#glasses for light sensitivity
cupiidzbow · 6 months
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we’re autism4autism have i ever mentioned that
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pretty-toru · 1 year
Recently I've been thinking about how Gojo would introduce his non-sorcerer s/o who's completely unaware of cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcery about that part of his life. And he'd maybe start by explaining his blindfold or black-out sunglasses.
I'd like to think that he still sometimes forgets about the small things and shows up at your doorstep in his teacher's uniform paired with his blindfold after a tiresome day of work. You've never really seen him outside of his sunglasses and casual attire and Gojo has kept the details of his profession hidden from you for good reason. Now he's less careful about his appearance since he feels ready to reveal more about himself that's "otherworldly".
Besides, Gojo thinks that it's easier to break the news about how he's part of the Big Three Clans, inherited this special pair of Six Eyes, and he's the Strongest Sorcerer who exorcises curses for a living AFTER you've fallen so hopelessly in love with him that you'll choose to stay with him no matter. (You'd probably flat-out reject him if you knew from the beginning).
So when you answer the door doing a once over of a strange and tall man dressed in dark clothing with his eyes covered sporting a wide grin upon seeing you, you're almost wary as you keep the door open enough just to see out.
"...Can I help you?"
"I've had a long day, sweetheart. Aren't you going to let me in?"
"???" "Sorry? But who are you?"
"Ah, right right. Gimme one second." Gojo then removes the cloth obscuring his eyes and his soft white hair cascades over his forehead as he switches to his sunglasses and you suddenly realize that the stranger is indeed your boyfriend. "You know, I'm actually hurt you didn't recognize me because I'd know you anywhere, angel."
You're dumbfounded as you lower your guard and Gojo enters your apartment and places a kiss on your pretty lips, commenting about how something smells amazing and asks what's cooking for dinner while he unzips his outerwear and tosses it on your couch. But you're still dazed about what just happened and it felt too weird to simply gloss over the fact. "Hang on, aren't we going to talk about what just happened?"
"Hm? Talk about what?" Gojo feigns perfect innocence, making his sweet way to your cabinets and drawers to retrieve two plates and utensils after observing the table hadn't been set yet.
"Your blindfold? And what you're wearing?" Your hand is placed firmly on your hip with a skewed expression, gesturing the wooden spoon in your grip that was used to stir the pot of beef stew at him.
"It's my work uniform. The blindfold is part of it."
"I'm confused, I thought you were a teacher? How are you able to see in that?"
"I'll tell you all about it once I have some of your delicious food in me, okay hun?" Gojo's quick in his stride to set the dishes in their rightful places before he's gently cooing your suspicions away and leading you back into the kitchen with his hand on the small of your back. "C'mon I'll help you finish dinner then I'll answer your questions. I promise you."
You deflate with a sigh. "...Okay."
After enjoying dinner, Gojo helps you clear the table and with all the promises he makes to you he earnestly keeps. He's quite sure you'll come up with more questions than you already have as he's slowly but surely eases you into his world as a shaman — his way of telling you that he’s serious about you. Gojo loves and trusts you enough to reveal all the parts of himself to you in due time, and he can only hope that you'll wholeheartedly accept him in his entirety.
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garakism · 2 years
i think everything would be greatly improved by giving garak ridiculous red-tinted glasses (to help him deal with the painful station lighting, of course)
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handweavers · 7 months
at the airport and i have a migraine so severe that my migraine has a migraine. absolute sensory hell
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aeviterncl · 5 months
Who would've thought reading the assigned textbook for this class would be so much harder than the ones for his other classes? It was one thing to need a magnifying glass to have a chance at reading a normal textbook, but this book was closer to a novel printed in a small size—which made it just that much harder to read. Ugh, this all really sucked! How could he write up this assignment in time when the tool that would help him make sense of this nonsense drawing was back home and when the assignment was due within the next few hours? Rubbing his eyes, Xander tried to focus on the tiny text on the page, but the light in the library was absolutely bothering him.
It hurt like hell, actually. His head hurt too. Taking a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose, the redhead redirected his thoughts away from the throbbing ache in his skull. He had to finish this assignment tonight.
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As much as he would stay in his dorm room, he couldn't read properly in dim lighting either, hence why he was even here to read in the first place (and the library helped him focus on his work better too). The redhead had hoped there would be an large print version of his book here, but he had no such luck when asking the librarian about it. So, here he was—stuck without a reasonable excuse for not completing his assignment on time, the word document on the laptop sitting in front of him mostly typed up but still missing the key components that required analyzing components of the text he couldn't magnify properly with the tools he had brought with him to college.
Glancing over at the person sitting beside him, Xander decided to enlist some help. He knew this was breaking the unspoken rules of not bothering people who were studying, but what else could he do at this point when even going back to his dorm room wouldn't change much of anything? Reaching out hesitantly, the boy gently tapped on the person's shoulder, hoping this person would be nice.
In a quiet voice, he tried to explain himself, ❝ Um, sorry to bother you but... do you mind helping me read this? The drawing is way too tiny for me to read. ❞ The redhead held out the book to the page he was stuck on—one with a chemical compound drawings and tiny letters and numbers that he needed to reference, ❝ or if you could draw it larger on a sheet of paper...? ❞
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kingworm · 2 years
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'God of the Sun' (he/she)
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that-squishy-robot · 2 years
I’ve been thinking to much about a modern AU where Grogu is 15 instead of a baby. Luke is a cop and Din is (REDACTED)(literally no one knows what he does. ) or maybe he’s a fire fighter.
Grogu gets arrested because he took Din’s motor cycle out for a test drive and slightly wrecks it. (It’s actually his, but he can’t have until he’s 18).
Luke picks him up and is waiting for him at the police station. He’s there like wow, this kid is literally me when I was his age. But Luke was that way because his father is the police chief, and he was always striving to keep up with him. So hey, maybe Grogu needs someone another parental figure in his life, and Luke tries to bond with him in hopes it keeps the kid out of trouble.
But Grogu is just “What? No. My dad is great. I fucking love my dad.” And “My dad is going to come pick me up, and he’s going to be so disappointed in me. He’ll tell me he’s happy I’m ok, and that he’s disappointed in me. Then he’s going to give me the look, and I’m going to cry…. Then he’s going to call uncle Boba and he’ll be disappointed to.”
When Din gets their to pick him up after breaking several traffic laws in a panic, he looks terrifying. Luke is concerned for Grogu’s safety because this guy looks like he could be in the Mafia. He’s not… probably anyway. But he bee lines straight for Grogu and hugs him. He was so worried he wasn’t even speaking English for at least 3 minutes.
Luke falls head over heels in a second.
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
I like to imagine in the human sticks au Alan might notice that tim squints most of the time and starts thinking that they might also have bad vision
But when asked they probably ignore Alan or something
oh absolutely. most of the hollowheads have terrible vision (except dark because i have decided it's funny). chosen doesn't wear glasses because they have laser powers and would melt the glass (also it's hard to get prescription glasses as a famous criminal) while SC straight-up isn't aware her vision isn't normal lmao
Alan notices it with SC first because they spend the most time around him, but slowly realizes all the hollowheads have the same vision issues as him! chosen gets prescription sunglasses as well since they have red eyes :]
victim proceeds to crush his glasses when he offers them to them to see if they had the same prescription so now (after he removes the glass from their hands, come on victim you're smarter than this) they are both walking to the clinic because he is NOT driving there without his glasses. both of them are extremely unhappy the entire time ut Victim knows this is their fault so they're just silently simmering with rage the whole time
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guinevereslancelot · 7 months
eye doctor was trying not to scare me today bc i have a sight threatening condition 🥲 it's probably treatable but i need to go to a specialist
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 4 months
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Peter isn't really an animal person.
or, me drawing the boys with their cat equivalents.
Peter gets to be a black cat because 1) bad luck 2) dark hair 3) Felicia would think it's funny.
Kaine's cat here is, of course, a male tortoiseshell. Actually it's supposed to be a torbie but i was too lazy to put tabby marks on all of them (not that it would be visible on Peter's cat…)
Also I was gonna give Ben and Peter the same kind of cat but then I thought it would be cute to make Ben's cat equivalent an orange tabby instead…. so I did both lol but made the black version sun-rusted on account of his sun-kissed tan 😂
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absolute-chaos-skykid · 10 months
TGC needs to add a setting to adjust the brightness of the game.
If they can make the light in the camera be adjustable, they might as well add that to the whole game.
Heck, if they can, make a toggle for the flight thing. Bring back the good old ✨sparkles✨ or something, so everyone's eyes won't have a stroke when flying in Golden Wasteland or Vault of Knowledge.
Goodnight skyblr. ✌
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I finally got some tinted glasses that are helping my light sensitivity, so this means I can use my computer for more than like half an hour at a time.
Which means I can FINALLY do some actual writing and it won't drain every spoon I have for the entire day.
Amazon link to the glasses I got.
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my head hurts and i have a very loud club meeting then a work meeting right after :/
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cr8zygoodshot · 1 year
sometimes i see really really good fanart of mic but i feel likes something’s off and i just realized it’s because he doesn’t have glasses. but he needs them to see. ik we don’t really see him outside of his costume but those sunglasses are prescription.
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ryuseitai · 21 days
i swear the first time i watched squid gaem Which was only like. Less than a year ago like late last year i think i did not cry this much Goodness.
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bluenightcomedies · 9 months
Search engines are being as unhelpful as possible so I'm going to take a shot and ask on here. Does anyone have experience or advice for affordable blue-light clip-ons? All results I can find online are either overpriced full on glasses or the seedy Amazon ones with word salad promises. "just get f.lux" It won't apply properly to the tablet. Besides, I prefer wearable ones to deal with light sensitivity in general. "blue light filters are a scam!!1!" Well, it works for us. We've already gotten a pair, but they're oversized and unpleasant so I'm looking to replace them.🌙
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