#give us scooby-gangs investigating the mysteries
I was lying in bed, and an adult version of Scooby Doo came to me in a vision.
The gang is all in university: Velma is studying biochemistry, Fred is studying engineering, Daphne is studying communications, and Shaggy is studying psychology. Scooby Doo is Shaggy’s dog. Shaggy is a stoner, and runs true crime/cold case podcast with Daphne. This gives us a chance to see a friendship not yet explored between the two. Daphne and Fred are high school sweethearts, but Daphne is considering breaking up with Fred. Fred and Velma know each other from first year classes and run in similar friend circles. When students and faculty start dying in mysterious circumstances on campus, Daphne and Shaggy are delighted at the prospect of having their own investigation to uncover. Fred, worried for Daphne’s safety, joins their investigations after failing to convince Daphne and Shaggy to leave it alone. He eventually recruits Velma when they need the biochem labs to analyze evidence. This brings the gang all together, each with a skill set that makes important in their own way to the group. The mysteries bring them closer together as a friend unit. Obviously, the adult themes come in from the murders and potential for gore/other unpleasant existential themes.
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Hey There Scooby Doo! Here's a Promo for you!
*The screen turns on as it shows a blonde haired jock adjusting the camera.*
Blonde Jock: "I got it working everyone. It's up and running." *The jock backs up a bit.* "Hello everyone. You're probably wondering who we are right now. Well we are Mystery Incorporated, a gang of 5 who travels the world solving mysteries of many kinds. I'm Fred Jones, the Ultimate Quarterback and Ultimate Trap maker.....Or I would be if my title didn't get give to *Kevin McCallister*....!!" *An orange haired girl taps Fred on the shoulder.* "*Ahem* Right. Anyway, i'm tough, I can bench press 220, I'm an expert driver, and I am a master of setting traps. Could've been called the Ultimate Trap maker, but noooooo. I get Quarterback instead...."
Orange haired beauty: "Freddy, calm down." *Fred groans and walks off screen.* "*Ahem.* Hi everyone! My name's Daphne Blake, the Ultimate model. I'm a master at all things fashion, I'm highly resourceful, and I dabble in a bit of martial arts here and there." *Someone comes up to Daphne.*
Shaggey haired fellow: "Hey, Daph. Can you cut this wood?"
Daphne: "Sure." *She chops through the wood with ease, slipting it in half.*
Shaggey haired fellow: "Thanks."
Daphne: "You're welcome, Shaggey." *Shaggey walks off screen as cooking noises is heard.* "Anyway that's enough out of the most beautiful member of the gang, now to the smartest and cutest member of the gang!" *She turns the camera to a girl in glasses reading a book. The girl jumped from surprise.*
Girl in glasses: "W-Wait, I thought you were the beautiful one, Daph."
Daphne: "I am. But you and Scooby share the title of the cutest members. Not even beauty can compete with that. Or would you like to argue with Marcy about it, Velma?" *The girl in glasses blushes brightly and covers her face with the book.* "Hehehehe! See, cute? Whenever you're ready, Velma." *Daphne pats Velma's back and moves to the side. Velma slowly lowers the book.*
Velma: "I-I'm Velma D-Dinkle.....Brains of the group, investigator of the mysterious, a-and Ultimate Activist. I...I.....Darn it, Daph! Now I can't get my words across!" *She covers her face with the book she was ready, blushing like a mess.*
Daphne: "Hehehe! Sorry, Vel. I'm turn the camera over to Shaggey and Scooby. Ok?"
Velma: ".......Ok......" *Daphne turns the camera over to a the shaggey haired guy from earlier and a dog cooking some pineapple shrimp fried rice. Daphne whistles to them, getting their attention.*
Shaggey: "Huh? Oh, like, hello! I'm Norville Rogers. But my friends call me Shaggey. I'm the Ultimate Cook and this is my pet dog and Mystery Inc's mascot, Scooby Doo."
Scooby Doo: "Hi there. It's nice to meet everyone."
Daphne: "That smells yummy, Shaggey."
Shaggey: "Thanks. it's almost ready. I'm making pineapple shrimp fried rice."
Daphne: "Got it, Shaggey." *She turns the camera back to her.* "And that's all the members of the gang. We would love it if you would give us a promo. Looking forward to talking to you all." *Daphne smiles.*
@a-house-divided @full-course-for-people-pleasers @salmon-running-octoling @tinyronpa @needy-girl-overload @disheiress @d4y-0f-judg3m3nt @candy-cocktail @carnivore-and-cannibal @mxfia-kingpins @ask-the-steel-gray-admin-rp @ult-aikido-princess @excitement-to-consumption @fabled-fauna @y0u-f4il3d-m3 @mikado-sannoji @mercy-of-the-ashes @little-miss-noire-detective @little-miss-succubus @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter
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tigressaofkanjis · 3 months
Scooby Doo in Arkham Asylum
The gang heads back to Gotham City for a gadget and trap convention hosted by reformed Kirk and Francine Langstrom, Man-Bat and She-Bat respectively. However, they notice Killer Croc a.k.a. Waylon Jones, who is a decent friend of the Langstroms, grows estranged and has to leave early. A few scenes later, the convention is attacked by a giant crocodilian monster with red eyes. Everyone panics and Batman is called, but the supposed Killer Croc escapes even with Mystery Inc. trying to help the caped crusader.
Waylon is confronted complaining about his headaches and promptly arrested in violation of his parole. The gang sees Croc looks distraught and go to talk to him back at the asylum where they encounter many other Batman villains. They find something fishy with Croc's conviction going over his file as Waylon's structure doesn't match the profile of the pictures of the crocodilian monster, especially the eyes being different, Waylon's yellow to the monster's red. Before they can investigate further, they are shut down by a guard named Lyle Bolton who finds humor that Waylon just couldn't keep his darker side at bay. The gang then also notices all the villains don't take well to Bolton's presence but disregard it upon being distracted by Batman's assessment of the situation.
After a lengthy investigation in the asylum to prove Killer Croc's innocence, with Shaggy and Scooby shenanigans with some of the Rogues, they encounter the monster within that seems to be targeting and attacking the asylum and the Rogues making everyone believe Killer Croc's gone psychotic like a wild animal. With Batman's permission, they team up with Bane, Scarecrow, the Langstroms and many others to capture the nuisance, letting them out of their cells to explore the unknown mystery of the monster as Waylon also goes missing.
Near the end, Waylon finally snaps and becomes hellbent on tracking the imposter down as well, protecting Mystery Inc from the monster in a showdown. Teaming with Scooby which Croc tolerates to a degree, they trap the monster who is revealed to be upon the formula wearing off Lyle Bolton who was defaming Killer Croc. It is deduced Lyle didn't believe any villain should have a chance at redemption and stole Langstrom's formula to use a version of it with a crocodile's DNA to terrorize Gotham into no longer supporting the rehabilitation programs Bruce Wayne set up for people like Waylon to walk among the normal people and use their abilities for good.
Killer Croc reveals the reason he was getting the headaches was because he had been sensing the crocodile monster the entire time and was trying to keep his aggressive side at bay in fear of being ridiculed for the latter growing defensive hearing the monster constantly. It is also revealed through clues Lyle had been abusing his authority at the asylum to keep the guards and inmates subdued by blackmail and unethical practices. Lyle Bolton is arrested and placed in the same asylum after he snaps where the villains aim to teach him a very *painful* lesson (implied).
With Killer Croc's name cleared, Batman thanks Mystery Inc and the gang befriends Killer Croc. Scooby and Shaggy get a brief scare when Langstrom transforms into his Man-Bat form as a joke but find the giant bat and his reptilian friend take a real liking to Scooby finally confirming Killer Croc is redeemed and Langstrom has complete control over the Man-Bat half after years of practice. The gang, Batman, and others laugh at the jumpscare knowing neither animal-based villain would harm them.
Takes cues from "ManBat and Robbin'" and the Scooby-Doo and Guess Who episode, "What a Night, for a Dark Knight!" but I want someone other than the Joker as the culprit behind the mask and give Killer Croc a chance at redemption.
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raeynbowboi · 11 months
Mystery Inc as a DnD Party
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I figured as long as we're still in the vicinity of spooky season, I'd build everyone's favorite gang of teenage mystery solvers as a collective unit. Pulling from their group dynamic to come up with a party roster that will give everyone in the party a designated role.
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Skills: Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion
Freddie is the dimwitted but lovable himbo leader of the team. He's also the muscle, except in moments of athletic skill, when he's outshined by Daphne. His backstory isn't always consistent, but he's usually a jock of some sort. He's not usually all that book smart, but he has a good heart, and inspires his team to success. Paladins who swear an Oath to the Crown hold law and justice above all else, and Fred usually enjoys catching the bad guys and seeing justice served.
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Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Performance
As surprising a choice as this might seem, Bard is actually a very appropriate choice for Daphne. Modern Daphne is the most supportive and emotionally intelligent member of the group. From What’s New Scooby-Doo? to Be Cool, Scooby-Doo, Daphne has become the emotional powerhouse of the group. Sensing when her friends are off their game, and offering sage advice to her friends when they need it. She’s also become a very creative girl, skilled in singing, dancing, fashion, design, and more. She’s grown to be the group’s resident skill monkey, almost on par with Velma’s uncanny encyclopedic knowledge on all brainy subjects. If a lock needs picking or the gang needs to get out of a trap, you can count on Daphne to have a nail file, bobby pin, or something else on her person to save the day. She's typically also the face of the group when it's not Fred, meaning she's going to want high Dexterity and Charisma. I chose Lore because Daphne is a reporter in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island and this is the only real career she's ever had. A lore bard is basically a more magical reporter, and singing the tale of her group's mysterious endeavors.
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Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature
Velma was the most debatable one for me, as she could be a wizard or an artificer. And I was really leaning toward Wizard, but I had to stay true to Velma's character. She's been a tinkerer and a gadgeteer for a long time now. Velma is absolutely fascinated by robotics. But while Velma in our world can handwave superstitious nonsense, in a world with gods, demons, and real ghosts, I could absolutely see Velma using her knowledge to become a powerful wizard. I even considered the Knowledge Domain Cleric because it's basically designed to be a magical detective, and if Velma was going to worship a deity, it'd be a god of knowledge and reading. Ultimately, I did choose Artificer as it was more in-line with her base character as a skeptic and a scientist, but she would work as a Wizard. Plus, as is, Daphne is the only full-caster in the party.
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Skills: Animal Handling, Investigation, Stealth, Survival
No surprises here, Shaggy and Scooby are a bonded pair, and the two were going to be joined to each other one way or another. Scooby is technically a Beast of the Land, and there's no Great Dane stat block, so call him a Mastiff if you need to. You can't really build Scooby by himself per se. There's no dog race unless you go Custom Lineage or something, and even then, I'd struggle to assign Scooby a class as he's mostly an animal sidekick. Make sure Shaggy picks up Cooks Untensils and proficiency with them so he can become the party's designated camp chef.
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Ultimately, I'm happy with how the team turned out. Fred's the tanky and bulky frontliner, Velma can use her robotics to help solve mysteries, Daphne is the face on top of having so many skills, and Shaggy works with Scooby. Inadvertently, they're also all classes with access to healing spells. So, while I suspect Daphne being the sole full caster will probably assume primary role of group healer, everyone is capable of healing each other up. Making this a great group of supportive friends taking care of each other.
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scoobysfriend · 4 months
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This is my ideal scooby gang. Explanation and scooby doo character analysis under the cut
I think Scooby Doo is a character driven show actually. Every time there is a mystery, and everytime we aren't always interested in what the mystery is but how the characters investigate it. Most scooby doo episodes and movies aren't about the mysteries themselves but are about the character shenanigans the gang get up to while solving that mystery.
The best way to possibly ever write fred is make him laios but with an ascot and for traps instead of food. You don't even have to change the monster part! A heart of gold and a specialized skill set. Can fred make a phone call? no. Can fred turn all the wheels on the mystery machine into suction cups so it can go up a wall to chase a tentacled bird demon? yes. He must also be kind, all the scooby characters must be, but fred most especially. Plus trap making is such a niche hobby, and mystery incorporated explored this a little bit, but doing that even more is great. Funny enough I also really loved mystery incorporated's stance on fred's family life. Being raised by someone who doesn't understand who you are fundamentally and wants you to change, poetic cinema. I also want Red Herring to be Fred's childhood friend turned nemesis turned weird I know you better than I know myself thing, my password is your birthday and yet we don't talk there's this distance. Like when kids are young and they bring their friends over to their house, and that friend never really leaves cause they aren't getting parented at home? That's red herring bringing fred to his house, and make his mom a mechanic and suddenly so much stuff fits. It also explains his mechanic skill. Traps and cars are different things. Fred is a crazy inventor who emotionally bonded to the mystery machine and learned mechanics from someone who was the closest thing he ever got to a parent. Fred is a crazy smart inventor. He makes traps and contraptions and rube goldberg machines for the thrill of it. We call a man boring who probably has twelve bear traps in his bedroom and he's so confused on why people don't want to live this way so more for him he guesses, but that also means he always wants to share it with his friends!!!!!!! He's a huge gentle soul that loves his people and his mysteries and his traps. In that order.
i think daphne should get to have a character arc actually?? There's been enough iterations of all the scooby doo characters that if you just mix and match them you have character development. She should start as danger prone daphne always getting in trouble. Then she should decide she doesn't want to be the one getting saved all the time. She starts learning skills to get her out of danger first lockpicking cause whats new scooby doo was my scooby growing up, then learning martial skills to the point where instead of getting rescued she is the one running into danger to rescue others. Someone who protects and never shies away from trouble. I also think it would be cute to make it so she's really into fashion from the 1960s, so that you could modernize the world but keep the old designs cause the gang wants to go matchy matchy with daphne. She does love fashion and knows about it, but just saying "loves fashion" is very 2 dimensional. Saying Daphne loves vintage clothes and using those clothes in the modern era especially clothes from the 60s opens a lot of opportunities to explain why the whole gang is going to this super duper spooky estate sale, Daphne heard this woman had an extensive collection. It also lets the gang have cool outfits and character models. On top of that by having the gang match Daphne, shows that she loves them enough tom share this part of herself with them and that they love her enough to be a part of it with her. Daphne also is almost always the backbone of the gang. Fred, shaggy, and scooby would give a stranger the shirt off their backs, velma and fred don't always recognize what is socially expected so can take advantage of because they are trying to fit in an uncomfortable social situation, but Daphne? Daphne is a fiery redhead who loves her friends more than breathing, no you can't have fred fix that for you, no you can't say that to shaggy and no velma won't do your homework. We are also bringing scooby in with us, if you don't like it that sucks. This combination of traits is stuff she already had, in one iteration or another, and gives a solid character. Also making her the youngest daughter of like twelve in a wealthy family slaps.
Velma, oh velma, JelloApocalypse put it best "A bad Velma is the worst thing that happened to Scooby-doo". Velma often suffers from being the workhorse of the narrative. Donatello of the tmnt often suffer similarly. Velma I feel like, even in character, should reflect this. Velma is the smartest person in the room, and due to her knowing this, she often feels responsible for doing something with that knowledge. The gang takes a lot of that pressure off. Velma is not a master of every single science, but she is one of the most gifted researchers alive. Yet, she is also compassionate, she feels responsible, because when seeing something go wrong and be awful, she believes that she could change it. She, maybe the most, benefits from having the scooby gang all together, because they give her permission to have fun. Velma will see a bad guy and already be twelve steps down in her thought process on how this will affect the carnival's income, while shaggy yells that they need to "Run, Man!". Velma is one of those characters where you could imagine her being very successful in dusty stacks for the rest of her life, but she gets color added to it, and first hand knowledge, by going out with the gang. She's curious to a fault, and wants to know about everything, and often thinks she can just find out from books and the internet, and is often right! But is just as often wrong! Velma will be twelve review articles deep trying to find the best place to eat and shaggy will say I know a guy and they'll be eating out of an illegal taco boat moored in the middle of the harbor. Or velma will be trying to make what is objectively the best decision in a given situation when Dpahne will come in and ask "Why are you in this situation in the first place, let's leave" or velma will be curious about the reproductive cycle of the three toed sugar cane frog and fred will show up with a cooler, night vision goggles and two plane tickets. The gang give velma the freedom to make choices without worrying about which one is the "right" one. This also extends to mysteries, because velma wants to prove that ghosts and aliens and werewolves and everything exist, she wants to prove it so so so badly, but she's been told intellectually her whole life that it's a load of hogwash, but with the gang, they all go get to prove if it's hogwash or not together and have fun doing it! Even when it's all fake, it's a puzzle, it's so much fun! And this is what makes Marcie Fleach such a good foil. Marcie is also gifted, beyond gifted, in robotics, but she doesn't have anyone to get her out of her own head. So Marcie is stuck in her own dark thoughts trying to make it work while velma is trying a sandwich that scooby made that has circus peanuts in it. There can be no knowledge without experience and that is what velma really proves. Her research skills provide such a strong base for the gang, and her observational skills are second to none, she might not always know what to do with those observations but that's what she can talk to the gang for. This responsibility she feels to the world and the people living in it and even just the ideals of the truth, all form this core facet of her personality that she gets to explore and uphold in a fun way through the solving of mysteries. She has a book for everything and a try anything thrice while documenting the results for science kind of attitude. Plus this pull between what she has been told it right, what she thinks academically is right and what she feels is right, all fighting in her head for dominance makes for great character motivation. Like in where's my mummy she dresses up as the bad guy because she thinks it's the right thing to do, and she's shown by the narrative to be right! Also velma should get to, and be required to, get up to as many goofy shenanigans as the other members of the scooby gang. They all take turns being the straight man and on particullarly goofy days, it's scooby.
SHAGGY IS A GODDAMN ANTHROPOLOGY MAJOR. And a wizard, but we have known that one. Shaggy is a nice witty guy, who likes helping people, but even more than that he likes learning about people. Like, he's the kinda guy who ten minutes after meeting him you bring him home to your family and they adopt and feed him. He's charming and snarky and a good listener. He's often a coward, but he's brave for scooby. Scooby will be scared out of his mind and so will shaggy, but shaggy will crack a joke so scooby will laugh and scooby will dance so shaggy will laugh. They are best friends. Shaggy also loves old horror flicks, the cheesier the better and video games that people don't think are very good. Shaggy as a character is like a celebration of things everyone trashes put into a lovable package. Shaggy is a coward who runs away and eats too much and loves b grade horror flicks and trashiest video games ever produced. Shaggy is the one who wants to go to the puppet museum or accordion camp or the world's most giant ball of yarn. There's this love and wonder toward everything in the world that many of the iterations of scooby doo miss. Shaggy wants to go and solve the mystery as much as any of the gang, because he loves every part of it. If shaggy is not scared, he is smiling and laughing and engaging with the locals and going dumb skits and reading comic books. Shaggy will work as a stage hand or carnival ring master or manager of a famous doll customizer's youtube channel for a summer because he likes hanging out with folks and likes the food. And people notice this trait about him and respond in kind. There's this curiosity that all the gang needs to share, that always gets surgically removed from shaggy and I don't know why. It's just that shaggy's curiosity is more about fun happy things. Like even in ghoul school, there were monsters and he was scared, but he realized they were people and immediately tried to be friend to them. Maybe it's my own bias, but if shaggy went to college he'd be an anthropology major, because wanting to know everything about people and eat their food and hang out with folks eternally, that is applied cultural anthropology lmao.
(Also i could do a whole thing on how the members of the scooby gang each represent a different branch of applied anthropology. Scooby as primatology, Fred as biological anthropology/Forensics, Velma as archeology, Daphne as linguistics, Shaggy as cultural anthropology, another day, another day.)
Finally last and certainly not least. Scooby Dooby Doo. The dog, the myth, the legend. It's really interesting to talk about scooby and the way he evolved, originally scooby didn't have that many words. He was like a parrot, had a certain number of set phrases but had to pantomime the rest. I like scooby talking, I like knowing his thoughts, but that pantomime. I'm so irrationally obsessed with it. I really think we need to bring it back. So much of his slapstick comedy and personality is removed when you removed that. Scooby isn't making quips, scooby is dressing as a cancan dancer while shaggy's thar barman and making the evil chicken ghost blush so much it bends over backward to buy them a drink that he throws in it's face so they can run again. Scooby has so much emotional intelligence and cares so deeply for the gang, to reduce him to a shaggy clone is a crime. Scooby has that classic dog mentality, Shaggy is his boy. His best friend and his everything, if scooby could go everywhere with shaggy he would and wait he does! Scooby wants to go on adventures, and go with his people, and for scooby an adventure could be a trip to the dog park or bowling alley or solving a why ghost pirates are attacking their cruise ship. And of course scooby's scared! He's a scaredy cat! He'll jump and yipe and be afraid, but he'll stick by his people even if he is afraid. He provides such tension relief and emotional solace, he is an emotional support animal. Anytime the gang is stressed or worried or sad or anything there is scooby doo! Either feeling it right along side you or comforting you through it, like that one scene in little miss sunshine when the kid has a breakdown cause he's colorblind and won't be able to fly and then gets comforted by that little girl. Scooby is that little girl. I really cannot emphasize enough how loyal scooby is, and there is no better illustration of that than scrappy. Scrappy was just a puppy but he thought his uncle scooby was the bravest dog in the whole world, and that's the thing scrappy never saw any different!! Scrappy would picka fight with a monster or someone bigger than him and everytime, without fail, there scooby would be to pull him out of it. Scooby is a loyal beyond all other things, even beyond his fear, and has an emotional breadth that can only come from not only being the heart of the show but the heart of his little family too! And shaggy is his best friend!!!!!!!! They do everything together and he loves him so much!!!! And sure he's clumsy, but so is daphne, and sure he can get jealous, but so can velma, and sure he's a coward but so is shaggy! Scooby does this thing where whenever he is there, everything is a little better, the sun a little brighter, the avocado toast a little more scrumptious, and he's smiling and cheering and so then is everyone else. I also thought of a hilarious bit, where since scooby is a dog and they like eating all the time they keep running into stuff that is poison for dogs so shaggy can't share it with scooby and he begs with the biggest possible eyes, and rests his head on shaggy's lap and shaggy feels so bad that he gets three scooby snacks and the bacon from fred's plate.
Really though. These are all goofball young folks who like solving mysteries together and traveling together and bonding over random activities. They love each other, they are all best friends, and it would be relatively easy to give them all character arcs based upon things that previously happened to them.
Fred as this guy, getting recognized for his achievements and hobbies even if they aren't what is considered normal. All his friends hyping up his most complicated trap or cheering when he makes the mystery machine a boat or being willing to tell his automatic breakfast machine. That transition from hiding everything about yourself to showing a little bit and then a little more and the relief each time from being accepted fully!
Daphne as the spoiled youngest daughter of a wealthy family to damsel in distress to danger prone Daphne to being the emotional backbone of the time to as many skills as a bard to having enough skills to protect herself to throwing herself into danger with these skills she's acquired to help other people.
Velma as this cloistered researcher always trying to make the 'right' decision and having her open up about her desires and fears, and what she wants to research and investigate, where she starts investigating and having fun and experiencing all these things till she is this well of knowledge and uses that well of knowledge to have fun and help people
Shaggy who drifts from group of people to group of people, finally having a group to call his own. Getting to stay with people, and have them really learn him and really express himself. Building up confidence, and if you believe the wizard shaggy theory like I do, using magic as a metaphor for that and having him come into his own as a powerful wizard. Or even just having him come into his own as a masterful people person or as an excellent chef or as a world class detective or all of the above. Letting shaggy acknowledge his skills and his growth in them and letting him be proud.
Scooby would also reflect shaggy. Scooby with his trust issues, opening up to someone who wasn't just shaggy. Being supported by others and supporting them in turn. Being understood and listened to. Having someone tell the hotel front desk, no scooby is coming inside, no you do not get an opinion and if you do we can take our business elsewhere. This relationship with other people making him braver, and happier, and bouncier, and sillier. Having fun with everyone you love always!
You fools! The whole time Scooby doo was about love and hanging out with your friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And how no matter how evil or weird or scary everything is, you can figure it out together!!!!!!!!!
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Building off your pitch for a Scooby-Doo origin.
Daphne at a stuffy high society gala meets Shaggy, he doesn't give a last name and he's dressed terribly. Daphne already wants to be best friends with him. Shaggy is just glad she isn't put off by his lack of social awareness. Ghost attacks and causes chaos, Shaggy is terrified and Daphne is just excited that something cool is happening for once. They want to investigate but lack resources so they go into town to look for help. They meet paranormal expert Velma who wants to investigate to try and prove ghosts are real and trap maker Fred. He just likes traps, Daphne is sold on the new additions. Shaggy refuses to go unless he brings his dog, Daphne let's Scooby-Doo come with. They sneak in, clues are found, and eventually catch the ghost. The ghost is actually a guest who wanted to steal the *generic value object* from the ballroom or something. The mystery gang is formed, paint the van, and ride off into the sunset.
Also if Daphne and Shaggy are rich kids it would be hilarious if Shaggy was actually in a higher social tier than Daphne. Like the Blakes are millionaires but the Rogers are billionaires.
Oh so like.
I think it depends on the continuity because it shifts a little but the Vibes for me in most continuities are Old Money vs New Money
So like Shaggy's family has had money for generations, as implied by that Boo Brothers thing I mentioned where the inherited estate is a southern plantation. Yes I am aware of the implications there and so is Shaggy and he does not like that at all which is one reason he avoids the family money as much as he can.
Daphne on the other hand always seems to have some rich businessman for a father, so it vibes more that he made his own money rather than inherited it. Occasionally continuity will imply older money like in the Loch Ness Monster movie there's a family castle back in Scotland, but it's like. Not always a thing.
And while to /us/ it doesn't really matter they're both rich, to rich people there's a Difference™ and it causes Drama™.
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bearmemesreviews · 7 months
FotW: SDMI - The Creeping Creatures
The Freak of the Week for today are the titular Creeping Creatures of Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated's second episode of its first season.
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Backstory: The Mystery Gang begin to receive anonymous clues from a "Mr. E", a man who wants to lead them on the right path towards solving the true underlying mysteries of their hometown (in this canon) Crystal Cove. He first leads the gang to investigate the neighboring ghost town of Gatorsburg, a prospector town that built its economy entirely on Alligator-based products. Which seems to be the home of human-alligator hybrids.
Most mysteries need to settle on a single town, as this is before the gang gives up on their education to become world-travelling nepo baby sleuths. So it's fun to visit separate locations to build up the world of Mystery Incorporated, and a town that managed to latch their existence onto something more unstable than gold is definitely funny. Gatorburg is a wonderfully gloomy set-piece, the swamp casting a gloomy shadow over the remnants of a rundown tourist spot. Sad that we don't visit this place again.
The gang find themselves stranded in Gatorsburg, their entire engine missing, and thanks to a local hot mechanic's suggestion they decide to stay at a reskinned version of the Bates Motel - ran by the mechanic's sister and her gangly twink son. But before the meddling kids can rest, they are attacked by not just one, but three gator creatures who chase them out of Gatorsburg. Surprisingly, these bloodthirsty beasts refuse to chase after the gang once they cross the border.
Designs: We have three monsters to review! An entire family of gator hybrids with alligator bodies and human faces.
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The "Patriarch" is the largest, heavily muscular even when on all fours with a lion-like mane of black hair. He also has a noticeable bald spot, and his face is so pale you could almost mistake it for a skull if it weren't for his glowing red eyes and tiny human nose.
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The "Matriarch" is a heavyset, squat beast with a very humanoid face with red hair. Her face is similar to her brother's, only rounder, and her skin has a more blue-ish tone that contrasts nicely to the male creepers.
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Finally we have the "Child", or I guess teen, who's the lankiest and funniest of the designs. He keeps all the proportions of a gangly teen, alongside black emo kid hair with the sharpest bang in the bayou.
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Reveal: Rather than wasting time with the mystery, the episode chooses to focus on set up and action to tide you over until we reach the obvious conclusion. The Creeping Creatures turn out to be the mechanic, the hotel owner, and her son. All relatives, they were the remaining citizens of Gatorsburg who refused to abandon it like the others. So to bring money back into the town, they began making faux leather gator products to sell and used the gator people get-ups to scare away prying eyes to their illegal activites.
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They must've really gotten into their role considering how much of their own property they destroyed through their raw strength. Once captured, the gang gets to leave and return to their status quo.
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Huh, wonder if that'll have further connotations down the road.
5/5 - Ssscalie ssstay winning.
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thornedrose44 · 9 months
Hey I love all of your works for leatin! I was curious about the list of WIP you posted a while ago, mainly what your idea for the soulmate au and the Scooby-Doo-esque one would look like?
Also wanted to say that I loved loved loved lost girls dog sanctuary!!!
Aww, yay! I really love writing Leatin.
Soulmate AU
The structure of the soulmate system is that soulmates share the same image - not words or names - like a little picture. There's loads of websites where people can upload their soulmate mark to find their soulmate and Fatin and Leah connect - using anonymous names because catfishes are a thing. They are still in high school and spend like a year exchanging emails without revealing their names and without giving spoilers something happens that breaks of that connection point. They then reunite at college (and meet the other unsinkables) and the fic sort of follows the two of them of a number of years, falling in like genuine love but with this 'fracture' between them that doesn't get resolved for a while. If/ when I write it will probably be the angstiest thing I've ever written.
Scooby-Doo AU
Basically the unsinkables as teenagers were pretty much the scooby-doo gang and all the mysteries they investigated were always bad guys in masks. Until a case occurs that is genuine ghosts/monsters etc. but only Leah sees this and becomes locked onto the belief that ghosts are real. Her obsession with proving this slowly breaks the group up and they all go their separate ways.
Years later, Fatin (with Dot as her agent) is set to get her own talkshow and has become a celebrity, her past as mystery-inc member is simply a quirky part of her history. Then the case that started their group's disintegration is sparking back up since they never actually dealt with the ghost etc. so Leah reappears (having continued her ghost hunting and is now super good it on her own) and gets the whole group back together to deal with this thing from their pasts once and for all. During this time together, all of Fatin's feelings for Leah that she tried to push down come back up.
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lemon-box · 1 year
My ideal scooby doo gang dynamic and their respective guiding personality traits:
Fred: AUTISTIC HIMBO WITH PARENTAL ISSUES & A SPECIAL INTEREST IN TRAPS! Pretty obvious, I basically think the mystery inc version of Fred is the most perfect one, minus the obsessive behavior he had towards Daphne in early season 2… I don’t think enough people talk about that side of MI Fred? It was honestly pretty uncomfortable, I think we could write it differently while still keeping the “I have abandonment/attachment issues w my girlfriend and it’s impacting us both” message. Either way, Fred is the himbo leader who owns the mystery machine, loves his friends, is reliable, and serves as comedic relief as well. He’s interested in mysteries because they’re the best way to make use of his traps & test out new ones.
Daphne: Daphne needs to be the one with social skills. That’s the one thing she has that the others don’t: she can network, has connections, and can use her parents’ infinite pool of money to just make any accommodations happen? Despite that she’s still very sweet, considerate, and one of the main 3 clue finders (them being Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby). I don’t really mind her being in love with Fred or Velma (sorry Shaphne shippers), but I don’t think love interests should be necessary for any of the characters. In one of Daphne’s character profiles released in 1999, it stated that her life ambition is to become a mystery novel author. AND I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THAT I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! That is such an easy yet clever way to not only give her more depth as a character but curiosity & motivation for these dangerous situations as well, I think it’s such a shame that no scooby doo media that I’ve seen has utilized that for her :(. Daphne is a people person, is resourceful, athletic, and the resident fashion expert. She’s interested in mysteries because they help & inspire her with her writing.
Velma: Velma is the dork nerd with a tumblr blog on mysteries/unsolved cases and is an absolute academic weapon. You KNOW she took AP chemistry in freshman year and got at least a 4 on the exam. She’s super smart, confident, her only hobbies are studying and solving mysteries, and I think she has the least social skills out of everyone which makes it a really fun dynamic with Daphne! She’s very observant, serious, and despite how hard it is for her to show affection, she really loves her friends, they’re her found family after all. I don’t really like iterations of Velma where she thinks everyone around her is an idiot and it feels like she actually hates the gang. If we can portray her as a teen with trouble showing affection instead of a teen who actually doesn’t feel it, I think the anger issues she had in MI could work really well. Velma is a nerd with sass, biggest believer in ghosts/monsters, walking encyclopedia, and dependent on her friends to get through when she can’t find a solution. She’s interested in mysteries because she is a naturally curious person who’s hungry for knowledge and for a chance to study the supernatural.
Shaggy (and scooby): Shaggy is the anxiety ridden, emotion driven anchor of the group. Yet despite his overwhelming feelings he’s the one who keeps everyone grounded. Everyone else gets so carried away with investigations, clues, and their ambition that they forget where the line is sometimes. But Shaggy is unaffected by that, at the end of the day he seeks security and safety, and he can remind everyone to stop and consider new perspectives. That makes him great at finding clues, him and scooby are always looking where the others aren’t, especially using scoob’s sense of smell and shaggy’s sense of taste. In the 2020 scoob movie they described them as the heart of the group, and in one scene daphne said “with shaggy and scooby gone there was no one to remind us to eat lunch…” AND THAT’S EXACTLY IT. THEY’RE COMEDIC RELIEF, THEY BRING EVERYONE TOGETHER, AND THEYRE GOOD AT FINDING CLUES. I also love iterations of Shaggy where he’s a chef. It’s not his lifelong passion, but he loves food so he loves making it, both for himself and everyone else. He believes food tastes better when shared with others. Shaggy is interested in mysteries because despite the dangerous situations, he feels emotionally safe around his friends, and he also likes traveling if it means he gets to add more food profiles to his palette! Solving mysteries allows him to grow not only as a person, but grow out of his very sheltered life which left him rather naive about the world, but he doesn’t know that yet :) thats where the character development comes in.
Short Scooby part: Along with Shaggy Scooby is a big part of the heart. He’s basically everyone’s emotional support dog, especially shaggy’s, and as a dog he can’t help but go where his weird nose takes him. He brings everyone together, is loyal to his empathy, and he’s interested in mysteries because he’s just happy to be around his friends. I think MI gave him a much bigger and more important role than scooby has ever had before, and frankly I think that’s an excellent use of his character, he makes for a great plot device, I need writers to utilize that.
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switchedandbewitched · 5 months
Switched and Bewitched
Chapter 4: There’s a very logical explanation for all this
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“Why the hell are you guys sleeping together?” Daphne hissed. Light had just begun seeping through Velma’s bedroom windows. It was 6am at the latest. Velma stirred slightly and Shaggy’s eyes slowly opened. Scooby was still dead asleep between them, snoring. “Is there something... going... on?” Daphne’s eyebrow raised. 
“Like, no, Daph. Did you forget I’m a scaredy cat? On what planet would I sleep alone in a big, unfamiliar -” he yawned “house in, like, the future. Are you crazy?” 
Without opening her eyes, Velma said, “There’s more going on between Shaggy and a chocolate sardine sandwich than there is between the two of us. Why are you in here so early?”
“I wanted all of us to talk without Tim around. That guy gives me the creeps. Can you come down to Fred’s room?” 
They gently roused Scooby and rolled out of bed. Velma grabbed her glasses from the nightstand and they padded after Daphne, as quietly as possible. Fred was in a hospital bed, an IV still in his arm, but overall looked much better than when they had seen him at Coolsville Memorial. 
Daphne placed a hand on his forehead. “Fred, honey. Wake up.” 
Fred snorted and woke up with a start. “Hey, babe -- uh, everyone.”
“Like, up ‘n’ at ‘em, big guy,” Shaggy said. 
“Are you up for a little early morning mystery solving?” Velma asked. 
Fred carefully pulled himself into a sitting position with Daphne’s help. His attempt to put on a brave face was semi-successful at best. “Of course, Gang. You know me, I’m up for some good ol’ fashioned mystery-solving any day, any time. What do we have?”
Fred’s room was set up to support trap planning, which fortunately included a wall-sized white board opposite the bed. Velma rolled up her pajama sleeves, tossed an Expo marker to Shaggy and Daphne, and divided the board into 5 sections. “I want to know who remembers what and see if there are common themes.” 
“Sounds like a good place to start,” Fred said. “I remember entering the witch’s cabin and, during the struggle with her, there was a blinding light. Purple maybe? Blue? I’m not really sure.”
Velma jotted down the date of the encounter with the witch and Fred’s account. 
Daphne approached the board, notating similar details, and followed it up with, “I agree with what Freddie said, but I saw she had something in her hand.” 
“Nothing to add here,” Shaggy said.
“Rike, re reither.” 
“I’m having flashes of... other things...” Fred added. “Things that don’t make sense.” 
“Like, me, too, man!”
“Same here.” Daphne nodded. “I noticed it almost as soon as we got here. I’m so... confused.” 
The Gang spent the next hour compiling a list of all the memories they had that seemed to belong to someone else. Many of them didn’t make sense, but they were able to connect a handful together. In the end, the lists read as: 
Witch doctor
Time Period: 1960s/1970s
Hotel (location unknown)
Time Period: Unknown
Crystal Cove HS
Dating Shaggy
Time Period: Unknown. Estimated 2000s. 
Wedding dress
Time Period: Post 1900s. Approx. early 2000s. 
What does “Hot Dog Water” signify? 
No other identifying information.
Southern zombies ($)
Time Period: Unknown, unclear. 
Boyfriend named Winsor 
Time Period: Unknown, unclear.
Little boy in a yellow sweatshirt. Located in snowy mountains. (#)
Bright red van. It could be the mystery machine. 
Playing a game called “Wizards and Warlocks.” 
Yelling about an open window. 
Hosting a television show with Freddie and investigating a mystery involving zombies and... a giant lobster? 
Talking robot bird. Located in a Spanish-speaking country.  
Beignets in LA with the Gang; zombies; no traps on record.  
Red Herring and a motorcycle (let the record show that Red Herring WAS responsible)
Investigating gator people in gatorsburg (go figure). 
Woman dressed in black/red with a bat necklace -- a singer? Absolutely, positively, definitely not as pretty as Daphne. 
Group camping trip resulting in investigation of a sheep laundering business. No, not washing sheep. 
“Clearly some of these “memories” are connected,” Fred said. 
“There doesn’t seem to be a particular pattern, however,” Velma said. She stood in front of the white board, brow furrowed, as she identified sets of memories with various symbols. 
“Shaggy, must we put “sexy alien girl” on the board?” 
Shaggy sighed. “Like, Daph, it’s the only positive memory I’ve gotten out of this. So yes, sexy alien girl is staying on the board. I can’t even describe how groovy she was... is? Man, this time thing is confusing me.” 
Daphne pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of the board. “There, now we can keep a copy of it.”
“Excellent idea,” Velma said. “Fred, how are you feeling?’
“I’m alright. Getting better every day, you know?”
“Like, how are you actually feeling, Freddie?” Shaggy asked. 
Fred rolled his eyes. “Awful. I feel awful. They said I almost died! 
“I, for one, am glad you didn’t.” Daphne said, kissing Fred and hugging him carefully. 
“Me, too,” Shaggy said, crashing their hug. Velma and Scooby both followed suit. “Like, is it time for breakfast yet?”
“We can table this for now,” Fred said. “I don’t see us putting these pieces together any time soon.” 
The staff at Shaggleford Manor served a large breakfast of pancakes, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, eggs, orange juice, and coffee. Shaggy and Scooby took six of everything, of course. The nurse wheeled Fred out to the table and the guys started chatting about the last football game they had watched: 49ers vs. the Cowboys on 11/27/1969. Velma, normally one for a chatty group breakfast, grabbed a bowl of fruit and wandered out to the front porch. She sat, looking over the unfamiliar Coolsville. Daphne followed behind a few minutes later, sitting next to her on the steps. 
“Are you doing okay?” Daphne asked. 
“No. Are you?”
“No,” Daphne said. She delicately picked at her cuticles. Her decades-old manicure was chipping. 
Velma nodded, staring ahead, and quietly bit into an apple. 
“Sooooo... you and Shaggy, huh? Sleeping in the same bed? Dating him in one of your memories?” Daphne teased, bumping Velma’s shoulder with her own. “Do you have a crush on him? Are you guys together? C’mon, you can tell me.” 
“No, I don’t have a crush on him and no, we are not dating. I already told you, there’s more going on between Shaggy and a sandwich than between me and him. And we don’t know that they’re memories, per se. They could be part of whatever the witch did to us or something our scrambled brains developed as a coping mechanism for neurological trauma.”
“I just think you two would make a really cute couple. And clearly you like him at least a little bit if your brain is responding to ‘neurological trauma’ by creating a fantasy where you two are together.” 
Velma set the apple core on the plate and made eye contact with Daphne. “Shaggy isn’t my type, Daph. I don’t like him, he doesn’t like me.” 
Daphne pouted a little bit. “You never bring anyone around. You know you could, right? Have you even dated anyone since starting college?” 
“No, I haven’t. Just leave it alone.” Velma felt herself on the verge of an anxiety attack. Honestly, she had been teetering on the edge of an anxiety attack since the Gang landed in the future. Everything was so fast and confusing here. 
“I don’t understand why you won’t talk about boys with me. I know I’m dating Fred, but I promise I wouldn’t make it awkward or anything. I just want to see you happy and other than that one date sophomore --” 
Velma pinched the bridge of her nose under her glasses and stood up, shaking. “Jesus fucking Christ, Daphne. I think I’m gay. Okay? I’m not going to be talking about boys with you.” 
“Uh. Oh.” Daphne blinked and fell silent. “Are - are you sure?”
Velma paced around the grass. “Yes.”
There was a long, tense silence that felt like it lasted hours. “That’s... that’s okay.” Daphne cleared her throat. “That’s okay.” 
Velma stopped pacing. “...Really?” 
Daphne nodded. “Does anyone else know?”
“Shaggy. Just Shaggy. He asked me a while ago and there was a bit of a... lightbulb moment...”
“Is this why you’ve been so distant all year?’
Daphne patted the step beside her and Velma sat back down. Daphne threw her arm around Velma’s shoulder’s. “We’ve been friends since we were kids. This doesn’t change anything. And I have missed you so much. I thought I did something to make you stop hanging out with me one on one.” 
“I didn’t know how to talk to you about this. I certainly didn’t think it would take a trip to the future.” 
“You know, I have a gay cousin. I could invite her over when we get back and maybe -”
“Okay, okay. You let me know when you’re ready.”
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You know just seeing all the talks about Scooby Doo reboots and re-watchin the old movies and shows, got me thinking on things I'd like to see in a remake, 'adult' or otherwise.
I'd love to see a Scooby Doo where it's a healthy mix of both the monsters are people in rubber masks and tricked out costumes and Werewolves, vampires, zombies and ghouls are real. This is why Shaggy and Scooby are hesitant to directly deal with the spooks the gang come across, because while most of the time it is a dude in a mask, there's still the chance of it being the genuine deal and
Give me a Fred who looks like he's the high school baseball star and small town sweet heart but is a huge dork, auto mechanic and somewhat engineering nerd who loves his traps and mechanical marvels. He's eager to share, and fell in love with mysteries and the like after something like a good mystery podcast or novel, and decided to investigate right away the first time a mystery lands in Coolsville/Crystal Cove/their hometown. It leads to him running into the individuals that would become his best friends and Mystery Inc.. He's the 'face' of the group, the one who put out his number and talks to the clients to set up investigations and the Mystery Machine was a van he rebuilt and painted.
Give me a Daphne who is still girly and loves her fashion and trends, but is also an avid journalist, martial artist of some form, and the one with the most connections. She gets the gang rides when the Mystery Machine on it's own won't cut it, she gets them the hotels, and just general things like that because of extended family or people she's befriend. Occasionally she uses the money her parents send her way, but for the most part, she uses her own inherent personable nature to help her and her friends along. She's also the gangs note take, and has a file on each case carefully catalogued and stored away. It would've been Velma that did so, but when she gets enthusiastic her hand writing tends to start becoming illegible to everyone else, so Daphne takes over the case notes and complies everything when it's solved for if they ever need it later.
Give me a Velma who studies various sciences and languages and is a straight A student, but who also dabbles around in old stories, mythologies, and cryptids as a secret hobby before throwing herself into it fully after the first time her and her friends encounter something supernatural that she can't explain in a way normal sciences could. She's the 'forensic' expert of the time, working out the details of how the man in the mask is able to pull off their 'supernatural' feats, while also examining the actual supernatural things to figure what exactly they're dealing with because different creatures have different rules and you don't want to mix those up. She helps Fred build his traps, or at least reigns them in enough to be feasible. She actually met Fred in a shop class/engineering class and he'd made an off hand comment about a trap idea that she responded to and it spiraled from there. She makes the little details the whole gang collects work into one coherent picture.
Give me a Shaggy who is still an anxious, eats a lot, and is goofy but who's also the most athletic of the crew, gymnastics/track team, has a slew of odd little talents from hobbies he took up as kid, and cook like no one's business. He and Scooby, despite wanting the least to do with the actual supernatural things some how has the most contacts on the supernatural side of things like how Daphne has with humans. He does ironically meet Daphne first, while she's taking her mother's dog to the groomers the same day Shaggy's taking Scooby and they hit it off. Like the gang investigates a town saying that Dracula is terrorizing them, and Shaggy helps clear it up because he happens to know the particular vampire because he helped coach his daughter's volleyball team one summer, and said daughter shrieks in delight when she sees coaches Shaggy and Scooby again and asks when they'll coach again. He makes sure the gang stays fed, keeps up the first aid supplies, and the other things that fall under that blanket.
Give me a Scooby, who is a nervous great dane that has an appetite and dry wit to match his 'owner's'/best friend's but is a mystery the gang is lowkey trying to solve because he doesn't match any supernatural creature Velma can find but no one knows how can talk and even he wants to know, and who despite seeming like a coward is one of the first run back to defend his friends from a monster, real and not. He knows that there's something a bit more going on for the group, something watching them and waiting but it doesn't mean harm so he doesn't bother it too much and focuses more on his humans. He's the one who makes sure that the gang takes a step back and breathes, he helps Shaggy through anxiety/panic attacks, brings Velma the vegetarian chili from dinner while she's hunched over an analysis and comparing stories, makes Fred sit after he's been pacing for 30 minutes to look at a new angle, and makes sure Daphne sleeps when she's caught up looking through old cases to find similarities/connections cause they know there's one to the latest case they're working, he keeps them in the moment and helps make sure that this thing they're doing stay fun.
All I want is these 4 kids/young adults who meet for one mystery, and decide they like what they did and carrying that on from like high school and through college. They'll poke fun at each other, good naturedly of course, but they're there for each other through thick and thin and will solve any mystery that crosses their proverbial door step, especially if they start finding connections and clues to something bigger.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
@unrestrainedbalderdash said they don't care if I put Jonathan Crane into my idea of how I would do an adult Scooby cartoon. And since they are someone who I really liked and I really just need one person saying "hey is okay" to me to overly babble over something here we are.
Disclaimer: I did not watch the Velma show. I saw the trailer and reviews but that is it. This is also not a recreation of it. It's merely how I would do an adult scooby doo story with a more representative cast.
▫️Alpha Kappa Scobby (I'm bad naming stuff)
Is time to grow up.
With the end of high school comes the anxiety inducing question of what to do next? To the Mystery Inc. the answer was always obivous: continuing solving mysteries together. Unfortunally fate appeared to have other plans. Between parental presure, a crashing economy, a shitty job market and an investigation that abelit sucefull ended up breaking the Mystery Machine, hurting a civilian and facing the local authorities ultimatum that they could not keep their unregulated detective agency it appears to be the end.
But the thing is mysteries never ever leave the gang. Where they are things happen and as they face the monsters of adult life other monsters may appear on the way. Are they ready?
▫️The Gang
- Velma is our main characther. She is a second generation imigrant kid from an indian-american family, possibly autistic (mostly represented by her sensory issues and examples of masking) and a genius who suffers from anxiety and the pressure that both comes with societal expectations related to prejudice, familial expectations (especially as a second generation imigrant) and being a gifted kid. She is also a lesbian.
- Shaggy is Shaggy. They are a possibly stoner black latino (he may be a stonner or it may be just harmfull steriotypes possibly both) and they are also ace and non-binary using they/then pronouns. Norville is their deadname and the fact their parents call them that is a dead give away of the time of people they are. Shaggy was adopted and their parents are upped middle class white guys who adopted three POC kids and act extremily white saviour over it. Their bio parents are implied to be scientistis at Star Labs that died in an freaky accident when they eere still little. They may have something to do with Scooby being a talking dog. Though they met by Shaggy adopting a stray puppy. Their personality is still the same. Except for the parents issues. Like they are still the same glutonous coward who cares a lot for their friends and likes bad horror movies.
- Scooby is Scooby. Like nothing changed at all about him. Except that outside the gang people do question the fact he is a talking dog. Since their world is really weird people go from allien to failed scientific experiment of either LexCorp or Starlabs. The more accepted theory is that he is the first non-human to manifest a meta gene. He isn't being studies because he flied over radar until the gaang started solving mysteries and at this point he was too popular plus the governent had other more important issues going on. So he is just a fact.
- Daphne is a girl who defy expectations. She is weird. She has two mons (a thing I know is cannon on the Velma cartoon and am using), one is a british martial artist and the other a american fashion designer and she got very deep into both of her mons careears. She has some relatives in jail and she learned a bunch with them. She loves to learn except not the school stuff, so her grades were meh and people usually saw her as just a pretty face, even though she has a bunch of great skils like fighting, fashion, faking signatures, lock picking, stealth, acting, a bunch of sports and more. She is bissexual and has a huge crush on both Elvira and Hex Girls. She also loves escape artists (being good at scaping herself) and is a fan of bad horror movies and campy actors. She also has a crush on Fred.
- Fred is a sweet bissexual himbo and he is very clearly neurodivergent and definitvaly autistic. He stims a lot, has dificulty getting social clues, misses most sarcasm and some abstract expressions, has a huge special interest in traps, sometimes goes non-verbal, just the whole book. He is a rich white boy but fails to meet his misoginistic racist parents expectations not only by hangin with the gaang but by having a disability. His parents never took him to a doctor to be diagnosed because they believed it would bring shame to the family to have a disabled kid and just hoped he would "grow out of it". He does have some internalized prejudice but it's working to be better. He also has a huge crush in Daphne, is a very supportive and loyal friend and infodumps people a lot.
▫️The Pilot
The pilot episode starts with the gaang reciving their ultimatum and having to undergo an state aproved course to became private investigators and be abble to keep the Mystery Inc. going. Shennanigans issue and they all end up failing.
Daphne is too good on the self defense courses and also may have caused a teacher who implied she would need to do sexual favors for him if she hoped to pass in his boring law class to never be able to walk again. Luckily he was too afraid to press charges.
Fred keept trying to insert trap making into the course to ridiculous extremes.
Shaggy broke the vending machine, ate all the food and also just keept running away from the clues in all the pratical texts. They answers also mostly involved running and getting uninvolved.
No one knew if Scooby should do dog training or humam courses and he ended in a confusing stream of buerocracy.
Velma should by all means had suceeded though and the only reason she failed was racial bias. She tries to brush it off, after all she was not going to be a detective on her own anyway and all her friends failed, but it clearly afects her and this will be a thing hanging over her head the whole season. The episode ends with Velma discovering she got approved to a full scholarship on a fictional ivvy league university outisde of Crystal Cove she had applied more for her parents sakes than her in criminology.
▫️They failed what now?
After a whole debate during the second episode and the gaang being supportive even if it means it is the definitive end for them, Velma decides to go to college. Of course trying to keep together the whole gaang somehow ends up involved with the campus.
- Shaggy and Scobby get a job at the college cafeteria that Shaggy uses to move into a trailer in the college parking lot (that they plans into turning in a food truck) so they can get away from their transphobic parents. Scobby of course moves with them.
- With help of white rich cis man priviledge Fred gets accepted to the same school but into architeture (he does uses this knoledge to plan traps but also realizes he likes projecting rooms on general). The thing is thanks to missanderstanding a sarcastic coment from Velma he ends up being part of a very "bro" fraternity. It's mostly played for laughs as he definitivally doesn't belong there but also accidentaly starts turning the guys into better people. But also features on Fred understanding his priviledge and the internalized prejudices his parents dumped on him and evolving past them and also dealing with ableism.
- Daphne decided to try to work in a close by cafe and became roomates with a goth girl called June that works with Shaggy and Scooby. Both are fired and decide to open an etsy store together. She is also doing an online course on fashion. Velma has a crush on June and June is implied to have a criminal past. The etsy store is mostly used for laughs though it also is used to show Daphne dealing with being different from soceity expectations and the hardships of having a small bussiness.
▫️The Plot
The story focuses on their adventures on campus as they deal with adult life but also as weird things keep happening and students end up either getting murdered or disapearing all the time. While focused on episodic shennanigans with characther growth as the linear aspect there are some key episodes that show that there's a major conspiracy involving the university's past and the looming presence of an white supremacist cult.
▫️Cool and all but where is Jonathan Crane?
The thing is if I was writing this series I would make the connection with DC be mostly references with some few special episodes starting on the second season (including the obligatory Batman team-up and a episode were Riddler, who is on his P.I arc, is hired to the same case the Mystery Inc is in and they have to work together). So we would have things like Scooby possibly having the metagene, Velma being a Batman fangirl and having some batfam merch in the middle of her detective merch, Fred being a Green Arrow fan and buying trap material for Ace Chemicals and LexCorp, Daphne mentioning her uncle Alfred or Shaggy's bio parents having been Star Lab scientistis. Some name drops like WayneTech or Lex Luthor.
The exception being Jonathan Crane. Jon is an actual relevant secundary characther. After mysterious circunstances involving a fight with the dean, a recomendation letter and an ultimatum, Jonathan leaved Gotham University and became a teacher at the Yet To Be Named University where the gang is.
His disciplines are an eletive about phobias, psychophatology and forensic psychology. He is famous over the campus for being a genius and a great teacher but also for being harsh, having extremely high standards and hard exams and just being creepy and really really weird. There is legit theories of him being some kind of cryptic or a ghost. He has the uncanny hability of walking without making any noise and being abble to be silent and quiet until he suddently scares someone with his presence. He speaks little outside the classroom and is always alone. And if someone tries to be friendly with him, he will just leave and let the person hanging. No one ever saw him eat only drink coffe (that may be spiked with whisky sometimes). He is mostly saw outside classes either writing/typing or reading (he only reads text books and horror stories). He has a crow in his office and while the bird is calm and sweet with him it sings creepy old childrem rhymes and it definitivaly attacked a student who got emotional over a bad grade and started screaming with Crane.
With all that being said Crane is Velma's fsvorite professor and she is his favorite student. He doesn't presure or mocks her and is fascinated by her theories and they can discuss psychology, chesmistry, literature and criminology for hours. They respect each other and have a deep understanding being fairly similar (and yes make Crane be also POC, prefencialy south asian), they are friends and with her family alway Velma sees Crane as a pseudo father-figure. Even Crane's bird Ichabod seems to also enjoy Velma a lot. The rest of the gang has more mixed views of Crane. He is always polite with them but he is also creepy as hell specially with Shaggy and Scooby as he asks them a lot of questions about their fears.
Every single time someone either dies or disappears everyone accuses Crane. He is ALWAYS a suspect. And Velma is his only defender (sometimes the gang as whole also). And he is always show to be innocent. But is also hinted that he is still planning and doing Scarecrow shit and while it's played for laughs the huge impact Crane and Velma's bond have to Velma overcoming her issues is a hint that when it finally happens of Crane being the guilty part and his Scarecrow persona coming to light it will break Velma's heart.
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palimpsessed · 2 years
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The third annual! Questions by @captain-aralias .
Complete Fics for 2022:
I Can't Believe He's Not Butter
4,941 words
by any other name…
3,035 words
Simon Snow and Dracula's Curse, A Scooby Doo AU
46,064 words
In Progress Fics for 2022:
Slings and Eros
70,055 words added in 2022
4 complete fics, 1 fic in progress
Word count:
I thought my output this year had really waned, but I only completed one more fic in 2020 and 2021. My word count has been pretty consistent, with this year's actually being higher than 2021 (107k) and 2020 (113k). So maybe I need to be kinder to myself. It's truly just having the specter of a massively long wip looming for a second year running.
Since I included SAE in last year's review, I'm going to stick with the three fics I haven't talked about yet. All I ever talk about is SAE anyway. However, I think this works better for writers with more fics to talk about because there would be less repetition in the answers.
best/worst title?
I Can't Believe He's Not Butter
What else is there to say? This fic is about an emo syrup container watching an attractive tub of margarine being spread seductively over pancakes.
by any other name...
I like this but perhaps it doesn't pin down the point of the fic well enough. But I really couldn't lead with "dicknames" or "cocktail" so. Shakespeare it is.
best/worst summary?
"The gang is invited to spend Halloween weekend in famed seaside town Whitby, North Yorkshire. It's supposed to be a holiday filled with music, history, and more vampire fangs than Simon Snow has ever dreamed of. But when a flying fiend claiming to be Count Dracula himself shows up, warning tourists and locals alike to stay away from the famous ruins of Whitby Abbey, Simon and the rest of the Enigma Ltd. gang know they've got another mystery on their hands. Matters are only further complicated when Simon's longtime professional rival, Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Grimm-Pitch of Pitch Paranormal Investigations, swoops in with perfect hair to steal Enigma Ltd.'s case.
"Will the gang manage to solve the mystery in time to save Whitby from the Count and his Curse? And more importantly, will Simon solve the mystery of his very confusing feelings for Baz?"
I could see this one printed on the back of a Scooby Doo DVD clamshell. (I absolutely do check out Scooby Doo DVDs from my library every Halloween.)
"Baz has been making a new list and he’s decided it’s time to share it with his unsuspecting boyfriend."
Again, I was being coy. This probably should have been something like: "Baz decides to give Simon's cock a worthy nickname. Unapologetic puns ensue." You know, after I did this last year, I actually revised my worst summary to make the changes that I felt would improve it. Maybe I'll do that with this one, too. Maybe.
best/worst first line?
"The existence (if one can be so bold as to call it that) of a blue plate diner denizen holds all the shine one can find on a cloudy-water-spotted soup spoon. There are occasional flashes of warm, bright pink neon ("open 24 hours") to give you the sense of a rose-tinted view, but by and large, the days offer little more variety and adventure than stuck-on food and creeping rust stains.
"In this place, soup spoons are to solitary condiments like myself what reflecting pools are to Narcissus."
Okay, maybe this is a bit too long to consider a line, but oh well. I hate writing descriptions of physical places. I would much prefer my characters just float around in a void and have endless amounts of banter-laden dialogue. But the diner was integral to this story and I think I did a pretty good job with it, introducing it along with our narrator, pancake syrup!Baz, and using it to set the mood.
"It was a dark and stormy night."
This was obviously intentionally done, so I'm okay with it. Except for the fact that somewhere along the way, the period disappeared without me noticing so it just sat there with no punctuation for weeks. The very first sentence. Off to a strong start.
best/worst last line?
"Hey, Baz," she said. "How come you're not in costume?"
You need the context for this one to make sense, but trust me. I love how punchy it turned out, and also that it wasn't planned. I just knew in the moment.
Also, ICBHNB is somewhat open-ended, but I do really like how the last sentence revisits the opening of the fic and shows how much Baz has changed his mind about his "life" now that Simon is in it.
"We never do get back to Baz’s list."
It's okay, but it's a bit lacking in impact after the repartee immediately before it. This was just my way of fading to black so I didn't have to actually write the sex.
looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, fewer than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Fewer. I thought I'd finally wrap on SAE and be able to tackle more of my other ideas. I had been determined not to write anything else until it was complete, but at some point I decided it was healthier for me to indulge a side fic now and again for the sake of my creative sanity. I didn't want to start resenting SAE because I couldn't work on other things. More to look forward to next year…
what pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
I didn't think I'd ever have cause to write pancake syrup/margarine. But here we are.
what's your favorite story this year? not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest?
It's so hard to choose. I'm really happy with all of them and they're all very different things. I suppose SSADC because I've been working on that concept off and on since I got into fandom and it was nowhere near as clever or funny in my early drafts and planning. I was frustrated with it for a long time, but then it ended up being so much better for the delay. And it's done!!!!! I'm incredibly proud of it.
okay, now your most popular story?
I never know what the best metric is to judge this by? I suppose kudos?
BAON leads in kudos for the year, so I'll say that. Which makes sense. It's the closest I came to smut.
story most underappreciated by the universe?
SSADC and ICBHNB are my least kudoesed(?) over all years so I think they just didn’t find their audience.
story that could have been better?
I know I said I wasn't going to talk about SAE, but damn it could be SHORTER. I find myself most critical of it because I've sat with it for so long. But I still wouldn't change any of it. I always kind of avoid this question.
sexiest story?
Hmm. It probably should be BAON since it is about cocks, but I kind of want to say ICBHNB because that margarine!Simon does spread on awfully smooth… How many fics can boast a completely appropriate use of the word 'nubbin' anyway?
saddest story?
None of my finished fics were sad, but SAE definitely goes there with the deep emotions, so that one gets the honor.
most fun?
I wrote a theme song! Lucy the dog dashes into action against "Dracula" wearing a Dracula dog costume. Simon chucks bricks at creepy hooded cultists because Penny didn't let him bring his sword. Baz and Simon absolutely do not speedwalk race down the street to the Whitby library. Penny’s skirt has pockets! No one ever gives Baz a leaflet. BJ and the CUNTS! Penis window. I need to reread this fic.
story with the single sweetest moment?
Simon feeds Baz pieces of mint Aero while they're sharing a bed. That was pretty sweet. (Get it, sweet?)
Honorable mention to ICBHNB for being sweetest fic overall, in that the narrator is literally pancake syrup.
hardest story to write?
Which I've been trying to write unsuccessfully since very early 2020 (does anyone remember very early 2020?). This version of the fic did give me some hiccups along the way, but finally sorting out the POV and tone of the fic was key, as was the timely Dracula tie-in. It finally felt right this time and I look forward to continuing the adventures of Enigma Ltd. and Pitch Paranormal Investigations.
easiest/most fun story to write?
I'm being difficult and answering with all three fics!
Easiest is a tie between the one shots: ICBHNB and BAON. Short and also mostly crack. I'd had both ideas tossing around in my head for a while and once the mood hit for each of them, they came about pretty quickly.
Most fun: SSADC (for the reasons stated under the other kind of "most fun" above)
did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
I'm boring with this one and usually say 'no', but I will say that SSADC was my first time really writing the classic SnowBaz "enemies" to lovers dynamic. I think I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, because I tend to shy away from that. Not sure if that will inform fic writing decisions going forward, but considering that nearly all of my ideas at the moment are But-What-If-SnowBaz AUs, the dynamics are mostly determined by how I'm adapting the worlds of the various AUs.
most overdue story?
I can finally say SSADC and know that it's DONE!!!!!
did you take any writing risks this year? what did you learn from them?
Everything felt like a risk while I had a 100k+ wip. Staying in more lighthearted and cracky territory wasn't necessarily a risk, but certainly something that took me out of my comfort zone as a fic writer. Really, I think I just needed to give myself permission for it.
this year's theme and the story that demonstrates it?
I finished one and am determined to finish the other.
what are your fic writing goals for next year?
See above.
Seriously, though, my main goal is to wrap SAE and make sure it's satisfying for all the build up—for me and its readers. Aside from that, I have a whole list of prompts for myself and I think I'm really just waiting to get inspired about which one to work on first. I have my Bond AU pretty much entirely plotted out, so you'd think it would be that one. But I also want to do a second part for my Scooby AU. And maybe finally write that The Holiday AU. Or Galaxy Quest. Or Troop Beverly Hills. Or Bell Book and Candle. Or or or…
Here's a good goal: I would like to not write any more dactylic hexameter.
If you read all this way, thanks for taking this journey with me. See you for more words and more fics in 2023!
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fanbles · 2 years
My rewrite of "Velma"
I'd have it take place in a college setting—a smaller college where pretty much everyone knows each other (like a liberal arts branch of a larger university).
I don't think I'd have anyone personally affected by the mystery in question, at least, not as directly as the Velma's mom mystery. It'd give unequal weight to the investment of the characters and I don't want it to seem like one characters is forcing their friends to solve a mystery that would mainly benefit them. The "killing people and taking their brains" part still fits the new setting (I personally wouldn't want to write that, but I'm not really writing this with the intention to make it), so I'd keep that in. I'm not sure whether I'd have it at the start or save it towards the end of the first season. I guess I'd put it at the midway point, after we get to know the main characters and have the chance to get attached to the side character who ends up being the first victim. Idk how long I'd drag out the plot (depends on how many episodes are in the first season), but I'd want to show the characters trying to balance the mysteries with their education (unlike high school, college actually requires your attention), social lives, and mental health. (The mental health aspect should be taken more seriously; I don't really like how it's treated in Velma. It also would add some realism and some conflict for the characters.)
The heart of the show should be the bond between the gang. Even if they're strangers before the mystery begins, they should act like best friends by the time the show ends...and they should at least be able to tolerate each other while remaining respectful. You can have banter or petty arguments, but you shouldn't be wondering why the characters are friends.
Starting out with Shaggy/Norville because I had an idea for him first—people like to make Fred or Daphne popular (usually both), but I feel like Shaggy would be more popular in a college setting. The lighthearted, mellow goofball who is a huge foodie? People would gravitate towards him at parties. I'd keep the "popular snack streamer" thing, though I wouldn't make him repulsed by stoners enjoying his content. He seems too chill to be judgemental or hostile towards people. Because of his popularity, he knows details about potential victims and might have some useful contacts. He's also allowed to have Scooby-Doo in his dorm as an emotional support dog. Idk whether I'd have Scooby-Doo talk or not. It could be funny if Scooby-Doo spoke one sentence in front of Velma and never talked to anyone again. Shaggy follows along with the mysteries out of empathy for the victims, though this can occasionally cause him burnout.
Fred is Shaggy's autistic roommate. He's really into puzzles and contraptions—solving riddles, setting traps, picking locks...you name it, he's into it. I could see him really liking escape rooms, which makes him a useful asset when he and his friends are trapped for real. Solving a mystery is like solving a puzzle and his utility in these investigations led him to have a friend group he desperately needed in his life (since he tended to drive people away, he went through several roommates before being paired up with Shaggy as a last resort). This means he can be a little too eager and misses cues (like Shaggy's burnout), but he gets better about it as the series goes on.
Daphne is into history and vintage fashion. She can point out historical inaccuracies in the evidence, info dump about fabrics, etc. (I like to think she made Fred's ascot; he never takes it off because he likes the feel of the fabric and his friend made it for him!!!) Her interests led her into reading about true crime that happened long in the past. The injustices faced by the victims and the blatant corruption of the justice system made her want to go into solving mysteries as a vigilante. [Daphne's outspoken passion also lends itself to a fiery temper and she WILL fight anyone who isn't taking the crime seriously. Someone, usually Velma, has to calm her back down because the last thing they need is for her to provoke the wrong person.]
Last, but not least, is Velma. She's the most difficult one for me to figure out because I don't want to make her unrecognizable, but I want to do something new with her. If we're going with the "Velma has been the leader the whole time" angle, she's the one who is organized enough to gather evidence and keep everyone on track. I could see her walking in on the rest of the gang with evidence scattered all around the dorm and she immediately butts in because the disorganization drives her bonkers. She's the type of person who micromanages group projects and though she isn't too interested in mysteries at first, she loves going on investigations with friends who actually appreciate her leadership skills (which used to get written off as being "bossy"). Velma also drives the Mystery Machine because she's the most responsible driver out of all of them.
[Bonus character: I think Gigi would be a nice addition to the show—I'd make her a semi-popular witchy TikToker who isn't taken seriously until the gang discovers she actually has powers. It'd be really cool if Gigi keeps the TikTok front on purpose because she doesn't want anyone to know her powers are real, but she reveals her true abilities to the rest of the gang when she realizes her powers could be vital to solving mysteries. Gigi can speak to the dead, see bits and pieces of the past or future, and read into the true intentions of people. Allowing her to read minds could be fun, but might make her too OP. She's roommates with Daphne and Velma. (Ofc, you can exclude her or rewrite her if this is a little too detached from reality, but I couldn't help but present the idea anyway.) ]
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forktutwtt · 2 years
It’s my turn to share my ideal Scooby Doo show
So I want it to follow the classic format, gang shows up at spooky location, monster shows up, they investigate scene, catch monster, big reveal.
But I want every episode to be just slightly different than you’d expect. There’s way more plausible suspects at each location and every episode has an actual cohesive mystery. If a kid saw this show, it’d genuinely test their critical thinking skills. The mysteries don’t have to be massive; an adult would probably still be able to guess it, but I want it to use subtle clues and get all of the gang to use their skills. Don’t just have Velma notice the one or two important things she reveals while the rest just catch the monster. They all know there’s a mystery and I want all of them to be actually solving it. Have Shaggy be a surprisingly effective character-witness who’s unassuming nature lets him see people for who they are. Have Daphne recognize the costume makeup used by the monster and charm important persons of interest to give out information. Have Fred be the guy who figures out the technology and impossible machinery behind it. Have Scooby be the muscle who makes perfect bait cause he can run away from anything and is the bravest of the bunch despite also being the most scared. Velma is the logic managing the team and acts as the leader. Make them an actual effective team you love seeing come together!
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Mystery Incorporated
"Wrote by Axel Angela StoriesYT"
Disclaimer: These are not my characters, this belong to the creator of Scooby doo and the gang, this is just my version of the mystery incorporated I wanted to do and share with everyone, enjoy.
1- The mystery begins:
It was a normal day like any other in Cristal Cove, a place where everyone was fascinated that it was a place haunted with ghosts, that’s why there were many tourist every week, put it was difficult this month for everyone, there is a wanted killer that came to this town, he got away from the police in New York so he decided to hide in any place and he choose Cristal Cove.
When they hear the news, there were a lot of patrols on the route’s, even kid’s couldn’t walk alone anymore, even some schools closed up.
Even with this horrible thing that is happening, some kids don’t even take it seriously, that’s when we go to some of the schools, we see in the hallway’s students preparing for the next classes, that’s when we see a student contrary.
-I gotta say, this food isn’t going anywhere. “And he eat his sandwich”
- You really are alway hungry, am I not wrong?
With that we see two boys, one is name…well everyone calls him Shaggy, the boy that can eat a lot even won a competition of eating and make his school winners.
And the other boy his name is Fred, a guy who passion are traps I don’t know why put is a really nice guy that everyone can’t hate and the same thing with shaggy.
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-What’s wrong with being hungry? This helps me to calm down, you know that.
-Well yeah, put I don’t want you to get sick from eating a lot.
-I would prefer to be death than stop eating.
When they stop talking they hear other student talk in a quite volume about the killer.
-This is one of the reason eating make me calm, I don’t wanna hear anything about that killer.
-You know, I wonder if there is a way we can help the police…we can investigate why the can catch it.
-oh don’t think about it Fred, I know that you like watching crime cases, put don’t try this, I mean it.
-put you like watching it too.
-….well yeah, put I don’t wanna risk my own life and-
-if we solve this, I would buy you food in one week.
-….Make it two weeks.
-Ok, deal.
-“Realize” oh boy, why do I always fall for every deal? >=‘v
With that in a break they organize where will they met to star to solve a mystery, some minutes pass and know it already night, so the boy meet and start walking with two light to help them see in the dark.
They keep walking when all of the sudden, they hear a foot broke a branch on the floor, with that Fred pay much more attention of the sounds.
-Fred?..don’t you even dare look for the sound, maybe it is a animal
-Well…I can’t just thing about that theory, it’s better to see before thinking of something that is not true
-..he is gonna die
With that, he investigates, the sounds are more than just one, so shaggy is kinda scared, but that doesn’t mean he is gonna left alone Fred, so he accompanied him, when they stop to look, Fred take just one step and with that he bump into someone, but that make the person drops her glasses to the ground.
-I’m really sorry I didn’t see you pass and….where did they fall?
-don’t worry, it was kinda my fault to
He give her glasses back.
-wait…Fred? Shaggy?
-Oh hi Velma, how have you been doing?
-You know her?
-Wha? she is from the same school
-She is part of your classes
-You copy my notes in Spanish class, because you can’t understand what the teacher say…well I don’t blame you, that class is kinda difficult
-Oh yeah, I remember, sorry
-don’t worry about it
-by the way, what are you doing there?
-…well, you may now put after that person came to town, a lot of people started to go missing, even some people from my school, so I wanna do something and not just sit down doing nothing.
With that, Fred and shaggy realize something, there weren’t alone doing this.
-Do you want to join us? You’re not the only one who wants to help everyone…
-Yeah, and when we were walking we found this
With that he shows a book witch color is grey, put when he open it, it was a list of different names crossed out, witch it was kinda weird to begin with.
-Hey I kinda know this names
-Fred and Velma: Really?
-Yeah I hear from my parents, some of these people are known to be powerful from money, and even one of them have a factory of different kind of food
-Maybe this guy want some revenge with this people
-That may be true, put right know it just a theory, if you guys are ok with this, I can investigate the other’s names that this book has, also we can see it their are any suspects
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-Yeah I like that idea, know can we go to our house please? I really hate the atmosfere of the night
-Sure thing, do you want me to come with you after I left shaggy in his house?
-Yeah, why not
With that they start to walk the three, without noticing that someone was listening.
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