#gale ; sidney p.
forafcrtnight · 1 year
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EVERYTHING HURT. in fact, that was the first thing that came to mind as soon as she opened her eyes and.. right now, gale didn't know what had happened. she was.. in a hospital? well, that was a more than familiar sight, that was for sure. and yes - that was the exact moment that it hit her - at the word familiar, because.. of course. she could remember all of it. the new ghostface fuckhead - breaking into her home, killing her boyfriend who had never truly meant anything and then.. well, she could only remember the knife. first, it had been her shoulder. nothing that she wasn't used to - of course not - but.. then, the rest had been much worse. her stomach - one time, two times, three times. near her heart. near her throat. something had made him leave - the kids - and yes, the only thing that she could remember before passing out was thinking how she had to find a way to tell sid that it was not her fault. stubborn as she was? she knew that her best friend would blame herself for her eventual demise - something that she COUDLN'T let happen. was that what she had tried to tell sam before everything had turned black? yes, it had been. when she noticed someone sitting by her bedside, gale nearly jumped. ouch. "sid? what are you-" oh, no. "no, no, no. you need to leave. you need to get to mark and the kids and make sure they're safe. FUCK, THERE'S.. THERE'S A NEW ONE. a new ghostface. dipshit.. well, pretty sure the fucker did the unthinkable and finally got to gale weathers." she would have laughed at that and yet, even doing so HURT.
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slxsherr · 1 year
Softer Than Shadow
pairing: charlie walker x fem!reader
summary: you make a better victim, so charlie rewrites his movie. jill doesn't have to know.
wc: 2239
warnings: fem!reader, cursing/swearing, underage drinking, descriptions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of drugs, hospital description, thigh riding, public sex, unprotected sex (p in v), creampie
a/n: yo this one kinda actually has a plot?? forgot i could do that lol
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When Kirby had invited everyone over to her house after Gale Weathers was attacked at Stab-A-Thon, you didn’t expect for the deadly night to continue. Robbie’s incessant worrying over possibly being arrested for simply hosting the event where the sheriff’s wife was attacked was only made worse after Trevor showed up uninvited. 
You’re the only one drunk enough to follow Robbie outside, not wanting to witness Charlie and Kirby flirt after Jill and Trevor separated themselves from the group, looking for evidence to find out who invited Trevor. Distracting yourself from what’s going on inside is easy, laughing at Robbie’s drunken attempts to get his stream going. You ignore the aching feeling in your chest when he tells his audience about Charlie and Kirby, downing the rest of your drink. 
Switching to a new school senior year is hard, but Kirby and her friends were nice enough to include you in their group. It just sucked that the only guy you were interested in was madly in love with someone else. You’re brought back to the moment when Robbie runs face first into a hanging plant, laughing cruelly at his pain. It’s not until you feel a knife stabbing through your left shoulder that you stop laughing. 
The cry you let out when Ghostface pulls the knife out is pathetic, and you quickly fall to your knees in pain, holding a hand over the bleeding wound. When you realize the killer left you to run after Robbie, you quickly rise to your feet and make your way around the house. You can hear footsteps following you, and you speed up, turning the corner to see Sidney, Jill, and Kirby all at the entryway.
“Run!” You yell, drawing their attention to you and the killer following behind you. 
Jill and Sidney run upstairs, but you follow Kirby further into her house, not trusting yourself and steps. Kirby tries calling 911 on the landline, but it’s dead and the line goes dead every time you try on her cell, having lost your own either in her couch or backyard. The two of you run into Sidney, who tells you she got through on her cell and that Jill should be safe. Kirby leads all three of you to a safe room in her house, locking the door behind her. 
“Kirby, let me in!” Charlie says, pounding on the glass of the door, smearing blood across the window panes. “No, no, no. I just found Robbie, this is his blood. Please!” He begs when Kirby hesitates to open the door. 
“If you can’t trust him, don’t open the door,” Sidney says, knowing exactly how Kirby feels.
“There is someone else out here, let me in! Oh, my God, let me in! Please!” He says, pounding harder on the glass, looking between Kirby and whoever else is outside. 
“I’m sorry, Charlie,” Kirby says, backing away from the door, and you wish you could let him in, but before you can consider the option for too long Ghostface appears behind him. 
The three of you can only watch as Charlie is bound to a patio chair, Kirby’s ringtone blaring through the air as the killer calls from Charlie’s phone. Sidney leaves to find Jill, leaving you and Kirby to keep Ghostface on the phone while she’s gone. You can hear your own heart pounding in your ears as Kirby answers the horror movie trivia asked over the phone. Both of you panic when she answers a question wrong, but calm down when she’s offered another question. 
Kirby lists off answers before Ghostface can even finish the question, knowing she’d answered correctly when she’s met with silence. The two of you rush outside to undo Charlie’s bindings, ripping off the duct tape and spewing apologies. Quickly, you all make your way back inside the house, but stop abruptly when Kirby is stabbed in the stomach by a familiar figure in the darkness. Ghostface twists the knife, and all you can do is watch Kirby fall to the ground and follow Charlie as he leads you away. 
You don’t realize you’re back in the house until you run into Charlie’s back, eyes widening when you see blood seeping through his shirt. Sidney comes downstairs, and as the killer focuses on her you drag Charlie with you further into the house. You make it into the kitchen and open the pantry door so that the two of you could hide inside, but jump back when a bound Trevor falls onto the floor in front of you. Before you can even think to help him, you feel something hit your head, and everything goes black as you fall unconscious to the floor. 
The sound of sirens is what wakes you, but you’re barely able to register anything else as you’re lifted onto a stretcher. You’re in and out of consciousness the whole ride to the hospital, but only fully awake later that night. The hospital room is half-lit, machines tracking your vitals beeping, IV needle stuck in your hand, and a curtain dividing the room in two. Your heart rate spikes, alerting the other patient in the room that you’ve woken up. 
The curtain barely moves as Charlie approaches you, his own IV and machines following behind him, cooing at you as you begin to cry in an attempt to soothe you. You sit up fully, wrapping your arms around his waist and hiding your face in his chest as you cry, unable to see the out of place smile stretching across his face. He holds you in his one-armed embrace, his left arm in a sling to relieve his wounded shoulder, happy that you seek comfort in him without question. 
“Shh, it’s gonna be okay, you’re okay,” he says as you begin to calm down. “You’re safe,” he reassures you when you pull away from him. “Can I sit with you?” He asks, and you quickly nod and lift your blanket as you scoot over in your bed for him to join you. 
“What happened? I don’t remember anything after you were stabbed and I think I passed out from blood loss,” you ask, fiddling with the scratchy hospital blanket that covers both of your lower bodies nervously as you wait to find out who was behind the mask. 
“Well, it turns out Jill and Trevor were the ones killing everyone. Pulled a real Bonnie and Clyde on us,” he chuckles, trying to relieve some of the tension, earning only a weak smile from you. “Jill shot me, but Sidney stopped her, and I was able to stop Trevor from finishing you off too,” he lies, knowing he’d be the only one to know what really happened.
“You saved my life,” you say, staring at him in awe.
“I only did what anyone else would’ve done,” he says, feigning modesty.
“No, you saved me. Someone else would’ve just watched or saved themselves,” you say, guilt gnawing at you as you think of how you and Kirby could only watch as Charlie was tied up by Ghostface.
“Maybe, hey, why the long face?” He asks, seeing the remorse in your teary eyes. 
“I’m so sorry,” you begin to cry again, hiding your face in his uninjured side. “I’m so sorry me and Kirby didn’t let you in, I’m sorry you got hurt protecting me,” you sob, your tears soaking through the thin hospital gown. 
“Shh, it’s okay. That doesn’t matter, we’re both alive and that’s all that matters, okay?” Charlie reassures you, his arm snaking around your waist as your sobs turn to sniffles. “Kirby’s with Sidney in the ICU. The doctors think they’ll both be waking up soon,” he says once you’ve calmed down again.
“Really?” You ask, surprised by the news. 
“Yeah, Dewey told me when he came by earlier,” he answers, unbothered by the news since neither of them knew the true extent of his involvement in the night’s events. 
“That’s good,” you say, beginning to separate yourself from Charlie’s side, now knowing the girl he’s in love with is still alive.”I’m sorry, did I hurt you? Are you okay?” You ask, seeing his face scrunch up in pain as you move away. 
“No, I’m fine. Painkillers are probably just wearing off,” he answers, shifting into a more comfortable position, moving closer to you in the small hospital bed. 
“I can call the nurse,” you offer, looking around for the remote.
“No, it’s fine. They should be coming by soon anyways,” he lies, knowing they won’t be checking in for another hour at least. 
Neither of you say anything for a moment, simply sit together in the silent room, beeping from the machines fading into the background. You’re not sure if it’s the medications, or the fact that you almost died, or if it’s because of how close you are to Charlie, but your mind is going haywire. Torn between wanting to scream, cry, and confess your feelings for him, feelings that have only intensified after finding out that he saved you, you unconsciously choose the latter, words already tumbling past your lips before you can stop them. 
“Charlie, I think I’m in love with you,” you say, blinking slowly at him. “Love is a bit much, actually. But I like you, a lot,” you say when his eyes widen in shock, lips parted as he tries to think of something to say. “I know you and Kirby have like, a thing, but I just wanted to tell you in case we almost die again.”
“Can I tell you something?” Charlie asks, finally saying something and you answer with a nod. “Me and Kirby really don’t have anything on, it’s just a running joke. I’ve actually been asking her for advice to ask you out,” he explains, looking away to feign embarrassment. 
“Oh,” is all you say, taking in the information. 
“Oh?” He prompts you, but you don’t say anything else. 
Instead, your gaze flickers from his lips to his eyes, and before you can overthink, you lean in to kiss him. His lips are chapped, and you’re sure yours are too, both of you dehydrated from running around all night. It’s fervent, stealing your breath away as he deepens the kiss, holding you close to him with his right arm. You feel dizzy, parting your lips to let him lick into your mouth, trying to match his energy. 
There’s only so much room on the small hospital bed, and you end up straddling Charlie’s thigh. The whimper you let out is barely muffled by his mouth when he forces you to sit, only the thin hospital gown separating your bare cunt from his leg. He’s moving you along his thigh, the friction stimulating your clit and soon you’re moving on your own, hip seeking pleasure as your hole begins to leak. He breaks the kiss, instead sucking and biting at the sensitive skin of your neck, marking you, focusing on your stifled moans that only he can hear.
“Charlie, the nurses–” you whisper, breathing heavily when Charlie interrupts you.
“Don’t worry about them, we’ll be quick,” he reassures you. 
Before you can reply, he’s reaching behind you to untie your gown, clumsily undoing the snap buttons on the sleeves to pull the offending fabric off, throwing it aside. He grabs your hand, spitting in your palm and wrapping your fingers around his length, guiding your hand’s movements as he fully hardens from your touch. It makes your stomach twist in want, watching the purple head leak pre and listening to his dulcet moans. 
Growing impatient, you straddle his hips, lining him up with your entrance and slowly sinking down until your ass meets his thighs. Thick cock stretching you out, you can only hold onto the hem of his hospital gown, not wanting to reopen any of his wounds. You move slowly, doing your best to hold back your noises, but Charlie lets his out without care, hand gripping your ass and moving you faster. 
“Wait– Charlie!” You squeal, his hips meeting yours, and you swear you can feel him in your guts. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groans, loving how you bite your lip and furrow your brow in an attempt to silence yourself. 
“Hah! Please, please,” you beg, but you’re not sure what for, feeling his thumb press roughly on your clit.
Your rhythm falters as he rubs circles on the sensitive nub, your orgasm building quickly. You screw your eyes shut tightly as you reach your peak, stars dancing behind your eyelids as you clench around him. Only whimpers fall past your lips, still holding back your noises in fear of the nurses, but Charlie’s cursing is barely hushed, rutting his hips up as finishes inside you, your walls milking him too tightly for him to pull out. 
He lets you slump against him, your head resting on his uninjured shoulder as your breathing slows, falling asleep on top of him. He’s not surprised you tired out so quickly, he hit your head pretty hard earlier. A content smile stretches across his face as he watches you doze in his arms peacefully, ignoring your injured shoulder, caused by his knife earlier in the night. He hated hurting you, and he hated to see you hurt, but if it meant he could have you like this, he could handle a few cuts and bruises. You are his perfect victim after all.
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vioartemis · 1 year
Falling for her
(Amber Freeman x fem! reader x Tara Carpenter)
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Summary: Amber reveals herself as one of the killers, and you, her girlfriend, are as shocked as everyone else. A year after all this shit, you and Tara become closer, eventually leading to something more than friendship... Part 1 || Part 2 Warnings: blood, injuries, death of characters, slight angst a/n: might do a part 2 👀 (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Since the beginning you defended her, telling everyone she was incapable of killing someone. Telling them she wasn't like that. Telling them they were wrong.
Turns out you were the one who was wrong this all time.
And even now that she shot Liv in the head you couldn't believe it. You simply couldn't.
You were frozen in place, incapable of running away with the others. You only moved because Amber dragged you to her room, along with Tara, whom she taped and put in her closet before kneeling in front of you.
"You okay baby..? I know I lied, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to hurt you I promise"
She whipped your tears away with her thumbs and placed a peck on your lips.
"You're coming with me after this right? We'll run away from Woodsboro and start a new life together, just the two of us. No more Ghostface, no more blood, no more Tara."
As far as you could remember, she had always been jealous of Tara. Not that you felt anything for her, you loved Amber and her only, but your girlfriend didn't seem to understand that.
You fought a lot because of that, which led you to spend more and more time away from her. More and more time with Tara. You knew it wouldn't fix anything, but you couldn't handle your girlfriend's jealousy 24/7. You needed space.
“P-please d-don’t hurt her… I’ll come with you… j-just… leave her alone… please…”
“Oh baby… you’re so kind even in that situation… but I can’t let her live, she’d snitch on me and the police would be after us…”
She smiled at you. Not the smile that made you fall for her. A crazy, psychotic smile.
“Now come with me baby, you wouldn’t want to miss the spectacle, right?”
She gently took your hand and guided you downstairs before dragging you to the kitchen, when she told you to wait for her.
You wanted to run away the second she left, but your legs didn’t seem to agree. All you could do was cry on the floor, re thinking everything, every time Amber told you she had something to do, probably killing someone.
Killing someone with the same hands she touched you with.
Knees against your chest, you couldn’t stop crying. Your eyes were all puffy and red. Your chest hurt. Your heart hurt.
When Amber got back, gripping Sidney’s hair, followed by Richie and Sam, you were still there. Not even looking up.
“Y/n..? You… you knew..?”
That made you tilt your head up slightly.
“S-Sam I swear I didn’t know… I would never hurt anyone… let alone Tara…”
She looked at you with suspicious eyes, along with Sidney.
“N-no.. I.. please you have to believe me..”
“Yeah, believe her.” Richie said, grabbing your arm to make you stand up. “Maybe that’ll help you trust her”
He sunk his knife into your abdomen, five times, his other hand on your mouth to prevent you from screaming. He threw you back onto the floor, as Amber entered the room.
“Okay Gale’s here, now we can-” she stopped as she saw you bleeding on the floor “Y/n!”
She rushed to you, a worried look on her face. She took off her costume and tried to bandage you up with it, to stop the bleeding.
“What the fuck did you do to her?!”
She turned to Richie, glaring daggers at him.
“Touch her again and I will fucking kill you."
She kneeled in front of you, gently cupping your cheeks.
"I'm sorry baby... he wasn't supposed to hurt you... y-you're gonna be fine don't worry... we'll end this quickly..."
She kissed your lips softly, before standing up.
You didn't see nor hear anything after that, barely conscious due to the amount of blood you were losing. When you opened your eyes, you were alone in the kitchen.
You could hear fight noises coming from the hallway. You stood up painfully. Once at the door, you felt your heart drop for the second - or was it third? - time this day.
Amber and Tara were fighting. She was going to kill her. You had to do something.
You managed to get in front of Tara just as Amber was about to stab her.
"Baby what are you doing...? You should rest you're not-"
"Amber... please stop... you can't kill her... she's our friend... they all were..."
You could see she was hurt. She thought you would be on her side, even after her reveal. But you weren't. You'd rather protect Tara than stay with her.
"Okay then..." she said
You thought you convinced her. But you were wrong. There was even more craziness in her black eyes.
"If I can't have you no one will."
She raised her knife, but before she could do anything, she got shot in the head. You watched in horror as she fell, remember all the moments you spent together.
You fell on your knees, heartbroken at the sight of your girlfriend's lifeless body. Even if she tried to kill you at the end, you knew she loved you.
Tara placed herself in front of you so you didn't have to see Amber any longer, thinking it wasn't good for you. You looked up at her, tears in your eyes, before pulling her into a hug she gave back.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
After "the incident", you spent a month at the hospital, in a room you shared with Tara. You were more than happy to have her by your side, and she felt the same about you.
Sidney came to visit you once, before going back home with her husband and children. She apologized for killing Amber, to what you replied she saved both your life and Tara's so there was no need for excuses.
Six months after that night, you moved out of Woodsboro with Sam, Tara, Mindy and Chad. You all agreed on the fact that to heal and move on, you needed to get the fuck out of this city.
New York was your new home, and you wouldn't deny you were doing much better since you moved in with Tara and Sam.
Eight months after your arrival at New York, you found yourself thinking about Tara a lot more than just a friend would.
Was it bad that you were falling for her, only a year after Amber died..? Did it make you a bad person? What would Tara think about that? Was there even a chance she'd like you back?
"Y/n? I've been calling you for like ten minutes, are you okay?" Sam said as she entered your room
"Sorry, I was... thinking"
"You want to talk about it..?"
"If you don't mind listening.."
She sat beside you on the bed, taking your hand in hers.
"Hey, remember what we said when we left Woodsboro? I'm here for you, I'll always be"
You gave her a grateful smile.
"Now tell me everything"
"It’s Tara… I-I think I'm falling for her..."
The older girl looked at you with a slight smile.
"You have every right to fall for someone you know? That means you're over her, you're healing"
"Plus I'm pretty sure she likes you back, given the way she looks at you and talk about you"
She squeezed your hand slightly.
"C'mon now, dinner time"
A few days had passed since you talked to Sam. It was night, and you were on the balcony, watching the sky and the city, when you felt a blanket falling on your shoulders.
“I thought you might get cold..”
Tara’s sweet voice made you smile as you turned to face her.
“But you don’t even wear a jacket! Tara..”
You pulled her closer to you, wrapping the blanket around her too, before realizing how close you were now.
You only ever saw her freckles from afar, but now you could see them perfectly. She had more than you thought.
She was so pretty, face illuminated with the faint light of the city, head slightly tilted up to look at you.
Her eyes shifted almost imperceptibly to your lips before going back to your eyes.
Neither of you said a word, yet you understood each other. You placed your hands on her waist, while she placed hers behind your neck, pulling you close, her eyes never leaving yours.
She stopped, only a few inches away from your lips, making sure you really wanted it to happen. You were the one closing the gap between you.
One of her hands went in your hair, soft lips moving against yours tenderly in a passionate kiss.
You could kiss her for hours, and she could say the same. You stayed here for a while, only pulling away when the lack of air forced you to.
No words were needed, and none was said during the next hour you spend on the balcony. You watched the stars, her head resting on your shoulder while she intertwined your fingers.
When it started raining, you both returned to your rooms after one last kiss.
You sat on your bed, smiling like an idiot, while Tara did the same on the floor.
She took a bag from under her bed, opening it silently, and taking something out of it.
“Now that I have you..” she brushed the white mask with her thumb “no one else ever will”
[Next part]
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flowerbxuquet · 10 months
The only truth
Amber Freeman x fem!reader
A/N: GOD GUYS I HAVENT WRITTEN FANFIC IN LIKE TWO YEARS SO THIS IS probably really shitty but shut up just take it :P
WARNINGS: uhhh gore i think..there’s a lotta violence and it’s pretty angsty
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The small town of Woodsboro had been rocked with fear when the gruesome Ghostface attacks were brought back to the once quiet and homely town. Among the chaos though, between your friends, you had found comfort in your best friend of all, Amber Freeman, your girlfriend.
Amber was beautiful, witty, artistic, athletic, she was perfect, she was your rock, a shoulder to lean on in the darkest moments of the Ghostface massacres.
You spent countless nights with her after the news spread, terrified you were next.
Amber consoled and soothed you in her arms those nights, you slept like a baby through the whole night.
Loving the way that you thought she would stay in bed with you those nights when Amber had really been sneaking away when you were at your most vulnerable.
The sound of the gun shot still rings through your ears even as you hide in the closet of the house- Stu Macher’s house, the house you had been mindlessly staying at for nights for comfort, turned out to be the most horrific house you’d ever stepped foot in.
You can still see the look on Liv’s face when Amber—your rock—the love of your life, had shot her right in the head.
Your thoughts are quickly interrupted when you hear heavy boots clunking through the hallway at a rapid rate, you knew it was Amber.
Your breathe catches in your throat as you cover your mouth, tears pricking at your eyes as you desperately try not to make a sound.
Suddenly, the door slams open and you let out a scream of terror. Amber looks pissed but her gaze immediately softens as she looks at you, lowering her knife that her gloved hands were holding, the gloved hands of the Ghostface costume.
“Baby..” Amber coos softly, her voice is so quiet and soothing, completely different to when you could hear her screaming and laughing mockingly at Sidney and Gale just downstairs.
Amber sighs, seeing your terrified expression. “Sorry, baby, i’m just..um..looking for Tara. Why don’t you come out? I’m not going to hurt you..” Her voice sounds so loving, so caring and trusting.
But you see her hand reaching out to you and you can see the ghostface gloves and come back to your senses.
“How could you do this to me?”
Your voice is meek, it cracks slightly as tears roll down your face and you stare up at her with a look of utter betrayal.
Amber’s eyes fill with remorse and she sighs, “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I never wanted you to get hurt.” A lie, it was all a lie, she manipulated and lied to you for months, she was a monster. You loved her so much and she betrayed you.
Your heart shattered as you struggle to comprehend the betrayal. "You used me. All this time, you were lying to my face while people died because of you!"
Amber reached out, desperate to touch her beloved girlfriend but you flinched away from her touch, backing up into the wall of the closet like a feral cat.
“You..lied to me for months.” You whisper softly, Ambers heart breaking each time you spoke with that damned broken voice that just made her want to kiss and comfort you. “Is there any part of you that’s real?”
Amber nodded, her voice barely audible. "The part that loves you. That's the only truth I have left."
You were torn between conflicting emotions. Those words tugged at your heart strings and made your heart soar..but you knew what happened in all of these movies. You knew the gruesome deaths that each Ghostface faced, and with Sidney and Gale in the house now, you were certain she wouldn't make it out of this alive.
Out of nowhere, Tara comes stumbling out, slamming her crutches into Ambers face and Amber screams, falling onto the ground while Tara takes heavy breathes, bringing her crutches down and onto Amber over and over and over again.
You stare in shock and quickly leave the closet when Amber gets back up and moves to grab Tara, you move swiftly and barrel your body into your lovers. Amber yelps in surprise and is thrown over the couch, wincing in pain as she falls against the glass table.
Tara quickly grabs the knife from Amber’s hands, staring down at Amber who’s trying to get up but her body is impaled with the glass from the table.
Tara hands you the knife slowly, her hands shaking as she gives you a nod.
You’re confused, hurt, angry.
“The second you’re not of use anymore, she will kill you just like the others.” Tara whispers softly with a frown, she knows how hard this must be, especially since Amber was also her best friend.
You feel like you’re not in your body anymore as you stand over Ambers limp body, completely dissociated.
Amber’s face is covered in blood and there’s some glass in her cheek as she stares at you with pleading eyes.
“Y/n..I love you..no one will ever love you the way I do.”
Amber whispers, her voice shaky and frightened.
You take a deep breathe, pushing aside your emotions as you close your eyes tightly. Thoughts are flashing through your mind, your first date with Amber, her little laughs, how possessive and jealous she would get which you used to find cute, how she would hold you close, whisper in your ear, kiss you so tenderly.
You exhale as you bring the knife down in your hand and feel the knife enter Amber’s forehead, suffering the same wound as Liv. Your heart breaks, your eyes still squeezing shut—
—After you killed the love of your life.
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final-girl96 · 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Twenty-Nine
Authors Note: A/P/Y= Actor Playing You
Two Days Later
"Are you sure you should be out doing stuff?" Randy asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed. It's only been two days since the fucking killer tried to off me in the hospital. Yesterday Sidney saw him while she was at rehearsal. She said he was in with the people wearing the masks but then disappeared. She has detectives following her around now. I do too. But I made sure to tell them they better stay as far back as possible.
"I'll be fine, Ray. I'm literally going to be with you and Dewey. It's broad daylight, killers usually don't attack in the daytime," I told him. "Besides, I got things one and thing two following me around as well." I hitched a thumb over my shoulder and he turned around and waved. "They gonna follow you until he's caught?" Randy asked. I hummed as we walked into the cafeteria where we were to meet Dewey.
After getting milk shakes we sat down at a table away from anyone else. They had an interview with Tori Spelling and A/P/Y about them playing Sidney and I in Stab. "This is such shit!" I said. Gale made me look like I was aware that my boyfriend was a fucking psychopath. Randy and Dewey started to talk about potential suspects and rules for a sequel. I couldn't bring myself to even pay attention.
Not when a blond headed asshole caught my eye. I saw him across the room sitting in the very back corner. He had his glasses on again, black tee-shirt and jeans. I smiled spread across his face when he saw me looking at him. "Maybe it's Stu. Maybe he came back first yn."
That caught my attention and I looked at Dewey. "What?" I asked. "Have you gotten any calls or anything from Stu Macher? Or have you seen him at all?" He asked. I shook my head, "um…no. No, I haven't gotten anything from him. And if he is around I haven't seen him. He'd probably change his look wouldn't he?" I could feel the anxiety bubbling up inside of me. I look back over to where Stu was but he was gone.
After we talked and finished our milkshakes we met up with Gale and her cameraman, Joel. Gale's phone kept ringing and she kept hanging up on the person calling. When I rang again Randy picked it up, pissed that whoever kept calling couldn't take a hint. But then he stopped and pulled the phone down. "It's him."
"Who?" I asked. "The killer." The four of us looked at each other and then decided we split up. Gale went with Dewey and I went with Randy while he kept talking to the killer. It was hard to tell who was on the other end when everyone sitting around seemed to be on the phone. The killer said something that pissed Randy off then he went off on a rant about them being a copycat before trashing Billy and Stu.
We were near Gales news van when the sliding door opened and someone yanked Randy inside. "No! Randy!" I tried the door but it was locked. "Fucker!" I yelled and reached through the open window on the passenger side only to have my arm cut. "Fuck!" I jumped when Randy was pushed so hard against the sliding door that the window shattered but didn't completely break. I yanked the door open, crawling over the seat and into the back.
I wrapped my arm around the killer's neck from behind to try and get them off of Randy. He let go of him and pushed back so I was slammed against the door making the window shatter completely. I lost my grip on him and he quickly hopped over the seat and took off. I groaned in pain and crawled over to Randy, putting pressure on the knife wound close to his neck.
"You're going to be fine. You're going to be fine. I let go and pulled my jacket off to use as a compression, putting his hand there and telling him to put pressure on it. I opened the sliding door and yelled. "Dewey! Dewey!" I turned back around replacing my hand with Randy's. He had been stabbed multiple times but I was more worried about the wound I was putting pressure on. It was awfully close to the main artery in his neck.
"Dewey!" I screamed. Randy's blood hand wrapped around my wrist as he tried to speak. "Shh. Don't talk. Don't talk, okay. You're going to be fine, Ray." I heard footsteps running towards us and turned my head to see Dewey, Gale, and Joel. Gale screamed and Joel passed out. "Call 911! Hurry!" I yelled. Dewey nodded and quickly went to grab some random person's phone.
After spending hours in the hospital with Randy the detectives assigned to me took me back to my dorm. "We'll be here if you need anything." I thanked them and walked up to my room. When I got inside I locked the door and let out a heavy sigh. My hands and clothes were still covered in blood and a white bandage covered my arm. I rested my forehead against the door and took a couple deep breaths.
"And where have you been? I've been waiting for fucking hours." I jumped and spun around. My heart was pounding out of my chest. "Jesus. What the fuck happened?!" Stu rushed over to me, grabbing me by the shoulders and looking me over. "Baby, what happened?" I shook my head and pushed him away. "Did you…was it you?"
"Was what me?" He asked. "Did you…did you try to kill Randy?" His face fell into confusion and he slowly shook his head. "No. Baby, what happened?" Tears started to stream down my face and he pulled me into his chest. "How about you go take a shower. Then we can watch a movie or just lay in bed." I sniffled and nodded my head. What I couldn't see was the smirk he had on his face.
I moved away from him, grabbed my shower stuff and left for the showers. When I got back Stu was sitting on the couch, arms stretched across the back, head tilted back, and eyes closed. I softly closed the door and locked it. My mind started to race with thoughts and I fought with myself for a few minutes before I let my towel drop to the floor.
His eyes flew open when I settled myself on his lap, hands going to grip my hips. "What do you need, baby? Hmm?" I pulled at the bottom of his shirt and he got the hint, pulling it open up over his head and throwing it beside him. His thumb came in contact with my clit and I gasped. "I'm going to make you feel good, baby. That what you want?" I nodded my head and pressed my lips to his. My hands blindly reaching for the button of his pants.
"In a rush, sweetheart?" He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling them down, kicking them off. His hard cock laid against his stomach before he wrapped his hand around it and positioned me over him. He teased me with the tip of his cock, running it between my wet slit before pushing inside of me. I sank down on him, the both of us moaning at the feeling.
I knew I shouldn't have been doing this. I could have told Dewey the truth. I could have told him Stu was here and that I've seen him several times. But no, I'm fucking him after my best friend was just almost killed. But it felt too good. Having Stu take care of me like this. Having him fucking me in a way only he could. There will be no other guy in this world that will make me feel the way he does.
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tovahsfine · 1 year
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“Cats Against Capitalism⁣” ⁣ This post is in dedication to the cat who tried to get into a Japanese art museum and was turned away for being a cat. ⁣ ⁣ The museum then made merch out of the incident and the comments below the post were hilarious, I sent the post to my friend River (@thegrief.witch) who then inspired me to make this poster. ⁣ ⁣ And yes, this will be available to buy in my merch store. ⁣ ⁣ ID Slide 1 / An illustration by me @tovahsfine of my two Black cats Gale Weathers and Sidney Prescott sitting in front of a Monstera Deliciosa with the words Cats against capitalism written above and below them. ⁣ ⁣ ID Slide 2 / The original post by @puncrastinstion of a tweet by @/R__B__K__ on Twitter. The tweet reads “the cat trying to get into the Japanese art museum is now immortalized on a tote bag in their gift shop”⁣ ⁣ ID Slide 3 / A photo of a black cat walking into an art museum and being stopped by a security guard. ⁣ ⁣ ID Slide 4 / the security guard is pointing for the cat to leave and the cat is walking out of the museum. ⁣ ⁣ ID Slide 5 / A tote bag that says “Onomichi City Museum of Art” and “Let me in!” “No-No”⁣ ⁣ ID Slide 6 / the same illustration with some of the comments from the comment section on the original post about the cat attempting to enter the art museum. ⁣”so they deny him entrance and then exploit him,” “so they don’t let him in but they wanna profit off him,” “Let him in, apologize and compensate,” “they didn’t let him in but made money off his attempt. What!??” ⁣ #CatsAgainstCapitalism #ArtMuseum #ChatNoir #BlackCats #Catstagram #BlackCatsRule #LetHimIn #IllustrationArtists #DisabledArtist (at Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxncBKLq-8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Headcannons for a(nother) dumbass au
(I may or may not be watching scream 5 and thinking of the absolute shit-show of what would happen if I just ploped a bunch of ghostfaces((+ Sidney)) in with the RE crew. and I may or may not be on a roll tonight and gonna write that shit)
this is just bcs I love the scream movies lmaooooo
(this blog has become the land of the stupid and impossible AUs)(might turn into a series and add more good guys like Gale and Dewey and Randy, bcs I can bring back whoever I want in my own dumb au)
I mean, if its all current ghostfaces then there's some geeking out from the Scream 5 ones about the others(but im not here for that, im here to stick them in with zombies, so we can all just imagine them freaking out about one another and get straight to the au stuff)
Also, gonna ignore the Stab movies and just say we dropped the ghostfaces and Sid in a universe where that isn't a thing.
Sidney is involved how? I think im going with current Sidney from 5, so she's being chased about by the 9 killers she thought were all dead, so im just sending her to the RPD for help.
so yeah, like in the AvP au, the STARS crew is pretty busy. but someone saying that they are being attacked by serial killers might be taken more seriously that someone talking about aliens. so ima say they believe her.
they still might not have time though.
I would say they put her in a safe house or something, but that's boring. so to the mansion she comes
she's survived enough to know how to follow horror rules, so she may surprise them with how good she is.
that being said, there's a huge difference between klutzy teens in costumes with no peripheral vision and a fucking hunter.
she's not gonna let herself trust anyone because of her previous problems being part of a group.
even so, she probably gets attached to the STARS crew pretty quick. especially cause Dewey was a cop(and she married Mark from scream 3, also a cop) so she is used to trusting them
so it's gonna hit hard when Wesker turns on them.
she's used to it, and knows it wasn't aimed at her(probably very refreshing for her, it always seems to be targeted at her) but she's mad bcs she really has decided she likes the STARS crew
she thinks Rebecca is the most wholesome smol bean and wants to kill Wesker for shooting her.
when the Tyrant does its thing she's like 'fucking n o p e'
she fully understands that they always come back, so she rlly wants to go shoot Wesker in the head to make sure, but what can she do while being chased by the Tyrant. (if I make a series out of this, there will be a lot about how she's finally gonna face an actual semi-immortal villain after so long of just humans and tons of talk about supernatural monsters like Jason and stuff, blah blah they always come back, and now she's gonna wish she'd listen to Randy a bit better)
oh yeah, I forgot the ghostfaces
lmaoooooo. this whole thing was kinda about them, and I forgot about them.
(off topic as shit, but Richie was right. thinkin about having to address hate comments and yeah. how can fandom be so toxic when its about love?)
ok, back to the ghostfaces.
Wesker wants Sid out of the picture bcs she might fuck up his test data or something.
that's just an excuse for me to have him bribe all the ghostfaces to help him in return for him capturing Sid for them.
if they all came to the mansion I think we lose Amber, Charlie and Stu right away. they might be the weakest of all the ghostfaces
Richie is sticking to Billy[scream] in such a way that it might become a problem. after they both lost their partners right away they might just decide to hang out
Jill[scream 4] isn't really upset about losing Charlie, but she's gonna die next.
its possible that Wesker killed her bcs he's sick of her drama queen bullshit.
Roman is like 'wtf ok mr corrupt cop man' - I also think Roman might last longer than most
Chris or Jill runs into the group of bumbling idiots and I think we lose Mickey and Mrs. Loomis (she tried to offer him up and they both got shot)
so that leaves us with Billy[scream] and Roman and Richie
im thinking bcs they r my favorite 3 ghostfaces they get to live by just kinda dipping after that.
If this becomes a series I might retcon other deaths I stated here.
Ima imagine a funny scenario where the 3 I let live knew Wesker got stabbed by the Tyrant and he shows up and they freak the fuck out.
omfg ghostfaces in a full on outbreak is such chaos.
stay tuned for more bullshit
holy shit that was long
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gaylovingbirds · 2 years
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USE code GLBWM4EJR - 15% OFF on @ruderainbow . http://www.ruderainbow.com/glbwm4ejr . Our cheeky NEW retro peach triangle swimbriefs……. designed to make Dat Ass look extra peachy!! 🍑🤤 .Model is @scottxxm . . #newswimwear #swimwearbrand #mensswimwear #mensswimwearfashion #rude #ruderainbow #peach #peachaesthetic #peachy (at Sidney, Nueva Gales, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjc6ks6oqjr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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My interpretation of Scream Seven is out!!! I’d love for you to check it out since I’m a huge Scream fan. There’s the same original characters that are still alive and new ones too!!!
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/54869752"><strong>Scream: the last Spree</strong></a> (1097 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Multifandom_10"><strong>Multifandom_10</strong></a><br />Chapters: 2/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Scream%20(Movies)">Scream (Movies)</a><br />Rating: Explicit<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Mark Kincaid/Sidney Prescott<br />Characters: Original Characters, Sidney Prescott, Mark Kincaid, Martha Meeks, Gale Weathers<br />Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, Original Character(s), Movie: Scream (1996), Character Death, Depression<br />Summary: <p>The remaining originals have to team up to kill this new Ghostface that found out where Sidney now lives.</p>
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list of scream fictives
.... interact: richie kirsch /r ONLY.
.... dni: anyone else for their safety. unless like, the kirsch family.
.... interact: tom /r, sidney /r /p, any
.... dni: roman, milton
.... interact: sidney /r /p, any
.... dni: billy, probably
.... interact: chad /r, quinn /fam, any
.... dni: wayne (but at the same time, he wants the negative attention from him?). tara, sam
.... interact: dewey /r (it will be difficult), sidney /p, any
.... dni: amber, any ghostface
.... interact: gale /p, any
.... dni: roman
.... interact: no
.... dni: yes
.... interact: charlie /r (she's an adult, though), any
.... dni: jill
.... interact: chad /fam, randy /fam, anika /r /p, tara /r /p, any
.... dni: n/a
.... interact: any
.... dni: n/a
.... interact: tara /fam, (billy /fam), any
.... dni: richie, amber
.... interact: mark /r, dewey /p /fam, any
.... dni: wary of ghostfaces but anyone can interact
.... interact: dewey /fam, sidney /p, randy /r /p, stu /r, billy /p (she's also like- had a FWB-type thing with him so.. keep that in mind)
.... dni: n/a
.... interact: judy /fam, chad /r, liv /p, tara /p
.... dni: richie
.... we are bodily 16.
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forafcrtnight · 1 year
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"NAH, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW WELL BEHAVED THE KIDS ACTUALLY ARE? wouldn't even begin to guess that they are sidney prescott's kids." she teased her best friend with a grin, wrapping up a few sweaters that she had brought to spend the weekend over with sidney and her kids. with everything going on around town? well, it was easier to relax like this. easier to be where she was meant to be, without having to handle a disaster every now and then. it was.... annoying, for sure. "but thanks for letting me crash here. think that i actually needed it, after everything."
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tallysdhericky · 1 year
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Sinopse: "Faz muitos anos que o assassino "Ghostface" deixou um rastro mortal pela cidade de Woodsboro. A fim de superar o trauma desses terríveis acontecimentos, Sidney Prescott escreveu um livro de auto-ajuda. Ela retorna à Woodsboro para lançar seu livro e reencontra os velhos amigos Gale Weathers e o Xerife Dewey. No entanto, a chegada de Sidney também provoca o retorno de "Ghostface", colocando Sidney e todos que ama em perigo." Dirigido por Wes Craven Escrito por Kevin Williamson Produzido por Wes Craven, Iya Labunka, Kevin Williamson Elenco: David Arquette Neve Campbell Courteney Cox Emma Roberts Hayden Panettiere Anthony Anderson Alison Brie Adam Brody Rory Culkin Marielle Jaffe Erik Knudsen Mary McDonnell Marley Shelton Nico Tortorella Gênero: Terror / Mistério / Thriller / Slasher / Comédia Baseado em Personagens de Kevin Williamson 🎥 Companhias Produtoras: Corvus Corax Productions / Outerbanks Entertainment / The Weinstein Company 🎬 Distribuído por Dimension Films 🎞 Tempo de execução do Filme: 1h 51m ⏳️ 📅 Data de lançamento: 15 de abril de 2011 (Brasil) ⚠️ Classificação Indicativa: 🚫 14 Anos 🚫 🟡IMDb: 6,2 / 10 🧑🏻‍💻Eu: ⭐⭐⭐ ( 3/5 | 6 ) 🍅Rotten Tomatoes: 61% de Aprovação 🍅 CONSENSO DOS CRÍTICOS: "A franquia está mostrando sua idade, mas Pânico 4 é inegavelmente uma melhoria em relação ao seu antecessor, com meta humor suficiente e mortes inteligentes." #scream #scream4 #panico4 #wescraven #nevecampbell #courtneycox #recomendation #horrormovies #horror #slasher #ghostface #thriller #Mistério #Terror #comediaterror #dimensionfilms #terrorslasher #recomendaciones #horrormovies (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppHydnuw4Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
Sidney and Gale: Enemies to Slightly-less-enemies to frenemies to good-frenemies to bonded for life
Yup p much.
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von-frappe · 2 years
I had thoughts on one thing that really stuck out to me during scream 5 so I made a long post xx
scream spoilers under the cut :p
okay but I feel like they were alluding to a stronger connection with stu than we got.
In the first phone call when Ghostface asked who the killers were in the first stab movie, tara only said Billy and Ghostface seemed annoyed that she forgot Stu
then twice more we see it established that stu has been forgotten in the legacy of the killers. Once when Sam says the original murder spree was done by "Billy Loomis and his friend" then again when Stu's name is brought up to the friend group and someone ask who Stu is.
there's two things to gather from this
1. the stab films must've been fucked to let my man stu be a forgettable character
2. this reads like foreshadowing, why bring it up multiple times if it wasn't relevant??
Sure Ghostface getting mad at a person for not getting stab trivia correct could be attributed to the fact that the killers were crazed stab fans, but to bring up Stu's irrelevancy compared to Billy in two unrelated instances just feels like it's intentionally alluding to something more.
Now why did they do this??
In my theoretical theory world it was a red herring, a red herring that didn't really work out though.
One of the most popular theories for scream 5 and it seems like it was even popular for scream 4, was that Stu didn't actually die and he was going to be some sort of mentor to the new ghost faces.
So alluding to Stu in the way they did might give the impression that the killers were people who were dedicated to Stu
And it's kind of like the Judy Hicks red herring where it only really makes sense as a red herring to the fans who already have the context of the popular fan theories, so it works like a nod from creators to the fans as well as a red herring.
This doesn't work for me though because the idea of this red herring was actually more interesting than the actual reveal that was given, so instead of feeling shock at being duped I felt a bit more disappointed that Stu wasn't a motivating factor in the killings.
Either that or I'm just completely wrong about everything.
Personally I always found the idea that Stu survived the first film a bit far fetched, like it just doesn't make any sense how he could have survived without Sidney, Gale or Dewey realising it but I think having someone who was obsessed with Stu and wanted to emulate him and them being upset that Stu is being left out of the legacy does add up a lot.
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angelofbloodlust · 3 years
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Hello! I’m Billy, welcome to my page! My blog is primarily Scream (1996) centered, though I post content about Stranger Things and my OCs as well.
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Writing Requests: CLOSED
Art Requests: CLOSED
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Here’s who I currently write for:
SCREAM (1996)
┍━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┑
•Billy Loomis
•Stu Macher
•Sidney Prescott
•Randy Meeks
•Dewey Riley
•Tatum Riley
•Gale Weathers
┕━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┙
SCREAM (1996) OCs
┍━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┑
•Zephyr Winslow
•Noa Winslow
•Calliope Jones
•Will Witherson
┕━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┙
┍━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┑
•Nyx Witherson
•Fletcher Jones
┕━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┙
┍━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┑
•Eddie Munson
•Steve Henderson
•Robin Buckley
┕━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┙
┍━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┑
•Cricket Wixon
┕━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┙
─── ★○★○★○★○★○★○★○★ ───
Things I will write:
┍━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┑
•GN or Female
┕━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┙
Things I will not write:
┍━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┑
•Angst of any
sort (unless I
write it first, I’d
prefer not being asked
for it, thank you! <3)
•Heavy NSFW (if you’re 18+, head over to @nauticababyy !)
•Reader being
cheated on
•Anything like
inc*st, p*dophilia,
etc. I will reject
anything I think
fits that category.
•Topics of sickness,
or the reader being close
to death. Huge no.
┕━━━━•° ★ °•━━━━┙
─── ★○★○★○★○★○★○★○★ ───
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hamtarozine · 4 years
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Ham-Fans Unite! is pleased to announce our contributors! Please check them out at their own social medias! 
Maxdowt: Twitter | Instagram
leydibug: Twitter |  Tumblr
Emily Edge: Amino |  Tiktok
Shades: Tumblr | Twitter
Caelie: DeviantArt |  Twitter
saz: Instagram |  Twitter
Lora B: Tumblr | AO3
ZoeUniverse: Instagram | Tumblr
Mary Rooney: Twitter | Tumblr
Batsychu: Instagram | Twitter
Scootarooni: Tumblr | Instagram
Lune: Instagram
spooks: Tumblr | Twitter
River C: Twitter | Instagram
Nymphii: Instagram | Twitter 
EliTanDark: DeviantArt | Instagram
Scarlettic: Tumblr | Twitter
Scootarooni: Tumblr | Instagram
check-a-roony: Twitter | Tumblr
Ikitsumi: Instagram | Twitter 
inkieheart: Tumblr | Twitter
LuckyTulips: Twitter | Instagram
Taylor: Tumblr | Twitter
hamster_cheeks: Twitter | Ko-Fi
Sam Yigdal: Instagram | Tumblr 
Tar Dawn: Twitter | Weebly
Glucose Guardian: Twitter
Sidney Gale: Instagram | Tumblr
Lauryn O' Leary: Instagram
Benjamin Sturgis: Twitter
Valeria Alvarez: Instagram
soandski: Instagram
Georgette P.: Twitter | Tumblr
Sarah McSquish: Instagram | Facebook
Caitlin C: Twitter | Tumblr
AR-ameth: Twitter | DeviantArt
Heartfulcakes: Instagram
Rena: Tumblr
Claudia Cisneros: Instagram | Twitter
Art by Little Miss Luna: Instagram | Twitter
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