blazeball · 1 year
2, 12, and 20! :]!!
2: Game(s) you’re currently playing
ultrakill, pentiment, and cassette beasts! all very good games. all drastically different in gameplay. having fun with all three
12: A character you particularly like in the game you’re currently playing
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look at him. everyone say hi gabriel
20: A boss you think is really cool
well.... ummmmm....................
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everyone say hi to gabriel again. he's so fun i love beating the shit out of him and he loooooves getting the shit beat out of him. its a symbiotic relationship
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sydmarch · 2 years
cant. put images in replies. this one specifically is harry
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avvidstarion · 2 years
sorry for stealing your snow 😔
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svvordsmachine · 1 year
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vidra-comprehends · 9 months
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Gabriel and KITR for Ultragift
And the ficlet about the V models exploring Hell together:
These are my gifts to @gayrhys, happy holidays💜
The image will probably look fine on Twitter, but let me know if you'd like it in higher resolution.
Close-ups, time-lapse and rambling under the cut.
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Whew. It's been a while since I've drawn anything digitally.
Including the lineart on paper, this took me a little over two weeks, which is about a day of raw work in total. I used pen, pencil, paper, and my finger on the phone screen. There may have been a little blood involved as well.
Here is the process:
[Video ID: A time-lapse of making the drawing in ibisPaint. It starts with the background, then continues with the base colours and finishes with shading and details like dried blood.]
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ultragift · 9 months
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FROM: @vidra-comprehends
TO: @gayrhys
Two robots stare at the old paper. It has legible words on it and is more or less intact compared to the other pages lying around, which the two have already checked. Despite the halcyon weather, V1 keeps it pinned under its foot while V2 reads it out loud.
To my dearest friend!
My fingers are swiftly losing their mobility as I am writing you this letter. Forgive me if it is not very pretty.
While you are scorched by the Sun, I am to suffer its eternal absence. Those around me still moving are banding together, trying to find warmth in the others’ presence, but our bodies only radiate more coldness.
From time to time, the Lake’s ice carries to us the echoes of a great scream. It is terrible, but not at all terrifying. Still, should I venture too close to the middle, I would surely witness something unfit for a human soul. The only other sounds are the heavy steps of souls and the singing ice.
Even as the Greatest Cold overtakes me, I stand by my decision; letting you continue would have been an even greater sin. I hope you will find it in yourself to acknowledge why it was necessary as I will likely never again have the ability to think like a capable man, and so, I could not change my mind even if I wanted to.
With no remorse nor disdain left to warm me-
V2 looks up to see V1 already walking towards the edge of the frozen lake. "You read quickly." V1's rusty speech box spits out a few words. "REMAINING TEXT: IRRELEVANT.”
A strange sensation not unlike overheating registers to the red machine. How dares it? V2 wants to shake it by the shoulder and scream. His fury overpowers his common sense as he takes a few quick steps towards the blue machine, who - in the meantime - has started stomping on the thin ice by the shore.
"Irrelevant? What is wrong with you?! What is wrong with you in general?!"
A quick shot of its revolver makes him freeze in place. He is not at all sure that V1 missed on purpose. His steps are very careful as he catches up to it, but his voice is still full of anger. And condescendence. "You don't get to say that. They matter so much. Do you hear me? They matter! This letter meant something to someone. Hey, are you listening?"
V1 seems to be more invested in the chunks of ice it managed to free.
"Seriously, even after everything we've witnessed on our way down here...? Don't you see? There is so much harm...or there used to be so much harm in the world. No. There still is. These souls are suffering. And the best we could do was k-" An inexplicable error in the speech software. V2 doesn't start again, but he is unable to take the pain out of his voice. "We were built to protect them, you know."
V1 finally looks up, but it simply points a cold finger at V2. Of course. He was built to protect.
"Why did you repair me?" It was built to kill.
The V models are incapable of shrugging, but V1 does something similar enough. "DAMAGED." "Hm? What do you mean?"
V1 is clearly not comfortable speaking, but V2 has to know. He has to know the truth if they are going to end here. Or at least one of them will. This layer welcomed those who were willing to go to any lengths for a little personal victory. "REPAIR PROTOCOL. FAILED TO...SEPARATE."
V2 thinks for a few seconds. "Did you believe you were repairing yourself?" This wins him a thumbs up.
It was like tying a tie on someone else for the first time. The blue machine knew how to work on itself, but when the protocol kicked in under the pyramid in Greed, it found that the body is seen from an irregular angle. In the end, V1 resorted to holding the other machine to its chest to be able to work properly.
"But you know now that I'm not you, right?" Another thumbs up. V2 doesn't force the conversation further. He focuses on the ice instead. The written pages scattered all over the area don’t stop at the shore, partly or fully frozen like semi-aquatic plants during a harsh winter. The hole V1 made is rapidly freezing up, but something is still clearly visible at the bottom.
“Did you have a chance to see what that is?” Instead of an answer, V1 gives the fresh ice a good kick, splashing water all over the place.
“Hey, watch out! This can damage both of us! Especially your absorbent plating. It would be smarter to- What is that? Is that a fishing rod?! Where the Hell did you get that?” Its hands occupied, V1 nods. “What?!”
The thing they saw at the bottom is soon reeled to the surface. It is a book. Unfortunately, it immediately freezes as it is removed from the water; there’s no chance of opening it without destroying the paper. V1 doesn’t seem satisfied until it brings up half a dozen books, all acting the same way. It doesn’t give V2 much time to consider any implications or greater meaning the scene might have, heading deeper towards the middle.
“We should prepare for that fight thoroughly,” V2 warns. His predecessor doesn’t react. Its steps are light and it gently swings the fishing rod from side to side as it walks. Not for the first time today, V2 feels very lost. “If you’re not going to fight... What are you even looking for?”
Speech has never been so easy for V1 as it is in this moment. “FISH.”
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amell · 2 years
tagged by @gayrhys smiles
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better (i am not doing that blehhhh) (i don’t use tumblr enough to know any oomfies)
last song: me and the devil by soap&skin
last show: does just rewatching water 7 of one piece count. i like watching that arc
currently watching: metalocalypse with a friend :] just finished s1
currently reading: one PEAK almost caught up. chapter 935 💪💪💪 also trying to catch up on bleach + naruto + jjk but those r on the back burner
current obsession: the vtm campaign im in. also one piece.
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xanthic-dreamer · 5 years
✌🏻 ♧☮️❄️(music note)
✌: You’re awesome
♧: I wish we were friends in real life
☮: You inspire me
❄️: I cherish you
♪: You're very talented
And I Swear we will be one day or else I’m gonna sue the universe :/
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strawbebbynya · 6 years
aw buddy im the least intimidating
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sweet-ree · 5 years
6 Facts About me!
I was tagged by the gorgeous @dipsykoo, thanks honey!
Rules: Share 6 random facts about yourself and tag 6 followers.
Tags in case you want to play: @sekto78 @jackkrauser @gayrhys @ladyotakukiut @jeannedarcprice @sublimesoulpeanut @nightsong18
Some of these facts aren’t news to lots of you, but why not :P
1. I play lots of video games and drink lots of champagne, even at the expense of my physical well being and my family/household obligations because I have no self control. If you have been subjected to my 3 Sheets Bullshit, I apologize. The rest of you, I apologize proactively.
2. I can’t draw for shit, unless I take 3 days for a simple chibi sketch, but I can create fun things with clay (might take me a month+ though lol).
3. I have a black belt in American Kenpo Karate.
4. I am really shy and self-conscious. Nobody believes me but its true. (I see you scoffing in disbelief, but its partly why I drink so much)
5. I have two dream jobs that are totally unrelated: Independent and successful ceramic artist OR DNA analyst for The Innocence Project (lol)
6. I have SEVERE arachnophobia. I have a can of Raid in at least 6 places in my house and I’m not afraid to use them.
(if you bothered to actually read that, I love you lol)
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thrandilf · 5 years
A Thank You To My Longtime Followers and Kind Anons
This is for anyone who’s known me for years such as @theabsenceofme @oliszka @ravingredhead @demo-ness @loaded-dog-complex @thatisntscience @gayrhys and anyone else who’s been following me for a long time
Thank you.
Thank you for your kindness.
For anyone who doesn’t know, I used to use my blog to vent a lot. Years ago like 2014-much of 2016 it was very obvious I wasn’t okay.
I’ve finally had the time to process things in my life that I’d compartmentalized or put off for years. I finally went through the ancient history of the blog and cleared out the first couple years back when I was 18/19. In some ways, it was worse than I thought’d it be. I used to have daily intense depressive and/or disassociation episodes. I used to say awful things about myself that I don’t even remember typing. I know I did it because I didn’t have any safe outlets irl so I really took it out on myself on my blog, I do wish I hadn’t posted much of those things.
But for every caustic self hating thing I said, I had anons and friends who never stopped reaching out.
Back then, a lot of those words didn’t reach me. I was truly in an alarming fog for years of my life. That felt like a completely different person from me today. I feel as though I’ve only truly grown up and gone from a child who was passive in their own life and angry and scared of the world and myself to someone who can take responsibility for things and reparent myself, and self introspect in healthy ways to heal in the past couple years.
Some of you have been through too much with me. I just want to say thank you to you guys, many of you older than me, for not giving up on me when I had and then some.
To anyone really really struggling- healing is hard, rough, and closure doesn’t always feel like justice, but it’ll happen and it’ll get better. Much of my situation hasn’t changed except for me. It’s hard especially without mental healthcare, but it can be done.
I am not nearly as personal as I used to be on this blog and that’s mostly for the best considering how I used to be quite filterless and harmful to myself and likely others. However, it’s important to me to share this and tell you guys how grateful I am and that I’m finally really okay, even if life gets hard again I’m gonna be okay.
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blazeball · 11 months
trick or treat!!! ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ
i think it would do you some good to listen to this again. you've heard it right
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sydmarch · 2 years
6 & 22!!
What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
for my birthday over a decade ago my mom bought me a b&n nook and i've exclusively used ebooks ever since then so n/a
Iced or hot drinks?
iced! even in the winter i just bring my thermos w me to pour my coffee into so i can hold it on the way back w/o my hands getting cold from the icey plastic cup lol
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avvidstarion · 2 years
happy birthday!!!. old . haha
THANK YOU 😭😭😭❤️❤️
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rosifire · 5 years
39, 40, 44, 73!! (+ 1 you want to answer?)
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
a friend of mine!! she was leading me somewhere and grabbed my hand to direct me faster.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
michael's, joann's, and target tbh..........
40. What do you want to do after high school?
just fuckin... live!! go places and do things without having to stress about school as much. 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
oh outer space for sure!!!
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
YES absolutely... i've usually got two or three around!!
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Got a Minecraft LEGO set for my birthday! Thanks @gayrhys Hazel seems to like it !
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