#get love back in edmonton
deniedbyskinner · 3 days
@edmontonoilers: New season = new Stu setup 👀
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crow-talks-hockey · 3 days
hey! so. this actually isn't cool! at all! i'm bawling my eyes out!
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coloursofaparadox · 6 months
im. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
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nuge · 3 months
one more thing. the oil run wasn’t a miracle. it wasn’t.
it was the fucking will of mcdrai and the team. it was the belief that the whole team shared even during the blood sweat and tears of being a 2-9-1 basement team losing against the sharks. it was the lowest of lows firing of a beloved coach. it was the belief that they could come back and give a huge fuck you to the people who doubted them. it was our baby goalie stu who was thrown into the #1 goalie position in his second official full year. it was hiring coach knobs, someone who has never head coached an nhl team but has an education degree from the university of alberta. it was the thigh taps to each other when down 4-0 against carolina. it was the 5-0 win against the caps and save against ovechkin. it was the bringing ourselves back from the fucking dead. it was the plunger and the painter. it was the 16 game win run. it was the 13 year tenured forever young ‘coach’s favourite’ nuge becoming a dad and choosing to stay in edm his whole career. it was brown finally scoring a goal. it was little boy ben stelter, the reason why our captain is more open with the media. it was joey moss. it was gene principe and his floor glizzy or his cbj canon reaction or his ‘we love gene!’. it was our 50 goal scorer. it was our penalty kill. it was our power play. it was wearing pride tape even when it isn’t our pride night. it was toad but honestly could be anyone. it was toad and luigi. it was playing games on the plane and letting your goalie win. it was realizing our team needed a sports psychologist and getting one. it was the whole city surviving the decade of darkness to this moment. it was the full canadian match up. it was having our back up goalie play his first stanley cup playoff game and winning it. it was being counted out before game 1 was even played. it was having former team players showing up on screen or in the crowd because they loved the team so much. it was defending darnell (and his ass). it was the western conference champs. it was making it into the finals. it was 3-0 with our backs up against the wall. it was our team dragging them back to alberta. it was then 3-3 with hope. it was breaking records, again and again and again and again on the backs of the two greatest players in the world who were playing stitched together with duct tape and bound together under pressure and prayers. it was connor. it was leon. it was the whole fucking team.
it was the edmonton oilers.
so no, it was not a miracle.
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tkachuktkaching · 26 days
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A few of the highlights
After he threw the pitch in the Marlins game in Miami which he was still recovering from a shoulder injury (right after he got traded) he went into his back yard and and practiced and threw 5 pitches to prepare but he's much healthier than two years ago.
Some talk on Jayson Tatum and how he makes 6 times as much as him and he always knew he was destined for the big time in the NBA and he was always a stud.
They always talked as kids about making the nba and nhl respectively.
The video was technology class in 7th grade before high school.
His dad wanted to go with him to the baseball pitch and his mum was out of town.
He loved hanging out with jayson and catching up for a few hours.
He talked about Sherwood in 2020 he tried a few brands, he helped with the design process and was their first hockey player since their rebrand.
He talked going to Raising Cains, he was partying and going to eleven and without sleep and he had agreed to do things prior to the final. He talked about all the opportunities to do extra signings and things.
He decided to a interview with sports net and decide to give a shout out, he loves the people in Calgary and hates the people in Edmonton and he got family in Winapeg including his Grandpa.
He was excited to play in the charity golf tournament, he loves Charles Barkely and playing with TJ Oshie and the Kelcie brothers were cool.
And how he ended up singing We Are The Champions with Charles Barkley.
He was excited to meet the different people from the different sports.
He got engaged on the Thursday before game 1 in the playoffs and flew in his parents and fiancé's parents had a big celebration then went no booze for the whole playoffs and plans to do that again.
His special memories of the playoffs were the off ice stuff playing poker the comradeship with the guys.
He's sad the teammates that left but excited they got the offersheet and got paid and set for life and is excited to see them for dinner when they see them.
He was pissed after game 5 because he didn't want to go to Edmonton but he was so confident ahead of game 7 he wanted to do it for his family that got him there, he talked how his dad and Brady walked him to his car and wanted to do it especially for them.
He drives to the arena on his own he goes early getting there 4 hours early. Sam Bennet got a mention for liking to sleep and goes much later.
How incredible the emotions of his family and being the first tkachuk to win the cup,
Bringing his dad into the lockeroom was what it meant to him and his whole family.
Singing Brady praises for being so supportive and believes Brady will win it, he's too good not to, he's built for the play offs, and wants to be there when he does.
Literally everybody from Calgary reached out to him after the cup win even Darrell (Sutter).
Praising his old youth team London Knights and what they did for him and other players.
He heard from players he heard from or know and Robbie Thomas and people that won before Vllady got a special mentions he was a great veteran presence and okie too.
He talked the Paternark fight, and how it happened and Monty's involvement. He says there's no rules just beat the shit out of each other.
He'll never forget this year for the rest of his life.
He confirmed Brady did not touch the cup though there were a few close calls due to being drunk.
He says he's so much better health than this time last year, he's excited about this year.
He his fiancee and Brady are going to visit Taryn this Friday he says she won't listen to his interview so it won't ruin the surprise and talks how good she is a field hockey. Her preseason has started.
He loves to watch Barky in practice and is learning to do things and a special mention of Kucherov of Tampa one of his favorite players.
He wants to improve scoring from further out like Brady.
He's getting more recognised now but it's good and he's enjoying it.
He's being working on jumps, working on his skating, sprints and being strong weights but jumps.
He got in trouble for putting the cup in the ocean but the cup caretakers only told him afterwards but they understood but he got great memories.
The whole family sacrifices so much for hockey players and the Tkachuk name is on the cup forever it's forever.
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bigbrotherlouis · 1 year
i would love to hear more about mcstrome 🫡
realistically i'm sure it's the age-old story of two kids end up in the same place and become best friends because of proximity and then once they leave being in each others' presence and grow up into adults that friendship fades away but there's still fondness there.
however fictionally? alexa play ribs by lorde
you are fifteen years old. you are fifteen years old and you have been drafted to a new team in a new city in a new country. you are the youngest person on your team and you are probably the best person on your team and you are eight hours from home, granted special exception to be drafted a year early into the OHL and you are proving yourself against boys two, three, four years older than you, but despite it all your team finishes almost dead last. you are rookie of the year.
you are sixteen years old. you are sixteen years old, and the second best player in the draft, the draft that should've been yours but wasn't, is coming to your team. you know him. you meet him in the summer and you're already friends, fast friends, and you've been dreaming about being teammates again. he talks fast and he's fiercely loyal and he keeps up with you on the ice and he reminds you of home. he is not your best friend yet but he will be. he invites you home during the summers and asks if you want to play street hockey with him. you come and you sit on the sidelines, already conscious of the worth of your body enough that you know this is not something you should be participating in. he doesn't care, though, captain of a team, yelling at mitch marner who is an awful goalie and keeps letting in goals, and winning that summer. you go to the beach together, pale and stretched out on the sand, and now you are best friends.
you are seventeen years old. you are seventeen years old and they have just named you the captain of your team. you're wearing the letter with pride but people are talking about you like you're the second coming of hockey jesus. they've been talking about you for a while now, but this feels like more. this feels heavy. you break your hand in a fight in november because you are, after all, still a teenage boy. you sit out and watch as your best friend lights up the ice. he is the best person out there when you're on the bench and it shows in the stats and the points. he can tell you all the stats and the points because he's good at remembering those. he says he can remember every single play he's ever made and honestly? you kind of believe him. the haunting specter of the draft covers your entire year, looming in the corners of your vision, colouring every interaction. you are good, and he is good, and there is no chance of being drafted together, no matter how much you secretly hope. the calendar is a countdown clock towards your end, but you make him promise you will stay best friends because you don't really know what you will do without him.
you are eighteen years old. you are eighteen years old and edmonton has already made your jersey even though the draft hasn't happened yet. the graveyard of first overalls and rumors of a curse after gretzky left. you're the next gretzky and you're the next coming of hockey jesus and the entire city is waiting for your salvation. he goes third. phoenix, which is the literal opposite of edmonton. you hang off of him the entire weekend before, realising that this is the crescendo. you will never be otters together again. there's little chance you'll even be teammates again, so you cling tight even as you're so breathlessly excited for the moment your name get called first. you trip off the stage in a jersey that doesn't quite fit right but has your name on the back, and quietly ask if you can watch this next pick before you go backstage. you twine yourselves in a hug when he follows behind and it feels awfully like a goodbye.
you are eighteen years old. you are eighteen years old and your best friend is drafted number one overall. you always knew he was better. you always knew he was made for more, so it doesn't hurt. you're happy to follow in his footsteps because you are his best friend and nothing will ever change that. besides, third is still a good number. amazing, even. they send you back to erie but you expected that. no one makes it to the show unless they are exceptional or a team is desperate, and edmonton is both. he scores his first nhl point in his third game and you are named captain of the otters. life is good. he breaks his collarbone less than a month in, shattering his rookie dreams. he comes home to you, in erie, because no one else understands him like you do. no one knows how to manage him when he's broken and angry, but you have patience and a lot of love and loyalty. you lie in your big bed and take up most of the mattress, two grown boys in the dark, and you don't kiss him. you could, but you don't.
you are nineteen years old. you are nineteen years old and he is named captain of his nhl team, also at nineteen. he is the youngest captain in history. thirteen days later, you score your first point. a month after that, arizona sends you packing back to erie. this time it hurts. you were doing your best and it wasn't bad and your best friend is captain of the oilers and you are playing with your high school team again. they make you captain for the second year in a row, but it's not the oilers and it's not the coyotes, so does it actually fucking matter? you are determined to prove everyone wrong and so you drag your team to the memorial cup. you win and it feels like a fuck you and it is maybe the best moment of your goddamn life. your phone is quiet. you haven't had any texts from edmonton for months.
you are twenty years old. you are twenty years old and this is finally your goddamn year. except-- you go pointless in two games and arizona decides that's not good enough. you've aged out of the otters so you pack your bag for tuscon instead. you spend your winter bouncing between the nhl and the ahl, sometimes so fast it makes you sick. winter in the desert feels weird, feels barren. you lie on your floor under the a/c and deliberately do not think of the time you almost kissed your ex-best friend. he's your ex-best friend because he's got a new one up there, draisaitl who also went third but the year before you. he can keep up with him, even better than you can, because he's not being bounced up and down. you wonder if draisaitl ever wants to kiss him. you wonder if draisaitl ever has.
you are twenty one years old. you are twenty one years old and you are a draft bust. they've been calling you that for years but now they're right. arizona trades you to chicago for practically nothing, which is embarrassing, but it's alright because you've got an old otter, brinksy, there on your team. you're nothing special, but you're nothing bad either. if only you hadn't touched the hem of hockey jesus as a teenager. if only you hadn't known what greatness tastes like. when you face off against edmonton, he won't meet your eye. he slides out of the centre dot and draisaitl steps in and wins the draw.
you are twenty three years old. you are twenty three years old and you have a girlfriend now, a pretty one, and it's-- good. your team makes it to the weird-ass playoffs in august, because there's a pandemic now, and you get trapped in a hotel in edmonton. your girlfriend tells you that she's pregnant right before you leave, like right before, and you can barely care about anything else. you barely care that he is two floors below you and the last message in your texts was a happy birthday! three years ago. unimaginably, you knock him out of the playoffs on his home ice. in the handshake line, he offers you his palm and his eyes skate over you like you're a stranger.
you are twenty five years old. you are twenty five years old, and on yet another new team. that's good, though, even if he will always be so much better. your fiance asks if she should send an letter to an edmonton address and you hesitate. you are no longer friends anymore. you haven't been for years and years, even if you lie when the press ask. but you loved him, once. you loved him so much that you were part of him and he was part of you, and the teenager on a shared bed in the dark will not let you forget that. you put his name down on an envelope.
you are twenty five years old. you are twenty five years old and a wedding invitation arrives at your front door. you slide your fingernail under the flap and freeze when you see the faces on the front. there's a secret you will never tell anyone, not even on your deathbed, but you think of it now. it takes up so much space in your lungs that you can barely breathe. and it hurts. your girlfriend, who you love very much finds you shredding paper into a wastebasket and asks if everything is alright. you lie. you can't imagine not lying and so she doesn't catch you at it. you tell her that you've always wanted to go to manchester, england. you tell her that you should plan a trip for the summer, and you end up on a plane to a different continent while your ex-best friend is getting married back home.
you are sixteen years old. you are sixteen years old and flat on your back at the beach, listening to the water lap up on shore. beside you, he drops to the ground to stretch out too, his bare arm pressing up against your own. it dawns on you, as consuming and as present as gravity, that you are in love with him. it dawns on you that maybe you always be.
you're the only friend i need / sharing beds like little kids / we'll laugh until our ribs get tough / but that will never be enough
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toasttt11 · 2 months
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July 31, 2005
“Hay Hay!” Harrison called towards the stairs where Hayden was downstairs in the basement shooting pucks, “Come here please!” Harrison gently yelled so his daughter could hear him through the house.
“Coming!” A four year old Hayden yelled back from the basement, pouting slighty as she had to set her stick down and ran up the stairs seeing her Dad waiting for her.
Harrison smiled seeing his precious girl and picked her up spinning her around kissing her cheek rapidly making her giggle loudly.
Madison walked down the stairs seeing her loves laughing together, she smiled contently as she watched them, “Alright Har, put her down before she gets sick.” Maddison playfully chided her husband seeing her husband spin there daughter around multiple times.
“Mama!” Hayden beamed and the second her father let her down she ran right over to her mother making Madison pick her up.
“Hello Hayden Lee.” Madison hummed happily pressing a kiss to her daughter’s messy blonde hair.
“Come my darlings we have to meet the new neighbors.” Maddison softly spoke to her husband and daughter, they had saw a new family moving in next door to them and Maddison wanted to introduce themselves.
Hayden was set down and she grabbed onto her mother’s hand.
The family of three walked out of the house and over to the house next to them seeing the family standing outside the house, the family seemed to have three young boys and their parents.
“Hello.” Maddison kindly called out to their new neighbors, she was smiling kindly at the family.
“Hi!” The woman beamed walking over to shake Maddison and Harrison’s hands, “I’m Ellen and this is my husband Jim. And these are our three boys-”Ellen was interrupted by whom seemed to be the middle boy.
“OH MY GOSH!” The boy yelled looking at Harrison with starry eyes, “Your Harrison Blake! You won three stanley cups with the Edmonton Oilers and got the most goals ever scored in a playoff series and-“ The boy contained to ramble off facts making Harrison smile fondly.
Jim and Ellen shared a fond exasperated look because of their four year old, who is absolutely obsessed with Harrison Blake, who happened to now be their neighbor.
“That’s Jack. Sorry he gets excited.” Ellen fondly shook her head running a hand over Jack’s hair trying to calm him down.
“No worries it was very cool.” Harrison kindly reassured Ellen and Jim truthfully not minding at all and is quite use to that reaction meeting fan, kids especially, he playfully winked at Jack making him giggle.
Ellen smiled looking relieved and grateful, “This is Quinn our eldest and Luke our youngest.” Luke looked very young and seemed to just be walking and Quinn was very quiet and seemed content to watch.
“Do you play Hockey!” Hayden blurted out, she had been trying to not ask since Jack started rambling but she couldn’t wait no longer.
“I do!” Jack beamed looking excited, “Do you?” Jack looked at her like her answer would he the reason if they became friends or not.
“Of course i do!” Hayden scoffed looking offended it was even a question.
Hayden and Jack shared a look knowing immediately they were best friends now.
“Come on we can shoot pucks in the basement.” Hayden told Jack after looking at her mother for approval. Maddison smiled softly looking happy her daughter is making friends, especially since they have only moved to Toronto a few months ago after Harrison retired.
“Well what are we waiting for!” Jack beamed giddily and darted towards her house.
“You’ll come to?” Hayden asked softly looking at Quinn with her eyes wide and pleadingly, Any resolve Quinn might’ve had quickly crumbled from her puppy eyes, something that will become a regular occurrence from now on.
Quinn nodded. “Perfect!” Hayden beamed glad she is going to get another friend and leaned down to Luke’s level holding out her hand to the very young child.
Little Luke beamed and grabbed her hand holding it tightly with his little hands as she linked arms with Quinn and led the two towards her house seeing Jack waiting for them.
“And that’s our Hayden.” Maddison let out a fond laugh once the kids all walked away after Hayden managed to get all of them to join and she introduced her daughter to their new neighbors.
Ellen and Jim shared a look very suprise at how easily Hayden was able to win over all three of their boys hearts especially with Quinn not liking many people and Luke just grumbles at most people he meets.
Ellen had a feeling the Blake’s especially Hayden were going to be very special and important to their family.
“Do you play hockey too Quinny?” Hayden softly but curiously asked as she walked with Quinn and Luke to Jack.
Quinn blinked in suprised from the nickname she has already given him, “I do.” Quinn answered quietly still a little confused why he is so comfortable around this little girl already.
“What about you Lukey? Do you like hockey?” Hayden softly asked little Luke.
Luke looked up at Hayden with a beaming smile and clapped his hands, “Hockey.”
Hayden giggled at Luke’s answer as Quinn smiled.
“Finally!” Jack dramatically exclaimed from where he was sitting on the front porch of the Blake’s house, waiting for his new best friend, who had also brought his two brothers.
“Come on silly.” Hayden teased Jack softly as she opened the door to her house leading the three boys inside and to the stairs that lead to her basement.
“Woah!” Jack mumbled in awe as he looked around her shooting room, it was like a mini hockey rink, it was so awesome.
Hayden just shrugged as her dad had designed the hockey room and he uses it just as much as she does.
Hayden handed Quinn and Jack both a hockey stick that was roughly around their size and then she grabbed one of her mini sticks to Luke, who looked more content to try and chew on the stick.
It was the first of many times the four were together in the Blake’s hockey room, the room became the spot that all four of them would always goes to and if any of the parents would try and find any of them it was not surprising to find them there.
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y'know what else i'm thinkin about?
splash! au steddie where steve meets the merman that he would swear up and down was real when he was little; the little merman he'd see every time his family would visit the coast.
steve, who moves permanently to that (now much bigger, touristy-adjacent) town and runs into (no, literally, smack into) a fully naked (very handsome, holy shit!) man when he's on his way to the little shop he runs on the coast early one morning.
steve gives him his sweater and shuffles the softly smiling (vaugely familiar???) man to the shop and gives him a spare set of clothes that he'd had there from the remodels he did a couple years ago.
the man follows steve around the shop all day, poking around the books and tchotchkes the shop sells, listening to the tourist stories steve tells him, never speaking, until steve closes up early, taking him just outside town to get him some more clothes and such.
at one point while at the store, the man wanders away and steve panics, eventually finding him gazing wonderously at all the screens in the 'home entertainment' section, completely entranced by the multiple screens playing MTV and blaring music through the speakers for sale as well.
He tries to explain the non-speaking-ness of his new friend to the employee trying to close up their part of the store when the man suddenly speaks, "Hi Steve, how was your day?"
The employee ushers them out and the pair leave, walking back into town. Steve asks, "So what's your name, anyway? Did you learn it from the TV?"
The man rolls his eyes, "I had a name before today, sweetheart."
Steve's stomach flips at the term of endearment, assuming it's just a product of whatever commercials he may have seen today, maybe he thought it was a normal thing to call your friend..they are friends, right?
"O-okay, what is it?"
"It's kinda hard to pronounce in english,"
"Try me, I wanna know."
The man gives him a look, but does, squealing out something more suited for something living in the tanks at Sea World than for a person.
He grimaces at Steve's bewildered look, "I told you."
"Uh.. yeah. Well hey! That's okay, we just need to find something else to call you."
"Like what?"
"Well lets see.. There's Andrew?"
Another no.
"James? Isaac? Brad? Seymour? John?" more and more names and 'no's until they're nearly home (and no closer to a decision). "Wayne maybe? Where are we... Ah! Edmonton." Steve mutters to himself. Only a couple more streets to go.
The name 'Pablo' is on the tip of his tongue when he's stopped by "Edmonton! I like that one."
Steve snorts out a laugh, "Edmonton isn't really a name, it's--" he cuts himself off this time, seeing the horrible kicked puppy look on the other man's face. "Hey, no, okay, Edmonton it is! We'll call you Eddie for short!"
Eddie grins at him so bright and sincere in that moment, that Steve can feel it hit him, and snap something into place inside him.
He's going to fall in love with this man.
He can feel it.
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mp0625 · 3 months
Game Time
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Taglist. Masterlist.
Matthew Tkachuk x Reader
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: LETS GO BOYS!!! I started writing this about four hours ago! Aaaaaaa!!! I finished it just in time!!
A/N pt 2: If y’all want another part let me know!!
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“Are you going to the game?”
“Yeah, are you going to the game??”
“Why aren't you at the game? It starts in 10.” The chat on your stream starting to go crazy realizing that you were not going to be at the game to support your boyfriend.
“Hey y’all take a breath.” You say pausing your game mid lap to the protests of your friends who were forced to pause. “Yes, I’m not in Florida, I’m home in Carolina, but Matty understands why I can’t be there.” Panning the camera down to show your two big dogs and then back up. “But I have the next best thing.” You say flipping the camera to show your big Tv and the preshow for game one on. “I haven’t been super into hockey since we got booted in the second round, Matthew understands it and I support him and his team 110 percent to bring home that cup.”
As the minutes ticked down and the game started you had all but abandoned your game and friends. You occasionally said a few words to your stream but your full attention was on the screen behind your computer monitors. As Bobrovsky makes more and more saves, your quiet chanting of Bobby gets louder and louder. When halfway through the second when a fight breaks out your chanting of Bobby changes to “Fight! Fight! Fight!” You turn back to your stream and look at them dead in the camera. “What I’m technically not allowed to fight in games doesn’t mean I can’t tell someone to sock someone else in the face.” You say with a grin. During the second intermission you see a question pop up.
“How do you feel about Necas winning Men’s World?”
“I’m absolutely ecstatic for him! How we lost to the Rangers wasn’t fun, so I’m happy that he got to go win something that big.” As you watch the opening faceoff for the third period, you start to have hope that Matty can do what he and his team tried to accomplish last year. As the minutes tick down Bobby and his boys did it to shut out the Edmonton Oilers.
At your morning phone call with Matthew. He asks. “Y/N why in the hell did you have a 7 hour stream last night.”
“It was my version of a live blog and we had already been streaming for 4 hours before the game and they asked why I wasn’t at the game cheering you on so I showed them I had the Tv on.”
“Y’all ready for game 2? You ask the stream as you finish tidying up the room waiting for the game to start. Nothing major happens in the first half of the first period. When halfway through Edmonton gets the first goal. “Come on!!” It takes until the second half of the second to have Florida score. “Thank you Mr. Mikkola!” As you wait for the third you make the mistake of saying it’s been a slow game. 3 minutes into the third Rodrigues gets the goal that puts them ahead of the Oilers. Then 9 minutes later on the powerplay he gets another goal to make it 3 to 1. “I love you EROD!!” The last goal of the game came with 3 minutes left from Ekblad. At the end of the game you sit back in your chair with a big sigh. “That was a very stressful game. See y’all in 2 days.”
“It’s game 3 and I don’t know how I feel about this, it feels like it’s going too smoothly. We will see how this goes.” The game starts out slow. It takes until 2 minutes left in the first for someone to score first. “Thank you Mr. Reinheart!!!” A minute into the second Edmonton gets the goal and is starting to push back. But Florida retaliates 8 minutes later with Mr. Tarasenko put them back up one. Then 4 minutes later with 2 back to back goals to bring them up 4 to 1. “Thank you!!!!! One more period left we got this!” 6 minutes into the third Edmonton pushes back to make 4 to 2. “Come on!! That was stupid.” 8 minutes later Edmonton pushes back again to make it 4 to 3. “That was a scary close game, I’m slightly scared for game 4.”
“Welcome back to your favorite hockey player and streamer live blog of the Stanley cup finals. Will the Panthers be able to sweep the Edmonton Oilers? We will see tonight! The Florida Panther’s are the visiting team to Edmonton Oilers home Arena Rogers Place. We will see if the boys can do it tonight!” You say turning on your camera so the viewers can see your Panthers jersey. “The Tv is on and it is time.” As the first period rolls by with no penalties or goals. As the second is starting, you whisper under your breath. “Come on Matty!” At the opening face off the puck goes straight to Matthew and he starts going down the ice as hard as he can. “Brakeaway! Brakeaway! Brakeaway!” As Matthew makes it to the net with the puck in hand Skinner is readying himself but where he thinks Matthew is he isn’t, and he gets the first goal of the game. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank everything!” You sit back in your gaming chair with a sigh. “Elle.” You call to the chocolate lab that is dead asleep in her bed unaware of what just happened. “Your daddy just got a goal!” Hearing her daddy’s name she starts wagging her tail. The first goal is the one that broke the dam. Matthew drew a penalty on Draisaitl which gave the Panthers the power play they need to get the next goal by their captain, the one Aleksander Barkow. “Barky!” When back at even strength they lose the puck in the Panthers zone and no one sees it slid in behind Bobrovsky. “Oh come on you got to be kidding me!” As time runs out on the clock for the second. You take a sip of your drink and sigh. “That was an interesting period, at least we are leading!” As you wait anxiously for the third to start, you see messages of excitement and hope roll across the stream’s chat.
“They got this!”
“I believe in them!”
“They do have this! Let’s go boys!” You end with a shout. At the start of the third you are nervous they could sweep or lose and win it at home. Five minutes into the third. A one mister Evan Rodrigues get not one but two goals back to back within 30 seconds of each other. “Yesss, EROD!!!” After the second goal, the fourth of the game you could tell Skinner was super rattled. You knew as time ticked down you knew the win was imminent. With 10 seconds left in one last ditch try the Oilers pull Skinner and send out Conner McDavid as he’s skating and picks up the puck he slams it back and it just slips in over Bobrovsky shoulder. “Come on!” You stand up and slam your hands on your desk. But the Oiler last ditch effort wasn’t enough to stop the Panthers as the final few seconds tick off, the boys start gathering. They did it the first cup in 30 years of the team and what they worked so hard for and almost touched last year. “Yessssss!! Thank you!!” You scream and jump up from your chair. “Sorry to leave so quickly, but there are a few people I need to call.” You pull out your phone and Text Matty. “YOU DID IT I'M SO SO PROUD OF YOU!!! WE ALL ARE!!” As you send it you include a picture of you, Elle, and Jet.
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Taglist: @studioreader @honethatty12
@slafgoalskybaby @swissboyhisch
@wondershells @cixrosie
There might be a few I’m forgetting to tag
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sc0tters · 1 year
Lover Boy | Ethan Edwards
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summary: after a stressful day Ethan has the perfect way of coming to the rescue and giving you a moment to relax.
song: Lover - Taylor Swift
request: yes/no
warnings: none
word count: 650
authors note: when I say that I had no clue how to write this, I had NO clue. Like not a single thought went through my mind. I won’t lie, this is shit but it’s here and even the poorly written ones deserve love. If you want to see the celly that this was apart of you can view the playlist here!
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Pure bliss was how you described your relationship.
Ethan and you had been dating since the summer before senior year and after being best friends you two only grew closer when you both moved to the University of Michigan.
It was almost written in the stars how much you two were destined to be together. Out of all of the universities you apply to umich was the only one you wanted to actually go to and it was after you got your acceptance letter that Ethan joined the wolverines for hockey.
As a couple you always found a way to have your schedules merge for you two to see each other. But this week it was feeling a bit rough for your relationship with how stressed you had been.
Ethan rocked up to your room as it was late after a night time training session and he was surprised to see that you were still awake “what have you been up to?” He asked as he saw the scattered papers on your floor and your guitar that was on your bed. It had been a long week of near nonstop work for the music course that you were in.
The boy ultimately came to check up on you but he wasn’t going to tell you that “just been working,” you explained as you let out a sigh.
Your hands were sore from the amount of times you had strung the strings on your guitar “I should get back to it,” you added as you knew that you were only going to get less time with more work to do.
It caused Ethan to scoff “you can take a five minute break,” he pointed out as he ran his finger over the callouses that were on your fingertips as you had over played your guitar.
Complaints from you fell on deaf ears as the hockey player stood up “just hear me out on this baby.” He spoke softly as he held his hand out to you.
You gave him a testing look “not taking no for an answer.” The boy added causing you to finally listen to him.
His hand grabbed yours as he begun to play your favourite song on his phone. When the Lover album was released you dragged Ethan into your car as you drove around your home town letting you two listen and as you stopped at your favourite place in Edmonton Lover the song began to play. It sure sounded cheesy but Ethan realised that he loved you as you hummed along to the song letting yourself squeal as you gushed about how cute Taylor’s relationship was with her boyfriend.
So as Ethan held you as you two slowly danced around your messy dorm it helped you feel at ease. It was hard not to as you only had the space to look at the boy who filled your heart with love.
The hockey player let his hands go to your hips as you two just swayed along to the beat of the song.
This moment reminded you of all of the reasons why you loved your boyfriend, he had the ability to make your shitty days feel bearable.
Ethan smiled as he could see that you were thinking about something “what’s on your mind pretty girl?” He asked as he cocked his head.
You cracked a grin “how much I love you,” you mumbled as you leaned up to kiss him. It was comforting as he dropped his head to kiss you back.
The boy should have been embarrassed with how he felt like a school boy when you said that “well it’s a good thing I love you too.” He smiled as he pecked your lips once more as the song changed to the next one on the playlist that you two had.
This was the best break you could have asked for.
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cheddaryouthanme · 4 months
My MattDrai Fic Recs, in honor of the upcoming MattDrai SCF
what does daylight look like 
By notthequiettype
" "Matthew," Draisaitl says, and shifts on to his elbow so he can look up at Matthew. "Don't-- please don't say this was nothing to you."
There's an expression on Draisaitl's face that Matthew's never seen before, a carved wrinkle between his brows, the corners of his mouth turned down. He looks sad, worried, and Matthew's struck by how much he doesn't look like a stranger, a guy across the ice, a target for Matthew's agitation. Matthew feels an almost tilting sense of vertigo for a second. "It wasn't nothing." "
As close to fluff as I can stomach, but that extra bit of sweetness makes this one so enjoyable to read and re-read. This is a "people in the NHL are gay and the world is fine with it" fic where the biggest obstacle to their relationship is playing for divisional rivals in the same Province. However, this suspension of disbelief is rarely taken too far, or done at the expense of having Matthew and Leon feel like real, layered people. Because of this, the story's earnestness feels earned, rather than saccharine.
(come on, come on, come on) get through it
By anonymous
"Matthew really doesn’t know where Leon’s head is at, on the rare occasion that he pulls stuff like that. He wants Matthew to himself; he doesn’t care if Matthew fucks other people. He wants Matthew to fuck other people so he can want Matthew to himself."
This story does not get the love it deserves. Who are you, anonymous, so I can give you the flowers that you so deeply deserve? This fic only receiving 208 kudos on AO3 is one of the greatest injustices of our time. If I had to guess, I'd say it has something to do with the angsty nature and (spoiler!) ambiguous-but-seemingly-not-optimistic ending. But the angst is worth it, friends! It's so incredibly well-written that by the end, you're left with so many lingering emotions that you just have to re-read it to process it further. The prose - particularly in the sex scenes, which carry hefty emotional weight because of the fuck-buddies-with-baggage nature of Matthew and Leon's relationship - is phenomenal, and would put most published hockey Booktok writers to shame. More people need to read this fic.
Edmonton 10
By Helenish
" “Well?” Leon said coolly. Leon wasn’t just an Edmonton 10, Matthew reminded himself, which was really a 6 but it was dark and you were horny, but an actual anywhere in the world smokeshow. All he had to do was shut up and play along.
“Okay,” he said. Leon’s smile turned smug. Great dick, Matthew chanted to himself in his head, world-class dick, really, big and uncut, a little curved to the left, from a guy who was freshly showered and smelled like pine trees, who’d like it too much and get up in his head about it after—
“Thought so,” Leon said, sounding almost bored. Matthew dutifully pictured his entire body filling up with cool, purple liquid, because the shrink had said they could pick any color they wanted, but it didn’t stop him from leaning forward and looping one hand around the back of Leon’s neck to draw him closer. Leon let him, his smile starting to falter, and Matthew slipped his hand up to cradle the back of Leon’s head and kissed him, an easy, tender brush of his lips. He pulled back enough to look into Leon’s eyes, holding his gaze. Leon blinked. Matthew smiled."
If I had to recommend one MattDrai fic to a new reader, it would be this one. It's just perfect. It's funny, it's sexy, it's grounded, it's surprisingly emotional, but above all else it's so, so, so well-written. All of the things that, in my mind, exemplify what makes MattDrai fanfiction so great.
(mild spoiler!) Without giving too much away, the 💔 part at the end made me gasp the first time I read it because of how well it hit the bulls-eye for me as a character beat and emotional climax. Impeccable storytelling.
let me look at you by isozyme
"Leon feels awkward and unsettled until they get home and he has Matthew naked in his bed, where he’s able to put his hand around Matthew’s ankle and let out the air that’s been stuck in the bottom of his lungs. Matthew looks awful — pale, battered, and end-of-season skinny. He’s scruffy and still has acne in his beard at almost thirty years old and Leon has no idea why he wants to fuck this guy so bad. And worse — wants to kiss him and protect him from the shitty parts of his family and show off to Connor how hot it is when they're in bed together."
This one is McMattDrai (Tkachuk/Draisaitl/McDavid) in case that's a dealbreaker for anyone. It shouldn't be, though! Because this story is incredible, and I waited eagerly for each new chapter to be published when it was put on AO3 last summer. Funny, blunt, unexpected, raunchy, tender at times, and a bit kinky. This story never failed to surprise me by going exactly where I hoped it would go one moment then veering hard right in another direction the next. You're not going to find a lot of 10 chapter fics this rich, descriptive, committed, and unique throughout.
head above water by yourblues
"He gives Matthew a cocky little smirk about it, like it’s supposed to be impressive that he didn’t need instructions to find them. Awful, Matthew thinks. He’s awful, and yet all Matthew wants is to get his hands or his mouth or literally anything on him. There’s been something hooked behind his breastbone all week, pulling him toward this with a single-mindedness that Matthew usually only feels with hockey. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to think straight until they’re done here."
This whole work is great, but for me the story reaches untouchable heights in the 5th chapter that very few other fics have ever been able to reach for me. I find myself re-reading it as soon as I'm done every time. Take my word for it, even if you only read the 5th chapter (read the whole thing though, because the build-up is worth the payoff, trust me).
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fleurywiththesave · 2 months
Hello! Mattdrai or Matthew/Sasha and sleep deprived please 💙
Ohhhh I love this one! You know I had to make it Mattdrai.
9. Sleep deprivation
Leon promised himself that he wasn't going to allow himself to look at any evidence of Cup celebrations. Nada, zip, zilch. No on-ice interviews, no celebratory photos, no coverage of the eventual parade. He swore, up and down, that he would have enough common sense not to torture himself.
But the thing is, as shitty as Leon feels right now...and make no mistake, he feels shitty. He and Connor cried on each other for what felt like hours, he still has no appetite, he's afraid to touch social media for fear that hearing everyone's disappointment and judgment will rip him apart all over. He is not having a good time and he would very much like never to be in this position again.
But he's still so. goddamn. proud. of Matthew. Of how hard he worked all season, of everything he does to bring his team together, of how incredibly happy he's made his family. And there's even a part of him, that he would never ever ever tell Connor about, that's even happier for Matthew than he would've been for himself. Seeing him get so close to the end last season, seeing him literally break his body doing everything he could to win and it still not being enough, hurt Leon almost as much as it hurt Matthew, and he's not sure that Matthew ever would have really recovered from suffering the same fate twice in a row.
So he lied. Sue him. He gets onto his stealth Instagram account, where he won't see any mention of his own failures, and watches from afar while Matthew and his teammates live it up at Eleven. That stupid WWE belt is going to be so gross by the end of all of this that Leon might have to burn it. Though Matthew's definitely going to want to frame it.
He's running through around the tenth cycle of wanting to smile and also kind of wanting to cry when his phone starts to vibrate and Matthew's name pops up. He accepts the call before he's had a chance to consider whether or not it's a good idea.
"Leo!" Matthew yells, as chipper as a children's TV host. Leon's amused in spite of himself.
"Are you drunk?"
"You'd think so," Matthew says agreeably, "but I mostly just haven't slept in two days."
"Yeah, I noticed," Leon answers.
"You've been watching?" Matthew's voice has gone considerably softer and he sounds genuinely surprised.
"I have," Leon tells him. Matthew sighs.
"Fuck, I miss you, baby."
"I know, I know. But I already told you I'm kind of delirious and it's true, I fucking miss you, and I hate that me being so happy means that you have to be so miserable, and I just wish you were here with me, you know? And I know that's not fair, I know you should have your space and you needed to go back to Edmonton—"
"I didn't," Leon cuts in.
"You didn't what?"
"I didn't go back to Edmonton," he admits. "I'm still at the hotel in Florida."
There's a long pause.
"I can be home in half an hour," Matthew says, words tripping over each other. Leon's heart swells.
"I'll be there."
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nhlclover · 1 year
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summary: your boyfriend comes home after a rough game, only to let his frustrations out on you
warnings: arguing & angst
word count: 0.99k
I turned the tv off after all the Ducks had walked down the tunnel after having given up 6 goals and marking none against Edmonton. The boys were exhausted and frustrated after an abysmal season. I was seeing that firsthand in my boyfriend. 
With every loss, he would come home a little less joyous than the one before. Trevor did a good job at leaving it all on the ice but he’s also the type of person that blames every loss on himself. He carries the weight of every loss on his shoulders, letting it pile up till it becomes too much. That leads to him taking his frustrations out on the ice and being reckless with how he does it. 
I knew it would take a minute for Trevor to get home, so I finished some chores while waiting for his arrival. I was just starting the dishwasher when I heard the door click open and shut, paired with him kicking off his shoes and his backpack dropping to the floor.
I enter the living room where Trevor’s shuffling through, unbuttoning his white dress shirt. He grimaces as he removes it, stretching out his arms. 
“Hi, my love.” I say softly, sitting on the edge of the couch in front of him.
“Hi.” He sighs.
“How was the game?” I ask, even though I know exactly how it went.
“Did you watch?” He asks me.
“Well yeah, of course I did but-”
“Then you know how it went.” He grumbles.
I’m slightly caught off guard by Trevor cutting me off and his curt tone, but I understand where it's coming from. I watch him grimace again as he rubs his shoulder, which I assume is sore from being checked into the boards by one of the Oiler's D-men.
“Are you alright?” I ask.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied sharply.
I sigh, getting up and standing in front of him, delicately placing my hands on his shoulders. “Hey, how about we take a hot bath together? Hmm? I can get the Epsom salts and maybe a couple of candles?” I ask him.
He finally looks into my eyes, but his are tired and slightly frustrated. “I’m just going to take a shower on my own.” He says.
“Are you sure?” I ask, rubbing my hands up and down his upper arms. “I mean you never turn down a bath.”
Trevor suddenly pushes my hands off and steps away from me. “Yes, I’m sure, holy shit.” He said in an exasperated tone. “Get off my back.”
“What the fuck, Trevor?” I ask, not bothering to watch my tone anymore.
“What?” He shoots back.
“Don’t say ‘what?’ like that.” I snap. “I don’t understand why you’re taking your anger out on me.”
“I’m not.” He grumbles.
“Yes you fucking are, Trevor! You’re being so short with me and for what?” I ask. Trevor runs his hands over his face and walks away from me.
“Whatever, I don’t need this right now. I’m going to take a shower.” He mumbles, heading down the hall and into our master bathroom. 
I feel like screaming, but I don’t out of fear of bothering my neighbours. I get that he’s stressed and frustrated, but it doesn’t excuse him being a complete and utter asshole. It feels unfair for his anger to be misdirected to me. When the shower turns on, I walk into our bedroom and prepare for bed. I try to fall asleep before Trevor’s done with his shower but I find myself kept awake by my anger and our unresolved argument.
I hear the shower turn off and a bit of movement in the bathroom before the door opens and Trevor begins changing. I stay still and shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I don’t have the energy to argue some more with Trevor tonight, so I hope that his attitude will change by morning.
I hear the drawers of his dresser slide open and shut as he changes into some sweats. He slides into our bed, and his arms snake around my torso pulling me close.
“I know you’re still awake, baby.” He whispers, pressing a delicate kiss to my shoulder. His tone is a stark difference from before, now soft and mellow, a hint of sadness trailing every word. “I’m sorry for how I was acting earlier and how I treated you. That wasn’t fair for you. Shit’s been difficult with work and I took it out on you, but you didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry.”
I let out a breath of air I had been subconsciously holding in, twisting around in his arms to face him. “Lay it on me.” He says, expecting my outburst to continue.
I chuckle softly, brushing his wet hair off his forehead. “I forgive you,” I say, knowing he truly didn’t mean to take it out on me. “But I need you to talk to me. Or Troy, or Jamie, just somebody. It’s not good for you to just let this all bubble up and then lose your temper like this when you get a little bit upset.”
“I know, I know.” He sighs. I pull him close, resting his head against my chest, our legs tangling together. “It’s just so fucking frustrating. It doesn’t matter how much I score if I can’t fucking get back and defend. I’m letting way too many shots get to Gibby or Stolie. And we’re just getting dominated in every game."
“You need to stop putting every loss on yourself,” I tell him. “It’s good to recognize what you need to improve on but at this point, you’re taking on the faults of others.”
He lets out a deep sigh and presses his forehead into my sternum. “I’m so proud of you, you know that right?” I ask him, feeling him nod in response. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” He replies.
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astropanditvijayram · 10 months
Always be positive to get your ex love back in Toronto. The city of Toronto is quite famous for its scenic beauty. It is a city where the skyline meets the beaches of Lake Ontario. This place gives many topics on the coronary heart, which can be as complicated and diverse as the town itself. If you discover yourself longing to reignite the flame with a former partner do not worry. 
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letsgetrowdy43 · 5 months
I want to hear more about Hayden’s birth
Okay, purr, so the second Quinn got on the flight to head to Edmonton for his third last game of the season Honey had her two best friends come over and help her take care of Warren because she knew she would be going into labour soon and wanted to make sure someone was there just in case for not only herself but also Warren.
It was kind of expected, but also she was really shocked and scared when she went into labour, mainly because Quinn wasn’t even in the same province and it was all happening so fast. One moment she was organizing the nursery with her one of best friends as the kids played in the playroom, and all of a sudden she just started getting contractions and then everything got really busy really fast. She called Quinn but he didn’t answer, cause he was on the ice, instead she left a short breathy voicemail and two short messages, and then she headed to the hospital.
She was actually pretty fine health-wise, but she was scared and felt really alone while waiting for Quinn. Even though one of her best friends was in the room she just needed her husband and a promise that he was gonna make it on time. Honey called his brothers and her family a few times to tell them that the baby was on the way and they chatted for a bit but then Quinn finally called her back and disrupted their peaceful phone call.
Quinn on the other hand was in a frenzy trying to get home. The second he read his text after doing his post-game interviews he was panicking trying to figure out the fastest route to get home.
He read the short "I'm in labour. Please come home" and immediately started to freak out that he was going to miss one of the singlehandedly important moments of his life. The second she picks up the phone he's like "Please tell me I didn't miss it" Honey just laughs at his slight panic, "Quinn I've been in labour all of an hour and a half, you have time," she laughs but then the laughs turn into tears, "I do need you to hurry up though, I really need you here," she sniffles into the phone which sends Quinn into an even deeper frenzy.
All the other dads in the locker room get it, but also are like "Act like you've been here before my god??" cause he is so all over the place and he has plenty of time to get home in time. He thankfully made it in time, and Hayden was born just a few short hours later.
Quinn definitely cried when he had his first kid, but there was something about having a little girl that had him really emotional, cause she was the most precious thing he had ever laid his eyes on. Honey had stayed pretty strong on the crying, but watching him interact with his daughter definitely had her emotional, he just kept whispering short "thank you's" and "she's perfect, you're perfect's" to his wife which had her on the brink of tears.
Honey was literally a god, she had the perfect birth and the nursing staff were literal gems and helped her through all of it.
Hayden kind of looks like a blonde carbon copy of Quinn and it's the cutest thing ever, whereas Warren carries a few of Honey's traits, Hayden is just all Quinn.
Warren got dropped off in the afternoon after everyone had had some time to sleep and the doctors and nurses had finished all of the post-birth routines. He was very excited to see Quinn again, squeals leaving his lips as Quinn retrieved him from Honey's best friend, the two of them hugging at the entrance of the hospital before Quinn told him all about his baby sister.
The little boy was a little skeptical because she was crying when he first walked in the room, but the second she was gently placed in his lap it all changed, he kept saying how much he loved his baby Hayd and how pretty she was as she rested in his arms. This had almost every adult in the room in tears as his little hands traced patterns on his sister's head, her eyes closing as she fell asleep in his lap.
it was definitely hectic, but also so cute, and everyone is just super happy to have a healthy baby and mama!!
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fallinallincurls · 1 year
Vacation Eyes
because my brain never rests and i can’t be stopped, i not only found a new hockey to add to my ever growing lists of favorites but OF COURSE a fic idea followed not that far behind. this little blurb was inspired by ‘vacation eyes’ by the jonas brothers and leon’s guest appearance on this podcast where they say he showed up at all star a little “sunburnt” (yes, that’s all it took for me to start writing this).
hope you enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated! xx
word count: 1.2k
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You’ve never been to heaven, but this has to be as close as you’ll ever get on Earth. 
The last rays of the warm sun colors the sky a beautiful mixture of orange and pinks as it sinks below the horizon and the moon rises. The beach is quiet except for the calming sound of the ocean waves hitting the shore a few feet away. Two fruity cocktails sit on a table right next to the round, oversized beach lounger underneath a big umbrella.
You’re nestled between Leon’s legs, back against his naked chest. His large hand is splayed across your bare stomach, the newly placed gold band on his ring finger glinting in the fleeting sunlight which brings a soft smile to your face. His head rests atop yours besides when he presses sweet kisses to your shoulders and cheeks. 
It’s paradise. An absolute dream. And there’s an indescribable sense of happiness and love currently filling your heart with each passing second. 
Honeymooning in Turks and Caicos had been all Leon’s idea, but you’re so glad he convinced you this was the right place to go immediately after your wedding. The bright sun and tropical temperature was a stark difference to the usual weather in Edmonton, even if it’s currently summertime. 
Since arriving two days ago, you have done plenty of things on the islands. Candlelit dinners on the beach, exploring the tourist attractions and hours upon hours tangled up together underneath the sheets. After such an amazing and romantic wedding back home where you were surrounded by both of your families and friends plus Leon’s teammates, spending the quiet time alone on the breathtaking beach is wonderful.
A content sigh escapes past your lips at the thought of the night not too long ago when you finally tied the knot. You can feel Leon smile into your hair as he chuckles softly and you intertwine your fingers with his. The gorgeous diamond ring he picked out for you on perfect display in the glow of the sunlight.
You’re married. Leon, the most incredible man you’ve ever known, let alone had the pleasure of loving, is your husband. Your husband. The concept still feels foreign to you as it’s still very new, but you couldn’t be any happier that you are lucky enough to love him for the rest of your life. 
After everything the two of you have been through together from the long nights to lengthy time apart to balancing each other’s busy lives, it’s led you to right here. And every single bit of it was worth it. 
“Leon?” Your voice is soft and for a second, you wonder if he even hears you speak.
“Hm?” He hums in response, pressing his cheek against the side of your head which makes you giggle at the feeling of his scruff against your skin.
“Do you think it’s always going to feel like this?”
“Feel like what, meine liebe?” A soft smile tugs at the corners of your lips at the sweet pet name. My love. You’ll never get tired of that.
“Like all of this is a dream and nothing can ever go wrong because everything is just absolutely perfect.” You can feel this smile as he presses a kiss to your temple and your heart practically melts.
“Yeah, I think it’s always going to feel like this.” Leon answers honestly and you can hear the awe in every word he says.
“It’s kind of crazy we even made it here though.” The thought is out of your mouth before you realize it, but Leon chuckles. That familiar sense of happiness only he brings into your life spreads through you and you squeeze his hand as a silent reminder that this is your real life. 
“It is. But I wouldn’t trade any of what we went through to make it here because now I get to spend the rest of my life with you. That’s all I’ve wanted since I met you.”
Warmth spreads through you at his words and you carefully sit up in order to turn around and face him. Your legs settle on either side of his hips as you straddle him and the grin adoring Leon’s face can only be compared to sunshine. His hands settle on your hips, his thumbs rubbing small circles into the skin right above where your bikini bottoms rest. Your boy looks beautiful in the orange glow of the setting sun. His cheeks are a little pinker than usual thanks to the slight sunburn he’s already sporting and his hair is tousled just enough to look messy in a put together way, but he’s never looked so good before.
“Mein geliebter,” You murmur, as Leon’s smile grows upon hearing the familiar sweet words. My beloved. You cup his cheeks in your hands and lean in to kiss him with an overwhelming amount of love. “I love you so much. I cannot wait to see what our future holds together as husband and wife.”
“I love you too.” Leon replies, his voice soft and gentle. His green eyes never waver from yours which only adds to the feeling of want that’s slowly but surely building. “And let me think, I’m not a future teller, but,” He chuckles with a sweet smile before kissing your forehead. “I’d say there might be a few kids in our future, hopefully a Cup or two that I get to hoist with you, a lot more trips like this and maybe Bowie gets a new friend too.”
The brightest laugh escapes your lips as you shake your head at him. You have thought about and dreamed of all those things too. Even before you got engaged and married, those topics have been a center of many conversations over the years. And now, you’re that much closer to those dreams becoming a reality. 
Leon leans over for his drink and hands you yours as well. He places a sweet kiss to the side of your head before meeting your gaze once again. Your heart skips at a beat like it always does when the love of your life is looking at you like he is right now.
“To us,” Leon says softly, a tender smile gracing his lips.
“To us.” You respond, clinking your glass against his before you both take a long sip of the fruity drinks to finish off the toast.
“Now,” Your husband starts as that familiar smirk blossoms right before your eyes. He places his glass down on the table once again and his hands begin to wander across your stomach and thighs until they rest on your ass. “I hate to ruin the moment, but there is a balcony in our room that we haven’t properly gotten to use yet.” Leon finishes, his voice dropping a little lower and you feel the fire burning in your belly. You still can’t help but laugh at him a little though.
“You’re such a boy.”
“I’m lucky you love me.”
“You sure are.” You giggle, leaning in to kiss him again. And it doesn’t matter that you’ll eventually have to leave this gorgeous island and return to normal life that includes the usual flurry of offseason plans because all you’re focused on is making the most of this precious time with the man who will be by your side for the rest of your life.
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liked by drat_29, yourfriend and 43,292 others
nothing but vacation eyes for the rest of my life
tysonbarrie4            wow, guess my invite got lost
yourfriend                the cutest couple in the WORLD
edmontonoilers       congrats!! 
drat_29                     my love
drat_29                     is it too soon to go back already?
oilersfan1                 you two are SO adorable
tagging some friends/mutuals who might be interested in reading!
@tonyspep @laurenairay @prettytoxicrevolver @cellythefloshie​ 
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