#gd angst
tippenfunkaport · 7 months
the normal part of my brain: the concept art of Future!Bow is wearing glasses because Lance wears them and he takes after his dad! 🥰
the rest of my brain: he's wearing glasses because Glimmer friggin' glows so the glasses are because poor regular guy develops eyestrain from being that close to such bright light all the time 😔
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Anyway, pretend I never said that second thing, we're going with the first one.
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solitaire-sol · 1 month
Daily Prongsfoot Thought 30
Age of Sail AU: Young James and Sirius are best friends and the closest of companions, much to the disapproval of Sirius’ parents, who consider the Potters inferior for Various Reasons. In an attempt to separate Sirius from James’ “bad influence,” Orion and Walburga send him to stay with relatives in France and continue his education on the Continent; Orion is supposed to accompany him, but when he falls ill, Sirius’ black-sheep Uncle Alphard takes Orion’s place. James and Sirius have a tearful farewell and swear to meet again, cutting their palms and becoming “blood brothers” to seal their oath, but Sirius and Alphard’s ship is attacked and scuttled by pirates, with uncle and nephew among those believed slain in the process.
James is heartbroken and ends up entering the Royal Navy, partly to advance his family’s good name but also because he’s vowed to eradicate all pirates as the scourge they are. James is rapidly making progress towards a captaincy of his own until his ship is boarded by a pirate vessel flying a silver star on a black field. James ends up locked in combat with a strangely familiar pirate—
Pirate!Sirius/Navy!James, of course, as Sirius and Alphard were in fact rescued by the pirate captain who attacked their ship when it accidentally sank; Alphard and the captain fell in love, and when Sirius decided he’d rather stay with his uncle (and be free to find James again) rather than return to the rest of his family, Sirius was trained up to replace said captain. James’ entire understanding of events is upended, and as the boyhood friends are once more together, Sirius is more than happy to show James some of the other liberties that come with a life of piracy. 🏴‍☠️
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jamesunderwater · 26 days
but what if I admitted my secret fascination with DC and the world of Gotham would you all still love me
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koko2unite · 6 months
viktor is like, mordecai deserve a young independent lady much better than me, and mordecai just kick him in the shin while saying viktor is the best thing he have right now and he cant lose him
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stannisbaratheon · 1 year
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Coverage of the wedding of the then Duke of York (later KING GEORGE V) to Princess Mary of Teck (later QUEEN MARY) by the The Illustrated London News, July 1893. (1) Cover on 10 July 1893. (2) The wedding breakfast at Buckingham Palace: the royal table. (3) The congratulations after the wedding ceremony. (4) The royal party at the opera, Tuesday, July 4. Left to Right: Duke of York, Princess May, Grand Duke of Hesse (ERNEST LOUIS), Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (PRINCESS AUGUSTA OF CAMBRIDGE), The Czarevitch (later NICHOLAS II OF RUSSIA), Queen of Denmark (LOUISE OF HESSE-KASSEL), Princess of Wales (later QUEEN ALEXANDRA), King of Denmark (CHRISTIAN IX). (5) The presents on view at the Imperial Institute. (6) Departure of the Duke of York and his bride from Buckingham Palace. (7) The marriage of HRH the Duke of York, K.G., and HSH the Princess Victoria Mary of Teck: the wedding ceremony in St. James’s Chapel. (8) The Duke of York receiving an Address from the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House. (9) The Bridegroom’s procession to the Chapel. (10) The marriage ceremony in the Chapel Royal, St. James’s.
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kingarmorking · 1 year
slaps a sign to myself that says “full of thoughts about goten”
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chaosdetector · 8 months
Can someone please tell me the general summary of Starlight x Avior's story??? Im making an illustration and too sick from Gerodi's latest vid to rub two synapses together.
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mooncello · 8 months
chronicles of lava It’s the weekend—no missions are scheduled. I think I’m gonna go for a long drive. Head up through the hills to the central coast. Salty air and fog sound like super chill companions right about now. I’m hoping some distance will help me calm the fuck down. Regain some perspective. Or at least get a fucking break from feeling like I’m gonna spontaneously combust every time I run into Cole.
My plans are vaporized at breakfast when Lloyd reminds us that we’re participating in our neighborhood street festival today. Lloyd signs us up for this stuff as part of “positive reputation management,” whatever the fuck that means. Something about not just protecting people but being trusted and beloved. Being part of the community. Et cetera et cetera.
Lloyd goes over the day’s agenda: a little parade, festival booth, photo ops, library storytime... I chew the inside of my cheek as he continues talking, hyperaware of Cole leaning against the kitchen counter a few feet away, arms folded across his chest. I sneak a look and take in his wide, sturdy shoulders, and the way they shift under his t-shirt. I like how the curve of his biceps peeks from beneath his shirt sleeve, and my eyes continue to draw down, past his elbows, to his forearms, crossed over one another, muscle like rope. Those arms could probably hoist me up and shove me against a wall. And— jesus fuck, nope, I cannot think about this right now.
My eyes trail back up his arms to his face. And shit. He’s looking at me. He literally just caught me checking him out. My mouth goes dry, and I twist my head away as my stomach lurches out of control.
Fuck. I seriously needed some space this weekend. Now I’m just gonna be distracted all day. While pretending to not be distracted—I’m totally fine—even as my heart throbs.
chapter four is up! chapters are getting longer, kittens. hope you enjoy. x
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byanyan · 2 months
byan "i thought being a vampire would be sick as fuck but instead it's turned my life upside down, caused me to lose the few safety nets i actually had, and somehow given me less freedom where i thought it'd give me more" byun
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godlyicarus · 2 years
was reading an article from digital spy and at one point it says will is "jealous of the blossoming romance between Eleven and Mike, because he's possibly attracted to either of them" and i'm losing my mind because how is the narrative at all framed that way. when has will ever shown a potential attraction to Eleven. he literally refers to himself as her brother in the first part of s4 i-
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
Re: LITA'S Ep 13 preview and how they are possibly going to grind my heart into the dust:
All of the actual clusterfuck and subsequent showdown looks like it takes place in Pai's bedroom, yes? The final shot shows Sky asking "Can't I only be with you?" Beginning of the preview shows Rain telling Sky that a guard passed along a message FROM PAI to go to the condo - where Gun is apparently waiting.
I would really like that last shot, with Sky's question, to at least be a flashback to his relationship with Gun, not something happening in the "now" of the episode. Because if there's some indication that he actually thinks PAI might lend him out, it will shatter my heart into a thousand pieces, for both of them.
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ghoststyles · 11 months
Part 5 Sneaky Peeky 4 U
Fairway to Heaven Part 5 Coming Tuesday @ 10 EST!!!!
Feast on this for the weekend : ) 
He looks under the stalls, spotting Briar’s strappy black heels. He walks over slowly, dress shoes clicking on the floor. He lightly knocks on the stall door.
“This door will be off its hinges in a moment if you don’t open it.”
“Daddy? Is that you?” Briar says with fake surprise as she slowly opens the stall.
He stares at her, his jaw locked, “Whatcha doing in here, Birdie?”
Briar bites her lip. “Nothing?”
“Mhm. What do you have on under your dress?”
Harry reaches for the hem of her dress, pulling it back before letting out a groan. Her perfect bare pussy absolutely dripping.
“Daddy, can you touch me? Then I’ll be good throughout dinner?”
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precalamity · 1 year
in case you ever doubt the power of leaving nice comments, ive been having a shit (couple of) week(s) and was feeling crazy for the past few hours but someone who is apparently graduating law school this week liked my angsty hs fic enough to leave a really nice comment and now I’m normal
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eldragon-x · 2 years
I mentioned this before but I do not like how people tend to reduce Darius to Hunter’s potential father-figure and it also really doesn’t sit right w me.
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quasieli · 1 year
Me: (gives my GM a piece of backstory for my character that I asked to be used in an angsty way in our horror game)
GM: (uses backstory tidbit in a horrifying way)
Me: *shocked pikachu*
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
guys you dont understand how strong the pirate brainrot is rn i would die for them
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