#genos x sonic
suprababka · 7 months
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Texting them "I love you"
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• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
A/N: decided to at least try to do a bunch of posts with messaging opm boys as boyfriends <3
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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the-daiz · 15 days
Arachnophobia | One Punch Man
Synopsis; How One Punch Men would react to you calling them to get rid of a spider in your house.
Characters; Saitama, Genos, Zombieman, speed-o’-sound sonic, Flashy flash, Child emperor(platonic)
Genre; Crack, fluff
A/N: I was just daydreaming abt zombieman cuz I love him so much and thought of this scenario so why not have it with the rest of these guys (and boy)
this can be viewed both platonically and romantically, except child emperor, he’s purely platonic ofc
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When you first call him, and you hesitate a bit while trying to explain you situation since it’s slightly embarrassing for you, he rushes you then gets a bit worried thinking it might be something serious
he then proceeds to say “seriously…?” When you finally tell him why you’re calling: there was a spider in your house and you were too scared to do anything but stand on top of your table, keeping a wary eye out incase the soider tries to approach.
At first he was about to decline and tell you to just squish it with a shoe, or trap it under a cup and throw it out your window, but when he hears the actual fear in your voice, he sighs and puts on his slippers. He’s supposed to save people and stuff after all…
Surprisingly, when Saitama arrives to kill the creature… he sucks at it. It keeps just escaping from him, no matter how fast or strong he was.
Saitama started to grow mad with every passing second, trashing your house as he jumped from spot to spot trying to catch the thing, with you pointing and yelling frantically from your safe-zone on the table.
Your house quickly becomes almost like a war-zone with both of you yelling at eachother from the top of your lungs, you out of panic and him out of frustration.
Saitama eventually squishes the spider…. Then an army of tiny spiders erupts from it.
Saitama tries to deal with them quickly, throwing punches at all of them.
when he’s done, he turns to you with a fulfilled expression on his face but deadpans once he catches you lying passed out on the table and foaming at the mouth.
Ofc he takes you to the hospital though.
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Unlike Saitama, he takes it very seriously when you call him and tell him the predicament you're in.
He doesn’t quite understand the big issue, it's just a bug… but he can detect when someone is in distress, and either way, he would do anything you ask of him.
When he arrives at your home, he’s already gathered enough information on how to safely deal with spiders to take the best approach he can to this.
he grabs a glass container and a piece of paper, proceeds to efficiently trap the spider, and throws it outside.
He does listen to your instructions though and releases it at least a kilometer away from your home.
He then comes back to check on you and gives you a small, almost pitiful, pat on the back.
”Don’t worry about it, you did good.” -Genos, with his very stoic expression
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Sorry, anyhow, when you call him, your voice is obviously on edge, and you tell him what’s wrong. The first he does is reassure you over the phone, telling you everything will be fine and he’ll be right there.
And as he said, he was right there.
He checks up on you when he first enters the house, then goes to search for the spider.
When he finds it, he ALMOST stomps on it with his shoe out of surprise but quickly remembers how it’ll probably cause a bigger problem, and like genos he uses the good old glass container and paper method and throws it out.
After that, he helps you get down from the table, with his hands firmly holding you from your sides.
If you’re still uneasy even after he gets rid of the spider, he’ll give you a reassuring embrace, with his large build basically consuming you.
He then takes you out somewhere nice to eat.
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Ahhh, speed of the sounds
Calls you stupid at first, and tells you to just kill it or leave it be, its more scared of you than you are of it.
But not a second later he’s at your door and asking where the spider is.
He REALLY doesn’t get what the big deal is, it’s just a spider. Nonetheless, he doesn’t really question it much and helps out anyway.
He grabs the spider gently with his hands and throws it out the window, then flashes you an unamused look.
Again, he calls you weak but then tells you not to worry so much when you have someone like him around.
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Sassy flash
He’s irked by your call, then hangs up on you
He then calls you again not a second later and asks if you’re actually panicking, and when you say yes, suddenly he busts down your door.
He HATES spiders. But that doesn’t mean he can’t deal with them
thanks to a previous encounter he had with the creature, he learned killing them is a bad idea.
So he hesitantly kept trying to get the spider under the damn cup, but every time he did and it would move, he’d dash to the other side of the room instinctively, releasing the spider once more.
It takes him about 10 tries to finally get the spider out of the house.
After making sure that you’re ok, he then tells you to never waste his time on such ridiculous things ever again
he doesn't mean it though, don’t worry, he’d do it again for you
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He is scared of spiders too
Reluctantly he shows up at your house.
He tries to act tough but you can clearly see the sweat running down his face as he uses his robotic equipment to slowly look under the couch for the spider.
When he finally catches it, he screams, prompting you to scream, and blasts the area of the spider with a laser beam.
the both of you stare intently at the area of the blast and let out a sigh simultaneously as the ash clears and the arachnid has been successfully vaporized.
You both give each other a pat on the back for being so brave
Then you offer to take child emperor to a nearby store and get some ice cream together
he happily obliges and you both skip out of the destroyed apartment with your hands intertwined.
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itsthatmff · 2 months
helllooo, can you write boyfriends headcanons with other men like flashy flash and amai mask please? ~
IM FINALLY BACK WITH MORE HEADCANONS! writing for these was so hard- it was my first time doing amai mask too- I hope they turned out well 😩
Please keep the requests incoming I’ll try to work through them! I’m sorry for taking so long and Thank you so much for the patience.
Boyfriend Headcanons on OPM men Pt. 2
Included: Flashy flash, Amai mask, Saitama, Zombie man
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Flashy Flash
Having him as a boyfriend sure isn’t for the weak
He’s definetly the leader of the sassy man apocalypse
He takes his night routine SERIOUSLY like you will have a 20 step hair routine and a spa session
He gives great hair care tips though
Lets you braid his hair when you’re bored or does your hair when you’re tired
Gossiping with him is super fun
When he’s annoyed or jealous he scoffs a lot
Tiny bit reluctant over physical affection but his hugs and kisses feel so gentle, you could melt into them.
He goes all out when you’re on your period, like he knows exactly what you need and what to do.
Gifts you hairclips on random occasions !
Doesn’t like you touching his katana cuz he’s worried you’ll hurt yourself.
You get the best dates with him because he knows the best spots, prefers staying at home with you though in case one of his opps are after him.
He does bicker with you from time to time because he knows you too well and can’t be bothered to deal with your overdramatic ass
"Yeah fine we get it you’re just angry because you’re craving some desserts. Stop whining and lets go get it.“
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Amai Mask
Might seem like a narcissistic and selfish bastard at first but he really just has issues
As a boyfriend he might not be able to spend much time with you since he is a hero AND a celebrity with a filled schedule
Makes sure to spoil you rotten tho
You get expensive gifts from him on a weekly basis and he takes you out to the best restaurants
He has to be very discreet with your relationship since it could cause him a bad reputation and backlash from the media
Whenever he’s overwhelmed or had a bad day he seeks comfort in your embraces
Feels like you’re the only one who understands him
Genuinely opens up to you and shows you his vulnerable side from time to time
He gets VERY jealous like he better not catch you admiring some other hero
At first he’d laugh it off not wanting to believe such a thing but slowly the jealousy would start creeping up
“You’re mine understood?”
Is just scared of u leaving him
He calls to tell you there’s a new magazine out that features him and wants you to buy it.
Thinks you’re his biggest supporter and likes to brag about you.
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Dates consist of gaming or getting deals at different supermarkets
I can totally imagine that he’s willing to try some new things at the convenience store with you and do taste tests.
Never rates the food a 10/10 cuz he thinks Genos could do it better.
YES sometimes Genos DOES make dinner dates for you two, he goes all out making a 5 star dinner for his sensei and his girlfriend.
Saitama secretly loves it when you come and sit on his lap as he watches tv.
He may not look like it but he really notices the small details, like he’ll ask if you put on different perfume or shampoo. Does it so sleek too.
He’d lean in to your neck and WHISPER INTO YOUR EAR
"Hm..you smell so good, got a new perfume?“
This guy just knows how to get you flustered
Is very nonchalant about most things, doesn’t really get jealous. (Unless you’re being overly nice to someone that has like really good hair)
“Yo genos. How much do you think a hair transplant costs?”
“Why are you asking sensei?”
“No reason really..” as he GLARES at the guy you’re talking to.
Doesn’t call you often, more like he randomly texts you what he’s doing and if your schedule matches his you both hangout.
Wants to climb up the ranks in order to impress you and loves to tell you about his day when he gets home.
Gets the most expressive around you.
He kicks out Genos when you two need your private time.
Gives the best piggy back rides.
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Hands down the best boyfriend out there
He’s so chill about everything
Likes to take you everywhere with him, especially on shooting ranges, coffee shops or jazz bars
Respects your boundaries a lot, if you don’t like the smoke from his cigarettes he’ll try not to smoke around you, if you’re a smoker yourself he always looks forward to smoke some with you.
You both have a very casual relationship, there’s no awkwardness at all nor the cheesiness and pampering
That also includes physical affection. Cuddling on the couch or holding hands seems natural to you.
As nihilistic as he is, he can’t hide whenever he’s jealous.
“Was it fun chatting to that human?” He’d ask whilst pressing down the last remaining of his cigarette onto the whiskey glass. He wasn’t upset, more like curious of what you saw in another man.
Only calls you in the evenings after he walks you home. Likes to hear your voice before he goes to sleep.
He loves to get you roses
Asks childish emperor for advice on what to get you. Doesn’t even realise himself that he slips in your name in every conversation.
Is the kind of boyfriend that is happy enough to just watch you from afar.
Never ever gets aggressive with you. In fact you’ve never seen him angry.
Likes to polish his guns while you sit on his lap.
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badjohnspeakeasy · 11 months
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King uses his observation skills to spot a coincidence. Genos interprets it as a prophecy.
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
Hey!! How are you doing? 🥰 It's me again.
Came to request some opm four horseman hugging HC if it's fine with you! (Like how they cuddle n stuff)
Thanks u!
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thanks for asking! I've been wanting to do one of these for a minute! Threw in PDA hcs too
Hugs and Cuddles HCS
Dudes awkward at first. Hasn't done this before but gets the hang of it in his own weird way. When it comes to hugs and cuddles, he is the same energy to you as Genos is to him.
Hugs are snug, to say the least. He can get a little carried away, of course entirely unintentional. So usually can end up being bear hugs
If you're shorter or tall he picks you up in hugs, he don't care. He's showing off.
PDA is a bit new to him. He worries he's going to get looks for being with you as it is (you're effortlessly good looking, and he's just bald. my boy insecure). He'll play along if you initiate but it might take a while for him to be comfortable doing the same
He can't go to bed without cuddles. If you're busy late in the night he'll sit in the futon pouting more and more until you come with him.
He wants to be squished. You get trapped in an embrace on top of him usually. He'll roll over on top of you if you try to escape and smush his face in your chest. And he likes being a little spoon sometimes!
He is just clingier than he will admit. Very precious baby
Cuddle monster fr he cannot get enough of you. Has zero problems with initiating physical contact in any way
Super careful considering how he's just solid metals and you're a tender, squishy baby. When it's safe he likes to lay more on you and have you play with his hair
And he's always hugging you. Clingy little mf. You get trapped with affection often. Can get smothering sometimes! He just needs your attention is all
He picks you up a little if you're shorter in a hug. If you're taller he wants to be picked up. He won't tell you that just do it
PDA is without a question. He doesn't see why it should be its own term. Is lost if he's not holding your hand. He doesn't want any surprise attacks to separate you two so it's mostly a paranoia thing
Like Saitama, he silently refuses to go to bed without cuddles. He will make the futon and sit in it, then stare. He will stare at you, eventually if you're taking a while he will start getting closer. You haven't learned what happens if he gets too close yet.
Best personal heater. Loves spooning you closely, or holding you to his chest. Nothing less than qualified Cuddles, pillows and blankets for you, babe
If you can dig having a second shadow, this the boy for you. Once he starts, he can't stop.
The most baby of them all. Always all up on you, talking. Like he can't hold a single conversation without touching you
He likes putting his hands on your waist/tummy, so his hugs usually are with holding you there. Very gentle, unless he's messing around. He'll squeeze you tighter and tighter until you say stop
Your height makes a difference in how he hugs. He's more gentle if you're shorter and more playful if you're taller. Asserting dominance you could say
PDA can be weird for him. Light PDA. He doesn't like those couples in public that are overly on top of each other. That's a private sort of affection to him. He stares judgementally
Dudes a little spoon, no question about it. He likes you under an arm like a half hug. At times he has fallen asleep completely crooked with him laying his head on your stomach and holding one of your legs
He can and will go to bed without you just take your time. He fucking tired
Biggest hugger, loves the tummy
Has a hard time initiating any form of physical affection fr but he'll cave if he's needy. It's the asking part. He just sort of pushes himself into it and waits to see if you're not in the mood or reject it
Typically they're gentle and sweet unless he's fooling around, then he's bear hugging the life out of you
Assuming you're shorter he usually hunches into his hugs, like making a shield around you so no one else takes you away. If you're taller he likes hiding his face in you when hugging, and holds you tightly.
Actually doesn't mind PDA. People can mind their fucking business. You're his. So what? Cling to him he don't give a shit
He lays on top of you usually when you both aren't doing anything or going to bed. Sometimes you end up rolling around and changing positions but it's not uncommon he stays on top of you like that all night. Either he's on top or you are
You can't ever get out of cuddles. No way. Even if you're mad, or upset, eventually you're getting pulled to his chest and held like it's the last he ever will.
Your touch is his self medication for any inconvenience big or small
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spotaus · 7 months
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So that one trend...? But DustedAfterDeath instead ♡
(Gif version below the cut. Flashing lights warning!!!)
I couldn't help myself. I just think that some electronic posters would still work in the city and like...
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Idk guys, I just love these funky lil guys!!! This is Geno (pre-injury) in the poster, with Dust (center) and Reaper (right)!
Canonically, Dust met Reaper years before the plot of the main story in Ec-4o.verse. In a city. Where there would very likely be posters and signage showing mantras from before the downfall.
I think it'd be interesting if Geno (one of the head programmers of the Ecto-reprogramming) got put up as the poster child for the initiative. A new upstart programmer with the people in mind would sway hearts, right? Well, it did. Geno's lucky he got so many prosthetics, because a *lot* of survivors blame him for the incident thanks to how often he was publicized, even when he didn't want to be.
And idk. I think it's a cute fate moment, where Reaper just saved Dust and they're traversing the ruins of the wastes of the city, and Reaper shows clear distaste for the sign, but Dust stops and stares for just a second longer. Somewhere inside he recognizes that the guy in the ad is someone who was responsible for all this, for all the destruction and bloodshed. He's not sure how to feel about it. He seems larger than life.
Interesting how Reaper's seen it a hundred times and doesn't even look back (despite how he'd gaze at that face, changed but yet the same, every day with love later on) and how Dust takes a moment of the life he nearly just lost to stare at the image of someone he's never seen before (and wouldn't recognize for ages again, because Geno isn't who he was back then anymore). Interesting too how Geno's face was seen by both of them before he could see them in person and prove himself to be larger (than them both, he's tall, but not larger than life) and more of a character than either of them could've ever dreamed. Someone with enough heart to hold both of them.
And for context:
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The composition of this is so good and I fell in love just a little ♡
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notexactreflection · 1 year
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Day 2 pumpkin 🎃
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thedoctorswholigan · 5 months
Texting with the gents of One Punch Man!
“She’s busy rn” text prank Part 2
Find Part 1 here: Pt. 1
incl: Metal Bat, King and Speed O Sound Sonic
warnings: Slightly suggestive themes but nothing explicitly nsfw, reader is female, cursing, mostly fluff!
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tearcynical · 3 months
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AAUGHHHH yea more of this guy he likes dudes a lot I think
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yoshu-yoshu · 1 year
I'm a noob at writing so I want requests. I need to get better at writing and at going off prompt.
!!Things I will write!!
- Fluff (☁️)
- Lemon (🍋)
- Against (🚫)
- Platonic (🌸)
Thank you<3
Fruits basket
- Akito
- Kyo
- Shigure
- Ritsu
- Yuki
- Tohru
One punch man
- Saitama
- Genos
- Speed-o-sound-sonic(Yûki)
Spy x Family
- Yor
- Loid
- Frankie
- any of the children platonically
- Yuri
- Miku
- Len
You may request any one thats not from this list and I will read about them to try and capture their personality the best I can. I have more but the tags wouldn't fit and its already 2am. Imma gts then make another one tomorrow(or- when I wake up)!<3
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suprababka · 2 months
You telling OPM men you can’t walk because of the night before? If yk yk🫣🫣🫣
Hellooo!👋 Thank you for the request, and, yes, of course I'm doing this!🔥 I hope I properly made this prompt. If something is not right, please let me know, and I'll fix it. Have fun!💕
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Telling them you can't walk because of the night before
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A/N: dang, I don't know what to say here🤷‍♀️
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!
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Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
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Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask
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Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King
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the-daiz · 9 days
When you’re sick | One punch man
Synopsis; How the one punch men would act when you’re bed ridden
genre: fluff, hc
Characters: Saitama, Genos, Speed-o’-sound sonic, flashy flash, Zombieman, Garou
side note; My… my hands… wont… stop typing… save me…. I’m gonna hibernate after this post
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Shockingly takes very good care of you
he’s a mundane guy that lives alone and needs to take care of himself, so I’d assume he’s gotten his fair share of sick days
He’ll be softer and more careful with his words
He lets you huddle up in his futon, even if he’s a little annoyed cuz now he needs to find somewhere else to sleep,
he still wants you to be close to him so he can look out for you
makes you lotssss of tea and warm meals
and bananas! (Saitama loves bananas)
he knows all the foods to avoid when you’re sick, ex: eggs
he’ll probably spend most of his day sitting next to you while he watches tv or talks to you about something
doesn’t leave the house to do any hero work so he can stay by your side
like I said before, he takes veryyy good care of you until you feel better
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oh gets really worried
a little bit frantic even, but he doesn’t let it show
does a shit ton of research about your illness/symptoms and how to take care of it
Consults dr kuseno
who of course gives him a lot of advice
he’s hella dotting
Like fr he doesn’t leave your side
despite being an S-class hero, unless its an absolute emergency, he DOES NOT LEAVE YOUR SIDE
Will make sure you take your medication exactly on time
Prepares gourmet type meals for you
Also expect a lot of broth, soup etc etc
Will offer you any form of physical affection you want. Since he’s a cyborg he doesn’t get sick, so will cuddle you all day without complaints if thats what you’d like
He’s constantly checking up on, his cool metal hand pressed gently on your forehead while his mechanic eyes inspect your frame, a small frown etched on his temple.
he’s so cute kms
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He knows how to take care of you
he’s gotten sick PLENTY of times, it never lasted long though because his immune system is simply goated
That being said, he’s very… awkward?
he’s concerned and worried, don’t get me wrong, but he’ll probably try to hide it
His words won’t reassure you much but his actions will!
He’ll drop off supplies like medication, food, herbs, or anything else you need, whether you mention it or he decides you need it anyway.
he’ll check up on you a lot, and he’ll try to stay nearby to make sure your safe
but honestly, you having to rely on him when you’re vulnerable makes him feel prideful
he doesn’t admit it, but he kind of likes having you sick, just a tinsy bit
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Oh god
of course he’s terribly worried about you
very aloof about it though
I’ll start with the cons: He’s sort of emotionally distant, and offers very little emotional support, and he won’t try sticking by your side as often as the other characters
Now that that’s out of the way,
He does make sure you have everything you need, and if he’s not with you, probably because he’s doing some hero work, he’ll text you or call very occasionally to ask how you’re doing and if you need anything
If you do mention that you’re feeling worse, he’ll be right by your side in an instant
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He’s very down-to-earth and calm about it
He won’t fuss over it or worry too much in the slightest
He’ll take good care of you, bringing you meals in bed, drink lots of fluids and getting enough rest
he’ll focus on making you as comfortable as possible too
He’ll leave for hero work every once in awhile, thats unless you’re really sick, then he’ll stay rooted beside you without another word
He’ll spend a lot of time just sitting or laying next to you. If you’re uncomfortably hot and would probably not want him to sleep beside you, he’ll sit on a chair and quietly hold your hand.
If you want him to talk, he’ll talk, and if you don’t, he’ll sit wordlessly without complaints.
he’ll probably crack a joke here or there if the mood is too damp
also, he’ll offer lots of forehead kissess
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He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s got the spirit! 😍😍
this lone wolf isn’t used to taking care of people, let alone himself
He’ll probably tell you to just walk it off, but his protective instincts will kick in anyway
he’ll try to stay by your side as much as possible
he’ll grumble and act like he’s annoyed, but he really isn’t
he’s a little harsh, probably giving you some weird motivation like “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” or smth
he’s genuinely concerned for you though, just be patient with him, he’s trying
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Round 1 Matchups!
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Side A
L Lawliet (Death Note) VS Muichirou Tokito (Demon Slayer)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kiibo/K1-B0 Idabashi (Danganronpa)
Haruka Sakurai (Milgram) VS Seishirou Nagi (Blue Lock)
Satoru Gojou (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Umetarou Nozaki (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun) VS Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock) VS Taisei Yoshida (Assassination Classroom)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Souichi Tanuma (Those Snow White Notes)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Tenma Matsukaze (Inazuma Eleven)
Shouto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Sunny (Omori)
Broly (Dragon Ball Super) VS Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta (Persona 4) VS Sechs (XBlaze)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) VS Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nate River/Near (Death Note) VS Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles) VS Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Lan Wangji (Mo Dao Zu Shi) VS Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
James (Pokémon) VS Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Yuusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5) VS Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Hitoshi-san (Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls) VS Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Mikazuki Augus (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans) VS Wakatoshi Ushijima (Haikyuu!!)
Homare Arisugawa (A3!) VS Kamille Bidan (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)
Subaru Mikazuki (My Roommate is a Cat) VS Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) VS Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon)
Haru (Tsuritama) VS Giorno Giovanna (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Touma Akechi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece)
Lotte “Roy” Carmine (BlazBlue) VS Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)
Nahoya “Smiley” Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) VS Mafuyu Satou (Given)
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) VS Shichirou Balam (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Shintarou Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) VS Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Toshinari Seki (Tonari no Seki-kun) VS Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Side B
Haruka Nanase (Free!) VS Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Takeo Gouda (My Love Story!!) VS Karna (Fate)
Shintarou Midorima (Kuroko no Basket) VS Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) VS Junpei Tenmyouji (Zero Escape)
Sig (Puyo Puyo) VS Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars)
Kyoujurou Rengoku (Demon Slayer) VS Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Legoshi (Beastars) VS Gaien "Enkidu" Enkidou (Under Night In-birth)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) VS Haruhito Yano (Odd Taxi)
Yotasuke Takahashi (Blue Period) VS Manjirou "Mikey" Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
Kyouya Onodera (Talentless Nana) VS Misumi Ikaruga (A3!)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS Shu Itsuki (Ensemble Stars)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) VS Ren Mihashi (Big Windup!)
Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Kaito (Vocaloid)
Zero (Puyo Puyo) VS Masayoshi Hazama (Samurai Flamenco)
Genos (One Punch Man) VS Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) VS Sora Harukawa (Ensemble Stars)
Satori Tendou (Haikyuu!!) VS Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic X)
Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka) VS Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen)
Ghiaccio (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland) VS Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket)
Kensuke Aida (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Goku (Dragon Ball)
Shinichi Kudou/Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan) VS Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai)
Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die)
Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Xiao (Genshin Impact) VS Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Souya "Angry" Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Sabro Sabnock (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) VS Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter) VS Saitama (One Punch Man)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) VS Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
Subaru Natsuki (Re: Zero) VS Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds)
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olinblogin · 10 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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jusmango-shake · 4 months
🥭:Welcome to my rules post! Please read it before asking.
Nsfw (I'm an adult dw,)
Mildly kinky shit
Poly relationship
Dub-con (Drunk, high, etc)
Yandere (stalking, possessiveness, imprisonment, etc)
Basically anything, Still though. Ask if you're not sure about something.
!!NOT!! Allowed
Non-Con (even for the yandere, too dark. It js don't sit right wit me)
Character x character
Romantic Adult x Child relationship
Non aged up Kid character X Kid character Nsfw/suggestive
Zoophilia, pedophilia, the normal x3
Oc x character
More info!
🥭: I have a very short attention span, so I will not be taking any requests that aren't from the shows/games stated below. I also go on hiatus quite often and randomly at that. if I have "Hibernating" in my bio, well, it means I ain't available.
Fandoms I'm in!
Currently: TMNT (rise & 2012)
Writing for: Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Raph
Writing for: Tom, Edd, Matt, Tord, Jon
Fire Force
Writing for: the adults and minors (ask)
One Punch Man
Writing for: Saitama, Sonic, Garou,
Mumen ily mumen , Fubuki, Charanko,
Dr Stone
Writing for: Senku, Gen, Ryusui,
Chrome, Kohaku, etc (ask)
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notexactreflection · 1 year
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Part 2 and last?
poor Sonic should've done more research about this sport whatever this sport is.
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