edith-moonshadow · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Scars, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Blood and Injury, Drinking, Jealousy, Jealous Billy Hargrove, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Billy Hargrove, Masturbation, Marking, Mildly Dubious Consent, Come Marking, Dubious Science, Come Eating, Finger Sucking, Dom/sub Undertones, Billy Hargrove Calls Steve Harrington Pet Names, POV Billy Hargrove
Billy can only remember the night at the Byers in fragments. Yet he knows that he left a mark on Steve and he's hungry for more.
For the wonderful @ghostofjellyfishforgotten 💜💜💜
He can't see it from across the room but he knows it's there. A small red line. Raised. A scar in the making. He knows how it got there. From the jagged edge of a broken plate. He can remember parts of that night but it was a little fuzzy. Like trying to hold onto fog as it slips through your fingers. It isn't a night he likes to remember. Tensions had been building in the house since they'd moved there. That night had been when he'd known for sure that nothing would ever change and he had taken it out on the other person who was frustrating him.
Steve was another realisation that things couldn't change for him. He was frustrated at first that he wanted him and had tried to fight it even though he knew that he relished his attention. When he looked at him he felt alive in a way he hadn't for a very long time. When Steve had come out of that house, his hands on his hips and that awkwardness to him that Billy hadn't experienced before he knew right then and there that he wouldn't get Steve out of his system. That he didn't want to.
The escalation of the events isn't what he wanted but Steve's attention in any capacity was too intoxicating. It mixed with the dread and humiliation of what lay at home causing him to feel unhinged. He let everything bleed away until he was running on pure emotion and when he felt the cool hard plate under his fingers he didn't hesitate. The little groan Steve made when it connected with his head was music to his ears. Everything becomes a blur after that. Sticky warm blood on his knuckles. Steve's eyes closed. His face was slack. The sting of a needle. Max's anger. How his body became numb. His mind was foggy.
He would have thought it was a dream if he didn't wake up on the cold floor. His body aching and his hands were sore. He managed to find his way home and Max reappeared shortly after. They never spoke of it. He tried to stay away as Steve was too much of a temptation. Yet he just couldn't, he felt like he needed his attention now it had become the only thing that kept him going in this shithole of a town. However, Steve had become even warier of him.
There weren't rumours in a small town. It was more like hidden secrets and they never stayed secrets for long. So it seemed that the little whispers about Wheeler and the freak were true. Steve seemed to lose even more of his king title every day until he became a nobody. He still turned up to parties from time to time. Billy would watch him closely from across the room as his smile became sloppy with alcohol. Watched the girls who had never been good enough for him when he sat on his little throne try their best to entice him now. He could feel a burning in his chest. The hunger within him grew until his teeth ached and he felt a little reckless. Yet he managed to hold back. The string that tied up all his desires, holding back that insatiable hunger became more and more strained.
One day at practice Steve was breathing like he'd run a marathon. His gym clothes plastered against his damp shiny skin as he placed all his weight on his knees. Billy could feel himself growing excited. Images like these burned into his brain and flowed into his dreams feeding his need for more. Steve's hair flopped into his eyes and when he brushed it back Billy saw it. The bright red mark just above his ear. A jagged little mark that would become a permanent scar. He felt almost dizzy with the knowledge that he'd caused it. That Steve wouldn't ever be able to forget him. He ached to reach out and touch it. Press down until Steve made a sound like he had that night while his big eyes were focused on Billy. Nobody but him.
Once he'd seen it he couldn't stop thinking about it. He wondered if Steve looked at it often. Did he let his fingers flutter over it? Had he ever pressed down on it and thought about him? Billy wanted to touch it. He wanted to lick it and bite it and make sure that it remained prominent. He lay in bed at night gasping round his hand as his other stroked his hard cock Steve's whimpers in his mind. He felt like he was drowning in his need. That he needed an acknowledgement that Steve thought about him. He felt that unhinged feeling return. There was still a little anger, a little humiliation that he was the only one. That he was like those pathetic girls who swarmed around Steve at parties with desperation in their eyes. Dying for a little acknowledgement that they could have him. Be seen by him.
Yet stronger still was the hunger. It wanted Steve in every way it could get him. Wanted to sink its teeth in so hard that Steve would become a squirming mess. Litter him in more marks that can't be hidden. Reduce him to incoherence. Make him Billy's. He could feel the string fray. He couldn't fight anymore, not against this. So he watched and waited for the perfect opportunity. He invaded his space at school at every opportunity. He made sure that Steve couldn't ignore him when they were dropping off the kids at the arcade. He attended every party he heard about on the off chance Steve would be there. Tonight was finally the time.
Steve was dancing. His movements became more uncoordinated, the usual gang of girls all smiling and moving in close like a pack of desperate wild animals getting ready to strike when the gazelle faltered. That familiar rage simmered low in his stomach all evening until he finally saw his chance when Steve stumbled across the room and upstairs. Billy followed him from a safe distance. He watched him go into the bathroom and then moved close to the door. When the door opened he forced his way inside.
Steve's happy flushed face dropped, and his eyes widened as he took a few hasty steps backwards. Billy couldn't help himself that familiar need rushing through him with Steve's undivided attention.
"Look man, I don't want any trouble."
"What makes you think I'm trouble, Harrington?"
He watched as Steve tried desperately through his alcohol-soaked mind to follow what he was saying. His tongue peeked out from between his lips. Billy thought it couldn't have given him much moisture. It had to be a slight nervous tick. He'd seen Steve do it when under pressure and he always wanted to chase it with his own. Show him how wet Billy could make him. Steve opened his mouth to speak but he quickly invaded his personal space making his words die on his lips.
"I just wanted to make it up to you."
"Make what up to me?"
Billy's fingers trembled slightly as he pushed Steve's hair to the side to reveal the bright red mark. He grazed it with his fingertip feeling how raised it was. Steve pulled away from him and he smirked to hide his disappointment.
"That's a nasty-looking scar."
"Yeah, no thanks to you."
"I can help you fix it."
He could feel that ache in his stomach as Steve walked over to the mirror to inspect it. His fingers danced gingerly over the mark and Billy felt his excitement grow. Steve pushed his hair back into place and then turned towards him. His eyes shone with curiosity.
Billy smiled his most charming smile. The one that always made people think that he was being genuine. A little charm always went a long way. People only look at the surface layer. They saw what they wanted to see. He was at a slight disadvantage here because Steve had seen his dark underbelly. He knew maybe only instinctively that Billy could be dangerous. He didn't want Steve to associate with him that night.
When his emotions had become a tornado of pain and chaos. He wanted him to associate Billy with a different type of danger. To realise that he was the prey. That he was going to be chased down and ravaged. Be completely ruined by him so that Steve wouldn't even think twice about anyone else at these parties. Or anywhere else.
He had been thinking about the scar for weeks. Seeing it standing out starkly against Steve's pale skin and knowing he'd put it there had been driving his imagination. It had driven it to places he didn't even know he wanted to go. A seed had been planted in his mind. It felt so depraved but right. It made his blood feel thick and hot in his veins as it coursed down through his body. Could he convince Steve of this?
Steve had a reputation for not being the sharpest tool in the shed. He was practically failing out of high school only really kept there for his previous popularity and the sway his parents held with the town. Could this still be a step too far?
"I know a secret remedy for scars."
"To get rid of them?"
Billy's smile widened.
"Not completely but trust me Pretty Boy it reduces them until you can barely tell they're there."
Steve blinked slowly at him.
"What is it?"
Billy moved closer. Steve stiffened slightly but didn't move away. He moved close enough until he could smell the sweet chemical scent of Steve's hair and brought his lips close to his ear so he could whisper against it.
"Come what?"
He moved his arms so that they caged Steve in against the worktop behind them.
"The secret is come, it creates babies right well it's known for its regenerative properties. Healing skin and making it like new."
Steve huffed out a short laugh.
"Very funny Hargrove, what's the real secret "
Billy moved back so he could look into his eyes.
"That is the secret Princess."
Steve's smile slid off his face. Billy could feel his hip cocking and knew if he could move properly he'd place his hands there. Steve glared at him. Billy smiled back.
"I promise your skin will be like new. You've seen porn right? That's how those chicks keep themselves looking so good and why so many of the films end with them letting the guy come on their face but it's a secret. So hardly anyone talks about it."
Steve bit his lip and he watched as the idea ran through his mind. He felt his cock filling out and pressing against the zipper of his jeans as Steve's face grew a little rosier. He didn't push Billy away.
"Yeah? How'd you know it works?"
"Not trust me, Sweetheart?"
The rosy glow to Steve's skin. The slight sheen reflected in the light. The way Billy could see himself reflected in his big doe eyes. He wanted to taste his skin. Mark it. To feel Steve's lips quiver as they formed around his name. He wanted to watch red bloom under his mouth across his paleness. The string snapped.
He dug his fingers into Steve's shoulder and forced him down onto his knees. Steve whined and looked up at him with wide eyes as Billy quickly undid his jeans and pulled his hard cock out. Steve's tongue made a second appearance as his eyes locked onto Billy's hand as it stroked slowly along his heated flesh. He squeezed gently when he reached the head feeling a little pre-come coat his fingers. Steve's mouth fell open and Billy's stomach filled with heat.
He started a steady rhythm as he watched that flush spread over Steve's skin. He ached to follow it with his tongue. Dying to feel the heat of his skin and knowing he was the reason why. He could feel himself growing even harder as he watched Steve swallow thickly his full attention on him.
His name was an uncertain sigh from Steve's lips and he watched with fascination as the first splash of come hit Steve's temple making him flinch. He moved closer so that he could press the head of his cock up against his skin. Steve shivered when he made contact, his eyes falling closed as he breathed heavily through his mouth.
Billy felt a rush like nothing else as he coated Steve's skin. It ran down his cheek and made the ends of his hair stick to his skin. When he was done he leaned forward rubbing it in with the tips of his fingers relishing the feeling of Steve squirming against him. Making sure that the scar was completely covered then he let his finger slide down his cheek until he could feel Steve's hot breath. Steve's eyes opened and Billy smiled down at him. He ran his fingers over his bottom lip making it shiny.
"It works well inside you too Princess."
Steve's eyelashes fluttered as Billy pressed his fingers inside his wet mouth. Steve automatically closed his lips around them. He moaned softly as he sucked them. His tongue licked over them as though they were a sweet treat.
"So good Sweetheart. I bet I can make you all better in no time."
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opaldraws · 2 years
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keith and steve on break at family video, requested by the lovely @ghostofjellyfishforgotten !
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neonponders · 3 years
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*sigh* It’s, like, stupid how much work went into this lol it’s my most involved moodboard yet, and I’m still not 100% on it. BUT
I made it for my fic, Lions and Lambs, which is based on
@ghostofjellyfishforgotten ‘s king!Billy and jester!Steve au here ~
and @drinkingbeerfroma​ ‘s art of jester!Steve here ~
(an alternate version without the overlays is below the cut):
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kishock-harpoon · 3 years
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Some Scarecrow!Billy inspired by the fic Have Some Fun by @ghostofjellyfishforgotten
I really enjoyed this fic! It’s spooky yet funny and certainly quite a fun ride~
Click the image for better quality!
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mustardprecum · 3 years
Hey hun, how about something without pumpkins?
Hello! Thank you!
There was a lore in Hawkins that all kids needed to be off the street before the last Jack O'Lantern went out. Most people ignored the fire hazards and left them until the candle burned out, so it hardly mattered. In fact, Steve had forgotten all about it until he was driving home after a party and noticed how strangely dark it was.
The summer had seen several large fires all over the states, so despite their own rainy weather, it seemed that people were finally being smart. He was still a little buzzed, but as he pulled into his driveway the porchlight was off and the streetlamp had gone out, so the grinning face glowed at him from near his front door.
The old story was in the back of his mind; the smiling faces kept the angry spirits away–the open mouths kept the dead from speaking–the always open eyes saw that the little children must never look upon. Don’t silence the happy Jacks, Steve, or something will call your name from the woods, and you’ll never be seen again.
But Steve had just graduated, he had a job at the new mall in town, he lived alone more often than not while his parents traveled. He wasn’t a child and in his mind, he hadn’t been one in a long time.
He stooped down until the candlelight caught his face enough to cast a reflection in the front window. He checked his hair before he blew out the candle. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was the weed, but he was halfway to standing when he saw blue eyes glowing in the window behind him.
Steve whirled around but there was nothing behind him but a dark street barely lit by the moon. Fumbling with his keys only made his heart beat harder, even as he told himself that it was a trick of the light, a hallucination brought on by cheap drugs or a tired mind. In the safety of his house with the light on in the foyer, he was more convinced.
It was amazing how scared you could get on Halloween.
He went to get some water to calm his nerves. A good night’s sleep was all he needed and then–
Steve froze, stomach tightening.
Someone was messing with him. Maybe they busted out the streetlamp and waited until he got home.
“King Steve”
Was it Tommy? Or maybe Keith? Who did he know with a voice like- like-
He dropped the glass and turned frantically. It was like the voice came from everywhere around him, echoing even in his head. “This isn’t funny,” his voice and hands shook, every muscle tense like he’d been dunked in ice water.
Steve didn’t want to move, but his feet moved on their own, dragging him slowly toward the backdoor. The light in the kitchen hit the glass, blinding him to anything beyond.
His eyes began to water as he tried to stop his own forward motion but found he couldn’t. The tears fell when he was halfway across the room and there came a firm Tap. Tap. Tap.
Please no, he wanted to beg. I’ll light the candle again. I’ll leave it, I promise. His lips only trembled, but an echoing laugh shook him to a stop an arm’s reach from the door.
“Oh pretty boy”
The glowing blue eyes blinked in front of him, and Steve could see a happy, hungry smile.
“It’s already too late”
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
Christmas HC: Billy is allergic to mistletoe, he finds out on Christmas eve when he ties some to his dick as an attempt to make a joke/hopefully get a blow job from Steve. It doesn't work, instead he gets a trip to the ER with an exasperated and worried Steve.
(hello!! omg thanks for sending this and following me!! you were my 100th follower 🥺💕)
billy is waiting for steve to get home from work to surprise him. he’s sitting in their bed wearing nothing but a santa hat and the mistletoe like adam’s leaf.
billy got real, authentic, mistletoe. thinking nothing about it... until his fingers start to itch.
like really itch.
he’s wiping them aggressively against the sheets trying to ease the sensation and wracking his brain trying to figure out what is causing it. his fingers are turning red.
and then.
his dick is absolutely on fire.
he’s frantically running into their bathroom and ripping the mistletoe off his dick and tossing it to the floor. he’s splashing cold water from the sink on him and he’s absolutely dying. what the fuck?
then steve is home. just in time to witness billy screaming in the bathroom, tears in his eyes as he’s wrapping a wet washcloth around his dick. completely naked wearing only his santa hat and his shame.
“we’ve got a problem.” billy says through clenched teeth.
“I can see that. could you uh... elaborate?”
“my fucking dick is burning?”
the skin of his hands is swelling and getting all splotchy and he can only imagine what his dick looks like right now.
steve decides to answer that question by lifting up the cloth. revealing it to be just as swollen and red as his fingers are.
“put some clothes on we’re going to the ER.”
billy throws on a shirt and sweats, without underwear to avoid potential chafing. he’s writhing in the passenger seat massaging his dick over the fabric trying to ease the pain, but to no avail.
“what if they have to cut it off?”
“shut the fuck up steve! not the fucking time!”
steve just laughs it off and hopes it’s nothing serious.
“what did you even do?” billy doesn’t answer his question. he’s mortified. just continues to shake and sweat and demand steve to fucking drive faster.
when they finally arrive to the emergency room billy pushes his way to the front and demands that they take him back immediately. he’s sweating bullets. his face is flushed and he can barely even walk because the pain is so severe. steve thinks they only bring him back because he’s causing a scene and will not stop shouting about how his dick is on fire.
as funny as the whole situation is supposed to be, steve absolutely hates seeing him in all the pain. billy is lying in the hospital bed gripping steve’s hand tightly and panting heavily like he’s ready to give birth.
a doctor walks in with a smug look on his face.
“so what seems to be the problem?” he asks, as if billy is not currently squirming and clenching his own dick.
“his... penis? it’s burning.” steve answers for him.
“it’s fucking scorching!!”
the doctor goes to lower his pants, revealing his soft, swollen, splotchy, bumby, dick.
“have you worn any new underwear recently?”
“have you been having unprotected sex?”
“have you put anything near the area?”
“fucking mistletoe.”
steve and the doctor both simultaneously break out into laughter.
“why would you.. oh? oh my fucking god are you actually serious billy?”
billy slams his head against the back of the pillow and slams his eyes shut.
“well, you must be allergic to the oils. which would cause the contact dermatitis. I’ll give you a lidocaine injection and that should numb the pain for the next few hours.”
billy’s and steve’s eyes widen as he pulls the syringe from one of the drawers.
“I’m sorry. where exactly are you planning on putting that?”
“where do you think mr. hargrove?”
steve just continues to laugh.
“shut the fuck up steve. this is not funny.”
“It’s kind of funny bill.”
by then the doctor is sanitizing the area and it fucking stings. his hold on steve’s hand tightening. then the needle goes in.
“fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck fuck!!!” billy is yelling to where the entire hospital could hear him.
“alright all done. a nurse will be in shortly to dress it. wear only soft fabrics for the next couple of weeks. no jeans. and also no sex for at least two weeks.” the doctor glances over to wear steve is sitting while he rips off his gloves and tosses them into the bin. “well... no penetrating.” he fucking winks.
“and also, merry christmas.”
billy is finally able relax as the lidocaine begins to take effect. loosening his grip on steve’s hand.
“you’re lucky you like to bottom.”
“yeah fuck you. you better suck my dick when I’m all better. god knows I fucking deserve it.”
“mistletoe? really?”
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ghostlynimbus00 · 2 years
For the ask game G and O
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
It depends! Some stories, particularly ones that are generally less linear, I write the scenes out of order. This is true for fics I've worked on like 'The Many Boyfriends of Beverly Marsh' and 'Cinnamon Spice', and for original stuff I've worked on like a project that's working title is currently 'Roam'. Other stuff, which is more linear and more directly cause and effect I write from start to finish. That's how I wrote "What Happened to Draco Malfoy", and how I'm working on "Words Unspoken" (my mute!billy s2 rewrite). But mostly I work with a mix of both methods. A lot of my ideas start out as just the idea for a scene or two, often the climax of a story, and then I have to develop them from there. Building out scenes as I figure them out, and trying to work in as linear a fashion as I can.
O: How do you begin a story- with the plot, or the characters?
I honestly have a hard time figuring this sort of thing out/determining which came first when it comes to fanfiction so I honestly don't know. But i'd guess it's probs similar to when I'm working on original stuff which means:
It depends. For 'Roam' the characters came first, i got inspired by some art I saw to come up with some characters who were best friends (and in love) and then from there I came up with a story to go along with them (they go on a road trip the summer after graduating high school).
But for 'Monster Town' it was plot first. I was inspired by shows like Haven and OUAT and I wanted to write a story about a seemingly normal character getting caught up in the mysteries of a small town that isn't as normal as it tries to seem. The characters I started building after having that initial idea, and I'm still adding more.
Thank you for the questions! (and the opportunity to ramble a bit about my original stories)
Link to the ask game.
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
Oh 135 plesee
Harringrove-- “Enough with the pillow talk, I’m tired.”
Billy is curled around Steve, face shoved into his naked chest. He’s tired and wants to sleep but Steve just keeps blathering on about something. Normally Billy would gladly listen to his beautiful boyfriend, but they both have been having a lot of trouble sleeping. Billy can’t remember the last time either of them slept the whole night through thanks to nightmares.
“And then I tell Robin-”
“Hey, pretty boy?” Bill interrupts.
“Yeah, B?”
“Enough with the pillow talk, I’m tired.”
Steve huffs and starts to pull away but Billy holds him tight.
“No, wait. I didn’t mean it like that,” Billy says.
“Oh? And what did you mean? We had sex, please go now?” He’s still tense in Billy’s arms, and Billy could just kick himself.
“Hey now, princess, I didn’t mean that. I’m just so tired.” Hand splayed wide on Steve’s chest, he strokes Steve with his thumb. “I’m just tired and I know you’re tired. We should just sleep.”
“Ok. If you’re so tired, I’ll go. I know when I’m not wanted.” Steve starts to get up again, but Billy doesn’t let him. “Billy. Let me go.”
“Stevie,” Billy whines.
“Billy, I’m not in the mood because I’m-” He stops and glowers.
“Because you’re what?” Billy teases.
“You’re an asshole.”
“You love me.”
Sighing, Steve nods. “I do. I do love you.”
“I love you, too, princess.” Billy kisses Steve’s chest. “How about we just lay here quiet, try to sleep.”
“I just don’t want the dreams.”
“I know, I know.” Sighing, Billy kisses Steve’s chest again. “I’ll be here when you wake up though. And hey? Maybe tonight they wont be so bad.”
Steve hums noncommittally, and rubs Billy’s back.
“It’ll be ok,” Billy assures him. They drift off to sleep a few minutes later.
It seems like no time has passed when Steve wakes Billy up thrashing and crying. Billy just holds him close, shushing him as Steve clings to him. It’s going to be another long night.
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greyspilot · 3 years
oh hey there 😘
this line is from a harringrove drabble i’ve had sitting around half-finished for ??? months???
At first he thought it was pity that made his stomach flutter whenever Billy was around, sympathy that made his heart beat just a little bit harder, a little bit faster. He thought he was just a good person.
that was technically two sentences but idc i hope you liked it!
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
Happy Birthday babe!!💖💞💖💞 Hope you have a good one!
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Thank you SO much, love. It’s being a really good one! 😘😘😘😘
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jimhhawkins · 3 years
🍃🌺🌙If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get it back even better 🌙🌺🍃
I wanted to send a different one. Hope you don't mind 💜💖💜
oh god 🥺🥺 i love you oh my god this is so sweet
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edith-moonshadow · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
To the wonderful @rascheln @ghostofjellyfishforgotten @neonponders  💜💜💜
Thank you so much for thinking of me this was incredibly difficult but that’s probably just because I’m incredibly indecisive (and I cheated) 😳😳😳 so in no particular order 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
1. The Poison Pen This was my first ever big bang done for the Harringrove Big Bang 2021 and in collaboration with the incomparable @heck-in-a-handbasket who did absolutely stunning art for it 💜💜💜 This was my attempt at a murder mystery set in the 1940s with private detective Billy and socialite Steve who find themselves mixed up in the murder of a blackmailer and trying to deal with secrets from their own past. It was a lot of work and I’m immensely proud of it 🤓🤓🤓
2. Deep In The Heart Of Me This story is something a little different for me, it’s about Billy getting a magical tattoo which ends up being the face of a beautiful boy who he does not know but with whom he slowly falls in love. Set before the events of Stranger things season two it does end on a cliff-hanger (sorry) but one where I think you can connect the dots, it holds a special place in my heart and if I ever figure out a second part I’ll definitely write more 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
3. You Can’t Even See How Much You’re Mine So this was a story inspired by a comment I received and originally was only supposed to be a one-shot but I was asked to do more and I did and I really enjoy writing this story, it’s got a slightly darker Billy who marries Mrs Harrington after she finds her husband cheating solely so he can gain unlimited access to Steve who he can’t get as close to since school ended. It’s an Omegaverse story and unfortunately, I still have one chapter left to write but hopefully soon 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
4. If I Could Have A Million Tomorrows This story was written for Harringrove Week Of Love 2021 for the prompt Hurt/Comfort and was inspired by the film Poison Ivy (1992). It was originally supposed to be a much darker story when I started it but it softened as I wrote it and I love the idea of Billy secretly leaving a permanent mark on Steve plus I think this was one of the first stories where I made Mrs Harrington a loving parent and for the most part, I’ve stuck to that 
5. Memory Of Scars I love Halloween and horror so I wanted to include one horror story I’ve written. I enjoy the lore of this one as it speaks to my interests of a possessive Billy with a naïve Steve and includes biting (fun biting) I did have an idea for a second part but haven’t gotten around to it yet but who doesn’t love vampires? 🎃🎃🎃
Honourable Mention: I’m going to be cheeky and include an honourable mention only because it’s another story close to my heart I wanna Taste You But Your Lips Are Venomous Poison I love Omegaverse and within Omegaverse I’m a bit of a sucker for the trope of an Omega who doesn’t know they are one until they go into heat or as in the case of this story want to get their girlfriend pregnant only to discover they can’t and then said girlfriend invites Billy Hargrove in to help them out and he’s only there for one thing, Steve. 😬😬😬
Thank you so much for these asks I really appreciate it 💜💜💜
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livedsomanylives · 3 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone think you're beautiful inside and out! 💝💐
jhdfushufhsuhfsfsu thank you so much for this. YOU are the beautiful person. So nice and so kind. I feel very fortunate to know you and it’s always a delight to talk with you. I'm absolutely in love with your ideas and your stories and so happy i have the chance to enjoy them. So 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
thank you so much for this and! for existing 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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neonponders · 2 years
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Thank you for tagging me @ghostofjellyfishforgotten !! 🌹
Um. I’m not going to tag as many people as I have WIPs lol but I will screenshot my Harringrove folder so you can all see the absolute catastrophe that is my Smaug pile ~ And yes, those folders exist because there are more files INSIDE of them orz yikes.
My ask box is here lol help yourselves <3
I’ll tag @memes-saved-me , @rascheln , @disdaidal , @hoegrove​ , and @deardmvz (no pressure, of course <3)​
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catharrington · 4 years
🍃🌺🌙If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy. If you get it back even better 🌙🌺🍃
Ahhhh🖤🖤🖤 thank you babes this is so sweet 🥺
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heart-locke · 4 years
🍃🌺🌙If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy. If you get it back even better 🌙🌺🍃
AWWW thank you so much, i seriously appreciate it omg, that means a lot to me!!!!!! ;__; ❤❤❤❤❤
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