littlelarajean · 1 year
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Sometimes I'm sad and lonely and have too many pears and a gallette happens.
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omarfor-orchestra · 8 months
Il bello è che mangio come una fuori sede senza essere fuorisede
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Currently torn between the fact that I need to work on an art thing for a friend (which I wanted to have done a while ago) and my desire to keep working on my novel (because it's going really well and I've been looking forward to this next scene for ages).
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samsimisauser · 7 months
Lastly on the Gallette idea. I'd like to think it's not the tikki possessed ladybugs invading the dimensions it's just the tikkis.
Thousands of reveals throughout the multiverse as Tikkis just leave left and right with no regards to anything except the Gallette
So much confusion and panic when Tikki is suddenly nowhere to be found...
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felixfathom · 1 year
like i was just thinking about felix/tikki interactions for my au and it has just dawned on me how much of an asshole tikki is and WOULD be if marinette wasn't such a good holder
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quicksilversquared · 11 months
i need the store I’ve been grocery shopping at (unfortunately, I do not have many options in my current location) to stop fucking up my meal planning via not carrying vital (and COMMON, I’m not trying to find some specialty nonsense here) ingredients that I need.
also the price on their goat cheese is killing me, in the way of ‘oh my god it’s so weirdly inexpensive BUT you also don’t carry another ingredient that I need for the dish that I want to make with the goat cheese’.
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folkiefruit · 1 year
Not to be tr*dwifey but damn. A bitch can Cook
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gastronominho · 7 months
Gallette Chocolates comemora aniversário com novidade
Marca lança caixa com doces, em edição limitada
Marca lança caixa com doces, em edição limitada A Gallette Chocolates está comemorando 12 anos de fundação e, para colaboração com a Made by Nina para servir os produtos até o dia 11 de novembro.  A caixa traz: – Bombom de Queijo.– Bombom de Jabuticaba.– Pé de Moleque Supremo de Castanha-do-Pará.– Pé de Moleque Supremo de Macadâmia e Coco Queimado,.– Barra 70% Cacau com Cupuaçu.– Barras de…
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nanoines · 10 months
Galette sin gluten
Ingredientes: -1 torta sin gluten o un crepe hecho en casa,ya sea sin gluten o keto,como los que tengo en el blog. El relleno es opcional según la tolerancia que tengas ,en este caso puse: -Queso tipo raclette sin lactosa,para rellenar los bordes. -Mayonesa casera y mostaza de dijon -2 lonchas de beicon,sin gluten -1 huevo – Queso rallado sin lactosa, utilizo la marca…
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sanitadomani · 2 years
Rischio chimico, non mangiatele!
Rischio chimico, non mangiatele!
Sanitadomani.com – La catena di noti supermercati Carrefour ha diffuso un comunicato di richiamo di un prodotto alimentare per rischio chimico. “I consumatori che hanno acquistato confezioni appartenenti ai lotti indicati sono pregati di non consumare il prodotto e di riportarlo nel punto di vendita di acquisto per sostituzione oppure rimborso. Per eventuali informazioni contattare il Servizio…
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il-ciuchino · 5 months
Come riconoscere i prodotti con farina di insetti al supermercato
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Se ne parla da tanto, e dopo discussioni e dibattiti è arrivato anche da noi il via libera per il loro consumo: il 29 dicembre scorso, infatti, sono stati pubblicati in Gazzetta Ufficiale i decreti del Ministero dell’Agricoltura che regolano e commercializzano prodotti alimentari a base di farina di insetti. Ma dove, per chi la volesse, la si potrà trovare, e come la si potrà riconoscere? Vediamolo insieme.
Quali insetti e per quali prodotti
Dunque, anche in Italia si potrà produrre, vendere e acquistare alimenti con farine realizzate con quattro tipologie di insetti, che sono, nello specifico, larve del verme della farina minore, larve gialle della farina, locuste migratorie, grilli domestici.
Se in molti paesi, soprattutto orientali, gli insetti si mangiano già da lunghissimo tempo, la decisione europea di aprirsi alla vendita di questi alimenti si concretizza con il regolamento comunitario sui novel food del gennaio 2018, che riconosce le quattro tipologie di insetti descritte come nuovi alimenti e prodotti tradizionali provenienti da Paesi terzi. Secondo l’Efsa, l’autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare, le farine di questi insetti potranno essere utilizzate in alimenti come pane, biscotti, barrette, prodotti da forno, pasta, pizze, minestre, bevande tipo birra.
Nonostante i regolamenti europei impongano già l‘indicazione dell’ingrediente sia nella denominazione di vendita (“gallette con farina di grillo”, ad esempio), sia nell’elenco degli ingredienti con il nome specifico dell’ingrediente e la sua percentuale, i provvedimenti stabiliti dal Ministero dell’Agricoltura indicano in modo ancora più stringente condizioni di utilizzo ed etichettatura degli alimenti a base di farine di insetti.
Secondo le disposizioni nazionali, quindi, sulle confezioni dovranno essere riportate tipologia di insetto presente, quantità utilizzate (fino a un massimo del 10%), paese di origine della farina (al momento in Europa sono autorizzate farine prodotte da un’azienda francese, una olandese e una vietnamita), informazioni relative a rischi legati a reazioni allergiche. La farina di insetti deve essere, infatti, segnalata obbligatoriamente, dal momento che è un allergene come i crostacei e i molluschi. La confezione deve quindi recare la dicitura “le persone allergiche ai crostacei, ai molluschi o agli acari della polvere potrebbero essere allergiche anche agli insetti”.
A differenza della normativa europea, poi, i nostri decreti stabiliscono che i prodotti in questione debbano essere posti in vendita in comparti separati, segnalati attraverso apposita cartellonistica. Previste anche sanzioni per i trasgressori.
Produzione e vendita in Italia
Per ora non tutti i marchi più importanti della Grande Distribuzione sembrano orientati ad introdurre questa novità su scala nazionale, anche se alcuni prodotti alimentari a base di farine di insetti sono presenti già da qualche tempo sugli scaffali di cinque supermercati veronesi, grazie ad un accordo fra l’unica azienda italiana che li produce attualmente, la Fucibo di Schio, nell’Alto vicentino, e due gruppi della grande distribuzione organizzata del Nord-Est, il veronese Tosano ed il trentino Poli. Si tratta di patatine, o meglio di chips, prodotte da un anno in due gusti, e di biscotti, anch’essi di due tipi diversi, commercializzati da alcuni mesi. Alimenti che contengono sia farina di mais che farina ricavata dalla “camola”, la comune tarma della farina, cui si andranno, via via, aggiungendo craker o sfogliette. Si sta inoltre lavorando anche al lancio di una pasta. […] Fonte: Imola Oggi
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angelmush · 7 months
meals for the near future:
today i made a pasta dish by searing some ground breakfast sausage in a pan, deglazing w homemade chicken stock, adding some pumpkin puree, big ribbonlike farfalle pasta bowties, sage, a pad (pat? idk) of butter, and swirling it all together w some pasta water and topping w parsley and breadcrumbs toasted in sage oil (was good but would've been better w parm but i was all out)
chicken vesuvio ! roast chicken w potatoes in a wine sauce except sans wine and instead just using my homemade chicken stock bc i don't have any wine to cook with and don't feel like picking it up lol w some good bread from my fave patisserie to sop up the sauce
using the leftover chicken shredded in a grilled cheese of sorts w jammy caramelized onion and brie and crisp tart granny smith apples on crusty sourdough
and using even MORE leftover chicken (hopefully i have enough lol) to make a chicken noodle soup w oriechette, ginger, carrot, herbs, and rice
buttery seared scallops and shrimp (scallops for me and shrimp for my gf bc she's not a scallop girl) with an herby sauce and (again) with a side of that good bread to soak it all up
an apple pie maybe!!! or gallette, or tarte tatin, im not sure yet but i have apples galore and some pie dough in my freezer
been drinking lots of chai lattes and apple cider in the mornings, just fully and deeply embracing the cold weather here
i have leftover pumpkin puree from the pasta i made today so if anyone has any suggestions, it's a small amount, probably half to a quarter cup. not sure what to use it for!
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We need your help! It has been a while since the Luka Appreciation Blog has hosted an event/challenge, and we need help narrowing down the prompt ideas.
We are going to do 7 days of Luka’s Christmas, and we need your help choosing the best prompts.
If you have anymore ideas leave them in the comments or reblog them with this post.
Please vote and reblog to reach more people, thank you!!!
We will post an announcement for when the event will take place once voting is completed.
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bubbydarkstar · 10 months
i wish to request a drawing of a sexy one piece lady of your choice
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okay here's an underrated girlie (probably because her powers suck) charlotte gallette
also i really wish you didnt send this ask anonymously because it looks like i sent it to myself as an excuse to draw one piece LMAO............
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Vincent Van Gogh - Le Moulin de la Gallette, 1887
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mochegato · 2 years
Star Struck
It wasn’t the first hit that got to Marinette, she wasn’t that petty.  Not to mention, she’d had her fair share of accidents that ended up with the people around her getting pelted with random items.  She really was in no position to judge.  It wasn’t even the second hit that upset her.  It was the fourth hit with the paper that had been folded to look like a star that had gotten to her.  Four hits and no apologies, just mildly exasperated grunts each time, as if it had been an inconvenience to him that she had gotten hit.
Markov had scanned them and assured her they were unfamiliar to him, so it was unlikely to be a vendetta. His prevailing theory was that the man was just really bad at their game of table football.  But Marinette knew it had to be on purpose.  It had to be.  There was no other explanation for hitting her in the exact same spot every time.  If whoever was doing it had that kind of precision, surely they could get the star… ball… thing where it was supposed to go. Unless, where it was supposed to go was her head, which it had to be.
“Look on the bright side,” Alix offered, not bothering to conceal her laughter at the fourth imbedding itself into her hair, “if seeing a falling star is supposed to be lucky, being hit by four has to be a guarantee for a golden future, right?”
“Let’s just go,” Nino offered sympathetically.
“The movie is going to start soon anyway,” Max agreed.
They got up and turned toward the exit just in time to see another flying star coming directly toward Marinette’s head again.  She squawked and flinched back, tripping over a table leg and landing on her bottom just in time for the paper star to hit her in the head… again.
To their credit, the men jumped out of their booth as soon as they heard the commotion and rushed over to check on her but stopped a few feet from her, eyes wide in surprise.  “Oh, are you okay,” the one with dark hair asked, his body shaking from poorly concealed laughter.  “Sorry about that.”
Marinette glowered at him. Any other time she might have been tongue tied attempting to talk with someone that ruggedly handsome and eyes that brilliantly, penetratingly blue made softer by the crinkling in the corners. But not today.  Not after being hit FIVE times.  Not after that gorgeous crinkling was there because he was laughing at her. This was no longer normal Marinette mode.  This was battle mode.  She was being attacked and she was not going to back down.  “What is your problem?” she growled.
The man’s eyes widened in surprise.  He looked over at the other man, who was also stupidly handsome, Marinette noted, as if looking for an explanation for her outburst.  “What?”
“You’ve been hitting me all night!” she exclaimed standing up on her own despite the several hands outstretched to help her, because she didn’t need help damnit.  She could handle this on her own.  She shoved her hair out of her face and stomped up to him, shoulders squared, legs firmly set, clenched fists perched on her hips.  “Did I do something to offend your delicate disposition? Did I laugh too loud for you?  Did I take the last gallette?  Did I breathe too loudly?  What exactly did I do to deserve this targeted attack?”
He gulped in shock, his Adam’s apple bobbing, eyes growing even wider.  “What?  No, I… Did one of my stars hit you before?”
But Marinette was not in the mood.  The fifth star had done it.  That was the line, and he didn’t just step over it, he hurdled over it all while laughing… at her.  She held her hand up with the four stars in it.  “FOUR of them.  In the head. Each one.  I even moved and you still hit me!”  She grabbed the fifth star to add to the pile, further accentuating her point.
This time, he raised an eyebrow and his lips quirked up in amusement.  He felt bad, he really did, but she just looked so adorable, glowering at him with her hair sticking out where she’d pulled out the stars, like a kitten that was pet the wrong way.  “Sad I haven’t been hitting on you?  I’m willing to resolve that.  I’m Jason. What’s your name, Sweetheart?”
“Sweetheart?” Marinette’s body became even more taut.  Her previously angry eyes narrowed, indignation and anger flaring in her glare.
“Uh oh,” Nino gulped, taking a step back out of self-preservation, a concern Kim did not seem to share as he started vibrating with excitement and stepped closer so he could see better.
“Oh, I’m not sad you haven’t been hitting on me, I’m horrified by your terrible aim,” her voice   held a dangerous edge to it.  “How terrible do you have to be at hitting a mark to get it that wrong.  God, I’d hate to see you in a hostage situation with a gun. You’d accidentally shoot the hostages… being held in a different room!”
Jason’s cocky smirk dropped. “Uh oh,” Roy sighed.  He sat back down on the bench seat and took another drink. They were going to be there a while.
Marinette leaned in closer to him and lowered her voice as if it was just the two of them, despite the entire café being able to hear her words.  “Stick to embarrassing yourself with your terrible aim, Cupcake.  You’re out of your depth here,” she snarled. Her shoulder bumped into his as she pushed past him.
Jason narrowed his eyes at her.  He had excellent marksmanship.  He was better at it than almost anyone else alive… except Deadshot, but that man was a freak… not that Jason wasn’t but… Not the point!  “This is harder than it looks, Baby Doll,” he called after her.
“Baby Doll?”  Her eyes flared for a moment before she covered it over with ice again, the picture of calm and cool.  She quirked her head to the side in consideration.  She narrowed her eyes calculatingly at the catapult. It was some kind of hastily slapped together conglomeration of binder clips, coffee stirrers, rubber bands, and a plastic spoon.  “Who even engineered this?  And what else have they done?  I just want to know what deathtraps to stay away from.”
“Excuse you.  I made that,” the redhead squawked.
“Dude, don’t sound so proud,” Nino scoffed, even though he was kind of impressed that he had managed to put that together with the things he’d found around the café.
“I was making better contraptions than this in collège… you call it middle school?  High school?” Marinette looked to her friends for confirmation.
“High school,” Max confirmed. Marinette nodded and looked back with a self-satisfied scowl.
“She really was,” Alix snickered.
“Ooohh, do you remember that thing she made for our service project to serve up food in bulk at the shelter but Lila tried to sabotage it and ended up getting covered in eggs and syrup?” Kim laughed.  “That was beautiful.”
Roy looked at his catapult more analytically.  He really hadn’t put that much effort into it.  It had just been something to keep his hands occupied while he and Jason talked about the mission.  “Well, I mean, I didn’t… this wasn’t my best…” Roy stuttered, motioning weakly toward it.
“And it doesn’t look so difficult.  How about a deal?  If I can do a better job… actually, let’s make it harder than that because honestly a toddler could do better,” she snarked.  “If I can make a… goal?  Is that considered a goal?”  She looked over at Kim who shrugged and made a non-committal sound.  “You two stop terrorizing the patrons and admit you are terrible at aiming.”
Jason took her in, small, tripped a few times already, didn’t look like she’d touched a ball in her life, let alone a gun.  He scoffed. “Sure thing, Sugar Lips.  And when you don’t, you admit I’m an excellent marksman… and let me apologize properly.”  His eyes flickered with sincerity, but Marinette rolled her eyes.  It was too late for sincerity, sweetheart.  Battle Mode Mari didn’t care.  “I’ll even give you a test shot first,” he offered.
Max sighed heavily and plopped down on the bench next to the redhead.  “We could be in our seats with popcorn already,” he grumbled.
“This is more entertaining than a movie,” Kim hushed him, turning his eyes back to Marinette as she worked with Jason to move the catapult.  He fell into the seat on the opposite side of the booth from Max and the other guy.
“Why are you planning on getting popcorn if you just had food?” Alix quipped.  She pulled out a chair and spun it around to sit next to their table and watch the chaos unfold.
Max adjusted his glasses and set his jaw.  “Popcorn makes movies 32.7% more enjoyable,” he answered.
“Budge over,” Nino nudged Max, his phone already out and recording.  “I need to get a good angle to record this or Alya will call off the wedding.  Alix, move closer to Kim.”  Alix huffed but did as requested.
“Since when is a sure thing entertaining?” Max grumbled but moved over, causing the redhead to have to move over until he was pressed against the wall.  He turned tiredly to the man.  “I give your friend a 99.9% chance of losing this.  Something could happen, I’ve seen miraculous things,” Kim barked a laugh, “but prepare to lose.”
“She’s that good?” Roy asked curiously.  He reassessed the woman.  He hadn’t thought she wasn’t much more likely to deliver on her threats than Oliver was to hug him, but looking again, she was definitely confident.  There were no telltale signs of nerves or second thoughts. She was fully confident she could do this, and Jason wasn’t thinking straight enough to realize the danger he was in, or more likely, was too blinded to care.
Alix scoffed.  “When you piss her off.”
“Or challenge her,” Max added thoughtfully.
Kim shuddered at a memory. “Even I won’t challenge her anymore when she’s pissed off.”
“Your boy is about to go down in a blaze of glory,” Nino commented, a gleeful cackle.
“Epic takedown,” Kim nodded wisely.
“He doesn’t go any other way,” Roy sighed.  He turned away from Jason to face them.  “So, what movie are you seeing?”
“Glory Days Return,” Nino said.  His eyes lit up mentioning it.
Roy perked up.  “Oh, that looked good.  I didn’t realize it was out yet.”
“Yeah, we’re excited. Or we were,” Max groaned looking at the time on his phone.
“We have extra tickets if you want to come,” Nino offered.  “My fiancé had to drop out at the last minute for a work assignment and our other friend finally asked out the girl he likes, so it would just be a matter of getting your friend a ticket.”
Roy bobbed his head to the side in consideration.  “When does it start?”
“About 15 minutes. Just enough time to grab popcorn and something to drink,” Max answered.  “If we leave now.”
“Perfect.  I’m Roy by the way.”  He waved awkwardly to the other people at the table.
“Nino,” Nino said waving back.  He motioned his chin toward the others as he spoke.  “Kim, Alix, Max, and the one about to annihilate your friend is Marinette.”
“Okay, let’s do this,” Jason announced, holding up his fingers like a goalpost.  He was seated at one of the café tables while Marinette and the catapult were set up on a second table that they had dragged over to give more room for the catapult.  She scowled at him before lining up her shot.  “Not too late to back out, save face,” Jason taunted.
“Does this look like a face worth saving,” Marinette snarked.  She pulled down on the spoon but froze as the words she’d just said replayed in her head. She opened her mouth and snapped it shut, quirking her lips to the side and narrowing her unfocused eyes as she considered ways to recover from that comment.  Unfortunately, a moment later she realized what she was looking at; his lips, his very moist, full, very kissable lips.  She let out a quiet groan, missing the scoffed ‘yeah’ before Jason froze too.
“See,” Alix smacked Kim, in lieu of Max, who was too far away, on the shoulder, vibrating in excitement and ignoring his pout, “more entertaining.  Tell me you got that on film, Lahiffe.”
“Of course I did,” he scoffed.  “20€ he’s in love by the end of this,” Nino offered
“No bet,” Kim said instantly.
“With that attitude and that face?  He’s probably halfway there already,” Roy proffered.
“97.3% likelihood he’ll fall for her,” Max sighed.  “The lower probability is whether she falls for him.  Especially after he called her ‘sweetheart’.”
“Oh, those odds I’ll take,” Alix argued.  “She won’t be in love, but she’ll give him a shot and if he isn’t an asshole during the movie, maybe even a kiss.  You guys saw her staring at his lips, right?”
Marinette cleared her throat and shook her head to focus.  This was about proving a point, not getting lost looking at luscious lips.  She narrowed her eyes at him again and didn’t even bother rechecking her aim before she let go of the spoon, hurtling the star through his fingers and landing it solidly against his chest.  “Huh.” She quirked her head to the side in mock confusion.  “That must be a mistake though right?  It’s too hard for me to get it right the first time.  We agreed on a test shot.  That should be considered a test shot.  Let’s have another go.  Fair?”
Jason stared at the paper star laying in his lap before looking back up to nod at her in a daze. He hadn’t expected her to get it, especially on her first shot.  Nobody got it on their first try.  They always either overestimated or underestimated the tension.  That’s why he’d given her a test shot that she clearly didn’t need.
Marinette pulled the spoon down again, laying the second star that had hit her on it before letting go. It sailed through the air and hit him in the same spot.  She scrunched her face in bewilderment.  “Maybe, it’s just that you’re making it too easy for me,” she offered helpfully.  “Let’s try it again, a bit more distance this time.”
She moved to the table behind her and set the catapult on it.  She carefully lined up her shot again and pulled the spoon back further this time before laying the third star on it and letting go.  The star sailed through the air and Jason’s fingers easily, striking him just an inch above where the other two had hit him.  “Beginners luck.  That’s the American saying, right?”  She asked Jason who nodded absent-mindedly.  “Must be beginner’s luck.  Why don’t you make the goal smaller?”
Jason was staring at her slack jawed almost not registering her words.  This is nothing like what he had expected to happen.  This confidence, this sass, and the skill to follow it up? He didn’t know how to respond except to do exactly as she asked.
“I should mention,” she looked up with a devious smirk, “I’m really lucky.  I guess you were right though…”  She let go of the spoon that was already loaded and ready to go with the last two stars, and watched as they arced through the air, well above his fingers, but clearly between where they would be, one hitting him in the same spot on his chest and the other hitting him in the middle of his forehead.  “…it is really hard to do this without hitting someone.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, we have a movie to catch,” she stood up with a smug grin curling her lips up.  “Darling,” she drawled.  She strutted past him with a swing in her hips.  “I believe we’re done here.”  She glanced over to her friends who were already up and cheering for her and bobbed her head toward the exit.
Kim grinned and jumped in Jason’s face.  “Boom, bitch.”  He threw his arms out as he walked backward toward the exit and running into the door.
Alix almost fell down cackling at him.  “God, I hope you were still recording, Lahiffe.”
“Pinnacle of my career,” he grinned.  He turned back to Roy with a questioning look.
“We’ll be right behind you,” Roy said quietly.  Nino and Max nodded and followed their friends out the door.
When Roy made his way over to Jason, he was still staring at the door Marinette had left through, a lovesick smile on his lips.  “I think I’m in love.”
“Of course you are,” Roy sighed.  “So… we going to that mov..”
“We are going to that movie!” Jason affirmed loudly, already moving to follow them.
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