#germinal 1.2
manatahuna1 · 15 days
The Future of Reforestation: Emerging Trends and Innovations
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Reforestation is at the forefront of global efforts to combat climate change, restore ecosystems, and support biodiversity. As we move forward, innovative technologies and evolving strategies are reshaping the landscape of reforestation. Understanding these emerging trends and innovations not only highlights the progress being made but also reveals new opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness and reach of reforestation efforts. In this blog post, we will explore the future of reforestation, focusing on emerging trends and cutting-edge innovations that are set to transform how we restore and manage forests.
1. Technological Advancements in Reforestation
1.1 Drones for Tree Planting and Monitoring
Drones are revolutionizing reforestation by providing new capabilities for planting trees and monitoring forest health. Equipped with advanced sensors and imaging technologies, drones offer several advantages:
Precision Planting: Drones can deploy seed pods containing pre-germinated seeds in precise locations, enabling large-scale reforestation with minimal manual labor. This approach is particularly useful for inaccessible or difficult terrains.
Forest Monitoring: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors can monitor forest growth, assess tree health, and detect issues such as pest infestations or illegal logging. This real-time data helps in making informed management decisions.
Mapping and Assessment: Drones can create detailed maps of reforested areas, providing valuable information on forest cover, tree density, and species distribution. This data supports planning and evaluation efforts.
1.2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are increasingly being integrated into reforestation efforts to enhance decision-making and efficiency:
Predictive Modeling: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to predict the growth and success rates of different tree species in various environments. This helps in selecting the most suitable species for specific areas and optimizing planting strategies.
Automated Monitoring: Machine learning models can analyze satellite images and drone data to monitor forest health, track changes over time, and identify potential threats. This automation reduces the need for manual inspections and speeds up data processing.
Species Identification: AI-powered tools can assist in identifying plant and animal species from images and videos, aiding in biodiversity assessments and ensuring that reforestation projects support a diverse range of species.
2. Innovative Approaches to Reforestation
2.1 Urban Reforestation and Green Infrastructure
As urbanization continues to expand, integrating reforestation into urban environments is becoming increasingly important. Urban reforestation and green infrastructure offer multiple benefits:
Green Roofs and Walls: Green roofs and living walls are innovative ways to integrate trees and plants into urban landscapes. These structures improve air quality, reduce heat island effects, and provide habitat for urban wildlife.
Urban Forests: Planting trees in city parks, streets, and public spaces helps create urban forests that enhance the quality of life for residents, support biodiversity, and provide ecosystem services such as air purification and temperature regulation.
Community Gardens and Parks: Community-driven reforestation projects, such as community gardens and urban parks, foster local engagement and environmental stewardship while providing green spaces for recreation and relaxation.
2.2 Agroforestry and Sustainable Land Use
Agroforestry, the practice of integrating trees into agricultural systems, is gaining recognition as a sustainable land-use strategy that benefits both farming and reforestation:
Multifunctional Landscapes: Agroforestry systems create multifunctional landscapes that combine agricultural productivity with forest conservation. Trees in agroforestry systems provide shade, improve soil fertility, and enhance biodiversity.
Economic Benefits: Agroforestry can offer additional income sources for farmers through the production of fruits, nuts, timber, and other forest products. This economic incentive supports the adoption of reforestation practices and sustainable land management.
Resilience and Adaptation: Agroforestry systems improve resilience to climate change by enhancing soil health, reducing erosion, and providing microclimates that support crop growth. This adaptability is crucial for sustainable agriculture and reforestation.
3. Genetic Innovations in Reforestation
3.1 Genetic Engineering and Tree Breeding
Advancements in genetic engineering and tree breeding are paving the way for more resilient and efficient reforestation:
Genetically Modified Trees: Genetic engineering can create tree varieties with enhanced traits such as improved disease resistance, faster growth rates, and greater tolerance to environmental stresses. These traits can increase the success rates of reforestation projects and accelerate forest recovery.
Tree Breeding Programs: Traditional breeding methods are being complemented by modern techniques to develop tree species with desirable characteristics. These programs focus on selecting and propagating trees that are well-suited to specific environments and conditions.
Seed Banks and Genetic Libraries: Maintaining seed banks and genetic libraries ensures the preservation of diverse tree species and their genetic material. This diversity is crucial for adapting to changing environmental conditions and supporting resilient reforestation efforts.
3.2 Rewilding and Assisted Migration
Rewilding and assisted migration are innovative approaches to reforestation that focus on restoring ecological processes and adapting to climate change:
Rewilding: Rewilding involves restoring ecosystems to their natural states by reintroducing native species and allowing natural processes to take place. This approach supports reforestation by creating dynamic and self-sustaining forests.
Assisted Migration: Assisted migration involves relocating species to new areas where they may have a better chance of thriving due to changing climate conditions. This strategy helps ensure that tree species can adapt to shifting environments and continue to support biodiversity.
4. Community Engagement and Social Innovations
4.1 Community-Based Reforestation Initiatives
Community involvement is essential for the success and sustainability of reforestation projects. Engaging local communities in reforestation efforts can lead to more effective and lasting outcomes:
Participatory Planning: Involving local communities in the planning and implementation of reforestation projects ensures that their needs and knowledge are incorporated. This participatory approach fosters ownership and commitment to the project.
Education and Training: Providing education and training to local communities on reforestation techniques, tree care, and sustainable land management enhances their capacity to contribute to and benefit from reforestation efforts.
Local Partnerships: Collaborating with local organizations, businesses, and governments helps build support for reforestation projects and ensures that they align with local priorities and resources.
4.2 Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science
Crowdsourcing and citizen science are innovative ways to engage the public in reforestation and forest conservation:
Crowdsourced Funding: Online platforms allow individuals and organizations to fund reforestation projects through crowdfunding campaigns. This approach democratizes funding and provides financial support for diverse initiatives.
Citizen Science Projects: Citizen science initiatives enable individuals to contribute to data collection, monitoring, and research related to reforestation. These projects leverage public participation to gather valuable information and enhance scientific understanding.
Awareness Campaigns: Social media and digital platforms facilitate awareness campaigns that promote reforestation and encourage community involvement. These campaigns can reach a wide audience and mobilize support for tree planting and conservation efforts.
5. Policy and Institutional Innovations
5.1 Integrated Policy Frameworks
Effective reforestation requires supportive policy frameworks that integrate environmental, economic, and social considerations:
Forest Management Policies: Developing and implementing comprehensive forest management policies that support reforestation, protect existing forests, and promote sustainable land use is crucial for achieving long-term conservation goals.
Incentives and Subsidies: Governments can provide incentives and subsidies for reforestation activities, such as tax breaks, grants, and payments for ecosystem services. These financial mechanisms encourage participation and investment in reforestation projects.
International Agreements: Participation in international agreements and treaties focused on climate change and biodiversity, such as the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity, helps drive global efforts to support reforestation and forest conservation.
5.2 Public-Private Partnerships
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly important in scaling up reforestation efforts and leveraging resources:
Collaborative Projects: PPPs bring together government agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations, and local communities to collaborate on reforestation projects. These partnerships can enhance funding, expertise, and implementation capacity.
Corporate Responsibility: Businesses can integrate reforestation into their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies by supporting tree planting initiatives, investing in sustainable supply chains, and reducing their environmental footprint.
Innovative Financing: Financial instruments such as green bonds and impact investments provide funding for reforestation and conservation projects. These innovative financing mechanisms attract investment and support large-scale reforestation efforts.
The future of reforestation is being shaped by a wave of emerging trends and innovations that promise to enhance the effectiveness and reach of tree planting and forest restoration efforts. From technological advancements like drones and AI to innovative approaches such as urban reforestation and agroforestry, these developments are driving progress in reforestation.
Let's Connect!
Name: Mana Tahuna
Address: 5 Sutherland Lane, Frankton, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
Phone: +64 21 860 393
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science-lover33 · 5 months
Overview: Ántrax, virus or bacteria?
Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by the bacterium *Bacillus anthracis*. It is important to note that anthrax is not a virus, but a type of bacteria. This bacterium forms spores, which can remain dormant in soil or other environments for long periods. Here's an overview of the morphology, replication, and molecular processes of *Bacillus anthracis*:
- *Bacillus anthracis* is a rod-shaped bacterium, typically around 1-1.2 µm wide and 3-5 µm long.
- It forms oval-shaped spores that are highly resilient to harsh environmental conditions. These spores are responsible for the persistence and transmission of the bacteria.
- When spores come into contact with a suitable host (such as an animal or human), they germinate into active bacterial cells.
- The bacterium can replicate rapidly within the host's body, leading to the release of toxins that cause the disease's symptoms.
- *Bacillus anthracis* has a unique ability to produce a poly-D-glutamic acid capsule that helps it evade the host's immune system.
Molecular Processes:
- The bacterium produces two potent toxins: lethal toxin and edema toxin.
- Lethal toxin disrupts cellular signaling pathways, leading to cell death and severe inflammation.
- Edema toxin interferes with water balance, causing tissue swelling.
- The capsule surrounding the bacterium protects it from phagocytosis by the host's immune cells.
Anthrax can manifest in different forms depending on the route of infection (cutaneous, inhalational, or gastrointestinal). Early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics are crucial for preventing severe outcomes. Vaccines are available for high-risk groups, such as military personnel and certain laboratory workers. Let’s stay informed and aware of anthrax and its potential risks!
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). Anthrax. https://www.cdc.gov/anthrax/
2. Dixon, T. C., Meselson, M., Guillemin, J., & Hanna, P. C. (1999). Anthrax. The New England Journal of Medicine, 341(11), 815-826.
3. Mock, M., & Fouet, A. (2001). Anthrax. Annual Review of Microbiology, 55(1), 647-671.
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oaresearchpaper · 6 months
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budandtender · 1 year
The Fascinating World of Cannabis: Exploring its Sexes and Life Cycle
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Cannabis, a versatile and widely debated plant, possesses an intriguing characteristic - it exhibits distinct sexes. Unlike most flowering plants that have both male and female reproductive organs on the same plant, cannabis produces male and female flowers on separate plants. This unique feature not only plays a crucial role in the plant's reproduction but also contributes to maintaining genetic diversity. In this article, we will delve into the world of cannabis sexes, exploring their significance and understanding the life cycle of this annual plant.
Understanding Dioecious Nature
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Cannabis is classified as a dioecious plant, which means it has separate male and female individuals. This separation of sexes serves as a mechanism to prevent inbreeding and self-pollination, thereby promoting genetic variation within the species. It is believed that cannabis evolved this way to encourage wider genetic diversity, enabling it to adapt better to its environment.
Determining Sex
Interestingly, molecular genetic markers have been discovered within cannabis, allowing for the determination of a plant's sex even before any visible signs are observed. This breakthrough in genetic research has revolutionised the cultivation and breeding practices associated with cannabis, providing growers with valuable insights and opportunities for selective breeding.
Life Cycle of Cannabis
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Being an annual plant, cannabis completes its entire life cycle within a single year. Understanding the various stages of its life cycle is crucial for successful cultivation.
1. Germination: Cannabis seeds typically germinate within three to seven days after planting. This initial stage marks the beginning of the plant's journey towards maturity.
2. Vegetative Growth Phase: During the first three months of its life cycle, cannabis undergoes a rapid vegetative growth phase. This phase focuses on the development of leaf mass, ensuring optimal photosynthesis and energy production. Robust and healthy vegetative growth sets the foundation for a productive flowering phase.
3. Flowering Cycle: The flowering cycle is a critical phase in the life of cannabis plants. It is triggered by longer nights following the summer solstice. Depending on the latitude, cannabis flowering requires approximately 10 to 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. During this period, both male and female cannabis plants transition into the reproductive phase.
4. Differentiation of Male and Female Plants: As the flowering cycle progresses, male and female cannabis plants display distinct characteristics. Female plants produce hundreds of tiny flowers, which are clustered together in a large mass known as a "cola." These colas, often exceeding 4 feet (1.2 meters) in height, are a remarkable sight during harvest time. In contrast, male cannabis plants develop pollen sacs instead of flowers, which release pollen for fertilization.
5. Pollination and Seed Production: In natural settings, the male cannabis plants release pollen, which is carried by wind or insects to reach the female flowers. The pollen then fertilizes the female flowers, initiating seed production. However, in controlled cultivation environments, growers often separate male and female plants to prevent undesired pollination, focusing solely on producing high-quality, seedless flowers known as "sinsemilla."
Cannabis, with its dioecious nature and distinct sexes, offers a fascinating insight into the world of plant reproduction. Its evolution towards separate male and female plants has facilitated genetic diversity and adaptation. Understanding the life cycle of cannabis, from germination to flowering, is essential for cultivators seeking successful yields. As research continues to unravel the complexities of this remarkable plant, it is clear that cannabis's sexes play a crucial role in its overall growth, development, and reproduction.
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chappythegardener · 1 year
When Should You Plant Pumpkins in New Jersey?
In New Jersey, pumpkins are typically planted in late spring or early summer, once the soil has warmed up and all danger of frost has passed. The exact timing may vary depending on the specific location within New Jersey and the local climate conditions. Here are some general guidelines for planting pumpkins in New Jersey: Soil temperature: Pumpkins require warm soil for successful germination and growth. The soil temperature should be around 60-65°F (15-18°C) for optimal seed germination. Use a soil thermometer to monitor the temperature. Last frost date: Find out the average last frost date for your specific region in New Jersey. This information will help you determine when it is safe to plant pumpkins outdoors. The last frost date typically falls in late April or early May in most parts of New Jersey. Start seeds indoors (optional): If you want an early start, you can start pumpkin seeds indoors about 2-4 weeks before the last frost date. Sow the seeds in biodegradable pots or seed trays filled with seed-starting mix. Transplant the seedlings outdoors when they have developed a few true leaves and all risk of frost has passed. Direct sowing: Pumpkins can also be directly sown into the garden soil once the danger of frost has passed. Prepare the soil by removing any debris, weeds, and rocks. Create mounds or hills to improve drainage and warm up the soil faster. Soil preparation: Pumpkins prefer well-draining, fertile soil. Amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve its fertility and moisture retention. Perform a soil test to determine the pH level and adjust it if necessary. Planting depth and spacing: Plant the pumpkin seeds about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) deep, with 2-3 seeds per mound or hill. If starting indoors, transplant the seedlings at the same depth. Space the mounds or hills about 4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 meters) apart to allow the vines to spread. Provide adequate sunlight: Choose a sunny location in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. Pumpkins require ample sunlight to thrive and produce healthy fruits. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the plants deeply once or twice a week, depending on rainfall and weather conditions. Avoid overhead watering to prevent foliage diseases. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the plants to conserve moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Support the vines (optional): Depending on the pumpkin variety and space availability, you may consider providing support for the vines. Use trellises, stakes, or other structures to support the vines and prevent the fruits from sitting on the ground. Monitor for pests and diseases: Regularly inspect the plants for common pests like cucumber beetles or squash bugs. Take appropriate measures, such as handpicking or using organic insecticides, to manage pest infestations. Watch for signs of diseases like powdery mildew and promptly treat them if necessary. Harvesting: Pumpkins are typically ready for harvest in New Jersey from late summer to fall, depending on the variety. Harvest the pumpkins when the rinds are fully colored, the stems are dry and starting to crack, and the fruits sound hollow when tapped. Cut the pumpkins from the vine, leaving a few inches of stem attached. These tips will help you successfully grow pumpkins in New Jersey, allowing you to enjoy a bountiful harvest in the fall. Adjust the planting and care practices based on the specific pumpkin variety you choose to grow and the local conditions in your area. Read the full article
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michellebill · 1 year
Seed Starting and Propagation: Tips and Techniques for Growing Plants from Seeds and Cuttings
Starting plants from seeds or cuttings is an exciting and cost-effective way to expand your garden and cultivate a variety of plants. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, understanding the techniques and tips for successful seed starting and propagation is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the step-by-step process of seed starting and propagation, along with valuable tips to ensure healthy plant growth. So, grab your gardening tools, get your hands dirty, and let's delve into the world of seed starting and propagation!
Preparing for Seed Starting: 1.1. Gather Supplies: Acquire the necessary supplies, including high-quality seeds, seed trays or pots, seed starting mix, labels, and a watering can or mister. 1.2. Determine Seed Starting Time: Research the recommended sowing time for each plant variety, considering factors such as the last frost date in your area and the specific requirements of the plant. 1.3. Seed Treatment: Some seeds benefit from treatments such as soaking, scarification, or stratification. Understand the specific needs of your seeds and follow the appropriate treatment method, if necessary.
Seed Starting Process: 2.1. Seed Tray Preparation: Fill seed trays or pots with a seed starting mix, which provides a light and well-draining medium for optimal germination. Moisten the mix before sowing seeds. 2.2. Sowing Seeds: Follow the instructions on the seed packet for proper sowing depth and spacing. Gently press the seeds into the soil and cover them lightly with the seed starting mix. 2.3. Proper Watering: Use a watering can or mister to water the seeds gently, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overwatering, as excessive moisture can lead to fungal diseases. 2.4. Light and Temperature: Place the seed trays in a warm and well-lit area. Consider using grow lights or placing the trays near a sunny window to provide adequate light. Maintain the recommended temperature for seed germination.
Transplanting Seedlings: 3.1. True Leaf Development: Once the seedlings develop their true leaves (second set of leaves), they are ready for transplanting into individual pots or larger containers. 3.2. Handle with Care: Gently lift the seedlings by their leaves or use a small tool to carefully transplant them, taking care not to damage the delicate roots. 3.3. Soil Preparation: Fill the new pots or containers with a suitable potting mix, ensuring it provides good drainage and nutrient availability. 3.4. Transplanting Process: Create a small hole in the potting mix and carefully place the seedling into it. Firmly press the soil around the seedling to provide stability.
Propagation through Cuttings: 4.1. Selecting Cuttings: Choose healthy and disease-free plants for taking cuttings. Look for stems that are free of flowers or buds and make a clean cut just below a leaf node. 4.2. Preparing Cuttings: Remove the lower leaves from the stem, leaving only a few leaves at the top. Dip the cut end of the stem into a rooting hormone powder or gel to promote root development. 4.3. Rooting Medium: Use a well-draining rooting medium, such as a mixture of perlite and peat moss or a specialized rooting mix. Ensure the medium is moist but not waterlogged. 4.4. Rooting Process: Insert the prepared cuttings into the rooting medium, making sure they are secure and upright. Cover the cuttings with a plastic dome or a plastic bag to create a humid environment that promotes root growth.
General Tips for Seed Starting and Propagation: 5.1. Provide Adequate Light: As seedlings and cuttings grow, they require sufficient light for healthy development. If natural light is insufficient, supplement with artificial grow lights positioned at the appropriate distance from the plants. 5.2. Maintain Proper Moisture Levels: Monitor the moisture level of the soil or rooting medium to prevent under or overwatering. Water from the bottom by placing the pots in a tray of water, allowing the soil to absorb moisture gradually. 5.3. Gradual Acclimation: When transplanting seedlings or rooted cuttings outdoors, gradually expose them to the outdoor environment by placing them in a sheltered location for a few hours each day. This process, known as hardening off, helps them adjust to the outdoor conditions. 5.4. Prune and Pinch: Regularly prune and pinch back the seedlings or newly rooted plants to encourage branching and compact growth. This will result in fuller and healthier plants. 5.5. Monitor for Pests and Diseases: Keep a close eye on your seedlings and propagated plants for any signs of pests or diseases. Catching and treating issues early can help prevent them from spreading and causing significant damage. 5.6. Patience and Persistence: Remember that seed starting and propagation can be a trial-and-error process. Not all seeds will germinate, and not all cuttings will root successfully. Be patient, learn from your experiences, and don't be afraid to try again.
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agrisearch · 2 years
Acidic soil can also squeeze out billions if you know how
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Acidic soil can also squeeze out billions Alkaline soil is the main concern of farmers. Perhaps we have heard the name Israel Startup Nation, we admire their creativity that makes the desert come to life, they grow trees and raise fish in the desert making it a pride and pride. pride of the country. Nothing is impossible if we work hard, always explore and learn with relentless creativity, and we also have people who make miracles by getting rich on this impossibly difficult land. Acidic soil – the obsession of farmers Soil contaminated alum Acidic soil is a soil containing sulfide (FeS, FeS2) and sulphate of iron, aluminum (FeSO4, Fe2(SO4)3, Ah2(SO4)3 causing soil acidity, reducing yield, especially in crops and rice. soil Acid sulphate soils are considered as the "evil" of farmers because of the consequences they leave behind. Acid acid soil directly affects the growth of plants, it is difficult for plants to absorb nutrients, even dead plants, making the soil environment polluted, besides also affecting water sources. A Dutch expert once said: "Alum soil is a demon, let it sleep, don't wake it up because not only does it not benefit but people are also disturbed by it." Acidic soil where many billionaires were born The area of ​​acid acid soil in Vietnam is up to 1.8 million hectares. Nowadays, people's life is developing more and more with physico-chemical factors that make the soil more polluted and directly affect the health of people. People. Therefore, soil adaptation and improvement is extremely important. Enterprising farmers, sowing hope in the barren land to reap sweet fruits, from which billionaires on acid soil were born. Let's learn about the golden hand in the farming village - Mr. Nguyen Van Sau (Binh Thanh commune, Trang Bang town, Tay Ninh). With an endless love for farming and sympathy for the farmers suffering from acid sulfate soil, he did business and saved as much money as he bought back the abandoned land contaminated with acid sulfate by his relatives. "reviving" this monkey land. Planting pineapple on alkaline soil With the model of growing pineapple on alkaline soil, despite many difficulties, Mr. Sau has achieved success. Here, green pineapple fields are produced with high yield, with economic efficiency 5 times higher than that of rice production with 2 crops/year. Mr. Sau shared that "Agriculture sometimes takes a lot of courage", indeed, he is a very reckless and enterprising person, not afraid to lose, and he has achieved worthy results for himself. and the people here. Planting oranges on acid soil Perhaps in life, everyone has eaten oranges, sweet and juicy oranges are both good for health and awaken the taste buds. But can you believe that oranges can also germinate and bear fruit on alkaline soil. The pioneer in growing oranges on acid sulfate soil is Mr. Huynh Cong Chanh in Tan Trung hamlet, Ta Danh commune, Tri Ton district (An Giang), he boldly improved the land to grow oranges. Unexpectedly, the tree grew up green and bore fruit. With the average selling price on the market from 18,000 - 20,000 VND/kg of oranges in the off season, it is estimated that he makes a profit of 30 million VND a year. And now he has planted 6 hectares of oranges, combined with rice seed production, has earned 1.2 billion VND/year to help him and his family have a stable life. In order to grow oranges with high efficiency and productivity, he shared that he has carefully invested in tillage, mulching, alum washing, alum treatment, embankment leveling, automatic irrigation pumping system and plant varieties. … All is not easy, it takes care, patience and passion for cultivation. How to improve acid soil? There is no inter-crop production, so there is time for the land to rest and improve and plow after harvest. Simultaneous application of measures such as removing sour, washing alum, fertilize are effective solutions. Using deep plowing, drying to make the acidification process take place strongly, then it is washed away by rain. Raise the beds by making the soil into high beds so that the acid layer is covered on top, using straw grass on the soil to form an organic buffer. Acid tolerant plants Someone once said, "When God closes a door and opens a new one at the same time", God gives us alum soil, and also gives us plants that can adapt to the conditions here. We can grow trees such as: jute, watermelon, lemon, guava, kumquat (used as a rootstock for oranges, tangerines, grapefruits) ... Although alkaline soil is the quintessence of farmers, but with recklessness, dare to think, face difficulties, getting rich even on acid acid soil is an obvious thing. Read the full article
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arcadianambivalence · 6 years
#Germinalclub: 1.2 Thoughts
Full disclaimer: I’ve already read Germinal, so I can’t promise any discussion here won’t include vague references to what happens later in the novel.  If you’re reading this for the first time and don’t want even a hint of what’s to come, I’d suggest skipping this post.
“Surrounded by the fields of corn and beet, the mining village called Two Hundred and Forty lay sleeping beneath the black sky...”
Within the first sentence, we see the lack of identity and individuality through the town’s name: Two Hundred and Forty, one of many mining towns so indistinct, they’re given numbers instead of meaningful names.
The company had each house given a garish combination of decorations: pine furniture, prints of the Emperor and Empress on the walls, etc. Basically, the Maheu’s house is dressed nicer than they are.
The Maheu family sleeps crowded in the house.  Fifteen-year-old Catherine is first to rise, exhausted, but cheerful.  Zola describes her in detail, but as noted by Maraudeuse, it feels less like a “look how hot she is” description and more of a “look what the mines have already done to her” description. The physical toll of the environment and malnutrition is seen in the other children, too.
The eldest children (Catherine, Zacharie, and Jeanlin) and Touissant prepare for the morning shift at the mine.  When Touissant and his wife wake up in the morning, they almost immediately begin to discuss the issue of money and dwindling food.  If they’re not working, they’re doing emotional labor.
This family (and likely all families in this town) is allowed the bare minimum to survive on: bread, cheese, butter, coffee grounds from the shop, cabbages grown in the yard, and contaminated water. Even the coal the company so charitably treats them with is second-rate.
Zacharie is twenty-one and has two kids with the neighbor, Philomene, but they probably don’t make enough to live together and take care of the kids on their own. Catherine, on the other hand, already takes on a parent-like role.  She is the one who wakes everyone up in the morning and assembles sandwiches for the working family members.  I don’t know if this was meant to be a social commentary on gender dynamics or if it shows how children in this town don’t get to be children...and young adults don’t really get to be young adults, either. People are workers first and foremost, human beings second.
As Touissant and his eldest children leave for the mines, the candles in each house in the village are going out like dying stars, and once again, we approach the mine in utter darkness.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Oh, God, it's so important to learn to NOTICE though. When I first started learning about plants I realized that the real world—the REAL real world, and that's what I'm getting at here really, the natural world is so much more REAL, because human made environments are like...very dim, simplified simulations—is boggling to the mind in its sheer level of detail.
It feels like there's so much happening on the screen when you look at the internet, so much visual chaos in the form of ads and sidebars and videos that play automatically, but, God, just look at some dirt. Look at a regular patch of grass and weeds and look at how much there is going on.
How many species of plant are in a weedy, overgrown lawn? Whatever number you guess, it's too low, because you haven't learned to see. You can only see big and obvious shapes and colors. But I realized I was trapped in this...almost toddler-like simplification in my perception, and I realized that the more I cracked my brain open trying to identify plants and trees, the more I could zoom in on the parts of nature that had once seemed like the finest level of detail and see higher and more intricate tiers of complexity.
To almost everyone, grass looks like just grass. Do you know how many kinds of grass there are? Do you know how many I've found in my own yard? There are at least 15 different grass and sedge species in our yard. And I have no idea how they all looked like just grass to me before. There are dozens and dozens of species of plants and wildflowers in our "lawn."
And there are trees! Tiny saplings, the children of great and mighty trees, constantly sprouting in lawns and roadsides and ditches, unable to know that they are destined to be unnoticed and cursorily mowed down.
Today I saw a tiny oak tree, maybe six inches tall, poking from the grass in a green, well-maintained lawn, and I felt so much grief, because that little tree is never going to grow up to be a towering giant, because—why? Because of the kind of world ours is. Not because we don't want to live in a world of towering trees, but because we've genuinely and through no malice or transgression of our own become unable to see and recognize those trees as tiny seedlings. Every patch of grass is the same as every other patch of grass to us.
And, because of the kind of world ours is, it doesn't really occur to us that there would be trees in our back yards if we looked. Trees? For free? Nothing in this world is free. Trees are forty-two dollars apiece, at the garden center at Lowe's. Trees are an asset to highlight when you are selling your house. 1.2 acres, fruit trees on property! 1.4 acres, mature trees!
Anything that begins to grow in your lawn unprompted, without your permission, is a "weed," automatically in our minds, because...it doesn't make sense. Beautiful flowers and sweet, edible fruits happen because of hard work, fertilizer, landscape fabric, weeding, watering, soil testing kits, hundreds spent on potted perennials. We all know that. Nothing generous or beautiful ever just happens to us, so every little stranger that germinates in our lawns is a "weed," threatening to take away what little we do have.
And yet. And yet blackberries are ripening in the shaded thicket out behind my house. And yet wild chicory and dandelions are blooming in the tall grass to the brush pile. I show my family a picture of what the purple passion flowers will look like when they bloom, and it's like it's hard for them to believe—that's native to here? they just grow wild?
They do. They do. And so do majestic oak and sycamore trees, elm and tulip poplar. The seeds of trees that may outlive us by hundreds of years have germinated in our lawns and sidewalks and drainage ditches. This place was a forest once, and in all its little edges and corners it is always starting to become a forest again.
I think we HAVE to see this. I think every single person needs to break their brain with 25 hours of trying to identify plants using Wikipedia, Google, and pure confusing-sedge-induced rage until they get their third eye blown wide the fuck open.
People need to see this happening with their own eyes, the Happening that is always happening in nature, the activity and life always flourishing and living in every square millimeter of every yard and walkway and roadside, how absolutely absolutely bursting with species even a crack in the pavement on the side of the road is, how mind-numbingly simplified and static our concept of the natural world around us is next to the real thing.
There are so many kinds of lightning bugs. Did y'all know that? I'm seeing them now. There are many different species, with different colors and markings, and I'm noticing them chilling in the foliage around me in the daytime. I'm listening to the songs of birds and learning to recognize them, and there are so many more birds around me than I really realized.
I heard the call of a bird today that I did not recognize. Why didn't it register in my mind before that birdsongs I couldn't recognize were gaps in my knowledge?
Why doesn't it feel essential, immediate and necessary to seek knowledge about the other living things in our immediate surroundings? To at least know their names?
If I don't know my neighbor's name after living next to them for ten years, I haven't done anything to be their neighbor; they're just a stranger that lives near me. Are the trees and birds around me not my neighbors too? People will look up the name of an actor they've recognized before in a show, the name of a song they heard. Why are grasses and trees so far outside of what immediately seems relevant to us? What has our world done to our curiosity? To our sense of belonging in a world that is fundamentally interconnected and generous and alive?
Out there, on a pristine green lawn, a tiny seedling of an oak tree sprouts, barely six inches high. I saw it earlier on my walk, and I felt so sad. I'm sorry that we cut down a forest and turned it into this place. That's what I thought. But something changed in my mind as I thought it.
I realized that a forest was not a thing but a process, and not a process either in the sense that there's a beginning and an end result, but in the sense of things happening and being connected to other things, and I understood that the immensity of this thing far transcended what the word "forest" denotes.
A baby oak tree growing with nobody's permission on a flat green lawn belongs to this thing, "forest," just as much as a massive hundreds-of-years-old oak tree in the depths of the woods belongs to "forest," because a forest is growth, survival, persistence, the fight of a place that once was a forest to become forest again
I'm sorry I said to the tree you cannot kill me in a way that matters said the tree in reply, and I saw my own insignificance next to the indifference of the universe, and it was so infinitely gentle and merciful
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saud119214 · 4 years
ID: 119214
Date: 6, December, 2020
Topics: City of trees
On a mission to plant a million trees over the next two years, Freetown faces some problems getting the job done. So, what are the solutions? October 2020, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, mayor of Freetown, shares solutions that can be used to make the city full of trees, at Sierra Leone.
A month after the end of the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, in December 2015, Yvonne Aki Sawyer was surprised that the green cover of the forest had disappeared as it turned into a barren land. She felt that the real reason was the impact of climate change in the country.
The country of Sierra Leone regularly witnesses different climatic patterns, especially torrential torrents, as this leads to failure of crops, and thus causes the population to migrate from rural areas to the city of Freetown, a city with a population of 1.2 million. Housing pressure caused the forest and its land to be sold to building builders. And thus, resulted in desertification phenomenon.
The desire to solve these problems began with the germination of the first 500,000 seeds during the rainy season of the year. As well as increasing the green areas by 50% in Freetown by 2022, which means planting a million trees and this does not come without the cooperation of everyone. So that the city becomes proud of what everyone has done for it.
15 different tree factions were planted in 11 sites around the city. and planting a tree in every home, every school, every office, every public area, every hill. As well as customizing the community growth teams using the locally made tree tracking app to make sure everyone is a part of the process. It was one of the solutions followed. The aim is to make a small contribution to increasing the required carbon pool at the global level.
Von Aki Sawyer said "This isn't just about planting trees; it's about growing trees, and it's about ensuring that each one of us is part of the process," she says. "A million trees is our city's small contribution to increasing the much-needed global carbon sink."
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 168
Hot, But Can't Do Without: The wisdom behind the hotness of peppers
Like all omnivorous foods, peppers - both hot and sweet - have been created in unique, wise ways to make them appealing to eat and to help reproduce.
Plants and their fruits are sustenance for herbivores, including humans. They are often brightly colored - be it red, orange, yellow, purple, or green, inviting us to a delicious food. But not all plants are meant to be eaten. Indeed, some plants are designed to be unappetizing, either through look or smell; some even have thorns, or sticky, hairy surfaces to deter us from eating them. Another remarkable way that plants are protected against herbivores is the presence of unique chemicals that induce vomiting and pain, or may be toxic.
Many edible plants need to be eaten - it's how they spread their seeds. Thus, they produce juicy, tasty skin and sweet-smelling aromas. Why, then, are hot peppers different? Though they are nicely colored and juicy, and sweet smelling, they are also hot, and not terribly pleasant for animals to eat.
A recent study at New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute determined the hottest chili to be the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chili. It was chosen from among 125 varieties. Researchers dried and ground it to powder, to isolate its active compound. This way, they were able to determine that the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion reaches about 1.2 million units on the Scoville heat scale. It is so potent that it could induce sweating and tears, and of course puts the mouth on fire.
Molecular mechanism of TRPV receptor activated by capsaicin. TRPVs are located on the surface of nerve cells where they normally respond to changes in temperature by releasing calcium ions. Those ions signal to intracellular machinery to fire nerve action to inform the brain about increased levels of heat. Capsaicin in hot peppers mimics this system, and thus fools brain to think mouth is hot.
What make hot peppers hot?
Animals are equipped with receptors, like TRPV1 in the mouth's nerve endings, which sense heat. Hot peppers produce a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin binds to and activates TRPV1 receptors; thus we feel a heat similar to a burning sensation. In reality, capsaicin does not actually increase the temperature in the mouth, but instead mimics the same process (Figure 1). Since capsaicin mainly dissolves in oil instead of water, drinking water does not help much to get rid of the burning sensation. Cold water provides only temporary aid. However, the drinking of ayran (a Turkish yogurt drink) relieves hotness by removing capsaicin due to the presence of oil in ayran. Interestingly, although mammals have receptors for capsaicin, scientists have recently discovered that birds don't.
Capsaicin deters mammalian consumption
It is an interesting phenomenon that peppers are hot but need to be eaten to propagate their seeds in different environments, which is done through the droppings of animals. If this is the case, why are hot peppers made unpleasant with capsaicin? To figure out the wisdom behind this contradiction, Joshua Tewksbury performed a study with a group of mice and birds, and found that birds do not distinguish between sweet and hot peppers in their diet. In this study, both mice and birds ate the same amount when fed with food mixed with sweet peppers. However, mice refused to eat foods mixed with hot peppers, while birds happily ate such food. Moreover, analysis of the droppings of birds and mice showed that the seeds passed through the bird's digestion systems were intact and fully fertile and could germinate, while seeds eaten by mice were either crushed or semi digested so that they were not fertile. Thus, the role of capsaicin in hot peppers is to deter mammals that destroy their seeds while not disturbing birds. This is a great example of ingenious interdependence.
Capsaicin as antifungal agent of peppers
Figure 2. Capsaicin is not only protective against mammals but also fungus contaminations. A) Insects make peppers prone to fungus contamination by causing harm. B) Healthy pepper C) A pepper with fungal contamination. Modified Image from Tewksbury lab.
The infinite wisdom of capsaicin protects peppers against fungus as well. Another study by Tewksbury showed that hot peppers are relatively protected against fungal infections. Tewksbury demonstrated that increased doses of capsaicin inhibit the growth of fungus. This finding is in parallel with lower fungus growth in hot peppers compared to sweet peppers.
But what about insects? How could peppers be protected from insects?
Adaptations against insects
Interestingly, the skins of hot and sweet peppers have different levels of thickness. It has been suggested that this gives an advantage to sweet peppers. Furthermore, this protective layer is made of lignin, which is made of the same material as capsaicin and helps to protect from other threats. This allows peppers to adapt to many different environments. For instance, in the presence of fungal contamination, a pepper might be able to produce more capsaicin and decrease lignin production, or vice versa.
Why do we like to eat hot peppers then?
Humans differ from mammals in their love of hot peppers. There are different explanations why we like to eat hot peppers, despite them being painful. Some experts assert that hot peppers are good for our health by lowering blood pressure, having antimicrobial effects, and increasing salivation thus making a boring diet fun. On the other hand, some experts approach it from the perspective of human emotions and argue that we are actually after the pain produced by hot peppers. In addition, there are some studies suggesting that capsaicin could also suppress other pains.
Hot pepper or capsaicin as pain suppressor
Capsaicin in hot peppers could be used as a pain suppressor, as some studies suggested. A study using mice lacking TRPV1 heat receptors showed that the increased long term activation of TRPV1 by capsaicin could relieve pain following the accumulation of high doses of Ca2+ in the cells. This is accomplished by the suppression of both cellular activities and the transmission of pain through nerves.
Hot peppers are hot and we love them. It seems like we will continue consuming them. As every other art of creation, hot or sweet peppers are likely to have many more levels of wisdom awaiting us to discover.
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colloquium0 · 2 years
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Six-mile cypress slough is a nature preserve founded in the early 1970s by a group of Lee County high school students in a class called the Monday Group, in which they learned about the hardwood wetlands in Fort Myers. Around that time, Fort Myers was a rapidly growing community and these students grew concerned that the development of the land was a threat to the slough. These students raised their concern to their fellow Lee County citizens and gathered enough signatures in petition to convert the slough into a preserve. The preserve spans an area of about 3500 acres and features a 1.2-mile-long boardwalk in which its visitors are educated about its wildlife and natural systems.
A slough is defined as a drainage channel in a wetland, Six mile cypress is specifically a swamp. The trees at the slough had actually been logged before, and what currently stands as a second growth of the forest, they were planted in an effort to restore the forest. Cypress trees inhabit the slough and they are wetland trees, meaning that they are adapted to survive flooded conditions for an extended amount of time.
Gator Lake has deep water and steep sides which hint that the lake is man-made. The lake was actually a location that was used to mine limestone. Alligators reside in the lake and are aware of the presence of humans, however, they do not approach us and are afraid of us. On top of their fear of us, they feel that approaching us would make them use more energy than it is worth for them. It is important for us to avoid feeding the alligators as they will see humans as a source of food and inevitably become aggressive towards us as an effect.
The shortcut intersection at the slough is a location in which the change of only a few inches in the depth of the water will make a significant difference in the ecosystem. The oaks will compete with the pine trees, as the oaks can tolerate wetter soil than pines. This area is typical of an ecotone, which is referred to as an area of transition from one ecosystem to another; in this case from the lake to the forested berm.
Two other tree species found in the Woof Duck Pond; Pond Apple and Pop Ash, are shorter lived than the others and are multi-stemmed, smaller trees. The water that flows under these trees protects eggs and nestlings from prey. A common fish in these waters is the Florida Gar.
Why should we protect the Six Mile Cypress Slough? Not only is it a habitat for wildlife and plants, but it also contributes to the ecosystem that wetlands provide. The slough holds water during the wet season, and carries water 2-3 feet deep, draining 33 square miles of water during that wet season. The Slough currently empties into Ten Mile Canal which empties into Mullock Creek and eventually Estero Bay.
How are the natural ponds formed? Ponds such as the Otter Pond can be created in one of three ways; The acidic rain can seep into the limestone and weather it into a bowl shape to make the pond, fire can deplete the trees from water and cause the trees to avoid germinating and leave open water ponds, and alligators can also maintain ponds by digging out the ponds when water draws out during the dry season.
An epiphyte is a plant that lives on another plant. Resurrection fern grows on the upper surface of branches of the trees that grow in swamps. They obtain all the nutrients and water they need from moisture in the air and rainwater. Tourism is a key driver of our economy here in Florida, so maintaining the ecosystems and environment is crucial to keeping our economy stable.
The Pop Ash pond has interesting qualities that serve the ecosystem such as heartwood of virgin cypress trees that are very rot-resistant and was very demanded for the times logging was happening here. When trees were cut down and found to be hollow, the stumps were left there instead of being dragged out of the slough. Cypress knees are also a part of the ecosystem and are thought to serve a similar function as the humps on camels; providing storage of food and water for the trees that reside on the slough.
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ikpress1 · 2 years
In a crude oil polluted soil amended with cow dung and hydrogen peroxide, the vegetative parameters and chlorophyll concentrations of Okra (Abelmeschus esculentus L.) and Melon (Citrulus colocynthis L.) were examined. A 5kg soil sample was polluted with 200 ml of crude oil (4 percent v/w) and a control sample (no pollution). T1 (polluted soil + 1.2 kg cow dung), T2 (polluted soil + 1000 ml H2O2), T3 (polluted soil + 0.6 kg cow dung +500 ml H2O2), T4 (polluted soil without amendment), and T5 (Unpolluted soil without amendment) were employed in a completely randomised design. Each therapy was divided into two groups (A and B). After one month of post-remediation, okra and melon were planted in each pair of A and B and monitored for eight weeks. The chlorophyll content and vegetative parameters (germination %, plant height, leaf numbers, leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight) were investigated. The addition of the amendments greatly increased the vegetative metrics and chlorophyll content of the plants, according to the findings. T1 > T3 >T5 > T2 >T4 was the sequence of vegetative improvement for the two crops. T2 > T1 > T5 > T3 > T4 was the chlorophyll content. Cow dung and H2O2 have been shown to be excellent remediation materials in crude oil polluted soil for improving okra and melon performance, and cow dung alone is the best treatment option. Please see the link :- https://www.ikprress.org/index.php/JOGAE/article/view/924
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yohib · 3 years
Essential Tools for the Hydroponic System
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pH meter
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pH is a measure of how acidic or how alkaline water is. A pH of 7 is neutral. pH levels that range from 1 to 6 are acidic, and levels from 8 to 14 are considered alkaline or basic. Different plants have their preferences regarding pH levels. To ensure the best possible growth, you need to have a way of testing and then adjusting the pH level of your water. A pH meter can be obtained from local hydroponics stores or online. You need to calibrate the sensor with the calibration powder that comes with the meter. A basic pH meter will cost you $10 to $20. Don’t use paper test strips for the water because they are inaccurate. Most of the time, a pH meter is offered in combination with a TDS or EC meter.
EC meter
Electrical conductivity is a measurement of how easily electricity passes through the water, the higher the ion content, the better it is at conducting electricity. All water has ions in it. When you add nutrients to the water, you are increasing the ion content, effectively increasing the electrical conductivity. EC or Electrical Conductivity is an integral part of the hydroponics equation. The simplest way of explaining this is as a guide to salts dissolved in water. Its unit is siemens per meter, but in hydroponics, we use milli-siemens per meter. In short, the higher the number of salts in the water, the higher the conductivity. Water that has no salt (distilled water) will have zero conductivity. However, electrical conductivity needs are also affected by the weather. When it is hot, the plants evaporate more water. That is why you need to decrease the EC in hot summer months. In colder winter months, you need to increase the EC. In warm weather, you need to decrease the EC. In cold weather, you need to increase the EC. An EC meter doesn’t tell you the specific amount of which mineral or fertilizer is in the water. If you only use a nutrient solution using the right ratios, you shouldn’t worry. Just because it doesn’t monitor individual nutrients, doesn’t mean it is not useful. Salt levels that are too high will damage your plants. You generally need to keep them between 0.8 and 1.2 for leafy greens and between 2 and 3.5 for fruiting crops like tomatoes. The source of the water can influence the EC reading. Sometimes, you see the recommended nutrient levels listed as CF. CF is the conductivity factor. This is like EC, used in Europe. If you multiply EC by ten, you will become CF.
TDS meter
TDS stands for total dissolved salts. You may hear some hydroponics growers referring to the TDS and not EC. These are both used to determine the strength of your hydroponic solution. If you buy a TDS meter, there will also be an option to switch to EC readings. It is crucial to understand that TDS is a calculated figure. TDS readings are converted from an EC reading. The problem occurs when you don’t know which calculation method was used to produce the TDS; there are several different ones. In general, EC and CF readings are used in Europe, while TDS is an American measurement. But, regardless of which measurement you choose to use, they are both effectively the same thing: a measure of the nutrient levels in your solution. The NaCI Conversion factor This is effectively measuring salt in the water. The conversion factor for this mineral is your micro siemens figure multiplied by any number between 0.47 and 0.5. You’ll find most TDS meters use 0.5. This is the easiest one for you to remember and calculate. Most of the meters sold will use the NaCl conversion factor. As an example, if you have a reading of 1 EC (1 milli Siemens or 1000 micro Siemens), you will have a TDS reading of 500ppm.
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Natural Water Conversion factor This conversion factor is referred to as the 4-4-2; this quantifies its contents. Forty percent sodium sulfate, forty percent sodium bicarbonate, and twenty percent sodium chloride. Again, the conversion factor is a range, this time between 0.65 and 0.85. Most TDS meters will use 0.7.
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Potassium Chloride, KCI Conversion factor This conversion factor is not a range this time. It is simply a figure of 0.55. Your EC meter reading 1EC or 1000 micro Siemens will equate to 550 ppm.
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These are not all the possible conversion options, but they are the most common. The first, NaCl is the most used today.
Dissolved oxygen sensor
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Plant roots need oxygen to remain healthy and ensure the plant grows properly. The dissolved oxygen sensor will help you to understand how much oxygen is available in the water and ensure it is enough to keep your plants healthy. If plants don’t get enough oxygen to their roots, they can die. A minimum of 5 ppm is recommended.
A dissolved oxygen meter will be expensive for the hobbyist to buy, especially when you are starting. That is why dissolved oxygen meters are generally not purchased by people who do hydroponics for fun. A good meter can cost you $170 to $500 for a reputable brand. You do not need to invest in one if you oxygenate the water. Oxygenation of the water can be done by using an air pump with an air-stone in the water tank. Depending on the method of growing, you don’t need to aerate the water. The dissolved oxygen in the water will be at its lowest during the summer. The water heats up, and the dissolved oxygen becomes less available. While your plants can do very well in winter, they might lack oxygen during summer.
Net Pots
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In some systems, you will need net pots to hold the plants. This is mostly true for deep water culture (DWC), Kratky, wick systems, Aeroponics, fogponics, dutch buckets, and possibly vertical towers. Make sure you get the net pots with a lip on top to keep them from falling through. The standard size for lettuce is two inches (five centimeters). If you want to use tomatoes with dutch buckets, six inches (fifteen centimeters) is recommended. 3 and 2-inch (7 and 5 cm) net pots If you are creating a new system on a budget, there are a variety of other options that can be used instead of buying net pots. For example, plastic cups with lots of holes in them, or simply fine netting on a wireframe. Use your imagination! 6-inch (15 cm) net pots for a 5-gallon (18 liters) bucket
Germination tray and dome
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You need to start seeds in a dedicated germination tray. Most of these trays are 10x10 or 10x20 inches (25x25 or 25x50 centimeters) and generally include a humidity dome. These trays are used to let your seeds germinate and keep the humidity high. After the first true leaves appear, it is time to transplant them into your system. Usually, this is after ten to fifteen days. The humidity should be between sixty and seventy percent, while temperatures should be 68-77°F or 20-25°C. A 10x10 germination tray with humidity dome.
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yaorong · 3 years
Analysis the effect of full-spectrum 800w LED grow light on plant photosynthesis
The region where plants are most sensitive to the spectrum is 400-700nm. This spectrum is usually called the effective energy region of photosynthesis. Approximately 45% of the energy of sunlight lies in this spectrum. If the artificial light source 800wLED grow light is used to fill light, the spectral distribution of the light source should also be close to this range.
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Some researchers believe that the orange-red light part has the greatest photosynthesis capacity. This does not mean that plants should be cultivated under such a monochromatic light source. For plant morphology and leaf color, plants should receive a variety of balanced light sources. The blue light source (400-500nm) is very important for plant differentiation and stoma regulation. If the blue light is not enough and the far-red light ratio is too much, the stems will overgrow, which will easily cause the leaves to turn yellow. The ratio of the energy of the red light spectrum (655-665nm) to the energy of the far-red light spectrum (725-735nm) is between 1.0 and 1.2, and the growth of plants is positive. But each plant has a different sensitivity to these spectral ratios.
The effects of the spectrum of each stage of the full-spectrum 800wLED grow light on plant photosynthesis:
280~315 nm: minimal influence on morphology and physiological processes.
315~400nm: Less absorption of chlorophyll, which affects the photoperiod effect.
400~520 nm (blue): The absorption rate of chlorophyll and carotenoids is the largest.
520~610nm (green): The pigment absorption rate is not high.
610~720nm (red): The absorption rate of chlorophyll is low, which has a significant impact on photosynthesis and photoperiod effects.
720~1000nm: Low absorption rate, stimulate cell elongation, affect flowering and seed germination.
>1000nm: Converted to heat.
Distribution of full-spectrum 800wLED grow light source:
(Each set uses 35W, the best irradiation radius is 4-5 meters, the best installation height is 2-2.5 meters, and the interval is 4-5 meters)
(Each set uses 70W, the best irradiation radius is 5-6 meters, the best installation height is 2.5.-3 meters, and the interval is 5-6 meters)
(Each set uses 150W, the best irradiation radius is 10 meters, the best installation height is 5-7 meters, and the interval is 10-12 meters)
(Each set uses 250W, the best irradiation radius is 15-20 meters, the best installation height is 8-12 meters, and the interval is 15-20 meters)
The full-spectrum 800wLED grow light is a supplementary light source for plant growth developed by simulating the solar spectrum. The visible light in the spectrum has a reasonable distribution ratio from the blue part of 385nm to the red part of 780nm. The light color is like daylight, with strong color rendering and color temperature. The drift is small, and it can fully meet the requirements of plants to supplement light.
The full-spectrum 800wLED grow light is based on the spectrum required by plants to develop a full-spectrum artificial light source, which can supplement light for the growth of plants at all stages, just like natural light allows plants to grow better. The full-spectrum 800wLED grow light can fill up the light for plants at any time. When the sun's light is insufficient, it can extend the light up time for the plants. Provides the light required by plants without being affected by any environmental changes.
The photon energy emitted by the light source varies with wavelength. The energy of 800wLED grow light with a wavelength of 400nm (blue light) is 1.75 times that of 700nm (red light). The rate of plant photosynthesis is determined by the number of photons that the plant can absorb at 400-700nm, and has nothing to do with the number of photons emitted by each spectrum.
But the common sense of ordinary people believes that the color of light will affect the speed of photosynthesis. Plants have different sensitivity to all spectra. This reason comes from the special absorption of pigments by the leaves. Just like chlorophyll, but chlorophyll is not the only useful pigment for photosynthesis. Other pigments are also involved in photosynthesis, so the efficiency of photosynthesis cannot only consider the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll.
The difference in photosynthesis path is also not related to color. Light energy is absorbed by the chlorophyll and carotene in the leaves. Energy is converted from two types of photosynthetic systems into glucose and oxygen with fixed water and carbon dioxide. This process uses all the visible light spectrum, so the effects of light sources of various colors on photosynthesis are almost the same.
The full-spectrum LED grow light can bring obvious effects to the growth of plants like sunlight, and is not affected by seasonal factors and regional problems, and can fill light at any time throughout the day. If it is only sunlight, the growth of plants will get worse with time when the season comes or northern regions, especially in greenhouses, greenhouses and other planting bases, which lack sufficient light. By using full-spectrum LED grow lights, it can not only promote Its growth can also extend the flowering period and improve the quality of plants.
For the cultivation of flowers, full-spectrum LED grow lights also play the role of landscape lighting. Because of the strong color rendering of the light source, it gives people a beautiful and pleasing feeling.
The advantages of full-spectrum LED grow lights can be highlighted, which should be suitable for the supplementary light needs of most plants. It can supplement the light of various wavelengths needed by plants.
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