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Gendersonata is an audiogender that is individual to the user, and typically allegro. It is usually described as described as fast and lively.
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Not sure if this is the best place to ask but, is there a term to describe genderfluid/flux but at a faster rate? If that makes sense?
There are a few!
Intensiflux: "A very intense and practically instant version of most kinds of genderflux. Instead of some other genderflux examples where the change is gradual, or quick but still noticeable, Intensiflux is where a person will instantly switch between their intensely-feeling gender to absolutely nothing/agender. No transition in between, or at least it happens so fast that you can barely feel that transition.”
Impesgender: “A gender that flips quickly and impulsively, often too quickly to be traced.”
Genderplasma: “Similar to genderfluid but feels "hotter".“
Gendersonata: “A gender that is individual to the user and typically allegro, or could be described as "fast" and "lively"”
Razorgender: “A gender that is sharp and singular, yet moves swiftly. For example, you may feel intensely and definitively agender for a short while, but then quickly move to being intensely and definitively bigender.“
Tachigender or Tachigenderfluid: “Similar to Argogender and Sychnogender but regarding rapidity, a gender that changes quickly or that otherwise has to do with high speed. Prefix from the Greek ταχύτητα meaning speed.“
Sychnogender or Sychnogenderfluid: “Similar to Argogender and Tachigender but regarding frequency. The gender of someone who is sychnogender might change many times throughout the course of a day. Prefix from the Greek συχνός meaning frequent.”
(For reference, argogender or argogenderfluid is a slow, gradual kind of genderfluid.)
Veloxigender: “A fluid gender which moves too quickly for the owner to be able to identify what gender they are at a given time.”
Mercurygender: “A gender that leaves yet comes back quickly. This is reminiscent of the planet Mercury’s orbit, which only lasts for 88 days.“
Hope that helps!
~ Tath
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mogai-headcanons · 5 years
Geoff from Total Drama is an ADHD polyamorous gay akoiplatonic mollsexual arospec queerfluid ambonix scenecoric demiabinary dodransneutrois that uses cae/caer, part/party, fun/funs, and to/tos pronouns! Cae are in a triad with Owen, who is an ambiamorous sanssexual (not the skeleton!!!!!) nofinromantic trans buttercreamic pandulcigender demifluid orientationgender librafluid (1/2)
demimaverique that uses swee/sweets or they/them pronouns, and Justin, who is a pansexual cupiosexual transmasc miniandrogyne explorogender demigenderqueer chaosgender gendersonata proxvir ternegender demienboy that uses a/am, he/him, sey/sem, the/thm, it/its, xe/xir, or 🏈/🏈s pronouns!
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coquillagean · 6 years
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flags! they are: benegender, gendernocturne, genderopaque, gendersonata, herbgender, immemorgender, jugagender, protogender, and salugender
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[Image: Flag that’s colored like old paper with 6 evenly spaced black lines starting near the left side and extending to the edge of the right. At the end of the lines on the left side is a thicker black line extending horizontally with a much thinner black line to its right].
hello, i hope you don’t mind if i make a submission for this. i made this for musicgender in general, it is meant to look like the start of a sheet of music.
there are a lot of variations to music gender, but i would like to share some ideas of how to make flags for them, based on suggestions from me and my friends who also identify as these terms. the basic idea is to just take the musicgender flag above, and just place appropriate musical symbols on top to represent specific genders.
for instance genderbass, gendertreble, and genderalto can be the appropriate clefs for each one, while genderclef could show all three. similar idea to use musical symbols for gendersharp, genderflat, gendernatural, genderpp, genderforte, genderfortissimo, and genderdynamics (could use symbols for crescendo or decrescendo or both).
melogender can be a random number of notes on different bar placements, while genderbeat can be just a line of notes on the same bar.
one of my friends who identifies as immemorgender said it would be cool to just have a set of guitar string overall the music bars, from top to bottom.
pitchgender can just be represented by Hz, the shorthand for hertz which is a unit of measurement for pitch/sound.
gendermajor and genderminor, there is mentions of symbols for major and minor here.
We’re not sure what to do for gendernocturne and gendersonata, but if my friends who id as those come up with anything, i’ll let you know.
So I messed up and didn’t realize there’s already a general musicgender flag (but none of the others)
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[Image: Flag with 6 stripes with thinner black stripes separating each stripe. Colors are: light blue, light pink, lavender, lavender, light pink, light blue. In the center are two combined 8th notes (I think that’s what they’re called. The ones that look like 2 notes fused at the top)].
I do like the idea of making alternatives that are customizable that have a more music-sheet feel as well, since the color meanings for the above just mean ‘girl, boy, and nonbinary.
I’m worried about the flag you posted causing confusion though since it looks almost exactly like a regular sheet of music. 
I made some possible alternatives that still have the music sheet feel 
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[Image: Flag with 6 stripes with thinner black stripes separating each stripe. Colors start from light paper colored, gradually getting darker until its a light brown in the center, fading back out to the light paper color]
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[Image: Flag thats the color of old paper with a hollow black rectangle in the center, further divided by 3 more horizontal lines].
What do you think about either of these?
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Various gender terms with no known flags (part 31)
Privagender: A gender personal to you that you're not so comfortable outside people seeing/acknowledging for whatever reason (besides being closeted or fearing oppressors). this can be anywhere from not wanting to be called x gender to wanting people to ignore that you're x gender at all.
Usually you have another gender as well that isn't private, but you don't need to.
Propegender: Varying between very feminine boy, very masculine girl and/or a gray area in between.
From the word "prope", which is Latin for ‘near’ or ‘not very far’, as the gender rarely strays too far towards either binary.
Protogender: Feeling like one’s gender is incomplete or in its early stages.
Gendernocturne: A gender that is individual to the user and typically similar to "genderminor" and is closely connected to nighttime.
Gendersonata: A gender that is individual to the user and typically allegro, or could be described as "fast" and "lively".
Immemorgender: After the latin word “Immemor” which means “To Strum”: A gender which associates itself with the strumming movement of stringed instruments like guitars, banjos, etc.
[Full list of terms are in the google docs if you don’t want to wait for the next posts]
[Link for A-K] and [Link for L-Z] and [Link for text only]
If any of you know if there’s flags for any of these already, please send a link to it so we can add it to the gallery! And if you know who coined it so we can properly credit them (and that includes if it was anonymously posted or the blog deactivated).
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