#gendrya prompt
kittenshift-17 · 10 months
Alright friends, I've recently finished a novel lenngth comp entry for a fandom you'll never know I'm part of, and I need a palate cleanser before I get back to my usually scheduled HP, GoT, A:TLA, BtVS program and maybe revive some of my WIPs
Please send me drabble prompts 🤲🙏 can be a phrase, pairing, vague notion whatever, just send it and I'll try to create something for you 😊
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dragongoddess13 · 2 years
..... 👀👀👀..... if you're open to a Gendrya request, then..... anything fluffy/ sweet/ sexy/ adorkable of them..... canon-ish OR modern??? Basically: whatever you've got!!! MISS YOU!!! Hope you're well!!! and a Happy New Year!!!! 🙌🙌🙌😉😉😉💜💜💜😘😘😘
I went with modern!
“Are you flirting with me right now?"
Gendry sighs exasperated and amused. “Arya-“
“Because I am a taken woman. Happily taken.” Arya slurs drunkenly, looking down her nose at him. Which is ridiculous when one considered their height difference.
“Is that right?” Gendry questions.
“Yessss. He’s big and he’s strong and he’s handsome and he’s got a big dick and he’ll totally beat you up.”
Gendry laughs despite the heat blooming in his face and neck. He reaches for her as she stumbles a bit and when she looks up at him again it’s like she’s seeing him for the first time.
“Oh hi baby. Where ya been?”
Gendry chuckles shaking his head. Pulling her into his arms he picks her up.
“Come on you dork, let’s go home.”
Arya grins. “M’Kay.”
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fineosaur · 2 years
"The skirt is supposed to be this short" - Gendrya plsss.
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lavender kiss | m | gendrya
from this drabble challenge
After losing a bet, Gendry and Arya have to attend a Halloween party as a slutty doctor and slutty nurse. Only Gendry can't quite take his eyes off Arya once she reveals her outfit.
When it comes down to things, Gendry’s not usually quite on board or understanding of certain parties. He doesn’t understand why anyone would shotgun a beer can instead of drinking it like a normal person. 
He doesn’t understand why anyone would smoke menthols & switches when regular tobacco is perfectly fine. 
He particularly doesn’t understand why Halloween is such a big deal to university students. Yet there he is, allowing himself to be dressed up in a doctor’s outfit. 
He fusses with the stethoscope around his neck and waits for her to get ready. At least she’s there with him to look just as ridiculous. 
The Riverlands had just started to grow colder. Autumn was a solid season, none of the sweltering heat of summer and pesky bugs of spring, and none of the mornings with ice on his windshield like winter. 
Autumn suited him well. This, not quite so much. 
He lowers his eyes, taking in his reflection. The white coat he wears fits terribly, scrunching at his upper arms where the polyester tries to stretch too tightly. Inside he wears a shirt with a tie and brown slacks. 
As stupid as he looks, he does not fit the criteria of what he was asked to. 
It’s ‘slutty doctor’ and ‘slutty nurse’, remember to show some of that chest hair, Gen.
He sighs and gets himself a drink of water, knowing that he’ll thankfully have the numbing haze of alcohol later in the night. 
Gendry checks his watch and waits on her. It’s a small party, just a few of their friends, all of which will likely get on his back for being late, though it’s always her fault if they arrived late. 
After they lost their bet with Lommy and Hot Pie, Gendry had not taken it so seriously. Arya however was never a very good loser, she taunted the pair of them over the lost game, landing them where they were now. 
He guesses there’s no true difference, if they had won, he would still have to wear some absurd outfit or the other. 
Gendry’s head lifts up when he hears his bedroom door open. She walks into his living room with loud yet graceful heeled steps. 
His mouth goes dry and he takes another sip of his water. Gods, there was no way. 
“Gods, I fucking hate Lommy,” she curses at her reflection. 
Sure he hates Lommy too, but looking at her right then and there, he feels his loathing trickle away ever so slightly. 
He joins her in the living room, sure that his shock is blatant by the expression on his face. 
Her tone is rough and displeased. He doesn’t take it personally at all. 
He swallows tightly and watches her twirl. He must be hallucinating on some level. The tea from earlier was one of her brother’s weird concoctions, he’s sure of it. 
“The skirt–” 
“The skirt is supposed to be this short,” Arya interrupts him quickly enough. “Apparently women taller than 5’5 don’t exist.” 
The frown on her face is exaggerated by her thick, dark brows. They make her glistening grey eyes look colder than they are. 
She turns to check the skirt from the back in the mirror. It looks layered, making it appear puffy like the ball gowns he’s seen on tv. It’s tacky yet exquisite.
Arya finally meets his eyes and her frown dissipates. “Gods, you look constipated,” she mocks. Her heels click as she approaches him and he feels himself grow redder. 
“Just feeling hot in the tie,” he lies. 
“It’s supposed to be slutty doctor, remember,” he curses her for bringing it up. This close, she’s able to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. This close he can smell her and the floral scent she’s wearing. “See, now that’s better. If I have my whole arse out, you should be able to show some cleavage.” She jokes.
It’s impossible not to stare at her arse when she mentions it. Gendry scolds himself internally for being so vile to his best friend. 
He realises she’s caught him and his eyes shoot up to hers. Arya’s completely forgotten her grievances and an amused expression crosses her face. 
“Yeah?” Shame reddens his cheeks further and he rubs the back of his neck as she walks over to him. 
She has a knowing grin on her face as she gets closer, making his chest grow tight. 
“You’re checking me out,” Arya accuses him. 
Gendry can’t help but smile and give a small laugh. “Arya, your arse is out, I can’t help it,” he defends himself. 
“Is that how you speak about women?” She taunts him. 
“I wouldn’t care to look at any other woman’s arse.”
It slips out stupidly but she hears it.
She’s closer than she was before. And even if she’s in platforms, she’s still a head shorter than he is. 
They’ve never spoken about crossing the line in their years of friendship, despite the comments they get so often from friends and family. It would be catastrophic, he tells himself. 
But it’s not like he hasn’t thought about it… almost every time he’s with her. And every time he’s not. 
“Arya?” He asks as she gazes up at him with a smile.
Gendry hesitates. Neither of them has had anything to drink yet, this would be them acting with sober, rational minds. 
How bad could it really be? He asks himself.
“Gods, you’re teasing,” Gendry tells her with a joking gasp. He makes up his mind and pulls her by her waist. “What are you waiting for, Arya?” He asks her with his lips only an inch away from hers.
He sees the excitement tint her eyes, growing darker than he’s ever seen.
Arya kisses him first. He’s more than ready when she does so. He groans on her lips and holds her tighter.
Gendry’s hand goes down to squeeze a handful. He doesn’t care if he’s moving fast. It’s perfect and smooth, even over the fishnets she wears. 
She pulls away to kiss his neck and he drops his head back. His head swims with grief, lust-fuelled, delicious grief. 
“Are we really doing this, Arya?” 
He meets her eyes as he asks the question. If she says no, he would take his hands off her in a heartbeat. But the tug in his heart and the evidence straining in his slacks hope she doesn’t. 
“Can we afford to be late?” 
Gendry doesn’t even bother to check his watch. “Fuck if I care,” he answers swiftly at her assent. He takes her into his arms once again, this time lifting her off the wooden floors and depositing her onto his sofa. 
He lets his eyes wander her body. He stills at her face, taking in the sweet smile on her lips. Her hair is in a tight ponytail at the crown of her head behind ridiculous costume details. 
Gendry gets to his feet, staring down at her and getting rid of his coat. “As hot as you look in all this, I need it all off,” Gendry tells her as his fingers undo his buttons. 
Arya bites her lip with a smile and gives him a nod. “Take them off me,” she demands instead. 
He takes a deep breath in and throws his shirt to the side. He gives her a wide smile and joins her on the sofa once again, taking her in his arms and kissing her with no remorse.
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honestgrins · 1 year
Anyone want a mini-fic?
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bookgendrya · 5 months
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I’m happy to announce that I’ll be hosting Book Gendrya Week from the 5th to the 12th of August 2024. Like with last year’s month this event is for their book relationship, plotlines and the characters themselves. I want to thank my contributors who helped with prompts: @laurellerual & @daceytheshebear. I hope you all will enjoy making gifs, fanfics, meta’s, art, etc. I would ask people participating to not use the show actors.
Please use #bookgendryaweek2024tag so I can find your work :)
Prompts -
Day 1: Contrasting Beginnings
Day 2: Protection
Day 3: Roles
Day4: Memory
Day 5: Found Family
Day 6: 5 Year Skip Proceeds Au
Day 7: Future Speculation or Au
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pixiecactus · 8 months
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🍂​book!(mostly)gendrya fanfic rec (part two)🍂​
well here are the twenty one to forty one next fics, as always most of the summaries were written by me, so if you ask yourself why the summary is really shitty and not appealing, that's why. a high number of these fics are restricted so you'll need a ao3 account to be able to see them. any kind of triggering content i put with the corresponding warnings, same with any minor pairings featured and finally if the fic contains smut (so if that is not a thing you're interested in reading you can skip it)
➤tangled by dayinthelife - gendry giving arya a haircut with awakening feelings and first kisses as a bonus - canon divergence
➤hope with golden eyes - nymeria saves gendry while arya is across the narrow sea, that's it the fic - future au
➤nymeria plays matchmaker by lady_illiya - smut - what the title said - future au
➤on a cold night by jadedwulf - smut - arya takes on kissing gendry to keep warm at night - future au
➤like wenda the white fawn by blacksmithgendry - smut - if arya had stayed with the brotherhood - bwb au
➤to build a home by elenei - arya and gendry start their own family - future au
➤permafrost by acornsandravens - hurt/comfort with gendrya cuddling in the snow - bwb au
➤second chances by elenei - after reuniting, gendry wants to make things right by arya - future au
➤ouroboros by acornsandravens - one of my absolute faves fics - gendrya reuniting at the inn at the crossroads but arya does not show herself, references to acorn hall - future au
➤ocean's wave by a_girl_must_have_a_name - gendry thinking about the ocean and how it reminds him of love and arya
➤hours in grey by acornsandravens - gendrya secret relationship meanwhile arya is bethored to edric dayne - future au
➤my, how you have grown - gendry sees arya in a dress again, misunderstandings and jealousy issues with our usual culprit lord edric dayne - bwb au
➤love blooms with flower crowns by a_girl_must_have_a_name - arya and gendry with flower crowns with a sprinkle of gendrya marriage - future au
➤in the blue of this life by thevelvetroad - smut -arya realizing her feelings for gendry, some miscommunication, drunken love confessions and some adorable and awkward first time - bwb au
➤two trees - same prompt as the other "gendry cuts arya's hair" in this list, equally as good as the other fic - canon divergence
➤unbless you by ohnoshefell - another bwb au, i'm sorry they are my favourite kind, a really good will they, wont they that pays off
➤i thought i'd stay awhile and watch you breathe by ispeakbecauseican - after reuniting gendry likes to watch how calm arya looks when she's asleep - future au
➤pyrolysis by elephant_eyelash - arya, gendry and hot pie friendship, the trio lost in the riverlands and natural medicine - canon divergence
➤blame it on the rain by madaboutasoiaf - mildy smutty - you know that thrope of taking off your clothes in an effort to keep warm, yup that one - bwb au
➤treasure pieces by elephant_eyelashes - gendrya dealing with the aftermath of having grown up as child soldiers in a war torn country (depression and post traumatic stress disorder) married gendrya - future au
➤whisper by gendryxaryatrash - one of my absolute faves fics - across westeros they are rumours about a certain stark princess and one of old king robert's bastards - gendrya marriage and gendrya future children - future au
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ohmtoff · 6 months
DO U HAVE ANY ANGST PROMPTS FOR NEW WRITERS?? tbh it could range from light angst to heavyyy angst i just need angst prompts (nick centric plsss)
omg i think there are much better ones if you search on tumblr but i do have some in mind
- Nick never had a gay male friend all of his teenage years so he always feels a bit lonely navigating his queerness alone.
- (Character/reader) and Nick are dating in secret while Nick is constantly shipped with another public figure. (Character/reader) tries to not let it get to him but leaked pictures from a party leads to insecurities and bottled resentments to surface
- Nick is the only out gay guy in high school so “straight” guys always use him to experiment. Because of this he always feels wanted, but never loved. When (character/reader) approaches Nick, he automatically assumes he only wants his body like the others. (Character/reader) shows Nick what it’s like to finally be the first choice.
- romeo + juliet!au: rivalry between two mafia families, the Sturniolos and (family name), affects the blossoming relationship of their children, Nicolas and (character/reader)
- shameless!au, gallavich inspired: Nick is drunk and heartbroken at (character/reader)’s wedding to a woman his homophobic father forced him to.
- game of thrones!au, gendrya inspired: Nicolas Sturniolo left Westeros to find what’s west of Westeros and also run away from the pain of the realm. When he returns, he reopens old wounds and meets his childhood friend and also past lover, (character/reader)
- Nick and (character/reader) have both been overworked and lacking sleep. Soon they were arguing more often than not, leading to an impulsive breakup.
- Nick has a complicated relationship with food and (character/reader) is determined to help him get through it
that’s all i have rn and sorry most of these is nick suffering lmao
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thereluctantbadger · 1 year
Here it is! The moment you've all been waiting for!
Gendrya Kinktober!
As in years past, the rules will be about the same.
Submissions will begin on Oct 1st and go through the 31st. If you begin a written piece, but if you can't finish it before the end of the month, then you can still continue it after October is over.
There are two prompts per day. If one doesn't suit you, then hopefully the other will! Try to use both of you want an extra challenge! And if neither spark any inspiration then feel free to borrow from another day!
Submissions can be written, drawn art, graphic art, AI art, gif sets, videos, and photo edits.
Gendrya MUST be the main pairing.
There is no word limit for written work! Make it as long or as short as you want!
ALWAYS REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE: Your kink is not my kink, and that's ok. Never bully or shame someone for something that they post. We're all here to have fun and inappropriate behavior will not be allowed.
That being said, submissions that include underage sex will not be allowed, and any submissions including rape or other non-consenual acts must be HEAVILY flagged and tagged.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask myself, @lostinmirkwood , or @welt-verbessererin ! We hope that everyone has fun, and we can't wait to see what's in store for Gendrya Kinktober 2023!
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queenaryastark · 2 years
Arya Multi-Shipping Event Vibe Check
Would anyone be interested in participating in an appreciation week or long weekend centered on Arya shipping? I was thinking of an event with multiple prompts leading up to Valentine's Day. It could include edits, fic, fanart, meta, videos, etc on any Arya ships whether canon (Gendrya, Jonrya, Nedrya, etc) or crackships (Arya/Tommen, Arya/Dany, Arya/Trystane, Arya/Aegon, etc). Please like or reblog if you're interested.
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mysticnightmarewrites · 3 months
WIP Wednesday Sunday
Finally getting around to this prompt lol. Thanks for the tag @justagalwhowrites
Just a few lines from my upcoming chapter of "The Fuck-It List," a Gendrya kinktober fic (modern AU) that I'm still working to finish.
The thought of moving into the dorms had, at the age of eighteen, been freeing, a promise of self-discovery out from under the shadow of her family. But moving back into them for her last year of university felt lonely. What would the world look like when she no longer woke up next to Gendry Waters? His warmth flooded her as he pulled her backward into his broad chest. Arya watched in the mirror as he played with the strap of her bra, which was peeking out from her tank top.  “It’s a shame you have to leave today,” he said, snaking a finger down the top of her shirt and caressing the round curve of her breast. “I’m of half a mind to not let you leave. Not with those sexy legs tempting me.” He knelt down to run a hand up the leg of her shorts, playing with the lacy edge of her underwear.  Arya watched as he dropped a kiss on her hip, where her shirt was riding up.
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cinematicnomad · 1 year
WIP motivation game
tagged by @foxmagpie 🥰🥰
make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It's fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count and add a "show results" for the other vote option).
tag anyone you think may also want to play (no pressure of course).
whichever WIP gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
if somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of a chapter, move to the WIP with the second-highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. repeat until you reach your goal.
optional) share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to the poll or in a reblog!
tagging: @crazyassmurdererwall, @machtaholic, @woodchoc-magnum, @buttercupbuck, @tripleaxeldiaz, @tawaifeddiediaz, @catdadeddie, and anyone else who wants to do this
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scarletvisionss · 2 years
so i'm doing gendrya kinktober. because i never know when to stop myself, apparently, and my brain saw the prompt list and went OH YES I MUST DO IT!!!! i'll be taking bets now on whether or not i complete the whole thing 😂. I was going to do Flufftober but i just didn't vibe with the prompts.
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fineosaur · 2 years
If you still want to do prompts: 126. “You nap. I’ll stay awake” for arya and gendry pls
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only our love | e | gendrya
from this drabble challenge
Arya and Gendry cross paths ten years after they last meet in ASOS. Their awkward silences become less awkward once they ease the tension that had been building between the two of them.
He never expected to see her again. 
It had been years since he last laid eyes on her. So long that her face had started fading from his memory. 
When he saw her again, there was no mistaking it. There well should have been, she had grown so much he almost felt shame from gazing upon her for too long. 
He had done some growing up of his own too. The years had begun to cloud his judgment after a while, he was no longer a hot-tempered teenager, he was now a grown man acting upon fully justified anger. 
They still called him the Bull. Only now it wasn’t so much a joke, and more a respected statement. 
They first heard of her in passing word. She was a shadow, a weapon, not even a woman but a myth that was not even human. 
He knew much of those that were more than human. But with her walking at his side, leaves crunching underneath her boots, he knows she’s just a girl. An extraordinary one, but a girl nonetheless. 
“You’re different,” she told him firmly. 
He didn’t know if her voice had always sounded this soft. It was deep but caressed his ears like the velvet off a white stag’s antlers. 
Since they crossed paths, little words had been exchanged between them. Tension hung like the humidity of the forest air. 
“It’s been some years, I would worry if you said the opposite.” 
She giggled. It was a delightful sound, much like the song of a snowshrike. 
“Some years and even some more,” she joked back. “I wondered if you would even remember me?” 
Gendry laughed at her words. There was no believable reality where he would forget her. She’d seen all of him before he was ready to see himself. And she broke him just the same when she left. 
“I thought you dead, I never forgot you,” Gendry explained. “I mourned you.” 
He grieved in anger, and years later he accepted it all and chose not to hold onto a broken heart at such a stage in his youth. 
“Not dead, not yet,” she told him with a smile. 
Behind her smile, much remained hidden. She might not have been dead yet, but parts of her seemed worn away, much like the rest of them that suffered the war. They were once children of the war, now sour adults still pacing through it all. 
They reached the river soon enough. The sound of the steady stream of fresh water filled their ears. 
It was cold, he did not have to feel the water to know it was. It did not bother her, however. 
He wandered around with an open ear, checking if they were safe to rest. Just as he found her once again, he saw the scars that marked her skin. Beside her on the bank laid her clothes. 
“Arya–” he tried stopping her, but it was futile. When did she ever listen to anyone but herself?
Now that she was lowered into the waters he remembered to look away. He had known the look of a woman’s body, he was no prude, he had known the company of men, women, and others over the years.
But this was Arya. He had known her when they were children when she thought she could fool him into thinking she was a boy. When he was too young to realise what love was. 
She was the first person to see him and show him what it felt to have someone who cared. 
“Gods, I don’t think I’ve grown that ugly– you don’t have to stare away that angrily.” 
Her tone dripped with mirth. Gendry allowed himself to look her way, but it was hopeless for him. Her body was hidden by the water and her hair pooled around her with dark inky strands. 
“I’m not some peeper, I’ll be on the lookout so you might have some privacy,” he heard her huff as he walked away. 
Gendry quite easily used his march off as an excuse to get some fresh air. As if that weren’t already in abundance. He needed fresh air away from her, where she wouldn’t see him gasping over her getting undressed in front of him. 
He’d been reduced to a teenager all over again. Only she could have such an effect on him. Gendry walked through the forest, knowing better than to stray too far; though she did not look like someone in need of protection. 
He circled back, allowing his fingers to run through his thick hair. He was relieved enough to find her more or less dressed upon his return. She did not seem to feel the cold air at all. 
She twisted her wet hair several times with a dexterous finger. “Gods, do you always look so pained?” Arya quipped. She gave him a smile, a pretty one, he noted. 
Gendry cleared his throat. “I’m not the one who’s gotten comfortable getting naked in front of people during my time away,” he shrugged. 
He kept the same mirthful air as she did. As they always had, only now it seemed they weren’t worrying for their lives. It was as if they were suspended in time now. 
Gendry relaxed and walked towards her, this time choosing to act more comfortably. 
“How did you get all those scars?” He asked her with a soft voice, as soft as he could muster. 
Arya smiled up at him, only for a moment he watched the levity fall before she cheered herself up once again. 
“We’ve only just seen each other after all these years, must we sour the mood so soon?” 
She had gotten wiser. As if she hadn’t already been the smartest person he had known all those years ago. 
Gendry watched her pull on the rest of her layers, finally guarding herself against the winter air. She looked elated now that she’d gotten the chance to bathe. She wrapped herself tightly and got closer to him. 
Her smile reached her eyes. Eyes that reminded him of tempering steel. The way steam rose and curled around him in his forge.
“You’re staring,” Arya said, walking past him and going straight for the stray branch behind him. 
Gendry chose to ignore her, simply choosing to get a fire going for them. 
Arya came back with a sufficient amount of wood. Finally settling down beside him. She didn’t know much about personal space it seemed. 
“You don’t talk much,” Arya told him softly. “You never really were much of a talker but you at least spoke around me.”
“It’s a lot to deal with, Arya,” he opened up. He met her eyes, allowing his to drop to her lips before speaking. “I thought you were dead for the longest time, it’s like I’m seeing a ghost. But it’s stranger because you’re here and you’re acting like everything is all okay.” 
“Why would I act any other way, must I spend my days miserably thinking about what became of my mother? And how I’m supposed to find my sister, or if I have to believe the rumours that all my brothers have died?” Arya’s voice trembled, the farce had fallen and he was to blame. “I will act as I must to keep going, Gendry.”
“I didn’t mean–” 
“I know you didn’t mean it, but…” she sighed and stared at him. Her palm grazed his beard. His chest got tight and he felt the pleasant flutter in his chest at her touch. “I would just like to spend some time being happy to see you. In knowing that after all these years you’re still here. Right where I left you, unlike everyone else I’ve ever known.” 
Gendry leaned into her touch. He brought his hand to hers, he easily engulfed it. “I’ve missed you,” he admitted. The words left his tongue before he had a chance to second guess them. 
Arya laughed. Her laugh might have been the best thing he had heard in a while. “I’ve missed you too,” she replied, leaning into his chest. 
He held her right there, feeling his heartbeat pick up speed. The fire crackled and she looked up at him. A thin sheen glassed over her eyes. 
Moments passed, and they managed to catch a few fish from the nearby river. Something Arya was surprisingly good at. She still carried her skinny blade and used it like it was part of her arm. 
With full bellies and the warmth of the fire near, they sat quiet in one another’s presence. 
His eyes grew tired, he knew she felt the same by the yawn she let out. She was beautiful. Back when they had been younger, he had not known how he felt, it was love most definitely, but not this way. There was no hunger, he had felt the need to protect her and make her feel safe. Not like a brother, but some other category if it existed. 
Now, the same instinct knocked at the door. Only he could not help but feel the creeping feeling in his chest that he knew to be lust. 
Gendry felt lecherous by all means. She had been her friend, she trusted him. He was no better than any other man.
“You keep staring at me that way, what does it mean?” She asked him curiously. 
“In what way?” 
“Pained, but in a different way.”
The apple in Gendry’s throat bobbed as he swallowed back his guilt. “You look different, that’s all,” he noted in the most neutral tone he could conjure.
“You were one-and-ten when I last saw you,” Gendry told her. He gestured her way to put some evidence into his explanation. “Now you’re a woman grown… one-and-twenty. It feels hardly real.” 
Arya sipped water out a wineskin. She used the back of her hand to wipe her lips. “And you’re a man grown… though you already were when I left.”
“We’ve both changed in our own ways, I just… I had so much to say to you when you left and now my tongue does not even remember the words.” 
“Let’s make you remember,” Arya said. It didn’t take her even a moment before she pressed her lips to his. 
It was the last thing he expected, but he sat there, pleasantly surprised. It took a moment before he acted upon it, realising when their tongues grazed each other that this is what she meant. 
Gendry pulled her in, bringing her into his lap as swiftly as he would holding a feather. She moaned softly in his arms and sat comfortably enough that she was able to let her hands wander. 
Her hands went into his hair, tugging at his neck to get him as close as possible. His head rang, like a hammer hitting an anvil. His mind went numb and nothing existed but her. 
They broke away just for a moment. A moment made up of heavy stares and dilated pupils. Her cheeks were flushed and he felt his body react stiffly. 
She stared up at him. Her grey eyes glittered like the night sky. “I’m not leaving you again,” she told him. Reading his mind before he has to utter the words he was dreading. 
He kissed her again. The kiss bruised his lips and contained the desperation of a thousand soldiers. He didn’t articulate his relief, choosing to let his actions show his feelings. 
Gendry was never a winner when it came to expressing himself verbally. He was better at doing. But for her, he would do it all. 
Her hands were fluid, unlatching his cloak and beginning to tear through the fastenings of his jerkin. He groaned softly and stared at her. 
Arya undid the twists in her hair, allowing a cascade of brown waves to fall down her shoulders. 
“What are you doing to me?” 
read more on ao3 - the rest is pure smut that i won't post on tumblr due to no porn policy and i don't want to have any issues lol
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Rules & Requests
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No bullying
No backlash of other people’s ships, opinion, and/or requests
Have fun!
If you want to be added to any taglist I have, please don’t leave a comment. Instead, go to the ask box or private message me.
All violaters of these rules will be sent to the chopping block(ed)
Pairing: Gendrya, Sansan, etc. (Active)
Ship Requests: Who would I ship you with? (On Hold)
Would Include: Dating a certain character would include... (Active)
One-Shots: About certain characters. Not necessarily pairing with other characters. (On Hold)
Imagines: Character x Reader (On Hold)
I accept requests that include: Most characters, M/F, M/M, F/F, smut, angst, platonic, polyamorous, incest, male reader, female reader, gender neutral, etc. If you do not see what you’re looking for, feel free to ask! 
Characters I won't write for:
Joffrey "Baratheon"
Ramsay "Bolton"
Larys "Clubfoot" Strong
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Need Inspo for Request? ⤵️
Random Writing Prompts Generator
Masterlist Here
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If you don’t have any requests, I’m also up for just discussing the fandom as a whole! Send me ravens about your opinions and theories, or ask me about mine!
Like, reblog, and comment on my works! I appreciate the support! Friendly reminder that reblogging is not the same as reposting! Reblog all you like...
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bookgendrya · 5 months
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gendryaprompts · 3 years
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121 notes · View notes