#gmw season 3
shewhobefuddles · 2 years
I've been reading a lot of Lucaya fics lately, and one thing that has really struck me is a lot of writers' shared assertion that Maya never would have forgiven Lucas and it wouldn’t have worked out initially if he had chosen her over Riley, because while Maya could take the heartbreak and continue being friends, Riley would not have been able to handle the jealousy and perceived betrayal (because she feels like she is entitled to Lucas, for a variety of reasons), and both Maya and Lucas’s and Maya and Riley’s relationships would have imploded.
And with what we have seen of Riley's behavior (accusing Maya of turning into her and telling her to stop) when Maya gets good things in her life (passing grades, crush on a nice boy, new clothes, more positive outlook on life, etc.) this seems like a very likely outcome. As much as I would have wanted Riley and Maya to overcome these issues and preserve their friendship, Riley's emotional immaturity, tendency toward jealousy/insecurity, and savior-complex in their relationship is something that desperately needed to be dealt with on the show. Which we will never get, both because the show was canceled and because the writers were cowards who didn’t want to acknowledge Riley's many privileges in life, as well as her flaws.
Riley and Maya's friendship could not have survived Lucas choosing Maya.
Did Lucas realize this? Was that part of why he went along with it when Maya pushed him toward Riley? It seems likely.
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maddy-ferguson · 8 months
i think about pluto will always be a planet in my room at least once every three months when i rewatch gilmore girls season 7 episode 11 santa's secret stuff and they talk about how pluto isn't a planet anymore
#like ohhh that was kinda crazy it still is.#tome#i think riarkle was my first actual ship they're the first ship i ever read fanfic of before that i'd only read one direction fanfic like#when i was 12 and it was in french and not on ao3 and this fanfic era for me was short lived because the fics i was reading were too sad#like they would make me too upset?/?/))/?#i read this loooong one and all i remember is the self insert character getting cheated on and danielle losing her baby and i was so upset#i cried in my mother's arms which does not sound like me AT ALL and i couldn't even explain why because it was way too silly like oh my#god. so i was like no more fic for you and i really didn't read any until after i started watching gmw seriously in 2016#i don't read fics for that many ships and when i do i can read fics for the same ship for literal years as long as they don't get together#/aren't together by the end of the show i can literally read it forever idc and so i actually haven't read fic for that many ships#like maybe 6 or 7. which i guess is a lot but like. for one (and i'll never say which one it is (even though it's like. a normal ship and#it's from a show you know i watch/enjoy))#of these i literally read fics like every day for three years. i never get tired of like anything#i read shirbert fanfic same thing every day from summer 2018 to fall 2019 when season 3 aired and i could never read fics of them again#after they got together in the show (even though i knew they would and i had even watched the movies) like once it's done i really can't#make myself care anymore#anywzy. love pluto will always be a planet in my room riarkle you will always be famous!!!!!#and like i say: brf slt#or i guess#gilmore girling
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roryparis · 10 months
i love love triangles btw
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charlieconwayy · 9 months
Just curious what you don't like about Cory/Topanga if you feel like talking about it!
hey, i don't mind!
first off i think boy meets world in the context of just a purely heterosexual show makes it age pretty poorly, and that all stems from cory and topanga. i know one of the writers said a while back that the writers room was torn between shory and corpanga, and tbh, rewatching as an adult, that's extremely evident. i'm not gonna make this post all about shory bc that's reductive but i am first and formost a shory girl and a firm believer that cory matthews is a gay man
so let's get into it.
i really really love s1/2 corpanga. idk if it's just bc ben/danielle felt more natural back then or if it's bc they actually allowed cory to be wrong and topanga to be right, but it's just so sweet. one of my all time fav ship moments from the show is the frickin sock basketball scene where they touch hands and he giggles. so adorable! but i think what really makes them suffer after s1 (and kind of s2) is just that they clearly made topanga a normal, kelly kapowski girl-next-door type to make her more "desirable" for the male audience. that could be an entire separate post, but it's so fucking obvious that that's what the change was and it sucks because topanga was great the way she was.
they're not like hatable in season 3 exactly, but the "old married couple haha look how old gross and boring they are" trope when they were legitimately sophomores was just weird? and this is a retrospect thing but i hate how the show just kept retconning shit and pretended they never broke up in season 3, as if a HUGE storyline and one of the most iconic episodes (the happiest place on earth) wasn't about them getting back together? and for me just the concept of the ~universe wanting them to be together~ over and over again is just so fucking lame when they were so toxic. (great video on this here)
they really don't do anything wrong in season 4 either, but a long walk to pittsburgh is honestly so beyond ridiculous LMAO. i know everyone talks about how romantic it is, but i hate it because topanga literally runs away and moves back to philly just for cory. i know they claim it's to finish at john adams too, but i would find that much more believable if they had developed topanga AT ALL outside of cory. we know almost nothing about her home life and they wrote trini out so we never even see any friends of hers! the trend of them fighting and talking down to amy about their love is so fucking stupid too. like you are sixteen. it is fine to love someone and want to be with someone, but amy is right that it's not healthy for them to be as obsessed with each other as they are. like cory literally doesn't know who he is outside of topanga and that's NOT healthy.
oh lordy. s5. i'm not going to get into how much i hate that shawngela (a MUCH happier, more interesting relationship) was reduced to "wanting to be corpanga" in both their intro episode and then fucking gmw, but even the "old married couple" stuff in "chasing angela" at the restaurant is so annoying. "last tango in philly" is one of my fav episodes, but it's the perfect example of how cory can never accept he's wrong. shawn tries to tell him they should stop, and he just tells shawn he knows nothing about relationships and keeps being a dick about topanga and her (obviously gay) friend. but obviously, you're here to hear about how i feel about the cheating. yes, cory cheated and he genuinely liked lauren. for the show to act like he didn't is just gaslighting their audience. and tbh? i think ben and linda cardellini had excellent chemistry (certainly more than he and danielle did at that point . . .) and i think it's completely healthy to date more than one person! it was nice seeing cory be able to open up and bond with someone else, and yes, what he did was cheating. just bc he changed his mind and decided he "couldn't live without topanga" (bless u probably queer writer for what u did w that line :') ) doesn't mean that it didn't happen. topanga had EVERY right to break up with him. it does piss me off that we barely saw topanga's reaction to the breakup when there was a whole ep dedicated to shawn's reaction (and i say that as the #1 shawn stan), but that show hated women lbfr. AND WHY TF WAS IT BAD FOR HER TO KISS JONATHAN JACKSON WHEN SHE AND CORY WERE BROKEN UP????? bc cory can't accept things not going his way and not having control. the "we are a masterpiece" scene makes me so fucking angry omg i cannot
and i mean, bro, the yale shit has been talked about to death, but topanga lawrence going to the same college as straight d-student shawn hunter has got to be the dumbest, most woman-hating shit the show ever did. love can survive long distance if you put the effort in, trust me. (yes i am aware that the show prob didn't want to separate their main couple, but s6 was almost entirely about shawn anyway so????)
then in seasons 6 and 7 we get into the "cory yelling at and publicly humiliating topanga" trend. "undapants" is iconic so i'm not gonna go into that episode (fuck you "take her back to your tornado infested trailer park" line!), but i can name at least seven occasions where cory pressures her into sex. and rider strong is right. it was extremely holier than thou how they constantly made it seemed like corpanga was better than shawngela for not fucking before marriage. like isn't there a line where they call shawngela sluts in s7? the whole honesty bit in "the truth about honesty" (admittedly one of my fav eps) is also just ridiculous bc both of them always get pissed off at the other one for being honest, even in the past. i've seen people get mad at topanga for throwing yale in cory's face but lbr, who didn't see that coming? i guess maybe it's a little weird bc she'd never been resentful about it before, but that's a HUGE thing in their relationship. and yes, it is weird that she's using his razor without his permission but again just the pressuring her to show him her ass is also fucking weird (it's also weird imo that they've been together "their whole lives" but they've only ever kissed, but again, holier than thou bullshit)
one thing i can say about how weak and uninteresting their relationship actually is is that their ENTIRE wedding episode is about shory, bc they are the much more compelling dynamic in cory's life. weirdly enough, i do actually really like cory's vows though?? on a shawn hunter stan note, oblig "that best man speech was bullshit" comment. it's completely normal and healthy to have a best friend outside of your partner? especially when you can't be honest with your partner. god i fucking hate that bullshit. just like how i hate in "seven the hard way/the war" how they portray cory abandoning his best friend/true life partner for topanga AND THEN IN FUCKING GMW THE BAD FUTURE FOR EVERYONE LITERALLY CAME TRUE!!!!!!! omg i will go insane if i think about that for longer than a few seconds.
end of post, but leaving this here
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iridescentis · 11 days
all of the (video) essays I want to make eventually:
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some of these are self explanatory, but I'll explain a bit bc why not
I think 7 would just be really funny if I made like a 8 hour video meticulously going through the whole plot trying to fix everything
number 4 would be about corpanga, miggie (maddie and diggie from liv and maddie) and lutteo because I think there are some similarities and differences that would be fun to talk about
number 8 is basically catagorising all the disney channel brothers into nerd vs troublemaker, maybe a sub catagory of stupid
10-12 would essentially be the same style of videos as quinton reviews NCU series, like episode by episode recap while also looking into lore and stuff (currently there are 9 seasons I think, so it would be 3 seasons per video/essay)
number 13 is purely because SOMEONE needs to write or make a video about backstage it is such a good show and criminally underrated
number 9 in a similar way because not enough people are talking about the TRAVESTY that was the icarly reboot getting cancelled i just have to make something about that
5 has probably been done before but i have my own perspective bc i watched gmw before bmw and i really want to see more than just 'this show will never hold up to the original' I WANT TO GET INTO WHY AND WHAT WENT WRONG (cough cough why would you make an abc family sitcom into a disney highly censored kids show)
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why were all of riley's friends so mean to her in gmw season 3 😭😭
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ccgg112 · 1 year
Does anyone have any good fanfiction of a GMW season 4? I need all the dramatic irony from season 3 to pay off (like how Maya never actually turned into Riley). I need everyone to finally escape the world of purple cats and grow out of their stereotyped BMW roles... And plz give me riarkle, lucaya, and zayadora thx
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havocmadden · 1 year
oh love all of those choices!! i have to say i really enjoyed best friends whenever when it was on. i'm not sure if i've seen all of it but it was a cute show!! i know it's one of your favorites!! and the tea is cyd x shelby was done better than riley x maya I SAID IT anyway gmw is lowkey dead to me so haha okay so some of my favorites are:
the rotten four, mal x evie, troyella, austin x dez, austin x ally, alex x harper, miley x lily, ben x mal, kimron, candace x jeremy, christopher x jessica, liv x holden, gordo x lizzie, amy x jake, amy x hartley
if this gives me away oh well 😅
okay so what were some of your favorite things from this year? favorite songs, albums, tv shows, movies, books, experiences, anything! and if you just rewatched older things that counts too!! -gcwca secret santa
i will say i definitely have some IDEAS now but i'm not very good at guessing so i could be wrong
also yeah gmw was like. i like gmw a lot but mostly i like the version that exists in my head and not in reality. i should finish my gmw/btvs crossover au actually,,, and i should write some bfw fic. i can't believe i've never written best friends whenever fic actually
some of my favorite things in 2022:
noah kahan's stick season
xana's tantrums
the locked tomb/gideon the ninth series!
getting to see a bunch of ghibli movies and the dark crystal in the theaters
getting to go see wicked the musical
watching movies with the gcwca. ik i'm not there very much but when i am i always have a great time <3
writing!!! idk if this COUNTS but i am very proud of myself for getting out two longer fics this year, both for people's birthdays and for doing nanowrimo and for my word count overall this year (currently 151k; hoping i can get to 155 before the year ends)
exandria unlimited calamity! it was just. augh. i loved it. i think about it constantly
movie night with peter and getting to see peter in november!! always a highlight of every year 💕💕💕💕
i feel like i didn't do a whole lot this year in terms of things that were interesting but. i hope you had a lot of good/favorite things happen this year too
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Hello I was the one saying they may be exaggerating the almost kiss I hate to be right lol but I get it watching the episode I get it would be just not right. I sort of agree with your anon about Elton confessing, from a 'drama factor' stand point. But where does that leaves us? A whole season of Gina trying to choose between both (when one of them is probably WORKING AT SCHOOL)? REALLY? that sounds awful I'm sorry is GMW all over again. Hope they don't go there
Yeah I can’t go through what I went through with GMW. I need a firm conclusion. I’ve seen a lot of rumors flying around that this might be the last season. I am not going to take a stance one way or the other right now, but if it were, it would feel like wasted space to keep the p*w storyline through s4. I said this before, but every season has a beginning, middle, and end that makes up a bigger whole to a show. So while characters and storylines remain relatively the same, a good show is going to give every season ✨some✨ firm conclusion. This is a GOOD show. There. I said it. I genuinely believe the people who see the parallels, ins and outs, and progressive storylines to the show can see how much love, time, and attention has been calculated into it. Which gives me faith that the p*w breakup was the natural conclusion to this season.
To hopefully clarify what I mean, let me explain it a different way. Ricky and Gina are the troyella of the show. Their arc from season to season literally revolves around the other. This means that each season is a different lesson or side to them we’re seeing. I’ve been rewatching The Office (something we can easily see hsmtmts draw from) and Jim and Pam are the same way. As you watch the show, their arcs and growth constantly revolve around each other.
1: Pam dates Roy, Jim pines (I don’t count this season so much though because there were drastic changes to the characters and how storylines were written that make the show basically start at S2)
2: Pam sets a wedding date while dating Roy, Jim leaves, Pam breaks up with Roy
3: Jim dates Karen while Pam pines
4: Jim and Pam date
5: Jim and Pam get engaged
6: Jim and Pam get married and have a baby
7-9: (condensed because they start to feel the same): Jim and Pam have another child, we watch Jim take on a dream job, and the ups and downs of them being married.
Rina is doing the same thing:
1: Ricky and Gina meet and become friends
2: Ricky relationship and gina pining
3: gina relationship and ricky pining
4: (hopefully) overcoming any personal anamolies that keep themselves from dating each other/finally getting together
With Jim and Pam, I really appreciate that we got a good amount of story for them through the whole show. We saw them build, get together, and their life in a relationship. I really hope we can get a season 5, so we can see rina in a relationship, full fledged for an entire season and what that might look like. It’s just to give us a better idea of how much these two characters really needed each other. With Jim and Pam, we can see their growth and how happy they truly are once they’re together because we get to experience that. I think the pay off for a slow burn ship like this is getting to see them date, not just the build up and finally seeing them kiss or decide to be together.
I feel like watching the natural progression of things in comparison to the other shows, p*w won’t have an ily. The MOST I could see them do is Elton tries to confess but gina rejects him because she’s much happier with ricky or realizes she will be happier with him. I feel like the only episode this would make sense in is episode 8, so if we don’t see it then, I don’t know that we will see it s4.
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disney15ish · 1 year
One more possible difference with BMW/GMW
I’ve been thinking about this again since David Kendall’s recent episode on Pod Meets World and I’m starting to believe that Michael Jacobs was more of a “final sign-off” guy than having much creative control.
The host trio have mentioned constantly that Michael would leave for multiple seasons, to try to start other shows..which none of them panned out...and other people would take the “showrunner” position for those seasons.
Kendall explained in the podcast, that he was chosen by the network to come to the show and age it up in S2, and he was the showrunner from S2-3. He also brought up the fact that he came back to the direct when other writers were running the show. 
Looking through the show, from S2-7 starting with Kendall, there’s an “Executive Producer” credit given after the cast & created by credit, and I’m starting to think that those names were all the showrunners/main voice of the seasons and Michael was more of a just a presence that just basically gave a final sign off on
S2-3:David Kendall
S4: Bob Young
S5: Mark Blutman & Howard Busgang
S6-7: Bob Tischler 
Girl Meets World on the other hand, Michael Jacobs is the only sole “Executive Producer” credited for the show’s entire run, meaning he was likely the top voice of the story and everything that went on there....
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Thanks for the tag @vaguely-functional-directions !
✨10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags✨
1. Isadora Quagmire (asoue)
My funky little sapphic poet! While not much of a personality in canon sadly, the fandom has built her as a sassy, clever and just wonderful girl and I just love her. I also love her name. Literally Isadora is the name that's on top for me to name my future daughter.
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2. Brittany S. Pierce (Glee)
Brittany gets me. I get Brittany. Listen... when I was in middle school, I was in a... not very nice class. People basically did not let me be myself, because every time I was myself I was "weird", "annoying", etc. So, as a way to provoke them, I acted even more weird and annoying than I actually was and as a defense mechanism I tried to confuse them - cause if I confused them, they would leave me alone and I would "win" the argument.
I really see that with Brittany. But in her case, it has gone so far that she actually believes it herself, and it makes her not succeed in school because she has believed she's dumb (when she's actually super smart). When people call Brittany annoying and strange, I just feel like they don't understand her like I do.
Love ya, Britt-Britt <3
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3. Francesca Caviglia (Violetta)
Where do I begin? Francesca has been my very favorite from the beginning. Not only is she super talented, I also always loved how much she cares about her friends. She's also... me. Like not only with things she says but also how she acts. Just see how she acts when her friend sings? Her facial expressions? Her little hand movements? Random noises? ME.
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I have SO many Fran pictures but why not take my profile pic, *puts hair behind ear in bisexual*
4. Jessi Glaser (Big Mouth)
I talk about Big Mouth once a year, and that's when a new season drops. People have been critical of this show, calling it gross and inappropriate... but you know that, it's super funny and it came out right when I needed it. So shut up.
Jessi is... honestly my favorite out of the kids. She always has something to fight or struggle with, and that's when you get so happy for her when she pushes through it, and becomes stronger. She also has the best hormone monstress.
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5. Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
At first, I didn't think much of her, but after watching season 3 she instantly became my fave. And in season 4?? AUGH!!! <333
Max is honestly. Iconic. I love her so mcfucking much I can't even express it. I cried in the last ep of s4 when I, for a moment, actually thought she was lost. She made s4, and she made s3. She's a queen, she's a girlboss, she's a precious angel and a badass. She's everything.
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6. Yamila "Yam" Sanchez (Soy Luna)
When first watching the show, I totally expected Ámbar to be my favorite (and I LOVE Ámbar and writing and obsessing over her) but NO ONE TOLD ME about Yam. NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS AMAZING GIRL?!??!
Literally she... she acts like I would in so many situations. She's so chaotic, but at the same time so talented and an amazing friend. While she's the ultimate chaos girl, she's also really down to earth. When she isn't a tornado goofball, she's the one to talk some sense into her friends.
Also 70% of her tag is just my own posts and I lowkey look forward to the day someone goes through her tag (which barely happens cause no one looks through Jim or Yam's tags) and just likes them all
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Also I had very little pictures of Yam alone (a lot of them are with Jim), so I picked this one simply because it brings no context at all and also it's chaotic. Why is she crawling? I dunno
7. Riley Mattews (GMW)
SUNSHINE BABY GIRL. I love her and Maya equally, but I picked her simply because people have an easier time hating on her for just existing. I don't like that. Stop that. I also relate to her a lot (we've established at this point that I personally relate to the "weird girls").
With that said, without Maya she's not herself. She needs Maya. They're soulmates, they complete each other. I am also happy they were "endgame" and definitely dated without realizing <3 I mean, in one of the last episodes Riley LITERALLY GOES "Maya, what if we don't care about our boyfriends as much as we care about each other?"
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8. Ashlyn Caswell (HSMTMTS)
She has been my favorite since the beginning. A smiling little goofball that deserves the world. She has so much love to give, she cares so much about everyone she knows. Also, I really felt she wasn't straight from the beginning. Shipped her with Nini in s1 due to their piano duet and shipped her with Gina in s2. Her journey in s3?? OH MY GOSH sadaffg
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9. Beverly Marsh (IT)
Beverly... gosh, she's special to me. Not only was she the most interesting character to follow in the 2017 movie, she was also the most interesting character to follow in the book. When I read the book, I overanalysed everything Beverly-related. Like, to the point where I could recite what the friends she had outside of the losers club were named (I don't remember anymore except for Kay McCall but that was when Bev was an adult, there were so many random characters in that book that were just mentioned as "oh, this was their friend when they were 7 also they borrowed them this book")
Protect Beverly at all costs.
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10. Casey Gardner (Atypical)
Wow me?? Ok, no, I don't like running tracks like she does (I have asthma so running is the worst for me) but like... her energy? I feel like the way she talks and gestures... me!!
I don't know what else to say hahaha but I love her
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Alrighty! So, I now need to tag people too. No pressure on doing this, though! Tagging:
@ven10 @broke-on-books @countessofravenclaw @moonlark-sparkles @sapphic-squid @funkyliloboist and honestly anyone else who wants to! <3
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james-beaufort · 2 years
MY GAWD a) rina almost kiss b) gina is confused because she was dating EJ days ago c) EJ still loves her by the end of the season d) a love triangle being draged another season. Is = WORD FOR WORD LINE FOR LINE GMW S2/3 I hope those writers fill a lawsuit lol. And I'm sorry but I doubt coming from the show that plays with incest and outed someone is afraid of the assistant/student relationship and Disney? LESS Maya/josh everyone! I'm mad because I wanted the angst being another thing not this
oh my god you're giving me flashbacks to that time. what happened to lucaya was so rough for me 😭😭😭
I really hope it doesn't go the same way gmw does - at this point I've just decided to see how it plays out but I really do believe it will end in our favour.
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oceangirl24 · 2 years
Autumn in Philadelphia
Loads of updates since the last post and an illustrater!
A student teacher serves an internship at John Adams High, the consequences of which are still felt two decades later. A Jonathan Turner & Shawn Hunter story with entire cast. Begins in BMW season 3- GMW season 2.
*Keys: In order to figure out what Katherine Tompkins is going to do and to whom, Shawn must begin to confront a past he does not want to face.
Illustrations by Vanessa.
Illustrated chapters:
- New York State of Mind -State of Grace * Shots Fired *Conspiracy of Silence
* denotes new illustration
Pick your poison:
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gmwrabbithole · 1 year
Girl Meets World Timeline
Compiled list of all the GMW episodes in story order (from @theowldetective & @emmying)
Season One: 
Girl Meets World 
Girl Meets Boy 
Girl Meets the Truth 
Girl Meets Sneak Attack 
Girl Meets Brother 
Girl Meets Father 
Girl Meets Crazy Hat 
Girl Meets World: Of Terror
Girl Meets Friendship 
Girl Meets Farkle’s Choice 
Girl Meets Popular 
Girl Meets Maya’s Mother 
Girl Meets Home for the Holidays 
Girl Meets 1961 
Girl Meets Game Night 
Girl Meets Flaws 
Girl Meets the Forgotten 
Girl Meets Smackle 
Girl Meets Fish (aired during season 2, listed under season 1 on Disney+)
Girl Meets Master Plan 
Girl Meets First Date 
Season Two:
Girl Meets Demolition 
Girl Meets Gravity 
Girl Meets the New World 
Girl Meets the Secret of Life 
Girl Meets Pluto 
Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels 
Girl Meets Tell-Tale Tot 
Girl Meets Commonism 
Girl Meets Hurricane 
Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes to Washington 
Girl Meets Rules 
Girl Meets the New Teacher 
Girl Meets Belief 
Girl Meets Yearbook 
Girl Meets World: Of Terror 2 
Girl Meets Semi-Formal 
Girl Meets I am Farkle
Girl Meets Creativity 
Girl Meets STEM 
Girl Meets Cory & Topanga 
Girl Meets the Forgiveness Project 
Girl Meets Rah Rah 
Girl Meets Rileytown 
Girl Meets Money 
Girl Meets Texas 1 
Girl Meets Texas 2 
Girl Meets Texas 3 
Girl Meets the New Year 
Girl Meets Bay Window
Girl Meets Legacy 
Season Three:
Girl Meets High School: Part One
Girl Meets High School: Part Two
Girl Meets Jexica
Girl Meets Permanent Record
Girl Meets Triangle
Girl Meets Upstate
Girl Meets True Maya
Girl Meets Ski Lodge Part 1
Girl Meets Ski Lodge Part 2
Girl Meets I Do
Girl Meets the Real World
Girl Meets Bear
Girl Meets the Great Lady of New York
Girl Meets She Don’t Like Me
Girl Meets World of Terror 3
Girl Meets Her Monster
Girl Meets Hollyworld
Girl Meets a Christmas Maya
World Meets Girl
Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen
Girl Meets Goodbye
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anathenaeum · 2 years
Stuart Minkus
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My default verse for Stuart is in GMW season 3.
Stuart started his tech business while he was still in high school. It was the typical working on a computer in your parents' basement sort of setup - until it wasn't. Stuart had always had a brilliant mind, and brilliant minds made things happen. His business took off, and he quickly amassed more money than someone his age properly knew what to do with.
Just before his high school graduation, he reconnected with a classmate, Jennifer Bassett, and they became a couple, deciding to stay together even as they went to college in different states. Once Jennifer graduated from college - she was in a far shorter program than Stuart's double major would allow for - they decided to marry and build a life together in New York City.
Stuart kept his focus on school and his business, while Jennifer kept her focus on him and all of the lovely things his money could buy her.
They weren't inclined to change that norm until she showed him the positive pregnancy test that signaled their son coming into their lives, and even then, with Farkle between them, their son helped them become more emotionally fulfilled, perhaps, but he didn't particularly draw the couple closer together. Stuart and Jennifer had to make that decision for themselves years later, and truly work on their marriage, but now, with a successful business, brilliant son, and a wife that truly adores him and not just his money, Stuart genuinely feels as if his life has never been better.
Further notes on Stuart
Meeting the world: BMW verse
Surviving the world: GMW verse (main verse)
Road less traveled: any AU verses
Starter Call
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randomestfandoms · 7 years
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Girl Meets World: Season 1, 2, and 3
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