#general kirigan fic
cavillanche · 8 months
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Aleksander is drawn to an injured healer. Rated T ~3,000 words
General Kirigan strode through the camp toward the medical tents. When word reached him of the attack against a group of healers traveling to the front, he was in his carriage in less than two minutes.
"How bad is it?"
"It's bad, sir." The camp healer wiped his brow. "There were six of them traveling when they were hit. One died there with one of the guards. Another died in transit. The others barely survived."
"The surviving guard?"
"Through here."
Kirigan stood over the heartrender guard while the healer woke him from sleep.
"General, sir."
"Don't try to sit up." Kirigan sighed. "Can you tell me what happened?"
The man recounted the ambush. "We would all be dead if it weren't for her."
"One of the healers, sir. Nadia, I believe. She was one of the first injured, and took multiple hits, but she managed to keep healing the rest of us. I don't know how she found the strength."
"Rest." Krigian put a hand on the man's shoulder, then turned to the camp healer. "Take me to this healer he spoke of."
Deeper into the tent, the woman lay unconscious. Gashes crossed her cheeks and forehead. Blood soaked her braided chestnut hair.
"Her kefta stopped damage to the major organs, but she had several injuries to her face and head, and her leg was broken. The bone broke the skin. There are only two healers here at the camp, myself being one. We've had to split our attention to keep them all alive and comfortable. So, none are fully healed yet."
Healing when hurt wasn't easy, but to heal so many others in her condition, Kirigan knew this woman was special.
"Can she be moved?"
"We have nowhere to move her, sir."
"To the Little Palace. Can she be moved?"
The healer fumbled over his thoughts. "It would be risky, but possible."
"Risky how?"
"A jarring ride could open a healing wound."
Kirigan looked around the tent at the couple of people sitting up in their cots. "What about the other healers? Are any of them able to travel? To help keep her comfortable?"
"Yes," he nodded. "One could."
"Good. Prepare this woman to ride back with me in my carriage. Whatever needs to be done."
"Yes, General."
The camp healer walked away to carry out the order, but Krigian stayed for a moment. He put a firm hand to her head.
"What makes you such a fighter?"
He slipped out before anyone saw.
The ride back to the Little Palace was longer than usual. Kirigan ordered the driver to go slow and take the easiest path, but the woman still groaned in her sleep as the carriage rocked.
"What's your name?" Kirigan asked the accompanying healer.
"Liliya, sir."
"And her name?" He nodded to the floor where she lay on the stretcher.
"Nadia Kozlova, sir."
"Is it true? Did she save your life?"
"I don't remember much, sir. It happened so fast. But I do remember when I hit the ground. The attackers seemed to know that the kefta would protect us. They went for our heads and legs. My leg was broken like hers. I looked over, barely able to focus on breathing let alone healing, and she was healing my leg from where she fell. Then she moved to the next person."
"If you are well enough, Liliya, I'd like you to care for her once we are at the Little Palace."
"I'd be honored to help her, General. I owe her a debt."
Nadia woke up in a strange room. Lush and pleasant, but unfamiliar. That was the part that frightened her. Her eyes darted around the room looking for the door when she spotted a familiar face sleeping in the chair next to her bed.
"Liliya? Liliya!"
Liliya jolted awake and got to her feet.
"Nadia, you're awake. Oh, Saints. You had me so worried."
"Where are we?"
"We're home." Liliya smiled.
"Little Palace? But this isn't my room."
"No, General Kirigan put you in one of the suites."
"The General? Why?"
"Because of what you did. Nadia, you very well may have kept us all alive."
"She very well did." General Kirigan appeared in the doorway. Liliya stood, and Nadia tried to sit up. "Please, stay resting. Liliya has done a good job healing you, but you deserve a rest."
"I was only doing my job, sir."
"Until your last breath. Or it would have been had the extra guards not arrived when they did." He nodded at Liliya. "Leave us."
After Liliya was gone, Kirigan took her seat.
"The other healers just lay there. Dying. You healed them all as you lay broken. Where did you find the strength when others couldn't?"
"Simply a will to live, sir."
"Yet no one was healing you."
"I just… I couldn't let them lie there in pain. Not if I could help."
"Compassion for our people. Not something often seen, even among our own." The General stood. Nadia tried to sit up, but he put a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. "When you are well again, I would like you to stay on as my healer. Your power is unlike the others. Stronger. I may need that at my side one day."
"General Kirigan…" He put out his hand to stop her as she sat up. "Please," she said, "let me rise to accept. I am well enough."
A smile tugged at the dark General's lips. "Very well."
Nadia got to her feet and stood as straight as she could. The realization that she was in a night dress almost made her flinch, but she faced her General.
"I accept, sir. It would be an honor.
"Good. Now, back to bed."
The grin on his face made her laugh. "Yes, sir."
He held her covers while she climbed back in, then pulled them over her.
"I will return your healer to you. When she says you are ready, your service will begin."
"Yes, General."
Nadia followed two paces behind General Kirigan, to the left of his heartrender, Ivan. Kirigan had barely spoken to her since she took the position as his healer, yet she was with him most hours of the day.
This day led to a meeting with the leaders at the front. More planning. More strategizing. Nadia sat in the corner of the room, bored almost to tears. The only thing that kept her from falling asleep was watching him. Kirigan fascinated her. He was intelligent. He was powerful, and feared by many, but he had a calmness to him. Some found it more terrifying than if he had an ill temper, but not Nadia. Something in his calmness spoke of a life of experiences she couldn't imagine.
She'd seen him angry once, and that most definitely scared her, because the calmness remained, barely cracked, as he seethed out an order through gritted teeth. The shadows that followed him surged before he took a deep breath and pushed them back.
She saw that anger bubbling now as the meeting came to a close. She'd paid no attention to the discussion, so she had no idea what made him angry, but she could see it beneath the surface.
He held up a hand as Nadia and Ivan followed him from the room.
"Leave me."
They stopped as he continued down the hall.
"Do we wait here?" Nadia asked Ivan.
"No. He'll call for us if he needs us."
"He looks upset. Should we make sure he's all right?"
Ivan scoffed. "Sure. If you have a death wish."
He walked away, but Nadia followed the General as he turned the corner at the end of the corridor. He was headed toward his chambers.
She almost froze as the slamming door echoed down the hall. Maybe she did have a death wish. She hesitated before knocking.
"Go away!"
"Sir," she raised her voice to be heard through door, "I'm sorry, sir, I just—"
The door flew open. "What do you want?"
"You seemed upset. I wanted to check on you. Is there anything I can do?"
Kirigan narrowed his eyes, and Nadia braced herself for a berating. Instead, his eyes softened and his shoulders fell.
"Come in." He closed the door and removed his kefta. "What can a healer do to soothe anger and frustration?"
He stood at his desk, shifting papers around.
"I can't help as a healer, but as a person… I'm a good listener."
"You were in the room for the meeting. If you're such a good listener then you should already know what's bothering me."
"I must admit, I tend to lose focus in those meetings. I'm not military minded. I get a bit…"
He grinned and Nadia relaxed a bit.
"Yes, sir."
"So, your compassion goes beyond healing the fatally injured."
"I hope so, sir. Otherwise, what good is it?"
He stopped and stared at her so long that she had to look away. She fidgeted, thumbing the ring on her index finger.
"You shouldn't play with your amplifier."
"How did you know?"
"I noticed it while you were still recovering. Your power is much stronger than other healers. An amplifier would make sense. And still…" he walked around his desk and stood in front of her, "even without the amplifier, your powers have always stood out, haven't they?"
"Yes, sir."
"I sensed it from the moment I saw you. So much power, yet you still care so much for others. You are truly special, Nadia."
Her face flushed, and she looked down.
"Perhaps sharing my concerns with you would help ease my anger."
Kirigan paced while he recounted the meeting. Despite her lack of military interest, Nadia listened intently. Her focus never wavered, even as the shadows grew. Nadia stood quietly until the room was almost devoid of light. Then she risked touching his hand.
"Your darkness is consuming us."
"Surrounding, not consuming." But even as he spoke, the shadows withdrew. "Were you afraid?"
"No, sir. But I've noticed that your shadows expand when you're upset. Only, these weren't receding."
"Not afraid. Worried about how I felt."
"Yes, sir."
Krigian brushed a finger over Nadia's cheek.
"You are special," he whispered.
"Does no one else show concern for you, sir?"
"Only when they believe my troubles will affect the outcome of a battle."
"I'm sorry, sir."
"Call me Aleksander."
"When we're alone, call me Aleksander."
"Sir, I don't think—"
"Please." He splayed his hand across her cheek, his thumb brushing the corner of her mouth.
Words failed her, so she nodded.
"Thank you for your compassion, Miss Kozlova."
Aleksander smiled. "Nadia."
She stilled as he leaned toward her. His hand slipped from her cheek, down her neck, and pulled her closer until a knock on the door made her jump back.
"What?" Aleksander yelled.
"I have an urgent update, sir." Ivan replied through the door.
Aleksander sighed and kissed Nadia's hand. "Thank you for checking on me."
"Of course."
Nadia followed behind Aleksander and Ivan. More bad news from the front had the General changing tactics. Ivan listened to the orders as they entered Aleksander's chambers.
Ivan nodded and Nadia turned to follow him out.
"Not you, Miss Kozlova. You stay."
Ivan sent a raised eyebrow her way, but left and shut the door.
"Is there something you need, sir?"
"Yes." He pulled the collar of his shirt aside to reveal a large burn where his neck met his shoulder. "I got a bit too close to a new inferni while he was practicing."
"You weren't wearing your kefta."
He hissed as he pulled his shirt over his head. The burn went down his arm, to his elbow.
"Were there no other healers around?"
"I wanted you."
She looked up into his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"No time. This is the first private moment I've had all day."
Nadia crossed her hands, then moved them down the burn, hovering over Aleksander's skin. He sighed with relief, then took her hand.
"Thank you."
"It's my job."
Aleksander slid his hand behind her neck and pulled her forward. He paused, his lips hovering over hers.
"This is not part of your job. May I?"
He smiled and softly pressed his lips to hers. Nadia brushed her fingers over his jaw, then slipped her hand into his hair, deepening the kiss. Aleksander wrapped his arms around her waist as she slid her hands down his bare chest.
He broke their kiss for just a moment and rested his forehead against hers, then he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to his bedchamber. It wasn't until he lay her down that she realized the extent of his intentions.
"Aleksander, wait."
He froze, but didn't pull away.
"What's wrong?"
"This is just… it's too fast." She panted the words. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize." He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. "I'm a patient man."
His wide smile made her blush, and she bit her lip. Aleksander tugged at it with his thumb, pulling it from between her teeth, and kissed her again.
"I should go," she said.
"Please stay. I did need your healing powers, but I also want your company. I promise to behave myself."
He led her back into the other room and pulled his shirt back on.
"And what will we do?"
"Talk. Kiss?"
Nadia laughed. "Both appealing choices."
Aleksander leaned against his desk and smiled. He was more relaxed than she'd ever seen him as he reached out his hand. She hesitated, but took it, and he pulled her into his arms.
"Did Ivan know about your burns?"
"And did he try to murder the poor bastard who did it?"
Aleksander laughed. "He probably thought about it."
Nadia rubbed down his arm where his burns were.
"Why didn't you call for me right away?"
"I can't be seen as weak."
"Those were serious burns."
"I've had worse injuries. I knew you would heal me eventually. I could endure the pain for a while."
"You endure so much already. Let me help where I can."
His eyes widened for just a moment. "What do you think I endure?"
"Think? No. It's obvious that you endure the responsibilities of leading an army. You endure the burdens of the Grisha, our suffering and survival. No one can endure all things alone, Aleksander. Not even a man as powerful as you."
He caressed her face with both hands.
"You see me so well, do you?"
"Tell me I'm wrong and I'll never mention it again."
"I do bear the burdens of our people… in many ways. Everything I do, including leading the army, is for them."
"I know." She smiled. "I see your compassion. And yet, you think mine is special."
Aleksander kissed her so hard that she whimpered. His hands slipped back to her waist, and pulled her closer.
Nadia turned away to breathe, but he continued down her neck.
"I'll have to check your definition of 'behaving.'"
Aleksander laughed. "I'm sorry. I can't seem to help myself when I'm alone with you."
"Then, perhaps I really should go."
"I have some free time tomorrow. Will you go riding with me?"
"Just us?"
"Just us."
"That sounds lovely."
Nadia stood at his door. Their first night back at Little Palace. She'd tossed and turned all night, trying to sleep after the horror she witnessed on the battlefield that week. Sleep only brought nightmares.
She knew if she knocked on his door she might no longer be able to resist him. The past few months had been spent stealing kisses and talking long into the night. Was she ready to admit her feelings? Did he truly see her as more than a conquest?
With a deep breath, she knocked. She waited for him to call out, but there was no response. She was ready to knock again when he opened the door.
"Nadia… is everything all right?"
"I couldn't sleep. I thought you might be awake."
"Come in."
The room was shrouded in shadow, and Nadia pulled her robe tighter around her.
"Aleksander, you're upset."
He glanced around the room, but the shadows remained.
"We lost so many people this week."
"I know." She took his hand and caressed his face.
"It's been a while since I've had a good night's sleep. It makes it harder to fend off the darkness sometimes."
"Then try to sleep. I'll leave you to rest."
"Aleksander, I can't—"
"No. I only want your presence. Just lie with me." He pressed her hand against his face. "Please."
The darkness seemed to surge around them.
"I'll stay."
He pressed a soft kiss to her lips then led her to his bed. Robes removed, they slipped beneath the covers, and Aleksander pulled Nadia into his arms.
"If we blow out the bedside candle we won't be able to see each other in this darkness," she said.
Aleksander pressed his lips to her forehead and closed his eyes. The shadows retreated, and the moonlight seemed even brighter than usual. He blew out the candle.
"I always want you to see me, Nadia. You're the only one who does."
She caught a glimpse of tears in his eyes.
"Surely someone has seen the real you before."
"Once. Many years ago. She was a healer, too."
"What happened?"
"She was murdered in front of me."
"I'm so sorry."
"I loved her."
Nadia rested a hand on his chest. "And have you loved since?"
He stared at her so long that she thought she'd offended him.
"Not until now," he whispered.
"Aleksander… I…"
Nadia brushed her fingers over his jaw. She never thought this man could ever love her.
"Make love to me, Aleksander."
He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. He took the hand at his chest and laced their fingers together.
"Not tonight," he whispered. "I don't want our first time to be out of a shared misery."
Nadia smiled. "I can wait."
"You won't have to wait long." He grinned. "Tonight, I just want you in my arms."
"That's where I'll be."
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lesbianjackies · 2 years
🗝️aleksander morozova masterlist🗝️
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key: ❤︎︎ - fluff, ☁︎︎ - angst, ★ - smut
coming soon!
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frost-queen · 2 years
That’s the deal (Grisha!Reader x Kaz Brekker)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic​, @theletterhart​, @alex--awesome--22​, @elllie-does-the-posts​, @floatlosers​, @merlieve​, @queen-of-books​, @glimmering-darling-dolly​, @denkisclown​, @wildieflower​, @meyocoko​, @bubblybrianna​, @justanothercoco​ @idkwhatmyusernameis,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23​, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr​, @swampthing07​​ 
Summary in short: The crows find themselves at the little palace in search for the Sun summoner. Instead Kaz stumbles upon someone else very alluring. Having been discovered, Kaz makes an escape through the crowd, blending in with a very confused yet complying Grisha. Unable to stop thinking about him, you sneak out of the little palace in the hopes of meeting your teasingly criminal once more. Moved to Ketterdam you are kept out of sight in fear of any soldiers coming for you. Left alone with Kaz tensions rise till it makes him take actions for his meddling feelings. 
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“In and out as quick as we can.” – Kaz told Inej and Jesper. – “No detours and no distractions.” – he made clear seeing Jesper eye a passing Grisha guard. – “Wha?” – Jesper answered baffled as if everything was always his fault. – “We need to stay focused.” – Kaz reminded them clearly. – “Find the sun summoner and leave.” – Inej whispered sticking close to the walls. – “Exactly.” – Kaz responded lowly. His gaze gliding from wall to wall. Taking in every little detail of the little palace. 
They came to a stop. Jesper fidgeting at the guard’s uniform he was wearing. Kaz snapped his finger in front of him to make him stop. – “It itches.” – Jesper whined out annoyingly. – “There will be a lot more itching if you don’t act your part!” – Kaz made clear with a cold glare. Jesper huffed loud moving his hands up in defense. – “Alright easy with the threats.” – Jesper mumbled. Kaz went his way as three was a crowd and a crowd drew too much attention. 
Jesper continued to rub the fabric harshly against his collarbone. – “It itches am I right?” – he asked Inej, sighing loud as she had disappeared. Shaking his hands humorously he was once again speaking to the walls. Each crow having gone a different way in search of the sun summoner. That was the job. Get in, secure the sun summoner, and get out. The reward one million kruge. A fine prize to simply kidnap one person.
You exhaled deep, gaze lowered to the ground. All around you Grisha whispering and chatting in the wait of the sun summoner. Across the room you spotted General Kirigan. His gaze met up with yours, giving you a firm nod. You lowered your gaze going a bit through your knees as a respective response. There were people standing with you, but they weren’t really speaking with you. You simply co-existed in the room with everyone else. Yes, the sun summoner Alina Starkov was a very interesting person. 
Just all the attention and balls were a bit too much. All in favor of her. You noticed some people getting on the tips of their toes or looking anticipating at the door. You looked as well. The doors opening to reveal Miss Alina Starkov in black Grisha wear. No one ever wore black but General Kirigan, so it was quite the spectacle. Her eyes fell immediately upon him as she entered. People clearing the way for her to reach General Kirigan. He held his hand out for her as she happily accepted it. A fluster on her cheeks. 
General Kirigan whispered something to her, seeing her giggle giddy. – “A demonstration?” – he declared showcasing her. Everyone clapped. General Kirigan brought Alina to where you were. He let go of her hand as she got on a higher platform. You stood underneath her watching General Kirigan return to his place. There he opened his hands the room slowly darkening. 
You spotted two new guards enter the room. Two you had never seen before. They looked wonderous around as the room darkened. A shadow creeping down from the ceiling to the floor, covering the room in eternal darkness. Pitch black with nothing to see or make out. No shapes, no silhouettes, just complete darkness. Still enough to hear your own heart beat out loud.
Then near you emerged a little light in the palms of her hand. Gently growing larger as it casted an illuminating light in the room. All eyes on the sun summoner in awe. Yet two pair of eyes were not focused on her. One of the newly entered guards was looking somewhere lower then the sun summoner. Catching his gaze it was clear he was staring at you in the alluring light. The gaze grasping you by the throat. Heart thumping louder against your ribcage. 
The sun summoner seemingly of no interest to him. Yet a simple Grisha was. Alina casted all General Kirigan’s shadows out. The room taking on the normal light once more. Loud clapping filled the room. General Kirigan staring deeply affected at the sun summoner. She returned to him, making her way across. Kaz and Inej shared a look. Inej in wonder, Kaz not so sure. They rejoined in the room, standing close to each other. – “She is real… Saints she is.” – Inej said to him. Kaz observed the room, eyes lingering on a particular Grisha girl. – “Hey!” – they suddenly heard from behind them. 
Turning around a Grisha appeared with six guards behind him. He pointed firmly at them. Kaz and Inej simply had to nod to each other, knowing they have been discovered. Inej disappeared easily as Kaz pressed through, further through the crowd. He dismissed of the silly hat as the crowd swallowed him whole. Seeing the guards were in pursuit. A dance filled half the room. Grisha dancing alluringly. General Kirigan and Alina Starkov amidst them.
You rose from your bow, moving your hands gracefully sideways. Then to the other side, spinning around. Taking a firm step forwards you met up with your partner. Hand brought upwards along with his. Dancing in tight paces. No smooth movements from the next step to the other. Rather tight and firm step by step aside from each other. You lowered your hand, turning your shoulder forwards, brushing past your partner. Back to back. You moved to face your partner once more as he took your hand, rising it up. 
You stepped underneath his arm letting go of his hand. As you turned back, eyes widened at your sudden new partner. It was clear you were confused as the guard from earlier was by you now. – “Don’t utter a word.” – he said lowly taking a step forwards. You nodded moving your hand up. He did as well, hands barely touching as you slowly turned around. Both turned away from each other to rejoin seconds later. You shot your arm up, arched to the side. 
The guard copied you, holding his other hand behind his back as did you. He lead you, taking firm, large paces. You had to follow taking large steps backwards as people needed to clear way for you. You spotted the guards looking around. Grabbing people by the shoulder to look at their faces. Suddenly it became clear to you. – “You are no guard?” – you said waltzing to the side. Hands nearly touching, but never in contact. – “What gave me away?” – he curled up a smirk.
He noticed others twirling their dance partner around. He took a hold of your Grisha uniform, giving you a good spin. Grabbing the fabric by your hip, he put a stop to your spinning. – “The guards behind you.” – you answered with a cheeky smile. Kaz looked over his shoulder coming in immediate action. He putted some fabric near your wrist between his fingers, holding your arm arched up. He started moving back with you, cutting through the dance room. – “Are you a criminal?” – you asked out of breath. He smiled cunningly as your arm dropped to the side. – “Would you like me to be?” – he responded teasingly. 
To not stand out, he needed to copy the dance movements of the others. They took the hand of their partner, stepping forwards. Then backwards as their joined hand rose and fell. Kaz held your sleeve’s end between his fingers copying their routine. – “You have a funny way of touching your partner.” – you said chuckling. Kaz stared in your eyes, breath caught. – “Perhaps I am gentle around a rare flower.” – he answered flirty. – “Or you are simply scared to touch me.” – you pointed out, letting your back brush close to his. 
He caught your sleeve once more, pulling you to a stop. You rejoined him, moving your hand down near his cheek. You gasped when his palm pressed deeply onto your lower back. – “Who is afraid to touch who now?” – he smiled at you flustered cheeks. You spotted the guards drawing nearer. Taking his hand you twirled underneath it. Moving further down the room with each spin, Kaz needing to follow you hastily. People who weren’t dancing made way. You neared the walls grabbing him by the shoulders as you spun him around. His back to the wall.
You stepped close to him, moving your arms around his body. Fidgeting behind him to find the doorknob blindly. Kaz swallowed nervously taking in your perfume as your lips neared his face. You smiled hearing a loud click. Kaz smirked having heard the sound as well. – “Run.” – you whispered to him, his eyes almost rolling back with pleasure of hearing your voice so close to him. He pushed the door open with his back, bringing his finger to his lips to hush you. You did the same with a flirty smile, watching your stranger disappear in the hallway. – “Y/n!” – you heard, turning around sharply. 
“Have you seen someone dressed as a guard, has a bit of a limp?” – he asked. You shook your head blocking the door with your back. You then gasped pointing in the crowd. – “Is that him?” – you called out. His head turned signaling his fellow men to follow him. Letting your back fall against the door, you swooned thinking back about him. How he only had eyes for you at the demonstration. How he suddenly got rid of your partner to dance with you. Clearly as a distraction to escape, but still you were pleased he chose you out of all girls. There was something so alluring about him that drove you wild.
“Where is the sun summoner?” – Jesper asked when Kaz joined him by the carriages. Kaz shot him a glare. Inej dropped down beside Kaz silently. – “Where the hell have you been?” – Jesper called out, looking at her. Inej frowned. – “Finding the sun summoner. What have you been up to?” – Inej asked approaching him. Jesper ducked when Inej plucked some hay from his jacket, showing it to him. – “Uhm… I don’t know how that got there.” – Jesper spoke as Kaz rolled his eyes. 
“Right?” – Inej answered throwing the hay at him. Inej then looked at Kaz who was looking back at the little palace. – “What caught you off guard?” – she asked. He hummed loud, having heard her half. – “I thought for sure you’d have the sun summoner.” – she pointed out. He looked away, not wanting her to see anything in his expression. – “Yeah Kaz, I thought at least you would make this plan work. Easy in and out, right?” – Jesper pointed out teasingly. 
Kaz glaring hard at him, withholding himself to smack Jes on the back of his head. – “There will never be another opportunity.” – Inej said. – “And perhaps that is the way it is supposed to be.” – making Kaz and Jesper frown at her. – “You had to see her Jesper. A saint.” – Kaz sighed loud at her saints. – “Uhm guys…” – Jesper said eyes slowly widening. Inej kept speaking of her saints, bickering with Kaz about faith. – “Guys!” – Jesper hissed, ducking down. – “What?” – Kaz called out annoyed, leaning firm against his cane.
Jesper pointing eagerly behind him while trying to hide. Inej and Kaz slowly turning around, eyes widening at a Grisha looking searchingly around. Kaz recognized you immediately. Inej took out her knifes as Kaz moved his hand out to her to stop her. – “She’s alone.” – he said, brows slightly furrowed. – “Good. Easy for me to take out.” – Jesper answered pulling out his gun. – “No!” – Kaz made clear, glaring at Jesper over his shoulder. – “Get in the carriage!” – he ordered. 
“What?” – Jesper answered confusingly, scratching the back of his head with his gun. – “Do as I say!” – he made clear. Inej tugged at Jesper’s arm, pulling him with her. They got in the carriage as you spotted him. You weren’t sure if you could approach him, but the flutter your heart made at the sight of him was undeniable. When you saw him make his way over, you jogged over, meeting him sooner. – “What are you doing here?” – he asked. – “Would you call me a fool if I said I was looking for you?” – you replied nervously. 
Kaz looking briefly away. – “I’m glad to see you are unbound.” – you teased, pointing at his hands. Kaz smiled. – “They would have to do a lot more then send guards after me to catch me.” – he chuckled. You caught Kaz staring drawing you in. Breaking contact, you looked over your shoulder up to the little palace. Thinking about how unhappy and alone you felt lately. It was all for themselves. Only yourself to count on. Kaz must have noticed your hesitance and inner torment as he spoke. – “I am in need of a Grisha.”
You looked back at him, eyes slightly widening. – “I’ll be your Grisha.” – you responded. – “All I ask of you is to take me away from this place.” – Kaz nodded at your request. – “That is the deal.” – he mumbled stepping aside. You approached the carriage without hesitation. Kaz’s gaze lingering on the little palace. Overlooking if no one was coming after you. You opened the carriage door, greeted by two surprised faces. 
Before you could say anything, you were pushed in the carriage by a cane against your back. You stumbled inside, settling down beside the girl. Both of them unable to stop staring at you. Kaz joined coming to sit beside Jesper as the carriage got in motion. – “Who is she?” – Jesper asked curiously as the girl was observing you closely. Kaz’s gaze going towards you. – “An investment.” – he answered. – “Y/n.” – you responded sweetly with a smile. You had a name so it was important to you to share it.
You were pushed into an office with a list of clear instructions. You are not to leave this room. You are certainly not allowed to leave the crows club. Most importantly you stay out of sight. Almost an entire week have you been hidden in this room. After a while you guessed it was to keep you out of sight from any soldiers looking for you. There was after all a Grisha missing from the little palace. You jumped up hearing the door open. It was Inej who entered with food. You gestured for her to place it on the desk. 
You saw she had a burning question on her lips as she lingered in the door opening. – “Yes Inej.” – you said inviting her to speak her words. It caught her slightly off guard. – “I…I was wondering why… why did Kaz bring you along from the little palace.” – she asked. – “A deal… we made a deal.” – you responded looking out of the window. – “What… what kind of deal?” – Inej asked further. – “That is between Y/n and me!” – Inej jumped out of her skin at the voice of Kaz behind her. 
She moved aside for him to enter. Firm expression on his face. His eyes meeting briefly up with yours. Inej apologized taking her leave after a glare from Kaz. The door shut as Kaz, and you were left alone. He removed his coat, hanging it up. You stepped away from the window, going around the desk. – “You could’ve told her.” – you said tracing your finger around the shape of your plate. – “That you are simply in need of a Grisha and that I wanted a way out of the little palace.”
Kaz moved away from you, keeping his distance. He stood between two archways, one hand pressed against a side. His gaze was on you, lips pressing together as his head lowered pained with emotions. – “That would’ve been a lie.” – he answered. You frowned. – “Was that not our deal?” – you questioned. He nodded, keeping his gaze down. He couldn’t lie to himself that it was only a detour to actually have you near. How foolish it was of him to feel so drawn to a person at first sight. 
“But there is more?” – you spoke taking it out of his expression. Kaz swallowed. Your head lifted up hearing some carriages and loud voices. You rushed to the window to look down. Suddenly feeling a presence behind you. Kaz looking over your shoulder down as well. It made you unable to focus on the streets with him so close to you. How on your knees you were for this man, and he couldn’t even see it. Relieved you exhaled as it weren’t soldiers. Simply some drunk folk and a carriage from the menagerie passing by. 
“Do you think they are searching for me?” – you asked. – “They won’t find you.” – Kaz responded as you slowly turned. Swallowing at how close his body was nearly pressed against yours. – “I won’t let them.” – he spoke lowering his gaze on you. Breathing increasing at the way his eyes stared right at you. His gaze drifting down to your lips making him part his yearnful. He had always been repulsed by human touch, so why was his heart now craving for a touch of yours.
Kaz pressed his hand against the window by your head, leaning in closer. – “They’ll have to tear this place down brick by brick to find you.” – he said tilting his head a bit to the side. – “I am but an investment.” – you answered caught so deeply in his grasp. Kaz tensed his jaw, pressing your head back by his hand around your neck, thumb against your jaw. – “Don’t spread false words Y/n.” – replied. – “Kaz.” – you whispered before his eyes closed, lips settling down on yours. At the first touch he pulled away to reflect how his lips withstood your touch. Settled he kissed you again, taking every opportunity to explore your lips with his.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!    
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inknopewetrust · 9 days
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𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰. 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.
𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐈
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐨𝐯𝐚
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 [𝟏𝟖+, 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐨𝟑].
𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
𝐀𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞.
𝐊𝐚𝐳 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞.
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝟒 𝐔
"𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝?"
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I'm just a jealous guy (Aleksander Morozova x fem!reader)
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To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Aleksander Morozova x Grisha!reader
Universe: The Grishavers /Shadow and bone 
Word Count: 1221
Requested: Yes, by my sweet annon.
Warnings: mention of jealousy, shouting someone out, mention death (Luda), making out, a quick mention of sexual activity - it ends before something happened.
If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your wellbeing is important to me!
Summary: The one where he is jealous. 
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Aleksander walked through the corridors of Little Palace, trying to find one of his most trusted Grisha, who was also the person who made his heart beat a little faster. He lived for centuries, hiding his identity from people, always hiding his emotions, and always striving to achieve his goals. But then they showed on his path - a person with great power and strong will. A person who always cared for the people they loved and who found a way to parts of his heart that he’d forgotten. Somehow, they’d ended up sitting together into late nights, talking about everything but plans for Grishas’ training or plans for the army. He allowed himself to open up for the first time since he lost Luda, and for the first time, he allowed himself to feel again. He was afraid to call it as it was, but the truth was that he loved them. And they loved him. 
The Darkling walked to the training yard, not minding Grishas, who welcomed him. He quickly knew he was in the right place and finally found them. He first heard their soft laugh and then saw them in the middle of the training yard with Fedyor, surrounded by younger Grishas. He knew that they loved to teach them, and they only showed these kids how to defend themself. But something deep in his mind made him angry at the sight of Fedyor’s hand around them. He watched how he moved his hands to their sides and started to tickle them. They squealed at the feeling and tried to escape from him, laughing loudly. The Darkling watched how close they were and how fondly they looked at each other. The betrayal blossomed in his chest. They gently tapped the Heartrender’s chest, smiling widely. Kirigan couldn’t watch it anymore and turned on his heel, quickly going to his chambers. What he didn’t know, they saw him at the last moment, and they started worrying about his hurried departure. They ended her part of the lesson and asked Fedyor to watch their training when they went after their General. After a few moments, they knocked on the doors of his cabinet. They smiled at the sound of this deep voice telling anyone behind them that he was busy. They dared to open them and snicked in, biting their lower lip. 
“Maybe you’ll find a second for me, General?” They leaned against the door, watching him. They knew that even if he didn’t raise his head from maps, he knew it was them. They smiled at how his black kefta perfectly wrapped his tall body. 
“Make it quick. I have a war to win.” They sighed and came closer to him, gently touching his elbow. When he didn’t change his position, they dared to lean against him, resting their cheek on his arm. They could tell that he was tense, and they hated it.
“I know, handsome, and you’re doing an amazing job. But even you, great General Kirigan, need some rest. And I saw you at the training yard.”
“You saw me?” He said mockingly. “You seemed busy with this Heartrender.” He moved away, taking his arm from their grip, and they looked at him surprised. They laughed breathlessly, standing in front of him.
“With Fedyor? He is only my friend. A very close friend, who was the first one to welcome me here with open arms and who made me feel at home here.” They said with a small smile, which faded when he constantly pretended they were not there. “If you want to accuse me of something, say it aloud rather than shutting me out.” When he heard the sadness in their voice, he stopped moving, and his eyes landed on the war figures in front of him. After a few seconds, he breathed deeply.
“Are they really ‘just a friend’?” He murmured without raising his head. 
“Of course, they are just a friend. If you want to know, Fedyor lately was on a few dates with a person you know very well.”
“With who?” Alexander knew about their love for gossip. With time he discovered that it brought both of them joy, so he started encouraging them to spill a bean about it. He also wanted to be wholly sure that they were only his and that there wasn’t anybody else in their life.
“With your own personal Corporalki.” They couldn’t stop a big smile when he looked at them stunned. 
“With Ivan?” They nodded, carefully watching his face. He started thinking about the latest behaviour of this man. “He was a little strange lately, in fact. Like… Happier.” They couldn’t stop the smile rising on their face, and once again, they tried to slowly touch his forearm. They breathed with relief when he didn’t move away this time. 
“Because they are, both of them. Like I am happy when you are next to me because only our loved one can pull some of the strings in our hearts and make it beat faster in that specific way. So I will say it once again. They are only my friend. It’s YOU who has my heart.” They gently squeezed his arm, and finally, he moved closer to them with a look on his face reserved only for time when they were alone. His hands mindlessly moved to their hips, and in a quick move, he made them sit on the table behind them. They let the squeak leave their throat, making him smile widely at what they started laughing. Their hands slowly moved to rest on his shoulders, and one of them mindlessly started fidgeting with the ends of the hair on his neck. 
“You… You made me happy, you know?” He whispered sheepishly, and they could only smile wider.
“I know. Were you jealous?” They bit her lips to stop grinning, especially when they saw a flush coming into his cheeks. He looked above them, trying to compose himself. Before he could answer, they leaned down and softly kissed his bearded cheek. “Please, don’t deny it. It actually… flatters me, you know? I… I always dreamed of having a person who would care for me enough to do it. Even if there isn’t any reason for that.” 
The Darkling gently squeezed their hips, standing between their legs. His hand moved to their thigh, caressing it gently.
“I do care. Every single look from other men or women is enough to feel jealousy in me. To want to show all of them that you are mine.”
“And I always will be.” They whispered, and General immediately leaned down, kissing them deeply. One of his hands moved to the back of their head, gently moving it to allow him better access while the other kept them close. They moaned into his lips, wrapping one leg around him, wanting to feel every centimetre of his body. They were so lost in each other that they didn’t hear the knock on the door or that somebody had walked in. They were too busy unfastening his kefta to care about anything. Poor Ivan closed the door quicker than he ever opened them. After a moment of shock, Corporalki felt happiness for his General and his friend - even a dark soul like him deserved some light and love in the arms of a trusted person.
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Author’s note: Thank you  so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivate me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspellings. English is not my first language.
Klaudia  💜
Taglists are always open! If you want to be added fill this up or send me an ask!
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roselibrary · 1 year
𝐏𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 || 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
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The Darkling x OC Brekker/Rietveld (Grisha Character)
Trigger Warnings: none
Summary: the generals night sky was what they called her. She made his world glow and in doing so he promised her anything she wished.
Requests are open!
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Kaz Brekker often wondered if his sister missed him. He wondered if she ever reminisced about her time with them before she went away. Before she became Grisha. His memory is faint, but he remembers well enough the bright grin, kind eyes that shone their brightest in the dark, the long dresses she favoured and the tight corsets that he only now understands were used as a means of attracting attention. His sister had adored that. Adored the attention her gift gave her. She shone like the stars she commanded flying fast and free and blinked out of sight in his mind just as they did each night. His sister was a shooting star one that had long since left his atmosphere with no intention of returning.
Kaz Brekker remembered the day they came. The red keftas and the blue all stood fiercely in front of his sister who held her otherworldly glow. Then he came, tall, dark, and fierce; a black kefta that swirled about him just as his shadows did. He brought forth the darkness and Kaz watched as his sister glowed; he watched as the stars filled the man's shadows and encircled them both like they, too, were constellations in the sky. Kaz knew, as he hid behind barrels with his brother, that their lives would never be the same again. His sister had always wanted more and as he saw the adoration, greed and, what he would soon come to understand as, lust take hold of the one they called the Darkling he knew his sister would fly away. She, too, had the same look reflected in her own gaze; two souls connected as one that fateful day on a long-forgotten farm. The darkness embraced the stars and in doing so intertwined two souls who would never be parted.
Kaz remembers the shock in his eyes when the darkness faded, and the sun reigned supreme once more. He saw those in red turn swiftly in his direction taking hold of himself and his brother. He watched as his sister's eyes glimmered with something akin to regret and grief before it was gone replaced with that dazzling glow and ethereal smile as she knelt before Kaz.
“Sweet brother, I must leave now. You understand, don’t you? I have to go and help those who are like me but do not worry I will visit,” poor sweet Kaz could not tell how brittle his saint-like sister's smile truly was, “Jordie will look after you, won't you?” his sister turned her head to his elder brother whom was stock still withholding tears he knew couldn’t fall; lest his younger brother realise the true magnitude of this goodbye. Unable to speak the eldest of the two boys simply nodded his head once and swallowed the lump in his throat. The sister's smile faltered for a moment and a degree of hesitancy took up on her visage - at least it did until the hand of a general grasped her own and the assuredness returned tenfold. Once more turning her gaze to her younger brother she smiled sweetly and embraced him for a final time.
A gentle kiss to his forehead and a whispered promise gone on the wind was the last Kaz Brekker felt of his sister before she was swept away in a swirl of black. Ushered into a carriage and lost in the gaze of a man whose eyes were as dark as the night sky, never to be seen again.
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
The Evil Queen
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king!Darkling x queen!Reader
Summary: He made you a villain... or at least he thought so...
Warnings: attempted murder, angsty AF, unprotected sex, sappy happy ending
A follow-up to this
tagging some poor souls I traumatized with the first part 😇 @idaoftheburningmind @elsunwantedopinion @kayhi808 @avaleineandafryingpan @marvelmusing @doriangray-lover
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As the blade you were pressing to his naked chest penetrated his skin, it felt like you were piercing your own heart. The pain was unbearable but you were not crying because of the physical pain, no. Your emotions, those that slowly left you over the past few months have returned with vengeance. Hurting him hurt you more than anything.
You didn't move, the tip of the blade was still held to him, aiming at his heart but it only scratched him so far. The tiniest drop of blood was the only evidence that you have tried and failed to do the unspeakable.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you emerged from the pit of darkness you have fallen into. You were so distracted by the storm of emotions that you didn't even notice Aleksander took your weapon and sat up until he was holding your face in his palms, thumbs brushing away the tears. He called your name, so gently like he was afraid you would break or disappear if he raised his voice.
"Milaya, tell me what you need!" he begs, though he knows you probably have no idea what's going on.
It takes a moment for you to understand what he's asking and another few minutes of broken sobs later you finally can focus on what you feel. The source of the pain is the very thing that stopped you from hurting him. Your heart.
What was once filled with love was replaced with emptiness and misery, like an open wound and the hurt from it spreads to your entire being now. Something was missing from there. Something you needed more than your next breath.
"Tell me what can I do?" Aleksander asks for the third time, his own tears making his vision blurry and his voice breaking up as he tries to stay strong for you.
"I need you." The sudden desire for him burning you from within until you couldn't hold back anymore and let it loose, tearing at his clothes and your own to get closer to him.
"Are you sure?" Your beloved villain asks between kisses as he rolls over you, looking down at you with a worried expression.
"Aleksander, please!"
He sushes your cries with gentle whispers of "I've got you, I've got you."
"Ah!" you cry out as he impales you on his length without preparation, just as you had been urging him. The pain of it helps you focus on something else.
He tries to wait but you whine and squirm under him, begging for him to move, to claim you again, to make you his once more. "Please!"
"I love you." He says apologetically before complying with your wishes.
"I love you." You answer without hesitation, relishing in the truth of it as the feeling slowly starts to burn in your heart again. "More than anything."
His pace is unforgiving, taking you in frantic snaps of his hips against yours, lips claiming your own as the pain becomes pleasure and your shadows turn into blinding rays of light, tangling into his shadows as you become one with your husband again. He clings to you as desperately you you do to him, your high approaching quickly and taking him down the edge with you.
Aleksander hovers over you, barely able to hold himself up as nuzzles into your neck, trying to catch his breath as you are caressing his back.
When he looks up you pull him into a long kiss like you are welcoming him after a long time spent apart. And in a way it's true.
Then you ask a dreaded question. "What did you do to me?"
"Something unforgivable." He turns away, laying on his back and avoiding your gaze as he answers but you move after him, tangling your legs with his as you rest your hand on the spot where his heart beats frantically.
"That's not for you to decide."
Your instant forgiveness makes your Darkling cry as he realises his mistake.
"You already knew everything."
"Yes." You answer shortly but your sad ghost of a smile says more than your words.
"How? Why didn't you tell me?" He's pressing on as he sits up against the headboard, pulling you along with him until you are straddling him.
"I was waiting for you to tell me."
"How did you find out?" He insisted.
"I already had my suspicions..." you say, pausing, afraid to reveal more of his mother's betrayal but seeing no way to hide the truth forever. "She wanted to scare me away from you."
The change was subtle in his expression but you felt his body go rigid with anger and his power trying to surge to the surface with the intense wave of emotion. So you did as you always had and swayed him with your words and affection.
Capturing his chin in your hand, you guide his gaze back to yours and whisper to him between soft kisses.
"It doesn't matter anymore."
"How can you say that?" His voice sounded broken from guilt, the anger quickly turning towards himself.
"I do not care about how we got here. I am yours as you are mine. Forever, if you wish."
Your king returns your genuine smile, pulling you close once again he prepares to make love to you again and again as he whispers his confession against your lips. "That's all I wish for."
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atlabeth · 1 year
(i promise) i've felt worse - aleksander morozova
part 1
summary: you begin to adjust to your life in ravka, desperate to leave your past behind. the darkling will not let you forget so easily.
a/n: i have darkling brainrot rn it's unhealthy. cannot stop thinking abt these two so this may become a series idk. lmk what you think.
wc: 3.6k
warning(s): ravkan and fjerdan religion (there may be inaccuracies though), darkling manipulation, not fluff or angst but a secret third thing
title is from starry eyes by the weeknd
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The Darkling departed soon after your agreement, leaving you shaken and flustered and confused over anything. 
My Tidemaker, he called you, as if you were something special. As if you belonged to him merely because he found you. 
Yes, you owed him your life and your freedom—if he asked favors of you in exchange for such a feat, you would accept. You wanted nothing more than to be free of your debt, of General Kirigan, so you could work as you were and live as normally as you could.
You were a soldier now—that was your new normal. 
Officially a Grisha, a member of the Second Army, a Tidemaker no longer bound to the shadows. Here in Os Alta, in the Little Palace, you’d been freed. You were Fjerdan only by birth, newly Ravkan in your vows. 
You felt nothing. 
Apart from woefully inadequate, of course, but that was a given. A Fjerdan girl does not become a Grisha darling overnight, but you did not know if you would ever truly grow into your title. 
Soldier. Grisha. Tidemaker. The words felt wrong from your lips, even more so from the mouths of others. 
Tidemaker, your instructor called you. Grisha, the servants would address. Out of all of them, soldier was the only that felt correct—if you were capable of one thing, it was fighting. 
In Fjerda, common folk did not speak of Grisha unless to curse their name. You’d never uttered the word Tidemaker until you got your hands on ancient Ravkan texts and spoke it into existence, when you realized you were the very thing you’d been taught to hate. Anywhere other than beneath sheets in the darkest nights and alone by the lakes practicing under the guise of shadows, it did not exist. 
And now you were in Os Alta, a supposed sanctuary for Grisha, and you were meant to live in the way that your blood called for. You’d signed your life away to Ravka, to the Second Army and the King and the Darkling himself in order to become a part of it, and yet you didn’t feel anything other than a keen numbness.  
Numb because the life you’d signed away was akin to nothing. Numb because you had no one out there that would miss you, that would write every so often asking how you were faring. Numb because you had no choice and he knew it.
But you were alive, and you would continue to live, Tidemaker and Grisha and soldier aside. 
That was all that mattered. 
This made it real, you thought uncomfortably.
The room, the clothes— it was real enough, you supposed, but too easy to see it as temporary. A room you were merely borrowing, clothes that had been passed on from your brother who’d outgrown them. 
But the kefta, pale waves spiraling over blue fabric, made perfectly to your measurements by Fabrikators you’d never even met—that was real. It could belong to none other than you.
The Darkling placed the order soon after your vow, and it arrived far quicker than you expected. 
You couldn’t deny it anymore. You were Grisha, and you were going to live like it. 
And so you put on your kefta and buckled your belt and laced up your boots, then you walked out to the beginning of the rest of your life.  
You survived your first day, and then you survived your first week, and now you were well into surviving your first month. You were thrown into the deep end immediately, but you managed. You were nothing if not a fighter, after all. 
There were fewer Tidemakers at the Little Palace than you expected, but all of them welcomed you with easy smiles and kind words. One near your age, a girl named Anya, warmed up to you immediately, and you were surprised at how eagerly you took to her friendship. 
You’d been alone for so much of your life, banished by those who were meant to care for you and demonized by your own people, and now you were surrounded by others just like you, ones who held no malice towards you. Who accepted you. 
You hadn’t anticipated how much you would crave the presence of the other Tidemakers once you’d met them, but it certainly helped with your adjustment. 
Anya was native Ravkan, hailing from Kribirsk. She’d been at the Little Palace for ten years, discovered when she was nine. She served with pride and honor, she’d told you, and that she couldn’t imagine doing anything else. 
(“I’ve witnessed the effects of the Shadow Fold first hand,” she’d murmured. “If I can help piece Ravka back together in any kind of way, I’ll do it without question.”) 
Your fellow Tidemakers also included Esen and Batu, brother and sister refugees from Shu Han who had fled into Ravka together—they made their way to Os Alta three years ago, successfully petitioned the Darkling for a place in his army, and they’d been there ever since.
Ivan, a tall man from Polvost, was half-Fjerdan on his father’s side. It was good to have someone in your corner, one who’d gone through some of the same conflicts as you. It was also quite entertaining to see his head perk up everytime someone called for the other Ivan, a Heartrender and one of the Darkling’s favored Grisha. 
The Darkling. 
The man who had saved your life, the man who had brought you into the fold—he was seen as a savior by many of the Grisha you’d conversed with, and you supposed they had a point. He was immensely powerful, built the Little Palace as a place of salvation, and continuously fought for the good of both Ravka and its Grisha. 
You just… you did not know what to make of him. 
You were adjusting relatively well to your new life, that was true, but you knew your feelings towards him would not be so benign if you had come from anything else. If you had a family back in Fjerda, friends in your village, a lover who you would never see again, this would be a much worse fate. 
But maybe that was why so many served without complaint. Countless Grisha here had little to their name, persecuted in other countries or living in Ravka with nothing. Honorable service for your country while living in one of the few sanctuaries with everything provided was a much better deal than a penniless life on your own. 
The Darkling seemed to have some… some strange interest in you, for you saw him in the margins far too often.
You remember your first day of training, when you were fighting against a Squaller—you looked up when your partner was down, catching your breath for just a moment, and he was there on the walkway above the grounds, watching you. 
It caught you so off guard that your partner took you by storm, and a punch to your face and a sweep of your legs had you groaning on the ground. By the time you’d collected yourself, when your partner offered a hand and pulled you up, he was gone.  
When Batu asked what was wrong later that day, you didn’t know how to respond to her. 
You frequently saw him during your walks to lessons and mealtimes, and though you never looked at or said anything to him and always kept a steady pace, you always felt his eyes on you. He stopped you once, and it was so unexpected to hear your name on his lips that you muttered a hasty excuse on being late for training. To your surprise, he let you go. 
Having the Darkling’s eyes on you added more to your anxieties. It was already too much going from Fjerdan outcast to Grisha practically overnight—you did not need him watching you so frequently. 
You were adapting, but it was all overwhelming—too much of everything for a girl who came from nothing.
Perhaps that was why you found yourself in the church. 
You didn’t know the Little Palace had one, but you supposed it made sense. From what you’d read, some of Ravka’s revered Saints were Grisha in life. Legend spoke of the mythical Sun Summoner, who could destroy the wretched Shadow Fold, save Ravka, and bring Grisha salvation. 
If that was not a Saint, you did not know what was. 
You’d always harbored some respect for Ravka and its Saints, even when you were young. You followed Djel like your family did when you were young, but somehow, you got your hands on Ravkan books and learned what you could of Saints. 
It felt… oddly like sanctuary, especially when you first discovered your abilities. Even more so when you went out on your own, the belief that life could be better for someone like you keeping you going. 
You think it was what led you to them in the first place, a shimmer of light clearing the darkness of Fjerdan suppression to grant you the first shred of power that had been in your veins all along.
“I did not expect to find you here.” 
You were jarred out of your thoughts, and though your heart spiked in your chest you didn’t move, your gaze remaining on the tapestry of Sënje Ulla. Sankta Ursula, rather—if you were meant to be Ravkan, you would have to worship like one.
“I didn’t know you were looking,” you responded quietly. 
“I am the reason you are here,” the Darkling said. You heard him drawing closer, padded footsteps across the carpeted floor. “I feel a responsibility to look after you.” 
You huffed, finally turning to face him. His perfection was effortless, with his black kefta and styled hair and dignified poise, his hands folded behind his back. Worlds apart from you, and yet for some reason he allowed you in his presence. He sought you out. “Allow me to relieve you of that weight, General. I’m perfectly alright on my own.” 
“It is not a weight, nor an obligation. I do it of my own volition.” His eyes remained on you, but it was as if he looked past you, through you—the Darkling was an apt designation, for everything about the man was unnerving. “How have you been adjusting? I haven’t had the chance to ask.” 
You shrugged, crossing your arms around your midsection. “Well enough.” 
Again, the smallest of smiles. “I’m glad. Are your accommodations to your liking?” 
“The room is bigger than the house I grew up in, and I’ve spent the past few months sleeping in blizzards,” you said. “They are more than enough, General.” 
“It is what you deserve,” Kirigan said. You didn’t think you would ever get used to his disposition, how he seemed to so fully believe every word he spoke. “You are Grisha—you should get to live like one.” 
You stayed silent. The luxury might have made you uncomfortable, but you were not going to speak against it. This was your life now, after all. 
“I’ve heard you’ve been training frequently with Squallers and your Tidemakers,” the Darkling said. Though he looked unbothered at his role in filling your silence, he would not lead this conversation. 
“Yes,” you said, grudgingly taking the unsaid hint. “It was…” you sighed, allowing the smile to tug at your lips. “It was amazing, truly. To be around others like me without fear.” 
The lines of his face softened at that, just slightly. “Good. Are the Grisha taking well to you?” 
“Well enough,” you repeated. “I’ve found friends in all the Tidemakers. As for the rest, I mind my own. They have no problem with me.” 
Kirigan frowned, and he took another few steps closer. “You don’t need to merely mind your own. You are one of them.” 
“Do not try and force friendship beyond what it is,” you said, voice stilted. “I am content with this, General. I will be housed and clothed and fed, and I’m far from those that wish to hurt me. I never sit alone at mealtimes, and I’ve smiled more this week than I have in many years. This is far more than I could ever ask for.” 
The Darkling looked as if he wanted to object, but you didn’t give him the chance. 
“I’m here to serve Ravka and the King,” you said, “correct?” 
“Correct,” he answered. 
“Then I see no problem.”
He watched you, gaze all-encompassing, stoic as ever. That was what bothered you about the General more than anything—you could not read him, no matter how you tried, but it felt as if he could see right through your every word. 
“What brought you here?” Kirigan eventually asked. “I did not think you would be interested in our Saints when you have a God of your own.” 
“I… have a strange relationship with Djel,” you said after a moment of hesitation. 
The Darkling looked on with interest. “Oh?” 
“Fjerdans believe the world is connected through its waters, that they feed Djel and are fed by Him in turn,” you said. “You can imagine the turmoil I went through when I discovered my abilities.” 
Somehow, the Darkling’s eyes softened. “Split between two worlds.” 
You nodded. “At first, my parents believed it was a blessing from Djel Himself—a daughter able to control the very waters that He provided, a reward for putting up with a girl instead of a second son. And then they realized I was not a blessing, but a curse.” 
“They did not hurt you,” the Darkling said, an unexpectedly dangerous edge to his voice, “did they?” 
Your smile wasn’t much of one, rather a flattening of your lips into a thin line. “No. They merely banished me.” 
His brows knit together. “I’m sorry.” 
“They tried to adapt, but it’s not an easy feat to undo decades of rhetoric.” You shrugged. “They would’ve put a knife in my heart while I slept had I not left willingly, I’m sure. It was not as if I had much choice.”
“Your brother,” he said. “What of him?” 
At that, you could not help but laugh, mirthless and numb. “He had no idea. He was off training to become a drüskelle.”
“You’ve always been surrounded by enemies,” he murmured.
“My family is not the enemy,” you said quietly. “Just misguided.”
The Darkling laughed, something cold and sharp and unsettling. “Yes. The desire to put a dagger in their daughter’s heart is misguided.” 
Your throat bobbed. A part of you still loved your family, despite everything they had done—everything they hadn’t done. You didn’t know whether that made you weak, stupid, or sentimental. You didn’t think you wanted the Darkling’s view on it. 
“Do you find our Saints a worthier subject?” Kirigan asked in your silence. “They’re not a symbol of hatred, so surely they’re held in higher regard.”  
You met the Darkling’s eyes once more, and yet again you saw nothing. Whether he was trying to gauge you or judge you or, for some saintsforsaken reason, truly wanted to know you, you had no clue, and it was frustrating beyond belief. 
“Yes,” you finally said. “If only because I see myself in them.” 
His eyebrows rose. “Oh?” 
“All of your Saints, they were normal people while alive. They walked among us just as anyone else. Only in martyrdom did they ascend.” You looked around at all the tapestries. “It is far easier to connect with someone who used to be just as you rather than a faceless God, whether it hated you or not.”
“Sankta Ursula of the Waves, for example,” you said, glancing back at the woman in front of you.  “We know her as Sënje Ulla. In your story, the Fjerdans believed her to be possessed by demons simply because she worshiped the Saints. They tried to drown her—”
“But she survived. The city was destroyed in her wake,” the Darkling finished. “I know it well.”
When you looked back at him, his jaw was clenched, eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Just as quickly, the hard lines smoothed out, and you were left back where you started.
“…Yes,” you said. “I feel some connection to her, a woman persecuted for something out of her control. How they tried to destroy her, but it only led to their own downfall.”
“Do you look up to her because it’s something you wish for?” the Darkling asked. “Harm to befall those against you.” 
You frowned, expecting the answer to immediately fall from your lips, but instead it lodged in your throat. 
“It is not a bad thing to want,” he said softly. 
“It is not what I want,” you countered quickly. “Not— not exactly. I want safety— I want asylum. I was raised in a country that wanted me dead. You cannot blame me for wanting the same.” 
“I don’t blame you.” Again, he spoke in that frustratingly level tone, voice irritatingly understanding. It made your teeth itch, your skin crawl. He was too… too nice, for a man of his reputation and standing. 
And so you asked. 
“Why are you doing this?” Your voice was strained, your unease betraying itself. 
“Doing what?” he asked, and you hated how genuine he made it sound. How he always questioned you to keep his strength and acted as if he merely wanted to know. 
“Indulging me,” you muttered. “You’ve just met me, and yet you follow me around, validating my every word. I am not worth this, General. I don’t understand why you won’t just leave me be.”
“…The same reason that you found yourself here tonight,” Kirigan said. “I am able to connect with you.”
“That is ridiculous,” you huffed. “You’re the most powerful Grisha in the world, and I’m some… some stray that you picked up out of pity.”
“It was not pity,” the Darkling frowned. “You needed help. We gave it to you.” 
“And I’m thankful for it,” you said. “But there is no need for anything more. You could have left after your recruiting tactics and remained cordial, and it would have been the same.” 
“I see something in you,” he murmured, and his words sent chills down your spine. “You may not, but I do. You are powerful, yes, but your potential is… breathtaking.” 
“You act as if you know everything about me, General,” you said wryly. “But did you know that I am afraid of drowning?”
“Most fear drowning because they have no way of escape,” the Darkling said. He’d closed the distance without your knowledge, and when you glanced he was just behind you. “You control the seas themself. How could you fear them?” 
“Do you fear the shadows?” you asked. 
“No,” Kirigan stated. “I control them.” 
“Exactly.” You offered a mirthless smile. “It is one of the cruelest ironies of my life. I do not control the seas. They control me.”
“That is why you are here,” he said. “You will learn to wield the power in your veins rather than fear it.”
“I don’t think I will ever fully conquer that fear,” you said. “But that is a good thing.”
Kirigan’s brows creased slightly. “Why?”
“If I fear the power I wield, I will never use it against those unworthy of its wrath,” you said.
“If you fear your power, you will never be able to unlock your true potential,” the Darkling countered. “If you fear your power, you will lose control even quicker.”
“Fear allows me restraint,” you said. 
“It holds you back.” Kirigan took a step closer to you, so close that you could see every detail in his kefta. His presence was stifling, even more so when he held out his hand. “May I?” 
Blood pounded in your ears. You offered your hand. 
He took it, encasing your hand between his, and you felt the same surge as the other day. Icy fire in your core, the manifestation of your power instantly at your fingertips begging to be let loose. 
Your breath caught in your chest. 
“That is your power,” Kirigan stated matter-of-factly. “It responds to your call. You control it.” 
“How can you do that?” you whispered. It was like your voice wouldn’t go above it, afraid that you would shatter the sanctity. 
“I am a living amplifier,” he said softly. “But all I’m doing is showing you what you are truly capable of, if you can move past the fear that paralyzes you.”
“Please let go,” you whispered. 
The Darkling complied and you pulled your hand away. The air returned to your chest, your power receded back to its depths, but the cold still remained, creeping over your skin like the permafrost in your homeland. 
“Many Grisha struggle with restraint,” he said. “It seems you have the opposite problem.”
“I’ve spent years suppressing myself, General,” you murmured. “It is not easy to undo a lifetime of hatred.” 
“Believe me,” Kirigan said quietly, a tight smile pulling at his lips, “I am well aware. Why do you think I built this sanctuary?” 
“I’m working at it,” you said. “Why do you think I have not run?”
Some form of amusement seemed to pass through his eyes, and he nodded as he withdrew from you.
“I will leave you to your devices,” the Darkling said. “I hope our talk has done something for you. Enjoy the rest of your night.”
You nodded, the motion slightly numb, and he walked out of the church and left you alone. His presence lingered even in his absence; a stifling sort of power in the air, traces of warmth on your hands. 
The most powerful man in Ravka had his eyes on you, believed in your potential so strongly he saved the life of a Fjerdan. You had to meet his expectations, lest he regret the chance he’d given you. 
(My Tidemaker, you couldn’t help but think with unease.)
You didn’t want to imagine what would happen if you couldn’t. 
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator @louderfortheback 
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valiantphantomangel · 4 months
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idaoftheburningmind · 2 years
Dawn Greeting Dusk Falling
A reimagining of the events after ‘Siege and Storm’ and a coping mechanism for the SaB S2 ending we would rather not have…
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She had kept a little of his shadow, he enough of her light. This is what made it possible, this meeting at the roiling edge of the Fold where Alina knew she would one day find herself.
Fifty years did he say? She knew it had been more, and still it surprised her as the seasons dragged on that love had endured — the love of so many, and the love of one above all. Even if she had to watch each one shrouded and laid in the ground. Each and every one.
What she means to do here now is neither a reckoning, nor a reconciliation. The moment is simply right. She looks into the shadows, and lifts her hand. The globe of light is muted, as though in a fog; but she knows he will not fail to see it.
There is no rage in the way he says her name, not even a question. They are past that, she supposes.
One who was too young, and one who lived too long; they were here now, nearly unchanged but for her white hair worn unbound. He did not expect her to come sooner, he knew time well enough. He might have thought he knew her as well.
She did not destroy the Fold.
Thought dead after the collapse of the Chapel, legend had it that her spirit guided skiffs as they made each journey. For not a soul has been lost to the Fold since.
That was how she knew that he wasn’t lost. And the knowledge, when she realized it, caused her that day to weep with joy.
The two of them lived because they could not let the other die; when his humanity was burning away, she held on blindly to what remained and he … she could not name what he did, but in the end she knew he had kept her from falling into darkness.
He had kept — some essence, some hope? Light either way.
And a resolve not to lose her to the void.
What was left of him that day was drawn to the Fold, the only place where he could still exist.
A shadow among shadows.
“You might have left me with a fresh set of clothes. An eternity disheveled is its own unique torture.”
She startles with laughter, the unexpected joy at the even more unexpected attempt at humor freeing the tension in her shoulders. She lets herself smile at him, and his smile is genuine as he smiles back.
“Are you angry?” she asks.
“What is anger for?” is his reply.
Flame sputtering to life in sunlight has more purpose.
A silence heavy as the weight of loss they now share settles between them.
“I could not bear it if you turned from me now.”
He spoke the truth. It was the same truth she would always understand, no matter the centuries left to them, no matter their choices that will always hang in the balance.
She reaches for him with a tendril of shadow.
He holds out his hand in welcome.
A/N: For my AU sister @becauseicantthinkwritings who has been putting up with my not-fun era for longer than she should 😅
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frost-queen · 2 years
When darkness needs light (Reader x General Kirigan)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco @idkwhatmyusernameis,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07​
Summary: Reader has the power to destroy the darkling which makes him pretend he likes her to grow closer on his ambitions of claiming your powers for himself. After a while, he finds himself falling for you. One day you overhear him speak with a friend about taking your powers and ending your life. Upset and frightened, you take a run for it. Only to be discovered by Kirigan as your hiding spot wasn’t that great. Forced by him, you confront him about his doings. He won’t deny it, yet he has something else to say that might shock you. 
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“I’ll make her mine.” – General Kirigan spoke, bend over a map. His eyes darkening at the thought. – “Her power shall be mine.” – The Grisha behind him startled as his fist came down hard on the table. His fist landing on Ravka.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” – you turned your head when he approached. His expression unreadable yet fierce. He took your hand, bringing it to his lips. A gentle peck left on your hand. – “General Kirigan.” – you answered as he dropped your hand. – “Welcome to the little palace.” – he curled a smile up. – “I hope your stay will be pleasant.” – he addressed in a polite manner. – “I must say I was not prepared to travel here.” – you told him. 
“You are Grisha are you not?” – he rhetorically asked, offering you his arm. You took it, humming loudly. – “Then this is your place miss Y/l/n.” – the doors opened as he led you out into the corridors. Grisha of various kind walking around, heading for their destination. Some of the Grisha turning their heads in your direction. Curious as to who the new face was. To see who was walking with General Kirigan. – “Do not worry.” – he spoke noticing how unwary you were off the others. 
You were after all the odd duck on the pond. – “You are a powerful Grisha… one of a kind.” – he spoke staring with a certain hunger in his eyes at you. His lips hinting the smallest curl of a smirk. – “They would not dare to come close.” – his expression were not yet clear to you. Slowly nodded, he continued to accompany you to your chambers. He opened the door for you as you went in. – “If there is anything you need, simply ask.” – he said. – “You are too kind General.” – you replied with a curtsy. Kirigan forced a polite chuckle. He shut the door in front of him, his expression faltering into something cold. It would only be a matter of time until he has a hold of your powers. Powers that could end him.
Wanting to get some fresh air, were you making your way outside. Walking away from the training grounds. You found yourself stumbling upon an old fountain. Overgrown with dry plants, the pit blank. Wanting to see a bit more of the fountain, you started pulling at the dry plants to clear the way. Throwing the pulled content down on the ground. – “What are you doing?” – you suddenly heard, making you stop. Turning around you were startled by General Kirigan. 
His expression blank. – “I…I… didn’t mean to overstep. I simply wanted to see more… forgive me.” – you spoke quickly. General Kirigan let his eyes go up and down on you. Mystery running his brain. – “It is dead.” – he pointed out, unable to hide the slightest hint of annoyance towards you. – “There is still life in death.” – you answered with a faint smile. The general furrowed his brows. You held your finger up for him to wait and see. Kirigan tensed his jaw, hardening his expression at whatever foolishness you were going to do. You performed a set of finger movements as Kirigan’s eyes widened. 
A warm sunlight emerged from the palm of your hand. You lowered it to the dried out plants and roots wanting to bring life to them when you were being put to a stop. Kirigan’s hand tightly around your wrist. – “Don’t!” – he insisted. A darkness falling over his face. His expression made you gasp, pulling your hand out of his grip. Your powers faded out in the blink of an eye. He tried to form a smile, but it was almost clear he was putting on a mask. – “Forgive me.” – you blurted out, running past him to get out of here. Kirigan looked over his shoulder, no longer smiling. You had the power to destroy them, under no circumstance could he allow you to use them.
Many heads turned when you entered. Radiant and bright like the brightest star. Smiling politely, you remained humble about yourself. The Grisha that held the power of light and life. The exact opposite of what the fold holds. Feeling a bit exposed in the light dress you were wearing. Your gaze fell upon General Kirigan in the crowd. Something different in his eyes and expression. 
Bestowing his gaze upon you in all his glory. Moving his hands slightly to his waist, he inhaled deep. You wanted to make your way over to him to greet when a person blocked your way. – “Miss Y/l/n.” – he spoke, a Grisha wearing a red uniform. You showed him your smile, not letting show you actually weren’t interested in a conversation. – “May I just say, I admire you much.” – he spoke. – “You are as radiant and beautiful as the whispers have spoken.” – He bend down to kiss your hand, suddenly pushed aside. 
Stumbling and tripping over his own feet. General Kirigan standing in his place. – “Keep your flattery to yourself.” – he mumbled, glaring at the man. He offered you his hand as you took it. Cleary, he had been bothered with him otherwise he wouldn’t have intervened. He guided you away. Keeping you close to him by all means for the entire gathering revolving around you. Wherever you went was he. Always watching and guarding.
In search for General Kirigan you searched the familiar places he would normally be. When he wasn’t there, went you to his quarters. Knocking gently on the doors. – “Kirigan?” – you called out, opening the door. At first glance it was deserted making you enter more. – “Kirigan are you in here?” – you asked looking curious around. It was the first time you ventured into his quarters. Finding it intriguing what you all could find. You wandered to the grand table piece in the center. 
A map scattered over it. Dropping your finger on the fold, you let it slide down the length of it. Knowing how much it had caused. Your attention fell upon a painting, making you head over to it. Tilting your head a bit to the side, you observed it closely. Hearing muffled voices in the hallway drawing in closer made you panic. Looking frantically around of what you might do. Seeing a hiding place, you rushed over to it, hiding behind it. Crouching just in time as the door opened. 
Immediately you recognized General Kirigan’s voice and someone else’s. The door closed as you were trapped with them inside. From your hiding place, you had little view of what they were doing. Kirigan bend over the map. The other person on the other side, opposite from him. – “It won’t be long now.” – Kirigan spoke, smirking at the map. – “What about the girl?” – his companion spoke. Your eyes widened, intrigued by the conversation you were eavesdropping on. Kirigan moved his head up. – “How much longer are you going to dread this on?” – his friend spoke.
Kirigan removed his hands from the table, straightening his posture. – “Do you question my ambitions?” – he questioned a shadow creeping up on him. Darkening the room a bit. – “All is set in motion for me to take her powers and join them with mine.” – he answered loudly. – “There will be no more of Y/n Y/l/n, and I shall have become more powerful than ever!” – he expressed. You had to cover your mouth quickly to deafen out your gasp. Eyes wide with fear and shock at his words. 
General Kirigan intends to steal your powers and end your life. Lip trembling, your eyes started to fill with tears. Finally you saw the true face of the General. The power-seeking villain that he is. You couldn’t stay here and didn’t want to stay here. Shuffling from your hiding place, you wanted out. You didn’t want to hear more about how he would abuse you and manipulate you into giving up your powers. Or simply sucking them out you, giving you the kill of mercy afterwards. 
Staying as silent as you could, you were shuffling crouched towards the door. Still in hiding behind several items. Your toe hit something hard as it clattered to the ground. Biting down your hand, you hoped he hadn’t heard that. – “Who’s there!” – General Kirigan called out loudly. Breathing out in shivers, you could sense him drawing closer. There was only one option for you and that was to take the highway. Getting up, you ran towards the door. Your sudden appearance startling the darkling as you ran past in a haze.
Realizing it was you, he went after you. You ran, ran for your life, knowing for sure he’d get rid of you now. He surely must have seen you. Nothing would stop him now from taking your powers for himself. Get rid of the only source of power capable of ending him. Looking over your shoulder quick, he was in hot pursuit. A fierceness in his eyes as the corridor turned darker with his presence. Turning more greyish as if all the light was slowly getting sucked out. 
Panicking and crying, you needed to get out of here. If he got his hands on you it would be over. You rushed into a study, fidgeting to turn the look. Hands too much trembling to get the job done under the pressure of fear. You screamed when the door got slammed hard against you. General Kirigan pushing his way through. You moved back as far away from him as you could. – “Don’t come any closer!” – you threatened hand in the ready. Kirigan seemed unimpressed, approaching you anyways. – “Look at me Y/n.” – he said forceful. 
Turning your head away, you avoided eye contact. You kept backing away, trying to see how you could possibly go around him without being grabbed. – “Y/n.” – he spoke coming nearer. There was no way out as he cornered you. Hands pressed near your head, his eyes staring intensely down at you. – “Look at me.” – he asked since you were still avoiding his gaze. – “Is power all that matters to you?” – you called out. 
Your words losing a bit of it’s power without your fierce gaze. A gaze that for sure would shake him to his core. – “Is that why you brought me here, befriended me so it would be easier for you to take my powers and kill me!” – you spitted out, directing your gaze to him. He didn’t move a muscle at the angering look you gave him. – “Yes!” – he answered. – “That was indeed what I intended.”
You felt your lip tremble once more. Hurt by the shocking truth. You don’t know why, perhaps a part of you wanted him to lie. To tell you that wasn’t the cause, even when it was. You wanted him to lie to ease your beating heart. – “You have the power to end my existence Y/n.” – he spoke moving his head closer. Intimidating. – “All that mattered to me were your powers and how I could obtain them for myself.” – heartbroken, you turned your head away. 
Kirigan moving your head back by your chin. Wanting you to look at him. – “All that has changed.” – he spoke softening his voice. – “I no longer love your powers… I love you…all of you.” – he confessed. You felt like losing your mind. Not seeing wrong from right. – “Not a moment ago you proclaimed so eagerly how you’d kill me; do you truly believe me to be that foolish?” – you replied, giving him a push. – “I lied.” – he spoke, cupping your cheeks. – “Liar.” – you answered, shaking your head. 
Kirigan kept drawing nearer as you refused. Shaking your head in protest. – “Yet I did.” – he breathed out, steadying your face in his grip. Eyes wide he forced his lips onto yours. Kissing you deeply as you were still trembling on your knees from fear. Not knowing for sure if he still wanted to end your life or not. Tilting your head a bit more, you answered his kiss as a tear rolled down your cheek. No matter what, you couldn’t deny the language of your heart.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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ignyxdaughter · 1 year
(𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 /𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐨𝐯𝐚 𝐱 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧)
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A/N: English is not my first language. I’m gonna mix the books and the tv show to make the story line clearer (I read soc, the grisha trilogy and its tales). I don’t own Shadow and Bone and TO/Legacies characters; they’re, respectively, Leigh Bardugo, L. J. Smith and Julie Plec. Also, this is how I think the Darkling is,and some of the events will be changed due to the story's course!
words: 2873
warnings: mentions of witch/grisha hunt
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They are now cuddled, both their backs resting on the Black Heretic's fountain while gazing at the woods. The witch rests her head on the Grisha's chest, hearing the calming rhythm of his heartbeat. Him, on the other hand, lets his thumb caress her arm.
This is all so new to them, so... peaceful. It seems like a weight has left their shoulders as soon as they found equality in each other, the desire of wanting someone to understand them finally fulfilled.
"So—", Katherine's soothing voice breaks the comfort silence "what made you change your mind?"
Kirigan doesn't take his eyes off the tree he's been looking at for the past minutes. He is still enjoying the fantastic sensation of believing that everything is going to be alright now. "I started to think about what you had said. The Second Army is young, none of them have experienced the Ravka before the Fold. They have the idea that the Unsea is the issue, and that all of Ravka's problems will be solved once it vanishes. However, it is the complete opposite: if we destroy it, things will worsen." She nods, patiently waiting for him to continue. "There is no way to guard the entire border, therefore, Ravka will be exposed to many travelers. The Fjerdans and Shu Hans will take advantage of the country's vulnerability and attack. The drüskelle will have more access to accomplish their hunts too." He turns to the woman by his side, who is gazing at him since he started speaking. "Grishas will be in great danger if the Fold is destroyed."
"The Supernaturals too."
"Ravka will be no more safe haven."
"No, it won't."
"Also—", he takes a sharp breath to gather forces to tell her his conclusion "you were right."
The shadow singer's smile almost reaches her eyes. Oh, how she loves to be told that! No matter how many times that often happens, the pride feeling filling her chest always appears. "Pardon? I don't think I quite heard you."
"I won't repeat myself, Katherine."
"Why not?" Her smirk increases as she sees him scowl towards her. "Your words had such a beautiful sound."
He rolls his eyes. "You are not used to hearing that, I assume."
"Oh, no—", she chuckles. "I am more than used to it. After all, I am always right."
"If people see Alina's powers expanding the Fold, they will label Grishas as aberrations again." He ignores her to continue his line of thought. "Another hunt will be made and, with the Unsea blocking the borders, it'll be difficult to escape. The only way to protect ourselves will be killing all the hunters, which will practically be almost all otkazat'sya."
Ravka will be the stage of a massacre, the unsaid words float through the air. All due to the fight for survival.
"I want my country to be a safe haven, not a remembrance of a bloodshed."
Katherine's gaze softens in compassion. She shares that wish with him; she wants the Grishas and Ravka's Supernaturals to see their country as a secure place where they cannot fear. It would be wonderful if Os Alta transformed into what New Orleans is to many: home.
"Although living now more peacefully, your people still dread, Kirigan. Even receiving all the trainment in the world, there is still the terrifying thought of being attacked by the drüskelle and losing a fight with them. That fear will only grow if they witness a magical imbalance, especially one made by their General. Your Army will work based on dread instead on loyalty, and that is dangerous, because, soon, they will grow tired of feeling this." Her light green eyes are full of worry as she looks at him deeply. "This happened a lot through the centuries, and it always ended with the leader murdered by his own people."
"I know. I searched about those historical revolutions." Her eyebrows raise in surprise to see The Darkling agreeing. "Most of them were because the monarchy prioritized the court instead of the commoners, which were the majority. Only a few people had good life conditions, while the plurality suffered with poor ones. They got sick of injustice and repression, tired of having to survive to make others live. They wanted that possibility for themselves, so, after generations had passed and nothing had been done, they decided to fight for it."
"I witnessed some revolutions and that is what happened, indeed."
"I have lived the conditions of these commoners." Kirigan admits with a heavy chest. Sometimes, he is still affected with the memories of his tough childhood. He used to eat poorly, suffer from the cold, fear the dark when the night came, train for straight exhausting hours in order to learn how to control his powers, have to make new identities in a short period of time, and pass through many other unpleasant experiences. "It was terrible."
The sudden warm hand on his cheek tells him that he is not alone, that Katherine has suffered the same as him and as the many unfortunate people that were part of revolutions. "Survival isn't life, Kirigan. But it is just when you are old that you learn that the change will only come if you fight for it. That's why your Grishas are so immersed in the Fold's utopia: their youthness makes them believe that the time has finally come, that Alina will be the savior to fix all the problems." She offers him a sad smile. "My people are old and are struggling to live in Os Alta poorest area. One of the reasons why they hate your lightscum is this, since she represents all the illusion they had once believed."
"So they are willing to fight for change?"
She nods. "With all of their strength."
"If I promise better life conditions, will an alliance be possible?"
"Only if you guarantee that you have no intentions to destroy the Unsea. Firstly, you have to win their trust, especially the leaders' trust, then you may focus on a deal."
He gently grabs her hand that still is on his cheek. "I think I'll need a bit of your assistance, then."
The witch smirks as soon as she sees the glint on his dark brown eyes. "It will be my pleasure."
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"I swear it was her, Genya!" Michelle stops on her tracks as she hears Alina's voice echo through the room she was entering to clean.
"That's impossible."
"No, it isn't, and you know it!"
The Tailor shakes her head, making many of her red strands fly in the air. "Ms. Anya was playing a dangerous game here, Alina. The Darkling saw her as a threat and sent the oprichniki after her. She's probably dead now."
The Sun Summoner's brown eyes widened in shock. "Dead?"
"Yes." No. Michelle had to restrain a scoff. "I honestly think she was a spy."
"A spy? Really?"
"She knew too much for an ordinary otkazat'sya."
While starting to tie the room where the two Grishas were, Michelle began to make her own opinions. They aren't completely wrong: this specific servant knew too much and was considered by the General himself a threat, which led him to hunt her. However, she is pretty much alive, or better, Katherine Mikaelson is alive. No one knows what happened to Ms. Anya, she just... vanished.
"But, Genya, I swear I saw her today!" The blond's body stills as she cleans a desk. "Are you sure about that all? She seemed so real."
"There's no way Ms. Anya isn't dead, Alina. You probably were tired and hallucinated."
The younger girl looks deeply at the other, brown eyes meeting blue ones. "I know what I saw. Ms. Anya was at the beginning of the woods early this morning. She was hidden, but I saw her looking at Kirigan's chambers."
Oh, damn it, Katherine! You let yourself get caught by a teenager?! Michelle's face instantly turns into a scowl due to the anger she is feeling towards her cousin. By the Ancestors, Kat, you really turn into a fool when you like someone!
The Tailor takes a few seconds to answer her friend, but, finally, she shrugs her off with a hand. "I still think it's nothing to worry about."
I hope so, Genya, because I'm gonna kill Katherine if she drags the family into another trouble with insane plans.
The water singer leaves the Sun Summoner's chambers with heavy steps. As a way to calm herself, she goes to her little room and begins to read one of the books she had picked early in the morning. It is written in French, which eases her off with the thought of being close to her native language, and the author describes actions that may help people who are suffering with memory loss. After all, Michelle isn't certain that a spell will recover all of Agatha's remembrances.
Former lovers who had a long and healthy relationship with the victim may trigger good memories. However, the paramour must reproduce habits that were performed frequently during the time they were a couple.
Her blue eyes widened in sudden realization. There is someone that can aid them.
Of course, she didn't talk to Agatha's ex-lover for decades, but she had a good relationship with her; every Mikaelson — unless Katherine — had. The woman is a mesmerizing person and powerful witch, always willing to help the Supernatural. Michelle is sure that if she sends her a letter explaining about Agatha's current situation, the woman will appear in Os Alta in less than a day.
The water singer closes the book with a smile and immediately stands up. She needs to tell Katherine her new idea, but if her cousin takes too long to arrive, then she will handle the matter in her own hands.
With that in mind, the blond confidently states: "If there's any of Kat's shadows here, tell her to meet me at the Little Palace's library now."
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Hours had passed, and the couple had to go back to their respective places. After Kirigan had just left with his horse, Katherine was almost entering a shadow to go to Praecantrix when she heard Ikatris' smooth voice: Your cousin wants you at the Little Palace's library now. Seemed urgent.
She frowns with the unusual situation and mentally asks the dark figure: Which one?
The spoiled French.
Despite knowing patience isn't one of Michelle's virtues, she can't help but worry, her intuition wanting to alert that something is about to happen. However, as an attempt to ignore this uncomfortable feeling, the witch rolls her light green eyes at the shadow's answer. You know their names, Ikatris. So why do you insist on calling them with these nicknames?
She can almost feel the creature smirking. Because it irritates them.
Katherine can't help but chuckle. Her cousins indeed hate all of Ikatris' nicknames and always tell her to talk to the shadow in order to make him stop, however, it never worked. He is immediately delighted as he sees Hope — manic tribid — sends him a death glare, Michelle — spoiled French — huffs in impatience, Nick — justice alpha — rolls his eyes in annoyance, Agatha — dramatic queen — holding the urge to attack him, and Levi — Kol's counterfeit copy — walking away from him to not get into a fight.
Why don't you give me a nickname too? I have never received one from you.
Because you're Katherine, there's no one like you. You are already unique.
She smiles, a warm sensation reverberating in her chest. Thank you, Ikatris.
The witch then orders her shadows to guide her to the Little Palace's library, where she finds Michelle pacing through the Norse Runes book session. She seems nervous, clenching her fingers on the long white skirt, her blond hair that is usually perfect, is now disheveled. "What happened?"
The French woman turns abruptly and looks at her in rage. "You!" She extends her hands towards the brunette as if wanting to strangle her.
Katherine frowns. "What have I done?"
"What have you—" She seems to be using all of her control to not start yelling in fury. "What have you done?!"
The shadow singer seems uncertain of her actions now. Has she found out about Malyen Oretsev? "Yes?"
"You let yourself be seen by Alina!"
The nervousness began to grow in her stomach. "What?"
"Today's morning she saw you in the beginning of the woods, looking at Kirigan's chambers. Is this true?"
"I... I, ehm—"
"Damn it, Katherine!"
"I didn't know she was there! I was focused on a more important task!"
Michelle grabs her cousin's shoulders to make her look straight at her. "She's sure Ms. Anya isn't dead, and now I think Genya suspects that too."
The older woman shrugs as an attempt to exhale confidence in order to calm the blond down. "They don't know much, Michelle. I am sure it will do us no harm."
"You were supposed to be the responsible one who fret about things that go out of control, not me!" She lets go of the brunette and crosses her arms, a pout forming on her red lips. "I didn't enjoy this."
"Well, welcome to my life.”
"It sucks."
"I know." Katherine sighs and slowly approaches her frustrated cousin. "But I also know that you wouldn't call my shadows only to yell at me. What happened?"
Her blue eyes face the light green ones. "I have a plan that may work."
"Agatha." She passes a hand through her long blond strands, a habit that she does when is restless. "There is someone that may trigger some of her memories, and, maybe, even help with the spell."
"That is wonderful news!"
"Yeah, but not for you."
She raises an eyebrow. "And why is that?"
The water singer looks away, averting her cousin's gaze. "I just want to know that this is the best for Agatha. I would never do anything that could harm her."
If Kathreine wasn't sure why the French woman was acting like that, now she knows: Michelle did the idea before consulting her, the brain of the family and the mastermind behind the plans. "Michelle—"
"And, maybe, I-I've become a little anxious because I haven't found Hope and it was taking too long for you to arrive."
She clenches her teeth, already predicting the enormous trouble she got themselves into. "Michelle—"
"So I took the matter in my own hands before consulting any of you and sent a letter to her."
"Michelle, who did you call?"
She gives her a nervous smile. "The brightest person in this world."
The shadow singer frowns, though her stomach is currently twisting in dread, since it seems that this someone could be a horrible person. "Who?"
"She is just so full of light, you know." Despite continuing to smile, the younger one  begins to hug herself, as if this would protect her from Katherine's reaction.
The realization sinks at the brunette's chest like an anchor. Soliel Alvarez is a light singer witch that was Agatha's paramour for half a century. She is a woman obsessed with power and very practical: get in her way and you will die. For her, time is precious, so, unless it's necessary, she doesn't waste time with torture ceremonies.
Beyond hating shadow singers for their ability to dim her glow, she also hates her own kind. According to her, light singers are people devoid of character and who do not deserve trust or loyalty. For these reasons, she feels no remorse when draining an equal; in fact, she takes satisfaction in seeing their despair as she senses the victim's power entering her veins and thus making her stronger.
For sharing the same thought as her about lightscums, Katherine doesn't hate Soliel, however, she is always careful towards the woman. After all, light singers aren't trustable. The adopted Mikaelson relationship with her is tense, and only Levi knows that his cousin slightly likes Agatha's ex-lover.
Soliel is a difficult person to deal with, someone that will always try to trick you if you aren't aware of her true nature. In other words, she is a brutalest version of the shadow singer, and Katherine isn't in her right mind to meet her. She is already worried with Agatha's cure, about her affair — is that what they have now? — with Kirigan, with Ravka's Supernatural's current situation and with the execution of the coup. Soliel here will only overwhelm her and worsen the emotional weariness she is still feeling.
"You didn't."
Michelle looks at the ground as if it was the most mesmerizing thing in life. "Her and Agatha's relationship was so healthy and ended so well. They're still friends and see each other sometimes!"
The British woman can feel her breathing fasten. "Please tell me you are lying."
"And the book said that a good ex-lover can help on triggering memories, so—"
"Oh, Michelle!"
"—Soliel's coming to Ravka."
Everything stops. The air in her lungs, the frustration, the racing thoughts in her mind and the nervous twisting in her stomach are all gone. Suddenly, the forces in her entire body disappear too. Soon, her clear vision is replaced by the dark and she falls on the floor.
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marysibley666 · 1 year
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Um gif pra uma fic especial que está prestes a surgir.
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roselibrary · 1 year
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Send in asks and requests for the Grishaverse and House of the Dragon!!!
Currently writing for any character and have no limits on what you can request.
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor-ish AU
"Mummy"!Darkling x reincarnated Shu princess!Reader
The Ravkan General was an outsider in the Shu court but as the princesses manifested their powers, the late Emperor made a plan to use the Grisha to conquer the world.
Unfortunately, he couldn't live long enough to see his plan through but as his heir, you took over his work with your eternal lover by your side. Your Emperor.
Alina, your sister, detested what she was and loathed all Grisha, so she conspired against you to stop you and the Darkling.
Aleksander was looking for true immortality, only Alina didn't know it was for you. She accidentally killed you and then cursed the Darkling and his Grisha, capturing them in clay for all eternity.
Your sister thought she had done the world a favour and took her punishment of eternal life alone in solitude. She wasn't expecting anyone to be able to "resurrect" the Darkling and his followers.
As you were growing up, memories started to return from your previous life from centuries ago. By your early twenties, you remembered everything and started to look for your long-lost lover while the news of a woman who knew things no living being should know reached the ears of the recluse immortals who would join or stand against your followers in this new war.
• moodboards masterlist •
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atlabeth · 1 year
another day - aleksander morozova
part 2
summary: general kirigan saves you. but nothing comes without a price.
a/n: yes this is me in my shadow and bone era. what do you have to say about it
wc: 2.2k
warning(s): canon levels of violence, drowning + murder, but mostly in mini flashbacks, typical darkling manipulation. probably ooc but this is my first fic for the grishaverse so give me some grace pls
drüskelle = witchhunter
drüsje = witch
strymakt fjerdan = fjerdan might
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You were drowning. 
You were drowning in a storm of your own creation, water filling up your lungs, salt stinging your eyes, screams echoing all around you, you were killing them—
A shuddering gasp tore out of you as you surged up, and haggard breaths ripped through you. You weren’t in water, you were alone, but you still couldn’t breathe, your chest rising and falling as quick as your heart beat. 
Your hands found purchase in the sheets below you, clawing at the rough linen as you pulled your legs up to your chest, each breath quicker in succession. Your eyes darted around, taking in your surroundings—far too nice to be a prison cell, far too warm to still be in Fjerda—and slowly, you began to calm down. 
Perhaps that wasn’t the correct phrase. You’d managed to control your breathing to a respectable level, but you certainly were not calm—last you remember, you were in a fight for your life against some lovely drüskelle, and now you were in… 
Saints, you had no idea where you were. 
But you were not dead, and that counted for something indeed. 
Carefully, cautiously, you stood up from the bed. Your quarters could be considered a room in the barest sense of the word, consisting of a small bed shoved in the corner and little else. You shivered slightly, and you glanced down at your clothes. At least they hadn’t taken the tattered rags you’d been traveling in for ages, you thought wryly. 
Nicer than a Fjerdan prison cell, true, though that didn’t mean you were not a prisoner. Wherever you’d ended up might treat their captives slightly better than your home.
You were dry, though. Both of water and blood, which you realized no longer stained your arms. Your injuries had healed as well, scabs and thin white lines in place of cuts and slashes. 
You could certainly mark Fjerda off your list, then. There wasn’t a single soldier who would have treated you with such kindness. 
That was the strangest thing. You were not dead. 
You were just about to try the door when you heard the lock click, and you stumbled back as it opened. Your heart hammered in your chest at the sight of a man in the doorway, though he had the decency to pause when he saw you. 
“Ah,” he said, his lip curling in the smallest of smiles, “you’re finally awake.” 
“Where am I?” you asked, and your voice was raspy from disuse. How long had you been asleep? 
“I believe introductions should be our first order,” he said, and he closed the door. 
You took a step back, hands clenched at your side. 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said softly. “It would be rather foolish of me after all the work I put in saving you.”  
Screams. Your screams, faltering in beats as you fought with everything in you. Ragged, from your very core, because you were going to die. 
“You saved me,” you repeated, little more than a whisper. 
“Do you remember?” the man asked, gaze unmoving from your face. His irises were of pure darkness, black as the loneliest night, and you felt wholly and completely bare in front of him. Another shiver ran down your spine. “You were hardly alive when we found you.” 
Wrenched out of the water, limbs leaden and heart thundering as you were forced to your knees. Exhaustion tore through you, black spots dotting your vision, and the dead men in the shallows gave you no satisfaction because soon you would join them. 
You nodded shakily. 
“Good. That will make this easier.” 
“The drüskelle,” you managed. “What happened to them?” 
“I killed the commander with the knife to your throat, but he was the only one left. The rest of the lot were drowned.” Again, the beginnings of a smile, morbid for the conversation. “By your hand.”
He knew. Saints, he knew, and you were locked in a room with him with no way out, and you’d gotten away from the drüskelle just to die here. 
“I didn’t do anything,” you said. He could hear the beat of your heart, surely, how it wanted to pound out of your chest. “Fjerdan waters are dangerous on their own, nevermind in a storm—” 
“There is no point in lying,” he interrupted pointedly. “You’re a Tidemaker, and a powerful one at that.” 
Your heart sank. You couldn’t escape, not from here, not in your state, not in the driest Saintsforsaken room you’d ever been in—
“I already told you,” he said, “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe here. You’re in Ravka. Os Alta.” 
You frowned. “Ravka— how?” 
“You’re Grisha,” the man said. “You belong here.” 
And like lightning, it hit you. 
“The Darkling,” you whispered. The step you took back was one of instinct, but your legs hit the side of the bed and they nearly buckled. 
You weren’t the most educated on Ravka and its government, but one learned some things about their homeland’s fiercest enemy. You knew of the Second Army and their Grisha, of General Kirigan— the man that now stood in front of you, the man that had brought you back from Death’s door. 
Sënje Magda, save you now. 
“You have no reason to fear me,” Kirigan said. “Truly, I do not want to hurt you. I’m only here to help you.” 
You huffed a mirthless laugh. “What could you possibly want with me?” 
“You’re Fjerdan,” he said, “correct?” 
You nodded. 
“You’ve survived there all your life as a Grisha without anyone realizing,” he said. “You made it across half the country on your own with drüskelle tracking you for a quarter of it. And when they finally caught up to you, you destroyed their camp and killed the lot of them with nothing but your power.” 
You raised your arms and the sea erupted around you. A tense second of silence hung in the air before you threw your hands down and roared, guttural and primal and broken, and brought the world down upon them. 
Blood pounded in your ears. “I did what I had to do to survive.” 
“And I do not malign you for it,” the Darkling said. “What they do to our kind is barbaric. I took pleasure in ending their commander.” 
“You call us the monsters and then murder all my men,” he spat, wrenching your head backwards by your hair to bare your neck. The blade rested threateningly against your skin, but you were numb to the cold. “I should have ended you long ago, drüsje.” 
Your fingers ghosted up to your neck. You could feel the slightly raised scar. “I thank you for it.” 
“Believe me,” he said with a slight chuckle—you were surprised a man such as himself was able to laugh— “it was the easiest part of my day.” 
“How long was I out?” you asked, the question clawing at your mind. 
“A week,” Kirigan said, and your eyes widened. “It took us time to get from the coast back to the Little Palace, and you hardly even stirred the entire carriage ride. You truly pushed your abilities to the limit against the drüskelle. You were like ice, freezing and unmoving—I believe my Heartrender was the only reason you made it back. You’ve been resting here since then. I’ve been waiting for you to awaken.”
Your throat bobbed. He truly was responsible for your life, for getting you out of your wretched homeland. 
You shivered. You didn’t like the idea of being in debt to the Darkling. 
Kirigan looked at you for a moment more then shed his coat, fabric as black as his eyes pooling around his hands as he offered it to you. 
“Oh,” you began, “no—” 
“Please,” he interrupted. “I want you to be comfortable. You deserve that much after what you’ve been through. I do not know if it’s from your being a Tidemaker, but you are always frozen.” 
You hesitated, but you took it and slipped it on. Your skin was indeed cold to the touch—the rags you called your clothes weren’t much aid—and you had to admit that it helped. 
“You will have clothes of your own soon,” Kirigan said. “And you will get a kefta as well, fit to your measurements.” 
Your brows knit together. “What are you talking about?” 
“You know of the Second Army,” he said, “how the Grisha serve Ravka.” 
“I— but— I’m not—” you stammered, unable to form a full sentence, embarrassing as it was. 
“Yes?” he said, almost patronizing. Your cheeks burned. 
“I’m not Ravkan,” you managed. “I have no place in your army.” 
“That is of no matter,” the Darkling said. “We take in Grisha from all over—Shu Han, Novyi Zem, Fjerda. Many willingly serve, especially from your homeland. I’ve worked with many Fjerdan Grisha and they all prefer honorable service to persecution.” 
“So that’s why you rescued me,” you said stiffly. “So I could serve you.” 
“Officially, you serve the King,” Kirigan said. “But in time, I would like you by my side.” 
You shook your head, tightening your grip on his coat if only from instinct. “I don’t see how I can help you.” 
“Then you clearly know nothing of yourself,” the Darkling said. “Surviving in Fjerda as a Grisha is no easy feat, nor is the journey you’ve made. Alone, at that.” 
“Strymakt Fjerdan,” you said dryly. “That’s what my brother always told me.” 
His lips quirked upwards. “Of course. But you know what you’ve done, the power you hold. You raised the sea and ended those men without any training. Imagine what you could do with Ravka’s resources at your hands.” 
“I don’t want to fight,” you said weakly as you sat back on the bed. “I don’t want this power— I never wanted to be a Grisha. I just want to live a normal life without looking over my shoulder every second.” 
“We do not get the chance to live normal lives,” the Darkling said softly. We, he kept saying, like he could understand what you were going through. As if he was like you, like you had any similarities beyond Grisha blood. “You are a Tidemaker—there is no running from it. Your only choice is what you make of it.” 
The Darkling moved closer in your uncertain silence, taking a seat beside you. He carried an aura of power with him, not just in his abilities but in the way he moved. His assertions, his statements, it all seemed true just because of his demeanor. It was hard to think around a man like him, but you forced through it. 
“You have the chance to be truly great,” Kirigan urged, and it bothered you how much it sounded like he believed it. “You were born Grisha for a reason, with your strength and resolve and bravery for a reason. A Tidemaker forged through the fire of Fjerda. You belong here, at the Little Palace, in Ravka—with me.”
He looked at you with such intensity that it took your breath away. You hardly knew him, he hardly knew you, and yet Kirigan spoke as if he would lay down his life for you, as if he expected you to do the same. 
“Join me,” the Darkling murmured, “and you will never lay at the foot of another again.” 
You stared into his eyes, a lingering abyss that called to you. Your skin itched just looking at him, discomfort and intrigue and a desperate need to know more boiling over inside of you. 
You had no choice. Kirigan knew that as much as you did, no matter how much he presented it as one. 
You didn’t want to fight Ravka’s wars. You didn’t want to serve a king who’d done nothing to help you, to be part of an army that waged terror against your homeland. 
But what else was there for you? You had nothing, no one waiting for you back in your homeland. No family, no lover, not even a bed to your name. If you stepped foot in Fjerda again, you would be hunted to extinction. 
The Darkling was offering you life itself, a chance for another day. Wasn’t that what you’d been fighting for all along? Clawing through Fjerdan winters, surviving at the barest margins every day, losing more of yourself with every body you left behind you—all so you could escape the brand of drüsje and live like any other woman. 
The life of a Grisha was not the life you wanted, but it was life. Only a fool would pass it up, no matter what it entailed. 
You were many things, but you were not a saintsdamned fool.
“Okay,” you rasped, and your throat bobbed. “Okay. I’ll join you.” 
The Darkling smiled, dark eyes crinkling at the side, and you had the strangest thought of his beauty. “Excellent.” 
He placed his hand on your forearm, his surprising warmth shocking against the cold of your skin as he pulled you towards him. Power swelled up inside you even at the slightest touch, and you gasped at the feeling of it, icy fire erupting inside of you. The temperature plummeted inside the room and the frozen chill creeped through your veins. 
“My Tidemaker,” he whispered. "We are going to do marvelous things together.” 
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator @louderfortheback 
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