When we get back to my place, how 'bout we play a game of hide the pickle?" kinuta: sounds good. anyone who wants to join can join on in~ NoFix: (jumps in the hole) "Yeah, baby!" Alone: "Wh-What's the radio for, quiet girl?" mimeca: *shrug* NoFix: "Okay, we got our new army to help us supplement CyborGirl over there. What was Step #2 again, Mimeca?" mimeca: *gives him a note* NoFix: (holds it upside down) "What does it say?" mimeca: *she flips it for him* NoFix: "Oh, okay!" (reads) "Um...So, are we blowing up the dance while we're here?" -step 2; find other prisoners. step 3; regroup in vegas. step 4; RAAAAAMPAAAAAAGE- NoFix: (shows the note to Kinuta) "How 'bout that, Babe? Get wild in Vegas?" kinuta: oh hell yeah~! Solence: "Wh-What kind of 'rampage'?" Alone: "I think it's pronounced 'raaaaampaaaaaage.'" -back at the dance- Wes: (staring at Liz...) liz: *dancing* Wes: "You're a really good dancer..." liz: you're not too bad yourself. Wes: (small blush) "Thanks." Patty: (passes a glass of punch to Soul) soul: thanks. stocking: mmm~ Kid: (dancing with her) "Enjoying yourself?" stocking: i am indeed~ *she kisses him* Kid: (whispers in her ear) "Are you under my spell...?" stocking: i already was~<3 Kid: (smirks) "Wait 'til I get you home..." stocking: oh i cant wait~ Kid: "Yes...I can leave the cape on..." stocking: *griiins* Crona: "M-M-Mami?" mami: yes? Crona: "Would you like...to dance?" mami: i would like that. *she smiles* Crona: "..." (holds out their hand, leading her to the dance floor) -elsewhere- Spirit: (groaning) "Wh-What happened...?" (struggling to get off the floor...) blair: you slipped on some ice and passed out Spirit: "I did? Oh...I-I'm sorry, Blair." blair: it's alright. ^^ Spirit: "Man..." (looks at Blair) "I'm missing the dance, huh?" blair: well, we better head on in then~ -elsewhere- Yumi: -_- "Marie...Stop staring at my abdomen." marie: its a little fishy! Yumi: -_-; "Who are you supposed to be?" marie: i'm pikachu! Yumi: "...Cute." -in the kid's area- aimi: *singing* Black Star: (with Tsubaki, watching kids) momo: *waves* ^^ Black Star: (smiles, waves) momo: hehe~ Black Star: "Hey, Tsubaki..." tsubaki: yeah? *she's playing candyland with angela and nagisa* Black Star: (stares at her..."Man...") "Um...So, uh..." (blushing) "Which character are you?" -elsewhere- Giriko: "Here you go, kids--one for you, one for you..." (stares at a piece...then snaps his rubberband) "Ouch! Um...Here, have an extra one." young boy: *dressed like spirit* thanks dude. Giriko: "..." ("Damn stupid Death Scythe...") (forced smile) "Great outfit...Well, have a safe night!" -soon, another group; one as iron man, one as a pirate, and one as arachne- arachne:......such cute costumes. girl 1: thanks miss. Giriko: "Y-Yeah..." (gives candy to each...then an extra two to the Arachne one) "Great costume, kid." arachne: thank you ^^ Giriko: (smiles at _his_ Arachne) arachne: *blush* Giriko: "Well, thanks for stopping by, kids! Be safe out there tonight." girl 2: *the pirate* ok! Giriko: (closing the door, looks at Arachne) "You're popular." arachne: i didnt even think people remembered me. Giriko: "...Babe, you're unforgettable." arachne: *chuckles and kisses him* Giriko: (kisses back, holding her) trick or treater: o____________O *takes a piece and runs off screaming* Giriko: o_o "What?! Never seen someone kiss someone before?!" arachne: *chuckling* Giriko: "Hmph." (shuts the door) "...Want to take a break? Maybe..." -elsewhere- NoFix: "We almost there, Mimeca?" mimeca: *thumbs up* NoFix: "Perfect! Vegas Vacation! Okay, crew, what's everyone got in an ability?" Solence: "I WANT TO GO HOM--" NoFix: (fist to face) "Gas abilities, right." Alone: (shivering) "...I'm big? Got big teeth?" kinuta: charm magic here~ NoFix: "Charming me in my pants, baby." mimeca: *shapeshifting her arm into something* NoFix: "And the rest of you?" 'masky': *muffled speaking and activates flamethrower* NoFix: "O...kay. (Jeez, and I thought it was hard understanding Mimeca...) And what about you, Sudoku?" Frey: (nails pierce NoFix's neck) "Sadoko, you incipient buffoon." NoFix: *coughs blood* "Heh...I like things in me..." Solence: (wimpering) grunt #64: 0-0 v-vegas ahead, sir! NoFix: (heals) "Okay...Gasbag will make the gas, Masky will burn it to increase the explosion, the rest of us get to spread some fun throughout this city." mimeca: *applause* NoFix: "And remember--when they say whatever happens here stays here? Fuck that. We're making this place a new city on the hill--ONE ON FIRE!" masky: [HELL YES! BURN! KABOOM HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE~!] NoFix: "Still can't understand a word you're saying--but good enthusiasm! Squeeze the Gasbag!" grunt #69: *gulps+sweats* Alone: (whimping, clutches Solence, and squeezes him like an accordion, expelling gas) NoFix: "Back up, everyone!" (he stays put, since, you know, healing power) vegas resident: *sniff* ugh, carl what the fuck?! Vegas Resident #2: "Oh. Sorry. The wife has me on this new diet, and--" *BOOM* kinuta: whats up fuckers~! Vegas Resident #3: "A witch!" Vegas Resident #4: "Run!" kinuta: *wink* Alone: (behind them) "Aw, what's the rush...? Stay for dinner..." (opens his mouth) resident 5: *SCREAMS* Solence: (seizes Resident #5) "Save me! They're lunatics! I don't want--" -PUNCH- mimeca: *turns up the music* Frey: "Ah, sweet tunes..." (elongates nails, stabbing through five residents at once, then swings her hand to knock them into five more residents) kinuta: *charming some poor shmuck out of his money* NoFix: (whistling, as he walks around with a baseball bat, slugging people around town) *CRASH* kinuta: i'll be taking these honey~ *she robbed a sex shop......for a lot of stuff* NoFix: (watching) "Oh, yeah..." Police Officer: "Freeze!" kinuta: are you going to....frisk me~? *shaking her rear* Police Officer: "Wha-What...?" (dazed) NoFix: (approaching from behind) kinuta: want some of this, cutie~? Police Officer: (until her spell) "Yes..." NoFix: (following from behind) kinuta: come get it then~ Police Officer: (opens his arms...) NoFix: "Let me inside you~" *CRUNCH* kinuta: and down he goes. *NoFix's hand through Officer's chest* NoFix: "I also vibrate..." *Vibrates the corpse into dust* NoFix: "Want me to try that on you later~?" kinuta: kinky. kinuta: try not to kill me with it, ok, hun~? NoFix: " 'Kay." (walks up to her, wiping the dust off of him) "Up for some more trouble?" Alone: (munching on the remains of some of Frey's victims) kinuta: hit up the casino? NoFix: "Awesome. I'm great at roulette." -in the casino- NoFix: "Put it on red!" (puffs on a cigar) "Like me up, Fire Dude!" masky: *turns on the flame thrower* kinuta: *she's changed her clothes to some black tight bondage lingere* NoFix: (lights a new cigar on the flame thrower, offers it to Kinuta) kinuta: *she sips her martini* who wants to get with me first~? NoFix: (hand raised) Alone: (raises--a human hand from the body he is eating) Frey: "..." (half-raised hand) Solence: (whimpering) Random Enchanted Bystanders: (raise their hands) kinuta: take a number people~ grunt #69: you people are all savages! did you not hear her?! TAKE A NUMBER! *Everyone takes a number* Solence: "Oh, hey, I got Number 1!" NoFix: (death glare) Solence: o___o; -later- kinuta: ahhh~ fuck that's good~ ((she got double teamed by nofix and alone.... *buries self in shame hole* -meanwhile- Spirit: (reading the news reports) "My God..." blair: everything ok? Spirit: "...I got to report this to Lord Death, now: Vegas is under attack." -back in vegas- kinuta: ahhhh~ <3 Alone: (lying his head on Kinuta's lap, inhaling) NoFix: "Some vibration, baby. That feel good for you?" kinuta: holy fuck that was good. mimeca: =w= NoFix: "Hee hee hee." Alone: (moans) kinuta: up for round two? i can wear thiiis~ *holds up a red riding hood costume* Alone: (howls with delight) NoFix: "Yeah, baby!" (checks his phone) "Oh, hey! We made the evening news! And I got more tit pics from that gamer chick!" -elsewhere- medusa: YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?! Ponera: "Hmm?" shaula: its just a few pics, chill out. -back in vegas- NoFix: "Look at them titties..." (holds the phone up to Kinuta, as he gets to work on her...) kinuta: ahhhhh~ fuuck that's kinky. masky: *looks at alone* ?? Alone: "...What? Why's that masked person staring at me? Never seen a naked wolf in bed with Red Riding Hood?" masky: *looks away* random grunt: I STOLE THE CAMERA! TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?! -elsewhere- -eruka's phone goes off- eruka: *she checks it* ??.... O_________________________O Free: "What's wrong?" eruka: *SCREAMS AND DROPS THE PHONE* WHAT THE FUCK?! -bading- eruka: EEK! *she got a video gram* Free: (looks over) o____o "...Well, now we know who is attacking Vegas..." Alone: (in the video) "What big tits you have!" eruka: TT~TT noooooooooooooo *covers chest* kinuta: oh fuck that feels great~! Free: "???" Alone: (sounds of licking heard) eruka: *hides under the bed* whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy kinuta: ooooh fuck~ youre getting me so wet~<3 Free: (struggling to turn it off) "Curse my big fingers! We need this vid to track their location in Vegas..." -elsewhere- NoFix: (on the video) "Hang on--I got something for you~" kinuta: and that would be~? NoFix: (presses himself against her backside, guiding his member to her vagina) kinuta: ooh you're so hard already~ -elsewhere- blair: o-o;;;; Spirit: D: "...Why?!" nygus: ugh. Spirit: "HOW DID THEY ESCAPE?! Where was security?!" guard: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *screaming at dead guards* Spirit: (runs to the spot...) "...Oh God..." (covers his mouth) -gore and blood everywhere- Spirit: (backs away, struggling not to panic) "...This can't be happening. Wh-Why didn't an alarm get triggered? Something?" guard: i think the alarm got broken somehow... Spirit: "...It looks like an earthquake broke through here...Security cam footage?" -the camera is turned on, showing the footage- Spirit: (points at the person that caused the hole to emerge) "That guy--who is he? Anyone recognize him?" nygus: *doing some scans*...... !!!!!! Spirit: "What is it?" nygus: t-thats.... guard: the infamous king of spin, nofix?! from the london incident?! Spirit: "...The one that provoked that reaction in Stocking..." nygus: *she nods* Spirit: "...We need to assemble a team and get them to Vegas, now. And I think we're going to need additional help..." -at the dance- **Slow Dance Time** Wes: "...Liz? May I have this dance?" liz: sure thing. Wes: (takes her hand, leads her to the dance floor, puts a hand on her hip) Kid: *slow dancing already with Stocking* stocking: *she seems happy* Kid: "You are wonderful..." stocking: just like you. Kid: (smiles, kisses her cheek) Arthur: "...Tamaki?" tamaki: nya? Arthur: "...Care to dance?" tamaki: .......sure, only to get those 3 watchdogs off my ass. -_-; Arthur: "Y-Yeah...What's up with those guys?" tamaki: who cares. its like they're 'over protective older brothers'....ftr they arent my brothers. Arthur: (nods, as he rests a hand on her hip) "Is this okay?" tamaki: 7////7 y-yeah whatever. Arthur: (gulps, starts dancing...rather well, too) Meme: "..." (reaches for Mio's hand) mio: ok! Meme: "Wh-What? You would like to dance?" -iris and shinra dance too....they suck at it. shinra especially sucks at the slow dance- mio: yes...i-if thats ok with you. Meme: "..." (smiles) "I would love that." tsugumi: *VIRBRATING* Anya: (frowns) "Well, good for them..." (pouts) clay: if you want to dance, i guess i could..... .////////////. Anya: .////. "Fine. Might as well see how commoners dance..." (smirks) "Let's see whether you can keep up." clay: challenge accepted your highness. Anya: (still smiling, despite herself) "Cute." Akane: "Tsugumi?" tsugumi: ah! oh, akane-kun! Akane: (smiles) "I guess it's just you and me." (holds out his hand) tsugumi: 0//////0 o-ok. Akane: (leads her to the dance floor) -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." (reading the news from Vegas) "Fuck." chie: is everything ok? Yohei: "...Chie, sit down." chie: oh no... Yohei: "We have a problem..." Yohei: "...I think I found NoFix." chie: !! Yohei: "Las Vegas." mana: oh crap. Shotaro: "..." Tuhl: "So, what's your plan? Kinda far from us, isn't it?" chie: what do we do....? Yohei: "...I've been working on something...It's in the garage." chie: *she looks inside* **A tank-shaped futuristic vehicle is parked* Yohei: (taps button on his set of keys, causing the car alarm to chirp and turn off) Yohei: "Say hello to the FST-V: Fusion/Transportation Vehicle." chie: wow. mana: neato! Shotaro: "Oooooooo..." Tuhl: "No wonder you haven't gotten much sleep. So, how fast does this thing go?" -elsewhere- Ponera: "...I'm sorry. _What_ is happening in Las Vegas?" shaula daaaayum shit's going doooown! Nals: "What shall we do? Intervene? Or let the city burn?" grimoire: lets not meddle in this. lets wait to see how this plays out. Ponera: "...Very well. We shall wait and--" o___O "Is that Alone?!" **Video footage of a werewolf mauling humans** grimoire: oh god dammit -_-# Ponera: (steam coming out of her ears) "HE'S TRAIPSING AROUND VEGAS?! WHAT DOES HE THINK HE IS DOING?! Stupid stupid stupid!!!" shaula: relax i'll call him up. -in vegas- NoFix: "I love Vegas..." (lights his cigarette on a nearby fire burning outside) kinuta: just like spring break all over. hell fucking yes. grunt: hey wolfy, yer mom's callin. Alone: "???" (glares) "Call me that again, and you'll be my next supper!" (snatches the phone) "Hello?" shaula: *she hands the phone to ponera* Ponera: "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU STUPID MUTT?!" Alone: o\\\\o "I think you got the wrong number--" Ponera: "Alone! What are you doing?!" Alone: "I-I-I got roped into something! By a scary murderous Dokeshi and a witch!" Ponera: "YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH ANOTHER WITCH?!" grimoire: easy now. NoFix: "...Hey, Sugar Tits? Who's he talkin' to?" kinuta: *shrugs* Alone: "Please, Lady Ponera! This can still work for your plan! I mean, a little chaos helps you and Grimoire, right" kinuta: ooohhh i think he's talking to that ant bitch. Alone: "Shh! She'll hear--" Ponera: " 'BITCH'? 'BITCH'?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU DRIED UP OLD SKANK?!" kinuta: ok i'm sorry WHAT?! Ponera: "SLUT! WHORE! What, you need a thesaurus?! I bet you spread your legs at the drop of a dime!" kinuta: at least i can actually get some miss virgin! Ponera: (pouting) "Gaaaah! I can get some whenever I want! I just don't want some!" kinuta: too bad it's hard with those scrawny little bags taped to your chest. Ponera: o\\\\o (crosses her arms over her chest) "BITCH!" grimoire: ...... (thinking: still cute though)) kinuta: what was that? it sounded like me winning. NoFix: "Let me try..." (takes the phone from Alone) "How 'bout I come on by and--" shaula: kinda reminds me of us, eh sis? medusa: fuck off. shaula: yep. good times. gooood tiiimes. Ponera: (listening...and her face looks more and more horrified until) "EEEEEEEEW!!!" (tosses the phone) grimoire: what now? Ponera: "DESTROY LAS VEGAS! I WANT ALONE SKINNED ALIVE, HIS HIDE BECOMING MY NEW RUG!" grimoire: yes ma'am. we'll send a squad now. Ponera: "Good..." (looks down) "They aren't that small..." shaula: they're still bigger than medusa's used to- *PUNCH* shaula: worth it medusa: fuck you. Ponera: (stares at Medusa's) "Maybe if I got pregnant..." grimoire: ............................................... (thinking: do i go for it or no.....) Ponera: "...Grimoire? Why are you still here? Order the attack!" grimoire: right. -elsewhere- Spirit: "The team is ready?" nygus: ready. blair: on it~ eruka: do i have to go? Free: (pats her head) "Need your explosions against them." (smiles) "Think of it as payback." eruka: *gulps* ok. Spirit: "Let's move out..." -elsewhere- ?????: yeah, thing's are getting pretty wild doc.............mmmhmm... i hear ya loud and clear....understood... i'll try to keep casualties to a minimum.....keyword, 'try'~ Person #2: "That bad, huh?" ????: dont worry about it. i'll make sure this is done cleanly, and stylishly~<3 Person #2: (eyeroll) "How about just cleanly? Seriously, why 'stylishly' when 'quickly' would be better?"' ????: clearly you dont know me very well~<3 hehe~ Person #2: "Obviously." (checks something) "Okay. My energy level is back to optimal. You ready?" ????: yep. i'll get this ready then~ Person #2: (nods, turns around, retrieves their sword) -elsewhere- Patty: "Woot!" (holds up Bobbin' for Apples Trophy) liz: great job sis! Kid: (claps) "What's next?" -the announcements for the dance king and queen- kim: neat. *she won last year's* Kid: "..." (holds Stocking's hand) Arthur: (smirks at Shinra) lord death: the dance kind and queen are..... layla richards and andre lee! kimiko: congrats layla! layla: *blush* wow! Kid: (applauding) -later, elsewhere- Spirit: "We are now approaching Las Vegas." nygus: good god. Free: "...Damn. It's a wreck..." blair: why dont we crash this party then~ Spirit: (serious) "Yes." blair: *she turns up the tunes; queen's 'dont stop me now' Spirit: "..." (small smile) "Good song choice." -in vegas- **Grunts knocked to the floor* ???: "I-- (Grunt knocked down) "wanted--" (another knocked down) "a Vegas trip--" (another knocked down) "for myself." **Kami Albarn throws one grunt into another, crashing them through a wall** grunt #87: Q-Q Kami: "AND I CAN'T EVEN GET THAT!" (jabs her foot into Grunt #87's groin) grunt #87: ooH! mommy! >x< Kami: "Mommy isn't here! There is only Kami--" (punch) "Fucking--" (punch) "Albarn!" (punch punch punch) -music intensifies- Kami: (stands, hearing the screams of the attacked) "Back to work..." (runs to save people) -in the truck- eruka: *gulps* i think the tire broke....... Spirit: "Damn it!" *kicks the wheels--then grimaces* blair: time to party? Spirit: "...What?! How is that going to get us to Vegas?!" blair: we're already _in_ vegas. **Things on fire** Spirit: "..." (facepalm) Spirit: "Let's just stop NoFix..." eruka: k. THUNDERCATS HO! Free: "...But I'm a wolf." eruka: you know what i mean! Free: "Fine..." (werewolf mode) "Let's do this!" -the truck door is open- **The Crew rolls out of the truck in slow motion** eruka: can we just go now? Spirit: "Yeah, seriously." Free: *grumble* "Fine." -they go around and evacuate civilians- Spirit: (helping a child onto an evacuation vehicle) "You're going to be okay--get out of here." child: *holding a rabbit doll* m-mama....*sniff* Spirit: "???" (looks around) "Your mother isn't here, sweetly?" child: a scary monster ate her and she spilled ketchup, but she wasnt waking up... Spirit: "..." (looks around) "Do you have someone with you? Your father? Grandparent?" child: *he shakes his head* Spirit: "...Okay. Free? Stay with this kid." Free: "Wait, what?" Spirit: (death glare) Free: o_o; "O-Okay..." child: q.q eruka: easy there little guy. Free: "Y-Yeah...Let's get you all out of here to safety." (looks at Blair and Spirit) -after the first group of civilians is taken to safety- Spirit: "...Blair? Are you ready for this?" blair: yeah. Spirit: (nods, turns to soldiers) "Fan out, corner the targets. You have your orders: kill if necessary." soldier: understood sir! Spirit: "Man, and I'm going to need a meister out there--" *BOOM!* Grunt #89: "Ah! She's insane!" blair: ?? Kami: (walks through the smoke) "Oh...I knew I felt your obnoxious soul here, Spirit..." Spirit: T_T blair: oh hey kami~ Kami: (smiles) "Hello, Blair." (glares at Spirit) "So, I guess I'm stuck wielding you." Spirit: "..." (transforms into her hand) "Our orders are--" Kami: "Slice to kill--I know. Blair, what're you going to do?" blair: smoke these little bugs out~ ~HALLOWEEN BOMB BETA~ Kami: (smiles) "Good..." (swings Spirit at a flood of Grunts, knocking them to the floor) "Where are the mass murdering fuckheads that need to be put down?" -deeper in city limits- ????: hellooooooo~? Resident: (hyperventilating, trying to stay quiet) ?????: mr dokeeeshiiiii? are you in here~? Resident: ("D-Dokeshi? What're they talkin' about?") *Whistling heard* ????: *she listens for it* NoFix: "Someone callin' me~?" nui: hi there~ NoFix: "What're you want with me, little girl?" nui: i'm here on behalf of my employers to invite you to join our group *she hands him an invitation* NoFix: (holds it) "..." (rips it in half) "Give me the Cliffs Notes version." nui: *she gives him a buisness card for the Nirvana Corperation; advancing humanity, advancing life* NoFix: " 'Advancing'? Babe, I'm not into 'advancing'--I'm into spinning! Why the fuck would anyone want me to help 'advance' anything?!" nui: well we want to tap into humanity's biological secrets and bring them to their full potential. then we cut down the weaker links to make room for a stronger generation. NoFix: "...Do I get to kill people?" nui: yes indeedy~! NoFix: "Okay! So, what happens to the crew I got with me?" nui: the more the merrier~ NoFix: "Sweet. So, what do we do with Las Vegas? Finish up here or leave now?" nui: call up your friends and we can head over ASAP. NoFix: (pulls out his phone) "Attention Minions! We're leaving Las Vegas!" kinuta: whaaat, already?.....hey, where did poochy go? -outside, by some rubble- --Elsewhere-- eruka: *nervous* Alone: (slobbering) "Hello, Froggy..." eruka: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *squeaky voice* oh no. Alone: (dashes at her, howling) eruka: *SCREAM AND BEGINS TO RUN LIKE HELL* NOOOOOO TADPOLE JACKSON SAVE MEEEEEEE Alone: (leaps, ready to descend onto her) eruka: *SHE TOSSES A TADPOLE JACKSON AT HIM* Alone: (slashes through Tadpole Jackson, descending still onto her as Jackson's innards fall down...) eruka: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Q~~~~~~~~~~Q Alone: (lands on Eruka, pinning her) "Well, hello..." eruka: *screams* Alone: "I got my lust up! And you've had this comin' for a long time!" -CROTCH KICK ATTACK- Alone: T_____T ("Why didn't I put metal down there...?") "You...bitch..." eruka: *POOF* *frog mode and flees* not today! not today! Alone: "Get back here!" (struggles to snatch at her) eruka: *dodging as best as she can* Alone: "Got ya!" (snatches her) eruka: eek! Alone: "Hee hee hee...How should I start? Where should I start?" (his tongue, salivating, gets closer to her...) eruka: !!!!! ???: "No!" (Werewolf fist to Alone's head, knocking him down and freeing Eruka from his mitts) *Free has arrived* eruka: *lands on his head* [NICE LANDING] Free: "Eruka, I'm gonna need some bombs..." Alone: o_o; Free: "Lots of them..." eruka: ok. *summons some tadpole jacksons* Alone: "Oh no..." Free: "Demon Cannon / Tadpole Bomb Combined Attack: GO!" -BWOOOOOOM- Alone: (twitching) Free: "Eruka...Are you safe?" eruka: y-yeah, i think so.... Free: (awkward big wolf hugging tiny frog) eruka: *hug* Q.Q thanks Free: "...Let's get this monster chained before he wakes up) blair: ~chain alpha~ now what to do with him~? Free: "I don't know that the DWMA is going to be enough for this dude..." eruka: hmmm... witch world prison? Free: (nods) "Get this punk there..." eruka: *she makes a call* hi, yeah we got something for pick up.....hmmm....we have him chained....kinda scawny lookin......slobbery....ok. Free: "..." (kicks Alone in the ribs) Alone: "Omph!" (knocked back out) -elsewhere in the city- Kami: "...I can't sense them...Where is that blasted witch?" ????: ufufufufu~<3 Kami: "?!" Spirit: "Behind you!" -BWOOOM- Kami: "Aaah!" (knocked back) kinuta: well hello spirit, it's been a while~<3 *in another revealing outfit* Spirit: "...You murderous monster..." kinuta: a sexy murderous monster, right~? *wink* Spirit: "...Kami? Kill her." Kami: "?! ... Okay..." (charges Witch Hunter) kinuta: *scared face* Kami: "Let's go!" Spirit: "Right!" kinuta: !!!! Kami: (almost instantly in front of Kinuta, swinging Spirit at her--) kinuta: iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *PIERCE* Kami: "?!" (coughs blood--as fingers are pierced through her shoulder) Spirit: "...Kami!" NoFix: "..." (fist slammed into Kami's head) kinuta:......*smirk* Kami: (knocked to the floor) Spirit: (reverts to human form) "H-How?" NoFix: "I can hide my Soul Wavelength by spinning it..." (seizes Spirit by the face) Spirit: "Gah!" kinuta: aw, thanks babe~ NoFix: (spins fingers to break Spirit's nose, then tosses him towards Kinuta) "New playtoy for you, Sweetie." kinuta: *kicks him several times* how about we give them a show~? NoFix: "When in Vegas..." (starts unbuckling his pants) kinuta: *starts stripping* NoFix: "Oh, yeah..." (pulls down his boxers) Spirit: (struggling to stay awake) "K-Kami...Don't...Please..." Kami: (she's not moving; that wound on her forehead looks back) kinuta: oh shut up you! NoFix: (kicks Spirit in the head) "That better, Sexy?" (holds her at the waist) kinuta: oh yes~ Spirit: (struggling to transform his arm...and fails. He collapses) NoFix: (presses himself against her as he plants his mouth on her neck) -elsewhere- Kid: (hugs her) "My enchanted angel..." stocking: tonight was great, kiddo. *she smiles* Kid: (smiles back) "...You know...we don't have to get out of these costumes yet..." stocking: oh~? Kid: (leans to her neck...and bites lightly) stocking: ah~ Kid: (his hand moves down...) stocking: ahhh~ Kid: (lowers himself, as he reaches under her dress to pull down her underwear...) stocking: *blush* Kid: (pulls them down with his teeth, as he looks up with them in his mouth) stocking: ooh... Kid: (drops her panties, as he lifts up her dress, lets it rest over him, as his hands grip her cheeks and his lips start kissing her thighs...) -elsewhere- Wes: "You have a good night, Liz?" liz: yeah, thanks for coming with me. Wes: (smiles) "Anytime...Great costume design, too." liz: thanks, hehe. Wes: "...I like a lot of what you wear...It looks great on you." liz: *blush* Wes: "..." (blushes as well, looks at her face) "Well..." liz: y-yeah... Wes: "..." (leans his face closer to hers...) liz:..... -chu- liz: >///////////////////< Wes: "!!!" (closes his eyes, holding her for a small kiss) liz: *soon, she pulls back for air* ahh.... w-wow. Wes: "Y-Yeah...That was...Wow." liz: *bluuuuush* -meanwhile- kirika: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Gopher: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Yumi: (covering her mouth) "Oh God..." lord death:.... (thinking: please be careful down there....) Yumi: "...Why didn't you tell Kid?" lord death: .............i should tell him. i didnt want to worry him. Yumi: (nods) "I don't disagree with your decision...I just know he is not going to take it well...Can it wait until morning? I think he and Stocking...went into his room." lord death: of course... -the next day- Kid: "..." (buries his head in his hands) stocking: kid.... Kid: "We should have been there..." stocking: *she hugs him* Kid: (hugs her, cries a little) stocking: its going to be ok kid... Kid: "...All those people..." liz: a lot of them were escorted here. Kid: "How many hospitalized?" liz:............quite a lot. Kid: "...What about DWMA members?" liz:........spirit and kami are hospitalized.... Kid: "...How serious?" -in the hospital- Kami: (unconscious) Spirit: "..." ("A weapon is supposed to protect the meister...Goddamnit...") soul:...........hey...... Spirit: "Soul?" soul: hey mr a..... Spirit: "...Hey. I'd get up, but..." soul: yeah........ Spirit: "What're you doing here?" soul: i wanted to check up on you guys... Spirit: "...I appreciate that..." (looks at Kami) "God..." soul: ........................... Spirit: "...I couldn't protect her...That bastard...I failed her..." soul:..............................*he remembers maka* Spirit: "..." (starts crying) "Look at me...If she was awake, she'd be calling me a wimp...And if M-M-Mak--..." soul:........ *he hugs him* Spirit: o_o "..." (returns the hug, patting his back) "...I'm sorry, Soul." soul:.............it's.....not your fault.......... Spirit: "...I know...I'm sorry about...about Maka..." soul:........................... Spirit: (crying) "I can't lose more people...I can't lose Kami, too..." soul:.......... ???: "Wimp..." Spirit: "?!" soul: you ok? Kami: (still unconscious, but talking in her sleep...and crying) "Maka...I'm sorry, baby..." (sobbing in her sleep) soul:...................... Spirit: "..." (clutches Soul, as he hears his ex-wife re-gaining consciousness but mourning...) soul:.............. Kami: "It's my fault...It's all my fault..." (her heart monitor starts fluctuating, prompting a nurse to enter) soul: ................... (thinking: what can i do...........maka, i could use some advice, if you can hear me....) [Maka: "...Be there for them. Please? For me, Soul? I'll...I'll try something..."] soul:............ok. **Soul sees something...someone emerging along Kami...** soul: !! Spirit: "What?" (sniffing, still crying) "What's wrong, Soul?" **Maka's ghostly form, like an angel, emerges, wrapping her arms around Kami...** soul:....its ok. **Maka smiles at Soul, as she closes her eyes and hugs her mother...and her heart rate normalizes...** soul:........ *he smiles* Nurse: (sighs) "She stabilizing..." Kami: "M-Maka..." Spirit: "..." -elsewhere- NoFix: "Nice digs." nui: indeed it is, sir. luka: (one of the scientists at nirvana) ah, so you returned with the dokeshi? Solence: (shaking with fear) luka: welcome to the Nirvana corp HQ, deep in the heart of lysandra city. NoFix: (crossing his arms) "So what's up? How do I fit into your plans of 'human advancement' or whatever?" luka: allow me to explain, our goal is to tap into humanity's full potential. since dokeshi can use more than the normal percent of their brain, they might just be the link we need to create the ultimate humans. NoFix: "Tch. You act like Dokeshi ain't already the ultimate humans." (stretches) "But if it's perfection you're looking for, you came to the right person." (winks at Luka) "I'm perfection itself." luka:..........right, anyway. NoFix: (pouts) Solence: (whimpering) ?????: *comes up behind solence* do you have a moment to spare, sir? Solence: "DON'T HURT ME!" ?????: i dont plan on hurting you just yet.... i would like to speak to you about our lord, kishin asura. Solence: "O-Okay...What about this Asur--WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'YET'?!" luka: dammit noriko if you're gonna harrass people do it outside. noriko: of course......this way....dont keep me waiting... kukuku.... Solence: "HELP ME!" NoFix: (eyeroll) "Stop whining." (turns back to Luka, looking up and down) "When do we get started?" noriko: i can help you.....to find salvation in madness.... Solence: "I-I-I have enough madness now, thanks! Everyone around here is insane!" -something screams in one of the rooms- dr shimeiji, one of the pierrots just scratched me! Solence: o____o luka: well good for you. NoFix: " 'Pierrots'?" luka: its one of our projects. i'll explain that along the way. NoFix: (staring at her backside as they walk) luka: -as you can see, its still a work in progess. NoFix: "Uh huh...Uh huh..." (finally looks up) "Holy shit! That one looks freaky!" luka: ah yes, asphyxia, formerly known as Dr Julia Green. NoFix: "...Can I touch its face?" luka: if you want to risk being bitten. she's been rather bitter recently. NoFix: "I like being bit! It's not like there are any side effects to a Clown bite, right?" luka: if you get clown blood in your blood stream, you kiiinda turn into a clown when you die. NoFix: "..." (pulls back hand) "So, you got a bed for me and my lady? And my other lady?" luka:........... you can use the spare clinic rooms. they rarely get used anymore. NoFix: "Sweet! Saki, get your butt in here!" saki:............................. NoFix: "You too, Cutie Witchie." kinuta: alright then! NoFix: "Heh heh heh...Looking forward to your new home, Cutie?" kinuta: oh yeah. saki:.................. mimeca: ^w^ NoFix: "Hey, Lady! I'll just need an hour, okay?" luka: alright then. NoFix: "Heh heh heh..." (hangs up his own "DO NOT DISTURB" sign) -the noises..............iiii'll just leave those to your imagination- Solence: (whimpering) -elsewhere- Kid: (at the hospital) "Soul, how are they?" soul: doing well. Kid: "All things considering, I guess..." (looks into Spirit and Kami's room) "How are they getting along?" soul: decently. Kid: "...Kami looks like she went through hell." soul:................... Kid: "...Would they mind if I met with them?" ???: "Soul!" soul: ?? Wes: "Soul!" (hugs him) soul: !! uh, hey wes. Wes: (lets go) "I thought you would be here--I tried to get here earlier--Are you okay? How are your friends?" soul: they're doing good. Wes: (nods) "That's good." (spots--) "Oh. Hello, Kid." Kid: "H-Hi...I was just going to go in...Excuse me." (exits) Wes: "..." (looks at Soul) "You sure you're okay?" soul: yeah, i'm sure bro. Wes: (nods) "Okay. Can I get you anything? Do you know when you'll be heading home?" soul: not sure yet. Wes: "...Mind if I stay?" soul:........if you want. Wes: "...I do." (sits next to him) soul: ............ Wes: "..." ("I wonder if he is okay being here...since the last time we were here at a hospital...") soul: you alright? Wes: (smiles) "Yes. I enjoyed the dance last night." soul: that's good. Wes: "Yeah...I wish you were on the dance floor more. You're really good at it." soul: i didnt have a physical date. Wes: "...Right. Well, nothing wrong with dancing with a friend...Or a brother." soul: ............*weak smile* Wes: (pats a hand on his shoulder, smiles) -elsewhere- Shotaro: "..." (picks up an object, bites Bone of the Bird, and flies down from the rubble towards a child) "Is this your Mr. Fluffy?" (holds a teddy bear up to the child) girl: *she hugs the doll tightly* Shotaro: "Hee hee...You're welcome. Well, I better get back to my friends!" (Bone of the Dog: sprints away) boy: wooooow. *staring at the car* Yohei: "Hey, kid? Want to sit in the driver's seat?" boy: dude for real?! Yohei: "Yeah." (picks him up and drops him into the seat) "Not like the car will start up: it's tuned into my retinal scan, weight, height, and voice command." boy: coooool! Tuhl: "Mana, Chie, take a break--I got you drinks." mana: neat. chie: thanks Tuhl: (sips his kiwi juice) "Where did Shotaro run off to?" mana: *shrug* *BoOM* Shotaro: "Ow!" *He ran into a wall* "Owie..." mana: *sweatdrop* Shotaro: (drags himself over) "Heh...Went too fast..." Tuhl: "..." (sets bottle of water atop Shotaro's head, next to his new bump) -elsewhere- Patty: (hugging Liz) liz: ............. Patty: "It's so sad, Sis..." liz: i know.......... Patty: "...Everything was fun last night...You, Wes...Then..." liz: yeah......... Patty: (wipes a tear) "I don't want the kids seeing this...I-I'm going to try to play some games with them." liz: good idea. Patty: "...I'll get the board games, can you get some cookies and hot chocolate?" liz: ok. --Later— Kid: "Zzz..." (slowly opens his eyes) stocking: kiiiiddoooo, wakey wakey~ Kid: (yawn) "Oh, hello..." stocking: i want to show you something really cool. Kid: (stretches) "Oh? Okay..." (gets up) -she leads him to the ballroom- Kid: "???" 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY KID!' Kid: "Oh! ..." (smiles) "Th-Thank you..." -after a few presents- Kid: (smiling widely) "This is so kind of you all. Thank you, especially my family..." (looking at Yumi, Lord Death, Stocking, Liz, Patty, the extended Thompson family, Kirika) kirika: *playing her game* Kid: "...Well, it's the thought that counts..." Patty: (smiling) Yumi: (pats Kid's head) -elsewhere- Kami: (reading a book) Spirit: (looking at the ceiling) nurse: doing well? Kami: "..." Spirit: "Better, thanks..." ("She won't even talk...") nurse: do take it easy, sir. Spirit: (small smile) "I'm not going anywhere." Kami: (eyeroll) nurse: *she smiles and exits* Spirit: "Kami, I--" Kami: "I'm fine." (back to reading) Spirit: "..." (back to studying the ceiling) "At least visit Maka before you leave." --Elsewhere— Ponera: (rubbing her temples) "Could you two witches PLEASE shut the hell up...?" shaula: she started it! medusa: *held back by grimoire* I'M GOING TO SKIN YOU YOU F***************!!!! grimoire: think of your baby. medusa:............... Ponera: "Yes, please...What even started this squabble?" medusa: SHE TOOK PICTURES OF MY BOOBS TO SEND TO HER WEIRD FRIEND! Ponera: o_o Nals: o_O Killbell: "...Boobies?" grimoire: down boy. shaula: cause they're bigger than mine. consider it a compliment. medusa: YOU LITERALLY ARE THE WORST EVER!! Ponera: "Um...Shaula, go to your room. No video games for a month." shaula: YOU'RE NOT MY MOM! XP Ponera: "...Killbell? Escort Shaula to her room... Killbell: "Okay..." (approaches Shaula) -elsewhere- Kid: (dining on birthday cake) "Mmmm~ Tasty!" stocking: mmmm~ so good~! Patty: (sharing some with Jules) Kid: (smiles at Stocking) "How long were you all planning this?" lord death: all month. Kid: "R-Really?" Yumi: "You are worth it, Kid." (kisses his forehead) "Happy birthday." julie: hehe ^^ Kid: (blushes a bit) "Thank you all..." Black Star: "Wait 'til you see your gifts, man." stocking: here you go~ Kid: (smiles) "Thank you..." (begins to open...) -its a new jacket- Kid: "Excellent! Fine quality, too..." (tries it on) "Great fit!" liz: looks good. Patty: (nods, frosting along her cheek) Kid: "Whom do I have to thank for this jacket?" liz: we got that for you. Kid: (smiles) "I love it--thank you!" (hugs them) liz: aww. Patty: "Hee hee..." (hugs back) -later- Kid: "This was great. Thank you." stocking: i have one more thing for you. *whispers* but that's for later tonight~<3 Kid: o\\\\o "O-Okay..." (clears throat) "Father, Mother, thank you." lord death: of course, kiddo. Yumi: "We love you, son." (hug) Kid: (looks to Liz and Patty) "And you two...I could not be more blessed to have partners like you." liz: aw shucks. Patty: "You're darn right we are!" (noogie) Kid: "Ah! Patty, my hair!" (laughing a bit) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I only hope I can mature with this next year..." liz: i'm sure you will. Patty: (nods) "Definitely more mature than me!" ((20 sounds good)) soul: yeah. Patty: (pouts at Soul) Black Star: "Just don't take yourself too seriously, buddy." soul: yeah. Kid: (smiles) "I'll try." (holds Stocking's hand) stocking: *she smiles as well* Kid: "Perhaps a toast, to the future?" -the next day- Kid: "Mmmmm..." *yawns* stocking: zzzzzzzzzzz......... *still in her ribbons* Kid: (blushes a bit but smiles..."She is so sexy...") (wraps his arms around her, kisses along her ear) stocking: mmmm....... Kid: "Good morning, sexy...How did you sleep?" stocking: pretty good. Kid: (kisses her shoulder) "You...gave me a great sleep..." stocking: how're you feeling, birthday boy~? Kid: (smiles) "Older, I think a bit wiser..." (kisses her cheek) "...and more in love with you than ever before." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (picks at one ribbon) "God, you are the best girlfriend ever..." stocking: ah~! Kid: (strokes under the ribbon) "Stocking...You know what would be...interesting?" stocking: what~? Kid: (whispers) "You know those photographs we've taken...?" stocking: which ones~? Kid: (tugs a bit on the ribbon between her legs) "The sexiest ones...Like the one of that face you make when you cum?" stocking: what about them~? Kid: "Stocking...it is okay if you are not interested..." (kisses along her neck) "...but would you be interested in recording us...making love?" stocking: .//////////. *she looks down* Kid: "...It's fine. Just an idea...We don't have to..." stocking: i-i'd rather not..... *sad smile* Kid: "...Oh. Yes...Stocking, I'm sorry." stocking: it's fine, kid. *she strokes his cheek* Kid: (holds her hand) "...Thank you. You have given me so much, Stocking...I wish I could give as much to you..." stocking: you already have. Kid: (smiles...leans down to lightly kiss her lips) stocking: mmmmm.... Kid: (holds her closer, as his fingers tug on the ribbons...) -later- Patty: (has made breakfast for everyone) "Dig in, Birthday Boy. Oh, and everyone else!" liz: alright! Kid: (sparkling eyes) "I'm surprised, Patty--this all looks delicious!" Patty: (passes cinnamon rolls to Stocking) stocking: yum~ Patty: (passes pancakes to Julie, Heather, and Riley) "So, what's on today's schedule?" -at school- Kid: "What is our first class?" (still reviewing maps) -they got survival- Patty: "..." (putting on camaflague paint) shinra: ................doesnt look like tamaki is here today. Arthur: "I wonder where she is." (internal screaming) ryuuko: i heard she called in sick today. Arthur: "Hmmm..." ("...Maybe I should stop by her station and see how she is feeling...") "Any idea what is wrong?" ryuuko: i didnt get too many details, all i heard is that she called in sick. or rather commander burns called in to say she is sick... Arthur: "I see..." ("Why did he call in? Is she feeling that badly that she couldn't herself?") shinra: .................. Arthur: "...Hey, Shinra? Can you let the commander know I will be late getting back to the station? I think I'll stop by to see how Tamaki is recovering." shinra: ok then. Arthur: "...Thanks." Sid: "Enough talking: you have survival training." (gestures to Clay) "Release the dogs." clay: yes sir. Kid: "...Wait, what?" mikami: Q-Q *Dogs released...and Free in werewolf form* Free: *woof woof woof!* "Run and dodge before the dogs get to you!" Patty: "Awwwww, puppies!" (tackled by dogs) -later- Kid: o__o "I"m just happy this is an _old_ jacket..." (jacket ripped and scratched) stocking: aww.... Kid: "How are you?" stocking: ok. yukari: -and i dont know _what_ you are doing to these poor dogs to make them so feral, but clearly it must be something unethical! how can you people even live with yourselves?! mizuki: -_-; Sid: "These dogs are not feral: they are trained to hunt their targets." Free: (petting one dog) "That's good work, buddy--now, let's play fetch! You throw the ball this time and I'll catch it!" mizuki: sis, just drop it please. -_-; -later- Patty: (covered in scratches) -___- "These mutts play rough." liz: yeah. *bandaging patti* Kid: (looking again at maps, tapping his finger) liz: ...... Kid: *sigh* "We need these Sages. After Vegas, we need help..." liz: yeah.... you say we found valcona? Kid: (nods) "I think a visit is in order." liz: great! Kid: "I will direct Father to let us organize our team and get transportation ready...I think we should depart in three days." liz: good idea. Patty: (frowns) "Valcona is going to be hot, isn't it?" liz: it is a fire region. we'll have to talk to hibana about getting a secure route. Kid: (nods) "And perhaps bring in additional members of the Fire Brigade. Wait, where is Hibana? Still in custody?" liz: yeah. Kid: "Hmm...I guess we're seeing her in prison then?" -the holding facility is actually quite nice.- Hibana: "Hmph. This is torture. I can't even get my favorite tea." (rings bell) "Oh, guard! I need another soft drink!" liz: *gulp* Kid: ._. "This jail cell looks better than bedrooms I have had..." gabriella: !!! oh, princess, we have visitors! Hibana: "Oh, look--the shinigami and his twins." (shuts her book, walks up to them) "To what do I owe this pleasure?" (eyeroll) liz: .///////. Patty: "..." (whispers to Liz) "She's scary but in a kind of hot way." Kid: ("Focus, Patty...") "We need your secure route to the Fire Region." Hibana: "Oh, really? Let me think--No." (turns back to her book) Kid: "?!" (looks to Liz) liz: hibana? i am such a huge fan! Hibana: "...Really?" liz: yeah, your perfumes are just to die for! Hibana: (smiling) "Well, that goes without saying. Tell me, which is your favorite?" -later- Kid: "...Liz, you are amazing." liz: awww, no biggie. *rubs knuckles against her shirt* Kid: (holds something) "I'm surprised she gave you a coupon for one dollar off her newest perfume...which still will cost an exorbitant amount of money..." Hibana: (blushing in her cell, smiling) "Hee hee...My fans love me..." gabriella: why wouldnt they? you're the best! Hibana: "Ah, Gabriella, you're making me blush..." (frowns, holds up her glass) "Refill." gabriella: yes ma'am! -later, elsewhere- Yumi: (in the Death Room) "You are approved for transportation." (hands Liz a set of keys) "Don't scratch the Airship, and get a pilot for it." liz: yes ma'am.....so, who's gonna be our pilot? <x> Gen < > Naigus < > ???? < > Black Star Yumi: "Gen will meet you at the Airship. Good luck." -and so- Kid: "I think we have everything ready." Patty: -_- "I. Hate. Heat." -begin the trek to valcona mountain- Black Star: (singing the Indiana Jones theme) -they landed and continued to the cave entrance by foot- Patty: (grumbling) Kid: (in shirt and slacks) "This is the path Hibana provided, right?" liz: yeah, but they never went further than the path. so i guess this is our way to the sage, then. Kid: (inhales) "Okay. Everyone, we go forward. Meisters, try to sense any soul wavelengths nearby. Weapons, transform so that we are armed." -they trek the path to a cave entrance, someone could be heard inside- Kid: "You hear that?" liz: sounds like....hammering metal? Kid: "..." (looks inside the cave entrance...) -seems a shadow can be seen hammering something- Kid: "..." < > Approach < > Continue exploring <continue to search the area, you might find items!> Kid: (spots something along one wall) -obtained 1 fire stone- Kid: "...Hmmm...I wonder what can be done with this..." -a few fire blossoms were added to the inventory- Kid: (smells something...looks around another corner Patty: "Whatever it is, it smells good..." **Someone is cooking a meal** ???: *cooking a steak....with fire magic?* Kid: ("A kitchen?" But where do I find the Sage...") ???: hmm? oh, are you from the village? *the lady seems nice enough* Kid: ._. "Um...more like one from far away." ????: well you come on in, dears. Kid: (signals to others to not withdraw their weapons, enters) ????: so what brings you our way? we dont get visitors too often, and usually they just come for buisness matters dealing with my son. Kid: "We are here seeking the advice of the Fire Sage." ???: ah, i see. you just dig on in kiddos. MARZE HONEY! YOU HAVE VISITORS! Kid: (spoons up some of the soup) " 'Marze'?" ???: my other son. he inherited the title from his father, god rest his soul. Kid: "Oh..." (returns to his meal) Marze: *a young man enters* oh? who're these people, ma? ???: they're... where you kid's from? Kid: "We are from Death City. I am Death the Kid." marze: death city, huh? what brings ya'll out here? Kid: "And we desire to gather the Sages to contain it." -after the situation is explained- marze: well, sounds like quite the pickle ya'll are in. well i'd be happy to help you guys. looks like i have to show you that song pa always tought me. *he goes elsewhere before returning with some bongos* Kid: (" 'Pickle'? 'Bongos'? Has this person met my father?") "Um...Okay..." marze: *he begins to play* -obtained the mountain mambo- Patty: "Ooooo, that's a good tune!" (claps) -later- Kid: "I wonder how this tune will help us find the next Sage..." liz: we'll need to find the forest sage.... and a new sky sage... Kid: (looks at a map) "Forest...Forest...I wonder where..." -elsewhere- Arthur: (knocking on 1st Brigade Station door) guard: yeah? Artur: "Um...Is Tamaki accepting visitors?" guard:........she's not feeling well. Arthur: "O-Okay...Could you pass this along to her?" (holds up a decorated basket with a new teapot and some teas) guard:...... *he looks inside the teapot* sure thing, now move along. tamaki: *she looks outside the window* Arthur: "..." (turns, walks away, under the window) tamaki: ?? *she knocks the glass* Arthur: "???" (turns, sees the window) tamaki: *she looks confused, but she seems perfectly fine* Arthur: "...Hey? Can you hear me?" tamaki: ?? -karim appears behind her and shuts the curtain- Arthur: "?!" ("...I better tell the Commander about this...") -elsewhere- Shotaro: *snoring* "Zzz..." chie: looks like he had a busy day. Yohei: "Given how much debris he was clearing, yeah, I'd say so." (puts a blanket over him) "Little troublemaker..." (small smile) chie: yeah... *she rubs his head* but he means well. Yohei: (nods...) "Mayor of Las Vegas asked about him." chie: and? Yohei: "...If he were human, he'd get the key to the city. But since he's a Dokeshi..." chie: oh................. Yohei: "...Screw her. That mayor's just covering her ass." chie: ...............we're not monsters....... Yohei: "..." (hugs her) chie:.....*teary eyed* thanks.... Yohei: "You're welcome. Come on--let's get take-out. Useless over here we'll be starving when he wakes up." chie: *chuckles* hey now. Yohei: (chuckling, jokingly) "Come on--he's asleep. If he was really useful, he'd help us bring home all that food he's going to munch on." -elsewhere- NoFix: (staring at Clowns in jars) "Incredible..." mimeca: o.o NoFix: (taps the glass) clown: *stares back* kinuta:.............um. one of them is out. luka: that' just kaguya. NoFix: "Huh? Is that a problem, having a clown clowning around out there?" luka: she's one of the more...advanced clowns. she's mostly pretty docile...........though that might be pushing it. NoFix: "...Is she troublesome?" (smirks) "Need someone to bring her home?" luka: i wouldnt- Kaguya: (singing heard) "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." kinuta: good music taste. luka: *excalibur face* Kaguya: (keeps humming as she passes NoFix and Kinuta--then stops, looks back, glares) "Excuse me, my eyes are up here." mimeca: ?? owo~? kinuta: well hello to you too. Kaguya: "...Hmph." (turns up her nose) "Mentally undressing me with your eyes..." (hugs herself as she leans forward) "How unseemly." kinuta: i know that feeling. and i dont give two shits. Kaguya: "..." (looks Kinuta up and down) "You shameless trollop." (stretches, her breasts on display) "Prancing around for all the world to see your naughty bits." kinuta: hell fuckin yeah. luka: well there goes my appetite. dammit. Kaguya: *gasps* "That's just perverse!" (leans forward, shaking her backside) "What kind of a woman wants people staring at her curves, imagining what she does in her own privacy?" clown in a jar: <kaguya knock it off you're an embarrassment!> Kaguya: (stares at the Clown) "...STOP LOOKING AT MY BODY LIKE THAT!" (clutches Kinuta) "Hide me from their eyes!" kinuta:.........i didnt quite catch that, what? -elsewhere in the facility- Solence: "..." worker: god, that lady is so noisy. 'the dawn of a new era is upon us! praise to the blessed child of madness!' Solence: "Wh-What?" worker: it's....kiiinda a long story. semi-related to the whole 'clown' project thing.... some of them just flocked here after....those two showed up. Solence: "Wh-Who are...those two?" worker:.........*he looks around* kishin. two honest to fuck kishin. Solence: o_____o "...I want to go home..." -screaming is heard- worker: ohh, oh shit. Solence: "Wh-What is that?!" worker: i think that 'new era madness child' is coming. Solence: "I don't understand! What child?! What is even happening?!" worker: one of those kishins is.....kiiiiiinda pregnant. Solence: o_____________________o -elsewhere- lord death: i feel a disturbance in the force. Yumi: "Why are you quoting Star Wars, Death?" lord death: *shakes head* nothing, i'm fine. Yumi: "..." (puts a hand on his shoulder) -later- NoFix: "What was all that screaming about?" luka: well.....shit went down....baby. NoFix: "...Baby? Like, a hot chick?" luka: no, like an infant. a literal newborn. NoFix: "Oh...Yeah, that doesn't sound good. Babies are gross." -elsewhere- liz: kid? are you ok? Kid: (shakes his head) "I've had a migraine for hours..." liz: should we take you to the nurse? \heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey buuuuuuddyyyyyyyyy\ Kid: o____o "What was that?!" liz: what was what? \remember me~?\ Kid: "...Oh no..." stocking: kid? Kid: "..." (pulls out his mirror, dials) "Father? Father?!" lord death: howdy kiddo, you ok? Kid: "Father...You know that he's back." lord death: .........i know son.... Kid: (trembling) "...What do we do?" -the feeling of dread suddenly stops.- Kid: "...Damn it! I lost the location!" -back in death city- nygus: feeling better, doctor? Stein: (cold compress...and a psychotic smirk) "N-No...Ha ha! The m-m-m-madness is still--still--" aya: *worried frown* marie:...........*she puts a hand on his shoulder* valentine:..........*concerned* Stein: "Ha...ha..." (holds Marie's hand, calming down) "...No...Not again..." (whimpering) -they hug him- Stein: (stops laughing, now struggling to stop crying) "Another Kishin..." marie: ?! -elsewhere- mami: *hugging chrona* Crona: (crying) "It hurts...My head, my heart, my stomach..." mami: *stroking their head* it's ok...i'm here.... *she rubs their back* Crona: "Th-Thank you..." (hugs her back, sobbing) "M-Maka...They--They--" mami: .....i know..... -elsewhere- arachne: *calming her breathing* i think.. the pain is going away now... Giriko: (rubs her back) "What was that?" arachne: i dont know... i just felt a sharp pain in my chest, as if someone pierced right through it.... Giriko: "...Lie down. I'll get you a hot compress." arachne: ok. -elsewhere- soul: damn...... Wes: "..." Black Star: "What happened?" soul: i dont know... my scar started burning up........i think it stopped now... Wes: "That kind of inflammation...Maybe get some ointment for it?" -in the girl's dorm- mio: meme! get a hold of yourself! ao: *placing ofuda on meme's body* Meme: "No!" (clutching her head) "Stop it!" (trying to grab at Ao) Anya: "Stop it!" (clutches her by her waist) "Tsugumi! Hold her down!" \megumi kozuki *static* 'my child now' *static* TEXAS MASK *static* ‘senpai’ *static* ‘m-mommy wake up!’ *static* meme tatane *static* murderer\ Meme: "AAAAAAAAHHH!" (punches Anya in the throat, knocking her off, causing her to hit the back of her head on the floor--and fall unconscious) mio: meme please! *hugging her tightly* tsugumi: you arent in danger, you're alright! Anya: "..." Meme: "...M-Mio? Wh-What...NO! MAKE IT STOP! HE'S BACK! HE'S BAAAAACK!" (sobbing, wraps her arms around Mio) kimiko: layla! calm down! layla: no! s-stop shooting him! he d-didnt do anything! *crying and hysterical* eternal feather: ow..ow it hurts! miss misery: *she has fallen unconscious* Kana: (shivering, crying, trying to hide) girl: someone call the hospital! kim: what the fuck is wrong with them? Jacqueline: (dialing the hospital) "I don't know...Hello? We need ambulances at the girls dormitory! Girls are attacking each other!" (to Kim) "Don't just stand there--heal them!" -the next day, several people are in the hospital- Kid: "All of this...even here...How could such madness be transmitted like this?" stocking: it all happened so fast, then it just suddenly stopped. Kid: "...Stocking? That voice...It told me..." reporter: -an unusual case of mass hysteria occurred yesterday which left several people hospitalized- -the tv is turned off- Kid: (puts his head in his hands) stocking:.......... *she hugs him* Kid: (cries) -in the hospital- layla: i was just in my room, then i blacked out. that's all i can remember... Anya: (reclining in bed, the back of her head bandaged...looks to Meme, then looks away) Meme: "..." tsugumi:... *pats anya's back* mio: ................ *holding meme's hand* Anya: "...Could I have some water?" Meme: (bites her lip, trying not to cry) nurse: of course. mio: meme?.............it's ok now..... Meme: (grabs Mio, hugging her) mio: ah.... *she hugs back* Meme: (cries into Mio's shoulder) Anya: (closing her eyes, trying to cover her ears) -elsewhere in the hospital- Kana: (looks at Misery...) misery: *she's asleep* eternal feather:...... Kana: *sniff* eternal feather:....*she hugs kana* Kana: (cries quietly) -a few days passed- Spirit: "First Vegas, now the Kishin...What's the connection?" nygus: it's still sketchy... according to the reports we got, most of those infected from the hysteria dont recall the incident, and others just suffered physical pain before it went away... Spirit: "Did you find anything similar to Shaula Gorgon's venom in their systems?" nygus: those who were infected did react from it, but it seems to have went away now, for the most part. but a few students, such as Meme Tatane, did recall what they saw. it must have triggered a hallucination for them. Spirit: "...What did she see?" nygus:......................vivid nightmares.... Spirit: *sighs* "Any other similarities between those who suffered from the madness but were not previously possessed by Shaula?" nygus: there were reports of physical pain from soul, justin, one 'charlotte muffet', and some others. stein, kid and chrona were affected as well... Spirit: "...Soul, Stein, Kid, and Crona have suffered from madness before...I don't understand why for Justin...Anyone yet question this Muffet?" nygus: we tried, but her boyfriend didnt seem too pleased with us. Spirit: "...Maybe someone needs to speak with him." -elsewhere- Ponera: (shudders) grimoire: *hugging her* Ponera: "What was that...?" grimoire:....i dont know.... Ponera: (trying to regulate her breath) "Okay...I think I'm fine...Thank you, Grimoire." grimoire:.......*he strokes her back* Ponera: "..." milia: *frowns* Nals: "..." (glances) "What?" milia: will she be ok? Nals: "I don't know...From how she described it, that sensation of...madness, magic, whatever you want to call it...it seemed far more powerful than even her." milia:........ Nals: "..." (clears his throat) "Back to work: I finished Killbell's meal, so let's bring it to him." -later, elsewhere- Shotaro: (screaming, clutching his arms) "They hurt!" mana: easy there.... chie: *she passed out* Shotaro: "It feels like my bones are on fire!" Yohei: "Chie! Goddamnit, wake up! Tuhl! Get the smelling salt!" Tuhl: (clutching his head) "Shut up! Everyone shut up! It's like every fucking molecule of air is screaming at me right now!" Shotaro: "AAAAAAH!" (suddenly, his limbs start changing at random into those of different animals: his nose becomes a trunk, his arm into a wing, his eyes multiplying like those of a spider's) -later, that evening, it seems everything has calmed down.- chie: *still out cold* Yohei: "..." (tossing his second pack of empty cigarettes into a bin) "Fuck!" (kicks the garbage can) mana: she's alive, but she looks pretty worn out.... at least showtaro is doing better... Shotaro: (heavy breathing, but his body is back to normal) Tuhl: (compress to his head) "What was that...?" Yohei: (looking at his smartphone) "Reports all over: madness." mana: ?? Tuhl: "Jeez...No wonder every object around me was losing it...After what that stuff did to those Golems I visited..." chie: *she stirs slightly* nnng... Yohei: (puts down the phone, already at Chie's side) "Easy...It's okay..." chie: y-yohei? Yohei: "I'm here--we're here. You're okay..." chie: t-thank- ah! *she winces* -she touches a mark on her forehead where she had been bleeding earlier- Yohei: "Let me get you some medicine and bandages...Mana, please get some water for her and Tuhl." -elsewhere- Kami: "I need to get out of here..." (sits up--and winces) nurse: careful, miss. Kami: "You be careful!" (gets out of bed--and promptly falls) "...This is humiliating..." Spirit: -_-; "You're not done healing: get back in bed." nurse: -_-;; Kami: "...Then help me back into bed..." (muttering) Spirit: (groan, leans down, helps her back up) -later- Kid: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- heibito: *asleep* Asura: "...He's perfect..." mikan: *she's holding the baby close* Asura: (kisses Mikan's forehead) "Thank you..." mikan: *she smiles* Asura: "Our son...Our future..." mikan: he looks so much like you. Asura: "I was going to say that about you..." (brushes a hand over Heibito's head...) -the 3rd eye looks at them- Asura: "Ah...Such beautiful eyes..." (strokes his son's cheek) heibito: *yawn* Asura: (smiles, but he feels something...) "I have never felt more afraid...This is our child...and I am scared for him..." mikan: *she nods* i want to protect him, too. Asura: "..." (holds her and their child) -the next morning, elsewhere- Yumi: (tossing in her bed) "N-No..." lord death: dearest? is everything ok? Yumi: "...Nightmares...I thought...I dreamt that..." (hugs him) "It was bad. Let's leave it at that." lord death:..................... *he rubs her stomach* Yumi: (holds onto him) "I just want to get through this..." lord death: and we will. Yumi: "...I am not going to act like all parts of this pregnancy are enjoyable...but...once she is born, I want to consider whether you and I would want another child." -elsewhere- Kid: (shaking in bed, gripping the sheets) stocking: *panting* h-how was it? Kid: "..." (kisses her hard on the mouth) stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: (holds her hips, grinding along her) stocking: *kissing with her tongue* Kid: "Mmm!" (his hands move along to her backside, pinching her cheeks) -elsewhere- chie: zzzz..... Yohei: "Zzz..." chie:...... *subconsciously nestles closer* Yohei: (in his sleep, holds her, drawing her closer) -elsewhere- Stein: "...I think I can handle class today..." marie: are you sure? Stein: "..." (nods) "Maybe just silent reading..." -later- Wes: [texting Liz: hey. how are things on your end?] [text from liz cell: better. kid's doing better than he was. you?] Wes: [visited soul. he's getting better...but whatever happened really affected him] liz:................. -elsewhere- shinra: how's hibana holding up? Akitaru: "Given the conditions they provided for her, pretty well. I heard she keeps complaining about not getting her favorite pair of slippers." shinra: not that, i mean after the whole hysteria incident Takehisa: (eyeroll at Akitaru) "She is now stable. The medical team are still ascertaining why the madness wave affected her so strongly." iris:.......... Akitaru: "..." (clears his throat) "Iris, I have an appointment at the prison. I want you to visit Hibana and check on her condition." iris: ok. shinra: i'll go too. Akitaru: (nods) "Good." Arthur: "..." maki: hey arthur, you ok? Arthur: "...I think something is wrong at the 1st Station." maki: ?? what do you mean? Arthur: "I don't know...Everyone there told me Tamaki was out sick, but when I visited, I could see in her window--and she was absolutely healthy!" maki: oh?.....................perhaps she just sprained her ankle? it happens. Arthur: "But they made it sound like she was sick, not injured." maki: hmmm.... Arthur: "...I want to know what is happening. I think I should infiltrate, knock down the walls of that castle, AND CONFRONT THE DRAGON HIDING IN THERE WHO WOULD HARM MY PRINCESS!" (heroic pose) -staaaaaaaare- shinra: what? Arthur: "..." (sighs) "I want to sneak in and figure out what is actually going on. I just, you know, wanted to add some sparkle to my sentences..." -elsewhere- Leo Burns: "Update, now." -in tamaki's room- tamaki: this is bullshit! why am i stuck here?! Amber: "Please, Tamaki, calm down! You'll be out of here soon enough." tamaki: 7.7 Amber: "...Maybe we could play a game? How about Sorry?" tamaki: ........ Amber: "...Or Monopoly? Pictionary? Cards Against Humanity?" -elsewhere- Kid: (finishes showering) "You are amazing..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm not sure I'll be able to sit right for awhile..." (puts his towel around her, pulling her towards him) stocking: aww. Kid: *smooch* "I loved it..." stocking: come on hun, we have classes today. Kid: "Coming..." (soft pat on her backside) -at class- Stein: "...Read Chapters 3 and 4. Take notes. I'll review them..." (sits at his desk, head in his hands) sayaka:.......... Patty: (whispers to Liz) "What's with him?" Stein: (glaring) "Is there a problem, Miss Thompson?" liz: nothing, sir. Patty: o_o; Stein: "Keep it that way..." (sets his head down) -after school- Kid: "...I see the madness wave affected many people..." (frowns) Patty: "..." (pats Kid's shoulder) liz: yeah.... Kid: "...I think...we need to do something outside of the house." liz: good idea. < > Meal <x> Shopping < > Onsen < > Exercise -At the Mall- Kid: (blushes at the jewelry store, tries to keep walking--) liz: *looking around* Patty: (on children's train ride) "Wee!" Kid: "St-Stocking? Any shop you are interested in visiting?" stocking: hehe~ liz: how about the music shop? Kid: (nods) "I could use a new record..." -and so- Patty: (big headphones on, listening to pop) "La la la~" Kid: (thumbing through records...smirks) "I see your boyfriend's music is very popular here, Liz." (pulls out one of Wes's albums) liz: 7///7 Patty: (giggling) "Maybe Wessie can get us a discount, huh, Sis?" liz: oh shush. Patty: "Hee hee hee..." Kid: (buys Wes's album) -later- Patty: (sipping on fruit smoothie) stocking: *napping next to kid* Kid: (holding her, stroking her back...) stocking: *she seems content* Kid: (smiles...hums quietly) -elsewhere- Black Star: "Feeling better, Soul?" soul: yeah, much better now. Black Star: "That's good." (tosses him the basketball) -catch- kilik: good catch. soul: thanks. Black Star: (tries to block Soul at the basket) -elsewhere- Stein: "I just...need to get a grip..." valentine: *gives him some rubber bands* Stein: "...Thanks..." (puts one along his wrist) valentine: need anything else? Stein: "No, thank you...I think I'll stay a-and organize files..." -file examining- Stein: "Hmm...Missing students...missing teachers...Dokeshi, witches, kishins..." -any files in particular of interest?- Stein: "...Wait..." (pulls out one file) "...A 'dragon'?" -<> examine? <> check another file?- <x> Examine Stein: "Hmm...It's rare to find these creatures...But I have never heard of one that can pass for human..." -any names?- Stein: " 'Bazzalth of the Eternal Fire'? A little pretentious..." -check another file?- Next File: < > Ogre < > Human < > Witch <x> Other Stein: (pulls out additional files) "Hmm..." (Hibana's file) "...After she lost her nunnery, she fell into such despair..." (smokes his cigarette) "Been there." -another file?- Stein: (pulls out another file...) "...A Dokeshi named 'Chie'?" -name: Kagehime, Chie. type: Dokeshi, ability: shadow manipulation, condition: bleed once per day, known relatives; parents, sister (Saki), status: passive- Stein: "...This was one of the ones Soul and Tsubaki reported...Why did NoFix want her so badly in exchange for her sister...?" -check other files? perhaps missing students?- Stein: (examines missing student file...) "Jeez, this one has been gone for two months..." Stein: (thumbs through) "Has to be a clue..." Stein: (annoyed) "They mistyped 'months'...It was 'years'...What else can I find about her...?" -name: Carver, Rosalie. type: weapon (cleaver). class: NOT. known relatives: parents. status: missing.- Stein: "...Haven't been able to sense her soul..." -check other files?- Stein: *yawns* "Maybe take a few files home to check...There has to be a lead on where this madness originated..." -later- Stein: "Zzzz..." (asleep atop of files) -the next morning- Kid: "Stocking..." (gently shakes her in bed) ((Thanks!)) stocking: *yaaawn* Kid: "Morning...Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "You seemed really exhausted when we got home..." (puts a hand on her forehead) "You feel okay." stocking: *she nods* yeah. guess i was just tired. Kid: (rubs her back) "You've had a busy schedule..." (kisses the back of her neck...) stocking: mmm. Kid: (holds her) "I wish we could just sleep in..." *yawn* stocking: but alas, school. Kid: "Yes..." (smirks) "Unless..." stocking: ?? Kid: *yawns* "Maybe later...Let me think about it, but maybe there will be a surprise for us~" (kisses her cheek) "Shower with me?" stocking: sounds good~ Kid: (chuckles, as he tickles her a bit as they get out of bed) -later- Kid: (marking a map in class) "Hmm...One more Sage...All the music...Where to now?" liz: just find this sky sage then.... Kid: "Darn...I forgot the Forest Sage." -elsewhere- Spirit: (walking to Naigus's office with his arm in a cast) nygus: how're you feeling? Spirit: (small smile) "Better, thank you. Looking forward to getting back to work while my arm heals." (picks up a file on her desk, labeled for him) "My homework, I take it?" nygus: *chuckles* so to speak, yes. Spirit: (flips through) "Hmm...I think we're going to need some meisters with strong perception to locate the source of this madness..." nygus: ...... *she nods* Spirit: "...Kami is recuperating at home...I'll ask. Can you check with some of our students, see whether any of them sensed the location?" nygus: i can do that. Spirit: (closes folder, takes it in hand) "I'll have to head back to teaching. Anything else you want me to work on?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Soul?" soul: yeah? Black Star: "I...kind of heard you muttering something when you fell asleep on the couch yesterday..." soul: ?? Black Star: "...It sounded like you were talking with someone in your dream..." soul:.....*faint smile* Black Star: "??? You okay?" soul: hmm? yeah. Black Star: "...Okay...Must've been a good dream..." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Oh, Kim!" kim: oh, hey there mr a. Spirit: "Hey. How you holding up?" kim: same as usual..... Spirit: (nods) "...Yeah." ("...Her freaking mom...Jeez...") "Hey, the weekend is coming up, and I've been stuck in the hospital longer than I wanted. I was wondering if you could help me pick up some groceries for Kami..." kim: ok. Spirit: "Thanks. I'll treat you to lunch later. Can you stop by her apartment at 11? Let me write down the address..." -elsewhere- NoFix: (smoking a cigar) kinuta: *phew* damn that was good. NoFix: "Heh heh...Told ya the powers of spin would treat you right wherever you got an itch..." (holds the cigar to her) "Smoke?" kinuta: i'm good. NoFix: (keeps smoking) "How did you learn to do that thing with your mouth?" kinuta: i have my ways~<3 NoFix: "Heh heh...Hey, what's the freakiest thing you ever done?" kinuta: *she whispers into his ear* NoFix: (moaning) "Oh, fuck..." kinuta: hell yeah. NoFix: "Man, see, my Powers of Spin let me give some fantasies to someone...I can make someone feel like they are getting taken on every side..." kinuta: for real? NoFix: (still in front of her) NoFix #2: (now behind her, wrapping his arms around her) "Real." kinuta: !! oh! NoFix #1: (smirks) NoFix #3: (head between her legs) "Hello, kitty." kinuta: !!! NoFix #4: "Let's get started..." (takes her right breast) NoFix #1: "Yes..." (takes her left) NoFix #2: (kisses her neck, massaging her backside) NoFix #3: (kissing her thighs) kinuta: ohhh, fuck that's good~ -elsewhere- Noah: *giggling* noelle: [he's finally cracked.] Wrath!Noah: [His laughing is pissing me off!] Noah: "A new form of Madness is born...Newborn..." Sloth!Noah: [???] noelle: [what the FUCK are you going on about?] Noah: "A child born to Madness Two..." (smirks) "I can't wait to collect it..." (punches his fist into the floor, breaking his hand) -elsewhere- Wes: "Hey." (waves at Liz) liz: oh, hey wes. *she smiles* Wes: "How are you? Feeling okay?" liz: yeah. Wes: (nods) "...Still trying to wrap my head around it...That 'madness attack'?" liz:...........you werent affected, were you? Wes: (shakes his head) "No, but Soul was...I never saw it up close like that...especially for...my own brother." liz:..................... Wes: "Liz...I feel like I'm in over my head on this. I don't know how you do it...I mean, how did you respond when you found out there was something like Madness out there?" liz: ........... Wes: "...It's that tough, huh?" -elsewhere- Kid: (taps on the paper) "Which forest...?" liz: verdant forest is the one we're looking for... Kid: (nods) "I think it's time I update Eibon and seek advice on approaching that forest." -elsewhere- Yohei: *yawn* chie: tired? Yohei: (nods) "Been staring at this algorithm since 4 AM, trying to improve it to isolate potential spots that nutjob NoFix could hit next." chie: ah....... Yohei: "Yeah..." (sighs, shoves a bunch of empty energy drink cans and cigarette cartons off his desk and into the garbage can) "I need a shower, a meal, and sleep." chie: do you want to order out or not? Yohei: (nods) "I'll go in the shower; could you order us some Chinese?" -later- Yohei: (eating) "Thanks, Chie." Shotaro: (leaning over, reaching for some of Yohei's food) **SLAP** Shotaro: "Owie!" (holds his hand) -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Hey, Maki? Arthur told me about his concerns with the 1st Brigade. Any updates you hear about why they seem kind of secretive lately?" maki: well, tamaki still seems to be sick... Arthur: "Is she really sick...OR IS THAT WHAT THEY TOLD YOU?" (crazy eyes) maki: o-o; Akitaru: "Down boy--go take a cold shower." (looks at Maki) "Thanks for this info, Maki. Keep me posted. Now, onto other news: Iris, we got a report that Hibana was helpful to the DWMA with their investigation. You see her lately?" iris: *she nods* Akitaru: "How's she holding up?" iris: fairly well. at least she has company with her. Akitaru: "Oh, you mean her secretary that was arrested on charges of conspiracy?" iris: i think she insisted on going with her... Akitaru: "..." (smiles) "That's good to know! If I were in prison, I'd want a friend with me. So, which of you would want to go to prison with me?!" shinra: T_T; Akitaru: "Arthur?" Arthur: (avoids eye contact) Akitaru: "Maki? Iris?" -elsewhere- Kid: (in the Mansion's gym, jogging on the treadmill) liz: *timing him* Kid: (pacing himself) "Five more miles..." Patty: (lifting weights) -CRASH- Kid: "What?!" stocking: *staring at the punching bag broken off it's chain* ..........dammit! Kid: (stops running, staring in shock--and promptly knocked off the treadmill) liz: *beep* made it 3.5 miles. Kid: (slammed against the wall from the treadmill tossing him) -_-; "Thank you, Liz..." stocking: *she goes over to him* you ok, babe? Kid: "F-Fine..." (small smile) "Your punches are getting better." stocking: thanks....i was trying to go easy.....i broke it off the chain for the 6th time this month now... Kid: (gets up, grimacing a bit) "How about we get a heavier bag? Or a stronger chain?" stocking: yeah, haha. Kid: "I'll ask the staff to put in the order..." (cringing) "I'm going to need to soak for a bit." -later- Kid: (sighing as he rests in the jacuzzi) -elsewhere- Ponera: (sighing) "We have Killbell, we still have the Fire-Ants, we have contained the Index and the Book of Enoch, we have two out of three Gorgon Sisters...but it feels like our plan has not moved forward." grimoire: perhaps we should target a raid on one of the branches? Ponera: "..." (grins) "Yes." (she looks at a map) "Which branch should we try?" <paris> Ponera: "Killbell! Summon Nals!" Killbell: (rings a tiny little bell) Nals: "...Paris?" (to Grimoire) "What's the plan?" -elsewhere- Solence: T___T "So afraid..." luka: *drinking her coffee* noriko screaming her head off like usual Solence: "I still don't know who all of these people are...I just want to go home..." Kaguya: "Aw, the poor baby wants to go home?" luka: and that would be? Solence: "It was just a small apartment in I. C. Prefecture. But it was home..." -elsewhere- shinra: this is a terrible idea. Arthur: "No, this is a terrific idea. We storm the room, face the dragon, and will be greeted as heroes." shinra: at this hour of the night?! Arthur: "That is when she will least expect us." shinra: if you get burned alive, don't blame me. Arthur: "Very well." (approaches the door...) "Ready?" shinra: -_-; Arthur: "Here we go..." (kicks the fucking door down) shinra: o-o; Arthur: "We have come to face you, foul dragon!" Hibana: "AAAAH! What the fuck?!" shinra: O______________O Arthur: "Gasp! Look at that scaly green beast!" (unsheathes his scabbard, alights it) "Shinra, cover me!" Hibana: "... 'Scaly'?!" (fire petals explode in the room around all of them) shinra: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM+FLEES* Arthur: "Cowardly knave Shinra! I will defeat this horned beast myself! I will--" Hibana: (grabs Arthur by the throat, choking him) "Gabriella, please tend to this welp..." (tosses him towards Gabriella) "I'm going after the shoeless fool..." (exits to pursue Shinra) shinra: COMMANDEEEEEEEERRRR!!!!!!!! Q______________Q Hibana: (fast running) "YOU BASTAAAAAAAARD!!!" Akitaru: "Hmmm?" (sees Shinra running at him) "Oh...crap..." shinra: *SCREAMING AS HIS IGNITION ABILITY KICKS IN* *he crashes into maki, spilling her orange juice* maki:.............. Akitaru: "What the hell is going--" Hibana: "OUT OF MY WAY!" (shoves Akitaru out of the way--and trips, running into Maki and Shinra) "Omph!" maki: my....my orange juice..................... Hibana: (scrambles to get up, some curlers gone, the green stuff smeared, and holding Shinra by the neck) "You little whelp! What was the point of all of that?!" maki: my....orange....juice.............who caused this? Hibana: (points at Shinra) "And that brat Artie with the knight complex...Gabriella! Have you taken care of him?!" gabriella: *she points to a trashcan* already done, princess! Arthur: (face down in garbage) "Wicked...dragon's...assistant." Hibana: (smiles, and dumps Shinra into Maki's arms) "Excellent work, Gabriella. A reward is in order." gabriella: ^^~<3 maki: ^^# -later- -a grave is made; here lies maki's orange juice.....also arthur's dignity....again.-
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