#gifts for grandparents
fordragonfliesandme · 6 months
10 Thoughtful and Practical Holiday Gifts for Grandparents That Will Make Their Hearts Sing
The importance of thoughtful and practical holiday gifts for grandparents is near and dear to my heart. Some of you may know if you’ve been following me for some time that my grandparents raised me. My grandmother always made a big deal out of birthdays and holidays, which is probably why I do as well. My grandmother passed away when I was 18 on December 18… Right before Christmas. To say the…
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elderlytales · 8 months
Gifts to show appreciation to your grandparents
Showing appreciation to grandparents is not only important but also plays a significant role in strengthening family bonds and creating lasting memories. Grandparents are a vital part of our lives, and expressing gratitude for their love, support, and wisdom is a meaningful gesture.
Thoughtful and meaningful gift ideas for grandparents
1. Personalized Photo Album or Picture Frame
A personalized photo album or picture frame filled with cherished memories is a heartfelt gift that grandparents will treasure. Gather old family photos or capture new ones and arrange them in a beautiful album or frame. This gift will allow them to relive precious moments and display their love for their family.
2. Customized Jewelry
Consider gifting your grandparents with customized jewelry that represents their connection to their grandchildren. Birthstone necklaces or bracelets with the initials of their grandchildren engraved are thoughtful and sentimental gifts that they can wear proudly.
3. Subscription to a Hobby or Interest
Find out what your grandparents are passionate about and consider gifting them a subscription related to their hobby or interest. Whether it's a monthly book club, gardening supplies, or a cooking subscription box, this gift will not only bring them joy but also keep them engaged in activities they love.
4. Spa or Wellness Experience
Grandparents deserve to relax and indulge in self-care. Treat them to a spa day or wellness experience where they can enjoy massages, facials, or a day at a hot spring. This gift will provide them with a much-needed break from their routine and allow them to rejuvenate both physically and mentally.
5. Handwritten Letter or Journal
Express your love and gratitude through a heartfelt handwritten letter or a beautifully bound journal. Share your favorite memories, words of appreciation, and let them know how much they mean to you. This gift is not only meaningful but also gives your grandparents something they can revisit whenever they need a reminder of your love.
6. Cooking or Baking Class
If your grandparents enjoy spending time in the kitchen, consider enrolling them in a cooking or baking class. Whether it's learning how to make a new dish or perfecting their favorite recipe, this experience will allow them to explore their culinary skills and create delicious memories.
Creative ways to express gratitude to your grandparents
Grandparents hold a special place in our hearts, and expressing gratitude towards them is a wonderful way to show our love and appreciation. While words of thanks are always meaningful, there are also creative ways to go the extra mile and make your grandparents feel truly special. Here are some unique ideas for expressing gratitude to your grandparents:
Create a personalized photo album
Compile cherished family photos, both old and new, and create a personalized photo album for your grandparents. Include captions and heartfelt messages alongside the pictures to remind them of the beautiful memories you've shared together. This thoughtful gift will be a cherished keepsake for years to come.
Organize a surprise gathering
Plan a surprise gathering with family and friends to celebrate your grandparents. Whether it's a small intimate dinner or a big family reunion, the effort and thoughtfulness behind organizing such an event will surely warm their hearts. Make sure to incorporate their favorite activities, games, and, of course, their favorite foods to make it even more special.
Handwritten letters and cards
In this digital age, receiving handwritten letters and cards has become a rarity. Take the time to write a heartfelt letter expressing your gratitude to your grandparents. Share specific memories, moments, and experiences that have meant the world to you. They will appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting such a personal and meaningful message.
DIY crafts and gifts
Put your creativity to use and make homemade gifts for your grandparents. Whether it's a handmade photo frame, a personalized piece of artwork, or a knitted scarf, the effort and thoughtfulness behind a DIY gift are always appreciated. Your grandparents will cherish the time and love you put into creating something unique just for them.
Plan a day out
Create lasting memories by planning a special day out with your grandparents. Take them to their favorite park, plan a picnic, or visit a place they've always wanted to explore. Spending quality time together and engaging in meaningful conversations is a beautiful way to express your love and gratitude towards them.
It's important to remember that showing appreciation to grandparents should not be limited to special occasions or holidays. Regularly expressing gratitude and demonstrating your love and respect can deepen your relationship and bring immense joy to their lives.
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canisalbus · 4 months
idk why but with the hatchet ask i immediately thought of young machete visiting his family in the countryside and coming across his cousin that looks at him like this and machete doesn't know what to do with himself lol (excuse the quick and very rough sketch dsjfsjd)
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i imagine hatchet is crossed with some livestock guardian breed, that's where he gets the darker brows from, but he has the same ears as machete
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dantelionwishes · 1 year
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meet my pokemon sv student oc, niles! her grandfathers are clavell and grand. she aims to be a pokemon professor, just like turo and sada- but this leads her to be a bit morally gray 😬
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here's her full ref alongside her toyhouse profile!!
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transbutchblues · 5 months
i am the happiest devotee alive LOOK AT THIS !! ZEUS’S HEAD !!!
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ryllen · 1 year
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‘ i am not used to on falling for ‘popular’ type of guy, so i have my doubts whether ur feelings are true. ‘ but he convinces u by saying how he specifically LOVES 2 gifts and u specially have fallen into that ‘specific’ LOVE list too
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gazagfmboost · 29 days
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Alamal, his beloved Wife, & two baby boys; Hisham & Sham & Alamal's mother-
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Vetting: TheLastTurtle / GFWatermelons #253 Personal IG Video #1 Instagram: ashlamal.ha Trying to protect his wife, two small sons, & mother during this conflict has aged this poor young man, I hope with all of my heart that we can please consider helping Alamal & his family to evacuate to safety. Any small contribution makes a big difference; I invite you to consider helping out with a donation if within your means- or a heart / re-share of their story to help them to feel seen, heard, & hopeful.
Help Alamal and His Family leave Gazagofund.me/a0f977c2
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dykesbites · 14 days
doing a slut run of stardew is so funny. 3/12 significant others obtained
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chewytongue · 6 months
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funeral type portrait
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prolibytherium · 5 months
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There’s a fucking thang in my apartment!!!!!!!
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cobbssecondbelt · 5 months
Dincember 2023 - Day 19: Coat
‘’Isn’t it too big for him?’’
It absolutely was. Granted, the coat was very nice, tailored with expensive quality fabric and sewn with sturdy thread, with the neck and cuffs padded with soft wool. And the kid looked hilariously cute, drowning in the clothing that swaddled him from toes to fingers.
‘’Don’t worry, he’ll grow into it!’’ Greef assured.
‘’In fifty years, maybe…’’ Din mumbled with incertitude. ‘’…thank you, though.’’
‘’I’m always happy to spoil this womp rat. I am telling you, Nevarro has attracted some mighty artisans to its streets. If you search a little…’’
Both men looked down in sync to watch Grogu trip and fall face first on the floor. He whined and wiggled, unsuccessfully trying to get back up. It took a great deal of willpower from Din to not laugh at the scene as he crouched to pick the child up and get him back on his feet. Grogu looked at him without much conviction.
‘’I might be able to make some arrangements.’’ Din said as a way of reassurance, examining the sleeves. It would be delicate work to shorten the coat without butchering the original craftmanship, but with good scissors and a little bit of patience, it should be doable. They weren't big amateurs of adventures in freezing weather, anyway.
Grogu cooed and reached out towards him as best as he could with the large sleeves weighting his arms down. The demand clear enough, Din unbuttoned the coat and slipped it off, freeing the poor child from the brown woolly prison.
‘’Thank you again.’’ He turned towards Greef again, child tucked in his arm and coat in hand. ‘’Sorry we can’t be here tomorrow.’’
The magistrate patted his shoulder with a smile. ‘’It’s no problem, I told you. But I do look forward to give this little critter his other Life Day gift when you return!’’
Din sighed softly with a smile at the corner of his mouth. And he thought the kid had him wrapped around his little finger.
‘’We’ll come by.’’ He looked down at Grogu in his arms. ‘’What do we say?’’
Greef grinned in delight.
‘’You’re very welcome, little man.’’
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Do ALL humans have a ridiculously long lifespan in the Destiny universe??? Like is that just an alternate universe where humans have naturally very long lives, or was that a result of the Golden Age and advances in science and medicine prolonging life? If it was Golden Age, then wouldn't any Guardians who died BEFORE then have a normal life (accounting for existing advances to ward off death from disease and injury)? Did they manage to modify all humans so that going forwards they naturally age slower and love longer? I would have thought the increased lifespan was only accessible with GA advancements and that not all of that would be possible anymore (though some definitely)
Humans got their extended lifespan due to the Traveler's gifts. Probably also a combination of some of the advanced technology allowed by the Traveler's arrival. But it's generally seen as the Traveler uplifting us in pretty much every way.
Micah Abram also confirms that this definitely only started with the Traveler (the "you" in the last sentence is the Traveler):
I read that before the Golden Age, people only lived to 100 years old if they were lucky. And by then, they'd be so sick, they couldn't get out of bed!
Good thing you came along.
The Traveler probably did something to us innately by coming here and spreading its gifts and Light along with terraforming. Since the Traveler (paracausality) is involved, it's incredibly hard to say how this works. Most likely, this also affects Guardians that died back before the Golden Age. Since they're rezed now, in the time of the Traveler and are also personally imbued with Light, the extended life span probably still applies.
Advanced technology also definitely helped. We know that Clovis was basically being sustained with tape, hope and pig organs. He was also alive all the way until close to the Collapse, but it's also implied that he may have been alive before the Golden Age as well. How do we know? Well, the first ever Speaker, the one that existed before the Golden Age and was the first one chosen by the Traveler as a Speaker, noted:
The clinicians at BrayWell call it "interplanetary relocation maladjustment psychosis": a psychobabble catch-all for mental disturbances that they can't explain.
This was in response to the first time he got visions from the Traveler and nobody understood it. Apparently there was a "BrayWell," possibly some sort of medical establishment that was fully established and equipped to treat this person as soon as the Traveler arrived, which implies that the Bray brand existed before the Golden Age which would also imply that Clovis has been around that long.
This would possibly have him exceeding the 300 years limit, which isn't surprising given that he needed frequent organ transplants and was dying every other day back during his work on Europa. It was always sort of implied that he was exceptionally old then and falling apart. This is also why he wanted the Exo program to work as fast as possible.
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elderlytales · 8 months
Practical and meaningful gifts for grandparents
Gifts play a significant role in strengthening the bond between grandparents and their grandchildren. They provide an opportunity to express love, appreciation, and gratitude for the special role that grandparents play in our lives. The act of giving gifts to grandparents is not just a material gesture but a heartfelt expression of affection and gratitude.
Practical gifts that bring joy and convenience to your grandparents
1. Personalized Photo Album
Collect and compile cherished family photographs into a personalized photo album. This thoughtful gift allows your grandparents to reminisce and share precious memories with loved ones. It also provides a convenient way for them to display their favorite snapshots.
2. Smart Home Devices
Introduce your grandparents to the convenience of smart home devices. Smart speakers, smart thermostats, and voice-controlled assistants can make their lives easier by providing hands-free control of various tasks, such as playing music, adjusting the temperature, or setting reminders.
3. Comfortable Footwear
Invest in a pair of comfortable shoes or slippers for your grandparents. Look for options that offer support, cushioning, and ease of wear. Good footwear can make a significant difference in their comfort and mobility, allowing them to go about their day with ease.
4. Subscription Services
Consider gifting your grandparents a subscription service that aligns with their interests. Whether it's a monthly book club subscription, a streaming service for their favorite TV shows and movies, or a magazine subscription, this gift keeps on giving throughout the year.
5. Digital Assistants
Introduce your grandparents to the world of digital assistants, such as Amazon Echo or Google Home. These devices can assist with everyday tasks like setting reminders, answering questions, or even playing their favorite music. They offer convenience and entertainment at their fingertips.
6. Customized Calendar
Create a customized calendar featuring family photos and important dates. This practical gift helps your grandparents stay organized and keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions throughout the year. It adds a personal touch to their daily routine.
7. Memory Foam Pillow
Provide your grandparents with the gift of a good night's sleep by giving them a memory foam pillow. These pillows conform to their unique shape, offering optimal support and comfort. A restful sleep can improve their overall well-being and leave them feeling refreshed each morning.
8. Meal Delivery Service
Consider signing your grandparents up for a meal delivery service. These services provide pre-prepared, nutritious meals delivered straight to their doorstep. It eliminates the need for cooking and ensures they have delicious and healthy meals without the hassle.
Meaningful gifts that create lasting memories for your grandparents
Choosing the perfect gift for your grandparents is a wonderful opportunity to show your love and appreciation. Instead of opting for generic presents, consider selecting meaningful gifts that create lasting memories. These thoughtful gestures will not only make your grandparents feel cherished but also strengthen the bond between generations.
One of the most meaningful gifts you can give to your grandparents is the gift of quality time. Plan a special outing or organize a family gathering where everyone can come together and spend precious moments with your grandparents. Whether it's a picnic in the park, a cozy dinner at home, or a day trip to their favorite destination, these shared experiences will create cherished memories that they will treasure forever.
Another idea for a meaningful gift is a personalized photo album or a digital picture frame filled with family photographs. Gather old and new pictures, capturing beautiful memories and milestones throughout the years. This gift allows your grandparents to reminisce about the past, relive special moments, and share stories with their loved ones.
Consider creating a handmade gift that showcases your creativity and thoughtfulness. Knit a cozy blanket, paint a portrait, or craft a scrapbook filled with favorite memories. These handmade gifts demonstrate the time and effort you put into creating something unique and special just for them.
For grandparents who enjoy reading, consider putting together a custom book filled with stories and anecdotes from the entire family. Each family member can contribute their own tale, expressing their love and gratitude. This collaborative gift will not only be a source of joy for your grandparents but will also serve as a beautiful keepsake that celebrates the bonds of family.
Another option is to give your grandparents an experience rather than a physical gift. Arrange a day at the spa for relaxation and rejuvenation or buy them tickets to a concert or theater performance they have always wanted to attend. These experiences allow your grandparents to enjoy something out of the ordinary, creating new memories that they will cherish for years to come.
Lastly, consider gifting your grandparents something that aligns with their hobbies or interests. If they love gardening, you could present them with a personalized gardening toolset or a subscription to a gardening magazine. If they enjoy cooking, a cooking class or a set of unique spices could be perfect. Tailoring the gift to their passions shows that you pay attention to their individual preferences and care about their happiness.
Remember, the most meaningful gifts are those that come from the heart. Whether it's spending quality time together, creating a personalized gift, or giving an experience, the key is to show your grandparents how much you love and value them. These gifts will not only bring joy in the present moment but will also create lasting memories that your grandparents will cherish for a lifetime.
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arthyritis · 6 months
I slept all day and now I'm majorly stressed tf out
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not-sobasicbisexual · 7 months
I swear if funko doesn't stop I'll have a shrine on my hands
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bulkhummus · 1 year
you just have to eat some salmon and ponder
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