#gave it my old hairstyle cause it’s cute
mermorguee · 4 months
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the beef is crazy
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 months
Clavis’ 4th Birthday Story (His POV)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Since meeting Emma, birthdays have become more special.
Year after year, it was a momentous occasion where I celebrated my birth as my fiancee poured her heart and soul into expressing her love for me. And not to be outdone, I too strive to make each year more enjoyable than the last—
Clavis: So you’re saying that you’re not giving your cute little brother a vacation on his birthday?
Chevalier: …
However, this year, before my birthday, my detestable older brother threw a wrench in my plans.
Clavis: Let me kill you just this once.
Chevalier: You’re welcome to draw your sword, but you’ll fail.
Clavis: Why. You’ve never harassed me like this before.
Chevalier: It’s official business.
Clavis: You can do it yourself.
Chevalier: The ambassador who caused issues is a friend of yours, is he not?
Clavis: It’s not the first time you’ve met them.
Chevalier: I made them cry.
Clavis: …
Chevalier: Give up.
(What’s the catch?)
Recently we received a report that a staff member of the embassy for a certain country was using their diplomatic immunity to commit crimes.
Although they needed to be dealt with, it wasn’t a dire situation and was something that Chevalier could handle alone.
(...Was it a miracle that I didn’t have any official duties on my birthday every year?)
(In any case, it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting a vacation)
With an impudent attitude as if to say our conversation was done, Chevalier returned his attention back to his paperwork.
(...Not only will Emma not be able to celebrate my birthday, she won’t even be able to spend time with me…)
(This sucks)
However, when I arrived at one of the royal villas on my birthday, my heart did a flip.
Emma: We have been expecting you, King Chevalier and King Clavis.
(Why are you here?)
She wore a tidy maid’s uniform and the skirt was long enough to cover her ankles, a wig that gave her a different hairstyle, and a pair of glasses.
Her voice was different too, but each move she made screamed Emma.
(This…is supposed to be a disguise)
(A surprise present?)
(I did tell her where I was going, but I didn’t expect this)
For a moment, I forgot that I was here on official business and smiled.
However, I couldn’t defy Emma’s expectations so I chose my next words carefully to not sound unnatural.
Clavis: Oh, a maid. I thought I’d have to take care of Chevalier here.
Villa caretaker: I hired a maid this year. Please understand that I’m getting too old to take care of this place myself.
(Perhaps the madam is an accomplice)
(I thought I wouldn’t be able to see her on my birthday this year…)
(You never disappoint me, Emma)
Acting as a new maid, Emma seemed ready to accompany us on our official business.
Naturally, as the original trap master, I couldn’t just stand by.
If she had a huge surprise waiting for me, then I’d need to return it with a suitable trap to not ruin my reputation.
Emma: Please wait, King Chevalier!
Emma: …The path over there is shorter, allow me to show you the way.
Clavis: Hmm…
Emma: Please wait, King Chevalier!
Emma: There appears to be something wrong with the carriage, so allow me to inspect it right away. If you can give me a few minutes…
Clavis: Oh?
Emma: Please wait, King Chevalier!
Emma: There may be a bomb planted in there, so please allow me to deal with it…!
Clavis: You’ll deal with it?
Emma: Ah, there’s also a pit trap there…Please wait!
Emma: Aaahh, there’s bananas falling from the sky so please wait!!
Emma: Wait, please wai—Aaaahhhhh
(Goodness, that was truly a sight to see. I didn’t know that she’d be able to see through all the traps I set for her)
Something that could only be done with love was truly a fitting birthday present.
Thanks to Emma, the hopelessness I felt a few days ago disappeared and I felt great.
However, there’s still some things that need answers.
Chevalier’s actions, as he presented a mountain of paperwork, was as puzzling as ever.
While the “new maid” was sent to get us some tea, it was time to settle this. 
Clavis: What’s your goal?
Chevalier: …
Clavis: You said I was needed for the embassy matter or else diplomatic relations would’ve been severed. However, these are papers that can wait until tomorrow. Why do we have to get through these today?
Chevalier: …
Clavis: Haha, you’re not saying anything. Can’t say anything about Licht like this, you know?
(I don’t think this man would do anything meaningless)
(So this means something)
(Both bringing me here on my birthday and this absurd pile of paperwork at night…)
I casually glanced at the papers.
The pile didn’t have anything concerning national politics, but rather the Michel territory.
Since it was the family that my mother’s had served for generations, it wasn’t unusual for me to be asked to assist in managing the estate.
However, the issue was that those documents were here of all places.
(This place has nothing to do with the Michel family.)
Clavis: Why did you bring this here?
Chevalier: You think I’d gone through the trouble?
Clavis: Haha. I thought you were trying to harass me.
Chevalier: This was delivered to the castle today. It’s addressed to you.
Clavis: Me?
I froze.
(There’s only one other person cruel enough to give me documents concerning the Michel territory)
Clavis: You don’t think they went to the castle, do you?
I glanced at Chevalier and he laughed at me.
Clavis: …She did. That old hag has too much time on her hands.
Chevalier: Lucky you? You happened to not be in the castle and she didn’t have time for long distance traveling. Someone else brought this.
Though my mother had passed, I had another relative who was alive and well.
The matriarch of the Lelouch family, my grandmother— 
I was currently in the midst of a private dispute over my fiancee that I didn’t want Emma to find out about.
If I had run into her on my birthday, there would be no time to celebrate.
This time I was saved because I just so “happened” to be off on official business somewhere  far away.
Realizing that…I found myself troubled.
(I've been saved. By this man no less)
(No, he’s not that kind of guy. Normally he wouldn’t involve himself in something like this)
Chevalier: It was convenient for me. That’s all.
~~ Flashback ~~
Clavis: Hey, Chevalier! It’s my birthday today. Let’s celebrate this year.
Chevalier: …
Clavis: Hey!
Chevalier: Do you believe you’re worth celebrating?
Clavis: I do!
Chevalier: …
Clavis: Don’t laugh at me!
Chevalier: If you want someone to celebrate, make it worth celebrating. Then we’ll talk.
Clavis: You’re always like this. Always talking about worth…it’s not funny!
~~ Flashback end ~~
(Ahh…He’s really making me angry)
Every year, Chevalier’s the only one that doesn’t celebrate my birthday and I avoid him because I don’t want to see his unpleasant face.
In hindsight, was it really a miracle that I’d never have worked on my birthday in the past?
The foreign faction’s schedule wasn’t as predictable as the domestic faction’s.
I did have some control over it, but not complete control. Only one person did—I stopped thinking about it.
(Enough. It’s only going to make me feel miserable)
Clavis: Chevalier, I still want you to step out. I can’t stand not spending any time with Emma on my birthday. If I win, I’m done with my duties.
Chevalier: …Fine. I’ll humor you.
(He usually ignores me)
Emma: How long have you known?
After clashing swords with Chevalier, I escaped with Emma, who happened upon us, to a nearby guest room.
Emma didn’t let me carelessly calling her my “lovely fiancee” go.
(Darn it. I’m still agitated)
Clavis: Oh, so the new maid was Emma all along…!
Emma: Don’t pretend to be surprised.
Clavis: Haha, don’t pout.
Clavis: I love you, so how could I not have noticed?
I’m confident that I can see through any of your disguises.
Emma: I guess I still need to practice more if I want to surprise you.
Clavis: Yes, that’s right.
(Her expression…I guess you can say it’s a mix of happiness and frustration)
Just looking at Emma, who’s an open book, makes me feel as if I’ve gathered up all the bliss in the world.
I felt so refreshed that I almost forgot the discomfort and disappointment I had felt earlier.
Clavis: But your aim wasn’t to surprise me, was it? My lovely fiancee, whom I didn’t think I’d be able to see on my birthday, appeared before my eyes and stayed by my side the entire time. Furthermore, she showed just how much she loved me when she saw through and stopped all my pranks. Is there a man out there that wouldn’t feel over the moon by this? I doubt it. I had another wonderful birthday this year. There were some complications, but you made up for them. 
Emma’s dissatisfaction transformed into joy.
(Ah…I feel like a fool)
Emma: It’s still too early to feel satisfied. The real thing’s just beginning. 
Clavis: Haha, is that so?
As I stared at her intently as to not miss a single movement, Emma’s face came closer and her lips touched mine in a way that was unusually honest for her tsundere self.
(There truly isn’t anyone in this world that’s as lovely as Emma)
(...Let’s forget about everything and celebrate. I want you to celebrate me)
Taking advantage of the fact that she lacked an iron will that couldn’t resist me fanning the flames, I tickled the back of her neck with my fingers.
I kissed her several times as if looking for something, but with no signs of stopping, I continued kissing her.
Perhaps it was the understanding that my birthday happened only once a year that encouraged Emma to wrap a hand behind my neck.
Emma: Apologies to King Chevalier, but…I want to spend the rest of the time with you. I’ll celebrate you for as long as we can, Clavis.
Clavis: Yes, of course.
I pushed her down on the bed hand placed my hands beside her so that she couldn’t escape— 
Clavis: I’m a man who likes to be celebrated, so I’ll let you celebrate as much as you want.
By the time I released Emma, the world was bathed in soft morning light.
Having passed out in the middle of the night, the moment she realized it was morning, Emma rushed out of the room and returned with cake and tea.
It seemed like she had made a rainbow birthday cake for me again this year, which made me smile.
(I really wanted to help, but…)
I didn’t feel like getting out of bed and propped myself up on an elbow, watching Emma fumble about.
Right now I just wanted to forget about everything and bathe in bliss.
Emma: Don’t you want to eat?
Clavis: Of course I do. But the problem is that I don’t feel like getting out of bed today.
Oh dear, what a problem indeed. I could eat if my kind-hearted, lovely fiancee would feed me.
Emma: ……
Clavis: Every year I look forward to being wrapped in your love.
Can you at least do this for the birthday boy?
Emma: …Just for today, okay?
Emma carefully set the tray with the birthday set on the bed and avoided making eye contact.
She looked embarrassed for some reason.
(I’m in the mood for eye contact though?)
Emma scooped up a piece of the colorful rainbow cake with the fork and I placed my hand on her leg.
Emma: W-what are you doing?
Clavis: Oh, would you like me to explain in detail?
Sure. I saw your exposed legs, so I thought you were offering— 
Emma: Hurry up and eat your cake, happy birthday!
(Ah, how cute…You truly are adorable)
She shoved the cake against my lips, but my hand didn��t leave her leg. Instead, I began to attack the back of her knee.
Emma: Nn…
Clavis: Haha, that was a sweet sound.
(Your weak spot)
As I continued to deliberately tickle her, Emma became more agitated.
Emma: The cake’s about to fall off.
Clavis: We can’t have that. I don’t want to miss a single piece from a cake you made.
Come on now. If you keep looking away, it’ll really fall. 
Fed up, Emma finally looked at me.
Her serious expression was filled with allure.
The atmosphere was dizzying to the point of shattering all sense of reason.
(I know what that tsun-tsun face means)
(It’s the face she makes when she loves me so much she doesn’t know what to do with herself)
The confidence came not from conceitedness, but rather past experience.
Just like how Emma can see through all my pranks, I also know Emma pretty well myself.
Clavis: You really know how to please me, don’t you?
Emma: Do I?
Clavis: Yes. I present you with the honor of Lelouch Master. A title only you could earn.
Emma: That…
Might make me feel a little happy.
Clavis: Don’t feel so modest. You’re “very happy” aren’t you?
Emma’s cheeks slowly turned red and she tried to look elsewhere.
When I moved a finger as if to reprimand her, she returned her gaze to me as if understanding what I wanted.
(You might’ve not noticed, but the new maid would also sometimes let her gaze wander off)
(You’d look away any time I praised you for seeing through a prank)
(A habit whenever you get embarrassed. However—)
Clavis: Keep your eyes on me, Miss Accomplice.
After all, everything I do is out of love for you, isn’t it?
Not just now, but everything else up to this point.
Emma seemed to notice my implications.
Emma: Clavis, it can’t be that…all the pranks played on King Chevalier…they were— 
Clavis: As expected of the Lelouch Master. You’re pretty sharp.
(If you kept your eyes on me, you would’ve noticed sooner)
(...Because I couldn’t stop smiling)
Emma: You played me.
Clavis: Haha, you still have ways to go. After Master, you should aim for Legend.
Emma: Of course, I’ll get promoted right away. I’ll reach Legend next year.
Clavis: Oh, that’s a lot of confidence.
Emma: So, um…that means I want to understand you even better than before!
She shoved the cake in my mouth and quickly kissed his cheek.
Emma, who distanced herself, looked like she was about to start steaming from embarrassment. But her eyes didn’t leave me as quickly as they did before.
(Every time you celebrate me, I feel like I can’t lose)
(...I got saved by Chevalier this year, which isn’t good)
(I have to learn to protect myself so that Emma can love me freely)
I wanted to give Emma more happiness than she had given me.
That’s why I have this strong desire.
Clavis: Now then, let’s see what your future holds.
Can you love me even more, Emma?
(I’ll pull some evil deeds behind the scenes…so that you can love me even more)
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HI!! i loved your Bill Kaulitz as a dad. Daddy's Here.
yeah so i was thinking of another dad (2023 bill) fic where he has a daughter that is like him when he was younger and she asks if she can dye his hair and transform him into his emo self so they can be twins for an event thing.(like met gala or some event like that) he agrees and like at the end Uncle Tom is shocked! or something like that. i just think it would be really cute!
also i love your writing! keep it up pls!!!
2023!Bill Kaulitz Back to 2005
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He was very hesitant at first I feel like
He had done his makeup wmd stuff like that before to look like he was still in 2005 for fun
But he had never really thought about doing the whole thing again
Until you asked, more like begged, him too
It took a lot of convincing to make your dad to it, I'm not gonna lie
Mainly because he likes his style now and didn't want to have to spend the whole time trying to do everything again and dye his hair
He's lazy my dude, your dad is lazy
But somehow, you did it!
It was mainly because he likes seeing how happy you were at the idea
He has raised you around that stuff, and you were probably born in one of his eras, probably one of his emo eras, and wanted to see what it was like to actually experience it
Especially because you had only seen videos and pictures of him when they first started out and you wanted to see him like that in person
When you got older he was pretty surprised you were just like him when he was younger
In terms of style, hair, makeup and stuff like that
He thought the past was coming to bite him in the ass but he supported your style, he would be a hypocrite if he didn't
He was actually pretty excited you were taking after him, it was sort of nostalgia for him
But actually playing the part of his 2005 self with you seemed hesitant but a pretty fun idea
He was down after enough convincing from you
You guys turned it into a surprise, choosing to reveal it to everyone at an event
He was pretty excited for the bands reaction to him
It was pure chaos trying to get ready though
You guys had so much fun, but it was pretty chaotic as he tried to recreate his hairdo once more
He forgot how much hairstyle and he or fucking took
He had a set rule not to touch his hair once it was done and man, it looked exactly the same
If you have the same length hair he did the same one on you but if you didn't you settled for like one of his later looks, like in 2007
Bill is still the master at doing the hair and he said it felt like muscle memory
He got pretty emotional seeing you and him dressed up in the mirror
He realized how old you both were
He thought 15 was a shit age, but he still sorta missed it a bit, just being that young and that much fun
But he was so excited to see you and how excited you were made it all worth it
You and him did a good job hiding it all and when you guys got there and revealed it was so fun
Tom was actually very shocked and laughing
"Was hast du gemacht?"
Tom was laughing at how you begged your dad to do it and how your dad gave in
But he knew it was true as Bill would do anything for you
He was making fun of his brother but he also felt sorta nostalgic
Wanted him to dress up like his old self with his kid now
Get the band back together and shit
You guys got a very fun and positive message from social media
The pictures turned out great and Bill actually seemed like he was still on 2005, just a bit taller and more mature now
Especially with his own kid wrapped up in his arm
Tom and the band had fun posing with him
Georg and Gustav were non stop poking fun but said he should do it more often
You may have caused a little thing where you force everyone to dress as their old selves
Give Uncle Georg a wig
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onskepa · 1 year
Pamtseo Si > Lo'ak's route!
request: Can I get a Neteyam or Lo'ak x Human reader. Where he ends up spending an entire day at the lab with them. I just imagine them getting into a play fight and that messing us each other's hair and they end up doing different hairstyles on each other. 🥺Maybe you can also include a part where the reader shows Neteyam/Lo'ak her music playlist. Bruh- I just imagined Neteyam/Lo'ak hearing the lyrics of Kill bill and kinda staring at the reader wide eyed at the 'I just killed my ex part'. 😅
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A month's of constant doing chores, intense training, doing whatever lo'ak has got to do just to have ONE day off. A day of freedom. A day in whatever he wants to do without having to be with his siblings or his parents nagging on him. NOPE! Once the sun rose up from the Pandora skies, he was quick to wake up first, collect a lot of fruits for his family to enjoy breakfast, freshen up, and dip out.
Making his way to the laboratory where many of the humans he comes to care about, live in. One human in particular is his lovely PamPam, well, she has a name but lo'ak enjoys teasing her by calling her PamPam. His cute yet loud girlfriend.
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Lo'ak and Pampam started dating a little over 1 year, and so far, it is the peak of lo'ak life. He enjoys spending time with his human lover, every time he is with her, all the stress and worries just vanish. He can be his fun, goofy self when he is around her. It is always fun and never boring with his pampam.
Just the other day, Pampam said to come to the lab when he has a free day, cause she had something she wanted to show lo'ak. Feeling giddy, he speeds to the lab. So many things going on his mind, a flower she found? old recordings of some of the now dead science guys? some cool junk?
When lo'ak entered the lab, everyone greeted him, and he in return. Saying good morning as he passes by, he felt at ease and safe among the humans who were loyal to his people.
With big steps, he managed to reach pampam's room, which it was a decent size, full of trinkets and gifts lo'ak personally gave to his cute little lover. Speaking of, there she was laying on the floor playing with something small.
She looked up, her eyes sparkling in excitement, "lo'ak!" she shouts happily. Jumping from where she want, launched herself into lo'ak's arms, hugging tightly they both take a moment of silence to feel each other. "I have all day today just for you" lo'ak tells her, she gasps happily and brings him to sit on the floor with her on his lap.
"so what is it that you wanted to show me?" he asks. With an excited tone, pampam explains, "well norm was clearing out some of the back storage and found this!" show him a small rectangular black shiny...thing. It felt cold to the touch but something that can be easily broken. "It's a miracle there are no cracks this whole time" remarks pampam.
Lo'ak was exposed to limitless demon technology, heck, he can operate a computer all by himself, when he knows what he it doing. Knows how machines in the laboratory works, how touch screens and holograms work. And yet, demon technology still surprises him.
Curious he asks "what is it? how does it work?", pampam happily answers. "This is an old music player, can hold over a thousand songs! so many types of songs are in here! I don't know who it belonged to but this thing has a loooooooooot of music!".
Kind understanding, he leans in a bit more, "let me pick a song?" he asks, pampam nods and holds it out for him. He scrolls for a bit until one title catches his attention. Pressing it to play, the music blasts it out.
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Everyone was doing their thing until two high loud voices was heard in a hall. Everyone was wondering what the heck was going on, they got closer. Max and Norm taking the lead, they get closer to pampam's bedroom door to hear what the chaos is going on....only to hear Lo'ak and pampam singing the infamous song...
"Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you!!!"
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That will be all for this request! ngl I had fun with it! until next time!
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azures-bazar · 1 year
Hello my friend!!!! I was wondering if you could write up a cute headcannon of Arthur, Sadie, Charles and Marybeth gently trimming and brushing a tiny bit of their female s/o’s beautiful long hair!! I feel like it would be so wholesome and sweet! Can’t wait to see what you come up with ☺️💖🥰
Headcanon - Beautiful Locks - Female!Reader
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Hey there darling ! Thank you so much for your request, it gave me my inspiration back ! 💖
I'm realising I've made these headcanons with Arthur, Charles, Sadie and Mary-Beth only brushing and then styling Female!Reader's hair lol, I hope it's ok anyway 😭
Sorry for my mistakes in advance !
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Request : Female!Reader
Characters : Arthur Morgan, Sadie Adler, Charles Smith, Mary-Beth Gaskill
Relationship : Filtrations, romantic, settled
Lines : About 12 per character
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Arthur Morgan :
Arthur sees you minding your own business reading a book Mary-Beth gave you earlier that week. Your hair is unkempt, making you look a little disheveled. At least, this is what Ms. Grimshaw complains about. 
Let’s just say you’re just not in the mood to brush your hair. You’ve been on guard duty all night long and could barely sleep in the morning because of Bill and Sean’s argument, your hairstyle is obviously not your priority right now. You just want to be left alone and read your book… or sleep, which is not possible since Sean is still being loud. 
Arthur slowly moves behind you and first proceeds massaging your neck to allow you to relax a little after you tell him you need some time alone. His response is genuinely innocent and a little funny. "Then we’re gonna be alone together." he says, despite being aware of your overall fatigue. 
You chuckle, he smiles and sits behind you. "Let’s get tis hair fixed, shall we ?" he tells you right after grabbing an ivory comb he stole while robbing a house. The comb is very small for his large hand, almost looking like a doll accessory ! 
He loves your hair, whatever type it is. He loves passing his hands through it, massaging your scalp before brushing your beautiful locks with the tip of his fingers. This feeling is so good and often leads him to relax. 
He receives some side-looks from the rest of the gang. Such a large tank-built man calmly handling the task of combing your hair is somewhat funny to watch ! Especially when he profusely apologises whenever a groan escapes your mouth. "Sorry, sweetheart. But ‘em knots won’t untangle ‘emselves." he sighs. His hands shake a little, he doesn’t want to hurt you. 
He’s surprisingly very good at brushing your hair with this tiny comb ! You don’t really know much about it, but he had years to practice combing different types of hair with Tilly, and then with Mary-Beth and Karen. 
Arthur loves your hair, he loves its touch on his rough hands. It sometimes tickles him, so he chuckles while combing one of your locks, causing you to smile in return. His laughs are so rare, but so genuine ! 
While gently combing your hair, Arthur hums a few old ballads Hosea used to sing to him back when he was two decades younger. Between a few soft notes, he will ask about your day, despite knowing what you’ve been up to and how much you’re longing for some rest. 
So you talk, you complain, you laugh. And Arthur keeps combing your hair while complimenting it between a hum and a compassionate response to your restless day. He knows you’ll feel better after telling him everything.
You’re so tired that you end up dozing off after some time. Arthur smiles when he sees how much you’re fighting to stay awake and ties your hair in a low bun, lifting you up. "Let's get you to bed." he whispers as he carries you to his tent where you will be able to sleep without being bothered. 
He smiles for the rest of the day, still feeling the touch of your hair on his skin. What an amazing experience, he will surely do it again ! He even writes a journal entry about your beautiful locks and the way you fell asleep while he was mumbling his lovely ballads.
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Sadie Adler :
It’s been a long day. You and Sadie robbed a local bank in the morning, then were on guard duty for the rest of the day. Now that the sun is going down, you can finally get some rest ! 
As a reward for your exploits over the past few days, Dutch has gifted you with a brand new ebony hairbrush he bought… or stole. Nobody knows how he got it, since it’s not Molly’s. But you don’t really mind, it’s still a very lovely gift from a man who is not forcibly known for offering stuff. 
You try brushing your tangled hair, but end up grumbling because how painful it feels. You spent your entire day with your hair running freely, it even caught a few bullets you can’t even manage to brush away ! This is one of the consequences of not tying your beautiful long hair while doing your jobs !
Sadie loves watching you grumbling about your hair and then calmly gestures towards you to get your hairbrush. "Lemme handle this, honey." she smiles, giving you a very charming look. How can you resist her ? With that look, you can reach the moon and handle it to her on a silver plate.
Her smile is worth everything you own. From your tent to your belongings… to your own soul. You give her the hairbrush, watching her move behind you, kneeling down while inspecting your hair. Well. "I see three bullets, your hair is a helmet !" she laughs. This is going to be a painful experience, you’re sure about that. 
Sadie also used to wander with her hair running freely. She hated untangling it, and her husband was always there to brush her beautiful blonde locks. Now, she is going to do the same for you. She adores your hair and would compliment it all day long if she could.
She starts by brushing your very ends, just like she does with her own hair. A technique which is definitely worth it since you don’t feel any pain, despite knowing about the bullets stuck in your hair and how hard it will be to get them out. "Almost done, honey." she coos.
Sadie handles the bullets with such an ease that you don’t even feel any pain. In fact, the only thing which makes you realise these bullets are gone is the soft thud they’re making while hitting the ground. "Well... I guess there ain't any more bullets left !", she chuckles.
Having long hair herself, Sadie knows how it feels like to endure pain while brushing her long locks. She is cautious with you, which might look a little surprising to the eyes of the rest of the gang who mostly sees her as a ruthless and cold-blooded outlaw. But, deep down, Sadie has a huge soft-spot for you. 
Having your hair between her hands feels great. Sadie usually loves passing her hands through it before kissing your temp or the to your head whenever you’re sitting on the ground, or on a log by the fire. 
As soon as she finishes brushing your hair, Sadie ties it in a braid. It would be a shame to have your hair tangled one more time, so her creation is securely tied with an ivory bow Karen offered you a few weeks ago, for a reason you completely forgot. 
Sadie compliments your beauty for the rest of the evening. You look so beautiful with your hair tied such way ! You’re a gem to her eyes, remember it. 
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Charles Smith :
You just came back from your guard duty with Charles. The two of you share the same schedule and, despite him being silent most of the time, you really enjoy his company. It’s calming enough to make you feel safe. 
However, this morning, when you got up and took your rifle to patrol around the hideout, you completely forgot to brush your hair. Sean teased you about your hair looking like a dirty broom, but you did not mind at all. Charles, on the other hand, felt amused but also a little concerned. 
He adores watching you taking care of yourself. The way you comb your hair, the way you wash your face, the way you tie and untie your corset… he doesn’t say much about it, but he loves your routine. And having you walk around the hideout with your messy hair causes him to gently ask you if he can brush your locks. He wants to try something on you.
"If you don’t mind, I’d like to brush your hair, darling." he smiles. How can you say no to him ? He gently leads you to a small crate a little outside camp and makes you sit on it, moving behind you with a comb he crafted himself and offered you. He even carved some subtle flowers on it !
You already had the opportunity to brush Charles’ jet black hair, away from the rest of the gang’s sight. He enjoyed it so much that he started doing the same with you, finding this moment very relaxing. 
Having him brushing your hair is a very private moment for Charles, as much as the short amount of free time he’s granted to spend with you. He doesn’t want anyone to interrupt these very lovely moments he can enjoy with you. Not even his friends. 
Unsurprisingly, Charles does not talk much. He wisely thinks about every single one of his sentences and the topics he wants to talk about. "Would you like to go hunting with me tomorrow ?" he asks, carefully moving the comb through your hair. Since you love spending time with him, you accept his offer ! 
Charles appreciates the feeling of your hair caressing his hands. He strokes some of your locks while brushing them, fascinated about their silky touch. 
Your hair is undoubtedly tangled, and Charles, despite being very soft and careful, can not avoid hurting you a little. "I know it hurts, darling. I’m sorry." he whispers, making you feel sorry too. He’s cautious, and covers you with sweet nicknames whenever you groan. He absolutely hates seeing you in pain. 
When he finishes brushing your hair, he proudly runs his fingers through your locks, trying to figure out how he’s going to tie them. "Wait a minute, please." he smiles. There are many options at the moment, and your hair is flowing so gracefully that he can’t pick which hairstyle would suit you the best ! 
Charles brushes your hair in a braid while humming a song his mother used to sing him when he was very young. He then proceeds decorating his beautiful work with some daisies and kisses your temple to thank you for letting him brush your hair. You look gorgeous with your hair tied like this ! And Charles is proud whenever you walk past him shaking your long flower-covered braid ! 
He’s not ready to have the rest of the girls asking him to do the same for their hair. But seeing you so happy with your hairstyle makes him melt from the inside. 
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Mary-Beth Gaskill :
You had a tough day. While you were just having a drink at the saloon with Karen and Bill, some time after collecting debts from a rich feller, someone caught you into a brawl. You’re somehow lucky Williamson was there to get you out of trouble, he’s the one who led you back to camp.
Mary-Beth is shocked to see you hurt so, as soon as Bill helps you down, she catches your hand and leads you to the tent she shares with the rest of the girls. She is not going to leave you alone today ! "You’re coming with me, Y/N dear !" she says.
She first talks about her day, about Ms. Grimshaw screaming at her because she was just reading a book, about chores… just to cheer you up. And then, she simply proceeds untying your hair and grabs her hairbrush. She always loved brushing your beautiful hair, especially knowing she will decorate it with several flowers and bows when she will be done. 
Having long hair herself, Mary-Beth knows what if feels like to untangle her locks. She does it every morning, shortly before getting dressed. As far as you can recall, you have never seen Mary-Beth with messy hair, even when you’re waking up before her. She is so perfect, all the time !
You kindly ask her about the book she is writing. You can’t see it, but she actually blushes while brushing your hair. "It’s still some silly scribbles, but I’m getting to something !" she tells you while chuckling of excitement. 
She adores the texture of your hair, rolling a few of your locks around her fingers while telling you more about her book and about a character that appears to be very inspired by you. The way she describes this beautiful and strong lady reminds you of yourself ! You’re beautiful to her eyes, and she doesn’t hesitate reminding that to you while brushing your hair !
Mary-Beth kindly asks you what hairstyle you would prefer. "You know, you’d look amazing with a pompadour updo, don’t you think ?". You can’t resist her beautiful smile, so you shrug while she gets a comb out her stash and starts back-combing your locks to give you more volume. 
"I’m sorry if it hurts, I’ll try doing it nice and slow, okay ?" she smiles after hearing you groan. It hurts, indeed. Your hair looks funny during the process, people who walk past you laugh at your sight. Arthur even takes his sweet time drawing you, mercilessly nicknaming you Y/N the hedgehog. 
Mary-Beth is extra cautious when she combs your hair. She wants you to look exactly like the character she had in mind, with the same Edwardian updo which suits any hair-type depending of the technique. Since she knows how to brush Tilly and Karen's hair, there’s no doubt she will do an excellent job styling yours ! 
While tying your hair up, you can hear Mary-Beth hum Lakmé’s Flower Duet. She can’t get this opera out of her head since Dutch played it on his gramophone. And this gives her an excellent idea ! As soon as she finishes styling your hair, she calmly gestures you to stay still. "I’ll be right back, don’t move !". 
You wait for about five minutes to see Mary-Beth come back with a large flower crown she puts on the top your fabulous hairstyle. You look perfect enough to make her blush whenever you glance towards her direction. She kisses your cheek when she’s officially done. 
You spend the rest of your day wandering around the camp with your beautiful hairstyle and your flower crown. Mary-Beth melts from the inside whenever you walk past her. The girls are obviously jealous of you, and Mary-Beth is so proud when she hears compliments about your hairstyle ! It was definitely worth it, since your day is now much better !
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pumpumdemsugah · 9 months
Hi so this is gonna be pretty long and I’m looking for advice. I’m a black girl who’s 18 years old with 4 type hair. Long story short I’ve been through all the phases with trying love and embrace my hair. Back in middle school, I used to watch 3 type curly hair videos and complaining why my hair isn’t mimicking the same hair texture and nearly came to the point of hating my natural hair texture believing it was “Impossible to manage” and “too hard to grow”. My mom would constantly hide my hair in box braids or cornrows and gaslight me on how my hair isn’t made to be let out and if it is, she would always try to slick it back with gallons full of gel or do wash and go hairstyles to make it have a loose curl look. She always washed and braided my hair and never gave me the chance to do my own hair. Now that I’m older and more mature, I’ve come to terms with my hair and I’m learning to manage it on my own, now realizing 4 type hair isn’t even hard to take care of, the problem was me copying a hair texture that wasn’t mine. I’m trying to wear my hair in normal Afro hairstyles and I feel confident and get tons of compliments from other people but my mom and dad make fun of my hair and tell me I look “crazy in it”. My mom would tell me not to leave it out before my hair breaks off (cause it’s currently winter for me) but even in the summer she says the same shit. I’m so tired of box braids, I’ve worn them my whole life and I just want a break from them but my mom won’t leave me alone.
Aww I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It can be hard to build self confidence when your parents are picking at you. When I first started looking after my hair and trying things out, people straight up called me crazy. I'm not really sure how it didn't hurt my feelings because I'm very sensitive but I think it was knowing and affirming that what I'm doing to my hair is making it softer, longer and healthier so teen me would tell myself " they can think that with their dry ass hair " and eventually I started saying it to people lol my hair was juicy and moisturised
Maybe you can try twists or mini twists. Type 4 hair can hold twists for a long time and looks really cute and works well in winter. It can be an easy style to maintain and is similar enough to braids maybe your parents might leave you alone so you can continue to build more hair confidence. There're actually some really good mini twists routines on YouTube and this one woman wears twists all the time
Sometimes Black parents do not want to see things our way. They're so stuck on what they think is right it will take years for them to admit they're wrong. Sometimes all you can say, it's my hair and my problem and politely walk away, they might start to get annoyed and back off
I get money is always an issue and idk how old you are but this is why moving out for uni, even just for a year can be transformative. Not having that negativity in your ear for a year can help so much to the point the negativity doesn't stick
My hair getting a lot longer was what permanently shut people up but that's not exactly a solution
Keep pushing ❤️
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annies-dollies · 1 year
Doll 1: Henri Arthur
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This is my first doll, he was an early edition Felicity (with the soft ginger lashes) but I’d gotten the doll second hand and the original owner had cut the hair when she was a child.
This doll was gifted to me when I was either 13 or 14 and this old friend went everywhere with me. Now, I’ve cut the hair further to a more masculine hairstyle and decided he was a boy.
He looks like me at a glance but mostly cause all redheads are deemed to look alike and I’m obviously related to every redhead on earth, so yeah I look just like him /s
But in all seriousness, being my first doll and looking similar to me, he is a mini me. But he isn’t to be the only one hopefully. He is a reflection of the vintage enthusiast part of me. I collect and restore vintage clothes at times and he wears mini versions of the vintage clothes I own.
He’s the first doll I ever operated on. I had to restring his legs only like 80 times. I had to mend a hole on his torso side opposite of the tag side. I also had to sew one of his leg sockets back in place as it had started to detach from the fabric of the torso.
He’s also the first doll I ever gave a tiny plastic heart. I started this when I first got him, after the first repair. So he’s got a red plastic heart shoved down into the cotton inside his torso that’s been there since I was a child when I first put it there.
This tradition continues and now every doll who passes into my ownership gets a little plastic heart. I thought it to be a cute little idea.
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jujumin-translates · 2 years
Event | Special Edition: Snowfall Street | Chapter 4
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Misumi: Yaaay! We’re in Hokkaido~!
Taichi: We’re finally here! I’m super hyped!
Taichi: A-chan, let’s take a pic with this panel!
Azami: Sure, whatever…
Homare: Hmhm… Aha! A wizard of old shall guide us through the Hokkaido cold…!
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Misumi: Ah! Found a Hokkaido triangle~!
Muku: It really is cold here.
Sakuya: It is. But, this kinda cold is sorta nostalgic for me.
Director: Hm… Looks like the snow is coming down pretty steadily right now. Seems like just the right atmosphere for the photo shoot.
Muku: Yeah! A magazine photo shoot in the snow… I’m getting kind of excited.
Director: The agency is going to pick us up now, so once we’re there, we’ll head to the hotel…
Director: After that, we’ll head to the studio to sort out the outfits, and then we’ll go to the shooting location.
Azami: That’s a pretty intense schedule.
Misumi: That’s ‘cause it’s work~.
Sakuya: But I’m still looking forward to the outfits and the shooting location!
Muku: We’re also going to film a video for the MANKAI channel on our last day here, right?
Director: Yup, Sakyo-san gave us the okay to film that project too.
Taichi: That’s not really much of a project though, it’s more of just a travel vlog.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Director: This time, they went with winter-inspired outfits using white as their base color. You all look great.
Muku: Ehehe, thank you very much.
Sakuya: These outfits are super cute. And they’re super comfy too.
Misumi: This hat is fluffy and super wa~rm!
Homare: Hmm… They aren’t bad.
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Misumi: Huh~ Something’s strange about you, Arisu~.
Homare: Me? Strange? Never!
Taichi: It’s not strange, just something seems off…
Azami: Yeah, maybe it’s ‘cause you don’t have your side bangs.
Taichi: Yeah! That’s it!
Sakuya: Now that you mention it…!
Homare: That is my own personal hairstyle, but I thought it would be nice to style it this way for a change.
Taichi: It looks super good!
Azami: …It does. Maybe I’ll try that hairstyle on you again in the future.
Homare: Putting that aside, with clothing this thick, we’ll certainly be able to withstand being photographed outside.
Director: That’s true. Well then, it’s almost time to head out.
Director: We’ll be getting to the shooting location by bus.
Taichi: Alright, let’s head out on the town~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Muku: Waah…!
Misumi: This is so~oo cool!
Sakuya: It’s really pretty…!
Director: It really is a fantastic view…! I can’t stop admiring it.
Staff: Okay, so, we’re going to have you each hold an item of glasswork, a traditional product of this city, and then we’ll take the pictures.
Staff: These are the items.
Homare: Oh, how beautiful!
Azami: Huh, they are really pretty.
Taichi: They’re all so sparkly and romantic-looking~!
Cameraman: Alright, first off… Arisugawa-san and Ikaruga-san, we’ll have you two group together and get a shot of you guys as a pair.
Misumi: ‘Ka~ay!
Homare: As you wish.
*Camera clicks*
Cameraman: Okay, that’s good. For this next one, can you please give me a more mature feel~!
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Homare & Misumi: …
Muku: Those two are so cool…!
Azami: Well, those two are the oldest out of all of us here, after all.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Cameraman: Alright, let’s move over here. Sakisaka-kun, Izumida-kun, can I get a smile from you two~?
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Muku & Azami: …
Taichi: Mucchan and A-chan’s smiles are super cute~! Super heartwarming!
Director: Yeah, they’re both so gentle and soft.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: How about we go back to back for this next one, Sakkun?
Sakuya: Sure, like this?
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Cameraman: Ooh, perfect! You both look super cool!
Misumi: Taichi and Sakuya look like they’re having fun~!
Homare: Yes, their smiles are quite nice.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Staff: Good work today, everyone! Everything we got was perfect!
Director: Same to you as well, thank you so much.
Taichi: Can’t wait to see which shot they use for the cover!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
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Finally working on my agents?????
Idk what 8 is going to end up like, but I'm going to play octo expansion in the next couple months which should help with that. But for now here's what we have!
I named them all after citrus stuff cuz.. its cute <3 Anyway, if you want a playlist sort of inspired by these 4 and just Splatoon/Splatoon characters in general check this out!
More info under the cut! And of course anything here is subject to change. Feel free to ask me or the agents any questions!
Lime/Captain 3
I mixed the male and female base inkling hairstyles to get the one i use for Lime.
They/Them :)
I changed the cloak they got from cuttlefish to a cape(easier to draw.)
Gave them back their old hero suit/jacket thing and shortened their pants.
This is Lime as of splatoon 3, i dont really know if anything is different about them in one and two that varies from the canon designs other than the hair.
Lime is very much the silent type who tends to worry too much and tries to make sure everything gets handled. This means they can end up taking on a lot more than is healthy for them, but they figure it's better that they do it than anyone else so no one else gets hurt.
has a lot of scars that i didnt include becuz this pic isnt colored.
The exact same height as Yuzu, but Lime wears high heels when in casual clothes so they end up being taller.
Has one older sibling.
Uses roller.
Clementine/Agent 4
Is used to being the smartest there is, and she still is really talented. But when she got into a really fancy school she was suddenly surrounded by other people on her level and she actually had to work. Had never built up good study habits and had just coasted by on natural talent until now, so she dropped out about 3/4 through the school year. A couple weeks later she was scouted by Marie.
She only really went along with Marie due to the low point she was in, and she figured following some random woman into the sewers couldn't be any worse than what she had already done. Saving Callie really helped bring her emotions and confidence back up.
She might still be dealing with feeling like she needs to be perfect and smart for her to have any worth, but she's working to get better and allow herself to make mistakes.
He/Him, She/Her and They/Them!
Their hair is just a shorter version of the "straight" inkling girl hair
The logo on her tank top is supposed to be the cuttlegear logo, but i never drew it lol
Wears her hero jacket around her waist after rescuing Callie.
The wheels help her skate and work well while riding on inkrails. It was her first actual project she let herself work on after dropping out. At first it didnt work, but she eventually tried again and again until it did.
Worlds number one salmon runner.
Was so used to being "the smart kid" until he was surrounded by tons of smart kids. And suddenly, that trait didn't make her stand out any more.
Starts off very self loathing, and Marie doesn't notice because 4 is getting results and all Marie cared about was getting Callie back. But slowly 4 grew to break down and then build herself back up again with Marie's help.
Only child
Uses Dualies mostly, but is also pretty proficient with a charger. Is sort of a jack of all trades and can really play any weapon.
Pomelo/Agent 8
She/Her and He/Him???
E liter user??
Yuzu/Agent Neo 3
Was originally going to be called Lemon to match with Lime, but i thought Yuzu was cuter
It/It, They/Them, She/Her, and honestly anything else you want to use. Hoards pronouns and names like a dragon.
Lives with Little Buddy and their mom. Their mom(not biological) is a Goldie.
Does actually speak salmonid, and refuses to work for Grizz Co. Will fight their employees on sight. (this causes some slight issues with 4 when they first meet)
Stringer user!
Finds treasure in the splatlands and sells it in splatsville for cash. WILL fight you on sight if you try to take their stuff.
Hair is a mix between the male ponytail and the canon braid style.
Loves to collect shiny bits and bobs, and can sniff out anything like it from a mile away.
Yuzu will do anything for money. It needs money to help support her family!!!
Was sort of conflicted fighting Deep Cut. On one hand, Yuzu respects them a lot for what they do for Splatsville. But on the other hand, Yuzu is not backing down from a challenge OR treasure. So Yuzu chose to at least do Deep Cut the honor of keeping it a clean fight with no tricks.
Speaking of, it WILL play dirty to get what they want.
Very curious and loves to poke around where they don't belong. Will find every little thing hidden in every level.
Absolutely horrible sense of direction, Honey has to help them out a lot.
Is somehow the most naive and most distrusting of the group.
When they celebrate, they go all out! Splatfests, something good happened with the NSS, birthdays, pretty much anything is an excuse to party like tomorrow won't come.
Honey/Little Buddy/Agent Neo 3 Also?
Has a full proper salmonid name, and so does Honey and Yuzu's mom. I just havent decided what they are yet. But Honey was the name Yuzu gave it, and so they wear it with pride!
He/Him, It/Its, They/Them
Has a braid in their hair just like Yuzu!!
Is growing in some of his goldie scales! But not all of them are their yet! Got his first one after the Hugefry transformation. During the transformation he turned into a massive goldie, but returned to normal with no other side effects. But whats this! There was a single golden scale! Honey was so proud!!
Very brave, unafraid to do anything to help Yuzu out! He will help his big sib!!
Likes to cook!
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quamoclie · 1 year
What made Uwe Joe so different
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Again, Herr Uwe Kröger, definitely one of the brightest stars in German musical. He played in the ALW musical Sunset Boulevard as the leading role Joseph Gilies(1995-1997), it's also the first German version of this show.
And here are the reasons why audience (for example, me) love U Joe so much.
1). He's so blonde i can't move my eyes.
2). There's somehow a gay power in him which made Joe Gilies a charming bastard.
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Commonly this guy falls in love with Norma and Betty at the same time, and he acts like a handsome but poor fool. Finally he dies. Es ist ein altes Thema :) one man vs. two women, he struggles to decide and is shot to death. A classic straight love story. BUT,when it comes to Uwe Kröger, everything is different. i mean he didn't seem to fall in love with women easily, instead with a lot more confidence, which is quite similar to what we called in Chinese 臭不要脸, and he is not regretted for becoming a rich old woman's boy toy, that's very unique i can say. He's just happy and proud of being rich and having his own swimming pool. (especially when he sings "if u lose here u will always be a loser "with a bright smile (idk if there're lyrics like that in English version, i just translated it from the German version :)
3). He cried when Betty left the house.
God damn that's cute, and i haven't found anyone else who had cried during this scene. It's not usual for us to see leading actors crying on the stage, however Uwe always got that crying job during his performance, who cares, we audience just love watching it hehehehehehehehe
4). He looks so German
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'Cause he's blonde and has green-and-blue eyes …he wore a suit and his hairstyle was awesome. Anyway, he's gorgeous. Yep, a good-looking German actor. (wait what i am saying now idk... )
5). The performance he gave during 1995-1997 was the peak of his career.
He could still reach high notes while he had developed the skill of getting down to lower notes, amazing. Also, u can hear that he used some opera singing technique to help steady and strengthen his voice. Big differences compared to his earlier voice records and later ones after 1997:(
6). The original setting said that "Joe Gilies is a man in his early thirties", and when Uwe got this role he was only 31.
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Perfect choice ALW ^^ Man in his thirties can play any role well, and i regard it as truth. Yep.
Thank u for reading this whole page, there should have been more repos about original German Sunset Boulevard and that's what i was doing (or probably i was just too bored at school)
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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AOT characters with a black S/O (Zeke, Jean, Connie, Eren, Reiner)
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Synopsis: I think the title is pretty self explanatory 🙈
TW: none really besides mentions of food, African-American culture only for right now sorry my foreign babes 😕, not proofread
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Someone throw this man a black girlfriend with a dark or regular academia aesthetic P L S because he would love you to the point where he’s obsessed and treat you so good.
Loves finding neutral shades of beige, white, or brown that compliment your skin color nicely while the two of you are out shopping. Will literally come running from across the other side of the store with a brown jacket in his hand like “Look babe, this would compliment the brown of your skin so nicely 🥺 we gotta get Instagram pictures of you in this.”
He also enjoys finding academia type hairstyles and trying to make them work with your natural hair or braids. At least once a week he sends you a hairstyle he found on Tumblr and helps you later that night to try and achieve a black version of it.
The two of you most definitely have viral pictures floating around on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
He’s so soft and patient when it comes yo your hair because he has a beard, so he knows what it feels like having to keep up with something that requires a lot of work. He’ll often come into the bathroom to do his beard and offer you an extra pair of hands when it’s your wash day. His favorite part is to help you twist your hair because he likes seeing the finished product when you take them out.
He also uses your hair conditioners and oils in his beard because they make him smell otherworldly and he likes smelling like you. And yes, he has requested for you to braid his beard once but never again because you both thought he looked too weird like that.
Grisha is the awkward white dad who tries too hard to accept you and says stuff like “Hey, like the new hairdo 😃👍🏾.” Whenever you come around. Bless his poor heart, at least he’s trying and you know he means well.
Worships you and the ground you walk on like 24/7. He’s so in love with you and makes sure to let you know that on the daily multiple times. And he’s such an amazing lover and avoids doing cringey shit like calling you chocolate or Nubian queen goddess.
Hangs with your uncles and all the other black men in your family because he thinks he’s cool like that, but they don’t mind at all cause they love him.
His mom is the sweetest mother in law ever. She gets along so well with all the women in your family and they’re always swapping recipes with one another. One day time you and Jean pulled up for Christmas and she had a dish filled with collard greens on the table and they were good too.
He has two chains around his neck dedicated to you: one is your name and the other one is the date you two became official. You also wear his name around your neck and you have a ring with his initials on it.
Getting jewelry is something the two of you do together very often. Matter of fact, swap meets are his favorite place to go to in general and his mind was blown when you first took him to one.
Asks you to put his hair in French braids at least once a month because the process is so therapeutic for him. He loves laying his head on his lap and watching as you make his braids so neat and cute. But be careful though because he does like to “Can you braid my hair? 🥺” his way into some coochie.
Don’t brother teaching him how to braid because even if he does get the hang of it after a couple of sessions with you he’ll always request that you do his hair.
You two have random rap battles with each other alllll the time. It’s pretty split between who wins, but often you’ll call him out for trying to use lyrics from other artists.
Did y’all know me and Connie are blood cousins? Both his momma and daddy black and his full name on his birth certificate is Cornelius Demetrius Jones Springer, so take that as you will…
BUT REALLY, Connie fits right in with you and your culture that it’s nearly identical to dating someone the same race as you.
He has a fitted cap with your name sowed into it on the side with a cute heart right by it. It’s his go to hat and he points is out to everyone who doesn’t know about it.
Has most definitely dragged you along with him to go take one of those 2000’s-esque photoshoots with the airbrushed backgrounds. He even made the two of you dress alike and color coordinate because he’s extra like that and the photos are hanging all over your guy’s house. He carries around a mini version of his favorite picture in his wallet at all times.
You better not ever come around this man with messed up edges, visibly old braids, a too visible lace, etc because he will get on you bad and crack jokes about it the whole day because he’s a menace to society like that. No one besides him is allowed to do it though or he’ll get mad at them.
Do not ask this man to help you take down your braids unless you’re cutting them first because he will cut them crazy as hell and might even accidentally cut some of your real hair off too. He’s a master at dipping braids though, it’s something he takes pride in.
Literally a POWER COUPLE !
Eren will never have you out here looking wrong. The part on your lace is a little off? He’s telling your hairdresser to fix it! Thinks the hair you got looks too synthetic and shiny? He’s dropping big bucks to make sure you have some silky soft hair extensions.
Made you do him some baby hairs one day when he was wearing his signature ponytail as a joke, but now you’re obligated to slick up his edges for him at least once a week. He even has a silk scarf that he uses to tie them down with at night.
Is a master at finding filters on Instagram and Snapchat that don’t make your skin look Orange or pale so the two of you can have the cutest Instagram pictures together.
Walks around the house 24/7 singing 2000’s R&B songs at the top of his lungs because he’s a menace to society like that.
Supports all your financial needs when it comes to hair clothing or anything in general really. Need a new lace front? He’s wiring $700 to your account. Want a Teflar bag? He’s getting you one in every color. Some new shoes came out and you think they’re cute? He’s getting them for you !
Your aunties would L O V E a hardworking and burly man like Reiner.
He’s get so spoiled by them all the time whenever he comes around. Sometimes they pay attention to him more than they do you and best believe they slide him all the extra plates and desserts at barbecues. I just know he smacks down on a plate of soul food in like 5 minutes.
Speaking of soul food, you really lit up something in his Caucasian taste buds when you gave him a plate of soul food for the first time because now he’s OBSESSED. Every night he’s begging you to cook for him or asking you for the recipe so he can make it himself. His favorites are macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, and yams ☺️
Will bust a move on the dance floor if your family pressures him to get on it at events. He did a two-step with your aunt once at somebody’s wedding and nobody in your family has shut up about it since because they were surprised at how good he can dance. You were equally as surprised as them.
The best person to ask to help you with your hair because he’s so patient and will make sure that your parts are straight and perfect or use his hands to slick your ponytails up to the gods. He’ll do it exactly how you want it to look too and he makes sure it’s to your standard by checking in with you every now and then.
Encourages you to buy clips or little jewels whenever you take him to the beauty supply with you because he thinks you look so adorable when you wear them in your hair.
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theoriginsofempires · 2 years
4th in this lineup-
Is Shrub Berry. Shubbles adorable not-so-small-gnome (I mean.. 2 blocks is probably really small for an enderman)
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The green from the old enderman design lend itself way better to Shrubs canon colour palette than the purple; and it has the dually useful effect of making her part of a whole different kind of minecraft. A whole different world, if you will. This kind of enderman doesn't exist anymore, she's the last of her people.
I barely sketched anything for her as the proportions were already laid out in Gem's sketch and clothes aren't my department either. So i settled on delegaging the smoke like particles to her hairstyle and adding green ones in place of her cute mushroom cap; that way she'd have more of the green in her design without ignoring the actual colour the enderman used to emit.
I really didn't give Dracena a lot to work with with this one but oh wow did she come up with probably the cutest of these empires designs!
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This one.. Oooohoo this one. I had so many problems with her proportions. Gem came so natural to me and this one? I had to go back and redline Gem's drawing so much! I couldn't get it to work, I had to redo her so many times!
But in the end I'm pretty happy how it turned out. I gave her less particles, cause she just isn't as big of a magic user.
I was pretty ok with just giving her the same clothes as her canon skin had, making her probably the most modern looking out of all of them, but that also kinda fits with her being from another world. As an unfortunate side effect of that, I ditched the particle hat thou~ sad about that.
In the same vain as just adapting her skins clothing, I just had to give her her gold eyes - they also tied the golden accents in her clothes very well together. And now both Enderman changed eye colours when turning Enderian.
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romiantic · 4 years
this is me, slipping into your asks from your friends blog! idk if you saw the request but i’d love a bokuto fic where his s/o is having a rough natural hair day, i am currently ... struggling lol. thank you angel!!!
𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭
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reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.6k
request: this is me, slipping into your asks from your friends blog! idk if you saw the request but i’d love a bokuto fic where his s/o is having a rough natural hair day, i am currently ... struggling lol. thank you angel!!!
a/n: I’m am SOOOO sorry for the wait sis 😭 but I really do hope you enjoy
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Another one. For the past two hours, you’ve managed to break three scrunchies and your rat tail comb. You groaned in huge frustration, trying to figure out why your hair isn’t working out for you. “What the fuck?! Work with me, DAMN!” You harshly combed out your hair and SNAP! You brought back down the wide tooth and saw the comb snapped in half. In fury, you threw the comb across the room.
“This thing acting like I won’t shave it off and call it a day.” You complained out loud while pulling on your hair and trying to figure out what to do.
“Babyyy! Y/N!” What a relief! Your handsome, six foot two, volleyball playing boyfriend came into your shared home, happy to be home with his beautiful girlfriend. Typically you would yell back hello if you were busy or come into his large body and give him a tight hug as he tells you how his day went and give you multiple forehead kisses.
But today you didn’t. You haven’t left your vanity and glued yourself to your seat as out loudly cursed your hair. Seeing that you didn’t welcome him home, he looked around the house to see where you were until he met a frustrated you pulling at your hair. Bokuto was actually used to your bad hair days so he knew how to approach you whenever your hair didn’t feel like cooperating.
He put his bag down next to the couch and quietly crept into your shared bedroom. Instead of greeting you with loudness, he wanted to comfort you and distract you from the thing that was stressing you the most. He walked behind you and snaked his arm around your waist, giving you a soft hug as he softly said, “Hello y/n, did you miss me?”
You got scared at his touch but calmed down at the hearing of his soft voice talking to you. You slightly turned to face your boyfriend and smiled at his golden eyes trying to calm you down. You took a breather from all the stress and answered, “Of course Kotaro, why wouldn’t I miss you? You’ve been gone all day.”
“You seemed frustrated when I came and you didn’t say hello.” He curved a slight downward smile, “You didn’t even give me a hello hug, you always give me a hello hug.”
You sighed and kissed his cheek to reassure him, “I’m fine babe, it’s just that my hair is not working with me at all.” Bokuto looked at your hair then back at you, mentally solving how he can fix your hair problem.
DING! Something hit him and grew happy at his idea. He smiled widely and asked you, “Y/N can I do your hair? Please please pleaseee. The way you style your hair is so pretty and I wanna try it myself.” The man kept begging you until you finally agreed, “Okay okay Bokuto, you can do my hair. But fuck it up and you’re sleeping on the couch for a week.”
“Don’t worry y/n, I got this.” Of course your boyfriend had confidence that he knew exactly what he was doing since he saw you do your hair literally almost every day. For date nights, games, work, any occasion, he would just sit on the bed and watch you work your ways on your hair until it becomes a masterpiece. Always leaving the white/black hair man in awe of what you can do with two hands. One of the great gifts of having a black girlfriend if he does say so himself.
You got off your chair and took a seat on the carpeted floor. While Bokuto went to go shower and put on a change of clothes cause he knows you don’t like having his sweat roaming the room. After, he took a seat at your vanity and looked at your hair supplies spreaded around. He thought about what style he should do on you, there’s so many to choose from and you would look good in all of them but which one?
You looked at him and saw a concerned look on him, you asked, “Something wrong Bo?”
“I don’t know what I wanna do, I mean what I can do to make my baby even prettier than she is now?” You lightly laughed at his compliment, and his thinking face that he had on.
Finally, a style came to mind, one that was simple yet he loved seeing you in it. Before starting, he collected all of the supplies that were needed and got to work on your hair. At first it was silence surrounding the two of you until Bokuto excitedly started talking about how practice went.
“Y/N you should’ve seen me at practice today! The way I was hitting those spikes was literal perfection, I barely missed any. Oh, we had this five-on-five game today and I got to be team captain.”
“It brought back old memories didn’t it?” You smiled at the memory of seeing Bokuto in his high school uniform, fulfilling his captain role, putting a smile on his team's faces for scoring, and being one of the greatest aces in Japan of course.
“Yup! Feels like old times when it would be Akaashi setting the ball for me and the great ace, that’s me, comes flying in, spiking it and getting another score. Now it’s Atsumu setting for me and Hinata cheering me on, I think Sakusa cheered for me too, don’t remember.”
“Last time I remember Sakusa cheered was when Hinata actually didn’t fuck up his quick attack with Atsumu.” You two laughed at the memory of Sakusa being somewhat excited at Hinata for not missing the ball or spiking it too late.
The conversation continued on about practice until Bokuto decided that it was your turn to speak. You spoke about it as Bokuto was all ears, listening to you, even though you were mostly cooped up in this house since it was your day off from work.
You stopped talking to take a peek at what your boyfriend was doing until he firmly pushed you back down on the carpet. He commented that you would ruin the process, he needs to focus, and that he wants you to wait until the end.
“But Bo-”
“Nope y/n, you have to wait.”
You furrowed your brows at him, “It’s my hair Kotaro, why can’t I see?”
“Trust the process y/n! Don’t you always do that with your hair?”
You let a ‘hmph’ and crossed your arms, “At least I get to see what I’m doing.”
Bokuto gave a wide smile to your grouchy face, “You’re gonna love it y/n, I promise.”
You peeped Bokuto grabbing rubber bands, giving you some ideas of what he could be up to. “And I’m holding you to that promise.”
To make time fly by, the two of you had random conversations that led into a whole nother topic than before. One minute you’re talking about getting new furniture then the next, you’re talking about the coral reef. At some point, you guys even had an odd conversation about weird habits that people do.
“Anddd done y/n.” Bokuto scooted back the chair and got up from it, giving you room to get up and take a look at your hair. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped at the work your boyfriend did. You were honestly caught by surprise that your boyfriend could do something like that with your hair. Styling it a large puff with black and white rubber band style going across.
Meanwhile, Bokuto was chewing his lip and getting nervous, wondering whether or not you liked it. He knew how much you loved your hair and he wouldn’t wanna do anything to mess up your beautiful curls/coils. “Do- do you like it y/n?”
You turned around, seeing your face lit up washed away his nerves and giving him a breath of relief. You immediately jumped on him, which caught him by surprise and made him lean back, landing on the bed with you still on him. You responded,”I love it Kotaro! You did such an amazing job and this style is bomb as hell, where did you learn how to do that?”
“After that failed attempt at doing your hair, your great boyfriend, that’s me, went on Youtube to learn how to do different hairstyles with your hair. I really loved this style and I spent hours learning it, but I say it was worth it.”
You smiled at his answer, it made you giddy inside that your boyfriend takes time out of his day to learn how to do your hair. Your hair! One that was definitely different from his natural spiked up hair. This kind of dedication made you fall in love with him even more than before.
You gave him a large smile and kissed him, “It was definitely worth it Bokuto cause I fucking love it. Plus I think it’s cute that you tried to match with the black and white rubber bands.”
“I’m so happy you love it y/n.”
You kissed his cheek and said, “I’m even more happy that I have a boyfriend like you.”
“Besides, what if we have a kid y/n? I can’t leave it to you to do all the work. I wanna have little daddy-daughter dates and do her hair while I’m showing her volleyball videos.”
You laughed at him, “You’re gonna stuff our future daughter’s brain with volleyball and make them say ‘One touch’ instead of ‘mama’. But I think that’s so sweet of you Bokuto.” You hugged your boyfriend and he hugged you back even tighter, “That and I didn’t like seeing my baby frustrated.”
“Next time my hair doesn’t cooperate, I’ll just call you for help.”
“Call me Bokuto, the great hair superhero!” You two laughed at the superhero name and shared the moment of happiness and content surrounding the two of you. Honestly, you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend besides Kotaro Bokuto himself.
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omg I finally finished it, wow I’m proud of myself
I haven’t written in a superrrr long time but hopefully I can get back and write regularly
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐏𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝟐𝟕:𝟏𝟒 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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hqxreader · 4 years
Happy Days
Hirugami Sachirou x f!Reader
Summary: Sachirou always cherished the moments he had with his daughter, no matter what crazy shenanigans she was always coming up with.  
a/n: Hey! Finally another part to the Salchichas and Peanuts series. There’s a part before this, but this has been sitting in my google docs for idk how long now, so I thought why not post it. Yes, no spanish title cause i’m a) very tired and b) why not english for once? I hope you all enjoy! 💕
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Mentions of Hoshiumi and his obese ginger cat (it’s true, convince me otherwise, what should we name them?), adorable dad!sachi moments, and that’s it really, just an overwhelming amount of fluff 🥰
Salchichas and Peanuts Masterlist
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Putting the final clean lunch dish away, Sachirou listened intently to your daughter randomly blabbing in the living room. He was more than happy to learn he had an extra day off during the week, spending more time with his daughter during the day while you were at work. 
Walking into the living room, he smiled watching Aiko play in her own imaginary world. There was a circle of stuffed animals around her, making the noise of each one whenever she picked it up, “Woof woof! That’s what you say, Mana!” 
Said dog sat in front of the young child, tail wagging whenever she called out her name. Picking up a small ginger colored cat plush, she hugged it close, “Meow! That’s uncle Kourai’s cat!”
‘A very fat cat,’ Sachirou thought, chuckling to himself at the thought of his best friend and his practically obese cat. Kourai always defended the cat though, saying he’ll always love them no matter what.
Hearing his laughter, the 4-year old turned around, face instantly brightening at the sight of her father. “Papa!” Standing up, she ran over to Sachirou, who picked her up easily and spun her around in his arms. She was almost a near spitting image of you, having your eye and hair color but with his waves. Even her cute little smile was like yours.
Moving the few strands of hair that had gotten in Aiko’s face, Sachirou gave her a kiss on the forehead. “How’s my Little Peanut doing? Having fun?” he asked, smiling from ear to ear. 
His ‘Little Peanut’ as he called her nodded, a matching smile on her face. “So much fun, Papa! I love animals!” Sachirou chuckled, happy that his daughter had the same love for animals that he does. 
“Yeah? Your Papa loves animals too, isn’t that crazy?”
Aiko nodded once again before she moved her hands up to Sachirou’s hair, small hands messing with it. You kept telling him it was time for a haircut, but he enjoyed the wild look the curls gave him with his longer hair. “Whatcha doing, Aiko?” 
Aiko hands moved away from his hair, “can I do your hair, Papa? I make you nice and pretty!” 
His brows rose, this wouldn’t be the first time she wanted to do his hair, and not the last for sure. The 4-year old is always going all out with her different colored hair barrettes and hair bands. “Alright, let’s go make Papa all nice and pretty.” 
The young girl cheered, hands going in the air in celebration. Sachirou gave a small, “woo!” as well and carried her to the bathroom where her barrettes and hair bands resided. Setting her down, Sachirou sat down on the floor, making it easier for the small girl to style his hair. 
Taking out the small containers that were full of her hair supplies, she set them on the floor next to her father. Once Aiko did that, she stood in front of Sachirou, making various expressions as she thought about what crazy hairstyle to give him. “I’ve got it!” she excitedly said. 
Grabbing the first bright pink hair clip, she took his bangs and pushed most of them back against his head, managing to secure the strands with the clip. From there, Aiko took various hair bands and made small ponytails all around Sachirou’s head. Once she finished that, she took a step back, admiring her work. “So pretty! Do you like it, Papa?” 
Standing up, Sachirou looked in the mirror. His hair was sticking out more than previously thanks to all the little ponytails. “You’re amazing, Aiko. I love it so much!” Picking your daughter up, he held her up against his side. Both of you observing the craziness of his hair, Aiko gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Papa, Papa! Can we play vet next? I wanna be just like you!” Sachirou’s chest warmed at your daughter's words, happiness overflowing. 
“Of course we can, who’s our first patient, Dr. Aiko?” Bringing you both back to the living room, Sachirou put her back down next to all her stuffed animals. 
Sitting next to her, Aiko grabbed her stuffed dog, holding it up to Sachirou. “Mr. Perro is first, he says his leg hurts.” Sachirou hummed, brow raised. 
“His leg hurts? I’m going to need my trusty helper for this big job,” Aiko immediately crawled onto his lap, facing forward. Holding the stuffed animal in front of the two of you, Sachirou examined it. “I think all he needs is a big hug and a kiss on his boo boo. Can you do that, Dr. Aiko?” 
Said girl nodded quickly, taking the toy from her father and giving it a big hug, squeezing it tightly. She then gave it a quick kiss on his ‘injured’ leg. “There! All better!” She placed Mr. Perro down with the rest of her toys and turned to look up at Sachirou. “Did I do a good job, Papa?” 
Sachirou gave her another kiss on her forehead and hugged her tightly. “You did an amazing job Little Peanut, you’ll make a great vet one day.” 
Hearing a cough come from the entrance of the living room, both of them looked over to see you standing there, arms crossed across your chest with a smile on your face. Mana stood next to you, tail wagging, happy that her owner was home. “Looks like my favorite vets are working hard today,” you said, eying Sachirou’s new hairdo. 
Said man laughed, Aiko climbing out of his lap to run over to you and giving you a large hug around your waist. “I missed you, Mama. Me and Papa had a fun day and he let me do his hair, he looks pretty!” 
Sachirou stood up, walking over to the two of you. “I think Papa looks awesome, he should keep his hair like that, what do you think, Aiko?” Sachirou shook his head at your suggestion, hair flopping around. Sachirou then gave you a soft kiss. 
“Welcome home, y/n. How was work?” 
You sighed, “it was boring, I didn’t have my baby girl with me, such a lonely day!” Aiko grinned at the mention of her, hopping in place. 
Sachirou picked Aiko up again, giving both of you quick kisses on the cheek. “Now I've got both of my girls home. Can’t get better than this.”
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Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 💕
Taglist: @akasgisrightsactivist @yams046 @sunarincakes @kkoalaworld @osamusriceballz @edvigelacivetta @tris-does-stuff @ylxxia @kageyuji @isentsworld @aaakaaashii @tsumue @disneyloving-muggle @kenanami @sachrious​ @pretty-setters​ 
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
thigh high socks.
synopsis: You decide to surprise your boyfriend with your new style of clothing.
# tags: scenarios; studies!au; current relationships; fluff; funny and spicy romance; boys are simps for your thicc thighs/legs; sfw i swear
includes: female reader ft. tooru oikawa, atsumu miya, wakatoshi ushijima, tetsurou kuroo & koutarou bokuto {hq!!}
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Since you started browsing a Pinterest main page, you also started buying some new clothes who was similar to those in the pictures. There were many more skirts, shoes, shirts, sweaters and high socks in your wardrobe right now. Even now you have been waiting for the next five packages from AliExpress! Anyway, you’ve just been in the process of dressing up in new clothes to take some photos and just look at your mirror image.
Of course you didn’t look bad. The black skirt, white sweater and black socks looked great on your body and above all on your thicc thighs. Finally, you put on light-heeled shoes and you could go on taking photos, which after an hour you began to browse and rate. You’ve decided to add the two prettiest on your Instagram account with the ‘New style!’ description. This update has brought you many positive comments and lots of hearts, which made you very happy. You felt really appreciated and loved by friends who also added many comments on your new photos.
Anyway, you waited for Oikawa’s reaction; not gonna lie, your boyfriend’s opinion was the most important for you.
Buuuut, the minutes went by and the boy didn’t comment on your update, which was super strange because he had notifications on for your account updates. After a few more minutes you decided not to worry about it and change into more comfortable clothes.
However, you barely touched the high sock and heard a low protest saying to not do it. You turned toward the door and almost jumped when you saw Tooru closing your room door.
“Your mother let me in.” He threw with a smile, walking towards you. “I hope you didn't think I wouldn't comment this beautiful outfit. I just preferred to do it personally.” He added with a confident voice, hugging his chin to your shoulder. “The only thing I’m a bit angry about is that you didn’t send me these pictures privately, but we’ll make up it soon, right, bunny?”
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You were a thermophilic type of person, so even a light breeze could cause unpleasant chills all over your body. No wonder then that even though the sun was shining, you decided to wear long socks that would protect you from the likely wind in the afternoon. You didn’t even pay attention to how well the high tights socks matched your legs or your university uniform. You just got in you small car and drove to the university. You came on a lunch break that day because your lessons started quite late.
You weren’t hungry, you had your breakfast before, but you went to the canteen only to see Atsumu and friends who, as always, sat at a table next to the big, clean window. You entered the canteen, making quite a fuss. Or rather, your legs have made a sensation, especially among boys. Atsumu choked on drinking milk, seeing your slightly new style of dressing, by the way.
Without paying much attention to the people or their comments, you moved closer towards your boyfriend and your mutual friends.
“Hi, Atsu. Hey, you spit. What a big baby.” You laughed, reaching for a handkerchief from your own bag to wipe his wet lips.
Then you wanted to take a seat next to him, but the boy pulled you on his knees, efficiently covering your thighs with his big hands. Thanks to this you noticed tens of jealous women and hungry male eyes whose turned towards you.
“Disgusting.” You muttered under your breath, leaning against the boy’s chest.
“They are jealous, don’t mind them. You look fabulous.” He answered with conviction, handing you a piece of chicken from his dinner.
Funny fact: your outfit caused such a great stir at the female part of the university that those who were in love with your boyfriend specially dressed high socks for the next day to get his attention. Of course your boyfriend had it in his ass and totally ignored all of them.
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You've never been to your boyfriend's volleyball match before, because of your own schoolwork or the job in candy shop. But one day, when you had free time, you decided to support your man in a duel against another school. You went straight from school to the stadium without saying anything to Wakatoshi, naturally. You wanted to surprise him *pouty emoji*.
You saw your boyfriend when he had interview. At first Ushijima didn’t notice you, but when the interview was over, you came closer to him and patted him on the back...
“O-Oh, Y/N.” He murmured in surprise. “What are you doing here?” He asked in a serious tone, and you just laughed in the answer.
“I came to support you, Toshi.” You happily added.
“I understand. Thank you.” He answered and although it might seem cold, but you knew that Wakatoshi was very happy ‘cause you’re with him now.
Shortly after thanking, the captain noticed your today’s outfit, which was a burgundy dress and high gray socks.
“Is this also part of your support?” He asked quietly, discreetly pointing to your new clothes.
“If you only want, babe.” You laughed, kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll go to take a seat in the audience. We can go eat something after the match if you don’t have plans with your team.” You suggested and Toshi agreed to it. However, before you said ‘See you soon’ to him, the brown-haired boy took off his team hoodie and covered your bare shoulders. You thanked him quietly and then waved hand at him, moving away.
You quickly got your seat at the nearest grandstand, and shortly afterwards the match started. At that time Shiratorizawa Academy had by far the best doping! And all thanks to you!
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Unfortunately, your train was late, which made you late too for Kenma’s birthday party. Luckily, Kuroo kept sending you text messages with informations that gifts hadn’t been given to his friend yet, so he tell you to don’t have to rush and you should be careful while on your way to the club.
Fortunately, after almost an hour, you safely crossed the threshold of the club with a big present in your hands and greeted Hinata standing next to the door. With your eyes you sought your boyfriend and moved towards him.
“Tetsu, hello! Kenma, happy birthday, I love you, man.” You greeted with a loud voice, attracting the attention of a black-haired man and a birthday boy. They both smiled at you, and Kuroo also gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Good that you are already, Y/N.” Kenma said with soft smile. You just chuckled and asked where’s the place to put the present. Eighteen-year-old pointed to one of wooden tables, so you went there. And when did you go there Tetsurou notice your today’s party outfit, which consisted of shiny long socks, shorts, a black short-sleeved shirt with a cut-out on the chest, leather jacket and high heels.
Without paying much attention to Kozume, Kuroo moved toward you to wrap his hand around your waist to show that you are here with him. After all, it wasn’t hard to notice the male glances that primarily landed on your sweet thighs and socks.
“Y/N... Did you put those socks with a specific intention or...?” He asked quietly into your ear and you shook your head.
“I thought it was too cold for the dress, but also too warm for the jeans...” You answered truthfully, laughing under your breath.
“Hmm. I understand. Dress them more often then. You looks amazing, my pretty girl.”
“I also have other, much cuter socks at home.” You started even more quietly, winking at him. “But those are only for your insight.” Tetsurou licked his lips at your words, then gave you another kiss, but this time straight on the lips.
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Recently, you started to like Korean pop, and delved into the local fashion of many idols, which often appeared in skirts and shorts. Your slightly boring and dark style of clothing was nothing compared to colorful, sweet and lovely girlish creations, which additionally decorated with trifles, berets, socks up to thighs or shoes with bows.
You knew that Bokuto loves you regardless of your outfit, but... you had a vision in your head of how much he would enjoyed your much softer look or hairstyle. You decided to spend some money on new clothes, and then you set up a date with your boyfriend, which he gladly agreed to.
You two met at the entrance to the maritime museum, which Koutarou really wanted to go. Of course, the poor boy was waiting for you there ahead of time because he was so happy ‘cause of your date! So, when he noticed you, he started running towards you, almost tripping over his own legs, when he saw you in an unusual, super cute dress and white, delicate thighs socks.
“Kou!” You squeaked when the boy took you in his arms and spun you around. “Koutarou!”
You quickly moved your hand to your ass to protect your panties from being seen by others people. Bokuto probably went crazy and he didn’t think about anything but only you because of how beautiful you looked in his eyes. He probably fell in love with you for the hundredth time, lmao, we love this puppy man.
And then it was even worse (or better; I don’t know how to describe it) because your boyfriend instead of watching the fish in the aquarium during your date only took pictures of your figure!
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masqueradeball · 3 years
How about number 3? Like, tell us all about it if you want :)
Oh my gosh 🥺 thank you so much for giving me my first ask! 💖 I'm eternally grateful I get to spill all my pheels out.
3. What is my favorite Phantom tv/film adaptation?
My absolute favorite Phantom is the 1925 Lon Chaney silent film. He just embodies everything that I like about Gaston Leroux's Erik for me and he is both horrifying and pitiable. I dislike the ending but I can live with it given it's what test audiences wanted at the time. I truly love his Red Death costume. You can find it on Youtube and the Tubi app for free.
My first runner up would be Claude Raines in the 1943 because his Erique so soft and tragic in that film I cannot help but love him. This was one was my grandma's favorite 'classic monster' movies that she loved, so I have a special place in my heart for this one. I love his hair and appreciate that he was one fine silver fox before the revenge and jealousy issues set in. The opera parts are a little boring, but the costumes and the sassy diva rival to Christine are worth the watch. We get 2 handsome Raouls who end up going to dinner together at the end of the movie and a Christine who gets to bask in the limelight of her career while not choosing any suitor, which is the best possible outcome for her. Double play for the win in my book! You can watch it for free on the Peacock app.
My next runner up is a 3 way tie between Robert Englund, Gerard Butler, and Charles Dance.
I honestly enjoy all their performances because they each bring something unique to the role.
I cannot stress enough how violent the Robert Englund version is if you want to give it a go, but Erik Destler is insane, twisted, and fabulously murdertastic in this. I love the creepy, evil vibes the man gives off. Think of this film as a time travel AU of the original novel. I feel like he nailed Leroux Erik's darker, snarky personality that some people tend to forget he had and the gothic horror parts of the original novel are there. Bonus: they keep the Faust parallels like in the novel!
I'm gonna say it: I love the Charles Dance miniseries. I know it's not the best, but damn, he is so dry and sarcastic I cannot help but enjoy his performance. I want to pinch his cheeks and smother Cherik with the love his father never gave him everytime I see him. Again, this one focuses on the operas a lot, and for me it's a bit boring. But the backgrounds, settings, and props in this thing are fantastic and the costumes are wonderful too.
That leaves Gerard Butler in the 2004 movie. No he is not the world's greatest singing Phantom, but I don't care. I absolutely love his facial expressions and body language. The Phantom is an emotional, expressive dude and the Red Death costume scene is pretty good. I love how kind and sincere Emmy feels in this film and I appreciate she's not overracting and doesn't feel fake compared to some other Christines *coughSierracough* Being the film version of the ALW musical, this Phantom story focuses on the romance and Gerard excels at that. When he and Christine are singing Past the Point of no Return, I FEEL THEIR PASSION! And that's what counts more so than hitting the same notes we've all heard a million times before.
Now for the versions in the 'I will eternally like this' category 😊 :
The Phantom of the Paradise from 1974. This is also a very violent and dark film so fair warning if you haven't seen it. It's a bizarre rock musical, but if you're weird like me and enjoy Rock & Rule or the Rocky Horror Picture Show, this might be a film you'd like too. I don't want to spoil it too much but the Faust/devil parallels are here too, as is various pop culture references. His teeth and mask are terrifyingly cool, and so is the electronic voice box he uses. It makes sense Daft Punk was inspired by this film. Maybe G1 Soundwave was inspired by this film too, but that's a debate for another day 😉
Next is the animated 1988 film. This one features animation on par with other 80s tv cartoons of the time. I love that they kept the Persian and the torture chamber from the novel. The Phantom's death scene is pretty damn epic. Christine is kind of a flake, but animated Leroux Erik is hilariously insane and terribly charming, especially when he calls himself a Don Juan. It's worth watching just for his antics and his dialouge.
You might not expect a Goosebumps episode to do a Phantom story any justice, but here we are: 1995, The Phantom of the Auditorium is a spooky fun take on the story and honestly, I'd like to see the full play the kids at that school are putting on cause it looks better than some of the live Phantom stage scenes I've seen. Both young boys playing the Phantom are fantastic actors and the plot twist at the end is great.
I absolutely have to give a shout out to Wishbone's Pantin at the Opera. He is the best, cutest, most adorable Raoul de Chagney ever and I will fight you if you dare talk smack about this version. I'm not even a Raoul stan by any means but like, this dog is precious and I enjoy this episode so much.
Also in the animated category and cute dog category is Scooby Doo Stage Fright made back in 2013. This movie is one of my fave Scooby Doo films (yes I own almost all of them on dvd) and there are multiple Phantoms, a reality tv show contest, and Fred and Daphne finally kiss each other! Lots and lots of hidden Phantom references in the background and lots of voice acting talent for those of us who appreciate that.
Now for the versions I intensely dislike 😏
The 1962 Herbert Lom version. UGH where to start. The sets are so small and everything looks dirty and of the wrong time period. The color in the film looks washed out. The clothes look too modern somehow (maybe it's their hairstyles?) and it bothers me. It feels low budget in a bad way and it shows. This phantom is not likeable or pitiable even though his backstory is similar to the Claude Raines version. He has no romantic interest in Christine, so it feels off. This guy is such an old a$$ piece of sh*t, he literally slaps Christine as she's singing for him for no damn reason. His paper mache mask looks like a Kindergartener's botched art class project. His personality is like somebody locked up cranky grandpa in the basement and he's PMS-ing because y'all forgot to give him his daily prune juice. This squatter's lair lacks creepiness, and his bizarre sidekick is annoying and yet somehow more interesting than the Phantom. The pervert manager trying to bang Christine aggravated me and simultaneously made me want to vomit. Raoul is the only likeable character in the whole damn movie. The Joan of Arc opera scene makes up for some of the film, but it's still terrible.
Next on my meh list is the 1983 made for tv movie starring Micheal York and Jane Seymour. Now, this one has some likeable and applaudable scenes: the various murders and general creepiness of the Phantom, and the lair scene when she wakes up in his bed and the Phantom gets all up in her face is so intense and so Leroux I absolutely love it. The rest of the film is a jumbled hot mess at best, but Jane Seymour is 🔥 and she gets some damn good sex, so hell yeah to that!
And lastly, I do not like the Royal Albert Hall 25th anniversary recording. I should preface this by saying it is Sierra I don't like. I like Ramin, I love Hadley, everyone else is wonderful but I cannot stand Sierra. She tries too hard to make Christine a Disney Princess- and that doesn't fly with me. It comes off as insincere or mocking the source material at best, and at worst it makes Christine look like an airheaded ditz. Apparently Sierra played Ariel at one point which is hilarious because of all the Disney princesses, I dislike her the most. But that's a different rant for another day.
And finally, the one I hate most of all:
The 1998 Argento film. This is the worst Phantom adaptation I've ever seen. It is a whole lotta nope for me. Between the rats, the unecessary and pointless telepathy, the r*pe scene, and the unfunny weird vibe from the murder going on in this film it's a disaster from start to finish. Honestly, it's the rats and his hair that bother me from a visual standpoint alone and it's beyond disgusting the way this a$$🤡 treats Christine. I don't like any of the characters in here and for good reason. It's not worth watching and if you do, be ready to bleach your brain afterwards.
💖 Sorry if this was a long read! Thanks again for giving me an ask and I will cherish it forver!!!! 💖
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