ussthunderquack · 4 years
MCU Shipping Survey
Tell us your ships!
You favorite canon ships: Pepperony, Quill/Gamora, Scott/Hope, PeggySousa
Canon ship(s) you reject: Clint/Laura, Scarlet Vision, Nat/whoever, Strange/Christine Palmer, (permanent) Steggy, and (permanent) Peter/MJ (I’m fine with them dating for a while, but Pete needs to get with Shuri) 
Pair that never shared screentime together, that you ship: WinterGhost (Bucky/Ghost), GalagaHart (Galaga Guy/Christine Everhart), ScarletFrost (Wanda Maximoff/Loki) Carole/Valkyrie 
Cuteness ship ❤️ PrincessParker/WakandanSpider/whatever you’d call Peter Parker/Shuri. Also, Carole Danvers/Valkyrie. 
Angst ship: WinterIron. Bucky and Tony have the most tragic connection, and so much else in common.  
BDSM ship: FrostIron (with Loki as dom). To a lesser extent, ScarletFrost (with Loki starting as the dominant one, but Wanda later taking control) 
Cargo Ships: Dum-E/Dr. Strange’s Cape
Crack ships: WoodRocket (mostly for the name) 
Your OTPs: StrangeIron, Pepperony, PeggySousa, Clintasha, WinterWitch, WinterGhost 
Any minor character ships? (A "minor" character being one who won't get a poster or McDonald's toy) GalagaHart--Galaga Guy and Christine Everhart.. 
Conflicting ships that you ship WinterGhost, WinterWitch, FrostWitch, FrostIron, WinterIron, StrangeIron, Pepperony...  
Ship you just can't get into Nat with anyone but Clint; Darcy with Tony, Loki, Bucky, or any character who already has a list of more interesting potential mates; Stucky; IronWitch and IronPrincess (even if she’s 18, it’s still too weird) 
A ship you used to like but have abandoned Nat/Bruce. I liked it at first, but after seeing the whole series, it was always supposed to be Nat/Clint. 
Any "problematic" ships? Probably any ship involving Loki 
A ship you didn't used to care about, but now will go down with Clintasha. I didn’t used to care, but now that “Endgame” has confirmed that Clint’s family will never be actual characters, and their promotion to a plot device in that finale was a step up from their previous status as gate-keys, existing solely to lock Clint away from Nat, to free Scarlet Johansson up for infinite ship-teasing with the more popular Avengers, I forgot where I was going with this. But Clint and Nat are the only couple for each other that make sense. 
Ever jump ship? (As in, abandon one ship in favor of another?) Bruce/Nat to Clintasha; WinterIron to StrangeIron (but not entirely)
Ship you will fire on and sink at first sight Starker. At least MCU Starker, that is. I don’t care if Pete is 18 in your fic; if it’s MCU Pete and Tony, they are presented onscreen as a dad and a son, an adult and a child, regardless of legal age. And shipping those incarnations of those characters is gross, in my opinion. 
OT3s? Not in particular...though I don’t mind a third party in a ship I like. 
Ship that needs more attention WinterGhost, GalagaHart
Friend-ships (characters you want to platonically hang out more) Wanda and Ghost; Wanda and Mantis; Wanda and Nat; Nat and Gamora; Tony Stark and Hank Pym; Tony and Shuri; Tony and Rocket; Betty Ross and Jane Foster. 
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ussthunderquack · 5 years
MCU Shipping Survey
I used to be addicted to these stupid surveys in high school, and I must be having a midlife crisis because I’m craving one again. I can’t find a ship-survey I like though, so i’m just making my own.
Canon OTP: Pepperony, and Peter/Gamora 
Pepper is the ONLY female who belongs with Tony Stark
Canon Ship you won’t board: ScarletVision. I was able to be a passenger for that ship in “Infinity War,” only for the Mind Stone connection (which wasn’t even explored). Otherwise, no. Wanda belongs with Bucky.
Also, Clint/Larua. I don’t wanna hate on the wife and kids, but damn that twist was just the murder of Clint’s character, and by extent, Natasha’s. 
Non-Canon OTP: StrangeIron. I honestly have been struggling with Pepperony since “Infinity War.” And I literally can’t see Tony and Stephen as platonic. I just can't. 
Also, Peter Parker/Princess Shuri. 
Angst Ship: WinterIron. Though TBH, once they recover from their trauma, I struggle to see them staying together forever. Though it’s sweet to imagine anyway. 
BDSM Ship: FrostIron. I mean yeah there’s IronTitan, but Thanos has nothing on Loki’s glorious foreplay pep talks and theatrics.
Conflicting ships that are tearing you apart! ScarletWinter and StarrBucks. (Or WinterWitch and WinterGhost, if you wanna be boring.) 
Popular Ships you won’t board, but don’t want to sink either: Stucky, Romanogers, WinterFalcon. I don’t dig these ships, but none of them particularly bothers me. 
(No, not even Stucky. I often hate Steve, but Stucky is such an obvious pairing, having any opinion on it would be like having an opinion on Steve’s shield. It just comes with the character.) 
Popular Ship you’ll board if it’s there: Stony. The pairing itself doens’t interest me, but it seems to have all the good tickle fics. 
Popular Ship you wouldn’t board for a while, but have now been shanghaied aboard: Clintasha. I didn’t used to care. But “Endgame” threw into shock how badly both characters have been wronged by the writers, and how natural and obvious their pairing in A1 was. 
Popular ships you want to fire on until they burn and sink:  Starker---unless it’s NOT MCU-Peter. If you’re shipping the two hot dadbod mentors from MCU and “Into the Spider-Verse,” or “Satan’s Alley,” then fine, but find another name for it.
Also, IronWitch. NO. I desperately want Tony and Wanda to have meaningful interactions, but NOT LIKE THAT. I don’t want either of those poor BBs subjected to a “Ghost World” plot. Blech. 
Ships you’re building yourself: GalagaHart. 
The pairing of Galaga Guy and Christine Everhart. 
They’re such perfect opposites in terms of work ethic, and how important their actual jobs are. You have a run-of-the-mill gossip journalist who takes her job so viciously seriously she’ll frak a celebrity she hates to get info, and then you have a guy who works for goddamn SHIELD who callously plays video games while Nick Fury is showing the Avengers around the main deck of the hellicarier for the first time. 
Favorite Crack Ship: WoodRocket. 
If Groot/Rocket counts as a crack ship anyway. I just think it’s hilarious that WoodRocket is the name of an adult film company. 
I TAG anyone reading this 
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ussthunderquack · 5 years
Favorite decks aboard each ship:
Pepperony:  Pepper being allowed to stand up for Tony, and telling Gary Stu wut’fur. 
WinterIron: The comfort/healing cuddles, rescues and arm maintenance 
IronStrange: The Cloak playing match-maker, and the romantic banter 
Stony: Tickle fics (and llikable 2012 Steve)
IronHulk: "...and HOLY SHIT BRUCE BANNER’S DICK IS INSIDE HIM!” (Actual quote from an old fic I read somewhere.) 
WinterWitch: Wanda using her telepathy to help Bucky (and Wanda getting a proper redemption arc)  
WinterGhost: Buck and Ava having a history 
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ThunderHulk: Jock with a heart of gold complimenting his bashful nerd boyfriend 
WidowHawk: Back to 2012, when everyone had a consistent character, and Nat’s romantic plotline wasn’t a goddamn roulette wheel 
WakandanSpider: Shuri and Pete mercilessly trolling Tony’s goatee off 
GalagaHart: This ship is still waiting for its maiden voyage; I’m still building it. 
GreenQuill: No fanfics required, because it’s handled perfectly in canon 
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ussthunderquack · 6 years
My Armada of Unconventional Mini-Ships
And I’m naming them too. 
The Rosses
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Thaddeus Ross, the ultra-conservative dickstain, is in fact bisexual. Everett is his husband. Betty Ross hates her dad, but gets along much better with her step-dad. 
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Christine Everhart is a mere news reporter/journalist viciously devoted to social justice, who takes her job so seriously that she’ll sleep with and agree with Tony Stark, a guy she clearly hates, to if it supports her goals/beliefs. She’s basically Lois Lane’s harpy twin. 
Galaga Guy on the other hand works for the most important top secret government organization on the planet, and plays Galaga on the job. Even when Director Nick Fury is in the room. Even when Nick Fury is showing the newly assembled Avengers around the room for the first time. Even after Tony goddamn Stark has just outted him playing Galaga in front of everyone. Galaga Guy doen’t give a shit.
Christine and Galaga Guy are polar opposites, except in one way: they both have absolutely no fear of (or respect for?) individuals who most people would be hella intimidated by, even in public. 
Basically, this would just be the classic “career obsessed workaholic who needs to loosen up meets slacker who needs a kick in the butt” story.
WombatIntern/Ant Darcy
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Darcy Lewis and one of "those three wombats.” Literally any one, don’t care which. Why? Do I have to back this one up? 
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Damn it, I like M.J. I like M.J. with Peter... until I remember Shuri. M.J. needs to dump Peter so Peter can hook up with Shuri. And she’ll probably dump him for a girl. But which girl? Duh, Warhead from “Deadpool.” Who the fuck else? 
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