#garrett rambles
breathofthegay · 6 months
Fun fact:
If your horse kills the gloom hands, shadow ganon won’t spawn and you’ll still get the dark clumps.
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joshfutturman · 6 months
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privatebooth · 3 months
I think one of the reasons why I like Fenris so much and feel the constant urge to shower him with love and care in my pictures is because he reminds me a lot of a cat.
A poor stray cat that has been mercilessly abused and treated cruelly all his life, and who is very anxious and scared of you even if he tries to seem tough and independant, but he still jumps at every suspicious sound and keeps looking around in subtle fear, and then you carefully approach him, and try to be gentle and careful and as not intimidating as you possibly can, and slowly he starts trusting you and lets you touch and pet him, and he craves it so much, because he has seen how other cats can be treated, and how happy and content they are to be loved and cherished, and dammit he wants it too, but he's so afraid to be hurt again.
And then after years of this careful nursing he finally relaxes and tentatively comes to you and starts showing you how much he loves you and just wants you to love him.
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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 3 months
It is unbearably quiet on tumblr lately, and what little talking there is, it's all about the next game. Yeah, we're no longer in 2012, I get it.
I'll just keep entertaining myself however I can.
I've always wanted to talk about one fic I secretly refer to as one of the hidden gems in the fenhawke archives. I have never ever seen anyone bring it up, and in all these years I've never dared to recommend it to anyone... Don't think you can even find it so easily? For good reason tbh...
Thing is, it's a fill for da kink community on livejournal. Anyone remember that place? The safe haven where anyone could anonimously submit the kinkiest most shameless things you could think of - offering prompts, filling them... Those were some desperate times when we were painfully low on content, and it was very hard to find something to read. Finding a story with characterization that suited your vision was near impossible!
I myself was desprate enough to brave through countless pages of imageries I could not stomach, skimming through them just to get the general idea until something captured my attention.
So I found this, and honestly, to this day to me it is one of the best examples of... idk, not just good characterization, but the overall feeling of the fenhawke relationship, why I can't let go of them after 12 years? It's all subjective, of course, but no fanfic ever resonated with me as deeply as this. Also back then mage Hawke was not very popular and most stories featured rogues... I used to be very sad and lonely!
Warning: it's extremely triggery. I wouldn't even recommend reading the first part at all, because it's too difficult and painful to get through. Hell, I couldn't read it! I was looking through the text very VERY briefly to get only the most basic and vague understanding of what was happening, and it was still hard! There is a lot of abuse, rape, slavery things...
To get the idea:
The Alone quest did not get resolved as planned. Danarius managed to win that battle, captured Fenris and returned to Tevinter, gravely injuring Hawke in the process (Fenris thought he was killed). To break the remains of his will, Danarius threatens to erase Fenris's memories of Hawke, and he succumbs and stops resisting altogether. I don't want to recall the details, but it was awful. Go straight to part 17 (it's a flashback) to read a very lovely take on fenhawke first night together. It's super sweet and gentle, though painfully sad in context. Still, beautiful. Well, it gets worse before it gets better! Somewhere in part 19 Fenris's friends come for him (they sailed all the way here on Isabela's new ship) and he's rescued. What follows is an exceptionally touching tender reunion with Hawke. Oh, and then, once all is settled comes the second part - All the King's men, which is much less controversial and fairly easy to read. Fenris copes with his experiences, and Hawke is always there for him. There are some truly fantastic moments as they slowly get close to each other again! Isabela is pretty great here, and Anders... sorta made me warm up to his character? And it's all fairly believable and close to how we see them in the game.
I'm saying all this and linking this fic on the off chance that someone with tastes similar to mine ever needs something like it. I know I am grateful it exists, and still hold it very dear to my heart. Definitely never regretted finding it!
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midnightfrappe · 11 months
FNAF MOVIE THEORY AND RAMBLING (spoilers with some images and quotes)
Okay so, idk where to start but i'll try to make everything that i say connect, starting with Garrett, Mike's lost brother.
We see the exact moment he was taken, just playing around and the next second he was in a car that was driving off. But there was no screaming, not even a scared face from Garrett, this is a kid who's not sure why his brother is chasing the car with so much fear.
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We obviously know at the end of the movie that William was the one that did it, but there was never an explanation of why. He did say ''First i killed your brother. Now i'll kill you'', but how did he know about Mike's brother? It could be Vanessa that told him about Mike's brother, but there was something off about William since the beginning of the movie, before Vanessa even knew Mike.
Mike is searching for a job and ''Steve'' is looking thru his records and saying he's trying to figure out who he is. Well, that's exactly what he does when he reads his name. He quickly looks up to him in a shocked way, even getting a closer look at Mike like he was trying to recognize his face which he probably does because he starts acting weird and nervous, then he is very insisting on giving him the job that he knows will surely kill him.
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But then again, how does he know Mike and Garrett? The name Schmit could be one of the reasons and just looking at Mike's face is a confirmation. Now this is where i start with my theory.
Garrett was taken just like Charlie in the games, no one was looking and then a car just passed by to use that opportunity, making them the first victims in the movie and games respectively.
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Now, that gives the possibility that Garrett's father was somehow connected to William, perhaps as a friend or coworker, because why would William go to a place as far away as the woods just to kidnap and kill a random child if the pizzeria was the safest option? He had a reason to target his friend's son, I can't think of one rn, but that could mean Garrett's dad takes the rol of Henry. Explaining why William recognizes Mike, he was the older son of his friend, the brother of his first victim.
As a bonus, that could explain why Garret didn't scream or looked scared and everything happened so fast. He just saw a familiar face, someone his dad knew and wasn't really a stranger.
William says to Mike at the end ''You couldn't just leave it alone, could you?'', he knows what he did and thinks Mike was trying to go after him (i mean, he was looking for him thru his dreams, but something tells me William thinks he was searching for him irl, that's why he's shocked when he sees him right in his office, the thinks Mike finally found him but my guy was just trying to look for a job lmao).
Now getting a little crazier, in the credits we hear some words that say ''COME FIND ME'', who do we need to find? the children? We already know where they are. William? Let that mf be trapped where he is. The only one we don't know where it ended up was Garrett, but where is he? Maybe that music box at the end is an indication that Puppet is present, and the possibility of having some things related to the games could mean that Garrett may or may not be related to the puppet. (Coffcoff Garret being the Puppet just like Charlie).
Now for some silly stuff: I really think this is an AU where William and Henry swap children, Henry has 3 and William only has one. Of course William would have a normal life after killing kids and ruining Henry's life, he doesn't have to worry about his children killing each other, he just takes care of one who can be easily manipulated and lives a normal life as a career counselor. Giving his trophy (the pizzeria) people who can keep it safe.
Meanwhile Henry's family suffers just like the game but with extra steps, but I also think that Mike and Garret having a good relationship is proof of good parenting, not like the games where Mike bullies his little brother and William doesn't give a fuck about them or Elizabeth. That's also my opinion that the movies could work without the bite of '83 or even sister location, all of that could be avoided with a loving family.
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The family Michael Afton and his brothers needed, the one that they deserved.
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''This isn't how it happend. This isn't real.''
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navybrat817 · 1 month
Little over a month and Tulsa King is back.
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I also need it to be November for Yellowstone.
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bluerose5 · 2 years
Do you ever think that, by Act 3, the majority of the crew gets really protective of their mages? This was mostly prompted because I went to the Viscount's keep with just Anders and Hawke in the party, and I was acutely aware of the fact that there were templars everywhere. To the point where I could even see my Hawke getting into a panic over it if he's not careful. I just imagine that, after once or twice of this happening, the rogues and warriors insist on at least one of them accompanying the mages at all times. Not because any of them are defenseless —far from it— but because all it takes is for one templar to be in a bad mood, one templar to dispel their magic, and they're being hauled off to the Gallows. Possibly made Tranquil. And maybe it's my personal bias speaking but, for all his distrust with mages, I can definitely see Fenris being the main enforcer of this rule in the group. No matter the mage. He's just obviously quicker to get frustrated with or scold Anders and Merrill. Doesn't mean he's gonna abandon them though, especially after knowing each other for years.
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amelia-mariee · 1 month
I may be the slowest person in the world. I saw Twisters again last night and finally realized that i was right the first time i watched it and the guy from the motel really is young John Garrett. And he’s Bill Paxton’s son. I had no idea he was Bill Paxton’s son. Now that i know that it’s like yeah ofc he is!!!! He looks so much like him and that’s why he was in the Twisters and that’s why he played young John Garrett. I’m only just now putting that all together and I fear that might’ve been common knowledge and I was the only one who didn’t know that.
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ronihilator · 3 days
ily hunk garrett please
you were too beautiful for vld writers to handle and they boiled down your character please come back to me
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jibberjibbsart · 3 months
God the dragon age brain rot is in full swing, I need to rewrite my personal canon.
I love the idea that Warden Amell and Hawke are related but I also love elves and I draw Hawke as a half elf…. I gotta brainstorm and do a lot of mental gymnastics to make this story work.
Velta Surana (my warden) is a circle mage (Velta’s mother is Malcolm’s sister)
Garrett Hawke is a half elf and Malcolm was a city elf (his parents were from clan Lavellan)
Pana’thal (my inquisitor) is a Dalish elf from clan Lavellan. Her father was Malcolm’s cousin.
Pana’thal’s father wasn’t born yet when Malcolm’s parents left the clan. Velta and Garrett grew up together until Velta was taken to a circle. Garrett’s family then moved from Denerim to Lothering.
How does Rook fit into this family?
He’s Velta and Alistair’s child, Duncan Theirin.
After Velta left to find a cure for the calling, Alistair struggled to raise Duncan (who he quickly realized was a mage) on top of his kingly duties. Once Duncan was 13 and the rifts threatened Fereldan, Alistair feared for his son’s safety and sent him to live with Isabela in the outskirts of Tevinter. There Duncan could freely live as a mage and learn some skills from Isabela. Years go by and Duncan is frustrated by the way elves are treated in Tevinter. He joins the Shadow Dragons to help in anyway he can.
Obviously there are major plot holes but I’m just having fun :)
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ourfracturedomens · 3 months
For the people who left Hawke in the Fade in inquisition, what’s the odds we see Hawke again in Veilguard but corrupted
Alternatively, what’s the odds we see [insert person left in the fade] come back corrupted and demon-y
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breathofthegay · 1 year
read through your seabreeze series last night and just wanted to drop by and say it was awesome and i really enjoyed it - especially the switching povs giving an insight to both characters. thank you for writing it!
Aaaa thank you so much!! I’m really glad you liked it!
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ocdeeznut · 5 months
In rewatching s8 i have some thoughts. Why it didn’t work as an ending, and what i think could have been changed.
WARNING THIS POST IS LONG AS FUCK, so strap in if you’re interested.
- The feel of the writing is distinctly off. Not bad, but it doesn’t feel like you’re watching Voltron anymore. It feels grittier and more like a high stakes adult animation than the other seasons. Which, again, isn’t necessarily bad, but the shift is too quick and it could have been executed better if they spent more time digging into the individual characters and their growth during s6/7.
- The issue of ‘there’s always a bigger enemy’ starts to make the plot feel stale. You get bored of a bigger robot, higher stakes, more to lose. They start killing people and planets for a cheap audience reaction when we weren’t all that invested in the first place. It felt like a split second decision by the writers to destroy Olkarion. Something like that needs to be pencilled in from the beginning. There were too many attacks on Olkarion, and as a consequence we got too used to seeing it’s people in peril. There should’ve been a distinct shift where we, as the audience, realised Voltron wasn’t going to be there to save them this time. Whether that’s a writing, animation or atmospheric issue i’m unsure. Maybe it’s just a me thing.
- The Atlas should never have been able to transform. That for me was the biggest investment turn off. Why do we need Voltron anymore if there’s a bigger, stronger robot on their side? If they were going to replace the castle, they should have made it clear and stuck with the intention. That’s not a support ship anymore, that’s something else entirely. I’d gladly watch a show JUST about the Atlas, with Shiro at the helm, but it’s not Voltron.
- Too many things happen at once, and it’s massively convoluted. 13 episodes is not enough time to: introduce a romance, have me actually care about that romance, kill off a main character, form a new version of voltron, redeem three main antagonists, AND cutely tie up all the glaring plot holes of the show. S8 needed to be two seasons at least. If things were spread out and more passion was pumped into the writing, it could’ve worked.
- Allura’s character was ruined. She became a nagging, reckless, martyred love interest. I love her dearly, i have from S1, but they did her SO dirty. Lance, too. They both deserved better.
- I think, personally, that Sendak should’ve been the final villain. Not Honerva. Her arc was rushed and her CORE motivation made little sense. They used the flimsy excuse of her corruption to redeem her love for Lotor, and his name was literally raked through hell and back for a very mediocre payoff. If that was the plan from the start, it needed to be hinted at more.
- There was too much, as i call it, flip-flopping. The alteans are alive, now they’re evil, now they’re not. We can’t get into Oriande, but now we can! Personally, i need explanations, and strict universal rules. If those rules are to be broken for whatever reason - it has to be a show stopping exception and a main event. Everything is excused and explained away when it doesn’t make any sense.
- Now, i actually really likes the subtle art style and animation adjustments in the season, visually it was spectacular so i have no critiques there. If only the plot could have done its outer shell some justice.
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privatebooth · 2 months
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Remember this post (still mine, main acc)?
This idea never left me, and I finally decided to play with it!
Whatever Fenris and Hawke had in mind when they reconciled, it was interrupted by their nosy friends.
I think Aveline was not fond of eavesdropping on such a private conversation (and I don't think they got to hear much anyway), but Varric simply had to know what was going on! Had to make sure his dear friends were doing well)
I suspect it was Aveline's armor clanking that gave away their presence
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charlottesbookclub · 9 days
headcanon requests!
so, following off of this update post, I wanted to do a small, super informal little headcanon event thing to help me get back into writing! 🥰🥰
I've never really done anything like this before, so please be patient with me! ☺️💕
I'll put a little list of the characters I'm willing to do heacanons for, and I've also made a small prompt list 💖💖 however, those prompts are just to give inspiration, and I'm really happy to answer any questions/talk about almost anything related to my beloved characters! ☺️☺️
feel free to request multiple characters and/or prompts if you feel so inclined! 🥰🥰
from twilight: Alistair, Carlisle, Jasper, Alice, Alec, Jane, Aro, Garrett
from house of the dragon: Gwayne, Aemond
from star wars: Hux, Mitaka
from stranger things: Eddie
from pirates of the caribbean: Norrington
from the mcu (altho please note I'm not caught up with everything 😅): Loki, Bucky, Natasha
from ratched: Huck
heacanon prompts:
😘 – what would they look for in an s/o?
🍁 – what's their favorite season and why?
👿 – what's a negative or toxic trait of theirs?
😇 – what's one of their best traits?
🐣 – what was a foundational event in their young life?
🪶– what's their handwriting like?
🐾 – would they ever have a pet? if so, what kind?
💐 – would they give their s/o gifts? if so, what kind?
🌟 – what is a great dream or aspiration of theirs?
☔️ – what's their favorite kind of weather and why?
🧁 – what's their favorite food and why?
🥀 – what's something from which they could not recover?
🍼 – do they want kids? why or why not?
☕️ – what's their go-to café order?
🏙 – are they more of a city or country person and why?
🥂 – what are dates with them like?
🎵 – what's a song I associate with them?
🎧 – what's a song I think they would listen to?
✈️ – do they like to travel? why or why not?
🏠 – what does "home" mean to them?
🌎 – if they could travel anywhere, where would they go and why?
🌌 – what do I think their star sign is and why?
🃏 – what tarot card do I associate with them?
📷 – what kinds of photos are in their camera roll?
🛏 – what's a sleeping habit of theirs?
🧸 – what's a comfort item of theirs?
💞 – what do they love most about their s/o?
🌱 – wild card! ask me anything you'd like about the character!
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doodlebeeberry · 7 months
you know i think i wouldve like his interview more if garrett was someone who was intimately familiar with amelia, who knew her very very well, but in the event of everything finds himself reconsidering if he ever knew her at all, particularly if hes working on the assumption that she ran off largely of her own volition
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