#genital preferences are transphobic
rabbitheartdaydream · 19 days
Hey. I changed my mind harass me so I can block all of your ugly hearted asses.
Dear terfs. Go fuck yourselves. Genital preferences and having trauma are not the same. You are not intelligent. Queer people who have Genital preferences shouldn't be told their identity is invalid because YOU have trauma. What you have IS a genital preference, it is just unfortunately in your case caused by trauma. You are not educated. You are hypocrites. Do not post in tags about things you are uneducated about if it's not to respectfully ask questions. Ya'll make me more upset then the trauma I experienced does, I can't imagine myself ever putting myself into the shoes of your selfish manipulative asses. Telling people they can't identity as something completely innocent because you're traumatized. That is why we tag our posts correctly so we don't see content we don't want to see. But you're uneducated. You don't even want those tags to exist because "you have trauma". Go to fucking therapy and educate. You do not tell OTHER PEOPLE they aren't allowed to identify as something because YOU have trauma, that is cruel, manipulative, gross, harmful, unhealthy, and beyond disrespectful. But you already knew that didn't you. You are less than human because you do not see or treat others like they are human. Never claim yourself to be a feminist again, you know nothing about equality. None of you do, you don't know anything about trauma or how to heal or about society and what is actually going on in it because if you did you would hate yourself for the things you've said and done. Reveal yourselves so I can remove you from my sight. You need go grow up, and you are not welcome here until you do.
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hpdfag · 15 days
i dont like or trust you if you post abt how much you want a cis man specifically. nice implicit degendering of trans men try again jackass
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gnometa233 · 10 months
"someone who bases their sexuality solely on sex is just a transphobe"???? bro if I dont want to have sex with a vagina or a penis... my sexuality is going to state such. You can base your sexuality on gender instead of sex, its totally fine. But you saying someone else's boundary isn't okay??
trans women are women, trans men are men. But that doesnt mean you can guilt me into sucking dick
First of all I never said that. You're either misinterpreting what I have to say or you saw something I reblogged and sent this
Literally no one's forcing you to have sex with a dick if you don't want to. No one's forcing you to date/fuck anyone you don't want to. But attraction isn't based solely on genitals. There's about 50000 other components that play into it, and to ignore all of those other ones is ignorant and reductive. There are plenty of straight and gay people who date and have sex with trans people of the genders they're attracted to.
What's more transphobic is seeking out trans people because you think gender identity is invalid (example: cis men going after trans men).
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Things that are not transphobic: Deciding not to date a trans person
Things that are transphobic: "Ewwwww I could never date a trans person! Trans women are trying to FORCE me to date them!"
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I also dislike this “bisexuals have a genital preference” language: it’s far too close to saying we pick a side for my taste. Additionally, framing it as a *genital* preference specifically puts too much emphasis on the idea of sexual intercourse or sex organs as opposed to us being attracted to a whole person (body and personality) which IMO leans into this incorrect and harmful idea that we are hyper-sexual. I wish people — including bisexuals themselves — would be more thoughtful about how they talk about bisexuals as a class.
Some people seem to legitimately believe that we approach sexual relationships based on whether we desire dick or pussy more - that we're incapable of having long-term romantic relationships because we're just so indecisive/sexually insatiable/unfaithful.
It's so dehumanising (and it's no wonder so many bisexuals adopt micro-labels!).
I wish radblr could critique genital preference discourse and its impact on LG people without throwing us under the bus (and that they could take 'we're attracted to more than just genitals!' in good faith).
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healingheartdogs · 2 years
Boy howdy, some cis men who call themselves gay and cis women who call themselves lesbians sure do love to say things that are blatantly transphobic, tell you that you're being homophobic when you call them out on it, and then justify that "homophobia" accusation by saying something else wildly and blatantly transphobic huh?
#if youre a cis queer and you ever find yourself saying something along the lines of#'no youre homophobic for trying to force me to date people with the wrong genitals for my sexuality' just know you are 100% in the wrong#and you are indeed a transphobe like you are being accused of#the trans tribunal met and we all agreed you are a transphobe so you can stop being so loudly wrong now pls and thank you#i know y'all like to plug your ears though and tell yourselves we arent talking about you#so im going to specify here that if you have ever said you have a 'genitalia preference'#especially if you have justified that 'preference' by mentioning your are a lesbian woman or gay man#**you are#that i am talking about you right now#if you identify as lesbian or gay and say your sexuality is based on genitalia you are not only transphobic but also actually homophobic#cuz those are gender based sexualities and you are trying to appropriate their label and change it for your own bigoted reasons#to make it exclusive of actual lesbians and gays who are more marginalized than you#y'all don't even have a clue what trans genitalia are like but are so confident that you arent attracted to any version of them#stop assuming that trans men have the same genitals as cis women and use them the same way regardless of where they are in their transition#stop assuming that trans women have the same genitals as cis men and use them the same way regardless of where they are in their transition#your assumptions are informed by cisheteronormative bias and are wrong#even pre-op it's different#ndr#not dog related#and im not back either i just wanted to shout this into the void that is tumblr#today has had a rough start for me#as always with my posts#if the shoe doesnt fit? dont make yourself wear it#only hit dogs holler
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lesser-vissir · 11 months
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bleedingovereden · 11 months
//had a Mental Illness Moment and didn't finish the essay lmao whoops maybe tomorrow
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prettyfuckinhot · 1 year
How’s it transphobic to not wanna date trans folk?
it's not, it's just rude to say you don't want to date trans people when nobody asked. but also, if the only reason you won't date someone bc you KNOW they are trans, and no other reason, you are probably transphobic. just saying
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quitedisastrous · 1 year
bi/pan lesbian discourse is so fucking stupid. like a bunch of the people specifically against them using that label are ALSO queer. gamers we are in this shit together!!!! what the fuck!!!
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A myth, a legend.
the hero returns.
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There should be labels abt sexuality reagrdless of gender. Like. If you like women, you’re a lesbian, if you like men, you’re gay. Your own gender doesn’t matter, what you’re talking about is the gender you prefer for romantic/sexual reasons, unless u don’t like that at all
Also, labels about the /genitals/ you prefer ur partner to have, regardless of gender, bc some people (me, i’m people) might have a stronger preference for clit, and women are Not the only people who have a clit Nor do they all have one, and i don’t think it’s an asshole move to not like something.
What IS an asshole move is to disrespect and/or change the other person’s pronouns, or to play with them, y’know, like an asshole
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boreal-sea · 3 months
Hi, dearest. Hope you’re doing fine.
I…just saw a tiktok saying having genital preferences aren’t transphobic, and while I disagree, I’d love to hear your opinion on that.
IF you’re the mood/have the mental energy to talk about it.
I don't think it's transphobic. If someone wouldn't fuck someone with a vagina regardless of that person's gender, that's not transphobic. People are allowed to have preferences. It's only transphobic if you say "I would not fuck ANY trans man because they have vaginas" - because not all trans men have vaginas.
Same goes for dicks. "I don't want to have sex with anyone who has a penis" - ok, fine. "I refuse to have sex with trans women because they have dicks" - transphobic for the same reasons as above.
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txttletale · 3 months
now that you've put the thought of thirteenth doctor halimede tweets into my mind i am NEVER going to be able to unsee it, oh my god
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"I wish people wouldn't say "genital preference is transphobic." in fact, i have genital preferences, that could be described as the very opposite of transphobic."
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madohomurat · 1 year
unpopular opinion but i think its inherently transphobic for anyone to define their sexual orientation solely around their partners genitals
genital preference is not what makes you gay, lesbian, or straight and if you insist that it is then you're clinging to transphobic assumptions that we need to leave in the past
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fujovamp · 29 days
Pinned 📌
Hey! 👋 My name is hanan, you can call me soap if it's easier for you to pronounce!
Info about me:
Teenage girl
ex-muslim (sunni)
Agnostic (more atheist leaning)
Male-exclusionary radlearning feminist
Follow ≠ full endorsement of the persons views, I will follow some people with diverse opinions. I can be mutuals with Trans-inclusive Radical Feminists, theists that aren't very religious and transmeds even though I don't agree with them.
Extra stuff:
calling homosexuality transphobic/'genital preference' is homophobic and predatory.
gender is a harmful patriarchal social construct that works as a misogynistic hierarchy and needs to be abolished, no one has an innate gender identity or is born in the wrong body.
I I most of the time reblog here, I'm more active and open on twitter, my username is also fujovamp! I don't really focus on radfem stuff there anymore but i will retweet radfem stuff!
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