hythlodaes · 3 months
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junelezen day twenty four - lost
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superman86to99 · 5 months
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Superman: The Man of Steel #35 (July 1994)
"WORLDS COLLIDE," Part 1! And "THE FALL OF METROPOLIS," Part 2! And a Wonder Woman crossover! And a long-time character dies, as spoiled by the cover! This issue might be peak '90s. This is the most '90s you can cram into 22 pages without the comic exploding.
Things are a bit rough in Metropolis after Lex Luthor's main lackey launched some missiles that destroyed almost every building in the city (Action #700). Keith the Unlucky Orphan and his friends are trying to gather food from what's left of their orphanage, when a bunch of gangsters with machine guns show up to steal everything, reminding us why we call him Keith the Unlucky Orphan. Luckily, though, the kids are protected not just by Keith's pal Superman but by Myra, the Orphanage Lady, who decides to keep a couple of those machine guns in case the ruffians return.
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Combined with the scars she got on her face after saving Keith from an hypnotic lizard lady last issue, Myra is only some shoulder pads away from looking like a badass '90s anti-hero.
While Superman tries to help people around the ruins of Metropolis, a Giant Robot That Shoots Death Lasers From Its Chest (GRTSDLFIC) emerges from the ground and starts creating more ruins. The monster runs into Keith and the other orphans, so Myra bravely stands in front of it with her new toys and tries to distract it.
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And she does! For about a second.
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As he holds Myra's body, Keith yells out for Superman, who arrives right in time to save him from getting death lasered too. The Special Crimes Unit also stops by to help, and the GRTSDLFIC turns out to be smart enough to target Maggie Sawyer out of all of the officers because it can tell she's the top dog (or maybe it's just homophobic, dunno). Superman saves her, because one strong female supporting character death is enough for this issue.
Superman realizes the GRTSDLFIC is alive and needs to breathe, so he flies it up into orbit to take out its air and leaves it suspended there while he goes deal with other problems. (Presumably by also throwing them into orbit, like usual.) Meanwhile, Keith begs Maggie and SCU to take Myra to the hospital, but it's too late for her. The kid has an understandably tough time accepting that another mother figure has left him.
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RIP, Myra the no-nonsense orphanage lady. When we met her back in Man of Steel #1 (1991), I don't think anyone guessed that she'd die wielding dual machine guns while facing a Giant Robot That Shoots Death Lasers From Its Chest. But we should have, dammit. We should have.
So, wait, why is this part of a crossover called "Worlds Collide"? Because a whole 5 pages are devoted to Lois Lane's mailman, Fred Bentson, who is still having weird nightmares where he finds himself in another universe. Professor Hamilton meets Bentson at a Red Cross shelter and takes him to a clinic to treat his sleep disorder, which involves becoming immaterial while he sleeps and being haunted by an inter-dimensional monster. At the clinic, some rather shady psychologists hook Bentson up to a machine that can project his dreams, and they all see him naked as he's chased by the nightmare monster and tries to get help from... STATIC?!
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By the way, the shady sleep clinic happens to be located right under the bridge that was half-destroyed during Superboy's fight with that Spider-Man wannabe called Stinger almost a year ago, which is still half-destroyed. At least it doesn't stand out from the rest of the city anymore (thanks, Dr. Happersen!). The half-bridge will be a relevant plot point during this storyline.
And why is this a Wonder Woman crossover? Because she appears for a single panel while Superman is fighting the Giant Robot and wishes she'd picked another issue to come ask for his advice. The comic tells us to buy Wonder Woman #88 (which briefly shows WW helping Superman against the robot) for the rest of the story.
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On that subject, Don Sparrow says: "Superman doesn’t appear very prominently in the connected issue of Wonder Woman #88. All that happens is Wonder Woman requests that Superman stop her if she ever loses control of herself. It’s not a great issue, largely because Christopher Priest writes both Diana and Superman fairly out of character throughout, and the art in the issue manages to depict Wonder Woman as both matronly and pervy. (The issue also features the choice line of dialogue “female be trippin’”, so if you don’t rush out and find the issue, you’re not missing much, apart from another great Bolland cover featuring Superman)."
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Yes, the Keith stuff is pretty depressing, and could be seen as another example of Superman comics going all "Dark Age," but at least it'll lead to positive things for the character in the near future. Now, those other orphans who lost Myra, not so sure...
The results of the Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey bonus artwork poll are in, and after tallying up the votes here and at Patreon, the character who will get drawn by the great Don Sparrow is... Maxima, in her post-Doomsday purple suit! Who won by a whole vote! (For those keeping count: 5 votes for Red Cyborg, 10 for Pouch Superman, and 11 for Purple Maxima.)
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Don's work will be posted for all to see, but the original artwork will be given away to one of our patrons, Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, Bol, Gaetano Barreca, and Dave Shevlin. If you'd like to decrease their chances, join them at https://www.patreon.com/superman86to99!
And speaking of Don, stick around for his section, after the jump...
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
It’s an interesting cover, with the protagonist and even the title trade dress obscured by shadow.  It’s not really an action-type pose, but Superman’s angry expression indicates that action will follow.  We also get a hint at the tragedy within, with an injured Myra Allen below Superman.
Inside the book, we get our first glimpses of post-cataclysm Metropolis, seen through the eyes of hard-luck Keith.  The double page spread on pages 2 and 3 is a great drawing of Superman, exuding power even in a static pose. 
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The cybernetic monster, who in this issue gets neither a name, nor an origin (unless the story’s title, Afterburn, is maybe the robot’s name?) but it’s an appropriately Fleischer studios-like design for Bogdanove to draw. 
Normally I quite dislike photo-stat backgrounds, but the panel with Superman carrying survivors gets a pass from me, because I love images of Superman saving kids—especially the way Bogdanove draws it. 
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Myra Allen’s last stand against the robot is stirringly drawn, and to me visually recalls Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons’ “Martha Washington Goes to War” which was hitting newsstands around this time.   It’s interesting to see Bogdanove’s version of the famed Brian Bolland pose from Wonder Woman #72, even if she’s facing away. 
Keith’s grief at Myra’s passing is as powerful and sad an image as we’ve ever seen in these books, and my heart breaks for the poor little guy (look at his little hand clutching the cape!  What an astonishing detail!).  Though he’s fictional, it’s hard not to feel for him, when he’s endured so much tragedy in his young life.  I appreciate the restraint here, from a story standpoint—Superman offers no words of comfort, or guidance at what comes next, because they would only be trite and empty in a moment such as this.  All Superman can do, he does—which is to hold Keith, and let him weep.
Our final cameo of the book is Milestone’s Static, another character Bogdanove seems born to draw.  The introduction to him, as the milquetoast Bentson jumps to the Milestone world is fittingly energetic.   
I appreciate the detail early on that Superman has put “a lot of time into locating” gas leaks and shutting them down.  It’s nice that the writer considered something like that.
We’ve known for a while that the DCU version of Coca-Cola is Soder, but nice to be informed that Sprite is called “Spritz” here. 
Professor Hamilton is perhaps a bit casual about the fact that Bentson was briefly immaterial! [Max: Maybe he's like "Have I been immaterial before? Maybe during the Husque storyline? Don't remember..."]
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The great Jose-Luis Garcia Lopez gets a sort of shout out on page 7, as a fresh fruit stand bears his name.
At the time of this issue’s release I remember being very curious about the Milestone characters, and excited about them crossing over with my favourite character, but I still question the choice of having an uninteresting character like Bentson be the initial conduit between the worlds.  Maybe if the previous issues had established him as a recognizable Metropolis fixture (as well as Dakota City) like Whit or Allie or someone, it would have a little more impact (though they do try to build up his importance here, as the mailman who delivered the damaging evidence about Lex Jr.).  But I find it hard to really care about the Egon-looking guy, particularly when he’s running around naked.
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Anyone else ever get randomly smacked in the face with memories and immediately want to go write a kid fic?
Or is it just me?
#Aka Emile is remembering going camping with his friends as a small child#And how fucking chaotic it was#We were just allowed to run wild over the whole campground because our group rented the whole loop and everyone was watching out for everyo#I still managed to cross like 2 roads when I was 5 and got lost and they weren't busy but a stranger still stopped me to ask if I was lost#And all the boys would bring their lightsabers and nerf guns and we would have whole battles#We even made little forts in the woods and stuff and we were fighting to protect the 'dragon' (friend's dog)#I was always either the spy or the doctor#There was also the time my brothers thought it would be really fun to tell me to just pee in the woods instead of walking me to the bathroo#I was delighted#My parents were not#And the swimming hole was cold as fuck but we somehow still got in it every year#And jump off the giant rock in the deep end of the river once we were good enough swimmers to handle the current#Once or twice we went tubing there too which was my first experience with that#And there was hiking with waterfalls nearby so we'd go do that#And that one swinging bridge that was really fun to run across#And we'd stay for like a week sometimes#I swear all the parents got the best sleep ever when we went too even though they were sleeping on the ground lmao#all us kids would end up in each others tents if they were okay with it#And all I can think looking back at it now is that a les amis kidfic would be fun to write off all that#Emile's chaos#I have so many more camping memories too
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sir-adamus · 1 month
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my son has returned
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thatmintleaf · 2 years
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I recently finished Sleeping Giants from @autistic-lalli and my hands were itching to draw something out of it!
This particular exchange made me laugh a lot! I'll probably draw some other scenes from Sleeping Giants in the future, it lives rent free in my mind 🙏
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transcredwaters · 2 years
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Hyacinthus is the brand of chaos Mizzy was originally supposed to be, yet the two are still pretty similar huh
(Template by @/feralcitrus on twitter !)
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dawnslight-aegis · 1 year
the kids and godkids, pt 3
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Hamignant Varlineau
Aliases/Titles: Hami, Hannish Ambassador to Ishgard
Combat training: Lance/naginata, bow, chakrams (DRG/BRD/DNC)
Elemental affinity: Water
Personality: Quiet, shy, warm, kind, helpful, sensitive, trusting, slow to fight, terrifying if provoked
Childhood: Wandered with his family, but preferred when they were places that felt like home, Thavnair especially. Struggled with being in Ishgard when his horns started to grow into their distinctive shape, hates being treated like something scary. Has tried to make himself as gentle and unintimidating as possible as a result (hard when you’re 7 fulms tall with Nidhogg horns).
Adulthood: Accompanies Emil on his adventures despite not really being the adventuring type himself, finally manages to catch his best friend’s eye romantically. Is a very kind person, but if his family is threatened, has the ability to tap into some leftover Nidhogg rage, which terrifies him, so he prefers to play more of a support role. Later becomes an official ambassador between Ishgard and Thavnair, splitting his time between the two places, working for Aymeric and Vrtra.
Interests: Dragons, cooking, woodworking, dancing, singing, playing the lute, caring for animals
Relationships below the cut
 Marz: Loves his mother very much, enjoys helping her with cooking, often plays music to accompany her singing. She is the one who realized that he was badly suited to the dragoon fighting style, and trained him in the bardic arts. Reminds her of her late life partner, Veha, as well as her father.
 Estinien: Inherited his dad’s vaguely draconic nature, bond over that as well as Estinien encouraging his interest in woodworking and taking care of animals.
 Jorani: Has never been able to tell her no, follows her lead in most things. Their paths diverge in adulthood but makes a point to visit her/invite her to visit him frequently.
 Kaede: Very close, she’s his favorite source of wisdom and advice about all sorts of things. Gravitates to her whenever they’re in the same vicinity. In adulthood, makes a point to take her out for lunch frequently since both their husbands are often busy.
 Aymeric: Have somewhat similar temperments and get along well, but very little in common. Work well together in a professional capacity, and get to know each other better after Hami and Emil are married.
 Emilien: Has been in love with him since they were kids, admires his passion and his love for his family. Tries to keep him from getting into TOO much trouble, and is always happy to watch his back. Is a happy part-time stay-at-home husband.
 Liliane: Very fond of her, has never treated her like a little kid. Is able to get her to talk about things that are bothering her when no one else can. They trade books often, and he continues to work as ambassador after she becomes Lady Speaker.
 Others: Has a particularly strong bond with his “uncle” Vrtra, as well as his (actual) uncle Daava. Fascinated by Y’shtola, gets along particularly well with G’raha. Loves Alphinaud as much as his sister loves Alisaie.
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cerealandchoccymilk · 11 months
the person who just passed by is serving so hard oh my fucking god
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moosifers · 2 years
Re: post about the great lakes
My mom and I went to the lakeshore in the early spring, it was a windy day so I was expecting waves but hooo boy. The waves I saw were probably the largest waves I've seen in my life. Granted, I've never seen the ocean irl, but those waves are not normal waves for a lake
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moonstonerain · 4 months
I somewhat recovered from the devastating news of YoI Ice Ado cancellation, so to celebrate Yuri on Ice brings me joy day (which should be everyday) I'm writing down my headcanons.
The pets in the YoI universe have the general lifespan of their humans. Pets tend to die days before or after their owners died. Unless they have an accident, or a sickness (poor Vicchan). So essentially Makkachin is in fact immortal.
The YoI universe is kinder: there is no homophobia. I understand that sometimes exploring topics like these in fiction is important, but personally I think there is enough of that in the real world. So I want to believe in at least one universe where people are kinder. Viktor and Yuuri can get married anywhere in the world and it would be recognized. Nobody is bothered by the two being men.
Yuuri Katsuki is not a Viktor Nikiforov fan. He is THE Viktor Nikiforov fan. I'm talking fan accounts where he's protecting Viktor. The posters in his room are just the tip of the iceberg. He has hand fans, body pillows, limited edition bottle of water where Viktor did some promotion. One time he ordered a limited edition, signed poster from a "fan". (The person was thinking of ripping him of. And then he got an email. The only text read: his name, his address, his age, his social security number. Man was so scared he payed triple for ice show tickets, just to get the signed poster. Incidentally he also got invested in ice skating and found Yuuri Katsuki, Japan's ace. He's been a fan ever since.) After Viktor cut his long hair, Yuuri mourned for a few days and then layed waste on everyone on the internet who dared to complain about Viktor's decision.
All of Yuuri's fans, as well as all of Japan knows that Yuuri Katsuki is THE Viktor Nikiforov fan. Journalists that are usually ignored by Yuuri know that they only need to mention Viktor before Yuuri goes on a 30 minute tangent about his newest programs, his music, his outfits, that obscure program he did only once six years ago. If the journalist is brave, and willing to risk life and limb, they'll even add some sort of critiscism "Viktor's landing was a bit wobbly" Yuuri Avoider of Anything that Risks Conflict Katsuki: "First of all how dare you." 40 minutes later "I'm done! I'm done! ... And another thing!"
Yeah Yuri Plisetsky admires Viktor Nikiforov. He's ugh Viktor. But Yuri is a fan of one skater and one skater only and that is Yuuri Katsuki. I'm talking posters, hand fans, body pillows, limited edition sports drink Yuuri did some promotion for. He came to Hasetsu with one luggage, left with three filled to the brim with Katsuki merch. And a giant poster from the train station. When Viktor discovers Yuri's collection he is incredibly jealous.
Phicit, Yuuri, Leo, Guang-Hong Ji, Otabek, Emil, Michele, J.J., and Seung Gil have a group chat for gossip. While the group chat is used pretty frequently Seung Gil will only wildly appear once every blue moon, leave a devastating one liner and dissapear once again. Once Viktor goes to coach Yuuri the group has front rows to live updates: "omg Viktor just showed up buck naked at my parents' onsen" "ok so he asked if I want him to be my boyfriend. do you think this is code for something?" "He sure likes to be very touchy with me. very touchy. hmm silly europeans" "he just wants us to be close friends" the despair the others are feeling. after the live kiss, seung gil: "just friends huh. never lie to my face again bitch"
minami and yuri have beef. minami has a limited edition photo card that he brought with him to the juniors. yuri has another limited edition card that he also brought to juniros. they saw each others limited edition cards, argued which was superior, both incredibly jealous of the other. loathed each other since then.
yuuri was the first to give Viktor his blue roses crown. One time when Viktor was assigned to NHK Trophy Yuuri busted his entire allowance and some odd jobs to buy him the crown, to an exhorbitant price because roses are expensive, blue roses even more so, and a flower crown?! Yuuri was standing near the rink when Viktor saw him holding the crown. Viktor's heart melted, and he let Yuuri put the crown on him. ever since then Viktor was associated with blue roses. Years later a skating fan uncovered an old photo of yuuri putting the crown on viktor and posted it online. the skating world collectively lost their minds. at their wedding they each put a flower crown on top of each others heads.
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hythlodaes · 4 days
i feel like. leo is always joking about how big emile is and then emile turns around and calls him short Once and lives to regret it
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 23 days
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 104... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter was SO MUCH FUN!! 😆 I really liked it...!! 😁👍
I had good time reading Mission 104, so let's talk about it, shall we? 😄
So, when I first opened the chapter and saw Damian...:
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...I got really excited!! 😁 I was thinking that maybe Damian was gonna be thinking about the whole "Anya can read minds" thing, but then I quickly realized that we're probably not gonna get into any of that until the kids go back to Eden...! So instead, I started to wonder what kind of shenanigans Damian and his crew might get into, and after seeing that a student got a Stella for discovering some ancient pottery long ago in a book at the library, of course Damian, Ewen and Emile were gonna go for it!!! 😆
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Also, Jeeves (who is still very handsome) and the butlers of Ewen and Emile tag along as well on this adventure to most definitely keep an eye on the boys and to make sure that they don't get hurt (like Jeeves hitting a snake with an acorn...!! 👌😎):
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After that encounter with the snake, Damain says that because there are snakes and bugs everywhere in this place, that's why didn't want to go here in the first place...! So, Emile suggests that maybe they should just go home, but Damian refuses because...:
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Oh Damian... 😓
After that, Jeeves decides that it's time to take a break to have some food, so him and the other butlers make a delicious meal for the boys before heading back out...!! 😋 Now that they've had some food, it's time resume the expedition, but none of the clues seem to be helping, so Damian tries put himself into the king of antiquity's shoes and...:
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But, it didn't last for long because...:
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Don't worry Damian, I would also freak out if a spider THAT SIZE landed on me too...!! 👌😌
And though Jeeves knocked the spider off of Damian, he continues to freak out until he falls over and sees THIS:
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But... It turns out that this giant flower has already been discovered, and Damian is unamused by this fact because he can't get a Stella for it, so Damian, Emile and Ewen call it a day a head home in their THREE FREAKING SEPARATE HELICOPTERS!!! 😵 (Look, I know these kids are from rich families, but I find it both hilarious and insane that they all didn't just take a single helicopter there...!! 🤣😵 Just sayin'...!! 😌)
While in the helicopter, Jeeves brings up to Damian that it seems that he always doesn't want to go home, and Damian freaks out about it and tells Jeeves that worries about the weirdest stuff...! 😌 Jeeves then offers to call Melinda to cook for Damian again like how she did in the flashback in Mission 76 (though she didn't eat with Damian, which still makes me both sad and mad...!! 😤) Then Jeeves brings up showing Demetrius the picture of the flower they saw today, and what Damian said got me...:
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"When DON'T my brother's eyes look like they're bulging out of their sockets?" 😭 WHY WAS DEMETRIUS CURSED TO HAVE HIS FATHER'S EYES!? 😵 THAT POOR BOY...!!! 😩
In all seriousness, that line makes me even more extra worried about what exactly might be going with Demetrius, but besides that Damian warns Jeeves not to say anything weird to his mom, then Jeeves asks like what, and Damian says:
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And then, the chapter ends!! 🤭
And that was Mission 104, a nice fun little chapter with Damian and his friends...!! 😆 Though I am a little worried about Jeeves telling Melinda about Damian's dance with Anya, I doubt Damian mentioned to Jeeves about the whole Anya can read minds part because probably still doesn't believe it as of right now...! Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens when the kids to return Eden Academy...!! 👌😌
Anyway, I think that's pretty much all that I wanted to say on this chapter, so until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 😁 (Also, I was trying to finish writing this review a lot sooner, but I was having a really bad headache this morning when I got up to read this week's chapter... 😩 It still hurts a little, but I powered through it...!! 👍) Anyway, LATERS!! 👋😊
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
Things read and watched in January
Essays & Articles:
Inside A Neo Nazi Homeschool Network with Thousands of Members
I Cut the 'Big Five' Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell.
Social Media, Social Factory
The Not So Hidden Israeli Politics of 'The Last of Us Part II'
The Okinawa Problem: The Forgotten History of Japanese Colonialism and Ryukyuan Indigeneity
How the Pentagon Leaned on Hollywood to Sell the War in Afghanistan
Get Out and the legacy of sundown suburbs in post-racial America
There is No Mary Problem in 'It's A Wonderful Life'
Why Do Rich People Love Quiet?
John Mulaney's Jokes About His Jewish Ex-Wife Suddenly Don't Seem So Funny Anymore
Kansas Research Shows Reintroducing Bison on Tallgrass Prairie Doubles Plant Diversity
"Alien" chestburster was inspired by writer's Crohn's disease
It's Frustratingly Rare to Find a Novel About a Woman That's Not About Love
The 50 Greatest Apocalypse Novels
Something in the water--life after mercury poisoning
Do You Have To Win A Nobel Prize To Be Translated?
Co-Author of Affluenza: "I'm Appalled by the Ethan Couch Decision"
Data Reveals Loneliest Cities in America
Groundbreaking effort launched to decode whale language
Ireland offers basic income for artists
Unhinged 'Transvestigators' Think They're the Only Cis People Left
Werner Herzog 'gives blessing' to pirates who want to download his films on Torrent sites
Music on Mars: If you thought space was silent, take a closer listen
The Singularity is Here
The Average Fourth Grader is A Better Poet Than You (and Me Too)
If Black English Isn't A Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?
Guts by Julia Armfield
the guessing game: a mother's love by Silas Denver Melvin
The Sea is Rising by Rakyah Assam
You Were You Are Elegy by Mary Jo Bang
Stop and Look, Alicante by Layla Benitez-James
ANWR by Sherwin Bitsui
Self-Portrait as Daily Sustenance by Ae Hee Lee
On Asking My Mother About Winter 1990 by Abhijit Sarmah
Finally Writing the Poem by Tarik Dobbs
Pound and Brodsky in Venice by Megan Fernandes
Engine Summer by John Crowley
No One Cares About Crazy People by Ron Powers
My Favorite Thing is Monsters by Emil Ferris
Hybrid Heart by Iori Kusano
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its-ahissionado · 5 months
RAHHHH I just finished about 80% of a giant spreadsheet that has all the insta photos Thomas has given us of the sides (and Remy + Emile)!!
I'm feeling so tired rn, but it's getting close enough to where it's almost ready to give to y'all for that free serotonin/references/etc.
That being said, have a few of the photos that still have a solid place in my mind rent-free
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saunne · 9 months
I guess I'm late to the game, but I'm normally a lore gremlin for Xianzhou lore, not Penacony lore. Anyways, don't expect something very elaborate, but you'll be able to find :
Reflection on the period based on history (Penal Colony)
Reflection on the period based on fashion (NPC in trailers)
Reflection on the period based on architecture (Art Deco)
Reflection on the period based on cultural shift (Railway Mania, Department Stores)
Reflection on lore based on Literature (Jules Vernes, Herman Melville)
Reflection on lore based on Philosophy (Idealism, Utilitarianism, Transcendental Idealism)
Everything under the cut as always since I tend to babble.
The name "Penacony" possibly comes from the phrase "penal colony".
I'm certainly not the first to make the connection, but "Penal Colony" inevitably brings to mind Australia. This idea of "Space Australia" is also reinforced by the names for the characters we know at the moment, with a very clear English etymology : Sunday, Robin, Gallagher, Firefly.
The use of Australia as a "penal colony" by England took place after the American War of Independence, so we start with a period around 1780 to ~1870.
We didn't get to see a lot of NPC outfits in this very short clip, but what little there is could actually correspond to a period like this. However, we had a little more hints in Honkai Star Rail - Penacony Trailer | Game Awards 2023, where we see Acheron at the reception of the Reverie hotel :
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This NPC in particular is interesting, because of her gloves. It's called "evening gloves" or "opera gloves". They were popular during the Napoleonic period (1800-1825) but were also very fashionable in the last two decades of the 19th century, i.e. 1880-1900 and before WWI, i.e up to 1910.
In terms of temporality, it is also important to note what concerns the architecture of Penacony.
It was noted on Reddit that the style of architecture could be reminiscent of the French Art Deco style, an architectural movement predominant in the 1910s to 1920s. Art Deco is said to have represented "luxury, glamour, exuberance, and faith in social and technological progress", so quite fitting for Penacony. Key features were : geometric/sleek designs, bold colors, luxurious materials, things that we find in the previews.
We'll have to wait to see more from Penacony, but it might be interesting to see if there is also any inspiration from the previous movement, Art Nouveau 🤔
Another architectural thing :
Look up and see the metal tracks crisscrossing the skyscrapers and the Spheroids rapidly rolling along them. They are the most visible means of transportation in this dreamscape metropolis and guide guests to each and every place around the city. [x]
This part about the Spheroids is interesting, because during this period (starting from 1825, with a peak in the 1840s), there was in France and England what we called the Railway Mania.
This is a point of interest because the Railway Mania saw the the arrival of the railroads in Paris. When it happened, this caused another major cultural shift : the rise of Department Stores. There is even a well-known french novel on the subject, called Au Bonheur des Dames (The Ladies' Delight) by Emile Zola.
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The end of the 19th century is also the period of birth of modern advertising and given the number of things that we see plastered all over Penacony, I think I can say that we are on the right track/period.
So, in terms of rough "era", we can go from 1780 to ~1920, so mostly the 19th century (1800-1900).
Speaking of period culture and Penacony in general, we currently have a Relic Set which I will use for the rest of the post: Penacony's Dream-Seeking Tracks
Opening a window no longer show a view of the stars in the deep sky, but of the city's shifting streams of light and shadows, holding up the constant echoes of giant clocks and theaters.
Okay, let's start with some details that I only noticed because I come from a literary studies background. I'm not going to lie to you, it's far-fetched, but stay with me, I promise it's interesting.
Giant clocks and theaters made me think "steampunk" works, whose setting are often set in an alternative history of the Victorian era (~1837 to 1900, so right in our period). One of the pioneering writers of the genre, “proto-steampunk” so to speak, is Jules Vernes, considered one of the "father of science fiction".
Remember Spheroids ? : "Spheroids are regarded as both vehicles and as toys in the land of dreams. However, few remember that the Spheroids are actually imprisonment cages — the vehicle towards dreams are tools originally used for locking up prisoners."
One of Jules Vernes' best-known novels is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, a science-fiction aventure novel the majority of which takes place aboard the Nautilus, a submarine belonging to Captain Nemo. And interesting thing, "he also tells his new passengers that his secret existence means he cannot let them leave — they must remain on board permanently" ; They are prisoners in the Nautilus.
On another point, Jules Vernes is also considered as having had a strong influence on the surrealist movement "in which artists depicted unnerving, illogical scenes and developed techniques to allow the unconscious mind to express itself. Its aim was, according to leader André Breton, to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality", or surreality"." Quite fitting for our dream planet.
For the next one... Well. I have no excuse for this one, it's even more far-fetched. But so, we remain in the literary universe.
The water from the spring turn into a giant whale and swim through the halls.
Giant whale made me think of one thing almost immediately : Moby Dick, by Herman Mellville, published in 1851 (once again in our era of interest). Moby Dick is a "sea novel" centered around the figure of the hunt of a whale. It's main themes are the limits of knowledge, fate and free will, nature and man, race, fellowship, and enslavement, madness and religion [x].
I wont copy and paste the whole shtick but I send you check again The Family description from the Data Bank.
With that, we're done with literature... so it's time to move on to something else wonderful and terrible, the greatest enemy of my high school years (when you have to do it for 8 hours a week, it quickly becomes tiring), I named: PHILOSOPHY.
For a transcendent experience, for an inspirational excitement, for the soothing of worries and wounds — guests of the highest caliber come to surrender their pain in exchange for peace and tranquility
I'm not going to dwell on that for too long, quite honestly. I'll just... put that here for you to do whatever the fuck you want with it.
Idealism : "Idealism in philosophy, also known as philosophical idealism or metaphysical idealism, is the set of metaphysical perspectives asserting that, most fundamentally, reality is equivalent to mind, spirit, or consciousness; that reality is entirely a mental construct; or that ideas are the highest form of reality or have the greatest claim to being considered "real"
At some unknown point in time, the small cells cut off access to reality, but people's consciousnesses became linked in dreams. In the midnight bell, that shared dream seemed so real, reflecting the sheer hypocrisy of reality.
Utilitarianism : "a family of normative ethical theories that prescribe actions that maximize happiness and well-being for the affected individuals. In other words, utilitarian ideas encourage actions that ensure the greatest good for the greatest number."
Those who follow the "Harmony" Path admire understanding, support, and cooperative behavior.
In addition to all previously "said", one of the greatest thinkers of the time, who is also the one at the origin of the definition of transcendent, is Immanuel Kant. His best known work is Critique of Pure Reason (1781), with which "he aims to reach a decision about "the possibility or impossibility of metaphysics".
Metaphysics "is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality. This includes the first principles of: being or existence, identity, change, space and time, cause and effect, necessity, actuality, and possibility."
This work was the founding work of a philosophical doctrine known under the name of Transcendental Idealism. I'll spare you the convoluted explanations but look at that :
The scenery gradually becomes more and more incredulous, and the senses feel as if one has been lifted by silk. [...] The guests finally realize that they were never awake, but are instead witnessing Penacony's true nature in a dream — a place where time stops in a neverending dreamscape.
"Kant means that his philosophical approach to knowledge transcends mere consideration of sensory evidence and requires an understanding of the mind's innate modes of processing that sensory evidence".
"Kant outlines how space and time are pure forms of human intuition contributed by our own faculty of sensibility. Space and time do not have an existence "outside" of us, but are the "subjective" forms of our sensibility".
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virglsweb · 11 months
The sides' versions of "get in loser we're going shopping"
Roman: get in bitches we're going slaying
Patton: get in kiddos we're going AWAY FROM THAT GIANT SPIDER.
Virgil: get out guys, I gotta panic.
Janus: believe me, bitches. I'm always honest.
Logan: quiet down, students. Today we're focusing on planets.
Remus: GET IN DORKS WE NEED TO GO ON A KILLING SPREE. For... Mental health purposes... :)
Emile: get inside, buddy. You need some therapy.
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