#ghoul headcannons
mac-and-thefox · 8 months
Some comfort thoughts because I am sick and have the soup brain.
Mountain gets his clothes stolen by the entire pack. I mean, he gets it. They're large, warm, comfortable and make the ghouls/ghoulettes feel secure.
Mountain has a subconscious tendency to emit calming aromatherapy-esque scents (think, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, all that good stuff) when he senses someone he loves is stressed so all of his clothes smell like these calming wonderful things.
So, there's ghouls sneaking into his room to invade his drawers all the time for hoodies, t-shirts, and sweatpants, ect. They don't just wear them, they'll tuck them into their nests because it smells like him and its comforting.
The problem is that right before tours, when there's stress and anxiety in the air from the anticipation of leaving home and the stress of being busy with tour preparations, Mountain sometimes....runs out of clothes. Like...for himself.
One day he walks into the common room after finding his dresser fucking empty and finds his pack in a pile on the floor watching a movie wearing HIS clothing.
Mountain: Guys, I love you but please, I don't even have underwear.
Rain, wearing one of his tshirts: Gosh, Mount, that sounds like a real problem.
Sunny, wearing a pair of his sweatpants rolled up 5million times: Yeah, what Rain said. I hope you figure out what happened to them.
Dew, wearing a sweatshirt so big it could be a nightgown: *looks around* anybody know what happened to all of Mountain's clothes? *snuggles deeper into the hoodie gown*
Copia, wearing a large knitted sweater with leaves and flowers on it: My ghoul, I simply have no idea.
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randorambles666 · 4 months
ghoul HC 💤 Phantom
phantom sleeps in the scariest positions, dude looks like he got hit by a car and then trampled by several horses and it scares the rest of the ghouls, he also looks dead when he's in a deep sleep, he's breathing will get really shallow and it'll look like he's not breathing at all, usually someone will run to get aurora because she's used to his half-deadness
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hearthtrob · 3 months
rain in this:
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Phantom in these:
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Dew in this:
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okay im done now
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ghoulelegy · 8 months
Ghouls' colours headcannons part 1
So the ghouls' change colours depending on the season, the weather, the temperature, whether or not they're ill.
Mountain's colour changes the most. He goes from green in spring / summer to yellow / red in autumn and then brown in winter.
Sodo actually goes from an amber colour in summer to red in winter. This is mainly cus he's a breathing fireplace in winter and he's always trying to keep himself toasty. There's still some blue freckles left over from his days as a water ghoul.
Rain goes from a deep blue in summer to an greyish hue in autumn then white in winter, and then blue - green in spring.
Aurora is particular. Her colour is dependent on the length of day, rather than the weather itself. Her hair tends to be more vibrant (white) in the winter, and her freckles tend to show more. When the days are longer her hair tends to yellow more.
Like Aurora, her colour is more so dependent on the sun. During the spring / summer she has a rainbow pearlescent streak in her blonde hair.
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ryuzatodraws-backup · 5 months
I believe quintessence ghouls are like roosters
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lostispring · 3 months
Alien Ghouls
Hello, this my first post here and I want to share this thing that me and my sibling @sweetieoujialien created quite a long ago.
You can also find it on Twitter at
Warning: further information is purely the piece of our sick imagination and does not have the goal of offending someone, undermining the reality and perception of this world. We ask you not to take further information seriously, because it all started with the simple question "what if?". We hope for your understanding, the Martian Misha and the demon Lost😈
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Since ghouls are hellish creatures, they are probably very different from the living creatures familiar to our world, my research friend and beloved brother suggested that, in this regard, they may have an unusual physical manifestation "as if they are, but as if they are not." According to the theory of infinity of matter nesting, matter is closed in space. starting from this theory, we can assume that ghouls are the so-called dark matter, or at least consist of it having an absolutely different structure from us at the atomic level, let's assume that ghoul cells have dark matter in their structure. But given the almost intangible physical manifestation of this dark matter, we can say that not even this very matter, but holes in it. Again, taking the theory of nesting as a justification, everything in space is a vicious circle and any long-term action will lead the object to its initial and/or inversion point. It is the same with dark matter, if you put strong pressure on it at some point, the intangible matter will break and become tangible.
Since ghouls are holes in dark matter, it means that they lead somewhere. The inner subspace of the ghoul is exactly the place where the astral body can go in case of severe damage to the physical form in order to regenerate and restore strength. The inner subspace visualizes the inner world of ghouls and is based on their sense of self. When the astral body goes into subspace, the physical remains disconnected.
Now let's consider the internal structure of ghouls based on their elements.
Based on what was said above, the structure of the ghoul will be extremely different from the human, but at the same time have some similarities. So, for example, they have a brain, a heart and a circulatory system, a respiratory system and a reproductive system.
Air ghouls have wider complex lungs that have a layer of muscle tissue under the pleura allowing them to blow out very strong air currents. Earthlings have a special layer of skin similar to mycelium or moss rhizoids that allow poisonous moss-like integuments to germinate on some parts of the ghoul's body.
The quintessence has an additional part of the brain that produces special chemical compounds that help ghouls create visual hallucinations to others.
The fire ones have pouches with flammable liquid under their lungs, thanks to which they can breathe fire like dragons, and the aquatic ones have gills and tenacles, and much stronger arms and legs in they're physical form.
Multi ghouls have the characteristics of all the elements, but this is very dangerous since the simultaneous presence of all the elements entails unpredictable behavior and the probability of destruction of both the physical and astral bodies.
The reproductive system of ghouls differs significantly from any previously known ones, because they are cosmos in their structure. After thinking for a long time about their way to reproduce, Lost and I came to the conclusion that ghouls are born like stars. Stars appear from interstellar gas and hydrogen. Put two and two together and find out that the reproductive system of ghouls is a smoke machine. The smoke of male and female individuals has a different composition (helium and hydrogen, two constituent elements of interstellar gas), the smoke combines and contracts under the influence of gravitational instability, warming up and entering into a thermonuclear reaction, which forms the astral, and then the physical body of the ghoul.
Ghouls do not have human sensory organs like ears or eyes, their skin has a layer of special nervous tissue, thanks to which they see, hear, smell and navigate in space. Ghouls are similar to bats and use echolocation in addition to their thermal vision. Also, older individuals can see with X-ray vision due to their SR.
The prolonged presence of a ghoul under the influence of several different SR at once leads to the emergence of a so-called spontaneous disease, leading to symptoms of psychosis and loss of reason.
Ghouls have a collective mind, which in turn means that, being separated, arriving in their physical shell on the surface of the earth, they will hear each other's thoughts, feel emotions, any physical effects, as well as the previously mentioned feelings inherent in individual elements.
Considering that ghouls are essentially space, they also have various radiation from space objects (radioactive, X-ray, and the like). Radiation and its background in a ghoul depends on its element, in the case of ghouls with a multi element, they also have a huge amount and variety, which again can negatively affect them.
Spontaneous radiation or SR is a way of dividing the territory of ghouls, different SR is felt differently depending on the ratio of charged particles and gamma quanta. SR is produced in the ghoul's body during a burst of energy as a natural reaction to an excess of adrenaline. Prolonged presence of a ghoul of one element under the influence of another SR can cause side effects such as; increased sensitivity, auditory hallucinations, a sharp drop in blood pressure, malaise, dizziness, weakness and irritability.
The prolonged presence of a ghoul under the influence of several different SR at once leads to the emergence of a so-called spontaneous disease leading to symptoms of psychosis and loss of reason.
Well, we hope that you liked our work, quite a lot of effort, nerves and time were spent on it. Once again, we would like to say that we do not insist on the canonicity of this material, but we believe that a little diversity among the fandom will not hurt. I would like to say a special thanks to Misha for the wonderful illustrations.
You can also find it on Twitter at
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xxcallmemaryxx · 2 years
Ghoul headcannon:
Dew gets nervous.
He gets slight stage fright, tends to go a little bit quiet before a ritual and even gets a bit shakey right before curtain drop. His behaviour on stage was created by him to not only distract his mind from the thousands of people watching him, but also to distract them from his slightly trembling fingers or on the off chance he misses a string during a solo.
He worries he may screw something up, or disappoint whoever it is he is trying to get closer too. He craves a really close connection with someone special but can’t bring himself to find that person, simply because his nerves get the better of him and he convinces himself he doesn’t need them. He sees someone who he finds incredibly attractive but doesn’t have the guts to talk to them.
He is very very comfortable with the pack of ghouls he’s got right now. They settle his mind a lot and help with whatever it is that is on his mind at that moment. They pull him back to reality and have often pushed him to do things that would normally turn him into a trembling mess.
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ghoulangerlee · 10 months
ever since I found out that some shark species live near underwater volcanoes my brain has constantly been that's rain ghoul coded
rain ghoul is a shark
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apopticghoul · 1 year
i think even though he appears very confident, dew is actually a little insecure. and rain is the one who understands this best so they get along well. rain helps him to unlock his old element and even if it is significantly less powerful, its enough to splash rain aggressively when they swim in the lake together. and when dew is seeking comfort he will go to rain and they will just cuddle in bed and watch something on their phones or .. idk. rain reading book dew curled up head on rain’s chest. im emo today.
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forged-in-love · 1 year
Headcannons for what ghouls' blood looks /smells like, based on my ghoulfriends chat on FB.
Fire ghoul -scent of burning or brimstone
Air ghoul - scent of a warm summer breeze
Earth ghoul - smells like dirt
Water ghoul- smells like morning dew
All ghouls' blood is a dark, almost black in color, like a watered down tar substance, but when it hits the air highlights appear, showing the element of the ghoul. Fire red and orange, air whispy whites, earth green tones, water has bluish hues. Multi ghouls turn a sort of iridescent mix of a bunch of colors. If a ghoul has changed elements, both scents and colors are present.
Feel free to expand on this!
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iamthecomet · 1 year
New hc.
Dew eats the pits of cherries and Aether and Mountain have to pry them out of his mouth. He says it feels good on fangs but they're afraid his teefies are gonna crack
Oh my god yes. He just pops handfuls of cherries in his mouth and Aether immediately puts his hand in front of Dew's mouth like a toddler and goes. "Pits." Meanwhile Dew's trying to crunch down on them as fast as he can. And then Mountain is grabbing him by the jaw and forcing his mouth open and doing the little headshake you do to dogs when they try to eat something they're not supposed to.
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mac-and-thefox · 8 months
Dew and Mountain are in the middle of an argument in the kitchen. Dew's feeling like he's losing the will to keep trying to prove his point cuz his neck is starting to hurt from having to crane his neck to look up at the earth giant. Mountain is just staring down at him smirking.
Swiss: psst. *slides stool over*
Dew: *whispers back* thanks, man
*stands on the stool so he's eye-level with Mountain*
Swiss: *thumbs up*
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randorambles666 · 3 months
ghoul HC 😣 Dewdrop
dew is someone that needs quiet time alone to feel better, he usually listens to music or practices a song he's a little rusty with but no matter what he has to be alone, he just cant take putting on a happy face when he's that overwhelmed. he's known for keeping a straight face almost constantly but he gets over tired and over worked very easily which he blames himself for because he never listens to the signs and pushes himself more than he should
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hearthtrob · 3 months
hi guys anyways
phantom in this pls
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oh and rain in this maybe
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perhaps Mountain in this as well pls with so many cherries on top
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anyways bye guys
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mummythrust · 2 years
you all wanna fuck the ghouls, i wanna be the ghouls-- ghoul headcannon time
i have put way too much time into thinking about it, and its heavily based off of my ocs tbh
Ghouls used to be human!
it takes several years of training and different rituals to become a full ghoul- most people don't usually survive
over the course of a few years they gain in order: horns, fangs, long pointed tongue, yellow eyes, a tail, white hair, and a longer lifespan (i like to think in the 200 to 300 year range?)
its possible to be a part ghoul (if extremley uncommon)- just dont finish all the rituals (youll lose some ghoul traits over time, but you'll still have a bit of a longer lifespan than a human- health issues are common)
Ghouls are Satan's cats.
yes that means they purr
They train with whatever they'll be used for while theyre still mostly human, and then they kinda just become more proficient at it after their final ritual
i dont really think theres anything more to the whole Element stuff than just being monikers
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damagedghoulette · 1 month
Mountain taking Phantom on a nature walk and explaining to him that some moss is soft and fluffy like candy floss only to hear a soft ripping sound and Phantom is crouched down shoving fistfuls of moss in his mouth
Mountain has to pry it open because Phantom is refusing to open his mouth like when a dog has something it shouldn’t
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