#velma x marcie
rorvk · 1 year
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velmarcie truthers RISE!!
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romancemedia · 6 months
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avuck · 2 years
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Gee Velma! How come your mom lets you have Two girlfriends?
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alphashley14 · 2 months
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toasttestified · 1 year
I can't get over this ship to save my life. Happy pride month!!!
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clover-color · 2 years
Everyone likes Coco.
but my favorite is:
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re-watched mystery incorporated
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lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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Switched and Bewitched
Chapter 5: That jacket with that skirt?
Read more on AO3!
“I think all of you are ready,” Timothy proclaimed. 
“Really?” Fred asked. “You’re serious? You’re not just joking?”
“I am serious.”
“Like, Groovy!” Shaggy said.
“Please, guys, this is a very important excursion. To collect clues,” Velma reminded them. 
“We have to have a little fun, or we’ll lose our minds,” Daphne argued. 
“I am certain you can have fun and collect clues,” Timothy responded. He tossed Fred some keys. 
“Fred, there is something waiting for you in the g-garage. I think you will find it quite to your liking.”
Fred flashed a wide grin and jumped to his feet so quickly the dining room chair flew backwards with a loud squeak. 
 “Ah-ah! Not so fast, Fred. You all have the knowledge to fly under the radar b-but you don’t have...  the look. Your assistants are waiting for you in your rooms with some 21st century apparel. And then you can meet in the g-garage.” 
Daphne returned to her room where she found her assistant, a preppy blonde whose name she could never remember, holding what seemed to be a whole new wardrobe. The clothes were all zipped in designer bags so Daphne couldn’t see what fashion disaster Tim’s crew had in store for her. She took the bags from Preppy Blonde and scurried into her room. 
“This is what they’re wearing these days?” Daphne shouted into the hallway, staring down at a lavender t-shirt dress.  “I’ve never heard of the brand ‘C.L. Magnus’.” 
She laughed. “Totally! This is considered very fashionable. You can leave it as is or throw a belt on to jazz it up. Scarf?” 
Daphne took the green scarf from her hand and wrapped it around her neck. “It just seems a little, I don’t know, plain. Do you have anything else?”
“Er, uh...,” Preppy paused. Her disappointment that Daphne wasn’t satisfied on the first try was written all over her face. “Like, yeah, totally Ms. Blake. Nooo worries. Be back in a sec!” She disappeared down the hallway only to reappear with more designer bags in tow. Flashing Daphne a perfect smile, she unzipped another bag and held up a lantern sleeve dress, gesturing like Vanna White. “Well? Maybe this?”
“Too poofy,” Daphne responded, hand on her hip. “Fancier than the first one and less... voluminous than that one.” Preppy held up a jumpsuit in a slightly darker shade of purple. “I don’t really feel like wearing pants, Prep -- Perhaps another dress?”
“Can I show you a dress-shirt combo?”
“I guess, I’m not quite sure what you mean --”
Preppy pulled out a light purple long sleeve shirt and dark purple pinafore dress. “This doesn’t totally match what I had in your fashion profile but I snatched it up just in case you --”
“Love it. I love it. I’ll take that.”
“Perfect!” Preppy squealed, handing her the clothes and a pair of lavender ankle boots. “Now for your hair. I’m thinking loose waves and some curtain bangs.” She pulled out a barrel brush and blow dryer from her bag. “This is, like, going to be so totally fun!” 
Shaggy’s assistant was named Greg and was much less chatty than Daphne’s assistant. He had simply gestured to the closet and looked at Shaggy before darting off to address something he heard over his earpiece.
“Like, this is pretty alright, Scoob,” Shaggy said and turned around to face Scooby-Doo. His green t-shirt had been replaced with a button down of the same color and his baggy bell bottoms were now fitted slacks. In the closet were also leather sneakers and a grey cardigan. 
“Rooking rood, Raggy. Rat rabout re?” Scooby asked, doing a little twirl in his new, but identical, collar. 
“Great, Scooby. You look great, too.” 
“Well, Fred, your outfit is fairly timeless, if I’m honest, but we have to make a few changes,” Fred’s assistant told him. He was a stocky fellow and didn’t appear to know much about fashion himself so Fred hesitated to take his word. “Namely, the ascot. The ascot has to go.”
“No! Not my ascot!” Fred said, clutching at his neck. 
“I’m afraid so. We’ve hung your clothes in your closet, please take a look.”
Fred found pairs of dark blue jeans alongside loose white button downs and orange t-shirts. Fred got dressed and buttoned the shirt up just enough that the orange peeked through at the top. 
“Why don’t you just tuck the front of the shirt in a bit? It’ll add a bit of style but still look effortless, I promise,” The assistant said. 
Fred raised an eyebrow but did as he was told then patted his ascot, a forlorn look on his face. “I’ll miss you buddy.” 
“You’re kidding me,” Velma said. 
“Please, Ms. Dinkley. I really don’t want to argue with you and it is imperative you blend in. Not only blend it, it is imperative you look older as well. I understand you will be eighteen in just a few weeks but someone your age should still be in high school and if you are running around town it might draw unwanted attention,” Marcie said, holding out a pair of wide leg paperbag pants and a stylishly slouchy orange sweater.�� They’d been going back and forth about this for ten minutes. 
“You barely look 18 yourself! I can’t believe this.”
“Ahem, I am 18, Ms. Dinkley, thank you. Please wear the clothes.”
Velma sighed deeply and snatched the clothes from her hands. She lovingly set her red skirt and orange turtleneck on her bed before stepping into her new clothes. There was a full length mirror on the back of the door and Velma looked at herself hesitantly. Well, maybe it’s not so bad, she thought. 
Velma stepped back into the hallway. "Are you happy now, Marcie?"
"Uh, well, yes. You look... you look very good Ms. Dinkley," she responded. If Velma wasn't mistaken, Marcie was blushing slightly. "It’s just that the shirt is supposed to be tucked into the pants.”
“Oh,” Velma said. She carefully tucked the sweater into her pants and looked up. “I never wear pants.”
Marcie handed her a pair of maroon flats and then produced a pair of black, square-framed glasses. 
Velma took both and started at Marcie through her new lenses. “Remarkable. They’re only twenty-percent the thickness of my old glasses, at most, and I can see clearer.”
Marcie and Velma walked down to the foyer, where they found Shaggy, Scooby, Daphne, and Fred. 
“Um, Velma, those are, like, some groovy pants,” Shaggy said. His tone was entirely genuine but that didn’t seem to matter to Velma. 
“Shut up, Norville,” Velma said. Change was not, and had never been, a close friend of Velma’s. 
“You’re just not looking very ‘shaggy’ right now,” she responded, but her tone had lightened and Shaggy could tell she was teasing him in good fun. “I love your outfit, Daphne, you look great.”
“Thanks. It’s definitely growing on me.”
“Guys, there’s time for a fashion show later, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon!” Fred squealed and darted off to the garage. The Gang heard a loud gasp followed by the cry, “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you!” 
Externally, the Mystery Machine was identical to the one they’d left behind in 1969. Internally, she was a completely different beast. Everything had been updated to reflect 21st century safety standards, of course, and all the bells and whistles necessary for on-the-go mystery solving had also been added. There was a satellite computer system in the back, a whiteboard, a Scooby-Snack dispensing machine, fingerprint dusting kits, a microscope, disguises, trapping equipment, and just about anything else they could need. 
“This is... everything!” Fred shouted, practically hopping from one foot to the other. “Are you guys sure we have to go home because this might just be worth staying here.”
“Jeepers,” Daphne said as she peered into the back of the Mystery Machine. “I don’t know how to use half of this stuff.”
“Like, it is nice, Fred, but...” I still want to go home, Shaggy thought.   
Marcie followed The Gang into the garage and consulted her tablet. “Your assignment is to drive into town and walk around Main St. Maybe grab a coffee, or go into a store.”
“That’s it?” Velma asked. “You’re making us walk around? Shop?!”
“And blend in,” she finished. “That’s the hard part. We will have an undercover operative keep an eye on you and report back to Timothy and myself about how well you do. Then, if it goes well, you can go out and start collecting clues about time travel. We have no idea how long it will take to master the intricacies of time travel. You could be here for months or even years.”
“Marcie, this seems like a waste of time,” Daphne said. “We should have started collecting clues the minute we landed here.”
“Honestly, Ms. Blake, I see your point, however clues that have lasted since 1969 are going to last a few more days. Off you go.” 
The Gang piled into the Mystery Machine, Fred, Daphne, and Velma up front and Shaggy and Scooby in the back. Fred could hardly contain his excitement as he put the Mystery Machine in reverse and backed out of the garage. He turned to Daphne, beaming, and she giggled. 
“Go ahead, Freddie. See what this thing can do.”
Read more on AO3!
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How do you think Velma x Marcie 'Hot Dog Water' would fare out as parents?
I'd like to think that they would be but Velma seems the kind to be one of those overly prepared parents but then gets distracted by a mystery. Marcie would try her best to keep Velma from forgetting their kid but at the same time she loves how Velma gets while in mystery mode. Plus considering that Marcie grew up poor (which resulted in her nickname of "Hot Dog Water") she'd try and make sure her kid wanted for nothing
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
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Femslash February 2023
048. Renamed - Velma Dinkley/Marcie "Hot Dog Water" Fleach - archiveofourown.org/works/45094942
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nothums-from-tj · 1 year
Hi it’s like 2 in the morning so here’s a little VelMarcie ramble I wanted to get out
Ok so. SDMI post-reality switch right I haven’t seen many people toying w the idea of Velma being more confused than having a full-blown breakdown when seeing Marcie again bc she didn’t really get the chance for her death to even settle in
Like she’s obviously upset when she sees her I just like to think that the “that’s my girl” scene is literal minutes after being reunited rather than the day/week or something following, especially considering the drastically different thoughts/feelings they’d be having: Velma’s tearful “I’m so thankful and excited that you’re safe and alive and safe and alive and I can see and hold you again and get closer to you and make up for everything that’s happened I’m so sorry” vs Marcie’s casual “oh hey babe there you are you ready to work on our science fair project together” y’know
They’ve also seemed to be dating a while in this reality when in their original Velma never even got the chance to confess, so I also like to entertain the thought of Velma running into her arms in tears rambling about Marcie being ok and how she thought she’d never see her again and she’s so sorry about everything and Marcie just pulls her back gently to give her a peck on the lips so now Velma goes Still As Stone internally screaming about the fact that Marcie Fleach just Kissed Her On The Mouth bc that was the last thing she was expecting—not to say it was unwanted
So now V’s successfully stopped her rambling and Marcie could only assume maybe she had a nightmare or something the night before and now seeing Velma still and flustered at supposedly their usual greeting she says something along the lines of “wow haha you ok hon???” and “I haven’t seen you like that since our first kiss” and Velma doesn’t know how to handle that either
Eventually I do think she’d have her breakdown however so soon after the death when she wasn’t even “allowed” to register it and the only other someone who knew was Scooby, at the very least he was the only one to see if Velma was ok after hearing the gunshots, she’s just never really got the chance to grieve between that and then suddenly seeing Marcie alive and well again after everything. Already the only people who could tell the rest of the gang about Marcie by that point was either Velma or Scooby and I’d really love to play with that notion at some point, along with the gang finding out abt Velma liking Marcie and/or them dating in this reality
(Btw if anyone writes anything to do w this here PLEASE tag/share it w me I’d love to see it, you don’t have to do anything w this info of course)
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romancemedia · 4 months
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The Struggles of Young Love - False vs. True
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I have just finished Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated. Here are my thoughts (spoilers btw). Overall it's an amazing show with a very solid unraveling mystery that the more you learn the more it grips you. In my opinion the first season is a bit of a mixed bag with some amazing standout episodes. The pace is definitely more episodic with some overarching plot threads here and there which isn't a bad thing at all but it does take a bit for the real mystery to get going. No the real problem with season one in my opinion is Velma and Shaggy. Thats like my main gripe with it. For so long in season one Velma's main personality is being romantically interested in Shaggy and getting mad at Scooby for spending more time with him than her. It just feels so out of character for her in my opinion. Like she also forces Shaggy into situations he's obviously uncomfortable with such as punishing him (with physical pain) for saying "like" as a filler word, making him wear clothes he doesn't like, and forcing him to choose between her and Scooby (I've also seen a take/theory that Velma is a closeted lesbian who is trying to deny her sexuality by trying to be into Shaggy. This makes a lot of sense to me and would have been an amazing plot thread if the show was made a little later so it could actually show gay stuff, but as it stands the Velma x Shaggy plotline isn't the best. Also Velma x Hot Dog Water OTP). The show becomes MUCH better when they drop that plotline and Velma's best traits are pushed to the forefront to portray one of the most interesting takes on the character I've seen. For example from episode one she is portrayed as a skeptic of the supernatural which contrasts most other people in Crystal Cove including her parents, but in the latter half of season two undeniable evidence of supernatural happenings is presented to her and it shakes up her worldview a bit. She even has a mental breakdown at first. It's a super interesting examination of her ideology and character. Speaking of season two... season two of mystery incorporated is absolute fire. SHERLOCK WISHES it had a mystery as good as this. The pieces are laid out so well throughout the season that it's jaw dropping. It just works so well. It's also really dark. Like not "OoOoooO shpooky and edgy atmosphere" dark. It's more like A CHILD IS SHOT TO DEATH WITH MACHINE GUNS DARK. THIS IS AN ACTUAL THING THAT HAPPENS IN THE PENULTIMATE EPISODE. Anyway season one is like a 7/10 and season two is like a 9/10 for me.
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alphashley14 · 7 months
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“HoT dOg WAtEr?????”
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Who’s next???
No literally I think that any adaptation where she’s dating a man it’s odd.
I just can’t see her with a man.
She and Shaggy have a best friend pact where if they can’t find a partner by the time they’re like 40 they’ll both get married.
She definitely had a crush on Daphne at some point (or still does in some versions). I’m versions where they don’t meet until they’re teens she misjudged Daphne and thought she was one of those spoilt and rude rich girls but once she gets to know her and becomes her friend she likes her and then develops feelings it’s a gradual thing. In versions where they met as kids the crush happens quicker because Velma knew her true side sooner.
Velma finds stereotypes absolutely ridiculous. She acts the way she likes.
She was definitely in a relationship with Marcie (Hot Dog Water) in Mystery Incorporated. Rivals to lovers stuff.
I think the whole gang are Queer tbh. Velma is a lesbian, Shaggy is gay, Daphne is Bisexual but maybe with a small preference towards men and Fred is Pansexual.
The first people she came out to was the gang. They were super supportive and I 100% believe that because Fred is a himbo he bought her a bunch of pride stuff. She thinks it’s sweet though because even if it’s a bit excessive it’s coming from a good place and it shows that he supports her.
She and Shaggy are mlm/wlm solidarity.
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