#ghast art
nonetoon · 7 months
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Hey remember when I used to draw fake minecraft mobs
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canine-gray · 1 year
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return of one of my favorite designs
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quietconiferousforest · 8 months
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goofy pretty mobs
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artofgerald · 2 years
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Not a long time ago my classmate asked me to draw her something on her ipad. It ended up with this :^)
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ghast-a-helios · 1 year
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Little piglins and their test of courage... (or more like foolishness)
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sculkshrieking · 11 months
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i love it when convex
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solargeist · 1 year
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I’ve been having doc’s videos on in the background 
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azzayofchaos · 7 days
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As an exercise in creature design and in the interest on developing my dreaming-verse/general world building lore, i thought these guys would be fun to do!
More lore / transcript:
Peaceful lava walkers and grazers, they’re often breed and domesticated for both their use as transportation across the lava lakes and for various materials.
While not certainly an acquired taste to an overworlder, strider meat is not an uncommon food source. String and membranes from their opalescent sensory organs and hide are also valuable resources.
The membranes are heat management, courting displays, and gathering sensory input as they are near-blind.
Strider's eyes are largely vestigial, the sensory organs picking up on heat signatures exclusively.
They have spiracles for breathing along their sides and tails.
When wading through lava, their limbs are able to stretch out, this process requires the high temperature and results in the brighter, redder coloration of their skin as the heated fluids move under it. When not on lava, this fluid cools resulting in a duller coloration.
A subspecies of strider can be found in regions of the deep Neth that are blue in color.
They are long lived and migratory creatures, lichens and fungi often growing on their harder outer plates to spread across lava lakes. These are not an incident the striders, though magma barnacles, the stationary stage of a Nether-local insectoid species are considered pests.
Adolescent striders are a few meters tall, though they can grow considerably larger.
When being ridden, a lantern full of the phosphorescent warped mushrooms that Striders prefer. This lantern has the bonus effect of glowing when passing across sections of land. While Striders prefer to graze on fungi, they also spend significant amounts of time filtering minerals from the lava lakes.
Flags are displayed to help make visible where the rider and the strider are coming from and what the point of travel for the rider is.
Territorial and aggressive animals that use the updrafts of lava lakes to remain afloat in the the atriums of the Neath.
Ghats contain organs able to solidify and fire out explosive charges, when about to fire, the organ will light up, an illusion of a demonic face appearing through their spiracles and semi-transparent bodies.
They feed on minerals and airborne biological matter that filters out of the biomes in the upper-regions of the Neth with their oral arms.
The ghast tear is an organ in their center arm.
Adult ghasts release their own spores into the air to help with genetic exchange, otherwise growing young ghast on their bodies that eventually split off in a sort of mitosis.
the gelatinous bodies of ghasts are used primarily in construction and fuel, but parts of their innards, explosive organs not included, are commonly eaten.
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cheshraven · 2 years
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valhahazred · 2 months
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A lot of the beings mentioned in the Dream Quest are barely described if they even get more than a name-drop. As I generally try to avoid Chaosium canon, that gave me a lot of freedom to do whatever I wanted.
The sniflunk is a particular case. It's almost entirely original, only known from the story by the mysterious webbed footprints surrounding Carter's exsanguinated riding zebra.
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martynsimp69 · 10 months
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every time i think about treebark cozy vibes i think about them being warm and comfy in bed in the dogwarts basement; the crackling furnaces chasing away the cold, and winter howling just outside the door.
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sculkapologist · 9 months
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Was suddenly possessed with the desire for a lil set of profiles for everyone in the Corrupted World minecraft AU!! you can probably tell by their names that these guys started life in the Bendy fandom, but then we got really carried away with MINECRAFT LORE...
the Basic Premise of Corrupted World AU is that when a bit of code gets corrupted, or degrades over time, the world replaces that code with something similar -- a corrupted bit of grassland will be overwritten by the code of nearby grassland. This works fine for most things, but there's nothing else like a Player in the world of Minecraft.................... these little bits of encroaching mob data have been mostly benign, until Joey's curiosity stretches the world to its limits, and the world's corruption becomes more aggressive.
Some basic notes on everyone under the cut!
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Jack is an old player whose code changed so slowly that he honestly can't remember a time when he wasn't a little sheepy. A peaceful, friendly guy who loves to explore and makes contacts wherever he goes -- moving from village to village, build to build, to bring items he's found in his travels to trade and sell, sounding his own broken goat horn to announce his wares. Thanks to Jack, the world's far-flung players might be able to start to connect again...
(design by Mochi and Shazz, character by Mochi)
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Sammy is a grumpy and strangely cautious player who keeps to himself ever since he escaped from an Ancient City..... changed. He was once an adventurous builder with an exacting sense of aesthetics, but now he's just trying to survive quietly with his sheep. Afflicted with painfully sensitive hearing and infected with sculk, he hides in an underground, wool-insulated home out in the hills and lives the most pacifist life he can manage, avoiding any death that could spread the sculk in his body.
(design and character by Shazz (me!))
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Henry was always driven to look out for others, and when he died defending a village from attack, the grateful villagers helped to revive him the only way they knew how. He kind of wishes they'd just let him respawn... not realising some glitching armour had scrambled his health too badly to come back normally. In any case, Henry's gotten attached to the village... becoming more protective of the people there... almost unwilling to leave.
(design by Maf and Shazz, character by Maf)
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A bit of a loner with a strange sense of humour, Norman often lingered near the ocean and didn't notice the little changes like not needing air when his water-breathing potions should've run out... until the corruption of his code made it sort of impossible for him to return to land. That's alright; he's perfectly happy to hassle the others when they wander into his territory.
(design by Shazz and Boo, character by Thren)
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Wickedly clever with a knack for experimentation, Susie was left stranded in the Nether a long time ago and was determined to thrive even in that hellish domain -- and thrive she did. Now she's gotten a bit of reputation even on the Overworld, both for a mastery of potions and magic, and a cruel willingness to take what she wants.
(design by Boo and Thren, character by Thren)
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Ever since Joey defeated the Ender Dragon and heard that conversation between two mysterious voices, he hasn't been able to let go of the idea that there is something more beyond this world of blocks and code -- but this charismatic dreamer has been prying at the world's secrets well before that. He convinced Susie to join him as the first to explore the Nether, talked Sammy into delving into an Ancient City with him, and tried to get Henry to join him in his quest for the End, gifting him code-modified armour that was better than anything his old friend could get. For some reason, though, they all lost contact, and Joey found himself alone in the End, where more code experiments in a land where only one mob is really prevalent had... an effect on him....
(design and character by Boo)
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Pete isn't a player at all, he's a villager... but one day he found himself outside of his village, suddenly realised how big the world is, and couldn't resist the urge to explore. He's close with Jack, and has joined up with him on some expeditions to aid his own work as a cartographer. Without the ability to respawn, though, it's significantly more dangerous for him, and the two of them MAY have poked into some evoker magic looking for an alternative...
(design and character by Thren and Mochi)
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Linda is deeply interested in the world's history, curious what sort of people or ancient players must've once populated the ruins, and she's also an experienced crafter with a penchant for metalworking. While the world of Minecraft has no real concept of monogamous relationships, she's settled with Henry as her one-and-only... which works out now that he's partially made of metal. Linda hadn't experienced any code corruption until data replacement became more aggressive, and it's still subtle for now. But it's handy to be able to touch things that are burning hot without taking damage!
(design by Shazz, character by Thren and Maf)
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Fixing Sammy should be easy enough, Joey thought. Some of his data was corrupted by sculk -- if they can find that lost data in the code somewhere, it just needs to be reintegrated with Sammy. Attach it to an eye of ender, replace one of Sammy's eyes with the eye of ender -- simple! A complete Sammy! ...the lost data itself had other ideas. This strange construct that collected around the eye Joey provided is a mix of Sammy's lost data, garbled junk data, and -- he claims -- the remnants of an Ancient Player from the days when end cities were populated, before everything went so wrong and Minecraft's world became so lonely. His speech is glitchy and garbled, struggling to describe a Game and Code and a True Player that he believes must reset a world that has been "running too long." In lieu of a username, this apocalyptic anomaly goes by "the Prophet".
(design and character by Shazz)
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dead-obsith · 1 year
Part 2 nether mobs u3u new VS 2020
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illwilledomen · 4 months
I would love to see your take on a ghast, or perhaps a piglin.
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Ghast & quick piglin woman sketch =)
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artofgerald · 2 years
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Gay little cephalopods
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phoenixtherobot · 4 months
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I just randomly remembered this wip I had started back when New Life had just started out that I never got around to finishing so! I decided to finish it today! (About several months too late but ehhh it's fine)
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