#get in the pizza 🫵
whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
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(I tried drawing your sona! Hope you like it <:D)
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shadedkitten · 1 year
TMNT AU/Iteration ask game!
Send an ask with an emoji to ask about someone's iteration!
🏙️ What is the main setting of your au? 🏠 What is the Lair like? 🧪 Where does the mutagen come from? 🧫 Were your turtles mutated intentionally or on accident? 💉 Do any characters get mutated during the main story? 💵 How do your turtles make money? Or do they only scavenge? 🦹 Who is the main villain? 😡 What is your villain’s motivation? ☠️ Does anyone die in your au? 😍 Are there any romances in your au? 🐢 Are your turtles different species? 🐱 Do any of your characters have pets? 👹 Are there yokai/supernaturals in this universe?
👤 Are there any oc’s in your au? 💛 Is there a Jennika in your au? 🩵 Is there a Venus in your au? 🖤 Is there a Slash in your au? 💚 Are there other turtles in your au? 🐇 Is there a Usagi in your au? ⚔️ Is there a Karai in your au? 🥷 Is there a Timothy in your au? 🐯 Is there a Tigerclaw in your au? 🪰 Is there a Baxter stockman in your au?
Who …
🫵 Who do you project onto the most? 🩹 Who is the Medic? 🧑‍🍳 Who is the best cook? 🍍 Who likes Pineapple on pizza? 🧓 Who is the eldest sibling? 👶 Who is the youngest sibling?
Character specific
🥊 Does Raph have anger issues? If so, how does Raph deal with his anger? 🧶 Does Raph knit?
🗣️ Is your Leo the leader? Has he always been? 🔥 Is Leo accident prone? Especially in the kitchen?
🔬 Is Donnie only interested in Tech? 🤖 Does your Donnie have a robot child?
🎨 Is Mikey the artist of the family? 😈 Is Mikey a little shit?
🐀 Was Splinter a human or an animal before he was mutated? 🧑‍🍼 How does Splinter raise the boys? 💏 Does/Did Splinter have a significant other?
🎤 Is April a reporter? 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Is April considered a sibling?
🏒 Does Casey play hockey? 🦸 Is Casey a vigilante?
Specify a character
🍕 What is [x]’s favorite pizza toppings? 👻 Does [x] have any fears? 🏳️‍🌈 What is [x]’s sexuality? 🏳️‍⚧️ What is [x]’s gender? ♾️ Is [x] neurodivergent in any way? 🧑‍🦽 is [x] disabled in any way?
❓Write your own question!
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Hello could you please do some captain boomerang headcanon fluff, I don’t see enough of it on here.
AN: I can and I will. Good fluffy vibes only today, however, if you would like a reality check, please watch the video linked at the end.
Rating: General (however, wanting for swearing)
Please remember: Everything you're worried about, is going to turn out ok.
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Ko-Fi || Masterlist || Request Info
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He’s not much for texting, much prefers sending voice notes. These can range anywhere from simple good night/good morning notes, the longest, most pointless, probably drunken rambles, jokes he stole came up with, or professions of love.
When he texts, it’s always in 90s/early 00s style and full of emojis that don’t quite mean what he thinks they do.
Cn’t w8 2 c 👀 u 🫵l8r 👄❣️🪃 X 🌫️ Gud nite mu 🫥 u4e lol 😜 🩵🪃 xXx RUOK 4 d8 l8r??? 🌷💦 CUL ❤️‍🔥🪃 X
Has your name saved in his phone as the most ridiculous nickname you can think of, probably also with a bunch of emojis.
Dependant on your personality, petnames would include a few of the following: Darl’, darlin’, babs, babes, baby (pronounced bah-bee), sweets, hon, peachy, lovey, peanut, or doll.
Whatever your least favourite is, he will use the most cause he loves winding you up.
Swears at you, a lot. But its affectionate.
He’s not used to people doing things for him, so he is massively grateful when you do like menial domestic labour for him.
You sewed up the hole in my jacket? You’re THE best, I can’t believe you would do that for me. You did my laundry? WTF? You didn’t have to do that (he’s been wearing the same unwashed boxers for 2 weeks, someone had to) how can I ever repay you babes? You cooked for me? (It’s literally a pot-noodle) You’re an angel, I’m not welling up, shut it.
He’s really good at like, enhancing 'easy' food. He’ll add egg and chives and stuff to his packet noodles, makes the best cheese and vegemite toasty, knows just how much oil and extra cheese to add to a frozen pizza, and has mastered box mix cupcakes. His favourite is chocolate.
Uses a 5 in 1 shower gel, if and when he showers, and you cannot tell me he doesn’t blast lynx africa and/or paco rabanne 1 million so he smells woody and spicy.
However, if you have fancy smelly products of you’re own, he will use them. Gonna treat himself with a good scrub and some large helpings of your shampoo and conditioner (this one’s got multiple products for their hair, posho!)
Doesn’t matter if you use products intended for a specific skin/hair type, it’s getting used.
As a nice bonus he likes doing it cause it means your smell lingers on him when you’re not together.
Won’t admit it but he also really likes it if you burn candles and/or incense.
If you’re close enough in size, he will steal your clothes. Especially socks cause he is always wearing holes into his own.
Gets all gooey and excited when you wear his clothes, especially if you’re small enough that they look oversized, and are visibly his.
If you’re inclined to wear flowy summer dresses, he’ll go feral. Also, a big fan of linen shirts/blouses and short shorts.
When he’s dressed causal he lives in shorts and filp-flops, even in the midst of winter. Or if he’s not leaving the house he’ll just wear his boxer shorts.
Is gone for long periods of time (prison, hiding out etc) so is very clingy when you’re back together, and doesn’t really have boundaries.
Will walk in on you in the bath shower to use the toilet, or to just sit and talk to you. If you ask him nicely, he will wash your hair. Might not do a good job, but he will do it. Has his arms wrapped around your waist at all times while you’re trying to do chores or are out shopping. If he wakes before you (a rare occurrence) he will just lay on his side, watching you sleep. Might get impatient and attempt to subtly wake you by gently brushing your side or nose, or gently shaking your body.
Normally sleeps way into the day, and snores, loudly. Often wakes with a hangover. And will practically beg you to make him a bacon an egg.  
Loves almost any and all brekkie food, bacon, egg, hash browns, pancakes, you name it.
Is not a cuddly sleeper. Like he can fall asleep cuddling, but he will start rolling around, splaying his arms out, kicking his legs. Huge bed hog.
Says his favourite films are action, gangster, or like bro style comedies. Think like: Road House, Indian Jones, Kill Bill, The Gentleman, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Hang Over.
If you put on a horror, drama, or rom com, he will not watch it with you.
But he will find things to do in the general vicinity. Or straight up do the dad thing of like standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. If he’s not sat with you, he’s technically not watching it.
So like, which one is actually her dad? They don’t tell you but the writ- No no no, don’t tell me, I’ll figure it out, Don’t go in the basement, there’s never anything good in the basement, oh she’s only bloody gone and went in the basement! But… Barbie doesn’t love Ken. I’m not cryin, I just got allergies, shut up an’ watch your dumb girly film.
Has a stolen tattoo gun,wants to get matching tattoos, has pro for everyone of your cons. Ideally, he just wants names/initials in hearts, but will settle for more symbolic tattoos. Like a boomerang to represent him for you, and something similar for you.
Keeping any gift you’ve ever given him for life.
I made you a friends ship braclet. Eh, ya know its not my normal kinda jewellery. You don’t ha- No, fuck off, I’m gonna wear it forever.  
Would still love you if you were a worm. Hasn’t the foggiest what he would do with you. But he would love you.
Obviously gonna teach you how to use a boomerang. Even if you already know, he’s gonna show you the right way. Gotta make sure his bab is protected. (Don’t tell him that you find them impractical and are unlikely to ever use one when in need, he will sulk.)
Aforementioned video.
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bellyasks · 19 days
stuffing kink ask game for YOU🫵 (without focus on gaining)
How often do you deliberately stuff yourself? Or does it usually happen unintentionally?
If you're so full that your belly is beginning to ache, do you push it, or do you quit while you're ahead?
What kinds of foods (or drinks) are your favorite to stuff yourself silly with? Do they line up with your favorite foods in general?
What kinds of foods (or drinks) do you most frequently stuff yourself with? Not necessarily favorites, but the ones that result in a too-full tummy most often?
Do your stuffing sessions usually result in an upset belly? Is that something you're into, or an unwanted side effect?
What's the most full you can remember being?
Measuring in pizza slices or some other easy-to-visualize unit of food/drink, what's your capacity like? How much can you eat comfortably? What about if you push yourself?
How do you prefer to feel physically after stuffing yourself? Is that the way you usually wind up feeling?
Have you ever been so full that it made whatever you had to do next after eating difficult?
Do you ever have dreams about stuffing yourself or being stuffed?
Would you rather feed yourself or have somebody feed you? Or something in between (help, encouragement, etc)?
Do you have any fantasies you'd like to live out, realistic or otherwise?
Have you ever intentionally stuffed yourself in public?
Have you ever popped a button or anything along those lines?
Do you try to hide your belly when you're really stuffed, or do you like to show it off?
Does anybody in your life know about your kink? Do you talk about it with them?
Do you have any interest in gaining?
Do you have any other kinks that intersect with the stuffing?
Are you interested in any kind of feeder/feedee situation, or are you doing your thing solo?
Do you enjoy stuffing others/seeing others stuffed too, or do you prefer to be the one getting stuffed?
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ssahotchnerr · 10 months
Hey hey Katie!! Have fun on your road trip!
So what do you think about Reader, Jack, and Aaron (reader and Aaron are married) going to a water park together since it’s the end of summer?? I can totally seeing Jack bouncing off the walls wanting to go on the slides and reader and Aaron trying to constantly catch up to him! Like they’re being all domestic and cute going to the wave pool, lazy river, etc. 🥹
Thennnn Aaron and reader have “beef” since Jack wants to ride with his Momma on the tube slides instead of Aaronnnnn but then Aaron gets him a giant ice cream and Jacks like 😃 ok daddy I love you
Meanwhileeeee Aaron and reader are trying not to jump each other cuz they’re appreciating how they look and have fight off all the other people trying to flirt!! Then maybe they go home and have pizza and watch a movie together!
i did have fun thank you!!!! and AH your mind >>>>
it's def a lil end of summer surprise for jack 🥰🥰🥰 hehe you and aaron are getting ready for bed one night, discussing how summer just flew by and the days are dwindling down until jack is back in school 😭 🥲 AND since aaron doesn't work the next day, you both agree you should take advantage of it and take jackers out to do something fun!!!!!! <3333 aaron checks the weather for the next day to narrow down ideas, sees it's gonna be a hottttt one and comes up with the genius idea of going to a waterpark!!! something so fun and a good way to beat the heat <33
AH so you wake up jack bright and early the next day - aaron wanted to get there earlier to beat the crowd/traffic - and as he's opening his eyes, still half asleep, you brush his hair away from his eyes and whisper-ask :D "wanna go to a waterpark????" and within an instant, jackers is wide awake with the biggest most excited grin on his face <3333 his swimsuit is on in record time and he's eagerly talking you and aaron out the door as quickly as possible.
and as you get him and yourself ready, aaron has the job of collecting the towels, flip flops, sunscreen, anything you may need throughout the day, putting it in a big beach bag, and has the task of loading up the car 🤭 hehe it's very Dad of him <3333
as you three are pulling into the waterpark, jack is pointing out alllll the slides he sees and needs to go on because they look "super cool!!!!!!" - he's practically out of his seat, still buckled in, and aaron keeps looking in the rearview mirror and keeps reminding jack to stay put until he's parked 🤨🫵🏻🥰 but jack being as excited as he is, doesn't listen 🤭
and once you're all in the park, sunscreen is on and your spot has been selected, sweet jack is pulling on your hand trying to drag you away to go on slides <333 hehe leaving aaron in the dust 🤭 aaron pretends to be offended, pouts, and asks "what about me??? this was my idea you know???" and jack just giggles, clutches onto your hand and insists again how he wants to go on with you <3333333 so as the day progresses, he teases jack how the two of you are having all the fun 🙄 BUT for some of the bigger slides, the ones that make jack a bit nervous 🥺 he wants aaron to go on those with him 😭
and the lazy river <33333 the three of you spend sooo much time in there. aaron is the only one trying to relax, while you and jack team up to splash him every so often 🤭 hehe aaron is lounging in the floatie, eyes closed, he looks like he's asleep lmaooo 😭 and when he gets splashed, he totally plays it up for jack 🥹 pretending the water is such a surprise and topples into the river, which causes jack to erupt in laughter 💓💞 and UGH it tugs at your heartstrings because aaron 🥹🥹 is such a good dad <33333
and when aaron sees you in your bathing suit 🤭 he totally tries to grab your ass multiple times throughout the day. in response, you just smack his hand back and then also his chest gently and whisper-yell at him amusingly, "aaron!!!!! there are children here" and he just shrugs his shoulders and gives you a smirk ;)))))
AND every time you peer at aaron to check him out in his shirtless glory <3333 he's already peering at you to check you out 🤭 hehe the two of you just stupidly grin at each other, and UGH aaron causes you to blush everyyy time
but omg the other moms are TOTALLY checking aaron out, so you keep offering to put sunscreen on him to show he's yours >:( like one glances in his direction, their gaze lingers on him and his body for a bit too long and you're turning to aaron and urgently telling him, "i need to put sunscreen on your chest now" hehe and the first few times, aaron whines a bit, says how he's already fully covered thanks to you but complies <333 and eventually aaron catches on why and is so so sweet 🥹 so he'll let you manhandle him and put sunscreen on with no complaints, and alwayssss gives you a sweet kiss and reminds you he's all and only yours <33333
and at the end of the day, jack is soooo tuckered out from all the time spent in the sun, all the fun he had, and aaron carries him back to the car 🥹🥰 and once you're back home, the ac feels so nice and welcoming, aaron lays jack in his room so he can continue napping, and then the two of you take a shower together to cool down and wash up - hehe aaron makes a comment about he has to get all the sunscreen off him LMAO which reminds you of earlier so you have to remind him again who he belongs to so 🤭 that calls for shower sex of courseeeee 🥰💞💞💕💞
and once jack is awake and showered, the three of you finish the most amazing summer day by ordering some takeout, watching a movie and cuddling on the couch <3333333
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mico-evelyn2 · 3 months
WHY YOU SHOULD BE A YOTES FAN! (or at least like them) (Pt 1)
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Social Media admin: the yotes social media admin has lost their mind and honestly i think they're on crack
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2. Our jerseys look fly as fuck a.k.a when we lose we lose in style 😎
[⚫Home, ⚪Away, 🟣Alt]
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3. Clayton Keller (sean avery's opp): No. 9 is the yotes superstar. He's the unofficial-official captain and his hockey is so fun to watch (also he's a pretty white boy with dimples, you🫵will love him, you have no 🙅‍♀️ say in this) (btw i'm never getting over that second picture)
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4. Travis Dermott is an amazing person🤩. The NHL banned the use of pride tape and Travis Dermott gave the league a massive middle finger (he is literally my hero) (his interview where he spoke out against the NHL) (Via The Athletic)↴
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5. the future: Listen i understand we might not be in Arizona in the next 2 years but idc. I'm here to talk about our draft picks. they currently have 34 picks in the next 3 drafts with 20 of them being in the 1st 3 rounds (this is fucking insane and I cannot wait for the future)
5.5) 2022 round 1 draft: This photo isn't relevant but it is to me because I love how short Maveric Lamourex (6'7ft, 2.01m) and Conor Geekie (6'3ft, 1.93m) make Logan Cooley (5'10ft, 1.78m) look
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6. like every team you need someone who looks like their mascot and arizona is no exception. Allow me to introduce No. 29 Barrett Hayton and Howeler the Coyotes
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7. No. 39, Connor Ingram my precious goalie🫶. He is important to me because he's open about his struggles with OCD & past addiction. And also he's a good goalie (that saves the yotes ass a lot of times) read more here
8. @/did_the_coyotes_lose on Insta or @/didtheyoteslose (twitter) is small community of yotes fans :) and also sometime the main title card is posted by the arizona account
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(usually they lose two games after and go on a horrendous losing streak. When will the yotes admin learnt that posting did_the_coyotes_lose is a curse)
9. MIKE SMITH GOALIE GOAL!! HE SCORES WITH JUST 11 SECONDS TO GO! It got in the net with 0.1 seconds remaining on the clock. Needless to say, best goal in yotes history.
10. Father a.k.a Nick Bjugstad (No. 17) and his wife Jackie have a foundation called Goals For Kids, "Provides youth from all backgrounds with the skills to be successful" <- paraphrasing what their website says
11. Travis Boyd (No. 72) he is literally just a family man. That is kinda his whole thing, it's sweet.
12. Michael Carcone (No.53) knows how to serve on and off the ice because his grandfather owned a bar and a pizza joined (but genuinely i need to know if MC53 can serve drinks, it would be great if he can)
13. Logan Cooley my goat 🐐 all you really need to know about him is that he's just a little guy and is good at hockey
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14. speaking of little guys clayton keller & logan cooley are both the second shortest (michael carcone is the shortest) but i would like to bring your attention to this photo, it's beautiful 🥹
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15. barrett hayton & clayton keller are in love (bromance) (to add more BH29 profile picture on insta is a picture of them)
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16. Lawson Crouse (No. 67, Alt captain) his nickname is "the sheriff" because of his style of play (not important but he's ginger and i felt the need to mention this because they're a very rare breed)
17. Dylan Guenther - another little guy (he's 6'2💀) - scored THE game winning goal for Canada at world juniors in the gold medal game against czechia (it was a beautiful moment)
18. Barrrett Hayton serves cunt on and off ice (i mean look at this goofy ass hat, only someone with confidence can pull this off)
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19. Harvard graduate Alexander Kerfoot (No. 15, alt captain). He did a Q&A with The Athletic in 2019 and I think it say all you need to know
20. No. 63 Matias Maccelli, oh i love this man. He looks like a teddy bear and if you squeeze him for long enough he will squeak. And also he's good at hockey and is going to beat his season high points scored (49)
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21. Jack McBain (No. 22) if i'm being honest idk much about him and i couldn't find out much. But something i know is that his insta is private and i respect that🫡
22. No. 38 Liam O'Brien or Big Tuna. He's an enforcer with the most penalty minutes in the league (133) (he's a ginger, a very rare breed) also he's going to be a girl dad 🔜
23. One Step Coyotes is a program that allows adults with special needs to play hockey (@/onestepcoyotes on insta)
24. The short leash line was a line with Keller - Schmaltz - Garland in the 2020-21 season. It was nicknamed this by rick tocchet and it has got to be my favourite line name
25. this video is actually everything to me 🥹
Lawson Crouse saying, "You go baby go ahead." changed my brain chemistry.
And the Cooley repeating to himself, "don't fall, don't fall, don't fall..." 😭😭😭😭
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shslskaterboy · 6 months
new Ryuji hc just dropped: my man has an incredible talent for catching food in his mouth. Sittin right next to him with some popcorn? He's got it. Grape from across the room? Easy money. Entire slice of pizza? Well no promises but it'll probably go better than one would think it will. Take him by surprise and there's still a good 60/40 chance that he'll get it, same goes for something that almost assuredly wont fit in his mouth, bc even if it's not guaranteed that doesn't mean he's not gonna try 🫵
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itsyagurlchip · 2 months
can I get a goofy reader insert w/ gregory as the older sibling
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Radically Chaotic!٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆.˚✰
✰⋆⁺warning: Gregory(!) crack(!) a lil older sibling angst(!)
✰⋆⁺ i know who you are *insert gay dog*naw but fr- I apologize that it took so long for this to come out :(( and ur not online as much, BUT I LOVE U SM ❤️🫵🏾I know it was supposed to be goofy- but i had to get some tears in(I knew it was u bc ur the only one who uses goofy like that @thealphagirl)
✰⋆⁺ You are a 14 year old older sibling. Life just couldn't get harder for you!!!-? Wait- WHY DOES HIS TRACKER SAY THE PIZZA PLEX?
"DUDE! WHY THE HELL DID YOU THINK IT WAS OK TO BE HERE???" I harshly whispered, my breath heaving in the tight hiding spot we were in.
"I DONT KNOW!? I JUST WANTED TO SEE SOME COOL STUFF" Gregory responded, trying to use that damn Journey Kidz ass watch. I don't even know where that came from, Mom hasn't bought anything like that in months.
"AH YES, BECAUSE THE COOLEST THING IN THE WORLD IS GETTING CHASED BY A GROWN AS WOMAN WHO LOOKS LIKE SHE NEEDS 3 YEARS OF SLEEP!" I sarcastically retorted as my voice raised a pitch. We were so in trouble, it's bad enough that I got my tablet away. Now the door is up for grabs.
"MAKE ME, YOU LIL-" His hand slapped against my mouth just as aggressive stomping flooded both of our ears. My heart dropped to my ass. Forget the door! I won't even have a bedroom to myself if we go to jail!
This is a big ass place, no telling how much it costs. Trespassing gets sued for, and knowing Gregory, he probably broke some expensive-!
oh no...
"Gregory?..." I slowly turned to him, "How much have you broken?"
I'm pretty sure I could hear that loudass daycare music (despite us being closer to the front) from how quiet it became.
*sigh* "We need to get out of here so no one can recognize our faces- I am NOT gonna do community service for your dumbass decisions." I hissed out as I slightly gripped my hair. I had to take another long exhale at the absurdity of the situation, my eyes couldn't even stay open as I did so. The buffoonery, the stress, the-
I hear sniffling from my right and I quickly spun around just in time to see my little brother put on a tough face, not before he angrily wiped away some tears with the bittest of snot from his nose.
I sigh once more, with my eyes tearing up as well. I pull him close into a hug, his head leaning close to my chest. I wonder if he can hear how hard my hard is beating...
"Look buddy... Sorry if I sounded so harsh- or if I worded something wrong". A tear fell from my eye. "I just wish you had told me where you were- or, or...I just wanted you to be okay. I'm older than you, I have to protect you." I looked into Gregory's eyes as I wiped some of the tear tracks away.
"Not only that, and I had to admit it but- you're my number one best friend. I don't want to know what it's like to lose you." My voice cracked a I continued on. I held Gg tight, hoping that we weren't crying too loud.
Well that was a shit show! You know, crying isn't as bad as it seems to be. Because I would rather be ANYWHERE ELSE than here right now!
You know, at home, in a nice warmish bed. A non hostile environment. No Self aware machines. Especially ones that chase you, AROUND A FUCKING MALL!!
Me and Gregory were booking it- A raccoon-looking animatronic was chasing us.
'What she needed to chase was a color scheme' I thought to myself. 'And maybe a whole new maw- that shit looks like those furry masks on yt shorts.
Turns out, the only robot that wasn't trying to maul our faces off is good ole Freddicson Fazbearington. But, as if the universe is our 3rd grade enemy, Freddy runs like a goddamn iphone battery.
I could only hope that we made it our here, no fees, no community service, or even trouble on our hands. I couldn't even hop for that- the damn things were trying to kill us!
If wishing wasnt doing anything, me and my little brother will. We'll make it home safe, no scratches, no suspicion. Nothing will be damaged, no one will be harmed.
But the security was breached, leaving a radically chaotic fire in its wake by the start of the morning.
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice . if you would like to be added, check my blog.
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thesoulbox · 4 months
How do beckorellis spend valentines? :]
They would be so silly, hear me out.
Really the answer depends on what time it is in the timeline...
Say it's pre-GGY and everything is fine and dandy and working out with the three of them without the mass tragedies that occur later on, I feel like they'd definitely go to the pizzaplex and go hang out for the day, Tony would definitely kill them at Bonnie Bowling, I just feel like he'd be that guy BAHAHA
The three of them would be able to do all of the things they each like to do there and share it with one another and it'd be so awesome :) I feel like Ellis would definitely try his hardest to get the two of them cool stuff with his tickets but Tony and Gregory totally throw him a curve ball when they combine their tickets and get something for him instead, like aha let me just slide an uno reverse your way...(at beee-kayyy....)
The three of them would probably go pick up a pizza and some drinks in the Pizzaplex and go sit out in the parking lot and have a really unorganized picnic of sorts under the streetlights due to them literally staying there until like, 9-10 pm...it's a bit chaotic and they are sort of just sitting on the curb and waiting for someone's parents to come pick them up (most likely Tony's mom, you know she'd absolutely be all over the three of them and be like "Oh my goodness gracious my baby boy is growing up and falling in love they are so sweet together!!!") but they all have tons of fun just hanging out and having a small lil pizza dinner together underneath the moonlight...
Now say it's post GGY, and all of the tragedy happened and now they're traumatized and sad.
I don't think they'd go to the pizzaplex that time around, considering that Faz-Ent and such is behind most of their issues, but I think they would definitely go wander around their small town and go to the little shops and whatnot! And when they get bored of that they'd probably go get ice cream :)
And Ellis probably knows some weird little spot in the inner workings of their itty bitty town and over time they kind of just see this as their designated spot, and they go and hang out there, now theyve staked their claim there for months...and I'm not entirely sure what it would be, maybe a small spot underneath a bridge or something? Somewhere cool I'll need to look at pinterest for this...
They have it totally decked out and stuff though, Ellis would probably be crazy into graffiti, so would Gregory, but Tony probably thinks it's gross...although he doesn't bother to stop them when they manage to rope him into it and get him to spray some stuff up himself (he loved it but he's too much of a butt to admit it...)
Theres also a bunch of drawings along the walls from both Gregory and Tony! Artistic (autistic) lil buggers!!
The three of them just settle down in there and have a picnic (they like eating food in peculiar places I suppose.) Gregory definitely brought baked goods (I feel like he'd exceptionally be good at baking NO JOKE, THIS BOY CAN MAKE SOME GOOD COOKIES) Whilst Tony brought some food his mother made (HIS MOTHER IS ALSO A CRAZY GOOD COOK.) And Ellis brings drinks of courss, gotta wash down the yummy food with something 😔
And so the three of them just hang out and talk amongst themselves, whilst stuffing their faces with good food and soda (please limit Gregory's mountain dew intake that boy literally loses his shit)
When they finish eating and they realize it's getting dark, they decide to head back home to Gregory's house and go rent a movie on one of the streaming services, and the three of them just kind of scooch together on the couch with some blankets + snacks and relax and enjoy the movie, with most likely all three of them falling asleep before the movie even ends...
*EXHALES DRAMSTICALLT..* I put way too much thought into this..
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mooifyourecows · 2 months
What food do y’all have in good ol’ ‘Mercia?
all of it
honestly though it depends on where you are. America is a big immigrant country, with people from all over the world bringing their authentic food with them. if you're in a big city with a big variety of people (Chicago, NYC, LA, etc), you can pretty much find ANY kind of cuisine possible. If youre touring around Chicago and suddenly think "MAN i could really go for some moi moi rn..." you're in luck! you can easily find a nigerian restaurant to meet your needs no problemo!
now if you're in a small, podunk one stoplight town, variety is a lot harder to find. You WILL almost always have Mexican food as an option though. Good mexican food too. made by actual mexicans. i've been to a lot of mexican restaurants here in America on account of it is my favorite and I've never encountered one owned or operated by non mexicans. other than like... fast food like taco bell and such. white people mexican restaurants don't last long because they have to compete with authentic deliciousness and that's just not possible (obviously this is just my personal experience and i have not been to EVERY town in america so i'm sure there are some exceptions)
Different parts of the country have different popular foods. In coastal states you'll find a lot of seafood, naturally. Maine is rollin in lobster (joke about lobster rolls), and you'll find several different types of BBQ, from Texas to Kansas City to Memphis to a backyard near you 🫵. Southern Soul Food is one of my faves, what with the jambalaya and the gumbo and the corn bread and mac and cheese and so on and so forth, deliciously 🤤 (i swear if i ever make it to New Orleans one of these days, i'm not going home without gaining at least 50lbs)
We have a big pizza culture here and you can find different pizza types all over the country. There's some debate about which pizza is the BEST pizza, mainly with Chicago deep dish and NYC style in a neverending battle of butting heads. (personally i'm just happy to get any pizza so i can't say who is better)
Then there's the stuff like Philly Cheese steak, the Reuben, pies (so many pies, but namely apple and pumpkin are the big ones), New England Clam Chowder, buckeyes, cheese curds, tex-mex, etc.
Diners are kinda the backbone of American eating, if you ask me, because you're destined to find diners everywhere. they're comforting, they're familiar, they have big menus, and they're within budget. Diners usually serve breakfast all day too, so you can swing in late in the evening (or even in the middle of the night) and order a big plate of chicken and waffles and a warm slice of apple pie à la mode any damn time you want!
I hear non americans are always baffled by biscuits and gravy, because it definitely doesn't LOOK appetizing but it's SO good. country gravy with a spicy sausage on fresh, flaky biscuits? Yall i'm gettin hungry just thinking about it. that was the meal i ate, hungover, after my 21st birthday, and i didn't regret a single bite mmMMm
i also hear that non americans don't eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but those are a big part of American culture, especially when you're a kid. aint nothin hit harder at lunchtime than takin a big ol bite of a gooey pb&j and chasin it with ice cold milk
Thanksgiving dinners are also iconically American food culture. gettin 20 of your family members together in one house, cookin a big ass turkey and serving it with a plethora of homestyle sides like stuffing, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, yams, mac and cheese, buttERNUT SQUASH, ACORN SQUASH, PUMPKIN PIE OH MAN OH MY i think i need to eat something before i gnaw through my arm
there's great native food too! frybread and succotash and what not. corn is a big thing for the indigenous people here and they popularized a lot of uses for it. I unfortunately haven't had a lot of it so i can't really speak on what's great and all, but if you just look up Native American food, you will see corn's influence lol
and OF COURSE we got the hamburgers and hot dogs. i know that fast food joints like mcdonalds have spread everywhere these days like a blight on the earth, but they're like... gas station burgers in comparison to the good stuff you can get. same with hotdogs. like i know that you can buy hotdogs from the store in a lot of places (for some reason in jars of liquid in the UK, i learned recently, which is..... fun) but they're not the same as getting a delicious hotdog with the works at a baseball game, you know? it's not the SAME. there's so much variety with what you can do with burgers and hotdogs! and Americans love to grill. it's pretty normal for households to have a grill they bust out every summer for backyard BBQs and cookouts.
anyway, i can't really tell you more about specific foods only in america because i genuinely don't know which foods here haven't either been brought over from somewhere else or have breached containment and gone off to other countries. i sometimes see restaurants in other countries have a "USA style" food and it seems to almost always be the most comically disgusting thing i've ever seen. (like pizza with fries and hot dogs as toppings lmaoooo)(ngl tho, i'd try it)
if anybody has some iconic American food to mention, feel free to do so! 👀
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carmenized-onions · 9 days
okay i’m usually not one to leave messages but i feel like im going INSANE– so please feel free to ignore this vomit of words but i need to talk my shit so i can have PEACE😭 YOU’RE SO TALENTED, ITS SICK🫵🏾okay but seriously, i haven’t felt so feral over someone’s writing in a longggg time so im feeling a lil crazyy
AGAIN PLEASE FEEL FREE TO IGNORE ME but that latest chapter with carmy’s pov had me rolling!! he’s so real, feelin all jealous of tony but also of mikey because ngl i would too! like whatdoyoumean im late to the party and everyone has already built in life long memories with this person??? BUT ALSO, im not special?? crazy. like the thought of realizing that your person might just be everyone’s person (does that even make sense idk)?? yeah i would feel sick and twisted too😀and and it makes me feel more insane when he had that subtle thought of being mikey’s fill in, LIKE??? plus tony’s mysterious ass past with rich and mike?? i’ll never be free omggg
i wish i could articulate my point better in way that makes sense but im running on 2 hours of sleep and goldfish so i’ll spare you the rest of my delirious spiel– GOOD NIGHTh🤙🏾
I need you to know so bad, I WOULD NEVER IGNORE THIS!!! This made me so happy to read last night, and as I read over it again, with shattered wrists from CPR/First Aid training, eating an overpriced pizza in my grandmother's bed, this is like, such a balm to the soul bb. Please please please continue to yap in my inbox, i cannot define to what end how happy it makes me (and frankly, not to guilt trip, but how sad it makes me when people like but don't say what they thought ;-; but i get it, i lurk too)
YES!!! I'm so happy to hear someone say they also vv much get Carmen's point of like fuck, i missed this. It's such a tough emotion because it feels like-- You shouldn't be allowed to feel that way? AND SAME WITH THE YOUR PERSON IS EVERYONE'S PERSON-- EXACTLYYYYYYY
It's like, I can't be mad that everyone else also knows how incredible my person is-- But like, they're my person-- What do you MEAN they were your person first??? I'm gonna EXPLODE!!! Sick and twisted, fr.
I mean, I agree, yes, quite.
Please please please, continue to send in thoughts!!! But also GET CONSISTENT SLEEP!!!! I'm not one to talk i really need to go to bed now i'm already looking at 6 hours square in the face but i didn't get to WRITE TODAY and i'm gonna be GRUMPY if it STAYS THAT WAY!!!
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hyuuukais · 15 days
good nighty-night lake 💭✨🌙
i’m sorry i couldn’t get u off of work tomorrow ☹️☹️ but i hope u at least are well rested and that the weather is favorable and ur bus comes on time and everyone is nice to u all day and u get a little treat bc U DESERVE IT 🫵
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shhhh 🤫 they’re eepy 🛌💤💭
so this is why i had an okay day so far 🤔 i slept a decent amount, didn't get rained on, and both my busses were early! does leftover pizza count as a treat?
i am also eepy, and my head hurts, but at least i'm home now :33 i hope ur day has been amazing 🫶
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fleeceyang · 20 days
Snoopy loves root beer, pizza, and ice cream, hates coconut candy and listening to balloons being squeezed, gets claustrophobia, which keeps him out of tall weeds and even his own doghouse, and is deathly afraid of icicles dangling over his doghouse. One of his hobbies is reading Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace at the rate of "a word a day". Snoopy also has the uncanny ability to play fetch with soap bubbles and can hear someone eating marshmallows or cookies at a distance, or even peeling a banana. He claims to hear chocolate chip cookies calling him. Snoopy is also capable of disappearing, like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, as shown in one '60s arc and the strip from February 03, 1992, "Grins are easy. Noses are hard. Ears are almost impossible."
Snoopy also loves sleeping and being lazy - a trait which often annoys Frieda. Snoopy often lies on top of his doghouse and sleeps, sometimes all day long. In the strip from October 07, 1955, Charlie Brown refers to him as a "hunting dog", because he always hunts for the easy way out of life.
In later strips, when not indulging in his fantasy life, Snoopy's main human contact is with Rerun van Pelt.
Younger than the other children, Rerun deals with his loneliness and lack of owning a dog by persistently asking to borrow Snoopy from Charlie Brown. Snoopy alternates between refusing to leave the house and agreeing to play with Rerun on his own terms — such as having Rerun push him on a stroller or pull him on a sled. While he also shows genuine affection for Rerun, Snoopy sometimes reacts indignantly to being treated as a common dog. In strip from January 24, 1999, Rerun calls him a "puppy dog" while playing with a stick. After seeing Snoopy drop the stick off a cliff, he declares, "I am not a puppy dog."
THIS U 🫵🏻🫵🏻
✅ loves root beer ✅ loves pizza ✅ loves ice cream ✅ chocolate chip cookies call me (carpet) ✅ sleeps all day long ✅ “hunting dog” this is me yup 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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honey-rye · 9 months
abt the dad au: 🏠💵🐱🫵(projecting)🧶😈?
abt barista by day, ninja by night: 😍🐱👹🍍(everyones)🍕? abt mamas boys: 💵(not lee and dee cuz big mama yk)🫵(projecting)🔥🔬🦸?
ooh, multiple au question.
Dad Au:
🏠 - What's the lair like?
I picture it kinda like the pre-shredder lair and the post-show lair combined. like it's the same abandoned train car/sewer area, but they've expanded it and made it more their own. it's like an apartment building in the sewers with your brothers and their partners. where they have their own space but they also have shared spaces where they do things together if that makes sense.
💵 - How do your turtles make money?
the boys are adults,, they have,, jobs,,,
Raph has an actual job. he personally rebrands the Hidden City Police, and makes sure they're running things right, and he gets paid for his good work. Mona also works there, though she works her own investigative unit.
Leo works in Jax's shop, and was barely able to negotiate shared ownership.
Mikey,, probably does art commissions or something on the side, and teaches mystic stuff for a living.
and Donnie? a mystery. he probably sells his designs, his tech, does something to earn as much as he does. it even baffles his partner
🐱 - Do any of your characters have pets?
Jax has a "cat" he calls KeKe. April has Mayhem if he qualifies. The kids definitely want pets but the parents are like "no way, at some point you have to draw a line and decide "what am I going to deal with today?" not this."
🫵 - Who do you project onto the most?
I don't think I project onto any of these dudes, not in the Dad Au at least
🧶 - Does Raph knit?
no, because fuck knitting. he crochets baby blankets for the twins tho, and little socks he'll hold onto forever because he's sentimental like that. I think every so often he'll make something for one of the kids birthdays.
😈 - Is Mikey a little shit?
he's definitely the most likely to spur the kids on or join in on the fun, but I wouldn't call him a little shit.
Barista By Day, Ninja By Night (Human/ Coffeeshop Au):
😍 - Are there any romances?
does a separated Lou Jitsu and Big Mama count? maybe some background flirting, maybe some April/Casey or Caprisun, or Casey/Raph,
🐱 - Pets?
I think. they should have a shop cat. for the coffeeshop. because yes.
👹 - Are there yokai/supernaturals in this universe?
no yokai, but if mystic stuff counts as supernaturals, then yes.
🍍- Who likes pineapple on pizza?
Leo. Mikey likes anything on pizza, anything.
🍕- Favourite pizza toppings?
Leo is a Hawaiian Pizza stan. Donnie likes the classic peperoni, and sometimes a build your own where he makes his brothers either question his sanity or question why they never thought of it. Mikey likes anything- Donnie thinks he's gross for some of his combos. Raph likes a good Brooklyn style, but he's also all about the meat lovers.
Mama's Boys Au:
💵- How do your turtles make money?
Mikey and Raph rely on the mysterious amount of money Splinter has in a rainy day funds box, usually reserved for groceries. Other than that, they scavenge. April being the only human means she can get a job, so she occasionally picks the boys up something nice.
🫵 - Who do you project onto?
I might actually project onto a couple of these dudes. Lee being non-verbal is mostly taken from my experience being non-verbal, and his stims are things that I do. Dee I think I project a lot of my internal annoyance and irritation onto. I put a lot of my creativity and crechurness in Mikey too.
🔥- Is Leo accident prone?
Lee is very careful, he learned early in his life that being clumsy wouldn't get him far, but there are times when Dee catches him being a Silly Goose. He also is allowed in the kitchen, it's Dee who isn't.
🔬- Is Donnie only interested in tech?
Dee loves technology, but he was exposed to mystics first. His favourite part of being interested in both is learning and experimenting with combining the two which- doesn't always pan out. But hat's the fun of it.
🦸- Is Casey a Vigilante?
Casey is part of the Foot Clan to start. She has a change of heart and loyalties... eventually.
Thanks for the many many questions Breeze! <3
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goblin-spider · 5 months
While I'm on the topic of the ultimate blorbo, here are my favourite spideys and why (they aren't ranked because I am kissing them all on the forehead equally and putting them in my mouth and chewing aggressively in an affectionate manner)
1. Miguel O'hara, ofc. Man's a favourite because everytime I read his stuff, it's like it's pointing at my deepest issues and going 👁️👁️🫵🏻
2. Patrick O'Hara aka Ponderosa parker. Cowboy. Spider man cowboy. Very shaped. Has horse. Shoots webs out of pistols for Christ's sake! He's so cool. Makes my brain go 🧠🪱 pspspspspsps. I want to give his loner ass some kisses. His voice in atsv made me feel like a rabid animal (I really like southern American accents).
3. Ben Reilly. First of all, his back story is sick as! Second of all, body goals. Dudes 'defined musculature' is very goals. His costume? I want to steal it. Also, also, his mopey and dramatic nature in the movie was hilarious.
4. Jess. SHE RIDES A MOTORCYCLE AND DOES HERO WORK WHILE PREGNANT! I respect that. Also, I really like her sound advice and honesty when it comes to speaking up about what she thinks. Her design goes pretty hard too. She's so pretty.
5. Ezekiel Sims. "Let me guess... He died?" I love the skrunkly old, spider totem obsessed dude. He's just so... Idk I wanna chew on him.
6. Hobie Brown. As a goth who appreciates punks and all that they do, seeing and finding out there even was a punk spider man made me so happy. I love his wicks. I like that he isn't afraid to kill villains when they need to be killed in the comics (haven't actually gotten up to reading his yet but I will!) And his jokes in the movie were hilarious. Also, can we just appreciate how he helped miles when everyone else was against him?! What a cool dude.
7. Speaking of Miles, Miles Morales is another favourite. I like how caring he is towards his little sister in the comics, I like how his movie counterpart has developed as a character. I like how he wanted to study science instead of art to try and see his friends again and his art in the movie is also very epic.
8. Peter B Parker. He's stinky, broken, hilarious and skrunkly with messy hair and a dad bod. I'd marry him and feed him pizza like he was a king if I could. I really like dilfs with big brown eyes and a cup-able face. He's a disaster. I could make him worse. MOVE OVER MJ ITS MY TURN!
9. Noir. Backstory? Sad asf. I like that he shoots Nazis and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. I would absolutely steal his look. There's a lot more I could info dump about but this post is already long enough.
10. This will probably come to no surprise to anyone, but insomniac peter parker. I love how he fights. I love his personality. His suit is 🥵 (and so is he in Spider-Man two. I am looking disrespectfully at symbiote Peter 💖👄💖)
11. Toby Maguire Spider man. The first spidey I ever got obsessed with. As a kid, I wanted to be like him, be strong and help people (I was a kid and it was the 2000s I didn't realise how cheesy and goofy his character actually was until I got older).
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Had to inhale and exhale a few times before coming to terms that one of my favourite person (meaning you, 🫵🏻) loved pineapple on.... pizza. And I know you do, 'cause when I was doing my erasmus I met this colombian girl and she insisted it was shit good and of course I already knew it wasn't but I least when we went to Domino's I tried. Still yuck. Bleah. A big nope for me but that's okay at least you know I won't steal your pizza ahahah
Other than that, how you doing mi corazón? Are you ready for the weekend approaching and finally rest days, too?
Love u!!
the thing is that i feel like the people from south america (at least where i'm from) enjoy the sweet & savoury mix... if i tell you the things i do with italian cuisine you'd probably want to murder me like all my other italian friends hhahah
i promise that if we go out to eat i won't get pineapple on my pizza in your presence🤭
i'm tiiiiired, tesoro. very tired. so yes, i'm sooo fucking ready for the weekend lol i'll either meet with some friends or i'll just stay home chilling with Raven.
how are you, love? better, i hope!
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