beyblaiddyd · 1 year
CORBY ASK: how would corby 1 and corby 2 interact
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Pure 100% pragmatism Corby 2 trying to learn as much from Corby 1 as possible infinite research and trying to figure out how to fix things.
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mistytpednaem · 1 year
sending you a real person ask from a real person hiiii bestie
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horseshoecrabs · 1 year
8 15 17 31 35 for abery + ginny..
kissing u thank you mint. for the uninitiated avery is my monster of the week PC who, in the current timeline, is a scientist turned small time crook who forges and hocks stolen magical items. ginny is my PC in a westworld-based campaign, she’s a host who’s the mailwoman and resident gossip of the town
8: do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
avery doesn’t really have a nickname! many call her Ave just as a simple shortening of her name, which she doesn’t really mind. in grad school her friend riya called her Turtles sometimes jokingly since that’s what her research focused on.
ginny is short for Virginia! her beloved dad used to call her that and it stuck immediately
15: how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
both are only children! avery lived with her parents until college, then roomed with riya throughout. now she crashes sporadically with different partners in crime when she needs a place but is currently boarding at her new employer the institute :-) ginny lived with her dad until his tragic “passing” and now lives alone. though in a town like grandera, can you ever truly live alone?
17: how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
avery read and read and read any book she could get her hands on and spent a lot of time outside just wandering through nature and taking notes on/sketching what she saw. she was that kid who would burn ants for fun and scientific enrichment.
ginny would attempt to train her horse to do show jumping, but wally was never really a huge fan of that. she liked shadowing her father on his mail route and helping out at the general store!
31: do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
avery is weird about gifts and will pretend to be cool and aloof about them but inside she is overwhelmed that someone cared about her so much to give one. she is not a huge gift giver unless you are very close to her or she’s trying to unload product. her ideal gift is your credit card number though she’ll never say no to a really high-quality journal.
ginny is overjoyed about giving and receiving gifts! getting to give the gift of communication to the residents of the town means a lot to her. she would love to get nicely scented hair products, both for herself and the horse
35: do they ever return home?
have either of them truly known it?
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studiousbotanist · 1 year
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@gayscientist​ (handshake emoji) OUR DIVORCE ERA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #DIVORCE
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pentimint · 1 year
< gayscientist
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johnnyutah · 1 year
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wait i liked listing out my fav girl characters for that post so much so i wanna share some pics of my faves.
from top left: dolores abernathy (westworld), sidney prescott (scream), nancy wheeler (stranger things), amanda brotzman (dirk gently’s holistic detective agency), tess ocean (ocean’s 11), fringilla vigo (the witcher netflix), amy brookheimer (veep), feng min (dead by daylight), and maeve millay (westworld).
(honourable mentions to mindy from scream, MANY women from dbd, MANY girls from the quarry, bart and farah from dghda, lou and debbie and daphne from o13, and okay let’s be real i could keep going so let’s cut it here.)
also tagging @adrianicsea @beyblaiddyd @gayscientist @jamie-tiergan @emmamountebank @dameferre @studiousbotanist @seafucker @eachuisge @weedsinavacantlot and whoever else feels like doing this. SHOW ME THOSE BLORBOS
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I’m a slut for good data
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iavenjqasdf · 7 years
I diagnose you with Innes
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jinjojess · 7 years
Spoilery V3 Ask
gayscientist said:
it's so wild to me how people are willing to compare a character who was around for 1(one) chapter to a fully matured one who was in focus for the entire game and act like that's REMOTELY a good and logical jump to take, honestly. sure, saihara developed, but akamatsu STARTED at that level of competency and guts and i'm still so sad we didn't get to see her develop
I dunno, man. I don’t follow the logic at all.
If you’re going to compare characters who spend radically different amounts of time in the text, you have to have some kind of baseline to work off of. The fact that these people refuse to let me extrapolate on where the story could have gone using things introduced in the game, but also want to cherry pick examples from the end of the game is just so wild.
My point was that Akamatsu faced pushback from most of the group at an extremely early point in the game, so you can’t come back and tell me that a temporary setback from one person Saihara sees five chapters in is in any way comparable. Especially not when the end result of said conflict is that the person pushing back at him was 100% in the wrong.
A character who dies in the beginning of the game doesn’t get to act on the story directly anymore, and you can’t fault them for not being there during the climactic moment of the text. Yes, Akamatsu sure didn’t have a full and complete arc in this game she isn’t in. Good job. It’s like the people who complain that Obama didn’t utilize FEMA correctly during Katrina, despite that he wasn’t president then.
But yeah I think you just articulated why it’s so frustrating--changing to someone with Saihara’s nature felt like being on the threshold of seeing what’s beyond the character arc we’ve already seen, only to get pushed back to the very beginning again to see the same things come about.
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beyblaiddyd · 1 year
corby propaganda ask: top 10 most deranged corby moments
Top 10 most deranged corby moments in mostly chronological order
While fighting a gigantic Cerberus beast they threw themself in front of their teammates and shot a fireball into one of its mouths. Despite being very squishy and fragile.
Tried to talk to the remains of an archdemon Immediately after killing him.
Told a Norse god they "didn't want to fight him" as if they were the threat in the situation.
Insisted it would be safe to look in the ark of the covenant.
Had a hole punched through their stomach by an ally who betrayed them and dropped into a mental space where their internal doom resided and had a very depressing conversation with themself before deciding they weren't going to give up and forcing themself back to consciousness and treating their own wounds. Never told anyone this happened.
Tried to convince a boss enemy to just lie down and die because their team was going to win anyways.
Stayed on fire in a fight so that they could heal an almost-dead teammate instead of putting themself out.
In the same fight, getting afflicted with a rage spell and magic-punching that same teammate so hard they almost killed them.
In a crowded event a bunch of fighting and chaos broke out and they set off a bunch of fireworks above the crowd to try to stun them all into shutting up.
One of their teammates fell down a hole and to help create a way up/down the hole they pulled out a scarf... and another scarf... and another scarf... and another scarf... (It's a magic trick!)
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yuissamidare · 7 years
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DHGGHG gosh but same.
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thatonecommentor · 5 years
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Well @batterislove isn’t wrong.
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pentimint · 5 years
i’m using the he/hims now
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dykecatra · 7 years
@steeplejill doesn’t approve of my academic and/or career related choices.
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ciqbg · 4 years
My new blog dedicated to science communication! 
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arto239 · 4 years
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Saturday Science . . . #gay #bearscubsandscruff #science #gayscientist https://www.instagram.com/p/CFC-7l_pBPV/?igshid=1ujj5dbzskfm1
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