#genshin eroch
kaeyachi · 2 years
No one can pry away from me the idea that Kaeya had a major role with removing Eroch from his position.
I bet Jean and Varka also knew what he was doing in the shadows (Varka more so of his illegal activities or morally dubious actions)
I genuinely believe he was doing the dirty work just to oust that man
and when Eroch was exiled, I also believe that Kaeya made sure that there were no loose ends
Red wine tastes better when you know you've won, after all.
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ac-liveblogs · 3 months
Closest thing I can figure is that they're genuinely cursed tbh, take "they lost the favor of the wind" and make it literal or something. It doesn't seem like venti's style, but maybe some bright lawrence soul generations ago tried to meddle with god remains for a revenge plan when they had just been given the boot and managed to get himself and his entire line cursed. Maybe an "I'll lend you power to recuperate your past glory but in exchange you'll give up all the futures you could have" type of deal
Yeah, it's really not Venti's style...
The Lawrence clan are just really awkward, I'm perfectly happy cutting most of that drama since... honestly, there'll be enough going on in Mondstadt anyway. I think if I decide to use Mondstadt political drama, I'd rather focus on Eroch's remaining followers and Varka, whenever he shows up. And god, the Hexenzirkel....
That said, it might be interesting having some Lawrence ghost or something hanging around as a miniboss in some sidequest - maybe they messed with something related to the Abyss? Or hell, Istaroth...
...man, would it be too self indulgent to include vampires in Mondstadt?
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tohmaya · 1 year
Huge pet peeve of mine in fanfiction is when Jean inexplicably has her vision before Crepus’ death. It is explicitly stated that she received her vision after deposing Inspector Eroch
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moonilit · 2 years
Ok but imagine we find out that Kaeya is still on the case of who exactly sold Crepus the delusion
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astralcamellia · 7 months
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Day 049
the emotionally constipated "you hopeless fool, you nearly died this time!" vs the oblivious "did you really come to the infirmary just to yell at me, inspector"
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chaosocean · 2 years
the best laid plans of mice and men is often fuelled by rumours
a new chapter has ✨️arrived✨️
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torgawl · 5 months
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continuing my crepus posting, can we just talk about his delusion for a second? because even dottore thought it was unique. dottore was surprised for seeing someone wielding a delusion, sure, i assume it's not everyday you see that especially in that situation. that's normal, but saying specifically that it piqued his interest, calling it "perfect and utterly peerless", encouraging diluc to grow stronger and saying "i can see a bright future ahead of you"? a bit weird. so this got me thinking, what if this delusion is different than other delusions?
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as we can see from the webtoon panel of crepus wielding it, there's two things about the delusion that we haven't seen associated to any others so far: chains and what seems like an alchemy circle. this delusion doesn't just hold elemental power, it can create something (or transform/manifest the power into something physical). we read somewhere someone referring to the delusion fire as "black flames" so probably the chains are embued in that power but the chains themselves don't look like fire. another curious detail about crepus' delusion is the way it interacts with ursa the drake, besides being the only thing able to drive the dragon away, it changed its eye colour from yellow to red! when the delusion finally backfired onto crepus, we can see that the air and diluc's hands after touching his father seem to fill with black dust. and maybe this is nothing, i mean, fire burns and what is burnt generally releases ashes but dust can also be tracked down to alchemy, more specifically the art of khemia (an advanced form of alchemy that sustained the underground kingdom of khaenri'ah). and do you know what's also different in crepus' delusion specifically? the symbol that appears on the orb.
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unlike other delusions, it isn't the fatui symbol (or the elemental symbol, like the one visions have) but instead a big circle with a small circle inside it. that's literally the symbol that appears in alchemy tables!!! if you look at it attentively, it looks like a big circle was parted into three and they go around it like orbits. and is it a coincidence that three is a constant number appearing in genshin, including associated to three beings that are always drawn with similar symbols everywhere across the game, three moon sisters - a representation of the moon?
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because there's other instances of circles within a circle drawn in the game. it reminds me of an eclipse like the one shown in abyssal moon spire (easily connected to the eclipse dynasty of khaenri'ah where the crimson moon was replaced by a black sun), the moon depicted in tsurumi island (that from what i understand got its hole after kapatcir descended) and the crimson moon that became an eye in perinheri (book about the crimson dynasty in khaenri'ah - the one that preceded the eclipse dynasty). khaenri'ah and alchemy possibly being tied to crepus' delusion doesn't sound so crazy anymore, right?
the insistence that crepus was a "mere businessman" by eroch and that being the reason they couldn't let the people know he saved everyone from ursa the drake (which led to diluc's resignation) also sounds like the perfect little detail to throw for some sort of plot-twist. yes, this is mostly my wishful thinking but also, what if crepus really wasn't just a business man? diluc got his "red dead of night" outfit from his father who had a ceremonial uniform tailored for diluc in advance and diluc modified it for battle. maybe that's where the resemblances with the fatui come from, as a way to go unnoticed or mix in during his time hunting the fatui. at least it's easy to discard it as something deeper that way. but i don't think it's such a crazy idea anymore to think of something crazier when we consider the ragnvindr's connections to the hexenzirkel (the teapots and diluc's jacket patterns being the same as the ones in the hexenzirkel cutscenes) and the fact kaeya was left purposefully at dawn's winery. again, maybe it could just be because the ragnvindr are a prestiged family but also, what if there's something else here? is it that impossible?
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hibiscus-writing · 1 month
It's been so long AU
first AU for this blog! ragbros centric genshin au, this first ones a bit sad
warning: child death
-Kaeya had been living with the Ragnvindr’s for most of his life, joining that at 3 years old to the current setting (7-8). Diluc is 3 years older than him (10-11) and Is the best big brother ever. Kaeya has been apart of the family for years now
-Crepus takes the boys out to the city for a day so they can visit friends whilst he deals with business in the city.
-Kaeya ends up alone after Diluc is dragged away by some of his friends
-Kaeya roams around Mondstat, buying a little plush peacock for himself with pocket money Crepus gave him
-Kaeya ends up seeing Eroch gesturing to him to follow him. Not following at first, but eventually convinced when the Eroch says he needs Kaeya to give something to Crepus.
-that was a ploy, because in actuality, Eroch had taken Kaeya to a secluded area in Mondstat and murdered him, as Il Dottore discovered his Khaenri'ah origin and wanted his blood to conduct an experiment.
-Eroch leaves Kaeya's body behind, knowing that it would be awhile before the body is found due to the area they were in.
-time passes, Crepus finishes his business and goes to the agreed meeting place he and his children set up, for only Diluc to return.
-After a couple minutes, Crepus is concerned and asks Diluc if he's seen Kaeya, thus finding out that Diluc had left his brother behind, distracted by his friends.
-Crepus is upset, letting Diluc know that next time to take his brother with him, or atleast make sure Kaeya wouldn't be completely alone. Diluc, ever dramatic, sobs and swears he'll never leave Kaeya alone again.
-more time passes and Crepus is getting more and more worried, he goes to some knights to ask if they've seen Kaeya recently, to which he is informed that Kaeya was last spotted at a stall before wandering off, seemingly with purpose.
-with the help of some of the knights and townsfolk nearby, Crepus runs around the city looking for Kaeya.
-as the sun begins to set, Crepus begins to get frantic, yelling out Kaeya's name. when he hears a scream from across town that he runs towards the source.
-When Crepus reaches the area from the scene, he sees an alleyway being blocked off, some knights rushing away to fetch their superiors, some blocking the alley, others comforting a woman who appeared horrified as she cried.
-one of the knights blocking the alley looks up and meets Crepus's gaze, his face turning to one of pity and guilt as he approaches Crepus.
-Crepus is told that they have discovered Kaeya's body
-horrified, Crepus refuses to believe Kaeya had passed, it's only when he catches a glimpse down the alley, when he realises the situation is all too real.
-he sees his youngest son, his baby in all but blood, lying limp with stab wounds all over his body, and the worst part was the alley was absolutely drenched in blood. Just out of his son's body's reach was the small peacock plush, the first thing Kaeya had ever purchased on his own, drenched in blood.
-Crepus screams at the sight, desperately trying to reach Kaeya but is held back by the knight. It takes several men to pull Crepus away from the scene, which he proceeds to break into hysterics and tears, still being held back by a couple men to prevent him from disturbing the crime scene.
-Eventually Diluc wonders upon the scene and cries out in distress seeing his father like that, Diluc runs up to his father asking what's wrong, which Crepus doesn't answer as he just scoops Diluc up in his arms and holds him tight. Diluc doesn't know what's going on, but he tries to comfort his dad.
-A cart is sent to bring Crepus and Diluc home, Crepus begs to stay, pleading to stay by his son's side. Diluc refuses to leave without Kaeya, which only causes the Crepus to break more.
-its at this point that Diluc realises something is wrong with Kaeya, he asks what's wrong but nobody answers, some knights only saying that he'll find out eventually, and that it's an adult conversation.
-eventually they make it home, where the news is relayed to the staff via a messenger as Crepus cannot say what happened without breaking into more tears. Diluc cries as well, from confusion and distress seeing everyone so sad, aswell and anger from not knowing what happened to his baby brother.
-moving forward, Kaeya's body is taken and buried among the Ragvindr’s graveyard with thousands of calla lilies on his grave, whilst his autopsy revealed that his wounds resembled those in which someone would use on a corpse to remove its blood.
-Evidence is collected that shows that Eroch commited the crime, however it is kept secret as Eroch hides the evidence and continues working with Fatui. Kaeya's case goes cold.
-Crepus can't handle the idea that he'll never know who killed his baby, he becomes obsessed with finding the murderer, despite how much it hurts him. Crepus still makes sure to spend as much time as possible with Diluc, now knowing that the worst can happen after learning it in the worst way possible.
-Diluc is eventually told what happened, without the Gorey details, he's heartbroken. He clings to his father for months after the incident, believing that his father would also die if he left him alone.
-Crepus sleeps in Kaeya's room often, remembering all the nights he comforted Kaeya after his night terrors, treated him when he was Ill, and welcomed him into their family. 
-Crepus starts working out more, learning to use daggers and swords, as he's paranoid that if he does find the killer, that he won't be able to get revenge as his body is too weak.
-Crepus ends up painting Kaeya a lot, as a sort of therapy, he paints every happy moment they had with him, preserving his memory.
-10 years pass and Crepus discovers that Eroch killed Kaeya from orders from the Fatui, the doctor in particular, and harvested kaeya's blood as he was Khaenri'ah, and the doctor wanted to experiment to see the differences between Khaenri'ah and Teyvatians.
-Crepus is furious, racing up to the headquarters with the evidence he's collected, dumping it onto Varka's desk before storming out, rolling up his sleeves.
-Crepus breaks the door of Eroch's office, storming in and throwing a punch, dragging Eroch to the ground where he begins to brutally beat him. Varka eventually drags Crepus off Eroch, but not before letting him get a good beating, then ordering other knights to place Eroch in the prisons.
-Varka bandages Crepus's hands, having gotten rough and injured during Eroch's beating.
-Now allowed to go through Eroch's office, Varka and Crepus discover mountains of evidence that proves his guilt to a multitude of crimes. Every part makes Crepus's blood boil thinking that he ever trusted this man.
-Crepus opens the draw of Eroch's desk to discover a vial filled with red liquid… Kaeya's blood.
-Crepus freezes, holding the vial and turns to Varka, whose fist clench and whiten. Crepus puts the vial down before he collapses onto the ground in tears, Varka catched him and joins in with the tears, Jean hears this happen from outside the door.
-the trial commences, where Eroch's crimes are shared to the entirety of Mondstat’s, who have shown up in support of the Ragvindr’s family and in anger of what had happened to their youngest member, who had the kindest smile and a shy personality.
-Eroch became the first ever death sentence ordered in Mondstat since the revolution against the Lawrence clan.
-Crepus pours out the blood from the vial over the top of Kaeya's grave once everything is one, hoping it can give him some semblance of peace. It angers Crepus knowing that his son may never fully rest because some made man is experimenting with his blood.
-after Crepus finished pouring out the blood, an electro vision forms In Front of him. He has little reaction, despite a vision being something he dreamed about years ago, now Crepus only dreams for his family to be complete again, with both his sons.
-Diluc was so furious when he discovered that Kaeya's blood was given to the Fatui that he almost ran out to Snezhnaya to fight it back, but Crepus stopped him as he didn't want to lose another son to those monsters.
-Meanwhile in Snezhnaya, Dottore has been experimenting with Kaeya’s blood for years now, alongside the blood of the orphans he stole during the comic.
-through this blood, Dottore has created his own hilichurls. 
-these hilichurls are a mix of fur and metal, as the cores of ruin machines are used as the hilichurls heart, with a metal armour of sorts keeping the body intact and providing areas to include weaponry. 
-The hilichurls are in constant pain. Their bodies aren't fully formed, their fur feels like fire, moving feels like walking on nails, and breathing struggles their broken lungs.
-Kaeya, including the orphans, were reborn as these hilichurls. 
-The hilichurls were to be sent to another nation to be studied further, however Kaeya broke out of the ship and landed in Mondstadt. 
-Who will find Kaeya first? The Ragvindr's or the Fatui?
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technicallyr43 · 2 years
Genshin angst prompt TW: noncon, torture, attempted suicide
Prompt where Kaeya was raped by Eroch and told Crepus about it before the coming of age party. Crepus goes into a rage and contacts Varka to talk about it at dawn winery after the party. Kaeya goes on patrol to stay away from Eroch, but Eroch finds out that Kaeya snitched. So he works with Dottore to set Ursa on Crepus since they just tamed it. Which causes Crepus to die before telling varka about it. And Kaeya, who sees Crepus die feels guilty bc he told Crepus about Eroch and he’s the reason he died and shit like that. So, decides to off himself by lying to Diluc about being a spy. Cause he knows that Diluc is gonna try to kill him. Except he’s hit in the head and confused so he runs away and turns up later with burns and amnesia. After he’s healed, he doesn’t remember Diluc disowning him or that Crepus died bc of Eroch so he goes home to the winery. He finds a letter to Varka from Crepus and send it off. And then later that day, Eroch comes, and Kaeya’s like, why do u scare me? And then Eroch attacks him and rapes him, telling him about why Crepus died.
Meanwhile, the letter sent to Varka was an account of what Kaeya told Crepus, bc Crepus was worried something may happen to him and he couldn’t warn anyone. He suspected. Varka reads the letter and realizes the Eroch had Crepus killed and got Diluc into a rage to leave the knights. When he questions where Eroch went, he finds out no one has seen him and he realizes that no one is there to protect Kaeya. So he grabs Jean and some knights, and books it to the winery. They come upon the staff trying to break down Crepus’ door because Eroch has them locked in there. Varka busts through the door and sees Eroch trying to strangle a beat up Kaeya while he violates him. He’s pulled off Kaeya and Jean and adelinde try to help Kaeya, who’s struggling breathing. Jean heals him enough that they can take him to the Cathedral. Eroch is thrown into the dungeons, where he’s watched and interrogated.
When Kaeya wakes up, he’s devastated that he got his father killed, and tries to kill himself again. He’s stopped and has to have someone with him at all times. Varka writes a letter detailing what happened and sends it off with a recon knight, to try to find Diluc as soon as possible. He keeps his hands full, making sure Kaeya is being cared for, and the fatui are promptly booted from mondstadt. He writes more letters to send off, in hopes that someone will find Diluc. Kaeya goes through a lot of depression, and kinda loses it. He’s catatonic for awhile but is eventually pulled out of it by jean when she says that he’d be leaving Diluc in the world by himself. And how would Diluc feel when he learns everything and know that he didn’t get to see his brother again.
With everyone’s help, Kaeya pulls himself together enough to live through life bleakly. He starts training again under supervision and eventually gets the Calvary captain position, after struggling for half a year.
Meanwhile, 6 months after Diluc left mondstadt, he’s tracked down by a knight. He’s kinda an asshole about it but reads through the letters and finds out everything he didn’t know. And realizes that he maybe shouldn’t have left without questioning why Eroch was such an ass about his father killing Ursa. And then then he panics later on when he’s travels back to mondstat bc he gets more letters about Kaeya attempting to kill himself. Then he realizes that night he and Kaeya fought, Kaeya was trying to die. When he gets back to mondstat, everyone is like, omg ur back but Diluc just rushes to the knights, ignoring everyone. He makes it, finds Kaeya and they hug it out.
That’s about as far as I got. Tell me ur thoughts!
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To Douse A Phoenix
Read on AO3
by ihateallofyou
Master Crepus had painted many eagles during his lifetime, but he never could’ve foreseen creating an eagle with such fire. Was he aware of how beautiful those dancing flames were?
For one Kaeya Alberich knew all too well.
And one Diluc Ragnvindr of Mondstadt; he believed they were the ugliest things in the world.
Words: 2049, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Diluc (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Crepus (Genshin Impact), Eroch (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Crepus & Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya are Adopted Siblings (Genshin Impact), Sad Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Needs a Hug (Genshin Impact), Diluc is Bad at Feelings (Genshin Impact), Hurt Diluc (Genshin Impact), Canon Compliant, Angst, no happy ending, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Emotional Hurt, Hurt No Comfort, my retelling of how "that night" after crepus passes away goes down
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lunannex · 2 years
obligatory kaeya for the character thing 🙏🙏
ELI <33 I’m gonna be the one proposing this time, THANK YOU for giving me an excuse to talk about ✨He✨
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual king <33 though the idea of him being Biromantic is also something I’m very fond of!
Gender Headcanon: I don’t think it’s something he thinks about too deeply (given…everything else that’s going on in his life), but he definitely seems like the type that would enjoy exploring every aspect of his gender identity. His relationship with gender is very fluid and although he has a part to play and it’s said that he puts on a performance, he still likes presenting himself however he pleases.
A ship I have with said character: Kaejean!!!!! It’s about the TRUST and undying LOYALTY!!! It’s about knowing that they’re destined to betray each other but still choosing to love each other <3
A BROTP I have with said character: ALSO Jean lmao. Diluc is an obvious one so I won’t go too into detail, but I honestly just love Kaeya with every character that’s from the Knights of Favonius + Rosaria
A NOTP I have with said character: Ka//e//luc. Adopted siblings are still siblings send tweet
A random headcanon: can I give you multiple🥺 I’m giving u multiple
Kaeya had to abandon his schooling when he became Cavalry Captain because it required way too much of his time and taking down Eroch (I hc that he helped Jean take him down) seemed more urgent than studying. So after Lisa became the Librarian, he asked her if she could help him finish
His birth father was killed by Pierro because Pierro was on a mission to hunt down the last survivors of the Alberich clan and he didn’t know about Kaeya’s existence. It’s just very fascinating to me :)
He has weekly meetings with Lisa and they like to gossip over tea (Jean totally eavesdrops sometimes even if she constantly berates them for doing it)
General Opinion over said character: He’s my favorite Genshin character, and my second-favorite (he would be my #1 if Allison Hargreeves didn’t exist) character of all time. I think the fact that his backstory is so vague and hasn’t gotten explored outside of Character Stories and voicelines is what makes him more interesting to me. It’s the same thing with Allison because I just get to speculate and it’s so fun
Send me a character and I’ll give my thoughts on them!
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ollyee · 3 years
Inspector Eroch = Il Dottore???
*totally not me writing this to 'how bad can I be' playing in the background*
Okay, so I've seen this theory flying around the fandom for some time now, so maybe you've heard that already. But as a total Dottore-brainrot-person I wanted to dig into it myself and try to put it together according to the timeline.
So, is Inspector Eroch Dottore?
Short answer: probably
Long answer: To be honest, it's up to interpretation and I'm here to lay it all out!
Let's start with some timeline analysis.
Crepus somehow comes into possession of a Pyro Delusion (we do not know however if he'd stolen it from someone or one of the Fatui gave it to him on purpose) Anyways, let's note that Crepsus (haha lmao, yeah I know not funny)
The day is Diluc's 18th birthday and he's going back home with his father. Suddenly, some mechanical fatui thingies appear (which were confirmed in the manga to be the doing of Fatui; most likely Dottore) and lure out Ursa the Drake
We don't know if it was a failed Fatui experiment and the death of Crepus was just an unfortunate accident or he was killed on purpose (In my opinion he might have been attacked on purpose, like come on, this man may have been a role model in Diluc's eyes, but to me he was pretty sus)
Inspector Eroch insists to cover up everything, because it might ruin KoF's reputation.
This leads Diluc to resign and leave Mond for the next four years.
Dottore defeats Ursa the Drake and makes Mond indebted to the Fatui.
Okay, so let's stop here for now. Later on it was revealed that somewhere during Diluc's absence, Eroch was kicked out of KoF, found guilty of scheming something with the Fatui. A pretty... interesting coincidence.
That would very much explain why Eroch wanted to cover up the accident with Crepus. To avoid any further investigation onto that case (and discovering it was all previously planned by Fatui). WHICH leads me to conclusion that Crepus had some unfinished business with Fatui and that made him got killed.
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Then Dottore steps in, killing Ursa the Drake. Aaand this is the part, where the theory might have a small hole, but not necessarily...
Because IF at some point in the story Dottore personally met Eroch to talk about their plans of indebting Mond to Fatui, them being the same person is impossible. BUT, we do not know that. Maybe Dottore just killed Ursa and then disappeared *poof*. Or more like, went back to KoF headquaters and started the next phase of his plan. And it might make sense, looking at this manga panel:
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Basially, Dottore was just *casually walking around* and *casually* killed Ursa the Drake. (yeah, not suspicious at all) And then he just *casually* walked away.
So this is the part, where it's up to one's interpretation. That's the part of the story that wasn't covered either in manga or the game, so... we can just theorize.
But let's get back to the timeline:
Eroch is kicked out of KoF
Diluc comes back to Mond after 4 years, the banquet described in manga happens; where also Dottore appears
Then Diluc basically kicks his ass and Dottore leaves etc. etc.
Now you might ask - If Dottore were Eroch, why Diluc didn't recognize him?
Well, for us it's obvious. But take a note, that when Diluc wears his Darknight Hero mask, no one recognizes him. (Yeah, I know, pretty stupid, since he's like THE ONLY ONE WITH LONG RED HAIR IN MOND) But remember it's genshin. And when Traveler puts on that funny mask, no one seems to recognize them either.
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Also, I like to headcanon that if Dottore really IS Eroch, then after getting kicked out of KoF he fled to Liyue, where he tinkered with Ruin Guards for some time. But then, well - got bored and returned to Snezhnaya, where he experimented on other people along with Krupp. (who later was turned into that ruin guard thing lmao)
Now moving onto the visual evidence!
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Interesting that they didn't show his face.......
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Photo credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/kd5th0/il_dottore_is_eroch_theory/
AND ONE MORE THING that piqued my interest: the ring. Which, the manga artist also might have wanted to draw our attention to.
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That *twinkle* thing isn't there only for a decoration, I can assure you :)))) And you know what the ring reminds me of? Something.... shiny...
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It pretty much looks like a Hydro delusion to me. I know this one is a little bit tricky, since thanks to some manga panels we can theorize that the delusion being wielded by Dottore is an Anemo one. (And we know that most likely he doesn't have a Vision - since he simply despises Vision users.) Tho, I still think it's worth mentioning this ring, because well - Eroch was sus as hell and that ring was the final evidence to him working with the Fatui.
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If you've read through the whole theory - congrats and thanks for reading! I am really curious if this theory comes true someday. If not, well, I'm still curious about how Eroch looked like.
But for now, MiHoYo plz give us more Dottore crumbs.....
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ac-liveblogs · 3 months
ughhh lawrence clan in modern day is literally one of the few parts I don't like from mondstadt and I've been trying to fix it in my head for ages... (diferent anon but it rlly was just Awful Writing)
I do want Eula to grow beyond her circumstances and manage to reconcile her family w mond, but it just ISN'T REALISTIC for the lawrences to still be Like That! And like, are they even proper nobles! Bc the asshole uncle was living like a loser on a tent so I thought not, but if so why the flying fuck does jean give two shits abt pandering to assholes that no longer have any power over mondstadt!!!
(Besides holding a grudge so strongly from 1000 years ago seems OOC for mond ppl and it makes me bitter that they stuck with THAT but not w dvalin saving their country less time ago)
....not to mention that are you REALLY telling me that NO ONE in A THOUSAND YEARS managed to slay Ursa the Drake before Crepus? Really? I'm fairly sure that they didn't mention the present day drake by name bc they realised how ridiculous it was, but still...
Haha... I agree with you there, the Lawrence clan are just... come on, timescaling!
It's unfortunate, because if you try to reduce the timescale it starts messing with Mondstadt's foundational history. I wondered if the Lawrences could have established their own territory outside of Mondstadt, or migrated to Snezhnaya or something... honestly, they're just really awkward to think about because you want them to be antagonistic forces but - come on, after all this time?? Get over it! It'd be way easier to use Eroch!
And like, just, logistically, if the Lawrences are awful to the people of Mondstadt and have rejected them all this time, how are they keeping the bloodline alive! Who's marrying in and drinking the Kool-Aid? What's happening?!
Technically, Crepus didn't kill Ursa - he just drove it away with the Delusion, and then Dottore killed it, which I guess makes it being some super strong monster more plausible. But the power-scaling in Genshin is pretty buckwild when you try to think about it too long. Beidou kills Haishan, Signora turns into a blazing demoness of raging wildfire out of sheer Big Angry, Mondstadt can't kill one dragon?
Barbatos didn't try to help deal Ursa? Barbatos helped deal with Durin who was around for way less time, why didn't he do anything... about Ursa...
Maybe Ursa the Drake is one of the Sovereign Seven lmao.
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addictofanimation · 4 years
Modern Day x Fantasy AU (TW for Human Trafficking)...
Kaeya and Diluc would probably have better chances of staying brothers if they met in a more modern setting. So what about a Modern Day AU that still takes place in the fantasy world of Teyvat? 
Teyvat has many amazing inventions thanks to Visions being used to help things along. Public service announcements for dangerous monsters, phones with holographic features, etc. However, for all the amazing things going on, there was still the sinister underground that every world has. 
It wasn’t uncommon for people to want to go to Khaenri’ah and bring one of the many exotic treasures back with them. Most didn’t come back and anyone who did, usually came back with nothing but some new scars from the exotic wildlife. If anyone was lucky they might be able to bring back a corpse of one of those animals. Extremely lucky if they managed to catch it alive. 
But the real prize? 
Nobody knows anything about the people. Anyone who has the misfortune of meeting them almost always wound up dead (ninety percent of the time). Very few have ever gotten out of those encounters alive. 
It was one of those people who managed to capture Kaeya while he was gathering whatever scarce food he could find for him and his father. He winds up getting caught by poachers and put on the black market; the first Khaenri’ahn to ever be brought out of the mysterious country. 
He’s blindfolded and taken to a discrete location to be sold to the highest bidder. He’s terrified by the sound of the crowd of leering people who initially seemed only slightly interested in him until his captor says something in a language he can’t understand, though he recognizes the name of his country before his blindfold is ripped off. When they hear it, the room seemed to erupt with some people even almost jumping out of their chairs trying to get a better look causing the boy to flinch back. 
What in the Seven did he do to deserve this?
Crepus was more than nervous about participating in a sting operation. He decided to help his friend, Frederica, when she needed a partner for the mission. The man himself never dealt with the black market, but Frederica had suspicions that a colleague, Eroch (who might be the criminal, Dottore, that her department had been searching for), was participating in illegal trafficking. 
They do wind up spotting him in the crowd near the middle while they sat in the back. 
Crepus almost puked when a child who couldn’t be older than eight (probably older and was just malnourished) was brought onto the stage. The “prize” of the evening. The second the child’s blindfold was removed, revealing an already bandaged eye, the man was struck by the boy’s star-shaped pupil. His undamaged eye was beautiful. He was pulled out of the thought when he saw that same eye fill with tears as the child flinched back. 
The wine tycoon wound up in a back and forth with Dottore, one trying to upstage the other. The madman eventually backed down when Crepus offered ten million dollars for him. Crepus smugly dropped back in his seat, for once ridiculously proud for being a billionaire. He had more than enough money to burn and there was no way he was going to let that poor child leave with a man who was most likely going to experiment on him. 
Then he paused as he realized what he had just done. Frederica looked as shocked as he felt when he turned to look at her in dawning horror. 
How was he going to explain this to Diluc?
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phyneire · 2 years
Was neat to find out that Jean and Diluc have kept close even after he left the knights. Naturally there was a rift when he first returned to Mondstadt as she had tried to dissuade him from leaving in the first place but other than that they've never not been on alright terms.
I kind of gathered she was running in his inner circle from the mondstadt archon quest considering she was there on 'personal matters' not as the acting grand master.
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helioptrixx · 2 years
spoilers for the hidden strife event
it’s very early in the morning but oenobiqbfilksd the lore dumping they did at the end of the hidden strife event is ridiculous. (proceeds to list everything off)
first things first, there are the many letters, nine of which are kaeya’s (letter in beautiful handwriting, and i’m sorry, just the fact his handwriting is described as beautiful). the tidily written letter is from alice (mentioned again but not seen smh); the letter with clear handwriting is from one of the dawn winery staff, possibly elzer, but definitely not adelinde as she’s mentioned in the letter; the letter with elegant handwriting is from jean, i believe; the letter with rough handwriting is from varka; the neatly written letter is from albedo; and the new letter is from an unknown informant.
anyway, eroch is dottore confirmed?? varka’s letter says that eroch took the credit for the defeat of ursa, and didn’t dottore get it too? unless that happened after, in which case what the heck was varka doing because he says in his letter that he believed the credit should go the crepus. anyway, apparently jean was tasked with dealing with eroch, and kaeya describes that he became some obstacle for some reason, but that was all dealt with. (eroch is dottore confirmed?????)
what’s interesting is that, contrary to popular belief, diluc did not leave on his sojourn straightaway after crepus’ death. the letters describe him being holed up in the winery for quite a bit of time and that no one really knew he was going to leave, except jean somehow found out and was going to write a letter, and kaeya found out and dissuaded her from writing a letter, and varka didn’t know.
make sure you don’t teleport away after leaving the winery the first time, instead, go to the right and you’ll find kaeya and adelinde talking. finally, kaeya makes an appearance instead of just being mentioned lmao. and apparently kaeya and diluc have a code from their childhood??
also, if you teleport to the knights hq, next to one of the doors on the roof there’s a investigation pot where hyv dumps a ton more kaeya/khaenri’ah lore for like no reason at all but who am i to complain. anyway, the alberich clan is confirmed to not be of royal blood, but considering that they’re regents and it wasn’t uncommon for royals to marry close families (like knights) kaeya could still have royal blood. the “one-eyed king irmin” is likely the figure who the statuettes were made in the memory of (the black serpent knight drops), which possibly explains why, despite the khaenri’ahn lore, it’s the right eye exposed rather than the left (like pierro, dain, and kaeya all have). also, the wording of “restore khaenri’ah to life” kind of implies the alberich clan took over after the cataclysm and attempted to revive khaenri’ah but failed. i’m unsure what exactly this means; “restore to life” like rebuild? or bring back people? and does this mean that kaeya was, in fact, present five hundred years ago, or is at least older than his appearance might suggest? also the description of the paper itself is curious. it’s described to have the same message written twice, one with the penmanship of a child and then copied by an adult. kaeya and his “father”? also, i don’t understand what kaeya means when he describes his “father’s” handwriting as “grieving as a smoking pile of ash”. this could be some weird translation thing idk.
also, in one of the annotations kaeya makes to the note, he writes father in quotation marks (”father”) which could men that he is not an alberich by blood or the man he refers to as father isn’t his birth father (the two of which aren’t mutually exclusive), or he no longer thinks of that man as his father (since the annotation was made after he settled in mond).
and diluc scarred kaeya’s eye confirmed!! also, crepus is again called kaeya’s adoptive father (in english, at least, idk about chinese) so make of that what you will. [edit: someone on twitter said the direct translation from chinese is “godfather” but that doesn’t seem quite right in context either so idk.] we know that kaeya wore his eyepatch before, though, and in the note it says he was playing at being a one-eyed pirate, and we can see he wears it in the manga, but that’s probably some weird metaphor for something, because there’s no way he’d just wear an eyepatch for however many years for now good reason, right?? currently, he could be wearing his eyepatch to cover whatever scar he has, but that doesn’t explain why he wore it before.
apparently, according to kaeya, diluc thought he blinded kaeya, but he didn’t and actually knew otherwise, according to his letter. and maybe they still care about each other? diluc outright tells him in the second letter to “take care” and in general their letters to each other are pretty courteous. does this mean that the cold fronts they put up towards each other in public are just a ruse? are they actually fine?? if so, will we, you know, be able to see them actually interact civilly????? at least it’s canon that their relationship was rocky for some time after crepus’ death/kaeya’s confession, of course it was, but the timeline of the letters is a bit murky, and their falling out might not have been as bad as everyone assumes it was. kaeya still sends diluc letters presumably not long after his reveal and it’s obvious by their tone that he still cares. past diluc cared enough to at least keep the letters along with everyone else’s, and he responds to kaeya’s later letters.
also also i almost forgot but the seashells???? slkjfnalksdhs i’m dead don’t talk to me i actually need to see these interact nicely hyv plssss
i just. what. my brain is fried and i am both content and unsatisfied. all the vague lore is annoying but i’m v glad we even got anything, because i wasn’t expecting much going into the event considering it’s a combat-based event but like. exceeds expectations, whoa, i incoherently rambled for a while so maybe i’ll come back and clean this after i get some sleep but i’ll probably just end up screaming some more.
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