#gambit solicitations
roguegambitweek · 11 months
From Rogue/Gambit Week 2023 to 2024
Hi everyone,
It’s been quite a year for Romy fans.
♠️ Rogue and Gambit had a new miniseries.
♥️ It’s the fifth anniversary of (the publishing of) Rogue and Remy’s marriage.
♣️ Romy fans started the process of creating a fanzine.
♦️ We’ve had another lovely Rogue/Gambit Week.
Thank you to everyone who participated — @chellerbelles @emyryld @dayenurose @ludi-ling @go-haywire @jehilew @sandmansraven @ilargikat @annalebeaus @catgirlmagneto @annamariedarkholmes @nicopony79 @applejacks1552 FilipaMarieKecharitomene @anna-dela-luz @purplevit . A special thanks to @go-haywire for creating the lovely graphics/banners/icons for the site, and to @applejacks1552 for maintaining and spreading our social media presence. And, to each and every Romy fan who has liked, reblogged, and participated in Rogue/Gambit week. You are all an important part of what makes the Romy fandom great.
If you haven’t caught up on your reading, Sandmans_Raven and Chellerbelle have finished the fics they wrote for Rogue/Gambit Week. Be sure to check them out.
And, now, what to expect for Rogue/Gambit Week 2024.
We are making a few changes this coming year.
💚 The first change is that we are moving Rogue/Gambit Week from February to June 2024.
💜 Also, instead of soliciting and voting on new prompts, we will be using the extra prompts from the last several years. We’ve had so many great prompts over the years and some very close calls on the voting, that it seems like a fun way to give them new life.
💖 Keep an eye out for pop-up events throughout the year. I’m thinking about adding some weekend events in order to help spread the Romy love all year long.
Thanks everyone for all your excitement and love for Romy!
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roguearchives · 2 years
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Rogue and Gambit in the variant cover of Rogue & Gambit (2023) #1, illustrated by Zu Orzu.
Source: Marvel solicitations for March.
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pollylynn · 1 year
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Title: Misdeem WC: 950
“I don’t see it going anywhere.” —Richard Castle, Food to Die For (2 x 22)
There are times when he’d like to be a liar. This probably does not exactly set him apart from the masses. Who is out there walking around, drawing breath and sighing it back out again who hasn’t wished they’d been a liar at one time or another? Who hasn’t had a friend solicit reactions a truly hideous new outfit and desperately tried to sell a sincere It’s fantastic! only to have their own stupid, truth-telling face nuke the little white lie from orbit?  Doesn’t he—day in and day out—sit across the table from self-tattling morons who’d like nothing more than to lie their way right out of the interrogation room? He might be—he clearly is—in bad company, but he would very much like to be a liar right now. 
Beckett didn’t seem to mind.
His mother thinks he’s lying. His daughter probably would think he was lying if she had any attention to spare. And it’s not even that he wants to be lying. It should be a lie. That’s the agony of it. 
She should mind. That’s the way of things. This whole Richard Castle: Moral Support for Hire gambit should be one in a long line of his fool-proof plans to get her goat—to make her mind. 
But she doesn’t mind. It’s not a problem. He’s telling the truth, and he’s not even getting credit for it. Not from his mother, who is pursing her lips and shaking her head as she sourly reminds him that he should be getting ready for his date.
He doesn’t want credit, though, not in this instance, and certainly not for this truth. He wants to be the rogue his mother thinks he is—the one his daughter would think he is, if she weren’t, herself, so torn between duty and desire. He wants to be the Hamptons, the seductive allure of fun in the sun that makes Beckett forget all about the microscope-requiring AP exam that is Tom Demming. But he’s not the Hamptons. Or Beckett is not tempted by the beach. Or something. 
It’s a cavalcade of lousy metaphors, so he doffs his gloves and goggles. He extracts a spare watch from somewhere and he picks out a shirt in a color that she likes on him. Or a week ago he’d have said it was a color she liked on him, but apparently he’s no judge at all of what Kate Beckett likes or doesn’t like. That is the only explanation for the fact that she’ll be toting her microscope and slides all over town tonight, completely unperturbed by the thought that he will be out on the town, raconteuring his way through the celebrity chef world with one of her high school gang.  
There’s a moment when she bursts on the five-star dinner scene that he thinks she’s come to make a liar out of him. He very nearly chokes on whatever it is he’s eating at the moment and weakly, hopefully demands to know: Beckett, what are you doing here? 
He has the answer. He’d happily write it for her. He’d set her up with anything from cue cards to index cards to a state-of-the-art teleprompter, if she’d only read the lines with conviction: I’m here for you. I’m here because I couldn’t stand the thought of this. I’m here because it is a problem, and I do mind. 
But that isn’t the answer, of course. She is not interested in cue cards, index cards, or his writing services in any medium. She is not there for him or because she minds or it’s a problem. She’s there for case-related purposes, because the only struggle for her is the one between duty and more duty. 
He tries to work himself up to play the part everyone expects—the one she expects. He makes a respectable showing of it. He whines at length about the food of which she has cruelly deprived him and her good friend Madison. He accuses her of being uncivilized. He has another nanosecond’s worth of a thrill when she bans him from the interrogation. He parses the words giggling over the risotto with our suspect up, down, and sideways, searching for vindication—for the indisputable evidence that he’s been a liar after all, but it isn’t there. 
She’s hissing, red-faced, and thoroughly embarrassed by Madison’s Castle baby fantasy, but it’s . . . generic embarrassment. Or worse, it’s embarrassment for his sake—that he’d play a role in such an outlandish fantasy, or maybe that he’ll get the wrong idea? She’s avoidant when he tries to get her goat with a reprise of the Castle baby fantasy, but it’s . . . impersonal. She wants to get on with the case and back to her date with duty. There isn’t a shred of evidence that she hopped in the Fun Police Wagon and  drove it down to Rocco DiSpirito’s place because she’s bothered by the fact that he was out with Madison. 
He wonders how it’s come to this. He wonders when, because he could have sworn that she minded when he had his ten-second fling with Ellie Monroe, when he was on the radar of Bachelorette Number 3. He would have laid money on it being a problem when Rina scrawled her digits across his palm, when Lee Waxman wanted to trade favors, and when Meredith and the Crazy-Sex Train blew through town. He’s positive that she has minded virtually every woman who has so much as given him a second glance over the last year or so. 
But Madison? She doesn’t mind. It’s not a problem, because she, herself, has ‘Something’. 
That’s the truth and he’d so much  rather be a liar. 
A/N: Oof. This was ornery; and I didn't think this was the lie that would drive the story. Blegh.
images via homeofthenutty
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monsieuroverlord · 7 months
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Bleeding Cool released the solicits early this month!
source here
We even have a quick preview of Marvel Voices: Pride this year!
Mystique and Destiny Wedding!
(renewing their vows, perhaps? It would be cute having their son officiate a vow renewal)
Marvel Voices: Pride #1 (2024 oneshot)
written by Kieron Gillen, Yoon Ha Lee, M. Louis & more to be announced, artists to be announced, main cover by Jan Bazaldua, variant cover by Russell Dauterman, and two more variants to be announced
"WEDDING EXTRAVAGANZA! Mystique and Destiny are one of the most beloved – and longest running – gay couples in history. Somewhere in their 100+ years together, the pair married, but we've never seen the event on the page. This year MARVEL'S VOICES: PRIDE makes history with Marvel's first woman-to-woman wedding in a story by superstar X-Men scribe Kieron Gillen! And with a couple as complex as these two, you know there's a lot more to the story. We promise party crashing! Villainy! Romance! In the classic tradition of FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #3 and X-MEN #30, this anthology will be a must-read for every comics fan. Featuring the Marvel debuts of award-winning writers Yoon Ha Lee (Ninefox Gambit, Machineries of Empire) and M. Louis (Agents of the Realm), and much more talent to be announced!"
Ultimate X-Men #3
written, art, and main cover by Peach Momoko
"• Maystorm's origin! Mei Igarashi was a regular girl until she discovered her unusual abilities and her hair changed from brown to white… • And how she came to idolize a mysterious freedom fighter in Africa who also harnesses the power of the storm!"
X-Men '97 #3 (of 4)
written by Steve Foxe, art by Salva Espin, cover by Todd Nauck
"DANGER ABLAZE! Powerful new foes descend on the X-Men, endangering not just our merry mutants – but any innocent civilians caught in the crossfire! Will humanity's improved opinion of mutants survive the chaos – and will one member of the team find herself pushed past her limits? Find out in the penultimate installment of the official prelude to the hit new Disney+ TV show!"
AND they're releasing a NYX Gallery Edition Hardcover (a.k.a. Laura Kinney's introduction to the comic book world)
written by Jose Quesada & Marjorie Liu, art by Josh Middleton, Robert Teranishi, Kalman Andrasofszky & Sara Pichelli, cover by Josh Middleton
"Headline! Meet a pack of New York City gutterpunks – including the girl destined to one day become the All-New, All-Different Wolverine! Yes, X-23's journey of hardship begins in NYC, where Xavier's dream has failed a group of young mutants. These wayward angels with dirty faces must rely on themselves for everything from food to shelter to love. Just as the X-Men battle for their lives against super villains, these kids face their own fight for survival in the cold, harsh city that never sleeps against the backdrop of their species' nigh extinction. The world of the X-Men hits the streets in this gritty and offbeat different series – now looking better than ever before on the oversized pages of a Gallery Edition! Collecting NYX #1-7 and NYX: NO WAY HOME #1-6."
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hustlerose · 10 months
Woah I'm literally just about to start a heist campaign! Is this the Stygian Gambit module from Keys to the Golden Vault, or a different casino heist? (If it's not SG, that book is literally all heists so there's a ton of ideas in there)
Also thank you for using your platform to solicit heist ideas that I will now also be using
oh it's not a module i'm 100% homebrewing (read: winging) this thing ^_^
i haven't actually read stygian gambit. is it cool?
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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What shameless act or felonious activity was not evidenced on Hunter Biden's laptop? Racist attitudes toward Asians? Soliciting prostitution? Felonious use of drugs? Photographed nudity and perverse sex? Admissions to illicit foreign shakedowns?
Hunter accused his father, President Joe Biden, of also being on the foreign take: "I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family... Unlike Pop, I won't make you give me half your salary."
Hunter's alleged felonies range from bribery to tax evasion. That he has not yet been prosecuted for anything is scandalous. His exemption is attributable only to Attorney General Merrick Garland's likely weaponized directives to federal prosecutors to downgrade or forget altogether felony charges against Hunter.
So, given such wild behavior, why would Hunter not tone it down, stop the global grifting, cease the reckless behavior -- and quit redirecting attention to the likely illegal acts of his father, the president?
Why did he not just settle the child support suit filed by his paramour, Lunden Roberts? Why haggle over money for his own daughter?
Hunter instead outrageously claimed near poverty. That excuse was hilarious, given he flies on private jets and pays nearly $16,000 a month to rent a house in tony, celebrity-ridden Malibu.
Why did Hunter ever get involved with a performance stripper in the first place after his past widely publicized liaisons with prostitutes? Why also with his own widowed sister-in-law?
Given Hunter has little or no experience or training in high-stakes international finance and investment -- and thus has no market value as an investor or broker. But he was infamous for translating that nothingness into millions in lucre due solely to his ability to monetize the influence of then-Vice President Joe Biden.
So why now, when under 24/7 scrutiny, would Hunter dare recreate himself as an "artist" by blowing through straws in his mouth?
His amateurish canvasses somehow have sold for up to $500,000 a pop. Both Biden donors and gamers saw their buys of such mediocre art as gambits either to meet with or profit from his father, Joe Biden.
But would not his painting grift only bring greater prosecutorial scrutiny and more significant embarrassment to the president?
Hunter Biden's attorneys sought to leverage federal prosecutors into agreeing to drop their charges -- by threatening to call in as a pro-Hunter witness President Joe Biden himself and thereby likely invoke a constitutional crisis!
In such a scenario, the president under oath, would be forced to lie again that he had no knowledge of or involvement in Hunter's illegal behavior. Or if he admitted the truth that he did, he would thus contradict years of his adamant denials.
Why would Hunter put his father and president in such a publicity circus?
Hunter has lost an incriminating laptop by abandoning it at a repair shop. He has forgotten his crack pipe in a rental car. His illegally registered handgun turned up in a trash dumpster near a school.
So would not the carefree Hunter insist that all the Bidens in the spotlight remain extra careful never to abandon incriminating drugs -- especially in the White House?
Yet in a West Wing first, cocaine was recently found lost in an entrance vestibule. Various media outlets claimed it belonged to someone in the "Biden family orbit."
One of two things explain the continuous reckless behavior of wayward son Hunter Biden:
One, he is either still on drugs or so suffers from past addiction that he has lost all common sense and judgment and simply cannot control his behavior.
Or, two, Hunter is an embittered, angry son. As the Biden bagman for foreign shakedown cash, he did the dirty work and most risked the legal exposure that made all the Bidens rich.
Yet, instead of familial praise -- or so the broke Hunter seems to whine on his laptop --Hunter gets no respect from those he enriched.
And now he, not they, might first go to jail.
As a result, does his continuous recklessness send a not-so-subtle reminder to all the Bidens -- his father, the "Big Guy" especially?
That is, Hunter is not going to take the fall. He will not end up in prison for decades while the other exempt Bidens continue to enjoy their ill-gotten riches due to Hunter's imaginative cons.
No wonder the first family moved Hunter into the White House for months and put him on Air Force One.
Is it now, "Keep Hunter close and self-important -- or else"?
TOWNHALL (https://townhall.com/columnists/victordavishanson/2023/09/08/column-n2628142)
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brw · 2 years
xmen fans every week will be like "the xmen are minorities and everyone fighting them is a fantasy racist" and then i go to check solicitations and it's like "X-Men, New Mutants, X-Force, X-Cellent, Wolverine ongoing, Wolverine limited, Wolverine infinity comic, X-Men: Green infinity comic, X-Men Romance infinity comic, Sabertooth limited, Bishop limited, X-Treme X-Men, Marauders, Nightcrawler limited, Storm limited, Immoral X-Men, Sins of Sinister, Rogue and Gambit limited, X-Men Unforgiven, Betsy Braddock limited series". This is all just March btw.
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gambitgazette · 4 years
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[…] Marvel’s November 2020 Solicitations
X-MEN BY CHRIS CLAREMONT & JIM LEE OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC LEE 275TH ISSUE COVER (GATEFOLD, NEW PRINTING, DM ONLY) 832 PGS./Rated T …$125.00 ISBN: 978-1-302-92715-8 Trim size: 7-1/4 x 10-7/8
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marvelheroperil · 3 years
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TINI HOWARD (W) • MARCUS TO (A) Cover by MAHMUD ASRAR VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO THE TOWER AND THE STORM! With Captain Britain and Excalibur reunited, Otherworld is their domain. An escort mission reveals deep political unrest among Saturnyne's court. And a brutal sacrifice bears fruit. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 
(Marvel Comics July 2021 solicitations)
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nicopony79 · 3 years
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I was told there would be Claremont Cajun content. Where are my Gambit solo solicits? My body is ready.
In antici-pation, here are two t’iefs off to do some t’iefin’.
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Drifter’s coat is so hard to draw correctly so I made a reference. He tried to solicit me the whole time to play gambit (I caved).
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roguearchives · 2 years
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Rogue in the cover of Rogue & Gambit (2023) #3, illustrated by Steve Morris.
Source: Marvel solicitations for May.
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daresplaining · 3 years
Solicitations for June 2021
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CHIP ZDARSKY (W) • MARCO CHECCHETTO (A/C) Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto and all their collaborators have redefined the life of the Man Without Fear. In this issue, they do it all over again and, what’s more, they go a step further and UP THE ANTE! Wilson Fisk’s gambit from the past few months risks upending his life and tenure as mayor! Meanwhile, Matt Murdock has to fend off a prison full of inmates who all want Daredevil dead…and the inmates aren’t the only ones! This, as Elektra fends for herself as a Daredevil all her own, fighting to protect Hell’s Kitchen…and leaving herself vulnerable in the process!
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PAUL GRIST (W) • CHRISTOPHER ALLEN (A) • Cover by CHRIS SPROUSE BACKED BY THE SQUADRON SUPREME, COMMISSIONER CAGE THINKS HE’S BULLETPROOF. HE’S DEAD WRONG. And it’ll take a Saint to prove it. Someone is cleaning up criminals who’ve escaped justice – and leaving a bloody trail in their wake. This is the Squadron’s world, and the age of vigilantes is over. Police Commissioner Luke Cage has one job: Find the scum and eliminate them – before ambition takes them beyond the city streets.
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ETHAN SACKS (W) • LUCA PIZZARI (A) • COVER BY STEPHEN SEGOVIA ELEKTRA LEADS A TEAM OF THE WORLD’S DEADLIEST HEROES AND VILLAINS – WITH ALL OF REALITY HANGING IN THE BALANCE! There are some threats that require a more savage approach than the Squadron Supreme of America can offer. For those missions, the Department of Defense has put together a team consisting of Elektra, the Punisher, Crossbones, Cloak and the enigmatic Murder Hornet. They must fight their way through a team of super-powered terrorists known as the Redeemers—if they don’t kill one another first! Prepare for twists, turns, double crosses and action aplenty!
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monsieuroverlord · 2 years
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Full April Solicits have been posted!
(find ‘em here)
Above is the cover for X-23: Deadly Regenesis #2
Written by Erica Schultz, art by Edgar Salazar, and cover by Kalman Andrasofszky
• X-23 has made her share of enemies, but this time, REVENGE is PERSONAL!• Don’t miss the debut issue of a never-before-seen X-villain in the further adventures from Laura Kinney’s defining era!”
New villain for Laura -- gloves could indicate claws?  could be some clone/genetic hybrid shenanigans  
Overall, a very big month for X-fans -- Laura appears to be joining X-Force alongside Colossus, Sins of Sinister event is in full swing, Logan is apparently getting his own clone wars (Wolverine-style), Rogue and Gambit mini, Deadpool takes Valentine on a date, and much more
Noticeably absent is Marauders, which may indicate its concluding at issue #12 :/ 
Time will reveal and confirm/deny all speculations
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 313
Nov Solicits
Comic Reviews:
Batman Secret Files: Clownhunter 1 by Ed Brisson, Rosi Kampe, Andrew Dalhouse
Superman: Red and Blue 6 by Rex Ogle, Tom King, Darcie Little Badger, Matt Wagner, Sophie Campbell, Steve Pugh, Mike Norton, Paoloe Rivera, Brennan Wagner
Kang the Conqueror 1 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Carlos Magno, Espen Grundetjern
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual 1 by Jed MacKay, Saladin Ahmed, Luca Maresca Juan Ferreyra, Fer Sifuentes-Sujo
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto 1 by Leah Williams, Lucas Werneck, Edgar Delgado
Warhammer 40K: Sister of Battle 1 by Torunn Gronbekk, Edgar Salazar, Arif Prianto
Second Chances 1 by Ricky Mammone, Max Bertolini
Eat the Rich 1 by Sarah Gailey, Pius Bak, Roman Titov
Black Hammer Visions 7 by Cecil Castellucci, Melissa Duffy, Bill Crabtree
Killer Queens 1 by David Booher, Claudia Balboni, Harry Saxon
Warcorns: Birthday Bash by Garrett Gunn, Kit Wallis
At Death's Door 1 by Phil Jones
JISEI 1 by Miguel Hernandez
99 Cent Theatre
2100 Samurai 1 by Nick Keith Gibson, Ami Agisi, Brian Quiroga, Michael Ensminger
Project Axis 1 by Nick Keith Gibson, Jason Johnson
Stellar Death 1 by Frank Nivicela
Vyper by Dan Butcher
Additional Reviews: Mitchells vs. the Machines, Queens Gambit, Escape Room, Devs, Another Bad Film, Reminiscence, What If Ep2,  Gibson's Alien 3
News: Omninews, Captain America 4, Black Canary movie, second He-Man animated series coming, Wool series with Tim Robbins and Rebecca Ferguson
Trailers: Night House, Nightbooks, Eternals
Comics Countdown:
Ascender 18 by Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen, 
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow 3 by Tom King, Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes
Nocterra 6 by Scott Snyder, Tony Daniel, Tomeu Morey
Tales From Harrow County: Fair Folk 2 by Cullen Bunn, Emily Schnall, Tyler Crook
Snow Angels Season Two 3 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
Time Before Time 4 by Declan Shalvey, Rory McConville, Joe Palmer, Chris O'Halloran
Radiant Black 7 by Kyle Higgins, Marcello Costa, Melissa Flores, Eleonora Carlini, Mattia Iacono, Natalia Marques
Black Hammer Visions 7 by Cecil Castellucci, Melissa Duffy, Bill Crabtree
Bermuda 2 by John Layman, Nick Bradshaw
Killer Queens 1 by David Booher, Claudia Balboni, Harry Saxon
  Check out this episode!
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funkypoacher · 4 years
recently snagged myself a commission spot with @yummychii​, who asked that I give a small blurb about the characters to get into the zone for the purposes of their drawing process. I was really impressed by that, and also inspired, leading to this little Margaret/Reed episode. 
also tagging @a-productive-manor​ for I am a beggard thirsty for them reblogs :,( (just kidding. unless?)
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Reed Tobson/OC The Outer Worlds rated G 
The personal timepiece on Reed Tobson’s wrist, rather than read a specific hour, pointed out the indolence as he stood amidst fine and faded furniture, his eyes casting suspicion upon the dully lustrous swathes of wallpaper. Its gleam dimmed when Margaret walked passed, moving towards the tripod-cradled camera over which she bent and fussed, effusing the click of mechanics while she saw to processes he had no need to understand.
“Are we nearly ready, my dear?” asked Reed.
After setting the timer, Margaret breezed towards him, her head-shake burdened with the barest suggestion of reproach, and coloured by coquettish, playful wisdom. “Even in the most dire of situations, the company recommends, for every standard pay-period, one day of rest. Or a span of twenty four hours divided in such a manner as agreed upon by the employee and his superior.” Subduing the space between them, Margaret reached for Reed’s tie, righting the knot with a careful tug. “And seeing as you are dangerously close to infringing upon overtime which has not been granted this week, I suggest you commit yourself to this act of shiftlessness and stop checking the time.”
Distasteful though he found the notion of such idleness—it was akin to malediction on her lips—he could not help but admit, around a glowing smile, “how I adore your grasp of the labour guidelines.”
Her song of triumph was a soft, melodic laugh. Turning, Margaret faced the camera which loomed ominously halfway across the room, its lens shining like an inky eye.
“It takes a moment to warm up. Simply stand as you please.”
For her part, she posed loose-limbed and stale-countenanced in front of him. Reed balled his hands, awaiting the flash.
“And this is the rage in Byzantium, you say?”
“Oh, yes.” Margaret looked over her shoulder. “I had my portraiture captured alongside the troupe and Mister Rockwell, as well as for the corporations that rented my contract. And, as mentioned before, the promotional endeavors offered by Universal Defence Logistics back in ‘42.”
Reed sighed wistfully. “Hundreds of people forming a queue simply to have their likeness alongside your own. And to think—I get to skip the line entirely.” His chest expanded, pride crinkling his eyes. “I suppose it’s prudent that I have my wife’s portrait in my home if Halcyon’s privileged were given the opportunity.”
“Not quite, darling. UDL owned my image at the time, and weren’t inclined to give it away, even for a price. It was about the experience—the chance to rub elbows with luminaries, producers, and picture-stars. The Ruth Ballamy of my time was, by far, the more popular choice in these things compared to little, old me. Naturally.”
“Ah. Then…” Reed felt his collar tighten, and he put great effort into rebuffing it. “My, but what an interesting expenditure of one’s time. Byzantium’s elite certainly are fortunate. And, I suppose, I am now as fortuitous as they.”
Margaret was troubled unexpectedly. Turning, again, to cast a glance over her shoulder, she could not deny the affectionate call to touch his cheek. She did so; cupping his face, her hand indulged her heart to feel the warmth of his skin, and she stirred, deeply, particularly as his eyes met her own. 
“You are better than any I’ve known in Byzantium, Reed Tobson.”
It was the incertitude of his expression which she both cherished and girded against, but she knew it to be true. As his hand encaptured hers which, moments previous, had stroked his face, and his second palm went to her waist in a moment of stupefaction, Margaret considered how fully she esteemed the sentiment.
Hundreds had crossed her path in Halcyon’s capital, their right to fortune ensured by the Grand Plan’s strings of fate, but that did not guarantee a richness in morality. Expectations were heterogeneous between the classes; yet, while pride in one’s lot was universal, so many in Byzantium complained pitiably of their indulged position.
Not Reed. Where he was—where he belonged—was a point of self-regard. And for Margaret it had so long been a subject of torture heavy in her bosom, for she had been strung along between the various corporations that traded her contract—and her life—like so little a thing; yet, now, in Edgewater, she felt she had been found. She no longer believed the Grand Plan had forgotten her, thus denying her the stability of purpose, or the spiritual integrity of being in one’s place. And, as fate would have it, her place was at Reed’s side.
But to Margaret, Reed was not only a means to an end—an affirmation of goodness, or proof of worthiness. Reed was unlike those she had known in Byzantium; he was curt and boorish at times, yet this was simply straight honesty. He did not hide behind double-meanings or preening; he said things as they were, sour or not. When Reed Tobson stated that he respected her, she believed it. And when he expressed softly, with uncertainty in his eye, “as you say,” Margaret saw nothing like Byzantium’s arrogance in his countenance.
“You’re a good man,” she warmly insisted.
Reed was unsure of how to reply. To espouse his superiority over anyone from that echelon of society seemed, somehow, grotesque, yet his wife’s perception had always been sharp, if hesitant (out of regard for etiquette).
Beyond this, however, was the plain devotion she exuded, and it refashioned Reed’s doubt to thankful confidence. There were people chosen by the Architect to imbue a certain set of extraordinary skills, and while the interconnectedness of existence meant one’s influence reached far across the stars, Margaret not only touched the lives of many, but she enriched them. Her songs had soothed spirits, strengthened bodies, and bid minds to work harder towards the piety of productivity. She hadn’t been the voice of Spacer’s Choice in some years, of course, but her brilliance did not mar in the wake of changing fashion. Creative and solicitous, she achieved what every Halcyon citizen strove for: great self-sacrifice, dedication, and she demanded only what was her due—her right as a consumer and a cog in the system.
Margaret was not perfect in the sense of infallibility of action. She failed, often, yet she met disappointment with grace, accepted defeat beautifully, and tried and tried again. In a word, Margaret was the epitome of integrity. When Reed gazed at her, he saw all that was good in the galaxy.
Caught in the moment, the couple found themselves rooted to each other like a rock polished to marvelous marble. But this did not mean that neither jumped when the camera’s flash finally sparked.
Stunned—and certainly embarrassed to have his improper, emotional passion immortalized in the picture soon to print—blood burned across Reed’s cheek. He blinked for the deadened spark which had blazed through the room, but Margaret laughed freely, her hands clasped joyously at her breast, as her amused effusement echoed off the wallpaper.
“You might have given me fair warning, dearest,” Reed said, pinching the bridge of his nose and blinking away the stars.
“Oh, darling.” Margaret sighed while approaching the camera which slowly produced its yield. “That’s part of the gambit, I’m sorry to say. Oh, and look! Reed, look at this—it’s perfect.”
But he could not say the image in her delicate fingers was the epitome of fineness, for he had the real thing in his own hold.
“You’re pleased, then?” With his hands on her hips, Reed looked over her shoulder, hope pulling his lips to a tight lilt, and fondness leaving a little gleam in his eye.
“Every moment I’ve been in Edgewater,” Margaret promised, reaching back to touch his cheek once more.
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