#glorious chickens
thatsbelievable · 1 year
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getting older can be so amazing? you get more familiar with yourself. learn tips & tricks for troubleshooting your own brain. trial & error helps you build routines that minimize discomfort, maximize reward. your preferences/interests don't get set in stone, but you do find out which ones are going to stay with you in the long-term, and which ones are fun but transient joys to appreciate in the moment.
you learn that the world is so much more complex than you were taught, and that that's okay, and that there's an endless supply of things you can learn or watch or experience or think about if you want to. if you're lucky, you loosen up, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. if you're lucky, you learn to recognize that negative inner voice, and whack it with a baseball bat until it hushes up. if you're lucky, you learn to treat yourself gently, not because you are fragile but because you are worthy of gentleness. (i hope you are lucky.)
and some things will change. some things will get better. some things will get good. and maybe you start to recover from the dehumanizing stress of childhood/education. maybe you learn the power of your own autonomy. maybe you learn how to walk away from bad situations (which is a superpower even if you don't realize it yet). and you get to choose your own clothes. and your own food. and which relationships to pursue! and what you do with your free time. and with your life (but don't worry you get to choose that gradually). and that's crazy! and sometimes scary. and extraordinarily, indescribably precious.
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canisalbus · 14 days
I swapped them around in a silly doodle
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
Watching Dungeon Meshi while eating a home cooked dinner you made is an unparalleled experience frfr
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crshelidon · 7 months
Are you excited? 'cause I damn well am.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
I don't know if you've seen Moonlight Chicken yet, but I think we've reached a milestone in a BL. Finally, after all this time, the cat does not seem to be desperately running away from the actor. It's just a cat looking like a normal cat. Poor Pob's actor wishes his cat behaved like this.
Maybe GMMTV has the budget to get better trained cats. I also know that Earth and Mix both have a small hoard of pet cats, so maybe they just work better with them.
It's true! Jimbo just looks like a cat chilling wqith people he's okay with and not a cat trying desperately to escape at every turn and touch. It's wonderful!
Truly a milestone for BL. A cat, on set, that doesn't mind being there or being petted! GMMTV truly is creating a whole new set of tropes for the genre this year.
We gotta give respect.
Although it's mostly on cat dads Earth and Mix likely as not.
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sodrippy · 6 days
I LOVE YOU SALMON- hey why isnt there a salmon emoji. after all theyve done for us?? stupid baka technology
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seokmatthewz · 9 months
i love. learning skills that will save me money
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butdotheykiss · 1 year
i can't express how in love i am with aof's work. like five seconds into moonlight chicken I'm already crying on the floor feeling undeservingly spoiled
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coralsgrimes · 8 months
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thanks for inspiring me to create art benny 🙏 if a mediocre white talentless man can, so can everyone else!
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iykyk 💓
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yourfriendphoenix · 2 months
I dont think I've ever mentioned this before but we have chickens right? Around 50 rn. We keep a scrap bucket for the chickens to have. Like almost expired leftovers that we won't eat and stuff. Well my dad's cat Timmothy, (known by many names, Timmy, Timbles, Tim-Tim to name a few) likes to as we are bringing it out to the chickens, knock the bucket out of my parent's hands. He then will choose a random item from the bucket and scarf it down. He's done this so often that at this point we just lower the bucket to him so it doesn't make a giant mess. We call it the Timmothy Tax. Well now my cat Asher has decided that he wants in on Timmothy Tax. He grabbed a slice of bread from the bucket the other day and then proceeded to play with it a little before abandoning it, then Timmothy promptly roomba'd it up. Tessa could care less except for the one time that Timmothy grabbed watermelon and then decided he actually doesn't like watermelon. Tessa ate it instead.
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lllsaslll · 2 years
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Ya know in the movie I thought this outfit was so ugo but once I realized the chicken🐥 it all came together. I realize now this is more than a jumpsuit...this is a mental state.
Insane and unhinged. There is no holding back and there is no apology.
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makenna-made-this · 7 months
Purely in the interest of SCIENCE go to yesterdaysprint their tumbler and then to post/159062366714 for ARSONOUS CHICKENS.
I love how this is sent like some secret tip from an anonymous informant of the crime I personally think all chickens should be allowed to commit one (1) arson, as A Treat
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steine-druff · 11 months
i 💖 furries
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
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Fried chicken and beer place in Gangnam, Seoul
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chanrizard · 9 months
ah so they bleached my son's hair again
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