#gigglygwil carol
versdan · 4 years
Seven Minutes (Carol Danvers x Reader)
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summary: a night in with the team can really bring out the truth in some people.
a/n: Hello from the nether world! I am back, sorry for the slight inactivity of not posting last week. I’m sorta kinda going through a light writers block and i’m just ,,, chillin to the point of not doing anything jnwij. So! with that being said, I hope you guys enjoy and sorry for any typos!
warnings: mentions of drinking but other than that nothin major! :)
please don’t repost/plagiarize my work! x
also posted on ao3
“Times up lovebirds!” Tony yelled from outside the closet, knocking twice on the door. Opening the door, Natasha stepped out and fixed her jacket while Bucky followed suit behind her. Tonight, the team had decided to just hand out after a hectic few weeks of missions and what better way to do that then play ‘Seven Minutes in Heaven’.
“Anything interesting happen?” Tony asked, eyeing both Natasha and Bucky while smirking. Natasha rolled her eyes and made her way back to the couch, sitting back down in her spot. Bucky sat next to her, still quiet as a mouse but you could see a hint of red dusted on his cheeks.
“Well, there was no space in that tiny closet you chose so I’ll let you guess what happened. Spoiler, nothing crazy” Natasha said, smirking before picking up her drink and taking a sip while giving Bucky a look, who just looked down, swirling his drink around in the cup.
Tony smiled, trying to cypher what she meant before turning towards Carol and nodding at her. “You’re up, sparkly fists” he said, motioning to the bottle lying on the floor. Carol shook her head, letting out a chuckle.
“Oh no, I’m good” she said, looking up at Tony who just rolled his eyes.
“Come on, too scared to get stuck in a closet?” He said looking back at her while still motioning to the bottle for her to spin. Carol gave him a sharp look before taking a quick glance at everyone who were already staring at her.
“It’ll be fun! Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?” You said, smiling at Carol as she gave you a small smile and sighing.
“Alright fine. But, I’m gonna hold you to that” she said, leaning down to the table and spinning the bottle. Everyone’s eyes watched as the bottle began to slow, soon to pick who was going to join Carol. Mentally, you were praying it landed on you so it would finally be a good time to tell Carol how you feel but another part of you was wishing it didn’t land on you.
When the bottle slowed down to the point it was visible to see it was inbetween you and Steve, you saw it quickly and sharply turn towards you as your eyes widened. Looking up, you saw Wanda set her hand back into her lap, sending you a small wink and a smile before taking a drink from her cup.
Looking up at Carol, she was looking back at you with a soft smile on her lips. Standing up, she outstretched a hand to you, helping you up before you heard the team whistle.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish in there!” you heard Tony yell as you both made your way to the closet. Natasha wasn’t lying when she said that the closet was small. Once you and Carol stepped in, it was almost as if you both were chest to chest that you tried to back up but your back hit the shelves that held some cleaning supplies.
“Damn it, Stark” you heard Carol say under her breath as you let out a chuckle.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you” you said as she looked at you, letting out a small laugh before a small awkward silence fell in between the both of you. You saw Carol fidgeting with the straps on her joggers, avoiding eye contact with you.
“Do you ever wonder what happens in this closet? Like do secret meetings go on?” you said, starting conversation. Carol looked at you confused yet a small smile still ghosted on her lips.
“I hope you mean innocent meetings and not the ones people would have in closets, if you get my gist” she said, letting out a laugh as you chuckled, nodding your head.
“Well of course I mean innocently, Danvers. I wonder what goes through your mind to think that” you said sarcastically as she let out a laugh and it only pulled a wider smile to your face. Carol’s laugh was something you secretly adored and could listen to days on end because it meant she was happy, even if only for a moment.
“Trust me, you wouldn’t want to know the things I think” she said looking at you as you raised an eyebrow at her.
Reaching your palms out and cupping them, you looked at her softly. “Spare thoughts, Ms.Danvers?” you asked as she laughed again before letting out a sigh.
“Okay, well, for starters it’s always about the missions and what is going on next. You know, I’m a superhero so it’s constantly on my mind of who is coming to earth to mess things up or what planet do I need to blast off to” She started as you stood there, nodding your head for her to continue. 
“Another thing that consumes it is” she started but then stopped, taking a quick glance at you before looking back down. “Wanting to tell this person how I feel for them” she said, finishing with a breath before looking at you. 
You felt a bit taken a back when she said that. A bit of your heart broke knowing she had thoughts for someone else but you knew you shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up so high thinking Carol would like you back. Maybe it was all just a silly crush for you.
“Sometimes I feel as though I can tell them how I feel but then I pull myself back because I’m scared. Scared they won’t like me back or reject me which, surprisingly enough, isn’t the best” she let out a low laugh as you looked at her with a sad expression. Carol saw your expression and shook her head, straightening back up and chuckling.
“Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean for things to take a turn like that” she said, avoiding eye contact again as you shook your head, taking her hands into yours which made her look up at you.
“Don’t apologize, it’s alright. Feelings and thoughts like that are hard to vocalize so thank you for telling me. If it’s worth it still, maybe you should tell this person how you feel. Let them know so it can put your mind at ease even if it may hurt” you said looking at her as she nodded her head.
“Well, I kinda just did” she said, chuckling and looking at you. Your eyes grew wide for a second, not believing the words that had just come out her mouth.
“And this is what I was afraid of. Listen, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same or any interest, it’s really alright and-” she started but you shook your head cutting her off.
“No no! I’m just surprised because, if we’re being honest, I do feel the same for you” you smiled softly as a smile grew on Carol’s face. She pulled you in for hug as you embraced her back and closed your eyes. It felt good to be in her arms.
“Wow, who would have thought that during Seven Minutes in Heaven I would confess my feelings” Carol said into your shoulder as you both laughed and pulled away. Noticing how close you both were, you both grew silent and began leaning in before you were interrupted by the door being opened wide.
“Ah! It’s so nice to see you guys finally making moves! Now scooch, Steve and Sam are up next” Tony said, motioning for you and Carol to walk out while Wanda stood behind him, smiling wide knowing her trick came in hand.
“Guess we’ll have to save the first kiss for our first date” Carol said, looking at you and winking before slinging an arm around you shoulders and pulling you in close. Maybe it wasn’t a silly crush after all.
feedback is appreciated!
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vivxwrites · 5 years
Guardian Angel || Part IV
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*not my gif*
Word Count: 1690
Summary: I think you know the deal by now
Warnings: Weirdly dark (I think that’s all)
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
A/N: Here’s part four, hope you all enjoy!!
Parts: {I}, {II}, {III}, {IV}, {V}
‘Where to start, where to start,’ you tapped your chin and wracked your brain. ‘Eh, the beginning will suffice.’ You cleared your throat and began, “I’m not too sure what you humans would call my type but up in heaven we are known as ‘Guardian Angels’. I don’t know how long we’ve been around, but we are tasked with protecting humans from the dark realm and ensuring that each person follows along the life course that is set for them. Each of us is with a certain mark from birth till death, stepping in only when it is vital for us to do so.”
He took in the information, processing it and storing it away for later. He would be lying if he said it hadn’t peaked his curiosity .“What happens when your mark dies?” 
The answer slipped right off of your tongue, “We get a new one.”
“Just like that?” He was shocked, but you nodded. “Ok, what do you mean by ‘the life course that is set for them’?”
You furrowed your brow line but answered anyway, “Each person has a predetermined life, one that we are designated to ensure is fulfilled.”
His eyes widened at your statement, “You’re telling me that I didn’t choose this life, that it was chosen for me?”
“Yeah that’s what I just said.” 
“I call bullshit on that. I chose this life for myself.” You shook your head and sighed, humans. “Do you have any abilities?” His face had hardened into a more serious expression after he had asked his last question.
You cocked your head to the side in question, “Abilities?”
Fury sighed, “Can you do anything special? Anything that a human would not be able to do?”
“Oh but of course. We Guardian Angels are a much more advanced species.” Fury rolled his eyes at you but you didn’t notice. “I can speak telepathically and influence one’s mind to do whatever I please. I used to be invisible to the human eye, though I guess that is no longer true. I am invulnerable to most things, the only way I can really be hurt is if something is laced with silver.” You rubbed your temple in thought, knowing there was something you were forgetting. “Oh! I can also fly.” You gestured proudly to the damaged wings on your back. 
“So basically an overpowered Wanda?” Fury chuckled to himself at his joke, it going right over your head.
“What is a Wanda?” In all of your time in Earth realm you had never heard of a “Wanda” before. 
Fury waved a hand, dismissing your question. “Don’t worry about it.” He paused, “You have a name?”
“Oh yeah! (Y/N) (Y/L/N), pleased to meet you.” You flicked your hand out and grasped his, finding and holding eye contact, staring deep into his eyes.
“What the hell are you doing?” Fury gave you a weird look, similar to the one that Monica had given you when you had first crashed through her ceiling.
You quirked a brow at him, “Is this not how humans greet each other? I have been practicing for an occasion such as this one.” 
Fury only gawked at you and pulled his hand from your grasp. His gaze hardened suddenly. “Another question for you. Last year a friend of mine lost someone dear to them. The circumstances weren’t normal, a demon of sorts appeared and she got hit. If you’re supposed to protect humans from this so called “dark realm,” where were either of their guardian angels?”
You paled and hoped that your face would not betray you, he was most certainly talking about the incident with Carol’s girlfriend last year, one that was entirely your fault. It spiraled much too quickly and you let yourself become distracted, the entire situation one that you still feel entirely guilty for. “I’m not too sure.” You spoke meekly, but Fury must have chalked your tone up to something else, because he didn’t question you on the subject any further.
“I’ve got one final question for you. How do you know who I am, and Maria Rambeau too?”
You shifted your weight uncomfortably, fiddling with your hands as you went. You gave him a tight smile, “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.”
“You sure about that?” It was his turn to quirk an eyebrow as he waved his hands throughout the cell, reminding you of your imprisonment.
You nervously nibbled on your lip and clenched and unclenched your hands. After a little debate, you settle on revealing as little information as possible, “My mark is familiar with the pair of you.”
“What do you mean by familiar?” His lips drew a tight line as he interrogated you.
You shook your head from side to side and crossed your arms. “I can say no more.” Fury gave a tight, little nod, he would just have to accept your answer.
All of a sudden a sharp searing pain scratched down your back and you let loose a violent scream. Your knees buckled below you and the pain had weakened you enough to bring you to the floor entirely. You hissed and writhed in pain, Fury’s shouts going unanswered as your ears rang with a high pitched frequency. The ringing stopped and the room shifted around you, the walls disappearing as the shocking white color of heaven’s skies appeared in front of you. Your body was paralyzed and you had no choice but to stare confusedly at the sky above you, watching as angels rushed all about, handling their daily tasks. Your eyes felt heavy, the various sights almost hypnotizing to watch, your ears were oddly hypersensitive and you picked up the quiet-as-a-mouse sound of light footsteps moving towards you. 
“Guardian Angel #564, you fell in love with a mark, an action that is highly forbidden and leads to immediate removal from the Realm of Heaven.” Stan, you recognized the voice, though you could not see him anywhere and your head was stuck staring skyward. “Now 564, you were one of our most elite angels, so I was willing to bend the rules for you. I have been keeping a keen eye on you, monitoring your movements in Earth realm and I have to say it was quite shocking to overhear you telling that man our business. And to think I was going to allow you reentry once you were able to see how brattish humans are and learned your lesson. How foolish of me.”
You paled when you realized that Stan had listened in on your conversation with Fury. You heard Stan step closer to you and you could feel his very presence right beside you. A hand gripped your chin harshly and yanked your head in their direction. Tears pricked your eyes at the harsh action and you swallowed the lump forming in your throat. “Do you know what happens to angels in Earth realm?” You opened your mouth to reply but he tightened his grip on you and clicked his tongue, “Nod only. I do not want to hear you speak, understand?” You nodded your head as much as you could in his grasp and he hummed. “564, do you know what happens to angels in Earth realm?” You shake your head ‘no’ and he chuckles, bemused with your answer.
“Do you remember when I said that I was willing to bend the rules for you?” You nodded and he continued, “I was going to allow your wings to fall off slowly, painlessly, until you were able to learn your lesson and return. As that is no longer the case, you are going to face the real punishment, however I’ve decided to up the ante and give it to you tenfold for your betrayal.”
Your eyes widened and your body shook with fear, tears falling freely from your eyes. You shook your head from side to side vigorously and though you couldn’t see him, you felt Stan smirk widely. “Good you are afraid, as you should be. I can’t believe I didn’t see the human in you from the beginning.” 
Your bottom lip trembled furiously and a strangled cry of “please” left your mouth. 
“I thought I told you not to talk,” Stan growled. Your sobs grew in volume at his words. “Weak, you are weak 564. Enjoy the pain of the stripping of your wings.” With a snapping sound your vision blurred and the air around you morphed once more, back into the glass cell with Fury. 
The searing pain returned tenfold, just as Stan promised, and you screamed intensely. Your voice was slowly turning hoarse as your screams continued and your throat turned raw with overuse. You rolled around on the ground, trying desperately to escape the pain, to no avail. Fury pinned your arms to your sides and held you down, “What the hell is going on?”
You gasped for air and fought to speak in between screams, eventually getting out a broken, garbled “help.” 
Before Fury could get out a proper response, Carol and Maria burst into the room, both panting. Carol looked wildly around the room until her eyes fell on you, still screaming. Her eyes widened and she looked from you to Fury, confused. “Danvers, are you back?”
Fury glanced towards Maria and she shrugged her shoulders at him. “I- I don’t know, we heard screaming and we came as fast as we could. Is she ok?” Carol’s voice was soft and full of concern, Fury guessed she was almost fully present at best. 
“I don’t know. One second she was fine but the next she was screaming into next Saturday.” The three traded glances and focused their gazes on you. You were still screaming, although the sound had warped and dulled down, a result of your now raw, scratchy throat. 
A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent approached the group, a look of concern etched onto his features at your screaming. “Director Fury, sorry to interrupt but we’ve just received an emergency signal from the skrulls. Immediate backup is requested.”
Fury cursed under his breath, “Danvers, you think you can suit up?”
A/N: Um, so I don’t know what came over me while writing this but I hope it doesn’t give anyone nightmares or anything. Anyways, there it is :0. Up next, probs another Nat fic then part 2 of my other series, or vice versa. Chow, Viv :)
Guardian Angel Tag List: @vxidnik @envy-adamss @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @worlds-in-words @justarandomhumanhere @letalexaplaydespacito @natblidaclexa @skyella01
Permanent Tag List: @aesthetiff @autumnjackson4 @captainwonderwidow @5aftermidnight @gigglygwil @fansanctuary @lesbian-x-blackwidow @taramitch96
P.S. Want to join the tag list gang? All you have to do is ask! Make sure to specify which one, just so I can make sure to add you for my future fics :)
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melaninmarvel · 5 years
melaninmarvel hero fic recs
Erik Killmonger
It’s Okay by @killmoncoochie
Meeting the Dog by @blackgirlimaginesmarvel
Dating (2)by @wtfnegan
Spin Cycle by @sonofnjobu
Hit the Showers by @sonofnjobu
Blocker by @ljs-writing
Stressed by @ljs-writing
Hungry, Pump Fake, by @ljs-writing
*Senses by @brattywriters-anonymous
Spectacle, Part 2, Part 3.1, Part 3.2, Interlude  by @brattywriters-anonymous
Daddy’s Home: The Pull Up, Decisions, Wrong Move by @eye-raq
Battle it Out by @supersizemeplz
*Behind Closed Doors by @killmongerkink
Imagine by @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
*Trip by @brattywriters-anonymous
Whole Lotta Gang by @brattywriters-anonymous
I’m Never Wrong by @brattywriters-anonymous
Booty Appreciation by @bartierbakarimobisson
The Necklace by @wawakanda-btch
Cashier Girl by @daughterofyeezus
*Pink is for Poosy by @hearteyes-for-killmonger
*Unusual by @goddessofthundathighs
10 Fingers Down by @alyshastevens-udaku
*Can I Come Over by @stripper-patrick
Act Up by @goddessofthundathighs
First Series by @laketaj24
Proposing by @sonofnjobu
Booty Appreciation by @bartierbakarimobisson
I Wouldn’t Mind by @supersizemeplz
A Cause of Celebration by @melonshino-writes
Jealous by @pocmarvelworks
Sultry by @hoopshoney
Careless Whisper by @muse-of-mbaku
Cuddling by @pocmarvelworks
Past by @pocmarvelworks
Booty Appreciation by @bartierbakarimobisson
Partner in Mischief by @supersizemeplz
Bucky Barnes
*After Hours by @avintagekiss24
Happy Little Pill by @nastybuckybarnes
Being in a Relationship with Bucky by @thottybarnes
Salt and Pepper by @interestedbystanderwrites
New Arm by @interestedbystanderwrites
*Fisting by @nastybuckybarnes
A Cold Hearted Monster by @redgillan
Offbeat by @redgillan
*A Theif in the Night by @redgillan
Vicious Circle by @redgillan
Warmth by @mellifluous-melodrama
Never Gonna Give You Up by @redgillan
*Slice Up by @redgillan
*Angel by @redgillan
*Sex Code by @redgillan
One in a Million by @redgillan
Stubborn by @flowerpot101
Fighter by @flowerpot101
Paint War by @flowerpot101
Modern Songs by ugh-supersoldiers
Mr.Barnes by @ballyhoobarnes
PDA by @ballyhoobarnes
Extra Steve,Quality Time, Englesrufer by @sfdce
Bucky Barnes Ask by @bucky-plum-barnes
*Cold by @ballyhoobarnes
*Chains Part 2 by @221bshrlocked
*Guys My Age Part 2 Part 3 by @221bshrlocked
You and I part 2 by @221bshrlocked
Rude Part 2 by @221bshrlocked
Voodoo by @221bshrlocked
*Hurt So Good by @fvckingavengers
*Just Getting Started by @fvckingavengers
*The Morning After by @fvckingavengers
*Frustrations  by @fvckingavengers
A Supernaturally Stucky Halloween @fanficwriter013
*Butterscotch Kisses by @bucky-plums-barnes
Distance by @cumonbucky
*Pick Me by @cumonbucky
Joint Custody by @cumonbucky
Burns by @cumonbucky
The Art of Aggressive by @cumonbucky
Twin Switch by @cumonbucky
The Show Girl by @cumonbucky
Seduce Me by @cumonbucky
Talk it Out by @cumonbucky
Fool by @cumonbucky
Girl Like Her Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 by @promarvelfangirl
Relapse(Girl Like Her Series)  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by @promarvelfangirl
*Army of Me by @queendivaofthedark
Love Me Now by @violentlybarnes
Fever by @violentlybarnes
*Meant To Be by @221bshrlocked
High by @violentlybarnes
*Drunk Bucky will Include by @violentlybarnes
*Sergeant by @curvybihufflepuff
Fire Meets Gasoline by @queenofslytherin71
*Stubble by @fandom-smut-shots
*Anyway You Want by @221bshrlocked
*Tity Worship by @buckysthot
Cotton Comfort by @girl-next-door-writes
Team Building by @girl-next-door-writes
Mr. Barnes Will See You Now Part 3 Part 5 Part 8 Part 10 by @thefandomplague
Blame Natasha by @pparkerwrites
Don’t Underestimate a Woman Barnes by @pparkerwrites
00:00:00 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by @pparkerwrites
*Your Staring Again by @occasionalfics
*Who Wore it Better by @lancsnerd
*Impregnation Kink by @pocmarvelworks
*The Morning After by @fuxkingmarvel
A/B/O Dynamics by @the-other-loser
*Making Thor Angry by @pocmarvelworks
*Do You Love Me by @thorsthot
*Overstimluted by @thorsthot
*Breeding Kink by @thorsthot
Devil Wrapped in Silk, Send Her to Heaven by @thorsthot
Walking in by @avengersandlovers
*On Public Display by @thorsthot
*Cocky Thor by @spacelabrathor
Steve Rogers
*Cockwarming by @avintagekiss24
*Special Lessons  Part 2, Part 3 by @nastybuckybarnes
*After Hours by @avintagekiss24
Steve’s Beard by @nastybuckybarnes
*Stepdad Steve Taking Advantage by @nastybuckybarnes
*Jealous Steve by @sherrybaby14
Steve Rogers Headcanon by @inn-o-cencebabes
Taking Care of Drunk Reader by @marvelswansong
*Tity Worship by @buckysthot
*Breeding Kink by @thorsthot
Nomad Steve by @thorsthot
*Breeding Kink by @thorsthot
*Use Me Bruise Me, Screw Me with me to Fuse Me by @saturnsteverogers
*Kiss Me in the Dark Part  2 by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
*Crying Kick by @honeychicana
You Can Sit on My Lap by @avengersandlovers
The Greatest Man by @redgillan
*Cold Shower by @redgillan
Noodle by @redgillan
Starving by @redgillan
Not in Love Part 2 by @redgillan
*Major Crush by @redgillan
In the Door by @redgillan
*Mess with Them by @redgillan
This War Isn’t Civil Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by @pparkerwrites
Frost and Cuddles by @pegasusdragontiger
*Pink by @jurrasicbark
Selective Hearing by @underoos-to-the-rescue
Sweater Weather by @underoos-to-the-rescue
Extra Steve,Quality Time, Englesrufer by @sfdce
*Hurt So Good by @fvckingavengers
*Just Getting Started by @fvckingavengers
*Frustrations  by @fvckingavengers
Truth and Tequila, The Morning After the Night Before by @girl-next-door-writes
*Pick Me by @cumonbucky
A Little Education by @girl-next-door-writes
You’re Happier Aren’t You, Better With You by @girl-next-door-writes
A Happy Incident by @girl-next-door-writes
Don’t Call Me Baby by @jasmineladjevardi
*Army of Me by @queendivaofthedark
Growing Roots by @september-stardust
*Anyway You Want by @221bshrlocked
Team Building by @girl-next-door-writes
Peter Parker
Shy Peter by @thotgomery
Lunch Table by @eriksjournal
*Movie Night by @buckysthot
Pretty Girl by @steveybaby
Peter Headcanons by @stevebabey
You Say I Got Us into This by @pparkerwrites
He Wants You Safe by @pparkerwrites
Sweatshirt by @pparkerwrites
Protect Me by @peterpcrkcr
Happy Warmth by @peterpcrkcr
A New Hero by @peterpcrkcr
Warmth by @ospidey
Subtle Hints he Has a Crush on You by @astroparker
What Peter Likes about You by @parker-peterparker
Distractions by @officialtessaholland
Heights by @pparkerwrites
Are You Drunk Part 2 by @pparkerwrites
Valentine Hearts by @pparkerwrites
Cute Shit Boyfriend!Tom Would Do by @officialtessaholland
No Promises by @underoos-to-the-rescue
Wedding Drama by @tiemeupspidey
Curvy Hips and Pretty Lips by @221bshrlocked
Unrequited Part 2 Part 3 by @midtownhighs
Cuddles by @midtownhighs
Don’t Cry by @thotgomery
You Could’ve Knocked by @thotgomery
I Wanna Be Your Baby by @irndad
Imagine Aunt May’s Funeral by @quackmom
Freshman Year in Queens would Include by @thecreativeangel
Sam Wilson
Blame Natasha by @pparkerwrites
Sam Wilson’s Baby by @buckysthot
Bruce Banner
Lazy Afternoons by @plussizeappreciationfics
Team Building by @girl-next-door-writes
Tony Stark
Wake Up by @buckysthot
*Spit it Out by @buckysthot
*Curvy Hips and Pretty Lips by @221bshrlocked
Team Building by @girl-next-door-writes
Where Did I Go Wrong by @girl-next-door-writes
Hello Neighbor by @girl-next-door-writes
All I Want by @girl-next-door-writes
What I Meant To Say by @girl-next-door-writes
Diet by @chubbyreaderchan​
Wanda Maximoff
Team Building by @girl-next-door-writes​
Pietro Maximoff
*All You Have to Do is Ask by @fvckingavengers​
*The Morning After by @fvckingavengers​
Natasha Romanoff
*Army of Me by @queendivaofthedark​
Dating Natasha Would Include by @violentlybarnes​
Curvy Hips and Pretty Lips by @221bshrlocked​
Bats,Man by @sserpente​
Blood by @sserpente​
Carrying You to Bed After You go to Sleep by @sserpente​
*Bath with Loki by @sserpente​
Calling You His Queen for the First Time by @sserpente​
Loki Controlling You by @sserpente​
Halloween Costumes by @sserpente​
Real Snow by @sserpente​
*Celebration by @sserpente​
To the Pumkin Patch by @sserpente​
Sneaking Out by @sserpente​
Skeletons by @sserpente​
*Magic Touch by @fvckingavengers​
*Punishments by @fvckingavengers​
Magic by @sserpente​
Birth by @sserpente​
Drunk Part 2 by @sserpente​
Sick In Bed   by @sserpente​
Mental Breakdown  by @sserpente​
Sacrifices by @sserpente​
*Magic Skills by @sserpente​
Wrapping Presents by @sserpente​
Christmas Decorating by @sserpente​
You Have Me by @sserpente​
You Asked for It by @sserpente​
*Taking You to a Ball by @sserpente​
Convincing by @sserpente​
*Cheering You Up by @sserpente​
*Teaching You How to Play Chess by @sserpente​
Frost Giant by @sserpente​
*Flirting Among the Battleman by @sserpente​
Christmas Movie by @sserpente​
Accidently Hurting You by @sserpente​
*Christmas Wishes by @sserpente​
*The Stud Farm by @angryschnauzer​
The Hunt by @angryschnauzer​
Carol Danvers
Board Games by @gigglygwill
Wade Wilson
Having a Crush on You Would Include by @underratedcharactersimagines​
I Won’t Say I’m in Love by @pocmarvelworks​
Frank Castle
Babying His Princess by @dc41896​
Captain Boomerang
Leverage by @sserpente​  
Arthur Curry
Soft by @buckysthot​
You Heard Me by @avengersandlovers​
Harley Quinn
*All of the Candy  by @sserpente​  
70 notes · View notes
blushingbarnes · 5 years
buckygrantbarnes writing challenge!
hey y’all! So I wanted to host a writing challenge for my fellow writers out there! This is a great way for new writers to get some recognition, as a lot of people will see your work.
Writing challenge masterlist
It would be great if you were to reblog for a signal boost!
You must send an ask to claim the prompt
2 characters per prompt, 2 prompts per writer.
Specify number and type (concept, dialogue, or AU) in your ask, and character
Whenever a prompt is fully taken, a line will be through it
For concepts, it doesn’t have to be exact, you can switch out who does what thing
All MCU characters accepted. I would love to see more Sam, and Pietro, but that’s just me..
If you do Peter Parker, make sure the reader is also under 18, and put an FFH spoiler warning if the story includes it. (Someone pls write mysterio I’m a hoe for him, or jake?)
They don’t have to be an X reader, but it’s preferred
Any genre is accepted. For smut, you must be 18+ (or the age of consent in your country) to write it. No non-con.
To be added to the Masterlist at the end, tag me and use the hashtag #buckygrantbarnes writing challenge
There is no deadline for requesting a prompt, but The deadline for fics being posted is September 1st.
I will be adding fics to the list as they come in.
No maximum, or minimum word count for fics. If it’s a series, please tag me in all and have a masterlist for the series
Have fun!
Dialogue prompts
“If you touch me again, I'll break your fucking neck.” Bucky= @the-omni-princess Loki= @william-snekspeare15
“I can’t…! I can’t see you anymore!” Bucky= @darkphoenixrisingwrites
“You here to finish me off, Sweetheart?” Sebastian Stan= @your-imagine Bucky? @legendsofwholock
“I'm not allowed to bet, but if I could, my money would be on you.” Loki= @adefectivedetective
“I hate asking for help.” Loki Laufeyson= @ladybugsfanfics
“Are you hitting on me?” Bucky= @darkphoenixrisingwrites
“Babe, where is my...oh...you look better in it anyway.” Mysterio= @lokis-scepter-101
“Sweets, are you drunk?” Bucky= @bells-writes Chris Evans= @time-travel-bouqet
“Please be more careful love, you’re too clumsy.”: Sebastian Stan= @barney-james
“Did I buy a convertible last night?” Tony Stark= @my-capsicle-is-melting
”You fainted right into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” Chris Evans= @your-imagines
”You weren’t supposed to hear that.” Bucky= @fichoe21
”Look at me—just breathe, okay?” Bucky= @xbuchananbarnes
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” Bucky= @gigglygwil
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“Do that again, I dare you” Sebastian Stan= @sebssssthighssss
“Sit on my lap” Bucky Barnes= @wordywarriorwrites
“I feel like I’m sweating my ass off”
Concept prompts
Reader works for a tattoo parlor and Character wants them to design their first tattoo.
Character is scared of the thunder and Reader tries to calm them down during an particulary heavy strom. Bucky = @beautyisthemoon93
Reader having to help Character undress after an injury. : Sam Wilson = @ironmandeficiency Mysterio= @whistlingwillows
Character makes an unexpected toast in honor of Reader.
Character and Reader are neighbors, and Reader keeps waking Character up by setting a really loud alarm in the middle of the night. Why they do this is up to you. Steve Rogers= @kayla-kaboo
Reader and Character wearing matching Halloween costumes or ugly Christmas sweaters. Or any matching outfits. Pietro maximoff= @ravennawritesfanfiction
A friend drawing on Character and Reader's faces when they sleep. They wake up to see each other faces covered in silly doodles.
Reader and Character go on a camping trip. Reader forgets to bring a sleeping bag, so they have to squeeze into Character's sleeping bag with them. : Bucky = @gigglygwil Tom Holland= @fanatic1997
Reader getting shy about being naked in front of Character for the first time.
Soulmate AU where the first words your soulmate says to you are written on your wrist or somewhere and while Reader has an absolutely unhelpful 'hey' written on them, Character has something very unique and weird. : Bucky = @the-omni-princess Natasha Romanoff= @thebookwormslytherin
Reader is a famous theatre actor/dancer/singer. Character is their fan. They always cheer really loud for Reader, and Reader goes up to them one day after a show, either out of annoyance or worry for the other's vocal chords. Tony= @ironmandeficiency
Reader and Character sharing soft kisses, lips barely touching, just chaste little things that leave both parties irrationally breathless. Carol Danvers= @ladybugsfanfics Sebastian Stan= @shxrirogers
Reader and Character struggling to find each other in a crowded place. Fortunately, Reader knows just the thing.: bucky= @mareli-carter
Reader reading in bed while Character rests their head on Reader's shoulder, sleeping. Bucky= @kentuckybarnes peter parker= @bitchassbucky
Character posts a picture of Reader somewhere and it becomes a meme.
Au prompts
Dectective AU
Neighbor AU: Bucky= @sugarfreecapsicle
Singer AU
Librarian AU: Bruce Banner= @magnitude101999
Nurse/ Doctor AU: Bucky= @buckybarnes-xyou Steve Rogers = @lxnarholland
Biker AU: Bucky= @thefvcker-tucker
Parent AU (one character has a child or both): Bucky= @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan
Baker AU
Coffee shop AU: Sebastian Stan = @barney-james
High School AU: Bucky= @friday-ocean
Professor AU- Steve Rogers= @xbuchananbarnes
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Favorite Character Tag
I was tagged by @mymymarvel
Rules: name ten favorite characters from ten different things (books,tv, film, etc.) And then tag ten people.
1. Jaime Lannister [Game of Thrones tv show]
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2. Johanna Mason[The Hunger Games book series]
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3. Kensei Muguruma [Bleach]
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4. Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers [MCU] 
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5. Chris Washington[Get Out]
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6. Azula[Avatar The Last Airbender]
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7. Zatanna[Any DC animated show/movie] 
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8. Delphine Cormier[Orphan Black]
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9. William Butcher[The Boys TV show]
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10. Rogue[X men animated series/X men Evolution]
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I tag:
That’s all I’m tagging, because I don’t have many friends on this website. Enjoy!
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versdan · 4 years
Photograph (College!Carol Danvers x Reader)
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summary: Stumbling across certain photographs makes you reminice about how you met the love of your life.
a/n: this is for @marvelouslytrekking ‘s writing challenge!! Congrats again babes! This was super fun to right as well, I freakin’ love college au’s lmao. It’s sorta like looking back on the college years. Anywho! I hope you guys enjoy & sorry for any typos! Requests are open! <3
pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Reader
au: College
flashbacks are in italics
please don’t plagerize/repost my work! x
You walked into your room, holding a pile of folded boxes, mapping out where you were going to start first since you had a lot of belongings. Sighing, you placed the boxes on the floor before making your way over to your bed, folding up the sheets to pack first.
You were currently packing to move into a shared apartment with your girlfriend Carol. After being together for a few years, you both decided it would be the right time for it. You both had met in college, starting out as friends until it got serious towards the end of your four years where you both realized it was a mutual feeling of love between the both but of course, all of your friends knew this.
Looking under the bed to make sure you didn’t forget to pack anything important from under there, you saw a small wooden box pushed towards the back of the bed, near the wall. Confused, you reached under and pulled it out, placing it ontop of the bed when the memory of what this box was flooded into your head.
You had bought this box during the beginning of your sophomore year, wanting to put the most memorable moments of college to keep forever. Smiling to yourself, you opened the box and the first thing ontop was a picture that Carol had taken of you, making a silly face next to a statue. The memory of that night flooded your mind.
You laughed at something Carol said when you looked up and saw the statue of the university’s first president and you got the best idea, or so you thought. You climbed up, Carol watching and making sure you wouldn’t fall off.
“Can I ask what you’re doing or...” Carol asked, standing behind you as you climbed up successfully and stood next to the statue. You looked down at Carol and nodded.
“I’m just hanging out with my boyfriend, ya know, nothing too weird” you joked, grabbing onto the hand of the statue as you let out a giggle. You both were on your way back to the dorms after a party and to say you weren’t a bit tipsy would be a lie.
“Seems picture worthy, can I? You know, for the memory” Carol joked back as you let out a laugh and nodded your head. She reached into her bag and pulled out a disposable camera you and her had bought, wanting to capture any moment. Snapping the picture, she put the camera away and helped you down before looking at you. You stopped smiling and looked back at her.
“What?” You asked, looking from her eyes to her lips as she was mimicking the same move. Before words left her mouth, it began to pour rain on the both of you. Gasping, you screamed grabbing Carol’s hand and running back to the dorms.
Carol wanted to kiss you in that moment. The moment you seemed so care free and that was the moment she knew she had fallen hard for you.
Smiling, you pushed the picture to the side and saw a photo booth picture strip of you, Carol and Wanda and this was when you first had realized you had developed feelings for Carol.
“That movie was a bust” Wanda sighed, taking a sip of her drink before tossing it in the trash.
“Just because you hid your face the entire time, doesn’t mean it was a bust” you laughed at her as she rolled her eyes and nudged your shoulder. You three had just watched a horror movie that only you and Carol agreed on and dragged Wanda to watch.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t love the jumpscares!” Carol said, poking Wandas side as she jumped slightly before hitting her shoulder as well.
“You both know how much I hate scary movies. I can’t believe I got roped into it” she sighed, looking around before her face lit up at the sight of a photo booth.
“Ooo! Can we please take pictures?” She asked, turning to you both as you looked at each other. You shrugged your shoulders at Carol, taking a sip from your drink, smiling before she looked at Wanda.
“Come on, this can be you making it up to me for dragging me to watch that movie” she smiled at Carol as she sighed.
“Alright, I guess” Carol said as Wandas smile grew before she dragged you both to the photo booth, squeezing inbetween you, before pressing the button to start the pictures.
The first two were silly faces, all three of you laughing at how weird you guys looked. You had put up two fingers behind Wandas head during the second picture which caused her to gasp and laugh at the gesture. The third picture was a serious picture or how Wanda had said a “model” pose. After the picture was taken, you all couldn’t decide on the next pose to do.
“Let’s just smile, can’t go wrong with a smile” Wanda said, posing for the picture as the countdown started. You looked over to Carol who was already looking at you as you both smiled at each other as the picture snapped. Looking down, you looked at te screen that said the pictures were being printed which luckily three strips were going to be printed for each of you to keep.
Grabbing the strips, you were looking over the photos as you saw the last one and you felt you stomach do a small flip. It had captured the perfect moment between you both which made you smile softly.
“You lovebirds just took over the last picture while I looked this cute” Wanda said, looking at the photo strip and winking at you. You looked over to Carol who looked at you before looking down and blushing slightly.
You felt as if you were reliving every single moment while going through the small box. Everything in here held a memory you knew you were grateful for, even if you were a bit older now and things were changing.
You continued to look through the box when you found a concert ticket and wristband from the night that you and Carol finally got together. Finally admitted your feelings for each other
Walking into the small venue, you and Carol had decided to take the night after finals week to go see a small band at the venue near campus. It was also your final semester before going into your senior year of college so it was almost like a celebratory night as well.
The venue was packed for such a small band to play but you had heard good things about their music so you were pretty excited.
On the other hand, Carol had decided that tonight would be the night she finally confessed to you about how she feels. Wanda had previously told her that you felt the same for Carol but she still couldn’t believe it until she heard from you how you truly felt.
“Do you want to hang by the bar? Or go towards the middle of the crowd?” You asked, turning to Carol as she was lost in thought before looking at you and registering what you said.
“We can go towards the middle of the crowd, I don’t mind” she said, being pulled out of her thoughts and smiling before you gave her a confused thought. You wanted to make sure everything was okay with her.
“Alright. Just stay close, I don’t want to lose you” you smiled at her, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the crowd. Although it was a small gesture, she loved having the feeling of your hand in hers, even if it was for a short time it was like that.
After a few minutes, the band came on and began playing their music which, like everyone said, was pretty good. You and Carol wer swaying and jumping to the songs, laughing everytime you’d bump into each other.
The song ended and then the band began to play a slow song as everyone began to sway side to side and you and Carol followed suit.
She took this as the opportunity to make her move. Carol turned to look at you as you watched the band sing and play the song before looking over to Carol and smiling at her.
“What?” You asked before Carol pressed her lips against yours. At first it took you by surprise but then you realized what was happening and began to kiss back before Carol pulled back.
“I’m- sorry I just. I really like you and I had to make a move and it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, it’s totally understandable and-“ you was cut off by you pulling her back in for another kiss by her shirt.
You pulled back and smiled at her. “I like you too, Carol” you said as she smiled at you before pressing a small kiss on your forehead, wrapping her arm around your waist and pulling you close while swaying together again to the music.
“(Y/N)?” Carol said, coming into the doorway about to ask you where you packed something when she saw you looking through the small box and holding concert tickets. You looked up at her, a small tear rolling down your face as you wiped it away, giving her a small smile.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, walking up to you and taking ahold of your hand. You looked from the ticket then up to her.
“Nothing, I’m just-“ you started before letting out a breath. “Reminiscing” you smiled at her as she gave you a sad smile before looking at the ticket and realizing what the ticket was to.
“That was the best night of my life, you know” she said, wrapping her arms around you, stepping behind you and leaning her chin on your shoulder. “The day I finally made a move” she finished as you closed your eyes, taking in the moment.
“It was the best day of mine too, besides the day we met of course” you said, leaning your head against hers softly, as she placed a small kiss onto your neck. You felt her pull back slightly.
You turned to look at her, placing your arms on her shoulders, looking at her and smiling. “I love you, you know” you said as she nodded placing a kiss to your forehead.
“And I love you. Forever” she said, looking at you before pressing her lips against yours. You were grateful for every memory you’ve made with Carol and today was just the start of so many more to come.
feedback is appreciated!
I make myself soft wOw 🥺🥺🥺
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versdan · 4 years
Priority (Spy!Carol Danvers x Reader)
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summary: Being a spy meant you need to detach from personal life and feelings to get your job done. But what happens when you see a familiar face and it throws the whole thing off?
a/n: this is for Mi’s, @littlecrazyfangirl-98 , writing challenge! congrats again!! This au was actually pretty fun to write and I actually am debating on making a series out of this ?? Maybe?? I’ll see 👀 Anywho! I hope you guys enjoy & sorry for any typos! Requests are open!
AU: Spy (I’m going to use SHIELD and PEGASUS as the company names but the characters don’t have any powers :) )
word count: 2.3k woop
please don’t plagerize or repost my work! x
“You know, with (Y/N) looking that good in her dress, I’m sure the prime minister wouldn’t think twice about taking her upstairs.” Sam spoke softly into the comm, as he took a sip from his drink and looked towards Carol. She rolled her eyes, looking his way across for a quick second, giving him a death glare. 
“Watch it, Wilson” she spoke back, smiling at the guests who walked past her. Sam chuckled lightly at her reaction.
“Just thought you would agree with me, Captain” he mocked, turning away from Carol as she rolled her eyes again. She knew being sent on this mission with the new recruit it would be annoying.  But she had to focus on getting to the target, and that was you.
S.H.I.E.L.D. had set out a mission to track you down and get you to join the team because of your skill set. You would get to the targets before they would and would eventually leave Carol and the rest of the team with no leads or new information. At some point, you and the team had crossed paths on other missions but tonight was going to be the night that they got something before you were able to.
Carol had previous history with you, having trained together with another institution until it lead to a short relationship between the both of you. It didn’t last long because once you transferred to P.E.G.A.S.U.S. , it put a strain on your relationship and your schedules. Your feelings for each other were strong and there was no denying that, everyone could see it. But you and Carol had thought it would be better to end it instead of strain yourselves more.
S.H.I.E.L.D. had thought putting Carol on the mission would get you off track on your own mission so they could win for once. Carol was all in for the plan but another part of her just wanted to see you. Your case file photos didn’t do her justice because she physically missed seeing you, face to face.
You on the other hand, had no clue that Carol was going to be in the same place as you. P.E.G.A.S.U.S. had tipped you off that you might get caught up with other spies but you brushed it off, thinking it was going to be another round of spies that you can easily avoid. But you could sense that something would go sideways or catch you off guard about tonight.
Pushing the feeling away, thinking it’s just your normal nervousness, you sip slowly on your drink, looking at the Prime Minister enter the room surrounded by guards.
“Stay on mission, (Y/L/N). Can’t have anything going south” your co-worker, Jade, said into your earpiece. You let out a small chuckle, placing your drink on the table and looking down.
“Have I ever let you down, J? At least have a little faith” you said as you heard her sigh back in the ear piece as you picked up your clutch, watching as the prime minister sit down in the corner of the ballroom while the guards looked around. Other women started entering his area and that was your queue to go over.
As you began walking over, you felt someone watching you from across the room. Looking over, you didn’t see anyone specific until your eyes landed on Sam Wilson. Letting out a small grunt, you remember him from the last mission. He tried to take you down before you slipped out of the building with the hard drive that had all the information to expose an underground human trafficking ring. Stopping at the nearest table that was next to the dance floor, you were halfway to where the Prime Minister was but you had to make sure Wilson stayed out of your way.
Sam made his way over to you as Carol went the other way, out of your eyesight. Seeing you in your dress and how you looked, he was right. You did look good. You looked stunning and all she wanted to do was tell you that. You haven’t changed besides you hair grew a bit longer but Carol still admired how strongly you stood and how you only got more beautiful since the last time she saw you.
“Wilson, what a surprise!” You said sarcastically as he approached you, sipping on his drink while standing next to you at the small round table.
“Don’t get too excited now, I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of me” he winked at you, referring to the offer that stood with joining his cooporation before looking you up and down as you rolled your eyes.
“You know what I’m going to say, I’m not joining” you said, standing up straight and looking at him. He let out a chuckle before putting his glass down onto the table.
“Well if I can’t persuade you, maybe someone else you know can” he said, winking at you again before walking off. Giving him a confused look, you turn back to look at your target before letting out a small yelp.
Feeling someone grab your waist and turn you around, you let out a gasp when your body hit theirs. It didn’t help when you saw who had their arm around you. Carol stood there, swaying back and forth, letting a smile onto her face.
“We meet again, angel” she said, using the pet name she used to tell you all the time.
“Carol, what are you-“ you started but she shushed you by raising your arm and spinning you around before pulling you back in, your back against her chest.
“I’m here to do my job. Just like you” she said, as you spun out, extending both of your arms and going back into your beginning dancing position as Carol place her hand on your waist and intertwined the other hand with yours.
“I see you’re still cocky, but here’s the thing babe” you said, leaning in closer to her ear. “You’re wasting your time with me when the target is over there” you said, before pulling back, letting go of her hand and walking over to the prime ministers area. Carol watched you walk over, easily swaying the guards to let you through and sat down next to him, giving him a flirtatious smile.
Carol walked over to where Sam was standing and sighed. “Couldn’t sway your ex, Danvers?” He said, which caused him to get bumped in the shoulder as he let out a chuckle.
“You know for someone who is a big talker on how good they are at their job, you sure do a whole lot of standing around” Carol spoke to him, giving him a sly smile as now it was his turn to roll his eyes. They decided to watch your movements and if you left the room, they would follow suit.
You stood up and the Prime Minister followed, suit, looking you up and down while licking his lips softly. Your gagged inwardly, turning to walk past the guards as he whispered something to them before they nodded to them. You saw Carol and Sam watching you from a nearby table and you smirked at them, sending them a wink before walking over to the exit with the Prime Minister in suit.
When you came up to the room, he had tried to get his hands all over you immediately. You pulled away, wagging your finger at him.
“How about a drink first” you suggested to which he nodded and immediately started taking his tie and jacket off. Going up to the table with alcohol on it, you grabbed two glasses and poured whiskey into both. Pulling out a small vile of white powder from your dress, you poured some into his glass before placing it back and swishing the drink around in the glass.
Turning around, you saw he was sitting on the bed as you sat next to him and gave him his glass. “Cheers” you said, clinking the glasses before taking a sip. He drank the whole drink before placing the glass on the floor before scooting closer to you, trying to kiss you when you moved your face away and grabbing his tie that was on the mattress.
“How about we try something” you suggested, motioning to the tie to which he turned to look and nodded eagerly, a smirk landing on his face as he scooted up to the headboard.
Tying his hands to the headboard, he let out a laugh as he watched you stand beside him, going through your clutch. “I see you like to play rough, don’t you?” He said, taking his shoes off with his feet as you chuckled.
“What can I say, I always get what I want” you said, looking at him over your shoulder before turning back around and bringing out a small cellphone copying device that you covered with a blinfold.
“Well I’ll give you whatever you want, baby” you turned towards him, smiling before putting the blindfold around his eyes. “But right now, you can dream of it” you said, finishing tying the blinfold.
“What do you- what did you do..to me” Mid-sentence, he knocked out and you rolled your eyes, putting your heels back on. Taking his phone from his pants pocket, you plugged it up to the copying machine and it took a few minutes to download the information.
“J, it’s downloading” you said, pressing softly onto the earpiece.
“Good. Once it’s done, get out of there. The guards are tipped off that someone has infiltrated them” she said back as you nodded softly to yourself, getting everything together for you to leave.
There was a knock to the door which made you stop in your footsteps.
“Sir? I’m sorry to interrupt but we have to go. We’ve been compromised” you heard a security guard say, as you turned towards the cell phone seeing it was only at ‘43%’.
“Shit” you muttered, looking over to the Prime Minister, passed out with his hands tied up. The guard knocked again, this time a bit harder before you heard a keycard being inserted and the door opening. Two guards walked in and stopped in their tracks looking at you and the Minister knocked out on the bed.
“Guess we had too much fun. Wanna join?” You smiled at them before you saw them reach for their guns and that’s where you took your cue, taking off your heel and throwing it at his head. He looked stunned for a second before pulling out the gun from his holster but you were quick to kick the gun from his grasp.
He was quick to throw a punch to which you blocked and then landed a punch to his face. Kicking his knees in, making him fall to the floor, it gave you better access to pull his arms behind him and pinch a pressure point on his shoulder that made someone immediately knock out.
The second guard came in charging towards you, swinging that you dodged the punch but his other arm came around and hit you square on the jaw, it made you land next to the guard on the ground. Looking over to his belt, you saw he had a stun gun. Taking the stun gun quickly, you aimed it to the second guard and pulled the trigger, causing him to stop in his tracks for a quick second before falling to the ground.
Letting out a breath, you stood up, putting back on your heel you had thrown and straightening out your dress. Grabbing the copying device and the Ministers phone, you saw it said 100% complete before unplugging the device and placing it in your clutch and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind you.
“You know, you could’ve just taken out your stun pen from your clutch” Jade said into your ear piece as you laughed, walking over to the elevator and pressing the button.
“But if I did that, then I wouldn’t have any fun” you said back smiling as she laughed. You heard footsteps running down the hallway coming your way. Turning towards the sound, you see Sam and Carol standing at the end of the hallway.
“Shit” you muttered, looking up seeing the elevator was only two floors below.
“(Y/N), give us the device” Sam said, slowly walking towards you as Carol followed him. She didn’t know what to do but she knew she didn’t want to pull her gun on you.
“Why should I? I got eye raped for the information so, I don’t think I will” you smiled politely at him, hearing the elevator come up.
“(Y/N), please, just give it up and join our team. We wouldn’t be in this competition if we were on the same team” Carol said, coming closer as you turned fully towards her.
“If you can’t handle the heat, get out the kitchen, babe” you winked as the elevator dinged and the doors opened to which you swiftly stepped onto, pressing the ground floor and the close door button.
Carol rushed to the doors, going to keep them open but something stopped her so she just stood on the outside of the doors staring at you.
You gave her a smirk, looking her up and down. A part of you missed her so seeing her infront of you gave you a bit of remedy for the longing feelings that you still had for this girl. But being on separate teams just made it more fun to chase each other and have a competition.
“We’ll meet again, Danvers” you winked as the elevator doors closed. Staring at the doors, Sam stood next to Carol looking at her, wondering why she didn’t stop you. Before he could say anything, they both heard guards running up the emergency exit stairs to which they took that as their cue to leave the floor.
Carol knew she’d see you again and hopefully next time, she would win and not you. “It’s on, (Y/L/N)” she muttered to herself as she ran with Sam our of that floor and out of the building.
feedback is appreciated!
okay idk why I like this so much yet feel a bit conflicted oof
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versdan · 4 years
Hold On (Carol Danvers x Reader)
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summary: After a long night at a party, Carol decides that you both could go on a flight somewhere, together.
a/n: This is for @mycupoffanfiction ‘s writing challenge!! Congrats again babes!! Super sorry for this being late :( I also made the reader Tony’s sibling bc ,, why not add a twist! I hope you guys enjoy & sorry for any typos! Requests are open!
prompt (will be bolded): “Don’t let go of me”
pairings: Carol Danvers x stark!Reader
please don’t plagiarize/repost my work! x
Sighing, you looked out onto the city, watching the cars drive by on the street as you felt a momentary bliss from the crowded room inside. Your brother had thrown you a party to celebrate the huge case you had just won after working on it and stressing out over it for months. 
You had told him it wasn’t necessary for him to do so but he went against that, wanting to do it otherwise because he said it was one way of showing his love to you. You loved him with all of your being but sometimes he was just a little bit flamboyant. 
“Not a party person?” You heard a voice behind you say. Turning, you smiled when you saw it was Carol. She smiled at yu, taking a sip from her drink before walking over to stand next to you.
Shurgging, you let out a breath, looking at the city again. “Not really. I mean, don’t get me wrong, parties are fun but they can be a bit exhausting at times. I don’t know how Tony can throw so many” you said, chuckling as Carol nodded her head.
“I’m a bit surprised at that. Thought being related to Stark meant you both were party animals” she joked as you laughed. She looked at you, smiling. It would be a lie to say that Carol didn’t find you attractive. She had been watching you from a distance, wanting to get to know you but nervous that she would screw something up. Sure, she was a ‘tough’ looking person, but she grew a soft spot of you and your kind demeanor.
“No, he got that gene for sure” you said, smiling at her as she looked away, not wanting to be caught staring at you.
“And you got the attractive gene, I see” she said, taking another sip from her drink as you felt your cheeks heat up from the comment. 
“What are you trying to get at, Danvers?” You smirked looking at her. You felt butterflies in your stomach as your tried to play it off cool, you thgouht. You had tried to get to know Carol ever since you joined the team but you had been too busy to fully grow close. Whenever you were free and at HQ, you both would have small talk and she would make small flirty comments at you that you wouldn’t know how to come back at so you would smile or laugh and change the subject out of nervousness. 
“Well, I’m just wondering if a pretty girl like you would let me take you for a ride” She said, fully turning towards you smiling as you looked at her confused for a second.
“A ride? Where” you asked, following her body position and turning towards her fully. Carol looked up and pointed before looking at you.
“Up. I prefer the view from up there” She said, continuing to smile at you as you smiled and nodded slowly. 
“Alright” You said as she smiled, opening her arms, motioning you to come closer. You started walking towards her before you stopped infront of her.
“Wait, don’t you need to put your suit on to fly?” You asked. You’ve only seen her fly whenever she’s had her suit on, thinking it helps with controlling her flight and maneuvering easily. She chuckled a bit, shaking her head and tugging you lightly, pulling you close.
“No, we’ll be fine don’t worry. I won’t burn you” She winked at you as you realized how close you both were. Wraping your arms around he waist, you looked over the balcony, seeing how far above the ground you both were and letting out a shaky breath.
“Don’t let go of me, Danvers” you warned, as she laughed, tightening one of her arms around you.
“Wouldn’t dream of it” She said, lifting you both off the ground quickly as you let out a small yell, closing your eyes, scared of looking down. You felt as if you were floating, it was an odd feeling for sure.
“It’s okay, you can open your eyes” Carol said, seeing that your eyes were screwed shut. Slowly opening your eyes, you looked around, telling yourself to not look down before you let out a breath at the view. Carol was right, the view was better from above. All the lights sparkled and you saw each car. 
Letting out a small laugh, Carol looked at you and your expression and smiled. One of her favorite things about you that she always loves was your smile. It never failed to cheer her up in some way.
Going back to the tower, slowly so you could see the city one last time from above, she landed you both on the roof swiftly. Straightening out your outfit, you looked at Carol and smiled.
“Thank you. You were right, the view was amazing” you said, looking at her as she nodded.
“Pleasure was all mine” she paused, looking down before looking back up at you. “Do you want to go on a date with me?” she asked nervously, waiting to see how you would react.
You looked at Carol stunned for a second before a smirk broke out on your face. “Is the Carol Danvers asking me out on a date? What a change!” you joked, letting out a chuckle as she rolled her eyes at you.
“You’re making me look soft” she said, laughing along which made you chuckle again before you nodded your head.
“That’s the point, hun. But, yes. I would love to go on a date with you” you said smiling which brought a wide smile onto her face.
“Great! I mean-” she cleared her throat, trying to excuse how excited she was but you found it cute. “I mean, great. It’s a date then” she said as you nodded, feeling those butterflies in your stomach again.
“Let’s get back to the party before they suspect something which, I wouldn’t mind if they did” You said, winking at Carol before heading to the door that lead downstairs. Carol stood there, a bit shocked at the comment, feeling her cheeks heat up a bit before following you, already thinking of where she is going to take you on your date.
feedback is appreciated!
ciwhbd sorry if it’s wack omg-
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versdan · 4 years
Not All That (College!Carol Danvers x Reader)
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Summary: Carol puts on a big persona being one of the most infamous jocks in the school. But what happens when someone like you can see right through it?
A/N: This is for @stuckonjbbarnes ‘ writing challenge! I’m so sorry this is hella late oh my- but! congrats again babes! I’m a sucker for college!Carol omf- Also, I took some lines out from the lyrics so some may be missing if you know the song. Also, quick thank you to my tumblr gf/mob gf @envoyofyagami​ for proof reading this. Love you babe 💞 I hope you guys enjoy & sorry for any typos! Requests are open!
Song: Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner
Pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Reader
AU: Frat/F-boy/College ish
lyrics are italicized & bolded!
please don’t repost/plagerize my work! x
If I could write you a song to make you fall in love
I would already have you up under my arm
You don’t know what your infatuation was with her. Maybe it was her confidence or the way that she just went about her life not caring but it pulled you in hard. Carol was one of the most talked about individuals on campus, having been known for her attitude towards people and just known as the life of the party. So when she began to develop a bit of a soft spot for you, it almost seemed to change her demeanor around her friends.
You both had been roommates since the beginning of your second year in college so you both had a small connection already which only allowed your feelings to blossom for the girl. 
I used up all my tricks, I hope that you like this
But, you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me
You had tried to push through Carols’ tough girl act but you couldn’t seem to budge through and it made you a bit sad. You had wanted to get to know her and yet it almost seemed as if she had begun to shut you out once she began to open up slightly. You never wanted to push Carol to her breaking point but it felt as if you did a bit.
Carol on the other hand was scared. She was scared to fall for someone again for her just to end up broken hearted like in her previous relationship. When she felt herself growing feelings towards you, she immediately separated herself from the friendship out of a good decision for herself, or so she thought it was.
When you saw that she was spending less time in your dorm together and eventually moved out to live in the frat house along with the other mates, you felt worse for even trying to pester her with questions in the first place. You tried to not think about her and hang out with your new roommate but no one can replace Carol in your mind. You couldn’t stop thinking about her and it hurt to see her around campus as you both acted like strangers.
And you never say hey, or remember my name
And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me
In class, it was odd sitting next to each other. Not speaking a word when you both were known for being the loudest pair in class during lectures that you’d even get in trouble more than once from the professor and other classmates. Carol eventually stopped showing up or even moved her seat to another row, far from you and that’s when you knew things had definitely changed. You had no choice but to accept this big change even if you didn’t like it. 
You sat in your room, studying for your bio exam you had in two days so light cramming was your go to at the moment so you wouldn’t cram every chapter the day of. Your roommate came rushing into the room, throwing the book bag onto her bed before throwing herself on top of yours, laying all over your papers and notes. You sat there staring at her before laughing. “You alright?”
She sighed, rolling over onto her back, extending her arms out. “Classes are so boring. I feel like I am mentally drained that even answering the simple question of what is two plus two makes me blank” she said, rubbing her eyes with her fingers as you shook your head, continuing to write down notes.
“And watching you write notes, isn’t helping! Come on, (Y/N). Let’s go to the frat party tonight, everyone in the dorm is talking about it” She said, lowering your notebook from your hands as you sighed.
“I have to study for this exam, you know this” you told her, looking at her as she gave you puppy eyes. Sighing, you closed your notebook, knowing you couldn't resist the puppy eyes. “Fine. But don’t think this will happen again” you told her as she screamed getting up and running over to the shared closet for an outfit to wear.
You dreaded wanting to go to this party. You knew it was gonna be at the frat house Carol hangs out the most at and you didn’t want to run into her after everything that has happened. But another part of you wanted to show up to the party and forget about everything. To just let loose and if Carol sees, then Carol sees.
“Oh, what the hell” you said to yourself, getting up to go to your dresser trying to find something to wear as well.
But you don't know the way that you look
When your steps make that much noise
You both arrived at the party and the front lawn was already trashed with loads of people outside, making out or talking to one another. Walking through the front door, the music immediately made your head pound. Your roommate weaved her way easily through the crowd, leaving you alone. Typical.
Making your way to the kitchen, you grabbed an empty cup and filled it with the nearest drink you could grab and took a sip. It burned a bit but it was bearable. Looking around the kitchen and into the living room, you had underestimated how many more people there were tonight compared to every other party. Letting out a breath you tried to look for your roommate so you wouldn’t be alone at this party.
When looking around the room, you had locked eyes with Carol. She stood near the doorway, seeming to have to just walked in as she stopped greeting people midway. Your breathing hitched as a part of you almost seemed to flutter after not seeing her for so long. Turning around quickly and downing your drink, you threw your cup away. A random guy who had seen you down the drink, looked at you in awe. “Beat it” you spoke out softly before walking out the kitchen.
Walking past people dancing and away from the eye site of Carol, you made your way to the other side of the house where it was less packed with people and took a seat on the couch. You let out a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding in. It was predictable that you were going to see her tonight no matter if you were going to hide in the farthest corner of the house or not, but you didn’t think a part of you would want to see her. Would want to talk to her tonight and just be close to her.
“You shouldn’t think too hard, ya know. It’s not good for you” you heard a voice say which pulled you out of your thoughts. Looking up, Carol stood smirking down at you while holding a drink. She took a seat next to you as you turned a bit away from her.
“Oh, come on. We’re old friends, don’t act like a stranger now” she said, taking a drink from her cup, looking away as you looked towards her and scoffing. She didn’t just call you a stranger
“You’re really one to talk and call me a stranger” you said, rolling your eyes as she turned to look at you giving a small smile.
“Oh, look! she speaks” Carol teased as you scoffed again, getting up to walk away before Carol reached out for your wrist and grabbing it.
“I’m only teasing. Come on, you know me (Y/N).” she told you as you turned to look at her, feeling anger bubble up inside you.
Shh, I got you all figured out
You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen
“Do I know you? because the Carol I know wouldn’t just leave me with no explanation” you told her as you saw her shoulders drop a bit as she let go of your wrist. A part of you didn’t want her to let go of you. You missed her touch already and it was only there for a good 30 seconds.
“I know, I just-” she started but you interrupted her.
“You just what? Found better people to hang out with? Shut me out completely even if we had made a pact? I was there for you and you knew that yet you still shut me out” you told her, finally airing it out to her but you couldn’t tell if it hurt to say that or felt good. You didn’t want to cry at a stupid frat party but here you were, beginning to tear up infront of your long-time crush.
Carol looked at you and placed a hand onto your cheek to which you leaned into her touch, closing your eyes for a second before looking at her.
Behind your makeup nobody knows who you even are
Who do you think that you are
“I miss you Carol. The real you, not this version of yourself that I lost you to” you said softly and it broke Carol’s heart. She knew she shouldn’t have pushed you away for any reason but she was scared. 
“I’m sorry. I was scared of what really was happening. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you that I was falling for you because I was scared that once I had you, I would lose you. I never wanted to lose you and that is exactly what happened” Carol said, feeling a weight off her shoulders finally telling you how she felt. You shook your head at her, grabbing her hand that was on your face and taking it into both your hands. 
“I’m still here for you. I’m always going to be here and you know that” You told her, pulling her in for a hug to which she returned. Everything felt okay in that moment, like all had returned to normal and never changed. You closed your eyes and savored the moment before Carol pulled back, placing her hands on either side of your face before leaning in and pressing her lips against yours. You kissed her back, placing your arms on her shoulders. You smiled into the kiss before pulling away and hearing a few cheers around you both. Looking over you saw Tony and Steve cheering you both on as you let out a small chuckle. 
“Let me re-introduce myself” Carol said, looking back at you, pulling away slowly and outstretching her hand. “My name is Carol and I think you are absolutely stunning” she said with a smile. You let out a chuckle, shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you, Carol. I’m (Y/N) and you’re not so bad yourself” you said, smiling at her as she raised your hand making you turn so your back was against her. She placed a kiss on your neck before wrapping her arms around your waist as you both swayed to the music. Maybe you both lost each other for a reason in order to find yourselves in the end.
feedback is appreciated!
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versdan · 4 years
Runaway (Carol Danvers x Reader)
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summary: You and Carol are newlyweds but it doesn’t sit well with others with the way you guys went about it
a/n: just thought of this idea and had to share and put it out. Also, changed up the gif bc why not 👀 aka marvel pls feed us new Carol content. Also! Sorry if it’s a bit short 🥺 I hope you guys enjoy & sorry for any typos!!
pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Reader
warnings: n/a
please don’t plagiarize/repost my work! x
also posted on AO3
Turning up the volume to the car radio, you leaned your head back against the seat with a soft smile growing on your face. You have never felt so alive and feeling the wind on your face only added to the adrenaline rush you were just having.
Feeling a slight squeeze to your hand, you opened your eyes to see Carol look at you, giving you a smile before turning her gaze back to the road. Looking down at her hands, you spot her silver wedding band which only made your heart flutter. You did it. You both ran away and got married, something you both had spoke about briefly. It was a whirl of emotions but here you both were, driving down the empty backroads and all that mattered was you guys in this moment.
“What’s on your mind” Carol said, giving you another quick glance before turning back to the road. She could read you like a book and at times you hated it but others, it was comforting to know she worried in a sense. That she knew every little detail about you, even if it was a slight expression change or not.
You shook your head, the small smile still staying on your lips as you squeezed her hand lightly before looking up at her again. “Just thinking about us is all” you spoke lightly, even if the radio was a bit loud, Carol could hear you loud and clear.
She nodded her head, noticing you both were close to the destination that was decided on. You both thought it would be nice to watch the sunrise together at your favorite spot up on a mountain that was famous for its tourist attractions after eloping, to signify a new day a new life. It sound corny but you thought it was a cute way to signify the new events.
“I know there’s something else on your mind, darling” she said, pulling up the spot you both knew and parking the car. She turn the radio down before turning her body to you, taking your hand into both of hers, giving you time before you continue.
Letting out a small sigh, you looked up at Carol, placing your other hand ontop of hers. “It feels odd. Doing this behind my parents back. They’re always so supportive of me but when it comes to marrying you, it just doesn’t sit right with them”.
Your parents had vocalized to you that they didn’t fully support your relationship with Carol, being that her line of work could possibly put you in danger. You’ve tried convincing them that your relationship was safe but they wouldn’t change their minds. It only broke your heart because they had been your backbone for most of your life but with this one certain relationship, it just caused a rift that you wished hadn’t happened.
Carol nodded, pushing a piece of hair behind your face before placing her palm against your cheek lightly to which you leaned into her touch, closing your eyes.
“They’ll come around. I know they will. They love you too much to not care after one thing” she said, pulling her hand which made you open your eyes to the loss of contact. You nodded your head, looking away for a second before looking back at Carol, giving her a soft smile.
Carol smiled back, picking up your hand and kissing the back of it lightly. “I’m always going to love and protect you. I didn’t say that in my vows for nothing” she winked as you let out a chuckle.
“I love you” you told her as her smile grew before pulling you close and pressing her lips against yours. Every kiss you shared always felt like the first time you kissed. Your stomach fluttered and you felt like you were on cloud nine, so in love it was intoxicating almost.
Pulling back, Carol looked at you and pressed her forehead against yours. “And I love you. Forever” she said, before placing a light kiss on your forehead. You placed your head on Carol’s shoulder, looking at the horizon that was slightly beginning to break with the orange shade from the sun. A new day was coming, a new beginning and you were going to start with with your wife by your side.
feedback is appreciated!
I’m big soft woW
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versdan · 5 years
Sugar (Carol Danvers x Reader)
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Summary: you’re missing carol while she’s away on a mission but she’s only a phone call away.
A/N: song! fic! yes lmao. I’ve had this song in my head for a few days and it’s just...so cute and I’m missing my galactic wife Carol so boom, this was created. Hope you guys enjoy & sorry for any typos! Requests are open!
pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Reader
Song: Sugar - Brockhampton
Lyrics are bolded & in italics!
please don’t plagerize/repost my work! x
Spending all my nights alone, waiting for you to call me
You're the only one I want by my side when I fall asleep
Carol’s arm band rang while she stood, looking out the spaceship, calculating her next move to figure out which planet to go to next. She had left Earth two months prior, trying to get everything under control on other planets after Thanos’ snap but to be truthful, it was just as hectic and disheartening as it was on Earth.
Looking down, she saw it was your name that had popped up and a soft smile grew on her face. Saying she missed you was an understatement. She missed everything from Earth but everything about you is what she wanted right at this moment and every moment she was away.
Placing down a detachable piece from her arm band on the floor, a full apparition of you appeared infront of her and it almost seemed real, as if you teleported there and were standing infront of her. But it was just a simple hologram.
You were standing behind a desk, in a large shirt and sweatpants with a loopy smile on your face and that immediately signified to Carol it was late and you were tired.
“Carol!” You smiled, waving at her as her full body hologram was infront of you. She was in her suit still but her hair was definetly shorter since she left two months ago. “Nice hair cut” you chuckled a bit as she laughed back.
“I cut it this morning. It’s easier to manage when I have the helmet on” she said, smiling at you and immediately you felt a pang in your chest that you wish she was there in person. Having a hologram of her just wasn’t enough.
“What time is it there?” She asked you, pulling you out of your trance. You turned to the clock next to you and it read 1:35 am.
“It’s 10 pm here” you said, giving her a joking smile before yawning. She looked right through your joke.
“(Y/N)” she said and you rolled your eyes.
“It’s almost 2 in the morning. I couldn’t sleep” you said, looking down and fidgeting with your pant strings. It was true. Your mind kept you up with all the different possibilities of what you guys could do to bring back the others or even just all the guilt that you didn’t do enough to save them. And ontop of that, you missed Carol. It was almost like you had lost more than you could bare. Sure she’s going to come back, so you’re trying to keep your hopes up with holding onto that faith, but the only question was when?
Carol knew the amount of distress you put yourself through. She knew how much you cared for the team and the people around you and it only hurt her more that she wasn’t there for you to help you and tell you everything is alright. Being a hologram can only pose so much comfort for the both of you.
“What’s wrong?” Carol asked, in a hushed tone, making you feel comforted. It didn’t sound staticy when she said it because of the connection so it almost seemed like she was there physically.
Tell me what I'm waiting for
Tell me what I'm waiting for
“I miss you. I know it’s only been two months but” you sighed before looking back up at her. “I want you back” you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders being able to tell her that as you let out a breath. Carol looked at you with sad eyes and you knew she felt the same way.
“I miss you too, (Y/N). More than you know” she spoke and a silence had fallen over you both. You just wanted her here but that was a wish that you knew would take time to come true.
“When do you think you’ll come back to Earth?” You asked, continuing to look at her. You didn’t want to ask because of the fear of her saying not for a while but it was a question that had to be asked for your comfort and even for the team to know who will be around when you plan your next move.
“Honestly” Carol started but paused letting out a sigh. “I don’t know. There’s so much happening on each planet that they need all the help they can get” she finished, looking at you as you took a seat behind the desk. Letting out a breath you nodded.
I know it's hard, but we need each other
Know it's hard, but we need each other
“You know I still think about you wherever I am” she told you and a small smile grew on your face. You looked up at her as a tear slid down your face, wiping it away but Carol saw it.
“There’s so many things that remind me of you that it makes me more antsy to help everyone out here so I can come home to you” Carol told you, shifting her stance as she smiled at you.
“Well there’s loads of things here that remind me of you and just make me miss you more” you said, your voice cracking a bit and Carol frowned a bit as you smiled at her.
“I’ll be home soon. I promise” she told you as she turned to see someone in the background tell her something before the person left the room quickly.
Carol turned back towards you with a sad smile. “Babe I have to go. We just got a distress signal from people nearby” she said. You nodded giving her a tired smile.
“Alright. I think it’s time for me to head to bed, I’ve got a big day tomorrow” you told her standing up.
“I love you (Y/N). I’ll be back soon” Carol said and you felt butterflies in your stomach as you still wore you tired smile.
“I love you too, Carol. Be safe out there, don’t get reckless with saving the world” you chuckled as she chuckled along with you.
“Will do. Goodnight, love” she said, pressing a button that ended the call and picking up the piece from the ground and placing it back in her armband, letting out a sigh.
You sat back down in the chair and turned to face the window, looking out to the night sky letting a tear fall down your face. Seeing a shooting star only made you think of Carol more and how much you missed he but you knew you’d have your girl back home soon.
feedback is appreciated!
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versdan · 4 years
Hi! Is it ok if i request a carol danvers x fem!reader? maybe where carol and the reader are really really affectionate all the time, and when someone mentions it and mocks carol she tries to photon blast them and the reader needs to calm her down?
hiya! Yes ofc! I hope you don’t mind I’m making this a blurb. I can make it a full oneshot if you’d like, just lmk!! much love x
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“Oh my god!!!! I love you soooo much!!! mwah mwah mwah” Tony said, mocking Carol right when you both walked into the debriefing room. Carol rolled her eyes as you chuckled. You found it cute when she’d get irritated over it but sometimes the mocking would push her over the edge.
“Cool it, Tony. You know she’ll blast you” Steve said, continuing to look through the files that were on the table as everyone laughed a bit.
“I don’t think she would. Captain sparkly fists wouldn’t do that to her own teammate and besides, she has (Y/N) to calm her down” Tony smirked looking at you as you just flipped him off playfully, laughing.
“I don’t know, Tony. I think I’ll let her blast you today” you said, smirking back at him as he sat up straighter. You looked over to Carol who looked a bit ticked off. Being affectionate wasn’t a big problem for the both of you but it was when people made comments it would make Carol a bit mad or annoyed.
Grabbing her hand and squeezing it reassuringly, she looked up at you and smiled softly. For some reason, you would immediately ease her nerves whether it would be over something small like teasing.
“Oh look at the lovebirds, staring at each other full of love. Get a room” Tony groaned, leaning back into his seat. “I don’t get why I get so much talk for making innuendos to Pepper when they’re full on eye-fucking each other before a mission debrief-“ Tony was cut off by seeing Carol raise her hand and a photon blast shoot right past him.
He ducked out of the way quickly before turning to see a hole in the wall behind him. Turning slowly back to Carol, she looked at him with a smug smile as you couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“You were saying?” She asked him as Tony cleared his throat, scooting in closer to the table as everyone just sat in silence, debating whether or not to laugh.
“Okay. Onto the mission” Tony said, his voice a bit shaky as you just giggled to yourself. Carol looked back at you and shot you a wink, chuckling to herself too.
feedback is appreciated!
this was CuTE bcje I loved this!! again, if you’d like a full oneshot, let me know! I have a few ideas of how it can go 👀💞
send me blurb requests!
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versdan · 5 years
Roommates (Carol Danvers x Reader)
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Summary: You and Carol have been roommates in college for the entire year. What happens if being roommates conflicts with wanting something more?
A/N: this is for Sasha’s fall writing challenge! @envy-adamss luv u loads! I hope you guys enjoy and sorry for any typos! Requests are open!
Pairings: Carol Danvers x Reader
AU: College
Placing you bag on the floor by the door, you jump onto your bed, face down into the pillow letting out a long groan. You had just finished studying for your midterm that you had been putting your head in the books for weeks on end for it to be pushed back till next week.
Carol, your roommate, looked over at your body and chuckled. “Someone doesn’t seem so happy” she said, continuing to paint her nails at the desk. You turned your head to face her and even doing something so simple you found her so enticingly beautiful.
“The professor just had to push the test back a week” you sighed, turning to lay on your back, placing your hands on your face.
“Shouldn’t that be a good thing that he pushed the test back?” Carol said, looking up at you, smiling at how cute you were pouting before going back to painting her pinky finger.
“It should to some! But I was so ready and prepared to pass this midterm. Now I’ve just gotta keep studying” you said into the palms of your hands as Carol closed the nail polish bottle before making her way over to you. She sat on your bed, next to your figure.
You moved your hands from your face when you felt the bed dip. “Come on, (Y/N/N)! You should be celebrating you have more time to prepare! I heard there’s gonna be a party tonight at Pi Kappa Alpha and we’re definitely going” she said pushing your shoulder a bit that you felt goosebumps even form the slight touch.
“I don’t know Carol, maybe I should-“ you started but Carol placed a hand over your mouth which immediately shut you up.
“No excuses for tonight. We’re going and we’re gonna have fun” she smiled at you, moving her hand away before walking over to your closet, rummaging through the clothes for an outfit.
“We’ve gotta get you all dolled up so maybe you’d catch the attention of someone” Carol said, turning to wink at you before looking through your outfits again.
I just want to catch your attention, you thought, letting out a sigh, moving to the edge of your bed watching Carol go through each outfit. She threw and outfit onto your bed and it was a short blue dress that you had thought you’d thrown away.
“That’s your outfit and you’re going to look great” she said turning to smile at you. She almost felt glad she picked that one out because that was her favorite color she loved to see you wear. And besides, you’re drop dead gorgeous to her so it felt like a win win.
“You’re gonna get me killed” you said, picking it up and walking over to the bathroom to change.
“Weird way to say date!” She said as you closed the door.
You and Carol both showed up to the frat house and you immediately felt over dressed. People were in jeans and crops tops while here you were in a dress. Guys began to look your way and whistle. Carol smirked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Go on, tiger, get em’. I’m gonna get us drinks” she said, giving you a wink before walking off. A part of her didn’t want anyone to see you or hit on you but the other part told her not to be so controlling over you as, of course, you both were dating.
You stood in your spot, unknowing of where to stand. You made your way to the wall of the room, watching the situation around you. You didn’t know what you were doing at this party, it was never something that interested you in doing. I mean yeah, they seem fun but parties weren’t your scene.
You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see a guy who was more than tipsy give a drunken smile as he looked your body up and down. “Whats goin’ on, baby? You looking for a good time?” He slurred his words, placing a hand on the wall next to you to stable himself as you took a step back. And this is why I don’t do parties you thought
“I’m waiting on a friend” you spoke, looking around for Carol, praying she’d pop up and swoop you away with her so you wouldn’t be alone.
“Well they’re not here but I am” he shot you a wink as you rolled your eyes at him, continuing to look for Carol.
He stood up straight, coming close and placing a hand on your ass, squeezing slightly to which you jumped back away from him. His smirk still hanging loosely on his lips “Come on baby. I can show you something your friend can’t”
You were about to say something but Carols presence stood next to you, anger boiling within her as she saw what he had done. She looked at you and saw your discomfort before turning to the guy.
“Dude, you had no right doing that” she spoke, staring straight at him. If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under.
“So? What are you gonna do about it?” He asked, stumbling a bit when he stepped his foot to the side. Carol scoffed, handing you the drinks she had brought for you. She turned back to the guy, punching him square in the jaw. Everyone around gasped as your mouth hung open. The guy fell into the wall from the punch as he clutched his jaw and looked at Carol
“That’s what im gonna do” she said, as he turned to walk away, pushing people out of his way. She turned back to you as you looked at her in disbelief. You didn’t support any type of violence but shit that was hot and it only made you feel butterflies that she did that for you.
“You alright?” She asked, looking at you as you gave her a soft smile and nodded. Carol smiled back before taking the drinks out of your hands, putting them down and grabbed your hand. “Let’s get out of here” she said, taking you towards the doorway but you stopped her.
She turned back to look at you confused as you felt a sudden rush of confidence take over you. You pulled Carol close to you, placing her face between your hands and kissing her roughly. It felt as if the whole room stopped and it was comeplete silence. She was startled at first but then placed her hands on either side of you waist, pulling you closer as she kissed back just as hard. All that mattered was you and Carol in this moment.
You pulled away, smiling at her as she opened her eyes smiling widely back at you. “Sorry” you laughed, leaving your hands to hang on her shoulders.
“I didn’t mind it at all” she said, pecking your lips again. You giggled, looking down.
“I do mind however how hot you look in this outfit and you’re out here looking like this infront of everyone” she said, pulling back to look at your outfit again that you looks stunning in.
“Hey! May I add, you picked this out for me!” You exclaimed back, hitting her shoulder playfully as she laughed your reaction before pulling you back close to her body.
“Can’t blame a girl for wanting eye candy, babe” she said, smiling at you as she pressed her lips against yours again. You felt ontop of the world and Carol felt the exact same way, knowing she wasn’t alone.
feedback is appreciated!
omg I’m so happy with this, I’m soRRY sAsh this is a couple days late from the due date!!
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versdan · 4 years
Blurb for a very soft Carol helping her girl fall asleep when she can’t 🥺
got you babes x
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Sitting up in the bed, you let out a tired sigh while rubbing your eyes. All night, you had been tossing and turning, worried about the next mission because of how hectic you know it’s going to go.
Taking your legs out of the bed and sitting on the edge, you looked behind you to see you girlfriend, Carol, sleeping peacefully. Pushing a stray hair from her face she stirred slightly but was still sound asleep. Smiling softly, you turned back around and went out of the room quietly.
You don’t know why you were so nervous about the next mission. Maybe it was because it’s the first mission you’re going on after an accident you got into that led you to be in the hospital for a bit of time. Letting out another sigh and leaning against the counter of the kitchen, you drank some water from the cup you were holding and closed your eyes.
You felt arms wrap around your waist which startled you at first but soon felt relaxed when you heard it was Carol.
“What’s got you up this early, babe?” She spoke softly, her voice raspy. She woke up once she felt the bed was empty next to her and wanted to make sure you were okay after feeling you toss and turn night.
“Just thinking” you said, leaning into Carol as she placed a kiss onto your clothed shoulder. Continuing to have your eyes closed, you turned around and putting your head into Carols neck.
You both stood there in silence holding each other until Carol pulled back and looked at you, smiling softly.
“Is it about the mission?” She said as you nodded slightly, looking down before looking at her.
“I’m just nervous since it’s my first one back after the accident” you told her truthfully. She placed her hand on your cheek to which you leaned into softly and closing your eyes, her touch immediately relaxing your nerves.
“It’s going to go alright. I’ll be there as your backup babe. Don’t worry your pretty little head off” she said, tapping your nose which made you chuckle, continuing to look at her.
“I love you” you said softly. Carol smiled at you, pecking your lips softly.
“And I love you. Now, let’s go to bed, alright?” She said as you nodded. Carol grabbed your hand, starting to walk out the kitchen as you followed her, continuing to hold her hand.
Getting back into bed, Carol opened her arms to which you cuddled into her chest, wrapping your arm around her waist. She started playing with your hair softly and hummed a soft song as you started to doze off. You were eternally grateful for Carol and moments like these just solidified your love for the infamous star girl.
feedback is appreciated!
send me blurb requests!
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versdan · 5 years
Gone With the Wind (Carol Danvers x Reader)
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request: Hi! Could you write a one-shot in which the reader used to be Carol's girlfriend but then she got dusted and when Carol finds it out she gets so sad. And when the reader comes back 5 years later she is so happy. This was a pretty bad explanation but I hope you understood what I meant
A/N: Oh fuck. I just rewatched endgame today so I’m getting this done with FRESH EMO KNOWLEDGE! I hope you enjoy + sorry for any typos! Requests are open!
pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Reader
There your picture was. On the screen right infront of Carol. She felt tears welling up in her eyes as Natasha explained what Thanos had actually done while she stared at your ghostly smiling face in your picture. She couldn’t help but feel guilty. Guilt that she had been gone all this time when she could’ve been fighting alongside you and possibly help to keep you alive. But she didn’t have the power to do that. Nor did anyone else on the team.
Carol stormed off, wiping away her tears, finding her way to the sparring room where there was a punching bag. She wrapped her hands and started to let all the anger out on the bag. Anger she held against herself and against Thanos himself.
She missed you. God, Carol missed everything about you. From your sassy, sarcastic attitude to you gentle words you would speak to Carol when she was having a hard time.
Her punching got slower as tears runned more down her eyes. She stopped punching, placing her hands on her face and sobbing freely. Carol heard someone step into the room so she wiped her face quickly before turning to the person standing there, who was Steve.
“You know” he said, walking up to the other side of the bag. “I miss everyone too. We lost people who we hold dearly to us” he spoke softly, looking at Carol’s tear stained face.
She chuckled. “Yeah well, I just want her here. I don’t know what to do” she said, smiling sadly at him. He smiled softly before nodding.
“I miss (Y/N) too, she would know what to do in this situation, cheer us up with her sass.” Steve said which made Carol laugh and nod.
“She talked about you a lot you know” he told Carol, as she looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. “(Y/N) would talk about how she has this cool ass, intergalactic girlfriend who would kick anyone’s ass in 10 seconds” Steve paused, laughing while Carol rolled her eyes, shaking her head and smiling.
“But she also said how great you were. How much of a hard working hero you were and how much you meant to her” Steve said, looking at Carol and smiling as there was a silence between them.
“We’ll get them back, one way or another, he’s gotta pay and he will. That’s a promise” he spoke again, before holding onto the bag and nodding at Carol for her to punch out all her frustration.
You don’t remember anything besides passing out and now you’re awake again. You had just thought you got knocked down by an outrider.
You stood up, Bucky standing beside you as a portal opened infront of you both. You both stepped through onto ridged ground, looking ahead and seeing Thanos’ army.
“Holy shit” you said, panicking a little bit by the extreme amount of outriders and other creature he had. You looked around and saw everyone. Steve, Tony, Thor, Bruce, Wanda and so many other that it made your heart warm which brought a smile onto your face.
“You’re happy we’re going into war, kid?” Bucky joked, looking at your expressions before you rolled your eyes at him.
“Yeah for sure, old man. Maybe now isn’t the time for your artheritis to kick in” you joked back and he let out a chuckle.
“AVENGERS!” You heard Steve scream which made you get into fighting stance. You saw him reach his arm out and grab ahold of Thor’s hammer which only brought a smirk onto your face, thinking of what a show off he was.
“Assemble” he spoke again which was the cue for everyone to start running. An outrider cane straight for you, sliding under him and stabbing him from under. Standing up and fighting every other outrider that came for you.
After a while of fighting, being tossed to the ground and cornered a couple of times, Thanos ordered for the his ship to start shooting the missles. One was head straight towards your area until a sorcerer created a shield, protecting you and whoever else was under.
The canons started to shoot upwards at the sky and you heard Sam, Steve and Tony talking over the comms, questioning what that was in the sky but you immediately knew. A big smile was pulled onto your face as you stepped out away from the shield watching Carol blast through the ship, destroying it.
“That’s my girl” you whispered, seeing her land near where Peter laid with the gauntlet.
You saw other outriders come your way, which took your attention away from Carol and the rest of the lady avengers protect Peter and try to blast towards the van.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Carol being blasted backwards from Thanos’ weapon go into the van, creating an explosion.
“CAROL!” You screamed, making your way fast to her laying body on the ground. She was wincing when she looked up at you run towards you.
“Are you alright? Oh my god, please don’t tell me you’re dying” you rambled on, holding her shoulders as she leaned against a rock. Carol just stared at you, like she was seeing a ghost before smiling.
“You’re alive” she spoke softly, placing a soft hand on your cheek. You chuckled, placing your hand on top of hers.
“Better then ever, stargirl” you winked at her as she chuckled. Helping her up, she pulled you in for an embrace to which you returned. You pulled away, looking at her before placing a kiss onto her lips and you breathed out. You both had been waiting for this type of contact since forever. It was almost like everything was alright, even if you both were standing in the middle of a battle.
Carol pulled away, placing her forehead against yours before you both heard Tony on the comms. “Carol, we need you over here with Thanos. Let’s end this” he spoke, out of breath.
Carol looked at you, worriedly but you smiled and pecked her lips again.
“Be safe, babe” you nodded at her, as she nodded, going over to Thanos, with a new found energy, ready to finish this battle once and for all.
After the battle, it felt as if you had just lost a family member. Tony was gone and your heart was broken. Everyone around you at the funeral was silent, reminiscing on all the good memories you all had.
Carol stood next to you at the lake. She placed an arm around your waist as you leaned your head on her shoulder, wiping your tears away.
After the service, you were sitting on the porch, looking out the lake when Carol came and sat next to you.
You looked at her and smiled. “I miss him, Carol” you said, looking down at your glass you were holding.
Carol grabbed ahold of your other hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. “I know you do, baby. We all do”
You turned to face her, grabbing both her hands. “I also missed you. Loads. I complained to everyone about it. Tony would tell me to zip it or he wouldn’t put me on missions” you laughed at the memory. Carol chuckled, looking at you and smiling.
“Well, I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere for a while” she said, which you looked at her and pecked her lips.
“Good. I don’t want to lose you again” you said, leaning your head on her shoulder as she placed a sis onto your head.
“Never in a million years” she spoke as a comfortable silence fell over you two. You both felt at home, finally back in each other’s company.
feedback is appreciated!
omg, I’m in love with this one
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versdan · 4 years
Hey! For a blurb request: Carol and her lady love smooching in front of her gal’s old boyfriend (she had before she knew she was gay) bc Carol is smug that shes with her instead of that jerk 👀
ugH yes I freakin love this x
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Standing at the bar with Carol, you let out a laugh at a stupid joke that she had said. She smiled, completely admiring at how care free you looked and it just made her fall harder for you.
Taking in a breath, still giggling at the joke, you accidentally looked over Carol’s shoulder and locked eyes with your ex. He was already looking at you as he sipped his drink, looking away for a second but then looking back towards you.
“Oh no” you said low, taking a sip from your drink. Carol looked around, trying to see who you were looking at.
“What’s wrong?” She said, looking back at you, trying to figure out why you looked upset all of a sudden.
“Um, my ex. He’s here” you said softly, giving Carol a small smile. You had ended on bad terms in the relationship as he had told you he had fallen out of love with you and basically moved on to his next girl, completely taking you by surprise. You thought couldn’t find love again but then you met Carol and then it just clicked. You hadn’t loved anyone as much as her and that love only grows.
“Oh” she muttered, remembering the story you had told her about what happened between the two of you. Turning fully around, she spotted him, eyes jumping between you and Carol.
“Well, let’s show him what kind of girl he’s missing” Carol said, turning back around and looking at you with a smirk. You looked at her confused, placing your drink down. Before you could ask what she meant, Carol crashed her lips onto yours, taking you by surprise quickly before you placed your hands on either side of her face, smiling into the kiss.
Pulling back, you looked over her shoulder seeing your ex roll his eyes and get up from the bar and walk away. Letting out a chuckle, you looked back at Carol who was looking at you already.
“His loss he lost an amazing girl” she said, placing a kiss on your forehead before wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you close. You smiled into her chest. She’s right, his loss.
feedback is appreciated!
soFt 🥺
send in blurb requests!
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