#game spooky too
calamity-pantheon · 9 months
Started playing SIGNALIS today (by that, around 1 and a half hours before TRYING to sleep) and...other than the fact I forget how to breathe for a moment because I'm constantly holding my breath...woah
Soo tall
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kiivg · 2 months
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."Didn't need your help, Leech.".
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louvsona · 11 months
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we love a sexy sister daniel! happy halloween!
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vaultlinkvt · 1 month
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I should probably share this too huh, I originally made this for personal use but I'm just so happy with how it turned out.
Was slightly annoyed with the way some of the songs in the OST wouldn't loop seamlessly whenever my brain decided I needed to listen to a song on loop for 2 days straight, so I went about making the ones that didn't seamlessly loop. I wanted them to have a different thumbnail to differentiate them from the main OST, and since most of them were late game stuff I lent into the Act 5 stuff for this edit of the cover art.
(Original OST Cover under cut for reference)
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faeriekit · 1 year
Health and Hybrids (VI)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here PART THREE is here PART FOUR is here and PART FIVE is here and this is part six💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Danny and Bart are bros now. The Speedsters chat about the horribly injured entity their kid has decided is like a...pet? Theydk?
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Danny wakes up to an unbridled wave of nostopdon’t.
…He rouses. His lungs flutter.
Danny flinches. 
There’s something— it’s large and it’s green in a way that humans are not and it’s taller and wider than Danny’s human and the space it makes in Danny’s senses—
The red human Danny is too attached to now buzzes to his bedside, spilling worrywor/rynerv/ous all over Danny’s section of this abandoned hospital. His muscles tighten up to compensate; and when the green not-human adult gets closer, Danny pushes himself forward on his elbows— closer to his vibrating human, closer to a defensive formation. 
The green thing moves and Danny can’t see the gesture. He bristles. 
And then
Danny’s skull spl
                                                down the middle. 
Everything hurts and everything is on fire. 
Danny screams. 
                        And he screams. 
                                                        And he screams. 
Danny isn’t moving— everything else moves when Danny screams but he isn’t moving— the fast human has gotten even faster and they’re zooming through the building, through rooms and past adult humans that Danny has never seen, and all Danny can do is sink his claws into the human and hope that it stays. That Danny stays. In its arms, and not next to— that. 
The fast-buzzing human finds a dark room. 
It shoves Danny and itself inside. Good. 
They hide. 
Even better. 
Someone comes to the door, and Danny can feel the frigid heat of a blast forming in his fingers. But it’s only two of the humans Danny has already met. And another young human.
This one has light hair, he thinks. It shines in the light spreading out from the cracked doorway. 
They talk and they don’t crowd his space but to be honest Danny would rather they did. There’s something horrible out there, and he knows these humans aren’t that bad and whatever green thing out there certainly is. They should all be safe in this nice dark room. 
He makes a grabby hand. Come here. Get closer. 
…One of them does. Great! Danny gently bats at it with his knuckles until it joins them underneath the table. Danny puts the buzzing human in front of him and his new human behind him, so that he’s in the middle. There’s layers now. They can’t all get wiped out at once. 
Danny makes grabby hands at the other. It makes a huffy sort of vibration. Probably a laugh. Stupid. Doesn’t it notice that they’re in danger?? 
Danny whips a very sharp comehererightnowbetween them— not lashing, but not gentle. They are in danger. Come here. 
Thankfully, the last two obey—Danny’s pretty sure he’s being humored, but that doesn’t matter. Not as long as they’re all under the table. And safe.
The buzzing human’s anxious vibrations slowly move out into a slower, calmer boredom, and that’s fine, because boredom means that it doesn’t think they’re in danger. No one has found them yet and the humans are twitchy and nervous.
One of the darker-dressed humans says something. Danny can’t tell what it says, exactly, but he can turn his head to listen. The words flow around him like water. Someone else murmurs something else.
A human hand bats at Danny’s. Danny flinches. It—is it fighting?? Are they fighting??
They don’t start…hitting. But they keep batting at Danny’s hands, very carefully avoiding his claws, and—oh. They want to play. And they probably want to play quietly, so they’re being smart about not getting caught. Ugh. If Danny had his toys, they wouldn’t be so bored. This is almost worse than boredom.
…Fine. Danny’s claws don’t exactly retract like an animal’s, but they’re not so essential to his being that they’re formed and present all the time. The sharp shapes of his claws shift in the darkness, until they’re only blunt nails: suitable for playing.
All the humans make very excited noises under their breath. It’s all very interesting or something. It can’t be that special. Danny sees other ghosts reshape little bits of themselves all the time.
The quiet human in red gently lifts up Danny’s hands with its own. It gently tosses Danny’s hands in the air, so that they clap together very quietly once they fall down onto its own. Danny lets it happen. They’re this close to him anyway. They’re probably not a threat.
(The real threat is outside, anyway.)
Then his hands get flipped over. The human gently bats its hands against Danny’s, extremely careful not to anger him enough to claw. They do this a couple times before Danny figures the game out.
Oh. It’s a hand game—Danny even knows this one. It’s Ms. Mary Mack. The quiet one whispers the right tune under its breath.
Once Danny knows it, it’s easy to gently follow the motions. He surprises them when he knows the motions as well as they do; his wrists hurt when he goes too fast, or when the human kids do—when they push too hard, Danny makes himself intangible, to their delight—but he can be gentle, and eventually everyone else is gentle, and they carefully plot out Mrs. Mary Mack and a veeeery slow version of Concentration.
It’s all very fun, right up until the Large Green Not-Human pushes itself through the floor.
Danny pulls his hands back, unsheathes his claws, and shrieks.
Everyone yells and everyone gets closer—it’s a defensive formation and that’s good but it’s not enough if he needs space to help defend them—and everything is loud and upsetting and Danny’s already hurt but he can fight and he will—
—Apology, Apology— something whispers, infinitely quieter than the attack Danny had suffered.
He bolts upright. What? Oh, oh no. It wants to talk to him. Danny does not want to talk back. NonononoGoAWAY.
The giant green thing backs off. Danny gets a distinct sensation of —Questions, Answers— sent to him. The feeling is accompanied by a procession of Danny’s own memories: the stars from the base, the container he’d woken up in, his bed nest and all the waste in it.
Danny winces further back under the table. Just because he likes his cot and feels safe in it doesn't mean it isn't gross. It is gross. But everything is going to be gross until all of his insides are actually inside of him again, and not squished up in his more liquid form.
The quickfasthuman darts in front of Danny, as if it is going to be any defense against whatever this creature is, and starts yelling in its little human voice. Danny keens.
—Care, Concern— flows towards him. With it comes Danny’s memories of the buzzing human bandaging him, a flesh-tone bandage stretching across the hole where more of his nose ought to be.
…Danny stills. It’s. That’s.
It’s a very gentle emotion. Maybe the thing is…lying…? But if it was, Danny would be able to feel it. Right?
There are more thoughts and feelings that come by, first very quietly and softly, and then a little too fast to track as the being get ahead of itself. When Danny pulls away, it slows down, and the flow becomes manageable again.
The Earth. Green and peaceful.
Space. —Home. Home—
This base that Danny is on. On it are faces that the green being can see, that Danny can’t— but in its memory it shares, all of them are welcoming and friendly with…their coworker. This being.
(Is this an alien?!)
(The being pauses in its recollection. It feels distinctly —Amused, Amused—. And then Danny gets space memories!! Of Mars!!!)
He carefully eases his claws out of the carpet. Okay. This is pretty cool. Danny’s getting the hang of this.
He (thinks? Successfully?) bounces back a memory of his first room, his first shuttle model of the Atlantis, the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling.
The alien (Alien!!!) treats him to a memory of his own offsprings’ resting places in his home. On Mars.
Danny doesn’t even argue when his buzzing human tries to pick him up. They can break formation. It’s fine. Danny purrs and purrs with his core. For the first time in months and months, someone can speak to him properly. Someone wants to speak to him.
What Danny thinks matters.
The stranger invites Danny into a mutual conversation, and Danny accepts.
Danny sinks himself into a memory of the earth, as seen from the upper atmosphere. The stars were all-encompassing there. He misses flying. 
The Martian sends him a memory of a crashed…
…Oh. Danny squeezes further under the table. That’s the Specter Speeder. From the stranger's eyes, his crash into the dirt looks so bad. That’s…that crash hurt him. He’s still hurt. Still so bad. 
Even the alien’s —Concern, Fear, Worry— isn’t a comfort. 
The Martian replays the memory of the bandaids again. And then a new memory: the laboratory where Danny woke up. 
The room was full of nervous humans in scrubs and lab coats, all of whom were nervous, nervous, fussing over problems like safe food and adequate oxygen and sanitary environment and please, please be okay. Danny’s empathy is limited to other empathetic beings, but the humans' thoughts and worried faces are bare and transparently clear to the alien. 
Danny thinks of the young humans crowded around him, trying to keep him comfortable and safe, even when the alien knows that the humans know that he isn’t a threat. But that they worry for Danny anyway, because he’s scared and unhappy and in pain. 
Oh, Danny thinks. …Oh. 
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invisible-brandy · 11 months
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im gonna chew my arm off thanks<3
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bibones · 1 month
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so far this book has been like 45% bones flirting with spock. he's feigning disappointed that spock can't hulk open the sealed doors on a romulan space station, hip and head cocked, trying not to smile. ffs
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the-spooky-children · 4 months
What if the last shot of SM 10 is the sun rising, signifying that the spooky shenanigans have ended
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luzxii-selfship · 2 months
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꒰ selfship game 02 ꒱
send me 1 ( poly ships are an exception ) image of a f/o and I will create a cupcake for you to give them / based after them using this picrew!
example using my dearest :
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sonicblooms · 2 years
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i hope these screenshots calm you like they’re calming me <3
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linkspooky · 3 months
I'm working on yet another post for the new chapter to try to explain my disappointment with the Todoroki plot with inter-media literary analysis now that the scans are out. So look forward to that if you want me complain with long-winded arguments and in-text citations.
Which is sad because I've been procrastinating a Jujutsu Kaisen post for like 2 weeks because complaining about MHA takes priority.
In other news, I'm very lame because I woke up extremely happy this morning because I finally got the new running shoes I ordered after wearing down my old ones completely which means I get to start running again. Exercise is my only other hobby besides this blog.
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supahstarrr · 11 days
Okay so since Eden is implied to be the one to who stabbed Xander uh... a lot of people's theories about Teruko being the one doing it was wrong (haha). just wondering why the hell would Xander be the one saying "I need to kill Teruko Tawaki to end the killing game" is...? So i would like to say I think her being the mastermind could be possible even though thats typical, but Im leaning towards her existence somehow triggering/motivating the killing game to happen somehow. Something something about her family being connected to hope peaks academy and/oor the killing tragedy thus her needing to be orphaned,, and Mai finally taking Teruko to her family ended up triggering the killing game and killing Mai too idk man. Maybe Teruko's existence was so important that enemies or something triggered the killing gaming to happen probably over and over again. Idk man Don't fucking look at me and my stupid fucking brain
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chain-chomp · 3 months
Do the people know about Dredge? Play Dredge, game of the summer 🎣
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clownsuu · 2 years
So...you got into John Doe too-
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s i g h h h h h h h
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lordkingsmith · 2 months
Waylan stood staring at the older woman, soft in the body but not the set of her jaw, and felt like weeping. It was his sister, ten no longer. Four teenagers with their features and he supposed the features of their father clustered around her, staring at him. He reached a hand out, aware of the chain still connected to the collar on his neck. Aware of the dirt on his skin and leaves and pearls and who knows what else in loose hair and the rabbit skin coat wrapped protectively around his shoulders and no shoes and old burlap breeches. He was aware, aware, aware how beastly he looked, how wild.
“Waylon” Nora’s voice was the same but harder, tired. Waylan opened his mouth but one of the boys behind her pushed three others back, behind him and back. Ah. It was sweet but hurt deeply.
They were on a street with people staring at them. Nobody he knew, town looked different too. It made sense but it hurt. Their house wasn’t even there anymore. A supermarket had taken the neighborhood’s place. This explained so much now that he could see her, how old she was and the mostly grown kids clustered around her. Too alike to be anything but siblings and too similar to her to be anyone else’s.
“Nora” he said, voice rough from the anguish of being so so so very late to getting home. “I tried. I’m trying. Every day every moment I’ve never stopped-” a hard pull on the chain sent him a step back that he struggled, getting a few steps farther. “It’s Waylan.” He knew she knew. But still, it felt good to say his own name. “I don’t have much time.”
She had children, this changed things. The king always had trouble finding or recognizing or controlling him with the rabbit skin coat. Waylan knew if he wanted he could live a half life mostly free as he was, as long as he wore the coat. But it’d place Nora’s family in danger and despite it all he could still not fathom putting someone else in danger to protect himself.
Nora stepped forward to her brother, not much older than her own children now and gripped him by the shoulders, him flinching at how firm she was and her gasping he was there at all. Solid beneath her hands. He hung his head as she shook him. “What happened?” Was all she asked despite it and he shook his head.
“Autumn King thought I was pretty. Saw I was kind.” He whispered. “He likes the pretty ones, the kind ones. Been fighting him to come back to you. When he breaks me like the others, I’m not going to be able to get out again.” He’d be in the forest and another unlucky kind person would be in the King’s manor, in the room, on the bed-
“You wanted to come back? You didn’t just walk in?”
“Mom did” his voice curled around an anger he was trying to comprehend still. “That’s not my home. The king isn’t my home.”
She touched a scar on his chest, wrapped a hand around the collar and felt the chain she couldn’t see. Anger at him turned to rage at someone else. “How long, exactly, has this been going on.” He shook his head helplessly. Honestly he didn’t know. The king took his memories whenever he pleased and even now he knew he only had a portion, though wasn’t sure if he minded not knowing all of his own torture. The chain jumped under her fingers, making her withdraw as her kids pressed in, concerned for their mother.
“Waylan” her voice was as sharp as when she addressed her son. “How long.”
“Since I was taken. About.” He decided on. Then scrunched his nose. “I’m older than you, don’t go mom mode on me little lady.”
“I’m going mom mode all I like.” She retorted. “Haven’t aged a day have you?”
Waylan gripped his sister tightly. “This coat was mom’s” he said quickly. “Now it’s mine. The king likes putting fae in the towns to…” he swallowed. “The more fae you are the more likely to just walk back in. Go to the family your ancestors are from. He doesn’t bother with those, he likes taking. But each family round here’s got something to keep them safe, a gift from the fae relatives in the forests. He’s hidden most of them. This coat is ours.”
Nora stared at him and then at his fingers clumsily undoing it as he continued breathlessly. “Long as we got it he can’t recognize us, control us. It makes our family rabbits and breaks spells. Mostly. I was gonna use it to be done with him.” He stared behind her at his nieces and nephews he’d never met.
Nora was scowling. “You’re telling me an idiot stole you and you’re going back? To be what? A pet? Why? Are you stupid?”
“He likes me the most. Never kept a toy as long as me.” Waylan’s voice was gentle. “I’ll keep his attention. You…” he looked at her kids. Waylon and his siblings. Shook his head. “When I’m a broken toy in the woods you keep them safe. Give the kindest of them the fur coat. I couldn’t get back in time, but I can use that. Distract him long enough to let you get them all safe.” Nora wasn’t someone he’d take. She was too much of herself and righteous rage to be a good toy. It made her a good guardian, a good mom.
Nora slapped him. Waylan reeled, nearly fell, and Nora grabbed at him, kept him steady. Kept him with her. Her voice thick with emotions he could barely place with his head ringing “Or I go in.” She snapped. “If you spent all that time just for a moment to yammer about self sacrifice you fool, I go in. And I get all of you all out. Everyone you’ve met and then some. End it for good.” She tilted her head defiantly. “He’s never met me, and he’s going to wish he never caused me to want to meet him.”
“Don’t be a fool” Waylan shot back. “They need you.” The four kids looked fairly confused, fairly afraid. Waylan couldn’t blame them.
“So do you!” She shouted. “And I needed you! And you’ve been in those woods this whole time with a spoiled brat of a king who kept you as a pet! A rabbit in a hutch!”
“Mom?” One of the girls with dark hair and wide set eyes pointed at the forest down the street. It was thrashing. The other three were shuffling away from it, and people on the street were running as though from a storm. Howling that sounded suspiciously like ‘Waylan’ and ‘Sweetness’ echoed through the woods and into the town. Waylan stared with the growing certainty even if he hadn’t taken so many years, this would have had the same result. He wouldn’t have been able to stay long.
Waylon grabbed at his sister. “C’mon, we need to get inside.” Smart boy. The four began hustling away from the woods.
Waylan swallowed. “He’s looking for me between this realm and his.” He began undoing the wooden wedge buttons of the coat with a sudden decision, a faint idea, some kind of half baked hope. “Nora do whatever you want.” He was tired and there wasn’t anymore time to argue. The chain pulled against his neck and made him breathless. “But whatever you do, know this was the only thing helping me remember you. Helping me fight to come back to you. I’m going to be pulled back. Before while wearing the coat I could escape. Now, well. It’s not mine anymore, I feel that.” He pulled the coat off of himself and a tug on the chain nearly pulled him off his feet with a pained whimper. Nora kept him steady, but it wouldn’t last. He threw the coat around his shoulders.
“If you go in and find me. I won’t know you.” Waylan said, before removing her hands from his upper arms. “He may make me fight you. But Nora?” He held her hands in his, trying to memorize every new line, every gray hair. She was his exact height now and it was hard to stare his sister in the eye. Grey-green glared at him, past him, at a situation she was piecing together and deciding she very much didn’t like. He brushed a hand through her hair much like he used to, tucking a wayward strand behind her ear.
She looked all at once like the little girl he’d left watching cartoons. “Yes?” Young and suspicious and very vulnerable. A vinegar pill, their mom used to call her, fondly. Needed but hard to handle. Whatever she did, it’d be the right move, he knew that. She seemed fine, seemed to have done okay. Whatever she chose to do it’d go fine. That was Nora. Still, always,
“No matter what, I love you.”
The chain pulled taught and he was pulled without logic back back back-
I’ve found you, Sweetness
The pet was on a bed. Its master called it sweetness and it loved its master. This was all it knew.
@augment-techs oh look, I’ve come up with a possible ending for the dream with Waylan lol
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invisible-brandy · 10 months
the unhinged little giggle??? sir?? i mean sister daniel??
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