#gimmie a fanfiction romance
fruitjedi · 11 months
You know that feeling when you’ve read so much fanfiction your depressed about your love life? Yeah I’m just like … GIMMMIE A ROMANCE WORTHY OF THE STARS
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Sometimes I wonder if I write romance too sappy. If I make the characters too obsessed, too besotted, too gosh darn nothings gonna stop them now horny for each other
then I remember Gomez and Morticia so… obviously I’m not writing horny enough
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Welcome to my Madness
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You've traveled to a dark place. Turn back now else your mind be lost now.
My Insanity:
I am a mildly functioning adult in my late 20s. I am a Taurus that loves long walks to the fridge. I am aroace (romance positive/sex adverse) poly, lesbian (for a lack of a better term), and non-binary. I use all pronouns, but most people use she/her.
I spend most my days drawing, writing, or playing video games, mainly Elder Scrolls Online. I am currently too deep into the miraculous fandom to see the light of day, so save yourselves.
Patreon || Discord || DeviantArt || Ao3 || Ko-Fi
Requests and Commissions:
Commissions are now available!! See link below!
Commission Sheets and Prices
Changing up how I do requests. General requests are only available for Patreons, but I will have requests open on here. I will accept them so long as they follow these set of rules:
Must be submitted to my ask box. If they are through DMs or Discord, I will not do them as I'll undoubtedly forget.
Miraculous only
I will draw only from my AUs
No kwami swaps
On top of the designs, I do write AU fanfictions that greatly deviate from the show with their own system of how the kwamis work, their powers, their lore, etc. You can find them and the following platforms:
DeviantArt || Ao3
For here, you'll find them here:
Miraculous AU || Salvation || Absolution || Separate Worlds || Paradise || All That Remained || Amaranthine || Court of Miracles || Scions || Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir || Siren's Song
AU Fanfic Status:
Miraculous AU: Indefinite Hiatus
Salvation: Hiatus
Absolution: Hiatus
Separate Worlds: Hiatus
Paradise: Hiatus
All That Remained:
All That Remained: Finished
Reawakening: Finished
Lady and the Scoundrel: Writing
Into the Fire: Finished
Long Road: Hiatus
Amaranthine: Finished
Court of Miracles: Hiatus
Scions: Hiatus
Bloody Bug:
Prelude: Finished
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir: Hiatus
Siren's Song: Writing
As per asks, I have a pieced together explanations of the AU system I use for my miraculous fanfics here:
Avatars || Miraculous Miracles || How the Kwamis Work || Holders Powers || Scions Powers || OC Kwamis and Gimmi Powers || Kwami List || AU Ship Names || Holder Names || Bloody Bug Power Upgrades
Siren's Song Acknowledgements
I want to add this for anyone curious about my goals when it comes to writing. Check it out here
To make some designs easier to find, I'll be including some main posts with all the designs on them.
Kwamis || Miraculous AU Hero || Miraculous AU Civilian || Miraculous AU Gala || Salvation || Absolution || Paradise || Amaranthine || Bloody Bug
I do create a variety of designs and swaps that can be used for free by anyone. No credit is needed, but is appreciated.
Free to Use Designs Post 1
Free to Use Designs Post 2
To everyone with me so far, thank you. I've met some wonderful people in this fandom and look forward to meeting and getting to know more of you.
I am always open for discussions, questions, and more. Never hesitate to reach out. I don't bite unless agitated.
Thank you all and welcome to my realm of madness.
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mimssides · 4 years
Life on Crow Avenue Masterpost
So, because this Au is pretty big by now I have  made a masterpost for it^^ I hope it’s helpful to y’all🤗
Taglist | Podfic
Chatpers (read on AO3):
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 |
First headcanons
Second hedcanons + wedding subplot
Favourite songs of all the boys
The boys favourite holiday traditions
What languages the characters speak
Patton’s Tattoos
Favourite memories of the boys
Favourite flowers of the boys
Infos to the twins shop
My favourite scence to come
The best hugger ranking
Pets of the boys
Song Asks from the Playlist:
Gimmie, gimmie | Sick of Losing Soulmates | What’d I miss
You matter to me
A lovely Night
When he sees me | Fly me to the moon | I do adore | Defying Gravity
Plant Life
Fix you | The Scientist
Hey brother | Home
Michal in the bathroom
Divine Design
For this fanfiction:
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dw-writes · 7 years
Gardenia and rose? ♡
gardenia: what is the setting in which you write best?
Hahaha. Well, it depends on my mood. I have my desk? Which I love, its set up exactly how I’ve always dreamed my desk would look, and its great. But it doesn’t have a seat cushion and I need to make that. The other is my couch under my pirate monkey blankie. I have a couple of those side end tables that the base slides under the couch and it works wonders for when I want to write. Also, darkness. Gimmie that banquet of darkness. Idk what it is about sitting in my dark living room but it works.
rose: which of your works is your favorite? why?
.....frick....um...Hm. I’m really enjoying writing the shitty romance novel for @lpwrites because I’m researching a lot about highland Scotland and Sir William Wallace and just...using all those shitty romance novel tropes like time travel. It’s so much fun. Also, my baby of a fantasy novel. I love it so much.
As for fanfiction pieces?? Werewolf McCree is a blast to write and so is Riot Report. Werewolf McCree makes me really nostalgic for home and I miss the desert so much. Riot Report gives me a chance to write more about superheroes and it’s just fun.
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definitelynotscott · 6 years
There’s this book I really loved as a wee youth, and I kind of want to reread it, but at the same time I really don’t because I’m pretty sure looking back on I’m going to find a lot of... uh... let’s call it insensitivity. And when I read it in the past it was cool! Because it had a lot of things you didn’t usually see! But I just know if I go back it’ll be clunky at best or maybe worse.
Like... here’s a list of things that were cool when seen through the very positive and ignorant lens of my youthful enthusiasm that are probably handled with a lot less sensitivity than my generous memories give them.
One of the main characters was a mute girl. I remember her as being cool and having her brother translate her sign-language and the main character learn it be an interesting part of the plot. 
When the main character frees the shapeshifter from slavery that’s probably a big Great White Savior moment in retrospect, so how many others were there that I don’t remember?
The desert tribesmen that are split into the “tame” faction that lives in the city (same city with the slaves) and the noble but “wild” faction that refuses to bow to the city. I’m pretty sure “tame” was the exact word used at one point.
The noblewoman with an unladylike interest in swordplay and the desert tribesman with an unswordsmanlike interest in music who are later revealed to have had their spirits swapped when they were born. The book definitely doesn’t go into this as their being trans, it’s more that they’re both gender-nonconforming for the cultures they were born in, but looking back on it that might have been what the author wanted to do (but it would have been too much for the current standards).
And from that perspective when the noblewoman receives her genie-like gift/punishment from the trickster goddess and it’s having her body/face changed into a much more beautiful/feminine one... uhhhh.... yeah.
I’d really love is to read some fanfiction of it. A detailed version of the story behind the shapeshifter getting expelled from her people? Awesome. Cold, calculating shapeshifter romancing a sword-wielding noblewoman? I’d read it. Tribesman guy dealing with how absolutely screwed he is by the fact that his former tribe now not only thinks of him as not one of them, but never having been one of them, and his “real” parents are awful slave-owning nobles who wouldn’t acknowledge him even if he wanted them and they believed him? Great. The political repercussions of the book’s events? Gimmie. Someone rewriting the sequel so that it doesn’t include our world or a psychologist written like they wrote psychologist characters back in the 70s and 80s? I have been waiting for that since I read the first page of the sequel.
Alas, nobody writes for almost 30-year-old youth fantasy novels. Somebody suggested the Yuletide gift exchange to me on this, but I can’t reliably produce enough words to participate in something like that. I barely survive @purimgifts every year.
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