#gloria van graff
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This is a joke.... Right....? RIGHT?!
How THE FUCK can you not tell Gloria is black?! And why the fuck did you put whitewash in quotations?! And what do you mean "Before you start controversies"?! Motherfucker you caused the controversy! You whitewashed an obvious black woman! Shes not white-passing! Shes black! Jesus fucking Christ!
Also "she's hot now and wasn't before" honey just say you are racist and go
And "She had clear skin and eyes in my game just like everyone else's vanilla!" Sweetie that means your game is having a white face bug and your games facegen data needs fixed what the fuck is wrong with you?! "I was quite surprised that she was black in the GECK!! 😱😱😱" Well yk if you had your facegen data be normal you would know she was always black you dumbfuck
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dykedvonte · 6 months
Who's your fav. fallout character and why are they your favorite?
Surprisingly it’s not Benny, I just think of all the major players in New Vegas he’s the funniest to dissect.
My affection is sadly split between two characters Raul and Gloria Van Graff. I like Raul’s quest and I think he’s so funny. His options of becoming a mechanic or a fucking cowboy are so drastically different considering how he makes it clear he can’t even run efficiently without wheezing is just a killer. Like I get it your old and I’m a war machine I won’t leave you hanging, abuelo. I love having him and Lily and pretending my grandparents are taking me on the world’s most violent road trip ever. Plus he’s voiced by Danny Trejo, what’s not to love?
I also like strong women who aren’t the nicest but are also respectful. Gloria has standards and her own personal system and I am more happy to throw Cass to the sharks (Jean-Baptiste) if it means I can step foot into their establishment without getting shot. (I am no better than Pacer).
Most of my reasons are sillly and superficial but I’ve wasted so much time toting Raul around just to hear his dialogue and making stops to repeat conversations with Gloria.
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falloutsexyman · 2 years
Reminder: vote for who is the truest sexyman, not who you find the most fuckable.
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FNV Minor Character Poll - Round 1-B, Day 1
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Left: Gloria Van Graff & Jean Baptiste-Cutting, half-sibling managers of The Silver Rush energy weapons depot in Freeside. —Gloria: "I'm not worried about anyone breaking in here or stealing our goods. Not that we don't occasionally have attempts, but even those prove useful. Do you know how much target dummies cost?"
Right: Allen Marks, a hunter of star bottle caps whose prize was suffocating to death in the storeroom of Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. —Holotape: "I guess the joke's on me. Prolly shouldn't have killed…all those people..."
Designated cheerleaders were not available for this match-up.
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delafiseaseses · 11 months
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This chaotic bisexual cannibal run is A LOT OF FUN
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arthurmorganmcgill · 7 months
Holy fuck the chick who voices Gloria Van Graff in New Vegas is the one who voices the female sole survivor
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moonysfavoritetoast · 1 month
find gloria van graff and make that bitch eat her hair!!!!
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nthflower · 2 months
If I would say I find Gloria van Graff attractive would you kill me 🫣
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sniperdadmaccready · 27 days
Wait arent mick and ralph siblings?? Or did i misread the game
There's nothing in the game to insinuate that they are whereas any canonical siblings we see in the game (ie - the Garretts or Van Graffs) are pretty explicitly stated to be related. Furthermore, the wiki pages tend to list relatives and neither Mick nor Ralph have any listed. They do have each other under the Affiliations list, but that is an entirely different category.
Additionally, a quick search on their dialog pages doesn't yield any results for terms like "brother" or "dad" or "cousin" or anything of that nature in regards to each other (in fact I think Ralph only says the word brother once and it's when he's talking about Gloria Van Graff and Jean Baptiste Cutting).
I'd also argue that it would be extremely weird for siblings to be sharing a queen sized bed when there's more than enough space (and they have the resources) to each have their own.
I need to be VERY clear that I do not support incest ships but I also want to be very clear that there is no reason in game to believe that they are brothers (at least as far as I can tell). You can interpret the game any way that you'd like, which is the main reason I interpret them as a couple. They call each other "my partner" which could just be for business purposes, but as a queer person myself I get really heavy subtext that there is more there than just a business relationship.
If anyone has any definitive proof otherwise I'd be open to hearing it, but I researched the topic a LOT before I sat down to write my fic and I'm fairly confident they aren't related.
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heavymetalmachinery · 2 years
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misswoozi · 28 days
What would Momo be doing in FNV?
oh Momo is tough. on one hand, I think she'd get on well with the Van Graffs. like her and Gloria could be a power bromance that gets shit DONE.
but on the other, I feel like she's someone who could do well on the Strip and make connections there and find safety and maybe even wealth/success??? but idk what she'd be doing there exactly. maybe she's a trader of some sort, a merchant who supplies the casinos with something.
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aoicourier · 2 months
December 20th, 2281
Spent the last couple of days helping Cass find some closure.
She originally came east from California as a caravaneer. You may recall, Pip, that her outfit, Cassidy Caravans, was destroyed by raiders on the road. That's what led to her drinking alone at the NCR outpost near Highway 95, where I first met her. With the Strip now under control by my Securitrons and the Kings keeping Freeside in check, I had time yesterday to accompany her to the spot where her caravan had been taken out.
The Fiends are everywhere on the roads. I think I'm going to need to push back against them soon. Give their base at Vault 3 a friendly visit.
All that was left of Cassidy Caravans was half a wagon and a brahmin corpse, rotting in the sun. Everything else had been reduced to ash. But not by fire, as Cass had originally assumed. If anything, it looked like energy weapons were to blame. Seeing that, Cass recalled that another caravan - Griffith Wares - had been hit in a similar way recently. And when we investigated the site of that attack earlier today, we found the same thing. Radioactive dust all over the wreckage. It could have been the Brotherhood of Steel, but hitting random traders didn't seem like their style.
A map found in the Griffith wreckage led us to a third ambush site and another vaporised caravan, and that's where we finally found evidence of our culprits: dead bodies belonging to the Crimson Caravan, and to thugs hired by the Van Graff family of Freeside. The Van Graffs operate a store called the Silver Rush that deals primarily in energy weapons. And the Crimson Caravan branch run by Alice McLafferty clearly weren't above using underhanded tactics to ensure their place at the top of the food chain. McLafferty had even paid Cass a healthy sum in caps to take the Cassidy Caravans name off her hands. Destroying the competition and then buying them out… devious.
When Cass and I marched up to the Silver Rush, the man at the front entrance told us we'd have to hand our weapons over if we wanted to enter. We politely took up sniper positions in a ruined storefront on the other side of the street, and started giving him our bullets one at a time. The doors opened and Van Graff hired muscle poured out to investigate, lasers at the ready. We shot them all down the old-fashioned way, with lead, and then stormed into the store. I dealt with their head of security, a man with the remarkable name of Jean-Baptiste Cutting, while Cass, in her own words, "made that bitch Gloria Van Graff eat her own hair". When everyone was dead, we looted the place. I have a beautiful laser pistol on my belt now.
After sundown, we strolled into the Crimson Caravan's compound on the outskirts of Vegas. Alice McLafferty was still at her desk. She looked up as I approached, probably assuming I was there to take on another job. Instead, I took out my new energy pistol and put a sizzling hole right between her eyes. The rest of the compound didn't even stir.
We're back at the Lucky 38 now. Cass and I just polished off a bottle of whiskey together. She seems more alive than ever. Vengeance looks good on her, like it did on me. She likes to imagine Gloria Van Graff and Alice waking up in Hell, blinking, wondering where they fucked up. It makes me happy to imagine Benny felt the same way.
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Me Meeting Gloria Van Graff For The First Time
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psykersomatic · 2 years
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delafiseaseses · 7 months
Y'know, it feels interestin' that Simon, the Van Graff Doorman, starts off simply called 'Van Graff Thug' and only after Gloria says his name does he get it.
Of course, we know that most nameless characters in a games would have a name in the fiction of the settin', but it's interestin' they decided t' make it clear there.
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