#girl when life grabs your wig... you gotta just respond
kayuui · 5 years
oh wow...whew... i haven’t been here for a good minute so many changes... this is sending me but hey! I’m doing good!
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markleesthighs · 3 years
Can you make a part 2 for “Forbidden Moonlight”? I’d like to see some gun fighting, some car chasing, some actual mafia jaemin action with the “I would die and I would kill for you!” kinda spirit? I mean the one who requested it has great theme ideas, it is definitely chef’s kiss and I don’t think it should be left off in just 1 part. We gotta know what the ambassador offered to jaemin.
-i'm on a break, so i finally got a chance to write it! I Sorry requests have been taking long, haven't gotten a chance to write in a while. I hope you all enjoy!
read part 1 here
You missed school for the rest of the day. You didn't even have a chance to explain your situation to Jaemin, feeling guilty. In your limo ride home your dad kept scolding and yelling to you about Jaemin. He went on and on about how stupid you were. To be fair, you had no idea Jaemin was associated with the mafia as well as your dad so you brushed off his comments. When you arrived home you didn't bother to talk to your parents as you stormed up to your room.
"There you are, m/n."
Jaemin rushed to shut your mouth with his hand.
"How did you know where I was?"
"I have a tracker on your phone." "You psycho."
"But you love this psycho."
"What are you doing here?"
"I thought since you've had a pretty shitty day that you'd want to come with me to a drag racing competition."
"Jaemin, you know I'd love to but my parents-"
"God, have you never snuck out before? Just do the thing in the movies where you use pillows to make it seem like you're in bed sleeping."
You piled up your pillows and covered them with a blanket and added a wig to really sell it.
"Let's go."
Jaemin climbed down the lattice below your window that had vines growing on it. You rolled your eyes figuring that's how he got up here. You also saw the busted circuit breaker box, showing how Jaemin got past your tight security. Jaemin jumped over your gate and helped you up and over for your escape. He pulled you onto his motorcycle and you both rode off to the underground drag race arena.
When you arrived it was everything you imagined. Intimidating guys and girls left and right. The security stopped you (clearly since you didn't fit in with your preppy outfit) but Jaemin reassuring the guard saying you were with him. You were expecting Jaemin to be one of the top betters or backers behind a driver but Jaemin started to get changed into a racer uniform. Part of you was worried and Jaemin could tell.
"Don't worry baby, I've done this a dozen times."
You still pouted.
"And yes, I've won every time, and I'll win again for you."
He pecked your lips.
"You better."
He chuckled at your comment as he got into his car. You were standing among his mafia members will visibly worried.
"On your mark racers!"
You heard the loudest rumbling you've heard come out of a car, covering your ears.
"Get set!"
The smell of burnt rubber came towards your nose and the cars became even louder.
The cars sped off with a huge cloud of smoke blowing behind them causing you to cough.
"First time?"
A very tall handsome guy looked down at you that looked like he could tear you to pieces in a second. You nodded in response.
"You must be m/n. Jaemin's talked a lot about you, I'm Johnny one of his members in his...company."
"I know he's in the mafia business, you know?"
"Oh, well at least he told you the truth."
Your conversation was interrupted by the sound of the cars approaching you heard all the screams and cheers as you saw Jaemin's car approaching. But you also saw the other one not too far behind. It was intense watching the cars quickly approach the finish line, your heart was beating rapidly with adrenaline. Jaemin was leading before the other car caught up and they kept going back and forth it was causing you to have anxiety. But at the last second, you saw Jaemin pull ahead and crossed the finish line. You and the other members screamed loud cheering and hooting. Jaemin got out of his car and you ran up and hugged him.
"I was so worried."
"Aw, my baby was scared? What did I tell you I'm a professional."
You saw people exchanging money and people cashing out after betting on Jaemin, you assumed everyone bets on Jaemin. Suddenly gunshots were fired and you heard cop sirens getting closer.
"Fuck, which one of you called the cops?!"
Jaemin grabbed your hand along with the other members following you to the back alley where their motorcycles were. A few gunshots were fired in your direction and Jaemin blocked you from the shots. You saw a bullet hit Jaemin.
"Fuck!" "Jaemin! Are you alright?!"
"I'm fine, m/n, if it came down to it, I would die for you."
"Can you two lovebirds quit it for one second!?" Mark yelled.
You hopped onto Jaemin's motorcycle as he sped up getting ready to leave. Johnny and others were yelling at him to go ahead and that they'll hold the cops off. Jaemin thanked them and you two sped off into the streets and onto the highway back to his house. Luckily, you both arrived safely at the house with Jaemin's guards being attentive. You sat silently in his living room awaiting the other members who were slowly trickling into the mansion. You saw the maids rushing to give Jaemin a first aid kit before he brushed them off saying he could do it himself. Jaemin was struggling to reach the bullet on the back of his shoulder and he was cutely trying to reach to remove it. You giggled telling him you could remove it for him.
"Are you sure m/n?"
"Yeah, I'm studying to become a doctor so don't worry. "
Jaemin stared as you remove the bullet from his shoulder as he hissed you apologized kissing his cheek. He looked at you stare at his shoulder with such care as you delicately dabbed his wound with rubbing alcohol. As he thought about it he never had someone who cared for him this much, most of them wanted him for sex, money, or reputation. You'd always ask him if something hurt and warn him about you stitching up his wound for him. You wrapped his arm up and you looked up at him to make sure he was ok and Jaemin looked at you with pure love in his eyes. He smiled at you and softly kissed your lips.
"God I love you."
You laughed "I love you too, Jaemin."
He kissed you passionately, leading your kissing to become faster and deeper. As Jaemin was about to take off his shirt, one of his members interrupted the two of you.
Jaemin groaned screaming "What the fuck is it now?! Can't you see I'm busy?!"
"It's Mr. y/l/n."
Jaemin immediately froze, got off of you, and basically commanded that you stay where you were. But you weren't about to miss a showdown between Jaemin and your father, so you followed shortly after. You eavesdropped around the corner of the entrance where your dad and his associates stood along with Jaemin and his associates.
"I know you have him. I want my son back. I don't need someone like you to ruin his future."
"Funny, because last time I believe you offered me a lifetime get out of jail free cards, airway travels, and millions of cash whenever I asked."
"You know that wasn't the deal Jaemin, I told you to leave my son alone for those offers, but you don't seem to hold up your end of the bargain."
"What can I say? Despite you being a complete dickhead, your son is quite a lovely darling."
"Well, would your 'lovely darling' like to see this?"
Your father pulled up a video on a laptop his associates were holding, it was Jaemin and his buds in a club, but you can clearly hear what they were saying.
"Jaemin, I heard you 'found the one' you lucky piece of shit," Johnny spoke.
"Yeah, he's been treating him to everything, it's funny how those lovebirds act around each other," Taeyong added.
"There's no way Na Jaemin found someone to 'settle with', boss you're basically a god, you can get whoever the hell you want." Jaehyun drunkenly spoke.
"I can't believe you got lucky with m/n, he's basically the ideal leverage we need to take this gang to the next level," Lucas said.
Your heart stopped, leverage? What the hell was going on? Jaemin was still silent at this point.
Ten then jumped in "There's no fucking way you're actually in love with m/n right? He's not even that good-looking."
"Fuck yeah, the only thing good about him is his daddy" Haechan responded.
"Don't worry guys you know the only reason I'm keeping m/n is so I can milk out m/n's daddy of his money like a cash cow," Jaemin spoke.
You felt the tears starting to pool up in your eyes as they silently fell down your cheek. Is this what Jaemin really thought about you? What the fuck? So all of this was a joke? You were just fucking money to him? You hated yourself for thinking Jaemin actually loved you. Your dad was right, you didn't need a liar and manipulator like him in your life.
After Jaemin's words were played your father's laptop closed.
"What's wrong, Jaemin? Why so silent?"
"You can't do this."
"Who's going to stop me, think about it, it's my word against yours."
"Blackmail is a fucking cheap way to get what you want."
"How else did you think I got to this position? Beating those who get in my way. Now got get my son, get him for me, or else I'll send this to him to watch for eternity."
"...Yes, Mr. y/l/n."
"Oh and for the future Jaemin, do not think about seeing m/n ever again. You know the consequences."
"...Yeah yeah."
You quickly scurried back to the couch and wiped your tears off your face. You pretended to lie down and be asleep. Jaemin shook you to wake you up.
"Hey, baby?"
"Jaemin? What's up?"
"You...you have to go..."
"W-why?" You said trying not to break in front of him. You gazed into his eyes, is this really someone who didn't love you? You can't trust anyone anymore.
"Your dad is a ruthless man, and he has leverage on me, it's something that will change the way you look at me forever. To spare you the pain, I have to let you go now."
"J-Jaemin...fuck you."
You got up immediately but Jaemin grabbed your wrist.
"m/n...just know that I still love you, I sw-"
"You're just a fucking liar, I hope milking my dad's cash cow was worth losing the person who loved you most."
Jaemin realized you heard everything and was stunned. He watched you walk over to your father who embraced you in his arms with fake responses saying how he was so worried and other bullshit like that. Jaemin ran out to the front in hopes of you turning back. He wanted you to turn back, he doesn't want to lose the love of his life. He didn't want your dad's money, he wanted you.
"m/n! Please! I'm so sorry!" Jaemin was crying pleading on his knees.
He looked up at you, the full moon was behind you, beaming through your beautiful hair, reflecting off your soft smooth skin, just like the first night he met you. But this image was different. The moon shined on your tears and the streaks that fell down your cheek. He saw you with endless tears as each drop sparkled like a crystal in the light. You looked down at him and slapped his face.
"Fuck you Na Jaemin, I hope this was worth it."
You hopped into your car with the moonlight shining through your window as you took one last glance at Jaemin. He was broken and defeated. No wish on the moon could save him now.
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gryffindorcls · 4 years
Midnight Resolutions
Summary: After an accidental reveal, Marinette has been avoiding Adrien for months. Alya noticed, and with the help of their friends, she's been working hard to get Adrien and Marinette to admit their very obvious feelings for each other. Unfortunately, all their plans have ended in disaster! Now, it's almost midnight on New Year's Eve, and the class has one last plan.
Length: 2, 638 words This is my present for @toothlessthecatnoir for the ML Secret Santa Exchange by @mlsecretsanta​! You asked for fluff, romance, hurt/comfort, and a happy ending, and I hope this fits the bill! Sorry for posting this at the literal eleventh hour! lol Happy Holidays! I hope you enjoy it! (A shout-out to my super awesome beta @misscongenialityofmlb for taking a look at this!)
— AO3
“You all remember the plan?” Alya stared down the group of people gathered in her living room. “Because if you have any questions, now is the time to ask.”
“Honestly, I don’t think anyone was listening just now.” Alix rolled her eyes and huffed. “We’re exhausted, and we've been at this for weeks. What makes this plan any different?”
Alya knew her friends were tired, but she had to remain resolute. If she wanted her team of helpers to finish what they’d started, she knew that she needed to be the confident and optimistic leader they needed. Besides, this was the night that all their hard work would come to fruition.
It had to be.
She took a deep breath and plastered a smile on her face. “This time we’re keeping it simple. They’ll kiss for sure!”
“But that’s what you said about the winter carnival, the history project, the Secret Santa, and the mistletoe.” The jovial aura that usually surrounded Kim was noticeably missing, sending a pang of guilt through Alya’s chest. “Nothing has worked.”
Alya did her best not to cringe at the memories of their various mishaps. True, her previous plans had been a little intense, but it was worth the sacrifice. Marinette had done so much for all of them in the past, and Adrien deserved some happiness in his life. It was the least they could do for their friends.
“And let’s not forget the time we tried to lock them in that closet.” Alix’s frustration seemed to grow as she spoke. “Marinette sent Kim to the emergency room after that!”
Kim shuddered. “Don’t remind me. If I hadn’t run away, Marinette would have broken my arm for sure. I still can’t figure out how she busted down the door that fast. We were lucky that I walked away with a mild concussion instead of a cast.”
“Look, I know we’ve been at this for months, but trust me! It’s going to work this time.” Alya clenched a fist in front of her. “I just know it will.”
Removing his glasses, Nino pinched the bridge of his nose. “Babe, don’t get me wrong, it hurts to watch those two, but I don’t think we can handle another disaster. Every time we put those two together, Marinette flips.”
“Yes, but it’s not like we haven’t dealt with a jumpy Marinette in the past.” Panic began to settle in her gut as the energy in the room slowly died. “It’s just a little more than what we’re used to.”
“A little?” Nino closed his eyes and sighed. “Ms. Mendeleiev is still pissed about the fire in her lab last month, and we’re lucky that the museum isn’t making us pay for the broken windows.”
“Not to mention Juleka lost her eyebrows...twice,” Rose piped in from the back of the group. “I highly doubt she wants to lose them a third time.”
“They grew back,” Juleka mumbled, “It’s fine. Marinette and Adrien need us.”
“Yes! Thank you, Juleka! We can’t stop now!” She could hear the desperation in her own voice. “They are perfect for each other, and you know it!”
“Yes, and I want my bro to be happy. I really do.” Slumping in his seat, Nino looked defeated. “But at what cost?”
“You know as well as I do that it was even worse before we started doing all of this. Marinette wouldn’t even look at him, and Adrien walked around like a kicked puppy.” Giving up was not an option...not when they were so close.
“Yeah, I remember.” Nino collapsed onto the couch. “Adrien was so tight-lipped about the whole thing, and I thought he was going to burst into tears at any second. But this is getting dangerous, babe. You gotta admit that.”
“If only we knew what happened between them that made them act so weird around each other.” Alix chuckled. “Well...weirder than they usually are.”
“All we have to do is get them to sit on this couch together all night.” Alya couldn’t back down...not now. “No complicated schemes tonight. We just need to put the snacks in the right place so Adrien sits next to them. That boy is always hungry.”
Kim shook his head. “Okay, that’s great and all, but that only takes care of Adrien. How do you plan on getting Marinette to stay in one spot? What makes you think that she won’t leave the couch?”
“All of us are going to pair off and make it too awkward for her to join any group.” She was proud of this plan, but the hesitant looks on the faces around her planted a seed of doubt in her mind. “She’s getting here before Adrien, and I know she’ll retreat to the couch when she sees the rest of us already engaged in our own conversations.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m with Kim. That is the weakest plan I’ve ever heard.” Alix plopped onto the couch next to Nino, grabbed a pillow, shoved it against her face, and screamed. “This nightmare is never going to end!”
“No, it’s the perfect plan. Marinette is the kind of girl who is too polite to ram her way into a conversation between two people. My girl has class, and she hates being a third wheel.” Ignoring the uncertainty, Alya stood her ground. “Trust me.
“Well, I still think it’s a longshot, but it doesn’t involve fire or glass this time, so I guess I’m in.” Alix pointed her index finger toward Alya. “But this is the last time. After tonight we have to let them figure it out on their own.”
“Fine.” Once again feeling her confidence grow, Alya smiled. “But it’s going to work this time.”
“Whatever you say!” Alix said with a flippant wave of her hand.
It was going to work.
It had to.
What could possibly go wrong?
With an outstretched hand, Adrien watched a punch-covered Marinette spring from the couch, run into Alya’s bedroom, and slam the door behind her. Where had he gone wrong?
It had been exactly three months, seventeen days, two hours, and twenty-eight minutes since Marinette, the love of his life, had accidentally revealed her identity to Chat Noir.
Her words from that day replayed in his head like a broken record. “I fell in love with a boy who apologized by giving me an umbrella after I thought he put gum on my seat.”
When everything clicked into place, he couldn’t not tell her who he was. At least that’s what he had thought at the time.
Perhaps pulling her into an embrace, whispering her name into her ear, and detransforming was not the best way to handle the situation, but how was he supposed to know that she would react so negatively? Not only was he her loyal partner, but he was also her crush. It seemed like a win-win! Right?
If he had known that she was going to avoid him for months on end, he would have done things differently. But the past was in the past, and he could only hope for a better future. Marinette was his lady, his light, his love. How was he supposed to declare his love if she kept running away?
“Follow her,” Alya whispered into his ear, pulling him away from his thoughts.
“What’s the point?” Adrien wanted to cry. “She told me that she loves me, but I’m not so sure that she does anymore.”
“Wait!” Holding up a hand, Alya had silenced the room with one word. “You’re kidding! That’s what happened? That’s why my girls been wigging out for months?”
Careful to avoid talking about the other reveal from that night, Adrien continued. “Yeah. It was a few months ago. I don’t think she meant to tell me.”
“Did you reject her or something?”
“No, not at all! I was overjoyed when I found out, but she ran away before I could respond.”
“That explains so much.”
He buried his face in his hands. “Maybe I’m scaring her off or something? I don’t know. Can you help me?”
Taking a seat next to him, Alya put a hand on his shoulder. “Would you like me to talk to her first? I can try to calm her down enough for you to talk to her.”
Hope fluttered in his chest. “That would be great. Thank you so much!”
He had the best friends.
“Wait here, Sunshine.” She hopped off of the couch and disappeared into her bedroom.
It felt like hours before Alya finally returned with the go-ahead for him to enter the room. He hopped off the couch, approached the door, and gave a tentative knock. His heart did backflips when he heard the soft “come in” from the other side of the door.
He turned the knob, slowly peeked his head in, and scanned the room. His elation was quickly replaced by concern when his eyes landed on a teary and disheveled Marinette sitting on the edge of the bed.
Despite the towel wrapped around her shoulders, she was still soaking wet with red punch. She looked miserable, and Adrien wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and tell her that everything would be alright. But he was just here to talk.
Only talking.
For now.
“Hey,” he called out, closing the door behind him.
She sniffled and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. “Hi.”
He was pleasantly surprised when Marinette didn’t react as he crossed the room and took a seat next to her on the bed. So far so good.
Without thinking, his words tumbled out. “Marinette, we really need to talk.”
Her head shot up, and she turned to look at him. Her bottom lip trembled, and fresh tears streamed down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” she croaked out, “I messed everything up!”
“What?” Adrien couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “How?”
“Not only did I fail as Ladybug and reveal my identity, but I made everything awkward between us!”
“But you didn’t make anything awkward! I did!”
“No, it's my fault! Not yours. I’ve turned you down for two years because I was in love with you as a civilian. I ruined everything!”
“Oh, Marinette, no. Finding out about your crush was the greatest thing that ever happened to me...well, right after learning that my lady and the coolest girl I know are the same person.”
The corners of her mouth twitched into a smile. “Really?”
“Yeah, really.” He nodded. “I love you, Marinette.”
“You do?”
“I love you so much, and I’ve been trying to tell you for months. I didn’t think I could love a person more than I loved Ladybug, and then she turned out to be you, and I’ve never been so happy to have been proven wrong.”
“And all this time, I thought you were going to get mad at me.”
“Mad at you? No! Not at all!” He couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m overjoyed, but you kept running away from me, and you split up our patrol routes. I thought you were mad at me for telling you that I figured out your identity.”
“You thought I was mad at you?” She sobbed into her hands. “This really is a disaster.”
Screw it.
He was in love with her.
He couldn’t let her sit there and cry.
In one swift motion, Adrien leaned over, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her into an embrace. She momentarily stiffened before collapsing against his chest and continuing to cry.
Hoping to calm her down before any purple butterflies paid them a visit, Adrien rubbed her back with his palm. “I’m not mad. I promise. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.” Her voice was small and thick with tears, but they were the sweetest words he’d ever heard.
They sat in silence, allowing him to revel in the embrace. When Marinette eventually calmed down, she snuggled into his chest. It was a good thing that he wasn’t standing because if he had been, he would have definitely fallen over. She was so close and so beautiful. He could hardly contain his joy.
It was a beautiful moment that he wished could last forever...until she shivered.
Oh, right. She was covered in punch.
Here he was, enjoying the moment, letting his (hopefully) soon-to-be girlfriend freeze in wet clothes.
Refusing to let go, he rested his forehead against hers. “Hey, what do you say we get out of here?”
She shook her head. “But...it’s almost midnight, and I think Alya is expecting us to rejoin the party.”
“I think she’ll let it slide.” He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “After all, we wouldn’t want one of Paris’ heroes to get sick, right?”
Marinette giggled. “Yeah, okay.”
She was too cute.
The sound of her laughter was more beautiful than a symphony, and he would do anything to hear it again. He pulled her to her feet and laced his fingers between hers. They managed to leave the party without any qualms from their friends, and soon they found themselves standing on the sidewalk in the cold winter air.
When her teeth started chattering, his grip tightened around her hand before he quickly dragged her into an alley.
“Adrien!” she squeaked, “What are you doing?”
“Plagg, CLAWS OUT!” His transformation illuminated the space around them. “My lady, would you allow me the honor of escorting you home?”
She giggled again. “What’s gotten into you, you silly cat?”
He almost melted on the spot. She was going to kill him. Adrien was but a mere mortal. How was he supposed to survive if she kept being so freaking adorable?
“I’m taking you home the express route.” He held out his hand. “If you’ll let me, that is.”
She nodded and took a step toward him. Adrien swept her into his arms, knees nearly giving out when she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.
All too soon, they touched down on her balcony; however, even after he lowered her feet to the ground, she didn’t let go.
Goodness, he was so in love.
“We should really get you inside,” he whispered, resting his hands on her waist. “You should put on some dry clothes.”
“Not yet.” She bit her lip as she looked up and met his gaze. “It was soaking wet when I fell in love with you, so it’s only fitting that I’m covered with punch when I do this.
He swallowed. “D-do what?”
Her hands cupped his face as she drew closer. “This.”
The world came to a screeching halt as her lips met his. Her fingers moved to the back of his head, deepening the kiss. It was everything he’d ever dreamed of and more. Her breath became his lifeline, his soul dreading the moment they had to part.
They smiled under the kiss, causing their teeth to clack and their noses to bump, but it was perfect nonetheless. This was his lady, the girl under the mask he swore he’d love no matter what.
When they pulled apart, they fell into a laughing heap on the ground. Cheers erupted around them as fireworks lit up the sky. It was as if the universe itself was celebrating with them.
“I guess that’s one way to ring in the New Year.” She turned her head towards the sky. “This year, we should definitely kiss like that every day.”
“I think that’s one resolution I can definitely keep.” He kissed her forehead. “And maybe we could even kiss more than once a day?”
“I’d like that.” She grabbed his bell and pulled him down to her level. “Let’s start now.”
Adrien was more than happy to oblige.
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 years
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Five
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warning: Sight panic attack, mentions of anxiety and panic attacks
Taglist: dragonballluver , disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho (Let me know if you want to be tagged in this!)
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It was around 2 AM when Demetria found herself once again outside on the balcony. She leaned over the railing, looking out at the view before. The sounds of sirens filled her ears as she eyed the bright lights of the city.
Bruce had managed to calm her down about what happened at the orphanage. Demetria apologized profusely to Sister Mary, who told her she’d done nothing wrong and in fact, appreciated what she’d done and was rather impressed.
Demetria sighed as she leaned up, her hands over the railing. It wasn’t until she heard tires squeal followed by a crash of metal that she looked down. While she was far up, she still had a decent view of the street.
She leaned forward to see a car smashed into a pole. A male figure wearing what appeared to be a purple trench coat exited the car, looking around, before throwing a lit match into the car, setting the car on fire.
Before Demetria could react, she felt herself be pulled back. She went to scream when a hand covered her mouth from behind. She began kicking, squirming, and attempting to scream despite it sounding muffled.
She then felt herself be turned around, coming face-to-face with Batman. She stopped screaming as he took his hand off her mouth.
“The fuck is wrong with you?!” she cried.
“I told you to stay inside,” he growled.
She rolled her eyes. “Jesus Christ. I’m not in any danger, ok?”
“How do you know that?”
“Well I haven’t received any death threats yet.”
“Doesn’t mean you aren’t in any danger.”
She blinked. “And what kind of danger am I in then.”
“You’re a public figure with ties to other public figures.”
“I’m not really a public figure.”
“You’re engaged to a billionaire and your best friend is the DA.”
She chuckled and threw her hands up. “You got me there.”
“Does he keep you safe?”
She tilted her head. “Who?”
“Your fiancé.”
She opened her mouth to respond, when her lips curved into a grin.
“You know it’s actually pretty scary to have a bunch of people taking photos of you all at once, following your every move. Makes you feel like an animal in a zoo enclosure or something. Everytime they get too close or scream questions at me, my throat closes up and my heart is racing and there’s this sharp pain and it’s unbearable. It’s like I’m drowning. But when he-Bruce-holds my hand...well, it’s not a total fixer, but it really helps.” Her face softens. “I don’t think he knows that.”
“That you have panic attacks?”
“No, he knows that. He just hasn’t seen them. He knows when I get anxious, but not when I have a panic attack.”
She turned around when she noticed off in the distance, a light with a bat symbol cast on a grey cloud.
“So that’s how they get your attention,” she remarked, her eyes still on the bat symbol. “You see that signal and you go out?”
“Where’s the signal coming from?”
“A rooftop.”
She scoffed, looking over her shoulder at him. “You could be a little more specific.”
“It’s not important where it’s coming from.”
“Does Batman not work alone?” 
“You ask a lot of questions.” 
She shrugged. “Just curious.” She glanced over at the bat symbol before tucking a strand of hair behind her hair. “You know...there are some people who are grateful for what you're doing, right?”
“Like you?” 
She nodded, a wide smile swept across her lips. “Like me.” 
“Good to know.”
With that, he jumped off the building, Demetria watching him as he made his way down.
“You’re welcome!” she called down to him.
The next morning, the sound of her cellphone ringing awoke her from her sleep. She groaned, wondering who the hell would dare interrupt her slumber. She felt a heavy presence over her, looking over to find Bruce’s head curled up right behind her and his arm swung over her body. He was still fast asleep, thankfully.
She gently moved his arm and grabbed her phone, answering it without bothering to look at the caller ID. 
“Hey girl, it’s Alicia.” 
Alicia was a reporter at GCN and one of the very few friends Demetria had there. She had been the one to overhear about the photographer who was outside ready to photograph Demetria leaving and helped her escape the building without being seen. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Demetria yawned. 
“I’m sorry to wake you, but I wanted to give you a heads up that ‘Gotham Times’ is working on a piece about you.” 
She shot up. “What do you mean?”
“They’re doing a whole article on you, about your life, you know, the works.” 
Demetria’s heart sunk to her stomach, eyes bugling open. This had to be a nightmare, had to be. Her body tightened, hoping maybe she’d wake up but was unsuccessful. 
“Oh my fucking god,” she whispered. 
“What’s going on?” Bruce asked, his voice groggy and barely awake. 
Demetria put her hand on his arm, mouthing “one second.”
“They have a reporter in the newsroom trying to get a few people to talk. So far only Walter and James have talked to them. They tried to get me and Molly to talk, I guess because someone had told them we were friends, but both of us said ‘no comment’.” 
A tiny wave of relief crashed over her. “You’re both saints. I owe you both a big one.” 
“Don’t worry about it. Just call your brother and mom and give them a heads up.” 
“Will do. Thanks again.” 
She hung up and buried her hands in her face. “Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Babe, what’s going on?” Bruce asked putting his hand on her shoulder. 
“That was a friend from GCN. She says ‘Gotham Times’ is doing a piece on me and is asking people there about me.” She shook her head. “I’ve gotta warn Mom and Henry.” 
Bruce watched as Demetria got up from the bed and made another call. Guilt weighed over him as he watched her talk into the phone. He never meant to drag her into this limelight. He’d tried desperately to keep her private, to keep them private. He was fine with being in the spotlight and he’d been ok with being photographed with women in because, frankly, they lasted barely a week. 
With Demetria, she could be hunted and gunned down just like his parents. He refused to let that happen. 
“I left messages for both of them,” she said hanging up her phone. 
She set her phone back on the nightstand and let out an exasperated groan as she crawled back into bed. She scooted in closer to Bruce as he collected her into his arms. His warmth was enough to keep her at bay, but she couldn’t deny the pain in chest and the millions of thoughts running amok in her mind.
“Why can’t they leave me alone?” she exhaled.
“I know, sweetheart,” Bruce mumbled, his lips pressed against her temple.
“I just want to write a press release that simply says ‘Fuck off’.” 
“I endorse that.”
“But if I do that then they’ll run with it and suddenly it’s ‘Oh Mrs. Wayne has mouth on her!’” 
“A pretty mouth that I get to do this to.” His lips pressed against hers, cradling her face with his hands. When she pulled back, she rested her forehead on his. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“I ask myself the same thing.” His fingers ran through her hair. “How can I make this easier for you?” 
Her heart warmed at his words. She knew he had a lot of power and that one simple request from her could make this all go away...at least temporarily. The press would hound her even more if Bruce were to step in and help, claiming she relies on him to do everything for her.
She let out deep sigh, resting her forehead against his. “Just...just be you. Just love me. That’s all you can do.” 
His eyebrows furrowed. “Are you sure that’s it? You know I am more than willing-.” 
“That’s all. Just be here.” 
She pecked his lips and removed the duvet cover from her body. “I have to meet Rachel for lunch but I’m going to Harvey’s office beforehand.”
She felt him grab her hand. Her eyes turned to find him smirking at her. “Hmmm, why don’t you stay here in bed with me?”
“Don’t tempt me, Wayne.”
Demetria had heard about the wig shop from Molly, who bought a wig for her mom after her mom had to shave her hair due to chemotherapy treatments a few months ago. 
The store had head mannequins surrounding the entire area with different color wigs in different styles. Her eyes scanned the store as she lifted the sunglasses from her eyes, placing them on top of her head. The wig had to be realistic looking, but one that wouldn’t draw attention.  
She was looking at a honey blonde bob with thick bangs when a voice broke the silence.
“Can I help you find anything?”
Demetria jumped, looking over to see a blonde saleswoman smiling at her.
“I’m just looking,” Demetria answered.
Demetria and the saleswoman stared at each other, a silent understanding between them. The saleswoman nodded and held up a finger. “One moment.”
She went toward the back of the store, Demetria watching her every move. The saleswoman reached on one of the shelves and grabbed an auburn colored long bob with bangs. She then brought it over, presenting it to Demetria.
“The auburn would suit you well,” she said before turning away. “It compliments you without drawing attention.”
She handed it to Demetria and then reached over the counter to grab a wig cap. “May I?” 
Demetria nodded, using the hair tie on her wrist to pull her hair back into a low bun. The saleswoman adjusted the cap on Demetria’s head before gently placing the wig on top. After a few minor adjustments, the saleswoman handed Demetria a wig to take a look. 
“What do you think?” the saleswoman asked, crossing her arms against her chest, leaning back onto the counter. 
Demetria marveled quietly. The saleswoman was right - it suited her enough without drawing attention. 
“I’ll take it.” 
Demetria wore the wig walking out of the store and for the first time in a really long time, she felt like everyone else. A weight lifted off her shoulders as she walked on the crowd Gotham streets with a big smile on her face. 
As she made her way inside Harvey’s office, she realized she’d need ID to get through security to get to the elevators.Even though they all knew her, and she was given clearance to come and go as she pleased thanks to Harvey, she still needed to show ID as a formality. She cursed under breath when she remembered the bathroom that was nearby. She reached into her purse and put her sunglasses over her eyes. 
She walked in, making eye contact with Hank, the old security guard. 
“Do you mind if I use the bathroom?” she asked, making her voice higher than normal. “I really have to go.” 
He gave her a kind smile and gestured toward the bathroom. She hurried inside and went into a stall. Closing the door, she threw off the wig and cap, throwing them inside her purse. She grabbed the tie, sliding it off her hair and onto her wrist. She shook her hair, smoothing it out with her fingers. Taking off her trench coat, she threw her purse over her shoulder and trench coat over her arms and made her way out of the bathroom. 
She approached Hank smiling. 
“Hi Hank, how are you?” she greeted him. 
His face lit up. “Demetria! Good to see you! I didn’t see you walk in earlier, but you know, people come and go in here so fast so it’s hard to tell, especially with my old brain. Doesn’t work as well as it used to.”
“Oh, you’re fine! I followed a crowd and quickly had to use the bathroom.”
“I assume you’re here to see Harvey?” 
“You’ve guessed correctly. Let me grab my-.” 
“Not necessary. You go right ahead now.” 
She pouted. “Are you sure?” 
He waved his hand. “You're fine. You go along now. Oh, and congratulations on the...you know.” 
She smiled. “Thanks, Hank. You take care now!” 
“You do the same!” 
She made her way into the elevators, pressing the top floor. The doors closed and she sighed, waiting for them to open again. 
When they did, she was surprised to see there was barely anyone around. Normally, people would be walking around everywhere. 
She went up to Harvey’s assistant, Grace. Grace’s eyes smiled. 
“Demetria, great to see you!” she greeted. 
“Good to see you as well! How is everything?”
“Oh you know, the usual! How are you? How’s...you know?” 
Demetria leaned down to show Grace the engagement ring. Grace took her hand gingerly, letting out a gasp as she admired it. 
“Look at that,” she marveled. “It’s gorgeous! Oh, congratulations hun!” 
“Thank you so much! It’s just so-.” 
“I thought I heard your voice out here.” 
She looked up to find Harvey poking his head out the door. Demetria smiled, thanking Grace one last time before walking into Harvey’s office. 
“So...what brings you into my office?” Harvey asked, taking a seat at his desk. 
She eyed the photo frame on his bookshelf of the two of them at their college graduation. She rembered the day clearly - the two of them grabbing breakfast at the local diner before going to the auditorium. Their mother snapped the photo, having bought both of them flowers.
She walked over to the bookshelf and picked it up. 
“Aww, look at us,” she pouted. “We were babies.”
“Hungover babies,” he corrected.
“It was-.”
“Your idea,” he reminded her. “I told you to stop after the sixth vodka shot.”
“We still made it on time to the ceremony.” 
“No thanks to me. Now are you going to tell me why you’re here?”
She set the photo frame back and sat on the edge of his desk. 
“I went to the orphanage yesterday-.” 
“So I saw.” 
She tilted her head when Harvey pulled out the newspaper that had a photo of Bruce holding her back as she yelled at the camera. The headline read “Future Mrs. Wayne LASHES Out!” 
Her stomach dropped, mouth wide open. “That son of a bitch,” she seethed. She threw down the paper and began pacing the office. Her blood boiled as anger succumbed her body. 
“It’s not that bad,” Harvey reasoned. “The orphanage actually released a statement defending you. It’s in the article.”
“I had a great time at the orphanage,” Demetria spoke up. “I got a tour, I got to meet the kids - the kids! Harvey, the kids are awesome. They’re kind and cool and I even got to play basketball with them!” 
Harvey stared at her, unsure of where she was going. 
“I was doing great until that-that fucking asshole started taking photos!” 
“That’s what they do, Demetria. That’s their job.” 
“Alicia called me this morning to tell me ‘Gotham Times’ is doing a piece on me. They called people I worked with.” 
“Did they call your mother and brother yet?” 
“I don’t know. I left them a message but they haven’t called me back.” 
“Well for the record, they did call me.”
Her face froze. “What did you say?” 
“I said I wouldn’t comment on our friendship without your permission.” 
She threw her hands up. “Why can’t they leave me alone?!” 
“Because you’re-.” 
“Because I’m getting married to someone?” 
“You’re marrying Bruce Wayne, one of the richest men in-.” 
“Why does that matter?! Why should that deprive me of living my life in peace?” She reached into her purse and pulled out the wig, showing it to Harvey. “I have to wear a wig just so I can walk around and feel like a normal human being again.” 
Harvey let out a chuckle. “Demetria, you’re not serious.” 
“I want to be able to go wherever I want.”
“What about credit cards? Debit cards? Id?”
“I don’t buy alcohol and pay with cash.”
“What about the pharmacy?”
She snapped her fingers. “Fuck! I didn’t think of that.” 
“Here’s a question for you, why are you so up in arms about all this when you of all people know there’s nothing you can do to stop it?” 
“Because I don’t want people or Bruce to see who I really am!” 
Harvey’s face softened. 
“If the reporters dig any further, they’re gonna find out about the mistakes I’ve made and about....it.” 
“My anxiety and panic attacks. I’ve had them in public places before, remember?”
“Why does that matter?” 
She threw her hands up. “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Harvey? Why does that matter? It matters because if people find out that I’m a thirty-something woman who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, they’re going to eat me alive. They’re going to see that I’m worth nothing. They’re going to say ‘she’s crazy’ and that I’m joke and I’m scared Bruce is going to see it too and he’s going to--.” 
Her throat started closing, chest tightening. 
“I am a difficult person,” she continued, her breath hitching. “You know that better than anyone else. I have always been difficult with...with the depression...anxiety...with everything. And because of that, I have managed to screw up my life multiple times and ruin so many relationships.I’ve tried to change it. I’ve worked on it with God knows how many therapists and I can’t change it. So when the one guy - who is so far out of my league - who loves me as much as I love him and who goes to hell and back just to be with me, I don’t want...I can’t mess this up...”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Harvey hushed her as he hugged her. “You’re not gonna mess this up. He loves you for all that you are and-.” 
“He’s never seen me have one.” 
Harvey pulled back. “What do you mean?” 
“Bruce has never seen me have a panic attack. He’s only heard me.” She sighed. “The one night he stayed over my place, I was woken up by gunshots from outside. I started getting...you know...and I ran into bathroom. I took medicine and practiced my breathing and I was shaking and crying...and I heard him knock on the door and I told him to stay out there. I didn’t want him to see it. He tried to reason with me, but I told him I couldn’t.” 
She ran a hand through her hair. “I don't know what I’m getting myself into and it scares the shit out of me.” 
Harvey placed a reassuring hand on her back. “I know it does, Dem. But I’m telling you, as someone who has to deal with this everyday, at a certain point  you’ve got to learn that you’re a public figure now and that you’re up for grabs by the media. Some days they’ll be nice and other days they’ll rip you into pieces. You are a human being, you’re not perfect and no one is expecting you to be. Not even Bruce.” 
Demetria nodded, acknowledging Harvey’s point. She was human and Bruce never asked her to be anything other than herself. Still, she wasn’t completely relaxed about the issue with the press, but it seemed best to drop it. 
“Hey there!” 
Demetria turned to see Rachel enter the office with a big smile. Both Demetria and Harvey smiled, both relieved to see her. 
“Sorry, was I interrupting something?” she asked. 
“No, I was just telling Demetria that she’s human and that the press are nothing to be concerned about,” Harvey responded. 
Rachel nodded knowingly. “They called me too. Then again, they call me anytime they do a piece on Bruce or the Wayne family in general.” 
“Well here’s hoping they don't find out about the drunk karaoke Harvey and I did in college,” Demetria remarked, smirking at Harvey. 
“Drunk karaoke?” Rachel inquired, interested. 
“You guys should probably get going,” Harvey brushed it off. 
“No I want to hear more about drunk karaoke!” Rachel pleaded.
“We’ll talk about in the taxi ride to the store,” Demetria assured. 
“No you won’t,” Harvey called out. 
“It was ‘Black Balloon’ by Goo Goo Dolls,” Demetria told her. 
Rachel’s eyes widened in delight. “Goo Goo Dolls?!” 
“Leave now, please,” Harvey demanded, annoyed. 
Inside the luxury department store, Demetria stayed close to Rachel as the two eyed the gowns. 
“Exactly what the hell am I supposed to wear?” Demetria asked, her eyes scanning the dresses. 
“Considering Bruce is throwing it, you’re going to want to wear a gown,” Rachel remarked. “But I’m sure you could show up in sweatpants and a shirt and he would still show you off proudly.” 
Demetria eyed her. “If you’re serious, I might consider it.” She shook her head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited about dressing up but...I don’t know. I feel like there’s an expectation for me or some quota I have to fill for these people to take me seriously and I hate that.” 
Rachel laughed. “I wouldn’t worry about that. Bruce hates the people he’s inviting.” 
“Which doesn’t make sense to me! I mean, why waste your time pretending?” 
Rachel pulled her lips back. “Listen, I didn’t mean to...but I kind of eavesdropped on yours and Harvey’s conversation and...” She turned to Demetria. “I’ve known Bruce my entire life. I’ve seen him with every kind of woman and have had the unfortunate pleasure of having to meet them. But I see the way he is with you. I know it’s cliché to say, but it’s true. You bring out the Bruce I’ve always known and loved. I know how happy you make him and how much you mean to him.” She paused. “Don’t worry about the media or everyone trying to pick it apart. Take control of the narrative. Show and tell them what you want. Just don’t let it eat you alive.” 
Demetria smiled, her heart swelling. She wrapped her arms around Rachel, much to Rachel’s surprise. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. “I needed to hear that.” 
And in her mind, an idea began to unravel. 
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hateswifi · 5 years
Rising from the Ashes: Of Dates and Disguises
So this is Part Seven here is to my Master List and Part Six.
He texts back his Angel asking to go out this Friday night. She responded positively. He told her that he would pick her up from work. She told him not to overdo it or she wouldn’t talk to him again for a month. He promised he would try and keep it lowkey. Damian fell asleep with a smile on his face and a place in mind.
She wore a red a three-quarter sleeve dress the flows out between her elbow and wrist, the skirt is flowy and ends above the knee. She wore cute ankle boots and black tights. She grabbed her black mini purse. It was still cold, so she grabbed her navy blue winter coat has fluffy faux fur on the hood. The next day of Marinette’s work went well. 
She excitedly waits outside of Lucky Spot for Damian. She hears her phone ring, she picks it up. "Hi, Angel. I'm running a bit late. I got caught up in a bunch of traffic. I thought I would be out in time, but I'll be around ten minutes late. Can I pick you up at your apartment?" Damian asks speaking louder than need be.
"Damian, that sounds super loud are you ok? Are you safe?" Marinette asked, walking towards her apartment.
"Yes it's just traffic," Damian says. "Umm, I gotta go.."
"Oh ok," She said while hanging up. She finished walking home, texted Damian her address, and turned on the news. Robin and Red Hood were fighting Mr. Freeze. Well, they finished fighting they had Mr. Freeze in cuffs and was in the GPD's custody. Robin ran off out of view, the reporter talked about the fight when she heard a knock on her door. She got up quickly while turning off the t.v. and answered the door.
"Hey Damian," She smiles as she sees the boy, normally perfect black hair was quite messy, but handsomely messy, his green eyes sparkling in her dim lights. "Welcome to my humble abode. Would you like to take a look around?" 
"That would be lovely," Damian said, closing the door behind him.
"Just let me remind you that I've only been living here for a couple of days and not everything is decorated or how I would like it to be," Marinette explained, quickly. "This is my kitchen and living room it's an open floor plan." If you follow me this way I have what will be my sewing room once I sell this twin bed. This is my bedroom, it's a mess right now so I'm just going to close this real quick. Then the bathroom is right here."
"This is quite a nice apartment for only being here for a couple of days," Damian compliments. "It doesn't look like you have much stuff though. Did you not take any of your stuff with you? Did your family not give you any housewarming gifts?"
"I recently lost my parents, that's part of the reason I left," Marinette said her face falling a bit. "They died when our house burned down, so I started from scratch. The things I own now were either left by the last tenant left, hand-me-downs from Chloe, or things I recently bought."
"Well I'm sorry for your loss, but I know you're strong. I'll be here if you need my support, Angel, as your friend or something more," Damian said, Marinette ran over and hugged him.
"Thank you, Damian. That means so much to me," Marinette said into his chest.
"You ready for dinner, Angel?" Damian asked, rubbing her back.
"Yes, just as long as it's nothing over the top as I said last night," Marinette said, looking up at the handsome boy breaking away from the hug.
"Yes, come on," Damian said as she locked the door. They walked downstairs, Damian then opens the door to his car for her. 
"So where are we going?" She says, buckling her seat belt.
"It's going to be a surprise," Damian smirked, looking forward at the road, safety first.
"Can't wait," Marinette said, looking at the window, watching the city go by. "The city is so beautiful. Oh! I forgot to ask, did you get caught up in the Mr. Freeze traffic. I saw it on the news, man it must have crazy growing up in this city."
"You saw that?" Damian asked, looking over at the beautiful girl.
"Yes, it was the traffic light boy," Marinette smirked. "and Red Hood. They took him down quite fast, but Robin left quickly after Mr. Freeze was in cuffs."
"Traffic Light Boy?" He asks, remembering what Ladybug had said the night before. He smiles, knowing that the girl he wants as his girlfriend, is even more amazing than he thought. 
Marinette blushes as she explains. "I didn't know Robin's name when I moved here, but my first impression was a traffic light. The designer in me died just a bit but since it's a right of passage, and it's quite honorable."
"We're here," Damian said, getting out of the car then he opens the door for Marinette. "Welcome to the first restaurant my father took me to when he first got custody of me from my mother."
"This looks so homey, what food do they serve," Marinette asked, taking a seat on a stool at the counter.
"Burgers, french fries, hotdogs, milkshakes, and pizza. I hated American food growing up because my mother had me on a strict diet," Damian said. "It's still not my favorite, but I want you to have the full American experience. Do you want to get a little of everything and just split it?"
"Sounds good," Marinette giggles. "So you've heard about me. What can you tell me about you?"
"I grew up with my mother Talia and my grandfather. They were big on self-defense, I spent a lot of time on learning martial arts; I have achieved many black belts. I don't want to talk about myself, I want to hear more about you," Damian said. The waitress came over and took their order.
"I started designing at a young age because I didn't want to be in my parents' bakery shadow. They were the best in Paris, but I didn't want to disappoint them if I wasn't as good as them. As a thirteen-year-old in collège, I started designing for Jagged Stone. I also was found by Gabriel Agreste after winning a competition. He then let me release my line," Marinette told him. The food had arrived and as Damian said they split everything. "So what do you want to do after you're done with school?"
"As the only true blood heir to Wayne Enterprises my brother decided that I would inherit the company, but they would always help me," Damian said, taking a bite of burger. "How do you like American food?"
"It's pretty good, but it seems super unhealthy. I think I'll stick to homemade Parisian food for a while. Next time I'll make the food," Marinette said, pulling out her wallet from her purse to pay.
"Ok you know that I am a son of one of the richest men in the world, but you insist on pay, why?" Damian asks, taking her wallet before she could pull out money.
"Because, my prince, you were first Damian, Titus' owner. The boy I first met was adorably nervous, complimented me, and insisted on paying for breakfast as a sorry for being tackled by his dog," Marinette said. "I'll pay the tip. It's a tip or all meal."
"Fine," Damian said, giving her back her wallet. He paid the part he said he would. They left and he held the restaurant door open then also opened his car door for her. Damian walked Marinette up to her apartment.
"Thank you, Damian, for walking me up to my apartment," Marinette said unlocking her door then turns toward him.
"Thank you for coming with me. You make me happy, Angel,"  Damian said looking down at her. Marinette leaned up and kissed his cheek. He leaned forward and whispered. "Angel, may I kiss you?"
"Prince, I thought you would never ask," Marinette leaned up and met his lips. They are incredibly soft. They broke their chaste kiss. "Goodnight my Prince."
"Wait, Angel, will you be my girlfriend?" Damian said stopping the door before she could finish closing it.
"I would love that," Marinette said hugging him. 
"Thank you, Angel, for making my life brighter," he said, kissing her head. "Good night, Marinette."
"Good night, Damian," She closes the door with a smile, she slides to the ground.
The next morning Marinette got up and put on a straight long brown with blonde highlights wig she had bought earlier that week. She put on green contacts and wore the horse miraculous. She wore an emerald green shirt and her black skater skirt, all paired with green converse. 
“Hey, Chloe,” Marinette said into her phone. “I’m about the teleport is it ok if I use your room.”
“Ya I’m here now, I’ll be waiting,” Chloe said then hung up. 
“You heard Chloe, girls,” Marinette said looking at the kwamis. “Kaaliki full gallop. Full forth!"
The portal opened and she stepped through, now standing In Chloe’s room. She detransforms and hugs her friend. 
“I haven’t seen you in forever!” Marinette said. 
“It hasn’t been a week,” Chloe said. 
“It feels like longer though. Guess what?” Marinette said breaking the hug now looking at her friend. 
“What, you got  Titus owner to be your boyfriend,” Chloe guesses, rolling her eyes. Marinette blushes. “Wait seriously? You’ve been in America for five days and you already have a boyfriend? I guess I need to come to America too. Help me pack my bags?”
“Chloe his name is Damian and he’s super sweet,” Marinette smiles. 
“Lila’s fake boyfriend’s name is also Damian,” Chloe snickers and then mimics. "Her Damiboo is so shy." They laugh together and Chloe takes a closer look at Marinette. "So who are you today?" Chloe asks
"Today I am Ann Prince, and I am here to visit my dear childhood friend, Chloe," Marinette said in a British accent, twirling.
"Hello Ann I'm happy to see you again, it has been ages," Chloe says, hugging her long lost friend. "What do you have planned for today?"
"Well, I would love to see the friends your friends you speak so highly of. If I remember correctly Adrien and Kagami have a fencing tournament, then Kitty Section has a performance," Marinette said with a smile.
"I'll text my friends to let them know that my dear friend Ann is coming," Chloe said texting them. "Want some lunch before the tournament?"
"I woke up, got dressed and came here, so breakfast would be better," Marinette said as they leave Chloe's room.
"How about brunch?" she says closing the door. "There's a small cafe near here we can go to."
"That would be lovely," Marinette said as they walk together in sync they talk about everything they had missed. They eat eggs and benedict. They talk about their futures, how Chloe is doing in school, and most importantly Christmas. 
When they arrive they sit in the front row. They're on the quieter side careful not to draw attention to themselves. After Kagami won the girl's division she came and sat with Ann and Chloe. She smiled seeing the bluenette turned brunette. 
"Good job you guys! Hi, my name is Ann, I'm one of Chloe's childhood friends," Marinette greeted, still speaking in her British accent. 
"Hi, I am Adrien Agreste, and this is my beautiful girlfriend Kagami," Adrien said, hugging Ann.
"Hello, Ann," Kagami said also hugging her. Lila and Alya walk up to the group.
"So who is your new friend, you're all so quick to replace Marinette. What? Is she a bully too?" Aha sneers. 
"Well I am Ann Prince, it is a pleasure to meet you," she said, holding out a hand with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Ann you don't want to hang out with these people, they are bullies," Lila warned smiling.
"Lila, why are you here?" Adrien said, stepping in front of Ann.
"I came to see you of course Adrihoney! You are my boyfriend!" Lila screamed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Lila, I've told you many times that we are not dating. I'm dating Kagami and have been for two years," Adrien said.
"We both know your father is making you date her. I'll be here for when you can finally be free from her cold claws," Lila said, walking off with Alya tailing behind her.
"Well, you guys ready to head to Kitty Section's performance?" Marinette asks.
"Sounds like a plan, Ann," Chloe said, locking elbows as they walk out of the school.
Kitty Section is playing at the TVi studio as part of a competition judged by Uncle Jagged. Apparently, he had been a bit quieter since his niece's funeral. She was excited to see her friends and her uncle even from afar. Luka won the best guitar solo, but Kitty Section did not win as a group. 
"Hi, Luka! My name is Ann and I'm an old friend of Chloe. It's nice to meet you," Marinette said still in her British accent, hugging the bluenette. "Congratulations, I loved your guitar solo! The rest of your group was pretty good." 
"Thank you, Ann, you guys ready for dinner? I’m starving," Luka said turning to the rest of the group.
"That sounds great! I haven't eaten since before the competition," Adrien said, rubbing his stomach.
They ate dinner together. They chatted and she told them the news of her and Damian. She told them about the Gotham heroes and everything in between. They told her about their Christmas plans. They smile as the pay and say goodbye. She left to go talk to Master Fu.
"Master Fu, it's good to see you, she says bowing. "I ended up in America, how are you able to get me the correct papers?"
"It's good to see you again Ms. Marinette. I like the wig and contacts a simple but good disguise," Master Fu compliments. "I just have my connections, don't worry it's nothing illegal."
The process didn't take long and soon she was heading back to Chloe's room. She opened the door to see her friends sitting down watching an anime. She sat down on the couch her friends and watch half an anime before they're interrupted by a bing.
Prince: Hey Angel how are you doing
"Aww Damian is texting," Marinette said, smiling at her phone.
Angel: Pretty good. what've you been up to today?
'Prince: I had a couple of meetings today. They were boring, but I'm alive. How bout you'
Angel: Chloe video called me so I could watch Adrien and Kagami's tournament. Then Kagami video called me so I could watch Luka's performance. It was fun. Want to come to my apartment tomorrow for a homemade meal
Prince: I would love that
Angel: Great see you, tomorrow prince
Prince: It sounds like you're getting ready for bed, but do you realize it's only two o'clock
Angel: Seriously I didn't even realize it
Prince: Lost in a design?
Angel: No, Adrien recommended us all a different and new anime, Sword Art Online. It's pretty good
Prince: Well I hope you enjoy it. Dick is telling me to pay attention. Bye Angel.
Angel: Good luck, Prince.
Marinette smiles, standing up while saying. "Guys. I should be going. It's already eight here, two in Gotham. I'll miss you guys, I'll be back for Chinese New Year and regular New Year." 
"Well we can't wait to see you again Ann," Adrien said, hugging the girl the rest join in the group hug.
"Kaalki, full gallop," She transforms back into Mare. "Thank you for announcing my moving, by the way. Full forth. See you guys soon." Then she was gone. She had taken some French food she had missed a bit. She put the food in the kitchen, and grabbed her sketchbook, wanting to sketch her new found inspiration from being home. After a couple of hours of designing, and a shower she went to bed early because of jet lag sorta.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
Boy Meets World Masterlist
“Albie? Honey, you have to come out eventually,” JoJo insisted, standing just beyond the door to Albert’s bathroom.
Race was leaning against the wall beside her, a smirk on his face as he knew nothing good would stem from this. Albert was a good writer and a good journalist, but this story was bound to be something else.
“Don’t wanna! Second thoughts!” Albert shot back.
His best friend snorted.
JoJo glared at him. “Come on, babe, we won’t laugh,” she promised.
“You’re not seein’ what I’m seein’!” Albert sounded upset. But Race could only laugh.
JoJo gestured for him to say something. So he pushed himself from the wall and sighed, knocking on the door. “Come on, buddy, you’re gonna write an article that means somethin’!” he encouraged, trying his best to be light even though he knew something was bound to go wrong. “You’re gonna make a difference in the lives of guys n’ girls everywhere!”
“You’re not seein’ what I’m seein’!”
Rolling his eyes, Race tried again. “Come on, Al. How bad a girl can you be?”
Finally, the door clicked open. And Albert walked out. Race tried his best to keep a straight face, but the ridiculousness of his best friend outweighed the blond boy’s want to spare his feelings.
Albert was dressed in a short, purple button up dress that was about two sizes too small for him, a stuffed bra and a pair of big, white high heels. His red wig barely covered his head and the red nail polish he wore was sloppy and uncalculated as was the bright red lipstick he wore. Race couldn’t help but laugh.
JoJo was covering her lips, hiding her own amused smile.
“How bad?” Albert asked.
“Bad, bad,” Race stated, looking the other boy up and down.
“I knew it…” Albert shifted on his feet, looking down and taking an insecure breath. “I… I look fat…” he said, clearly upset.
Still, all Race could do was laugh. “Fat is the least a’ your problems, babe.”
Glaring at his best friend, Albert turned to his girl. “Jo?” he asked, gesturing to his wig and makeup.
His girl crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged, trying not to be quite as mean about it. “Maybe it’s just not a good color for you?” She didn’t know what else she could say. If she was being honest, it was a little funny.
Looking between the two most important people in his life, Albert shifted uncomfortably before trying to go back and hide in the bathroom.
But his girl and his best friend grabbed his arms. “No no no, come on, baby, you can do this,” JoJo encouraged turning the boy back around. “It’s just all about how you present yourself!” She brushed her perfect curls behind her, gesturing out to the room. “Go on, Albie, present yourself.”
With a big breath, the boy faked a smile and tried to walk like he thought any normal girl would.
Race had to bite his lip to keep from bursting out with laughter.
When Albert returned to them, he looked at both of them. “Was that alright?”
Straight faced and straight toned, all Race could reply was, “Not even on a desert Island.” JoJo glared at him again so Race sighed. “Look, Al, you're missin’ the obvious! Girls glide more n’ that. They’re more at ease. Ya gotta let it flow,” he instructed, trying his best to help, knowing that this article was important.
He knew it was important.
“That’s pretty on the nose, Racer,” JoJo replied with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Why don’t you uh… show Albert how it’s done.”
Never one to back from a challenge, Race scoffed and walked across the room daintily. It was subtle and calm and just right. But when he got back, he saw the look in their eyes. “What?” All they had to do was smile at him before he was shaking his head. “Oh no… no no no no no no no…”
Race poked his head out and looked around the corner of their usual hallway, clad up in a blond wig and a perfectly well done makeup job, courtesy of one miss Josephine Jorgette De La Guerra. Bangs fell down in his face and curls fell around his neck. It was irritating.
His best friend pushed him out into the hallway with ease. Race gaped back at him, reaching to adjust the pencil skirt that JoJo insisted he wear. It was scary how well it fit him.
He could practically feel the eyes on him. “Why are they all lookin’ at me?” he hissed at his best friend who wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Tony, I don’t want ya ta take this the wrong way, but… you’re kind of a babe,” he admitted.
Race smiled and shrugged shyly. “Really?”
“Yeah…” Albert laughed. “Ya want me ta carry your books for you?”
“I get that?! Yeah!” the other boy replied eagerly, handing his friend his books that didn’t fit in the purse that JoJo said most girls used instead of backpacks because it looked more feminine.
Together they walked to their lockers, Race almost tripping. The boots he wore covered most of his legs, only cutting off towards the knee. The black tights did the rest. “Why are you carrying his books?” JoJo asked, turning from her locker.
“Well, we’re tryin’ ta create the illusion that Racer’s a girl… I thought this would help,” Albert explained.
Crossing her arms over her chest, JoJo looked up at him. “You never offer ta carry my books…” Albert stuttered before turning and handing Race’s books back to him, not answering his girlfriend. So JoJo just shook her head, focusing her attention on her best friend. “So, Tony, how does it feel ta be wearin’ tights?”
“Not Tony,” the boy corrected.
“Oh, he’s right. He needs a girl’s name.” JoJo turned to Albert for help.
The redhead nodded. “Okay, this is easy… how about Janet?”
Race shook his head. “No no no, not Janet,” he stuttered out, a bit shy and self conscious still. He shouldn’t be walking around like this. He didn’t want anyone to figure it out.
“What possible difference could it make—?”
“Hey, Albie!” JoJo cut him off, studying her friend. A smile spread on her face. “You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?” she asked the boy.
Race slowly shrugged, not meeting his friend’s eyes. “A little…”
“And what name have you thought about?”
The blond paused, looking around, already afraid of being judged. “Um… R-Ramona…” he responded.
JoJo grinned. “I love it.” She elbowed Albert in the guy before he could say anything else, knowing Race was already insecure.
Just as Race might’ve said more, a couple of teachers came rounding the corner from the cafeteria. Kloppman at the head of them, talking with Jacobs and Jack walking with Plumber behind them.
Three of them walked past without a word.
“Mornin’, guys,” Jack greeted with a smile, caught up in whatever conversation he was having with his girlfriend.
Race ducked his head down with a smile.
Jack went to keep going, but paused after what he’d seen registered in his mind. He froze in his stride, taking in a deep sigh and biting his lip before turning to Katherine. “Excuse me, Love?” She just nodded, squeezing his hand before continuing on down the hall, catching up with David. Then he spun back around and walked back over to the child he knew so well. Race didn’t look up at him, thinking maybe he’d leave. But Jack just stayed, shoving his hands in his pockets and offering the kid a tight smile. “Ya know… Racer… if ya need ta talk about anythin’, ya know where ta find me,” he tried, almost joking, not quite sure what to say.
Race managed a smile. “It’s for an article, Jack. It’s just for an article…” he insisted.
“Hey, hey, I ain’t here ta judge, dollface,” Jack countered, unsure of what else he could say. He could hear Albert laughing at the nickname. Race was clearly embarrassed. “Just… just know that I’m here, alright?”
“It’s just for an article!” Race hissed again.
Jack put up his hands in surrender. “Okay, sweetheart… Whateva’ you say.” With a playful punch at Race’s chin, the man was off down the hall.
Race rolled his eyes, turning back to his friends and seeing them snickering behind him.
But something else caught Albert’s attention. “Okay, okay! Target approaching,” he whispered. Race looked up to see Gerard walking down the stairs.
JoJo caught his attention. “Hey! Gerard, Dev said you two went out on Saturday,” she said, trying to make conversation.
Gerard walked to her, but his gaze trailed over to Racer who shyly averted his gaze to the ground. “Uh… yeah… we did… hey,” he greeted, clearly not interesting in a conversation and clearly more interested in letting his eyes linger over Race’s body. Race did not appreciate it. “I’m Gerard…”
“Gerard, this is Ramona,” Albert introduced immediately, a big goofy grin on his face.
“Ramona…” the taller, much bigger boy repeated. “I’ve never seen you around here. Are you new in school?”
Race forced himself to smile and nod. “Yeah… yeah, it’s like I’m a whole new person,” he replied. He didn’t have to change his voice much, knowing it was already slightly high pitched. But he spoke quietly, trying to hide the nerves.
This all felt slightly familiar.
“Well, uh… listen… if you want, I could take you to Jacobi’s and tell you what teachers to avoid… that kind of thing…”
Race glanced back at his friends. JoJo seemed to sense his anxiety but Albert just kept on grinning, nodding his head. “Um… yeah… yeah, that sounds nice…”
“Well… I’ll see you then…”
With that the boy walked away. And Race turned back to his friends. Albert wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Way ta go, Racer!” he grinned. “Ya got the date!”
But Race still looked uncomfortable. “What is it?” JoJo asked.
Race just shook his head. “I… I got nothin’ ta wear…” he replied, turning back to his locker.
Albert snorted.
But Race bit his lip as he dug around in his locker.
He could do this.
“I can’t walk home like this…”
“Oh c’mon, Race, ya look fantastic!” Albert joked, sitting on his own bed with his arms wrapped around his girl.
“Al, I’m serious!” Race yelled, getting a little more worked up than he should’ve. “I need an extra set of clothes!”
“Alright! Alright!” Albert laughed, standing to his feet and searching for some clothes that his friend could wear. He wanted to get the makeup off of his face. He wanted to get a pair of pants back on and then he wanted to crawl in a whole and never be heard from again.
Albert handed him some sweats and pinched his cheek before going back to sit with JoJo.
Race tried to smile at them as he went back into Albert’s bathroom to change.
He ripped the wig off of his head the second the door was shut and let it fall to the ground as tears filled up in his eyes. He turned the sink on and cupped his hands under the faucet splashing the water on his face. When he looked up, the makeup was still there, only starting to run down his face.
That’s when he began to scrub at his face a bit more violently, holding back the sobs by swallowing hard. He didn’t dare look at himself again until he was sure it was all off. His eyes stung a bit as some mascara surely ran down into them. He looked up to find his own face again. He ripped the dress he wore off of him.
He was supposed to be happy. They’d gotten a good article.
But he never wanted to talk to another guy ever again.
He just wanted to hide somewhere for a while.
He didn’t want to go home.
But he didn’t have a choice.
He never had a choice.
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (6/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter… at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 1.9k
      Before I went to bed last night I reached out to Minhyuk, hoping he didn’t change his number. I wanted to get everything over quickly so that I could face Chan properly. Thankfully luck was on my side and I received a text in the morning. After a few exchanges we agreed to meet the day after in a coffee shop around my university. When it came to the day of, the only thing left to do was to get past mother since father would be in his office most of the day.
“Mom, I’m heading out.”
“Where are you going?”
“I forgot one of my textbooks at the apartment so I’m just going to grab it and head to a cafe to do my homework for a bit.”
      Mother contemplated it for a moment, her eyes examining me up and down. She wasn’t buying it cause I took leave but people can be forgetful, even their perfect daughter. I mean I already have my stuff and this is an excuse but she doesn’t need to know that.
“I know I’m on leave and my professors have given me any extra materials I needed but I just realized I needed my text book for a reading assignment because I didn’t read over that section of the syllabus until today.”
“... Okay. Don’t be late, we have a campaign event at five so be home no later than three on the dot.”
“Yes, mom.” 
      At the train station I stopped at the restroom and entered one of the stalls before quickly taking off my wig and changing my clothes, shoving everything in my backpack. When I stepped out I fixed myself before going to catch my train. I needed to get out of the good girl image for a bit, I’ve been doing it non-stop for almost two weeks now and the wig needed to come off before I lost my mind. As I headed to the cafe I passed by the campus and couldn’t help but think of Chan. Since I’ve started ghosting him, I’ve missed him. I opened my texts and stared at our chat history, a habit I’ve picked up recently, before trying to write a message but nothing sounded right. How am I supposed to say something? I was the one icing him out and he practically knows it. With a sigh I erased the sorry excuse for a message and put my phone away. One step at a time Jieun. My eyes glided over the quaint exterior of my favorite cafe by campus. It was tucked away on a back street and it gave off a very natural vibe with various plants strewn across the shop. As I took a tentative step in, Minhyuk had turned to grab a table when he spotted me and waved me over. He gingerly placed a cup in front of me once I sat.
“I hope you don’t mind, I got you a drink. Don’t know if it’s still your favorite but I got you a mocha with cinnamon and chocolate drizzle.”
“Yeah… it’s still the same, thanks,” I responded softly as a small smile spread across my lips.
“I see you dyed your hair, it looks nice. How do your parents feel about it?”
“They don’t know and that’s how I’m still alive but thanks anyway.”
      We both gave a small chuckle as we took a sip of our drinks, the air growing silent. Taking a moment to prepare myself, I bit the bullet because if I’m going to face my parents soon I’m going to need to get straight to the point.
“You’re probably wondering why I called you out after so many years, aren’t you?”
“A bit but I may know what this is about,” he offered a sympathetic smile.
“I’m pretty sure you weren’t completely in the dark about this but I do want to apologize for everything that happened in our last year of high school.”
“Jieun you don’t have to apologize-”
“I do because all the trouble with the audition and breaking our promise… that was my fault. My parents made a threat back then and I thought it was stupid but when you lost that important competition I realized they weren't kidding and-”
      I didn’t realize how much of my fears and anxiety I had locked away. The words kept spilling from my lips and just wouldn’t stop until Minhyuk cut me off.
“I know… they tried to get me to break up with you before too. I turned down anything they tried to offer me and dismissed their threats."
"You turned them down? I didn't even know they went to you first."
"I did because I think we both thought our love could defeat everything…"
"And that competition was our wake up call… Even though it doesn't mean much now, you really should have won and everyone knew it too."
"It's all in the past. I've won enough competitions to compensate," he chuckled before going back on topic. "Since we're being honest… After the competition, I knew at the time I loved you but I was scared that I couldn't love you fully if I had to live with my future on the line. I'm sorry I know that's one of your fears but I-"
"Minhyuk it's fine we were teenagers whose futures meant everything to them. If anything I should be apologizing cause I'm the one who backed away first and ended our relationship."
"No, you were just the one who had the courage to end it first… for both of our sake. I knew why so I never blamed you so you have nothing to apologize for."
      A moment passed between us before we started to laugh. We sound so ridiculous right now, trying to argue why we were the ones to blame rather than the other. The tension left the air and it was as if we were chatting like old friends.
“So what prompted this impromptu chat? It’s been a few years, I thought it was all in the past for you since you haven’t reached out until now.”
“I thought clearing the air would give me some extra courage when I face my parents.”
“I’m glad you are finally standing up for yourself, but that’s not it is it?”
“How can you tell?”
“I know that look in your eyes, you used to have the same look for me,” he teased.
“Well you caught me… there is someone,” I blushed, a smile making its way onto my face.
“Good, you deserve to be happy.”
“Is there someone else for you too?”
“Yeah, we’ve been dating for a little over a year now.”
“Really? Let me see!”
“Only if you show me your guy,” he laughs.
      I eagerly agreed and pulled up my favorite picture of Chan, the first one I ever took of us. I had different ones but there was something about that one I especially loved. We switched phones and I immediately cooed at the cute couple photo I saw on his screen.
“I see you still have your habit of taking pictures when people aren’t paying attention. Not bad, even though he wasn’t ready for the picture he still looks good. I give him that.”
“And she is the sweetest looking thing. I haven’t met her but if you break her heart I will come after you.”
       We continued to joke and chat a bit more before my phone buzzed. That was my alarm, meaning I have to go back home now, I internally groan. I think I started losing hair from the stress of staying in the house with my parents. 
"I gotta go but If you ever have a performance or competition in town let me know so I can cheer you on, plus I want to meet this girlfriend that has you so whipped," I tease.
"Sure as long as you make this new guy your boyfriend and bring him along too," he shot back.
      We walked out together and before we parted ways he gave me a kiss on the cheek for good luck. After changing yet again in the station’s bathroom stall, I made my way to my platform. On the train I finally had a chance to check my phone and realized I got a text.
To: Princess
Hey how have you been? Still busy with the family stuff?
To: Chan 🖤
Yeah, I’ve been stuck in my hometown helping my mom arrange everything.
To: Princess
Okay, remember to take care of yourself too.
      Something felt off with how he texted… no you must be overthinking it and even if there was could you blame him? You’ve been sending the boy mixed signals, deal with it later and let's prepare for the stupid shitshow of a gala in a few days. Since school has started my parents have been trying to match me with some son of a CEO friend or something, Jeon Kyunghoon. I screened over those parts of our conversations especially once Chan officially came into the picture three weeks later. Yet regardless of my uninterest toward the subject they still continued with the match up anyways. What's worse is that I’ve seen Kyunghoon at other functions and Seunghee and I had purposefully avoided him because he seemed like a narcissist. Now I'm forced to go spend the gala with him, the only good part is that the Seung-siblings will be there too. That means if needed Seunghee, and to a lesser extent Seungmin, can save me if he is just as slimy as he seems.
      Waking up the day of the gala, I already had a bad feeling. Looking on the bright side though this gala marks the end of my leave and the end of my stay at my parents' house. The day was cleared so we could prepare for the gala, a bit excessive I thought but with a mother like mine you can never have too much time. I wasn’t like my mother so I waited until a few hours before we left to get ready. I changed into my white knee-length off-the-shoulder dress that had a black lace bodice and sleeves, with the lace slightly spilling into the top half of the skirt. I lightly curled my hair before doing my makeup and by the time father called us to leave, I had just slipped on my heels. In response to the bad feeling I had woken up with, the news warned of a strong chance of rain as the sky was painted a dull grey. 
      Once we checked our coats in we walked into the grand ballroom which was decorated like a castle with a red carpet flowing from the entrance to delicate gold decorations adorning the walls. Before I had to make my rounds with my parents,  and inevitably meet Kyunghoon, I spotted Seunghee. She was in a stunning nude mermaid-style floor length gown with white lace that went from the bottom of the skirt, up. As I approached her I couldn't help but comment with a smile.
"You look amazing! But this was definitely not planned."
"And this is why we're best friends," she laughs, "cause we know what's up and occasionally accidentally match too."
      We hugged each other as I returned her laugh before turning and greeting Seungmin who both looked like he was in his element but also looked like he was hating every minute of it. Before we could talk much my mother called me to come make our rounds.
"God wish me luck. I’m meeting the Kyunghoon guy my parents have been going on about."
"Ewww slimy Kyunghoon?"
"Yeah he’s a friend's son," I roll my eyes.
"Drop an SOS if you need me to get you out of there."
      She winked at me and I forced a smile that caused her to snicker. I replied with a mock salute before reluctantly heading back to my parents.
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benhardyorbust · 6 years
On My Way
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Ben Hardy x Reader
A/N: So I was listening to the song On My Way by PRETTYMUCH (which slaps btw, if you haven’t listened to them you should. great if you love a good boy band like me) and I got the idea for this! Listen for the *full effect* Also I did not mean for this to be this long but uh here it is lol. 
1.8kish words
You were sitting on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody watching your boyfriend, Ben Hardy, play Roger Taylor. You’re not going to lie, watching him play THE fuck boy of the 20th century was pretty hot because it’s so opposite of who he really is.  
“CUT!” yelled the director. “That’s a wrap!” 
Ben walked over to you, in his cute little red shorts and dark blonde, long wig, and planted a kiss on you. 
“Shall we get out of here, love?” he asks as he wraps his arm around your waist. 
“I’d love to,” you say looking up at him while you walk towards his trailer.
“You are getting done so early today, what should we do with the rest of the day?” you ask. 
“I was thinking maybe we could go back home and take a nap first,” he says laughing. “Maybe we can go out tonight?”
“I love both of those ideas,” you respond. 
After Ben gets out of hair and makeup, you head back to your apartment. When you get home Ben falls asleep immediately. He is so precious when he is sleeping, you don’t wand to disturb him. You make yourself some lunch and some for him too for when he wakes up, and then get into bed with him to take a nap. 
When you get under the covers, Ben immediately pulls you close to him. You fall asleep in his arms. 
A few hours later you wake up and reach over for Ben. You notice that he isn’t there. You get up and walk out to the living room and see him watching tv. You walk over to the couch and snuggle up to him. He kisses your forehead and pulls you in closer. 
“What should we do tonight?” you ask Ben. 
“I was thinking maybe we could go out,” he says. “Joe and Gwil are planning on going to our favorite bar, we could go too?”
“That sounds like fun! I’ll go start to get ready.”  You get up and walk into the bedroom and sit at your vanity to start doing your makeup. 
“I won’t be able to make it to set on Monday,” you say to Ben. 
“Oh? I thought you were. Why not?” he replies and walks into the room and sits on the bed to talk to you. 
“I have another interview at a law firm, I’m really hoping this one works out.” 
“Love, I told you, you don’t have to work.,” he say, sitting up and looking at you. 
“Ben, I am not just going to not work. We already talked about this,” you say back, sounded a little shocked.
“I don’t understand why you are so dead set on getting a job when I make more than enough money for the both of us?”  
“Well, first of all I went to law school, not working would be a waste of money and time. Second of all, I love what I do. As much as I have loved moving to London, I have gotten kinda bored not having a job to go to.” 
“But.. if you get a job you won’t be able to come to set as much. Or hang out with me as much.” 
“Ben, we live together. We see each other every day. And it’s not like you only shoot from nine to five,” you say as you put on your foundation. “I can come to set after work, on weekends, or I can even get a day off if there is a day you really want me there. I need to have my own money and I want to get out there and work.” 
“Y/n, come on. Why would you need your own money? My money is our money.”
“Well... I have to be smart. What if we...” you say trailing off while you are finishing your eyeshadow. 
“What if we what?” Ben asks, his voice getting louder. 
“I don’t know... what if we break up? I can’t see the future, you never know what is going to happen. We aren’t married, we aren’t engaged, I have no right to “our” money at all. If we break up and I never get a job, I’ll have nothing! I won’t even be able to get home!” you say, getting louder right back. 
“You think we are going to break up!? Why would you ever think that!? We have been together for a year, is that not enough for you!?”
“I don’t know Ben! These are just things I need to think about! I am a very independent person and I need to know that if anything ever did happen I would be able to recover.” you say, trying to calm down while you do your hair. “I don’t understand why this is such a big deal for you. I always told you I  wanted to get a job in London.” 
“I can’t believe you think that if we broke up I would just leave you stranded with nothing!” 
You walk across the room to your closet and pick out your favorite going out outfit. 
“I don’t think that! I just want to have a job! I like working, I like making my own money, and, believe it or not, I am really good at what i do! You’re not the only talented person here, Ben.” you say as you slip on your clothes.  “I am actually a pretty damn good lawyer.” 
“I’m not saying you aren’t! I’m just saying I’d rather you...” 
“You’d rather me what Ben? What? Stay home? Play housewife while you go out and work? I don’t think so. And if that’s the kind of girl you think I am... I don’t know if this is going to work out.” 
You grab your purse and start walking towards the door of the apartment. Ben gets up and walks after you. 
“Where are you going?” he says, grabbing your hand. 
You rip your hand away from his, “Away from you.” 
You walk out the door and slam it behind you. You waited a few seconds before walking away, hoping he would come after you, but he didn’t. You walk towards the elevator and text your best friend. “Meet me at the pub down the street ASAP” 
You walk into the pub and see your friend, Paige, sitting there. You order a drink at the bar and then sit with her in the booth. 
“What’s going on?” she asks. 
“So I told Ben that I wouldn’t be able to go to set Monday because I have an interview at a law firm, and he BLEW UP!”
“Haven’t you guys gotten in this fight before?” 
“Yeah, but never this bad,” you say taking a sip of your drink. “He was getting so mad and just did not understand why I could possibly ever want to get a job.” 
“To have your own money? To do what you love? To have something to do?”
“EXACTLY! That is literally exactly what I said. He was getting so worked up about the whole thing. It was ridiculous.” 
“What are you going to do about it?”
“I don’t really know. I kind of just want to go out and have fun tonight, blow off some steam.” 
“Finish your drink and let’s go!” your friend says. You both finish off your drinks and walk to the club that is a few blocks over. 
*****Ben’s POV*******
The door slams in your face. You put your hand on the door knob, but then take it off. She needs some time to cool down. You pull out your phone and text in your groupchat with Joe and Gwil. 
“Still on for tonight?”
“Yeah I’ll be at the bar in 5 min” Joe says
“Me too” Gwil says. 
“Same” you reply. 
You walk into the pub, alone, and find the booth Joe and Gwil are at.
“Where’s y/n?” Joe asks. 
“We got in a fight,” you say. “A bad one.”
“About what?” Gwil asks. 
“She wants to get a job.” 
“... and? The girl just graduated from law school, of course she’s going to want to get a job.” Gwil replies. 
“I just, I like having her around all the time. I don’t want her to go off and get a job and not be around as much.” 
“Ben, do you hear yourself? You sound like a crazy, controlling boyfriend you always say you hate,” Joe says. 
“The girl needs to have her own life too,” Gwil says. 
“But... I love when she’s on set and when we can hang out all day together. There’s no reason for her to go get a job when I make enough for the both of us.”
“Maybe it’s not about the money, man. Maybe she wants to do it. Just like you want to be an actor, she wants to be a lawyer. And if you love her, you will let her,” Gwil says.
“Oh my god.... I didn’t even realize how stupid I sounded. I have to go apologize. Oh my god why am I so bloody stupid?” 
“You need to go find her,” Gwil says. “Do you know where she is?” 
“We have each other’s locations, I can look. I am sure she is probably at her favorite club with Paige. They always go there and she tells me about all the guys that hit on them..” you say trailing off while looking at your phone, thinking of all the other guys that are probably all over her right now. 
“Right well, she’s exactly where I though she would be. I gotta go fellas,” you say after you chug back the rest of your drink. 
**** Your POV*****
You and Paige walk into your favorite club, ready to dance the night away. As soon as you get there, you order a tequila shot and a drink to hold while you are dancing. 
When you are on the dance floor, guys keep trying to dance with you. You dodge their moves and just focus on having a good time with your best friend. 
After being there for about an hour, and a few more drinks, Paige looks at you and starts to point behind you. 
“What are you pointing at?” 
“Ben! He’s walking in!” 
“What?” you say as you turn around. Just as you turn around Ben walks up to you and kisses you passionately. You can taste the cigarette smoke on his lips. 
“Love, I am so sorry. I didn’t realize what a jerk I was being earlier. I am so excited that you have an interview on Monday, and I can’t wait to tell people that my girlfriend is a kick ass lawyer. Please forgive me.” 
You run your fingers through Ben’s hair, look into his eyes, and bite your bottom lip. 
“Hmmm... I guess I can forgive you, now stop blubbering like an idiot and kiss me,” you say. 
He pulls you in for another kiss. He pulls away from you and looks around the club. 
“Shall we stay for awhile? We always have the best time when we are here!” 
“Yes! Tell Gwil and Joe to come too!” 
“Judging by the taste of your lips, I have some catching up to do!” 
“Hell yeah you do, drummer boy! Shots for everyone!” 
You and Ben take a shot together, and he pulls you in for another kiss. 
“I love you so much y/n” 
“I love you too Ben.” 
Gwil and Joe show up at the club and see you hugging Ben. 
“I see you two made up?” Gwil says. 
“Damn, I was hoping you’d break up with him so I can finally have him all to myself,” Joe says, teasing you. 
“Maybe next time mate,” Ben says laughing at Joe. 
“Sorry Joe, but this one is mine,” you say as you kiss Ben’s cheek. 
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crappyfics · 5 years
Grey Squirrel
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gif by @bloomingyouths
Part 1
Summary: The theatre students are putting on a show. When professor and director Hanz casts Y/N and Yixing to protagonize the play, they understand how theatre, as well as life, is all about love and passion.
Genre: Fluff, angst, comedy // Word count: 7k
Warning: some of the vocabulary is peculiar to theatre; not read-proof. 
Act 1, Scene 1
The circle of chairs seemed to tie the room together. The director was discussing something with the stage manager and the cast waited for them to take their seats in the circle. You skimmed through the script, drank some water, and kicked Yixing’s feet as a form of amusement. He sat next to you and kicked back when you were murmuring your lines for only yourself to hear. He smiled when you messed up, he giggled when you restarted. 
“Do you already know your lines?” you asked him as soon as you closed your script and placed it under your chair. Yixing nodded in response and his cheeky smile was a bit too confident making you giggle. “We’ll see.”
“Wanna grab a coffee later?” he crossed his legs trying to relax a bit more on his chair. His proposition came a little unexpected to you. 
“So you’re not hanging out with blondie tonight?” you teased making the boy blush and a little too ashamedly turn his face away. It was so obvious how much that new friend of his had affected him. Yixing was not one to hide emotions, he was rather so transparent. Maybe because you knew him too well it was easier for you to detect his feelings but it never failed to impress you how cute he looked whenever his heart craved for someone. 
“She’s busy tonight,” he responded and earned a smack on the arm from you. 
“Am I just a second option to you?” your fake anger is funnier than it should be and he laughs with each smack you give him. “I don’t know what to do with you anymore, Yixing.” 
Before he can defend himself, Kyungsoo finally sat down beside Jongin. Unlike the expected, the director left the room leaving the stage manager in charge of the cast’s activity for the first half of the rehearsal. Kyungsoo didn’t take too long to open his own script on Act 1, Scene 1 and start speaking. 
“I hope you’re all off book for the first act. I decided we should do an Italian* instead of a simple runthrough. You guys know how it goes, I don’t think I have to explain.” he spoke and his serious look sometimes made shivers run down your spine. Kyungsoo was often serious when you saw him because it was almost always during rehearsals. Sometimes, when you had classes together, you would notice how joyful he could be around other people. But when it came to this project, he was always stressed and managing problems here and there, so it was hard for you to see him relaxed if it wasn’t for Baekhyun to make him crack a smile.“Remember: be loud and enunciate. If you can’t remember a line say “line” and I’ll feed you.”
He started the stopwatch and read the first stage directions to get the actors prepared, and soon enough Jongin opened the play with his quite comical monologue. He spoke fast yet he pronounced the words very well never forgetting to make himself clear. He sat across from you and he used it as a chance to make of you his audience, delivering his lines to you who watched attentively. Soon after, Lea delivered her lines finally starting the first dialogue of the show. Yixing decided to rest his head on your shoulder and he closed his eyes as he listened to the play happening around him, there was just the voice of the cast members and the eventual pencil noises Kyungsoo would make when writing notes down. Your mind thought of Yixing, he seemed tired, he wasn’t resting as much, and now with tutoring Mia, he was always very busy. But he was happy which made you happy as well, just a bit worried he wasn’t giving himself a break. You worried not because he needed someone to watch him, but because there was no one else for you to take care of. It was almost as if you needed Yixing not just for he was your good friend, but also because your instincts urged to care for others. You closed your eyes as well and tried to stay focused on the play because your entrance was next and you didn’t wanna mess it up. 
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Julia, for I have already made up my mind,” you said in response to your scene partner. Your eyes still closed, you were cozy as you felt Yixing’s hair tickling the skin of your neck. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”
“Don’t be reckless, you ought to stay!” she fired back as quick as the Italian permitted her to speak. You both paid close attention to the movement of your lips being careful to pronounce every word. You opened your eyes and almost instinctively they darted to Kyungsoo who looked down at his script on his lap too concentrated to look up and miss a part.
“I can’t stay here and watch him forget me. I gotta flee somewhere where I can forget him first, and come back only when Lay has been erased from my memory,”  you delivered.
The Italian kept going and everyone seemed to know their lines as Kyungsoo hopefully expected. Most of the play your scene partner was Yixing and the boy seemed to be napping against your shoulder but impressively enough he would always speak up when it was his turn. And the first half of the rehearsal went smoothly. The next three hours were dedicated to blocking the last scene of the first act and the first two scenes of the second act. You were already exhausted by the time the director gave his final notes. When you were all dismissed, you were quick to put your shoes on and leave the studio with Yixing fast behind. 
You went to the cafe around campus thinking you were too tired to go anywhere further. It was still four in the afternoon but you felt like you could already have some dinner. You order a coffee and a muffin then sat down once you got them in hands. Yixing sat across from you holding his own cup to his lips. 
“It’s nice to finally hang out with you again after what? Five weeks?” you teased him again bringing back the topic from earlier. He giggled before turning to speak. 
“Ah, don’t be like that,” he whined. “And you know I’ve been busy.” you nodded in response.
“Too busy, I must say.” you took another sip of your drink and placed it down on the table. “But I gotta give credit to you, you’ve been very disciplined with the play regardless of your tutoring and all.”
It’s not very clear how that happened, but Yixing ended up tutoring one of the language students twice a week. It was one of those blurry things that happen in life, you don’t really know how it started and it feels like it’s been there since forever. Your friend was suddenly so engaged in tutoring, and then in spending time with the girl, and all of a sudden he was so obvious about his feelings for her. It warmed your heart to see him that way, though, on the other hand, you were yet to meet the girl that made his heart flutter. Mia, that was her name. He would mention her every once in a while trying not to be too annoying about it around you, but you didn’t mind, you wanted him to share, you wanted to know about her just as much as he was interested in her. It was how you felt things should be.
“She might come visit us next rehearsal,” he said hiding the shy smile behind the cup.
“Oh, great! I get to finally meet her,” you respond as excited as you allowed yourself to be even if you lacked energy after the tiring rehearsal. He smiled back thinking to himself that it was nice how supportive you were. It wasn’t like he planned anything though, he was too shy to make a move just yet. He was living for the “beating around the bush” type of thing because he couldn’t find in himself the courage to take his friendship with Mia to the next level. “Yixing told me so much about you,” you spoke as if rehearsing exactly what to say to her. 
“Ah, please don’t say that!” he protested but it was already too late, you were ready to tease your friend at least just a bit. “Don’t embarrass me.”
“Don’t worry, Xing, you know I wouldn’t.”
“Yes, you would!”
About an hour later, you found yourself back home. Your roommate greeted you as she left the apartment saying she was gonna sleep at her boyfriend’s. Being alone at home was always very pleasant, you liked the silence only the emptiness could provide. You ran to the bathroom, eager to take a shower and relax a bit before you could find in yourself the energy to cook something for dinner. Shower thoughts took up your mind for the entire time.  
Act 1, Scene 2
Jongdae was very delicate with each one of the cast members. He was taking a few more measurements he needed for the making of the costumes. He had some of the costume pieces already available to try, but he was scared people were gonna ruin them so he was taking his sweet time with each one of the actors and making sure they were as delicate with the piece as he was. He measured Lea’s hips another time to make sure her skirt was gonna fit comfortably and you were up next for measurement. You waited by the table in the corner where you had your script, a pen and a highlighter and you worked through each page marking beats and adding notes. 
“Are you busy?” Pam pulled the chair beside you and sat down in hopes you would give her full attention. You pushed your script aside and turned to her waving your head in response. She smiled thankfully. “Good, so we can discuss hair and makeup.” she continues, “We debated for sometime, and we might need to give you a haircut.” 
You looked at her thinking she was just joking but the way she dragged her gaze to your long hair and touched it as if already planning a cut, you knew she wasn’t. It didn’t bother you to have to change radically, you knew it was gonna happen sooner than later given that you were practically a doll directors would play with by changing the appearance whenever it fit. You could just wear a wig and make it would do, but knowing Hanz, the director, he would lecture your for a good hour just to convince you to chop off your locks. 
“Who debated about it?” you asked pulling your hair from your shoulder to fall on your back. You watched her attentive but your mind thought that maybe that was a great idea after all. 
“You know, Hanz, Soo, Jongdae and I,” she moved her hands as she spoke giving her an extra feminine appearance. It was charming at the same time it could be a little distracting. 
“I see. I guess since all of you agreed to that, I guess I ought to.” with a smile, she got up from her seat and left you behind. But you didn’t have time to go back to your notes because two seconds after, Jongdae called out your name for you to go see him and the costume pieces he held up. 
He handed you the dress you were gonna wear for the first half of the show. There weren’t many costumes changes for you this time, which was great. You remember how difficult it was to play four characters and change costumes about ten times in one show. You were glad your character this time was designated to wear a flower dress and cute white shoes that matched. You started peeling off your clothes getting rid of the top first and putting the dress from your head. Once it fell around you, you pulled down the jeans and so it started feeling like show time, when everyone changed in the wings of the scene and there was no space for shyness when you saw so many people half naked and hurriedly changed into their costumes. You smiled to yourself thinking that at this point nothing could embarrass you anymore. 
Jongdae closed the zipper for you and smoothed down the skirt to see how it graciously fell on your sides. You could hear some polite wow’s coming from all sides of the studio but not being able to pinpoint who was looking at you. You were too busy looking down at the very detailed top and cleavage of the dress. Jongdae stepped closer to the table to put a check mark on the sheet he had open on his computer. Your dress was perfect and everyone acknowledged that, even eyes that you thought never really looked at you. You turned around loving how the skirt flew up with the motion. 
“It’s perfect for you, Y/N,” you heard the comment come from Kyungsoo as he approached with a kind smile. His cheeks were tinted red and his smile soon disappeared too shy to stay to long. He stopped in front of you and admired the striped that held the piece to your shoulders. “Good job, Jongdae.” He cleared his throat and blinked a few times as if it could help him remember exactly what he was supposed to do. 
“Yeah, Y/N, you look gorgeous,” said Yixing coming to you too and his smile was nothing timid. He placed a hand on your upper back and gave you a kiss on the cheek. It wasn’t weird, it was just unusual. He seemed… extra happy. It wasn’t about you, you knew, but his comment was very welcome anyway. You turned back to face Kyungsoo but the boy now wasn’t watching you anymore. Before you could say anything, or anyone for that matter, he walked away before Yixing caused him even more jealousy. 
“Okay, Y/N, now try this one,” Jongdae asked handing you another costume. And for the next five minutes he worked on taking notes and a few pictures so he could visualize exactly what he needed to fix. 
When you changed back to your normal attire, the director gave everyone a twenty-minute break before you started the rehearsals. You had a snack in your bag so you didn’t see the need to run to the cafeteria as Jongin did all so clumsily. You found a spot outside the studio and sat beside Yixing who ate nothing but eyed your food hungrily. 
“Do you want a bite?” you lifted your fork offering the food. He just opened his mouth and let you feed him like a child. “Where’s your food?”
“I asked Jongin to buy it,” he responded with a mouthful of food. 
“And where’s the first lady?” your tone of joke was edging a mockery you weren’t sure Yixing would understand. “I’m curious to meet her.” but he sighed heavily almost depressing. 
“She cancelled,” he said. “But it’s okay, you know? She can come another time.” You didn’t give it much thought and finished your food sharing it with Yixing a few bites because he was just so hungry. By the time Jongin came back, the boy only had three minutes to finish his food and go back to the studio. You reentered the space feeling brand new and ready to warm up with the group. 
Act 2, Scene 1
The wing blew on your neck and you liked the spring breeze that gave you chills. It was a new feeling it so close to your skin now that your hair was shorter and exposed you in a different way now. You walked down the street heading to the theatre department of campus and walking through the corridors of the building and without much thought knowing where you were headed meant that this place was already your natural habitat.  You pushed the door open just to find everyone already in a circle just waiting for Baekhyun to start the warm-up. Despite all the eyes following you and comments flying from across the room, you quietly walked to the far wall of the studio and carefully dropped your bag there, then took off your shoes and out of habit reached for you hair to tie it in a ponytail. The strands were now too short to be tied up so you let it down allowing it to frame your face ever so delicately. You then approached the group.
“That’s a new look I see,” says Lea admiring how different you look without all the hair you used to have. “It suits you well, Y/N.” you respond with a simple thanks not really knowing yet how you feel about it. It was a new you without a new attitude, it felt strange. Not bad, just strange. 
“That’s exactly what I was thinking about. I think Pam did a great job.” said Hanz moving closer and playing with your hair then placing his hands on your shoulder in an act of support. “Remind me to thank her later. Now, let’s warmup!” he yelled and it was Baekhyun’s cue to leave whatever he was doing and start the exercises with the cast. 
After warming up your body, you warmed up your face muscles, and finally your vocal chords. You felt relaxed and ready to go. Part of you felt as if the new haircut should give you not only a new attitude as yourself, but also as Mona, the fierce character you were cast to play. So you tried to use it, the strangeness that resided in your gut could be of good use. So when the director announced that you were going to rehearse one of the most dramatic scenes with Lay, Yixing’s character, you thought that it was the right moment to try a new approach with Mona. 
You got to your blocking and Yixing to his, both of you still holding your scripts because the lines were still in the process of memorization. You were quite confident with a few parts and so was Yixing, but the aid of the script was still very much needed. And when the director gave you permission, you started. You crossed the stage area with determination knowing exactly what you were doing yet it was quite improvised for not all the blocking was still set on stone. 
It was incredible how Yixing also just went with the flow, you both owned the stage marvelously. It was easy to play with him because he knew you, because you both had touch with each other, things other people didn’t have. They could have cast two other great actors to play your roles, but they chose you because you had what others would take years to achieve. It was obvious to everyone, you were the perfect stage match. 
“Okay, that was great,” said Hanz getting up from his chair and circling the table to get closer to both of you. “I really like how you measure your distance from each other, but make sure to angle it. We need to see more of your faces. Give it to the audience.” Kyungsoo took notes as Hanz spoke and nodded with every new addition. 
“I also think it was great,” said Kyungsoo now getting everyone’s attention. You watched him almost as enchanted as he watched you perform. “But I think, I don’t know if you’ll agree,” he motioned to Hanz, “you could speak a little slower. Enjoy the pauses between each line.”
He was delicate when he spoke, he rarely gesticulated but when he asked you to be slower he made a languid motion with his hands as if your voces were to be as slow. Hanz nodded in agreement finding Kyungsoo’s point very welcome and important. He then went back to the table but didn’t sit down, he was standing still watching you retake your positions and do the scene another time. Kyungsoo put down his pen, and instead of watching his script, he solely watched you. 
You liked when he watched you, you enjoyed his attention. It made you love theatre even more because it gave you the chance to be centre of Kyungsoo’s attention even if for just a scene. When you weren’t playing, it felt like you were not interesting anymore and not deserving of his gaze. Kyungsoo noticed how your hair gave you a new angle, it gave you another thing to incorporate into your character and it seemed to work perfectly. He liked your new look, he thought it suited you very well. But it was easy for him to think that because he liked you anyway. 
He watched you perform the scene and after each line, each step forward, he felt the chemistry you and Yixing had. His heart shrank, whether was for the scene or for himself, he couldn’t know. He saw the way you lost yourself in the scene and the way you worked so well with you friend, he wasn’t blind to all that. He knew the chemistry he could feel it, he envied it. But he settled for having your eyes on him when he gave you feedback. Whenever he spoke, he liked it when you paid close attention to his words and memorized everything he said. He wished your attention was his whenever he wanted, outside the studio, inside his room, in front of everybody or just when there was the two of you. 
“The chemistry is great. You’re doing so well! I want to see that same energy on the opening night! Keep the good job, everyone.” he clapped in reverence and then walked back to his seat and started discussing with Kyungsoo other notes they should take for that exact same scene. You and Yixing left the stage area for Junmyeon and Minseok to rehearse their scene and end the second act. 
Act 2, Scene 2
The bar was full but it was pleasant. Yixing was dancing deciding that drinking was not actually his kind of fun. On the other hand, you were by the table talking to Baekhyun who reluctantly went out that night and would fall asleep any minute if you didn’t keep him awake. Lea and Jongin, just like their characters in the play, fought over something remotely relevant which gave you and Baekhyun more content to talk about. You saw Yixing approach the table to take a sip from your beer just to retort his face in reaction to the bitterness. 
“Let’s go,” he said once he put the glass down. You weren’t sure what he was talking about until he stretched his arm to you and with his head he motioned to the dancefloor. 
“No, no. This is not for me,” you said sitting straight on the chair. “I’m taking care of Baekhyun here.” 
“Why did he even come if he’s only gonna fall asleep?” your friend asked crossing his arms waiting for an answer. You waved your head not really knowing why he came either. He said he was trying to force himself to have some fun rather than just work his ass off for school and the play. But turns out he was only exhausting himself even more. 
“Should I take you home?” You asked him who was blinking slowly almost closing his eyes. It was amazing how he could manage to doze off even when the place was really loud. He didn’t respond, instead, he took a sip from his drink and got up to go dance with Yixing leaving you no choice but to join them. Out of habit, you tried to flip your hair behind your back but it was useless, the short strand didn’t go that far only making you a bit anxious for yet not having forgotten the simple habit. 
You were a terrible dancer which made you avoid the dancefloor. But once in a while it couldn’t hurt, right? So you let yourself enjoy the music and move your body the way it felt right. Sometime you let Yixing dictate the moves when he would get closer and place a hand on your hips so you could actually let loose. He laughed with you clumsy ways but praised you for your braveness anyway. Baekhyun seemed to get more energetic and his moves were dragging some of the attention around. He noticed that and realised that he couldn’t stop now, he had to give a show. You forgot about him as you danced with your friend ruining his every move because you simply didn’t have the talent for it, and you didn’t notice when suddenly people circled Baekhyun. He easily stole the scene. 
“I need a break,” you practically yelled but Yixing didn’t hear. You repeated once again but this time close to his ear and when he nodded you left him behind going to the table and sitting down to finish your beer that now wasn’t as cold anymore. 
“You shouldn’t be allowed there,” said Jongin laughing at you. “Your sick moves are not beautiful to see.”
He mocked you and you let him have his fun. It was okay, you knew you weren’t born a ballerina. You talked for a while with them until you looked at the time and saw it was already very late and you should go. Almost as if he could read your mind, Yixing came over to the table opening one button of his feeling too hot for this place. He announced it was getting late and that you both should wake up early the next morning for a 9am class. You nodded in response and took your bag from the chair beside you. You looked back at Baekhyun and debated if you should drag him out of the dancefloor or not, 
“I’ll handle him,” said Jongin raising his glass and smirking all so charming. By the look on Lea’s face, you knew her heart fluttered in her chest. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
Act 2, Scene 3
Yixing walked through the door a bit more moody than usual. He took his seat next to you and without a word sunk in his chair as if you wouldn’t notice his strange behaviour. If you didn’t know his drinking habit, you might have guessed he was hungover from last night. But it wasn’t the case, he was moody for another reason, one that you yet had to find out. 
“Is everything okay?” you asked as you pulled out your book from you backpack and your pencil case. He didn’t raise his head to look at you but neither did you focus your attention solely on him. 
“It’s Mia,” he sighed. 
“Of course it is” you rolled your eyes with a fake annoyance. You told him many times to quit the melodrama and finally tell her how he felt, but when whined back in response you couldn help but feel like you too were too shy to make such a bold move. “What happened with her this time?”
“She ignored me in the hallway,” he whined. 
“I’m sure she just didn’t see you, Xing,” you responded bringing a hand to his shoulder and shaking him quite aggressively. 
“She saw me, she turned away,” and again he whined not giving in to your heavy hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know what I did wrong, Y/N.”
Before you could comment on that, the professor opened the door of the classroom and made his way inside, dropping his bag on his desk and without further ado, he grab the chalk and started the lecture. 
“You should talk to her,” you whisper only loud enough for Yixing to hear you. “I’m sure she’s just having a bad day,”
“Is that an excuse to ignore me like that?” he was annoyed, more than you’ve ever seen. He was not handling it so well and you were afraid he would end up screw things up with her because of a possible misunderstanding. The professor turned around annoyed by your chattering but he simply focused on you and Yixing. Without having to say a word you know he meant for you to shut up. You quit talking and concentrated on the lecture, Yixing’s love life could wait two hours.
And two hours passed, everyone packed their stuff and left the classroom as fast as possible. You saw Yixing languidly move beside you, dragging his body around without motivation thinking only on the girl who hurt him. You were sure it wasn’t that big of a deal, that Yixing was just being dramatic, but you hated how he was behaving and how little he paid attention to the class you just had. 
“Let’s go, I’m starving,” you said dragging him by the hand and going to the cafeteria where you met your group of friends sitting by the table on the far end of the place. You bought your food and Yixing did the same, no sadness could suppress his hunger. With your trays in hands, you went approached your friends. 
“Exactly who I wanted to see!” said Baekhyun quite eager startling you. “Hanz texted me this morning asking if you and Yixing could come to the studio with me later in the afternoon,” he spoke gesticulating with his hands making you hyper aware of the juice box right in front of him. You pulled it closer to you before he knocked it down. “I should give you guys pointers before next rehearsals.”
Yixing on you side was paying little attention but he nodded anyway. You nodded in response not really minding the extra session with Baekhyun. It would actually help you a lot anyway, you wanted to keep up the good work just like Hanz had asked you and as Kyungsoo expected. The thought of him rang a bell causing you to look around and try to spot him btu he was nowhere to be seen. You even thought it was strange that it was Baekhyun who would give you pointers rather than Kyungsoo, the actual stage manager.
“Where’s Soo?” you asked hiding your interest behind a fake indifference.
“He’s running some errands today,” said Baekhyun, “Hence why I’ll be with you two this afternoon.”
Yixing once again nodded but you were sure he wasn’t listening to any of the conversation anymore. You ate your lunch in silence but laughed casually whenever one of your friends cracked a joke. When you got up after you finished, you pulled your bag over your shoulder and again you brushed your hair with your fingers but this time you didn’t expect to feel the long strands of hair, you were already getting used to the length of your locks. You smiled to yourself loving the change in attitude finally taking over you, slowly but surely. 
Act 2, Scene 4
Your hair flew with the wind as you ran across campus going to the studio to meet Baekhyun and Yixing. You felt the wind on your neck and it felt good, it felt fresh and you thought you didn’t need it until it hit you. Your script was almost falling out of your bag when you got to the door of the studio. You save it from falling, you pushed the door open and entered the room. Yixing wasn’t there, Baekhyun neither. You looked at the time on your phone and reassured yourself you weren’t neither late or early but rather punctual. You took the chance to text Baekhyun to know where he was because if Yixing wasn’t there to rehearse with you, at least Baekhyun could read his part for you to practice. You heard the door behind you making you turn around to find Kyungsoo making his way inside. 
“Soo? I thought Baek was supposed to be here.” he nodded in response and he wanted to explain his presence there, but before he needed to drop his bag on the floor and take the weight off his shoulder. 
“After all I could come so I told him not to. I’ll be leading the session with you guys today.” he said and placed his hands on his hips looking around but ending up to lay his eyes on you. “Where’s Yixing?”
You shrug your shoulders not really sure of what to say. You didn’t know if he was late or if he wasn’t gonna come at all, he wasn’t having a good day. Though, bad days never prevented him from doing his obligations. 
“Let’s give him another ten minutes. Maybe he’s just running late.” Kyungsoo said putting an end to the discussion. There was a silence between you two. It was the first time you were both alone like this, you weren’t sure of what to say or how to behave. You were not good at anything else besides acting and that was basically how you communicated with him. You performed, he loved you for the duration of the scene, he gave you feedback, and that was how you built your distant relationship. You didn’t know how to be you around him because usually you were just Mona. 
“Did you eat?” he walked to his backpack and opened it pulling out a tupperware full of strawberries. You smiled to him, your cheeks blushed, and due to the lack of hair now you couldn’t hide it from him. 
You sat down beside him, backs resting on the wall, shoulders touching each other. He opened the container and made sure you took one first before he served himself. You got rid of the small leaves on top of it then took a bite, the berry sweeter than you were expecting. 
He watched you attentively, but when he noticed he was smiling hypnotized by you, he forced his eyes off of you. Though, he wasn’t able to stop the laugh that came out softly as if hiding his embarrassment. 
“What?” you asked after you had swallowed the fruit. You grabbed another strawberry and again got rid of the leaves. You took a bite on it but never taking your eyes off of him being stronger than him this time. 
“Nothing,” he responded knowing damn well it was a lie. He was so close to you right now, closer than ever. You felt the butterflies in your stomach fly around and menacing hitting your guts for you make a move. But you froze when he turned to you and his eyes wandered your face and shamelessly stopped at your lips exactly when you licked the remnants of strawberry juice from them. “I think…” his lips moved but his eyes were still glued on the part he craved. You were also getting attracted to his own set of lips. “You’re smart,” he continued, “and talented,” he then took his time to lick his lips thinking it would give him the courage to finish what he started. “And pretty. Very pretty. The prettiest I’ve ever seen.” 
Your faces were inches from each other. Slowly and anxiously your moved in touching your noses, he closed his eyes first, then you closed yours,  it was all you wished for and nothing could ruin this moment. But you were wrong. The door of the studio swung open revealing a very late Yixing who breathed heavily but he seemed to have a better mood than earlier when you saw him. The unexpected sound of the door made startled you and Kyungsoo making you both distance yourselves and get up on a quick move. Kyungsoo cleared his throat and moved to get his script out of his bag. 
“Are we ready to start?” he asked. Yixing and you moved to the centre of the stage area holding your own scripts and opening on the page Kyungsoo indicated. “In this scene, Lay and Mona are finally giving in to each other’s wishes. Let’s try to bring back the energy from last rehearsal.”
For as much as you and Yixing had chemistry, nothing compared to what you felt with Kyungsoo. You could try hard to make this scene today look good, but your mind was numb with the proximity of Kyungsoo’s lips just a few seconds ago. You and Yixing had chemistry because you were friends, because you knew each other, because it was easy for you to be his scene partner. You and Kyungsoo had chemistry because it felt right, because you liked each other. 
Yixing started the scene already quite familiar with the lines. It was the first time you were passing it which made sense that Hanz wanted you to practice it outside rehearsal hours so you could come to it already familiar with the scene. It then came to you why he wanted you to rehearse that scene specifically. It was a kiss scene, the one that was supposed to make the audience fall in love with the characters. But you had to kiss your best friend. 
It wasn’t weird, you were an actor. It was only strange because you had never kissed Yixing before, and because the first time you would do it would be right after the guy you liked tried to kiss you. It was oddly unlucky. You didn’t know how Yixing felt about it, but by the blank look on his face, you were sure he also felt strange. 
“Can we try again? I rather we get familiar with the lines beforehand.” you asked trying to give yourself more time to get into character and to snap out of that strange feeling that held you back. Yixing nodded in agreement and so did Kyungsoo. So you went back a few pages and took from the top. 
You didn’t need the script, it was only in the way, so you decided to drop it to the floor and just go without it. Yixing did the same decided that it was of no help. Now with your free hands you had more freedom to move around and use your arms and hands to interact with Yixing. So you did the scene again stopping many times to hear Kyungsoo’s notes on blocking. After that, you took from the top and passed the scene one more time with no interruptions and when Yixing came closer to you, you didn’t stop yourself from falling into his arms and kissing him on the best Mona way possible. 
“That wasn’t too bad,” he said once you pulled away and you laughed at his cheeky comment. Kyungsoo on the other hand was battling internally. PArt of him thought you did a great job and that your talent and chemistry was really on point. The other part of him wished he was an actor and at that moment he was in Yixing’s place. But his professional side spoke louder making him command you to go back to your blocking and do the scene all over again, even if it made him boil in jealousy. 
Act 3, Scene 1
Mia trusted Yixing, she apologized for the instance in the hallway when she deliberately didn’t speak to him. She believed him when he said the girl at the bar was just a friend, that it was actually Y/N and it was just a normal night out with his friends. He confessed to her, he told her all the things she wanted to hear, he told her how she made his heart jump out of his chest when she smiled, and how with a simple look she drove him crazy. He was head over heels for her and now she knew. So she forgave him for supposedly “leading her on” and going out with another girl. There was no other girl, there was just you, Y/N, who was nowhere near falling in love with Yixing, but rather falling for the boy who you were yet to make a move on. 
But when her gut feeling told her to go check out on the boy, her heart sank to the pit of her stomach and nothing could bring it back up. Through the window of the door she saw the way he kissed you, the way he held you, and his smile when you pulled apart. She saw it with her bare eyes yet it was unbelievable. 
Unlike Mia, you  were doing quite better on the love department. Still unsure of where you stood in your relationship with Kyungsoo, you knew now that you were more than friends, that both of you wanted to be more than friends. You haven’t told Yixing what he had interrupted, thinking it would be best to keep it to yourself not to jinx it. But after rehearsal you didn’t have the chance to talk to Kyungsoo because Yixing dragged you by the hand to tell you in full detail all that had happened to him that afternoon. He wasn’t superstitious. 
“I’m happy for you, Xing,” you said touching his face in a caring way. You were proud of him like a mother would be proud of her son. “But I need to meet her or else you don’t have my approval.” He laughed with the condition. Although you were joking, he knew it was important for you to be introduced to her because you were important to him and vice versa.
“I gotta go now okay? I’m tired and I have a morning class tomorrow.” you said rubbing your face trying to keep yourself awake until you got home. “See you tomorrow?” he nodded in response and waved you goodbye.
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*Italian: “a rehearsal in which the actors deliver their lines and perform the action at a much faster rate” TDF Theater Dictionary
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Hi :) would you write one where ChopTop met the reader the the radio station along with Strech*idk if i spelled it right* but the reader dressed similar to him and was in a band herself makeing ChopTop love struck and just his stuttering getting worst and forgeting what to say witch the reader finds cute maybe it would get slightly nsfw to to the ebd but you can pick its ok if its just fluff :3 *sorry if its to long*
((Sorry this took so long! Gotta love my boy Chop-Top and this prompt not only gave me an excuse to rewatch his intro scene but it also seems super fun! It is a challenge to figure out dialogue for him tho because he’s so bizarre in all the best ways. This one didn’t end up being too romantic but I’ve been thinking about maybe writing a continuation for this just cause there’s so much more I can do with it. So let me know if any of y’all are interested! Tagging: @i-cant-get-with-it
Chop Top meets hippie s/o @ the radio station:
It’s been a pretty rough week at the station. Your good friend Vanita had gotten a terrible call-in the other day. Initially she thought it was a prank, as the men had been obnoxious all day, but even she couldn’t ignore the terrible screaming and shill grating of metal on metal. Not when she saw that article in the paper that seemed to match the call-in. She had told you about the plan she devised with some old sheriff, about playing the tape over the radio. To you it seemed like a bad idea and a great way to put a giant target on her back, but she was insistent that she had to do it and make a difference. Despite your worries, you couldn’t just leave her alone, so you decided to stay with her after that night’s broadcast.
Tonight had done nothing to ease your concerns, angry callers had been cursing out the station and since Stretch first aired the tape. L.G. seemed to be the most upset by it, talking about how much trouble Vanita was going to get into, though anyone with eyes could tell how soft he was on her. Sadly, it didn’t seem like the feelings were returned quite the same way. At least not yet, you thought, as you watched her turn down his offer to grab some coffee with him. Guess you two were sticking around for this “Lefty” guy.
Shortly after L.G. left, you heard the phone ring. You went to reach for it, but Stretch got there first. “Hello?…Hello?…Lefty?” You could guess from her side of the conversation that she was being met with silence. You raised an eyebrow and she looked at you, equally confused. The mysterious caller hung up. “What the hell was that all about?” you asked.
“No clue,” Stretch shrugged, “We get some weird callers sometimes, but-.” As if on a cue, you two heard a small slam from the other side of the station. Vanita’s eyes flicked to you. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
Stretch had been gone for a suspicious amount of time, when you decided you needed to go after her. You stood in the doorway of the hall leading to the lobby. From there, you could hear Stretch and a strange male voice, talking manically. “Hi, I know what you’re thinking. This is weird. Hope I can handle it.“ You peered out into the lobby, there you saw Vanita nervously backed against her desk, across from her was an odd man. He appeared to be in his 30s, dressed in patched and campy hippie clothes, the odd look topped off with a shappy mop of black hair and lavender Lennon specs. Though a somewhat tacky outfit, it reminded you of the way you and your bandmates dressed, especially when hanging out around at festivals. He started getting up and moving towards Stretch, and you walked out from the doorframe. Both sets of eyes looking your direction.
“Uhhh, hey man…what’s up?” you asked, awkwardly trying to redirect him. He turned to you, and looked you up and down, face unreadable.
“Wh-Who  the hell’re you? I thought it was j-just the DJ?”
“Well it isn’t space cadet! Who the hell are you?”
“I-I-I’m just a fan,” he turned back to Stretch, “Me and my little brother, Bubba, we listen to this show e-every night.” He turned back to you with a sick grin, “Music…is my life.”
You smiled at that, “Oh? I dig it. I’m in a band myself.”
His eyes went wide at that, and the barely contained manic energy in him seemed to ramp up, “O-Oh yeah? Wh-What’re you like? Something h-h-heavy? Like-like Iron Butterfly!”
You chuckled. Despite him being kind of a freaky-deaky dork, you had to admit the spaz was kind of endearing and a little cute. “Kinda. We’re more like Vanilla Fudge or Quicksilver Messenger Service than anything.”
“Far-Out! So-”
“I hate to interrupt,” Stretch cut in, “But the station is closed for the night.”
The man turned back to her, a strange glint in his eye and a sick grin that made you shudder. “Well, y’see, I wa-wanted to phone in my request but, but I al-al-always get too nervous, y’know?” He paused for a reaction before continuing, “But, well, since I’m here. In-In flesh-and-blood…I figured I could just give you my request now right!
Stretch looked to you for help and you just lifted your hands in a shrug-like gesture. “Uh, sure, sure. You can tell me your request and then you need to leave.”
The man chuckled, and started heating up the coat hanger he was holding with an old rainbow lighter. “Al-Alright…How about Cold Stone Fever from uh, Humble Pie! Or uh…” he picked at his scalp, ”In Da Vidda da Gadda babey. Heh heh yeah…” he turned to you, “Real, uh, heavy stuff, y’know.” You hid a laugh behind your hand, at his goofy smile and the fact that he got both song titles wrong.
Then that menace was back in his eyes, “Or…how about s-something like that, uh, Lefty r-request record you played today? How’d it go again?” You and Stretch’s eyes went wide as the man screamed and growled in mimicry of the terrible sounds of the attack. You looked at each other in mutual fear at this man standing between you and the exit. “Wh-What was that anyway? R-Rambo III soundtrack?” he chuckled at his own joke. “Could you play it again? Or, uh, m-maybe you co-could get me a copy!” He grinned, “You could both sign it. To-To-To a far out fan!”
He seemed to respond better to you so you spoke up, “We, uh, actually don’t have a copy. Sorry sir. But we could, er,  play your other requests.”
Something dark passed over his face that you couldn’t quite place. He looked to the side in the records vault. “Hey, uh, is this where you keep the golden oldies? And mayb-” The rest of the sentence was cut off when the lights suddenly flipped on, revealing a horrifying giant wielding what looked like a chainsaw. You and Vanita screamed, she ran off towards the back rooms while you ducked out of the way into the far corner of the room behind and hid on the far side of the sofa. You heard the man from earlier hollering in pain and wailing at the giant to “Get the girl!” You saw the giant run after Vanita through the door, and you peered out from your hiding place. You watched the man from before scream and clutch at his head. “He dented my plate! My brain is burning! Nam flashback! Nam flashback! Leatherface, you bitch, I’ll…Oh just look what you did to my Sonny Bono wig. Oh, God damn it!”
You listened to the man’s cries of pain and rage from your hiding place as you resisted the urge to help him. Judging from what you could make out from his rant, he was clearly with the man trying to kill Stretch. Oh god…Vanita…what have you gotten yourself into? He eventually managed to get to his feet and began to go through the records vault, muttering something about dogs hunting. You covered your ears and tried to block out the terrible sounds coming from behind the door leading to the recording area.
You heard a door open from the other side of the room. “Hey! What the shit?” L.G was back! Maybe he could get the police and everything would be okay.
“Lick my plate you dog dick!” the hippie yelled, flipping L.G. the bird. It would have been funny if the whole situation wasn’t so terrifying.
“What the fuck you think you’re doing in here, you crazy-looking little son of a bitch? Get out of here!” You wanted to scream at L.G. to run out of here and get help, that these guys were totally buggin and super dangerous. But you stayed quiet for fear of revealing your position. This turned out to be a lethal decision as the man lunged at L.G. brandishing a hammer. “Time for incoming mail!” he shrieked, slamming into hammer into L.G.’s skull, “Ho Chi Minh!” Over and over you heard the sickening thuds through your covered ears. You squeezed your eyes shut but you couldn’t pretend it just wasn’t happening. Hell, the same thing was probably happening to Stretch right now .
You didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt the warmth of the tears sliding down your face, but someone else did. You open your eyes to see the killer’s leering face less than a foot from your own, “H-H-Hey there, rock’n’roll b-bunny! T-th-th-thought I lost ya t-there.”
“Please, don’t kill me,” you sobbed, “I’m, like, really sorry for whatever’s making you upset.”
This seemed to make the man nervous, and he started picking twitchily at the edge of a metal plate embedded in his skull. “I-I…I ain’t g-gonna, er, kill you. J-Just…” he looked around the room frantically, as if trying to find a solution to his problem. He spied the hammer over by L.G.’s corpse and his face broke into a grin. He scrambled to grab it, whipped back around, and started getting closer to you, arms out ahead of him as if you were a spooked animal. And I guess in a way you were. “N-Now do-don’t move or-or nothing. It It ain’t gonna h-hurt.”
Your soft sobs turned into bawling, “NoNoNo Oh God PleasePleasePleasePlease Don’t do this Please don’t do this!”
You noticed some emotion flash across his face that you couldn’t figure out. “A-one and a-two and a-three!” and the hammer fell down on your skull. You collapsed, yet you kept fading in and out of consciousness. You heard footsteps coming through the door to the studio and what sounded like the two men having a one sided conversation. “Did you get her, Bubba? Did you get that bitch? She was my fave…but-but she knew! And now…nobody knows!…L-look what you did to my plate, you bitch!…Y-You got her? Di-Did you get her good?…Slap me five!
You heard footsteps coming closer but you couldn’t see what was happening as you felt yourself getting dragged over to a damp section of floor. “I got some too. Bonus bodies! Look at that beef,” you vaguely felt a slap against your thigh, but it was as if you were made of cotton. “Help me get it out of here!,” said the hippie as you felt yourself be hoisted onto the larger man’s shoulders.
 You were tossed in what seemed like the back of a truck, though you were so dizzy it was hard to tell. Finally you succumbed to your head injury and passed out. The giant, Bubba, left to sit shotgun and only Chop-top stayed by, standing over you with a dopey look on his face. “Don’t wo-worry baby, we’ll b-be home soon,” he gave you a sloppy peck on the cheek and ran back around to the driver’s side. “Alright Bubba! Let’s blow this pop stand!” he yelled, and sped off back to where the rest of the family was waiting.
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utazawa · 6 years
Always get the Details
For the @jaytimsecretsanta exchange 2018. De-aged was the prompt I decided to go with and the recipient is @mymaingoal. @chibinightowl was kind enough to do a last minute beta read of this for me.
What I've learned from this experience: Always save your stories on more than one device.
Jason works on picking several locks to a tightly sealed room while Tim keeps a look out for anyone coming.
“I don’t like that we don’t have comms in,” Tim gripes.
“Suck it up. If we want to catch both the buyers and the sellers, you know we have to be undercover, that includes no above average tech.”
“What if something goes wrong? You were rather vague on the details when you dragged me out for ‘date night’.”
“We sent photos of the buyers, sellers and ‘merchandise’ to Arsenal already. If we don’t check in, he’s supposed to anonymously pass the information off to the Commissioner.”
“That’s great, but you still haven’t explained why we haven’t let all these easy to free people go.” Tim hisses as he gestures through the heavily paned window on the metal door next to him that reveals a room full of drugged men and women. “Why are you so determined to get into this particular room?”
Jason stops to look at his obviously pissed off and concerned boyfriend. “Sorry, babe. I know I sprung this on you last minute, but I promise I’ll explain soon.” He returns to the last lock on the heavy door.
“Last minute!? Jason, I thought we were actually going on a date until you brought me here, told me to put on a wig and contacts so I wouldn’t be recognized, and to just play along.”
When Tim slips up and uses his name in the field, Jason realizes he needs to explain now or suffer the consequences, ones that will make his life miserable for however long it takes Tim to forgive him. “Red called me with intel on my way to your place. He’s working overseas on this international human trafficking ring and just found out that an auction was going down in Gotham tonight and that they have a special item up for bid.” He takes a breath and concentrates on the lock for a moment. It’s trickier than the ones more commonly found on doors like this. “The special item is a meta-human. We can’t sneak that many people out on our own undetected and they’re in no state to get out by themselves. If anyone finds us, it won’t be good. Besides, you know what the government is like when it comes to meta-humans. We need to get them out of here, then we can call this in and save the rest of those people.”
“If you had said that in the beginning, I wouldn’t have been so pissed.”
“Yeah, yeah, it couldn’t be…I’m in!” Jason opens the door, steps into the room and promptly comes back out. “This is a two-person job. I need your help.”
Upon entering the room, Tim spots the reason why. There’s a young girl strapped down to a stretcher with an inhibitor collar on. She’s staring up at them with a terrified look in her eyes.
“I’ll get her loose from the table, you work on the collar,” Jason says quietly.
Approaching the child, Tim speaks softly to her. “Don’t worry, we’re going to get you out of here.”
She still looks terrified. They’re not even sure if she speaks English, so he tries giving her a reassuring smile as he slowly reaches for the collar and gets to work on releasing it. This particular model is one he’s gotten his hands on before, so it doesn’t take long to override the release mechanism.
Jason manages to release her from the gurney fairly quickly. He hears the locking mechanism click and Tim slowly removes the collar from her neck. The girl bolts out of the bed and scurries across the room.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he says soothingly. “We’re only trying to help.”
They make the rookie mistake of approaching her at the same time.  The little girl raises her hand defensively and releases a blast of energy that sends Tim and Jason to the floor, darkness overtaking them both.
Jason slowly wakes up, head pounding and feeling completely disoriented. Wherever he is, it smells weird. He reaches up to touch his aching head and realizes two things. One, everything hurts; two, his clothes feel weird. Opening his eyes, he realizes he’s in a strange basement, or what looks and smells like a basement anyway. He looks down at his clothes and feels even more confused because he’s wearing some rich old man’s hoity toity monkey suit. What the hell is going on?
A groan comes from behind him and he slowly turns around. There’s a kid, maybe 7 years old, also drowning in a too big suit. Crap, this isn’t good. He doesn’t know what kind freak grabbed them, but he’s clearly got a fetish. They have to leave right now.
The kid groans louder and opens his eyes when Jason shakes his shoulder. ���Come on, we have to get outta here.”
“Where are we? What’s going on?”
The boy’s accent throws Jason. He’s not from the streets, not sounding like that. “I dunno. Just woke up here and I’m not plannin’ to stick around to find out.”
Standing up, Jason almost loses his pants. The belt is way too big and doesn’t have enough holes. There’s nothing here to make a new one, so he grips the waist band and looks around, spotting the straps on the bed. He pulls them off, shying away from thinking about why they’re even there. One gets tied around his waist and he tosses the other to the young boy.
“Tie that around your waist,” he says as he rolls up his pants so he doesn’t trip.
“Why are you helping me?”
“Do you want me to leave you here?”
“Then don’t ask stupid questions.” Jason starts rolling up one pant leg while the boy works on the other. The boy’s legs are skinny but not in a way that looks like he’s not getting enough to eat. He’s just tiny. “I’m Jason,” he says, not liking the quiet. “What’s your name, kid?”
Tiny Tim. He wants to snicker at it, but in reality, he’s freaking out because they’ve been here too long. Losing it won’t do any good. He’s gotta stay calm. Grabbing Tim’s hand, Jason pulls him up.
“Sorry, but we have to go, now. I don’t wanna be here when whoever took us comes back.”
How did that happen anyway? He can’t remember. The whole night feels like a blur.
Tim is showing obvious signs of panic – shaking, rapid breathing rate – but he’s silent as he follows Jason carefully through the halls. One floor up, they find a small window with a few crates conveniently placed beneath it. Jason turns to give Tim a boost and gives him a funny look when he sees that he has his shoes tied together and slung over his shoulders.  
The boy shrugs. “They're too big, but I might need them.”
That’s not an entirely bad idea. Jason helps him onto a crate. “Can you get it open?”
Tim nods determinedly, but he struggles with the window for what feels like too long before it opens with a loud scraping noise.
Jason winces and checks for signs of anyone coming while Tim makes his way through the window. Not hearing anything, he pulls himself up onto the crates and barely squeezes through the tiny window.
It’s a straight drop to the ground, but it’s not too far, at least for him. Tim probably had some trouble though, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Jason really has to look around to spot him hidden in the shadows against the opposite wall.
“You okay?” he asks.
Tim looks up from rubbing his knees and nods. Silently, they start trying to find their way out of the area, avoiding the one spot that is very active with people coming and going.
After half an hour of ducking behind objects and staying out of sight, they decide they're probably far enough away to walk in the relative open.
Tim pulls on Jason's sleeve to get his attention. “We should contact Batman and Robin.”
“Why would we do that?”
“Why wouldn't we? They help people and besides, whoever took us might take more kids!”
Jason scoffs and looks away. “Batman don't care about us Crime Alley kids.”
“Of course, he does!”
Tim is obviously upset by the accusation. Jason eyes him carefully, putting together the pieces of the little puzzle he’s been trying to solve since they woke up together in that room. “You're not from around here, are you?” He indicates the dirty streets and alleys around him with a sweep of his arm.
“’Round here, you wanna stay under Batman’s radar. You don't want him decidin’ to ‘help' you and sending you to Child Services. That's worse than the streets.”
Tim opens and closes his mouth a few times, but eventually just shuts it. He's obviously not sure how to respond to the new information.
Jason kicks a stone on the ground and watches as it disappears into the darkness. He just wants to get out of here and go back to his current squat, but he has to make sure the kid gets home alright. At this time of night, there’s no telling what else is lurking in the shadows. “Look, I'll walk you home and you can do whatever you want after I'm gone. Where do you live?”
There’s slight hesitation before Tim responds, “Gotham Towers.”
Jason is surprised the streets aren't crawling with cops if this kid is from a neighbourhood like that. He really wasn't kidding about not being from around here. It makes him wonder how Tim is so good at moving around undetected.
“Come on, let's get you home.”
They’re about half way through New Town when Jason gets the feeling that something’s wrong. Really wrong. He tries looking around to see if anyone is following them and doesn’t, not that it means anything when alleys are nothing but black holes waiting for their next prey, but he does notice Tim looking around with a confused expression. He pays attention to what Tim’s staring at and quickly realizes a few of the buildings and businesses seem wrong. Wasn’t that bookstore a pawn shop the last time he was through here? It wasn’t that long ago, was it? Maybe a week? He also could have sworn that building across the street was an empty lot.
“Yo, Tim. Do you know how long they had us? I thought it was only a few hours, but things don't look quite.” He stares in amazement and horror when they turn onto the next block. “Holy shit!”
“What happened?” Tim breathes, eyes wide and just as surprised as him. He turns to Jason for an explanation, like he would know why this whole block of the city has drastically changed.
“How the hell would I know?”
Tim flinches back at Jason's harsh exclamation.
“I'm not mad at ya and I’m not gonna hit ya, so just stop it.” Jason sighs, feeling like an asshole. “Sorry, I'm kinda freakin’ out a little. Not your fault.”
Tim seems to relax a little, but he’s obviously still concerned about the changes as well. “Are you sure we shouldn't contact Batman?”
“What the hell is Batman gonna do about this?”
“Well, umm…” Tim drops his gaze to the ground. “I don't know.”
“Exactly. Let's just keep goin’. Your folks must be worried.”
They keep walking, taking note of just how drastically some areas have changed.
“Jason?” Tim asks, speaking up after they pass through another block where nothing is familiar to either of them. “Do you think we should see a doctor? It doesn't feel like I've been gone long enough for the city to change this much. Maybe whoever took us gave us something and it’s messing with our heads?”
Jason is surprised by the kid. He hadn't thought of that possibility and it's a really damned good point.
“You're right.” He grabs Tim's hand and changes course, heading back toward Crime Alley. “Let's go see Doc Thompkins. She runs the Free Clinic and doesn't ask too many questions.”
Tim seems like he recognizes the name as he perks up and follows after him, keeping his hand firmly wrapped in Jason’s.
They're a few blocks away from the clinic when Tim suddenly pulls Jason into an alley and presses them against the wall.
“What the hell are...”
“Shhhh.” Tim puts a finger up to his lips and looks up.
Jason has no idea what he’s on about, but he stays silent, eyes on the sky when he spots a Robin shaped shadow flying briefly overhead. Okay, now he’s confused. Didn’t Tim say they should try and find Batman and his boy toy wonder? So why is he hiding from them now?
After a couple of minutes where Tim insisted they be silent, Jason's had enough.
“That was Robin, wasn't it? Why the hell are we hiding? I thought you wanted to find Batman.”
“That wasn't Robin.”
“Wasn't Robin? He was wearing a cape, in Gotham, and it sure as hell wasn't Batman.”
“He was dressed like Robin, but that wasn't him. I'd know.” For the first time tonight, Tim sounds entirely sure of himself.
“What does that mean?”
“Doesn't matter. The point is, we can't trust whoever that was.”
Jason looks at Tim in a mixture of annoyance and confusion. “Whatever, let’s just get to Doc Thompkins.”
They hurry to the clinic. Once they arrive and tell the check-in nurse what they think happened to them, they’re quickly ushered into a room and provided with a suitable change of clothing.
Doc Thompkins comes in and asks them a few questions, leaving after taking some blood samples, and promises to return shortly.
At this time of night, the clinic is very quiet, and the walls are thin. Too thin, really and they hear her say their names from out in the hall.
Tim gives him a surprised look, one that Jason knows he’s mirroring.
He doesn’t remember introducing themselves, although he supposes it’s possible the doc recognizes him. Jason jumps down off the exam table and darts over to the closed door, opening it ever so slightly to hear what’s being said.
“…get Tim and Jason, now.” There's a pause as the other person presumably responds. Doc Thompkins doesn’t sound happy. “Then send Robin. Those boys need help beyond what I can give them. I’ve got blood samples I can send you. Your testing equipment is much better than mine.”
Jason really wants to know what she means by that and how she’s got a direct line to what sounds like the freaking Batman. So much for this place being safe. He spares a thought to leaving without Tim, but the boy’s recent change of heart about Batman won't let him.
“We have to go.” He pulls Tim up out of his seat by his arm. “We shouldn't have come here. The doc called Batman or someone to come get us. I think they plan to send Robin.”
In the light of the exam room, Tim’s light blue eyes stand out as they widen in fear. He willingly follows after Jason. They wait for the hall to empty and sneak out of the clinic, eventually hiding under a dark set of stairs a few blocks away.
“I can't go home tonight.” Tim's statement is so definite and out of the blue it startles Jason.
“Why the hell not?”
The boy fidgets. “If Dr. Thompkins’ knew our names without us telling her, then she might know our full names. If Batman gets that information, he could easily find me. Now that they’re not the same people, or at least Robin isn't, I don't want to go with them. Mrs. Mac will be worried that I'm not home, but my parents are away, so they won't know, unless it really has been a long time and they’re back from their trip. They’re almost always gone.”
Tim looks a little upset by the end of his statement, so Jason slings an arm over his skinny shoulders and pulls him into an awkward hug. “Okay, we won't take you home, but it's late. I don't have a home to go back to, so let's find somewhere to crash and we'll try to figure this shit out in the morning.”
“Okay, thank you.”
Jason scratches the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed by how grateful Tim sounds. “Don't mention it.”
They find a decrepit apartment building and after some searching, discover a room that’s easy for two boys to sneak into via the fire escape. It must be lived in, because the door is locked, but there’s no sign that anyone has been there recently. Jason is beyond exhausted at this point, so he decides to take the chance. They curl up together on the clean, sheetless bed and fall right to sleep.
Loud, barking laughter startles them awake.
“This is priceless! Where's a camera when you need one?”
Jason opens his eyes and glares at Roy, still dressed in his Arsenal get-up, holding himself up against the wall and crying from laughter. In his arms, Tim stiffens.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?” Jason gives him an unimpressed look for the rude awakening.
Roy's laughter increases in volume. “Don’t gimme that look, Jaybird. You're not very threatening, looking like that!”
Jason attempts to get up to knock some sense into Roy when he hears a rip and realizes just how restricting his clothes are. He looks down in horror. No wonder Tim is frozen in place. His pants are ripped down the ass, and his thighs have busted through the seams. His shirt feels like a skin-tight crop top.
But he's lucked out compared to Tim. Tim's clothes are ripped everywhere, held on by mere threads.
Last night starts to come back to him and as he looks around, he realizes they’re in what’s actually an older safehouse of his. Thank God for small favors, even if he does need to revamp the security.
Jason glares from over the top of Tim’s head. “Harper, what the fuck did you do?!”
“How is this my fault?”
“You sent us after that meta. What did she do to us?”
“Well…”Roy hedges, clearly enjoying this too much.
“Roy!” Tim adds in, exasperated. “Explanation, now!”
The archer rushes to start speaking, apparently not trusting Jason's modesty to keep him grounded for long. “Turns out she's a magician. Found out too late she was being sold as a meta because they bring a better price so I called Zatanna after you missed your check-in, and she tracked her down using some magic crap I don’t understand. The kiddo feels bad about what she did to you, by the way, and says she’s sorry.”
Jason growls in frustration. “I don't give a damn how she feels right now. I’m losing blood flow in some rather important places, so go get us some clothes!”
Roy laughs loudly again as he makes his escape.
Now that they have some privacy, Jason envelops Tim in his arms and breathes in the scent of his hair. It always calms him, and this time isn’t any different. “I wasn’t kidding about the lack of blood flow. Let's get these rags off and really give Roy a reason to regret laughing at us.” He kisses the back of Tim’s neck, but Tim jerks away.
“I'm not jeopardizing my chance to get clothing just because you’re horny. This is your safehouse, so go find a blanket. I'm cold.”
“Bossy. I think I like you better as a kid. Tiny Tim.”
Jason grunts hard at the bony elbow to his gut. Okay, perhaps this Tim is just fine after all.
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A Touch of Destiny ch.5 - Friday Night
Drake x OC (Jessa)
Words: 2015
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 Back in New York City, Friday night finally arrives. Drake was a big bundle of nerves. He couldn’t wait to see Jessa, but if she tried to tell him they should “just be friends” again, he was going to have to take some drastic measures to convince her otherwise. And he wasn’t sure how yet.
. How could someone dream they were in love, but when with the person, try to convince themselves otherwise? Although, he was proud that she--hopefully--was breaking up with her boyfriend. At least she wasn’t a cheat. Granted, people in relationships don’t go around kissing other people, but she did always draw the line after that, and he respected her for it. Besides that, he knew that if Jessa was his girl, she would definitely not be kissing anyone else. Nope, when their lips touched, the entire universe stopped just for them. It was incredible.
“Ready, Drake?” Liam asked him
“Yup.” He responded
“Still nervous?” Steve asked
Drake just shrugged.
“Well, then, let’s go party!” Maxwell led the way out the door. The four men walked the city streets until they arrived at a small pub. Drake liked the atmosphere already. Nothing fancy. They were supposed to meet the girls at 9, but by the time they got there it was almost 10. Drake had been surprised that Jessa never text him, that Riley had messaged Liam the details. But it didn’t matter, he was going to see her now.
When they walked in, the girls were easily spotted. The bar wasn’t too busy, and there were four of them, Jessa, Riley, Sadie, and Theresa. He didn’t remember much about Sadie and Theresa but at least there was a girl for every guy, so no one would feel like an awkward third wheel. Drake was all too familiar with that feeling, and it always sucked.
Liam walked straight over with the air of confidence he always carried. “Hello, ladies. It’s a pleasure to see you again.”
“Liam!” Rile squealed, jumping onto him for a hug.
“Woah!” he exclaimed, then started chuckling. “It’s good to see you too, Riley. I apologize we’re late.”
“Oh, that’s ok! But you guys have some catching up to do. We’ve had several shots already. We’re celebrating so we didn’t wait!”
“What are you celebrating?” Maxwell asked
A glint crossed Riley’s eyes, and she leaned closer to Drake “Jessa’s single” She waggled her eyebrows at him. “Preeeeetty sure you’re the reason why.” She giggled.
Drake’s breath caught. She did it? She’s alone?
“She also started her new book. Eeeeee it’s so exciting!”
He looked over to where she was standing, pounding a beer with her two other friends. Gotta respect a girl who can chug. A smile spread on his face as he walked over.
“Hey, Jessa.”
“Drake! I thought you wouldn’t make it.” She responded
“Oh? Why would you think that?”
She shrugged. “Cuz you’re late. Figured you chickened out. Or something.”
He grinned “I would never turn down an opportunity to see you. I thought I made my intentions clear.”
She laughed, and it sounded like music to his ears. “Yes, but that was Vegas. This is home. Totally different.”
“Not for me.” He stated matter of fact
A blush crept onto her face “You’re adorable when you blush” he told her. Then he watched as the blush deepened, a feeling of satisfaction washing over him.
“Heard you started a new book. I’ll buy you a drink to celebrate.” He said
She nodded “Okay! Yes, I did. I was having such a hard time deciding on the next story and finally inspiration struck.”
Drake ordered them both a whiskey. “So, what’s it about? You never told me what you write.”
She shrugged. “Maybe someday I’ll give you my pen name, and you can find out for yourself.”
Ah, that explains why I couldn’t find anything under her name.
“You could do that. You could also tell me.” Drake had a feeling he already knew, otherwise she would have told him.
But she shook her head. “No…I’m not saying you wouldn’t like it, I’m just saying…ah, hell, I don’t know what I’m saying. Justin never supported my writing, that’s why I was having such a hard time starting a new novel. And I just don’t want to feel like a disappointment anymore.”
What a freaking asshole. How could someone make this dark-haired beauty feel bad about herself? I bet what she writes is amazing. And probably smoking hot.
He leaned in, murmuring in her ear “I also heard you dumped the jerk.”
He wrapped one of his arms around her waist. “So, fuck him. We’re drinking. We’re celebrating. And we’re together again so we’re going to have a good time.”
She turned her head and grinned up at him. “You’re right. Cheers, Drake. To new adventures.”
“And new romance” he added with a wink, clinking their glasses.
She laughed again “How are you this bold? You must be really smooth with the ladies.”
“Actually…no. Smoothness is not my thing. But with you, things are different. I feel like I’ve known you forever. Which…makes me really comfortable and excited to see you.”
He turned her to face him and cupped her face in his hands “You’re also fighting your feelings for me, and I can’t help but wonder why. So, I’m trying to figure it out.”
She licked her lips. “I don’t…really know why either. But…”
“No buts. Unless you want me to back off completely. Then you'll be stuck wondering what it would have been like with me for the rest of your life. Or at least, that’s what I’ll be doing.”
He let go and took a step back, leaving her staring at him in shock, as the rest of the group sauntered over to them.
“Time for shots!” Sadie announced. “Pick your poison, Jessa. It’s your night.”
“Fireball whiskey” she said without hesitation, still staring at Drake.
Drake raised an eyebrow. He was expecting her to choose something like a Lemon Drop, not that anything was wrong with that. But she was going hardcore, mixing fire with whiskey. Drake was impressed, and everyone would be drunk soon enough on that.
“Let’s do it!” Drake said. She grinned and placed the order. Once everyone swallowed it down, all of them grimacing except Jessa and Drake, everyone ordered more drinks and spread out around the bar. There was a pool table, two dart boards, and a foosball table. Drake led Jessa over to a dartboard.
“You any good?” He asked her
“Oh please, I’m a pro!” She said, eyes shining.
Drank handed her some darts and brushed his fingers against hers, noticing the warmth that immediately spread from the small touch.
“Ladies first.” He told her.
After several turns, Jessa was officially kicking Drake’s ass. Just as Drake was about to take another shot, Jessa grabbed his arm “Look!”
Drake dropped his dart with the force and he looked over where she was pointing…and saw Liam and Riley sharing a kiss. His eyebrows shot up.
“Okay…I wasn’t expecting that.” He stated
“She thinks he’s really cute.” She told him. “But I didn’t think anything would happen. I mean, he doesn’t live here and he’s getting married, right? That’s why you guys were in Vegas? I’m so over the whole ‘Let’s have one last fling before getting married’, thing.”
“It’s a complicated process for him…” Drake started
“Isn’t all romance complicated?” She cut in.
“Doesn’t have to be” he replied. “It’s only as complicated as you make it…but in Liam’s case, I’m afraid he has no choice in how complicated it gets.”
“What’s his deal, anyway? He’s so…proper. Super nice, but proper. Almost like he’s from a different time.”
Drake shrugged. “He’ll have to tell you himself.” He sighed, frowning. Everyone asks about Liam. It could be really frustrating. He wanted to get to know Jessa, not talk about Liam.
“Hey.” He felt her hand on his arm. “Is that a sensitive subject? I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
Drake looked at her in surprise. “Why do you say that?”
“You looked really sad” she said softly.
He was taken aback how she realized that from one simple look at him. Everyone always had a hard time reading him. "Maybe we should just...go join everyone. It's safe to say you won this game anyway, and I'd like another shot of Fireball."
She nodded, clearly a bit confused by his change of attitude. Together they walked back over to the bar.
  About an hour and several shots more later
  “I have an idea! Let’s play Never Have I Ever! It’s such a great drinking game!”
“Riley, I hate that game.” Theresa told her.
“Ugh, fine, go play darts or something then. Who’s with me?”
“Woot woot I am!” Maxwell exclaimed
“Yes, that sounds fun” Liam agreed.
“I’m always down for something that will get me drunker…and maybe embarrass people.” Steve smirked
In the end, everyone agreed to play.
“Ok I’ll start.” Riley said. “Hmm never have I ever…seen the Northern Lights.”
Liam and Maxwell were the only ones who drank.
“Alright. I guess we know who the travelers are” she laughed
“My turn!” Maxwell jumped in. “Never have I ever kissed a man”
All the girls took a drink…and Steve.
“What?” Maxwell gasped
“Ehhh I was drunk, and someone dared me. Wasn’t bad really. Softer lips than I would have imagined.” Steve said with a wink.
“Oh my god, I remember that.” Drake burst out laughing. “Halloween, two years ago. That was quite a night!”
“Yup! I was dressed as Madonna, heels, wig, everything. Someone thought it would be funny if I kissed Elvis. Sometimes you just gotta do something different, something out of your comfort zone. Take a chance.” He looked at Drake and Jessa slyly. “Never know what will come of it.”
Drake rolled his eyes. “Alright then. Never have I ever dressed as a woman.”
Everyone groaned. “That’s really the best you could do, Drake?” Steve laughed.
“Shut up and drink” Drake replied.
They all went around until it was back to Riley. She had a mischievous look about her as she glanced around the group.
“Hmm What have I not done that someone here has? Hmm…”
Drake was getting nervous. She was up to something and he had a bad feeling about it.
“Got it!” She snapped her fingers. “Never have I ever dreamed I fell in love every night!”
Everyone fell silent. Drake turned his eyes over to Jessa, who was shooting daggers at her sister. Riley was smiling innocently, waiting.
“That was a low blow, Riley” Jessa murmured. “I can’t believe you just did that.”
“You’ll thank me later.” Riley whispered back, loudly.
“I’m guessing this is…Drunk Riley coming out?” Liam asked, trying to lighten the mood.
“I like drunk Riley” Steve said immediately.
“Thanks, Steve!” She beamed.
“You know what, Riley? You said that specifically knowing that Drake and I would drink, then act surprised by the other drinking, and then go make out over in that corner.” Jessa fumed, pointing at a barely visible corner of the room.
“That’s a pretty specific place to go make out, Jessa.” Riley returned
“Whatever.” Jessa took the rest of her drink in one gulp, then slammed her glass down on the table. “Can’t say I didn’t finish the game. I’m out.”
She stood up and stormed off out the door, while everyone stared after her. After a split second, Drake bolted after her.
“Jessa, stop!” He called out at her retreating form.
She whirled around. “Ya know, I just wanted to have fun. I didn’t want to get serious. Fucking Riley doesn’t know when to back off.”
“You drank.” Drake told her
“Oh, right, so you’re actually gonna stand there acting like this is a surprise. I just said that would happen.” She snapped
“Why are you yelling at me? I didn’t choose to bring it up.”
She threw her hands up in the air. “I just broke up with someone. I didn’t expect to meet you, Drake. I’m not prepared for what this is.”
Drake stepped closer “And what is this?”
She bit her bottom lip as her eyes gazed straight into his. “Isn’t it obvious? It’s a touch of destiny.”
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Always: Part 5
Pairings: Chibs x Reader (Reader has breast cancer)
Warnings: Swearing, breast cancer, angst, fluff, hair loss, Chibs being an ass and some miscommunication.
Word Count: 4,686
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
“Do you have a support system to go home to?” Your doctor asked as you carefully slipped your maxi dress over your head.
“My friend, Mike and his doctor daughter. They’ll be there.” You responded as you started packing your things into your purse.
“What about your boyfriend?” She asked regarding the man that had been camped out in the waiting room for the better part of the past two days.
“What boyfriend?” You asked with a shake of your head. You threw your phone charger in your bag and grabbed the strap as you turned toward the doctor. “Can you just sign me out of here please? My ride is waiting and thanks to HIPPA, I know you can’t tell the biker that I’m leaving.” She looked over at you with a sigh and nodded her head.
“Just come back next week to get the stitches out.” She reminded you as she signed your release papers. “Take it easy and no heavy lifting. Don’t forget to do your exercises. If you have any questions…”
“Yea, yea, call the doctor.” You said as you took the papers from her. “Already have all my appointments set up. Thanks for everything, doc. See you next week.” With a tight lipped, weak smile, you grabbed your sunglasses off the table and headed out the door before she could call a nurse for a wheelchair so you wouldn’t catch Chibs’ attention. You made your way through the hospital, purposely taking the path to the back ER entrance where Kendra, Mike’s daughter, was waiting for you.
“Well look at you, stranger.” She called out as she got out of the drivers seat of her pick-up to grab your bag for you. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”
“Hey Kendra.” You smiled as you kissed your old friend’s cheek. “Thanks for schlepping your ass all the way down from doctor world in big, bad Seattle.”
“Yea well I’ve got a shit ton of sick and vacation days piling up, collecting dust. And it’s been a while since I saw my dad anyways so it’s a win-win.” She glanced over at you as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed to your apartment. “So I gotta ask… why am I hearing that you have cancer from my dad in the same phone call he’s tellin’ me that you’re not only dating but hiding from a biker boy?”
“Where is your dad?” You asked, trying to change the subject.
“He’s guarding your apartment. Now answer my question.” You sighed and looked over at her sarcastically.
“I told your dad not to tell you.” You said as you fiddled with your wig. “Told him not come around because I didn’t want either of you to see me like this.” She glanced over at you as you gently pulled your wig off your head and furrowed your brow. You could almost heart her heart break for you as you shook your head. “Chemo was a fucking nightmare. This whole experience has been a fucking nightmare. I just didn’t wanna drag the only people I consider family into the mess unless I absolutely had no other option. I would have gone through it all alone if Chibs and his little biker family hadn’t forced themselves on me 24/7.”
“Jesus, (Y/N).”
“I couldn’t tell you Kendra.” You said as you put your wig back on. “I couldn’t break your heart after what happened to your mom.”
“You know what, (Y/N). Fuck you!” She said as she pulled into your parking lot and parked next to her dad’s car. “If anything, I should have been there every Goddamn day! You were the closest fucking thing I had to a sister and you had no right to keep something like this from your fucking sister, do you hear me?” She searched your tear filled eyes for a moment before she sighed loudly. “Come here, you pain in my ass.” You let out a choked laugh as you leaned as best as you could so she could hug you carefully. “I’m just so glad you’re alright.”
“I’m even better now.” You said as the two of you pulled away from each other. “I can even hide behind a tree a lot better than you can now, too.” Your friend laughed as she turned off her car and grabbed your bag.
“Death to the murderous boobs.” She said as she got out of the truck. You nodded your head in agreement as you got out of the truck as well.
“Death to the murderous boobs.”
“He’s back again. Twice a day for a whole week.” Mike said as he peered out the shades on the front window like a crack head when he heard the rumble of a motorcycle out front. “Self-centered biker asshole.” You looked over at him as you stirred the pasta sauce and meatballs you were making for dinner and shook your head.
“Dad, get out of the damn window!” Kendra snapped as she set the table for the three of you.
“I’m not in the damn window!” Mike countered as he let the blinds close.
“Then why don’t I see you cuttin’ the bread?” She asked as she looked up at him through her lashes at the same moment the timer rang. “There’s your pasta buzzer, pop. (Y/N) can’t lift it; you gunna make your kid do everything like you have all week while you grumble at the window?” She pointed at the timer with the knife in her hand before setting it on the placemat. 
“You’re a rotten child, Kendra. Rotten to your core.” He teased as he walked around you to get to the spaghetti.
“You raised me.” She laughed as the pair of you exchanged a look. It lasted a half second before you both looked over at the knock at your door.
“I got it.” Mike said as he set the pasta pan down a little harshly on the counter and stormed out of the kitchen.
“Dad…” Kendra said threateningly as he threw the dead bolt. You heard the chain rattle and a soft, female ‘oh’ from the other side of the door. 
“Sorry… I’m looking for (Y/N)?” Lyla inquired.
“You can let her in, guard dog.” You said as you set your spoon down and wiped your hands off on your sweat pants. You came out into the living room and scowled as Lyla squeezed through the small opening Mike was giving her. “Pop, back up and let her in!” You scolded as you whacked at his arm.
“Dad, will you just mellow out!” Kendra snapped as she turned off the pasta sauce for you. “Get over here and cut the bread. Then set another plate for (Y/N)’s friend.”
“Oh, I’m not…” Lyla tried but you cut her off.
“No, you’re staying.” You said as you took her bag off her shoulder. “Because I know he sent you in here to find out how I was because I haven’t stepped foot outside other than to get my check-up this morning and I know you’re gunna tell him I’m miserable without him because every one else knows it…”
“Stupid biker…” Mike muttered as he put out Lyla’s plate and silverware on the table. 
“Dad!” Kendra snapped as she put the spaghetti and meatballs on the table in a fancy bowl from your cabinet. “Stop!”
“So we’re gunna make him wait…” 
“Make him sweat it out a little bit longer.” Kendra chimed in as she set out the fresh parmesan cheese and the butter. “Because he knows what he said was shitty even if he meant nothing by it and he deserves to self-depreciate for being so thoughtless to someone in (Y/N)’s position.”
“And he deserves a punch in the mouth for hurting my baby.” Mike said as you gently pushed Lyla toward the table.
“He should also know that I’m not some pushover club skank that will take him back at the drop of a hat. I have fucking standards… and fucking cancer.”
“Quit swearing at the dinner table, you heathen.” Mike said as he reached out for the serving spoons to serve your plate for you.
“Yes sir.” You said as you grabbed two slices of bread and the butter. You glanced over at Lyla as she grabbed her own bread and some butter while she waited for the spaghetti spoons. “So how is he?”
“He can’t decide whether he wants to be a mopey teenage girl or a pissed off, alcoholic Scotts man. If he wasn’t so sad, it’d actually be a little funny.” You nodded as the slightly vindictive side of you cheered.
“Well now he knows what it feels like to be hurt by the person you love.” You said as you twirled some spaghetti on your fork. “Accidental or not, that shit isn’t right.”
“You sure you’re OK to do this now?” Kendra asked as she and Mike got ready to head back to his house for the night. You nodded and sighed as you leaned against the chair by your front door.
“I just… I need to know if he meant it. I need to know if I’m gunna keep crying myself to sleep or if him stalking me is his twisted version of proving his love. I gotta know, Kendra.”
“I know.” She said as she rubbed your arms with a smile. “But from what we’ve talked about and what I’ve seen from him… I think it’s the latter for both of you.” You smiled and nodded in agreement as she kissed your forehead. “Text me tonight to let me know if I need to come and pick you up for chemo in the morning or if I’m just meeting you there.”
“I will, I promise. But just plan on meeting me there.” You said as you gave her a careful hug. You stepped back to look up at Mike with a smile.
“He better not hurt you again.” He said as he kissed your forehead. “I’ll make his and the MC’s life a living hell if he does.”
“See this is why I didn’t tell you I was dating the biker, pop.” You said as he unlocked the door and dropped the chain.
“Yea, well I’m serious.” He said with a nod. “No more.” You nodded as he pulled the front door open and instantly glared at the biker who was waiting patiently against the wall per the request you sent out with Lyla when she left.
“I’ll talk to you guys later.” You said as you leaned against the door frame and held onto the front door. You kept your eyes on them until the moment they drove out of sight before turning to look at your boyfriend with a sigh. “Alright, let’s go.” You said as you pushed off the door and took a step back.
“M’luv, I’m…” He started as he walked into your house but you held up your hand to stop him.
“No. This is how this is gunna work.” You said as you closed and locked the door behind him. “You are not allowed to say I’m sorry at all.” You said as you walked over and grabbed a joint from your dwindling supply. “It means nothing to me after hearing the truly heinous thing that came out of your mouth. Light?” He nodded as he pulled his Zippo from his pocket and lit your joint for you. You took a long hit as you sat down in your spot on the couch facing him. 
“Now… I need you to know while it currently means nothing, I know you are sorry.” You said as you passed him the joint. “And you damn well should be. I mean… the man I love stood outside my hospital room… not even twelve hours after I had a life altering, very emotionally traumatizing surgery that literally cut away a big part of a womanhood… and said that no one without tits is getting on your bike.” You took the joint back and took a long drag. You shook your head at him, truly disgusted but understanding he didn't mean it that way at the same time. “This… is… this is what would be on the back of your bike now.” You said with tears in your eyes as you gave him back the joint and started unbuttoning the shirt you were wearing that actually belonged to him. You couldn’t help but close your eyes as you let the fabric fall away.
“Look a’ me m’luv.” He said softly as he reached out and gently grabbed your chin with your thumb and pointer finger. He waited until you opened your eyes before moving his hand to cup your jaw in his hand. “I’d be ‘onored ta ‘ave ye on the back’a me bike. Fuckin’ ‘onored tha’ I could get ta call such a strong, amazing, beautiful woman m’own. I know ye don’ want ta ‘ear it, luv… but I am deeply sorry. I didn’ mean it as a cut at ye, it was…”
“I know.” You said as you nodded your head in his hand. “I know.”
“I’m so sorry, m’ luv.” You nodded as he scooted closer to you on the couch to pull you into a hug.
“Careful.” You said with a small laugh. “Still sore.” He muttered sorry as he carefully picked you up by the hips and put you on his lap. As gently as he could, he wrapped you in the loosest tight hug he could. You closed your eyes as tears spilled onto his kutte and brushed your forehead against his throat.
“Come home.” You whispered as you tangled your fingers in his hair.
“M’clothes are stashed und’a yer bed, luv. I wasn’t leavin’ wit’out a fight.” You huffed a laugh and nodded as you pulled back to look at him.
“Let’s go to bed, baby. I’ve got more chemo in the morning. But that was your only chance. Hurt me again and I’m setting your bike on fire. Just remember… I’m fucking crazy.” He chuckled and nodded as he grabbed another joint from the little jar and stopped to grab a Disney movie from the cabinet.
“Trust me, luv. I ‘onestly expected ta walk out the ‘ospital ta find it burned when ye left wit’out tellin’ me.” He smirked at you as he helped you pull one of his wife beaters on. “Thanks for tha’, by the way.”
“Which part? Not burning your bike or being smarter than you?”
“Both ye smart ass. An’ ye can’ even use the ‘I’ve canc’a’ excuse ‘cause they cut it all out’a ye. Now we jus’ ‘ave ta figure out ‘ow ta cut out the sass, too.”
“You’re an ass.” You giggled as you got into bed.
“An’ I ‘ope ye still luv me?” You smiled and nodded at him as he got into bed beside you.
“For now.”
“See, there ‘t’is ‘gain.” He teased as he situated himself around you since sleeping on your back was the easiest and most comfortable for the time being. He hit play on the remote and lit the joint as you propped your head up on his arm.
“I’m kicking you out… tomorrow… or maybe when my chemo’s over in two months…”
“Aye, I bet ye will.” He teased as he handed you the joint with a huff. “Now ‘ush up an’ watch the movie.”
You thought chemo kicked your ass the first around but going from once every other week to once a week every week was torture. You knew you had agreed to the most aggressive treatment possible but by week two, you regretted that decision greatly. On top of that, you had to deal with radiation and doctors appointments that felt like they were booked every other minute.
But the icing on the shit cake came in the middle of week six when SAMCRO went into lockdown.
“Can’t you just tell the bad guys to like not come near your sick girlfriend?” You whined as you laid on your bed, shivering, while Chibs packed everything you would need for about a week away from home.
“Tha’s the exact thing I would do if I wanted ta get m’girlfriend killed, luv.” He replied as he held your bag beside your bedside table and swept everything into it except your lamp and your alarm clock. “It’ll be fine, luv. I promise.”
“That’s what you think… wait give those back! It’s cold!” You snapped as he pulled the top four blankets off you to pack.
“I know it is, luv.” He said as he folded them quickly and added them to the bag. “But the fast’a ye get ready, the fast’a I can get ye to the club an’ ye can get them back. Which one do ye wan’?” You glared down at him as he pointed at the three wigs on your dresser and scoffed.
“I don’t know.” You groaned as you pushed your aching body up. “The brown one. No, the other one.” He nodded as he grabbed the light brown, straight, shoulder length wig, and laid it on the foot of the bed for you. “How long am I going to be there?”
“Don’ know, m’luv.” He said as he grabbed some clothes from his drawers and added them to your bag. “But I will make sure ye get ta the docs. Even if I can’ take ye…”
“You know, you’re not making this situation any better sayin’ that, baby.” You said as you grabbed his zip up hoodie from the closet and put it on. You glanced at yourself in the mirror, taking in only his jacket and your yoga pants to see if they even sort of matched and turned away before you could study your slightly sunken in eyes from not getting enough sleep (despite the fact that you slept all the time) and the paleness of your skin. You put your wig on, not even bothering to make sure it looked straight or brushed for that matter and put his hood on. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Luv.” Chibs said as he stopped in front of you, knowing just how much more this situation was stressing you out than you were letting on. With a deep sigh, he fixed your wig for you and cupped your jaw in his hands. “It’ll be a’right, (Y/N). No one will bother ye an’ ye can bet yer ass tha no one will make fun’a ye for any shite. No one will even come near ye, m’luv. I swear to it. An’ I will murd’a the prick tha’ tries.” He bent his knees so that he was looking at you directly in the eyes as he brushed his thumbs across your cheeks. 
“I luv ye, m’luv. And I’ll put m’life on the line ta protect ye no matt’a wha’, ye ‘ear?” You nodded your head and he leaned forward to give you a chaste hiss. “A’righ’ luv. Le’s get goin’.”
“Alright, this is you.” Gemma said as she unlocked a bedroom door in the clubhouse. As the door opened, the smell of cleaner filled the air. “I cleaned it from top to bottom myself and had someone come in and clean the carpet this morning. The mattress is new as well.” She looked over at you as you set your bag of bedding and your bag of your and Chibs’ clothes on the desk. “I have the master key. This is the only other key to this room and I’m gunna give it to Chibs before he leaves, OK?” You nodded at her and sat down tiredly in the desk chair.
“Do you have a fan?” You asked as you unzipped your hoodie and took it and your wig off to fight your hot flash.
“I’ll have Chucky bring you one after I make the bed in here for you, sweetheart. Why don’t you take a cold shower and cool down while I get you unpacked.”
“No, I can do it.” You said as you leaned forward and used the edge of the desk to pull yourself up. Gemma instantly dropped your sheets, blankets, and pillows from home on the bed (not trusting giving you anything that had been used in the club before) and shook her head.
“Sweetheart, please. Let me help you.” You looked up at her and nodded, to tired to fight the situation. She smiled and gestured to the bathroom behind you. “Now go on. I’ll set it up as close to home as I can, then I’ll bring you something small to eat and a fan.” You nodded and headed into the bathroom with a sigh of relief because you were honestly too tired to really care to put anything away. 
The water felt amazing and cooled you down instantly and by the time you made it out of the shower, Gemma had the bed made, the door was locked, and your home away from home looked exactly like a slightly darker version of your own place. With a smile, you climbed into bed without even bothering with clothes, and passed out like you wanted to do at home.
“Well… would ye look a’ this beautiful present in m’bed.” Chibs said softly as he climbed into bed behind you and pulled you back into his arms. You moaned in a mixture of protest at being woken and moved but also in gratitude that your old man was laying down with you. With a smile on your face, you tried to pull his arms around you but he stopped you. “Luv, I need ye ta eat somethin’ for me. Ye’ve been asleep all day.” You peeled your eyes open to look at the lamp lit bedroom before rolling onto your back.
“Time’s it?” You croaked, suddenly realizing just how thirsty you were.
“It’s nearly two in the morn’.” He said as he shifted to sit beside you to help you sit up as well. “Gemma’s checked on ye a few times but she couldn’t ge’ ye ta wake up for longer than a few seconds. But that’s alright, m’luv.” You leaned back against the wall with a sigh and scratched your head. You tiredly looked over at him as he waited with a water bottle with more patience than you had ever seen in a man.
“I’ve been asleep all day?” He smiled and nodded as he opened the water and dropped a straw in it.
“Yep. Ye needed it, luv. Ye look so much betta.”
“Sure I do.” You sighed as you drank greedily. When half the bottle was gone, you let yourself fall over onto his shoulder. “Two more treatments… fuck I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
“We’re almost done, luv. So close.” You nodded as he handed you a covered cup with what you assumed was chicken broth in it.
“Are you all finished?” He sighed and shook his head as he pushed you gently to sit up so he could sit behind you and lean back against the wall.
“No’ yet, luv.” He hesitated as he ran his fingers across your bare stomach. “Gem’s gon’ take ye ta treatment tomorr’a.”
“Figured as much.” You sighed. You leaned your head back on his shoulder and smiled as he ran his fingers across what he called ‘your smiles’. “You love that we match.”
“I do.” He agreed as his thumbs trailed across the angry red scars on your chest. “It’s more fittin’ than ye’d ever understand.” You nodded and hummed in agreement. “Marry me.” Your brow furrowed and you nearly spilled your soup as you turned to the side to look at him.
“Are you outta your fucking mind?”
“Aye.” He chuckled as he reached into the inside pocket of his kutte and pulled out a simple, gold band. “But I know wha’ I wan’ in life. An’ tha’s ye, m’luv.”
“It’s only been like four months. You don’t even know me.” You said as he ran his fingers down your left arm and picked up your hand.
“I know more than ye think I do, luv.” He said as he extended your fingers. “I know ye fight for wha’ ye believe in.” He paused long enough to kiss your thumb fingertip with a smile. “I know ye don’ need my ‘elp, ye actually ‘ate tha’ I ‘elp as much as I do… but ye accept it because ye know it makes me ‘appy an’ there are some days ye do actually need it.” He kissed your pointer fingertip with a smile and shook his head. “But ye’d never ask for it unless I’d already made ye. I know tha’ ye selflessly pushed yer only family away ta spare their feelin’s, which again speaks ta yer independence but yer not afraid ta admit when yer wrong.” He kissed your middle finger and smiled at you. 
“An’ yer no’ afraid ta call me on my shite. Ye understand tha’ the club’s shit’s messy an’ ye trust me a’ face value. Ye luv me despite e’erythin’ I’ve put ye through; e’ry bullshit, bone ’ead thing I’ve said an’ done. Ye still find it in yer ‘eart ta luv me.” He kissed your ring finger and slid the band down your finger in to place. “Ye give me a reason ta wan’ ta be a bett’a man. Ye give m’eart a ‘ome ta come ‘ome ta. Ye luv me unlike anyone I’ve ever met b’fore includin’ me own mum. An’ I’ll be damned if I let ye get away.” He finally kissed your pinky and laced his fingers with yours as he searched your tear filled eyes. “So I ask again, m’luv. Will ye marry m’ sorry ass, (Y/N).”
“No.” You could almost hear his heart shatter as you smiled. “I’ll marry the man I love instead. Of course I’ll marry you, Filip.”
“God, I ‘ate ye sometimes.” He laughed as he cupped your jaw in his hand and kissed you harshly. You smiled against his lips and he pulled back to rest his forehead against yours. “I luv ye… my future wife.”
“One more.” You told yourself as you sat at the edge of your chair, trying to get the room to stop spinning in your mind. “Just one fucking more. Swear to God, Gem, if I ever get cancer again just put me out of my misery.”
“That’s not happening.” She said as she locked the brakes of your wheelchair and offered you her hand. “Mind over matter, sweetheart.” You sighed and let her pull you to your feet.
“Mind over chemo is more like it.” She chuckled as you flopped down in the wheelchair and put your feet up on the pedals. “Can we just go home so I can try to sleep the rest of this week away?” You groaned as you brushed your brunette bangs out of your face.
“Sure baby. Let’s get out of here.” You were wheeled out front and set by the bottom of the ramp while Gemma went and got the car with your bag of games, puzzles, and a portable DVD player you always brought with you to treatment. You pulled a joint from your bag and lit it to combat the nausea that you were almost used to. 
You were only able to take one long drag before a black, windowless van skidded to a stop right in front of you. The door flew open and three masked men in all black jumped out of the van in front of you. You muttered ‘fuck’ as you were lifted into the air, knowing you were too weak to fight back anyways. You could hear Gemma scream your name as you were unceremoniously thrown onto the hard metal floor.
“Please.” You said weakly as the door was slammed closed.
“Shut up, bitch.” A man said a second before he shoved you out of his way and into the side of the van, effectively knocking you out.
Part 6
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