#global green initiative
bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Elizabeth Wathuti, founder of Green Generation Initiative, spoke with the Nature+ Newsroom on November 8 at COP27 about the need to protect nature in order to mitigate the climate crisis. Wathuti said everyone is calling COP27 ‘the African COP,’ but it goes beyond Africa, because ‘without nature, then there is no food. Without nature, there’s no water. Without nature, crops are not going to work, because then, where are the rains?’
This video was created in collaboration with Nature's Newsroom.
#Earth #Environment #ClimateCrisis #NowThis
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dpskampteeroad · 1 year
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International Plastic Bag Free Day | Plastics give a helping hand, but they are polluting our land!
This day symbolizes the significance of taking small steps in refusing plastic bags, which can contribute to monumental leaps for our beautiful, clean, and green environment. By choosing reusable alternatives and raising awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags, we empower ourselves to make a positive impact.
International Plastic Bag Free Day
DPS Kamptee Road Nagpur 
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"With “green corridors” that mimic the natural forest, the Colombian city is driving down temperatures — and could become five degrees cooler over the next few decades.
In the face of a rapidly heating planet, the City of Eternal Spring — nicknamed so thanks to its year-round temperate climate — has found a way to keep its cool.
Previously, Medellín had undergone years of rapid urban expansion, which led to a severe urban heat island effect — raising temperatures in the city to significantly higher than in the surrounding suburban and rural areas. Roads and other concrete infrastructure absorb and maintain the sun’s heat for much longer than green infrastructure.
“Medellín grew at the expense of green spaces and vegetation,” says Pilar Vargas, a forest engineer working for City Hall. “We built and built and built. There wasn’t a lot of thought about the impact on the climate. It became obvious that had to change.”
Efforts began in 2016 under Medellín’s then mayor, Federico Gutiérrez (who, after completing one term in 2019, was re-elected at the end of 2023). The city launched a new approach to its urban development — one that focused on people and plants.
The $16.3 million initiative led to the creation of 30 Green Corridors along the city’s roads and waterways, improving or producing more than 70 hectares of green space, which includes 20 kilometers of shaded routes with cycle lanes and pedestrian paths.
These plant and tree-filled spaces — which connect all sorts of green areas such as the curb strips, squares, parks, vertical gardens, sidewalks, and even some of the seven hills that surround the city — produce fresh, cooling air in the face of urban heat. The corridors are also designed to mimic a natural forest with levels of low, medium and high plants, including native and tropical plants, bamboo grasses and palm trees.
Heat-trapping infrastructure like metro stations and bridges has also been greened as part of the project and government buildings have been adorned with green roofs and vertical gardens to beat the heat. The first of those was installed at Medellín’s City Hall, where nearly 100,000 plants and 12 species span the 1,810 square meter surface.
“It’s like urban acupuncture,” says Paula Zapata, advisor for Medellín at C40 Cities, a global network of about 100 of the world’s leading mayors. “The city is making these small interventions that together act to make a big impact.”
At the launch of the project, 120,000 individual plants and 12,500 trees were added to roads and parks across the city. By 2021, the figure had reached 2.5 million plants and 880,000 trees. Each has been carefully chosen to maximize their impact.
“The technical team thought a lot about the species used. They selected endemic ones that have a functional use,” explains Zapata.
The 72 species of plants and trees selected provide food for wildlife, help biodiversity to spread and fight air pollution. A study, for example, identified Mangifera indica as the best among six plant species found in Medellín at absorbing PM2.5 pollution — particulate matter that can cause asthma, bronchitis and heart disease — and surviving in polluted areas due to its “biochemical and biological mechanisms.”
And the urban planting continues to this day.
The groundwork is carried out by 150 citizen-gardeners like Pineda, who come from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds, with the support of 15 specialized forest engineers. Pineda is now the leader of a team of seven other gardeners who attend to corridors all across the city, shifting depending on the current priorities...
“I’m completely in favor of the corridors,” says [Victoria Perez, another citizen-gardener], who grew up in a poor suburb in the city of 2.5 million people. “It really improves the quality of life here.”
Wilmar Jesus, a 48-year-old Afro-Colombian farmer on his first day of the job, is pleased about the project’s possibilities for his own future. “I want to learn more and become better,” he says. “This gives me the opportunity to advance myself.”
The project’s wider impacts are like a breath of fresh air. Medellín’s temperatures fell by 2°C in the first three years of the program, and officials expect a further decrease of 4 to 5C over the next few decades, even taking into account climate change. In turn, City Hall says this will minimize the need for energy-intensive air conditioning...
In addition, the project has had a significant impact on air pollution. Between 2016 and 2019, the level of PM2.5 fell significantly, and in turn the city’s morbidity rate from acute respiratory infections decreased from 159.8 to 95.3 per 1,000 people [Note: That means the city's rate of people getting sick with lung/throat/respiratory infections.]
There’s also been a 34.6 percent rise in cycling in the city, likely due to the new bike paths built for the project, and biodiversity studies show that wildlife is coming back — one sample of five Green Corridors identified 30 different species of butterfly.
Other cities are already taking note. Bogotá and Barranquilla have adopted similar plans, among other Colombian cities, and last year São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America, began expanding its corridors after launching them in 2022.
“For sure, Green Corridors could work in many other places,” says Zapata."
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, March 4, 2024
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
Join the Green Movement: Plant Trees with One Tree Planted
Shaina Tranquilino
May 13, 2024
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In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discourse, taking action to preserve our planet has never been more crucial. Amidst the myriad of environmental initiatives, one simple yet impactful way to make a difference is by planting trees. Trees not only beautify our surroundings but also play a vital role in mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity, and sustaining ecosystems.
Enter One Tree Planted, a non-profit organization committed to global reforestation. With a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment, they facilitate tree planting projects across the globe. Their approach is straightforward yet effective: for every dollar donated, one tree is planted.
But why trees? The benefits of trees extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. They act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus mitigating the effects of climate change. Additionally, trees help to combat soil erosion, filter air and water pollutants, provide habitat for countless species, and contribute to local economies through products like timber and fruits.
One Tree Planted collaborates with local communities, NGOs, and forestry organizations to ensure that trees are planted where they are needed most. From reforesting wildfire-ravaged areas to restoring degraded landscapes, their projects span the globe, addressing diverse environmental challenges.
Participating in tree planting initiatives with One Tree Planted offers several compelling benefits:
1. **Environmental Impact**: By contributing to reforestation efforts, individuals can directly counteract deforestation, habitat loss, and the effects of climate change. Planting trees is a tangible way to restore ecosystems and promote biodiversity.
2. **Community Engagement**: One Tree Planted's projects often involve local communities, fostering a sense of stewardship and empowerment. By involving locals in tree planting activities, the organization ensures that projects are sustainable and culturally sensitive.
3. **Education and Awareness**: Planting trees is not just about digging holes and placing saplings; it's an opportunity to educate people about the importance of trees and ecosystems. One Tree Planted emphasizes the educational aspect of their projects, raising awareness about environmental issues and inspiring individuals to take action.
4. **Corporate Social Responsibility**: Many companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Partnering with One Tree Planted allows businesses to offset their carbon footprint, engage employees in meaningful volunteer activities, and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
5. **Personal Fulfillment**: Planting trees offers a sense of fulfillment and purpose, knowing that you are contributing to a greener, more sustainable world. Whether you participate in tree planting events, donate to reforestation projects, or simply spread the word, every action counts.
In a world facing escalating environmental challenges, the simple act of planting trees has the power to effect positive change. Through organizations like One Tree Planted, individuals, businesses, and communities can come together to make a meaningful impact on the planet. So why not join the green movement today? Together, let's plant trees and cultivate a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.
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banga-solar · 7 months
Discover the groundbreaking initiatives by Solis in developing cutting-edge technology to propel the world into a cleaner, sustainable future. Explore our Banga Solar blog to learn how Solis is revolutionizing the energy landscape with innovative solutions for a greener planet.
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Bridging Continents: A Canadian Initiative for Regenerative Sustainability at UNEA-6
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Article of Global Greening and Trillion Trees Initiative - March 2023
Here is another project work for all friends of nature from our lovely Greening Deserts founder explaining the importance of global greening for humanity and all other species. Nature and the forces of nature have supported the creation of this text, a person very connected to nature has written it. This article deals with the most important processes for all life and the biosphere on planet Earth - the global greening process and urban greening. It is written in English and in a very simple language to make it easier to understand. The article and very important paper is also translated into many other languages to understand some things even better. First we will look at the concept and terms, later different functions, meanings, possibilities and potentials.
Global greening and regreening is the process of restoring natural ecosystems and increasing the amount of green space on the planet. This involves reforestation, increasing the amount of vegetation in cities, and other measures to increase the amount of green cover on the land. Global greening is important for a variety of reasons, including providing habitats for wildlife, reducing air and water pollution, and mitigating the effects of climate change. It also provides an important source of food, fuel, and fiber for many people around the world. There is human-made greening and natural greening, you can build your own opinion – but read more to understand bad, good and other sides or aspects. Green is not always green, most people should finally understand, because if we talk about green we mean mostly nature, environmental friendly things or just green colors – but nature is not just green and blue like most of the 'experts' and media try to tell you. It is much more and to bring some colours and diversity into these topics Greening Deserts started the Global Greening and Trillion Trees Initiative some years ago.
Global greening efforts can be undertaken by businesses, governments and individuals in many countries. It is a continuous work and long-term investment that can have positive effects on both, our economy and environment. With the right plans and policies in place, global greening efforts can help to reduce poverty, improve public health and create a more equitable world for everyone – it even can accelerate the global cooling and peace process. Governments can invest in real sustainable reforestation projects and green initiatives to help to reduce man-made climate change impacts and provide healthier environments or habitats for their citizens and also all other humans worldwide. Businesses who do or support global greening solutions and invest in green technologies, renewable energy sources, cleantech or greentech can reduce the carbon footprint or emissions, pollution and increase their sustainability. Individuals can also taking part by planting trees, reducing energy consumption, much waste and start advocating for greener or more sustainable solutions.
Global greening is an important part of creating a better and greener future on planet Earth along with all life forms. To re-green and reforest the biosphere, nature is our greatest ally, everyone else who thinks they or their partners are or have "the solution" are lying. You can read here the best, only and really true solution - nature and many will prove it to you, as so many times before. Read more now about how the Global Greening organization began as a private and collaborative project, how it became a worldwide movement and finally an institution.
The Global Greening Project and future organization was founded many years ago as the main project of the Greening Deserts and Trillion Trees Initiative. The founder published many articles, innovative ideas and papers about the regreening and reforestation movement. GlobalGreening.org is and will be the main platform in the future, also for the development organization. The project is linked to Greening Deserts developments such as the global Greening Camps. It has long been a private initiative as part of the Trillion Trees Project. The Global Greening Institution wants to build an additional platform for Southern Europe and Africa, including the Drought Research Institute with its online platform DroughtResearch.com. With real active and financial support, the Global Greening Institute will also build a real building with the first nations that will really support us this year and have supported us in the first days - the Greening Campus and Institute can be built at any major Greening Camp still in the first year! All the organizations that have supported us financially will also be the main partners or sponsors, depending on the form and amount of support they have provided. They will make world history (or not) and some have even already made it, because historical archives, libraries and universities have stored a lot of background and information sent to them.
Global greening is one of the most important goals and tasks of humanity that can be achieved through a combination of cultural, individual, regional, societal and international efforts. Together we humans can restore our natural ecosystems, reduce negative climate change effects or harmful man-made influences on nature and create a better future for us and planet Earth. There are a number of general and potential solutions for global greening like explained in this article. Most of them can be implemented at a local, regional, national and global level. Read also more on our project and network pages to understand the complexity and connections.
Before continuing with the main topics of the article, the Global Greening and Trillion Trees Initiative initiators are proud to announce some really great news! We have planned tree planting campaigns for 58 billion trees in North, East and West Africa - many tree species should be African, native or indigenous and endangered species, we hope international experts will also help us with this. Some countries where greening camps were started years ago will of course be included, such as Algeria, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda - of course, only if the governments allow and support it. Responsible people of all affected regions will be included, informed and asked for support, especially before tree planting activities will begin.
For more diverse trees and plants in northern regions we plan to cultivate and share also many species of marshlands, moor-, swamp- and wetlands. The focus is on wet forests but also on woods and many single trees in tundra landscapes. The plan is to plant up to 100 billion trees in taiga and tundra regions, this will also help to cool down the regions, prevent permafrost thawing and higher methane releases! Each day counts and we hope the northern nations will support us fast as possible to build the first greening and ecosystem restoration camps there.
Another good news is that we plan tree planting actions, campaigns and greening camps for 42 billion native Australian trees like the methane composting or storage trees. More tree species will be planted of course, not just in Australia but also in South Asia. The MethaneStorage and WetForest.org projects are also part of the global greening process and to establish more healthier and resilent ecosystems who can store and transform more greenhouse gases! More wet forests and wetlands with trees are essential to reduce warming of forests and wetlands, to prevent dry forest soils and methane storage capacities. Check Greening Deserts articles and posts or tweets of the Trillion Trees Initiative and @TrillionTreesEU, too.
Understand why global greening is so important for all life on planet Earth and what vertical farming and urban greening can do to improve global greening efforts.
Global Greening is a term used to describe the process of increasing vegetation cover and plant growth across the planet. One of the main causes of global greening is the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is an important nutrient for plants, and higher concentrations in the atmosphere have led to increased growth and expansion of forests and vegetation around the world. Despite the positive effects of global greening, deforestation remains a significant problem, particularly in regions such as the Amazon rainforest and Indonesia, where large areas of forest are being cleared for agriculture, mining and other forms of industrial or problematic developments. Deforestation has serious environmental consequences, leading to biodiversity loss, increased carbon and methane emissions, soil erosion and land degradation. The opposite of Global Greening is Global Browning, a process that is unfortunately increasing rapidly every year.
Vertical Farming is an innovative agricultural technique that involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers using artificial light and controlled environmental conditions. Vertical farms can be set up in urban areas and can produce high volumes of crops and trees without requiring large amounts of land or water.
Vertical farming can contribute to global greening and reforestation in several ways. First, it can help reduce pressure on natural forests and ecosystems by providing an alternative source of food and resources. Second, it can increase overall vegetation in urban areas, which can help mitigate the effects of urban heat islands and provide a number of other benefits, such as improved air quality and reduced noise pollution. Vertical farming is the future of efficient and sustainable agriculture for urban areas. It can help combat climate change by reducing the carbon footprint and harmful impacts of conventional agriculture. By growing crops locally and using energy-efficient technologies, vertical farming can significantly reduce the carbon emissions associated with transporting food long distances and producing it using conventional farming methods. By using urban land such as rooftops and walls for agriculture, cities can increase their food security while reducing their carbon emissions. For example, rooftop gardens and urban greenhouses can provide fresh produce to local communities, reduce the urban heat island effect, and capture rainwater that can be used to irrigate crops.
Many of these reasons were also a factor why Greening Deserts has been developing concepts and projects like the Urban Greening Camp for years. Innovative methods and techniques have been further developed as well as interesting Vertical Farming developments have been shared with the society - also regionally and internationally. Since 2016, three advanced types of greening facilities have been developed, the main facilities are Greening Camps for land sites with agroforestry, agrovoltaics, greenhouses and nursery.
Rainwater or seawater treatment plants, solar and wind energy will provide the needed energy - more energy can be stored in energy storage parks and converted to hydrogen. The second type is a model urban greening facility, the concept of Urban Greening facility includes extended Vertical Farming concepts, Cleantech and Greentech developments and in principle can be established in any major city as a specialized nursery for city and people. These concepts are unique and have been published several times by Greening Deserts founders on different networks and sites!
The vision is that all major regions affected by deforestation, desertification, and land degradation can use these camps to do reforestation, regreening or revegetation, soil improvement and freshwater harvesting faster and more efficiently than any other solution ever. Copying the concepts only confirms that Greening Deserts' developments work. The best thing would be to ask and involve the founder, together we can improve and develop Greening Camps much further, even to the Moon and Mars - just kidding, but the reality is that the world could use thousands of such facilities to really reduce and then stop man-made desertification and land degradation! We must ask ourselves why officials and responsible people or organizations who know this since years still do not support Greening Deserts? This ignorance is not only killing the environment and many life forms every year, it will destroy all humanity! Time is running out, every day counts.
Here come some more important points about why urban greening and global greening are so important to all of us - and why they are the only big, comprehensive or realistic global solution to urban greening, global greening and cooling. The article is written in very simple and english language that even children can understand.
Urban greening, ecological forestry, and sustainable cropping solutions such as agroforestry and regenerative agriculture are important components of global greening efforts. These approaches can help increase vegetation cover, restore degraded ecosystems, and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Urban greening refers to increasing vegetation cover in urban areas. This includes planting trees, creating green spaces, and using green roofs and walls. Urban greening has several benefits such as improving air quality, reducing the heat island effect, and increasing biodiversity. Urban greening can provide a source of food and other resources, which can help reduce pressure on natural ecosystems. It has a positive impact on biodiversity and provides more healthy habitats for people and a variety of animal and plant species - similar to the concept of allotment gardens developed in Leipzig. All of these measures help create more green spaces that can provide important habitat for many native species, especially insects and pollinators such as bees, butterflies and wasps.
Ecological forestry or ecoforestry, is an approach to forest management that aims to balance environmental, social, and economic goals. Ecoforestry focuses on preserving natural ecosystems, using sustainable harvesting techniques, and involving local communities in forest management. Ecoforestry can help maintain and restore forest ecosystems that are critical for carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and the provision of ecosystem services.
Agroforestry is an agricultural technique that combines growing trees with cropping or raising livestock. This approach can help increase soil fertility, reduce erosion, and provide farmers with a source of income. By planting trees in and around cropland, farmers can improve soil health by increasing soil organic matter and improving soil water-holding capacity. Trees can also provide shade and windbreaks for crops, which can lead to reduced water use and increased crop yields. Agroforestry can also contribute to global greening by increasing vegetation cover and restoring degraded lands. Agroforestry and regenerative agriculture can also help improve the health and resilience of soil ecosystems. Through the use of crop rotations, cover crops, and natural fertilizers, these approaches can improve soil fertility and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This can help reduce the environmental impact of agriculture and promote the long-term sustainability of food production.
Regenerative agriculture is an agricultural approach that focuses on restoring soil health and using sustainable agricultural practices. Regenerative agriculture can help increase soil carbon sequestration, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve biodiversity. This approach can also contribute to global greening by increasing vegetation cover and restoring degraded lands.
One of the most important benefits of regenerative agriculture is its potential to sequester large amounts of carbon in the soil. Carbon sequestration refers to the process of taking up and storing carbon from the atmosphere in plants and soils. By increasing the amount of organic matter in the soil, regenerative agriculture can help store large amounts of carbon, which in turn can mitigate the effects of climate change. Together with agroforestry and vertical farming, these are the best sustainable farming practices that can contribute greatly to global greening, healing and re-greening.
Another important factor to consider in global greening efforts is the role of technologies. Advances in technology have the potential to significantly improve sustainable land use practices, including urban greening, ecological forestry, agroforestry, and regenerative agriculture. For example, precision agriculture technologies can be used to optimize crop yields while reducing fertilizer and water use, promoting sustainable land use practices. Similarly, remote sensing technologies can be used to monitor and map changes in forest cover and land use, providing valuable information for forest management and conservation. It is important to recognize that the use of some technologies in global greening efforts should be approached with caution. While some of the technologies have the potential to improve sustainable land use practices, they can also have negative impacts on the environment and society. For example, the use of genetically modified crops can lead to the loss of genetic diversity and the emergence of new pests and diseases. The use of technology in global greening and green developments, honest climate and environmental protection should be led by really good experts and responsible scientists, especially those with strong ethical and legal frameworks - like the Scientists for Global Responsibility. This includes policies and regulations that promote the safe and responsible use of technologies and the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Global Greening must not be misused for Greenwashing or Treewashing, as it has unfortunately already happened with many tree planting and environmental protection campaigns. You only have to search the media and the internet for terms like 30x30, Carbon Credits, Green Colonialism, Greenwashing, Land Grabbing, Net Zero and New Green Deal or Nature Positive and you will find a lot of scandals and scarry backgrounds. Read also more about all the problems with carbon credits, which even made the global situation immensely worse. The same goes for biodiversity credits and the idea of financialization of nature and a nature market - another bad idea of certain actors from the UK, London or the Bank of England and Wall Street. Such ideas and concepts can not only cause more damage and destruction to the biosphere, but also accelerate mass extinction, pollution and the sellout of nature. The European Union and United Nations is primarily responsible and has the biggest responsibility to reverse and stop these trends.
Urban greening, ecological forestry, and sustainable agricultural solutions such as agroforestry, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and vertical farming are important components of global greening efforts.
These main solutions can help increase healthier and more natural vegetation, restore degraded ecosystems, and mitigate the effects of climate change. By combining these approaches with other measures such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development, humanity may be able to stop accelerating global warming, biodiversity loss, and mass extinctions before it is too late - around the year 2030? It is no joke and very serious, some tipping points have already been passed and any further tipping point is likely to trigger cascading effects that cannot be stopped by human action!
Most developments require a holistic approach that takes into account the
social, cultural, economic and environmental dimensions of
sustainability. This also requires collaboration and partnership among various stakeholders, including governments, civil society, the private sector, and local communities. For this reason, Greening Deserts would like to establish the GlobalGreening organization with a extra international platform that involves indigenous and local regions affected by the aforementioned issues and in need of professional support. With adequate and financial support from each government and the United Nations, we could finally continue important developments, infrastructures and platforms for the global Greening Camp(s), Trillion Trees Initiative,.... We also want to establish a special commission or team on Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples to better communicate and share on all important issues so we can work more efficiently and achieve the best results.
It is important to recognize the role that indigenous communities and local people play in global environmental efforts. Many of these communities have traditional knowledge and practices that can promote sustainable land use and provide valuable insights into truly healthy as well as natural revegetation processes. In the Amazon rainforest, for example, indigenous communities have long practiced agroforestry and other sustainable land use practices that promote biodiversity and soil fertility. By working with these communities and incorporating their traditional knowledge into global revegetation and greening efforts, it is possible to promote sustainable land use and conserve biodiversity while supporting the livelihoods of local people. In Africa, for example, traditional agroforestry practices have been used for centuries to promote soil fertility, reduce erosion, and support food security. By incorporating these practices, it is possible to promote sustainable agriculture and support local communities.
Community forest management initiatives can promote sustainable forest management while supporting the livelihoods of local communities. Similarly, participatory plant breeding programs can promote the development of locally adapted crop varieties and support the resilience of smallholder farmers. Many of these truly highly efficient, innovative, and sustainable solutions also often manage water issues, water balance, and avoid many water problems.
Wetlands, rivers and forests are the greatest air and water filters or purifiers, including with respect to many pollutants. In addition, forests are the largest freshwater reservoirs in the world! So expanding and establishing more forested areas or even completely new forests not only ensures these important ecosystem services like water storage and supply, it also contributes to regional climate regulation and food security. More on this in further articles
Global greening efforts can be more successful if the root causes of deforestation and land degradation are addressed. This includes addressing the causes of deforestation, such as agricultural expansion, mining, and infrastructure development. It also requires addressing the underlying social and economic issues that contribute to unsustainable land use practices, such as poverty, lack of access to education, health care, water, and other essential resources. Corruption, ignorance and political instability, poor governance or management are other important factors. Without addressing and resolving all of these factors in the right way, it is very difficult or even impossible to truly change the problems mentioned. Corruption, lack of will, lack of support and lack of understanding are perhaps the biggest problem of our time - making everything worse and driving humanity into the conflicts and wars we see today. You can read more details about these problems and really effective solutions like peace consolidation or peace building in the other articles. There will be another article soon about global greening, peacebuilding and innovative solutions that can really improve everything. It depends of course on you and many people around the world to recognize, communicate and convince your local people or national government to finally understand the real causes and sustainable solutions, to focus on solving the root causes and not fight symptoms or windmills! Honest, sustainable and environmentally conscious actions, sustainable consumption and lifestyles should be taken more seriously by all and thus also contribute to a better society and healthier world. Global Greening, Sustainable Living, sustainable consumption, production and working worldwide as well as the realization of real changes should be terms and changes of the year 2023 and upcoming years.
If more people work together and harness the power of good technology and social innovation, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for ourselves and all life on the planet. It is also very important to consider the role of social developments and innovations in global greening efforts. Social innovation, truly sustainable developments, and the implementation of new solutions to social and environmental challenges can improve many things if people accept them, believe in them, or understand them. Engaging communities and civil society is one of the main tasks, like Greening Deserts' public and social work, which you can see on the social and project pages.
Another important topic to understand the big picture is the forms of financing and real good money. It is one of the last main topics of this article and will show that money is important, but only one factor - and that many of the global greening and/or other greening factors mentioned do not directly need money - and if they do, proper forms of financing or financial support. Most people misunderstand money, the function and types of finance or financing.
Sustainable financing models and greener forms of financing can be a critical component of ecological and global greening efforts. Transitioning to more sustainable land use practices often requires significant investments in infrastructure, technology, research and development, and capacity building. These investments are critical to promoting sustainable development and mitigating the impacts of climate change, but require significant and sustained financial resources. Funding for global greening and/or other greening efforts can come from a variety of sources, including government budgets, private sector investment, international aid, and philanthropic funds. For example, many countries have established climate or environmental funds to support investments in sustainable land use practices and climate mitigation and adaptation. Private sector investment can play a critical role in financing sustainable land use practices. Investment vehicles that finance projects with environmental benefits, have become an increasingly popular way for companies to finance sustainable development initiatives.
Ensuring that more funding goes to projects and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and society. This requires strong environmental and social safeguards, as well as robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that ensure accountability and transparency. Funding should be targeted to the most vulnerable and marginalized societies, depending on the business, project, and region. These communities often bear the brunt of environmental degradation and climate change impacts and may not have the resources and capacity to implement sustainable land use practices on their own. Greening Deserts therefore calls for the funding of many greening programs or projects to be designed and determined to promote equity and social justice, prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. These communities often bear the brunt of environmental degradation and climate change impacts and may not have the resources and capacity to implement sustainable land use practices on their own.
Global greening, revegetation, and reforestation also have important implications for human health and well-being. True forests, healthy ecosystems, and green infrastructure provide important ecosystem functions and services that are critical to human health, including clean air and water, food security, and protection from natural disasters. Afforestation and reforestation can provide economic benefits, especially to local communities, if they are long-term and truly sustainable. Forests and other natural resources can provide a source of income and employment for communities through activities such as agroforestry courses, ecotourism, and the sale of non-timber forest products. This can help promote economic development and reduce poverty, especially in rural areas and countries that need better income for their rural residents.
Regarding the potential benefits of global greening, revegetation, and reforestation, it should be noted that these processes can provide a range of ecosystem services beyond carbon sequestration. For example, forests can help regulate water flow and prevent soil erosion, which can be particularly important in areas prone to flooding or drought. Forests can also promote biodiversity by providing habitat for threatened or endangered species, among other things. In addition, reforestation and revegetation can help restore degraded land and increase its productivity, which can be important for food security and livelihoods. It is important to prioritize the promotion of diverse and sustainable reforestation and revegetation practices that address the needs and perspectives of local communities. We have shown many examples on our pages and on platforms like Twitter - most of which are very successful.
Some Greening Deserts projects and developments are new, others are very creative, but most of them are based on ancient or traditional methods of indigenous cultures that still function as they did many thousands of years ago. It is not just about the knowledge and history of indigenous peoples, but also about their contribution to global health and the fact that they protect about 80% of the world's biodiversity. It is sad that so many people, and especially governments and some of the United Nations, still ignore these facts and carry on as before. In the end, one question will open your eyes. Did you know that ecological forestry, aquaponics, hydroponics, permaculture and even the main factors of vertical agriculture were invented by indigenous peoples - just like soccer? If you know such background and history, you may understand why indigenous peoples are so important to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration, environmental health, and the global greening process - which we, the Greening Deserts community, have been promoting and supporting for years.
Short Abstract: Global greening works and efforts are essential for promoting sustainable development and mitigating the effects of climate change. Urban greening, ecological forestry, agroforestry, regenerative agriculture, and vertical farming are important components of a comprehensive strategy to promote sustainable land use practices, sustainable ways of living, producing, and working. These approaches need to be complemented by the use of truly effective and sustainable technologies, policies and regulations that promote sustainability, social innovation, international collaboration, and financing. If we all work together more and engage with civil society, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet. This is what Greening Deserts, projects and communities have been trying to do for many years - with much success, but also with many problems created by crises, pandemics and wars in Europe caused by some people. Especially ignorant and corrupt politicians, corruption and ignorance of certain authorities, organizations and institutions up to the highest offices or functions are main causes and problems which should be addressed by all people - especially in the EU and UN!
More important contributions and messages of Global Greening and Trillion Trees Initiative in 2022 and 2023:
Author description: Greening Deserts founder wrote a new article for the Global Greening and Trillion Trees Initiative who runs actions, campaigns and projects to accelerate and support regreening and reforestation worldwide. The main projects can be reached by globalgreening.org and trilliontrees.in.
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episims · 6 days
Color Trait Accessories
In collab with awesome @pforestsims ✨
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Watering Cans by Color Traits
Makes the watering cans that sims use for flowers and garden crops appear in their favorite color. If the sim has multiple favorite colors, the first one in the inventory rules the color. The watering can is green if the sim doesn't have a favorite color.
Two versions to choose from: the classic version replaces the can mesh, while the maxis match version uses the original one.
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The classic version has an additive map so it looks the best with the Standard Material Edit by @crispsandkerosene but works fine without it too, the texture will only seem slightly flatter.
Download Watering Cans (SFS) (alternate)
⚠️ Trait Globals by @picknmixsims are required.
Both versions use 256x256 textures. These mods aren't compatible with other watering can replacements. Please check the standard material edit's post for up-to-date information about its shader conflicts.
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Kicky Bags by Color Traits
Makes kicky bags appear in that sim's favorite color who initiates the game. If the sim has more than one favorite color, it's randomized between the first three in the inventory. The kicky bag is red if the sim doesn't have a favorite color.
Also replaces the kicky bag mesh so that it actually looks like a bag instead of a ball.
Download Kicky Bags (SFS) (alternate)
⚠️ Trait Globals are required.
The new mesh is 568 polys and the textures are 256x128. This mod isn't compatible with other kicky bag replacements.
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Jumping Ropes by Color Traits
Makes jumping ropes appear in the sim's favorite color. If the sim has more than one favorite color, it's randomized between the first three in the inventory. The jumping rope is brown if the sim doesn't have a favorite color.
Download Jumping Ropes (SFS) (alternate)
⚠️ Trait Globals are required.
This mod conflicts with Cyjon's Jump Rope Fitness but includes the same fix, so you can delete Cyjon's mod. This mod is compatible with simler90's Slower Fitness Gain but only if mine loads after it.
Tiny 32x128 textures. This mod isn't compatible with other jumping rope replacements.
Happy 20th Birthday to The Sims 2 🎉
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tamapalace · 4 months
Bandai Introduces the Tamagotchi Connection with a 20th Anniversary Global Re-Release
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The moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here! Bandai has officially announced the re-release of the Tamagotchi Connection with a 20th anniversary device! That’s right, can you believe it has been 20 years? We’re BEYOND ECSTATIC, and Bandai did NOT disappoint!
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Physically the design of the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary looks like a Tamagotchi Connection V3 with the iconic antenna, but it’s clear that Bandai has put together this model to give us a taste of what the Tamagotchi Connection was like! We’re not entirely sure on the programming, but it looks like it will take characteristics from the Keitai and Tamagotchi Connection V3.
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The re-release of the Tamagotchi Connection for the 20th anniversary features unique programming that includes over 50 characters, 10 mini games, and 150 items! Your favorite characters will be back and raisable, and of course you can connect them together!
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Lets talk packaging, reminiscent of the Tamagotchi Original packaging, the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary ditches the early 2000’s plastic packaging in favor of a more eco friendly paper packaging with. Brand new Tamagotchi logo, and yes look at the beautiful Connection graphics on the packaging! Colors of packaging include blue stripes that faces into white.How cute are Mametchi and Memetchi in the upper left-hand corner?
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The back of the packaging is super cute as it details the functionality of the Tamagotchi Connection which includes detailing the growth chart, samples some characters and some mini games, along with items. The packaging also mentions that there is a password for the item on the side flap inside the box, so perhaps we’re going to get some new passwords?
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The packaging does call out that we will be able to shop for new items directly on the Tamagotchi, so the shop has returned. You’ll earn those Gotchi Points and then purchase some new items to spoil your Tamagotchi!
Unpack your CR2032 batteries, because the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary is powered by the same batteries you know and love. The packaging also calls out that programming is in both English and Japanese. Perhaps it’ll ask which language on boot, which would make the most sense, similar to the Tamagotchi Uni.
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Let’s talk shells! Bandai is releasing the initial Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary wave with 6 shells. Two of which are returning from 2006, these include Bubbles and Ice Cream. The new shells include Clear Retro which features a clear translucent shell and cute retro like graphics in white, orange, purple, and green around the display along with pink buttons. Then you’ve got Rainbow Sky which is so cute and features a shell completely painted in a red, yellow, green, and blue rainbow along with some clouds and hearts, purple buttons and the top of the antenna is blue.
Lastly, Bandai has brought back the True Friends pack, how creative is that? These two graffiti shells are unique as they are excuse to the true friends two pack, one is a blue graffiti shell, the other is a pink graffiti shell. They both feature Tamagotchi characters include Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, Memetchi, and Mimitchi.
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There will be four shells exclusive to Japan that are all reminiscent of shells released in the 2000’s! That includes the iconic melon soda!
The Bubbles shell includes a password to download soda, the Ice cream shell includes a password to download ice cream, the Rainbow Sky shell includes a password to download an umbrella, the Clear Retro shell includes a password to download a waffle, and the True Friends Blue Graffiti and Pink Graffiti True Friends pack incudes a password to download a pencil!
All of the shells include the new logo to match the packaging of the Tamagotchi Connection 20th anniversary.
It is important to note that the wallpaper behind the screen on these will be a bit different from one another. Both Bubbles and Ice Cream uses the numbered background featured on the Tamagotchi Connection V1, whereas the new shells have backgrounds that are unique to their shells. That’s an awesome attention to detail.
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Another thing to call out is that the chain on these devices is the same as the Tamagotchi Original, or Tamagotchi Connexion in Europe. This model does not feature the same chain as the Tamagotchi Connection with the chainlink design and ring.
Pricing! The Tamagotchi Connection is priced at $29.99, and the Tamagotchi Connection True Friends pack is priced at $57.99. This is a global release and preorders are already open on Amazon with an official release date of July 9th, 2024. Japan will be releasing them a bit later on August 3rd, 2024! It’s about to be an AMAZING SUMMER! The Tamagotchi Connection is already the  Amazon #1 Best Seller in Toys & Games before it was even officially announced by Bandai! Don’t call it a comeback, call it a takeover.
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ssivinee · 11 months
❇︎Global Domination❇︎
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BEBE! Bada Lee x OC Team! F Reader: Finally, in Korea, your crew was about to experience the brutality of the Korean dance scene, but you seemed to enjoy it more than others thought.
Word Count: 4.5k
Note: I had too much fun while making this one ngl😭. Also, the following isn't following the accuracy of the actual show.
Previous | Masterlist | Next
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Two weeks had passed since your crew's arrival in Korea, and a sense of anticipation had replaced the initial excitement of exploring the country. Today marked the first day of filming for Street Woman Fighter 2, and the girls were a mix of nervousness and excitement as they sat in the van, awaiting their moment.
As the van pulled up to the venue, you all stepped out and were met with the sight of the massive "Street Woman Fighter" logo emblazoned on the black building. A surge of determination flowed through the team. You gathered the girls and delivered an encouraging pep talk.
"Let's walk in there confidently and show them we're ready for a fight," you urged. The group nodded in agreement, and with a collective display of charisma, you all strode towards the entrance. The cameras started rolling before you even set foot inside the building.
In an attempt to boost the team's morale, you led the way, strutting with confidence and casting a sly, determined look at the cameras. You wanted to show that your crew was ready to showcase their talent on this international stage.
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With your newly dyed blonde hair cascading over your shoulder, you struck a fierce pose, setting the tone for the team. The others couldn't help but giggle at your confident display, but they quickly followed suit, standing beside you and posing with equal charisma. As you entered the building, all eyes fell on the trophy presented for every crew, a tangible symbol of the challenge ahead.
"Whoa," Athena exclaimed, her eyes widening at the sight of the trophy. "This is so cool," Maya added, practically shaking with energy. You smiled at the younger members of the team and urged them to move forward. "Let's get into our rooms. Come on."
The crew entered a long corridor, marveling at the colorful doors lining the hallway. It was an unexpected sight, and the attempt at intimidation was noticeable as you walked past each door. The girls couldn't resist glancing at the blackboards of the other crews, sharing amused comments about some and the not-so-friendly state of 1Million's board.
Outside the forest-green door, you paused, eyeing the blank blackboard. "So, what do you guys want to write?" Athena, ever the joker, took the marker and playfully pushed the team aside. She wrote in green, presenting the board with jazz hands.
"SWF 2 is our kingdom?" Bell read aloud, and the team shared approving smiles. "I like it."
As everyone entered your hideout, you translated the statement into Korean, writing it boldly. Meanwhile, inside, the girls chatted excitedly as they waited for the signal, settling into the room.
Unbeknownst to you and your crew, the other teams were also buzzing with anticipation. The addition of three international teams, including yours, had sent ripples of excitement through the domestic participants. With well-known crews like yours on the stage, the competition had just gotten even more thrilling, and everyone was eager to see what each crew would bring to the battle. The Korean teams, in particular, couldn't hide their surprise and curiosity as they watched your introduction on the screen.
“Lotus? No shot.”
“As in the famous dance teacher?”
“It couldn’t have just ended at Tsubakill, huh?”
The TV screen was dominated by your striking image, and your impressive accomplishments filled the other half. The teams gathered around, and as they absorbed the information, a wave of awe and curiosity swept through the room.
"Dude, the list just goes on and on," Nob of Lady Bounce pointed out. Your credentials went beyond choreographing for artists; it extended to years of victorious battles, securing numerous first and second-place finishes.
"All the battles are first or second place," Yeni Choi of Wolf’Lo noted, her eyes scanning the extensive list. "I thought we would be the only battlers here. I guess not," Baby Sleek chimed in, emphasizing the competitive edge that your crew and Mannequeen brought to the competition.
Another team, on the other hand, couldn't contain their excitement. "Lotus? Is this for real?" Minah gasped into her hands while the other girls stared at the screen, the younger members of the team eagerly fangirling over your face. "She's so pretty," Tatter mumbled, her astonishment evident, and Lusher nodded in agreement.
Their leader remained silent, captivated by your beauty and entranced by the information on the screen.
Bada knew exactly who you were – the famous Y/n Pereira, aka Lotus. Your reputation extended to both choreography for artists in the States and work with Korean trainees. The presence of not just Kirsten but also you, a well-known figure in the dance world, made Bada contemplate the upcoming competition.
Describing Bada's feelings as mere excitement would be an understatement. She was intrigued, thrilled, and stunned by your presence on the show. Your seductive gaze on the screen felt hypnotic, and she couldn't wait to see you in person. Her body warmed with anticipation, though she concealed it well, all while looking forward to the upcoming challenges.
As your crew sat in the green room, the TV’s abrupt, loud sound had Maya scared, a loud yelp coming from her. The girls giggled as you clapped your hands, “Alright, let’s get it, girls.”
Before you walk into the fight zone, your eyes linger along the long walkway. “This place is massive,” you hear Emi whisper, marveling over the size of the production. “They're being serious about this season,” Serena mumbles, the first time you heard the quiet girl’s voice today. 
Leading your team down the stairs, the fight zone buzzed at the sight of your team's presence. “Wha~, they’re so tall,” Yoonji points out, feeling the pressure of the final crew.
“They can all be models.”
“Having beauty and the skills to dance is unfair.”
“They’re like goddesses in front of us.”
As the comments and speculations about you filled the room, you couldn't help but smirk in response, an air of intrigue surrounding you. The reactions didn't go unnoticed, and other teams began to wonder about your background.
"Does Lotus know Korean?" Cheche mumbled to her leader, who responded with a shrug. "I mean, she is half, so maybe she does?"
Bada's reaction, however, remained subtle but striking. The moment she laid eyes on you in person, she was taken aback. Seeing you up close made her question whether the cameras had done justice to your beauty. She hadn't expected the long blonde hair, but it left no room for complaints. You appeared angelic in the green dress that accentuated your tall, commanding figure, and the black-heeled boots added to the authoritative presence you radiated. Your presence was truly captivating.
“A video should be showing,” you tell the girls, and everyone hears your soothing voice. The team stood beside you as the video played, showing your group choreography to ‘Pump It’ by the Black Eyed Peas. You watch with a smile adorning your face, finding the piece fun to see all over again. That didn’t last for long, as comments started rolling in.
“They’re good. The world of dance respects them, that’s for sure,” JJ of DeepNDap explains, and Gooseul could be seen nodding beside her. “Their dance styles are way too different, though.” It switches to Harimu of 1Million, and you nod, acknowledging her words. 
“I picked a variety for a reason,” you calmly state in Korean, shocking the other crews who were unaware you spoke the language.
Jam Republic is then put on the screen, Audrey speaking about you guys, “They’re probably our biggest rivals,” the other girls nod. Kirsten follows up, “Not because they're another international crew, but having versatility in style puts them at a high advantage.” You smile, Kirsten getting your thought process right away.
“We still beat them in battles, though,” Baby Sleek says, and Heachi laughs, “They dont seem that strong in that aspect, only Lotus.” You can only smirk. They were underestimating your crew's abilities, and they were about to be in for a ride. The no-respect stickers appeared, and it made you laugh. You and Emi had one, Athena had two, while Serena had 4. Boy, these girls were going to be surprised, that's for sure.
Your section was beside Lady Bounce, directly facing Bebe. So, as you take your seats, Bada’s eyes never left your figure. She was truly in a trance, staring at you as you talked to Serena, who sat right behind you.
“Unnie, you might burn holes into her,” Minah teases the older girl from behind, and Bada shakes off her comment, trying to focus on the show again.
The loud bass then scares the crews again, telling them the games are about to begin. Each of the girls cheered seeing Kang Daniel strut down with his cue cards in hand. “Hello. Welcome to the Mnet original dance series, Street Woman Fighter 2. I’m your MC, Kang Daniel.”
“This season, global crews have joined us, making this a bigger international dance competition. You’ll fight to crush all the other crews, and reach the top. Only one crew can do that.”
As the girls listened closely to their translator, you held a fist, gesturing a crushing motion on your other hand. Not noticing Bada does the same thing, Tatter laughs, “You guys are like soulmates or something,” she teases. Bada’s ears grow slightly red at the comment.
“We’ll be starting with Mnet’s iconic mission. No respect, battle with the weakest dancer,” everyone cheers at the announcement. “Alright, now please change for the battles. We’ll meet back here in the fight zone.”
The crews began to head up, but before you could make it to the stairs, you felt a hand tug on your arm. You peak over your shoulder and see Kirsten standing there with a wide, eager smile.
You wrap your arms on her shoulder as the two of you walk up the stairs with your crews following behind you. “How have you been?” You question the shorter girl and she pats your waist. “I’m doing amazing, love. I’ve missed you,” she explains, and you can’t help but giggle at your long time friend.
“I’ve missed you too,” you tell her, and you never noticed all the stares the two of you got. Soweon looks at the duo, shocked at the sight. “They’re close?” The youngest of team Bebe can’t help but ask. “It seems so,” Kyma says and Bada looks at the two dancers confusingly.
She was aware that a lot of the Jam Republic dancers were friends, but she didn’t know you two would be so close. Her eyes travel to Kirsten’s hand that is placed comfortably on your lower waist and Bada wonders how close you two truly are. 
She couldn’t think about that, not right now at least. Her main objective should be the competition, not you.
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When all of you reach your hideouts, the girls feel the rush of adrenaline kicking in, flushing out any nerves they had before. Everyone had changed, and you stood there stretching as Emi talked, “Let’s go out there, have fun, and feel the music.”
“Do what you usually do, guys,” you finish up the words of encouragement. The younger dancers smile at their leader and sub-leader, finding their validation calming. You all head out to the fight zone once again and only see Jam, Bebe, Lady Bounce, and Wolf’Lo down there. So you had the chance to mingle with the pink crew.
“Auds!” You greet the youngest girl on JR, and the sound of your voice has the girl jumping. “Lo!”
You had worked with Audrey multiple times in the States, and seeing her again after several months made your heart swell. The girl felt like a younger sister you never had. Even your younger brothers complained that she seemed more like your sibling compared to them.
“God, I haven’t seen you in so long. Don’t think I forgot about you, Ling.” You hug the oldest member of their team, who gives you a warm hug. “Lo, this is Latrice and Emma, by the way,” Kirsten introduces you to the unfamiliar girls, and you shake their hands.
The other three crews watch your interaction, wondering how you knew the girls of Jam. You had gone to New Zealand several times for workshops, and you had the privilege to meet the Royal Family multiple times during their competition seasons.
“She can literally make anything look so good,” Bada mumbles, taking in your natural outfit that was simple yet stylish. “Unnie, let’s not fall in love too fast now,” Lusher jokes, and Bada groans, leaning her head back. “You guys really won't leave me alone about this. Just let me be~” Bada whines slightly, but the pitch of her voice alerts you, and you make eye contact for the first time today.
Bada practically freezes as you give her a friendly smile. You took in the other tall girl’s appearance, finding the choice of outfit insanely attractive.
Now, Bada didn’t know if she was going crazy, but if you were checking her out, she was about to pass out. You were about to walk over and introduce yourself, but when you saw Tsubakill come down, Akanen ran over to you, hugging you eagerly.
The sounds of the Japanese leader giggling as she called you "Lotus-san" didn't go unnoticed by Bada. It seemed that you knew all the Jam Republic dancers except for her. This new realization left Bada with a sense of sadness. After all, you had visited Korea several times, and as a member of Jam Republic, she contemplated why the two of you hadn't crossed paths before. The absence of any prior interaction left her wondering what might have prevented such a meeting.
The others begin to trickle in as Daniel begins to announce again. “Now, let me introduce the other three fight judges who will be the judges of your dance-offs. She's a dancer with unique moves who was born to be a woman of power. The leader of Prowdman, Monika!” The dancer of season one runs in, showing the choreography she made. “The artist is known for his powerful and sexy performance. The leader and main dancer of Monsta X, Shonwu!” Some of the dancers began to dance Shoot Out, and you laugh, seeing Harimu really feeling it.
“Let me introduce the special judge for this battle. The leader of the worldwide renowned dance crew, the Kinjaz. Mike Song!” The three international crews visibly calm down, seeing a judge who can help judge them with no bias.
Not that Monika or Shownu would, but Mike Song felt like the international safety net. The dance battles began, and first off was Redy. She teased, coming over to the front of your crew before turning around and calling out Bada.
As you observed the interactions and conversations around you, it became apparent that there might be some underlying history between Bada and the young dancer. However, as you looked at Bada, her calm demeanor and relaxed stance made you wonder if the hostility was more one-sided than it seemed. Her self-assured confidence was an attractive quality that caught your attention, and you appreciated her presence as she stood before you.
As "Temple" by Baauer began playing, Redy took the stage, executing a series of movements, including a spinning fan kick. Despite your prior knowledge of Redy's skills, this performance didn't seem to showcase her best. The routine felt somewhat lackluster, with repetitive spins and points, and you couldn't shake the feeling that Redy was blending into the stage too much, almost disappearing.
Leaning your head on your fist, you counted down as the performance came to an end. "Five, four, three, two, one. Switch! BEBE’s Bada." The song "BBHMM" by Rihanna started playing, and your intrigue heightened. You sat up straight, eager to see if Bada lived up to the reputation you had seen in videos.
Bada began with a spin and immediately invaded Redy's personal space, using her height to intimidate. A laugh escaped your lips as she playfully swept the top of Redy's head. As the song progressed, Bada's performance unfolded with pops and gun gestures, and despite not being the most exceptional at freestyle, her energy and aura carried each movement flawlessly, keeping the audience entertained.
"She definitely knows how to use energy to her advantage. A true performer," you remarked to Emi, leaning closer. "Oh, for sure. All the crews are hyped up because of her."
Bada utilized her lengthy body with a mix of sexy moves, including kneeling on the floor, thrusting, and body rolling. The performance reached its climax as Bada bit a piece of paper and blew it out, concluding her dance. Your thoughts solidified – you were definitely intrigued by her.
Well, not her specifically, but her dance. 
There's no harm in getting close to another Jam Republic dancer, right? You smirk at the thought, and as the judges reveal three light blue cards, you nod while clapping your hands. “Rightfully so.”
The battles continued, and the cheers from every crew echoed in the arena. Your cheers were particularly deafening during Audrey's battles, as the rest of your crew hadn't taken the stage yet. Audrey consistently showcased her freestyle prowess, outclassing many of the other contestants.
As the battles progressed, it was now Kirsten's turn, and you braced yourself for the unexpected. You knew she wouldn't pick someone she considered weak. Kirsten sought a challenge, a display of power. You couldn't help but smile at the anticipation when she stood up with a devious laugh.
"The person I pick as my no-respect dancer is…" Kirsten started in the middle of the stage but then moved to the far corner, standing in the vicinity of your crew. "Lotus."
A chuckle bubbled up from deep within as you rose from your seat. The ripple of surprise spread through the crowd, amplifying the shock, particularly due to the assumed friendship between you and Kirsten.
The spotlight seemed to intensify as you stood, focusing on the unexpected choice. The question lingered in the air like a suspended note waiting to be played. Daniel directed a question with a quizzical expression towards Kirsten, breaking the silence over the arena.
"Kirsten, why did you choose Lotus as your no-respect dancer?" The question hung in the air, prompting not just curiosity from the spectators but also an air of anticipation as if the answer held the key to unraveling a mysterious connection between you and Kirsten.
“I wanted a challenge, and I know she can give me that,” Kirsten announces, and everyone goes ‘oo,’ finding her words cool and respectable. “Let’s have some fun?” You ask through the mic, and the other leader nods as the crews get excited for this one.
“Leader versus leader? This is gonna be good,” you hear from behind you. “Kirsten and Lotus was a battle I wasn’t expecting, but I’m not complaining about it.”
You hear ‘Get Ur Freak On’ by Missy Elliot, and you can’t help the amused look on your face. You knew she would kill it, and you were ready for that. Kirsten starts, moving her hips and waist like water, and your face looks disgusted, an impression of how well her body moved.
As an amazing performer the Jam Republic leader was, Bada could only watch you as your body swayed ever so lightly on the sidelines. When Kirsten hits some moves of afro dance, you bite your bottom lip, finding the movement sensual as her gaze never leaves yours. “Lotus hasn’t even started dancing, and she’s already feeling the music,” Tatter points out, almost breathless at the two of you on stage.
It all seemed a blur for BEBE, but they then heard ‘Backseat Freestyle’ by Kendrick Lamar, and you jump around hyping everyone up. As the chorus hits, you pop your chest, throw your arms around your head, and quickly reverse it. Your aggressive stomps had people rowdy. The Krump style being used made everyone wild, as your lengthy body had so much power.
As you belligerently use your arms, the other crews stared at you, feeling many mixed emotions. Krump wasn’t a “clean” style and it wasn't common for women in Korea to use this style. So actually seeing a Korean woman do it, made them feel somewhat gratified. You finish off by kneeling, your heavy breaths were visible as your chest rose up and down. 
The standing ovation was a testament to the intensity and brilliance of your performance with Kirsten. As you both bowed multiple times, soaking in the applause, the judges' faces revealed their struggle to reach a decision. In a rare moment for the show, all three judges displayed both pink and dark green cards, leaving everyone, including the audience, in gasps of surprise.
"All three? That’s insane," Minah exclaimed, capturing the sentiments of those witnessing the unprecedented outcome. The smiles exchanged between you and Kirsten suggested a shared desire for a rematch.
Returning to your positions, their was anticipation in the air. The prospect of both of you dancing simultaneously added a layer of complexity. Both you and Kirsten were known for utilizing a lot of space in your performances. The question loomed in your mind—how would this dynamic unfold?
You heard ‘Good Feeling’ by Flo Rida and everyone starts clapping at the hype song. The two of you mimic the lyrics, ‘oh~ sometimes, I get a good feeling,’ and you hit a propeller kick. Everyone screamed as you did a Windmill and followed up with an Airflare.
Bada’s eyes could leave your body as you spun and flipped. “How the hell does she move like that?” She asked, and it was a very good question. It has the other girls excited and intimidated at the same time. Who was gonna be able to beat you?
Kirsten seamlessly followed your lead, playing around your spinning body with a synchronicity that showcased the enjoyment shared between the two of you. The energy was infectious, and it wasn't long before everyone, including the judges, joined in on the collective enjoyment.
As the duo battle reached its conclusion, the applause echoed through the arena once again. "As expected from two big international dancers," Bada remarked, her statement met with nods of agreement from the younger members who were still in awe of the mesmerizing performance. The collaboration between you and Kirsten had not only met expectations but had exceeded them, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.
The judges deliberated, their expressions revealing the weight of their decision. Finally, three green cards were revealed, and a sigh of relief escaped your lips. Pulling Kirsten into a celebratory hug, the victory felt like a culmination of the collaborative effort between you two. As you settled back into your seat, your team erupted in applause, a collective acknowledgment of the well-deserved success.
"Killed that shit, girl!" Ball exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious, prompting laughter from you. "No, literally," Maya chimed in with a playful remark, adding a touch of humor to the celebratory atmosphere. The camaraderie within the team mirrored the triumph on stage, creating a moment of shared accomplishment and joy.
Other battles continued and after 30 minutes, it was finally time for a 10 minute break. 
Taking a moment to confer with your team, you couldn't shake the feeling of someone's eyes on you. Scanning the room, your gaze landed on Bada, and she didn't look away. A small wave from her drew you in, prompting you to excuse yourself from your team with a smile.
Approaching Bada's team, you noticed her adjusting herself to face you properly. "Bada-nim?" you greeted respectfully.
"Lotus," she replied, bowing as she remained seated. "It’s an honor to meet the most viral choreographer right now."
You reciprocated with a bow, but Bada swatted her hand, appearing slightly embarrassed by the acknowledgment. The other members of BEBE observed the interaction, their eyes held a hint of intimidation in the presence of your close proximity.
“I don’t deserve praise from you. Your THE Lotus, famous for training some of the best dancers out there,” you chuckled at Bada’s words. “That’s me,” you shrug, used to hearing the words, but it still pleased you to hear it from fellow dancers. “Anything I can possibly help you with?” She questions you with a curious face. “I just wanted to meet a fellow Jam Republic dancer.” You tell her honestly.
"Well, you're really good too," you expressed, the unintended sensuality in your voice evident as your eyes seemed to darken. Bada, taken aback by the unexpected intensity in your gaze, grew nervous. Unaware of the unintentional effect you had, she continued, "U-um, thank you, Lotus-nim." The exchange left a lingering atmosphere, a subtle tension that hovered between the two of you.
“Oh please, just call me unnie, Bada,” the younger dancers squeal behind their leader and you chuckle at their sounds. You decide to introduce yourself to the entire team and they all noticeably fangirl, especially Tatter and Minah who just kept looking at you with starstruck eyes. 
As you engaged in conversation with Bada's crew, she couldn't help but observe your subtle mannerisms. The way you casually combed your hair back with your fingers while explaining things, the unconscious habit of licking your lips when you laughed, and the preference for rolling up your sleeves to your shoulders—all these gestures seemed to have a mesmerizing effect on Bada.
To her, you appeared as an almost unreachable figure in the dance industry, an undeniable stunner. Your every move left Bada weak at the knees. The similarities between you and her, both tall in height, boasting plump lips, sporting long dyed hair, sharing similar styles, and dancing with a captivating allure that seemed aimed at attracting women, only fueled the fascination.
"I wasn’t expecting them to be so pretty," Downy remarked, and Locker Z inquired, "who?" "Bada and Lotus," Locker Z nodded in agreement.
"I should’ve brought two wedding rings, for Lotus and Bada," JJ quipped, eliciting laughter from Minny. The room seemed to buzz with discussions about the two dancers—half fangirling over their ability to attract women, while the more mature half spoke highly of their impressive dance skills. The magnetic presence of both you and Bada had ignited conversations that spanned admiration for both your aesthetics and dancing prowess.
The break concluded, and the girls returned to their seats. Bada, now set for another battle against Redlic, took the stage. As she danced, her focus seemed to gravitate more toward you. Her unwavering gaze remained fixed as she executed a series of movements—grinds, thrusts, and hip sways—all in perfect synchronization with the accompanying sounds. The intensity of her performance seemed to carry an unspoken message, one that resonated with the captivating connection between you and her.
You could only stare at her with hungry eyes, if she wanted to play that game, you would give that to her. That would have to wait though, since the tension with Mina Myoung and Lia Kim had been spiraling in the air for the entire day and they were finally gonna battle it out. 
You’d have to wait just a little longer to play.
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terapsina · 1 year
Now that the writers and actors strike is about to begin being felt (and as we wait for those greedy billion dollar companies who are refusing to negotiate fair pay and conditions to give up) here's 10 of my favorite (all around best) fully finished older series you should definitely check out if you haven't watched.
I mean it, these are the shows with continuously great writing and a satisfying endings that manage to actually deliver on their promises.
1. Leverage - (containing 5 seasons, or 77 episodes) - trailer here.
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Hitter, Hacker, Grifter, Thief and Mastermind. Heists and cons. Stealing from the rich and giving to their victims. They provide... leverage.
Meant for anyone who enjoys bad guys being the best good guys, who will burn down the lives of evil CEOs and then gloat in the background. Very satisfying.
Hands down the best example of a found family trope I've ever seen on screen. Barring none.
2. Killjoys - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Space Bounty Hunters. Another case of found family trope. Bisexual space princess assassin. Quippy sentient ship. Green alien goo. Evil lesbians (but like... in a good way). The warrant is all.
More seriously though, it's a story about three killjoys and the bounties they go after. Initially. And then they have to save the entire Quad from some very terrifying... stuff.
Contains one of the best friendships I've ever seen on television.
3. Orphan Black - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Found family trope but with clones.
Low level grifter sees a woman who looks exactly like her kill herself and plans to take over her identity long enough to cash out. Except then there's two other women who also look exactly like her. And apparently they're all clones and someone's killing them.
Enter a global conspiracy. Human experimentation. Lots of clone shenanigans. Some serial killings. And a few murders 💖.
4. Person of Interest - (containing 5 seasons, or 103 episodes) - trailer here.
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Okay I'm beginning to see how I might have a found family trope issue.
Former CIA agent gets recruited by a reclusive billionaire computer programmer who developed a... machine that can predict acts of terror before they happen. But it also predicts 'irrelevant' acts of violence that will result in someone's death.
Unless someone interferes.
I'd really like to spoil some stuff to get you all to watch this one. But I'm going to maintain self control and just mention that early on they get a dog named Bear. Bear is a very good boy. Watch it for Bear.
Also for excellent commentary on rights of privacy, government surveillance and what does 'greater good' even mean? But mostly Bear.
5. 12 Monkeys - (containing 4 seasons, or 47 episodes) - trailer here.
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The very best time travel show out there. What starts out as a confusing mess of causality basically exploding, by the end of the series all makes complete and total sense.
(when that final timey-whimey loop slid into place and revealed the entire pattern it was like a choir of angels started singing in the back of my head. It was freaking glorious).
Anyway, a man from a post apocalyptic future travels into the past to stop a plague from decimating nearly the entire world population.
He has the name of the man who released the virus and it's supposed to be a single trip. One trip. One bullet. Simple. Done.
Except then things keep escalating, and escalating until time begins eating its own tail and it might start looking like the end of the world might be a better ending than erasing all of time and space from reality.
Because when our guys screw it up, they screw it up GOOD.
And oh yeah... found family.
6. The Good Place - (containing 4 seasons, or 53 episodes) - trailer here.
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A self-proclaimed Arizona dirtbag opens her eyes and finds out that she's dead and got accepted in the Good Place. Except that as soon as she arrives the Good Place starts glitching, and she really, REALLY needs to become a better person before she can be found out and kicked out to the Bad Place.
Luckily her assigned soulmate was a professor of ethics and moral philosophy.
One of the funniest, most thoughtful and clever comedies I've ever watched. Ever. The characters are delightful and by the time the final minute rolled around I had sobbed my heart out multiple times (which, as we all know, is a sign of the very best comedies out there).
As for the question of whether or not this too contains Found Fami- Yes! Obviously, yes.
7. Avatar: the Last Airbender - (containing 3 seasons, or 61 episodes) - intro here (couldn't locate the trailer but it's basically the same thing in this case).
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The four nations lived in harmony. Until the Fire Nation attacked.
It's been a hundred years since the beginning of the war when two kids from the Southern Water Tribe find a boy frozen in ice and wake him up. A boy who's able to bend all four elements... though not very well.
Enter multi-nation flying road trip (thank you Appa, we love you most of all) as they try to find teachers for the Avatar and save the world.
Includes found family (shut up), amazing fight scenes, the most heartfelt and vivid characters ever, and the best example of a redemption arc actually done well.
8. Love Between Fairy and Devil - (containing 1 season, or 36 episodes) - trailer here.
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This one gutted me. I'm saying this as a compliment. But it had to be said. Completely destroyed me. I just haven't been the same.
A love story between an Orchid Fairy and the leader of the Moon Tribe that starts out with her accidentally releasing him from millennia long imprisonment and then takes you through the caleidoscope of all possible human emotions (it's a body-swap comedy through the first part, then a romcom, then a dramatic romantic tale, and finally a tragic love story).
But it's such a satisfying slow burn.
And it carries this... humanity through the whole thing that makes it so visceral.
If you're a romantic who's very tired of instalove and characters dropping all their morals because 'ooh, attractive person' then you've got to watch this. Because this story does NOT take the easy road there.
(my more extensive rec for this series can be found here)
9. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - (containing 7 seasons, or 133 episodes) - fanmade trailer here (it was better than any of the official ones).
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This series did so much. Introduced Ahsoka Tano, and made us love her. Gave names and faces and souls to the Clone Troopers (okay, it's the same face but you know what I mean), to a point where their endings during Order 66 destroyed me just as much as the ending of the Jedi Order. And somehow made me both love Anakin AND be a million times more angry with him.
There are some arcs in this series that might be a bit weaker. But there were some... god, there's a reason I love Clone Wars more than any other series or trilogy in this universe. And I'm not even a little ashamed to say it.
Must watch for Disaster Lineage shenanigans; for the vod'e; AND for the Jedi (who did their best okay? They always did their best 😭💔).
(and on the subject of found family... do I even need to comment)
10. Nikita - (containing 4 seasons, or 73 episodes) - trailer here.
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A rogue assassin that escaped Division - covert government agency that takes recruits out of prison, fakes their deaths and then forces them to become spies and assassins - has come back to take it down. Brick by brick if she has to. With guns and explosives too when that works better.
Contains soooo many cool fight scenes. Is full of incredible characters you'll fall in love with (and hate with) very quickly. And most of all has an incredibly complex relationship of mentorship and friendship between two women that holds both great admiration and betrayal, real care and love as well as rage and hatred, forgiveness, mutual respect and an unbreakable kind of bond that so very rarely involves even one female character on TV, let alone two.
(as usual, found family tropes up the wazzoo).
In conclusion. We all know there's going to be a large space between seasons of our favorite shows now (and some shows that aren't going to survive it). Let's fill that space with some excellent TV we haven't had a chance to see yet.
And direct the blame for the wait towards the right place (i.e. the studios).
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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American Revolutionary War
The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), or the American War of Independence, was a conflict between Great Britain and its 13 North American colonies, who declared independence as the United States of America. Initially a rebellion within the British Empire, the war took on a global scope when France and Spain joined against the British, contributing to the eventual American victory.
War Begins
The war was the central part of a broader political upheaval, the American Revolution (c. 1765-1789), which had taken root over a decade before the first shots were fired. The quarrel between Britain and the Thirteen Colonies, over the issue of parliamentary taxes, steadily escalated, as colonists were divided into factions; the Whigs, or Patriots, opposed the taxes on the basis that they were unconstitutional, while the Tories, or Loyalists, remained in support of Great Britain. Tensions sometimes boiled over into acts of violence, such as the Boston Massacre (1770) and the Boston Tea Party (1773); a group of political agitators known as the Sons of Liberty was also known to assault Loyalists, tarring and feathering them.
In 1774, Parliament responded to the Boston Tea Party by issuing the so-called Intolerable Acts, which aimed to punish Boston by closing its harbor to commerce and suspending representative government in Massachusetts. In September 1774, 12 of the 13 colonies sent delegates to the First Continental Congress, where it was decided that the New England militias should begin preparing for a potential conflict with British soldiers. Amidst these rising tensions, General Thomas Gage, military governor of Massachusetts, knew that he could not crush a rebellion with the meager forces he had on hand and sought to suppress the New England militias before they had a chance to strike. He decided to achieve this by seizing stores of munitions that the militias had kept stockpiled in various towns.
Shortly after midnight on 19 April 1775, 700 elite British soldiers marched toward the town of Concord, where one such stockpile of weapons was stored. Despite Gage's attempts at discretion, the Patriots had discovered his intentions several days in advance; no sooner had the British troops set out than two Patriot riders, Paul Revere and William Dawes, were on their way to alert the militias. When the British soldiers reached the town of Lexington, on the road to Concord, they were confronted by 70 militiamen. After a brief standoff, a shot was fired; although it is unknown who fired it, it became immortalized as 'the shot heard round the world'. The British forces responded by firing two musket volleys, killing eight militiamen and wounding another ten.
After clearing the colonial militia off Lexington Green, the British continued on to Concord, where they encountered more resistance from 400 militiamen. After discovering that most of the munitions had already been removed by the Patriots, the soldiers began their 12-mile (19 km) retreat to Boston. The Patriots harassed them utilizing guerilla warfare, and by the end of the march, they had lost 273 casualties, compared to 95 Patriot losses. By then, the number of Patriots had swollen to 15,000 men. Encouraged by their victory in the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Patriots laid siege to the 6,000 soldiers trapped inside Boston.
Continue reading...
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fatehbaz · 2 years
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yea “desertification” not a great term, obscuring the biodiversity of deserts.
related note: “desertification” term reminds me of how “tree planting” is not necessarily a great thing. (more precisely: “just plant trees” is not good advice universally in every context.)
sounds nice on the surface? but industrial-scale resource extraction companies can build monoculture tree plantations and get away with duplicitously calling it “a forest” or a “reforestation project.” like pine plantations in Chile, where single-species plantations replace extremely unique globally-rare biodiverse Valdivian temperate rainforest.
it’s kinda like seeing a bunch of nondescript greenery in the form of, like, non-native grass lawns or non-native kudzu and saying “oh, well, the landscape is green, and the plants are so thick and full of biomass, therefore it must be healthy!”
and if “desertification” is meant to imply “degraded soils” then it is a misnomer. for example, the Mojave Desert is famous for its crust lichens (”soil lichen”; “biological soil crust”).
and yea, i know that there has fortunately been more criticism applied recently to solar farm projects in California-administered Mojave Desert, since the farms can/do/might necessitate destruction of, say, Joshua trees.
“but it’s all wide-open space!” like how British imperialists/industrialists moved into Australian landscapes, took a look at “the Outback” and thought “look at all of this wasted space.” then cattle rangeland was implanted across the landmass. and dromedaries, rabbits, feral cats, etc. were not initially taken seriously as threats to land, until they threaten resource extraction profit.
ironically(?), the US land-use project and expansion in the Great Basin and Southwest had a lot to do with transforming desert and semi-arid shrubland landscapes into "wastelands” (see Traci Voyles’ writing about Navajo Country and the process of “wastelanding”).
also obscures the existence of very many unique endemic species and lineages which live nowhere else. though this is true of many planet-wide desert regions, it’s especially noticeable in the “Southwest” (including sidewinders, Gila monster, Joshua tree, saguaro, etc.). especially when there’s altitudinal zonation like in the Sky Islands, hosting arid flats, oak woodlands, high-elevation conifer, etc. such that there’s actually more ecological diversity in a few acres of parts of the Sonoran Desert region than in a lot of the rest of the continent. or how the Cuatro Cienegas oasis of the Chihuahuan Desert hosts an endemic slider turtle, endemic softshell turtle, endemic box turtle, endemic alligator lizard, and the planet’s only non-marine stromatolite bacterial communities. you also end up with some microhabitat types which, though maybe not spatially widespread or have relatively low biomass, are staggeringly unique, like fog oases of the Atacama, where moisture is extracted from fog blankets moving in from the sea.
doesn’t even begin to address the people who have lived in -- thrived in -- deserts for millennia. like pre-contact and/or Indigenous maize/corn planting techniques in the Southwest, like Zuni waffle gardens or planting of maize along slopes to take advantage of runoff. such that so many mountainsides across contemporary so-called Mexico essentially host unique varieties/lineages of maize adapted to microclimates, soil types, high-elevation habitat, etc.
is that desert soil “sterile”?
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"Around the world, mangrove forests have undergone a decades-long decline that is just now slowing to a halt.
In Pakistan, by contrast, mangroves expanded nearly threefold between 1986 and 2020, according to a 2022 analysis of satellite data.
Experts attribute this success to massive mangrove planting and conservation, as well as concerted community engagement.
Many in Pakistan are looking to mangroves to bolster precious fish stocks and defend against the mounting effects of climate change — even as threats to mangroves, such as wood harvesting and camel grazing, continue with no end in sight."
"His sandaled feet drenched in black mud, Rashid Rasheed points to one of the mangrove nurseries he’s been looking after for the past few years. With wooden walls topped by green netting, a dozen nurseries shelter thousands of saplings.
Rasheed, a researcher and nursery expert with the government of Balochistan province in Pakistan, has been leading a drive to establish nurseries in the coastal town of Dam. The goal is to expand and enhance the town’s scattered patches of natural mangrove forest, which have shriveled due to human activities.
“These nurseries have 50,000 saplings that are ready to be transported to the creeks for planting” Rasheed tells Mongabay.
Rasheed’s work is part of a five-year project initiated in 2019 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ South China Sea Institute of Oceanography that has planted mangroves on 16 hectares (40 acres) at Dam, and at other sites in Balochistan and neighboring Sindh province.
It’s one of many projects aiming to restore Pakistan’s mangroves. These semiaquatic trees offer a host of benefits, such as protecting coasts against storms and rising sea levels, providing habitat for fish, birds, and other wildlife, sequestering carbon better than most other ecosystems on Earth, and sustaining the livelihoods of some 120 million people globally, according to the IUCN.
Around the world, mangrove forests have undergone a decades-long decline that’s just now slowing to a halt. But Pakistan bucks this trend. The country’s mangroves expanded from 48,331 hectares in 1986 to 143,930 hectares in 2020 (119,430 to 355,659 acres), a nearly threefold increase, according to a 2022 analysis of satellite data. “It is because of the constant endeavor by government and NGOs,” the analysis states, citing restoration, research, and awareness-raising campaigns “now being religiously carried out to conserve and regrow mangroves” by local, national and foreign bodies. Fishing communities, who depend on mangroves for fuel, shelter and as fish nurseries, are often key to the success of Pakistan’s mangrove restoration, providing the labor for planting and protection."
-via Mongabay, February 5, 2024
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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A Green New Deal?
The ballot initiative is supported by an economic assessment from the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts. It calls for large scale reductions in CO2 emissions of 20 million tons per year. By 2035, CO2 emissions would be 40 percent lower than they were in 2014.
Beyond this, the initiative would place a carbon-emissions fee on major polluters, and would use the billions of dollars in revenue collected for a series of investments in clean energy and water. The proposal would see that money directed to employers with a high-wage, labor-protection model. And significantly, money would be earmarked to be spent on the economic, environmental, and health-care restoration of those communities most negatively impacted and threatened by global climate change. Some examples of programs would include low-income energy-assistance programs and there would be job retraining and wage and benefit protections for workers in fossil-fuel-reliant industries over the course of a generation while those industries are phased out.
There will also be resources made available for Indigenous communities deeply feeling impacts of ecological crises and dealing with pressing impacts from climate change. As one example, the Quinault Indian Nation, on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula coast, is seeing its historic burial grounds and sacred sites inundated with sea water rises. Portions of its ancestral lands around the coastal villages of Taholah and Queets are already becoming uninhabitable. If ballot initiative 1631 passes, there will be more resources and funds available to protect habitat and develop greater resilience.
Supporters are calling this a Green New Deal. The idea is to use money raised through the $15 per ton fee on CO2 emissions to create so-called glide paths to full retirement for workers in fossil fuel industries within five years of retiring. So, for workers who had worked in these industries for between one and five years, there would be a year of guaranteed income, health care, and retirement contributions for every year worked by that worker. Workers who had worked in the fossil fuel industry for more than five years would be covered with a wage insurance program for up to five years to make up for any income difference between their wages in the fossil fuel industry and the new wages in a non-fossil fuel industry. The aim is to have a just transition to new work rather than simply retraining.
The Western States Petroleum Association and conservative PACs are already lining up to throw millions behind a “No on 1631” campaign. So clearly some of them see some initial costs.
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bentosandbox · 1 year
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Lappy fancam animatic blogging/production notes
now that wolfgirlyaoi is out on global its rambling time about my powerpoint presentation
Originally I wanted to do an (Tex & Lapp) animatic with the boss theme (broken wall/Signore dei Lupi .mp3) ever since the event dropped but I thought 1) by the time I finished anything someone else would have probably already done it first (lol, lmao even) 2) I remembered the song exists and how much i looped it then while listening to the group's new album drop and thought the lyrics fit Lapp a little too well and also doesn't end abruptly like the boss theme + was shorter so yea
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initial stickman storyboard where i put down the lyrics with event dialogue/happenings that i felt would fit nicely together > hastily scribble the images that form in my head
storyboards were basically what i wanted to see (same rule as my comics) lol especially if they weren't shown in the event CGs, eg. there's a CG of the truck crashing into the courtroom so I didn't do that but they didn't mention her physical acting in that scene + the song I used has a bow/salute at that exact part in their live choreo with the very similar line so I wanted to do a homage even though-
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-I was like it's going to be such a pain to figure out an economical hand twirl and bow but I have to do this I need to transplant the image in my brain onto the screen because official media did not do a—
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Honestly still don't know if its a common phrase and action combo because I was having so much trouble finding external references that wasn't just scrubbing the live video over and over anyway
part of the storyboards were 'recycled' from comic drafts I did (of the chocolate scene because ofc) when the event was running on CN
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Originally I wanted to draw Lapp feeding Texas for The Girlyaoi Funny but I wanted to reference the plaque you get which is a Creation of Adam reference right but I also saw people saying it's referencing the scene from Silence of the Lambs lol so...peel the layers to your liking!!
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(The chocolate flavour choice was from asking my Columbian friends what the worst chocolate flavour they ever tried which was white coconut)
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my sorry attempt at colour keys > final spreadsheet to keep track of progress and paste all the dialogue i put in
Art Direction
A bunch of shots/colour schemes are references to Måneskin's stuff or other media tehepero I'll just put a few here
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At first I was going to limit red/blue to tex/lapp respectively but since Omertosa is blue I just did away with that rule and lapp gets to have both (and more!) these two colours have pretty obvious emotional readings I think but also
red = self blue = society Siracusa or: red = yaoi & blue = yuri
for the others:
Purple = Alberto/Saluzzo, its not orange like the fruit he keeps holding because see below; I needed the colour for something else LOL Also the Saluzzos are iirc nobility or whatever and they have purple hints in their clothes so I think it was a good fit anyway
Yellow/Orange = Its supposed to be representing the last word in the story which apparently, yostar went with 'Savagery' which is Correct I guess but (laments again about how nuance is lost in localisation because imo savagery has a more derogatory kind of connotation while I think 蛮荒 in context of the story also has a 'nature/untouched by civilisation' side to it) which is why Texas setting the house on fire was not (entirely) red but orange (and it complements the blues both visually and thematically) and it's yellow at the end when they're frolicking(?) in the wilderness lol
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(these colour rules don't apply to the penglog shot and technically a few frames like the shot with shocked penance, the one right after and 'im just lappy' because...i forgor my own rules lol)
The greens/teals were just a reference to the shades in the 3DPV I think
The silhouette/general style was inspired from the 3D teaser thing they had at the beginning of the 3.5 anniversary stream and the card suits that I..forgot to move to the other layers which is why only the green one had them (supposed to be 1 per set 💀)
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The clash bit is basically the same as the event CG but with a flipped camera/POV sorry for world's worst screenshot lmao. Couldn't imagine the poses in my head so I ended up posing 3d models in CSP pretty good posing practice
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These shots got rendered extra because..they were the first frames I started on and I was still figuring out how much to simplify lol
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I also posed the chairs shot for some inexplicable reason…my file was lagging so bad
Headcanon part (kind of)
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The childhood flashback scene is probably the part I took the most liberties (headcanon) on since it's not explicitly canon like the rest...the sequence/how I connected the scenes itself to fabricate a timeline of her childhood was kind of inspired by some weibo post musing about how (iirc) texas's sweet tooth maybe came from when she was being fostered at casa Saluzzo and Lapp treating her like a pet essentially and giving her a lot of treats since...you know what happened to her actual pet hehe except maybe texas offered her a stick first and then Lappy just reciprocated endlessly because its one of the few 'acts' she knew that wasn't violence haha yeah this section was basically a stealth doujin sorry
It's mentioned that she was brought up as the ideal Siracusan or whatever and she does the cute doodle in the 3DPV so I thought she probably had the Forced Music Lessons as a kid (The music sheets are Bella Ciao and of course)
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The bow choreo was the one thing i really wanted to animate but the music sheet segment (based on that one split second shot above) ended up being my favourite part even though compositing the motion was a mini hell on it's own (ended up compiling a long png to scroll by with the red doodles layered over)
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Other things
I will never live down my (self-imposed) shame of misspelling the title (I fixed the title on youtube but its why the ending shot in the upload says ZittE e Buoni instead of ZittI e Buoni) don't rush your fancam in 10 days 😔
I didn't look through the entirety of the EN loc but Idk why they had Lappy say 'Then go.' to Texas when it's supposed to be more like 'Let's go.' as in, 'let's go together' as opposed to 'alright off you go to the greyhall alone' lmfao also her saying goodbye forever padre when addio is right there
I don't think I'm insane enough to do another ppt soon but man this pair really makes the 'imagines a whole music video while listening to music' part of my brain go wheee like first it was Starset's Manifest then Signore de Lupi then this and while working on this one i was thinking how Måneskin's Torna A Casa would be another good track
ok ty for reading #GIRLYAOIREAL
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