#get back rarry shippers
lydiaas · 2 years
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favourite relationships - outer banks edition
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hollyparker · 3 months
➺ Name: Holly or Kiara (not my real name, though I wish either was)
➺ Birthday: August 7th
➺ Hobbies: Just reading (I'm boring, I know)...
➺ Zodiac: Leo (idk much about this, only about me)
➺ Personality Type(s): INFP-T or ISFP-T
➺ I really like Greek Mythology
➺ Multifandom (though, at the moment, I'm hyperfixated on HP)
➺ I'm pretty open-minded and like trying new things
➺ I love art, especially fanart! Artists have my heart forever and ever; they’re gifts sent from the heavens. Here to bless us with their glorious minds and talent 😚❤️✨
➺ I love genderbent or genderbending characters (i.e., fem!Harry, fem!Percy, etc), though there's never really any good fics about them. It's a struggle out here :c
➺ I'm a canon and fanon follower
➺ I’m a Golden Trio fan & Marauders fan (specifically the Potters).
➺ I actually really love Jily, Hinny, Romione
➺ Characters I stan: Harry (but I am the chosen one) Potter, Perseus (I didn't want to be a half-blood) Jackson, Sakura Haruno, Bonnie Bennett, Hope Mikaelson, Jean Grey, Wanda Maximoff, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Nightwing, Matt Murdock, Midoriya Izuku, Yuji Itadori. There's more, but I can't remember at the moment.
➺ I am a hardcore women lover (platonically, I think...), okay? So if you're misogynistic, then please stay far far away from me. Thank you!
Fun (or not so fun) Fact About Me ↓↓
• I'm very introverted and VERY indecisive (and I mean this for everything). I cannot, for the life of me, decide on what exactly I like or don't like. Especially in fandoms, for like ships and characters. Some days I'll hate a character (or a ship), then the very next day I'm swinging my feet, giggling, and jumping up and down reading a really good fic on them/with them or I saw some really good fanart or character analysis of them. Like, I'm not on anyone's (or maybe I'm on everyone's) side. I'm just in the middle, listening to everyone, being swayed back and fourth. I'm basically a double agent or spy (Severus Snape type beat, honestly). • I have the worse memory ever, and I really mean the worst. I not only can’t recall things from my childhood but I can’t recall what I did the previous day. I forget things so fast. I’m always forgetting if I’ve eaten or not.
My Other Socials & Stuff ↓↓
My (maybe) Controversial Takes ↓↓
➺ I'm anti Jegulus. Do I like Regulus? eh, it depends. Do I like James? Of course! 100% but do I like them together? ab-so-lute-ly not, hard pass. This ship is the one ship I can't ever get behind (but if I see some really good fanart of them and I really like it, you best believe I’m going to heart it or at least comment on it because, while I don’t ship it and never will, you, my brilliant, beautiful artist, did a fantastic job, and I hope to see more of your work.)
➺ While I love James Potter, I do in fact believe he was a bully because he was (as was Sirius). You will not and cannot change my mind on this. He was not all sunshine and rainbows and perfect. He was an annoying teenage boy who did annoying teenage boy things. He’s human, he’s imperfect, and he has flaws. Let them show and free my boy from the shackles of Fanon.
➺ I’m not at all a Wolfstar shipper (though I can tolerate it). I honestly think Prongsfoot is way better than it, whether it's platonic and/or romantic
➺ I don’t mind Blackinnon (Sirius/Mckinnon), Remadora (Remus/Nymphadora), Prongsfoot, Rarry/Ronarry, Harmione, Drarry, Dramione, Scorbus, Scorose
➺ I am neither a Snape stan nor a hater, but I do think he’s an interesting character or could be if people gave him a chance and explored him more instead of scrapping him and jumping straight to the next DE (death eater) they deem "good.”
➺ I honestly find the Death Eaters (or Knights of Walpurgis) and the Volturi (from Twilight) to be interesting. Though, I obviously don’t support or condone what they do/have done
➺ I actually enjoy “HP and the Cursed Child”, though it’s not because of the plot/story, it’s because I love Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. Also, the fact that Harry kept the Parseltongue.
Disclaimer (of sorts) ↓↓
• I'm not bashing or hating on anyone that likes different things from me, and it's never my intention too. If you happen to like a character/characters or a ship/ships that I typically wouldn't, then that's fine! there's nothing wrong with that, like what you want and who you want. Though, the one thing I can't really stand are those hypocrites that hate on/bash people for liking a character that they don't like because "they've done awful things or are an awful person" (which, ok, valid), but than turn around and like other characters that have done the same things or worse. Like....what? what gives you the right to hate on people for liking a character that has done bad things, when the character(s) that you like aren't/isn't any better? There is no high ground here, you're not special or better than anyone else. If anything all of your characters are bad people, so neither of you can really talk about the other, literally hop off. I would like to add that you don't have to like a character, if you don't like them than you don't like them, that's okay. It is only when you are actively bullying and downgrading real life people for a character that they like, that it's problematic. • Shipping isn’t my main focus. I’m here to have fun and focused more on the actual story, the friendships, adventures, and so on. So don’t come on here starting ship wars and demanding I tell you why I ship or don’t ship certain things.
• The most important thing to remember is if you don't like a character, ship, or anything that I happen to like and you take time out of your day to come at me for it. I want you to know that I read your comment, then I looked left, looked right, looked up, looked down, reread your comment, and still couldn’t find where I was supposed to care. I.do.not.care. Don't like it? Leave my page; it’s that simple! XOXO, I hope you have a blessed (or a better) day!
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lumosatnight · 2 years
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So, today is my birthday (Woohoo! Jumps for joy then remembers I'm getting older and goes to mope in the corner), and instead of the usual way things go, I thought it would be fun to share a gift with you...
A one-shot rec list! 🥳
Here are 15 one-shots, all under 10k words, one for each day in June leading up to my birthday. We've got some scorching Drarry, some juicy rare pairs, and some spectacular femslash. Please enjoy this list, ordered by ship (kinda).
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut | 👀 - mind the tags
1. Not Nineteen Forever by @sorrybutblog [Draco/Harry, 5.9k, E] 🌼🔥 De-aged Draco and Auror Harry's first time together is sexy, sweet, and the pining is so gloriously good. And when Draco is "offering up my young, nubile body for you to ravish." Lord...
2. Interpersonal Relationships Year 7, Unit 3: How to Have Sex Like a Responsible Adult by InnerLilith [Draco/Harry, 7.4k, E] 🌼 🔥 Listen... enthusiastic consent is hot and never has it been more hot than in this fic where Draco is the sex education teacher at Hogwarts and Harry is trying not to get a boner in his class.
3. A Cold Spot in Hell by FeelsForBreakfast [Draco/Harry, 8.1k, E] 💔 🔥 The summary describes this story as "sexy arson," and I can't help but fervently agree. There's a whole lot of fire, a whole lot of angst, and you'll be wanting more the whole time.
4. My Boyfriend by @acnelli [Harry/Ron, 7.3k, E] 🌼 💔 This story will break your heart and put it back together again. If you weren't a Rarry shipper before reading this, you will be after because it is just that gorgeously written.
5. The Things We Do in the Daylight by chewysugar [Hermione/Harry/Ron, 1.5k, M] 🌼 🌤 A super sweet morning-after story. I just love how loving the Golden Trio are with each other, how awkward yet so right they are together.
6. And If I Had To Choose by flipflop_diva [Hermione/Pansy, 3.7k, M] 🌼 💞 A Pansmione soulmate fic from the very recent @femmefest 2022. This fic is so cute and the interactions between Pansy and Hermione are so in character. It was a delight from start to finish.
7. Shades of Dawn by @corvuscrowned [Lavender/Ginny, 2.6k, E] 💔 🔥 The day I stop rec'ing this fic is the day the world ends because I will NEVER stop sharing this beautiful, amazing, heart-wrenching fic. The conflict and the longing between Lavender and Ginny get me every time I read this. It is absolutely perfect.
8. Elemental by @solar-settings [Katie/Alicia, Katie/Leanne, Katie/Ginny, Katie/Cho, 1.7k, T] 💔 💫 Honestly, this is one of my favorite fics of all time. Katie is so beautifully written, and the way she experiences love at different points in her life is simply stunning.
9. keeping count (losing count) by @oliverwvvd [Marcus/Oliver, 1.2k, T] 🌼 💋 Flintwood has been gradually creeping up into my top ships, and this fic is one of the reasons why. Marcus's anxiety and Oliver's tenderness. Sides of these scared boys that we rarely get to see. So short, yet so memorable.
10. Mourning Myrtle by Contrarian_Hedgehog [Moaning Myrtle, 1.7k, T] 💔 💧 A haunting, dark comedy about Myrtle following her death. The prose is beautiful, and the story is even better. It was instantly one of my favorite gen fics as soon as I read it.
11. Brighten the Dark by @skeptiquewrites [Regulus/Harry, 3.3k, E] 💔 🔥 A young Regulus resurrected from the veil and post-war Harry stuck at Grimmauld Place together? Yes, please. The banter and back and forth between them is glorious. As is the dash of feels and underlying tension of why did Regulus come back but no one else?
12. Take Heed, Dear Heart by @danni-the-puff [Harry/Severus, 3.6k, M] 💔 👀 Genderswapped Snarry! It's dark, it's creepy, and yet, the absolute devotion they have for each other kept me glued to every word. The way every character is written and the story is woven through canon (but not quite canon) is masterful.
13. Height Difference by @thistlecatfics [Sirius/Remus, 437, G] 🌼 😂 This story is pure ridiculousness, and I am in love with it. Remus is tall, like very tall, like very very very tall. We all need a tall Remus in our life XD
14. Lit Match by @phantomato [Alecto/Lily, 1.9k, E] 💔 🔥 The first and only fic I've read with this pairing that instantly converted me. Lily's character is so rich and a little morally ambiguous. Canon compliant, and yes, I could see this as canon because it's so good.
15. turning point by @duplicitywrites [Tom/Voldemort, 8.7k, E] 🔥 👀 A self-cest PWP Tom Riddle fic that is... I don't even have words for how hot and intriguing this fic is. Because we all know that Tom Riddle could only love himself ;)
BONUS FIC (>10k): Miraculous by @liladiurne [Harry/Severus, 15.5k, E] 🌼 🔥 I'm a sucker for escort fics, and this one is fluffy while also being sooo hot. I love this Snape, insecure, cynical, rich. He has the perfect life but still doesn't have what he truly wants — Harry.
Thanks to @diana-skye for the birthday one-shot idea. You can check out her rec list from this year HERE.
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livingincolorsagain · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖 
Thanks for the tag @bisamwilson 💖!!!
1. loving you is a losing game  rarry, 13.7k, T
Sick and tired of Hermione and Mrs Weasley's nagging, Harry and Ron agree to pretend to date. It's ridiculously simple, they live, work and go out together. Everyone believes it, and after a while, Harry starts to believe it too.
In which the lines get blurry, and Harry only realises what game they're playing after he's already lost.
this fic was me using about 99% of my brainpower and it’s probably still my favorite thing I’ve written. It was the first time I finally planned a fic before posting, which is something I always try to do now. I got to include almost all of my favorite tropes (fake-dating, sharing a bed, idiots in love, friends to lovers and more). So, yeah, this one is definitely my number one. 
2. In The Name of Love rarry, 35.7k, M
For years, they were together, through ups and downs, life and death, friendship and love. They would do anything for one another, lovingly and selflessly.
So, when Ron saw that Harry was losing hope to get the one thing he really wants, he'll do anything he could to give it to him.
Even if it could possibly kill him.
I’ve a complicated relationship with this fic. It has a special place in my heart because it took years to complete and I almost gave up at least twice but always came back (took a year long break twice). It was frustrating more often than not but, hey, I finished it in the end and didn’t give up writing altogether. A win-win. 
3. be together sambucky, 1.2k, G 
Sam’s heart dropped, his insides tied themselves up into a tight knot of nerves, a feeling akin to grief causing his hands to shake.
“What are you talking about?” Bucky asked, but given his tone, Sam reckoned he already knew.
“The stone is down there,” Sam meant to ask, but it came out as a statement. A fact, horrible in its realness. Or, What if... Sam and Bucky survived the Snap?
My first sambucky fic! Writing for a new fandom is frustrating and intimidating and the fact that this is hurt/no comfort (spoiler alert, someone dies) didn’t make it any easier, but one day I got the idea and it wouldn’t go away, but I’m proud of it and glad I did because now I can’t stop writing for sambucky. 
4. but baby i'm a fool for you sambucky, 3.1k, T
After several attempts at getting back in the dating game, Bucky bit the bullet and asked Sam for dating advice. Chaos ensues.
(Or, Bucky and Sam are dating, and they're the last to find out about it.)
as I mentioned before, I LOVE friends to lovers/idiots in love, so writing this was so much fun. I just love the idea of sambucky dating and not even realising it. 
5. Love is Stored in the Dumb Jokes sambucky, 2.2k, T (available as a podfic) 
The first time Bucky heard it, he wasn’t even supposed to be listening.
Or, Four times it was a joke, and the one time it wasn't. 
there was a post floating around that I saw and thought would make a good crack fic, but I’m terrible at crack fics so instead this happened. It still has all the crack elements, I guess. It was fun, a little bit funny, sambucky are being dorks and I love them for it and what makes it so special is that someone read my crack-ish fic and loved it enough to make a podfic. still crying about that btw. 
tagging @cescalr  @elwenyere @writerkenna @the-biggest-sambucky-shipper  @acnelli
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Ron Weasley, Peggy Carter, Raven Reyes, Will Turner.
Oooooh some good ones I don’t think I’ve ever been asked about!
Ron Weasley (my BOY)
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them* 
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (in the BEST way because I love how human his flaws make him)
otp(s): Romione
other ship(s): I can see the appeal of Rarry
#noromo ship(s): Harry/Ron are the BESTEST of friends and people need to stop forgetting how joined at the hip these two are. They share a brain. Also I love him with Luna because they both genuinely like each other and find each other funny and are both absolutely thrown by the other thinking they’re genuinely funny, which is cute.
crack ship(s): I mean he 100% had a massive crush on Krum but I don’t know if that counts as a crack ship
fav headcanon(s): Ron is the Mom friend. He shows his love by taking care of people. He’s a huge touch guy - he’s constantly giving people hugs, pats on the back, etc. Sometimes when he knows Harry’s feeling down he’ll just shove his way into his bed and cuddle him - it happens even more after the war, and sometimes Harry will just look at Ron and Ron knows that means it’s Hugging Time. They get so comfortable with it that they’ll just sit there in a conversation with someone else with Ron just hanging off Harry and neither of them acting like it’s a big deal.
He learns to love to cook for his family and provide good food for them like his mom did for him. He’s the one that learns most of her recipes and they spent a lot of time together in the kitchen after the war. The only one who can make food as good as their mom, the Weasleys all agree, is Ron - which is good, because Hermione is an abysmal cook.
He’s the one that takes a more active role in taking care of his kids too and the household duties. Not because Hermione won’t, but because her job ends up being so taxing and Ron loves taking care of his family and kids. (He does talk her into setting a strict schedule for herself though. Sundays are family days and unless a new dark wizard is back, she is not allowed to touch any work for the whole day.)
(I could keep going but I’m going to stop myself.)
Peggy Carter:
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav 
otp(s): Cartinelli 
other ship(s): Steggy, though I’m not the biggest shipper and I ship it a lot less post Endgame haha, Peggy/Sousa
#noromo ship(s): her friendship with Jarvis is so GOOD and I love them
crack ship(s): none that I can think of
fav headcanon(s): She 100% played a role in Tony’s life and nothing will tell me otherwise. She was (awkward on and off again) friends with his dad. She was besties with his caretaker/true father figure. She was definitely Aunt Peggy to him and adored him.
But to make a lot of Tony’s characterization and the fact they never see each other in the MCU work, I imagine they had some sort of falling out - either around the time Peggy seemed to have her falling out with Howard or after Howard’s death. Or maybe after Jarvis’s death. I imagine Tony pushed her away and eventually they hardly talked anymore. It’s one of his deepest regrets. He didn’t go to her funeral only because he felt like he didn’t have a right to.
Peggy is a terrible cook but really great at all other household chores and super handy. She refuses to call anyone for help when things break and will get them back in working shape through the power of her will alone. When she lives in the women’s apartment building, she gains a reputation as the person you should call if your fridge breaks down or you need to hang a new shelf or whatever. She gets a lot of requests to come fix things and she always does. Sometimes the other women try to pay her and she always refuses, though sometimes she’ll accept her pay in the form of homemade treats. One time she got a full pot roast for fixing someone’s heater. Usually, she just likes the women to keep her company and chat with her while she works.
Raven Reyes
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (again, in good ways! her flaws are great!)
otp(s): none
other ship(s): I’m coming around on Braven; also see the appeal in Raven/Echo and Raven/Luna
#noromo ship(s): her and Murphy are little shits together and I adore their friendship; also her and Echo, her and Monty, her and Emori (basically her and all of Spacekru)
crack ship(s): I get the whole Raven/Anya thing haha and wish we could have seen them interact
fav headcanon(s): Raven spent a lot of nights growing up over at Finn’s place instead of her’s to avoid her mom. His parents fully accepted her and treated her as one of their own, always willing to let her stay there, though there was a lot of tension between them after Finn got locked up. Her mom would often trade her rations away for booze, so Finn usually split his rations with her growing up. Raven also started offering to fix things for people for payment, even before she was officially working as an Ark mechanic - usually for food. If you had something broken that you knew the Ark government wouldn’t give a crap about, you knew to go to Raven Reyes, who’d probably fix it better than anyone else the Ark would’ve sent anyways.
She and Murphy end up bonding a lot on the Ring about their mothers and their childhoods. They talk a lot about what it was like to have to scrape by for food when your own mother didn’t seem concerned with feeding you. They relate to each other in a way none of the other Ark-borne kids on the Ring do. 
She has nightmares of ALIE long after the AI is gone, horrible dreams where she watches her own body move without her and do terrible things to the people she loves. She stops wearing the color red for awhile, even though it used to be her favorite color. 
Will Turner 
(I’ve never been asked about him!! Yes thank you!!)
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav (yes, he’s all three)
otp(s): Willabeth
other ship(s): Will/Jack
#noromo ship(s): also Will/Jack
crack ship(s): Will/Calypso!!!! lmao he is her new ferryman
fav headcanon(s): Will accepts his new duty as ferryman for the dead and never wavers in it, and so he never is cursed or starts growing things out of him and yes I am ignoring the movie that shall not be named because it’s BULLSHIT. He is a kind ferryman. Davy Jones is terrifying, the sailors say. He’ll drag you to his locker as you scream for mercy and trap you in never-ending torture. But then when sailors die at see, a young man with kind eyes and a soft smile approaches them instead. “It’s time to move on now,” he tells them, and when the sailors say they don’t want to, he asks, “Are you scared of death? It’s nothing to fear really. But there is another option if you’d like.”
No one is bound to his service. They can stay on his crew for as long as they’d like, and when they’ve finally had enough and they tell him they’re ready to move on, he let’s them. 
Calypso is well pleased with him. She comes to visit him often and he always has tea (and rum) on hand for her when she does. They usually gossip about Jack. 
Great picks!! Thanks!!
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mercurialsmile · 7 years
What are your top 5 notps
tHANK YOU for asking me I woke up this morning still kinda salty so like. 
These are gonna be in no particular order btw so ye! Also Ma/bill and Mab/ifica aren’t gonna be included as I already talked about why I don’t like those ships and why are they are part of my ever-growing notp list. 
1. D/rarry (Harry Potter)
Honestly? Just don’t like it. Like... that’s it. I like Dramione well enough, it was actually one of the first ships I started reading fanfiction for (as I just so happened to find a fic that sounded interesting that had it, read it, and was hooked) and I am a multi-shipper with certain characters, so by all means I should like d/rarry but I just don’t?
My theory for why I dislike this ship is easy: I find protag/antag ships kinda boring now after doing like. Everything with bill/dip. Don’t get me wrong, bill/dip and d/rarry are. Very different in numerous ways, but d/rarry reminds me of bill/dip and I already played and read about the dynamics of a protag/antag ship like this, so trying to get into d/rarry, which is similar, was boring for me. 
Also, in general, I don’t ship Harry with anyone? Like I dislike h/inny too, but that’s more of “I don’t like it, but it’s canon, and I have to deal with it so might as well just Not Care” instead of outright hating it. And though I say I would’ve preferred Harry to end up with Hermione, I don’t ship those two together either!
The only ship with Harry I kinda sorta like is Harry/Luna and even then, I see them as being something really low-key. No sexual relationship, just them being good friends and being borderline, what they would consider “romantic” once in a blue moon. And that’s it? 
Anyways, I find d/rarry boring and I feel like there isn’t anything new to the ship for me and shipping Harry w anyone sexually or in a heavily romantic way makes me kinda uncomfortable and I Don’t Like It so yeah. 
2. Amenadiel/Linda (Lucifer) 
God. Idk how many people who follow me watch Lucifer but this ship is. No. No? Nooooo?
They’re just. So awkward together. They’re kinda awkward together as friends but their awkward friendship is more kinda cute than anything. But together like... romantically? No? Pls no?
I also ship Linda with Maze like. A lot. A lot a lot. I ship Linda w Maze more than I do Chloe w Lucifer at least like. I am actively talking to the TV when I see Linda and Maze together to PLEASE KISS PLEASE YA’LL ARE SO GAY FOR EACH OTHER ITS OBV PLS KISS 
Hasn’t happened yet but. But. It could happen. I am really hoping this ain’t q*eer/baiting tho. I r r r hope so. I mean. Maze and Lucifer are both confirmed to be bi/pan basically (tho Lucifer seems to have a pref for women) so there are technically lgbt+ characters in the show already but like. But. B u t. 
Anyways. Luckily for me, it looks like Amenadiel/Linda won’t be canon at ALL and I really hope it stays that way and they stay kinda awkward friends. That’s cuter and a lot more interesting than shipping them together in my book. 
3. Hermione/Snape (Harry Potter)
Is anyone surprised this is a ship, really? I mean if you’ve been on tumblr for any length of time you’re prob sayin’ nah. Thing is, I found about this ship years before I had a tumblr and on ffnet so I was kinda. Shocked? As I didn’t realize how. Weird ships could get. 
And I can’t really say much about adult/minor ships or teacher/student whatever. I really can’t. But this is just so. Fucking random? Like. I guess bill/dip is random too.... but also i feel Hermione/Snape is even more so. 
And idk most the fics I’ve seen of this ship is just standard student/teacher shit nothing all that. Interesting I guess to me? which is if you like standard student/teacher whatever I guess but that doesn’t cut it for me.
But again. Why? Is it because Hermione is muggle-born and Snape an ex-magical na//zi? That’s.... even I wouldn’t touch that can of worms Jesus Christ. Like. I don’t get it. I don’t get it, I don’t wanna get it, and I’m gonna continue disliking it from my own corner and mind my own business ‘cause I don’t even wanna know.  
4. Kat/aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Z/utara should’ve been canon
No really I grew up watching A/tla and like. It was my fav show and I. Really liked Katara and Zuko together esp as I only shipped canon ships at that time for the most part (or if I didn’t like it I’d just ignore it but not actively ship those characters with anyone else) as I was young and didn’t think you could. Ship two people who aren’t together in canon I guess. 
But then. Kat/aang happened and I went “Wtf” and “that’s not right Zuko and Katara should’ve been together wtf wtf” I felt really cheated. And so Z/utara was the first technical non-canon ship I ever had.
Another reason I dislike kat/aang is that, for me, it felt forced, and the kat/anng episodes (like cave of two lovers or whatever its called) are just. Boring. And dumb. And not that good. I felt like they ended up together bc protagonist and deuteragonist not because I felt they went well together.
Idk! I felt like Aang and Katara had a more sibling relationship together! Like she was more of an older sister to Aang than anything else! And his crush on her was more like the young boy who has a crush on his older babysitter sorta thing but obv that would never go anywhere and it’d fade. 
That’s the general vibe I got so when they got together I was. Kinda uncomfortable. Because I felt they had a sibling relationship. And I felt it kinda came out of left field, was forced, and just. Stereotypical? Boring?
I mean I still enjoy the show and it’s, again, kinda like a “well it’s canon so whatever” but I still dislike it a lot and still feel like z/utara should’ve been canon. 
5. Ma/korra
I liked Korra well enough, but lets be real, the first season had some MAJOR issues trying to include a stupid love triangle like they were adapting some shitty YA novel. And even tho the second season was kinda blah as well, the third and fourth season made up for the previous two in my book.
But... ma/korra was just. A fucking mess. I hate this ship as I hate the things is stands for. 
The girl hate between Korra and Asami, Korra being a fucking asshole to Bolin (WHO IS A SWEETIE PIE HOW COULD YOU) and just. Me sitting there. Going “Are we really doing this. Are we really. How could you write a series as amazing as a:tla and think that a short sequel series needed something as complex as a LOVE TRIANGLE. 
(and yes: proper long triangles are very hard to pull off, very complex, could be a plot in itself, and that’s why most everything fails when incorporating one as a subplot lol) 
When the love triangle popped up, I just. No. No. Mako isn’t a bad guy ‘cause he liked Asami instead of Korra. Asami isn’t a bad guy ‘cause she liked Mako back. And the narrative kinda painted both of them as being “bad” because... idk Korra didn’t get the guy? Like Christ. Please stop. Please stop characterizing Korra as a fucking asshole and some sort of girl version of a Nice Guy TM. 
And though I think Korra and Mako did get some nice moments between each other once together, and though overall their relationship, on paper minus all the other shit wasn’t like. Pure garbage or anything, I def ship Korra with Asami a hell of a lot more. And the entire love triangle bullshit just. Ruined Mako and Korra, at least in my opinion. (Bolin and Asami came from that unscathed for me). It took me quite a while to start liking Mako again ‘cause of the love triangle and same with Korra.
So I guess for ma/korra it’s less the ship itself (tho imo the ship itself isn’t that special and kinda whatever) I hate the ship for what it did to the show and what it reminds me of. If that makes any sense. 
THIS IS SUCH A LONG POST I’m sorry but. Yeah I was salty last night and had a LOT to say. 
And I have more notps for sure but I have to... remember them. I tend to kinda forget my notps as well. I don’t like them. Why remember them?
Anyways, thanks for the ask!! 
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amorremanet · 8 years
Arthur/moody, lucius/moody, lupin/snape?
the brutally honest ship opinions game
Arthur/Moody: ……okay, like, I have basically no positive feelings about Alastor Moody — I mean, I feel the same need to defend him from JKR’s ableist garbage that accidentally got me in too deep with Lockhart, but we are still talking about a guy who supports using Dementors on people and apparently dngaf about what someone’s done, just send ‘em all to fucking Azkaban (GOF ch. 30, the flashback of Moody we see in the first Pensieve scene)
who thinks that the best present you could give to a kid who’s lost his parents and just watched a classmate be murdered…… is going over a photo of the First War Order and telling him about how all of them died horribly and he doesn’t ever stop to think that this might not be the best idea (OOTP)
and who is legitimately less sensitive to other people’s needs and less dismissive of people who aren’t his exact model of “useful” than a literal fucking Death Eater one of the biggest points where Barty Crouch Jr. drops character in GOF is when he takes Neville to his office and gives him a pro-Herbology pep-talk, and goes, “so, hey, Longbottom, Professor Sprout said you’re super-good at this subject, why not pursue it,” because based on the actual canon about him? The real Alastor Moody would never do something like that.
Like, he might have the moment he has with Harry and Hermione, where he goes, “so, hey, both of you could be gr10 aurors if you wanted, you should think about it” because that, from Moody, would be a compliment, and Harry and Hermione more closely fit his own ideas of usefulness, but not so much the Neville moment)
—but seriously, do you hate him or something? Why else would you even dream of shipping him with Arthur Weasley? (okay, fine, I acquiesce that there is enough of a canonical basis for some people to roll with here, and I myself have made ships out of far less…… but seriously, why would you ship anybody with Arthur Weasley. Like…… wow, rude.)
Lucius/Moody: again, I’m not on the Alastor Moody fan-train or anything, but why would you even do this. Nobody deserves to be shipped with Lucius Malfoy, like? He’s not even an entertaining villain, he’s just pathetic. He’s a sad, pathetic fantasy-fascist who gets his kicks by bullying twelve-year-olds and torturing muggles who can’t defend themselves. He’s a complete waste of character space and forcing anyone to be in a ship with him is just unfathomably cruel
Lupin/Snape: meh, whatever. Like, it’s not my thing, but… *shrugs* meh?
Like, idk what you’re looking for here, nonny, but I’m guessing, based on the other two ships, that you’re looking for me to get cranky and ship-bashy and figured that Snu//pin was a good way to get there, since there are a lot of legitimate Problems with this ship in the text
But the thing is, I’m just under 900 years old (at least in fandom terms), and I remember the days back before HBP came out, when Snu//pin was the second-most popular Remus ship (after Wolfstar, to the surprise of no one), and was, in fact, so popular that it had its own private archive and got black-listed from most rarepair comms because it, “wasn’t really rare, just less popular than D//rarry, Wolfstar, Ro//mione, Dra//mione, H//inny, and J//ily”
—I mean, there was a short stretch before OOTP where I tried to make myself like it because there was a BNF whose art I loved, and she shipped Snu//pin, so I felt like I had to be missing something obvious and cool and because I was, like, twelve, I tried to make myself ship the thing. That didn’t work and I eventually just moved on, but one thing that I recall about the Snu//pin fandom that appears to still be more or less true, based on everything I’ve seen of the present-day Snu//pin fandom?
Is that they came out about the same as the Wolfstar fandom, in terms of how many shippers ignored or made excuses for #Problematic things about the ship vs. how many shippers work those things into the overall fabric of how they ship the thing, how many shippers LIKE the ship because of those Problematic parts and having the opportunity to explore them in fiction, how many shippers actively dive head-first into exploring those parts of the ships because that’s where they find the most engaging character interactions or whatever they’re into, etc.
For examples of what I mean when I say #Problematic things about the ships:
the fact that all three of them are self-loathing [human or werewolf] disasters who are often passively suicidal and either prone to acting out on those feelings (Sirius and Severus), or prone to repressing those feelings until they explode all over some innocent bystanders (Remus)
the fact that all three of them have suffered horrific abuse in their pasts — whether from their parents or other sources — and find ways to take it out on other people (Severus on his students, Sirius on Severus and Kreacher, and Remus on almost anyone who tries to get close to him, even as he makes it seem like he isn’t doing that)
Severus outing Remus as a werewolf because he’s upset and felt like punishing someone else for it, thereby leading to Remus tendering his resignation
the fact that Sirius assuming Remus had to be the spy would’ve been at least partially based on anti-werewolf prejudices, and Sirius still clearly had at least some of those prejudices on his own, because even if Peter totally manipulated them in his favor, there had to be something there for Peter to manipulate in the first place, so???
the fact that Remus doesn’t help shit anything, in any situation ever, with his habit of trying to weasel out of any Emotionally Difficult™ conversations and his tendency to mentally spin most situations so that everyone is going to leave him in the end anyway so it’s acceptable to shut down, close himself off, and pull stunts that more or less come down to, “totally up and bailing on everyone,” which is understandable, given his backstory, but dude, that doesn’t make it okay or helpful??
basically, “literally anything about the characters as individuals, or in terms of their interactions with each other — both past and present — that could potentially cause problems for either/both/any/all of them and potentially make the relationship unhealthy (or unhealthier than it already was, in the cases of Snu//pin and Snack because…… oh boy, let’s not even act like either of those — or any ship with Sev in it, for that matter — is ever going to be ‘healthy’ by any definition)”
So, like? Is Snupin #Problematic? Yes, definitely. Are some of its shippers prone to ship it in #Problematic ways? Oh, yes, absolutely (Hell, the BNF whose art I used to like even flat-out said things like, “Sirius would never be able to be there for Remus like Snape could” and… um? Even granted that this was pre-OOTP: ummm???)
But on the whole, Snu//pin shippers aren’t actually any worse about totally ignoring and/or excusing these elements of their ship than Wolfstar shippers are (and, actually, they might be doing better than a LOT of the present-day Wolfstar fandom, since I usually don’t see any more recently made Snu//pin that doesn’t grapple with at least some of the #Problematic elements of it — they don’t always do it well, but at least they’re trying, which counts for a lot, to me, because most people don’t even try — while most Wolfstar these days flat-out ignores all the #Problematic elements of Sirius and Remus as characters, and of their relationship, in the name of what often amounts to borderline-OOC caricatured fanon nonsense, so…)
(……Look, I love Wolfstar, and I have for longer than some people on this website have been alive. But I don’t love a lot of Wolfstar shippers, which has been the case since the beginning of my Wolfstar shipping
stayed the case when HBP came out and I was all, “Hey, guys? I don’t like this BS Remus/Tonks thing either, but can we NOT erase bisexuals or treat Tonks like garbage when we’re talking about it, it’s not her fault that Molly Weasley is a meddling nosy garbage buttinski who thinks it’s her job to play matchmaker to fully-grown adults who didn’t ask and don’t want her input,”
and is still the case as I’m over here, all like, “ugh, man, at least we used to have SOME people in this fandom who enjoyed reading Wolfstar angst, now it seems like nobody cares about anything unless it’s all fluff, all the time, with absolutely no room for anything else because god forbid you ever want to write about LGBTQ characters whose lives aren’t 5,000% perfect, that obviously must mean that you’re a gross fetishistic cishet and not, for example, a neurodivergent, mentally ill lesbian survivor who feels left out by the trend towards forcing every LGBTQ person to act like we’re happy, all the time, and to act like we’re only interested in fictional LGBTQ people who are perfectly 5,000% happy all the time
“and to decry any and all depictions of LGBTQ people being UNhappy as gross fetishistic straight people garbage even when they were actually created by and for LGBTQ people, only to be misappropriated by straight people, as if there’s no way you could possibly be LGBTQ and NOT feel ~used and maligned~ by depictions of LGBTQ people that are less than 5,000% perfectly happy, even when they are being created by other LGBTQ people, yeah? ……but yeah, no, clearly: the fact that I like angst obviously means that I am a straight person because no ~real~ LGBTQ person ever has any need for those ~gross negative feelings~ or fictional outlets for them, never mind how many LGBTQ people get excluded from our narratives and spaces by this bullshit bc lmao who cares amiright. ://”)
—anyway, my motto has been and remains, “It isn’t a question of WHAT you ship, it’s a question of HOW you ship it,” so hey. Snu//pin is not my thing (it’s not even as non-shippingly interesting to me as Sirius/Severus is, because I love how much those two hate each other while unwittingly being perfect foils for each other), but I don’t actually have any desire to ship-bash it and most Snu//pin shippers are okay with me because unless they’re actually doing anything that’s harmful to anyone else, it’s not my business what they ship
That said: “Snu//pin” is still one of the worst portmanteau ship names ever and it still sounds like a deadly virus or something, but *shrugs* Whatever, it’s not the shippers’ faults that their ship members’ names don’t smush up all that nicely
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headcanonsandmore · 4 years
I feel like Ron/Harry is such a rare and weird pairing in this fandom and I dont see why! Obviously it's not canon but they have literally the strongest fictional friendship I've ever seen, Harry adores Ron and ACHES when they're fighting (which idk why people act like their fights mean Ron is so shitty, people fight sometimes and still love each other). I like other pairings too but Ron/Harry would be so healthy & loving. Any recommendations for fics or blogs to follow for Ronarry content??
Ronarry isn’t popular because the films left such a lasting impression on the fandom that many couldn’t understand why Harry would fall for Ron. There’s also the fact that Romione is such a popular canon pairing, and most people can’t bare seeing them broken up. There’s also the fact that Dr*rry became very popular during the time the later films were being made. Hence why the Potter fanbase is basically the only fandom where the most popular MLM pairing isn’t the protagonist with his closest male friend. 
As for fanfic recs, I’d recommend the following; 
‘Wildflowers and soft laughter’ by Cookies and Ink. Ron decides to finally confront the stranger who’d been stealing wildflowers from their front garden every weekend. He also manages to repeatedly embarrass himself in the process. Rated T.
‘Wedding Favours’ by Cookies and Ink. Harry had agreed to be Ginny’s fake boyfriend for a wedding, to keep her Mum off her back. He hadn’t expected to find someone he’d fall head over heels for there. Rated T.
Basically, check out everything by Cookies and Ink. They write so much Rarry/Harron fanfiction (often AU stuff, as well as halfway-canon stuff).
‘Engaged’ by I’mdeadsothere. All around Harry everyone is getting engaged, leaving Harry to wonder if he’ll ever have the same honor. Especially when the one person he truly loves, well, it’s complicated. Rated T. Contains strong language.
‘Beds’ by I’mdeadsothere. Now that the war is over Harry treats himself by buying a nice big fluffy bed. Only it’s too nice, too fluffy, and WAY too big. Ron has the perfect solution, but it’ll change a lot more than just how Harry feels about his bed. Rated T. Contains strong language. (This one also has Hermione ‘biggest Rarry shipper on the planet’ Granger involved, so that’s a plus).
(WARNING- FLAGRANT SELF-PROMOTION) There’s also my own ‘Having trouble sleeping?’, which is about Ron being the crush of both Hermione and Harry. It doesn’t have Ron choosing one person over the other, but focuses more on why Ron is so loveable. Rated T.
‘Harry Potter And The World That Went Bloody Insane’ “I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious.
‘You and Me’ by @fivenamereveals. Harry’s fourth year gets incredibly complicated when he realises he’s crushing on his redheaded best friend. A incredibly cute story that has Pavender in the background (plus loads of cute Ronarry moments). 
I also have a ‘fanfic recs’ tag on my blog, so check that out as well for anything I might have missed.
As for blogs, I’d recommend the ever-awesome @booigi-boi, @peetamaellark @lytefoot @manny-bgm @overmelted @turner-0901 @king-r-weasley @amysthefardareismai@vivithefolle. Apologies if I’ve missed anyone. 
Hope that helps! Thanks for the ask!
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
Saw ur fic rec answer, Any ronxharry romance or friendshipfic recs?
‘Wildflowers and soft laughter’ by Cookies and Ink. Ron decides to finally confront the stranger who'd been stealing wildflowers from their front garden every weekend. He also manages to repeatedly embarrass himself in the process. Rated T.
‘Wedding Favours’ by Cookies and Ink. Harry had agreed to be Ginny's fake boyfriend for a wedding, to keep her Mum off her back. He hadn't expected to find someone he'd fall head over heels for there. Rated T.
Basically, check out everything by Cookies and Ink. They write so much Rarry/Harron fanfiction (often AU stuff, as well as halfway-canon stuff).
‘Engaged’ by I’mdeadsothere. All around Harry everyone is getting engaged, leaving Harry to wonder if he'll ever have the same honor. Especially when the one person he truly loves, well, it's complicated. Rated T. Contains strong language.
‘Beds’ by I’mdeadsothere. Now that the war is over Harry treats himself by buying a nice big fluffy bed. Only it's too nice, too fluffy, and WAY too big. Ron has the perfect solution, but it'll change a lot more than just how Harry feels about his bed. Rated T. Contains strong language. (This one also has Hermione ‘biggest Rarry shipper on the planet’ Granger involved, so that’s a plus).
(WARNING- FLAGRANT SELF-PROMOTION) There’s also my own ‘Having trouble sleeping?’, which is about Ron being the crush of both Hermione and Harry. It doesn’t have Ron choosing one person over the other, but focuses more on why Ron is so loveable. Rated T.
‘Harry Potter And The World That Went Bloody Insane’ “I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious. 
In terms of friendship fics, I’m gonna recommend “Of Hearts and Heroes” by Emmilyne as the main go-to, but I’d also suggest talking to @accio-library @lytefoot @pynki and @amysthefardareismai. 
I also have a ‘fanfic recs’ tag on my blog, so check that out as well for anything I might have missed. 
Thanks for the ask, anon; hope that helps!
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headcanonsandmore · 4 years
Please recommend some Ronarry fanfics?
Of course! Hope you like these! 
‘Wildflowers and soft laughter’ by Cookies and Ink. Ron decides to finally confront the stranger who’d been stealing wildflowers from their front garden every weekend. He also manages to repeatedly embarrass himself in the process. Rated T.
‘Wedding Favours’ by Cookies and Ink. Harry had agreed to be Ginny’s fake boyfriend for a wedding, to keep her Mum off her back. He hadn’t expected to find someone he’d fall head over heels for there. Rated T.
Basically, check out everything by Cookies and Ink. They write so much Rarry/Harron fanfiction (often AU stuff, as well as halfway-canon stuff).
‘Engaged’ by I’mdeadsothere. All around Harry everyone is getting engaged, leaving Harry to wonder if he’ll ever have the same honour. Especially when the one person he truly loves, well, it’s complicated. Rated T. Contains strong language.
‘Beds’ by I’mdeadsothere. Now that the war is over Harry treats himself by buying a nice big fluffy bed. Only it’s too nice, too fluffy, and WAY too big. Ron has the perfect solution, but it’ll change a lot more than just how Harry feels about his bed. Rated T. Contains strong language. (This one also has Hermione ‘biggest Rarry shipper on the planet’ Granger involved, so that’s a plus).
(WARNING- FLAGRANT SELF-PROMOTION) There’s also my own ‘Having trouble sleeping?’, which is about Ron being the crush of both Hermione and Harry. It doesn’t have Ron choosing one person over the other, but focuses more on why Ron is so loveable. Rated T.
‘Harry Potter And The World That Went Bloody Insane’ “I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious.
‘You and Me’ by @fivenamereveals. Harry’s fourth year gets incredibly complicated when he realises he’s crushing on his redheaded best friend. A incredibly cute story that has Pavender in the background (plus loads of cute Ronarry moments).
I also have a ‘fanfic recs’ tag on my blog, so check that out as well for anything I might have missed.
Hope that helps!
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
Rarry recs please I need this to get out of bed today
Sure! Hope you like these!
‘Wildflowers and soft laughter’ by Cookies and Ink. Ron decides to finally confront the stranger who'd been stealing wildflowers from their front garden every weekend. He also manages to repeatedly embarrass himself in the process. Rated T.
‘Wedding Favours’ by Cookies and Ink. Harry had agreed to be Ginny's fake boyfriend for a wedding, to keep her Mum off her back. He hadn't expected to find someone he'd fall head over heels for there. Rated T.
Basically, check out everything by Cookies and Ink. They write so much Rarry/Harron fanfiction (often AU stuff, as well as halfway-canon stuff).
‘Engaged’ by I’mdeadsothere. All around Harry everyone is getting engaged, leaving Harry to wonder if he'll ever have the same honor. Especially when the one person he truly loves, well, it's complicated. Rated T. Contains strong language.
‘Beds’ by I’mdeadsothere. Now that the war is over Harry treats himself by buying a nice big fluffy bed. Only it's too nice, too fluffy, and WAY too big. Ron has the perfect solution, but it'll change a lot more than just how Harry feels about his bed. Rated T. Contains strong language. (This one also has Hermione ‘biggest Rarry shipper on the planet’ Granger involved, so that’s a plus).
(WARNING- FLAGRANT SELF-PROMOTION) There’s also my own ‘Having trouble sleeping?’, which is about Ron being the crush of both Hermione and Harry. It doesn’t have Ron choosing one person over the other, but focuses more on why Ron is so loveable. Rated T.
Beautiful FriendIt took six years for Harry to learn something in History of Magic.This one. Oh my lord this one… it’s short, but it’s amazing. It’s full of lovely lively details and Harry’s description of Ron is… aaaww.
Life DrawingDean watches, and sees something unexpected.Again, the descriptions! My lord the descriptions, and also you will relate very much to Dean if you’ve ever worked with pencils.
Something They Can Barely SeeHarry has no idea how to tell his best friend he wants more that friendship. He’s pretty sure this would be hell of a lot easier if he knew for sure how Ron felt about him.This one is plenty cute. Ron is adorable and Harry… Harry’s trying his best. :’D
Our Inner BeastsLater, Madam Pomfrey would tell them that both Bill and Ron were going to survive. But she had no idea what the effects of a werewolf bite, when the werewolf was still in human form, could do to their behaviour.Okay, who’s up for writing more Creature!Ron fics? Seriously. Someone do some more of those. Here we have Ron as a werewolf, aggressive, feral, self-loathing… doesn’t matter, Harry loves him.
Running with the Wolf, Loving the Mansnapshots of Harry Potter’s life with a werewolf boyfriendFollow-up of Our Inner Beasts. Someone heard our prayers and gave us more Werewolf!Ron, and it’s as wonderful as it sounds. 
What HappenedThat’s just the thing, though. He doesn’t know what happened. He can’t pinpoint a single event where everything suddenly made sense. There was no epiphany or choir of angels or aligning of stars, or any of the other rubbish Parvati goes on about in the Great Hall. There’s no one moment when he realized, “Oh.”Ron and Harry’s friendship, only it’s not just friendship. The last line will make you want to put on some epic music.
Follow The Butterflies“Why did it have to be spiders?” Ron moaned. “Why couldn’t we follow the butterflies?” Harry privately agreed with his best friend, but if there was anything Hogwarts had taught him, then that if he didn’t do something, no one would. “I promise the next time we have to follow anything, it will be butterflies.”Harry and Ron’s friendship again, with more butterflies thrown in the mix. It’s just as perfect as it sounds. If you don’t ship Harry/Ron, this fanfic might just change your mind.
Sonnets of Magical InterferenceHarry receives some strange notes about his love life, or lack thereof.By the end of that fic, you might just cheer for a very controversial character.
HeavenHarry’s heaven includes Ron.Features Ron being emotional over a movie, Chinese takeout, and Harry being a sap. What more could you ask for?
Harry Potter And The World That Went Bloody Insane“I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious. Featuring Protective!Attentive!Caring!Ron and Oblivious!Harry in their stinky flat and everyone shipping Harry/Ron. It’s awesome.
Check MateHarry questions his dreams, Ron has a scary one of his own, Hermione and Cho plot, and Seamus and Dean obsess. Harry’s subconscious has lots of funny ideas. Ron is ridiculously cute. Might be a bit difficult to read because of FFN’s shitty formating for line breaks.
On The OutsideHarry doesn’t think there’s much point to his being gay. He can’t have regular sex, he can’t have children, and he can’t tell his best friend he’s in love with him.Ron is utterly adorable, do I really have to say it? Why, yes, yes I do. 
Newton’s LawFor every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction Check out this author’s other Harry/Ron fics. I especially like Brass Ring; in the meantime, have a rather in-character reaction of Hermione and Ginny finding out about their ex-boyfriends dating. Hey, not my fault if JKR doesn’t know how to write strong female characters without making them abusive.
Sleeping BeautyThe most gen ever retelling of Sleeping Beauty.Who cares if it’s gen, it’s amazing. Harry sleeps, Ron is wonderful, and ants get colorful.
The Complexities Of Muggle MachineryHarry bought a refrigerator. Then it was a microwave. Then a blender. Thursday was the coffee brewer. Ron really liked that last one.Ron is absolutely, heart-stoppingly, adorably cute and pretty much just like I imagine him to be around Muggle things. Harry’s lucky.
After the cupcakesThey never really talked about it but they are each other’s world. And perhaps a lazy Sunday morning is as good a time as any to finally say something.Utterly sappy and fluffy and you know me, I was mostly there for Harry’s description of Ron. It didn’t disappoint.
Sing Your LoveThroughout the years they’ve lived together, Harry has always enjoyed Ron’s singing but lately he’s been picking up hidden messages in his flatmate’s song choices.Do you like Ron singing? Do you like Ron dancing? Do you like Ron crying his heart out over an emotionally oblivious Harry? Well in that case you’ve found the perfect fic!
Snakes & LaddersAfter the final battle with Voldemort, Harry intends to get on with his life. There’s just one problem; he was supposed to have died when he confronted Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest and now the Other Side is trying to collect him. But in the space between his ‘death’ and the victory celebrations, Harry’s fallen in love… and he’s not going to give up his second chance without a fight.A complicated premise, a complicated tale, a very worried Ron, a very determined Harry, an entirely unwelcome Severus Snape coming from beyond the Veil, all leading up to an epic confrontation in the Other Side. Who knew the afterlife had a court?
~~~~~Hope you like these! Thanks for the ask!
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
Any favorite Ronarry fan fiction?
‘Wildflowers and soft laughter’ by Cookies and Ink. Ron decides to finally confront the stranger who'd been stealing wildflowers from their front garden every weekend. He also manages to repeatedly embarrass himself in the process. Rated T.
‘Wedding Favours’ by Cookies and Ink. Harry had agreed to be Ginny's fake boyfriend for a wedding, to keep her Mum off her back. He hadn't expected to find someone he'd fall head over heels for there. Rated T.
Basically, check out everything by Cookies and Ink. They write so much Rarry/Harron fanfiction (often AU stuff, as well as halfway-canon stuff).
‘Engaged’ by I’mdeadsothere. All around Harry everyone is getting engaged, leaving Harry to wonder if he'll ever have the same honour. Especially when the one person he truly loves, well, it's complicated. Rated T. Contains strong language.
‘Beds’ by I’mdeadsothere. Now that the war is over Harry treats himself by buying a nice big fluffy bed. Only it's too nice, too fluffy, and WAY too big. Ron has the perfect solution, but it'll change a lot more than just how Harry feels about his bed. Rated T. Contains strong language. (This one also has Hermione ‘biggest Rarry shipper on the planet’ Granger involved, so that’s a plus).
‘Harry Potter And The World That Went Bl**dy Insane’ “I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious. Featuring Protective!Attentive!Caring!Ron and Oblivious!Harry in their stinky flat and everyone shipping Harry/Ron. It’s awesome.
Hope you like those, anon!
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
the golden trio for 001
Favorite character:
Ron. Obviously. He’s the best. 
 Least Favorite character:
Out of the trio? Hermione. Sorry, but those birds are terrifying!
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Romione + Ronarry = Both is good for Ron Weasley
Character I find most attractive:
Ron. To be fair, Harry and Hermione would agree. 
Character I would marry:
Ron. I just hope Hermione wouldn’t attack me for it. 
Character I would be best friends with:
Ron. He’s an amazing best friend. 
a random thought:
The golden trio show three different kinds of love. Ron and Hermione’s is romantic, Harry and Hermione’s is familial, and Harry and Ron’s is platonic. 
An unpopular opinion:
Most people would not be able to deal with Harry and Hermione’s personalities. Both are very intense people, with a tendency to steamroll their own opinions over others. 
I know a lot of the fandom think they could easily be besties with both the two Hs, but -trust me- most of us would be unable to handle them. You know who is much more of an easy person to be friends with? Ron. But few in the fandom will admit to this. 
my canon OTP:
Non-canon OTP:
Ronarry. They’re (platonic) life partners anyway. 
most bada*s character:
Harry and Hermione have their moments, but Ron’s level of absolute bada*sery is assured by the fact that (no matter how badly the odds are stacking against him) he always gets back up. 
pairing I am not a fan of:
H*rmione. It would be a ‘it’s not my thing, but you do you’ type of pairing, if it wasn’t for some of its fans. There are a minority of shippers for that pairing who distort the relationship between the two Hs in the books, and even refuse to accept the “she’s like a sister” line from DH. Like, really guys, what is so bad about the two of them having platonic familial-coded relationship? 
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I was going to say Ron, but I actually think Rowling did Hermione a great disservice, especially in the last four books. Unlike Ron, Hermione never really gets much of a character arc. Sure, she changed slightly as a person, but she never really has to deal with the repercussions of her bad decisions, and doesn’t have her bad decisions framed as such by the narrative. 
favourite friendship:
Harry and Ron. The BROTP to end all BROTPs. 
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
I would adopt Ron. Obviously. The poor boy needed someone to actually give him positive reinforcement, and believe in him. I love Molly as a character, but her behaviour towards Ron is difficult to read about at times. 
Thanks for the ask, anon! 
Ask me stuff!
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amorremanet · 8 years
10, 23, 37, 42
asks for fanfic writers.
10. how do you do your researches?
Depends on what I’m researching, but usually, it starts with Google and/or Wikipedia, unless I have other sources that are immediately on-hand, or that have pointed me to places I should be looking. Sometimes, I’ll go use my grad student access to various academic databases for something that is actually useful.
Then, I filter through the stuff to find contradictions I should look at, find the pieces that are unreliable (e.g., gossip journalism with no demonstrable basis in fact, history about POC that was written by white people, LGBTIQ history written by straight people, things that might have been questionably translated, etc.). And then I sorta have to play it by ear, because this is about when it starts getting more variable, based on what I’m researching and what I’ve found or not.
23. least favorite story you’ve ever written
Do you want me to go chronologically or alphabetically? That being said:
* A lot of my old school, “I wrote this when I was fifteen and so deeply closeted that I was Katniss Everdeen levels of, ‘Everybody seems to know my secrets before I know them myself’ before Katniss was even a character who existed, and I really, really thought I was straight for like a minute. A really extended minute” Wolfstar fics are capital-B BAD.
Like, they’re OOC as fuck, they buy into all of the heterosexist and misogynistic top/bottom bullshit that fandom is still so fond of, I forced myself to write a bunch of fluff that I hated and that is absolutely disgusting to me because it’s: 1. overly derivative of “The Shoebox Project” but with absolutely no nuance or depth (so like, the fanon version of TSBP), because, like every other Wolfstar shipper at the time, I loved it and unfortunately, I subsequently emulated it way too much in my own writing, because I was fifteen and thought the only way to find any kind of a place or friends in fandom was to do the popular thing
Pro-tip, kids at home: this is an absolutely bullshit way to try and find a place or friends in fandom. It just straight up DOES NOT WORK.
All of the happy feels that resemble friendship you get will be totally surface-level at best, and unless you are really socially competent — which I was and still am not — you won’t be able to translate it into any meaningful connections with anyone else, because they won’t really be accepting YOU.
They will be giving you attention and appreciation, but you’ll be more or less the same as everyone else who’s doing The Popular Thing Of The Moment, especially if you’re creating content for a huge ship, like Wolfstar was at the time — or for newer examples, like K*laine, like S*terek, like V*iktuuri, like Skittles after a certain point, like [insert literally any popular dudeslash otp here] — but they won’t be accepting YOU, YOURSELF.
If what you are legitimately into happens to be The Popular Thing, then disregard this and keep doing your thing because you’re doing it in earnest and that means that you actually ARE sharing yourself with people through the content you make, and have an actual chance of finding a fannish place for yourself and finding friends in fandom who actually value you as a person, and not just as a creator of The Popular Thing.
But for everybody who’s just doing The Popular Thing because it happens to be The Popular Thing? No. Stop that. You are better and you deserve so much better than that.
Find what really makes you happy. This is a deceptively simple idea, because finding your bliss as a content creator — or the thing that gives you the most sense of purpose as a content creator, since tbh, finding happiness as a content creator is often going to feel pretty impossible — it’s hard. It takes time. It takes a lot of trial and error, it takes soul-searching, it might very well take skydiving and seeing what flashes through your mind (it didn’t for me but I wouldn’t be very surprised if it did for someone)
—but whatever it takes? Find what kind of content it REALLY makes you happy to create, and then do that. It won’t always be The Popular Thing, and yes, let’s be honest, it will fucking suck to put your heart and soul into something, only to feel like people are just totally ignoring it.
But it’s also more likely to help you find people who genuinely share your interests and who are more likely to click with you (especially out in Rarepair Hell; there aren’t enough of us, so we sometimes end up bonding more tightly), and in the end?
Artistic integrity and truly making something that you can be proud of? That’s worth more than how many kudos or followers you can get by doing The Popular Thing when your heart isn’t actually in it.
This has been the most pretentious, “you’re a star, baby, just be yourself” PSA ever, and now back to our regularly scheduled self-deprecation!
and 2. Those old Wolfstar fluff pieces I wrote are gross to me now because they are so fucking emotionally dishonest — both to how Sirius and Remus are as characters, and to how I felt at the time, which was, “meh, varying degrees of miserable but with no functional idea why this is and even less of an idea of how to articulate it” — because I was so desperate to be accepted somewhere and get validation in the form of people on FF.net liking my terrible fanfic.
Like, every sin you can commit as a writer, I probably committed it with those fics and as such, they’re all completely atrocious. Even the “angsty” ones aren’t worth shit because I copped out and gave most of them either pasted-on happy endings or, “lol i am using canon as an excuse to not do a happy ending but i’m still not actually exploring everything as much as it deserves la la laaaaaa~ (somebody please please love me)” endings. They are all hooooooorrible, period, end of discussion.
There’s exactly one (1) that I wouldn’t burn if it were an actual printed book, and it’s the one that has ‘vaguely genderfluid but I didn’t have that word in my vocabulary in 2005’!Sirius having gender and presentation feels about wearing pretty skirts, and a parallel Hermione/Luna story about soft dapper butch!Hermione having gender and presentation feels about wanting to wear suits that were Totally Not Inspired By The Pics from And Fanart of Tipping The Velvet That I’d Seen Online, Nuh Uh, Nope (except that they totally were).
It’s still pretty, “meh” because I wrote it when I was fifteen, and if I were to rewrite it now, I’d do a looooot of things differently but still. It’s about the only not-horrible thing I ever wrote.
oh wait, actually? There are two (2) that I wouldn’t burn.
The other one, I wrote right after we first got HBP and found out that Remus had been out with the werewolves, on Top Seekrit Spy Missions!!! — it had Albus (who was still assumed by most of us to probably be having it off in secret with McGoogles because DH hadn’t happened yet and brought us G*rindeldore For Real Though) going to his office after handling shit with Harry and the kids and all of the Order members who got injured at the battle at the end of OOTP
Because it was a Wolfstar fic, Remus is naturally in said office.
It’s, like, dawn or getting close to it, and Albus is like, “well fuck shit dammit, how am i supposed to have this conversation with Remus when he’s probably going to clam up and emotionally retreat and try to say that he isn’t hurting about losing Sirius, and i can’t entirely call him on it without invalidating him — which i am especially sensitive to at the moment because Harry just almost called me out on it lol — and it’s not like his and Sirius’s relationship was ever simple like fuck, they have one of the most complicated relationships i’ve ever seen, crap fuck dammit, remus make this easy on both of us and let me comfort you okay”
And Remus is just like, “no, fuck that, dnw”
“i don’t suppose that i can ask what you’re planning to do”
“well i’m homeless again but it’s nbd”
“the order still has headquarters—”
“i’m just saying—”
“please just give me some pasted-on condolences and then give me a mission so i don’t have to think about anything”
“that sounds like one of the most emotionally unhealthy ideas that you have ever had this week”
“hey, so, you need somebody to go do reconnaissance/outreach with the werewolves, right”
“um i think that can wait—”
“…………*dumble-sighs* remus, will you please go underground to do information gathering and outreach with the werewolves :/”
“yes. thank you, professor. i absolutely will.”
“this is still one of your worst ideas ever, jsyk”
“la la la can’t hear you over the sound of you giving me permission to do it la la la”
this is, at best, a really sketchy recreation of it that isn’t historically accurate on the grounds that i’m writing the sketch with the view of canon that i have now — minus the obvious omission of the Truth of Grindeldore — but that’s the basic outline of things
if I were to rewrite the thing now, I would do a lot of things differently
but the original fic isn’t completely without its merits, even if it could be a lot better
* “Close Enough For Rock and Roll” — Absolutely terrible, forever abandoned WIP because it’s absolutely terrible. It’s completely bogus D*estiel cis mpreg that has no reason to exist because it’s TERRIBLE. I cringe so hard whenever I get any FF.net emails about people liking it because…… ew. no. why would you even. I don’t even know you but plz. Love yourself and read something better, you deserve that.
* It is a closely-guarded secret of mine — by which I mean that it’s on my FF.net account — that once upon a time, I wrote D*rarry not once, but twice. They’re patently horrible fics, and there’s a reason for that. Namely: I don’t ship it, I have never shipped it, I have never for the life of me understood why it is A Thing, and I am never, ever GOING to ship it — usually, this would be shooting myself in the foot but it’s been 16+ years and I still don’t ship it, so I think I’m in the clear — but the girl I was in love with at the time dared me to write it, just to see if I could. She had a beautiful smile, but I refused to lose.
The fics are garbage and the only reason I don’t regret them is that nah nah nah nah nah nah, I won.
* It is a less closely-guarded secret of mine — by which I mean that it is up on my AO3 — that I wrote NC-17 S*terek once. I hate it a bit less than everything else I’ve listed here, because it’s not completely awful and I wrote it for a friend who’d been having a shitty time of things, and hey, it made her happy so mission accomplished — but it’s still pretty bad. It has a Derek who’s a darker shade of morally gray than he usually is and unnecessarily special!Stiles and consent that is at best highly questionable (though at least I acknowledge it and tagged it as such).
But mostly I hate it because I don’t actually ship that and have so many better fics but ugh, of course the garbage, poorly-written porn for the fandom’s favorite OTP is one of my most popular fics on AO3. UGGGGGGGGGGGGH.
37. canon or AU?
*shrugs* Both are good, it depends on how I feel today.
42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
………Can I just say, “yes” and leave it at that, like??? Sometimes one, sometimes the other, but usually, it’s a mix of both?
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