#george mgr
humanoidpigeon · 2 years
Mini Gear Rising: Revengeance
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MGR office au part 8
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Thanks to mymakuu for drawing what gave me the inspiration for this
Link to previous parts
Office AU 
1 https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/738256876029018112/mgr-office-au-part-1?source=share
2 https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/738256879968468992/mgr-office-au-part-2-electric-boogaloo?source=share
3 https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/738256883048169472/mgr-office-au-part-3-a-day-in-the-life-of?source=share
4 https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/738256886292463616/mgr-office-au-part-4-a-day-in-the-life-on?source=share
5 https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/738256889652084736/mgr-office-au-part-5-a-day-in-the-life-of?source=share
6 https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/738256893000220672/mgr-office-au-part-6-a-day-in-the-life-of?source=share
7 https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/738256896263389184/mgr-office-au-part-7-a-day-in-the-life-of-steven?source=share
Everyone is at the arcade. They are about to witness the fight of their lives. But first off, how did it come to this?
Zoom backwards to a week ago. Raiden is hanging out at Desperado with his new friend Sam. The Brazilian man was like an affectionate cat and would just not leave him alone until he gave in. They met for coffee and it turns out that they had more in common than he thought. Raiden agreeded to starting a friendship with Sam as long as the man managed to keep his horniness contained. Sam didn't know how he was going to pull this one off but he desperately needed to be with said twink so he would play along if he had to.
One day Raiden was sitting next to Sam at the office. Armstrong hasn't arrived yet so they have some free time. Monsoon looked over only to notice that his colleague was applying smokey eye shadow to the cyborg that he had been constantly drooling over. "Disgusting..." he muttered. Raiden stood up causing Sam to almost poke his eye out with the brush. He walked over to Monsoon. "You got a problem with me!?"
Raiden could never tell what the cyborg was thinking due to his face being covered by some sort of gigantic headset. "Yes I do. The both of you make me sick! Love is a disease that I refuse to partake in. If the two of you want to make out then happily do it somewhere else!" Raiden was stunned. "Sam, I thought I told you that you can't say we're dating or I'll have to hang your ass over my mantle as written in our agreement!" He got ready to use Zandatsu.
The Brazilian huffed. "No I didn't say anything of the sort blondie. As much as I would love to screw your brains out, I need my money maker. How am I supposed to make money on my second job if you take that away from me?" The rest of the group turned to look at Sam. "What is it that you do again?" asked Sundowner. "Onlyfans." Mistral laughed. "Of course he does."
"This is serious you guys!" proclaimed Raiden. "Why the hell do you think I'd date him of all people?" (The sound of a heart being broken like shattered glass could be heard). Now it was Monsoon's turn to retort. "War is a cruel parent but an effective tea-" Everyone groaned. "Just cut to the chase already!"
The cyborg chuckled. I have a proposition for you. Maybe we can settle our differences, man to man." Raiden was curious. "And how do you suppose we do that?" Monsoon grinned with his massive rabbit teeth. "Dance Dance Revolution!" Everyone started to gasp like a enthusiastic crowd. "Okay. Let's say I play your stupid little dance game. What do I win?"
He stroked his chin. "I suppose the winner shall choose." The rest of the group yelled immediately for his internet privellges to be revoked. Something about their data plan costing them a fortune and how no one wants to hear atheist memes that Monsoon stole from reddit. "Fine. I guess I'll take you up on your offer. Now what do you chose?"
Monsoon was going to be a little shit and ruin Raiden's day. "If you really don't feel the same way for Sam then go out on a date with him. That shouldn't be a problem right?" He grinned. Raiden wasn't expecting that. "What is wrong with you!? May I remind everyone that I'm married?" Sam immediately interjected. "IT'S TOO LATE PRETY BOY, YOU ALREADY AGREED TO THIS!"! Raiden sighed.
"Alright then, see you at the arcade tomorrow evening. I think I'll help Sam pick out your dress for date night." Monsoon walked away cackling. It was back to project diva for him. Raiden looked like he wanted to slaughter the rest of the group. Sam then came behind him and gave a small poke. "I know this isn't the best time for this but here's my card. For you, it's free."
Alright, now you're caught up.
Raiden and Sam walked towards the arcade Monsoon had picked. This weird place called the Crown Game Center. "Whatever" Raiden huffed. "Let's just get this over with." Sam had changed out of his exoskeleton suit and now donned a cheer leader uniform. It seemed like he was going to be the only one interested in tonight's outcome. They walked up to the rest of the gang. Monsoon was beaming while Mistral and Sundowner seemed as if they had been dragged here against their will (they had) and like they wanted to go home.
"Well, we'll if it isn't Jack. Here to give up before being beat?" Raiden grumbled. "Hardly. I'm here to put an end to this." Monsoon laughed. "We'll see about that." As the others were distracted, Sundowner grabbed Mistral and shook her. "Hey lady, we can leave now, they ain't gonna notice that we're gone." He was just about to head towards the exit when he noticed the prize selection.
"Well I'll be damned. They got themselves a real poo-chi!" Mistral turned towards her coworker. "What are you talking about?" Sundowner then explained to her about the trend of robotic dog toys of the 2000's. "You know we have Bladewolf at home right?" The grown man pouted. "But it can communicate through its beady lil' eyes and you can starve it!" Mistral sighed. "First off, you can't starve something that doesn't have the ability to eat. Secondly, you sound like a horrible pet owner and third, you're lucky that I happen to be fond of dogs."
"I'll see how much the little son of a bitch costs. Damn. 30,000 tickets. How are we gonna get it?" Mistral looked over to the mini game section. "I have an idea. Follow me." Raiden was looking through the song selection. "So who picks first?" The cyborg snickered. "I think I'll let the loser choose first." Raiden was so irritated that his claws started to graze the screen. He then proceeded to pick Butterfly by Smile.dk. Monsoon turned to face him. "A wise choise but I'm still going to win this."
The song began to play and it seemed as if they were evenly matched. Sam couldn't help but notice the lyrics being about a samurai and desperately hoped that Raiden had dedicated it to him (he hadn't. Raiden was just a weeb who liked katanas). Eventually Raiden was gaining the upper hand. "WAY TO GO BLONDIE!" Sam then remembered what would happen should the cyborg win. "I mean c'mon Monsoon! I know you can beat that twink!"
Raiden was caught by surprise. "Fuck you Sam!" He hadn't noticed how hard he began to stomp in his clawed high heels. "So you want to be on top eh?" the man said suggestively. Raiden was close to losing it. Suddenly there was a loud metallic crunch. "Shit!" The game immediately turned off. "Anyone know what we should do in this kind of situation?" Sam then interjected. "Let's just move to a different machine and if anyone asks, we blame it on someone else." There was no way he was letting the match end with no winner. "Hey, what happened to the others?"
Mistral had taken Sundowner to one of those basket ball games. "Watch this." Mistral then took a ball and got a perfect shot with one of her dwarf gekko arms. She then tossed a ball towards Sundowner. 'Now you try." You would think that being so tall that he would have an easy time but no. He somehow managed to miss every time. "You're useless! Go find another way to make tickets!" She pushed him away and then filled all her arms with basket balls, perfectly aiming every shot. Tickets were soon piling up.
"Damn basketball. I know they say it's American but I know it really comes from those commie fruit cakes in Canada!" Sundowner then bumped into an arcade machine. "Wouldja look at that! They even got themselves house of the dead! Say what you will about the Japanese, their killin' games make up for pearl harbour!" He then inserted a coin and got ready to start blasting.
Now it was Monsoon's turn to pick a song. He passed through each track, seeming like he was deeply lost in his thoughts. Then he picked kimono princess by JUN. "Get ready to lose!" Sam groaned. He was a samurai but he could only take so much of seeing Japanese culture viewed through an anime lens. "What is with these weebs? Oh well. At least one of them is cute." he thought to himself.
Soon loud music began blairing. "This is way too fast!" Raiden yelped. "I don't think this song is possible for a human to beat!" He just hoped that it would leave Monsoon as winded as he was. He looked over and saw the cyborg had split his body apart so he had more limbs to hit the notes on time. Raiden then decided that if Monsoon would cheat, then so would he. He took out an EMP grenade and tossed it.
"What? What's happening to me!?" Everything soon clicked in his head. "THIS ISN'T FAIR JACK!" Raiden laughed while he continued to dance as Monsoon was completely still. "I don't think we ever established any rules. Also weren't you the one using your weird Magneto powers?" Monsoon grit his teeth. "IT'S CALLED LORENTZ FORCE AND YOU WILL RESPECT IT!"Suddenly the cops showed up. It turns out that someone had seen them damage the machine on the security moniter and called for backup.
Police then took Monsoon out piece by piece while Raiden let himself be escorted out. "Please just take me to jail so I can get away from him!" The van drove off and soon Sam was all alone. "Damn it! I'll just have to try harder next time!" Meanwhile Mistral and Sundowner pooled their tickets together. "Alright what can I do for the two of you this evening?" asked the employee.
Sundowner then placed the tickets on the table, causing it to shake from being 50 pounds worth of paper. "As a matter o' fact, I'd like one poo-chi please." The employee knew it was going to be "one of those" situations. "I'm sorry sir but we're all out. You can trade it in for an idog if you'd like." Sundowner looked like he was about to commit mass murder. "The fuck? Who the hell wants some shitty idog? Nobody uses iPods anymore! And I just saw that fucker on the shelf twenty minutes ago!"
The employee sighed. "Sorry sir, it was already purchased by the boy over ther-" Sundowner turned to the child's direction. It was some kid speaking some language that he couldn't understand so he automatically assumed it was "Mexican speak". "Listen here you little shit! If you value that body o' yours you'll know what's good for yeh and gimmie that dog!"
Mistral and Sundowner were now leaving the arcade. I can't believe that's the 5th child you've killed this week." His coworker sighed. She wasn't going to take responsability for this. "I just can't believe it didn't come with batteries. What a waste." Sundowner then threw the toy. His arm was so strong that it managed to find Sam's left butt cheek and bounce off of it, hitting a building, causing it to collapse. The man sighed. "Aye, not again..."
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armed-saphire · 2 years
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Tier list I did with @humanoidpigeon except I don’t tell you what about the characters we were ranking
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flowery-king · 2 years
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Metal gear rising my beloved
Extra messy doodle:
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degenerate-otaku · 2 years
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intermet179 · 10 months
Theory: Splatoon's story modes are inherently inspired by Metal Gear
Point 1: Agent 3 is the equivalent of Solid Snake. -Protagonist of first game, important to the next ones -Hired by some people -Fight and destroy Weapons of Destruction (Octoweapons/Metal Gears) -Fight Final Mecha that big baddie is controlling (Metal Gear REX, Octobot King; Liquid Snake, Octavio) -Said Big Baddie is of the same bloodline (Liquid Snake, also a clone of Big Boss like Solid Snake)/Animal Group (Octavio, a cephalopod) Octavio is hence the equivalent of Liquid Snake, the Octobot King being Metal Gear REX.
Point 2: Captain Cuttlefish is the equivalent of Big Boss/Nαked Snake. -First Captain/First Snake -Presumed deαd by end of ROTM/Metal Gear saga, but: -Cuttlefish is found dehydrated/"dead" but then is revived by Captain 3's tears -Snake goes to Big Boss' grave at the end of MGS4, but then sees the alive Big Boss beside him -Cuttlefish "hires" and trains Agent 3, Big Boss trains Solid Snake in CQC combat -Cuttlefish is same species as 3, Solid Snake is clone of Big Boss
Point 3: Agent 8 is the equivalent of Raiden/Jack the Ripper -Main Game Plot involves Agent 3/Solid Snake -Born a child soldier (Jack)/Octarian Soldier (8), and finding freedom at some point in time. -Captured by someone at some point in time (Commander Tartar/Solidus Snake) who they kill at the end of their game -Had an old name (Jack, 8's pre-amnesia name is unknown), given new one by mentor character (Raiden is named so by Snake, Cuttlefish assigns Agent 8 with that title) -Fight Big Thing With Laser near/by the end of their game (NILS Statue, has Ink Laser, Metal Gear RAY [MGS2], has Hydraulic Cutter) -Will most likely not hesitate to KΙLL Tartar is hence the equivalent of Solidus Snake aka George Sears, the NILS Statue being MGS2's Metal Gear RAY.
Point 4: Return of the Mammalians is the equivalent of Metal Gear Solid 4. -Final game story-wise with their respective character groups -Characters from all around the series -ROTM would have featured Agents 4 and 8, and does feature Callie, Marie, Cuttlefish, and Octavio as major parts of the story… -…just as MGS4 involves many characters from the other Metal Gear Solid games, such as Revolver Ocelot & Liquid Snake (As Liquid Ocelot), Raiden, and Big Boss -With new characters as well (Deep Cut, MGS4's side characters) -Pilot old enemy thing to defeat big enemy -Solid Snake (with Otacon) pilots the Metal Gear REX to defeat Liquid Ocelot's Metal Gear RAY -New Agent 3 (with Octavio) pilots the Octobot King L3.Gs to defeat Mr. Grizz, the final big bad
Therefore, we can assume (as it's not out yet) that Side Order will be the equivalent of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance -Involves major character(s) from past game, those being Off the Hook, and MGRR being Raiden's post-MGS4 spinoff story -Protagonist is presumably Agent 8, who we've established is the equivalent of Raiden. -Protagonist Octoling (8) is wearing a new outfit, as in MGR after the prologue Raiden has a new cyborg body -Will more than likely touch on some darker themes as Octo Expansion did (while all of Metal Gear is pretty dark) -What's presumed to be a new Octoshot in trailer art, like how Raiden has a new High Frequency Blade with his new cyborg body -Even though Raiden's always wielded an HF Blade, it's just a new version, like how Agent 8 has always had an Octo Shot, this is presumably a new version -Might also have to do with the Octoling themselves as there are flashback-like images in the trailer, and MGR also has Raiden question his own philosophies
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citizenscreen · 6 days
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Warner Bros stars celebrating 10th anniv of station KFWB in 1935 (front) Warren William; Bette Davis; Benny Rubin; Dick Powell, Wini Shaw. (center) George Brent; Monte Blue; Ed Schubert, station mgr Jerry King (rear) Harry Seymour, Lyle Talbot, Al Jolson, Harry Warren, songwriter Bill Ray, chief tech Frank Murphy.
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mewtonian-physics · 1 year
i was replaying mgr last night and i forgot when raiden meets george he says he's "looking for bad guys" that was really cute
the way raiden completely switches how he talks when he's talking to kids is EVERYTHING to me
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tripperr · 1 year
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From ancient temples to stunning beaches, Chennai has it all! Uncover the top 10 places to visit and create memories to last a lifetime. . Introduction
 Brief overview of Chennai as a tourist destination                                       1. Marina Beach
A. Introduction to Marina Beach
B. Description of the beach's length and significance
C. Exploring the various activities and attractions at Marina Beach
2. Kapaleeshwarar Temple
A. Introduction to Kapaleeshwarar Temple
B. Historical significance and architectural beauty of the temple
C. Description of the rituals and festivals celebrated at the temple
3. Fort St. George
A. Introduction to Fort St. George
B. Historical background of the fort and its importance
C. Exploring the various sections and museums within the fort
4. Government Museum
A. Introduction to the Government Museum
B. Overview of the museum's extensive collection
C. Highlighting key exhibits and artifacts
5. Santhome Basilica
A. Introduction to Santhome Basilica
B. Historical and religious significance of the basilica
C. Description of the architectural features and interior
6. Guindy National Park
A. Introduction to Guindy National Park
B. Overview of the park's flora and fauna
C. Exploring the activities and attractions within the park
7. DakshinaChitra
A. Introduction to DakshinaChitra
B. Showcasing the rich cultural heritage of South India
C. Description of the various exhibits and workshops
8. Valluvar Kottam
A. Introduction to Valluvar Kottam
B. Significance of the monument in honoring Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar
C. Description of the architectural features and surrounding park
9. Birla Planetarium
A. Introduction to Birla Planetarium
B. Overview of the planetarium's educational and entertaining programs
C. Description of the exhibits and shows available
10. MGR Film City
A. Introduction to MGR Film City
B. Highlighting the film industry's impact on Chennai
C. Exploring the various attractions and activities within the film city
Now, without further ado, let's dive into the complete article!
 Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu in South India, is a vibrant metropolis known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. With a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, Chennai offers a plethora of attractions for tourists. In this article, we will explore the top 10 places that should be on every visitor's itinerary when exploring this captivating city.
I. Marina Beach
Stretching over 13 kilometers along the Bay of Bengal, Marina Beach is not only the longest urban beach in India but also one of Chennai's most iconic landmarks. The golden sands and the rhythmic waves create a serene atmosphere for visitors to relax and unwind. You can take leisurely walks along the shore, enjoy horse rides, indulge in delicious street food, or simply bask in the glorious sunset views.
II. Kapaleeshwarar Temple 
Situated in the Mylapore neighborhood, the Kapaleeshwarar Temple is a magnificent example of Dravidian architecture and a significant religious site in Chennai. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the temple boasts intricate carvings and towering gopurams (towering gateways) that are adorned with vibrant sculptures. As you step inside, you'll be immersed in a spiritual aura, with devotees offering prayers and participating in religious rituals. The temple also hosts colorful festivals, such as the Arubathimoovar Festival, where processions and cultural performances captivate visitors.
III. Fort St. George
 Fort St. George holds immense historical importance as it was the first British fortress built in India. Constructed in 1644, the fort stands as a reminder of Chennai's colonial past. Within its walls, you can explore fascinating museums like the Fort Museum and the Flagstaff House, which display artifacts, weaponry, and portraits depicting the city's history. Take a stroll through the well-manicured gardens and soak in the ambiance of a bygone era.
IV. Government Museum
 For art and history enthusiasts, the Government Museum is a treasure trove of knowledge and cultural artifacts. Established in 1851, it is one of the oldest museums in India. The museum houses an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts, sculptures, paintings, and numismatic items that showcase the rich heritage of Tamil Nadu. Marvel at the Bronze Gallery, which exhibits intricate Chola and Pallava bronze sculptures, or explore the Amravati Gallery, which displays relics from the ancient Amaravati Stupa.
V. Santhome Basilica
 Located in the neighborhood of Santhome, the Santhome Basilica is a prominent religious landmark in Chennai. It stands atop the tomb of St. Thomas the Apostle, who is believed to have visited India in the 1st century AD. The basilica's neo-Gothic architecture, stained glass windows, and serene ambiance make it a must-visit for spiritual seekers and architecture enthusiasts alike. Step inside to witness the grandeur of the nave and the tranquil beauty of the shrine.
VI. Guindy National Park
 Escape the hustle and bustle of the city by visiting Guindy National Park, a sprawling urban sanctuary that provides a sanctuary for nature lovers. Spread across 2.7 square kilometers, the park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including spotted deer, blackbucks, and various bird species. Take a leisurely walk along the nature trails, enjoy a picnic amidst the lush greenery, or visit the Children's Park for a fun-filled family day out.
VII. DakshinaChitra
 To immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of South India, a visit to DakshinaChitra is highly recommended. This living museum showcases traditional homes, artifacts, crafts, and performing arts of the region. Wander through the recreated streets that resemble typical South Indian villages, explore the heritage houses that exhibit the architectural styles of different states, and engage in interactive workshops to learn traditional crafts like pottery and weaving.
VIII. Valluvar Kottam
 Valluvar Kottam is a memorial dedicated to the renowned Tamil poet and philosopher Thiruvalluvar. The monument stands tall with a magnificent 39-meter high chariot-like structure, symbolizing Thirukkural, his iconic work consisting of couplets on various aspects of life. Explore the surrounding park, which houses a life-sized statue of Thiruvalluvar, and enjoy the tranquil environment that pays homage to Tamil literature and culture.
IX. Birla Planetarium
 For those fascinated by astronomy and the mysteries of the universe, a visit to the Birla Planetarium is a must. Located in the Periyar Science and Technology Centre, the planetarium offers captivating shows and interactive sessions that educate and entertain visitors of all ages. Marvel at the astronomical projections on the dome-shaped ceiling, learn about celestial bodies, and gain a deeper understanding of the cosmos.
X. MGR Film City
 Chennai, often referred to as the "Gateway to the South Indian film industry," is home to the famous MGR Film City. Named after the legendary actor and former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M.G. Ramachandran, this sprawling film complex is a paradise for movie buffs. Explore the various sets, studios, and sound stages where iconic Tamil films have been shot. You might even have the chance to witness a live shoot or catch a glimpse of your favorite film stars during your visit.
 Chennai, with its rich history, cultural heritage, and vibrant atmosphere, offers a myriad of experiences for travelers. From the tranquil shores of Marina Beach to the architectural marvels of Kapaleeshwarar Temple and Santhome Basilica, from the historical significance of Fort St. George to the educational exhibits at the Government Museum, the city has something for everyone.
Immerse yourself in nature at Guindy National Park, learn about the diverse traditions of South India at DakshinaChitra, and explore the cosmic wonders at Birla Planetarium. Pay homage to the literary genius of Thiruvalluvar at Valluvar Kottam and get a glimpse of the glitz and glamour of the film industry at MGR Film City.
 Chennai's top 10 places to visit offer a perfect blend of history, spirituality, art, and entertainment. So, whether you're a history enthusiast, a culture connoisseur, a nature lover, or a film buff, Chennai is a destination that will leave you captivated and craving for more. Embark on a memorable journey to Chennai and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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jloisse · 1 year
"L’humilité ne consiste pas à se cacher pour ne rien faire, mais à ne pas s’admirer quand on fait le plus et le mieux possible."
Mgr Georges Chevrot (1879-1958)
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tynatunis · 2 years
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#Repost @the.art.diary The Marriage of Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, 26th November 1894 (1895-6) By Laurits Tuxen (1853–1927) The wedding between Nicholas II and Princess Alix of Hesse took place in the Imperial Chapel of the Winter Palace on 26 November 1894, just over twenty years after the marriage of the Tsar's aunt in the same chapel (RCIN 404476). The wedding was announced in April that year and was to take place on the Empress Marie Feodorovna's birthday. Tragically, Emperor Alexander III died of kidney disease on 1 November, and the court was thrown into mourning with the exception of the day of the marriage. The royal couple stand, holding lighted candles, whilst the Metropolitan Archbishop of St Petersburg, Mgr Palladius, makes the sign of the cross before them. Ella, (Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna), writing to her grandmother, Queen Victoria, described her sister's dress as 'embroidered silver cloth Russian court dress & very pretty', helpfully including a sketch. She added that 'Alix being tall will look perfectly lovely'. She wears a kokoshnik tiara and a small diamond crown, beneath which is a wreath of orange blossom, her imperial gold-embroidered mantle is lined with ermine. The Tsar is dressed in the uniform of a Hussar. In the background George I, King of Greece stands to the left of Christian IX, King of Denmark, who looks towards his daughter, the Dowager Empress; the Princess of Wales, and the Queen of Greece. The Prince of Wales can be seen dressed in the uniform of Russian Dragoons to the right of the portrait. • • • • • #classicartworks #classicart #artwork🎨 #oldmasterpaintings #classicalpaintings #classicpainting #historiadelarte #oilpainting #artlover #fineartpainting #artinspiration #arthistory #spirit #georgeroux #museum #Art #painting #artdaily #arte #gallery #peinture #masterpiece #classicalpainting #artists #arts #artgallery https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRUyvDoJ2j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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School Au
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Crackfic but check the tags for cw
You had recently just moved to Denver and had been transferred to another school. This was always one of the worst things about moving but your parents assured you that you wouldn't be alone. Luckily your family knew another man in the area so you would be attending the same school as his daughter. Already having been introduced, you recognized her immediately. "Hey, Sunny!"
There was now a young girl with brown eyes and silver hair coming your way. She then pulled you into a hug. "It's great to see you!" You then noticed two boys standing behind her. One pale and the other dark skinned with a thick accent. "This is John and this is George." John went to shake your hand and George did the same but you couldn't really understand what he was saying so you just smiled and gave a nod. Suddenly the bell rang. "Uh oh! We better hurry. If we're late than we can't play ninjas at recess!" The next thing you knew and you were walking into World Marshal Elementary School.
Luckily you shared the same classes as Sunny (along with John and George) so if you were overwhelmed than you had someone who could help you out. You walked into class and took your seat, choosing to be near Sunny. After the national anthem and annoucents, the principal came in to your room. He was a tall man who seemed like he would be better off as a professional wrestler than working in a school setting. He pushed his glasses up and sighed, muttering something about how America needed to be great again.
Sunny leaned over and whispered to you. "That's Mr. Armstrong. Whatever you do, don't make him angry!" John then joined in. "Yeah. He's a jerk! One time my dad and him got into a fist fight! I don't know why he hasn't been fired yet." George was the last to speak. "I heard the last time some kid disobeyed him, they got split in two! Damn skunt!" Okay, now you were scared.
The principal stood there for five seconds before giving a fake cough. "Good morning Mr. Armstrong!" the class greeted. "Hmph. That's better. Well as you all know by now we have a new student. You are to show them what being a member of World Marshal is all about and if I catch any of you goofing off then it's straight to detention! Are we clear?" The class then let out a single "Yes sir." and silently prayed for him to leave.
Eventually he walked out and the door clicked, causing you to sigh in relief. "At least it cant get any worse than this!" Suddenly your history teacher walked in. "Oh no, guys it's Sundowner!"
It turns out that it really could get worse. In front of the class stood Mr. Sundowner, a former veteran from Alabama. Supposedly his legs were blown off so he had artificial limbs attached to his lower joints. You knew this because he would smack other students with them when they gave a wrong answer. One child then raised their hand. "We've been learning about war all week, can we learn something else?" The man gave a fake pout. "C'mon, give war a chance will ya? Or would you rather hear about why I got discharged from the army?" The student then went silent.
"Hmm. That's what I thought. Now I'll be nice and change it up a lil bit. Have you kids ever heard of the term genocide?" Your day was now going from bad to worse.
"Thank God that it's over!" You never wanted to see that man again. You weren't sure how graphic teachers were allowed to be but you were definitely going to ask your father to send in a complaint. You felt sick and used your ten minute break to go vomit in the bathroom. One can only see so many pictures of mass graves, bones and hear about torture until it breaks them and it seems your history teacher was not one of those people.
Sunny gave you a pat on the back and a bottle of water to help you swallow back the bile. "The worst is over now thankfully. Our next teacher is an angel compared to him. Just as long as you don't make her angry…" in walked your math teacher. "I'm impressed that she can walk in those heels!" Suddenly she turned in your direction and narrowed her eyes. "NO TALKING!"
Luckily you were always decent at math so you didn't have much of a problem. You passed your quiz and Ms. Mistral gave you a sticker of a french terrier. You figured she must like dogs. Those that failed the test received a much harsher treatment. Your teacher was currently using both hands to hit students with rulers. "You imbeciles!" You turned to your friends once she was distracted. "How can she get away with this!?" John then mentioned that everyone knew her and the principal were seeing each other so he let it slide. "This place seems like a giant lawsuit waiting to happen.
Soon the bell rang and recess came. John and George were both trying to be ninjas but they just looked like dorks who watched an episode of Naruto. You then went to see what Sunny was doing. She had her laptop open and was somehow hacking into the United States government. You then sat down on a patch of grass and contemplated your life.
You returned to class and now it was time for your next subject, science. "Oh boy, my favorite!" pipped Sunny. In came an older man who you assumed must be blind due to the cane and prescription glasses. "I hear we have a new student. Just allow me to say that we all welcome you to Denver!" It turns out that this teacher was Mr. Monsoon (You questioned why all of your teachers had weather phenomenons for surnames) and everyone knew less about him than your math teacher. John told you that the reason he became a science teacher was because he used to be involved with the mafia and their drug operations.
Today you were learning about wind and how you can make a tornado in a bottle. You weren't going to lie, this was better than your previous two classes. Now it was on to the next lesson though. "Everyone, pull out your copy of the selfish gene. We're going to be covering memetics again." The class then let out a loud sigh. One child began to boo, letting out "RICHARD DAWKINS SUCKS!" The next thing they knew and their teacher was standing in front of the boy wielding dissection tools. He then leaned down and whispered into his ear. "If you value your life then you'll never speak those words in my class again…" The child gulped, terrorized with fear.
Then he went back to the front of the class like nothing had happened and resumed reading.
You teacher was giving one of his unprompted speeches again when a students whispered to another. Being blind had heightened his senses so he could hear the two children perfectly. He didn't expect to hear what was about to be uttered. "I'd rather be in Mr. Sundowner's class right now. I know he taught us about Pol Pot torturing people but I swear that this class is actual torture!"
Everyone then noticed their teacher go silent, failing to realize his PTSD had been triggered. Suddenly he started screaming. "STOP! STOP IT!" He was now in a fetal position and sobbing on the floor. "I'll go get the school nurse!" said Sunny. Eventually a balding german man walked in. "Not again…"
Well science class was cancelled for the time being so you got to go to your last class early. Everyone got changed and then went out on the field to play soccer. You were now going to be introduced to Mr. Rodrigues. He was from Brazil and very muscular. He had a portuguese accent and you thought that he was a model and not really a teacher. He had your class play some games before starting the match. The class was then split up into two teams and you were the goalie. Luckily George was on your team and was rather good at soccer.
"Alright everyone, let's dance!" Mr. Rodrigues then blew his whistle. The game had suddenly turned into a fierce battle with bloodshed. Students donned bruises and scrapes but your teacher seemed proud instead of concerned. The ball soon hit George in the abdomen, causing a loud "SKUNT!" to be heard. Now it was up to you to stop that ball. You jumped up and caught it with your face, the ball going so fast that it had a golden glow. Sadly it was too strong and the ball ended up decapitating you.
"Shit!" cursed your former teacher. Your class then buried you and planted a cherry tree in your honour.
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[ad_1] An Applesway Funding Group-linked LLC and a separate three way partnership are delinquent on a collateralized mortgage obligation tied to a four-property multifamily portfolio in Houston.  The homeowners are 30 days delinquent on a $60 million floating-rate securitized mortgage, in keeping with information from Trepp.  The lender is Arbor Realty Belief, which has been criticized for its reliance on “high-risk” multifamily bridge loans of short-term floating price debt.  Often known as the Westchase Portfolio, it's composed of Class C complexes east of George Bush Park, close to the Sam Houston Tollway: the Protect at Westchase, at 10615 Meadowglen Lane; the Estates at Westchase, at 2305 Hayes Highway; the Grand at Westchase, at 10881 Richmond Avenue; and the Vista at Westchase, at 3435 Walnut Bend Lane.  An LLC with a enterprise handle linked to Applesway founder Jay Gajavelli acquired the Protect, the Estates and the Grand in 2021.  Westchase Houston MGR, a three way partnership linked to a gaggle of actual property buyers — Matt Picheny founding father of Picheny; Justin Martinez of Sky Fortress Properties; and Brent Ritchie of EnRitch Funding Group, amongst others — purchased the Vista the identical yr, in keeping with Trepp.  A collateralized mortgage obligation is a single safety backed by a pool of debt and may have a number of normal companions. Makes an attempt to achieve Gajavelli, Picheny, Martinez and Ritchie have been unsuccessful. All 4 complexes have been renovated in 2021. Mixed, they home 1,330 items, spanning practically a million sq. toes, with a complete appraised worth of $120 million.  Trepp labels the portfolio as paid via November, with a looming June maturity date, however debtors nonetheless have extension choices out there.  The Westchase Portfolio is 88 p.c occupied, which is consistent with Westchase’s 89 p.c multifamily occupancy price, in keeping with Transwestern. Nevertheless, the properties have a depressed internet money stream debt service protection ratio of 0.69, in keeping with Trepp, indicating that incoming rents will not be sufficient to cowl mortgage funds.  New York-based Arbor beforehand foreclosed on a $229 million Applesway multifamily portfolio in April 2023, which consisted of 4 Houston condo complexes. Final month, Arbor filed to foreclose on a $38 million mortgage tied to the Selena, a 446-unit condo constructing at 250 Uvalde Highway in Houston. The owner in that case is Jorge Abreu’s Elevate. Arbor has been a serious participant in multifamily lending because it flooded the market with high-risk multifamily bridge loans in 2021. The lender now finds itself in a precarious place. Mounting misery is gripping the multifamily market amid rising rates of interest which have left many debtors unable to repay, as lease development slows and renovation prices rise.  Arbor reported a 1,500 p.c improve in non-performing loans in June, with $124 million of its $13 billion bridge mortgage portfolio underperforming, in keeping with Securities and Alternate Fee filings. Misery additionally surged in its company portfolio, the place delinquencies jumped 788 p.c to about $344 million by midyear 2023, a slight improve to over 1 p.c of its $30 billion in company loans.  Viceroy Analysis’s evaluation underscores the vulnerability of Arbor’s mortgage e-book, with extra potential defaults on the horizon. In keeping with the analysis agency, about 30 p.c of Arbor’s mortgage e-book might be overdue within the coming yr.  Applesway-linked properties have been rocked by misery since final yr.  5 Applesway properties in Houston hit the public sale block in 2023 as a result of mortgage defaults. The Dallas-based agency tried to serve 120 eviction notices to tenants of the Cabo San Lucas at 9220 Nathaniel Avenue after its foreclosures sale in August. These eviction instances have been finally dismissed on technical grounds.  A bunch of 123 buyers sued Applesway final yr, alleging the funding agency defrauded them out of $12.4 million. 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"L'Université Laval crée un département de biochimie," Le Soleil. May 8, 1943. Page 3. --- La Faculté des Sciences comptera désormais onze départements avec cette nouvelle addition. Le Dr Elphège Bois, devient directeur du nouveau département, Mme Jean Lacerte et M. l'abbé Adrien Falardeau nommés professeurs agrégés. ----
L'Université Laval a décidé la création d'un département de biochimie à la Faculté des sciences. Le docteur Elphege Bois, professeur à Laval depuis vingt ans, assumera la direction du nouveau département. le onzième de la Faculté des sciences. La biochimie a pris une grande importance en ces derniers temps et l'Université Laval désire étendre davantage son enseignement dans ce domain scientifique. Le conseil universitaire a en outre décidé la nomination de deux ouveaux professeurs agrégés. Ces professeurs qui sont ainsi l'objet d'une promotion sont Mme Jean Lacerte, de la Faculté des Lettres, et M. l'abbé Adrien Falardeau de la Faculté des Arts. Leur nomination sera accueillie avec beaucoup de faveur dans les milieux universitaires. Tous deux ont en effet des mérites vraiment remarquables.
Bachelière ès Arts, Mme Jean Lacerte est diplômée d'Enseignement. du français de Paris, docteur des Lettres de Madrid et professeur de français pour les étudiants de langue anglaise à l'Université Laval. Mme Lacerte est en outre chargée d'un cours d'espagnol.
M. l'abbé Adrien Falardeau a suivi des cours de langues aux Etats- Unis et il est professeur d'anglais à la Faculté des Arts. Récemment, Lacerte, de la Faculté des Lettres, M. l'abbé Falardeau succédait à S. et M. l'abbé Adrien Falardeau, de Exc. Mgr Georges-Léon Pelletier comme sumõnier des étudiants de Laval.
A l'occasion du quatrième centenaire de Copernic, que l'Université Laval marquera par une séance solennelle en la Salle des Promotions dans la soirée du 23 mai, le conseil a agréé la suggestion de tenir une exposition de livres et de choses polonaises dans la semaine du 24 au 29 mai. L'Exposition sera tenue au parloir du Petit Séminaire de Québec, L'organisation de la soirée du 23 mai a été confiée à la Société d'astronomie de Québec qui coopérera à l'hommage de l'Université à la mémoire du grand astronome polonais.
L'exposition vaticane qui aura lieu au Musée des peintures de l'Université a été fixée au 15 mai. Elle durera jusqu'au 30. Cette exposition comprendra une centaine de pièces, la plupart des aquarelles, de M. Vernon-Howe Bailey, artiste new-yorkais de beau mérite. Ces oeuvres illustrent l'intérieur et l'extérieur du Vatican.
Le conseil universitaire a formule des condoléances à l'adresse de Mme Achille Paquet et du docteur Albert Paquet de même qu'à leurs familles, à l'occasion de la mort du docteur Achille Paquet, ancien professeur titulaire à la Faculté de Médecine.
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ezeeonline00001 · 8 months
Top Medical Colleges in India: If Medical is your passion, then this blog is a must-read. You will get to know all the important information from top medical colleges in India to NEET test details to NEET syllabus etc. 
NEET, National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test is the single medical entrance exam in India that has replaced all the National level and State level medical entrance exams except the JIPMER MBBS exam and AIIMS MBBS exam. Qualifying for the examination helps you get through Government UG medical courses and private medical/dental colleges.
Top Medical Colleges in India
Minimum Eligibility:
A general candidate must have scored a minimum aggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology to become eligible for the exam. However, there is a relaxation in the marks required for the reserved category of candidates.
NEET exam date:
NEET exam is generally conducted in May. The upcoming examination is scheduled to be conducted on April or May the first week. It has been conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Till 2018, the NEET exam was conducted by the CBSE, but with the recent announcement by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), the exam is being conducted by NTA from 2019 onwards. 
Also Read: If not qualified for MBBS then What?
Online Application Date:
The application form is going to start in somewhere Jan and February first week.
NEET exam fee:
 Approx Rs. 1400 for General candidates and Rs. 750 for SC/ST/PH candidates. 
Admit Card Availability:
Admit cards will be available from 27th March 2020. A candidate who is eligible to sit for the entrance exam should have done 12th from any recognized University or board with a combination of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology or Biotechnology. 
Language Details:
The NEET exam will be conducted in 11 different languages.
Let’s look at some of the more information related to the NEET exam as given below:Type of questionsObjective-type questions (MCQs)Number of questions180 questionsSubjectsPhysics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology (Each containing 45 questions)Marking Scheme4 marks for every correct answerNegative marking1 mark deduction for every incorrect answerMode of examinationPen and Paper
Now, check out the list of top Medical colleges in India:
S.NO.College NameCourses OfferedYear of EstablishmentUniversity Type1.AIIMS, New DelhiBachelor of Optometry, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Medicine. MD/MS, M.D.S and MD in Hospital Administration1956Autonomous2.PGEMIR, ChandigarhMono-super speciality courses for Liver and Biliary diseases1962Autonomous3.Christian Medical College, VelloreOffers specialized undergraduate courses. Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT), Bachelor in Prosthetic & Orthotics (BPO), Bachelor in Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology.1900Private Institute, Affiliated to Tamil Nadu MGR Medical University4.Kasturba Medical College, ManipalMBBS, M.Sc, MD, M.S., M.CH, PhD, M.Phil and advanced training program.1953Private Institute, Deemed University 5.King George’s Medical University, LucknowOffers both undergraduate courses and postgraduate courses like MBBS, M.D., BDS, and MDS.1905Government Medical College 6.JIPMER, PuducherryOffers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in 37 different disciplines.1823Public University7.BHU, VaranasiMBBS, MS1960Public Central University8.Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New DelhiMBBS, BDS, MDS, MS, and Diploma are the courses offered here.2009Deemed University by UGC9.Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AligarhNMC offers various courses in undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma levels.1962Government Medical College10.Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, ChennaiMBBS, MD, MSc, Doctorate of Medicine and Master of Surgery are some of the courses offered by the college.1985Private Medical College11.Jamia Hamdard, New DelhiOffers various courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD level.1962Deemed University12.M. S. Ramaiah Medical College, BengaluruCourses offered by M.S. Ramaiah Medical College including MBBS, MD, BPT, DM, M.S., MPT, M.D (Dermatology), MCH, PhD, PG Diploma.1979Private Medical college, affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences13.Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New DelhiAbout 25 courses are offered here including undergraduate, postgraduate and specialty course2001Deemed University, Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University14.Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, BelgaumApart from MBBS and MD, the college offers about 42 courses. 1963Constituent medical school of KLE University15.University College of Medical Sciences, DelhiAffiliated with the University of Delhi1971The constituent medical school of KLE University
This is the complete list of Top Medical Colleges in India compiled on the basis of factors like quality, research output and academic productivity. The list is purely based on our point of view. Hope you will like it and would prove as a great help for you all.
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degenerate-otaku · 2 years
(More SamRai AU fluff/angst!)
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