#glee ai covers
yadivagirl · 11 months
So, today I learned about the existence of AI Glee covers.
Glee cast voices performing songs they never actually recorded.
Some songs even feature Cory and Naya.
Sorry, but this is all a hard NO for me.
This is EXACTLY why the SAG-AFTRA strike is taking place this very moment.
I find it rude, disrespectful and a very dangerous road to head down.
Can you imagine a Glee Cast album being released in 2023 without any of the original cast members recording the songs or being paid for the use of their voices?
All a hard no.
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tuiyla · 11 months
links of my favorite glee ai covers so far:
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HTuM3y/ (the Unholy Trinity singing Shake it Off)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HTanup/ or https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HT9r61/ (Dianna singing Wonderland)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HTUuWV/ (Dianna singing Lovefool... that song is so s2!Quinn coded to me)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HTDbGb/ (Lea singing Vampire)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HThC8Y/ (the glee cast singing We Don't Talk About Bruno)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HTQVbF/ (Cory and Melissa singing Anti-Hero)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HTkkFK/ (Naya singing Love on the Brain)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZM2HTDUFj/ (Amber singing Love on Top)
but really, you can just search "glee ai cover" there and all of them (plus all the many others I didn't list) will show up! there are fans posting new Glee AI covers everyday rn, it's insane
The rabbit hole I just went down in thanks to you Anon omg. This is insane. Obviously they all sound autotuned, at best, and demonically robotic at worst but something like Dianna's voice is recreated with creepy accuracy. And Chris in We Don't Talk About Bruno! Holy shit. Dianna is a bit too nasal for what she actually sounds like but for someone familiar with their voices it's so easy to immediately recognize who it's supposed to be. A bit ironically I think this AI thing struggles the most with Naya; I can still hear that it's supposed to be her but it's one of the shaky ones. It's still crazy to quasi "hear" her, especially today of all days, 3 years after her passing.
Wonderland feat. the Unholy Trinity. Pls. And Marley on all these TS tracks, she's such a Swift vibe girlie. I'm still kinda freaked out by the AI of it all but holy shit if it can bring me Santana and Marley duet verses like the Sledgehammer one, well damn.
Here's my mini list of requests in case anyone reading this ever does one of these or contacts the people who do:
Marley and Santana doing Set Fire to the Rain
anything with Quinn and Kitty
Santana You Oughtta Know
Quinntana Wonderland maybe?
Brittana Iris
Santana Ocean Eyes pls I would die
Pezberry Bad Blood how is this not a thing already
Absolutely crazy to me that these can now become sort of reality.
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mouseylily · 6 days
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screamingcrows · 2 months
A Good Night's Sleep - Zandik x Reader
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Author's note: Feed this to an AI algorithm and I'm feeding you to Streptococcus pyogenes. This is written under the assumption that Zandik is Dottore (idk if using the Dottore tag is okay for it? If not please let me know and I'll remove it) 1.7k words of inexperienced NSFW Zandik Warnings: Somnophilia, noncon, there is no penetrative sex, dry humping, blood (very little), fem reader, very vague thoughts of murder, nsfw Summary: You're out on a field trip together and have been trekking through the forest all day. Somehow Zandik just isn't as tired as he should be. You're fast asleep. So naturally, he decides to try a hands on experiment. MINORS, AGELESS, AND BLANK BLOGS DNI - you will be blocked on sight
Zandik rubbed at his eyes, trying to convince himself that his inability to fall asleep was caused by external factors. You'd been trekking through the forest most of the day, and any proposed break had been quickly shut down by him.
Theoretically, he should be just as fast asleep as you. He turned on the thin mat, faintly cursing at the pitiful excuse for bedding. Proper sleep was a comfort he'd grown to take for granted, and the reminder of how things had once been stung. At least you'd managed to set up the bug net together, even if sharing did mean having to be a little closer than he'd have liked. Pillows would've been nice. Maybe if he hadn't insisted on travelling as light as possible.
It was always easy to be clever in hindsight. If only it could be harnessed.
Burying his face into the scratchy blanket that covered his body he attempted to block out any disturbances. He was no stranger to erratic thoughts, but tonight felt excessive.
His fingers tapped against his thigh in a well-known rhythm while shifting his breathing to accompany the subtle notes. By all means it should work to ease his thoughts, a tried and tested strategy. And it did. His frantic thoughts fading into nothing, no more triple-checking plans for tomorrow, considering parts to excavate and examine, plants to bring back, measurements to take…
A blissful silence settled, broken only by the rustling leaves above.
Until you moved. A small, sleepy mewl escaping your lips as you shuffled beside him. He didn't have to see you to to know what infuriatingly peaceful expression what likely on your face. Images of your soft features flooding his mind, hands moving to scratch at his scalp.
How he tried once more to push those thoughts away, his crimson eyes darkening as memories of the day filled his consciousness nonetheless. You, with your deviously impractical attire, shorts that had left practically everything exposed. It was a daring choice, reflecting the total confidence with which you had moved through the thicket. Oh how his fingers ached to know what it would be like to touch bare skin, hands flexing at the mere thought.
Nothing but a preprogrammed reaction. Although annoying and impractical, the response was natural. The thought circulated in the back of his mind, slowly losing meaning. His body curled in on itself, delirious poison spreading through his body.
You were fluttery by nature, a little bird struggling to remain still for longer intervals. Easily excitable as well, in the most annoying way. You'd flitted around in the forest, zigzagging between moss, animals, shiny rocks, saplings… Leaning down and touching anything you could, ass up while you chatted about your findings.
He'd never had problems concentrating, but with all the blood draining from his mind to other places, it had been impossible to focus on your ramblings.
Despite the hurdles of keeping you on a leash, he always found himself having to suppress a smile when you yapped, your eyes alight with glee. So much went on behind those bright eyes of yours, words clearly too slow to convey everything clearly. That much was evident with how you sometimes spoke in tongues, stumbling and altogether skipping words. But better yet, how you looked when your brows furrowed, sucking your cheek in enough to bite at the inside, actually considering his perspectives.
Before he could register it, he'd already rolled around on his mat, eyes burning holes into your back. A shaky hand reached out, his breath catching in his throat as he fought the desire to examine, squeeze, grope… He groaned softly, reminding himself that this was an endeavor driven by pure curiosity. You were asleep and would be none the wiser as long as he was careful.
The mantra kept repeating itself. This was curiosity, and nothing more. Curiosity about why you had that blasted effect on his mind, and if pursuing physical intimacy would solve his inability to sleep. It was a need akin to hunger, satisfy it and he'd be left alone.
There was already an uncomfortable tightness in the front of his pants, the feeling unfamiliar and invasive. Instinct kicked in and made his hips buck a little, erection rubbing against the confines of his pants. Archons he needed more than this. It infuriated him to no end, body craving the feeling of you against him.
He shifted closer, needing to know if you felt as divine as everything in him screamed. He had to bite down on his own arm, sharp teeth threatening to break skin as his other hand ghosts along your waist. How it had snaked under your blanket without his knowledge was lost on him, which only fueled the heat traveling along his skin.
You were unimaginably warm and pliant under his touch, fingers sinking a little deeper. Everything in his body tingled, an almost magnetic pull spurring him on to shift closer. Your breaths were still even, body vulnerable and his for the taking.
It felt like sacrilege as his hands worshipped your form, pupils dilated when his palm slides across your soft stomach, somehow already under your shirt. Just a little more. He needed some reaction from you, assurance that this was real. That he hadn't inhaled spores and was caught in a hallucination. How terribly unbefitting such a fate would be.
But that would likely entail cutting this experiment short, meaning he'd have to ignore those urges for now. Everything was foreign and uncomfortable, a tightness straining against the front of his boxers. He had to close his eyes, unwilling to watch as his hips buck tentatively, a low hiss passing his lips at the slight friction provided by the fabric.
Still too reluctant to move closer, he settles for sliding his hand further up. It was ridiculous how your skin got even softer the closer he moved to your chest. There was something repulsively human about the way your heart felt as it beat steadily under his twitching fingers. He wanted to throw up.
He needed to get closer. Holding his breath while inching closer, wishing he could sink his nails into your skin and tear it from the muscle. A need to expose exactly what made you this infuriatingly irresistible.
Your scent brought on an almost euphoric state, warm and comfortable as it caressed him. It had to be preserved, your body too ephemeral for this world. He groaned, still careful enough to angle his head away from the back of your neck.
Temptation had him firmly in its grasp, hips meeting the plush of your ass. Slowly, deliberately, he rolled his hips against you. It sent him reeling, a pleasant fog creeping into his mind. He couldn't find it in himself to resist, hands slowly moving back down to your hips and adjusting your position.
He felt alive, burying the part of him that bled out with every slow buck of his hips. The wet patch that had been forming at the front of his boxers did nothing to quell the beast piloting his body. Daring to look down between your bodies, he found nothing but fuel for his frenzy in the way your body curved. The way it looked when he let his fingers squeeze your hips a little further, utterly transfixed by the indentations it made.
Everything in his mind screamed at him to let go and back away. Not for your sake, no you were still blissfully unaware, a tired little creature. No, the longer he continued the more certain he became that this had to be preserved. There had to be a way to mimic it, reverse engineer what made it impossible for him to keep his face out of your hair.
He inhaled deeply, intoxicated as he kept bucking against you, delirious mind too far gone to notice the little huffs and whimpers that left your lips, sleep clearly disturbed by his movements.
It's a dangerous battle, fingertips playing with the hem of your panties. It was imperative that he knew all details. It was too warm, burning his skin and making his stomach churn. There was nothing practiced about it, tentatively tugging and rubbing. Your soft squirming was nothing against him, body curling greedily around you.
Quick to pull his hand back out, he settles for massaging your thighs. His hold was steadily morphing to mimic the vultures of his birthplace, nails sinking in like talons. Tear you to pieces, that was what he needed to do.
He barely realized that he'd begun softly chanting your name, the word a prayer upon his parted lips. It was all too much, uncoordinated movements growing even sloppier as he found himself unable to stop. An overwhelming feeling was building in the pit of his stomach, drowning out every uncertainty that made its home there.
Pure ecstasy was all he felt, head pressed against your shoulder as he came. His nails were stained with your blood when his hands finally released your form. He slowly came to, repulsion filling his entire being at the wet sensation. There was nothing but simple, temporary pleasure to be gained from this endeavor. Expecting anything more profound had been folly.
So this clarity was the price to be paid for his actions?
The real price was paid when he heard your confused voice, the pale moonlight too invasive in the way it lingered along your trembling body. How it reflected in the shimmering droplets of blood running from atop your hip. Small sniffles mixing with your terribly soft voice.
"Z-zandik? What just… why is my back wet? a-and I'm bleeding?"
Part 2
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softagenda · 11 months
aperitif (ais)
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ais x reader(f)
food au / short fic
series: birds of a feather ; aperitif
originally posted on ao3
“He wants you to become one with the Seaspring. To bind your soul and body within this temple. To drown forever in these waters.”
His hand slid up your back and sunk into your hair. He crushed your mouth against his, more bite than kiss, his breath hot against your face. “Sometimes, sparrow,” he said softly, pressing the words into your lips, “I want that too.”
A thin trail of cigarette smoke issued from the open maw of the Seaspring’s temple.
You felt the tension leave your shoulders, breathing in a lungful of briny air as you breached the steps and entered. This must be what it felt like, to tread on the tongue of a colossal whale: humid, salty air drifting around you, almost cloying to the skin; the arching red gates and rafters forming the palate, stalwart pillars covered in white talismans like teeth; a lake of blood pooling below like saliva.
As you surveyed the room, a form lounged between the pillars on the left, one long leg hanging over the pier, his boot stirring the water below. Your gazes met over the embering butt of a cigarette, his eyes glowing amidst the shadow and gloom of the temple.
You waited for a moment, gauging his mood, but, when the corner of his mouth slowly rose, you approached. The pier creaked underneath your boots, the talisman’s fluttering against the current of air.
 “There you are.”
Ais took another long drag from his cigarette before a smirk curled his mouth. “Missed me?”
“Not you.” You instead knelt next to the Soulless lounging at his hip, three tails writhing with what you’d come to recognize as happiness. “Hey, good girl. I brought you a little something.”
Reaching into your bag, you tugged out a parcel wrapped in butcher paper. Once the massive hunk of meat and bone was revealed, Princess leapt to her feet and whined, prancing on the pier. You checked to make sure all the paper had come away clean before lifting it with both hands and offering it.
Vicious jaws bit with savage glee into the middle, sending rivulets of blood falling to the ancient wood below. She spun to the left and leaned into Ais, as if to show him the gift proudly, before he gently guided her back with a hand on her shoulder. 
“Good for you, Princess,” he said with a smile, the hard lines around his eyes softening a bit. “Mind eating over there? You’re dripping.”
With a happy whine, she took her prize a few yards away and began tucking in with glee. You smiled but glanced away, ignoring the visceral wet sounds of hundreds of teeth gnashing into meat and scraping against bone. 
“Where’s mine?”
You dropped down across from him, crossing your legs and propping your back against the pillar. “Jealous?” you asked, an echo of before that had his mouth curling again. “Have you been a good boy?” 
“Doubt it.”
“Then,” you continued, “earn it.”
Glowing red eyes watched you, their depths inscrutable, as he took another pull from the cigarette. The smoke curled from around his lips, slipping from the cracks in his teeth. The shadows under his eyes had darkened since you last saw him, the hollows in his cheeks deeper.
“You weren’t at the Wick the other day,” you said, careful to keep your voice level. “Skipping out on your tab?”
Smoke exuded from his nose as he sighed, head drifting back as his eyes closed. “Hm. Didn’t feel like company. Pissed I didn’t show?”
“No. Not like we’d agreed to meet,” you said easily. That was true - though over the past few months, it had become something of a regular thing: moseying into the Wick some time after dusk, having a drink with the other at the bar, sometimes lazing the night away in the booth in the corner, nursing pints and heckling Leander. “And now?” At his look, you added, “feel like company?”
“If I don’t?”
Witha short nod, you swept your bag over your shoulder and prepared to leave, when Ais’s eyes opened. “Stay.”
“Ass,” you murmured under your breath but slouched back to the ground. 
In silence, you watched the water, the blood red surface still as stained glass. Ais resettled, his head back, eyes closed, his expression almost meditative except for the furrow on his brow. Once in a while the cigarette was lifted, his frowning mouth wrapping around the end, before another ghost exhumed from his lips.
You sat back, content to wait, thoughts drifting hazily as though you were spread out on a sunny hillside rather than the threshold of hell. 
Ais could be mercurial at times - his moods swinging from playful smirks to grim contemplation, sharp with an icy rage or coddled by an almost drowsy boredom, with little warning. Some of that you knew was due to the Seaspring and the hivemind created amongst those who had drunk from the water, but it was difficult to tell how much. 
Every now and then, Ais would disappear for a while, locked somewhere deep in this temple, and resurface after a time, his countenance steadier, more controlled. You couldn’t be sure - you had only known him for a few months, after all - but you wondered if that was his time to center himself amidst the hundreds of others swimming through the hivemind’s pool.
Hours could have passed before you felt his gaze on your face. The cigarette was barely a nub between his fingers. He dropped it into an iron tray by the tea kettle with a flick of his wrist and watched you for a long moment before he lifted his hand. 
You lifted one brow in silent question, but Ais just curled his fingers, beckoning.
With narrowed eyes, you sighed before rising from your slouch and approaching him. Once in range, his hand whipped out and grabbed your arm, tugging you into his lap. Your knees hit the ground behind his hips, burning white hot for a moment before aching like a fresh bruise. 
Muffling a curse into the front of his kimono, you sat back on his thighs, pushing against the hand that had settled on the small of your back. “Here I thought you wanted to earn that ‘good boy’ title,” you griped, shooting a glare at the mouth just inches away.
But Ais wasn’t teasing as you’d expected. His mouth, rather than twisting into a smirk, had stiffened, a muscle flexing on his tight jaw. Red eyes bore into you, the color of wine, not bright with humor but full of a deep, bottomless darkness that hooked into you with a strange mixture of trepidation and desire.
“Far from it,” he said, his voice low and empty. Before you could react, his hips turned, both legs hanging over the pier, as he slowly leaned forward. 
Your arms, once draped loosely around his shoulders, now clenched around him as he held you over the Seaspring with an arm bracing your back. Your hands clutched fistfuls of the kimono, the fabric slippery between your sweaty fingers. 
Ais continued to bend until your back was near parallel to the surface of the water. Out of growing panic, your legs had wrapped around him, thighs gripping as tightly as you could hold. 
“Ais,” you started, but froze, the words caught in your throat.
His face turned toward you, burrowing deeper into your neck, his lips brushing against your ear. “Sometimes, the thought of you drinking from the Seaspring grows inside me.” His nose trailed against your cheek as until his mouth hovered against yours. “I dream of it. Taking a drink myself. Letting the blood pool in my mouth. Then…” A brush of hot, wet tongue teased against your lips, trying to coax you into opening for him.
A shudder ran down your back. Heat pooled and thrummed between your thighs, even as your stomach twisted at the idea. You’re caught between fear and desire, struggling to keep pace with him.
“Or like this,” he continued, his body pressed tightly to your front as he lowered you ever closer to the water. You realize with a thread of panic that the ends of your hair were now dipping beneath the surface. “Trapping you in my arms, and just… sliding in.” 
Something hard and unyielding pressed against your groin, rubbing against you.
You swallowed thickly, staring into his eyes. The simmering red had been completely subsumed within the black. An abyss peered back at you.
“He whispers it, in my head.” His arm loosened at your back, dropping you another inch closer to the water even as your legs and arms tightened desperately. 
The words sent icy fear flooding through your veins. He whispers it, in my head. That could only mean one thing, one being. A name you had only heard once before.
 “The thought of losing you, of someone taking you far from here,” Ais whispered, his voice rough. “He wants you to become one with the Seaspring. To bind your soul and body within this temple. To drown forever in these waters.”
His hand slid up your back and sunk into your hair. He crushed your mouth against his, more bite than kiss, his breath hot against your face. “Sometimes, sparrow,” he said softly, pressing the words into your lips, “I want that too.”
For a long moment, you hung there over the still water, holding him as tight as you could. You felt cold, your body paralyzed with fear.
Beneath you came the sound of faint, thin pops of air. Bubbles. One, two, a cluster breaching the surface. 
A scream was building in your throat. Instead of giving in to it, you stared into his eyes, searching. “You’d have to think of a new nickname for me,” you whispered, your voice cracking. “Sparrows can’t swim.” 
You licked your lips, your tongue just brushing against his, and - there. A flicker of that familiar red curling around his pupil. “‘Seagull’ doesn’t have - quite as nice a ring to it,” you gasped, heart pounding in your chest. 
The bubbles were emerging more frequently at your back, the water gurgling, near boiling.
A thin whine from nearby cut through the air.
Just as it seemed the Seaspring might reach up and wash you beneath its undertow, you’re jerked upward. As easily as he might a bag of flour, Ais rolled you both back onto the pier. Stars burst behind your eyes as your head knocked on the pier, your hair snagging on splinters and nail heads.
Blinking through the pain, you forced your eyes open.
Ais was braced over you, his hair drifting about his face, the white tips hovering along his jaw and his horns. He was stiff and pale, his jaw taut, his eyes clenched shut as he fought himself. 
When you twitched, his whole body tightened around you. His hand beneath your head which had once softened the blow, now slid down and gripped your nape, holding you in place. The silver pendant that rested on his chest now nestled against your collar, a cool kiss of metal against your clammy skin.
Panting, shaken, you laid there without complaint as your body slowly calmed. 
After a long moment, the tension seeped from him, a tidal wave easing back into the ocean. His eyes opened, and the familiar bright, brimming red finally set your heart at ease.
His lips parted but no words came forth. He seemed unsure what to say.
Gathering your courage, you sighed, “... good boy.”
Ais blinked. 
Stared, inscrutable, for a tense pause before his head hung between his shoulders. His forehead dropped against your collar bone, his face practically nestled in your chest, and just like that your heart was thundering again, knocking insistently at your rib cage. 
He tilted his face toward you, his cheek rubbing against your shirt like a cat. “Do I get my treat now?”
“Think you deserve it?” you shot back, still shaken, but fighting through it to smirk. “After that performance… maybe I should muzzle you.” 
Ais hummed, his hands idly stroking up your waist. “Would find a way to bite you regardless.”
“How about you bite my buns instead, if you’re so desperate for a nibble?”
His brows rose, but Ais smirked, his hands drifting lower, headed for your ass. “Read my mind, sparrow.” He managed to grab two, squeezing handfuls while you were reaching above your head and digging through your bag. 
Wiggling out from under him and sitting up, you pushed another parcel into his now empty hands, flushing hot beneath your clothes. “These buns, asshole.”
Bemused, Ais maneuvered himself back into his preferred seat, leaning against the pillar with one knee drawn up. He inspected the parcel before unwrapping the edges. Three golden balls of bread were crowded together, their skins glazed with butter and lightly roasted. Inside, he’d find braised meat and chopped root vegetables, all marinated in a spicy sweet sauce.
He looked up, that fanged smile spreading across his face. “Really did miss me, huh. Sap.”
Huffing, you avoided his gaze and stared out over the water, drawn inevitably to the place where the Seaspring had begun to boil. The surface was once again calm, the depths impossible to distinguish. A shiver slipped down your spine, the hair on the back rising. 
A bun hovered in front of your mouth. You stared him down over the top. 
“Sharing is caring. Can’t be known as that terrible of a host,” he said dryly, “Think of my reputation.”
“You just want your balls in my mouth,” you grumbled but bit into the bun to hide your smile as he grinned again. 
“Been told the taste is to die for.”
“Who told you that, Vere? I guess he would know.” 
“Ask him. Get a second opinion.”
“An expert opinion, I bet. I’ll do that.”
Debating the point amidst bites from the mean buns, you sank into the comfort of the familiar as that moment grew further and further away. Princess, evidently finished obliterating her cow shoulder, approached and curled up next to you for a post-dinner nap, her head resting on your thighs. She seemed a little unsettled but calmed after a couple scritches. 
As you stroked her head and fed her the last of your bun, all beneath the soft, dark veil of Ais’s gaze, you resolved to tuck that memory to the side for now, to examine later. 
The first true moment that the Seaspring’s maw attempted to swallow you whole.
a/n: thanks for reading!
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timelessbibliophile · 10 months
my irl friend and I finally hate watched through all of s4, and our watching experience was basically summarized in the following things:
Getting rlly sad at not seeing EJ every single second on screen
"This plot is so Glee"
"WHO ARE YOU WHY ARE YOU HERE" at random characters that appeared
Yelling slay every time Gina's mom opened her mouth
Ricky Bowen hate club (we realized we just love joshua bassett and actually hate Ricky)
Realizing this show has no real consequences for actions for anyone except for EJ
My friend (a casual viewer) saying Ashlyn likes Maddox and asking what happened to Big Red, me replying with "this hasn't been addressed, they're still together"
"Sofia Wylie is stunning"
Getting annoyed at the rina scenes
Googling the ai ej cover of scream after ricky's version (we usually love joshua's voice and covers, but this one did not fit his voice at all)
Random pause to search caitlin reilly's tiktok and google sofia wylie's height (she looks super tall 'cause we're short queens)
Agreeing the cheating plot sucked and ruined seb's and Big red's characters
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FRACTURED BULLET - The bullet is still safely sealed away in a plastic bag bearing the RCM stamp.
You know what? We should take a closer look at this bullet again.
3. Inspect the bullet closer.
FRACTURED BULLET - The jacket of the bullet is made of yellowish metal. It has blossomed out to reveal a dark grey core. The base of the bullet is close to 5 mm in diameter.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Legendary: Success] - The core is lead. The brass jacket probably didn't cover the entire bullet, otherwise the softer metal wouldn't have expanded quite like that.
The rest of the analysis continues the same way it went before.
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4. [Hand/Eye Coordination - Legendary 14] Try to determine what type of weapon shot this.
+1 Have the full bullet specs
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Damn, snake eyes.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Legendary: Failure] - You can't remember what happened last week -- what makes you think you're going to remember arcane firearm models?
5. The bullet has nothing more to say. [Put it away.]
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We can enter this house.
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Industrial coal pellets burn with an orange glow.
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LITTLE LILY - "Hello, mister!" A young girl, barely four or five years old, sits on the sofa. She is looking at you with frank curiosity.
She clutches a small stuffed animal. Occasionally she twirls it around.
"I heard there was a girl here who has armoured gloves. Is that you?"
"Are you Lilienne's daughter?"
"Are the twins outside your brothers?"
"What's that?" (Point at the stuffed bird hanging from the ceiling.)
"What's that thing you're holding?" (Point at her toy.)
"Good-bye." [Leave.]
LITTLE LILY - "Ooooh." She looks alarmed. "I had gloves, very big ones! Heavy too."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Where did you get these gloves?"
LITTLE LILY - "Found them when Lamby and I were playing hide-and-seek. In an empty house where no one lives! I think someone hid them there..."
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] - She doesn't want you to think she stole them.
"And where are the gloves now?"
LITTLE LILY - She pouts. "I hid them. The twins were going to take them. They're stupid..." She lifts her stuffed toy up and looks into its one remaining eye, as though searching for confirmation.
KIM KITSURAGI - "We're going to need those gloves. It's for important police business." He enunciates the last two words carefully.
LITTLE LILY - "Oooh..." She doesn't seem to understand, but the lieutenant's tone has conveyed to her the 'important' part.
"They're in my sandcastle." She points somewhere outside. "Behind our house. Under the sand. You can break the castle, it's not very good."
2. "Are you Lilienne's daughter?"
LITTLE LILY - "Yesssss, I am! Little Lily!" She gazes at you with her big eyes. "You know my mom?"
"Yes, we met earlier."
"Not really, but I'd like to."
LITTLE LILY - "Uh huh," she nods. "Mom is great! You know what's great about my mom?"
"No, do tell me."
LITTLE LILY - "*Everything*!" She shouts with glee.
3. "Are the twins outside your brothers?"
LITTLE LILY - "Yesss." She frowns. "They don't want to play with me. They're older and play outside!"
"They look the same! Haa ha haa! Sometimes I can't tell them 'part."
"They look identical, right? I said the same thing."
LITTLE LILY - "They look... ai-dent-ik!" She slowly processes the word, then snickers with laughter.
4. "What's that?" (Point at the stuffed bird hanging from the ceiling.)
LITTLE LILY - "It's a *grouse*," she yelps, smiling broadly.
SUGGESTION [Trivial: Success] - You might be able to get on Garte's good side if you make up for the skua you broke?
"Yes, but what's it *for*?"
"Can I have it? I know someone who really likes stuffed birds."
"Uh, okay, thanks."
LITTLE LILY - "I dunno."
"Can I have it? I know someone who really likes stuffed birds."
LITTLE LILY - "Sure! I mean you already took it. I don't like it anyway... it looks angry."
New task: Take stuffed bird to Garte
+5 XP
SAVOIR FAIRE [Easy: Success] - All right. You just need to grab it from the ceiling and go!
I'm sure Lilienne won't mind. Probably.
4. "What's that thing you're holding?" (Point at her toy.)
LITTLE LILY - "It's Lamby! He's my friend. Sort of, like..." She holds the fuzzy beast up to demonstrate.
Lamby is a stuffed lamb that, admittedly, has seen better days. One of the eye-buttons is missing and the fur is tattered in several parts.
"Lamby looks like he's falling apart."
"Lamby looks soft."
"Oh, okay. Well, pleased to meet you, Lamby."
LITTLE LILY - "Yessss, Lamby has lived a long life." She waves the lamb around in the air. "Lamby was a... re.. a rev..." She stumbles on her words.
"Remote Viewer?"
LITTLE LILY - "Yessss," she yelps happily! "Lamby was a re-luz-ion...ry."
2. "Lamby looks soft."
LITTLE LILY - "Yes. Very soft." Suddenly she pushes the stuffed animal toward your face.
Press your cheek against Lamby.
"I don't deserve it. I'm scum."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Press your damn cheek against Lamby, okay?" The lieutenant sounds authoritative -- and surprisingly gruff.
Press your cheek against Lamby.
LITTLE LILY - "Isn't he soft?" She's right, Lamby is very soft. She rubs the white fur against your cheek, then returns the lamb into her lap, cuddling it.
+1 Morale
5. "Good-bye." [Leave.]
LITTLE LILY - "Bye!" The girl's large, curious eyes remain fixed on you.
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The dead body of a grouse stuffed with some unknown material. From a distance it might just pass off as the real thing. The bird itself looks extremely... ruffled. And slightly grumpy.
Lily's sandcastle is just behind her house.
🎵 Disco Elysium
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SANDCASTLE - Weather has not been kind to Lily's little sandcastle. The once mighty towers are quickly eroding away. You can see something shining back to you from what must have been a vast underground catacomb network.
Reach in the catacombs and pull out the shiny object.
Leave the sandcastle alone. [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "The little castle?" The lieutenant smiles a little. "The reigning lord must have come upon some really tough times to let it slip in such decrepitude."
2. Reach in the catacombs and pull out the shiny object.
SANDCASTLE - The walls and floors give way to the giant's greed, collapse and present you with a pair of ceramic gauntlets.
Item gained: Fairweather T-500 Gauntlets
Task complete: Find the armoured gloves
+30 XP
KIM KITSURAGI - "Congratulations -- that's the gauntlets down, then. We're doing good on the armour collection front."
Just the cuirass and helmet to go.
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+2 Interfacing: Strength in digits
Clenching and unclenching your fist has never been so fun -- the tiny ceramic plates make a lovely clicking sound when your fingers move. The gloves are a bit sandy, but the grip is phenomenal.
A straight upgrade to our gardening gloves. Take that, Medium difficulty Interfacing passives!
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Doom Spiral and his friends are not currently here, perhaps due to the rain. Or perhaps it's too early for drunks.
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SHIVERS - A drop in temperature. An easy flow of air: an empty street. Before you, a thoroughfare unjammed with lorries. No more drivers smoking on hitch steps. Just... silence.
What did the smoke smell like?
Let go of the moment. [Discard thought.]
SHIVERS - Chemically sweetened. Across the road, a forgotten bus stop; corrosion has opened a hole in its roof. An elm tree watches over the building. Its branches are dripping with rain and snow.
The road is smooth and motley. Craters filled with a black asphalt. The asphalt first laid is grey already. A row of tenements are under construction in the distance.
Who are the people who live across the road?
What about the bus stop?
That is enough. [Finish thought.]
SHIVERS - A tub warm with water, white with soap. A man bathes while radio waves transmit the lottery numbers: 4, 18, 21, 4, 1... A modern washing machine rattles a drawer full of silverware.
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - His boyfriend is on his way home. He brings tins of meat and vegetables with him. Their pockets are heavier with money; but only slightly.
2. What about the bus stop?
SHIVERS - #312D. Young girls used to come here, huddled up, hoping for more warmth than their thin coats give them. The bus took them to school. It has not run for eight years; there were not enough girls to sustain its cost.
3. What about the road?
SHIVERS - Craters pocked the surface. Children played in them, until heavy trucks full of black pitch rolled in. The landowners have filled the craters with money. It is a vital artery of flow of trade.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - There's one bump on the road: a dead dog lies flat about two hundred paces away, right at the turn.
4. A dead dog?
SHIVERS - Tragedy came from the wheels of a fast RCM vehicle, hurrying to work. The cold washes over you. The sound of the sea has grown distant.
5. That is enough. [Finish thought.]
SHIVERS - The wind moves the aerosol. A detective stands behind the boom barrier; a breeze moves a curl of his hair.
+5 XP
There's paths heading west and north from Lily's sandcastle. I choose to go west.
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A little black swallow circles above you. You hear it chirrup.
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The water runs from the west. The source is upstream. A broken pipe?
The beams are splintered. The bridge didn't collapse on its own. Artillery broke it.
Can't get up to this part of the boardwalk from here, but we can go North to the other end of the bridge.
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Hidden in the reeds here is... a box with some money?
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Bars cover these long, dusty windows.
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Another power box. It charges nothing now. It's empty.
The fence blocks the path. No way on from here.
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TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "... and, Mikael, notice the windows? Especially with how there are no windows on the south side? This was to deal with..." A blond man stands next to his son, pointing to the weather-worn ruins. He sees you approaching and smiles...
"You, officers! Come to investigate the historic subtext of West Martinaise? I'm Trant Heidelstam," he turns to the lieutenant. "You must be Kim Kitsuragi, right? I was just telling my son about this building. Not a lot of people realize the historic significance here. Very rich in *hypertext*."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Nice to meet you." The lieutenant nods.
"Hold on. Hyper...text?"
"Wait, what was that about the windows before?"
"You and Kim know each other?" (Proceed.)
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Yes, hypertext," he says, as if it's self-evident. "Jan Kaarp and the collection of cultural hyperlinks."
HALF LIGHT [Medium: Success] - He's just making up fancy words. This doesn't mean anything!
2. "Wait, what was that about the windows before?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Oh yes. So, Mikael, they had to deal with monitor glare, especially in the summer. They still had vector monitors back then. That was 49 years ago. So they didn't have windows on the south wall."
3. "You and Kim know each other?" (Proceed.)
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "No, I can't say that we've met before. But I've *heard* of Kim, of course. Mikael, say hi to the officers." He rests his hand on the boy's shoulder. The child stays hidden behind the hem of his father's coat, clutching to his würm-themed colouring book.
"Mikael's a little tired today. We spent all night trying to run Orbis on his radiocomputer. Have you heard of it? It's a programming language used in Graad. Quite tricky, but he wanted to play this Graad-made adventure programme. We've been getting *really* into würms lately..."
DRAMA [Easy: Success] - The man speaks in the artificial cadence of a professor -- or someone who's been on too many radio shows.
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "But I assume you're not here for giant würms when there are so many real things to see. Just as I was telling Mikael before -- this is where the Coalition landed in '08. We could be standing on what is the most interesting landmark in Revachol West." He points to the building again.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - This man is your half brother. You feel it. But *why*?
"What's so fascinating about an empty old building?"
"You look like someone who has money. Do you have any money?"
"Great, thank you for all the interesting information." [Leave.]
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TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "A-ha, but it's not just *any* empty old building!" He raises his hand to his eyes, springtime sun warming his handsome face. All four of you turn to admire the mural before you.
"What not a lot of people know is -- this used to be the R&D department of *Feld Electrical*. And Feld, which now sells ink cartridges, mostly, was once a top dog in the turn-of-the-century cybernetics boom."
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Challenging: Failure] - Hold on, what's R&D?
Look at the building looming over you.
"Wait, what's an R&D department?"
"I don't think I've ever heard of this Feld Electrical." (Proceed.)
FELD MURAL - It looks old and weathered, with seagulls picking apart its stone-and-metal carcass. Bushy undergrowth has taken hold of the collapsed rooftop; some kind of bird has set up a nest on a broken windowsill.
2. "Wait, what's an R&D department?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Apologies, it's an acronym for research and development, they don't use it anymore." He smiles brightly, laugh lines around his eyes.
"You're probably more familiar with *RTD*, research and *technological* development."
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] - Mea culpa! You were not familiar with that one either. This man is a book head.
3. "I don't think I've ever heard of this Feld Electrical." (Proceed.)
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "That's not surprising. Only a vestigial ink cartridge and ferrotape manufacturer remains." He adjusts his suit jacket.
"They started out as a midway electronics outfit in Königstein two centuries ago. After an aggressive move to Revachol, Feld became a global player in the emerging personal electronics market of the pre-Revolutionary era."
"Still, Tricentennial was beating them in business machines." He gestures toward the building. "But Feld had an ace up their sleeve. Or, should I say, they were *developing* an ace up their sleeve?…" He grins. "I'm mixing my metaphors here."
"What was that ace?"
"Very interesting. Let's get back to this later."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "It was here in Martinaise -- possibly in this very building -- that they developed prototypes for a..." He pauses for effect. "...*tape computer*."
"A tape computer?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Mhm. An elegant folding mechanism of rollers and ferrotape ribbons, portable enough to be a take-it-home solution, revolutionizing business machines, possibly even bringing them to the average consumer."
"Which is a feat of engineering even today's giants Rehm, ICN, and ZAMM haven't achieved yet." He grins, admiring the sentence he just produced.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - He assumes something like a combat stance, facing the wind.
"What happened?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Indeed, what?"
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MIKAEL HEIDELSTAM - "The Revolution?" The boy wipes his nose on his sleeve.
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Unfortunately their moonshot project never made it to the market." He nods. "Feld's move to Revachol backfired. The Revolutionary government liquefied their assets and expropriated those very advanced prototypes. Possibly from this very building... or one of the adjacent ruins." He pauses, pointing to the other building, then continues:
"All of this was built by Feld, even the boardwalk. Wild Pines built Martinaise proper as a resort for their middle management, Feld built this side of town for R&D."
"You're saying that Feld Electrical built this boardwalk?" (Look under your feet.)
"What happened to the engineers, the company people?"
"What did the revolutionaries do with those advanced tape computers?"
"How did those tape computers work?"
"I wanted to ask something else…"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Yes, they even built a pleasure wheel, but that got destroyed in the war."
KIM KITSURAGI - "A pleasure wheel?" The lieutenant looks wistfully at the horizon, as if picturing gondolas rising to the sky.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Perhaps reminded of a childhood memory? It's clear he would prefer there were a big wheel lighting up the coast.
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Yes. To lure in their star engineers. This part of Martinaise was nothing but reeds before Feld arrived. They had to make the prospect of living here *attractive*. It was supposed to become a global centre for innovation in cybernetics -- but history had other plans."
2. "What happened to the engineers, the company people?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Oh, I'm afraid it didn't end well for the boys." He smiles again, as if he's somehow personally responsible for this bleak turn of events. "But this story is a bit too *dark* for little Mikael here. Now if you were to ask about *tape computers*..."
Perhaps with a higher Rhetoric, we could understand the *politics* of this situation a little better.
3. "What did the revolutionaries do with those advanced tape computers?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "They used them for military communications," he says, while his son looks up, idly chewing on the corner of his würm-themed colouring book. "But also to write and send out press releases. The most notorious example being Le Décret de Mars."
"What was that?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "What's the March decree? I mean the radio transmission sent out to news agencies and world governments by the newly-created Commune of Revachol on the 7th of March in the year '02."
"It's a beautiful piece of text, actually. A singer-songwriter I know -- Charette -- called it a love poem to Revachol on her political concept album 'Bons baisers d'Insulinde'. You should read it. Every local library in Revachol stocks a copy of the decree."
"I tried to get Mikael to memorise it." He looks at his son, who starts giggling, his face hidden behind the book. "*Tried to*. Someone was much too interested in würms to be paying any attention."
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - The kid takes a peek at the green and silver würm on the cover of the book. Already forgetting about this part of the discussion.
4. "How did those tape computers work?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Actually, no one knows. No one even knows what a computer made entirely of tape would look like! But word has it they were *very elegant* -- exquisite, alien-looking turn-of-the-century hardware..." He raises his finger, remembering something.
"Ten years ago, I did a little... freelancing, I guess you could say. I was a special consultant for an exhibition at the Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre in Vredefort, Oranje. It raised the same questions, and we had lengthy discussions with Paul Ockermann, who was head curator at the time -- this was before the twins Keith and Guy Joost joined the team -- trying to..."
REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] - Wait. Did he just say *Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre*?
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - He did it! He said *Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre* like it's the most natural thing in the world.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] - What the hell *is* a Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre? And who the hell are Keith and Guy Joost?!
"Okay. The Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre? Paul Ockermann? Keith and Guy Joost? What are you *talking* about?"
"Okay. Back to... where were we? Tape computers, I think."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "The Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre for Contemporary Arts." There it is again -- those words. "The exhibition itself drew on Lagerman's notion of memory and so there were some parallels, that's why the head curator Paul Ockermann chose to..."
"You're making this up." (Turn to the lieutenant.) "Kim, is he making this up?"
"Come on, there is no place called the Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre of Arts."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Actually, I think there is..." He pauses. "No, it's too much, he's joking."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "In fact, I'm not. The Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre," he says casually, "is a place you can visit if you're ever in Vredefort, and are ever in the market for an exhibition space slash contemporary art research centre." He clears his throat.
Thought gained: Wompty-Dompty-Dom Centre
"But perhaps I should return to the tape computers. As I was saying, the device itself was very elegant, fragile even. One could write directly on the tape using a special chemical solution. The machine would then analyse the handwriting, perform operations and project output onto a white screen. It was a beautiful, delicate thing."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Made of black film and folding tape structures...
(Nod.) "Cool."
"Pfft. I've seen cooler things than that."
"The RCM should get some of those."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Even *one* would be very useful," he agrees. "Though I understand the socio-economic causes of the Revolution, it pains me to imagine the revolutionaries setting fire to this precious device. But so they did. The Feld Playback Experiment vanished into the fires of '07."
"Wait, the Feld Playback Experiment?"
"Why did the revolutionaries destroy it?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Yes, the official name of the prototype. Some sources report it as the Feld Playback *Experience*, but those are incorrect."
"Why did the revolutionaries destroy it?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Who knows? Maybe it was an accident, or maybe they didn't want the technology to end up in the wrong hands. Either way -- they're all gone now, all three versions of the prototype. Nothing but debris and ashes remains inside that building." He takes a step back; the boardwalk creaks mournfully in the wind.
5. "I wanted to ask something else…"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "But of course! What else?" He smiles and ruffles his kid's head.
2. "You look like someone who has money. Do you have any money?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "I do have some money, yes, but that's not what's really important here." He brushes it off like it's not a thing at all.
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - He's not gonna give you money, what are you doing? Clearly you were just profiling.
"Could I have some of that 'unimportant' money then?"
"I don't want your money, I just wanted to see whether my profiling skills were working."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Oh, no, I don't have it *on me*, officer, I was talking in more... general terms." He looks uncomfortable, his left hand squeezing his son's shoulder.
"I'm just spending time with my kid here, showing him around the lesser-known parts of our home town... It wouldn't be *wise* to carry huge amounts of cash on such expeditions!"
Whoops, probably should have listened to Authority there.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Easy: Success] - Not that he would have to worry about being robbed -- he looks surprisingly buff. Does he work out?
3. "By the way, do you work out?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "I do some Lo Manthang stick fighting now and then."
"Wait, what's Lo Manthang stick fighting?"
"I'm not really interested in the practice, I just want to know how often you work out. Now and then -- that's what, like once a week?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "It's an anthropological heritage of the Lomanthang people, a martial art of sorts, but what not a lot of books mention is that it also carries a *cultural* significance among the Lomanthangs, as it used to be the best means of showing off to look for a bride, which..."
"... interestingly enough, brings us to the socio-economic structure of the traditional rural tribes of the Lo Manthang isles, which..." He goes on to give you a detailed overview of their way of life, the amiable, slightly nervous smile not once leaving his face.
"But anyway," he says after a while, "I am boring you with details again. You were saying?"
"I don't really remember what I was saying..."
"I'm not really interested in the practice, I just want to know how often you work out. Now and then -- that's what, like once a week?"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Lo Manthang stick fighting is a little like a pyrholidon addiction," he explains with a little smile. "I've been practising it for nearly 20 years now, so you could say that my doses have grown a little... peculiar."
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Medium: Success] - Wait. What does this man know about pyrholidon addiction?
"Hold on. Pyrholidon addiction? What an interesting metaphor..." (Study his face.) "Or perhaps not a metaphor at all?"
"So what is it, twice a week then? Every other day? *Man* is it difficult to stay on the right topic with you."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "You got me, detective." He chuckles, before a shadow takes hold of his face. "But my history should hardly come as a surprise."
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - Here's a former junkie. I can recognize one when I see it.
MIKAEL HEIDELSTAM - Suddenly little Mikael opens up his mouth: "Dad's fighting with sticks every night after dinner for four hours. He has a special room for that -- *and* a special costume!"
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "That's right, Mikael." Trant grabs his kid into a single-handed embrace, happy to change the subject. "It also has a meditative quality, helps to clear my head... But anyway," he says, swaying with his hand.
4. "Great, thank you for all the interesting information." [Leave.]
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "No, thanks to *you* for having me and little Mikael here to pick your brain... A very interesting conversation indeed."
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Temporary research bonus: -1 Suggestion: Outsider Research time: 0h 42min
It's Wednesday evening and something heinously exciting is under way. People have gathered beneath the billowing roof of an oddly shaped trophy building, sipping wine and exchanging opinions. 29-year-old wunder-twins Guy and Keith Joost are the stars of the show, with their bomber jackets and white sneakers -- head curators of this art exhibition. It's the wompty-dom-di-dommiest event of the year and all the cool kids have RSVP’d. Where are you, if you are not there?
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FELD MURAL - You see a once-bright mural towering above you. The signage has peeled off over the years, but you can still make out: 'FELD ELECTRICAL R&D'.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - A slogan used to intertwine with the loops a long time ago. Now only a shadow of peeled letters remains. It says: 'Tomorrow is just a whisper away'.
"Tomorrow is just a whisper away..."
[Turn away.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "Looks like tomorrow never came." The lieutenant raises the collar of his bomber jacket.
2. [Turn away.]
That was quite the history lesson. I think we'd better take a break here.
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Brotherly Support
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Can you believe my little brother used to be such a fucking dork? He’s already twenty, and his cherry hasn’t popped– what a fucking disgrace. I was fucking the moment I reached legal age, and I haven’t stopped since. I mean, it’s easy to see the reason why. He’s a shut-in nerd who barely socialized in his classes. His only friends are those behind a screen, and I sure won’t in hell call that friendship. As for me, I am everything opposite of him. Instead of slaving away with video games, I am lifting weights and building muscles. While he was in the comforts of solitude, I bar-hopped and attended parties. We do share the love of machines and literature, however. 
That would soon change when I dragged him out of his bedroom and forced him to go to the gym with me. He was stubborn, and I did everything to convince him to stay and do sets with me. I even bought him his blender and ingredients for a delicious protein shake! But he just wouldn’t budge. He thought I’d give up. But no! We’re cut from the same cloth, so I am as stubborn as he is! 
Although, such desperate times call for desperate measures. I had to call a friend of a friend to do supernatural bidding so I could help my little brother. Perks of being famous, boy! 
Eric was in for a surprise the following morning. Instead of waking up to immediately play video games, he found himself craving a morning protein shake. In a few more seconds, he’d realize that he’s now in my body while I am in his! His body is so fucking weak that the urge of returning to sleep was great! But as I’ve said, I am stubborn. I made my way to the gym despite Eric’s protests of returning us to normal. I ignored his pleas and did a sit-up in front of him. 
God! I feel my body giving up a minute after I started! But I pushed through the grit and pain. Something about seeing me struggle sparked something inside Eric. Soon. he was trying out the weights and was in glee when he realized how strong he was in my body. See? It wasn’t so hard to find the joy of becoming strong. 
We found each other back to normal the following day. Eric was sore all over, so I gave him enough time to rest. The morning after? We swapped again, and I returned to building his muscles. We did this dance for the next few months. By the middle of it, I found Eric doing his own routine. And now? We’re training together while in each other’s skin and as ourselves the next day.
Then Eric came to me one morning in glee. Someone asked him out on a date! I was overjoyed as a big brother to see the massive changes to his lifestyle. He still plays video games but not as much anymore. He’s gotten confident with socializing outside, probably because of the ego that came with his improving body. 
I’m proud of the changes we’ve made together. All it took was brotherly support and a touch of supernatural magic.
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Look at all those gains! There are days when I find myself enjoying becoming him. Since he's a virgin yet, his sensitivity is out of this world. I wish I'd be the one to spend his virginity with his date, but I wouldn't rob him of the pleasure.
Based on the poll, most like body-swapping stories. So, here's a hopeful body swap story between brothers.
Read and listen to the AI-voice-covered version on my 🧡Patreon🧡.
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ourpickwickclub · 2 months
On the one hand it’s disappointing that the girls from Worth the Wait are singing ML songs on AI after Blake helped them so much. On the other hand like we’ve said it’s just business and they are trying hard to make it. I wouldn’t even be surprised if AI producers were behind them trying out and doing ML knowing it would generate buzz. The reason most of these younger girls do ML songs can be blamed on the country music industry. They only promoted ML and Carrie for a decade. Very few singers have the vocal chops to cover Carrie. ML’s songs are easier to sing. Related note. I watched Kristin Chenoweth’s Glee performances on YT after she performed in Tulsa with Blake. She absolutely killed Carrie’s “Last Name”
9 notes · View notes
eat-the-richard · 6 months
Utterly Obsessed With The Schlatt My Way Cover Because AI Is Fucking Losing
I think I've listened to this cover every day since its come out. A little bit strange since I'm not even the biggest fan of Sinatra, or Schlatt anymore for that matter. Nothing personal to the both of them, just not really my thing. But the implication of this cover is genuinely awe-inspiring in a way I still don't really have the words for.
AI disrupted a lot of industries this year. But none I feel took at as personally as the arts. Seemingly every day from all walks of the artistic palette, we say a regurgitation of infinite works from infinite possible sources. Every individual thought could become a strange, off putting yet still generally accurate piece of art. Entire animations were mushed through filter after filter to resemble styles of artists long dead and studios long dissolved. And, of course, internet micro celebrities with nary a song to their name have covered every song in existence.
Truly a tool for our perverted content age, AI has already been used, abused, run through its paces and spat back out. Quality be damned, these pieces of art could now *just* exist without talent or performance. Impressive, in a way, but terrifying in many more.
Not even to mention the numerous individuals dedicating their lives to their craft, becoming experts in their chosen field and deserving to make a well and honest living through their creations, suddenly finding themselves competing with a bastardization of their life's work annihilating them at a pace they can't match. But these AI advancements have potential to *stunt* potential. Why train your voice to simulate a musical instrument when you can upload thousands of voice samples to a tool and use that to sing any song imaginable? Why study a style of a given artist when their work can be morphed into an idea you just thought of two minutes ago?
Dangers such as these scare the shit out of me. Because art is all we have left, in a way. Nobody *should* be able to take this away from you, although god damn they have tried. Training the self to create expression in whatever way you please, even if it isn't financially viable, even if you can't do it as quickly or in the style that everyone wants, even if you kind of hate what comes out on the other side, it's still *you*.
AI can express. But there is no self. Its tools built on the works of countless others and rapidly expanding ways to sort them. Inherently plagiarist, AI works treat the heart crucial to the success of all art as disposable. Impressive AI works cannot be attributed to the idea, or the person responsible for clicking the button. Merely to the tool developed over years of work seemingly incongruent with art, for uses that should have nothing to do with art, plastered over the creation of art anyway by those who do not care.
This is all to say that jschlatt, who has had to sit there and watch his face, his voice, his very likeness flattened, used to create art he had no say in or control over, was able to take that control back. Undoubtedly, Schlatt has had some vocal lessons or *something* to get this sounding so polished, but the actual quality isn't why this is so impressive. It's impressive because *it's him*.
The reaction to this cover has been universally positive. Folks who were shocked Schlatt was able to pull this off. Those wanting more music from him in the future. But the single most apparent sentiment in the reaction was joy, glee even, in that this was *not* AI. This was his voice, flaws be damned, experience be damned, performance style be damned. This is him, and he put his *heart* into it. And you can feel that emotion pulsing through this cover, an attention to detail to respect the original work by trying to match its intricacies. Clearly exhibiting strain to hit the iconic high notes and long vibrato this legendary song is known for. No AI, no bullshit, this is *him.*
And the people love it. There is no replacement for the genuine article. AI is fucking losing.
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brinaxo · 11 months
Sabrina found herself on glee ai cover tiktok and soon tears were in her eyes. “These things are too much.” She answered the door to see someone she had not seen in months. “.Kingston?”
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cassie1022 · 11 months
These AI versions of the Glee cast singing previously not covered songs are freaking me out. Especially the ones with Cory and Naya.
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deimonspikelet777 · 1 month
Song covers by Bugs Bunny's voice AI.
Disclaimer: it's no more than the experiment in style "What if?..." and there is no evil thought about bullying over cartoon idol and his voice actors.
Although, I believe, that nobody will read it and everyone will accuse me of mocking the toon, as it was on DeviantArt in the case between Krypto451 and Anti-LU. Am I correct?
You can criticize me for using voice AI and inappropriate songs to cover, but without trolling or sarcasm. I'm already fed up with them. And yeah - I WON'T DELETE IT.
There is list:
Robbie Williams - Only you know me
Michael Jackson - Bad
Eminem - Without me
Thousand Foot Krutch - War of Change
Sean Paul - Get Busy
Linkin Park - One More Light
Static-X - The Only
Adema - Immortal
Lostprophets - Ride
F.R. Davis - Words
Wham! - Last Christmas
Баста - Раз и навсегда
Will Smith - Men In Black
Essenger - Half Life (#1)
Essenger - Half Life (#2)
Jah Khalib - Порвано Платье
The Prodigy - Diesel Power
Scandroid - Datastream
Daft Punk - One More Time
Daft Punk - Digital Love
Celldweller - One Good Reason
The Qemists - Our world
Дискотека Авария - Планета Любовь
Last Fighter - Morlock
Last Fighter - Awake and Unite
Юрий Шатунов - Белые розы
Moby - One Time We Lived
Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust
Сергей Минаев - Сиреневый кадиллак
Дима Билан - Держи
Eгор Крид - Слеза
Джокер - Магия
Gayazovs Brothers - Малиновая Лада
Smash Mouth - Everyday Superhero
Starset - The Future Is Now
Linkin Park - Breaking the habit
Пицца - Человек из зеркала (orchestra edit)
Enigma - Why
Modern Talking - Geronimo's Cadillac
Gary Jules - Mad world
Glee cast - Scream (Michael Jackson cover) (#1)
Glee cast - Scream (Michael Jackson cover) (#2)
Cee Lo Green - I want you
Наутилус помпилус - Матерь богов
Борис Моисеев - Звездочка (#1)
Борис Моисеев - Звездочка (#2)
Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes
DJ Slon - Бумер
Nirvana - Come as you are
Dub FX - Made
John Newman - Fire in me
Эндшпиль - Под одним солнцем
Чиж - Фантом
The Police - Every breath you take
Plazma - Take my love
Thomas Anders - Geronimo's Cadillac
Modern Talking - In my heart, in my soul
The Rasmus - In the shadows
Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes (russian cover by CoverOK)
P.S.: When I converted the singers' voices to AI voices and listened to them later, I wondered: why didn't the voice actors try to sing the songs with toon voices, like they did in the old Tiny Toon Adventures, but not then, but now, in the 2030s? I won't be surprised, if someone of Bugs Bunny's fans would want to his idol would sing something from 80s for returning of nostalgia.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 11 months
Hiii! Are you aware with the glee cover ai of klaine singing Night Shift? This was from a bunch of requests and I’m wondering were there fanfics where they sung this and that leads to many people requesting it or was there a discussion about it that I’m completely missed in the fandom 👀
Thank you I appreciate you!
Hi I'm assuming it's the Lucy Dacus song "Nightshift". I haven't seen any discussion of it on tumblr, nor am aware of any fanfics relating to it. Is anyone else aware of any? ~ Jen
ETA: This is Lynne. I just found it and WOW. AI is freaking me out!! It's actually really good.
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icedteaandoldlace · 10 months
Listen. If there's two things the world absolutely DOES NOT need any more of, it's Glee covers and AI generated bullshit.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 7 months
Mad (unlucky) Rabbit bday
You were minding your business, still under the punishment the morpho guardian given you when suddenly there's a hole appear under your feet.
"ah?" You look surprised before you fall and begone to slide down to a long underground tunnel until you sees the light and your caught by someone.
-CHAU: The edge of the land of Fae near the eternals sea-
"my flower~" Aira smiles at you as you lay on his arms. "Oh my what a strong bunny. ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)" You giggle as he place you down in the grass.
"Of course~ ahaha. It won't be L-O-V-E-L-Y to not able to carry you too~" smiling he offer his hand at you. You look at him before you smiles back and accepted to held his hand.
"It's ok, I can carry you if you can't carry me." He pause at your words, blush suddenly start to raise up from his neck to his cheeks and ears. "Ee-ehh.... "
"we can run to the sunset of end too~ my ai~" you grip his hand that tries to escape to cover his blushing face. And bowing a bit as you give a soft kiss to the back of his palm. "Happy birthday Ai~"
"AHHH.....t-this not fair..." You have successfully have rizz the birthday bunny. "M-MC!! Y-your so embarrassing!!" He began to start to hit your shoulder cause how embarrassed he was. You chuckle before you think about something. "Ai!" You went and give him a tight hug catching him off guard, he screams. "AHH?????" He lost his balance making the two of you smack to the grass before rolling the slope you guys are in and head first to the lake.
"oh gott!" He exclaim as you two submerged in the water but you only giggle while giving a kiss to his forehead to make him able to breath underwater.
[ so beautiful beautiful beautiful and even dazzling ~]
You began to sing as you think of perfect surprised for Aira for his birthday. His eyes widen as he watch you transform into a merfolk fae. Like a certain Mer fae friend of yours, Hiyori. Through your outfit is (favorite color) instead of the usual green of Hiyori and the see through fabric around your waist is longer and connected to your legs like a fish tail, scales and fins instead of ears change as you stared at aira with orbs thats fades into purple like Hiyori holding his hand drag him to look at the beautiful sea floor beneath.
His emerald eyes can't help but gaze at you memorize as you smile while you poke a bubble that's shape as heart. Blowing a underwater bubble rings you swim with aira to went through the rings before group of colorful fishes surrounding you. That seems to bubble happy birthday greetings to Aira who look daze still gazing at you. Lovestruck.
[ when your run upon the white Sandy beach]
Your eyes widen when you hear someone sing, it seems that it mirrored by Aira as the voice of Hiyori and Jun can be heard by the two of you.
[ your (your) smile (smile) ]
The sea suddenly glows as huge air bubble appear around you before long your two close your eyes as you felt blinded for a moment and when you open your eyes you saw a mini stage with Hiyori standing with Jun who's using a spell to breath under water who waves at you two.
[makes the sun shine brighter]
Snapping his hand, a marvelous bday party appear and the friends you two have all around you two smiling as they start to sing happy birthday to aira who suddenly start to cry as Hiyori give him a bday boy pin.
"happy birthday shiratori!" The Mer fae greets aira with glee but then turn to look at you. "Oh my, what's this I see. AN IMPOSTER!' he fake gasp so dramatically before he hugs you. "How are you MC~? It been a while since we hang out!" He smiles.
"That asshole who come uninvited was bothering me about you too." He rolled his eyes as he mention an ex friend who glares at him from behind.
"Oh was i? I don't remember such thing." Eichi gives a sweet smile as he held the cake. He did smile for real at aira as he give the cake. "Here you go, your birthday present."
"uwaahhh..." Aira stared at the cake in amazement. He look at everyone who's greeting him a happy birthday, sense of happiness bloom in his heart but the dreads comes with guilt as he remembers what he did for many timeline yet he can't ruined the party.
After the party, you and aira seat in the cliff edge and stared at the sunset.
"mc... Do you think I'm bad man because I was cruel and heartless to them... Or that will they forgive me if they know what I did...? If they know.... Will they still smile at me?" He mumbles feeling depress about it. "Hmm? But aira in this timeline ya never did anything bad to them. You saved the world and thus your a hero." You tried to console him.
"I'm still... A bad person because I did something cruel." He sighs as he lay on the grass. "Do you regret it?" You reach out to poke his cheeks.
"no." His eyes seems to dull as a twisted smile appear in his face, he held your hand against his cheek. His eyes seems to only reflect you.
"I only feel bad because they still befriend a beast, but I'm tamed when I'm with you... " He seat up before he hugs you tightly. Fearing to lost you again and trying to amend to the time he cannot spend with you.
"hmm is that so? " You giggle as you hug him back. "The au was meant for you and that bastard bug. But I'm grace with chance to be with you. Even how much I hate it..I'm glad it's not just youxkohaku but airax youxkohaku because it mean I have rights to be with you." He mumbles. Even how much he loath the idea of sharing you with the likes of that bug. He cannot do anything about it nor that fellow can. "This would be my first bday I celebrate since things gotten better."
"happy birthday aira." You greet him once again. "What do you want for your bday?" You ask him. He look up to you from him laying his head against your chest. "What I want...?" He mumble before a devious smile appear in his face.
"Hmm. Then I want..." He whisper to your ears before you giggle and hugs him back. "Ok. " You give a soft kiss to his cheeks earning a blush from him. "Hmm.." he giggle in trump before he hugs you again. You start to humm a lullaby of happy birthday to him and he listen as he slowly fall into a peaceful sleep.
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