#gloria thirsts!
glorismorningstar · 7 months
In Hell's Greatest Dad, when Alastor says "your steadfast hotelier"
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Meowing kicking screaming growling drooling
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desertsportshipping · 3 months
Youve seen Steven Stone? Now get ready for Wes pebble!!! (Offbrand Steven Stone cosplay. Bonus points for Aqua and Magma grunt Espeon and Umbreon outfits.)
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Gloria and Hop tried to dress up Umbreon and Espeon but they gave up after they kept getting bitten.
The ask game.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Sophia Loren (Marriage Italian Style, Houseboat)—Major Italian star, first actress to win an Oscar for a performance not in English (for Two Women (1960)) and later when Roberto Benigni won an Oscar in 1999 he jumped over the chairs towards the stage going "Sophia Sophia!!" because he was running towards Sophia Loren and said he cared more about her than the Oscar, that's the effect she had on people. She was big in the 60s already even though she gained a lot more notoriety after that. And I mean. Can we take a moment and just.
Pola Negri (The Wildcat, Men, A Woman Commands)—Legally obliged to submit her as she's from Poland, but also it is one of the greatest stars of silent film, both in Hollywood and Europe, so she has to be here. The og femme fatale and a fenomenal dramatic actress. And just so hot in this 1920s vamp style. Obviously her career slowed down in America with the introduction of sound movies, because of her accent and low voice. I'd say her voice is so much hotter thanks to that, but I'm just a simple simp. But then she made movies in Germany, and after the war she was even offered Gloria Swanson's role in "Sunset Boulevard'' but she declined. She was probably bisexual as after romances with Charlie Chaplin and Rudolf Valentino in the 20s, since the 1940s she lived with her 'female friend'.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Sophia Loren:
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She has maxed out all her stats: beauty, elegance, sensuality, she's got it all. her mesmerizing eyes, her sensual mouth, her sharp face shape, her everything is so striking and unlike any other beauty in films. she was also voted the world most beautiful woman when she was freaking 65
im submitting her in honor of my dad bc she was the first celebrity crush of his he ever admitted to me and my sister :) and he was right. shes so pretty
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OSCAR WINNER. Worked with some of the hottest leading men in Hollywood but remained faithful to her husband whom she had a loving marriage with till he died (even though Cary Grant almost tempted her once, it's complicated)
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One of the most well-known sex symbols of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlike some unfortunate others, she seems to have been pretty well at peace with occupying that status. She made assertiveness and a tempestuous temper seem glamorous, and although she's famous for side-eying Jayne Manisfield's cleavage, honestly? She's one to talk.
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Absolutely, drop-dead sexy, also a hard working, extraordinarily talented actress who didn't shy away from the less glamorous roles to gift us some gritty, memorable performances
Submitting this on behalf of my dad, who knows nothing of tumblr or this blog, but I remember being a kid watching Houseboat while my mom thirsted after Cary Grant, dad thirsted after Sophia Loren, and I was excited that they lived on a boat. Anyway, she's extremely beautiful and was an international star, doing a ton of movies in Italy before being recognized in the US.
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Very smart and beautiful, the characters that she played (I mean those in the movies that I put in the previous question) are as strong and determined as her which I think adds to her hotness.
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Global superstar and my late grandfather's long time movie star crush and for a man as quiet as he was, and as hopelessly devoted to his wife as he was, the fact that I know that means she was EXCEPTIONAL.
Big in the chest, snatched in the waist, pretty in the face 😳
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Sexy, beautiful, deep. A real star.
Her performance in "Man of La Mancha" is just so very captivating. Dubbed as "the Italian Marilyn Monroe", she looks beautiful in any movie and at any age.
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Forget the exotic sexpot of her Hollywood films and go back to her Italian career: sparking with Marcello Mastroianni as the woman who drives him mad and outwits all his fumbling attempts at macho posturing in their early films, and showing a tender side in their 1970s films. Sophia isn’t self-conscious about who she is or her beautiful body: she enjoys being herself and she wants us all to enjoy ourselves too.
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She starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols of the time. She is a great cook and her filmography is immense.
On the misattributed quote that Sophia owed everything to spaghetti: 'Did you actually say the quote frequently attributed to you, "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"?' "Non è vero! It's not true! It's such a silly thing. I owe it to spaghetti, no, no. Completely made up."
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Pola Negri:
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A tempestuous green-eyed vamp of the silent screen, she tantalized with both her onscreen and offscreen romances. Rocked a Polish accent - well, once there was sound! A true proficient at promoting herself and using all possible tools to do so - from a dead Rudolf Valentino to a cheetah named Teddy, the latter of which she brought to a press conference.
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First European actress to be contracted by Hollywood! She survived poverty and illness to become The Queen of Tragedy, she divorced a count to date stars like Charlie Chaplin and Rudolph Valentino, then spent the rest of her life living with Margaret West in what could have been a romantic relationship.
I don't have much to say about her actual career, personal life, etc. but I just need everyone to see how hauntingly beautiful her face is. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since the first time I saw her LOL like its pretty clear why she was such a star
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girlwithhat · 3 months
Well, as I've previously mentioned, I've been really into Geoffrey Whitehead Holmes and Donald Pickering Watson lately so...here's a fic. Dedicated to @aregularirregular221b whose enthusiasm for this series motivated me to finish.
TITLE: Shaken
SUMMARY: After the killer is arrested, Holmes reveals the conclusion of the case affected him more than he would care to admit. Watson reassures him.
NOTES: Occurs at the end of "The Case of the Blind Man's Bluff" after the killer is arrested and before the end cap scene the next morning.
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Inspired by Watson immediately crossing the room and invading Holmes' personal space.
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Holmes was keenly aware of Watson’s sweeping gaze on him as the killer was being taken into custody by Lestrade. The doctor had stepped closer than usual to assess him for any injuries or discomfort. This uncharacteristic invasion of personal space was no doubt a manifestation of his worry after seeing him being threatened with a sword cane. Seeking to calm himself after that emotionally charged confession and a successful conclusion to the case, he reached for his pipe and put it in his mouth. They both glanced at the chicken claw tied with black ribbon on the late Captain Pitt’s desk before leaving the room.
Once they were alone in the hansom back to Baker Street, Watson gave him another once-over.
“Holmes, are you alright?”
“Yes, Watson, quite.”
“He had a sword cane pointed at you when we came in. He could have--”
“I know. But I don’t believe he would have stabbed me.”
“He was desperate to keep his secret so he could continue on his path of revenge. Why wouldn’t he have killed you?”
“If you were in that position, would you have?”
“It’s difficult to say. Irrational actions would seem rational to an already addled mind.”
“He wasn’t addled. This entire ruse was cooly calculated: getting a crew list and tracking them down, entering rooms under false pretenses, pretending to be blind to lure his victims into a false sense of security. Oh no, Watson. He was rational, clear headed, and focused on his goal. Unfortunately, his thirst for revenge would never be satisfied, even if he killed every crewmember of The Gloria North.”
“But that adds to the argument that he would have stabbed you since you were in his way. You knew too much.”
“When we were alone, he was hoping I would understand and sympathize, that I would let him go. I disappointed him when he found out I believed one man cannot be judge and executioner, justified as he may be.”
“You believe he was justified in killing four men?”
“From his point of view. His wife and child, whose ends came too soon and so brutally, for strangers that were either directly or indirectly involved in their deaths. It could be seen that way.”
Arriving back at their rooms, Watson poured them each a brandy before settling in their chairs. With a sigh, Holmes found he couldn’t stop ruminating on the earlier confrontation.
“His eyes, Watson,” he said.
Watson took a sip of his drink. “What about them, Holmes?”
“The pain in them that would never be eased, caused by the unfairness of life through immense loss. An intense, irreplaceable love that can cause someone to lose their rationality. I may not have experienced that, but I do understand something of it.”
“You do?”
“I believe I do,” Holmes replied, studying the man across from him, “If something tragic and unfair had taken y--someone dearest to me, I would see revenge as a rational course of action. If it occurred while they were at my side, I wouldn't have let those responsible get out of the room alive. I can see the point of view of someone so fueled by anger and grief to seek retribution by any means.”
“At the expense of your morals?” Watson was surprised by the other man’s outburst of emotion and the ruthlessness he found there.
“A strong love is not always indicative of the purest morals.”
“That is true.” They were silent for some minutes before Watson spoke again, “In war, I’ve seen how unfair life and how senseless death can be. How it weighs on people. As a doctor, I don’t condone a death for a death but that is what justice demands under our laws.”
“As a doctor, could you kill in revenge?”
“Could I? I suppose anything is possible. But would I? In my rational mind, no. And I would hope that y--my beloved would know that my feelings, my love was still true, even if I could not bring myself to avenge them, should they come to harm.”
“They would certainly continue to admire you for being an upstanding gentleman and doctor. You are a much stronger and better man than I, dear Watson.”
“I don’t believe that for a second, Holmes.”
He looked down at his hands, which cradled his drink. “I was afraid tonight.”
“You were?”
“I was afraid you would arrive to find me dead.”
“But you said--”
“I didn’t want you to endure that. I didn’t believe he would kill me but for all the logic and empathy in the world, the unexpected can still occur and people’s actions can still be difficult to deduce.”
“Even for you?”
“Even for me. I can still make mistakes when compromised by emotions.”
Watson stood, taking their glasses and putting them on the table. “Emotions are not a detriment, Holmes.”
Holmes looked up. “I apologize if my mood has made you uncomfortable.”
“No, none of that,” Watson replied in a soothing tone as he helped Holmes out of his chair and pulled him close for an embrace. “You’re still shaken.”
Holmes closed his eyes for a few moments, syncing his breathing to the solidly steady and sure Watson.
“I don’t know why I’m so affected,” Holmes said, “I’ve been in perilous situations before.”
“It doesn’t matter. No one chooses what situations or people touch their hearts.”
“It took me by surprise,” Holmes replied as he cupped Watson’s face, “Just as you do.”
Watson smiled before their lips met gently. The doctor rested his hands on his friend’s slim hips. “I’m not surprised.”
“I believe I knew before you. And may I make a bold deduction?”
“You may.”
“I deduce you want to kiss me again.”
Now it was Holmes' turn to smile. “That is true. What else can you deduce?”
“We should retire to my bedroom as I believe we’re suddenly feeling a bit warm in our clothes.”
The mischievous glint was back in Holmes’ eyes. “Excellent, doctor. I agree. Lead the way.”
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Meghan and her eternal celebrity worship by u/Hermes_Blanket
Meghan and her eternal celebrity worship I find it so interesting that the way MM chooses to start her marketing campaign for "her" jam is by drip-dripping celebrity friends receiving it and saying how much they love it. When the general public can't buy it yet. As if to say: "Look, only the rich and famous get to have my strawberry jam; bet you can't wait to get your hands on it, but you can't yet, ha ha!"It makes complete sense. Meghan grew up in Hollywood, where celebrities are the next thing to God. Or, to some people, virtually gods and goddesses themselves.She may have gone to Catholic school, but in her father's workplace after school -- the set of "Married With Children" -- she learned formative lessons about the power of fame and celebrity.And she wanted it for herself. Oh, how she wanted it.When she married into the BRF, she saw this purely as an entree into the highest level of celebrity. The other side of the BRF, that of duty and tradition, was completely foreign to her. Confident in her belief that now she was solidly the equal of the most famous actors and actresses in Hollywood, she invited her favorites to her wedding. She assumed OF COURSE they were now her dear friends, because she was just as famous as they were! How disappointing it must have been to discover they didn't see it the same way.And how boring to have to do things other than pose and merch, which was all she expected to have to do as a first-tier celebrity. And to live in a "cottage" like a plebian!After ditching the BRF for California, she continued to attempt to use her new status to cozy up to as any showbiz celebrities she could find. To show she was one of them. She snagged a few -- Ellen, Serena, Melissa, Tyler Perry, and poor Gloria Steinem -- but these photo ops seemed more like publicity thirst than real friendships. The others avoided her like the plague and continue to avoid her like the plague.So now that she has to come up with a way to make money, she still beats the eternal drum of "Look at all the famous friends I have!" rather than "The quality of this jam speaks for itself." In her head, it's still essential that everyone know she's part of the celebrity world.Problem is, NO ONE CARES about whether she has famous friends or whether they like "her" jam. She herself is already NOTORIOUS for all eternity. post link: https://ift.tt/U6EoxRM author: Hermes_Blanket submitted: April 21, 2024 at 11:08PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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ac3-76 · 5 months
Kai Smith Headcannons
warnings: none😊
Idc what anyone says he can cook
like him and Nya were on their own for most of their childhood and bc Kai is the oldest he insisted on cooking
also because he grew up poor he gets really creative in the kitchen
his body temperature is constantly at 102° Fahrenheit
he does well in colder climates and doesn't struggle with feeling cold or freezing, but in hotter climates he gets heat exhaustion fast
He pretty much refuses on taking rest days
like he has to work out every single day or else he gets really insecure
He has the largest social media following out of all the ninjas(if you don't include Lloyd's graffiti account that no one knows he runs)
his body insecurity stems from growing up skinny and underweight
He LOVES Supernatural and sees a lot of himself in Dean Winchester
He has 3 tiktok accounts, one for fashion, one for thirst traps, and one where he just talks, rants, or does vlogs
he also has a YouTube channel that does really well, it's mostly vlogs, pranking the ninjas, doing challenges, trying things
his YouTube channel is kind of a mix of Jake Webbers channel, Kalogeras sisters, and the Sturniolo Triplets
He only has 1 Instagram and he mostly posts pictures of him and the other ninjas hanging out and having fun
He has a public and a private Twitter
the only thing he posts on his public account is i❤️my partner type stuff and dates for things
He definitely did a tweet about how exited he was for A Good Girls Guide To Murder TV show to be released
His private account has tweets for literally everything he does and thinks
"ate a fire cookie🔥🔥"
"just took a narly nap"
"you guys"(with absolutely no rhyme or reason, everyone was responding to that one really confused)
"just watched Teen Wolf, Chris Argent is such a dilf"
The crazy thing is his private account has over 4 million followers, he accepts literally everyone that requests to follow it
He's extremely good at math, put any math problem in front of him and he can solve it in his head in 15 seconds
He's also very financially literate, he's got all of his money related things in order and is a millionaire by season 10 bc he got into investing and stocks
No one knows abt him being a millionaire tho bc he doesn't buy things that look expensive and he doesn't flex his money
He totally buys expensive things tho
it's mostly high end clothing
he has a huge shoe collection that costs at least $2,813
He's an absolute fiend for cosmic brownies
He's a huge car guy
His favorite car brand is Koenigsegg and he owns a black Jesko Attack
He also owns 2 motorcycles
He's hispanic and fluent in Spanish
If his S/O doesn't speak spanish he'll tell them things in Spanish and won't tell them what if means
He does this all the time
It's bc Spanish is his first language and it's easier for him to say things in his mother tounge
(Yk in Modern Family when Gloria says that no one knows how smart she is in spanish, yea Kai totally feels that)
(he's also a chronic Modern family watcher and he relates to Gloria and Hailey so hard)
If his s/o speaks Spanish he prefers talking to them in Spanish
(he also loves if they speak it bc its also Nya's first language which means they can talk to Nya better)
He absolutely adores physical touch and cuddling
Hugs from behind.
Neck kisses.
he loves his hair being played with
if his S/O wants their hair braided, he can do it
French, Dutch, typical 3 strand, box, godess, cornrows, triangle box, twist, micro braids, fulani, Havana
whatever you want and whatever ur hairtype, he can do it
He can also do any hairstyle on any hair type like it's the easiest thing ever
He def does a soft launch at first
once your relationship is public, he post you all. the. time.
he just loves showing off his lover
However, he makes sure that while ur relationship is known, it's private
he's not gonna post any fights or issues that you 2 have, he works those out in private
he let's you steal any of his clothes(as long as you give them back)
He's the right amount of jealous and possesive
if someone else if flirting with you he'll just walk up and put his arm around ur shoulders or waist
he pretty much never introduces himself when someone else if flirting with you, he let's you do that
He's very secure in his relationship, he wouldn't cheat on you and he knows you wouldn't cheat on him
BUT, as mentioned above he struggles a lot with body insecurity so you'll have to reasure him that you love his body
He's been cutting meat for people his whole life(first Nya then Lloyd) so if you don't wanna cut your meat he'll totally cut it for you
He's so they fell first, he fell harder coded
also unexpected love trope, but it's unexpected for you two, everyone else knew the second you guys met that you were gonna be together
Nya and Lloyd had a bet on how long it would take for you two to get together(Nya won)
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diorncoke · 1 year
Your my little sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey⋆˙𖤓⟡˙⋆ (1/2)
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🫧⋆。°✩ summary: in the moments of being under the influence of a man who averaged out the death rate of an entire state, Stefan is tangled in finding a comfortable home for a sweet girl who has the status he hadn’t heard about in centuries.
authors note: goddess, i had a fanfic about this years ago, and i didn’t go anywhere with it. so here is that tiny space in my brain that wanted to post this :) — word count: 7.8k
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🌞 characters: the vampire diaries \ college au! , jeremy gilbert , / x black! fem! little! reader .☀︎ ݁ ˖
🌞 content warning(s): no set plot line, some use of y/n, talks of anxiety attacks, reader is a wolf pup, stefan & damon being big brothers, baby babbles, ¡male lactation!, use of rattles (i want one so bad), fluff, mentions of weapons, bottles, nesting, swearing, protective tatted jeremy, littles are knowledgeable, cliche asf ;) — third person pov!
🌞 before reading: her outfit, pjs & bottle , https://pin.it/2eS7TCc , https://pin.it/5VSFrm0 https://pin.it/4DQNyfF
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ The sun reached its peak before completely shining on the state of Michigan, New Orleans, specifically in the small town area of an infamous bar owned by the well-known witch in the area. Gloria is a flamboyant soothsayer, and many would describe her as charmingly intelligent with looks that have the appearance of only being forty years old. Though she wasn't anywhere near, she was more than a hundred years old, though she was not immortal.
She held the tasks of the spirits coursing through her fingers that allowed her to create many mixtures to slow down the aging she would have been subjected to. The world she accepted was due to her knowledge of mystical objects and the magical arts she knew best.
In the area, the day was ending, while for Gloria, it was just the beginning of a long day of watching the town folk drink themselves silly at barely noon. She began by noting out the invention from last night and checking for any fruit flies that tried to find homes in her classic liquor bottles. With her wooden clipboard, she walked around the remaining spaces behind the bar running her own rancid on the boxes. Considering it to be finalized, she threw the clipboard inside a drawer before pulling out a wine glass before she eventually poured herself a small glass of Chardonnay.
She held the tasks of the spirits coursing through her fingers that allowed her to create many mixtures to slow down the aging she would have been subjected to. The world she accepted was due to her knowledge of mystical objects and the magical arts she knew best.
The witch felt the vibrant flavour of the white wine flourish against her dry thirst perfectly. She could age the wine with access to the best wineries in the area; who would care for this damned bar like her if she wasn’t alive. With a deep breath, she gathered the bottle and glass to its rightful place, still tasting the sweet tangle in her mouth before she took it upon herself to unlock the doors without having to walk over.
She began to walk against the bar edge before she heard the bell on the top of the door ring announcing its presence to the owner. Her back faced the bar top, placing tiny red straws into cups. It had only been a few minutes of opening before she felt folks pouring in; her bar was a classic spot with plenty of folks from over a hundred years ago still coming in and out. The perks of knowing a witch in the area to keep her young, she couldn’t imagine the looks of her ancestors as they watched her as closely helping wolves and a select few humans.
She smiled to herself, thinking of her past family before she took it upon herself to drown herself in an ageless potion to pause her aging, though she knew it would catch up to her eventually. Thinking so profoundly, the hairs on the back of her neck formed a light chilling breeze feeling the presence of something beyond human. Gloria was adept at reading people and the energy they gave off into the world; she had to. Bad energy minimizes the effect on the corners of the bar she saged with.
“What brings you here? You brought a friend, I see.” She announced her knowledge to the being before she could even turn around to face him. She plopped her hand around the cups of straws to place them behind her to the top above the seating arrangements for customers.
Gloria looked up towards the infamous Klaus Mikaelson in all his glory; she didn’t have to try and give off confidence as she held the powers of her ancestors. With one flick of her wrist, he would be forced out of her bubble alongside his friend without a second thought. She took in his body language, the glint of desperation in his eyes, looking behind to the clear picture of him and the former man she had known as Stefan Salvatore. A ruthless man who forced a man to drink his wife’s blood while they laughed, though from the look of him. He looked dazed and under Klaus’ compulsion. A clear abuse of power right in front of her. The damned wolf needed something from her, witches were always pulled into vampire drama.
Before she could ask what the infamous Klaus needed. He beat her to it.
“I need help locating a certain necklace. That my dear sister lost.” The sister in question scoffed from the front door of the bench she crossed her legs against. Gloria crossed her arms, hearing the beginning banter of the sibling just like they did in the 20s. She flared her eyebrows towards the hybrid, reminding him that he genuinely wanted something from her; he would need to be serious with her. If not, get the fuck out of her bar and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
“Hmm. Give me your hand, sweetheart.” Gloria raised her hand, awaiting the vampire to do so. The sooner she did this, the quicker she could get them out and away from her upstairs home. She grasped the soft blonde’s bloodied hand into her own, instantly feeling the dark shadows of the vampire's mind. Her first heartbreak being of a father’s betrayal, brushing his children as though they were nothing. That said, she was only here on behalf of her brother and the undying love she mindlessly had for Stefan. With a deep breath, she placed herself into the powers the necklace had for itself, scouring into the universe, looking for its source before her search stopped. She had placed the energy perfectly in a matter of time.
“There’s a girl with her friends.” However, she got more than she liked to lead. The perfect carbon copy of the woman known back then as Katerina Petrova wearing the original witches necklace dangling between her chest as her friends watched her stir a pot of chilli. The atmosphere surrounding the doppelgänger when dark as she placed herself in her energy bubble, burning the girl's flesh harshly before her ancestors pushed her out of the vision. She opened her eyes, feeling goosebumps erupting between their hands across the til of the bar.
“Yes, a dead girl with dead friends if I don’t get my necklace,” Rebekah spoke out, still feeling Gloria's hand intertwined with her own. Before the witch let go of her, standing further back from the trio of vampires. The feeling she received was not something she was used to when it came to doing spells. It was dark; even though she fused into old voodoo, this was something she wouldn’t allow herself to tap into. Regardless of what the damned wanted her to do, she needed a plan. It wasn’t only her that needed protecting.
“That’s all I got. Just images. I need more time.” Gloria truly believed she had the upper hand in giving the vampires what they wanted. She needed time, so she pursued Stefan to understand why she did what she did. In hopes, he would take in the reader who lay sleeping in the connected house without a care in the world. Continuing the notion of confidence placed her hand on the same glass she had only placed underneath the bar top. She pushed the glass of wine in between her lips and drank. Though it did nothing to tolerate her nerves, it tasted good. From the glasses eye, she watched Klaus debate giving her what she wanted before Stefan took it upon himself to take the attention away from the witch.
“Hey, you know, why don’t we just come back later? I’m hungry. I’ll let you pick who we eat.” Stefan filled the void with an enthusiastic voice while walking to the front door. Knowing the siblings weren’t looking, he scrunched his eyebrows towards the drinking witch, understanding without much words from the way her heart was beating. Stefan couldn’t help but want to know more, regardless of the circumstances of his humanity that was destroyed like a light switch. When he looked at the witch, it reminded him of Elena, the desperate look behind her chocolate brown eyes that wanted nothing more than to embrace in her soft hug. Stefan knew it wouldn’t be the same after turning the one thing that brought everything back on, but this was the first step. He wouldn’t be the man he was being compelled by.
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ It was effortless to make the Mikaelsons believe Stefan had betrayed the bonded trust of what Klaus mistook as a friendship. He forgot the truth of their connection is a clear abuse of power in the twenties and used his vampirism to create fantasies that fuelled his instincts he knew deep down were of his true nature. Although it made Gloria sick to her stomach, the feeling that he could rip her throat out in the second of vulnerability. She still took the correct herbs and mashed them grinding bowl speaking to the ancestors above with nothing but salted intentions in her words.
She created a sinister scenario that led the siblings in thinking the vampire had fled to find refuge in an unfamiliar place they would seek for enough time too distracted by petty things to realize Stefan was in the outs of Michigan. A lengthy time before her dear one would be blessed in sanctuary from the darkness of that damned hybrid. Though here she was in front of the door that reminded her of what could change the rest of her life and sharing that with a vampire was something she never expected. When she first met the reader she had all intentions of harming her as she wasn’t welcomed in a place she sacrificed everything for.
All the ageless nights to be disrupted by a broken window and shattered glass she refused to let the reader allow to seep her bare feet into. She had no shoes. Gloria took a deep breath and reminded herself of the severity of the current situation.
“Stefan, do you understand that in these circumstances, I will kill you with my bare hands if she is not taken to safety? Right?” Gloria has no room for doubt or frolicking regarding the very thing behind this door. The witch was not one to keep the reader so hidden for a long duration; it was perfect, though; she had a late night practicing her shifting abilities. The memory caught her in a frenzy of smiles before the witch remembered to unlock the multiple locks on the flowery door across the stairs to the bar.
“Of course. I remember you. I’m sure you’ll do much worse. I want to understand why you have chosen me?” Stefan asked hesitantly, leaning next to the door and awaiting the dreaded conversation between them. The vampire watched her fumble with the keys to each lock before beginning the discussion. He blinked softly, crossing his arms against his chest.
“You can be good for her. Or I trust you will find someone who is. My aging remedies can’t stop the aging from catching up to me much longer. I’m getting too old to take care of her.” Anyone in the listening distance could hear the pain straining in her voice, thinking of leaving this world before she could help her little one find herself again and have the ability to be small. Gloria placed the multiple keys into the loop of her denim jeans, giving Stefan one last look over. She wanted her words to linger in his senses; this was impotent to her and her ancestors. She would not give them the impression of disappointment.
The supernatural entities heard the locks click into the ears before Gloria pushed the door open lightly, not wanting to scare the little one behind it if she had still been sleeping.
Stefan stopped in his tracks and recalled a developing scent of wolf pups that was still undergoing growth before he could get a glimpse of them. It wafted into his sensitive nostrils before he took a deep breath taking in the sweet flowery scent wanting to keep it under his nose for the rest of his immortal life. It was divine and filled with life, something he couldn’t quite comprehend behind what he surrounded himself.
Gloria looked behind her, taking in the vampire's reaction to her little one. She smiled before clicking the light switch that only turned on the fairy lights across the walls, as the pup was quite sensitive to light fixtures that beamed into her eyes. The colourful area of strawberry shortcake decor covered the entirety of the room she could barely remember the colour of the walls or floor presences to her.
The witch took a light step towards the bed covered in plushies that the reader loved to cuddle against and scent. Her favourite one to do so was of a cow named Print; he was a special thing that if you pushed a button on his foot, his stomach lit up with stars on the ceiling. Close enough to the pup, she removed the picnic table printed blanket from the reader's sleeping state. Anyone could tell she was still a pup as she didn’t wake up alarmed by others entering her room.
Gloria looked to the side of her to see the pup she had been trying to wake up with tender swats on her back and bum. Her pretty doe ( eye colour ) opened up to the familiar face above her cradling face.
“Who is she? I haven’t seen littles in centuries. How did you find her?” Stefan hadn’t uttered a word in some time. He couldn’t bring himself to. He couldn’t vaguely remember when everyone had taken in people with smaller headspaces to fill the void for the undermining issue of no children for quite a while. The man stepped into the occupied territory before closing the door quietly, letting the question linger for an answer to meet.
“Hm. Her name is y/n. The poor thing was sent to kill me. Many folks in her pack believed she was an abomination and sent her to kill a witch. They hoped I would kill her. Boy, were they wrong? I fell in love with taking care of her. I don’t have any children of my own, you see.” Gloria believed the spirits called the reader to herself, guiding her through the hardships of life til she finally found someone who cared for her. Which is why she is the woman she is today. Gloria glanced towards the girl before taking a deep breath, knowing Stefan was not here to hear the whole story. However, she might have been wrong. The heavy vampire's eyes glanced at her baby beyond anything she had seen from the first time she met him. It was soft but short, knowing he had a reputation to uphold despite having no humanity.
“What happened to this pack?”
“I burned every single one of them to the bone. It took a lot, but I did it to protect her.” Gloria smiled, maneuvering the little so she rested against her shoulders rather than flush on her lap and pillow. She pushed her nose against her freshly washed hair, breathing in the brisk relaxing air surrounding her. It calmed her down in ways she didn’t know; coming into this room was a breath of fresh air. She would miss the comfort of her.
“I’ve kept her far too long from a pack. She needs one, Stefan. She won’t survive much longer with just me.” Before the vampire could speak, she quickly stated how long the reader had been away from the ritual of piling clothing and items; she loved to create the perfect area for a quiet hibernation. The reader's old pack was big on the little ones to ensure they were comforted in ways that some had seen as prehistoric for this day in age. Doing so was the first time in years of waiting to be found by Gloria that she created a nest. Gloria grimaced, feeling the painful memories of her pup during the nightly hour of how she craved to cuddle into her neck and scent her as pack members did.
“I will help you. I know someone who will take her in.” He heard her plead, thinking someone he had broken the heart of would understand his place in the vampire empire. He would beg on his knees to Elena after seeing the beautiful little creature grasping Gloria’s hand. Though, deep down this would be the perfect distraction to his whereabouts if they had a little one to take care of.
Stefan watched the witch place her black nail tapping the pup's squished face against her shoulder as she blinked slowly and softly, taking in the presence and warmth through the connected skin. The yawn, so simple yet cute from her chest, left a pout on her lips from the dryness that came with it. The blanket was sitting perfectly, squished around her legs and stomach though he could still see the flare of freckles on the reader's shoulders and stomach that were out, dancing for his eyes to consume. The vampire was attentive to everything she did, including the deafness of not hearing Gloria introducing him to the wolf before him. Eventually, seeing her ( eye colour ) eyes turn towards his own with a hint of curiosity. All he could do was place his sweaty hand on his pants to get rid of the wetness that came with being in this room.
“H-hello.” He called to her, seeing her sit up more comfortably in Gloria's lap. She fiddled with the hair in braids with her pink-coated fingers, twirling around each lock before she gave the courage to smile at the man. Before she eventually hid her face into Gloria's shoulders with a giggle. She was adorable in his eyes, though he wasn’t sure what to do. Was he supposed to continue standing awkwardly, or maybe he should sit on the chair on the opposing side of the bed? Though he didn’t sit unknowingly for long as Gloria picked up on his hesitance.
“You can sit. She’ll want to scent you eventually. If that’s alright?” Gloria asked, hoping it would be something he was comfortable with; it was something she did as not only a greeting but a nighttime routine when it came to accompanying a new member. They watched her lean away from the witch's lap and chest, awaiting Stefan to grasp her hand into his own. In doing so, she couldn’t help but try and place his hand close to the bottle that was empty on the side table he was sitting beside. She was building up quite an appetite.
“H-Hi.” She made sure to use her manners like Miss Gloria taught her. Her voice came out much more reluctant than she anticipated, she hadn’t seen many visitors in her time here. Most of the time she played by herself in her room or sometimes watched the people of New Orleans walk the street at nighttime. She gazed upon the burly man, taking in his presence that made her wolf whine on the inside. Something about his scent notified her that there was a part of him missing. Before she could dwell longer her mama interrupted her train of thoughts.
“Would you like to feed her?” The witch questioned, hoping he would, it was unfortunate, but she would have to understand she would no longer be the one to take care of the reader. Her heart was crushed just thinking about removing the littles' favourite pieces in the room condensed into a tote bag within the hour. Smiling sadly at the precious pup in her arms playing with the vampire's fingers, she distracted herself by creating a bottle of pure milk into the once empty one on the side table.
“Up and about. There you go, my little love.”
Stefan smiled for the first time in a while since he had given his humanity to Klaus without repercussions or any thoughts filling his mind thinking of the death of the love of his life. Before he could think further he felt the flush of the wolf's head find its way to his shoulders awaiting the bottle he held with no use from him. The previous scent of her hair crème against her raven skin was heaven-sent, he couldn't imagine comparing this to anything else. He breathed in deep that savoury scent he could relish in for the entirety of his life. It was almost off how comfortable she got in his arms and scented him, so different from each fight he had with vampires and full grow werewolves. The pup was so trusting or the most obvious was the fact that her caregiver was only a foot away and held powers of a thousand witches in the palm of her hand.
“It’s now or never Stefan. She’s getting fussy.” Gloria became fond of the quick response to her words the vampire had. The man maneuvered the reader close to the inner elbow of his arm, cradling her head against it for support. Before he began aligning the bottle to her already open and starving mouth and soon she began suckling. They both heard the sounds that resembled a baby drinking its mothers' nutrition in the early morning before starting the day. In other circumstances, Gloria would begin feeding her while walking to the common areas of the apartment to collect the things the little one would need to start the day. Or the reader would do it herself when she was feeling older.
A hesitant smile formed on his lips holding the reader's head against the left inner elbow not before using the gentlest touch to move the strands of curls that stuck out against her face. With a deep breath, he scooped up the bottle that mysteriously had filled with warm milk into his right hand aligning it to the hungry little one in his arms. Stefan observed her movements like he was sightseeing, her lips covered the nipple of the bottle before it filled her mouth with droplets of milk filling her growling belly. The sounds of tiny suckles filled the supernatural entities with pure joy. The thoughts of keeping the image of being this ripper disappeared into the room's environment into nothing. This moment here was something so beautiful he didn’t want to give her up to Damon and Elena.
Pushing these sinister thoughts away he watched his hands without much knowledge of what he was doing, to the side of the reader's hips in a rhythm he memorized his late mother used when he was younger. He could feel the pup's chest vibrate liking the sensation of his rough hands patting her soothingly. Soon enough she engulfed the bottle in twelve consecutive minutes leaving her mouth to make a recall sound letting him know she was finished.
Knowing of the routine Gloria grasped a cloth into her own before placing it on Stefan’s shoulders. Connected eyes with him she nodded, watching the vampire softly place the reader's head on his shoulder to burp the pesky bubbles out of her belly. He laughed to himself seeing the eyes of pups closed calmly and how her legs were like jelly against his torso. It was quite a sight.
Once she burped out anything that was stuck in her throat watching her mama pull away to cloth before she squished her face into Stefan’s neck. She hoped to stay in this crevice of his body for a while, none of her stuffies gave her this feeling, maybe because they weren’t real.
“She likes you.” Gloria beamed sadly holding the empty bottle, getting up smoothly border taking her leave of the room. She had to prepare to clean and pack a bag for her little one. As well, to make a herbal tea she would ask Stefan to have her drink from time to time to protect her energy. She hoped the deranged hybrid won’t find the lost wolf pup as he would change her to be like him like the speed of light. Fuck she couldn’t bring herself to just abandon the poor thing, she would need some form of an excuse to see her every month.
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ Damon swindled his way against the chilled bathtub of the bathroom connected to his bedroom. His back barely hit the cool bottom of the tub before he began looking for a more comfortable position. The man being over a hundred forty-five vampires had its kinks and one of them was stubborn on his back and neck. The damned thing clicked out of place at any given moment after he had fought an idiot who dared to attack the drunken asshole. He tense before letting out a sigh in content, it wasn’t long before he pulled the bottle of champagne from the bathroom floor into a glass.
A swift swallow in relaxation reminded him of the times he was human, laying out against the grass and the sun beamed on his milk skin for hours before he was rudely pulled out of that blissful state by his overbearing father. Maybe that was why he was the way he was, the dammed. The recoil of his fathers' disapproval secretly mended him to the vampire he was today. Godsend. He began distracting himself from his thoughts of his personality that somehow some tolerated by pouring an overload of bubble bath that was scented of husk from dear Elena into the bath. The white substance coated the body deliberately, pure relaxation was a must in this state. Hey! vampire can like bubble baths too.
Though, there wasn’t much he could think of when he was left alone with his thoughts running wild into spaces he concealed with impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences for anyone involved. A common goal was all that he knew and clouded his judgement, like Elena. How much she wanted to know here Stefan did with his time while being in the presence of an original vampire that tortured for fun.
Damon lived for torment but when it came to his brother, who would come back into his life to take the girl he loved right back out from under him. He still wanted his little brother, the one who banter amongst either of the Mystic Falls humans they still fought like hell for. He laughed to himself getting sentimental placing the glass of champagne on his lips and taking a long sip.
It didn’t last long. His eyes plummeted at the sound of his front door opening, heavy footsteps and a scent of something he hadn’t smelt covered his nostrils more than the bubbles did. Damon gritted his teeth, swirling his head in distaste before forcing the bottle of champagne on the floor lifting himself to stand tall. The suds fell slowly down his body promptly to his feet that extended outside the tub. His motion cause water to pool onto the floor, though it would dry he would be dammed to know who entered the Salvatore home unannounced. Adding to the fact they ruined his needed self-care.
Before departing to the area where he knew the culprit would be, he placed a black robe around his body and tied the given straps on top of his waist. Damon made his way underneath the bedside table that hid a wooden stake for the times Katherine made appearances. He felt his weight shift between each step to the downstairs corridor before he became dazed with a familiar scent. The vampire was quick but cautious in his movements as before he wasn’t sure who had made their way into his home but now he was. The husk of a teenage boy sat alarmingly quiet at the fireplace, facing the floor before Damon stepped on a cracking piece of the floor. He was quite surprised by the confidence of the dead Jeremy Gilbert who was here to try his best to kill him that awfully made stake he was fiddling with. Thank goodness he wasn’t really in the mood to fight ninja turtles right now.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Damon questioned allowing it to linger in the boy's ear before he walked closer to the bar table to pour himself a drink of course. The teen looked as if he had seen a ghost, the man knew of his presence before he did. Jeremy sucked in a breath through his teeth removing the hoodie that was placed on his head. His black shaggy hair flopped on his forehead peeking through it. He thought lengthy to what the man had stated to him, his sister was preoccupied with Stefan’s whereabouts to know he was planning on killing Damon with the poorly made stake. Neither did he expect the vampire to continue pouring a glass of bourbon picking one up to give to him. They both sighed contently in each-others presence drowning in the sorrows of their siblings' absence.
“Did you come here to kill me? You’ll need a better weapon.”
“It’s only fair you did kill me.” Jeremy gave a smug look on his face knowing he wore a ring that prevented him from meeting the other side of being amongst the living. Although the facade was seen by those who looked close enough, he was constantly reminded by the trip there left him cold, leading him to understand he was meant to look for his body. His against the odds of staying in this state for too long could lead to him being stuck. Although Jeremys' body was close, he still felt his soul shift energies leaving him eerie and dark trying to find something to fill that void. He thought by killing Damon it would.
“Look I don’t do the big brother thing very well. Sorry, I don’t have any milk and cookies to offer you.” The brunette bit his lip feeling a heavy ache on his shoulders hearing his words. He knew to never expect anything less from the vampire, but maybe if he gave him some sort of closure he wouldn’t have been struck by gloom. It was almost like a cloud of it shadowed his being with no regard for why it sat polished on his shoulders.
That once smug look on his face turned sour.
“Dick.” To pick up where he left off he stood abruptly from the chair he sat in, taking his final departure from the Salvatore boarding house. The sound of the glass that was once being held in his hand alongside the stake felt broken on the carpet. The teen couldn’t care less about the mess he was making in a vampire's home, the guy was an asshole and he didn’t deserve his sisters' attention or the unrecognized love she had for him. There was almost steam coming from the top of his head from the fumes, he took one look back at the vampire before he finally walked his way to the front door.
A deep breath came from his chest pulling on the door handle, however, he didn’t expect to see the unpredictable.
Stefan Salvatore standing with his hands in his leather jacket. He liked almost the same except for the worn look of fatigue on his face, it showed heavily underneath his eyelids. The age of being under the compulsion of a damned hybrid they forced those around him to be the same. Klaus and his ways didn’t care about the ones that sat and were forced to watch. Jeremy couldn’t mask the shocked face he displayed to the vampire without thinking back to the question of why he was here, to begin with. How much more shit could Elena deal with before she snapped at seeing him again?
“Jeremy.” Stefan's voice sounded nothing less than smug sighting the shocked look that struck on his face. The act of surprise was something the vampire secretly loved when it came to victims thinking they were safe then he would display his presence to them. It wasn’t the same way as he looked Jeremy, the boy had grown taller from what he could imagine was only four inches higher than himself. Though was the young Gilbert even at the boarding house, to begin with? Had Damon had him under some stupid spiel to get Elena in his good graces?
Stefan bit his tongue from using his uncontrollable words in the man’s presence that he knew was sitting on the couch facing the unlit fireplace. He took one last breath before asking Jeremy a simple question so he could ask his brother for a favour. Though before he could the boy beat him to it.
“Damon you might want to come here.”
“Look, Jeremy, I’ll say I’m sorry. I’m not good with this whole thing.” Damon took several steps to the entryway of his home before his words died off at the end. He felt frozen in his spot, he indeed didn’t expect to see Stefan again after the star he left in. Was he here with the hybrid? The vampire shrugged his arms over themselves displaying his distaste for him to come back to Mystic Falls too soon for Elena’s sake. With a glance to Jeremy who had a look in his eyes, he bite his tongue before speaking.
“And what are you doing here Stefan?” Damon questioned smouldering the non-existent attendance he had in his mind. He caught his brother unattended looking at the parked car that was sloppily parked in the driveway. Hearing those words, Stefan took a step back, he of course knew his presence would strike some nerves from everyone but to see it on full display alarmed a certain part of his brain to push itself to the surface once again. He had been fighting it all day. His humanity. Not only from the wolf pup that would probably be waking up anytime soon from the unmoving car for something to eat. But to pass by the places that he and Elena would always visit. Goodness, he needs to get out of Mystic Falls before he goes back to Klaus and smells the humanity on him.
“I need a favour.”
“So you show up unannounced asking for a favour? Fuck off, Stefan.” The young Salvatore flared his eyebrows close to the gap between his eyelids, he couldn’t recall a time he was genuinely unhappy to see him. Border he lashed out from the scoff that came from the door almost being slammed in his face. He watched Jeremy move his foot forward before the gap closed between the two worlds. The boy walked in front of Damon gifting the man a look to go on pleading for whatever this favour would be.
“Wait here. I’ll go get it.” It? Was it some silly little book that would eventually curse all the bloodlines that so happen to be inside the boarding house? They both gave each other a look before watching Stefan gravitate toward the truck that we most definitely not his. With a deep breath, he placed his hand on the truck handle pulling it open to reveal a distressed little one that was biting the surrounding areas of her fingernails. She had been awake a lot longer than he intended, he felt so bad knowing she was strapped between the seatbelts and blanket he pressed into the sides of her legs. The tears that silently streamed down her face didn’t help the decision he would make by leaving her with his demented older brother. Maybe instead he could have him convince Elena too, goodness this was all just a dumb idea he got way too in over his head.
But as he looked at her grabby hands she gave him and the thick lashes that were smudged against the tears, he swallowed thickly. Y/n didn’t deserve people debating on whether or not she would have a life of comfort. He began removing the blankets and then the seatbelts to formally place her against his chest so that if he needed he could high tail out of there before any of them could taint her mind. The reader's tears became yesterday's problem once she felt Stefan’s finger swipe the water away from pooling against her freckled cheeks. Then her head was softly placed against her newly favourite place between his shoulder and neck with a soft hand on the back of her head. Before she felt the soft blanket she was once cradled against on her back once more. It was her favourite scent, between Gloria and her bed back home with her. She kissed her already and it barely was a day.
“I have people I want you to meet. Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you. Okay?” Stefan looked down at the girl's cradled figure on this side of his chest awaiting a response before he turned around to face the curiosity of Damon and Jeremy. He smiled softly to himself at what his current state was, a little in his arms while holding a diaper bag filled with everything she needed. If you would have told him this is what his life would look like a year ago, he would have looked at you as if you were crazy. He felt her nod against his chest before he eventually took a step to not only close the truck door but to face the entryway of the Salvatore boarding house.
Damon was the first to react to the newcomer in the man’s arms, pushing his way between the doorway his curiosity taking over everything he was planning on being. He truly didn’t expect to be in the sight of something so small in the presence of someone like himself. The vampire took a step back to observe from the sidelines watching Jeremy behave differently. He took it upon himself to grab the bag from Stefan’s left hand. He picked up on the scent of something he hadn’t smelled since he killed Mason Lockwood in this very home. Though it struck of something lighter and less potent as if it was smaller. This being was a pup of a werewolf pack but didn’t smell of though it was currently a part of one.
Jeremy couldn’t help himself from taking the tiniest glance at the bundle of joy wrapped in the thickest blanket he had seen attached to none other than a vampire that had almost killed his dear sister. He proceeded to walk into the living room to place the light pink diaper bag next to the couch. Y/n took in the world around, the deep darkness of the wooden panels that filled the unknown place that Stefan seemed so familiar with. She scented the place with a wiggly nose before her breath caught in the back of her throat feeling someone come close enough to grab her baby bag. Was this man a thief?
“H-hi.” She broke the light silence that filled the room she was walking into, on top of the fact that her mama had always told her to be nice to those who deserved it. She lifted her head slightly getting a better look at the brunette who was somewhat human in the room of supernatural entities. No one could deny the atmosphere of the room change as she was softly placed on the couch away from the warmth of Stefan’s chest and neck. She kept a small smile on her face pacing her tiny hand in front of the blanket that was tribally placed on her lap and socked feet. 
“Care to explain?” Damon questioned allowing it to linger in the air barely taking his eyes off the wolf pup on his couch. He gripped the robe closer to his skin, gifting them both his signature smirk that would work for those under his charms. The vampire took a glance at his little brother, the worn fatigue and clear deepness under his eyes from the lengthy trip of being Klaus’ pet. The slight cherry hue on his lips from the possibility of ravishing a human before coming to Mystic Falls. He couldn’t acknowledge the unknown scent that seemed to come full force through his heightened senses.
Stefan took a slight breath before he dumped everything that happened in last hours since he left high and dry from Mystic Falls all together. He carried himself from his standing position to sitting himself next the little that was already hoping he would. The reader was already appreciating his presences and the beautiful ring that sat on his finger she liked to play with.
“Would you mind taking her to the kitchen to grab a snack for her, Jer?” This surprised him completely he hadn’t expected himself to be so fond of someone’s feelings despite his humanity being on the outs. The vampire couldn’t help himself in doing so, he continued to hold her hand for a few seconds with a dewy smile on his face. Before he gasped the bag was on the floor of the couch to hand to Jeremy. He jerked his head towards the kitchen awaiting his response before hearing the boy tell her about the animal-shaped crackers she never had before in the cabinet.
( No one cares about their banter. NEXT!)
The reader wrapped her tiny hand in between the unfamiliar male's hand feeling the light texture of tattoos she subconsciously traced with her painted fingers. She could already feel the rising warmth that came from being head to chest with the waking figure towards the deepness of the kitchen. It was beautiful, though it seemed to be unused compared to the one her mama had. All she recognized was the raging amounts of alcohol on the opposing sides of the sodden stools in front of the counter. The wolf began to lose the skip in her steps as she felt the man slow down his pace. She took a glance upwards to gift the man a small smile, though he was already looking at her feeling nervous by his gaze she lifted her other hand and gifted him a small wave.
“Hi. I’m y/n. Y-You’re Jeremy, right?” It was weird just how comfortable she was being pooled into those pretty chocolate soul catches he called his eyes. She felt him move his gaze over her face causing a slip of a stutter to come front at the end seeing him do so. They both stood in from the counters of the kitchen taking in each other's beings while she took in his delicate human scent she hadn’t been around in years since with Mama. Jeremy almost had a heart attack hearing the words she stuttered over, licking his dry lips trying to find the right thing to say to her. He noticed that he was still holding her in comparison to his small hand didn’t help.
“Yeah, I am. What do you want for a snack, little lady?”Jeremy shook their intertwined to regain her attention from his face. Although he would never consider himself cocky in any way he still smirked internally after seeing her blink away her dewy eyes away from his. He pulls her hand once more finally taking the long awaiting stop to the fridge for her to see. The reader took in the minimal amount of snacks and drinks that were in it. She knew they were vampires by holy was there only a half-full orange juice container, a cartoon of eggs and expired milk. Although she was disappointed she removed her hand from Jeremy feelings intensely cold from the action to proceed to open the diaper bag to find her favourite snacks.
She handled him the basic puffs of strawberry banana bites that quite literally melted in her mouth. Not even acknowledging the mess she created in the bag she continued to display the puffs to Jeremy who gladly opened the container not before popping one in his mouth to her distaste after handing them back to her.
“Can I have some orange juice?” The reader questioned the man messily eating standing chest to chest to the man liking the feeling of his fluffy sweatshirt on her cheek. Her chin rested perfectly there looking upwards with that stupidly cute dimple that showed, switching between each eye of his to look a tiny bit closer. Jeremy pinched his fingernail on his palm looking down at her chubby cheeks and light wash of powder from the puffs. He reminded his hand from the sides of his body to lightly brush away the powder that stuck to her lips and slightly in her cheeks.
“Uh yeah. Why don’t you go sit in the chair, okay?”At first, watched her struggle to climb on the spinning chair but gave up in the mix of it. The man took it upon himself to quietly ask her if she wanted any help. So here he was softly placing his hands underneath her armpits to lift her to sit against the chair. The warmth of each other's skin to skin gave off a rumble between each-other chests that could have easily been mistaken for a hungry cry. But to a wolf pup, it was something completely different in her eyes. She began by taking in his eyes like they were meant to uphold hers, before feeling the chilled barstool he ever so gently placed her on top. They both felt instantly disappointed without the skin to skin but she still happily thanked him for doing, kindly offering him a puff in his much larger hand. Jeremy could help but smile at a small gesture, he took a step back to the opposing countertop to look at the diaper bag that he had previously placed on the dining room table a mason jar of vervain and herbs assorted inside, taking a glance back to y/n that was currently swaying her legs to the hums of her own throat. He turned back around to look at the mixture not thinking much longer to crumble them inside the juice before closing it back up and shaking it to face the girl.
“Maybe we can hang out sometime? Away from the supernatural, the vampire kind at least.” Jeremy placed the bottle to her lips as her hands were occupied by the puffs and looking around distracted by none other than himself. Still suckling on the off-tasting orange juice, that chilled her dry thirst as she began to nod at his question. He removed the bottle from her mouth allowing her to gift herself with the glory of his, all she thought of was how much she would love to be lifted by his arms and held close like she was with Stefan just a moment prior. They looked into each other's eyes warmly gifting one other a smile before they both liked away.
Across the home in the living room, two vampires listened closely to the little one's mannerisms toward the unseen boy and the way he spoke softly and seemed so smitten by one other so quickly. It was clear that part of herself was called to the boy named Jeremy. Gloria was right, he might have been the thing to encounter to meet the person who was perfect for her.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ part two
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🫧*ੈ✩‧₊˚ I hope you enjoyed it!! 💗 please don’t be a silent reader, let me know what you think⋆୨୧˚
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wickedsrest-rp · 4 months
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Name: Booker Finlee Species: Human (Non-powered) Occupation: WRPD Detective Age: 55 Years Old Played By: Elliott Face Claim: Hugh Jackman
"Don't drink the tap water. There's got to be some kind of chemical leak around here."
TW: Parental death
Booker Finlee had a pretty normal childhood, as far as these things go. He grew up in the South Bronx of New York, attending public school and busying himself with a handful of various hobbies, his favorite of which was scavenger hunts. He’d beg his family to set them up once every few months, and his folks were always happy to oblige. It eventually became something of a tradition, and the best ones were always on his birthday. Booker’s mother was an elementary school teacher at the same school he attended, and his father was a radiologist at the nearby hospital. While teaching and medical careers had never interested him, his parents did manage to instill a deep thirst for knowledge in their son and give him an appreciation for the scientific method.
His appetite for solving puzzles had not diminished since childhood, and he became enamored with the concept of detectives and solving crimes like the guys in the movies; helping victims by bringing them the closure they deserved and protecting innocents from the ever-vague ‘bad guys’. When it came time for college, Booker attended NYU and earned his B.S. in Criminal Justice and Psychology. While at NYU, he met his future wife, Gloria. She was an Arts major, and as they say, opposites did in fact attract. Where Booker was quiet and contemplative, Gloria tended to be loud and spontaneous. He loved her more than he’d ever loved another human being, he thought. She kept him above ground, and he kept her from floating off into the clouds. They were perfect for each other, and got married while still attending school. They had their first child, Amos, when Booker was twenty-five, with another quickly following the next year who they named Avery.
Booker’s first job out of the police academy was as a CSI for the NYPD. This job meant long shifts, and he would often work twelve hour days, on weekends and even on holidays. As you might expect, this created a strained home life. After a few years of this, he jumped on the career track to becoming a police officer, seeing detective at the end of that four year tunnel and striving for it with deeply ingrained enthusiasm. He was going to do great work.
In 2004, five years after becoming a detective for the NYPD, his good friend and partner died on the job. What was supposed to be a relatively safe occupation suddenly was not, and Booker never fully recovered from the loss, instead withdrawing. He kept saying he was fine when he wasn’t, and he threw himself even more into his work to cope, often staying overnight at the office. In the same year, his parents both passed in an accident and the detective became a shell of his former self. His wife filed for divorce two years later, and moved with the kids to Maine after being granted majority custody. The last thing she ever asked of him was to please see a therapist. He did.
Booker never dated again after his wife left, settling down into a life of self-inflicted solitude. Work became his priority again, as well as maintaining a good relationship with his kids. They visited every other holiday and during the summers until they went off to college, and during those years, Booker made time to go visit them as often as possible. Both children ended up putting down roots in Portland, which acted as the catalyst for Booker’s decision to move closer. He eventually settled on Wicked’s Rest, after hearing his kids talk about the surprising number of missing persons cases and discovering that it had an open position for a police detective. They had visited the town in the past but couldn’t seem to recall anything especially strange, just that people would go missing there a lot. Intrigued, Booker decided it was time to uproot his life in the city and move to the coastal town up north. What could make so many folks disappear? Couldn’t be anything so bad as the violence he experienced in the city, he figured, but it was a question he wanted to answer. Besides, he’d be much closer to his family this way, and in his older age, he found himself less concerned with working himself to death and more concerned with having weekly dinners with his kids.
Character Facts:
Personality: Inquisitive, persistent, obstinate, guarded, lawful, observant, empathetic, altruistic, nescient
Booker is a true professional when it comes to his job, but outside of work he is a deeply unserious man. This is evident in both his dry sense of humor and his peculiar fashion choices. He likes loud shirts, but also greatly values comfort over everything else. This might explain his sock with sandals fixation, despite the protests of his children. 
He is generally soft spoken despite his gruff appearance suggesting otherwise, and his habit of silent observation and contemplation often makes it seem like he's grumpy when he's actually just deep in thought. 
He's a very ‘by the book’ (haha) kind of man. He always follows the rules, even to his own detriment. He is not naturally a violent person, preferring to talk his way out of situations, but he will use force to protect himself and innocent people if it comes to it. 
Despite being fairly private about his own life, he takes great interest in hearing about others and genuinely loves listening to people talk about their passions.
He has never encountered anything supernatural in his life, and has never believed anything that couldn’t be proven true—beyond a shadow of a doubt—by science.
His pet cat, Fresno, is a twenty-five pound blue Maine Coon with a spitfire personality. He is also leash trained, and Booker can be often spotted taking him on walks around town or on hikes. 
Booker’s son, Amos, has taken him to many paint bars, but the old detective has never been good with a brush. About ten years ago they started trying other crafts together, and Booker discovered a hidden talent for needle felting.
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melodiimelon · 5 months
Pony: He scrolls on that shit 24/7 (like the rest of them) But he actually will turn the phone off if its too much for him. He would most likely watch the booktok recs but absolutely hate them.
Johnny: He actually loves the app. He will scroll in the lot, the curtis house, while beating up socs, anything you can think of. He would love the defensetok and animaltok.
Sodapop: HES FUCKING MARRIED TO IT. He makes videos every five minutes, gets like 1000 follows in a few weeks, and goes live every week. He also loves asmrtok and cartok
Steve: Equally loves it as much as Soda, just not married to it. He hasnt gotten a lot of follows, but a lot of views and he gets mad about it. But he absolutely LOVES cartok.
Two-bit: He stalks Marcia on there. But not so much that he knows her address. And he goes on there SOMETIMES. He likes the prank tiktoks tho.
Dallas: Has the most followers out of everyone due to his thirst traps. Everyone is in this mans dms. And he makes hella bands off of it. He would love smokertok and greasertok.
Darry: Doesnt use it that much. He only used it to send Pony and Soda kidnapper tiktoks for them to watch their surroundings for socs. He would maybe like foodtok.
ALL OF THEM: They religiously use the ‘Gloria’ song on their videos.
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nysocboy · 7 months
Gemstones Episode 2.5: Yep, Kelvin is gay, but there's embezzlement and murder, too
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Episode 2.5 is a flashback to Christmas 1993.  Since two of the season's big questions are "Did Eli kill Glendon Marsh?" and "Is Junior trying to kill to get revenge?" we get some Eli-Glendon back story.
Knives or nunchuks? As the family is photographed at the Gemstone Christmas tree, Judy torments 4-year old Kelvin.  Jesse says that he's going to give him a weapon for Christmas, so he can defend himself: "Knives, or nunchuks."  Eli forbids him from giving his brother weapons.  Jesse complains that he's going to grow up to be "a pussy."  He explains that a pussy is someone who doesn't like to do things and is afraid of everything.  Sounds sort of like a gay stereotype.
You have to think of the optics: Eli is planning to move the Salvation Center to a giant coliseum.  The church board complains that he can't afford it: he's already spent church money on a private zoo and amusement park.  Hey, that's embezzlement!  They also advise that "the rich pastor is not a good look."  But Eli won't listen: "I cannot imagine a more ridiculous comment.  Big means success. People want to see something bigger than life." Well, this is during the tail-end of the Reagan-Bush "wealth is virtue" era.
"But we're spending more than we have!" accountant Terry (Mike Ostroski) complains. Gulp: Eli fires him!
Get that boy some mousse: Baby Billy shows up unexpectedly, having abandoned his wife Gloria and son (he claims that they abandoned him, but Aimee-Leigh calls her and discovers the truth).  
Kelvin: "Dang, Baby Billy is thirsty."  But Billy isn't drinking anything.  Does he mean "thirst trap'?  That expression won't be common until the 2010s, but apparently it is used here to indicate that he thinks his uncle is hot.  Remember that in Season 1, the adult Kelvin and Judy comment on the attractiveness of their grown-up nephew Gideon.  
Baby Billy tells Kelvin that his estranged wife said:  "You have the most boring haircut in the world.  Get that boy some mousse."  Kelvin is upset (concerned with his appearance, a gay stereotype). Remember that the adult Kelvin uses mousse to create that upward wave.
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Later, Kelvin demonstrates that he can play the harpsichord blindfolded (um..big deal?  Nobody looks down at the keys while playing).  Baby Billy calls him a prodigy and hugs and kisses him, obviously looking for a brainy replacement for his special-needs son.  The siblings scoff.  This musical talent is never referenced again.
The Return of Glendon Marsh:  As Eli walks through the office, everyone smiles and says "Good morning, Dr. Gemstone."  Everybody.  It looks creepy rather than friendly. "Be nice, or he'll turn you into a toad." 
His new accountant, Martin, starts off on the wrong foot by sitting in his chair!  
 Glendon Marsh, his boss when he was wrestling and breaking thumbs back in Memphis, shows up unexpectedly and asks Eli to take care of $3,000,000 that he doesn't want the government to know about, and he can keep $1,000,000 for his trouble.  Hey, that's money laundering!  But Eli has already been embezzling, so what's the difference?  Aimee-Leigh and Martin disapprove, and Eli finally refuses. 
The Sleepover:  Baby Billy and Kelvin are playing hide-and-seek or something on bunk beds, while Jesse lies in a sleeping bag.   The top bunk is fenced in, so you don't accidentally fall out.  This must be Kelvin's room. 
Judy enters with her own sleeping bag, angry that she wasn't invited. Jesse explains that it was impromptu: nothing going on in his room, so he came in here, looking for action.  "What'd you find?" Judy asks. "Uncle Tickles molesting Kelvin? Flopping that little dong?" This is the first of three pedophilia references this season, and another of  the incessant digs about Kelvin's penis.  No wonder the adult Kelvin is afraid to show it to Keefe. 
Baby Billy tells her to "hush that kind of talk.  Ain't nobody playing dong pong in here." But suddenly Kelvin doesn't want his uncle to sleep with them. Wait -- I thought they had a special bond.  Is it because of the pedophilia accusation?  Or is he self-conscious because Judy dissed his penis?
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Muscle and Fitness: Holy sh*t, there's a cover of  Muscle and Fitness magazine taped to the wall!  It's only visible for a second before Judy turns off the light, but holy sh*t. "Mama, please buy me that magazine.  I know I can't read yet -- I want to look at the hot guys."
If it is meant to signify Kelvin's interest in muscle, why just a man on the cover?  I worked for Muscle and Fitness back in the day, and the cover always featured a man and a woman together or a celebrity bodybuilder like Lou Ferrigno.  The set dresser  chose  this one deliberately to signify that Kelvin likes men  (or had it made up. That cover did not appear on any issue from 1990 to 1995).
Christmas Day:  . I couldn't tell if Kelvin received any gay-coded gifts.  Baby Billy asks for his help in opening his present, and at the Christmas service they sing together and hug, so they are apparently friends again. 
That night, Jesse and Kelvin are playing their Double Dragon arcade game -- call back to Episode 1.1 -- while Eli and Aimee-Leigh discuss the move to the coliseum.  How can they afford it, when they're broke? 
Suddenly accountant Martin Imari appears -- no security station yet, just a buzzer.  Eli lets him in -- but Glendon Marsh has him at gunpoint!  Glendon orders Eli to take the money, or he'll kill his family.   Then Eli's dad, Roy Gemstone, appears and shoots Glendon.  He has dementia, and has been running around in his underwear, asking "Are we going hunting?", so it is unclear whether he is saving Eli or just shooting. 
Martin and Eli bury the body under the site for the new rollercoaster at the amusement park, thus explaining the obsessive riding.   
In the present, we see Eli riding the roller coaster, looking grim, while Junior, Glendon's son, looks at old photos and plays with a gun.
The full review, with bonus nude photos of Mike Ostrowski (accountant Vincent), is on RG Beefcake and Bonding
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strangeoctober · 8 months
Shrouded Legacies - A Collection of New Clans for V20 on Storytellers Vault
"Our Elders are lying to us! Hell, their Elders have lied to them! The 'Thirteen Clans' are a myth perpetuated by those who stand to profit from it. Vampires are supposed to have been around for, what, six thousand years? More? But no one thought to start killing ancients and usurping clans until a handful of centuries ago? What were they doing all that time? Playing happy families?! I've walked in the shadows, venturing deep into the fringes of this world. I've met blood drinking things that deny any connection to a biblical Cain. I have seen horrific feats of vitae that'd make a warlock blush. There is no difference between clans and bloodlines. The lesser lineages are just the losers in some ancient struggle and the survivors are still out there, man! Holding a thousand-year grudge and thirsting for blood and vengeance!"
- Gloria Wix, Anarch truth seeker, three weeks before her final death.
Shrouded Legacies presents six new clans of vampires, each with their own unique signature discipline. These are to be used however the Storyteller wishes, whether new and interesting character options for your players, or as inscrutable antagonists to thwart their ambitions. Within this book, you will find;
The bewitching Clan Estea and the soul-bending secrets of Caritas.
The terrifying Clan Haljura and the gruesome art of Foedus.
The arcane Clan Kimeris and the mystical discipline of Veneficium.
The monstrous Clan Storverkr and the mighty power of Mutare.
The proud Clan Stryge and the graceful techniques of Gravitas.
The ruthless Clan Vrykolak and their bloody mastery of Cruoris.
Also includes;
The Tower, a 13,000 word short story.
Two new Background traits unique to their clans.
An exploration into how these clans could be fit into the World of Darkness setting.
Six sample characters featuring these new clans.
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juantheashura · 2 years
First of all loved chapter 5 the action scenes and Gloria being "Gloria" are my favorite parts, Now I must ask this to quench my thirst when we getting NSFW scene with Lat?
Thank you for the compliment, I'm happy to hear you liked it!
As for your question, that should happen... relatively soon. Maybe even in Chapter 6! Lat did say it'd happen the second you got back to the Mansion, after all...
That said, though, don't particularly expect anything too spicy. I'm not the most... comfortable with that sort of content, so it'll be very much a 'fade to black' scene instead of anything explicit. Sorry if that's a bit disappointing. 😅
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morfinwen · 2 years
How low was our Redeemer brought, the King who held the stars Lay helpless in a maiden's arms and pressed against her heart While sheep and cattle raised their voice the babe could speak no words The ever flowing Spring of Joy had come to share our thirst
How low was our Redeemer brought, the Lord the worlds obeyed Would stumble as He learned to walk upon the ground He'd made The One the angels bowed before would kneel to wash our feet And be at home among the poor though He owned everything
Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest
How low was our Redeemer brought to raise us from our shame And now the highest praise of all belongs to Jesus' name The Healer wounded on a tree to bear our grief and sin The King gave up His crown so we could ever reign with Him
Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest Gloria, gloria in the highest
How low was our Redeemer brought to raise us from our shame And now the highest praise of all belongs to Jesus' name
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pannaginip · 8 months
The Student in the Rally
Gloria G. Goloy
1970 Jan. 30
Try standing under a blistering 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. sun until two or three hours later and then walk all the way from Congress to Malacañang feeling hungry, thirsty, and tired, and you will realize that the student who takes part in demonstrations isn’t having fun playing hookey.
Physical discomfort is what he gets from being involved. The rally, whether it takes place in the morning or in the afternoon is all heat and dust and fatigue, the sum total of which reduces to negligible proportions whatever levity or fun there is for him in this “adventure” outside the school. Against that, even the prospect of escaping classroom boredom and recitation jitters is a weak alternative. Only the incorrigibly indifferent student would resort to the rally merely to evade these traditional student hazards.
Certainly, therefore, not heat, nor thirst, nor fatigue — not to mention the knowledge that his participation is lost to anonymity in the rally crowd — can deter the student from the strategy of the streets. For if at all, the ordeal he goes through one rally should be sufficient to discourage him from joining another, and another, and still another. But developments indicate that, the combination of deterrents notwithstanding, the rallyists have grown in numbers.
A most unusual phenomenon, no doubt. For youth is impatient, youth is impertinent, and the rally, however impressive, does not guarantee immediate repercussions. Each individual student who takes part in this collective activity contributes to the incredible proof that the young can stretch his patience beyond more than just one rally. A kind of hopeful patience, it must be stressed now, so unlike the apathetic patience of their elders.
The incredible is all the more to be wondered at because the student’s participation in today’s rally accrues to him benefits and gains which he does not immediately reap. The triumphs of a rally are of long-range effect spread out over the years. Very often, their significance and import can begin to assume real and tangible proportions only long after the last hurrah shall have echoed away from the contemporary scene.
Read in full, along with other written works during the First Quarter Storm period, at:
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plasmacrowcodile · 1 year
Botanical Bioluminescent Brute
Gloria, a Photorapto with a thirst for battle, the Boisterous Bruiser and the most clever general of the Blights.
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sorqpmusicmin · 1 year
(note: song titles in Bold Font are changes from previous lineup)
Dambana ng Panginoon (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Pag-aalaala - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Bayan Umawit - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
KYRIE: Panginoon Kaawaan Mo Kami (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Papuri sa Diyos (Blessed Trinity Mass) - Ryan Cayabyab [link] [sheet music]
Papuri sa Diyos - Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ [link] [sheet music] [chords]
SALMO: Salmong Tugunan (Misa Antonio) - Fr. Allan Antonio [video] [sheet music]
Aleluya! - Fr. Joselito I. Jopson [video] [sheet music]
Aleluya (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [video] [sheet music]
Pag-aalay, Pag-aalaala - Fr. Neil Sevilla [link] [sheet music]
Pag-aalay -  Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Unang Alay - Fr. Rey Magnaye [link] [sheet music]
Santo (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Santo (Misa Antonio) - Fr. Allan Antonio [link] [music sheet]
Aming Ipinahahayag (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Aming Ipinahahayag (Misa Antonio) - Fr. Allan Antonio [link] [sheet music]
Dakilang Amen (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [video] [sheet music]
Amen (World Youth Day ‘95) - Fr. M.V. Francisco, SJ [video] [sheet music]
Ama Namin/Sapagkat - Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Ama Namin/Sapagkat (Sa Iyong Tahanan) - John Paul Morales & Danne Steven Galve [link] [sheet music]
Kordero ng Diyos (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Kordero ng Diyos (Misa Antonio) - Fr. Allan Antonio [link] [sheet music]
Ang Panginoon Ang Aking Tanglaw (Salmo 27) - Fr. Rey Magnaye [link] [sheet music]
Huwag Kang Mangamba - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Salamat O Panginoon - Dave Magalong [link] [sheet music]
Awit ng Paghilom - Fr. Arnel Aquino, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Awit ng Paghahangad - Fr. Charlie Cenzon, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Iesu Panis Vitae - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music] [chords]
Tinapay ng Buhay - (Tinapay ng Buhay) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music] [chords]
Purihi’t Pasalamatan - Fr. Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Tanda ng Kaharian ng Diyos -  Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music] [chords]
Sama-samang Ipangalat (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music]
Lord of Salvation - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [link] [sheet music] [chords]
All the Ends of the Earth - Bob Dufford [link] [sheet music] [chords]
KYRIE: Lord Have Mercy  [link] [chords]
Glory to God - Fr. Nilo Mangussad [link] [sheet music] [chords]
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Responsorial Psalm [link] [sheet music]
Aleluya! - Fr. Joselito I. Jopson [video] [sheet music]
Aleluya (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [video] [sheet music]
OFFERTORY: Take this Bread and Wine - Lester Delgado [link] [sheet music]
SANCTUS: Holy - Fr. Nilo Mangussad [link] [sheet music]
MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION: Save Us, Savior (Mass of Christ the Savior) - Dan Schutte [link] [sheet music]
Dakilang Amen (Pista ng Sambayanan) - Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ [video] [sheet music]
Amen (World Youth Day ‘95) - Fr. M.V. Francisco, SJ [video] [sheet music]
PATER NOSTER / EMBOLISM: The Lord's Prayer - Fr. Nilo Mangussad [link] [sheet music]
AGNUS DEI: Lamb of God - Fr. Nilo Mangussad [link] [sheet music]
You Are Mine - David Haas [link] [sheet music]
I Seek You for I Thirst (Psalm 63) - Lionel Valdellon [link] [sheet music]
Christ is Living in Me - Susan Peñaflor, FSP & Nathaniel Gosgolan [link] [sheet music]
RECESSIONAL: Time to Change - Atec Jacinto [link] [sheet music]
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