#garcyatt fanart
theadorelocksly · 4 years
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I know I just did a Medieval au bit this ones garcyatt and I never tier of Lucy in a cape🤩
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twoshipsnorowboat · 3 years
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Some concept art for an Our Beloved Summer AU for garcyatt through the years!
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timelessbigbang · 7 years
have you missed us?
Check-In Day is only two weeks away!! Some of you have already contacted a couple of the admins regarding your progress so far, but this day is especially reserved for discussion with one or all of the mods of the challenge. 
This is when we’ll begin to hash out a posting schedule for the second week of November, starting on the 10th, and figure out who will be ready to post when. This is also the LAST TIME to ask for any extensions, as we will be working on a posting schedule based on the feedback from these conversations. 
The plan right now is to provide a link to a Discord that will have two channels: one where all the pairs can gather, and one specifically reserved for the mods and one pair at a time, kind of like a waiting room/office situation. 
(I’ve only been using Discord for a couple weeks now, but I really like it and think this could work! If you have any other ideas as to how to conduct the check-in, please drop by the ask box or message one of the admins!) 
Also: if you’re seeing this and beginning to panic because omg how did this happen so soon?? I’m not prepared??? That’s okay! 
If you need to set aside some writing time (shameless self-promotion) I’m currently running 1k1h challenges on @weekendwritingmarathon​ every Friday at 11pm EST as well as at some scattered times on Saturdays and Sundays. The rest of the mods of that blog run the same challenge at more convenient hours, so by all means, jump in!
As always, contact the admins if you have any questions or concerns or just want to say hey! We don’t bite! (Well, I don’t)
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for the fandom ask thing: C U S T O M I Z A B L E
Ooh and you found a word where no letter was repeated you clever girl!
C = A pairing you have never liked and probably never will:
Listen I don’t care if this pisses anyone off, Reylo can go die in a fucking fire. It’s toxic and unhealthy and rewards a mediocre spoiled shithead who murdered a bunch of children and then his father and then worked his way to head of a Nazi organization and supports his attempted gaslighting of the woman in the ship like honestly fuck all of that shit. Burn it to the fucking ground.
U = If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships:
I feel like my hetero/homo ratio is pretty even? But Sterek (the fanfiction cracked me up even though I have never seen a single episode of Teen Wolf), Eames/Arthur from Inception (yes you read that right, I am an Inception fandom lurker), Bagginshield, Spirk, my messy Flogan boys, Stucky but slowly being lured over into Stony as well, and my darling darling Merthur.
S = Show us an example of your personal headcanon:
I feel like Flynn is an intensely romantic but also intensely private person when it comes to his relationships given that the few times we’ve seen him be vulnerable (with Lucy in, oh, take your pick of episodes, with Wyatt in 1.06) he’s always made sure no one else can hear him, whether by doing it in private or by lowering his voice and speaking quietly/whispering. So I always write him as saying very personal things or being romantic generally when others aren’t around or, if others are around, saying it in a different language (French for Lucy, German for Wyatt) because the things he says are for them and them alone.
T = If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships:
Again, I think it’s pretty even, but I ship Chelenor, Garcy, Caskett, Sculder, Rumbelle, Phrack, Ilya/Gaby, BlackHawk… yeah I ship a lot lol.
And BONUS! My OT3s are Chelani, Finn/Poe/Rey (what even is their ship name?), Steve/Nancy/Jonathan from Stranger Things and… there’s one more… I can’t… I can’t quite recall…
O = Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of:
I have “Fever” by A Fine Frenzy stuck in my head which is a very Garcy song for me lol
M = Your favorite fanart or fanartist:
Tie between ravennowithtea and shalizeh7 (those are their tumblr names, I don’t know them personally so I didn’t feel comfortable @ing them, but search them they’re amazing).
I = Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why:
*laughs hysterically* Oh God where to start. Supernatural definitely. Jesus Christ on a fucking cracker. Sherlock, or at least in my experience the fans who stuck around after season three. Doctor Who as well a bit, but mostly because of the whole Superwholock nightmare.
Z = Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go:
Okay but slow burn ships man? Slow burn ships. I fucking love ‘em. I scream (literally) in frustration the entire time but honestly I feel so… so jipped when ships get together quickly. Like honestly I liked Lyatt (not nearly as much as Garcy or Garcyatt though) well enough but they got together sooooo quickly in season two and I was left so unsatisfied? Like was making them have sex really necessary? You couldn’t have stretched it out a bit, still done the whole Jessica thing, made it a deliciously awful “what might have been” situation? Grrr.
Now, stupid drama for the sake of keeping them apart annoys me. There are ships where shit was keeping them apart like… introducing another boyfriend who was just sort of THERE, obviously as just an obstacle and nothing more, that shit drives me nuts. But when the reasons are valid? Mmmmm yessss gimme gimme gimme.
I think it’s because when a slow burn ship is good, you get to see just how much respect and friendship there is laying the foundation of the relationship. Like, let’s take Garcy for example, a slow burn still in its beautiful infancy (I’d say they get together… season four? Mmmmm delicious). They start out as ‘enemies’ where Lucy slowly learns that actually, while his methods aren’t the best, Flynn’s the good guy here. And Flynn definitely gets frustrated with Lucy’s lack of belief in him.
BUT from the start, despite that, Flynn has a shit ton of respect for Lucy’s intelligence and skills, first from the journal and then from Lucy’s own actions (1.06 when she tricks him, for example). He actually loves that she’s got not problem telling him like it is and being a spitfire, and when she tricks him and gets one over on him, as she does a few times in the first season, he’s almost proud of her. And while Lucy doesn’t agree with Flynn, she never underestimates his intelligence, and after 1.10 she respects his pain and grief and you can see that she feels for him. They understand and respect each other’s pain and never try to use it as a weapon against each other. Flynn calls her a genius and when she asks him to follow her orders, he agrees and proceeds to do so. There’s RESPECT and CONSIDERATION. And then later, as we see from 2.06 onward, a blossoming friendship. They make jokes, they share fun moments, they make each other smile, they support each other. And that’s what makes them, and other slow burn ships, so great: we get to see the development of that respect, and then that friendship, and then an even deeper intimacy that grows and grows and grows until it just can’t be denied anymore. And that’s magical.
A = Your current OTP:
B = A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind:
*points at @extasiswings* She needs to stop converting me to Stony IMMEDIATELY it is VERY rude of her.
L = Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for:
…I do have a hankering for a certain someone’s vampire/werewolf Garcyatt AU…
E = Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what:
Okay so I treat this pairing as a serious pairing, with funny moments and serious moments and all the rest, but if you stop and think about it… it’s two characters who have never met in canon, one of whom was literally erased from existence. It’s the goddamn least possible pairing I could have come up with and yet I WILL DIE FOR THEM. AMY/JESS FOREVER. I WILL CONVERT EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU.
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theadorelocksly · 4 years
It Takes Two To Tango But Three To Swing
I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT THIS 👆🏽 FIC BY @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
it amazing is what it is\(//∇//)\
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theadorelocksly · 4 years
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...this is not what Denise had in mind in the 80s, when told she’d be working for Homeland Security.
(I tried really hard to find the original base artist, but was unable too. If you’re out there and you see this, gimme a shout and I’ll delete/give credit, whatever you prefer:)
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theadorelocksly · 4 years
Guess who just finished The Daily Grind!!!!!
This fic was just great @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels 😭🤩🥰
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timelessbigbang · 7 years
Pairs for the TBB 2017
Thanks so very much to all of the artists that responded so quickly; we were able to get this all sorted a whole day early! Below, you’ll find the list of authors and artists participating in the Timeless Big Bang 2017. 
Thank you, again, to all who registered! We are very excited to read/see the finished products!
And without further ado, your pairs:
001 @timeless-besthistoryclass / @child-of-the-candy
002 @deckerprestonsmoak​ / @twilight-deviant​​, @gwennieliz​
003 @missyriver​ / @abbyspencer​
004 @elizabethkween​ / @deckerprestonsmoak​
005 @olivaraofrph​ / @onlymorelove​
006 @olivaraofrph​ / @katiegracecrochet​*
007 @usaonetwothree​ / @olivaraofrph​
008 @extasiswings​ / @elizabethkween​
009 TheVelvetDusk* / @elizabethkween
010 @keirgreeneyes / @olivaraofrph
011 @jedidisneyphantomofstorybrooke / @onlymorelove
012 @superrandomfandom7 / @prairiepirate
013 @katnissisbrown / @gwennieliz
014 Mellia Bee* / @cluelessrebel1988
*participant has requested to be contacted outside of tumblr; please message an admin for contact info*
That’s all, folks! Introduce yourselves to your partners! Get started with your writing/arting. Check-In Day will be September 29th. On that day, an admin will contact you to touch base with your progress. This is when we’ll begin to gauge when you’ll post, so please be honest and please check in!! 
The ask box will be open for the remainder of the challenge, and the admins are always here to answer any questions or alleviate any concerns. 
Sad to be missing out? We are now accepting applications for pinch-hit artists and authors. In the event someone has to back out due to personal matters, we will contact everyone registered as a pinch-hit artist or author, depending on which is needed. First person to reply gets the piece. Please note: this does not guarantee participation in the challenge, but is a fun way to lend a hand if it’s ever needed. We like to be prepared! 
Thanks again for making this such a fun challenge so far! We’ll see you all again on September 29th!
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