#gijinka excalibur
derelicthorror · 6 months
okay now one thing that i'm thinking is that 1999 is The pivotal, important year... because it's the year of the infestation outbreak, right? when we got introduced to it i thought "yeah of course, the temporal ground zero for the technocyte plague"
it's at least something that isn't common knowledge, or doesn't have a foothold in the world yet. the biggest thing spoken about over the PAs is Y2K and new year's seems to just go off like new year's, and that kind of implies to me that arthur and aoi are in a place similar to hayden in darkSector - they're in the middle of a mission to stop the outbreak before it spreads, and albrecht is an important part of that.
of course with the added element of eternalism and accompanying themes of time travel, a theory i could throw at the wall to see if it sticks is, like. idk the infestation was brought back to 1999 from the future due to some orokin meddling? darksector isn't close-canon but the remark that the first instance of a warframe-like presence would have happened far enough in the past that it had no conventional bearing on the present day plot... yk, maybe like the turn of the 21st century...
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mastercrownmonday · 3 months
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you and who
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kiwikipedia · 5 months
Are you saying that white woman of the year (Excalibur Gijinka #1) is more powerful than all (checks notes) 300 million* Hindu deities?
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versegm · 10 months
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Love how Avatoria solved the issue of "trying to summon any sort of Excalibur gijinka will end up summoning me" with "well I'm just gonna shove Castoria in the same body." Woe! Plurality be upon ye!
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
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Cuz he did show in the chapter I posted; Excalibur “I just like being a dad” Penndragon and a couple of his kids
In his arms, Vivi and Elaine (two of his youngest)
In the back, Latte (Adoptive daughter, nymph), Excalibur Jr (world serpent like his dad and vivi), and Dante (adoptive son, shade)
Not pictured for his other kids: Cecelia (a seer), Mimi (living doll), Briar (bio-daughter), Nox (possessed armor), Yoko (nymph)
The guy just loves dadding; he sees a child needing a dad? he’s on it. Probs cuz he didn’t have a great dad so he’s trying to best him lol
(and if curious; yes this family did escape Regis’s slaughter!!)
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rainbow-taishi · 5 years
Western Legendary Weapon Dudes
It's 4 years since I last drew this series of bladed weapon dudes inspired by Touken Ranbu but from western legends instead! Here’s some updated designs! I drew some of King Arthur's weapons for the first part: Excalibur, Sword in the Stone (nicknamed 'Caliburn' in this), Carnwennan and Rhongomyniad! 
(Please look forward to future ones! hehe *cough* Song of Roland *cough*)
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*Bonus mini-comic about the Arthurian gang haha*
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Actual size full bodies and psd links for this also on my patreon 
Please check us out there!
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slylatte · 5 years
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pokemon-arts · 6 years
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@lonely-sylveon a fan art for you! I have heard a lot of anon hate that you get, so I decided to cheer you up with this drawing of your Excalibur! Sorry if there are any mistakes on this drawing TwT
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ragnaofazure · 3 years
Characters that were, or never were.
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((Hello! This is a list of characters I have actually played on or off the site (like Discord), wanted to or considered quite strongly but never followed suit to do so or whatever.))
((It will all be under read more; this is a long post! If you are interested? Have fun discovering who was in any corner of my repertoire! The list should not be that extensive! I will reblog it if I added anyone new I could recall and forgot to initially should that happen. These are mostly in some form of chronological order with added notes about what their place is with me and more.))
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Yu Narukami - (Persona 4)  
Additional note: (Have to biasedly put him first at the top and say how he was my true first muse here, lasted literal years. All my experience comes from him and his blog. He reached nearly 1k followers between both regular and not safe blogs, my true labor of love lost to me deciding to deactivate the blog. Some know me from him originally! You all know who you are!))
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Sal (or “Syake”/”Syake-san”) - (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea)
Additional note: (My first attempt at a second character and his blog did kinda work for a while, getting a lot of interactions during the original Funamusea craze back in the day. First time playing a truly well evil character and learned lots. His blog eventually died down and faded, but it was an experience I haven’t forgotten.)
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Nepgear - (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
Additional note: (A standalone blog attempt again, flopped hard due to how the fandom seemed to have it’s problems on the RP side as well as my own personal reservations (met some couple of awesome people there still around me today though!). One of the most ways to trash a character by a series that had a bit of an identity crisis in the writing department as the years went on. Still not over how hard they literally screwed this good girl over. Every single time.)
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Iku Nagae - (Touhou Project)
Additional note: (Part of an incredibly failed multimuse project (that Nepgear was the face of and part of as well for that matter after her blog flopped) and she never got to really experience light of day. I had only the idea of how I wished to portray the character and I still do, but at the same time, I have no idea if it would have earned me the most interactions, admittedly. All due to how passive she is.)
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Varus - (League of Legends)
Additional note: (Me having a thing for characters with tragic stories of loss? Are doomed as if fittingly to pay for their sins and as a cost for the tools to live and revenge? He spoke to me way before Ragna. I knew how I wanted to write him, give him flair given his character, which other Champions I wished for him to interact with soon... I had a much clearer idea. But ultimately, also part of the doomed multimuse blog that never took off.)
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Goomy - (Pokémon)
Additional note: (No gijinka, only small, sticky bby that I debatably would never allow to evolve and, of course, could talk. Best Dragon type line to ever exist don’t even @ me okay. It’s just... cute. The anime really made it stick out and I loved it. I always also have loved essentially weaker characters and creatures a lot, thus... It resonated with me greatly and idea of how I was going to go about him (yes, had decided on male for it). Again, multimuse failed, so he went away with it.)
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Karol Capel - (Tales of Vesperia)
Additional note: (Weak that could be truly strong when overcoming his fears, and that resonated with me given how I consider myself a coward in real life. I also have a thing also for playing characters everyone finds annoying to make them look better when they should not be as disliked too. And once more, multimuse, gone with it, never found a place to remotely discover if I would have also wanted to play him at large either too.)
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Elphelt Valentine - (Guilty Gear)
Additional note: (I don’t need to say anything, most of you knew her enough! Blog flopped hard and I couldn’t find the activity I desired. Why I played her? Just... bubbly sweet girl that didn’t want to act on her capability to be deadly as a Gear and only wished for happiness, I liked all that sugar with that depth I tried to give her. As of recent times, Tumblr locked me out and I could not log back in. I sort of took it as a message as to why I maybe shouldn’t try with secondary blogs to a big degree.)
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The Masochistic Admiral/Commander/Master(?)/Doctor(?) - (Kantai Collection-Azur Lane (Maybe even Fate and Arknights???) )
Additional note: (So this is a nameless original Admiral/Commander character by the artist known as “Yamamoto Arifred” (look up on danbooru tags under Kantai Collection alongside). I absolutely fell in love with this guy. How I wish it was possible to play him further then I did, I revisit the art work every so often and every day I recall why I liked him so, so much. He’s just beyond amusing, wacky, outright insane and nonsensical in many good shapes and forms. But he only wants one thing: All under him to succeed and become the best they can be under his very questionable yet effective command. I could go on and on but this is already long enough. Standalone blog, flopped due to lack of activity.)
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Thief (”Touzoku”) Arthur - (Million Arthur series)
Additional note: (Super unknown series, super unknown plot, I only met all the characters via the available and uncared for fighting game... And her backstory plus design gave me so many ideas I wanted to play around with as a thief wielding a goddamn Excalibur. Of the first characters I said I wanted to play on impulse alone, but who would have cared? Where could she have fit? It was the bigger discouraging thoughts. I have some icons still... But as always, the hesitation from impulse in itself.)
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Hassan of the Serenity - (Fate Prototype/Fragments - Grand Order)
Additional note: (Best Assassin, best girl, only Servant that has brought me to tears in this extensive series, for the love of anything holy let her be happy I swear to God, everything about her cuts me so deep, I can’t deal with it every time I think about it ...I’m calm. But really. She touched me so, so deep. I was normally indifferent for so many years about Fate until I stumbled upon the Prototype duology, and subsequently, the Fragments side. After learning her origins and more, her wishes... I can’t state it enough. I am passionate about this girl. She deserves the world. And I would have loved to give her the best if I got to write her.)
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Peri - (Fire Emblem Fates - Heroes)
Additional note: (What everyone sees as an annoying, questionable character and way more, I see as yet another pick for me with great potential to try and develop to be liked more by many, for she is not completely disposeable. I had ideas and wanted to take her further while still having her not lose the tendencies she has, because that would be breaking and disregarding character, but sadly, Peri never as much as left my constant thoughts then trying to privately sample around for myself, would have loved to, though. Very.)
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Sigurd - (Fate Grand Order)
Additional note: (Amazing design, amazing voice... Literal definition of: “Do it for her”, loves his partner despite their fate... Incredibly underrated man. He is simply the best and I was interested in finding footing to play him, as he deserves to be noticed more for just being... Simply amazing. There is not much more to say than that, he is cool and that is final. Don’t even fight me on these cold, hard facts.)
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anime-grimmy · 4 years
A dream of a Monster Hunter Grail War
(I’ve put this in my Insta story, but thought I’d share it here too, since I can go into a bit more detail too) I lovely call this ‘My mind put Monster Hunter in everything’ I had this wacky crossover dream yesterday and I just wanted to write it down somewhere.
So basically, it’s Monster Hunter in the Fate world. I’ve been watching a ton of Fate lore vids and I’m still way into Monster Hunter, so I’m not surprised my mind would conjure sth like this.
Fate’s ‘Age of Gods’ or whatev it’s called is now the ‘Age of Monsters’, an age where monsters and hunters roamed the earth together. But mana depletion, yada yada, the monsters are now gone and most of humanity lost their magic and their hunter status. Except for the Guild. The Guild is a big group comprised of strong magus families and they’re the ones trying to keep up the Holy Grail wars. Then you got the Commission. Originally, they were a branch of the Guild made of young but strong families to research new types of magic. Now they’re the Guild’s biggest threat because their goal is to put an end to the Grail Wars. 
The Commission’s plan was, while they were still searching for ways to dismantle the Grail in its entirety, that a member of the Commission takes part in the war and try to wish the Grail to destroy itself. The Guild, however, are no idiots and attacked the Commission’s estate with their first summoned servant. Their plan was to stall them for long enough that they couldn’t take part in the war. In this the servants are techincally still in their classes like Assassin, Archer, etc (tho I’m not really familiar with them), but instead of prominent figures of history, the servants are monsters in human flesh. So, basically monster gijinkas. The one who attacked the estate was the Assassin class Nargacuga.
The original plan was for the huntsman to summon a servant, bcs he was considered the strongest magus of the Commission but also cos he’d probably get someone strong bcs of his own history. Bcs of the attack, however, everbody is busy protecting the Commission. Now they were running out of time.
The Field Team Leader is helping the non mages to escape but Narga catches up to them. Out of desperation and frustration, the FTL makes his own summoning circle out of chalk and his own blood. The summoning is a success and he manages to summon an Archer class, though he doesn’t know which monster it is supposed to be. The archer makes quick work of Narga, first limiting his mobility and then finishing him off. The Commission is saved (for now) and instead of the huntsman, it’s now the FTL’s job to fight in the Grail War.(what a surprise that my brain makes him the protag)
The whole twist of this was that the Archer he summoned was in fact the hunter of the game (in this case, my huntress). The reason she was summoned is that she was considered the legend of the Commission, the Sapphire Star, a hunter of the Age of Monsters who hunted for humanity’s protection. Since she was summoned on Commission grounds and also had the FTL’s blood as catalyst, her legend took form. Her strength lies in her knowledge of the monsters, cos she used to hunt them, so she knows all their weaknesses. Bcs of that she also has an easy time figuring out who her opponent is, bcs she recognizes the move patterns n stuff. Being a hunter, however, is her weakness too. Bcs she’s technically just human, she can only take a certain amount of hits before her body gives out. That’s also the reason she’s an Archer, cos like that she can keep her distance.
Since my huntress is a Switch Axe main, she is really good with axes too. Most of the middle part of my dream is really blurry, but one part I remember is a fight against an Elder Dragon servant. (I think it was Velkhana) In this fight, the hunter gets slashed across the eyes and momentarily loses her eye sight, which renders her bow useless. Due to her hightened senses she can block attacks but with just a bow she can hardly do close combat. The FTL is no useless master however. Some time before this fight he figured out his servants identiy and provides her with a new weapon. An axe said to be the Sapphire Stars favourtie weapon. She wips out some Switch Axe moves and starts retaliating. The FTL however doesn’t stop there and tries to render the opponent’s master useless. He takes the hunter’s bow and aims for the hand with the command seals. Before the arrow hits, the enemy servant shields her master, but that gives the hunter an opening to finish them off. In my dream it was a real cool scene with Fate GO kind of sound effects.
The only other thing I remember in detail was the last fight. They fight against the Guild’s head, which is the blond dude from MH4U you help defend Dundorma, the guy who fights against Kushala. His servant is a Saber class Xenojiva. Xeno appears as a child, but since the hunter already know his identiy, she doesn’t dare underestimate him. In my dream Xeno is labeled a Saber class but he honestly mosty fires his beams, but they looked like mini Excalibur attacks, so I guess it counts.
The fight is tough, but the hunter manages to weaken Xeno quiet a bit. That’s when he uses his Noble Phantasm and transforms into Safijiva. The scene was so creepy, ngl. It was all heroic n stuff then suddenly you got this deep ass voice from that kid as he mocks them.
Anyways, the Safi transformation backs the hunter into a corner and she is forced to use her Noble Phantasm too. She had never used it before and the reason is that, bcs of the high mana output, it’s a one time use. The Noble Phantasm is called ‘Fifth Fleet of the Commission’ and basically projects all the hunters’ souls of the Fifth Fleet into the huntress. She gains a cool cape which is the Commission’s banner, so the emblem is right on her back. Due to the NP she masters all of the 14 weapon classes and infuses them with magic to power them up. For example, you have Safi use his super move and the hunter takes up the role of Lance and projects shields all around Safi’s attack. So she has this epic fight where she switches between the weapon’s (she beybladed all over Safi too) but she finishes the fight with her signiture weapon. She takes up the Switch Axe, goes into Sword mode and plunges the blade in Safi’s skull, the blast element making Safi explode from the inside out. As he falls, he lements how this fight ended just like their last.
With the fight won, the hunter returns to normal but she starts fading away from the mana exhaustion. There are tearful goodbyes but she manages to wish away the Grail. With all that over, the Commisison starts rebuilding the Guild from ground up adn upkeep the balance again.
Phew, that was a lot, but I don’t often have dreams this detailed and vivid, so I just really wanted to share.
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derelicthorror · 6 months
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@pikky126 no wait i'm pointing at this for a second bc yeah!!! that's one whole third of the starter trifecta in the flesh but not only that she has SUCH a personality! like look at her GO
i think that volt sort of has this perceived reputation as being helpful and energetic and plucky, and personally i really like how the Soft-Spoken Battle-Forged Protagonist vibes arthur has jive with my impression of excalibur as a person...
and then we get aoi as our mag and she is COMPELLING she is determined and speaks her mind it is such a wonderful personality to apply to mag in a way that i haven't considered before but Will be doing until the end of time and i can't wait to see her properly - digital extremes i am speaking directly into your ear please let us have some mag time time for mag -
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valianse · 4 years
so you know i love piling additional allusions to my muses in order to make them more unique. i wanted to remind people that crocea mors actually has it’s own allusion of excalibur — so, in jaune’s soul eater verse, i don’t even need to gijinka - fy it ? he’s already a character and he’s annoying as shit.
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tgdw · 4 years
LRB looks like a gijinka of Excalibur from Soul Eater
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avalonianrising · 5 years
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"Thenne he drewe his swerd Excalibur, but it was so breyght in his enemyes eyen that it gaf light lyke thirty torchys."
Managed to get the colors pretty spot-on on this one, it’s a miracle.
The gijinka’s more of a representation of pre-capture Arthur, probably right around when he sent his knights off on their mission.
Definitely a more easy-going king--benevolent as can be, sweet, but firm when needed. Not one for crowns, gold, and glory. Incredibly experienced fighter, as I’ve modeled him after the actual Arthur and such.
Sword (for Excalibur, Caliburn, and Clarent--and yes!! There’s a differennnnce!!), dagger (for Carnwennan), and spear (for Rhongomyniad) would be common in his repertoire! And of course, he’s gotta’ be good with the shield (for Pridwen). Can’t leave that out, I just can’t, hhh.
I’m thinking that they’re all in the Paragon’s base somewhere--no doubt that Harkonnen had them all brought along when they picked Arthur up from his sorry state.
I’ll have to make a proper chain-of-events thing for him, soon. I’ve got a looot to unpack about everyone involved.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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Excalibur would like for the werewolf to please remove the drunken prince from his shop before someone finds out he and he’s 4 kids aren’t human
(long time no see gijinka of my serp boi Ex and his two daughters)
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laryna6 · 7 years
Ah, I missed it the first time!
Episode 427: when Rael (or an illusion of him?) is struck, that’s not chaotic/shattered dark energy, that’s (still energy, not biological) bats.
Current list -  Kertia: bat Landegre: unicorn Ru: tiger Agvain: hydra Siriana: Asian dragon Loyard: grim reaper Elenor: witch (or Best Ghroth Gijinka) Kravei: Cetus/Leviathan (which Ignes disregards to summon a snake bc it’s all about her) Noblesse: phoenix
Unconfirmed (unless I’m failing to remember/notice something confirming): Drosia: snake (cobra? Wadjet/Apep/naga) Bluster: cupid (this is basically confirmed I mean come on) Tradio: Tree. Or nymph/dryad, but they’re tree gods. Gradeus: Bull (on the axe). So Taurus/minotaur (grendel/wendigo/oni too possibly...) Mergas: Athena (in addition to the shield, Ludis is shown reading and is the one who knows legal precedent) Lord: European dragon (dragon and phoenix for emperor/empress is a Chinese thing, and Ragnarok is very Excalibur when the dragon is associated with that kind of knightly thing. Also this makes young Raskreia the dragon’s princess, which is amusing given her father)
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