#ghouls era 4
owlghuleh · 1 year
These ghouls.. they know what they do to us
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kabukiaku · 2 months
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ghoulettes goin out! 🫶✨💜
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marshmallowsqoosh · 2 years
[Ghost (Band) | Pro Memoria 1/10]
Fandom: Ghost (Band) Title (also AO3 link): Pro Memoria Rating: Mature CW: Canon Character Death, Depictions of (Magical) Violence Lesser Warnings: headcanon, not beta read, terzo’s the youngest because the canon timeline makes no sense, terzo and copia are friend-shaped, ghouls are hellsent beings and have magick, Special and Mountain are BFFs, Era 3 and 4 are BFFs, author uses Sodo not Dew, uh... stuff.
Summary: Ghouls are dragged back to Hell when their summoner dies, if they aren't released first. For most, it's a painless experience. For most, they simply slip into a peaceful, eternal sleep, as their summoner ages and passes on, themself. Some are sudden, but still painless.And some... some are a bit more drawn out and not quite so painless. ♥ aka Terzo died from the embalming, not the injection, and his Ghouls got to experience it in their own ways.. A/N: This is probably one of the stupider ambitions I've taken on but fuck it, nothing like a little masochism to get the brain gerbils running. Anyways, I wrote super rough draft death shenanigans to go with the Ghoul Deaths by @vanmec like... jesus that was four months ago? And started trying to refine them into postable chapters... problem is they deal with a lot of headcanon and pacing is hard but I'm trying
This chapter is super chill. Chaos starts in the next chapter. Ideally, I want to post these along with a separate series of when/how each Era 3 Ghoul was summoned. ... Ideally. Because there is a lot of headcanon. .... Ergo ambitious.
Still don’t have a beta reader so if you spot typos/odd spots, lemme know ♥
Extras: Status (and AO3 link!): [ 1 / 10 ] Word Count: ~2700
[Pro Memoria]
Copia's fairly certain he's never been quite so happy to see the Ministry.
Special's waiting in the lobby, just above the door, and immediately knocks Mountain to the ground—or, tries to at any rate. The game hasn't changed in nearly twenty-five years, and Mountain simply dives and scrambles out of the way before he gets trapped. There's a short tumble, where Special manages to yank on his tail; but, all it does is lead to the two scrabbling for the upper hand and soon chasing each other up the stairs with Secondo yelling after them that the Ministry is not your playground! The annoyed look turns on Copia who can only offer a nervous smile in apology. His Ghouls all immediately disperse—Rain making a beeline for the elevators before Secondo's Water Ghoul spots him, while most of the others start tugging on Aether for input on where the rest of the era three Ghouls are, all of them excited to share stories from the tour. Sodo's pressed up to his back, hissing and trying not to get dislodged from where he is… or perhaps hissing at Swiss, who simply leans on the two—more or less squishing Sodo—as he tries to wake up from his nap on the plane.
Copia doesn't get a chance to actually apologise—he sees Secondo roll his eyes before he turns to head upstairs—or try to help Aether with the rest of the group… instead he nearly shrieks when someone barrels into him from behind, trapping him in a tight hug.
"Fratello! You were supposed to call when the plane landed! Welcome home, how was the flight?"
"Terzo, let him breathe."
It's always a bit astounding how easily Omega can pry Terzo's grip loose. Even then, Copia stumbles a little once he's free—Swiss catches his shoulder before he falls into Aether, while offering a sleepy, happy greeting—and tries to smile. He's still getting used to seeing Terzo without his paint, but it's… getting a little easier. Especially since he doesn't look quite so angry all the time, anymore. Still anxious sometimes, still… self-conscious… but not angry. And that helps Copia feel less self-conscious, in turn.
"I'll never understand where you found such energy after Rituals… I'm exhausted." Terzo laughs and Copia finally succeeds at a more genuine smile. "I do apologise, though. They rushed us off the plane when it landed, I didn't even think about calling. I, ah… heard there was something… urgent? I don't suppose you've any idea what it is?"
"Mmm… Father wanted to speak to you, but no one's said about what." Even so, there's a… spark of sorts in his eye that says he knows. "You are the next highest ranking member of the Church, apart from Father…"
"Please don't joke about that." Copia groans and rubs his face. "You and I both know he'd swallow his own tongue before he anointed me Papa."
"Well, then, perhaps he has." Even when he feels Terzo's hands on either side of his face—shockingly cold without his gloves—and follows the gentle pull downwards, the younger man still has to stand on his tiptoes to kiss both of Copia's cheeks, before he waves and heads towards the stairs. "Go see what Father wants! We'll be on the third floor if you'd like to join us! Otherwise, we'll see you at dinner and you can tell us all about it! Coming, Omega? Special?"
"We’ll be along in a moment, if that's alright." Omega's attention turns to the small gathering of Ghouls still in the lobby, his tail flickering curiously. He still doesn't join them until Terzo gives him the okay and Copia just pulls a deep breath, briefly joining the small group.
He's not sure when Mountain and Special found their way back down—probably from running across Secondo's path a second time—but they're standing with Aether and Swiss and Omega joins them soon enough. Sodo's still close by, no longer squished and more cushioned between the two larger Ghouls, with his attention fixed intently on the doors out to the gardens, like he's deciding if he really wants to test Alpha's mood.
"Aether, would you keep an eye on the others, once they've caught up? I'll probably turn in for a short rest after this."
He thinks Aether means to confirm, but Sodo immediately latches onto the opportunity to ignore his own anxiety. "After what? Can we go?"
"Oh, you wouldn't want to come along, tizzone. I'm sure Sister Imperator will be there and I'm positive she'll want all of the technical details, won't she?" He can practically see the Ghoul wrinkling his nose beneath the mask—they all grumble amongst themselves in that moment—and Copia offers a gentle laugh as he leans to give Sodo a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Go find Alpha and Ifrit. I'm sure they will be very excited to hear about the trip."
"Ifrit was reassigned to one of Mr. Saltarian's delegates, so I'm afraid he isn't here at the moment. If I heard correctly, he'll be back by the end of the week; but, in the meantime, Alpha is in the gardens." He can tell Omega's smiling when he tips his head and reaches to give Sodo a gentle push towards the garden. "He won't admit it, but he's been looking forward to hearing about the Rituals. We all have. Please, indulge him."
Sodo looks like he feels a little better with the knowledge Alpha is in an okay enough mood to tolerate him and runs off towards the garden, easily disappearing in the crowd of other Ghouls and lower clergy members. Copia turns his attention back to Omega in those seconds.
"I'm a little surprised he would want anything to do with the Rituals…"
Omega hums; but, Special's the one that answers, even as he scales up Mountain's back to find a comfortable perch on his shoulders. "Terzo's had time to process everything. He did and does want you to succeed, Cardinal… it was just… a blow for all of us." Even as he and Omega exchange looks—guilt, perhaps, for not handling the situation better—he sounds confident in the answer. "Alpha does feel bad about what he did. But… I'm sure you'll find in your own time that Fire Ghouls are… very attune to their summoners. We'll never measure up to Quintessence, make no mistake. But we are that driving spark of passion and dreams. And you know as well as any of us how brightly Terzo burned, even before his ascension. Alpha is a reflection of that. His anger was a simple—albeit violent—reflection of Terzo refusing to let his dream be put out… but, now he's a reflection of a… new-ish dream. To see you succeed. He's very invested."
It… makes sense and he thinks that may have been the most straight forward—if not still rather roundabout and ramble-y—answer he's ever gotten from Special. … It does still bother him a little, though…
"... But then… what about you and Cowbell?"
Special's attention has already drifted to trying to bite Mountain's hand, as Mountain tries to keep him steady, up on his shoulders, and tries to get him to answer. Omega laughs.
"One should probably not attempt to understand Special. Cowbell's purpose was… very specific, to my understanding. I suppose, there was never reason to question him, despite witnessing his summoning, was there? But we can revisit those details after you see to Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator. You've kept them waiting long enough, I'm certain. Would you like an escort, Cardinal?"
"Oh. No, I can manage. I do rather feel like annoying the old man a little more, if I'm honest… though, I suppose dallying will only annoy Sister in the long run, as well, won't it..."
"Ah, of course. … In that case, may I remind you that Terzo suggested a… how to say… dramatic entrance?"
Copia raises a brow and Aether actually coughs to cover a laugh. Swiss looks excited and completely forgets the struggle of waking up from his nap, alertness causing his ears and posture to perk. His tail starts flickering and vibrating from the sheer excitement. "He got it then?"
"He did. I can't believe he did, but he did." Omega sounds amused, if not a touch exasperated, even as Swiss hurriedly gives Copia gentle pushes towards the stairs.
"Go get changed, then! You should look your absolute best! There's a present in your room!"
The fact Swiss seems to know what the dramatic entrance and surprise are is… perhaps concerning. Anything Terzo had a hand in is usually grounds to be concerned and Swiss' involvement fills him with an equal dread; but, he at least trusts that Omega wouldn't adhere to anything that would get all of them in trouble, even if it were Terzo's idea.
The boombox is absolutely ridiculous and Copia wants to find Terzo, immediately, to thank him for the prop. And perhaps question where he even found the thing. But, more than all of that, he feels genuinely happy for once. Nauseatingly excited, but without guilt. Still a small, rippling fear of failure. But excitement.
Even that feels like an understatement—nervous is probably more accurate. Still processing, even after he's been released from the tailor measuring him and showing him the preemptive designs for his vestments. He'd perhaps been hoping to have a bit more input on his vestments—he knows Terzo designed his own and he thinks Secondo and Primo had, as well… but he also knows they're short on time and a new leg of Ritual is supposed to start soon.
He tries to make a note to remember to thank Imperator for the foresight of submitting preliminary designs… surely, if he does well, he can make his own design and changes, soon enough.
Copia wants to run and tell the others immediately; but, the exhaustion—from the tour, from the Rituals, from dealing with Nihil—is finally catching up with him as the adrenaline finally begins to ebb. Terzo already said he could wait until dinner and if Copia has any hope of being coherent and conscious in time for dinner… he should sleep. It doesn't take long to fall asleep, for once—as soon as his head hits his pillow, with absolutely no energy left to even change out of his cassock—he's out cold in a blissfully deep, dreamless sleep.
A blissful sleep that is interrupted—abrupt and violent—by the sound of screaming from outside of his room. Muffled—far from the room and kept out by the walls and shut door, but still loud and concerning and—
And Aether's doing… absolutely nothing to go assist. The only thing he does is stop Copia from leaving—easily matching his steps and refusing to stand aside, even when Copia… tries to order him to.
"Aether, let me leave."
He can tell it works—for a split second the Ghoul recoils, shaking his head like he's trying to get water off his mask and his ears and tail twitching anxiously as he rights his posture and refuses to comply, lips set in a thin line. Copia doesn't try again; he's never had to before and… Terzo was right, it feels awful. His throat stings, just from trying, he can't imagine putting actual conviction to the order.
"... Very well. If you won't let me leave, will you at least tell me what—"
He means to ask for any indication of what's happened; but, a moment later, his door knob rattles. Aether doesn't turn to it, his attention still on Copia to make sure he doesn't try to leave. For a brief moment, the short spell the door's open, the screaming gets louder; but, Copia hardly hears it. His attention is drawn to, consumed by, the appearance of two of his Ghouls and he swears his heart almost stops. Mountain and Sodo both look ready to collapse; even with their masks on, they're obviously going through various stages of duress.
Sodo's got one arm tight across his stomach. It doesn't look like he's hurt… but the horns of his mask have clearly been heated up—still scorched and cooling, smudges of soot across the mask. His forearms are darker than normal, like he's recently been extinguished. He forces himself under Aether's arm, pushing up against his side as tight as he can and it very quickly becomes apparent it was only Mountain's hand against his back that was keeping him standing. Aether takes over the task, arm around the smaller Ghoul and hand firmly on his hip to help him stay upright.
Mountain's uniform is… scorched and wet and torn and… covered in what looks suspiciously like splatters of void. Like when he and Special get too rambunctious and actually hurt each other in their games. He flinches away from Aether offering him a gentle touch; shakes his head, sharply, and hugs himself as tight as he can as he retreats to a far corner of the room and huddles down into as tight a ball as he can pull himself.
The others start to file in, slowly, despite the commotion around the Ministry.
Swiss is next, dazed and gripping his Grucifix so tightly that it cuts into his hand. He doesn’t seem to notice, even as he slides down the wall closest to the door, out of the way of it opening, but close to Aether and Sodo. He pulls his knees up, close enough he can rest his elbows there, clasp his hands tight around his Grucifix—in that moment, Copia realises he has a second Grucifix pushed flush against his own—and pushes his forehead against his knuckles like he's praying.
Cirrus and Cumulus are next. Disheveled. Clutching each others hands so tightly their voids nearly melt together. It takes him a moment to realise Rain's behind the pair, hands clasped tight against his stomach like he does when he's fighting down the waves of nauseated anxiety. He settles down with Swiss, his tail curling tightly around the other Ghoul's, while the Ghoulettes shuffle to another corner. He sees Aether flexing his hand, near his chest, like he's only just stopping himself from gripping his shirt there. Copia feels… distress. He knows it isn't just his—he's definitely distressed, not knowing what's going on outside his room; but he can feel it from Aether and from every single Ghoul he's summoned… and he has absolutely no idea how to address any of it because he doesn't know what's happened.
Aether still doesn't let him leave, though. Even when he's taken a headcount and confirmed all seven Ghouls are present, he's not allowed to leave. Even when the distant screaming finally dies down completely. Aether doesn't move until it's been quiet for a long while and Swiss finally speaks up.
"They'll probably still hold supper… they'll come looking for him."
"... Yeah. Sodo, you need to let go so I can go with—"
"No—er…" Copia feels bad that all of the Ghouls flinch and start shaking their head and he realises he put a bit too much force in his voice. "It's alright. You all need rest. It isn't much but… make yourselves comfortable, please. I'll be back after…"
It still takes a moment longer for Aether to move; but, when he does, Copia kind of sees most of the Ghouls moving to huddle around the bed—pulling on the blanket and sheets and pillows to huddle under as they press up to each other. He closes and locks the door behind him. They can get out if they need to but… something in the back of his head tells him to lock the door for their safety. Now that he's in the hallway he can smell… smoke and Sulphur? Soil? It's a mess of confusing scents and dead quiet after the earlier commotion. He has to assume a fire broke out somewhere… maybe another mess with divines?
He hopes the brothers are alright. That it really was just a fire somewhere—maybe a summoning botched—and hopefully… they have answers. Anything he can bring back to help his Ghouls calm down.
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dailyghostpics · 7 days
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day 502
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zargosstuff · 1 year
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Process of this lil sketch of Dew and his daddy Papa
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gremlin-ghoul · 9 months
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quick guide
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breanna777 · 4 months
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sageofthestarz · 4 months
Aether and Ifrit fighting over who gets to fuck Dew that night on tour just for Dew to go and spend some time with Zeph
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creambrulet · 1 year
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[Best friends FOREVER♡] AAA the monster high hdshsh.°•
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cowbell-ghuleh · 25 days
31 Days of Ghost, Part 10: Favourite album
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Maybe this is cheating as I used the line art for part 6 but it's effectively the same answer for both...
Just the storytelling, theming, lyrical cleverness... I love it.
Also helps I love the cardinal, even if I don't draw him as much as his post surgery self.
Close ups below the cut as Tumblr didn't like the full resolution version.
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108 notes · View notes
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More of Papi
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owlghuleh · 2 years
Those eyes are piercing into my very soul
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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prequelle copia n dew 😊💙🖤
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mzmagzart · 4 months
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Finally did something!!
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dailyghostpics · 20 days
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day 492
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zargosstuff · 1 year
Work in progress 👹
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What do we think? Do we like it? Do we want to see the final result?
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