#genuinely can somebody tell me if im crazy
finagled · 2 years
im so frustrated tonight. idk why. my brain is buzzing with an angry burning passion against the system but my body is tired from a long day.
i really wish i had the stomach for politics because like... people who meet me irl tend to like me. im good at educating them and persuading them without them getting the impression that im passing judgement. i have some Very Good Ideas that I think very few could argue with and would at least somewhat improve things, i think. i would not be ready yet but i could one day. there are things that could be said, spins that could be spun, that they are not doing. i wish i could
but i know i dont have the money or connections to keep myself and my family safe. that's probably my biggest hesitation in giving it more thought. i would not play the game. not only can you not win by not playing, but you also make yourself a gigantic target. i really think i could make a difference, but there's a reason why there's not more good politicians! they never make it that far
idk im just sorta rambling. ive been tired and im grieving from the anniversary of my dad's death and im stoned and just thinkin. for me none of this means anything unless im making a positive difference. i feel like ive got to do all i can to help because.... what else am i supposed to do? how can i, with a good conscience, put my heart into anything else when i know there's work to be done and i have this deep down feeling that ive got to help do it
if anyone has read this far, am i crazy for thinking like this? not a lot of people really follow my tumblr so i feel pretty okay posting about this without hate mail but like. it baffles me that we don't have somebody out there already saying some of this stuff. like for people who are so concerned about child grooming and shit, how come you're okay with the age of consent/marriage being below 18 in most of the country?? how is that not more of a talking point if child exploitation is such a worry? no its gotta be the trans
idk what im going to do to change things yet but ive always had this drive in me that im meant to keep going, keep trying until i find the answer. the people have power like never before, but we don't know how to use it yet. we make things go viral on accident. what good things can we make go viral on purpose? social media has been shown to encourage anti-social behaviors in us. how can we change things so they promote pro-social behavior? i mean??? am i just missing something huge here?
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ssparksflyy · 4 months
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dating jason grace hcs! (ᴗ͈ ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
pairing jason grace x child of hermes!reader summary based off this request !! an lin manuel as hermes no matter how much i pretend to hate youre iconic and i actually love you
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"okokokok" and "lalalala" who ???
people were so surprised when you started dating since youre literal opposites ?!?!
youre so chill and laid back and fun
jason straightens up so quick and salutes if somebody yells attention
but since he's met you, he's definitely relaxed a little more
he's learnt to accept the fact that he can actually relax at times and just enjoy himself ?!?!?!? (shocking, right)
and you were the one who taught him that !!
it honestly started when your first met
cause he was training by himself after lessons had finsihed
you were walking around with your siblings, just passing by and decided to ask him if he wanted to go to the fireworks show that was being held that night ♡
cause like youd seen him around camp before, always helping someone out with someone, and youd be lying if you said you didnt think he was cute 😋 (i sound like a nine year old omg bye)
so what better time to ask than now !
i could lie and say he was super chill about it but lets be honest he was already smitten before you could even finish the question
dropped his sword, face all red and everythinggg 😵‍💫
(you tease him about this now, but he just fights it with a corny "guess you stole my heart" that makes you cringe and roll your eyes yet still smile)
he tried to act all cool and say he'd think about it when in reality he was already getting ready to run to the aphrodite cabin and ask piper for help
i love tlh trio so much i just know jason would be panicking about the whole thing and piper's trying to reassure him + give genuine advice while leo is just messing around 😭
he did manage to get some tips and you ended spending the whole nights talking and laughing instead of actually watching the fireworks ♡♡
he walked you back to your cabin and by then you both established big ol' crushes on each other (aw ya cuties)
the amount of teasing you got from your cabin that night was actually crazy though
you were last to get in that night and entered to a whole chorus of 'oooooo's
a few thrown pillows and 'connor i swear to the gods i will push you off the lava wall-'s later and you were finally able to go to sleep though ♡
the teasing and jokes never stop
even when you (finally) started dating
its your cabin's love language honestly
your younger siblings are OBSESSED with jason
hes actually so good with kids bye
he just 'treats them the way he wished he was treated as a kid :(
his words not mine i dont talk like im giving an anti-bullying assembly
but like he loves playing with them
instant besties !
he even helped them prank you one time :o
he felt so devious doing it good lord
real i was a bad girl i did some bad things yaknow
literally all he did was distract you as your siblings taped a balloon full of water and got a dart pin ready to pop it when you walked into the door
but he was all giggly when the prank succeeded
only for like 5 seconds cause then he was helping you dry off and apologizing
you didnt minddddd, it was fun seeing him act like a "rebel"
okay call me crazy but like trackstar power couple
hermes kids are fast, known fact, evidence? tlt musical said so
and i feel like jupiter/zeus kids would be too!! like moving at the speed of lightning hyperbole... please tell me you see the vision
but like being able to use that as an excuse to get some time away from people... the scandal.
jason telling the group he's with (not necessarily close friends, he knows he can just tell them that he's going out with you) that he's going out for a run
youll be flushed when you return-
when really he's ditching them to go hang out with you
cause this man can NOT say no. he's a people pleaser man it's hardwired into our brains
and they'll think it's normal cause like jasons weird
why question the kid who likes musicals and history
do you see where this is going.
jason taking you to watch opening night of hamilton cause he's been bouncing off the walls for it and really wanted to show you so he'd have someone to talk to about it after :)
it started off fun!!
you were both really enjoying the beginning! well, the first minute and twenty seconds of it at least
cause after that you lost your shit :D
your dad was literally on stage, a few hundred feet away from you, acting as a founding father
the rest of the show you were internally freaking out, questioning everything
jason had no clue, not until you told him during intermission
had the AUDACITY to say "...and thats how you were born" after the traumatizing experience of say no to this
after the show you chased you dad down on the street as he was trying to get 'home'
jason was lowkey giggling the whole time like he was not taking this serious at alllll
but hey he got to meet your dad !!
hermes likes jason, thinks he's a very distinguished gentleman
jason likes hermes, thinks he's pretty good at rapping
at least one of you gained something from that experience
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not proofread !
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oohbuggypie · 6 months
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**(song above is Shades Of Cool by Lana Del Rey;; the section takes place from 3:49 - 4:31 . please read the disclaimer / warning at the end of this post !!)
"your hot, hot weather in the summer" - (real quick: i would change the 'your' to 'you're' as it would make more sense in the context of describing their lover as a feeling; if not, it makes less sense. anyway!!) so this lyric makes me think of how, as Don begins using his manipulative ability to alter Bull's state of mind, the feeling the victim succumbs to when hearing his voice is described as bringing a sense of "warmth and comfort." to describe Don's manipulation effects as "hot weather in the summer" makes sm sense to me because, much like the sun's radiance and the general relaxation/freedom that comes with the summer season, Don's manipulation makes Bull feel a (false) sense of safety and enjoyment. further, in closer context to both the song's general tones and siren mythology, the description of Don's manipulation being akin to "hot weather" can also be taken in a more sultry / seductive manner; in the story, Don uses intimate gestures like tracing along Bull's hand, cupping his face, wrapping himself around his arm, drinking directly from the same cup as him, etc. in what id assume is an attempt to be more alluring / welcoming. along with this, Don's handsome appearance and charisma seems to sway Bull's judgement slightly. Bull does have a reaction to these gestures , being flushed in the face and appealing to Don's demands the first few times he's asked. however, this feeling gets its meaning changed fairly quickly.
condensed: the feeling of Don's manipulation is akin to the warm days of summer, a freeing and typically sweet feeling. Don invokes feelings in Bull that can be related to the sentiment of summer's heat.
"high, high, neglectful lover" - in the literal sense of the song, i believe the use of the word "high" implies that the lover is constantly under the influence of drugs; in this context though, i prefer to think of the word "high" as in a power trip. Don is shown to be on his high horse constantly due to the overwhelming abilities he holds over his peers, being able to demand anything from nearly anyone. alternatively, closer to the original context of the song, i suppose the "high" could also correlate to the feeling of Don's manipulation influence. the victim loses their own proper coordination, their thinking is impaired, and in Bull's case his temperature even rises, causing sweating. all of this could reflect the symptoms of somebody under the influence, similar to how Don puts all of his victims under a "trance" of sorts. moving along to the second part of the line; in this writing, i don't believe that Bull and Don are implied to be in a relationship of any form. however, they do almost seem to reflect feelings for each other, seeing that Don touching Bull's hand makes the latter blush, and Don's heart rate picks up when Bull touches his face (this could be due to the fact that Bull was moving beneath command, causing Don nervousness - but my interpretation is the former). so in this scenario, i believe Don would take the role of "neglectful lover" - as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, Don is shown to use sweet and intimate gestures with Bull; however, we know that they're devoid of any true meaning and that he's doing them simply to appear normal to outsiders that can't tell his victim is under his control, or to persuade his victim before manipulating them. however, Don does present himself as caring for Bull, such as constantly adjusting his attire and even cleaning the sweat from his forehead, and an important factor is that Don - for the first time - feels guilt whilst manipulating Bull. this seems to happen only when he's dealing with him in specific, and to me that deepens the idea of Don being the neglectful lover because , despite being aware that what he's doing is wrong, he pushes that guilt aside and continues to manipulate Bull.
condensed: Don holds an overbearing amount of power among his peers. he also induces symptoms / feelings similar to drug use upon his victims when manipulating them. Don plays the role of a "lover" that does not express true care for their partner and ultimately harms them.
"hot, hot weather in the summer" - oh my goodness this is one of my favorite parts of the song when reading it along with the writing. in the story, as Bull begins regaining his consciousness back, we learn that he can hear Don's voice almost as an outer force. as i covered in the first paragraph, the "hot weather" starts as a pleasant and seductive feeling for Bull. it's swaying, comfortable, and warming. however, as the breakdown in the song intensifies and the guitar whines over the drawling vocals, the pronunciation of the phrase begins to lean towards sounding pained;; bringing a bit of personal description into this, summer where i come from can become so intense that it starts to feel painful on the skin and is no longer enjoyable. this is exactly the feeling i think Bull experiences; that "hot weather" Don induced no longer feels like freedom, it's becoming a dreadful burning. a detail that i adored and stuck out to me in the writing is that Don's voice is so intensified in this state that Bull shields his ears, wincing at the height of the volume. this contributes more to my point that Bull's slow awakening and the summer weather reflect one another; much like how the beating sun becomes overstimulating and unbearable against the skin, Don's influence that was once sweet starts to slowly morph into a more agonizing experience, both mentally and physically for Bull.
condensed: the sense of comfort and warmth that Bull initially felt when being manipulated by Don slowly transforms into a painful feeling as Bull begins to escape the manipulation's trance.
"high, neglectful lover" - when Bull fully escapes the maze and is no longer under Don's control, it can be viewed as one coming down from their high. this is where the roles become reversed to me; he awakens to Don grasping his hand and gently holding his face with the opposite. in that moment, Don seems to be truly concerned for Bull as he twitches and acts irregularly. Don momentarily sheds the image of a neglecting, careless lover and now appears to be the sweet partner; and as Bull quickly resorts to violence upon understanding what Don had just put him through, that "neglectful lover" image is projected onto him instead. he cares not to hear Don's reasoning or explanation, but for how he will reflect the same suffering he was caused onto him. this part is so so detrimental to me because it almost makes you feel for Don. Bull appears for a short moment to be the monstrous one before we're reminded yet again who truly is the neglectful, abusive one.
condensed: Don appears to care for Bull, and he is no longer the neglecting partner; Bull takes on the latter role instead, but for a short moment only.
"you're crumbling, sadly" - to me, this line reflects the final moments of the writing, in which Bull begins choking Don against the bathroom wall as vengeance for his manipulation. on the surface, reading this from Bull's point of view, you can view the "crumbling" as Don's reaction to his punishment. he seems to almost lose his grasp on consciousness, his breathing is inconsistent, and he can't disguise the terror that Bull has inflicted upon him; the largest part of the "crumbling" is that Don's usual sauve front was dropped out of pure fear under Bull's rage . however, as we see just a moment later, Don manages to remain snarky despite his terrified state just seconds before .. so, to me, i think that this line fits just as perfectly when being read from Don's point of view;; he views Bull's immediate resort to violence / switch in demeanor as proof of weakness, and that his manipulation was powerful enough to make Bull "crumble" beneath the pressure of his trance. this also plays strongly into the afore mentioned power trip that Don is constantly on.
condensed: Bull choking Don is the former's idea of the latter "crumbling". however, Don also believes that Bull's violence towards him is an example of his victim crumbling as well.
"you're sadly, crumbling" - the very last moments of the writing show the aftermath of Bull nearly strangling Don, as the latter begs him to come back. and i think one of the most key factors of the entire story - if not Don's entire character in this AU - happens here. as Don attempts to use his manipulative power one last time to lure Bull into retrieving him, that power sputters out just as Don says "i'm sorry." i think the entire sentiment of Don's weak figure facing the consequence of his wrongdoing , asking not only for help, but for forgiveness from his victim is a turnaround moment for him. it strikes a chord that has never been heard of; Don realizes that there was no reason behind his actions, that the abuse of his power and his manipulative behavior simply cannot be justified. i think that crushing, unheard of feeling of remorse for his actions is what ultimately differentiates who truly "crumbled" in the end; Don is the one left unforgiven, regretful of his own actions and battered on the floor with nobody to sympathize with.
condensed: Don is ultimately the one harmed most by his manipulation.
OH MY GOD ITS DONE. this actually took the entire day im so srs,, like i know it's not even that much and it's written not very well but the effort that is articulating my thoughts enough so that other ppl don't just hear "LOOK HERE THIS LOOKS LIKE THAT DO U GET IT" is grueling . anyway gofer i hope u enjoy this absolutely monstrous amount of writing cuz it was all inspired by u 🩷 i reccomend reading all this and then rereading ur own story with the song in the background it will change u i Think . and i recommend doing the exact same thing 2 anybody else who can stand to read this entire post ✝️ it's literally 1 in the morning as i post this and a majority of this was written at midnight so sorry for all the janky wording nd generally bad writing but i had to get this out today or i wouldn't come back 2 it 😭 hope u can try n understand where im coming from hehe
**(i do not agree with many of LDR's statements and actions, and prefer not to directly stream her music as to avoid supporting her. if u would like to hear the excerpt from the song, i reccomend doing what i did and YouTube-to-MP3'ing it so u can download, easily hear, then delete it without having to stream her music 🩷 thank u 4 ur understanding !)
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scaryvagina · 2 months
can someone tell me if this is genuinely stupid and if im in the wrong for this
i was trying to joke with somebody that idk (my friend wanted me to get an app and so i did just for fun to try and be better at socializing) and i hadnt looked at their profile i just made the joke it was abt roleplaying so i was like wow thats crazy *thinks about that cutely* like. you know. a joke. and they were like OH MY GOD A MINOR IM SO SCARED AHH GET AWAY and i was like ? im not a minor? so i said i was just joking and that im sorry but then other people were like "dude we just logged on" to ME only and then i was like i was just joking??? then i made a joke under the impression we were all joking around and i said "oh well then i dont wanna talk to elderly people" and then the guy was like "yeah dont be sorry just be better." and i was like huh???? what????? i thought we were kidding?/ and someone was making fun of me like "the two year age difference yet youre calling them elderly lmao" I THOUGHT WE WERE JOKING??? AM I STUPID??? AND THEN HE WAS LIKE "yeah dont fuck with me ill send my commenters after you" ?!?!??!??!? I THOUGHT. i just. im. i finally clicked on his profile and it said 19+ but just. like. couldnt you have said that??? i dont click on profiles all the time couldnt you have just??? explained that?? instead of trying to humiliate me and make me look stupid??? saying im a "poor sweet rat" and that i wasnt even 18 dude i dont know anymore am i stupid i cant do this
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junhanndee · 1 year
a lot of ppl think junhans too scared to be any sort of mean in bed but I don't think so!!! yes he's a very sweet boy but he gives the energy of being a huge tease/loves making you BEEEGGG for him in bed tbh. he kinda gives off the vibes of laughing at you (playfully bc he finds you cute) for whining too much or from seeing how fucked out you are just from foreplay. & you know how he mimics/echos the members? yeah he'd do that to you in bed LOL. mockingly repeating your words back to you bc he loves seeing you get flushed from embarrassment LMAOOO which leads to the next part: slight !!!sweet!!! degradation or humiliation is his FAV. he gets off on edging you or just being a tease & refusing to touch you where you need him most heehee. rhetorically asking if it feels good, who makes you feel like that, etc in that sickeningly sweet mocking tone bc he knows the answers already he just wants to embarrass you a little OOP. even if he's not into anything crazy he seems like the type to be curious & willing to try most things if you want to! I also see hyeongjun as a switch, someone who can easily go between being subby to a dom in just one round, but he's still content being only either the dom or sub for a night.
when i tell you. anon this is a piece of art. like this has had my shit ROCKED all day today….
lemme elaborate with you on this under the cut!!
i literally could not agree any more!!!
genuinely i think junhan is more dominant than anything 😭😭😭
like sure i think he could be submissive too!! he definitely gives me switch vibes!!
i think junhan would be the type to love seeing your reactions to anything and with the whole mimic thing….. ANON IM LITERALLY DYING WRITING THIS……………
like you would pull him close to you and he would say some smug shit like “mm just can’t get enough of me huh?” because he knows you’re far too beyond fucked to even answer his question!!!
he would definitely love seeing you like this, all fucked out just from him!! like!! he did that!!
he would be so proud of it that he would tease you about it!! nothing more than light-heartedly because he loves you :,)
junhan gives me the vibe that he wants you to look at him while he’s fucking you. he’s a missionary guy what can i say!!
he would be leaning over you, grazing right over your g spot and he would make it his number one mission to make you make eye contact with him and if you don’t!! :( oh well he will just stop until you’re begging him to continue because he just feels :( so good!!!
going on with him being a tease……. AAAAA
junhan would definitely pride himself in how he makes you feel and once he figures out what gets you the most…… you’re done for 😭😭😭😭😭
can y’all imagine him coming out of the shower with nothing but a towel on and wet hair……
he would be like “what? like what you see hmm?” knowing that seeing him like that has got your eyes almost in the back of your head!!!!
at the end of the day! junhan is SICKKKKKKKKKKKKK he’s so fine somebody stop me!!!!
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doomzday-zone · 6 months
ok but actually. i know i said this in the tags on ur post but genuinely i love ur faggy infinites i love ur attitude i love how u post whatever u want and put it in the main tags bc u are unapologetically urself when it is so easy to try and fit in. u have the confidence i aim to have for myself and it's so refreshing to see somebody who embraces being Weird <3 i've never engaged because i am unwell about people being aware of me but i've literally been lurking on you and the dog and hog gang for at least a year (i never really spoke much about liking them despite having interest for years) and. just. you're all so chill. the critical thinking, lack of judgement, this world needs more of that shit fr!! i hope u have a great day – good vibes from a transfag autism brained freak (and thank u for ur tags on my essay. i'm so glad other people care as much as me <3)
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I IWISJ I COULS ANSWER TJIS AND KEEP TJIS IM ,MY IMBOX FOREVER RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO GLAD U LOVE MY BOYSSSSSSS<33333 RAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i usually try n segment my replys to address every beat but this is so much........ to my liddle tiny heaet........ im ,iteralkly cyinf rnn can you tell????? UIVTBJVJBJVBKJ. this means. the world to me<33333 im glad<33 im glad i can inspire some of that in u<3 like for the longest time i was literally larping as one of the normies :sob: like i get it 100% the want 2 fit in and b accepted esp in fandom is strong but in my case it is utterlly unsustainable 2 follow the crowd. i cant pretend i dont like what i like. i cant pretend to be normal r have normal relationships 2 things r have normal opinions jnkjjkjbjk. and its hard!!!!!! there rlly isnt a real tangible space to be fucking insane and into weird n gross shit n etc in fandom like there is for the sanitized kiddy friendly stuff or the hyper horny stuff, its an awkward middle line 2 tread.(n im wayy too autistic 4 fandom anyways.... lol) and ik im not the only one. i wouldnt b able 2 be so unabashed and real and freaky w/o the support of all the amazing ppl ive met in my little freak circle<3333(IT IS SOOOOOO cheesey n cringe-sounding but im being so fr when i say my weirdoes n infinite the jackal saved my life<3333333333 i literally probably wouldnt even b alive today w/o em<333 thanks 2 all of u for helping me grow stronger btw hehe....)
Every day i choose to be insane and gross and a freak and a transexual faggot and autistic and TOO MUCH !!! for meself obv<3 but also for the ones i love and ppl like YOU!!!!!!!!!! >:D i cant change the world w just my little paws. but i CAN b crazy on main. i CAN show everyone that you dont have 2 be afraid of your own interests for fear of not being accepted in the greater fandom<333 even if these ppl never rlly come out of their shell... theres always someone, someplace out there thatll accept u. theres always more freaks, theres always more faggots<3 even if you never come out and yell it to the world if i could inspire just a tiny bit of this love in ppl thatd be enough for me :)
anyways. lol. kjnobjbiubjk thank you<33 a lot<3333 i mean it<333333 so many words i wish to say in this moment but ik you get it<3 mwamwa<333333333
life is short babey!!! dont be such a stranger okay ^_^
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youremyheaven · 6 months
girl your moon post was so accurate for me too! my father has rohini rising and is such a narcissist and a master at gaslighting. he resorted to manipulating ppl's perspective of me ig so they wouldn't believe me when i started calling him out after a liiiifetime of his crap. he is extremely two faced and a lot of ppl find him really sketchy, but those he manages to fool he fools really well. the only positives of this is that at least i can see these patterns in people easily. frankly, confronting a liar is so taxing bc even if you do manage to outsmart them they'll just make some excuse. like girl. i also know this hasta moon girl that is a pathological liar and every time i see her i just can't take anything she says seriously bc i just always feel like she's lying out of her ass ab the most menial stuff. her family has had issues w her bc she skipped school for months and no one knew ab it bc she would tell such bold lies like, "call my teacher. here, have the phone so you can talk to her ab my grades" and everyone was like, ig she's doing well in school otherwise she wouldn't offer to call? i genuinely worry thinking ab what if i have a kid and they have a moon nakshatra and express it negatively like this omg i'll go crazy. anyways thank you for your post it was so interesting to see such thoroughly explained examples 🤍 it reminded me of ariana grande as well who just seems so shamelessly manipulative to me too. like when she's like "for total transparency i'll say that..." i'm immediately like ok. so you're lying 😂
im glad 😭😭😭that my Moon post resonated with so many of you, it means so much to me
Im so sorry about your father. I agree with what you said about confronting liars, I confronted someone about something deeply hurtful that they said to me and they literally said "i don't remember" 😭😭 idk how these people sleep at night bro like do they not have a conscience??
I'm happy every time some shady person is exposed in the media, including Ariana who I've found sus for yearsss ,, it's so hard to be an intuitive bc u can't even explain why u feel the way u do so no one believes you when u say that somebody is not what they seem on the outside, u get torn apart for speaking the truth but sooner or later the truth will be seen and will be heard and I truly believe that.
I hope you remain protected from abuse of all kinds in the future and always surrounded by kindness and support. 💛💛
GIRLIEEE what u said about kids is sooo 😭😭I do think about that from time to time but i believe that kids are a manifestation of our karma so the more we focus on bettering ourselves and thereby bettering our actions, we can design our lives to be drama free. What kind of children we have depends on what kind of parents we're capable of being (and you are completely in control of how you behave/treat others) so don't feel too powerless about ur future kids!!! Focus on yourself and your healing and the rest will flow💛💛💛 also if you believe in manifestation 👀just believe that you'll manifest healthy and wonderful children
This blog is a hobby of mine but what makes all my research and writing meaningful is the fact that not only do I get to learn more about astrology, I get to reach people who perhaps might benefit from the things I share. I love to hear about your guys experiences related to the things I post bc sometimes I genuinely wonder like is anyone even reading my 5k words slander on a nakshatra lmfao
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about your experiences, I appreciate it so much 💛and i believe many others will also feel seen
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luffythinker · 9 months
gonna hit you with a rarepair what do you think of Iida/Himiko?, granted she is a stain believer which is a extreme turn away for Iida BUT what if Iida sees in her a good like Uraraka did? what if he makes it a goal to be kind to this girl because he can see that nobody has ever been kind to her hurting heart? And at first Himiko isn't crazy about him especially because he tried to kill stain but the more good he does for her the more she finds herself falling into slots with him. He moves a step she stays where shes at, he moves two steps she's a single step until they are something that can be considered friends. She's giving him nicknames she calls him Tenda or Tenten. -honestly i just see her calling him Tenya period- Anywho He's giving her blood like Uraraka did for smol Himiko except we aren't children, it's a huge risk to be giving the enemy resources but her quirk demands so likely if she doesn't get it i'd imagine she'd be sick to her stomach -i don't know if you've read it but there are like 2 cases in my hero where a person refused to use their quirk and it just kinda exploded and they couldn't control it, drinking blood is part of her quirk so using it requires to drink if she doesn't she gets sick- She's taking blood from Iida's arm they keep getting closer, somehow she ends up drinking from his clavicle it's a trust thing, he knows she wont take more then needed. He's lightheaded but alive, he can't tell if it's the blood shes taking or the shine he's taking to her. Himiko sits perfectly in Iida's lap while he's sharing a snack with her but once somebody comes around she's suddenly gone and he's got a half eaten meat bun and a whole one, was somebody just here? His classmates -save for Uraraka cause she's probably all up in his business to know- know something is happening but they don't know what. Himiko wants to spare him because he's beautiful which means she wants to stab but some things in this world are too beautiful that if you stab them you want have them anymore so he's one of the beautiful things she's going to let live, she tells him this one time she comes to visit him. Iida is trying to rehabilitate her poor naive fool lol. I can see her saying this to him coming through his window one day and she says this to him and kisses him or something i don't know leaving him starstruck he can't have a proper day because his thoughts are full of a blond blood sucking girl THE FUNNY PART IS she's older by a year and he's tall but she can play that card and Himiko having Iida wrapped around her finger pulling the "Im older so respect me" is frickin' funny to me and he just might sort of listen because he is a rule follower THEY COULD BE EVERYTHING and they are my everything
had to do a double take ngl, but okay let's see what iida and himiko got going on in your head
okay i have a hard time seeing this romantically BUT platonically i think it could develop into such a beautiful relationship because the kindness and empathy come from such an unexpected person. like toga would be so shocked like why is this person being kind to me? with any ulterior motives? it doesn't make sense
except iida doesn't stop, he keeps trying, keeps doing good and she starts to notice that maybe some people are just like that? good by nature? not out of pity, just genuine.
about the blood thing, i like the theory that if she doesn't have it she would be sick, so i can imagine iida finding her one day almost fainting and after asking if he could help, he just offers her arm to her, it's such a big trust move
but iida's sense of justice is also too big, so i think till they fully develop their relationship a lot would have to be resolved between them
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batakrim · 2 years
Oooo I read your hcs on Jeremy and Waylon dynamic and a bit of an idea sorta came up, it’s a little unrelated but… Do you think Jer would see Miles as some sort of replacement for Waylon and try to go after him? I feel like it becomes way too obsessive and it scares off Miles (but Jer doesn’t see it that way, he’s just gone into incel mode bc of everything that’s happened with his past relationships so far, like ‘why do you all leave me????’) or something lol
TLDR: It could happen! But I have my reasons AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO STOP RAMBLING IM SO SORRY ANON
That could happen if we're taking the desperate route hahaha though I feel like Miles can replace Rick rather than Waylon, since they're both kinda similar, in a way. So basically RickJer is the rich and spoiled version of camerashipping.
So, if the thing with Miles really happens, I think he'd just give everything up and put up a thick wall and just do something by himself. It's up to Miles if he wants to get closer to him or not (huge possibility by the way, Miles is just THAT adamant sometimes, mainly because Jer is a former one of the leaders of a shady transnational company, and he wants to know more about Murkoff)
It's too long so I'm going to place the details of Jer's feelings about Rick and Way under the cut!
So, to put it simply following this anon's question...
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It's nothing climatic tbh. He doesn't lash out or anything like that. It's just... When you knew a person would do something bad to you before they do it, and the thing really happens in the future, you feel almost numb about them. It’s juft poof all the positive and even negative feelings are gone. “I’m not surprised, but I’m still mad” kinda feeling?
He's met people with various personalities, he can predict how people would react and act based on their personalities alone. He knew Waylon would actually send the emails (he just didn't expect worse stuff will happen as well). It's almost like he has no energy to even be mad about it lol but he still wants it to be hurt as much as his efforts were gone to waste (to understand this, please read my ramble under the cut, I'm sorry,,,), so he's being petty about it,,
"Somebody's been telling stories outside of class. Mr. Waylon Park, consulting contract 8208. Software engineer with a level 3 security clearance. Graduated cum laude from Berkley, but still somehow not smart enough to realize that the last thing a fly ought to do in a spider's web is wiggle. Somehow dumb enough to think that a borrowed laptop, onion router, and firewall patch would be enough to fool the world's leading supplier of biometric security. Stupid, Mr. Park. More than stupid, in fact, that was crazy."
LIKE ITS KINDA FUNNY IF YOU THINK ABOUT HIS DIALOGUES THAT WAY. I'd love to imagine that he was genuinely surprised Waylon actually attempted to send them through a shitty plan, it was insane, so at the same time he's laughing at Way's attempt while the actual person is terrified senseless on the floor. akjaksdjkad
I think a lot about Jer and it's really embarrassing......
My take on him is pretty boring and weird, I guess? Jeremy never actually... Feel the need to befriend/love someone, he didn't expect to have one so soon - it was just that Rick and Waylon happened to be people who were close to him, so he made some efforts into their relationship, expected something more from them in return, since he trusted them. Rather than mourning over people who betrayed him, he's frustrated over the things he had sacrificed in exchange for their companionship; All the money, all the covering efforts, all the emotions, the sentiments, etc, etc, are all wasted on people like them. It's not like he's close close with them either, they're pretty much just friends with benefits to putting it in summary lol
One of my friends described it so much better but unfortunately I don't remember how he worded it so bear with me anon I'm sorry, When Jeremy watches as Rick was sent to the engine, he doesn't feel sad. Rick wasn't his friend, but he feels like something is missing - something about it made him feel betrayed - probably betrayed by himself... Even the feeling itself disturbs him because even he couldn't pinpoint what was causing it. It's between "I'm completely fine even if you die" and "I wish you were here" to put it simply. I know I'm sorry if your brain exploded there,,, emotions are complicated tbh
So... it's not really like Jer isn't capable of human emotions, but rather, it's more complicated because he views emotions as something to be suppressed because they can weaken you. Showing emotions makes him vulnerable, thus making him pile up emotions and complicates stuff because he doesn't even understand himself.
My god its 3 am rn i hope im at least making sense,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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one-sided-bbl · 1 year
prescription medication ranking list
as a bipolar baddie, ive learned that the only thing that can save me is prescription medication.
Anti Psychotics/ Mood Stabilizer
aripiprazole (Abilify): made me feel nothing. took this for a month and genuinely cant tell u if it made a difference. 2/10
latuda: omg when i say this will put u to SLEEP. my psychiatrist gave this to me and said " u cant be manic if ur asleep" and he MEANT it. if you havent tried it I recommend it 10/10 only reason im normal
lamictal: i have been prescribed this for over a year and maybe have take it four times. its a good backup when im extra crazy but i still prefer latuda
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Benzos/Anti anxiety
Propranolol: DO NOT TAKE THIS IF U HAVE SERIOUS ANXIETY. I was on the verge of s*icide and this didnt do SHIT 4/10 i would recommend this for somebody who has anxiety AND heart issues
Busbar: this shit makes u feel like ur drunk. dont take this and drive. but even tho it makes u feel weird i didnt notice much of a difference. 5/10 better for long term issues
klonopin: sister <3 i remember i had a deep panic attack going on for five days straight and my psychiatrist said... "girl try this" and it works omg. however, itll make you stupid for a full 24 hours like i dont remember whole conversations when i take this shit. 8/10
xanax: i prefer klonopin, xan is too short to help with my panic attacks. xanax i feel only makes sense when youre over the age of 29 like why tf r u abusing this 5/10
Anti depressants/ stimulants
Zoloft: i took this for like two weeks and it didnt do shit. i truly believe this is only helpful if youre not bipolar 1/10
Wellbutrin: ok DO NOT take this alone if youre bipolar. said panic attack that lasted four days was because i was on this without my latuda. however, at higher doses i really enjoyed this one as it helped with my adhd a lot. 6/10
Adderal: my sister i stopped taking wellbutrin because adderal helped a lot more. i use it as an antidepressant. stop putting shortages on my elixir of life!!! 8/10 the crashes suck
Vvyvanse: if only my insurance would cover it... everything said about adderal excluding bad come downs. 9/10
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thatgirlkalani · 2 years
I'm at a point in my life where I'm in full blown self destruct mode my life is a series of unfortunate events and it Dosent seem to be getting any better I have no will to live but I'm scared to die..not really scared to do but scared to do it myself...every couple of weeks its something new and fuccin terrible its been like that since the car crash I literally can't catch a break I can't win and I'm so mf tired of it after all the shit I been thru I still care too much I still love too hard I still give too many fuccs and I don't know how to turn it off I Juss wanna be numb or not exist or some shit I'm always seeing the good in people when the human race is literally shit. I feel like everybody in my life currently doesn't fwm as much as I fw them and I'm over exerting and ppl don't actually like me and I know they don't care how I do I can tell by little things...not answering a text..a call. bluffing on a link...and I just sense energies ... I don't have friends that are like me and I haven't in years and the one I did have. I lost at no fault of my own all of my friendships and relationships go to shit anytime somebody makes me happy they leave or get taken or change but something always goes wrong I find somebody I actually care or want to care about and get traumatized by it I have horrible taste in men bc. I seem to only want the ones that are gonna ruin my life stress me out or could give two fuccs how I feel and its crazy because they seem to be the only ones I relate or feel close to then its alll down tf hill from there. Idk if my poor choices in men comes from wanting to get as far from people like my family or from my long ass list of SA history but either way its gone to shit all these niggas do is hurt the feelings that I barley have , disappoint me, not give a Fucc inconvenience me or all of the above....the hyper sexuality has calmed down for the time being but the hyper fixation has kicked in there's no in-between I'm either completely cool on everybody, hyper sexual because I need to be in control of my body or I'm hyper fixated... normally on somebody who could give two shits.. and can't find interest in anybody else which is where I'm currently at...and I have every reason to be obsessed with this man even tho I know I shouldn't but its too late bc I genuinely fwh again I know better but currently I'm stuck and at a point where I hate myself because I watch him want/give everybody a chance but me then I'm forced to hear about it but have to play it cool bc I Juss want to keep him in my life atp bc. I don't have much... I don't really know how to pinpoint where all my abandonment issues came from but at the same time I can point out specific situations that have added to them because everyone that I attach myself to leaves.. and or hurts tf out of me and its been happening since I was 14 friendships and relationships alike.....why I really Juss wanna disconnect from everybody and I do ever so often but I get lonely and I hate that I wish I didn't need anybody.. I wish a lot I wish I didn't hate myself..I wish I didn't give so many chances.. wish I didn't love people who don't love me bacc...wish I could go numb, wish I didn't have mommy and daddy issues mannn fml. the. mommy and daddy issues is a whole other story because they weren't abusive in anyway except emotionally and I don't think they meant it but I just can't get past it... its hard to show affection to them and shit of that nature I wish we were closer I wish we shared similar views I wish I was comfortable going to them but I don't..im the. blacc sheep of the family and even if they wont admit it they know and I feel it.. I'm honestly tired of existing tired of the panic attacks tired of the manic episodes tired of the abandonment issues tired or the attachment issues tired of it all I really don't wanna be here doing this atp I'm only living for my grandmas...and. I guess my parents idk bc I don't wanna be here but I don't wanna hurt them..but I feel like I have nothing and no one anyone I had anyone I related to anyone that was my..
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qualityrain · 2 years
ive heard of honkai impact but i never really got a look at the actual game itself whats your favorite guy like??? how do they work with the plot?? love you bye<3
there is sO much to say and absolutely nothing at the same time
this isnt going to be coherent at all
whats your favorite guy like???
this is going to be very inaccurate because at this point i cant tell what is canon or not + rlly disorganised
tbh. like a generic emo guy. a family guy. ride or die. his love language is dying for you. actually really chill??? and like kind of straightforward (at least to one of the main characters in the game. whether it is for plot or an actual character trait nobody knows) shows no emotion whatsoever(never explained). will kind of crack jokes. highly efficient, won’t do more things than necessary(this is definitely canon). hasnt slept well in like 10 years (vibe). takes promises really seriously. the i owe you and i WILL pay you back guy. he’s an older brother. has STRONG annoying little brother energy with another character that is literally my favourite dynamic in this entire game with 5mins of screentime together. a piece of shit. will talk stupid shit to lighten up the situation. he will do anything for his goals(probably). this guy definitely has trauma and mhy wont ever address it and he’s repressing it like crazy. like has this dude ever processed the whole i almost fucking died and everybody i love is dead thing properly yet. i could tell you his height but not his birthday. its 173cm. i refuse to believe he’s taller than 170cm. there’s probably more but i don’t know what else to say. this guy’s barely a character in the game, there’s absolutely no depth at all. all i have are vibes and my brain ran with it and now this guy has been in my head for 2 years now.
how do they work with the plot??
short answer: they don’t.
long answer: his role in the plot is to parallel another main character(mei) and it is done so so so soooooooo poorly. he appears in one (1) arc in the game and appears in 2 chapters and its imo the worst arc in the entire game and its almost irrelevant and every new chapter that gets added makes me wish more and more that this arc doesn’t exist. I genuinely do not know why this parallel needed to exist like. why? why do we need this parallel to see the main characters with an outside perspective?? there’s probably a reason its just this arc is terrible. they couldnt even get meis arc right in this arc like its sO BAD.
mei has this whole ass scene where she just accepts having to kill this guy!! my fave!! the blorbo!! shes like oh i cant hesitate anymore i have to do this for my girlfriend(basically)!!! AND THEN SHE HESITATES AGAIN AND DOESNT KILL HIM AND IM SO SO UPSET AND ANGRY BECAUSE WHATS THE POINT. she has this whole moral dilemma of ohh noo if i kill this guy its like im a hypocrite or smth cos im doing the same as this guy but i gotta to protect somebody i care about!! for this arc and then SHE DOESNT KILL HIM. he dies another way!!! resolving to kill somebody is not the same as actually doing it!! im so upset abt this because its so. whats the point of the whole scene where mei literally collects herself to strengthen her resolve to not hesitate and kill this guy and shes like oop i guess i wont!
im going to be real i try to forget as much as i can from this arc because i hate it and its probably all wrong and inaccurate but i still hate it to bits and i wish mhy wasnt scared to make mei commit murder
this isnt proof read at all this is a word vomit ive spent over half an hour on this and 3 days thinking abt this. there are definitely things i wanted to add and forgot almost immediately.
thanks for the ask!! 🫶🫶🫶
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bridgertonworld · 2 months
im posting this non-anon because idrfc who sees this or if i am going to be too mean
honestly i don't genuinely get what happened because i wasn't really active but from i gathered from this post, that's really unacceptable and MAKES NO SENSE😭😭 people are just really crazy atp, even if I am CRAZILY IN LOVE with someone why does someone else have to pay for this??? WHY HATE ON SOMEONE WHO JUST WANTED TO HAPPY???? she did nothing sneaky or bad, and she was actually excited to share the news and that she met Luke, even if you'd speculate something is going on between them (not that i justify it or approve of that because they're human beings just like us ffs) it should STOP right after she denies it all and you all should respect that and respect her.
and honestly crazy fans like you all, are the ones giving our fandom bad reputation (aside from that there's actually a lot of toxicity in the fandom but every fandom got this, I've seen worse throughout my life LMFAO) but truly you're ruining it for people who genuinely love the show, and love luke, and appreciate his talents. I wouldn't be surprised if he hates us now, or if he doesn't trust us, really fucking amazing right??? LIKE OMFL now ppl who have done NOTHING but purely NORMALLY love him and respect him MAYBE lost their chances him respecting them wow. Thank you guys.
honestly i don't get the concept behind being mean, and hating somebody that you don't know, geniunely because they KNOW somebody. Personally my parents raised me better than this😭😭, and you all are genuinely bad people. Sorry I just don't make the rules. and of course it had to be another woman that you all brought down, instead of being happy for her, compliment her, BEING NICE, SUPPORTIVE, no of course “IT'S ANOTHER WOMAN WE HAVE TO FUCKING FUCK HER UP AS WOMEN MORE THAN FUCKING GENDER (specifically men) COULD DOO!!!!!😜😜😜😜” honestly so fucking stupid, and pathetic, as women we should support one another, not hate on one another. bffr, y'all are so disappointing tbh.
The girl's friend, and the girl herself seems sweet and sound really adorable, love a friend who stands up for their friends<3💓🫶 but my offer is still up, I WANNA BE THE GIRL'S FRIEND SO BAD I GENUINELY MEAN IT, honestly I'd be honoured and lucky she seems like the sweetest person like ever (I LOVE YAPPING IF YOU COULDN'T TELL😍🎀) so I would love to listen to her talk on and on, ask my friends I am the greatest listener ahahahaha, honestly it breaks my heart that she doesn't think she's worthy enough when in my opinion from what i gathered she might be worthier than MANY PEOPLE IN THIS FANDOM, ffs😭
Honestly that is so unnecessary like do you bitches think Luke would actually pick you???😂😂 Especially if you hate on someone he knows in real life???💀💀 EMBARRASSING FOR YOU ALL. honestly go touch some grass, get a life, and a therapy to sort out your crazy insane jealousy issues (and i say this as someone who does indeed have jealousy issues😂 but i am responsible, considerate of other people, logical, I keep my fangirling and craziness for myself (and no im not a loner, I have perfect friends, but im js a normal person lol) so I recommend you guys do that as well<3)
And I say this as someone who is incredibly and helplessly in love with Luke (i never have met him and probably never will sad lol anyways, so i don't mean to speculate, assume something, although I know what I am going to say is kind of is?????) but honestly from what i’ve read on this page luke might actually be into tha girl romantically (she is seriously worth it!!!!!) and if he truly is (idc if you all are going to be mad jealous because of this) but not people like you who are gonna stop him from what he wants💀💀💀💀 and no he won't pick your sad arse over someone like her she sounds like the sweetest person in the world, so go to hell, y'all can never be like her anyways obviously😂😂, and honestly even if he isn't into her romantically he DEFINITELY wants be her friend (this one is not assumptions it is based on facts, what happened according to people on this page) and honestly I am aure he wouldn't appreciate you guys hating on her, on someone he wants to be friends with (i dont blame him i want to too) or already considers a friend.
Last but not least again I REALLY WANT TO BE HER FRIEEENNDD😭😭😭😭 I know that's not possible but if there's a possibility of it, can pls her friend dm me? Text me here??😭😭 (I wouldn't mind being the her friend's friend either<3 bec her friend seems cool as well) But if it is not a possibility I totally understand and respect that!!!!!!!!💘💓🫶. And would want to wish you, her, the person who manages this blog or creator of it, Luke, every genuine kind person a nice day, and happy life<3💓 have a nice nice dayyy, BYE❤️
Sharing this.
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rosetree23 · 3 months
To Cap,
Really? Really? Mole? You went to Mole? Wow, like attracts like I suppose. Im so fucking mad at you right now it’s actually crazy, not just for what you did to me but what you did to everyone, and ARE doing to everyone. How are you gonna treat the whole world including your best friend like that? We get you’re pissed because your ex wouldn’t get back with you but you don’t have to project that anger onto us, and once again skipping a hangout with your bestfriend for some pussy is crazy. You really prefer hoes over bros? You’re a fake ass bitch and I genuinely dislike you so fucking much. I cannot wait for the day that you finally get humbled, somebody needs to actually tell you the harsh fuxking truth on how bad of a fucking person you are holy shit I don’t care that it’s because you’re so heartbroken over your ex, it might be a reason but it is NOT an excuse, there’s healthier ways to cope you bitch. I am NOT looking forward to seeing you again at school and I hope that you fail the year so you can drown in your misery, actually I hope you pass so I don’t have to be at this school with you any longer. I don’t want to see you or your enchanting ducking smile ever again. Fuck you forever Cap.
With Love,
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rennyji · 8 months
"June 2nd tweets...here we go...",
"I‚m nothing like Ashton Kutcher, not even in my own right, especially nowadays.-",
"-But in my old Twitter days (back in 2012), I‚d tweet this following train of thought often. It went along the lines of: Ashton Kutcher is actually famous, ‚a somebody,‚ who needs to safeguard his reputation from libel, ‚and probably has and pays ‚Äòagents‚ of his own choosing‚ to-",
"-to monitor his likes and reputation. I‚m so not Ashton Kutcher in that regard or any regard. Yet I have people ‚steering my life as a whole.‚ I did not select them, and I do not even know them. They‚ve been doing what they want with a regular nobody‚life for 11+ years. -",
"-What do you make of that? Why am I not protected by my American citizenship amidst mindless zombies who just see - say it slowly: 11 years of secrets on a massive scale- everything as ‚cute‚ or casual. I mean to see this as cute... what kind of a rosy picture are you getting?-",
"-Do U know what great lengths the orchestrators took 2make me look crazy? The actual things done recently, &over these past 11 years? Where is that famous American altruism? Did they tell people these things? Not going to say it myself at this point, let the orchestrators do it.-",
"-Do they tell people, that I wrote complaints 2the FBI &that they hijacked my phone calls 2the police or rerouted them? Do they tell people about my run in w/the police at my old house &what they did with me, 4talking about ‚the situation‚ with my parents and telling the truth?-",
"-Do people care to ask? Are the orchestrator waiting for my permission to disclose? I mean, I give the orchestrators permission to disclose their aforementioned misdeeds. In cr*p American psychology, they‚re usually concerned about psychological impacts and trauma. -",
"-These racist f*ks didn‚t give a d*mn with me cuz I wasn‚t a blonde girl. Sick people on me, I dare you. Im not attached to conveniences of my life through years of meditative practices. Watch, despite that, for who I am during our 1st &actual confrontation/meeting. &my parents?-",
"-While you‚ve been living and continuing with your lives, while giving me a hard time, remember all these things you had me face. To speak in terms of your background, you had an altar server face the police, so don‚t dare to judge me for what I say or write. -",
"-and throughout all these experiences, I was compliant throughout everything-that too for 11 years. It just goes to show you, words usually being the answer, can only do so much. You deal with man-demons, don‚t waste time on word",
"next thing...-",
"-So on 6/1, I find out a doctor who my family knows, died on the evening of 5/31. She‚Harvard educated-all that work and to only pass away in her 40s. She‚a doctor and her husbands a doctor. They have two small kids, 10 and under. -",
"-She has the figure of someone, out of this world: like nice face, nice voice, only says nice things, goes out of her way for others, and smiles through everything. God bless her soul. -",
"-You see it as a privilege to be close with someone with those qualities and wish you could‚ve had the opportunity, outside of this situation.-",
"-Thats 1 woman who dies without seeing me on the other side of theSituation. Life, every second of thought/words/action is a gift thats normally invigorating. But its never long enough. Its in such a world, where 11+ years are taken out of ur life by genuine demons. They smile,-",
"-may seem altruistic, but the reality is, a normal human being cannot inflict pain on another, for an extended amount of time, without reason, simply for everyone to watch. They are Legion from the Bible, enveloping the masses.",
"oh and something else -",
"-I used to think of Americans as world saving altruists, and the setting here, on a good day without crime, to be like heaven with all its people. But in the last 11+ years, there‚something very wrong with the general mindset. -",
"-It doesn‚t seem like the common man is ‚awake‚-May sound like something from The Matrix. Everyone here is so plugged in and lacking in insight. I mean of all people, it was Americans that allowed this situation to fall on another American. -",
"-Rather than following your heart, your human spirit, you mindlessly/mechanically do what some...people?! ... tell you to do. Christ talks about the flesh and spirit being at war. But here, in America, the country lacks a soul.  The nation‚people lack maturity.-",
"- but in the face of big progress like the aforementioned, why halt or delay change, because of a  sudden concern how billion dollar companies will suffer. When two competing small businesses on the same street result in one failing, that same concern doesn't exist. -",
"-It's seen as the price of advancement and change.",
I once said we as a people always have what we need 2 progress or2 rise out of a situation however little/however much. It's about keeping our eyes open & exerting effort. I have the Alexia meditation seat. 4 the life of me I can't sit w/my legs folded. This $300 chair helps.-   https://t.co/q0wKoYyslj
"- its a bit of a relaxed example, but point being, if you can sit with comfortably with your legs folded, why do you need the meditation chair?",
"I don‚t think people get the value of someone‚undivided attention; their ability to listen.-",
"- sometimes with our own children, we dismiss everything as something inane or silly or not worth putting on the top of our list, as we‚re juggling work or making them dinner-",
"- but one thing I realized with some of my little cousins, looking at them, listening and responding to what they have to say, really makes them happy-",
"- in the workplace, you might be surprised how much of what‚said back and forth isn‚t of substance. You start off with one person speaking vaguely, then the next guy responds vaguely, might throw in a vague American reference-",
"- with politicians, I‚ve seen a clip where someone is asked something, and they‚re so out of it, they‚ll need to hear it again, and then they just keep repeating a reference that had no meaning and it‚taken as a joke. In our world, everyone just dismisses it.-",
"- Listening can have mutual benefits.",
"So, saw \"Jason Gordon Levitt\" on the news, after the repetitive topics of rigged elections, the name Hunter Biden, a symptom being live from a possible illness, the war on Ukraine causing grain shortages...there might've been one more topic that was cycled throughout the day...-",
"- Jason Gordon Levitt targets the AI effect on Hollywood workers...He says \"If AI uses your work, then you should get paid.\" I think that sums it up from which a lot of things can be extrapolated. -",
"- He says whatever is used to train the algorithm, ultimately one day producing whole movies, should be content that is paid to its source. -",
"-So this sounds like a patent. If ur sequence of camera movements, lightening techniques, wardrobe styles, acting styles, even faces of actors, the story lines of past movies, familiar phrases, accents, etc. are all used 4 the algorithm, U should patent it or do its equivalent.-",
"-if equivalent of a patent is applied 2 things AI replaces, U should find a way 2 attach ur individual or organizations name 2 something, so that U get royalty payments. Just seems like common sense; those who contributed 2 AI's algorithm, directly/indrectly, should be rewarded.",
"Life is like a field and we are all seeds in that field trying to sprout grow and become something. Why it rains in some areas more than others who knows.-",
"-Why it doesn't rain in some areas at all who knows. Why the earth under some seeds is more fertile.. who knows. Everyone has something and nothing going for them.-",
"-As a friend once said, ‚I‚m thankful for the things that I have but also the things I don‚t have. It‚what makes me, me.‚-",
"-Don‚t waste time hating someone for what you perceive as them having and not having because whatever it is you have/don‚t have are the tools you need to sprout grow and become something. After all, ¬†seeds do not waste time wondering what other seeds are doing.",
"I used to like to write very much. I loved twitter because it gave me a way to connect to new people and gain attention for my philosophical and perspective oriented mind. -",
"-How then can I continue to see here, as heaven-like. ive in each second, be conscious of what you do, follow your heart.Some of you hear this or something else, and look to it because it‚‚nice sounding‚ or ‚tantalizing‚ based on the subject. -",
"-But I speak/write to instill it‚meaning, to make a point, for others to learn from. Wake up, live a life of meaning.-",
"-Don‚t do things ‚for show‚ as ‚this situation‚ relays everything ‚for show.‚ Do things cuz it‚right or cuz it matters. Me? From all this? I just want a natural setting as described several times. -",
"-Relaying accomplishments, possible purchases, or whatever, has nothing to do with the goal set by me. It just builds random hype around a regular guy. -",
"-The orchestrators go against my whole way of doing things. Im a liberal when it comes to religion, but I go by whats said Biblically with respect to this. Do things good, do things in secret, to please your Heavenly Father who sees what‚secret, and He will reward you. -",
"-The orchestrators just can‚t respect my faith and wishes.",
"and something that happened the other day...-",
"-Went down to my basement - the other day-to do one thing, ended up doing 10 different things roaming through the mind, for other things present in life-",
"-I mean I have a focus now: Working, and working out. Based on those 2 goals, normally I‚d ignore other thoughts/ideas to possibly 10 other goals you didn‚t consider‚Äîhence how a person focuses. -",
"-(And then there are the thoughts/ideas/whatever cluttering ur mind b/c of orchestrators & the daily problems created & sourced in them, that is also taxing on ur focus-too much upstairs-& thats when every1‚having U explain every word, every action- peace of mind is priceless.-",
"-at Iona Prep High School, my GPA, weighted, was a 4.2 out of 4.0...at the party school where my parents paid for a private appointment and food delivery, having to only study, I should‚ve had at least a 4.0 GPA. -",
"-Knowing what theyve invested in me, I don‚t know why my parents are allowing this 2 happen 2 their son for 11 years. For 11 years, my mother has shown me a worse attitude then usual, minus loving listening or conversation or empathy...this is my world, but back to the point..)-",
"-But then when you‚re in a problem multiplied by a worsening factor against you by 11 years, you think to show other aspects of you. Attending to ‚the thing‚, ‚ the situation‚,‚the unknown‚ is time consuming and expensive. -",
"-Be it writing away your life or buying your coffee to meet people you‚re pretty sure will not talk to you. Truth be told, times 11 years, \"the situation\" and ur life in it, is all unrewarding. -",
"-Fills the mind with too many things to do...I mean when you do stuff, you orient your focus accordingly. But with the unknown and its variables, too many things demanding of your focus.",
"on a related note, but also transitioning to normal tweets  for the day-",
"-Clear and settle your mind, you slowly but surely, make progress in getting things done, and ultimately get things done...writing such things down can provide a release in normal situations, where everything‚not relayed-like in the Harry Potter series,-",
"-Dumbledore uses what‚called a ‚Pensieve‚ (a bowl of water where thoughts can be transferred to, until needed, or desired, for whatever be the purpose, ultimately clearing the mind...-",
"-I remember writing that in my first Twitter or the first time I had Twitter, with 16000 followers+...life repeats when no solutions...say the same old things cuz no one listens or likes to follow or hold onto tantalizing cr*p instead...-",
"on another note, talked to someone the other day and he suggested not to overdo something else...he‚cool, but it makes you wonder in these situations while something else is going on...is it a natural assumption or the result of a picture put in his head by someone else?!-",
"-(to the orchestrators, I‚m as good as a I say I am i.e. I take on and handle multiple kinds of sh*t)...really affects how one sees things I.e. this nonsense...-",
"-I mean, was talking to this hot girl for months a few years back and couldn‚t help but wonder if the correspondence was ‚for real‚ or because it was for entertainment...for whatever reason, she never disclosed the truth about \"the situation\" either...",
"so a thought on education...Education is not just math and science. It‚about being a thoughtful, well rounded individual. &the beauty of it is, you don‚t need a degree for that. Life experience, insight, or something else could do it too. Seeing it as anything less is ur ego.-",
"-2try 2achieve status of \"educated\", &then constantly be put in midst of those who are uneducated or who act as such can be frustrating..gotta expand the world..could lead 2meaningful conversations..rather than mechanical/uninterpreted literal understandings/talks of the Bible.-",
"-the orchestrators, in their childish way of doing things come off as uneducated. may have big degrees to use this kind of tech...but once again, it goes to show \"educated\" is not just about degrees, its how you use knowledge/experience.",
"more normal tweets in addition to the previous...-",
When you need a dual or triple monitor setup on the go or say studying/working at a coffee shop:Try the Mobile Pixels Trio monitor:  https://t.co/c92TPQ0uU2
Want to keep your coffee drinks oh warm for an extended amount of time? Try the ‚Ember mug‚ on Amazon...  https://t.co/RZmZifRT7k
"If u drinkTea, some teas require u 2 boil water&let teaBags sit 4at least 3min. But 4freshly brewed coffee or tea, it takes a while 4the beverage 2be only drinkably warm. Like 20 minutes 2 half anHour. I didn‚t want 2wait, so I thought Id give ‚HyperChiller‚ a try. $25 on Amazon.",
"So, I incorporated orangeJuice in2 my mornings, &thought Id invest in something w/comparably less sugar. Found Trop50 from Tropicana. Normal orange juice has 20+ grams of sugar. Trop50? 10 grams. Sucky part is that the Trop50 containers aren‚t as big as their biggest containers.-",
"-Trop50 tastes just as good as the original recipe...you wonder why they got to sell a version with extra sugar that has no added benefit...",
"If you‚re typing something in the Notes app, or I guess wherever on your iPhone, did you know, to undo typing, you just have to shake your iPhone up and down a few times?",
"If you have the AirPods Max headphones, did you know you cannot turn them off with a button? To conserve battery life and put them in standby, you gotta out them in the small case that it comes with.",
June 2nd early morning tweets right side up on tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/Jvx1ULBOt2
"June 3rd tweets...as follows...-",
"-You know something, I mentioned how I like the name Rachel and once ‚knew of‚(not know) a girl named Rachel.I remember being in one of the reading rooms in the library at Binghamton, during my last year there. -",
"-Before I figured this girl was going out with someone, random girls would shout the name ‚Rachel‚ in the quiet of the reading room- alluding to my interest reaching an audience-",
"-...but in hindsight, why shout the name...was i to react to it in someway? Or was it because this cr*p started a little earlier?! I mean, what?, shout the name and see how I react? On ‚what ‚Äòlevel?‚‚ This girl would always post a profile pic with two of her best friends.-",
"-On one occasion, I told a guy I was interested in this girl. One of her best friends was sitting a distance away, diagonally, at another table, in the food court. I‚ve always wondered if this girl had super sonic hearing...-",
"-or is something relaying what I‚m saying...the very next day, after my conversation,-",
"-I go to the coffee kiosk in the library and there are girls acting differently...when the girl dates a mechanical engineering major, after Easter or spring break, I go through the dining hall and there are random girls with the look, ‚lol you lost ur chance‚...-",
"-then when I‚m at the Starbucks up in Binghamton, there‚another best friend taking a picture of me through the glass window of the starbucks. Was that to show her friend that I‚m not bothered about anything or because they were feeding into a medium? It could be-",
"-the medium as there were other kids with cameras...I think I remember telling my own friends about it. When I wrote about the girl on Facebook in Albany, a friend from a part time job in Binghamton messaged me on Facebook saying it‚a bad idea. -",
"-I guess I forgot 2remove him before writing was intended. But the thing with this is, in my calculus class in Albany, there was white male - little older than the rest- on 1day, who seemed enthusiastic to talk to me. Post writing on Facebook, he looked serious and ignoring me.-",
"-How could all of these social or environmental reactions happen within a day?! While I was in freedom apartments in Albany, there was what sounded like these slight male/female voices for a brief time while I was only there. Were those my roommates or...-",
"-questions questions, is cr*p American psychology waiting for something like this as part of their ridiculous methodology for some sissy American girl treatment? Trust me, in saying that I‚m not advertising myself as ‚gangsta.‚ What do you think of me? -",
"-You see a soft angle to a multi angle personality and think I‚m going to sensitively handle or cannot handle everything? What is my focus, and who is my audience?- remember that from the complaint form writing?! Am I not repeating everything from 11 years ago?-",
"-Compared 2habits now like buying sh*t, back then I was working out &swimming @ the local YMCA. So what is this cr*p about?! When I went to the FBI office in Bethlehem, NY , before the agent I spoke with, spoke to me, him &a woman on the upper floor of that area had these looks -",
"-on their faces like why is ‚he‚ here... when I wrote on a complaint form he suggested-probably as part of the f*kin country‚conspiracy to get me to write all day everyday- about certain kids, they walk past me, enraged, the next day. -",
"-When I went to guilderland police department in the middle of the night, there was an officer behind a computer screen and an female officer talking to me. After talking to me partially, the female officer goes to the guy at the computer and I hear ‚what! You means it‚true?!‚-",
"-Then she returns and tells me that what I‚m saying is nothing. This much denying and getting people to follow instructions. I tell people to do something good with their lives, for themselves, they won‚t do it. But you manage the world to be fake around me!-",
"-How is that, why is that? Remember you racist f*, in the end of this, one of us will be ruined. Whites and blacks, see your country in all its glory.",
"now in shifting the mood, focus...moving onto the next thing...",
"so a thought on relationships...-",
"-I believe before meeting a woman to be your girl friend or wife, having a career or at least a promising academic career, is essential. I means it‚different if ur just friends. When I first started college with my first major of engineering, it wasn‚t going well. -",
"-In trying 2also have a good routine/schedule/full life, I still made time 4working out, part time jobs, &a girl friend. But as engineering went south, despite the great girl friend (she would walk from her off campus apartment to the campus library to study with me at 6 am),-",
"-I didn‚t feel comfortable being in a relationship or asking someone out, when priority wise, my academic career was on the line. I want to have a life like my friend Sean and his wife. -",
"- Both of them have degrees, both of them are lawyers, both of them have each other‚back in all aspects-what a quality life you can build like that. They were best friends when we were all in college-What a privilege. -",
"-In my opinion, a career or academic career is essential 2a relationship, because when, in whatever regard, things get serious, u have a way of supporting each other or a potential way of supporting each other. When married or in a relationship, I want 2be an asset 2my partner, -",
"-I want 2make her day, and I want her to make mine. Even with the concept of flings, a career or academic career is essential. I mean regarding that, I feel Im from a different time. Amongst present college kids and that age group, things seem to be liberal and ok being liberal.-",
"-I mean, I went 2college in 2006 when Facebook 1st started- from a different time. When I‚d interact with kids as a Residential Consultant ( label for IT Support part time jobs for college dorms) while living in the dorms in 2007 and 2008, I noticed every year, students change-",
"- in personalities. I think 2006 freshman were the last of an era, at least at Binghamton. I went to schools in the 90s where they tell you to act responsibly and be mindful of the consequences of your actions in a relationship and elsewhere- different time.-",
"-When I transferred to the party school, maybe my peers of the time thought I‚m a freshman or that I‚m a teenager. But I was in my very early 20s. I grew up with a private education and transferred to a state school- a different sub culture. -",
"- I was in grade school when Britney Spears came out with ‚Oops I did it again,‚ the age of the Spice Girls, and the maca rana (the dance, if that‚how it‚spelled). If a fling goes south, with no career or academic career, how do you take care of things?...-",
"-I mean in most cases, not the kinda thing you‚d ideally want to go to your parents about. In the time I grew up, having a lot of girl friends or flings put women off. It ruins ur chances of meeting that dream girl for the future. -",
"-But nowadays, I think people think or are taught differently or are set one way by their friends. Honestly, I don‚t know what to make of things anymore -  not in a good way or a bad way. -",
"-I think women as a whole have changed. U always hear guys are after only 1 thing, but there was 1 girl I liked, who I wasn‚t sure liked me, there were some interactions like we became Facebook friends, then all of a sudden she deletes me without cause &goes a step further to -",
"-block me- a little extreme. You get curious and manage to see the profile pic of her under the covers with the lead guy in a band. To make someone jealous? Or wanting to fulfill a - I guess - a girls dream of being with a guy in a band?..-",
"-no offense to him, but I don‚t think on my worst day, I‚d lose a girl to him, but whatever. Even compared to her, or in general, I don‚t get how girls pick guys. -",
"-Point being women can be strange and have changed over time. On that note, I think it happened in April. In Binghamton, it was a time for spring dances at the school, and I couldn‚t help but think, amidst her friends, -",
"-this girl would wanted to take part in something like that or might feel left out. There was a time I‚d see her going up the stairs to the dorm as I‚d go down, and she was carrying a red suitcase with I think wheels and a handle. -",
"-Might remember it wrong. I thought maybe she has a strict family and they make her go home on the weekends in the beginning and she just wants to live her life to the fullest, like in what she may feel her friends are doing. -",
"-While I‚m a solo act since the first grade despite passing friends and the interest of others(due to the story that comes after this whole thought/section), she needs friends and clearly gets supportive friends..I mean I could be reading into the whole thing...-",
"-but that was my impression...when her mother (or I think it was cuz it‚different from the pictures online) came to pick her up at the end of the school year, I kind of waved goodbye to her, and as they were driving, they paused for a moment, and I couldn‚t help but wonder if-",
"-her mother wasn‚t asking her about the boy that waved at her. My school wasn‚t going well and I couldn‚t dance. I was hoping she would find someone, but letting go of an interest for responsibility is a sacrifice that requires effort.-",
"-I mean you wait for a combination of characteristics and the universe delivers at the most inconvenient time. When I‚d go to Church around that time, out of my interest and resulting thoughts for the girl, I‚d pray she‚d find someone good for her.-",
"-Kind of feel like doing stuff like that as part of the aforementioned effort a sentence or two ago. If there was anything to be angry about, it was the psychotic after effect. She gets the guy and randomness follows for me.-",
"-In order to be away from familial and cultural obligations on a level beyond college, I need a career, and for that I need a good degree, all so that I can live and experience life to the fullest. I couldn‚t help but feel there were those who‚d read into my actions. -",
"-All that said, pull something like that while dating me, I‚m Not so well wishing or understanding, or forgiving that is if it happened to a couple dating. -",
"-My whole life of going to catholic schools and all boys high school, I aimed for the dream of making the prettiest woman my best friend in college and marrying her.-",
"-Then this present day 11+ year ‚situation‚ happened, messing up my academics, limiting my career options, keeping women as a whole away from me...I mean, such was my dream, as mentioned, as a kid and in my teenage years and 20s. -",
"-Now I‚m in my very early 30s and my dream about a woman seems to carry no value or effect. The dream just seemed like a waste of time (although no dream, especially marrying a best friend should be) cuz life itself went out of its way to go upside down for me. -",
"-I mean in hindsight, you wonder, did you have high morals, think too much, or are you in fact right that the rest of the world didn‚t think enough or think things through. I mean, in all humility, 11+ years ago, I was a pretty decent looking guy...-",
"-.if nothing else, I had the thickest of hair and it was long...at that time, I had so many female prospects but stayed focused on my dream...-",
"-here I am 11+ years later, bald, losing muscle and gaining weight from inflicted lifestyles by the orchestrators, tired, and having the world on one team or one side while I‚m on another.-",
"-It makes you think about morals, right and wrong, and a bunch of things like that, as ur left alone and bored out of ur mind, feeling like in a pretty jail cell‚bed, for all these years. -",
"-I think right & wrong, boils down 2 whats right ‚for an individual,‚ at a particular point in their life. In life, there are rules, religion, traditions, cultures...but ur job as a person is 2 live in each second, making both smart & wise decisions, as appropriate 4 ur life, -",
"-without caring about what others think. Don‚t model your life on anyone, but your goals and dreams.Going back to the main point, Time and opportunities were stolen from me, and here I am today, in a different world, with the dream squashed.",
"Regarding something mentioned in the previous section/thought/set of tweets, here's a tale from the past:-",
"-You wanna know how long my dream of marrying my best friend dates back? Here‚a story. Although born and brought up here, when I was in pre-k, I didn‚t speak that much English, because I spent time with my paternal grandmother mostly. -",
"-She would speak to me in our Indian dialect, and with my parents being Indian immigrants, she was of the belief, ‚why does their son need to learn English?‚ In pre-K, there was an Indian girl that I  friended and spent all of my time with. -",
"-Our parents friended each other and carpooled and we went over each other‚houses and birthday parties. While she gathered together in a circle with her girl friends, I‚d hover around her.-",
"-In the same way, I expect potential girl friends and my wife to teach me how to dance, my kindergarten friend would teach me how to bike ride and roller blade. She was my courage. -",
"-When we were in kindergarten, if she was absent from school, I would run away from school. I managed, on one such occasion, to escape my kindergarten teacher‚notice, and ran for home, as the school was 5 min away from my old house near central ave in Yonkers.-",
"-My dad was walking home and caught sight of me, and I forget if he took me back to school or took me home with him. When I graduated from that school, the kindergarten teacher was sure to write about that in my year book. That was my relationship with this girl. -",
"-Then, as first grade approached, her father, a doctor, had a job transfer far away. She was going to leave me. It was something I had to accept about my first friend as first grade approached.-",
"-But at that time, I decided I would find a replacement to be my best friend, and marry her. That‚the origin of the dream the orchestrators squashed.",
"and now, normal tweets...-",
"Was listening 2\"All 10's\" playlist on Spotify the other day. Heard this girly song called Shower, by an artist w/a very girly name of \"BeckyG\"..Despite transitioning from Memories-Kid Cudi/David Guetta-I couldn't help but think ofMyself dancing w/a potential daughter 2that song.",
"Bad Blood music video from Taylor Swift...with all those Wonder Woman like women in the video, makes a guy wish he was taller to be with them...",
"I heard on the news that you should wash you hands with soap for 30 seconds after touching money, as cash and coins have been handled by who-knows-how-many-people-doing-whatever... I wonder if anyone else does it...kind of a pain, and more incentive to use the card...-",
"-especially if you get rewards for using it or get benefits...",
"How do eat your yogurt? When I eat my cup of Greek yogurt, with one lick off the spoon-without too much tongue exposure-I consume my yogurt. I mean, I eat it kind of like a chocolate soft cone from Carvel, not like cereal.",
"Yeah life is a journey...awaiting my destination, as I‚ve been traveling for 11+ years...",
"Why isn‚t there a Wegmans in Yonkers/Bronxville?! You can still shop there through InstaCart App...you get some exotic stuff like Japanese energizing cold green tea in a can...",
June 3rd tweets...wondering thoughts relationships past normal tweets...all right side up on tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/absWu0Ti8Z
"June 4th tweets...onwards...",
"Can‚t emphasize this enough...I don‚t know the alleged group of kids, the girl, or any of the other orchestrators...that being said, if it‚not directly from me, probably not true. To state the obvious, how do you know as much as you do, about your best friend?-",
"-Through interacting with them directly. Who else would know things better than the two people involved? I think the stalkerish kids of the past or orchestrators figured out that I just wanted to study IN ‚college.‚ I mean there‚my stalked habits, my writings. -",
"-I think I‚m pretty clear. I think some wanted to pose a hindrance to studying. Don‚t quote me on this, but I think I was broadcasted as not liking noise. Why? To get the randomly hateful following to make noise. Always from afar, and never understood the reason for the spite.-",
"-Probably the reasoning behind getting me to hear sounds in the house. A group of kids empowered, perpetuated by established individuals of a school. Then the continual teaming up against me as a school, a city, a country...the massive game is a hate crime...",
"moving on...-",
"- for a while, you think all of this is one angry girl...but why? how is she mind controlling or getting people across places to do her bidding? I mean the no studying, tons of noise, wanting you to cry, all girls not talking to you, boy and girls making out in front of you...-",
"- this whole thing about friends...i mean if someone's my friend, cool, but if not, i'm not on any initiative to make the world my friend, as this program/\"situation\" puts out...because they attract attention, i gotta tell people things like the obvious amidst rumors...-",
"- and another thing...be it the girl, kids, the school, is it because i complained about you that you're having me write away my life for 11+ years? Satisfied? I mean all of this seems much. When the party school got involved, a man with the last name \"Berg\", said, so that I can-",
"- hear, \"oh we went the wrong direction. we were helping them?! but you can't talk to him about it cuz one of the school VP's forbade you from speaking to faculty at the school about your \"situation.\" This was a professor speaking. So was there a girl? Kids? Are the professors-",
"- going crazy and acting on your suspicions of kids? Was there a girl/kids? Are the professors actually talking to these kids, making the kid's situation worse, and realizing they have to legitimize their actions of inadvertently furthering the kids agenda of ruining me?-",
"- i mean WTF?! why are these people against me and screwing with the people of a person's world? I MEAN YOUR ENTIRE WORLD! Regarding the professors, I would sit in their faculty area and study. Never caused any problem. Why are they talking 2strange kids?! If the have the nerve-",
"- of saying so you can hear that they went the wrong direction, why can't they listen to your request of making things \"natural?\" or back to the way things were, before these kids?!",
"next thing...",
"-I wonder...would anyone be jealous or envious of my position in all this? If that‚the case, ur not being told the whole story. The orchestrators don‚t tell you what they do to me out of fearing the crowds. -",
"-I‚m pretty sure a filtered version of my writing-in favor of the orchestrators-is what‚being passed around. Back with my 2012 twitter and now, I never could understand why anyone would feel anything negative, as a reaction. Regarding money and opportunity in this, in 2012, -",
"-for the school and the upstate city of Albany teaming up on one side against me and then causing chaos on the day of final exams in 2012, I was going to sue them for my tuition money. -",
"-When being u, u think of the people in the apartment area or the surrounding city, u figure, despite instruction following, they don‚t know any better,and on some unknown premise, they think they‚re ‚helping‚ by never talking 2 u. So how can you be mad at an entire city then?-",
"-You then think, to confront this, you gotta hold the source accountable, for misleading all these links in the chain. Despite the world turning Upside down, my beef/squabble/whatever, is with the ones in charge for screwing me and putting this sin on everyone‚heads. -",
"-This too, I wrote in my hacked and possibly relayed police complaint. -",
"-I remember, coming back from the party school, I started submitting my tale through a series of character limited crime tips, kind of like my series of backward tweets. -",
"-As I‚d write in the crime tips in my old house, traffic on my street would increase with suspicious looking youth, as it coincided. Years later, I remember when I was at my allergist, I told a saint of an Irish woman of a nurse a tale about emails I sent a girl. -",
"-No offense to them,  but I think they were talking to someone over what I told her. Not even she could tell me what was actually happening. Good people do this too. It overloads the brain, and everything you figure. becomes fair game.-",
"-That‚just it, it‚a game. You think it‚fun. America is all about fun, not compassion. Life in general is not like, say India,especially now. Here life continues, people wear masks, get vaccinated. There life came to a pause and people die left and right.-",
"-You as a people take part in this nonsense, cuz in one or more regards, ur life is perfect, otherwise why not see the whole thing as bull sh*t?-",
"-For the second chance at a college with a new major, I told my parents Id take a loan, & they volunteered a private apartment and delivery of food, so that I could study in peace. 50 grand & making everything natural was my goal or what I sought from the, then, orchestrators,-",
"-to overcome my wasted school tuition loan. Admission into a solid business school was what I requested. It never amazes me, that despite me explicitly saying what I‚m after and experiencing, you continue this illegal activity. -",
"-After 11 years, perhaps the orchestrators realize 50 grand and restoration to natural, was pretty reasonable. Now it will be much more, for placing someone else‚interests over a student‚mental, physical, and academic well being.-",
"-The money and opportunity I‚m seeking? From lawsuits and easy to win. Opportunities? I‚ll start domestic and international businesses. -",
"-Wait till they tell you everything. I think the word for someone, who just does, whatever another says, in slang, is ‚tool.‚ Are you a ‚tool?‚ Leader or follower? How are you living/showing that? I think some of you enjoy the power over another individual.-",
"-Some of you like having me in the wrong. It could be due to whatever bias. But for your overall happiness and satisfaction and mine, you got something to say to me, be direct.-",
"-Doing something from afar or concealing ur true misplaced negativity, elevates me, because in comparison, you have no b*lls. You know how Ive been living for 11+ years? Assuming the worst. -",
"-I feel, in this case:‚Pessimism is the road to take, in order to obtain the fruits of optimism, in one‚reality.I assume, I‚m relayed in any/all shape or form all day/everyday, that everyone‚in the know about just about-",
"-everything. I say ‚just about,‚ because I don‚t think the orchestrators tell you about my run in with the police, or what they had done to me during my time away from work. Compliance? You practice it for 11+ years. But, be sure I‚m grinding the axe.-",
"-No surprises, no disappointments in the end, due to the aforementioned pessimistic route.. Just actions to take. You know what the sounds do when I write sh*t like this... they play a ‚oh really I can take it sound...‚ we‚ll see. -",
"-You screwing with me like this, regarding the people of the world, it indicates you intend to conceal the truth. Like I keep saying, in me understanding this, one of us between the orchestrators and me, is guaranteed to be ruined.-",
"-If you, the orchestrator or follower, feel any thing negative toward me, why would you want to elevate me, in any regard? Interactions with me should be direct. I‚m all ears, and otherwise ready, with 11+ years and mankind‚betrayal fueling me. -",
"-I may not be as strong as before, but I go into things, having lost it all, nothing to gain, and With 100% of me. ith what I believed to be the FBI leaving me to rot, the local police not helping, my school not helping, the school‚VP and Conflict Resolution not helping, -",
"-and me not being consulted about this cr*p about people acting oddly, I used to carry a baseball bat in my car, if any of these instruction following idiots took things too far. My father, in denying anything‚going on, hid it, years ago.-",
"-You come at me with cr*p, it will be reciprocated, win, lose, big, small, whatever...a shove, a kick, end of day, is a shove and a kick...so long as I get a scratch in, I can rest peacefully. -",
"-Now if that bothers any of you, does it even make sense for you to be bothered when ur taking the initiative to bother someone, who wants you to take no extra effort, and leave things natural and possibly even a little MYOB: mind ur own business?-",
"-In hindsight, seeing these idiot skinny little freshman at this party school, thinking they‚re doing something for you and you should worship them for it, when they‚re actually turning things upside down for the orchestrators: It compounds: they‚re kids, old people, -",
"-they‚re idiots, they‚re stupid, don‚t know any better, being manipulated...then they follow the random instructions, some even mocking you like they have power over you...you wait till they go that extra mile against you and beat the cr*p out of them.. -",
"-But it never came 2 that. I mean u can only push a person so far..u talk, write, 11 years, illegal things happen, the law doesn‚t protect u, u find ur on ur own, &thinking, grow a pair &come at me. In the end who‚fault will it be? Mine? 4 being abused &lied to for 11 years?-",
"-In every endeavor, from having to walk barefoot when the police came, to what was done to me while away from work, February to May...I was compliant throughout everything...in the end pointless. No mistakes on my part.-",
"Moving on from irritation,-",
"-This whole thing, 11+ years and all? For a while, I kept thinking, all of this is the girl network of a girl I ‚knew of.‚ -",
"-What Im calling the ‚girl network‚ is a network of women friends spreading &sharing things thru cell phones &texts &maybe even word of mouth, (If shes not involved in anyway, its not fair 2her, 2give her spotlight,when all of thisNonsense should not have been publicly relayed.)-",
"-Then this ‚1day magic‚ or results!- never really did make sense. But the interesting thing is, it would seem the orchestrators talk 2a group that has their own intentions &doesn‚t know me. I feel like everyone is acting like this girl, in her indirect means, from long ago.-",
"-Was ‚not being direct with me‚ broadcasted as the ‚way to go with me? It‚like everything from one time period just continued for all ages. One group, whoever they are, brings in their cr*p, to ‚legitimize what I did not want, by making everyone else do it.‚ -",
"-I‚m all about being direct, and natural. And then, there‚the school. Trying to legitimize what transpired at their school, with the instilling of instructions beyond the city of their school, and into my hometown of Yonkers. -",
"-They brought this nonsense to the country of my background in India. WRT Indian women, while women as a whole do not talk to me at this moment in time because the orchestrators tell them, (and while I‚m open to all women and men )for friendships and whatever , -",
"-some Indian women passing by,seemed angry when I was talking 2my friend, Nicole, or playing cards withHer. Thru this indirect anger, am I supposed 2understand this? Do any of u realize, this is all against myWill &what I know is thru my own brain processing &remembering things?-",
"-The orchestrators, this program, \"this situation\" perpetuates nonsense of the past, by having me talk about things over and over, through screwing with the natural setting of my environment, where people are susceptible to following the orchestrator's instructions...-",
"-If theyre broadcasting me as dropDeadGorgeous, I accept what Im today &what Im not. Stick with(w/) the present, what u learn from a direct interaction w/me, being direct w/me, -",
"-being natural w/me (coming 2 think or act based on what u experience upon seeing me, &/or from whats directly from me.)",
"On a separate note/section-food for thought: -",
"The orchestrators, or these kids, or possibly a girl from long ago-I dunno...I don‚t understand this hold you have over all these people. How do you get someone to do something because you want them to?-",
"-I may be in the mind cr*p, buts it‚the people of my world who do something because someone wants them to. When I give insight upon doing something that‚right for you, right for your life, without caring about what others-",
"-think, or about cultures and traditions, you won‚t adhere to it or take it seriously. You probably pass over it as ‚nice sounding.‚Someone says to make a face or something, you do it. I mean it‚like asking someone to bend over and you doing it. -",
"-Why? But clearly all of you, are you, and I‚m singled out as me.",
"and now, normal tweets: -",
"I feel law enforcement should place compassion over the their indulgence of authority over others...",
"Lamb gyros with tzatziki sauce from local Greek restaurant or a Greek rack of lamb...epic...",
"Sodastream is a great way to make your own soda. It‚healthy and tasty and sugar free. You just add these strawberry like ,blackberry like, watermelon like , pineapple like,  etc. flavors...a good water substitute...",
"i saw a girl propose to a guy on facebook...i cannot imagine a girl even asking a guy out, let alone, proposing...such is real life vs. the TEXT...",
"-Being an American should be a privileged label requiring compassion and the Golden Rule. You‚re not just anyone, you are an American. Rise to the occasion, rather than indulging and being plugged into the Matrix of your world. Expand ur mind, gain insight. -",
"-These people involved in this should be ashamed to call themselves Americans. Would you allow this on ur kid or loved on?",
"Wipex Fitness Equipment Wipes - easy way to wipe down sweat from exercise machines in your home, that you finished using...",
"Heard of calm app, headspace app? try yoga international dot com or art of living courses...",
"The party school hacking my police complaint & telling students involved &students theyre talking to,that theyre in the complaint, increases the random vendetta of these kids, & gives them an incentive to mess up &control ur world..serious mishandling bySchool acting asPolice...",
"- now the professors, kids, or whoever the orchestrators are, are trying to save their a*ses from the content of the complaints, by legitimizing their past actions, through having the world take part, and making things about making a point with hacking people, computers, etc.",
Link to all tumblr blog posts:  https://t.co/SC6YkTDyr5
Early morning tweets from June 4th before 6:30 AM - all right side up on tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/6kDiXgqllQ
"so despite me saying to \"act natural\" hundreds of times over these 11+years and recently, people prefer to take the effort, and waste the energy, to do what the orchestrators say, and act in a manner that suits the \"project/program/situation.\"-",
"-acting natural requires nothing from U. Just be U; don't hide that this \"situation\" for 11+ years occurred; and go by what comes to mind when U see me, or by a direct conversation/interaction. Simple. You can stop wasting your time on this pointless endeavor to pervert my life.-",
"-if that's too hard, go F*k urself. 11+ years of saying it? - I think is enough.",
"moving on...normal tweets...-",
"Bronxville Pondfield Road has several stores on both sides of the street. From outside, nice looking buildings, and you suspect the insides are about quality stuff. But the parking situation is ridiculous. To shop and spend money, U have to spend money on parking at the meters-",
"- &theres only like 20 meter parking spaces 4all these stores. Shouldn't the landlords or whoever contemplate the business that these stores are losing from lack of parking? -",
"-U drive all the way there, find out no parking...what do U do? Drive in circles until some1 vacates their meter parking space? What a waste of time...someone should do something for such a busy area...",
Try drinks from Rebbl...they can be coffee substitutes...you can get them at ShopRite but Wegmans has more variety in that brand...They're pretty expensive but I hope if more people buy them or see their value eventually the price will go down...  https://t.co/p6P78klaiQ
"I miss the days when Starbucks had an online store. Could have fresh coffee beans delivered to your residence...now you gotta go all the way to the store...-wait...did i tweet that already? if so, sorry for the repeat...",
"If you have an Alexa device, search the ‚Echo Wall Clock‚ on Amazon. It sets itself, especially when daylight savings time.",
"Have a ‚Hey Google‚ device? Try the ‚Philips Hue‚ smart bulb and multicolor smart bulb. The multicolor one provides different colors to the room on a ‚Hey Google‚ command. Search Amazon...",
"Im not sure if the orchestrators areTrying 2get me 2buy stuff or not, buts its like, from boxers to undershirts to socks to fleeces to shirts-theyve all goneMissing. I mean I know I had a ton of theseThings, when they all randomlyDisappear from ur laundry, U justThink, now what?!",
"so heard about the Blum Center and gave advice on healthier living...while their products are expensive, you learn about the benefits of all sort of stuff, even simple things like chia seeds and fiber and how they can keep you full and aid with morning bathroom rituals...-",
- from talk in previous tweet this is the Blum Center's link:  https://t.co/rRGIdABUjo
John Douillard and his LifeSpa in Colorado (offering Skype meetings) can also aid with better lifestyles and healthier living. It's rooted in Ayurveda and Yoga and Meditation. Check out their site:  https://t.co/JcihC62Llk
"Nothing like 90s music on Spotify...with the exception of their 2010s playlist for hits, Spotify is an indicator to me that music has gone downhill...",
"There‚something very attractive to me about a bottle of coke vs. the can... it‚just...aesthetically pleasing and tasty...",
"so there's like 10-20 normal tweets below. twitter has the most recent tweet on top. scroll down for the starting tweet with today's date...My twitter handle is @RennyJi or you can not follow me on twitter and still read with the web link:twitter dot com slash rennyji",
"in addition to the morning normal tweets, a thought-",
"So from my old complaints to the police elaborating on the science of a situation, it turns out I left out something that became transparent to me recently: This concept of filters people see through or the figurative lenses on the glasses they wear. -",
"- but I remember things and something interesting was said on the news today. To start with the latter: \"If the grass was green before you went to bed, [and you found it covered in a white blanket of snow], one could surmise that it snowed while you were asleep.\"-",
"- that cause & effect relationship was what gave the insights 2 my situation ages ago. I gave a lot of detail. Despite all that I identified, b/c not 1 person showed me the content or told me who's doing it, I couldn't prove my situation and end a decade plus worth of an ordeal.-",
"- while I go 2 new places 4 a new beginning, or explore my talents on a social TEXT platform, there's someone or someones coming with their own agenda, distorting the natural end result and occurrences that result from my actions or the domino I pushed, for an intended pattern.-",
"- I remember when I first started twitter in 2011-2012, I didn't have much followers. Then one day someone tried to direct 20 fake followers my way. Probably incentive to get me to write. -",
"-when I went to the FBI in that timeframe, one of their agents asked me if I was crazy for the Internet crime that I presented to him. Before he came down, I could see his confusion in seeing me over something he knew about and I didn't.-",
"- they directed me to,what was at the time,an unlimited Internet complaint form: IC3 forms. Again seems like incentive 2 write. I go 2 work, trying 2 mix quantity w/quality, jumping from 1 completed thing 2 the next. They have me waste time explaining myself  w/words & writing.-",
"- I realize every facet of life in America wants to screw me into exposing my speech style, my writing style, for the purpose of understanding how I think. -",
"-Whereas David Hasslehoff (the Knight Rider) might have Adam Sandler fart on his face in the movie, \"Click,\" for, if nothing, money, that's not my style. -",
"-This phenomena has caused estranged relationships, a roadblock 2 living, a roadblock 2 prospering w/a career, earning what I should make...u have no idea how much hatred I have 4 this setting. But the mind controllers, sedate me & do their own form of sedation 2 make me docile.-",
"- what do the Americans mean by \"consciousness of guilt?\" Does it mean awareness of what they were doing? Does it mean awareness that you're doing something bad or of a crime nature? what about, then, the orchestrators of my situation? -",
"- Like others, I got out of school in my early to mid 20's to set forth on my life. To find someone to marry, to get a job, take care of my parents...-",
"-But instead, and I'm 35 now, I'm being just being used for cheap entertainment with everyone's help. You destroyed my life...where is the consciousness of guilt? To take out the years from your jail sentences, you prolong my situation, that too, with everyone's support.-",
"- you as a people think everything is your body. Indians and East Asians believe the soul transmigrates across bodies and lifetimes. You, Americans, think this all there is, and that the soul is the mind, and it stems from a developed mature mind. -",
"- the U come up w/ notions like \"consciousness of guilt.\" I'm not sure what to make of that. Are you saying that across a series of actions, you were aware what you were doing, or aware of what you're doing towards a particular goal? Aren't you always aware? Shouldn't you be?-",
"- my situation is in the process of being exploited to show one form of \"normal\" for every1 to accept to further large scale mind reading/mind control. -",
"-Ur led to believe by doctors & the orchestrators of this phenomena that letting urself go on \"autopilot\" is normal, whether it's driving or anything. Mindfulness is not a luxury, but a skill to employ on all occasions.-",
"- animals like dogs go on autopilot or w/their instincts. A dog is hungry, it eats. A human being, thru things like religion, learn 2 abstain, to refrain, to practice restraint. Of all the people in the world, Im condemned for not acting on random garbage thinking or impulse. -",
"- 'Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. ' Matthew 26:41Temptations are the various hungers of our body, like trying to get me to lash out on twitter.",
"- \"For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.\"Galations 5:17-",
"- this division creates a conscious state of mind. The happiness oriented Americans, forsaking culture and religion, for psychiatry, create and propel an animal like human.",
"-Years ago, I think there was something about me being a sweetheart and in need of friends( by a girl and her friends, a school, who cares, at this point)...ok...ummm..reality being, i see the concept of friends and relationships just like the next person: through fate, destiny,-",
"-or something as simple as bumping into someone repeatedly at a coffeeshop, you meet people.(Not by ‚the situation‚ discussing your whereabouts and timing.) To see me, through the lens that I‚m on some kind of endeavor to be an American icon, make everyone my -",
"-friend- well, that doesn‚t match my goals, interests or personalities. In all that I do being relayed (probably, I dunno), maybe from my Twitter, you heard from me about how I kept a girl in my prayers; -",
"-maybe you heard since my childhood best friend/girl friend moved away, I‚ve been on a lifelong quest for a replacement; maybe from the orchestrators you heard I can be loving to my sibling...-",
"-from the orchestrators, you see me as a, I guess, f* me, a sensitive caring male. From my stories, maybe you know my values. -",
"-But bear in mind, these are aspects or sides to a multifaceted personality, just like everyone else. Who I share the above sides or personas with, are my loved ones (family/friends). -",
"-So this raises the problem of who is my audience, when I or someone on my behalf, says things. I keep saying talk to me directly, because how I may be with you individually, may be different from a painting of my identity, for better or worse.-",
"-So two things thus far...what lens/ filter are you seeing me through? Next question, are you the intended audience?And all of this boils down to reputation. The concept of a person‚status in society, their reputation globally is something people work very hard for. -",
"-It is my intention to sue the orchestrators for soiling my reputation. Understanding this, they are of the belief, by relaying my life, a reputation will follow. But then the concept of audiences, filters, all rise again. -",
"-You*re making my reputation as America‚son/friend. Not interested, beyond the Golden Rule. 11 years of my life...hmmm...yeah I feel like the orchestrators are prostituting my life. -",
"-Im in a crazy situation. A 90 year old b*tch & her possibly lesbian passenger give me the OK to take a parking space. I go out to take it. She then stops me w/her car randomly, while the tool of a couple behind me shake their hands 4 me, to ignore the parking, and drive ahead.-",
"-I had my signal on, I was moving toward the space before all this happened ...you know, be it because of a ‚situation‚ or the filter this white woman sees ‚herself ‚through, she is not my boss, and her attitude on the road would only succumb to my attitude. -",
"-What does she think of herself? That disgusting nasty face she made. Does she see herself as superior? The nerve. All after she tells me to take the space, and then decides to take it herself. -",
"-The orchestrators tell family, friends, strangers to give me something to read into...it‚mind exploding because you expect me to take the bait and keep writing...I‚ve praised women in my speech and in my writing, over their beauty and value in a mans life. -",
"-Like today, at a stop sign, driving home or taking a short cut elsewhere, saw a gorgeous tan blonde smiling. Seeing someone like her, for herself, can brighten any mans day, like a day of sunlight. But it should naturally happen. -",
"-But that said, I‚ve shown a value, a side. For some, it‚an opportunity to overestimate ur self worth. I am not desperate, despite throwing myself across the table. -",
"-In this world, without sacrificing my dignity, from one extreme to another, I can arrange a marriage, or if it was about getting laid, pay someone. I aim to do things the right way. But then I see the 90 year old and idiot middle aged American women on the side of them -",
"-road involving themselves in this aforementioned parking attempt. Your rosy lives are ur rosy lives. I live in reality unlike whatever cloud You live on, while being a victim of abuse by the American orchestrators. So, Keep a check on ur attitudes in response in reading this.-",
"-Years ago, and now, I‚ll say it again to my surroundings, I am a practitioner of the Golden Rule. I respect those who respect me. Some of you, in your world of games, please go waste someone else‚time. An American icon? A paragraph ago, -",
"- I explained how I see friends, because of randomness being flung on me like sh*t out of a toilet, for the purpose of constantly explaining things. -",
"-I make myself available, when and where, to anyone who‚anyone. The orchestrators want to dictate who can glance at me or make me approachable. Childish nonsense. Not out to make myself any more approachable than I am.",
"- Now I need some kind hearted person to talk to me and tell me what's going on. That Im not out of my mind. If ur waiting for this cr*p to be over, none of you will ever see me. I mean, I'm after peace of mind, and when I needed you, in the way that I did, you were never there.-",
"-The orchestrators may tell you to so called \"support me\" by doing this/that...but that is not from me, may not even match the plan of the day. I honestly cannot make out what they're saying. -",
"- If I'm right about stuff, its through coincidence or me figuring things out on my own. From any of you, the community, All I'm asking is for you to be a true American at heart and do the hard thing of telling me what's going on. -",
"-Thats the only thing I ever needed. Ud be a lifelong friend&hero. After this, w/my lawsuitMoney, Ill be on some privateEstate, far away, from these past ridiculous places of America. All I wanted 4 all these yrs  is peace of mind & the mutualRespect that the orchestrators took.-",
"-But going back to what I was saying, at the end of the day, beyond family and loved ones, I am not your friend or your enemy, or even paying attention to the cr*p left for me to read into. That stuff is between you and the orchestrators you blindly and ridiculously follow.-",
"-f you are not talking to me directly, then you are not helping me. Playing with your phone won‚t make you a saint-for the orchestrators, in the past, I called this the American idol mentality. You think by voting for someone to win, you‚re altruistic.-",
"-Save your energy, direct it towards someone who will appreciate it, or do something constructive. I‚ve given my spheel about ‚being natural without hiding anything.‚ That‚the only help I seek. End of the day, you be you, I‚ll be me. -",
"-At the beginning of this &now, Ive made it clear, not out of anger, spite, or because Im fresh out of some troubling incident: mind your own business. I don‚t want you in my life, and to be honest, I don‚t want to be in your heads either beyond the practice of the Golden Rule.-",
"-Get at me (Slang), or kindly get lost (Literal).-",
"-These sounds tell me they‚re going to ‚do away‚ with me. The extent, depth, seriousness of that I dunno. (But if I‚m to meet my end, I want the Americans to know this much from me, amidst the clouds you live on. -",
"-At the end of this, you all and the kid sounding faction of the orchestrators are in for a surprise. Really walked into it, as  you'll figure out, soon enough.)-",
"-Ur faces or reactions or gestures do not match up to my writings, what I‚m being told, etc.(this part goes to everyone, but especially my parents- I feel these people (orchestrators) are lying to you regarding their intentions and what they direct at me.)",
"-From past complaints being relevant in the present day or not, not gonna elaborate on past things after this. Way too much time for something I‚m not willingly taking part in or interested in. Take care.",
"ending it for today with a few normal tweets -",
"Coffee machines with adjustable strength settings...expensive, but worth it!",
"getting a starbucks card, or memberships with doordash or massage places can be rewarding...",
"a person can say/do 10,000 good things, and being human, do 1 bad thing...but through human nature, other people will only remember/consider the bad thing without thinking things through...",
June 5th tweets...summary of normal tweets from early morning and the \other stuff tweets\ from early evening...all right side up on tumblr blog link below...as of tomorrow just gonna spread tweets throughout the day-if any...  https://t.co/2yg58nFl2X
"June 6 tweets -",
"so wake up, walk to the main floor of the house, and see through the window that the sun is getting ready to shine, with birds chirping in the background...sounds like something from a book, i know...but it invites pleasantness amidst all the nonsense in one's life...",
"so theOrchestrators...what they now do, seeing I have a writing platform, is \"project\" ideas/notions my way, 1 way or the other, try 2 get me 2 mention it, or even address/explain it. In my writing about, say, 1 of the rumors they created, Id be helping 2 perpetuate false ideas.-",
"-i mean w/something as corny &simple as the sun about 2shine, who wants 2waste time on the bullsh*t of others? Who pays attention to idiots? I mean, whatever orchestrators put out, I know who I am, what I get & don't get, & we don't share the same goals or same kind of people.-",
"-Today, I have 2 degrees& aJob 2 focus on, and be grateful 4. Yrs ago, I had my own apartment&delivery of restaurant food 2 be happy about while I tried to study amidst nonsense. Yrs ago, I had 4 years of body building to be grateful for,&the local YMCA where Id swim vigorously.-",
"- amidst The Blessings of the Good Lord, there's this nonsense from Americans living in a cloud and wanting to eavesdrop into the life of an Indian. but moving on...this kind of stuff is a risk to the tranquility from the simplicity of the sun shining...",
"so i mentioned \"my own apartment\" a couple or a few tweets ago...upstate vs. downstate -the apartments are madCheap...Ive been searching for apartments locally, downstate, & places like, The Print House? $2000 rent. Every other place? $1600 &up. My upstate studio apartment?$750.-",
"- I mean taxes take like 50% of your yearly salary. Then downstate rent...That's another huge chunk...",
"Regarding taxes, if you go to Catholic or private schools, and taxes pay for public schools and other such facilities that you don't use, why does everyone have to pay the same percentage of taxes? -",
"-You live in America for the freedom and community. But seeing as I, personally don't get that, there's gotta be other places, globally, that have that...",
"So, was eating breakfast and got food stuck between my teeth...reminded me of braces and the retainers you gotta wear after to maintain the progress of the braces...in hindsight, with today's discipline, i wouldn't have been as lazy with the retainers, as back then...",
"So, on the HBO Max app on Fire TV or Chromecast, you can find the second version of the \"Justice League\" movie. Yeah, there are two!I mean the trouble for making two versions of the same movie...why?!Well, at least Gal Gadot is in it...truly a Wonder Woman...",
"So just followed Gal Gadot, and twitter suggested I follow Margot Robbie...people from Israel, Australia...they are incentive for global connections...",
"anyone else grow up with 90s Nickelodeon with Stick Stickley with Nick in the Afternoon, Doug, Rugrats, Rockos Modern Life, etc...?!",
"huge Dragon Ball Z fan. Got me into the Dragon Ball series, which I personally feel a warm attachment to then the Z Series...they're coming out with a new movie next year...even collect the figures...like a few yrs ago, really got into anime. CrunchyRoll is a good site for it...",
"RT @StarbucksCare: @RennyJi Hi Renny, while we no longer have an online store, we do have a storefront on Amazon that you can use to try an
"So where do our ideas and thoughts come from? Ever wonder?",
"For so long I thought of all this having to do with a girl and possibly player psychotic friends...I mean the whole thing is like the stereotype of an angry girl-in what I‚ve shared and not... l mean keeping you perpetually writing and making everyone not talking to you?-",
"- when we were at the same school, because of the visible no cause anger towards someone you don‚t know, I even gave her a letter apologizing if I wronged her in anyway and saying I‚ll keep out of her way. When things escalated at the party school, if it had to do with her, with-",
"- whatever filter in her mind towards me, I even sent her a brand new copy of the dvd, ‚he‚just not that into you‚ with no return address. If ur right about all this being her, you think that‚ll be hint, she‚ll know what it means, and stop whatever.-",
"- If not she got a brand new DVD for free. I mean that‚my style: I don‚t uproot the world. Then as time goes on, I figure it has to be the school, manipulating the story of the girl for their project. I mean what does a Columbia grad like her want with me anyway?!-",
"- and regarding the school, I reported everything that was happening, like a responsible person. Once again, my style. They uproot the world, lie to me, and them and their government contacts stop the world from talking to me...",
"So I talk about blondes or talkED about blondes recently. Not the only kind of women I‚m into. But moving on, did you guys know there are types of blondes?...like the ‚Nordic Blonde?!‚- I‚ve seen some with a fan and they look incredible...-",
"Me, I have wavy hair...or HAD wavy hair...saw someone with nice pin straight hair-probably doesn‚t take hair gel or leave in conditioner to style...wouldn‚t it be cool if you could change ur hair type from straight to wavy to curly by as simply as running a comb through ur hair?!",
"This one place that I go daily...it‚ridiculous how everyone there is jacked or ripped...I mean like 90%...It‚an odd-what do you call such an occurrence-coincidence?! Me personally, focusing on getting skinny first...",
"Has anyone tried aromatherapy?! Does it work?",
RT @shakirastuff_: Shakira is coming. You all ready?   https://t.co/pvq5lurJrl
"Just saw commercials for upcoming Marvel series, ‚Loki‚. It‚going to be on Disney+. I‚m not sure if the following is a movie or series, but ‚Black Widow‚ with Scarlett Johansson is also coming out...",
RT @missmorenab: Flashback to that time I wore all purple.   https://t.co/pq4nrakjpw
"In the movie, ‚Deadpool,‚ Ryan Reynold‚character is so right about his feelings toward @missmorenab (Morena Baccarin). Every time you see her, it‚like the first time. There isn‚t a second she isn‚t beautiful...",
June 6th early morning and morning tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/5fZPSYyvq2
"11 years of all this relaying and stalking. People ignore my directive, of talking to me directly, to get to know me, despite me saying how I am with people is on an individual basis.-",
"-Depending on how I, as a multifaceted personality, choose to share, Person A might recognize me as a completely different individual than Person B. So yesterday, we talked about filters, or the lenses that u see an individual through, is based on the stuff you have in ur head.-",
"- so lets introduce something I else I mentioned in the past. The concept of ‚know of‚ vs. ‚actually know.‚ All of u may have heard relayed things about a particular Renny. You think ur part of a fun game with this Renny. (Not a fan of games and view this entire thing as abuse.)-",
"-But in the things you are aware of, do you understand my goals or intentions? You think you know how I‚ll be with you and when you ignore my advice. You do not know me and simply ‚know of me.‚-",
"In the past, I was grateful for a 2nd chance at a new major at a new school with a fresh start. I wanted no distractions. As I didn‚t want the mind lingering on anything from the past, I wanted 2 remove any chance I had with a particular girl.-",
"-I wanted 2 close that door by writing something off putting so that the mind would abandon theOption. OtherGoal was 2 test the surroundings 4 a reaction 2 see if Im right about theSource of the randomness. In trying to cut off an attachment, Im left w/the idea of it for years.-",
"- intention with my battle with the party school? Get a free ride there, get life back to the way it was-in all opportunities (social l, fiscal, etc.) , in all normalcy- before things with the girl, her friends, the school, and this present day hill sh*t. -",
"- I live according to that, but the orchestrators are trying to make me an Indian, an American instead, by ignoring my people/culture/goals, and use me for their goals, while making me seem crazy for trying to get things back to the way they were, 11+ years ago.-",
"- sometimes I wonder‚ you idiots out there reading into my actions‚what do you know of the kind of life I want to live or the kinds of people I want to associate with. I buy something like a coffee machine, I think you put me out as buying something expensive. Slander.-",
"- I spice up my morning in the ways that I do, likeMachines w/adjustable strength, valueQuality‚unlike the orchestrators &the rest of their people, I don‚t live on an ‚airy cloud.‚ I actually think through things &have plans for aFuture that don‚t match this retarded situation.-",
"-11 years of eavesdropping, what do the orchestrators know of a life of meaning &value. U see me thru the filter of ur culture,ur boy friends,ur men,ur students,&what not. To the orchestrators, experiment on ur kind, rather than leaving the worst for other parts of the world.-",
"- you may see everything, may even know every thought, but you don‚t know where I stand or my intent with things.",
"Just found out season 3 of the HBO Max series, ‚Titans,‚ is set to be released in August of 2021‚finally‚and that too in the summer‚it‚sad there aren‚t a lot of new episodes to series outside of fall/winter/spring months‚Titans has Nightwing, Raven, and the rest
"Other shows like ‚Doom Patrol‚ or the anime: ‚Seven Deadly Sins‚‚no idea for a release date like the previous tweet
"‚His Dark Materials‚ was a great series on HBO Max, as well
"It can be problematic when ‚direct interactions‚ face conflict with things relayed‚I mean, What was the purpose, and a number of tweets back, recall what I said about the different recognitions by Person A Vs. Person B.",
June 6th Afternoon Tweets rightSideUp in tumblrBlogLink below. NothingMoreToday. There were tweets in early morning &morning - posted in the tumblr blog link several tweets down this page (that link is also at the bottom of the afternoon link below)  https://t.co/PMVxdtYiep
"June 7th tweets -",
"so a thought...-",
"I saw a clip of a physicist talking about something, and he mentioned other scientists of the past who came up with theories. Someone like Isaac Newton didn't have the distractions of our world. He had a lot of time to think and theorize about his observations.-",
"- When I look back at these 11+ years, its enraging. What a massive waste of time. I could be using my thought process, my observative capacity, for constructive things, rather than talking to/about this \"situation.\" -",
"-For the orchestrators, life is living on a cloud, doing whatever impulse commands you, getting drunk and laid all day. I mean if getting laid is your life's greatest goal, there are bigger and better things. -",
"-Getting laid is exhilaration, pleasure, a series of postures, for a set amount of time. But an accomplishment, a life achievement, a true goal, encompasses your entire day and rewards you lifelong, unlike the 60-90 minutes or so of getting laid...-",
"-Set your sights on bigger things, on something that can define you and fulfill you. That's true pleasure.-",
"- You know in these 11+ years, I wish I could have used my brain to think about real things, philosophize, build something -",
"- but instead the orchestrators, in my very early 30s, have me dealing with the matters of children...-",
"- The serious project that may or may not be public, that is hiding behind the nonsense of whatever is projecting the teenage-like voices...is also wasting my time with their goals, over mine...-",
"-Life is a gift. From crawling out of bed, to possibly stretching, to walking down the stairs to your kitchen, it truly is an underestimated gift. I mean you have arms and legs. You can move them. It provides a sensation. -",
"-Being forced to look over all that and be reminded of the failings of a country, in practice in your life, is ridiculous.-",
"- This \"situation\", with what it does to me daily and my environment, for me, is a waste of time, and a distraction from my plans/goals. Biblically, it is said, if ur eye causes you to sin, then cut it off. It is better for you to go to heaven maimed, then all of going to h*ll.-",
"- so lets extrapolate. I think people of today are put off by religion b/c they \" 'think' its about telling u what 2 do.\" But I believe it's telling u \"what u can be\" -",
"-& the lifestyle that needs 2 be maintained. When I say lifestyle, I don't mean living like a nun, like literal interpretations imply. Again, you need to think about what comes your way. Literally, the aforementioned saying also has a meaning. That being, -",
"- your eye causing you to sin and the rest of the saying? Be pure in thought, follow your heart, do what's right as appropriate for your life. This results in peace of mind and eligibility for heaven. But I was talking about goals, that saying can be applied to goals.-",
"-ur eye causes you to sin, cut it off? Yeah no 1 expects the human race 2 cut off their eyes. So when it comes 2 goals, if there is a distraction in your life, u need 2 cut off that attachment. That part about \"better part of u go 2 heaven, then all of u going to h*ll\"?! -",
"- If you cut off the attachment/the distraction, your eye is figuratively cut off. What remains will inherit heaven. -",
"-Heaven can be interpreted as a state of mind. When you feel good, you feel like you're in heaven. When you do something bad, your mind is like in h*ll b/c of the resulting negative feelings.-",
"- So point being, if you cut off your attachment/distraction, what remains, inherits heaven i.e. or you'll have the state of mind (of being focused, and whatever else), to achieve your goal. -",
"- When you practice such discipline, it's rewarding throughout and \"post-process-of-achieving-your-goal\" - because you will, without a doubt, achieve your goal. Hence, if your eye causes you to sin, cut it off...",
"- See, the aforementioned is my mind. Not like the orchestrator's and the cr*p they put out. Not like the people they involve me with. Not like the Americans, who, everyday, let me down, by not telling me what's going on.-",
"-In my religion, Christ says, \"my mother, brother, sister, friend, family, are those who share in my convictions\" - to paraphrase...Amidst \"this situation,\" in whatever way I possibly can, I try to say what I'm about, what I want, what my beliefs are. -",
"-But no 1 in my surroundings shares in my convictions. After 11+ years, the label of American I wore proudly, is now a source of humiliation. Citizenship/rights-none of it respected. No lawEnforcement. In Christ's words, U are not my family, nor my people. U be U, I'll be me...",
June 7th early morning tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below - philosophy...  https://t.co/nyEjkFGjmy
"You know, growing up, I learned from experience & family, avoid jobs that depend on people. Too many variables. If ur an engineer or programmer, while you may work with a team, your part of the work is all U, giving you the freedom and using solely ur talents, knowledge, ability-",
"- but thats inTermsOfWork..4 a socialLife, yeah friends are wonderful but Im involved in ‚theSituation‚ involvingPeople. My wholeLife is relayed. IveSaid I can do 10,000 goodThings,& people, being humanNature, only rememberTheBad. ‚The situation‚ is a ‚forced on myShoulder job‚.-",
"-when my so called all day everyday job involves people, not the best thing, because of how my environment can be affected. How do you be mindful of all ur actions all day everyday‚-",
"-I mean you want people, in what ur stuck with, to be direct with you, to know you for you, not based on something put out indirectly about you
"In this situation, people think theyre supporting u, with u, even helping u‚but I keep saying what help to me is‚it‚being natural without hiding this- I think we‚re getting there, but what if some1 were to tell me whats going on & help me end this‚ud be a role model, a hero!",
"I was out today and someone was nice enough to help me speed up that part of my day‚ I keep saying talk to me and stuff, and d*mit I forgot to get this person‚name‚but I guess that‚on me
"So I‚ve grown up watching my dad use alcohol based aftershaves that are liquidy like Old Spice. But growing up, I e heard slit said that alcohol is bad for the skin. So I got the Brickell aftershave from Amazon.-",
"-Smear a bunch of it on, expect it to work, and then realize, not the best idea in sunny June weather. You‚ll just sweat it off. Maybe liquid quick drying aftershaves are what‚needed. Lotions just melt
"When someone does something nice, how do you react‚especially in this situation where people seemed to be misled or misguided in ur name, you figure it‚easier walking in a hostile environment‚but selfless kindness changes the world
"Want to hang upside down for yoga or ‚just because‚?! Get the ‚FeetUp Trainer‚ from Amazon
"Girls are lucky. They can wear shorts & look good in shorts. To look in style, a guy who wears shorts has 2 have em a little bit below his knees‚I think like in the 50s, 60s, 70s, guys used to wear the shorts women wear today-yeah umm no 1 wants to see that..a reverse of style..",
"Huge Michael Jackson fan- it‚sad someone like him had the things that happened to him, happen
"Yeah I listen to anything that sounds good on Spotify-from ‚sucker‚ by the Jonas Brothers to ‚drag me down‚ by One Direction to ‚bad blood‚ by Taylor swift to ‚wherever whenever‚ by shakira to ‚ if you had my love‚ by JLo to ‚Memories‚ by David Guetta to ‚lose yourself‚ by Eminem",
"This heat‚in Yonkers(Y-Oooo!) /Bronxville‚simply sitting while working makes you sweat‚but at least where I reside (on the border of both cities), it just got cloudy‚hopefully things will cool down
"In the heat a while back, I remember buying these Nike‚- running shoes- they are ventilated at the top‚shoes like that probably helps, if you gotta be outside
"Post lunch, my soda stream (raspberry flavor) really cooled me down
Afternoon tweets for June 7th right side up in tumblr blog link below (early morning tweets below afternoon tweets or in link that is several tweets below)  https://t.co/gIudOYfuCd
"June 8th tweets...-",
"so this thing with external parties who don't know a person, putting things in people's heads, goes way back...it leads to improper awareness, or a false filter/glasses that people see through...-",
"So here's five verses that I believe the three Abrahamic religions share. Genesis 3 goes: -",
"- 1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‚Did God really say, ‚ÄòYou must not eat from any tree in the garden‚?‚ -",
"-2 The woman said to the serpent, ‚We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‚ÄòYou must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.‚‚-",
"-4 ‚You will not certainly die,‚ the serpent said to the woman. 5 ‚For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.‚-",
"-6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.-",
"- so...those were the first 6 verses actually. The devil \"puts something in Eve's head.\" Sound familiar? She gains a filter that she sees through, but she doesn't realize, she's been blinded from the truth...-",
"-Eve believes if she eats the fruit that God forbade her from eating, she will be a god or at least have god like wisdom...-",
"-God told her not to eat the fruit: that part is like what our hearts tell us to do, while we listen with our tempted minds for tantalizing/nice sounding false things to be placed in our head...to live life with your heart requires taking a deep breath and gaining perspective-",
"- it speaks to us in differentSituations. when orchestrators or the devil come along&place things in our head, giving us false filters 2 see thru, resulting in the actions of accordance, we need 2 quiet down, listen 2 what our heart-which fights the impulse of human nature-says.-",
"- the orchestrators give you instructions to follow behind a single person. Like the juicy fruit of the forbidden tree, you see the orchestrators words and directives as a fun game. -",
"-But if you, humankind, were to listen to your hearts...how can you bear to have a fellow American suffer alone for 11+years?-",
"- would ur hearts allow humankind 2 be on 1 team vs. a single human being for 11+ years? U wanted 2 play the orchestrator's game like Eve wanting the juicy fruit. God didn't approve in that case, & ur hearts & true conscience doesn't approve in our case..Americans need insight...",
"Moving past philosophy, -",
"Driving with the AC on creates mist on the wind shield, towards the bottom‚needed wipers to clear it‚anyone else face that problem?",
"It‚great when your 10 min away from stores like Macys, ur coffee shop, UPS, or anything else‚I mean‚feel sleepy while working? All ways to get fresh air
"The parking spaces in Bronxville‚Pondfield Road are diagonally lined‚real pain when going from the right side of the road to the parking space on the left
"So 10:20 AM, I left my house 2go 2 UPS 2 drop something off on Central in Yonkers (Y-Oooo). Made the trip &got back in my driveway @ 10:27. Got inside &out of myShoes at 10:28. Got out of outdoor clothes &back @ my desk by 10:30..like going 2the bathroom when U live near central.",
"The concept of time has always amazed me. So much can happen through the course of 30 min‚like this morning, at the start of 30 min, was getting out of the shower. At the end of 30 min, finished getting my coffee at a coffee shop and back home
"So @theragun or @therabody -whichever is the official Twitter account for Therabody / Theragun - came out with a pneumatic compression device. Only comes in small, medium, large‚if ur chubby, ull think large, but it‚too long. Then you think medium, but it‚tight. -",
"- To @theragun or @therabody (Therabody / Theragun), you need a pneumatic compression device that‚of varying lengths for different heights, and adjustable straps for varying leg widths- to adjust how they fit ‚around the legs‚
"RT @dunkindonuts: That absolutely ‚ú®thrilling‚ú® half-second you think about ordering something different, then don‚t.",
June 8th tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/FaCfjnfbYI
"June 9th tweets...",
"Matthew 13: 13-15 - For this people's heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts... -",
"-No matter how many times I implore of you to tell me the truth about the situation, you listen to the orchestrator's instruction of not telling me...or their instructions, period...",
"John 18(21-23) - Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.‚ ...If I said something wrong,‚ Jesus replied, ‚testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?‚... -",
"- in my situation, im telling people over &over, for 11+ years, don't read in2 my actions, stop making things about U or taking things personally, actNatural without hiding things, don't listen to the instructions of the orchestrators..i think the orchestrators filter what I say.",
"Matthew 27:4 \"I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,\" he said... - in my situation, the world is on one team, and I'm on another. do you have any idea what the orchestrators did to me while I was away from work recently?!",
"Matthew 27:18 \"For he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him.\"The orchestrators &the projected children like sounds are not doing this for 11+years! to build me or make my life better. That is just the front of a massive project, for their ends.",
"Psalm 3...A priest I knew introduced some of the verses of this psalm to me, under a different context. But I believe the whole thing applies to my \"situation.\"...",
"Luke 23:13‚Äì19...I have examined him in your presence and have found no basis for your charges against him...But the whole crowd shouted, ‚Away with this man!..In my situation, u, the American people, have aided the orchestrators, in robbing me of opportunities, &be their victim.",
"so some philosophy...-",
"-Ive said before, peace of mind is priceless...but in this massive 11+year secret against one human being as part of the screwing with his mind, America has stolen peace and the opportunities of 11+ years for me. I see America in all its glory, in its superficial altruism.-",
"-There is this Biblical saying ‚And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.(Mark 9:42)-",
"- Peace of mind, or the state of mind, is that precious. Get punched in the arm, it bleeds, it gets visibly bruised, it eventually heals. But the mind...can you see its wounds from years of familial and societal betrayal? -",
"-The mind is the steering wheel/the command center controlling the whole operation of the body...on what justifiable basis do u, the orchestrators, and mankind screw with a young man's mind for 11+years? Not even Hitler did this to the Jews...he horrifically baked them in ovens-",
"- while the Americans drag out their torture as part of a massive game...But back to the Biblical saying about ‚And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin...\"-",
"- The little ones represent the innocence within the human condition. That innocence is peace and peace is God. -",
"-Heaven for all we know could be this state of mind, as Adam and Eve were like children who believed like a child, that their parents, in this case, God, would take care of everything. However, these derivations aside, the little ones in that quote represent -",
"- innocence within the human condition. To tamper with that state of mind, be it a school or a perverted few, the action is indicated as so evil, so wrong, it would be better 4 that entity to not have existed at all, as indicated by the morbid latter portion of the quote, where-",
"- the individual responsible is told to tie a rock around his neck & jump in2 the water. You don't screw with innocence, in whatever way it is expressed. It could be a regular guy, amidst 11+year hype, being relayed in anything/everything..why tamper with sanctity/peace of mind?!",
"- so that's from my philosophical side...",
"so a couple of regular tweets...-",
"If you have whole chia seeds and not the grounded up version, has anyone thought of using their coffee grinder to grind the chia seeds? Or do you need a special grinder that specifically says it can be used for other things?!",
"Try \"Kombucha\" as another water substitute. Can taste like soda and its sugar free and good for digestion...",
"Just followed @zoesaldana along with @shakira ... columbians are mad beautiful ...",
June 9th early morning tweets (before 6:32 AM) right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/8poUrB3WEr
"U know looking back, at the state party school that I transferred to, in 2010, what they taught was done poorly & the subjects were out of date. I‚m sure they‚ll beg to differ. While they and their involvement of a ‚situation‚ strives to keep me writing in the midst of studying-",
"- other schools were teaching agile software practices, cloud computing, data warehousing, or even with a simple Java programming class: how to run JUnit test cases.-",
"- for months I tried contacting a professor for an old assignment and notes related to handling Java programming with sql database coding, never gives me what I want. Basically always says he‚too busy-",
"- in the party school, while their sister state university of Binghamton was teaching Java with Eclipse, enterprise style repositories and JUnit test cases, party school was using a baby program called Dr. Java.-",
"- my transcript is proof of the courses you teach. The duration of the situation and the kids is proof of a distraction in my priorities. My 4.0 high school GPA is testament to my academic caliber. Me, I like using the luxury of time to learn a course until it‚mastered.-",
"- students would say professor ravis course was 1 of the important courses. Didn‚t do so well the 1st time amidst obstacles. Wanted 2 take theCourseAgain.  Ur partySchool‚conflictResolution VP insisted I take remaining courses @ a communityCollege so that Im out of their hair.-",
"-can you imagine this dip sh*ts advice? From a 4.0 gpa at Iona with scholarships and free laptops to a community college. The b*stars went out of his way to convince my parents I‚m crazy after he had the faculty monitor me on the harassment on the day of my life 2012 finals.-",
"The amountOfDamage that partySchool, those spitefulKids did, along w/the rest ofThe ‚situation.‚U should see some of theseFacesIm thinking why the f*k are U in myLife, while these randomly angry agenda fueled gamePlayers areIrritated theyre not wanted playing god w/some1‚life.-",
"- to some of the randomly angry agenda fueled game players, you wanna say have some dignity and move on.",
"The orchestrators are trying to figure me out. Put corny high school paths of doing what you love my way and things will follow. How old am I? How do you explain ur perverted presence in my life? Something can be learned from the Indian concept of arranged marriages-",
"- back in India, families strive to get their kids to perfection. Find a family, a women, that‚exceptional and meets standards. We wish a similar exceptionalism for careers, futures, education, etc. I come from this culture. In my family, father sought out opportunities in the-",
"- alien country of America and took care of his family and his extended family back home. Uncle went off to a different part of India and worked as the closest contact to Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi with his Italian wife Sonia. My father, my uncle, did these things thru-",
"- hard work without distractions and American party schools constantly getting in the way. It is beyond me, why my parents aren‚t defending their culture and allowing these racist Americans to walk all over us, especially me.-",
"- the thing that‚absolutely beyond me is, I don‚t do drugs, I don‚t drink, just minding my business, I‚ve done nothing to no one, if there was anything to clear up-done it 100 times over. Why‚are these freaks pursuing me I.e. the orchestrators. For 8 years, I‚ve put aside my-",
"-likes, habits, grasping with the American dictators cruelty. Now after all that, they want to prostitute my life for entertainment while not disclosing what they do. American or not, what human being stands by while the orchestrators electrocute someone? -",
"- what do the orchestrators tell their following? Hey everyone, on behalf of the party school, we want are Renny to party like it‚1999
"Moving to normal tweets again
"Americans are worse than the Germans were with the Jews In Nazi Germany‚everything they do is superficial and not from the heart
"#Loki airs today on Disney Plus
"You‚d be surprised how many things from ages ago, or even eight years ago, can come in handy, in the present day, today
"Saw The Wedding Ringer the other day‚great movie‚seeking a female best friend though, not an audience
"You gotta check out the @TouchofModern app from the App Store or Google Play Store. They have the coolest things for sale
"this is what I wrote years ago, when something tried to make me think, by doing nothing, by sitting around in my house, I raised a strange group of kids to bother me across several years. -",
- once again you realize what you write is used to study you while the environment is manipulated to the orchestrator's liking by having something else presented as though it were through you.  https://t.co/0C3BxJDqMM
            "display_url" : "tweetextracts-blog.tumblr.com",
            expanded_url :   https://tweetextracts-blog.tumblr.com
"RT @RennyJi: W/everything, it boil down 2 \"what void\" ur trying 2 fill. Being human=ugly-&gt;a lot of good&bad w/in. Violent offenders should
"RT @RennyJi: - it wasn‚t God who caused my situation. It wasn‚t me, as I mind my business and return to my home. It was other people. Other
"Saw movie, ‚Oppenheimer.‚ It picked up during end of movie, where U realize U.S. government is taking away Oppenheimers credibility, despite & after his contributions 2 Manhattan Project‚s: atomic bomb. His crime was he wanted 2 raise awareness against dangers of nuclear warfare.",
"What does U.S. government do, when they‚re against accountability 4 their actions? They make U look like a clown, they take away ur credibility, they take away ur say by manipulating justice system against U, despite ur defense. They focus on ‚prevent, contain, salvage.‚-",
"- brain mapping‚what if it enabled people to be operated like drones?- like a remote control plane‚the project I‚m forced into isn‚t about curing diabetes. It‚about mapping person X‚consciousness, digitally, to person Y‚consciousness.-",
"- Everything happening is about employing common citizen as a soldier w/a government designed focus. This has been happening directly & indirectly. Indirectly, when U tell some idiot 2 do something & he/she does it. Directly, is when U map controllers consciousness 2 controllee.-",
The following three clips are from the Hulu movie: ‚Assassin‚ with Bruce Willis. It‚a 2023 released movie. Here‚part I:   https://t.co/CNzYTyhf1K
- Here‚part II of the same scene clip as Twitter doesn‚t allow clips longer than a minute and 30 seconds:   https://t.co/5H45FGkV8P
- here‚part 3 of same scene clip connected 2 last two clips in last 2 tweets. Perils of brain mapping is when like how it‚said in below clip when some1 maps their mind 2 urs & controls U. In movie the controllee experiences mind control as a lapse in memory.  https://t.co/NmGl6jAzzx
On the Miami herald‚   https://t.co/ZnMpN7DbQK
What else would the government do then play down something which coincides with the timing of the Cold War in the 1980s‚  https://t.co/TXSHypQp4W
"Clip in next tweet is from History Channel‚The UnXplained series, hosted by William Shatner‚if remote viewing is possible, and masqueraded under someone being a good citizen?(what? Kinda random), what else can be done more than 40 years after the subject of the clip?!-",
-Its understood Im part of a mockery on freedom/privacy in a State with Statue of Liberty in a country being symbol of opportunity‚how long things like below have 2 happen & with how many people 4 it not 2 arouse an ounce of empathy 2 help the 1 it surrounds thru disclosure?!   https://t.co/2hHQ0vyFng
"- the focus of remote viewing in the previous clip was mentioned in a notable news source: The Miami Herald.-",
"- I was watching the questioning of the Attorney General on CNN. It, got messy. But people: get messy. Years of being in my inescapable situation had resulted in me punching a hole in my wall twice.-",
"- On 2nd occassion, after I got LASIK; signifying no eye glass or contact lens cameras; part of a process of elimination: when i hit wall, I heard a family member stop coming towards, after they initiated walking in my direction. I can only imagine some1 instructed insanity.-",
"- after a while, the improbable becomes a possibility, when all other variables are eliminated. Something is producing the effect or even assault on my senses‚you begin to wonder, what‚causing that effect.-",
"- It‚interesting that after mentioning all the things I picked up on, to the FBI, the D.O.D. voicemail, etc., that no one came to my aid. If this phase is about boosting my ego, I‚d rather have, what is now a luxury, to move on with the normalcy of a human life.-",
"so a thought...-",
"-in a very convincing manner, the orchestrators make it clear to me that they're going to, subtly put, \"do away\" with me, while in this, or at the end of this. Something this big, after 11+years, even if it were just legally, the \"situation\" does not have a happy ending-",
"-i don't think my own parents go through my written material...for one thing, i think there's something paraphrasing what i write to them. regarding the rest of America, I think a filtered version is being delivered to you of what happens to me or what I write. -",
"- for some of you, you're in a fun game. keep track of where he goes, send it to the medium/platform - i guess?! There's the children like sounds, but at least so that group will help me, there is another group doing something else. -",
"- both of which are illegal. The children like sounds are arrogant. They're convinced its just them. When this first started, I called the police several times about this whole \"situation\", from start to finish, in its peculiarity. They lied to me and didn't help me. -",
"- When I went to the FBI, they gave me something to perpetually write on, for the hackers. The party school wanted to get rid of me and had their Conflict Resolution help the kids who started this instead of me. -",
"- The secondary group of orchestrators - for distraction purposes - and the primary group of orchestrators (to make their cause relevant with past trivial issues) want me to perpetually talk about the party school, the girl, and the random kids from the beginning of all this.-",
"- thats done, i moved on, i left the country cuz I didn't want to be bothered. But the orchestrators - their whole band - followed me there. -",
"- You as a people, because instructed or otherwise, talk about the past garbage that happened at the party school, like its the most-matter-of-fact-thing. But there is something else happening: abuse. -",
"-In myLife, in these 11+years, firefighters willExtend a hand, but also hide \"theSituation.\" The police exert authority&play in2 the situation. The FBI enables theSituation. The partySchool wants 2 save its ownSkin. In an American conspiracy against 1 person, I left out 1 group.-",
"- In just going through past job application emails, I see the part where they ask you, \"if you're a veteran?\" They ask did you serve your country. Some people join the military for better opportunities after their service, and some are in it for the service. But when a normal-",
"- person thinks of a soldier, they think of someq going off 2 the Middle East &nabbing some bad guys. But we say \"Thank U for ur service.\" Well, guys, myAmerican citizenship is being violated. There is a massiveConspiracy against 1 American. Illegal all around with illegal tech.-",
"- everyone is taking facts for granted and taking the extra measure of not talking to the person involved, for 11+ years. Being an American requires the extra step of compassion and a heart in your actions. While I understand you blow things up, I am in need of your compassion.-",
"- I am in need of  an exemplary American, such as a soldier, \"fighting for this country\" (as they say), to defend my rights against a government that allows this to happen. It's been 11+ years. Why are you taking this for granted and not investigating?-",
"-If you were to help me, unlike the others who say through obligation, duty, what they were instructed, or mechanically: \"Thank you for your service.\" , I would say it from the bottom of my heart. -",
"-Why won't even you not look into what's going and help me? Is it because of my Indian skin and do I remind you of the Middle Eastern Muslims that you're stereotyped to being against? Is it because I'm not a blonde white girl that you allow this to happen to me?-",
"- To fight for my citizenship's entitlement, you don't need to go to another country. Stop this illegal thing and the façade of the orchestrators from happening. -",
"-If its because you see me as an enemy, then do me the kindness of ending me like you do with the rest, rather than having these disgusting pigs of orchestrators keep their word of \"doing away with me.\"",
Verilux Sun Lamps - might give you an energy boost...  https://t.co/PGnA20olNz
"I think there are aromatherapy oils that you can apply on the skin for their health benefits...who knew...",
June 9th evening afternoon tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below (morning tweets and resulting tumblr link -several tweets down):  https://t.co/b5ZdnSXTPw
"June 10th tweets -",
There's a solar eclipse today:  https://t.co/whsHUGh71j
"Every morning, there is this one idiot monkey making sure his vehicle's engine or whatever, is as loud as possible...What about the people who sleep at this time? Sorry something is making you drive, but don't take it out on the rest of us in our houses...",
"So get this‚went for undergraduate degree and graduate degree at two different state schools. One is Binghamton, and the other, I call the party school. I Think downstate, people know which school I‚m referring to, but getting to the point: -",
"- needed transcripts from both colleges for a particular purpose. Both unofficial and official transcripts work. With Binghamton, I have Google mail made for my Binghamton email address. I can still access records and my main account page. This is all after graduating.-",
"- I decide to get an official transcript because a pdf version of it can be emailed to you. It costs $5. At party school, the same thing costs $10. Whereas Binghamton sent me the download link for the transcript within 30 min, party school still hasn‚t reached back to me, after -",
"- charging $10. My old email at party school does not work. My old account page, after graduating from party school does not work. It just shows the kind of quality you get, if the orchestrators were stalking that too. It shows all the other things said were true. -",
"- here‚another instructing fact about comparisons between Binghamton and party school: the meal plan. Both schools partner with Sodhexo for meal plan food. But party school seems to get cheap quality food from a cheaper plan and charges students $15 per meal for an -",
"— all you can eat buffet style meal. At Binghamton, they spent the extra nickel and got quality meal plans and charge less. You get real pizza for like 75 cents. You can get a hamburger for 75 cents. You can ask the guy at the grill to make you ham, egg, cheese on a croissant-",
"- or an egg white sandwich between toasted wheat bread. On Saturday‚s, you get chocolate chip pancakes, that are big, and made in front of u. You pay for what‚eaten. At party school, I got smart and found out about paying at chipotles and other places with your school ID card.-",
"- I would transfer my meal plan money to the ID card in what was called ‚Podium.‚ That way I ate at chipotles for less than the $15 meal plan at party school.",
"-Their computer science program is a joke. Their French & other departments close down. All at the party school. They probably have their respective graduate rates because of the not up 2 date classes they teach. Check past transcripts,their curriculum, and the job market to see.",
"Moving past comparisons in features/benefits of quality school: Binghamton, vs. party school‚-",
"I personally think Im crystal clear & thorough. Be it because of the situation or non native English speakers, people don‚t see the point I wish to convey. If Ive tried repeatedly to make a point, then whose it on ?!-",
"-For some strange reason, it‚like they‚re looking through a filter, or the lens of immaturity and zero life experience, or think you imply something malicious.",
"- I mean this one guy‚talking to him‚seems like he wants to do good‚ ur every third sentence, I gotta explain that I‚m not seeing things the way he keeps understanding whatever‚that‚like in a normal situation‚-",
"- then in the abnormal situation, God only knows what ur environment reacts to. Is there someone who doesn‚t  want to be around cuz you think I‚m in a bad mood or because - Now, while God only knows why you care - you don‚t like my perceived tone or what I‚m saying in writing?! -",
"- while I genuinely appreciate the interest by some around a regular guy, surrounded by hype of a compounding situation, ur wasting ur time looking into this. Go get out in the sun, and stop adhering to the orchestrators. It‚incredible, peoples mind always sticks together. -",
"- you couldn‚t detect malicious or difficult or a source of irritation if ur lives depended on it‚just from observation‚When alll this is over, and you see the unfiltered version of my words, I sincerely hope it stings‚I tried to wake you up, get you to do nothing, be natural.",
"-u‚d rather go about followingTheOrchestrators. U may even think I don‚t appreciate some perceived magnanimousGesture on the part of urPeople or those sharing ur skin tone (offense not taken, its biology/psychology). I don‚t needThem, &ur not getting a restricted life of 11+ yrs.",
"On the up side, had a tiny exchange of light conversation with someone in my morning outing‚pleasant, and wakes u up as good as coffee‚pleasant only cuz it came about naturally and not forced
"saw episode 1 of \"Loki\" on Disney Plus...i thought it was really good...it gets into the multiverse, time travel, anachronisms...good stuff...",
"you know what's an epic name for a woman? \"Vivianna\"I mean so many syllables, starts exotically with a \"V\"...sounds fancy...",
"Did you know that : \"NeuroFactor is an all-natural, patented extract of whole fruit from the Coffea arabica plant.\" ? It's the unused part of coffee beans and I heard it's supposed to be good for your brain...",
"anyone try exercising with a vibration platform? I think you can only do (3) 10 min sessions at a time, daily...",
June 10th tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/uiS2uXSPXf
"So \"Death Wish Coffee\" could be the strongest coffee out there. They sell it on Amazon &other places u can google. 1 cup of coffee, amidst conflicted claims, has anywhere between 300-700 mg of caffeine. Big variance. Daily caffeine intake is recommended to be 400 mg, altogether.-",
"- so its like multiple cups of coffee in one mug. Kinda hesistant to try it myself, but at the same time I think Im among those who aren't sensitive to caffeine or have a tolerance. You gotta wonder if that 400 mg recommendation is for all people, or just a generalization.",
"so ads on twitter for paris hilton &Kristin stewart..whatever happened to paris hilton?",
"-The way Kristin Stewart &her fellow Charlies Angel, in the original duo, in the 2019 version look, u can see the difference b/w a model & a non-model...They \"look like\" models, and not necessarily like normal human beings...",
"Ever been out with a girl who wants to see who can drink more tequila shots? Personally, I don't see the thrill...more of a caffeine person...Why knock out your brain so much that you're not thinking straight?! The mind is the control center. Why dampen that? -",
"-But 11+ years in this, now I can use a tequila shot...took 11+ years...",
"- thinking back, you feel you had it made... i mean i was the guy who'd never get ID'd at bars. In the tequila shot incident, its kinda funny, when you pass through, you gotta help the one whose idea it was for tequila shots, get in...-",
"- I think part of the thrill is, for some, it's something you can't do...",
so saw on Google News that a woman gave birth to 10 babies...that is something else...  https://t.co/zah5uOZgmZ
"you know if I make it big, in my spare time, i think i'll be a pharmacist and/or astronomer...",
"saw this light skinned African American girl modeling for probably her Instagram, outside a store I went to today...kinda makes you wish you were taller...like I said this morning, some people have looks that go beyond the average human...like the Charlies Angels comment...",
"chicken enchiladas or chicken stuffed with cheese and broccoli...good stuff...",
"online ordering..U never no what'll happen..ordered a brownJacket of 1 particularSize from macys &got a whiteJacket of a different size..another macys story? ordered 2 large jackets from the same brand, different color. 1 is loose like XL & the other fits.-Manufacturing Defect...",
"I hear \"Harley Quinn\" on HBO Max is good...looking forward to that on Saturdddayyy...-heard its like a mature Batman cartoon...",
"currently experiencing sunset through the blinds in my room...kinda would be nice to be out in a field and immerse oneself in it...has a glow to it, unlike the brightness of sunrise...yeah i know, i'm corny...",
"looks like @sesamestreet has gotten new characters, in going beyond bert and ernie...",
"so today no tumblr link, as you can just scroll down/up and read...",
"So on Facebook you see these clips of women proposing to guys‚WOW‚it‚like women never ask a guy out and just give vague signs, and you find out there are women who go so far as to ‚proposing to a guy.‚ Why isn‚t that real life‚direct expressions/interactions over signs!",
"-there are a bunch of clips on Facebook. One is about a girl who cheated on a guy..& it got me philosophical 4 a moment..when some1 nowadays says ‚cheat‚ in a relationship, it means U had relations w/ another. I think its incredible that ‚dating men &women‚ cheat in that regard-",
"-I mean it‚1 thing if married people cheat on each other, but u wonder how do ‚dating people‚ cheat? I mean ‚can‚t u just say I‚m no longer interested &move on?‚ And then on tv, u hear women encourage each other 2 go for the ‚best deal,‚ regardless of the stage of life.-",
"- I mean one thing you learn about Americans is that they have no conscience. Corny as it sounds, you don‚t follow ur heart.-",
"The other day I was waiting on a parking space through cars passing by, while my signals on. A middle aged mother with a baby in a white SUV, seeing my signal, steals the space, and waits for my car to pass by, before getting out. A mother of a baby did that. -",
"- this is where this country is at, and by the time my ‚situation‚ is over, trust me when I say, ur going to see America exposed.",
"Moving onto another note,-",
"- I think girls are more likely to cheat then guys. Sure it‚said that guys only think/care about one thing. But here‚something you probably weren‚t aware of. I learned a while back that women can multitask better and focus on multiple things. -",
"- women are wired that way b/c evolution/biology wise, it‚supposed 2 help them be mothers. Men are wired to be able to focus on 1 thing at a time. So, on a positive note, in a relationship, a woman can be the person who comes up with all of the ideas 2 improve quality of life.-",
"- in such a relationship, the multi focus woman comes up with the ideas, and the 1 focus man, encourages a single plan for those ideas or one idea being better than the rest. Thats 1 way things can happen. But the multi focused woman will be more inclined to think of other men.-",
"- whereas the single minded man holds the potential of placing that one woman on a pedastil (if that‚how it‚spelled) or on a high place to cater to.",
"- some men want to fulfill desire, while others also seek a companion, but women are generally after the ‚best deal.‚ Their friends are notorious for encouraging this
"Moving on‚-",
"They say a husband and wife compliment each other‚so the ideal boyfriend/girlfriend must do the same‚-",
"-when ur bored with time to think, for those that solely think we‚re evolution based, how does evolution, without an Intelligent Creator, create males and females, who are complimentary with respect to physical body parts and mentally in terms of love and support provided?!",
"So vitamin water and Powerade, found at your supermarket and vending machines, has 27 grams and 34 grams of sugar, respectively. BUT,-",
"‚ Rebbl ‚ drinks are nourishing, but cost about $4.50. They only contain 9-10 grams sugar. Koia Plant Based Shake has 4 grams of sugar and protein. And bai juice has antioxidants and 1 gram sugar. This good stuff costs around $4.50 a small bottle. Why is that?-",
"-Is it because people don‚t know about these drinks that I‚ve found on InstaCart and Wegmans, and hence, not enough people are buying it?",
"Amazon groceries (Fresh version or Whole Foods version) sells a version of Chocolate Nesquick with just 3 grams of sugar‚ tastes the same
June 11th & June 12th tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/bmjlPKFDu9
"June 13th tweets
"Want 2 shave around the line up or shape up from ur barber? ‚Single foil electric‚ shavers help. There aren‚t that many on the market. Try the ‚Babylisspro‚ single foil shaver. Want to do your facial hair line up/shape up by urself? Try the ‚Andis 74000 Professional T Outliner‚ .",
"So when I first bought a particular item, it was $95. Today, just feel like googling stuff, and find that the same item is selling for $38. Really makes you wonder about the true value of stuff, what it costs to make quality things, and how much money companies are making
"The old school straight razor from Japan‚‚Feather‚ brand can help with line ups/shape ups of facial hair
"So religion and psychology‚I feel if you practice the discipline recommended by religion, along with incorporating the meditative or yogic practices of other religions, psychology, in a lot of cases, would be out of a job. There are some bad cases,but those aside‚-",
"- when it comes to religion, while people have the freedom 2 be as liberal as they choose, hard core discipline, when religions first started, must have been necessary. Guidance from religion led to good families & good upbringing of children. It led to productivity & progress.-",
"- I mean, like in the days of primitive man, or I guess like 2500 years ago, when people must‚ve partied, or bluntly put: got f*ked all day, there was no progress, not productivity, no improvement to the quality of life‚ we probably wouldn‚t have TVs, laptops, cell phones, etc.-",
"- it‚because people managed to focus on bigger and better things, that they made something of themselves, and that we enjoy the quality of life offered today, despite the lack of a conscience for the most part
"Moving on from a thought
"With life in general, from jobs to clothes, I think it‚good to have options
"Restaurants usually have a group of people‚that being known, where on earth do all the people park for the restaurants in Bronxville‚Pondfield Road?!",
"That ‚ahhh why now?!‚ Moment when you voice crackles in front of a pretty girl, from not speaking all morning
"If you like Greek food, like the more well known baklava, you gotta try the Greek dessert: ‚Galaktoboureko.‚ It‚delicious, after a Greek/Mediterranean Lamb Gyro with Tzatziki sauce
"I dunno, I started wondering‚a girl once told me she thought I‚d look good with an earring in onE ear-for starters, don‚t know how I‚d explain it to my parents‚even at this age‚-",
"-The funny thing about earrings? I went to all boys Catholic private college preparatory high school. There we had to be clean shaven and wear blazers and ties to school, but guys were allowed to wear one earring in 1 ear‚so earrings are considered proper with suits‚who knew?!-",
"Nowadays, they sell temporary tattoo printers. At present, I see a lot of people my age with tattoos.Why get a permanent 1, when u can get a realistic 1 that‚temporary?! I mean‚chances are u have beautiful skin & could be stared it all day‚why make there be less of u 2 show?!",
"So when you swipe ur card to make purchases at some food/beverage places, along with asking for a receipt, it also asks if you want to leave a tip‚I mean you go to a restaurant here and there, you naturally leave a tip‚but what if it‚a place you go to everyday with ur card?!",
"So, chocolate chip or cookie dough? I prefer cookie dough
"So back when I wore sweatpants, we‚d wear them like cargoPants-pockets on side/kinda baggy‚u can‚t findAPlace thatSellsThese sweatpants anymore-how do they go outOfStyle, compared 2 regularSweatPants?! Closest thing I could find are‚Nike Joggers‚ &they cost 40 freakin‚ bucks.",
"That moment where you wonder why the guy dropping off your box, left it on the first of three steps toward your front door, leaving you to walk outside. Like everyone else, can‚t it be dropped off in front of the front door, above those three steps?",
"As I get caffeinated to catch up on some work, it occurs to me‚I‚m in my very early thirties. Everyone I grew up with is getting married or have kids. As you may have heard from me, it‚been a lifelong dream to make a girl my best friend in college, and marry her.-",
"- the ‚situation‚, from start 2 finish, in all itsVariations, over all these yrs, messedUp thatDream. Since I was little, I wanted a female some1 who was the sameAge asMe. MyParents are 6 years apart, w/my dad being older. I dunno, I kinda wanted some1 on the same page,an equal.-",
"- now with all who I know being married or with children, I‚ll probably end up with someone younger than me. Way to mess up my ‚same age‚ dream, orchestrators
"You know what‚good? Sorbettos and gelatos
"So there‚another Thor movie coming up in 2022, Guardians of the Galaxy movie coming up in 2023-good to see what happens post-Thanos‚theres another doctor strange movie, black panther, ms marvel‚Thank God for Marvel‚DC needs fo keep up with their releasing of movies
"so in some place around the world and in older times, people would base relationships on astrology. In America, people look to astrology for fun. In India, they have their more in depth astrology system - probably more accurate, as its from Hinduism. -",
"- i think basing relationships on the characteristics of a star sign is limiting. People are more than signs. I don't believe a star sign says what you are, but instead, what you have the potential of being. According to American astrology, I'm a Libran - the scales of justice.-",
"-Ironically, i'm probably in the most unjust thing that can happen to a person. For me, it would be ideal to get Gemini or an Aquarius. But Leos are good too. But these are just limiting details. If you have an open heart and a conscience, you can be with any star sign.-",
"-Ages ago, I knew a Cancer, according to astrology. According to one site, it said \"if there's time, there's potential, and would be an affectionate couple.\" What's funny about that girl...they say there are two kinds of Librans. The partying Librans and the romantic Librans...-",
"- The one I am, I'll leave it to my potential girl friend/spouse to figure out, but the guy this June star sign went with, was, from first impression, more the party Libran. What do you do when girls want that...",
"-Me, being a Libra, the only inanimate thing in the zodiac - it says we're social, king of friends & relationships...& here we are, with the orchestrators who bring up cr*p about me not being liked or in need of friends...don't like me? chances are i don't like you either, lol..-",
"- but point being, whether it be for a relationship or your  career (as mine says I should be a lawyer), your destiny, your fate (as they're two different concepts), rests solely on the choices of an individual. Those choices depend on the smartness and wisdom of the individual.-",
"-Never let anything - be it something cosmic like astrology or another person - tell you what you are, or what you can be. You decide your fate, your destiny. Take charge of your life.",
June 13th tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/yt1vx5tnnL
"6/14/21 tweets
"Did you know February 2, 2020 was an event that occurs after 900 years? The date is a palindrome. 02/02/2020 - reads the same backwards and forwards‚Man o man, I missed it
"Whatever happened to BTS after Dynamite?!",
"Christmas songs always make one feel good‚the whole mood and setting of Christmas, especially a white Christmas is beautiful
"‚Angels we have heard on high‚- personal favorite- Gloooo-oooo-ooooo‚Äî riiiaaa",
"I have a friend from 14 years ago, named Zac‚recently saw his 2-4 year old daughter call him ‚daddy‚ in a Facebook video‚really moves a guy‚around Easter I think, there was a Facebook clip of her signing ‚Hosanna‚‚smart little girl
"From Wellerman -‚sea shanty‚ to Katherine jenkins ‚Sancta maria‚ to ‚adeste Fideles‚ to Stevie wonder ‚ave Maria‚‚my Spotify playlist just started playing this stuff‚I really enjoyed it‚whatever genre these songs were‚maybe you will too‚be warned, it‚old school stuff
"So this Church I go 2..Annunciation in Yonkers..its a nice Church..can take back roads from my house 2 get there..but whether or not its b/c I go 2 their 7:30 or 10 am Masses, theres not even 1 song‚u need a song like ‚He will raise you up on Eagles Wings‚‚ songs move the soul.",
"Aesthetics of a place, a person, always affects thoseAround u. People shouldMakeThemselves presentable &places like Churches should be aesthetically pleasing. In the sixth grade, I remember seeing Sacred Heart Church inYonkers 4 the 1st time. It was beautiful in magnificent way.-",
"-seeing that Church for the 1st time really moved me inside. It facilities feeling like ur in the majesty of God
"- speaking of aesthetics, Iona Prep is also a magnificent high school. You hear private school or college preparatory school, some are inclined to think about preppy kids. But we were shown a mode of life for our future. There I met teachers like Mr. Henry or Mrs. Fealy. -",
"- these were model teachers, exceptional in teaching. In Mrs. Fealys biology class, I struggled, but she was available after school, everyday 2 try to drill the material into the annoying kid that was me. For her, I may have been a speck in time, but r me,she was a modelTeacher.-",
"- at neither Binghamton nor party school, did I meet such dedicated teachers. I mean college professors have office hours, but a lot of them are professors not to teach, but to use the research facilities at a University location.-",
"- Binghamton is termed the Harvard of the SUNYs. But thru life experience, as appropriate FOR MY INDIVIDUAL LIFE, Ive found you get what you paid for. I think if I went to a private college, among non IVYs, like Manhattan College, facilities and instruction would‚ve been better.-",
"- state colleges are probably the worst place to seek out a money saving opportunity. Some say focus on a good graduate school, but undergrad serves as the foundation for the rest of ur possibly continuing education and you always need a good base.-",
"-anyway back to the great high school I mentioned: Iona Prep of New Rochelle. The school has a motto: ‚Estoti Firmi‚. It‚s, I believe, Latin for ‚Stay Firm.‚ Over these 11+ years, I‚ve had lots of time to think. That motto has crossed my mind, among other things‚-",
"- through the good moments in life, as well as life‚storms, you need to stand tall, with your feet in the ground, and face things- or simply put, stay firm, stay strong, maintain consistency, maintain who you are in ur identity, despite all that brushes against you.-",
"- this situation paints me in all sorts of ridiculous ways 2get me 2react 4 their entertainment purposes. For 11+ years, Ive been abandoned by people &left alone as depicted being one thing or the other. But Ive realized I‚ve got to maintain me, try to get a correcting word out.-",
"@IonaPrep  , thank you for the privilege of being part of your community, my education, you being who and how you are, and for your motto: ‚Estoti Firmi .‚",
"Great thing a grade school/high school can do is give incentive 4 a day off.-",
"-Iona Prep, run by Irish Christian Brothers-followers of Blessed Edmund Rice- had 1particularBrother‚I believe his name was Brother O‚Conner(2002). For collecting so many cans 4Thanksgiving drive, we were awarded a day off‚makes school exciting 
"So I said state ***Colleges don‚t always have the best professors‚u may argue w/their graduation rates‚but in a lot of cases, that‚not b/c of a particular professors teaching‚its b/c of a students ability 2teach him/herself the material thru their ability 2 grasp textbooks.-",
"- like when you pay for college, ur paying for their reputation (if they have one), the facilities, and those select few of professors who give exceptional notes, for making teaching urself the textbook easier.",
"Listen to this Japanese song from the anime, ‚The Seven Deadly Sins‚ ‚ it‚addicting‚it‚called ‚ Netsujou no Spectrum ‚ and it‚by Ikiminogakari . YouTube it ‚ makes you feel like ur on an adventure with friends or on some epic quest 
"So some of U may have biases towards theChinese, in terms of American made vs. China made, or maybe even basedOn COVID . But I have many ChineseFriends (along with East Asian friends in general-Im South Asian) &the Chinese are greatPeople, a smartPeople. Their products areGreat.-",
"- I personally feel America is in a slump with new products ( could have to do with present day culture and mentality). The disciplined hardworking Chinese come up with revolutionary futuristic devices that can better life.-",
"-Personally, today, things have been slow. Was having a hard time focusing, caffeine wasn‚t helping, taking my mind off work and taking a break wasn‚t working‚so I searched for solutions when this happened last‚and I found the -",
"-like I wasSaying, I foundThe‚ Afunso Head Scalp Massager ‚ onAmazon. WorthItsPrice. It uses compressionTech 2 increaseCirculation 2the head. I suddenlyFelt able&ready 2get back 2work. How many of ourProblems areDue 2 poor  Circulation? &the meds people goOn instead..sad,America.",
"So if U buy 2 exact sameShirts from Macy‚-Polo Ralph Lauren or anyBrand-theyll fit differently.Same w/Amazon. Buy 2 of anything made in America/China/Wherever, &those 2things might workComparativelyDifferently. Whats goingOn w/manufacturing? Shouldn‚t these things be identical?",
June 14th tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/ODh6egvsJt
0 notes
manicgaypoet · 1 year
Tumblr media
Some people are so poor
They only have money
Some have a face of an angel
And then the consciousness of a devil
He's got a nice body
But he's far from a model
He drives a Lux car
Inside you'll find maxed credit cards and Moscato
There's something we need to talk about
I'll lay it out plain and simple
And if I come off as rather hostile
Just know it's because I heard from some people
That you think it's okay to Label my family as evil,
Then say they don't love me because in life so far
All I have been an unsuccessful lazy millennial
That wasn't enough hurt though
You wanted to cut deeper
So you Told my boyfriend that I was cheating
Talking crazy like that has me thinking
Your prescription might need a refill
Or maybe you need some inpatient
You're in your own world, living in a house of denial
You Think you're a pop star
Because you were in a boy band in high school
But that boy band didn't last long
Because it was beyond fucking awful
You are so stuck in your glory days and still telling people you're going to be the next big thing
I think it's great for people to have dreams of
I would never put somebody down
for having aspirations
Goals and milestones
And a plan in place to achieve
That's called having dreams
but you're just having delusions
Thinking that this life of fame and fortune
is going to fall in your lap while you sit at home and watch the real housewives
It was always so embarrassing to be with you
Out in public, when you'd brag about your Instagram followers and musical talents
If your followers came naturally Because
Your content was quality and
piqued some curiosity
Then it would not drive me so far away from my sanity
But that's hardly the case
Your followers are paid for
Anyone can do it if they have
a credit card and a cellphone
You're just a wannabe influencer
You can't even make a facial expression
With all those injections, your face It's now frozen
Is that why you're always making fun of people?
Is it to make yourself feel bigger and superior?
Deep down inside, do you ever feel like a monster?
Your blackout drunk
most nights to hide from The reality
that your life's becoming a tragedy
With all that Botox in your lips
It must not be that easy
To suck your sugar daddies off
So you can get that new Gucci
To prance around town Like your life's in order
And everything's perfect and peachy
While you hide behind Gucci, Tiffany,
and a bottle of liquor
You are a monster in disguise as
Someone you can confide in
You lie, and you steal from your friends
while you tell them you love them
You will spill all of their secrets
Right after you promised them you wouldn't
You are a backstabbing bully, self-centered lunatic
Have you ever gotten down on your knees for god
And asked for forgiveness
For the pain and hurt you caused 
Not only in me
There's a long list, and it goes on
One thing you're good at is leading people on
Make them believe your kind and genuine
Your true colors have shown
I see green and black scales
You're a snake in the lawn
Slithering along
On the Prowl for your next victim
So many people told me to stay away from you
They told me you're bad news
But Im stubborn and didn't see them through
instead, I trusted and defended you
Never again will someone turn me into a fool
Even though you are just some plastic
That's not even worth recycling
It goes in the trash can
I have to thank you for one thing,
which is teaching me how to identify
Toxic people and
I learned from my mistakes
And I think you should try it
Maybe for once, you would use some god damn logic
And not go around causing Chaos
I'm starting to believe that you don't want to change
A thing about the way you go about your days
That's my Que to leave
I've seen and heard more than I wanted
Cheers to the end of your taking me for granted
This friendship is over for good, and I mean it
Could you not call me to talk
Or text me trying to fix this
No, we can't be cordial, and time won't heal us
Im so beyond done dealing with
Your Botox and Bullshit
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