#gamma ant
textsfromchris · 9 months
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
China’s economy is currently on the operating table, hunched over by surgeons, chest cavity splayed open, hooked up to a cardiopulmonary machine, surrounded by nurses staring at monitors flashing vital signs. It all looks rather grim.
This surgery, however, is not an emergency bypass. That would be too easy. China has had many of those already – stimulus packages, grand infrastructure projects and many rounds of directed lending.
Every two decades or so, going all the way back to the founding of the PRC in 1949, the surgeons get ambitious. These guys are mad scientists attempting a comic book trope – to create the ultimate superhero.
They want to inject super serum, replace skeletal calcium with adamantium and dose the patient with gamma rays, giving China the powers of shazams out the wazoo.[...]
In the lamented “pre-reform” era, China’s mad scientists engineered spectacular growth by increasing investment from a prewar 6% of GDP to 20% in the first Five-Year Plan, covering 1952-1957. This led industrial output to register a compound annual growth rate.
The Great Leap Forward accelerated this growth to 66% in 1958 and 39% in 1959 before crashing and burning in 1961 when mismanagement of communal farms and “backyard blast furnaces” caught up with the mad scientists.
Course correction starting in 1962 recovered all lost ground by 1965. According to economist Cheng Chu-Yuan, China’s GDP growth averaged 11% between 1952 and 1966, the eve of the Cultural Revolution. (T. C. Liu of Cornell and K. C. Yeh of the Rand Corporation have a lower estimate: 8%.)
More importantly, China built a full kit of infrastructure, machinery and equipment capable of driving future industrialization.[...]
Many analysts have a tabula rasa understanding of China’s reform era, as if there had been no economy before Deng Xiaoping. In reality, China’s industrialization started right after the formation of the PRC with some of the fastest growth recorded in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Even during the “low growth” Cultural Revolution, resources directed towards public health (for example, barefoot doctors) and primary education doubled life expectancy and quadrupled adult literacy by 1980 from pre-PRC levels.
The mad scientists are now at it again. They have about twenty years of new data not just on China but from the rest of the world. When Zhu Rongji was head surgeon, history had ended and markets reigned supreme. This time around, the surgeons are correcting for market irrationality and negative externalities. The next twenty years is again being determined on the operating table.
Three years ago, the surgeons pried open China’s chest cavity with the three red lines credit limits, instantly seizing the speculation driven property sector. Since then, they ripped out unnecessary organs like education companies, clamped the Ant Financial artery and eviscerated the video game industry. All of this has caused spasms in vital signs from lackluster growth to rising youth unemployment. Wondering whether China will or will not stimulate the economy next quarter or next year is missing the forest from the trees. For the next few years, China’s economy will still be under the knife and whatever adjustments will merely be anesthesiologists and technicians nominally dialing the drugs up and down and adjusting the heart-lung machine to maintain vital signs.
What are these mad scientists trying to achieve? We believe President Xi Jinping’s 2020 target of doubling China’s GDP by 2035 stands. That is an average growth rate of 4.7% for 15 years. But beyond just a numerical target, it is important to figure out what superpowers China is trying to acquire. And just as importantly, what Kryptonite factors China is attempting to inoculate itself against.
China wants America’s Silicon Valley, but regulated; Japan’s car companies, but electrified; Germany’s Mittelstand, but scalable; and Korea’s chaebol conglomerates, but without political capture. It wants to lead the world in science and technology, but without cram schools. A thriving economy, but with common prosperity. Industry, without air pollution. Digital lifestyle, without gaming addiction. Material plenty, without hedonism. Modernity, without its ills. This is, of course, a wish-list and unrealistically ambitious. But these mad scientists sure as hell are going to try. They’ve developed a taste for it.
In college, early into the semester, we went through a ritual called course exchange. Students gathered in an auditorium to swap classes after sampling lectures for three weeks – satisfaction was not guaranteed. The strategy passed down to underclassmen applied to both course exchange and significant others: “Add before you drop.”
China is undergoing – but perhaps botching – the same process with a more party-esque slogan, “Establish the new before abolishing the old.”
The surgeons have been on a tear gutting the old. The big kahuna is, of course, the property sector. But right behind are platform monopolies, private education, financial services and video games. The new has been playing catch-up, with 5G equipment, electric vehicles, photovoltaics and wind turbines being leading examples.
From all appearances, the Industrial Party is in ascendance and China will double down on climbing the manufacturing value chain. The Industrial Party is a political identity that believes industry, science and technology should determine China’s future. Adherents believe that China’s strength lie in the technical skills of her population and thus favor hard-science, high-tech industries as opposed to services and business model innovations.
Therefore, Chinese politicians, whatever their predisposition, must find a way to create space for this next generation of scientists and technicians to develop themselves. They cannot be confined to a production line at a Foxconn plant. Maintaining social stability means finding a use for future scientists and technicians, which means pursuing industrialization. Is there any other way? The key variable for determining the course of China’s future development is thus the massive number of talented technical and scientific workers.
If mistakes were made, it would have been in sequencing and in faith – dropping before adding is a poor strategy in both love and course exchange. China’s mad scientists may have been too confident that electric vehicles and renewable energy would be followed quickly by semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and commercial aircraft.
Perhaps they have reason to be confident. Planning for this surgery has been in the works since 2015 with the Made in China 2025 project. China has been steadily eroding imports of high value added intermediary goods like batteries, precision parts and electrical components, flipping trade with South Korea from deficit to surplus.[...]
China never properly transitioned from its Soviet era Material Product System (MPS) of national accounts to the United Nation’s System of National Accounts (UNSNA) standard, leaving out much of services from reported GDP.
We calculate that China accounts for 22-24% of global GDP and 20-23% of global consumption. We also calculate that household consumption is 50-55% of China’s GDP, in line with global averages. China should easily be able to grow at 4.7% through 2035 with only a modest increase in consumption’s GDP share (5 percentage points over 10 years) without upsetting global economic balances.
In the reform period prior to Xi, everything was sacrificed at the altar of economic growth. In the new era, growth has been walked down from 9.6% in 2011 to an average of 4.7% in the Covid years (2020-2023) as an increasing litany of issues were given precedence. Debt however, soared over this time from 175% of GDP to over 300%. What exactly did all that debt buy?
When Xi assumed leadership of China, he declared that inequality could not be allowed to increase further. Inequality is perhaps the major Kryptonite factor of the American economy which China wasted no time in matching as the economy roared with market reforms.
While still problematic, inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, has steadily fallen since 2010 largely as a result of massive investment in urbanization, pushing people into cities and pushing cities up the tiering ladder.[...]
China also poured resources into stamping out last-mile poverty. While most poverty alleviation in China was through economic growth, recalcitrant extremely poverty could only be eradicated by concentrated marshaling of resources, from relocating entire villages to weekly visits by social workers.[...]
Since peaking in 2012, air pollution in Beijing has been cut by over 60%, with Shanghai falling over 50%. China, which used to dominate the list of most polluted cities, now only claims one spot in the top 20. None of this came cheap, from installing scrubbers in smoke stacks to increasing renewables to moving heavy industry to strict emissions regulations for cars.[...]
Before Hu Jintao handed the reins to Xi, Hu warned delegates to the 18th Party Congress in 2012 that “[corruption] could prove fatal to the party… and [cause] the fall of the state.” The popular opinion in the West is that Xi ended China’s highly successful reform era because of an ideological bent. This is off the mark. Xi was brought in to clean house as the wheels were coming off from excesses of the reform era.
Throughout Xi’s decade in office, there has been no letup in his anti-corruption campaign. In 2022, a record 638,000 officials were punished for corruption. While there haven’t been any large scale ideological appeals to the public, it’s a different story within the 98-million-member party.
During this time, free market capitalism and liberal democracies also faced their own existential tests. Success or failure going forward will depend on whether liberal institutions remain intact in the West and whether party discipline can be maintained in China. What the PRC has had since 1949 is a governing party with the political autonomy to play mad scientist. [...]
Of course we live in the real world, not a comic-book world. The question in the real world has always been whether the economy can be engineered by mad scientists from the top down or is it best left to the invisible hand of the market? [...]
The standard economic opinion – against all evidence – is that China was economically stagnant before Deng’s market reforms. The thinking on this for the American economys is undergoing a transformation in egghead land – just how has neoliberal economics benefitted the American people over the past few decades?
In a Q&A exchange at a conference in Malaysia, Eric Li, the barbed-tongued venture capitalist, was asked, “Do you think top-down directives are sustainable in the long run?” To which he replied, “It’s the only thing that’s sustainable.… That’s why America is failing today.” After World War II, Li said, the Americans “lost the ability to do top-down design.”
Dec 2023
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Round One Match-ups
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Round One will begin on Saturday 22nd July, when all 32 polls in the round will be posted and shall run for one week
Tumblr only lets you tag so many blogs in one post, so the left side will be posted below and the right side in a reblog, along with some notes:
Miles "Tails" Prower (OVA) - @tailsshowdown vs Blaze the Cat (IDW) - @blazeshowdown Shadow the Hedgehog & Maria Robotnik - @tragicsibsshowdown vs Dr. Eggman - @stachebracket Amy Rose (Fleetway) - @amyroseshowdown vs SONIC vs. KNUCKLES ~ NORTH WIND - @thepeakofsonicmusic Knuckles the Echidna - @sonicmalematchup vs Metal Sonic - @sonicpoorlittlemeowmeowshowdown Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW) - @bestactualsonicshowdown vs Stardust Speedway Bad Future (JP) - @sonic-instrumental-matchup Barry the Quokka - @themurderofsonic-knockout vs E-102 Gamma - @sonicseriesroboshowdown Sonic Adventure 2 OST - @best-sonic-soundtracks vs Shadow the Hedgehog - @edgelord-battle-bracket Ebony the Mystic Mog - @secretsonicshowdown vs Miles "Tails" Prower - @sonic-palooza
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic X) - @sonicxpolll vs Matilda the Ant by @halcyon-pandion & @frostios - @sonic-oc-showdown Bunnie Rabbot-D'Coolette (pre-SGW) - @ultimatearchiesonicbracket vs Amy/Blaze - @sonicshipbattles Sonic's Theme (The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog) - @sonic-instrumental-matchup vs Knuckles the Echidna (Movie) - @knucklesshowdown Dr. Starline - @idwsonicshowdown vs Metal Sonic - @sonicvillaindeathmatch Infinite the Jackal (Post-Redemption) by @dreaminginmysoup - @best-infinite-brawl vs The Master Emerald - @sonic-macguffin-matchup Sonic/no one - @sonicshipbattles vs Stardust Speedway Present (JP/EU) - @thepeakofsonicmusic Rouge the Bat - @sonicgirlsmackdown vs Shadow the Hedgehog (Pre-SGW) - @shadowsmackdown Maria Robotnik - @bestsonichuman vs Sonic the Hedgehog & Miles "Tails" Prower - @adhdvsautismbracket
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senig-fandom · 5 months
Hace tiempo que no veo a Roscosmos, Aexa o a Nasa que a pasado con ellos?
En mi lore no tienen mucho, solamente e de mencionar que con el regreso de Centro, la gente voltea a ver los logros de México hacia lo tecnológico y avances espaciales en las que se involucra México Centro, haciendo a Aexa muy, pero muy feliz y de compartir conocimientos con su creador nuevamente, pero anda teniendo problemas con el presidente actual y la reducción de dinero, aunque Centro intenta ayudarla a escondidas como siempre.(El trio mexicano es conocido por ayudar a espaldas de los gobernantes y presidentes, porque saben que cuando algo vale la pena los ayudan poco a poco)
NASA trabaja para enviar a personas a la Luna en su ultimo trabajo y algunas explosiones de rayos gamma, ante todo lo demás, sigue trabajando hasta el agotamiento (aunque el no siente eso)
Roscosmo, creo que esta intentando colocar un centro espacial en la Luna o una central nuclear :/ no lo recuerdo con exactitud, de allí ya no tengo mas información que pueda colocar entre ellos 3.
De allí no tengo mas, solo ideas vagas, pero que no puedo hilarlos a lo original V.V
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elytra404 · 2 years
so i love coming up with au's for my fandoms that ill never actually write, so yk what? its time to make them a tumblr series!! first up?
ely's hypothetical dsmp marvel au!!!
Meet: the avengers, though their fans tend to call them the sleepy bois! (an inside joke from when the iron bird may have fallen asleep before a very important conference). The line up is as follows!
The Iron Bird! This man, also know as Phil, or Philza affectionately, got rich from a mix of inheritance and coding skills! This one man army can rival all of Nintendo! Well, a man and a robot, if you include his highly advanced digital assistant!
Wilbur! More commonly known by the superhero name, Retrocognition, Wilbur is Philza's assistant! originally created as an ai, he now has a body thanks to the infinity stone in his head! He was originally made as a replica of Philza's son, whose death pushed him to becoming a superhero, but Wilbur has grown into his own being!
This brings us to Philza and Wilbur's first real friend for years, Fire ant. Moved on from her days as a german spy, Fire Ant now works for Phil and helps him in his superhero escapades! Those close to her know her as Niki, and well her instincts are sharp and her mind suspicious, she can make a mean pastry.
And now, coming out of the ice for the first time in decades, its Captain America! She may be a tad old, and catching on lost time, but shes still as strong as ever! Her real name is Cara, but her friends call her Puffy! Why? Nobody really remembers to be honest. Shes our favorite super soldier, and a complete bad ass when shes not trying to figure out how a phone works!
Next in the line up, the great god of thunder, Tho- oh, sorry, turns out he now prefers the more 'human' 'discrete' name of Technoblade? Well, no matter the name, Techno is a wonderful god! Loyal to his hammer, the orphan obliterator! (turns out Milnor was a mistranslation? well thank god(s) for that!) A tad absentminded, and always cracking jokes about some kind of wall, he may just be the most powerful on the team.
But our team wouldn't be complete without our final three! Why, its Goop, Hawkeye, and... Fundy? Sure!
First off, the amazing Goop! Thanks to some gamma rays, great scientist Charlie Sicle became some what of a monster. He's a totally normal man with a perfectly normal bone structure, until you make him mad! Then, well you ever heard of a d&d ooze? Yea... you can have fun with that.
Then, we have Hawkeye. Also known as Jack Manifold (hes not the best at secret identities), this super powered hero is... what is he actually? Why do they keep him around? Well... anyway this family man is probably a wonderful addition to the team!
And last but certainly not least, its the wonderful Fundy! Quickly taken in by Wilbur, this 15 year old was granted out of this world powers by a space stone! And with a slightly unhealthy amount of trauma and self loathing, what teen wouldn't want to be this orange wizard!
Of course, we have other heros! From Sneegsnag the bug man, to Spidered the purple spider hero, Foolish the wizard sorcerer, to King Ponk of Wakanda (and more importantly king of his lemon orchid). Many wonderful heros to beat all the terrorists in this galaxy!
And if its more heroes in the galaxy your looking for, may I introduce the wonderful Guardians of our galaxy?
Starting with our self selected caption, Tommy Inn! Tommy was swooped up as a young boy by aliens, with only his mothers favorite music disc and a handheld player to his name. He protects those discs with his life, almost more then he protects his own life!
Then, of course, we cant talk about the legendary captain without his newly full time best friend! Tho he used to be an enemy, Tubbo is down for the ride! If not a little skeptical of his best friends planning abilities. Former son of Madre, he's ready to gaurd that galaxy!
Of course we can't talk about the guardian without discussing Ranboo! This little devil was made in a lab, and looks oddly similar to a minecraft enderman! A tad insecure, this he/they will not hesitate to bite you.
And of course, Ranboo's loyal companion, Aimsey. Aimsey's species is apparently very close to this earth cartoon Tommy keeps talking about, Adventure time. However Aimsey and their complex language of "I am Aimsey" is a much needed team member.
And now you know the heros of our tales! Fighting Madre, who dreams of creating his own universe with the infinity stones, who knows what could come next!
(partially inspired by and helped with some stuff- @mariposathebutterflyboy )
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earth-18104 · 2 months
Earth-18104 - The Battle of New York
The story is based on the movie Avengers, with some details from the comics. Most of the characters are changed to fit the original comics lineup of Avengers, and other characters have slight changes in their story, based on my original universe plot.
Like Loki uses different pronouns, Hawkeye and Mockinbird are not part of the team officially, and there's two Nick Fury in this universe: the Colonel, that fought with Captain America during war, and his son Diretor Fury Jr, that looks more like Samuel Jackson's version and is leader of the SHIELD. Also there's a slight addition of my OCs, but they don't even are part of the main story.
List of Events of Earth-18104 (Resume)
Resume of the events of 1990.
1990 -
• (Earth's mightiest heroes)
• (April 1, Sunday)
• On earth, Director Nick Fury Jr (42), Maria Hill (25), Barbara Morse (24), Clint Barton (24), Phil Coulson (43), Henry Pym (27), Janet van Dyne (24) and Erik Selvig are called to the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility in the Mojave Desert, where Dr. Selvig is researching the Tesseract, which has recently begun emitting strange amounts of energy on its own, leading the facility to be evacuated.
• Aided by Thanos, Loki activates the Tesseract from within the Sanctuary, teleporting to the SHIELD complex. She steals the Tesseract and uses the Scepter given to her by Thanos to control the minds of several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, including Selvig and Barton.
• They escape and the Tesseract's energy destroys the base, starting the Chitauri Invasion. In response, Nick Fury Jr. reactivates the Avengers Initiative.
• In Asgard, Heimdall sees Loki on Earth with the Tesseract, and informs Thor and Odin, who sends his sons, Tyr, Vidar, Honir, Balder and Thor to Earth to bring Loki back to Asgard for punishment.
• (April 3, Tuesday)
• In Kolkata, India, late at night locally, Barbara Morse tracks down Bruce Banner (28) and tells him that his knowledge of gamma radiation is essential to helping SHIELD locate the Tesseract. Banner reluctantly agrees to help SHIELD.
• In New York City, Steve Rogers (70) sits in his new apartment going through the SHIELD archives. Unable to sleep, he goes to a boxing gym, where Nick Fury Jr. approaches him with a mission to recover the Tesseract.
• Meanwhile, Tony Stark (26) brings his miniaturized Arc Reactor online to power the newly opened Stark Tower in midtown Manhattan, built on the site of the old Pan Am Building.
• Phil Coulson visits Stark Tower and asks Tony to review Erik Selvig's research on the Tesseract, as well as classified material on potential members of the Avengers Initiative.
• (April 4, Wednesday)
• Phil Coulson flies Rogers to the Helicarrier and tells him about the new uniform they have waiting for him.
• There he also meets Bruce Banner, Maria Hill and Barbara Morse; he is impressed when the Hellicarrier takes flight and retroreflective powers to "disappear".
• At the same time, Selvig explains to Barton about his research, saying that he needs iridium, an element that they can find in Stuttgart.
• (Loki's attack in Germany)
• On the Hellicarrier, Bruce gets to work tracking the gamma radiation the Tesseract emits, while SHIELD's spy satellites find Loki in Stuttgart, Germany.
• Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne intercept a transmission from Selvig and trace it to Germany.
• Rogers dons his new Captain America uniform and travels with Hill and Morse in a Quinjet to confront Loki in Stuttgart; the God of Mischief is acting as a distraction while Hawkeye steals iridium to stabilize the Tesseract.
• Loki attacks a man named Heinrich Schafer before terrorizing a crowd of people attending a gala, providing a distraction so Hawkeye can steal iridium.
• Rogers and Morse attack him and a fight breaks out in the crowd. The unexpected arrival of Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp leads Loki to surrender.
• During the confusion, Mockingbird loses sight of Hawkeye and he escapes with the iridium.
• On the way back to the Helicarrier, the Quinjet is ambushed by the princes of Asgard. Tyr, Balder and Honir hold back the Avengers, while Vidar and Thor grabbed their youngest sibling and jumped.
• While Vidar wanted to simply bring Loki back to Asgard to be punished, Thor tried to to reason with them. Loki, blinded by his jealousy of his older brothers and contempt for Odin, refuses.
• The Avengers are not able to go through the princes, as Balder was indestructible and Honir and Tyr had the strength of ten men. Seeing the fight was useless, Wasp reasoned with Balder and explained they needed Loki alive.
• Balder and Wasp made a deal, and Balder allowed them to leave, agreeing that their younger sibling should be taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody as long as one of them went along.
• Vidar choose himself, as the oldest, but Thor asked to go with Loki, so he was granted permission, and his brothers went back to Asgard to tell their father.
• Back on the Helicarrier, Loki was placed in a cell designed to contain the Hulk and other super-powered people. The vigilantes and SHIELD agents debate what to do with Loki, giving them time to plan an escape.
• Fury tries to interrogate him about the Tesseract's location, but Loki remains silent.
• The meeting between the heroes was tense at first, but Wasp calmed the nerves and convinced the assembled heroes to help her cause. Thor reveals Loki's plan to the Avengers: with the Tesseract, he hopes to open a portal that will allow the Chitauri access to Earth, thus starting an alien invasion.
• As Pym and Banner work to locate the Tesseract, Tony becomes intrigued by his old college roommate's level of control over the Hulk. Henry is irritated by Tony's attempts to anger Banner, warning him that the Hulk is a danger to everyone on the Hellicarrier.
• Steve, also angered by Stark's erratic behavior and disrespect for authority, tries to get him to follow orders more carefully, which instigates a rivalry between the two. Wasp once again tries to intervene in the fights.
• The five begin to question SHIELD's intentions, deducing that Fury is hiding something about his plans with the Tesseract. Stark reveals that he has begun hacking the agency's mainframe to unlock its secrets, while Rogers leaves to investigate the restricted areas of the Helicarrier for himself.
• Tony also gave Henry access to Stark technology, which he used to build a device that could increase its range and be able to use ants across the country.
• Janet shrinks into a locked room, where she and Steve find several 1940s HYDRA weapons and uniforms in crates in a secret room. With Stark's help, they learn about "Phase 2", a project that aims to use the Tesseract to make weapons.
• (April 5, Thursday)
• In the early hours of the morning, Mockingbird interrogates Loki in their cell, but they refuse to budge. However, in a moment of cruelty towards her, Loki accidentally lets it slip that they're interested in Banner, and Mockingbird realizes that they intend to use the Hulk to escape.
• (Attack on the Hellicarrier)
• As the sun is rising, the Avengers confront Fury with their discoveries, to which he reveals that S.H.I.E.L.D. has begun using the Tesseract to make weapons in response to the Victor von Doom incident last year, the presence of the Skrulls in the planet, the first appearance of the Hulk, the Puppet Master attack, the debut of Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp.
• A large argument ensues, during which Hawkeye, accompanied by several soldiers also working for Loki, attacks the Helicarrier, crippling one of its engines.
• The resulting explosion destroys the laboratory where the group is arguing, causing Janet and Bruce to fall into the boiler area, trapped by the debris.
• Despite Janet's attempts to calm him down, the injured Bruce transforms into the Hulk and chases the Wasp throughout the Helicarrier.
• Thor comes to his rescue and fights with the Hulk, only to be surpassed in strength. A SHIELD jet tries to lure the Hulk away, but he crashes the plane and destroys it. The jet explodes and the Hulk is thrown towards the ground.
• Rogers, Pym, and Stark attempt to repair the damaged engine, but Loki's subordinates hinder their efforts.
• Janet and Mockingbird face Hawkeye and after an intense fight, they manage to break Loki's control by delivering a blunt blow to Barton's head.
• Thor tries to stop Loki from escaping, but is tricked by an illusion of Loki and imprisoned in her old prison cell and takes her out of the Hellicarrier. Thor breaks free of the cell at the last second, falling into a field.
• Rogers, Pym, and Stark finally overcame their attackers and got the Helicarrier back in the air. However, victory is bittersweet when Loki escapes and Bruce disappears.
• Hours later, Hawkeye recovers in the Hospital Wing and rejoins the team, informing them that Loki plans to open the portal above Stark Tower in downtown New York City.
• (Battle of New York)
• Mockinbird (26), Wasp (24), Hawkeye (24), Ant-Man (27) and Captain America (70) take a Quinjet to New York City, following Iron Man (26) in his suit.
• Stark arrives at the tower first, failing to stop Selvig from using the Tesseract to open the portal in conjunction with a device he built.
• Tony then enters the tower to meet Loki, failing to intimidate him. The god of mischief unsuccessfully attempts to possess Stark, as his Arc Reactor physically blocks the scepter's power and instead throws Stark through a window.
• Fortunately, Stark manages to activate his Mark VII armor before he hits the ground.
• Selvig launches the device, opening a portal above New York. The Chitauri fleet appears, beginning Loki's invasion.
• The other Avengers gather on the street to stop the Chitauri, but with the portal open, more and more soldiers arrive. Banner (28) finally joins them on a motorcycle and voluntarily transforms into the Hulk, who stops a large ship with his hands.
• Captain America begins giving instructions to the Avengers to direct their battle strategy against the alien threat.
• He tells Hawkeye to get to a nearby rooftop and assigns the perimeter to Iron Man, sends Thor to try and fire a beam at the portal while Ant-Man closes it, Wasp stays in the air, and Mockingbird and himself stay on the ground.
• Finally he instructs the Hulk to "smash". Hulk jumps from building to building, punching the Chitauri.
• Thor flies to the Chrysler Building to use it as a conduit, building up energy to fire at the portal, eliminating some Chitauri and an approaching Leviathan.
• On the Helicarrier, Nick Fury Jr. examines monitors showing what is happening. Maria Hill (25) says the World Security Council is calling.
• Hawkeye advises Iron Man to lead the Chitauri around sharp turns so they fall. He does so, eliminating the aliens chasing him, and goes to help Thor.
• From the battle, enormous damage is done to downtown New York City, and many lives are lost, but the Avengers save as many civilians as they can.
• Somewhere, Peter Parker and Harry Osborn (9), were returning from school when the attack began. The two boys try to get back to the Parker home safely when they are attacked by Chitauri soldiers.
• Fortunately, they are saved by Captain America, who orders Wasp to take them to a safe place.
• The Wasp shrinks them both and takes them away from the battle. Before leaving, she smiles and the two boys cheer for the heroes before running to the Parker's house.
• While Thor destroys as many ships he can, Heimdall, by Vidar's orders, opens the Byfrost. Vidar, Honir, Tyr and Balder join their brother on the fight, protecting civilians and putting Chitauri down.
• Francine (183) and Antônio Cavalcante (190) (both OCs) were watching the battle. Antônio asks his wife if they should help, when he recognizes Captain America, but Francine says that human problems are none of their business and tells her subordinates to protect themselves, closing the gates of the Sister Margaret's house.
• A Leviathan heads towards a building, the Hulk runs through the building and jumps on it, attacking it in the mouth and redirecting it.
• Captain America tells the Avengers they need to do something about the portal. Wasp grabs Pym and takes him to the top of Stark Tower.
• Hulk attacks a Leviathan, Thor helps him hammer a piece of the vehicle into the Leviathan's back, killing it. He crash lands in Grand Central Terminal, where Hulk also punches Thor in retaliation for earlier.
• Before more debris can fall on the civilians, the Fantastic Four arrive to help.
• The Invisible Woman (26) creates a shield while Mister Fantastic (27) pushes the civilians to safety. Human Torch (18) and the Thing (28) join the Hulk and Thor, causing a brief argument between the four.
• In New York's Sanctum, Stephen Strange (46), Wong (46) and Sara Wolfe (37) help fight the invading forces.
• At the top of Stark Tower, Erik Selvig wakes up, his mind control broken, and sees what is happening around him.
• The military enters the streets to do what they can.
• At Pym's house, his girlfriend Maria Trovaya, watches the fight on the news.
• Hawkeye directs Captain America to a nearby bank, where he goes and stops a Chitauri attack from killing civilians. The Invisible Woman protects the civilians from an explosion, while the Thing catches the Captain before he can fall from the building.
• Ben Grimm is nervous when meeting the Captain and presents himself as a big fan. Susan reminds him of the battle and drives them away with her shields.
• On the Hellicarrier, the World Security Council tells Fury Jr. that they have made the decision to launch a nuclear attack on Manhattan to contain the threat to the island only, but Fury refuses.
• Loki boards a Chitauri vehicle, which is intercepted by Human Torch. Johnny dodges the God of Mischief's attacks and throws her away, throwing her into Stark Tower, where the vehicle drops the "S" and "T" from the logo.
• Mister Fantastic scolds Johnny for losing sight of the "big villain", but Hulk jumps into the tower and attacks Loki, who tries to intimidate him; Hulk just grabs them and throws them to the ground repeatedly, leaving her unable to move.
• Wasp and Ant-Man meet Selvig in the tower, who says he believes Loki's Scepter, lying on the ground below them, may be able to close the portal.
• Iron Man finds himself unable to break through the shell of a Leviathan whale, so he tries to fly directly into its mouth, managing to explode it from the inside. He falls to the ground and finds himself fighting Chitauri again.
• Hawkeye runs out of arrows and has to kick an attacking alien off his perch. When his building is attacked, he jumps, firing a hook arrow to swing through a window below.
• He reaches the sidewalk, where he meets Mockingbird and they fight side by side.
• At Salem Center, Scott Summers, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington III and Jean Grey watch the news. Scott asks the professor why they won't join the fight. Xavier simply says that them, as students, are not ready yet.
• Somewhere in Brooklyn, Sanguinária (OC) and Sabretooth takes down a Leviathan with their powers. They notice Captain America on TV and grin.
• The World Security Council orders a nuclear attack on Manhattan and a pilot will take off. Fury Jr. arrives with a rocket launcher and manages to hit the jet, but another jet flies in to launch the missile. He calls Stark and tells him that there is a missile heading to New York in the next 3 minutes.
• Wasp grabs the scepter. She, Selvig, and Pym work together to break the Tesseract's defenses to close the portal. Stark asks them to wait, saying there is a missile coming and he wants to send it through the portal.
• Stark grabs the missile just in time and begins to change direction. JARVIS tries to call Pepper Potts (29) in case he dies taking the missile through the portal. However, Potts, on a flight, is too preoccupied with watching the news to see her phone ringing.
• SHIELD watches the news closely on the Helicarrier. Just like every civilian, mutant and human, in New York.
• Stark diverts the missile into the air at Stark Tower and through the portal.
• SHIELD cheers with relief for New York, although Fury is worried about Stark.
• Peter Parker and Harry Osborn cheer in the living room, while Ben and May Parker (46) look fearfully at the TV.
• Strange, Wong and Sara Wolfe watch from the security of the Sanctum.
• Stark finds himself in deep space and his suit begins to fail. He releases the missile and it continues flying, hitting the Chitauri mothership and causing a huge explosion, which causes the remaining fleet of Chitauri and Leviathan to crash and fall dead without the mothership's power.
• Stark falls toward the portal, but the explosion threatens to hit Earth as well, so Rogers orders Pym and van Dyne to close the portal.
• Tony falls back into the New York sky just before its closure, but continues to fall, unconscious. Hulk jumps and catches him to slow his fall.
• The Fantastic Four and the rest of the Avengers crowd around Stark, Reed Richards manages to wake him up. Steve says they won and Tony says they should celebrate with shawarma, but Johnny reminds him that he lost sight of Loki.
• At Stark Tower, Loki recovers from Hulk's beating and the Avengers arrive to arrest her.
• A team from the Damage Control Department arrives at the Avengers' floor of Stark Tower to retrieve the Scepter. Jasper Sitwell takes the Scepter and he and Brock Rumlow (29) guard it.
• While the SHIELD agents guard the Tesseract, Tony invites the Fantastic Four to go eat shawarma and they accept.
• A little after the battle, at Thanos' ship on space, Gamora (29) talks to her master about Loki's defeat, the loss of the Tesseract and Earth's new protectors. He claims that attacking Earth again would be an act of suicide.
• Thanos (975), simply turns and smiles, thinking about what's to come.
• (April 6, Friday)
• The New York Bulletin has a front-page article titled "Battle of NY" that depicts a Leviathan causing several deaths by crashing into a building.
• The world, changed once again by the emergence of superhumans, is dominated by the idea of ​​a team of superheroes.
• The Avengers become the center of media attention, admired by the public as heroes, but are also received with some concern and fear. Some feel that his appearance during the battle is too coincidental.
• (April 11, Wednesday)
• Gathering in Central Park, the Avengers and SHIELD watch as Thor escorts Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard.
• Nick Fury Jr (42) talks to Colonel Fury Sr. (82), saying that the moment a new global threat emerges, the team will come together.
• Odin sentences Loki to an eternity of imprisonment in the Asgardian Dungeons and the Tesseract is put in a safe chamber inside the castle, watch by guards and Heimdall.
• (April 15, Sunday)
• Tony Stark (26) and Pepper Potts (29) review plans to rebuild the damaged Stark Tower, which lost the "S", "T", "R" and "K" outside in battle. They choose to repurpose the remaining "A" to represent the newly formed group, renamed "Avengers Tower".
• Tony reunites with Pym and helps him improve Janet's Wasp costume.
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omniversecomicsguide · 4 months
It’s back in print!
Avengers: The Initiative #4-5
Ghost Rider (2006) #12-13
Heroes for Hire (2006) #11-15
Incredible Hulk (2000) #106-111
Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #19-20
Irredeemable Ant-Man #10
Planet Hulk Saga #1
Punisher War Journal (2007) #12
World War Hulk (2007) #1-5
World War Hulk: Aftersmash! #1
World War Hulk: Aftersmash! – Damage Control #1-3
World War Hulk: Aftersmash! – Warbound #1-5
World War Hulk: Front Line #1-6
World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #1-4
World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker #1
World War Hulk: X-Men #1-3
1304 pages
Oversized hardcover
Marvel Comics
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antvnger · 1 year
Blood Brothers AU - Tony survives the Endgame
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((I see your proposal, Anon, and raise you...something bigger.
Yes, I completely agree Scott would, and that will certainly be included here. But there’s definitely more to this here than just that.
You know the more I think about it, the more I realize the Russos were just mean and the more annoyed and angry I get. Tony did not have to die. And in my head, he didn’t. I’ve got my own ideas of how he survived, quite a few indeed. Heck, in one version of the story, it’s not a Time Heist, it’s a Quantum Heist and I threw in an OC to make sure he lives, but that’s neither here nor there…
Anyway, in the Blood Brothers universe, Tony does in fact live. So does Nat but that’s also neither here nor there. Here’s how.))
Thanos had just blown up the van. Captain Marvel was this close to escaping with the Stones to the Quantum Realm, but Thanos blew that idea to hell.
We know what happens next. Thanos and Carol fight, and just when we think Carol is really going to end the threat once and for all, Thanos remains one step ahead and knocks Carol into next week with the Power Stone.
And then…the look. Where a chess-master sorcerer and one who seems to defy all with an iron will lock eyes and know the moment has come.
But in this universe, the look doesn’t go unnoticed.
Ant-Man and the Wasp survive the exploding van in a similar fashion to how Scott survived Thanos’ initial attack on the compound. From the rubble near where the van once sat, a tiny Scott Stark groans, shakes his head, and slowly gets up. He hears a large crack resound and flinches, looking around frantically to see just in time how Thanos has gotten the better of Carol.
And somehow, for whatever reason, Doctor Strange catches Scott’s attention. That look of solemn urgency as he holds up one trembling finger. Strange did say they only had one shot at winning…and the look on his face makes Scott realize this was it.
Then his eyes travel to where Doctor Strange was looking, and his heart drops to his boots. No.
That’s another look Scott can recognize. Resolve. Resignation. He’s worn the same look himself on many occasions. Hell, he’d be wearing the look right now if he wasn’t feeling such panic and desperation to get to his brother as quickly as possible.
Because so many things are running through his head right now. Things like Bruce’s screams by just putting on the gauntlet, never mind the damage he endured after snapping his fingers.
Things like the fact that if it wasn’t for the part of him that was the Hulk, Bruce more than likely wouldn’t have survived the snap.
Things like Bruce saying the radiation coming off the Stones was gamma.
Things like Tony’s own words to Thor:  “...that glove's channeling enough energy to light up a continent…”
Things like Rocket describing what it felt like to feel the effects of one Stone, never mind six. 
Things like Tony was about to die. Scott was about to watch his brother die, and he knew it.
Panic propels the tiny Ant-Man forward towards Tony just as he sees his big brother cleverly swipe the Infinity Stones from the iron gauntlet. 
But the younger Stark is clever too, and an idea - a desperate prayer really - blooms in his mind, one he would follow through in full force…whether it ends well for himself or not.
“I am inevitable,” he hears the Mad Titan exclaim with a calm that sends shivers down Scott’s spine. Thanos snaps his fingers, and nothing happens.  Scott’s almost there.
Tony reveals the Stones in his gloved hand, and he flings his head back with a grunt as he bears the electric weight of six Infinity Stones. “And I…” He’s yards away now. “Am…”
Scott gets ready, mentally and physically, as he closes the gap between him and his older brother. He’s going to have to time it all perfectly. One shot to get this right.
“Iron Man.”
In the span of a second, three things happen. 1) Scott activates the Pym Particles with the button on his left hand to make him grow. 2) As Scott grows, he reaches out his right hand and grabs Tony’s right shoulder. 3) Tony snaps his fingers, and the world goes white.
This is where the world freezes for one very brief moment, and Tony is transported to the Soul Stone’s realm because he’s the one who snapped his fingers.
The world doesn’t freeze for Scott though.
As he grows giant, he gets down on one knee to keep his hold on Tony’s shoulder, and he struggles to hold on.
Scott feels everything and nothing all at once.
He learned something from hearing Rocket’s encounter with the Infinity Stone. They can be survivable if you don’t carry the burden alone. And/or if you’re big enough. Tony wasn’t but with Scott’s help, Tony could be.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it transfers and transforms. As if sensing a larger mass to consume, the energy of the Infinity Stones drains out of Tony’s shoulder directly in and up Scott’s right arm to the rest of his giant form, rumbling through him like a chain reaction of TNT.
Scott had never felt heat like that before.  Heck, he’d never felt anything like that before.  He almost expected death instantaneously simply from the sheer force of what electricity coursed through him, yet, miraculously, it didn’t come. 
He doesn’t remember how or when he ended up on his back.
He doesn’t remember Hope was about to shrink him back to normal size, but he does remember hearing Doctor Strange shout, “No! If you want him to live, you leave him be!”
For a brief moment, Scott wonders who Strange is talking about.
He doesn’t really remember what Doctor Strange and the princess of Wakanda discuss so quickly and urgently. All he remembers is hearing the princess say, “Two more white boys to work on, and one is a giant.”
Oh, Scott realizes, they’re talking about me and Tony.
He remembers staring at the sky and seeing a beam of sunlight break through the clouds of ash. That’s all he remembers.
Until he wakes up with a start in an exotic and really cool looking hospital room…or lab. There’s so much cool tech, he thinks it’s not exactly a hospital ward.
His suit’s gone, and his right arm, chest, and upper right leg are bandaged up. “Weird…wha–what’s going on?” He looks around, and before he can call out if anyone was there, he finally notices another bed nearby with his brother lying on it, unconscious or asleep and missing an arm.
But very much alive according to the readout of his heartbeat on the nearby screen.
Scott learns many things later on, filling in the gaps in his memory.
He learns that while Scott could not save Tony from losing his arm as a result of actually snapping his fingers, the transfer of energy really did save his life.
He learns that Shuri had to run tests and scans on him while he was giant to make sure the radiation and the energy from the Stones were completely out of his system before he was shrunk back down. Doing so beforehand might have killed him because that would have thrown him into the same dilemma he spared Tony from. He was big enough as a giant to handle the energy, which is why he’s only escaped with bad burns. The scars look like lightning webbing across his skin.
He also learned Hope had to use her disks to shrink him. Any particles he had in his suit had mysteriously disappeared. Perhaps absorbed by the Infinity Stone energy, but that was speculation.
He learned he had been out cold for five days. Between breaking records in size and timeframe of being giant and the Infinity Stones, that was enough to make Scott sleep undisturbed for that long. Shuri had to assure everyone that he really was not dead. “He’s literally breathing on his own and mumbling incoherently every once in a while,” she informed them. “He’s sleeping very deeply.”
Tony went through surgery to remove the arm, and Shuri had to use some Vibranium on his heart to strengthen it. Even Tony’s heart can only take so much, but it’s strong and stable now and probably in better shape than it was before.
But the snap knocked him out cold too, and Tony wakes up a full day after Scott does. And he has no idea how in the world he’s alive until Bruce fills him in on everything that has come to pass.
Tony and Scott design and build an arm for Tony out of vibranium with the blessing of the Black Panther of course, they wouldn’t dare otherwise.
The mystery of the missing Pym particles gets solved soon enough when Scott gets frustrated with the pain in his hand and arm and suddenly bangs his head on the ceiling. And the. He freaks out whenever he sees how he’s drastically changed, and then he’s suddenly very small. “What the hell is going on?!”
Seems the Infinity Stones made him absorb all the Pym Particles he was carrying in his suit…but that's neither here nor there.
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earth-93 · 1 year
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Hello, all.
I go by the handle "TheMysticSpyral" or just Mystic here on the interwebs, and I've been hashing out a fan project I call "Earth-93" for a few years now. Earth-93 is a simple but sprawling undertaking on my part, an attempt to revise the greater Marvel canon on a fixed, linear timeline. Though I bend this guideline here and there, on the whole I try to adhere to the 4:1 ratio of Marvel Time (Four years of IRL publication time to one year of in-universe continuity) in order to map out how I want events and arcs to develop, and when characters debut or become prominent.
As an example, here's a rough outline I have in mind for "Season 1" of Earth-93, roughly adapting the original 1960's run of comics:
November, 2002 - The Fantastic Four publicly debut.
December, 2002 - Janet Van Dyne is nearly killed in an act of sabotage. Her boyfriend Hank Pym flushes out the bugs within his family's company.
January, 2003 - Project: Gamma goes horribly wrong. Bruce Banner goes on the run. Donald Blake takes a vacation in Norway. He does not return the same man.
March, 2003 - Tony Stark is found in Afghanistan, after being presumed dead three months prior. The X-Men overthrow the Brotherhood of Mutants and their occupation of the nation of Santo Marco.
April, 2003 - Dr. Steven Strange returns from his extended sabbatical in Asia, purchases a townhouse in Greenwich Village as his new residency.
June, 2003 - Matt Murdock begins practicing law. Peter Parker is bitten by a spider during a college campus tour in Empire State University.
September, 2003 - After repeated delays, Reed Richards and Susan Storm hold a Fantastic Wedding in New York City. The Vault prison facility loses power, a Breakout ensues. Five mighty heroes find themselves united against a common threat.
October, 2003 - Captain America appears during a battle in Central Park, having been unearthed from ice deep below the English Channel a month prior.
February, 2004- The newly-crowned King T'Challa hosts a diplomatic visit of his nation of Wakanda.
May, 2004 - Mar-Vell makes his debut as Captain Marvel.
September, 2005- Galactus menaces Earth, but is narrowly repelled by its heroes.
From there, it's a little less squared away, though I absolutely have plans so don't hesitate to ask. In the meantime, I'll say that as a bridge between seasons one and two, I have plans to implement one of many crossover franchises into my Marvel canon, so stay tuned for that.
At the risk of jinxing things, I feel that I've reached a point in life in terms of writing ability, personal scheduling and mental health that I can produce and upload content far more consistently than before, and since I have been intending to branch out to other platforms aside from my starting place of DeviantArt, I may as well use this momentum to do a "soft reboot" of sorts. None of your content I have previously shared on dA will suddenly become non-canon (Though I definitely need to go back and update several details), nor will I stop uploading on dA altogether.
All content uploaded here on Tumblr will be the most official and updated, however, and for the time being will most certainly become my priority, since unlike dA and even Twitter, Tumblr's fate isn't exactly dangling above a bottomless pit at the moment. I will most definitely be posting separate fanworks and pitches down the line, but Earth-93 will very much remain the majority of my content. If "Earth-93" is not in the headline or in the tags, it's its own thing.
Fantastic Four
Invisible Woman
Mister Fantastic
Human Torch (Coming Soon!)
The Thing (Coming Soon!)
Iron Man (Coming Soon!)
Thor (Coming Soon!)
Rick Jones
Professor X
Marvel Girl
Unus the Untouchable
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therese-lokidottir · 9 months
The Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes series watch
The Ultron Imperative Written by Brandon Auman
The episode begins with Ultron uploads himself to a satellite and begins taking over nuclear weapons from across the world. Ultron hijacks all of the S.H.I.E.L.D.. He introduces himself as Ultron-6 and says that he is about to bring peace and order to the world through the extinction of humanity.
Thor is trapped inside Amora's realm as she makes him forget everything but her.
Hank and Tony discover that Ultron has been upgrading his himself and transferring his intelligence into new bodies. Ultron activates Iron Man's Armor stored beneath the Avengers Mansion and attacks the Avengers with a hidden Ultron unit in the Stark Tower's armoury. Ultron infiltrates the Helicarrier to extract the security codes from Maria Hill. These codes give access to all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s weapons around the world. Wasp contacts Tony and Hank to inform them that Ultron has hacked into armor and is attacking the Avengers. Hank discovers that the Helicarrier is also under attack. Ultron plans to keep the Avengers busy while using S.H.I.E.L.D.'s weapons to wipe out humanity.
Thor breaks free from Amora's enchantment and demands to be sent back which she angrily does warning him that Midgard is doomed
Back at the mansion Iron Man joins the battle and tells the other Avengers that Ultron plans to end all life on Earth. Iron Man, Hulk, and Wasp head to the Helicarrier to stop Ultron, while Black Panther and Hawkeye stay and fight the Iron Man Armors. Ultron overpowers Hill aboard the Helicarrier and tries to extract information from her brain, but is interrupted by the arrival of the Avengers. Hulk attacks, however, Ultron drains him of his Gamma energy, reverting him to Bruce Banner. He is about to kill Banner but is stopped by Iron Man. The Avengers fight Ultron, who is protected by an energy shield. Ultron claims that humanity is too weak to survive and that all life on Earth will soon end. Meanwhile, Hawk-Eye, Black Panther, and Ant-Man battle the Ultron hacked Iron Man armor they are almost defeated but luckily Thor arrives just in time to save them.
At the Helicarrier, Ultron attacks the Avengers and almost kills Iron Man but Thor and the rest of the Avengers arrive just in time to save them. Ultron fights Thor while Stark tries to regain control of the missile system and Ant-Man begins to upload something into Ultron's electronic brain. Ant-Man defeats Ultron by uploading logic instead of a virus, which shuts down Ultron. This saves the world just in time before the missiles detonate. Ant-Man explains because Ultron's programming was based on a human mind, he was flawed like humans and could not exist in his imperative.
Back at the Avengers Mansion, Thor tells Stark about Amora's warning when she sent him back to Midgard and Thor fears what the danger could be.
Got to be honest, I really do not have anything to say about this episode that I didn't cover in the previous one. It's not bad there is just no big character moments to discuss. At most, Tony does take the responsibly for Ultron and that I guess that's resolves some of Hank's critics towards Tony, but it's not all that satisfying. The action is good but nothing amazing stand out. All in all, this and the last episode could have been one and worked just as well.
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themrj8 · 1 year
Hola gente, hace un buen tiempo que no publico nada por aquí. Hay algunas razones pero la razón principal es que "No tenía nada bueno para publicar". ¿Qué puedo decir? Las cosas que hice estos meses no pensé que tendrían suficiente impacto para publicarlas por aquí. Además un factor que influyó fue que empecé un nuevo ciclo de mi universidad y eso suele robarse toda mi atención.
La verdad me gustaría poder dibujar y escribir tan libremente como antes, pero hay veces que uno debe dejar de crear para ocuparse de cosas importantes. Lo bueno es que en esa realidad aun puede mantenerse momentos de diversión o creatividad y esta es una de esas ocasiones.
Así que de las pocas cosas que hice fue lo que están viendo aquí, un Fanfic.
La inspiración nació gracias a que algunos amigos de Discord decidieron empezar a crear historias de Spidersonas y todo por la película de Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Una maravillosa película que es muy recomendada.
De ella nacieron muchos diseños de Spidersonas e historias bastante interesantes, así que dije ¿Por qué no crear una también? y unos meses después henos aquí.
La verdad es un proyecto que quiero terminar sin importar el tiempo que tarde, así que si tienen curiosidad echen un vistazo. Aparte de escribir también tengo dibujos e ideas, tal vez comparta algunas por aquí.
¿Qué puedo ofrecer? Pues mi objetivo es hacer una historia agradable y sencilla de leer que poco a poco se ponga intensa pero sin ir muy lejos hasta llegar al final. O sea, que es una historia donde el camino sea disfrutable.
Además, no se preocupen si no saben de comics o de Spiderman, esta historia está hecha para tener referencias pero sin ellas pueden entender. Ya que, aunque sea una spidersona, es más una historia de una OC que otra cosa. Así que si les da algo de curiosidad me encantaría que le echaran un vistazo.
PD: A pesar de mis ánimos sigo siendo un novato ¿Les gustaría leer los fics de mis amigos que inspiraron todo esto y que tienen calidad? Pues echen un vistazo a esta lista:
Todas las historias sin excepción las recomiendo, ya que ciertamente sus creadores han hecho un muy buen trabajo con sus personajes.
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luiz-henrique · 10 months
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Obra Dedicada à (...)-:
1-: Maçonaria Russa com sua Grande Loja em Moscou e na sua Vertência Negra ( " Seletiva e Mais" ) e Comando Maçônico Vermelho , com Toda a Integração de Lojas Maçônicas Russas .
2-: Ao Grande Escritor Michael W. Ford , Fundador da Ordem de Fósforo : Heósphoro ( Nome Grego - Romano do qual Surge a Insurgência do Nome Lúcifer ( Luxiferus ) , e Também da Ordem do Dragão.
3-: À Illuminati Organization , com Séde na Grã- Bretanha.
" A GRANDE CLAVÍCULA -: LIVRO QUATRO 🍀 está Composta nos Seguintes Capítulos ou Secções (Seção : Secção ) -:
A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H -: Onde H se Divide nas Sub- Secções (...)-: H- ALPHA , H- BETA , H- GAMA ( GAMMA ) , H- DELTA , H- EPSILON , H- ZETA , H- ETA , H- THETA , H-IOTA , H-KAPPA 💎 , H- LAMBDA , H- MU , H- NU , H- XI , H - OMICRON 💎 , H- PI (π) 💎 , H- RHO : PARTES PRIMEIRA E SEGUNDA , H- SIGMA : PARTES PRIMEIRA , SEGUNDA , TERCEIRA E QUARTA 💎 , H- TAU INVERTIDA ( Todas estas Acima , Escritas até o Momento : 21 de Novembro de 2023 ) ...,
A Obra como Todas as Seguintes Mencionadas que Escrevi (...)-:
Sim dou Permissão para Quem quiser publicar Sem que Este meu Passageiro Referencial Ganhe Nada em Troca , Após Verificarem o Contexto , com as Condições das Obras Não Serem Alteradas e de Nestas Terem o Nome do Autor , escrito deste módo -: HENRICH , de Codinome : CHYREN .
Pois Nenhuma Foi Publicada dado que no Brasil estou em Situação de Escassez e Penúria Econômica ou Calamidade Mais Abrangente , e Não Foram Registradas os Direitos Autorais por Causa do Assédio e Discriminação da ABIN em Brasília no Distrito Federal Contra meu Referencial , eram para serem Registradas na Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro.
E para Todos que Enviei -: Nem Squér Leram , pois Não tem Interesse no Assunto e Algo Mais e para Não lhes Carregar o Celular 📲 , as Jogaram na Lixeira 🚮🗑️ , Sem Lerem o Contexto.
Entretanto -: Os Seres que Não Procedem desta Terra 🌎🌍 , me disseram que Estas Obras não são para a Mentalidade Enraizada dos Enfáticos desta Terra , Não Foram Perdidas , Estes as Tem de Forma Amplificada e Outras ao INDIZÍVEL...,
Quem está Perdido é Tal Esquema Mundial Mais que Passageiro...,
e que nas Margens de 4 Anos e Meio Após o Referencial que Outros destes Elaboraram para ser chamado Luíz Henrique ser dado como morto...,
Algo Acontecerá Vindo por Detrás dos Véus da Ocultação ( Envultação : Envultar ) , onde Governos que Foram Contatados -: Já com o ELO DE CONTATO ROMPIDO...,
estarão Sem o Saber das Multidões , em Intercessão Contatal com Enviados das Forças Superiores do Além desta Terra 🌎🌍...,
para Receberem Ordens que Devem ser Cumpridas no Antecedente ao Armageddon que é um Nome Metafórico da Faixa Dimensional Onde seu Mundo Deverá ser Varrido com a Terra Intacta , pois por Detrás da Terra Hão Mundos por Detrás de Mundos e Mais...,
Assinado : HENRICH (...)-:
CHYREN !!! ! !!! "
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
Watched Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero on a whim the other night. Things I liked:
Pan. She had so much fun whenever she was with Papa or Grandpa Piccolo! Not so much when they were both busy fighting the giant monster, but hey.
The movie focuses on Piccolo, Gohan, and Pan instead of Goku and Vegeta.
Magenta's rant about how Capsule Corp is clearly just a front for a coalition of alien invaders working to control the Earth. It's 90% recognizable conspiratorial nonsense (minus the antisemitism and unpleasant context) and 10% weird sh*t that's just canon.
Despite the Red Ribbon Army's advanced intelligence-gathering tech, they still consider Mr. Satan to be a threat on par with Goku or Vegeta.
Piccolo has a house now!
Super Sai-ants.
Gamma 1's occasional moments of genre savvy. The first thing he says is "You say you killed King Piccolo? Did you look for the body?"
The Gammas in general, really. Especially the background squabbling-siblings moments.
All the new characters have such delightful, quirky personalities. Dragon Ball is at its best when it's a comedy series spiced with action.
Piccolo doing that thing Frieza did in the Broly movie where he hurt Paragus to make Broly get a rage-induced power-up, just without actually hurting Pan.
I can't talk much about Max Cell without ruining the positive tone I'm aiming for here, but I like the way he serves as a fulcrum of conflict between Magenta and Dr. Hedo, and that his design makes Semi-Perfect Cell look intimidating. (And not just by virtue of being kaiju-sized.)
One storyboard artist really liked the idea of the Z-fighters jumping off of high things in skydiving poses before activating their flight, and the higher-ups were right to let them do it twice.
Namekian stretchy-arms and gigantification return! Piccolo even uses both at the same time! More Dragon Ball fight scenes should use weird little abilities like that; stretchy arms aren't gonna win a fight Piccolo would lose otherwise, but they make a fight scene more unique and interesting.
The animation is good, the haters just noticed that it's CG.
Pan. She's adorable.
Things I didn't like:
Enough "Ha ha, Dr. Hedo/Gotenks is fat" jokes to stand out as a Thing.
Act 3 is basically just one overstuffed fight scene.
Cell Max is fine as a plot point and setpiece, I guess, but also not interesting.
There is no way Goten and Trunks haven't been fusing for fun enough to remember how it works. If they messed up because they were rushing or because of a disruption from the active action scene or something, that would be one thing, but suggesting that they're just rusty is...kinda dumb.
Gohan's new transformation feels like that form Future Trunks got in the Goku Black arc, in that it's an unexplained power-up he randomly got that I assume is meant to justify him fighting god-tier foes, but they didn't want to give him Super Saiyan God or Blue because reasons. My feelings about Orange Piccolo are similar, but with more understanding about why they didn't give him an existing Super Saiyan form and less irritation about being an obvious retread of the Super Saiyan 2 transformation bit in the Cell arc.
Also, Gohan's new transformation's hair. On one hand, it's among the most obvious ways that said transformation is calling back to the SSJ2 transformation against Cell, which is irritating. On the other hand, it also looks absurd. It's just...scale up Gohan's preteen hairstyle by 250% and make it gray. Why gray? And why make it that big? If it had gone full SSJ3 I might have liked it, but it doesn't go far enough, and the hair stays too stiff, like it doesn't realize it's three feet long and should be pulled down by gravity.
Basically every scene on Beerus's planet, and not just because Goku and Vegeta were there. It's good to establish why they're not coming in to save the day, but they didn't need to spend so much time on it! And they definitely didn't have to use that time on a pointless fight scene and Beerus flirting with Cheelai!
Gohan getting more focus? Getting to be a character who's important to the plot? I like that! The interpretation of that idea as "Gohan needs to focus on training instead of studying all the time"? Not so much. At least it was mixed in with a dash of "You're so focused on the academic stuff that you're neglecting your family, too," which is a less frustrating point.
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(prev) Teddy nodded. “Could it have increased her mental processing speed? In that case her reflexes would have improved too.” The general shape of the graphs was clear enough for him to read most of the data. Yet it he couldn’t decipher the beta wave graph without focusing, and the gamma wave graph was completely illegible. Soon enough Teddy sighed and stepped roughly a meter forward. This lab had been empty for awhile, hadn’t it? Seems like Commander Peepers didn’t bother to bring in newer screens. (Granted, Bert didn’t need them. Still annoying.) Then he took the time to read it before turning around to smile at Bert. “She really is, isn’t she. What kind of rat did you say she was again?”
Interesting. Bert looked quizzically at Teddy, wondering if there was something up with his eyesight. But before he could bring up anything about it, Teddy asked about Sherri Jr... And Bert could not pass up an opportunity to gab on about his girl.
“Her species, rattus trispectus, is simply known as the three-eyed rat. But, on her small home planet Terniom, she is even more simply known as a common rat. Because every living thing on Terniom is a triclops.”
Bert began walking as he spoke further, searching for where Sherri Jr had wandered off to. “The ironic thing, though, is that these rats are far from common. In my research of her species, which even involved me sneaking back to Terniom on my days off, I’ve found that they are critically endangered. Some Terniod scientists and conservationists have even declared them extinct. They were apparently over-hunted by both predators and poachers.”
Bert finally came across Sherri Jr, who was sitting at the ant farm wall, watching the ants dig around. Bert hefted her up into his arms and spoke in a baby voice. “That’s right! You’re possibly the last of your kind! Who’s a special girl!” 
She squeaked gleefully as Bert scritched her chin.
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downthesunset · 1 year
Personajes y apellidos canon
¡Última sorpresa por aquí antes de abrir el foro!
Los personajes canon podréis encontrarlos directamente en el foro, pero de los apellidos os daremos un vistazo.
** Para tomar uno de estos apellidos debes solicitarlo en el apartado de petición de canon previamente a subir tu ficha.
 → Brown (fundadores de la antigua Ypsilon)  → Rowle (fundadores de la antigua Ypsilon)  → Lafayette (fundadores de Kappa)  → Robinson (fundadores de Omega)  → Collins (fundadora de Omega)  → Jones (fundadora de la antigua Zeta)  → Feyrer (todos sus miembros fueron reconocidos Omega y siguen muy activos en las causas sociales)  → Ginart (el apellido con más honores académicos en UCLA, formaron parte de Gamma en su mayoría)  → Brewster (sus miembros siempre formaron parte del consejo de fraternidades de USA y siguen dentro de UCLA como parte de la dirección)  → Carrington (Creador de la residencia universitaria para personas que no creen tener un hueco en las fraternidades consolidadas.)  → Salinger (Basquetbolista profesional, ganó los campeonatos nacionales del año 1994 y 1997.)  → Pandilla Crips son una de las más extensas y violentas,  la banda está involucrada en trafico de drogas, armas y robos con violencia. Sus miembros usan como "bandera" el color azul, rivales de los Bloods.
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dettaglihomedecor · 1 year
Pannelli filomuro per ridare nuove forme e funzionalità agli spazi
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Skema di Ferrerolegno è un sistema funzionale e su misura di pannelli filomuro per risolvere con stile ogni esigenza di chiusura degli spazi salvaguardando l’estetica. Tecnologicamente avanzato e caratterizzato da un design minimale, Skema è costituito da pannelli filomuro di varie dimensioni e di ridotto spessore in MDF idrofugo. Questi, scompaiono per ridare nuove forme e funzionalità agli ambienti. Infatti, si possono creare ripostigli o cabine armadio su misura, chiudere vani sottoscala, vani cucina, nicchie e quadri di controllo. Una soluzione estremamente versatile e discreta, disponibile a battente, con chiusura a libro o a ribalta, che risolve ogni problematica dimensionale, estetica e progettuale permettendo di ottenere continuità assoluta nella parete, offrendo infinite possibilità. L’opportunità di progettare chiusure su misura diventa così totale: si possono realizzare anche in forma trapezoidale - in particolar modo per i sottoscala - rialzata dal piano pavimento - per chiudere elegantemente ogni nicchia garantendo un effetto di ordine e continuità – ed è possibile dotarle di griglie di areazione per i locali tecnici e di servizio.
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Skema libro qui proposto nella versione a 4 ante nella nuova finitura ecosostenibile ULTRAopaco Corallo Pure
Innumerevoli sono anche le finiture: alla gamma RAL e NCS e ai colori base FerreroLegno si sono aggiunte nuove cromie tra cui il Bianco Optical e la finitura ecosostenibile ULTRAopaco, una palette di 25 nuance dal tocco piacevolmente morbido, vellutato e sofisticato, espressione di un nuovo modo di abitare attento alle tendenze e all’ambiente. Ideale per una massima personalizzazione è la variante grezza, che permette la colorazione dei pannelli nella stessa tonalità della parete oppure l’applicazione di carta da parati, ottenendo così un mimetismo assoluto.
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Skema Infinito, composizione con pannelli di diversa misura in laccato opaco Bianco, aperture sia a battente sia a libro abbinate a maniglie verticali o al sistema Push-pull.
Varianti dei pannelli filomuro Skema di Ferrerolegno
I pannelli filomuro della collezione Skema sono la soluzione ottimale sia in fase di progettazione sia in caso di intervento su ambienti esistenti. Ciò è possibile grazie alle sue due declinazioni: Skema Infinito e Skema su Vano finito. Skema Infinito dà al progettista la possibilità di sviluppare infinite soluzioni estetiche con continuità nella sequenza di pannelli. È disponibile con pannelli di varie dimensioni che possono essere montati con sistemi ad anta singola o doppia, sovrapposta o asimmetrica, con chiusure a 4 o a 3 lati, per aperture molto ampie o in situazioni in cui è necessario sfruttare al meglio ogni spazio. Massima personalizzazione ma anche grande versatilità dimensionale: il telaio esterno può arrivare infatti fino a una dimensione massima di L 530 x H 350 cm.
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la nuova soluzione Skema Infinito Trapezoidale, finitura grezzo prefinito, apertura a battente e telaio a tre lati con maniglia a vaschetta Skema Infinito Trapezoidale è la nuova variante pensata per rispondere alle esigenze abitative contemporanee di nuovi sistemi di chiusura capaci di coniugare design, flessibilità e praticità. La particolare forma trapezoidale dei pannelli realizzati ad hoc e la massima libertà compositiva che garantisce questo nuovo modello permettono sia di sfruttare spazi difficili come i sottoscala o i soffitti spioventi facendoli vivere di nuova vita sia di arredare con stile.
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Nella foto, Skema su Vano Finito utilizzato per un vano cucina, variante grezza personalizzata nella stessa tonalità della parete, apertura a battente e telaio a tre lati. Skema su Vano Finito, invece, nasce per essere impiegato in fase di cantiere, dove non è più possibile intervenire andando a murare il profilo perimetrale. Il particolare telaio in nobilitato bianco, grazie alla sua elasticità, si adatta alle piccole irregolarità della parete su cui viene applicato. Questo rende possibile l’inserimento a lavori finiti. È disponibile con chiusura a battente o battente trapezoidale.
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sistema Skema Infinito per creare una cabina armadio su misura nella nuova finitura ecosostenibile ULTRAopaco Ombra Light, con apertura a battente. Caratteristiche tecniche Pannelli filomuro di ridotto spessore - soli 18 mm - in MDF idrofughi.  Il telaio è composto da una cornice in alluminio a 4 o a 3 lati, giuntata a 45° tramite squadrette. Quest’ultima proposta - il 3 lati - è indicata soprattutto per armadi, chiusure vani cucina o sottoscala. Skema è disponibile infatti con pannelli di varie dimensioni che possono essere montati con sistemi ad anta singola o doppia, sovrapposta o asimmetrica, con chiusure a 4 lati – a battente, vasistas o ribalta – o a 3 lati – a battente o a libro, per aperture molto ampie o in situazioni in cui è necessario sfruttare al meglio ogni spazio. Dimensioni - Skema Ribalta/Vasistas: dimensioni anta singola: altezza da 30 a 60 cm // larghezza da 30 a 120 cm. - Skema Libro 2/4 ante: dimensioni anta singola: altezza da 30 a 260 cm // larghezza da 30 a 60 cm. - Skema su Vano Finito: dimensioni anta singola: altezza da 30 a 260 cm // larghezza da 30 a 60 cm. - Skema Infinito: dimensione massima composizione di L 530 x H 350 cm. - Skema battente e battente Trapezoidale: dimensioni anta singola: altezza da 30 a 260 cm // larghezza da 30 a 60 cm. Finiture disponibili - Grezzo - Laccate opaco: bianco, bianco optical, grigio lux e tortora e in tutti i colori della gamma Ral e della cartella NCS - ULTRAopaco  Maniglie È possibile scegliere tra 7 tipi di maniglie per Skema su Vano Finito e Skema Infinito: le nuove Asola 1 e Asola 2, Verticale, Verticale Mini, Vaschetta, Premi-apri e per gli amanti delle soluzioni invisibili il Sistema Push-pull. È possibile scegliere tra 5 tipi di maniglie per Skema Libro 2/4 ante: le nuove Asola 1 e Asola 2, Verticale, Verticale Mini e Vaschetta. In tutte le sue declinazioni Skema di FerreroLegno rappresenta un’ampia gamma di soluzioni per soddisfare ogni esigenza abitativa e tipologia di ambiente.   Read the full article
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