#genshin Ei
starlovesganyu · 1 day
may I request HCs where reader falls asleep on genshin/star rail girls? please include hu tao if you don't mind, thank youu
feeling a little tired...
falling asleep on them!
thanks for the ask!
various characters x gn!reader
characters: bronya, black swan, firefly, robin, hu tao, ei, ayaka
warnings: none
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bronya -`✮´-
• she'll gently wrap her arms around you and slowly pull you closer, letting your head rest on her chest
• will gently brush away any stray hairs so she can take in your features more closely
• her heart will start to speed up as she realizes just how pretty you look when you're asleep
• will try to stay with you as long as possible, but being the supreme guardian comes with unavoidable work
• if you don't wake up before she needs to return to work, she'll gently lay you down on the couch and cover you with her favorite blanket before she leaves
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black swan -`✮´-
• i mean how could you not fall asleep on her lap pillow?
• she won't be able to contain her smile as she continues to gently stroke your hair and observe your sleeping face, taking notice of smaller features she's never noticed before
• when you eventually stir awake you'll open your eyes to find her softly looking at you
"welcome back...how did you sleep? what's with the smile? did you perhaps...dream of me?"
100% altered your dream so you would dream about her
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firefly -`✮´-
• she'll assume you were already feeling pretty tired before deciding to start watching tv with her, which is why you dozed off while holding her arm
• she'll try to shift you a little into a more comfortable sleeping position, but has to suppress her squeak of surprise when you suddenly grab her and pull her in tightly
• she'll be acutely aware of your breath on her neck, your heart beat, and how close your face is to hers...
• all this will have her blushing from head to toe
• she'll try and gently wriggle free from your embrace, but once she realizes it's not possible without waking you up, she'll accept her fate and attempt to get some sleep
• when you wake up in the morning, you'll find her still asleep, wrapped around you like a sloth <3
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robin -`✮´-
• her heart will melt when she looks over to find you asleep on her shoulder
• doesn't dare move a muscle though, and just takes in every little feature on your face with a slight blush on her face
• but when her eyes land on your lips, her head will be flooded with memories of kissing you, deepening her blush and placing a dopey smile on her face
• she'll be so lost in thought she won't realize that her wings are flapping excitedly and slapping you across the face
• when she turns back to look at you again, she'll find that you aren't asleep on her shoulder anymore, but looking at her with a smirk on your face
"i-i swear i wasn't thinking about anything inappropriate!"
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hu tao -`✮´-
• she'll feel like she won the lottery when you feel asleep on her-how could you blunder so badly?
• will gently lay you down the couch before tiptoeing away into her room, returning moments later with a marker in hand
• when she stands over you, her heart flutters and she hesitates as she admires how cute and peaceful you look when you're asleep
• will get the sudden urge to drop everything and curl up with you, but quickly shakes the thought of her head-she has to focus on the task at hand
• when you walk through downtown liyue with her that night, you'll notice how everyone gives you weird stares, and for some reason, she also can't look at you with a straight face
• almost like there's something on your face...
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ei -`✮´-
• when she feels you drift off to sleep in her embrace, she gently picks you up and moves you to the bed and carefully tuck you in
• but when she's about to turn the lights off and leave, she hears you move around in your sleep
• she'll quietly return to your side to make sure you're okay, not having a nightmare or anything
• she finds you smiling in your sleep, mumbling her name
• she'll melt on the spot, and will have to fight the intense urge to just grab a hold of you and never let go
• that night was the fastest she's ever gone through her nightly routine
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ayaka -`✮´-
• her brain was already overheating when you lay your head on her shoulder, so when you fell asleep, she just shut down
• she'll eventually gain the courage to move your head down into her lap, where she believes is more comfortable
• brushes the hair out of your face before taking a good look at your sleeping face
• you're sleeping face will have her blushing all over again, and she now has the urge to give you a kiss
• she'll steel her nerves once more before leaning down and planting a light kiss on your forehead
• afterword, she'll match your breathing rhythm and just think about how lucky she is to have someone as perfect as you! <3
a/n: thanks for reading! sry for any typos!!
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luxthestrange · 4 months
G.I Memes#6
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tricksrabbit · 8 months
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Art by @hyeonwook9
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https-furina · 1 year
— in another lifetime ! ★ | edition: archons, version 1.0
ft. venti, zhongli & ei x fem!reader
content. heavy angst, mentions of alcohol, death, blood, details of injuries, illness. refers to their story lore. spoilers for inazuma’s archon quest.
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✉️ mail received! sender: venti
you had every ounce of reason to believe that the boisterous bard was in fact not a mortal. he knew mondstadt like the back of his hand - i mean seriously, do all bards recite the crevices of a cliff face the way that he does? - and even drunk he could blabber for hours on mondstadt’s history, occasionally mentioning things that were not public knowledge.
therefore you knew you’d be swallowing yourself into a mess when you fell head over heels for that playful giggle, the lingering taste of wine on his lips between kisses and how he always seemed to reassure you so perfectly - regardless of whether you worshipped the archon of anemo or not (he doesn’t mind anyways!)
you remember the day that he finally gave up his secret well. it was carved into your memory the same way venti had every inch of his country burned into his mind, the rocks, the lakes, the trees he rustled with familiar, warm breezes as you walk under them. you’d been ill for months, seeking help from a multitude of doctors to try pinpoint exactly what was wrong - it turns out you didn’t have long left to live. in a bout of emotion, venti exposed his true identity to you underneath windrise, not far from a statue of his own person.
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a gasp falls from your lips, another coughing fit shaking your body as venti perches himself down beside you on the picnic blanket, his hand rubbing your back warmly. you flash him an appreciative smile, to which your boyfriend returns as he presses a kiss to your head. weakly, you raise a tissue to your mouth as you continue to cough, as if something is stuck in your throat.
it’s becoming harder to breathe and when that lump in your throat finally hacks up, the white tissue in your hand stains a bright red. venti’s eyes notice it before you do, the hairs on the back of his neck standing in a panic as his breath hitches - no, you couldn’t possibly be leaving him this soon?
it was as if celestia was mocking him for falling in love with a human in the first place. a mortal with an archon? a concept so amusing in the eyes of those who live forever. it was bad enough falling for you knowing you too would leave him one day but it was even more of a stab to his chest when you were ill with mere months left.
“windblume?” venti whispers, concerned when you don’t respond straight away. your breaths are staggered, weak and wheezing somewhat. it feels like your lungs are filling with liquid, drowning out your vital organs as you become dizzy. your vision is darkening, static around the edges as you look over at your boyfriend.
he’s crying; rivers of precious, glittering tears are dancing down pale cheeks as he stares at you in fear. there’s no reassuring him now. you know that venti has seen his fair share of death, you couldn’t lie to him in such a scenario.
“in… another lifetime, okay?” your voice cracks, you’re running out of oxygen when your chest tightens and constricts like there’s a heavy weight pressing on you, “i-i love you.”
“wait- no!” venti cries out, catching you as your body slumps forward, your eyes unblinking. he squeezes you close, burying his face into your shoulder when he can’t hear your struggled gasps for breath anymore, “i love you too…”
✉️ mail received! sender: zhongli
he figured he’d done a good job of hiding his status as an archon, especially when he tries to emphasise that he is retired - xiao will always send him a straight, deadpanned look in response to this that makes you giggle. you’d seen through it all, namely because you’d been familiar with xiao prior to meeting zhongli. you knew the last remaining yaksha well, on friendly terms.
you knew xiao wouldn’t just respond to anyone the way that he does zhongli. you’d seen first hand how the adeptus responds at the voice of the taller man - obedient and loyal. not to mention, you’d heard plenty of times when xiao stumbles on his words, referring to zhongli by his archon name before his cheeks flush and he stutters out his human name instead.
zhongli thought the idea of love mediocre. it never seemed to impress him - you suspected that there had been a past lover involved but neither xiao nor zhongli confirmed or denied your suspicions. you also knew however that zhongli had every right not to return your feelings. what would an archon ever want with a human anyways?
but the benevolent turned archon cracked under your smile and contagious energy, admitting that he was an archon the same night he had said his true feelings out loud into the night of guyun stone forest - where he had taken you to delve into liyue’s history. it was a personal favourite activity to do with you, your eyes glittering whenever he’d speak of events long ago.
sadly, zhongli knows that he had delved too deep into too many scenarios for his own good, trusting the fatui within liyue at what cost?
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guyun stone forest was as peaceful as ever, the waves rolling up the sand beaches in melodies you wished you could paint on a canvas. zhongli knew you particularly loved this spot - he’d offered to take you to jueyun karst this evening but you was hellbent on coming back to guyun stone forest, a harsh reminder of the archon war to the tall male.
yet as peaceful as it was, a solace that the two of you would cherish any other day, there was the struggled gasps of your breath that broke the silence, meshing with the crash of waves and the whip of the wind on liyue’s coastline.
golden eyes stare at you, panicked and dilated as he takes in the way your blood is staining your attire, painting it red in the shade of jueyun chilis - would he ever look at the specialities of his own country the same again? let alone the location that he held the most memories at, especially with you, the only one he’d truly let close again?
“zhongli?” you whisper, watching the way he’s clutching his polearm with such vigor, brandishing it in anger after having fought off your attackers. if he wasn’t wearing his gloves, you’d see the way his knuckles are turning white.
“how are you feeling? does it hurt?” his polearm clatters to the stony pebbles of the beach you stood on, the very pebbles that are splattered in blood - not just yours but of numerous fatui lackeys zhongli had put to rest in your defence. he rushes to your side, gloved hands cupping your face as he makes you look up at him.
“it burns, li,” you wince, breathing is starting to hurt. it’s starting to take its toll paired with the blood loss zhongli knows he can’t stop, “i’ll be waiting for you in our next lifetime.”
zhongli grimaces at your words, not willing to grasp the concept of you dying yet - no, he possibly couldn’t. he was prepared for much longer time with you, he couldn’t have it cut so short. but he watches the way the sparkle is dying from your eyes, chapped lips parted as shallow breaths leave them.
“perhaps, then we will get this whole thing right, my love,” he reassures, a hand falling down to your waist when your knees buckle weakly under you, protecting your fragile body from the stones below, “i love you, y/n, always.”
✉️ mail received! sender: ei
following the traveler’s escapades in inazuma, ei wandered inazuma city many days to bask in the sunlight she hadn’t seen in decades. she’d hang around a particular café, one where you worked as a waitress delivering cups of hot matcha to tables of smiling elderly couples, dying old together until their last days. ei would sink deeper into thought whenever she saw you, some days even managing to run into you when you wasn’t working - it truly was accidental!
you would be a fool to not recognise her as inazuma’s archon, to which you do. she knows this when you respond to her in polite, formal gestures and yet you never fear her. you never cower in her presence or shake and shiver. it’s a peace she had yet to experience in her time out of the plane of euthymia.
when she announces her feelings to you, under the dazzling, colourful displays of naganohara fireworks in a quiet spot of tenshukaku’s gardens, she makes it clear that you will leave this realm of existence before her - without her. you do not fear this idea either, the same way you do not fear her. ei finds it courageous that you do not fear death as others around her do.
you do fear her capabilities as an archon, the destruction she can cause in mere seconds and the enemies she makes in the blink of an eye but ei never meant for it to turn out this way, they were her enemies to deal with, not yours.
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“ei…?” her name falls from your lips within seconds of your attack, a red river trickling from the corner of your mouth as ei lowers you to the grass below, kneeling at your side as she holds you close in her arms.
“shh, my dear, it is okay.” ei coos, raising a shaking hand to brush her thumb against your cheek, collecting tears yet to fall from your eyes although she can see them sparkling in rhe moonlight. thunder roars over head, lightning flashing around you in the midst of ei’s anger and worry.
it is the first time she has seen you so fearful with eyes wide as you choke on your own blood, coughing it up. it splashes onto her pale skin but she does not react, watching you helplessly as her grip on you tightens.
“this is it, isn’t it?” you ask with a raspy voice, a single tear rolling down your cheek that ei wasn’t quick enough to wipe away in time. ei flashes a sad smile down at you, not wanting to say the words you crave to hear.
“you belong with me - you know that, yes?” she suddenly states, her voice firm but there’s a slight waver in her tone, “maybe in another world or lifetime but i know you belong with me.”
you choke on a sob at her words, succumbing to your injuries as they burn and sting, red drops of blood dripping to the ground below and staining blades of grass. ei presses her lips to your head in a silent reassurance, knowing that nothing she could say would bring you calm now. nothing would bring you the divinity you feel when the two of you would sit under a shared parasol in tenshukaku’s gardens or wandered in the shallow waters of inazuma’s coastlines barefooted.
ei keeps her lips pressed to your clammy skin until your sobs and cries of how painful it is subdue, leaving her with your lifeless body in her arms. only then does the woman cry, screaming out into the night sky in a battle with the thunder - who truly felt more anger in that moment? she wails, wondering if she’ll ever live without the ones she loves getting taken from her so brutally.
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© https-furina 2023.
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pastelspindash · 1 month
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fated reunions
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tnsophiaonly · 5 months
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The land of eternity, Inazuma. Its archon was the God of Eternity, Raiden Ei. Everyone was aware of that.
Out of all 7 nations, why were you dropped there specifically?
Because it is eternal.
Ei, out of everyone, had a strange connection with you. Despite the knowledge that you weren't the one who created them by hand, but the one who gave them life... Therefore, the same united connection and the inability of the Creator to be in Teyvat. She had a special connection with you.
That was a knowledge she has found out the moment she faced the Traveller, when she met you.
Even at that brief conversation, when she first conversed with you in millennials. She could tell—no, feel a different kind of connection with you.
A connection that's far different. A connection that makes her special.
They say that the creator inhabits human vessels that are capable of adapting to them, to communicate with their subjects as their presence might cause the end of Teyvat. The world was like a void when their creator wasn't there, no sense of life or anything, as if Teyvat has reached finality.
But unlike everyone, Ei could feel you. And unlike everyone, you would always be apart with Ei because that's just how it is with The Ruler and Creator of Teyvat.
There's a specific reason why Teyvat dropped you at Inazuma. For Inazuma is the Land of Eternity. And you are the only one who is able to end said eternity.
The creator had a chance to know and to never know, because it is all connected in one place and because they will never be allowed to be at Teyvat.
The mere presence of the creator at Teyvat, at Inazuma, was a hole in the entire reality.
Hence the opening. Hence the gateway to heaven or paradise.
Hence the gateway to your world.
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strawberrycrushes · 6 months
"Ei..." You mumble softly, letting the back of your fingers graze her cheek. "Ei, I'm sorry. Please cheer up now. Haven't you been upset for long enough already?"
Meanwhile your girlfriend huffs and turns her head, swatting away your hand pettily.
"Ei," You chuckle, "It was an accident, I swear."
Ei whips her head around with a pout on her face. "How can it be an accident? I wrote my name on the box!"
You give her an apologetic smile. The Fontainian treats she had been looking forward to enjoying, it was true that you finished them off, but... "I'm truly sorry Ei, you know I am, but the box only had three sweets left. I didn't think you'd mind this much."
Ei bit the insides of her cheek. Saying it aloud like that really did make her seem quite childish. But still! Those were limited edition, and she was planning on savouring each and every bite.
Nonetheless, she thought as she stole a glance at you, perhaps you had been apologetic enough.
"I will forgive you." Ei begun, but raised a finger up just as your face was about to blossom into a bright smile. "On one condition."
You looked at her curiously, "What condition is that?"
"You have to bake me your brownies again." She spoke resolutely and you blinked. "That's it?"
Ei nods, "I have judged your crimes to be of little consequence in the grand scheme and have as such, decided to let you off with a light sentence." She says grandly and you smile.
"My god truly is merciful." You kiss her hand.
The next time Ei finds you, you're hard at work in the kitchen and she feels a bubble of guilt surface inside of her. Her demand for your hand baked treats seemed fair while she was giving it out, but now that she thinks about it, don't you have to work super hard to make things like that?
Having no experience when it comes to these matters, the efforts behind these common, menial tasks were rarely on the forefront of her mind. So when she saw your focused expression, the impulsivity of her foolish display caused her cheeks to flush deeply.
She approached you from behind and wrapped her arms around your waist, hooking her chin on your shoulder.
"Dear..." She gently grabs your hand and your attention altogether, "I apologise for my...less than appropriate behaviour earlier. You don't have to actually go through with this. I was being ridiculous."
Your eyes widen before a sweet expression dawns your face and you shake your head helplessly, resuming your prior actions. "I'm making these for you because I want to, not because you 'ordered' me to or something. Seriously, you have such ridiculous worries at times Ei." You chuckle and lightly flick her nose, causing her to scrunch her face. "Even still, I should at least help out right?"
You pause.
"Ei...the last time you helped out you burned the kitchen halfway through. And that was when I asked you to boil water for me."
Ei straightens her back as her pride prickles, "I have no idea what happened there. I looked away for barely a second and then..."
You laugh and press a kiss to the bridge of her nose. "It's alright, the incident was hilarious enough to make up for itself in any case." You sigh, relaxing against her hold as your movements slow down.
Ei had always been someone quite self conscious of her actions. It was difficult to nurture her pride and inexperience alongside one another, especially since her skill was really only deeply rooted in the battlefield. Even despite that fact she still tried to handle you with love unfamiliar to her, spoiling you to no end with gifts and affection galore. Her efforts always made your heart skip a beat, yet as her lover you were not immune to the urge of spoiling her as well.
"Ei." You suddenly cupped her face, catching her momentarily off guard as you kissed her, "Don't worry about me so much. This is a small thing, and I want to do it for you." You speak firmly in such close quarters that Ei feels a sense of warmth blooming from inside her, causing her legs to go light.
Suddenly you remove Ei's arms from yourself and walk her out of the kitchen.
"Now shoo." You tease, "I have work to do. Come back to me in say...half an hour more. I'll be done by then I'm sure."
Ei turns around, "But-"
"No buts." You finish off with a laugh, cupping your face with her hand. "I want to treat you. I ate your sweets so it's only fair that I pay you back with something sweet in return. Unless..." you trail off ominously, "You're saying that you actually just don't want them."
"No!" Ei's eyes widen and you laugh at how quickly she changes her tune. "I'll let you get to work." She straightens up and dusts off her clothes, quickly walking off.
Archons you loved that woman.
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saki-19 · 8 months
Art by Nandemo creative
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komatose · 1 year
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abandoned before being given a name
he makes me want to cry so hard
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petalologist · 2 months
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raiden sketch 🌸⚡️🍡
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starlovesganyu · 10 days
since at your "love letters" post you said ganyu was extra cuddly, so may I request cuddling headcanons with HSR/genshin girls? if you don't mind pls include furina and fu xuan thank youuu
cuddling hcs!
various characters x gn!reader
characters: nilou, ei, furina, ganyu, yae miko, ayaka, topaz, feixiao, fu xuan, kafka, robin, seele, firefly
warnings: none
not proofread
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nilou -`✮´-
• her favorite position is latching onto you and tucking her head under your chin
• she prefers to cuddle in silence, just enjoying your presence and warmth
• she loves to cuddle before a big performance because it helps her calm down and get in the right headspace
• if you gently play with her hair while you are cuddling, she'll turn into putty in your arms
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ei -`✮´-
• loves to hold you from behind, her arms tightly wrapped around you
• cuddling puts her at ease knowing you are safe and sound in her arms, protected from everything outside
• you aren't leaving her arms until she's satisfied, and on days where she's feeling extra stressed or anxious, you're not moving for a while
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furina -`✮´-
• acts like she doesn't want to cuddle, but in reality, she desperately wants you to just hold her in your arms
• even though she's vocal about not needing cuddles, she won't make any move to stop you from wrapping your arms around her
• even though she calls you needy for wanting to cuddle so bad, she can't help herself from snuggling just a little closer to you <3
• if you try to leave, she'll hold on to your shirt and sheepishly ask you to stay
you better stay
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ganyu -`✮´-
• very very blushy whenever you cuddle
• she'll be self conscious about her weight and body shape, thinking she's uncomfortable to hold so please reassure her </3
• your arms are her favorite place to nap, frequently taking her daily afternoon naps with her head resting on your chest
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yae miko -`✮´-
• will without a doubt be the big spoon
• very be touchy when cuddling, her hands constantly roaming around your body
• if some reason you are feeling extra down that day, she'll help comfort you by wrapping her soft tails around you
• definitely the type to blow on your ears just to get a reaction out of you
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ayaka -`✮´-
• melts the moment you embrace her
• can't contain her blush and smile when you look her in the eyes
• gets caught up in the moment and plants a quick kiss on the corner of you mouth before turning away in embarrassment
• loves it when you tell you her your favorite stories and experiences from your life
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topaz -`✮´-
• greatest lap pillow of all time
• when she has her arms wrapped around you though, she likes to rest her chin on your head or kiss you gently on the forehead
• quietly cuddling with you is her favorite to decompress and relax from her busy work days at the ipc
• if numby is not locked out of the room, it will be joining you two, whether you like it or not
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feixiao -`✮´-
muscle mommy!!
• you will feel the safest you've ever felt in her arms
• even though she's a battle hardened war general, she treats you like the most fragile and precious thing in the world
• loves when you trace your finger along her arms or abs
• there is also no way you're leaving her embrace before she's satisfied
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fu xuan -`✮´-
• something tells me she is definitely going to be the small spoon
• isn't very vocal about her desires, so she'll probably just gently pull at the bottom of your shirt with the cutest blush on her face to signal when she wants to cuddle
• gets all quiet and bashful in your embrace, and will silently snuggle up or pull you closer
• your presence is relaxing, and she always sleeps the best when she's tangled up with you
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kafka -`✮´-
• will put on the perfume she knows you love beforehand
• will plant gentle kisses all over your face, leaving lipstick stains everywhere her lips touch you
• loves to listen to you talk about whatever's on your mind while she holds you close and gently strokes your head
• offers you advice to your problems or showers you with praise and affection because oh does she have a massive soft spot for you
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robin -`✮´-
• she's just such an angel and will listen to everything you have to say, positive or negative
• doesn't care what position you two are cuddling in, she just wants to be near you because your arms act as her safe haven away from all the media and expectations
• if you slowly run your hands up and down her back, her wings will flutter in pleasure and she'll visibly relax <3
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seele -`✮´-
• would be very tense at first since she's not used to physical affection </3
• her face will be bright red the entire time, and can't look you in the eyes
• once she becomes comfortable though, it becomes one of her favorite ways to spend time with you
• will never admit that she loves to be the little spoon
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firefly -`✮´-
• never feels like she's close enough to you, no matter how tightly you hold her
• listening to your heartbeat helps calm and ground her after a long day
• if you gently pat her head, she'll fall asleep instantly because she feels so safe in your arms!
• if you kiss the top of her head though, she'll pass away instead
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luxthestrange · 11 months
G.I Incorrect Quotes#51 The Start
Au...Divorced!You filed a Divorce from Ei(Leaving Inazuma), And you took Kunikuzushi in the separation...and now are RE-married to the Venti...
Y/n: Kuni, stop using my bikini to catapult oranges at your dad!
On the front porch, water and bubbled soap begin seeping out from under the front door
Y/n: What the...?-KUNI! When I told you to clean your room, I didn't mean to put everything in the washing machine!
Cut to the interior of the house, we see things from Nicole's point of view as she climbs the stairs
Y/n: Oh, not a moment's peace around here. Oh, where is he now?
You then open the bathroom door, where you then find grape soda in the bathtub, overflowing onto the floor
Y/n: Kuni! Why is the bathtub full of soda?!
Venti: He must have been trying to make some kind of amazing homemade jacuzzi. I think it's important to encourage the creativity of a child because-
Y/n: It was you, wasn't it?
Venti*Peers out from behind shower curtain* Yes
You sigh and close the door, look down at the ground, then to your right, where you find grains of both sand and snow leading to Kunikuzushi room
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Would you guys like this to be a thing?...
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ventique-genshin · 1 year
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Posting an old art because my ‘what if’ brainrot is strong today
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tricksrabbit · 10 months
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Art by @usa_chins
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ikebo-simp · 1 year
Have you ever seen those dishes where you put them back together with gold glue, so that after they're fixed you can see all the beautiful lines were the cracks used to be?
Imagine that, but as a SAGAU Imposter au
I think this could go two ways:
One, nothing really special, but every scar you get is golden
Two, depending on how you die, a scar will appear, a beautiful reminder of how you died
Like if you died because Ei struck you with lightning, you would have a shimmering lightning strike dancing across your skin
I think it would be cool if it stacks too, but no one knows until it's too late
Imagine the first time, you get pierced through by Venti's arrows, you gasp wake up and you trace the newly formed scars on your chest.
Next, you die by Zhongli's spear, slashing across you chest, jolting awake, you can see another scar joining the previous
The cycle continuing until someone kills you with beheading and they see the golden scar surrounding your neck
They bend down and repent, but the damage is done
Everytime you change or show your scars, they have to be faced with the hauntingly beautiful consequences of their actions
Also I think this plus wearing a backless shirt, would be so pretty and make the acolytes miserable
A/N The plates are so pretty
Thanks for Reading
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machyishere · 4 months
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Cr: @kamiiart on twitter
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